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URE — v AGE or SIGMAR ARCANE STNG Sal 7 CONTENTS | BURNING PARADISE......- .2 BATTLEPLANS 3 : ‘Tombs of Sarandua. omen cas, ‘THE POWER OF STRIFE .... «4 Battleplan 1: Tretchlet’s Prophecy ....2+.2+.2+..29 A Shattered Land 30 ‘THE LANDS THRICE SCARRED . Battleplan 2: The Light Below... ......c00000031 Arcane Duel 32 ‘THE LEGACY OF DARK TIMES Battleplan 3: Sorcerous Showdown 33 LUMINETH REALM-LORDS ..... 12 WARSCROLLS. . Sieh sete ek Scinari Enlightener. : ceveeseeed4 — Vanarl Bladelords Vanari Dawnriders. Vanari Auralan Sentinels Curseling, Fye of Tzeentch « i ‘Teaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzcentch ..... 38 DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH. ARCANE MASTERY .. REALM RULES - Region of War: Arcanova Trove, liatha......»--.26 Kairic Acolytes ‘ 39 Traangor Host... sscessesseecseesecseeseee A PITCHED BATTLE PROFILES .. PRODUCED BY THE WARHAMMER STUDIO With thanks to The Faithful and the UK NEOs for their additional playtesting services. are er atl ae eee Serato 4 Nopartfthispuicaton maybe edn renal peo me ny form orb ay eam, decom edb HOOT, “tending ace, aba th ppm epee a ‘Wise wort con, Ale characer advent hock cinl an ay esean oe peoporincden ipeyieta hating Pabiction Dia, A cage ecalrthbook evel th Libary Petre ee fr lan pepo x enter eee ett ote necro eerie et ome Workshop Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 20S, United Kngom ‘warhammer.con Pride and folly, folly and pride. Two sides of the ‘The aelves fix their gaze on suns, moons ~ the zenith of their realm ~ never looking down, never watching upon whom they trample as they climb cas Only to fall. Only to be brought low. Ah, the wonders they leave glittering in their See eee et eo Rt mtd lose interest as soon as the ‘As soon as the flare of thi rns Teens No matter, say I. What they throw away, we will ere maar ieee ee eee We are not bound by the past, or obsessed with the future. They despise us for our short, dirty lives, but in that very brevity there is an urgent power. We ‘exist in the here, the now, and in our brief time as ‘mortals we burn all the brighter. ‘We evolve. We change, we usurp, and absorb. ee a ee ee of their disgrace. We will turn them against their makers, and finish what was started six centuries ago in the Age of Chaos. ‘Then, once the aelves lie dead and their fallen empires are shattered beyond repair, we will rise. Witness our deeds, for we shall burn it all. Long ago, the natural splendour cof Fysh was taken asa given by the aelves who lived there, They hhad taken the most torturous of paths to reach Hysh, escaping the cataclysm that had consumed their race only through the guile and grace of thei forefather Tecls the ‘Mage God, his brother Tyrion, and their opposite numbers Malerion and Morathi. Now, they told ‘themselves, they were finally safe Having been drawn as little more than lost souls from the ‘metaphorical gullet ofthe god i Slaanesh - the nemesis of all J aelvenkind who had devoured } them atthe end of the World-that Was ~ these aelves were remade in light, and given new forms pure and supple of limb. They looked upon the myriad wonders of Hysh with awe and delight sparkling in their almond eyes, for here they finally saw an end to their bottomless suffering, and perhaps by dint of having taken such a dark road they considered i theirs by right of rebirth. They deserved It, they told one another, after what they had endured. All that remained was to make it perfect. Those frst Lumineth adorned the ‘Ten Paradises with their citadels, garlanded them with thei cits, ‘made their wild reaches sing with their sorcerous at. The land was theirs as fara they ‘were concerned. Those that had come before had not made the Segmented nations of Hysh their own, and in turn, Hysh had not embraced them: surely this was the mark that they were little more than another kindof fauna. Slowiy, they fashioned it more to their Jiking, as with all things the aelves claim astheit own. LAND OF PROMISE The natural of illumination. Ths is not purely brilliance in terms of the emission of light, though that certainly is a defining factor, for Hysh ranges always from a lambent glow to dazzling brilliance and back ‘again without ever approaching tue night. More than that, Hysh is redolent with enlightenment ofa more spiritual and mental kind, Learning things is easy there, especially for those already possessed of intellectual acuity. “The mental fog of tiredness and doubt is burned away by a searing clarity of purpose; its said that to learn a language in Hysh takes 4 matter of days before attaining fuency, and even the exotic skills of the mage can be mastered ina fraction ofthe time it would take Inanother realm. And so master those skills the Lumineth did, turning their adaptable minds to become ever more intellectually gifted. In doing so, they let themselves become spiritually divorced from the lands they once treasured as their home. Though that mistake was later rectified over the course ofthe Relnvention, it was a critical error. For they were not the only ones to appreciate the latent power of Hysh. The Dark Gods too desired its bounty, and slowly, insidiously, worked towards its conquest. At first the ambitious Lumineth ‘were keen to spur one another on, but those friendly rivalries tarned sour. Some ofthe seers who make a study of ancient histories believe twas pure hubris that brought them lov others say it was the BURNING PARADISE In the once-fair lands of Hysh, the scars of the past run deep. The Ten Paradises are