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Recording One

Maxwell Roundtable

Add Value —
Four Questions That I Ask Leaders
90% fo leaders don’t develop leaders, they just have followers. If you’ve going to develop leaders it wont
be easy. But it will be worthwhile. They are not compatible.

Stories make statements stick. They remember.

1. Are They Grounded?

 You can only grow to the size fo your foundations. Firm footage and stability. No
perfection but are you grounded?
 STORY: of him not leading a man to Christ…. “when I get out of this hospital, I’ll come to
your church…”
 SO, he asked God to make him a soul winner. “If you help me to lead people to Jesus, I
wont ask for anything else.” BTW, anytime you’re doing it your way, you’ve lost your
 All I want is to win souls for Jesus. The rest is wood, stubble and hay. I want t be able to
say, it was my best.
 STATEMENT: Without me you can do nothing.
 STORY: One day, I realized that I can do nothing of eternal consequence. So at 33, I
thought I was preaching a killer message… TheLord told him that sermon didn’t need to
be preached and just call them to the ministry…. But he didn’t listen… was disobedient
to God. To do soehithng to get credit and trying to take his Glory from Him. God said
later, “I don’t need you.” God isn’t in the place where he needs you so desperately.
 STATEMENT: Be bigger on the inside than on the outside.
 Enron messing up- business ethics. Told the Author “there’s no such thing as business
ethics. You either have it or you don’t. Ethics period.”
 LESSON: The message was values. Know their world. Immediately connect with them.
It’s all about The Golden Rule in every religion. When I’m bigger on the inside… better
on the inside… then I’m bigger, better on the outside.
 Too many people want to take off, but they’re not grounded— John Maxwell. Don’t
worry about how high you can go, build yourself a foundation that will take you high.
2. Are They Growing?
 STATEMENT: Growth is not automatic.
 Be intentional on your growth.
 STATEMENT: Les Parrot, “John I want to extend my influence beyond my personal
touch.” It was not about being a writer, it was about influence… beyond, my natural
 Took JM eight years to learn how to write. “YOUR attitude is the librarian of the past.”
 RELATIONSHIPS – People wont go along with you if they can’t get along with you.”
 EQUIPPING — always developing people. Everything compounds when you develop
other people.
 ATTITUDE — Highly successful people have an attitude tenacity with adversity. Only
time it shows up when there’s adversity. THE DIFF MAKER… book.
 Greatest GAP is the THInking Gap.
 LEADERSHIP— everything rises and falls to leadership.
 Then he shifted from a goal setting mindset to a GROWTH setting mindset.
 Take a pill. Before you try to sell something, are you worth buying? If you’re good,
people will find you. And if you’re not good, why should they find you?
 STATEMENT: There is no finish line.
 SIMON SINEK… The Authentic Game.
 No Finish Line — One oh our every day, if 5 years, you’ll be an expert.
 The questions always changes when you change… how long will it take?????? Then one
day, it happened…. Wrong QUESTION… start asking, how far can I go??????
 Tyler Perry, tired of building bigger and one more studios.
 “There’s no MORE in building, more.”
 “When you can afford to quit, you can’t afford to quit.”
 Consistency Compounds!!!
 When you don’t need anything, that’s when you’ll know your motives. Instead of giving
up, we grab. Why would you quit when you’re on the compounding side of life? It’s it
MY kingdom come, or Your Kingdom come?
 Done right, consistency compounds….
 STATEMENT: Big People make you feel bigger. You want to be in that environment. .
Average people want you to stay average.
 Stories.. Bill Bright, Jesus Film, never again will I think small!!!!!
3. Are They Grateful?
 Leadership is lonely and heavy.
 Hodges, never lose the wander.
 Two greatest blessings: Both I don’t deserve.
i. First, my call. Nothing I can do to earn this. 1976, 5,000 people. Preached
America Needs Revival. God spoke to him that day. And when God calls you,
don’t have to use a crow bar to open doors. Since then, 38 millions books sold.
ii. Second, the giftedness. “The gifts you have are greater than you.” Fred told to
JM. “When they say what a great person you are, they are confusing your gifts
with who you really are. I’v ebeen mentoring you for 10 years now… (you’re one
step from stupid)…. They’re called gifts. No one thing you deserve, earned, … “
and that day, I realized, everything I have is either because he calle dame or
because he gifted me. Nothing I can hold onto and say, that’s Maxwell. He’s the
owner. “Do not let anyone put you on a pedestal. You would be in the crowd
like the thousands… if it wasn’t for God.” Every leader gets temped when they
got good to have fans, and separate myself from them. I don’t need fans, I need
 Secular world wants success principles…. Its all wood, hay and stubble. They’re really
hungry for steps to significance. There’s a significance shortage. Because sig is about
others, success is about me.
4. Are They Generous?
 Rich guy in the valley, took him out once a week… when he was going to leave… “how
could you leave us after all I’ve done for you.”
 No matter how much money you have, I will get the bill every time.
 When you see generosity today it started out of the fact… I idd’nt want anyone to have
a controlling factor in my life.
 When you wrestle with God, you’ll never win.
 “Never again will I ever withhold anything from any pastor….”
 A competitive spirit, will always cause you to shortchange someone else.
 The moment I compete with you I shortchange you.
 The seed of the stewardship company was the company that revised over 3 million
 I’ve decided to be strategic in my generosity. Leverage all to pour into leaders.
 Leaders give you the compounding return.
 How do you get out of the pile?
i. What do I have to do to tweak myself… from forgettable to unforgettable?
 I’ll give away a book, a cd, and I’ll spend my life resourcing people. In four years,
100,000 people were listening to the tapes.
 Angela _______ — “give 60, take 40.” Quit keeping score. Give, give, give.
 STATEMENT: Ron Blue, “do you giving while you’re living, so you’re knowing where its
 When you want to get a message… “you don’t wan to hear this.” Then they’ll want it.
My Desiree is to give it away when I’m alive….
 I don’t try to up my standard of living, I try to up my standard of giving.
 And God gets quite ridiculous once He can trust you.
 I =446want more for you, than I want from you. The moment I want more from you,
than for you, is when I lose my leadership integrity.

