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35 Life-Changing

Books You Can't Miss

1. 'The Alchemist' By Paulo Coelho -
Discover your personal legend and
realize your dreams.

2. 'To Kill a Mockingbir' By Harper Lee -

A timeless lesson in empathy and

3. 'Man's Search for Meaning' By Viktor

E. Frankl - A powerful exploration of life
and purpose.

4. 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' By Daniel

Kahneman - Dive into the two systems
that drive the way we think.
5. '1984' By George Orwell - A dystopian
novel that warns against totalitarianism.

6. 'The Power of Now' By Eckhart Tolle -

Discover the transformational power of
living in the moment.

7. 'Sapiens: A Brief History of

Humankind' By Yuval Noah Harari - A
compelling exploration of humanity's

8. 'Invisible Man' By Ralph Ellison - A

powerful novel about identity and
9. 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People' By Stephen R. Covey - Master
these habits for personal and
professional effectiveness.

10. 'Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a

World That Can't Stop Talking' By Susan
Cain - A celebration and understanding
of the power of introverts.

11. 'The Four Agreements' By Don Miguel

Ruiz - A guide to personal freedom and
true happiness.
12. 'Start with Why' By Simon Sinek -
Understand the power of motivating
with WHY.

13. 'Daring Greatly' By Brené Brown -

Embrace vulnerability to live a
courageous life.

14. 'Grit: The Power of Passion and

Perseverance' By Angela Duckworth -
Discover the secret to outstanding
15. 'Outliers: The Story of Success' By
Malcolm Gladwell - A new
understanding of what makes people

16. 'How to Win Friends and Influence

People' By Dale Carnegie - Master the
art of human relations.

17. 'Atomic Habits' By James Clear - How

to build good habits and break bad ones.

18. 'Educated' By Tara Westover - An

inspiring memoir about the power of
19. 'Mindset: The New Psychology of
Success' By Carol S. Dweck - The idea of
'mindset' and its impact on our success.

20. 'Thinking in Bets' By Annie Duke -

Improve decision-making with strategies
from poker.

21. 'Factfulness' By Hans Rosling - A

new way of understanding the world
through data.

22. 'Never Split the Difference' By Chris

Voss - Learn negotiation skills from a
former FBI hostage negotiator.
23. 'Principles' By Ray Dalio - Key principles
for success in life and work from a billionaire

24. 'The Lean Startup' By Eric Ries - A new

approach to business that's transforming the
way new products are built and launched.

25. 'Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion'

By Robert Cialdini - The science and practice
of persuasion.

26. 'Blink: The Power of Thinking Without

Thinking' By Malcolm Gladwell - The power
of intuition and snap judgments.
27. 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck' By
Mark Manson - A counterintuitive
approach to living a good life.

28. 'Extreme Ownership' By Jocko Willink

& Leif Babin - Leadership lessons from
U.S. Navy SEALs.

29. 'Getting Things Done' By David Allen -

The art of stress-free productivity.

30. 'Deep Work' By Cal Newport - Master

the ability to focus without distraction.
31. 'Zero to One' By Peter Thiel - How
to build the future.

32. 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' By Robert

Kiyosaki - What the rich teach their kids
about money that the poor and middle
class do not.

33. 'Drive: The Surprising Truth About

What Motivates Us' By Daniel H. Pink -
What truly drives human behavior.

34. 'The Power of Habit' By Charles

Duhigg - Why we do what we do in life
and business.

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