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ST5066CEM Skills

Development 2

PowerShell Practice
Questions - 2


Submitted to : Mr. Arbind Sir

Submitted By: Sushan Bhadel

PowerShell Practice Questions - 2

1. List all running processes on your computer

using get-process.

Ans: To list all running processes on your computer

using get-process:

2. Narrow down the results of get-process to show

only processes with the name "explorer."
Ans: To narrow down the results of Get-Process to show only
processes with the name "explorer," you can use the -Name
parameter. Here's the PowerShell command:
3. Change the current location to the root of the C
drive using set-location. Confirm the change.
Ans: To change the current location the command is:

To confirm the location we can use get-location

4. Use get-childitem to list the contents of the

current directory.
Ans: To list the contents of the current directory using Get-

5. Create a new directory named

"PowerShellPractice" using a single command.
Ans: To create a new directory named “PowerShellPractice”
using a single
command through:

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name "PowerShellPractice"

6. Copy the contents of one directory to another
using copy-item.
Ans: To copy the contents of one directory to another using
copy-item we can use the following command:

7. Display the contents of a text file using get-

Ans: To display the contents of a text file using get-content the
command is:
get-content -path “your path”

8. Clear the console screen using clear-host.

Ans: It clear the all console.

9. Remove a file using remove-item and confirm its
Ans: To remove a file using remove-item command

We can see it successful removed.

10. Execute a ping to the loopback address

Ans: To ping to the loopback address( the command
will be: Test-Connection -ComputerName

11. Retrieve network configuration information

using ipconfig-all.
Ans: To retrieve network configuration information using
12. Explain the purpose of get-alias and
demonstrate its use.
Ans: The Get-Alias commad in PowerShell is used to retrieve
information about aliases. An alias is an alternate name or
nickname for a cmdlet, function, script, or executable file. Aliases
provide a way to create shorter, more convenient names for
13. List all services on your computer using get-
Ans: Here are my computer all services:
14. Filter services starting with the letters "a,"
"b," and "c" using get-service.
Ans: To filter service starting with the letters “a,” “b,” “c” using
command get-service:

15. Display detailed information about the

"wuauserv" service using get-help and get-
Ans: To display information about the "wuauserv" service
using get-help and get-service.
16. Access the detailed help for the get-service
Ans: To access the detailed help for the get-service command is:
get-help get-service -detailed
17. List all available verbs in PowerShell using
Ans: Here is the list of all available verbs in poershell using
18. Explore examples for the get-service
command using get-help get-service -example.
19. Forcefully update the help content using
update-help -force.
Ans: Here is the result

20. Explore the full help content for get-service

using get-help get-service -full.
Ans: Here is the results:
21. View the help content for a specific command
online using get-help -online.
Ans: Here is the result
22. Display all aliases using get-alias. Pick one
alias and explain its purpose.
Ans: Here is the results:
The purpose of get-childitem:
This means that using the "ls" alias is equivalent to using the Get-
ChildItem cmdlet, which is commonly used to list the items in a
23. Filter aliases to show only those related to
services using get-alias *sv*.
Ans: Here is the results:

24. Use get-service -name a*,b*,c* to list services

with names starting with "a," "b," or "c."
Ans: Here is the results:
25. Display services with display names starting
with "application" using get-service -displayname
Ans: To display services with display names starting with
"application" using get-service -displayname application*:

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