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Digital Asset Management (DAM)

Functionality Document
1. Asset Storage and Organization
Centralized Repository: Cloud-based storage for all digital assets.
File Format Support: Supports a wide range of file formats (e.g., images, videos, PDF, CAD
Folder Hierarchy: Multi-level folder structure based on zones, states, cities, and vendor
Bulk Upload/Download: Facility for uploading and downloading multiple files at once.
Geographical Tagging: Assets tagged based on zones, states, and cities for easy retrieval.

2. Metadata Management
Custom Metadata Fields: Fields such as asset type, zone, state, city, vendor ID, and more.
Automated Metadata Extraction: Extracts metadata from files upon upload (e.g., file type,
size, creation date).
Search and Filter: Advanced search options using metadata, with filters for zones, states,
and cities.

3. Access Control and Rights Management

User Role Definitions: Access and permissions based on the roles of Super Admin, Admin,
Area Managers, Tier Managers, Vendor Admin, and Vendor Manager.
Access Permissions: Configurable permissions for viewing, editing, downloading, and
sharing based on roles.
Audit Trails: Logs of user activities, including access and modifications made to assets.

4. Version Control ( Outsystems built in feature)

Version Tracking: Tracks and stores different versions of an asset.
Revision History: Complete history of changes made to each asset.
Rollback Options: Ability to revert to previous versions if needed.

5. Vendor Collaboration and Sharing

Vendor Portals: Dedicated interfaces for vendors with access to relevant assets.
Collaboration Tools: Features like comments, annotations, and approval workflows on
assets. ( As Discussed, there is no requirement to incorporate this.)
Notification System: Alerts vendors when new or updated assets are available.
6. Integration Capabilities ( This can be done according to the requirement with
the help of API Integration)
ERP Integration: Seamless connectivity with the enterprise's ERP systems.
API Framework: RESTful APIs for integration with other business and creative tools.
Data Synchronization: Real-time data synchronization across integrated platforms.

7. Security and Compliance

Data Encryption: Encryption of data in transit and at rest. (We can achieve this through
Crypto API)
Compliance Tools: Ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations.
User Authentication: Secure login mechanisms, including multi-factor authentication. (We
can achieve this by sending OTP over E-mail/SMS)

8. Reporting and Analytics ( Outsystems built in feature)

Usage Reports: Insights into how assets are being used and by whom.
Performance Analytics: Monitoring system performance and user engagement.
Custom Reports: Ability to generate customized reports for specific needs.

9. User Interface and Experience

Intuitive Design: User-friendly interface tailored for different user roles.
Customization Options: Personalized dashboard and layout settings.
Accessibility Features: Compliance with accessibility standards for users with disabilities.
(Will adjust Font color, Font Size Accordingly)

10. System Administration ( Outsystems built in feature)

User Management: Tools for managing user accounts and roles.
System Settings: Configuration options for the entire DAM system.
Maintenance Tools: Features for system backup, updates, and maintenance.

11. Backup and Disaster Recovery

Automated Backups: Regularly scheduled backups of the entire DAM system.
Disaster Recovery Plan: Robust plan to ensure minimal downtime and data loss.
Data Redundancy: Multiple data centers for redundancy and data protection.

12. Technical Support and Training

Help Desk: Support services for technical issues and inquiries. (Will come under
Maintenance Phase )
Training Materials: Comprehensive guides and tutorials for different user roles. (Business
Analyst Will Provide This)
Community Forums: Online forums for user discussions and knowledge sharing.

Access Control Hierarchy and Permissions

1. Super Admin
Responsibilities: Overall system management, configuration, and oversight. Has the
authority to create and manage Admin accounts and oversee all zones, states, and

Privileges: Full access to all system features, assets, user accounts, settings, and
reports. Can view and modify any asset and manage all user roles.

2. Admin (for each zone)

Responsibilities: Management of the DAM system at the zone level. Responsible for
overseeing Area Managers and ensuring compliance with regional requirements.

Admin Will Upload Assets on the basis of ( Zone, State, Tier, City)

Privileges: Access to all assets within their zone, ability to create and manage Area
Manager accounts, and oversee state-level activities within the zone.

3. Area Managers (for each state or multiple states)

Responsibilities: Managing state-level operations. Overseeing Tier Managers and
ensuring alignment with zone-level strategies.

Privileges: Access to all assets within their states, authority to manage Tier Manager
accounts, and moderate vendor activities within their states.

4. Tier Manager (as per city classification of 1, 2, or 3)

Responsibilities: Overseeing city-level operations based on city classification.
Coordinating with Vendor Admins and ensuring local compliance.

Privileges: Access to assets relevant to their city classification. Can manage access
for Vendor Admins and monitor local vendor activities.
5. Vendor Admin (one per vendor registration)
Responsibilities: Managing vendor-specific operations within the DAM system.
Primary point of contact for the vendor's franchise operations.

Privileges: Limited to accessing and managing assets that are specifically shared
with their vendor account. Can create and manage Vendor Manager accounts.

6. Vendor Manager (one for each franchise the vendor owns)

Responsibilities: Managing and accessing assets for specific franchise operations.
Ensuring compliance with the guidelines provided by the Area and Tier Managers.

Privileges: Access to assets relevant to their specific franchise locations. Cannot

modify assets but can view, download, and share as per permissions granted. (As
previously mentioned, assets will be distributed in accordance with the established
hierarchy. )

Additional Functionalities for Access Control

Access Logs: Detailed logs of user activities, including login details, assets accessed,
and modifications made.

Dynamic Access Controls: Ability to dynamically update access rights based on

changes in role or organizational structure.

Audit and Compliance Tools: Facilities to conduct regular audits to ensure proper
usage and adherence to access control policies. (An additional role has been introduced
for the Audit Role specifically dedicated to conducting application audits.)

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