Q and A:

Transformational Leader — have to go to heart, values.

Committed to bringing positive change.
Trained Leader Does the Job — skills.

1. See things others do not see

2. Say things others do not say
3. Feel things others do not feel
4. Believe things others do not believe
5. Do things others do not do
6. See more than others see and more than others see. Today, BEFORE is now replacing MORE

All transformation takes place in small groups you go for the heart and you teach them values. Strategy
is top down invited by the 8 streams. 99% go for the bottom 10%. But, Top down, is the waterfall effect.

Secular World results is everything.

Few to many, 6-8 people, Roundtable’s. Side to side partnerships. Inside out (values) and teach 16 of
them. Heart, Bridge, take the from where they are to where they want to be. Gov bus ed media art
religion health sports — the 8 streams of income.

Simon SINEK—

1998 with George Barna. Church online.

Some people may never come to Inspire. 800 people a weekend. ¼ of my congregation. It’s only going to
increase. Once its convenient, they may never come back.
Seeing a new wave of personal evangelism.
Flawed strategy when you leave out 52 percent of your mission field. JM is convinced that most people
do not believe hell is for real.
If all I hear, ‘bring them to church’ and I dumb it down,
I value all kinds of people. I don’t share their values, but your need to connect with people before you
correct people. I’m going to add value to people.
Then asking God for the opportunity to sharing faith.

Lost is lost. What part of lost do you not understand?

I don’t have live like you but I like you.
JM intention, first objection to lead them to Christ.
Delay the priority

You cant have traction when you have distraction.



He who wins souls is wise. WHAT”S my strategy to reach lost people? If you stay in the church you’ll lose
it. 10 hours per week. 200 per year. Gain a relationship. Nothing happens until they like you. Value with
no strings attached.

A message that connects. Then build a one on one relationship with them.
Only two Christians per table. ROLE PLAY…. 6 principles of success.

Get respect first. have a game plan. The moment they like you, they start to like your God. Correct the
picture. We’ve been painting some wrong pictures.
HE THAT WINS SOULS IS WISE…… WISE— THREE KINDS OF WISE, wisdom to reach them, receive more
wisdom, and is a wise person. Die on valuing people and loving them unconditionally.

Parenting Class? Finances Class?

4 Pictures of God but three are incorrect….

Worang pic, you don’t want a relationship
1. A huge foreboding wall, tall and thick….. they think God is maybe on the other side and I’m on
the outside. There’s no way I’ll connect with him or have a relationship with him.
a. God loves you so much, that he had Jesus jump the wall
b. Adam and Eve… did they come looking for God? No God came looking for them.
c. IF YOU THINK you can’t get to God… God wants to know you more than you want to get
to him. 1:03
2. A stairway to heaven
a. I think I can get to God.
b. If I’m a good person, a good night more, I think I can get to him, climb, work, again.. wits
the wrong picture.
i. Jesus tested that picture…. “Father is if this cup can be taken from me…”
c. But it’s already been done. LYou can
3. A Garbage Dump
a. I have so much rubbing in my life, why would God have a relationship with me…
b. You have no idea what I’ve done
c. What did Jesus do, seek and sto save… the doctor analogy
d. The more garbage you have in your life, the more God is attracted to you

Who you learn from is just as important that what you are learning. The change and learning is in the
intangibles. I can have knowledge but no transportation.

I don’t want to violate you and you don’t have to come back…. Because the church wants to tell them
more than they want to value them.

Make um brighter and make em better. TO have a plan after that.

Salt… makes things better, light… makes things brighter.

4. A Door
a. It’s your heart. And Jesus is knocking… He wants a relationship with you. And he just
b. And you hear him knocking and you’ve heard him knocking today? He’s just knocking…
c. And what will he say, “I will come to you…” can you crack the door open? God wants to
have a relationship with you…

Or GATE, LADDER, LUGGAGE, FREE GIFT you didn’t deserve..

A transference with pen on paper.
Writing in the avenue for thinking…. Write every day and with anticipation.
Filing, collecting quotes, attitude… either think of subject and look for material, or gather material and
decide your subject. Don’t’ let the well get empty. Every day you file….. every time there’s a great quote,
put it in the a file or phone….. stock the pantry, so when it’s time to cook, you’ve got all the ingredients.

Pray every day… God, send me winners. Pray for winners and pray for sinners. Have to have them both.

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