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The traditional file environment is a way of organizing and managing data using files

and programs that operate on those files. It has some advantages, such as low cost,
simplicity, and efficiency for certain tasks. However, it also has many issues that
make it unsuitable for modern data management needs. Some of the issues are:

 Data redundancy and inconsistency: This means that the same data is stored
in multiple files, leading to duplication and possible conflicts. For example, if a
customer’s address is changed in one file but not in another, the data becomes
inconsistent and unreliable.
 Difficulty in accessing data: This means that it is hard to retrieve the data that
is needed for a specific purpose, especially if it is scattered across different files
or formats. For example, if a manager wants to generate a report on the sales
performance of each product category, he or she may have to write a complex
program that combines data from several files.
 Data isolation: This means that the data is stored in separate files that have
different structures and formats, making it difficult to integrate and share them.
For example, if a marketing department and an accounting department use
different files to store customer information, they may not be able to exchange
or compare their data easily.
 Integrity problems: This means that the data does not meet the quality and
accuracy standards that are required for the business. For example, if there is no
way to enforce the rules that govern the data, such as uniqueness, validity, or
consistency, the data may become corrupted or invalid.
 Unauthorized access: This means that the data is not protected from
unauthorized users who may view, modify, or delete it without permission. For
example, if there is no security mechanism to restrict access to the files or the
programs that manipulate them, the data may be exposed to hackers or
malicious insiders.

To overcome these issues, many organizations use a database management system

(DBMS) instead of a traditional file environment. A DBMS is a software system that
provides a centralized and controlled way of storing, managing, and accessing data. It
has many features that address the problems of the traditional file environment, such

 Reduced data redundancy and improved consistency: A DBMS stores the

data in a single database that eliminates duplication and ensures that any
changes are reflected in all relevant places. For example, if a customer’s
address is changed in the database, it will automatically update all the records
that refer to that customer.
 Easier access to data: A DBMS allows users to query and manipulate the data
using a high-level language that does not require programming skills. For
example, if a manager wants to generate a report on the sales performance of
each product category, he or she can use a simple command that retrieves the
relevant data from the database.
 Data integration and sharing: A DBMS enables users to access and combine
data from different sources and formats within the same database. For example,
if a marketing department and an accounting department use the same database
to store customer information, they can easily exchange and compare their data
 Improved integrity and quality: A DBMS enforces the rules and constraints
that govern the data, such as uniqueness, validity, or consistency. For example,
if there is a rule that says that each customer must have a unique ID number,
the DBMS will not allow any duplicates or errors in the database
 Enhanced security and privacy: A DBMS provides various mechanisms to
protect the data from unauthorized access, such as passwords, encryption, or
authorization levels. For example, if there is a need to restrict access to certain
files or records based on user roles or privileges, the DBMS can implement
these policies in the database

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