landscapes torn apart by their past - or rather by those that defined it, the Lumineth. Though the land-wounds have been cauterised by elven magic, and a semblance of order restored, it would not take much to return them to anarchy. taint left in their souls by their long -sence of Hysh is that | incarceration within Slaanesh’s, godly form, or the whispers of | all ofthe Chaos gods, subtle and almost indecipherable as they fanned the sparks of selfishness and arrogance into a raging blaze. Ironically, it was accusations of seeking shortcuts to power through pacts with daemons and ‘dark powers that was to ignite the powder keg. Though there were seekers of mortal power abroad in Hysh atthe time who had used ssuch methods ~ amongst them humans who had come to worship the master of unbound magic, Tzeentch ~ no Lumineth had truly crossed that boundary. But the whispers persisted nonetheless. All through the Age of Myth the aelven settlers of Hysh had pushed themselves to the limits of imagination and craftsmanship. The artisanry of incredibly powerful artefacts, spells and magical weapons was a part of this process. Some of these were weapons powerful enough to level cities, sever a soul from reality, cut through time itself, or open portals ‘that would suck those around them into the Aetheric Void to leave only a smoking crater in their wake. These would never be used in anger, the aelven craftsmen told one another; ifanything they would ensure the death of war itself for who could ever truly ‘employ such a horrendous weapon ‘when the retaliatory strike was likely o be equally as severe? DYING OF THE LIGHT The answer, when it came, turned the once-blissfal Realm of Light into cratered hellscape, Men call that time the Spirefall, whereas the aelves know itas the Ocari Dara, ‘of Doom of Hysh, Those mages, lords and princes that waged war upon their rivals in the name of pride broached ancient vaults and raided hex-locked libraries, pulling out the most grievous of spells nd artefacts to bring unutterable ruin on the holdings of thir foes. Glittering citadels miles-high came toppling down, elegant as dying swans right until the moment they crashed as rabble into the dust Cyria was beset by a plague of miniature suns that burnt every cone of ts citizens to pillars of black ash, The Arches of Ymetrica, so tall and beautiful they seemed as godly script set against the night sky, were shattered to glass-like blades that sought out those who had created them and cut them to pieces. The city of Gloriani, once famous for its sublime symphonies, was transmuted into sound, light ‘and heat in one horrible, blinding stant; the banks of the Loithi River still echo to the screams of its demise even now. A hundred dooms unfolded across the Ten Paradises, in places tearing reality itself to let the daemons of Chaos spill through from beyond the veil As a war of prideand spite turned to one of panic and survival, the distant laughter of the Dark Gods could be heard echoing amongst the screams. Years later, amongst the smoking aftermath, there were treasures beyond price left buried in the lust. The aelves were largely afraid to touch them, for they could no longer trust themselves. But the disciples of the Change God had no stich compunction. Even as tumineth society began to heal the vultures descended, venturing into the wilds to pick at the carcass of which they had left behind KNPSS INSIDE Ree nee “There are many treasures to be found under the substrate of Hysh, for even the tumult ofthe Age of Chaos did ‘not uncover al ofthe devastating magical artefacts that led to the Spirefall. When a cult of Tzeentch’s foremost disciples caught wind of an unclaimed cache, it set in motion a series of events that led to outright war, ‘The ancient foe ofthe alves is held tobe Slaanesh, the god of excess and obsession; for acons the two forces in the cosmos have been ‘opposed. Yet the lands of Hysh are many and wide, and it was not only the eyes of the Dark Prince ‘of Chaos that looked upon it with covetous envy, With the essence of the land lending itself so well to the wielding of magic, the realm-wrecking violence of the Spirefall seeing so much of it reduced to a wasteland of magical fallout, it was inevitable that the fractal, madly gleaming gaze of the god Tzeentch would fall upon it nd with ‘Tzeenteh is called the Great Manipulator, the Architect of Fate, the Master of Magic and a thousand other names besides. He is synonymous with strange alchemy, transmutation, unrest and upheaval, but most of all with change for change’ sake. Its said he plucks atthe strings of destiny ry realy, reknitting the threads of people's lives and making anarchy out ‘of goodwill, hope and progress. Even the cities of Sigmar's new ‘order, won through lengthy and costly sacrifice during the Realmgate Wars, were not immune tohis influence. In hidden lars, basements, libraries, sewers and. even the corridors of power his supplicants met, each hoping to better their lot through arcane means and dark bargains that ‘would see them ascend to power rho matter the cost. The most gifted | ofthese are known as Arcanites, mortals who have bargained aay so much inthe name of earthly agains that they belong to Tzeentch body and soul. tisa testament to their skills of subterfuge that in the seemingly harmonious cit Quintessence a relatively young stcongpoint ofthe human settlers of Xin, not simply exist, but thrived. If the Lumineth had no intention of using thei ancient mage-weapons, the Sons of Quintessence would happily employ them instead of cult of Arcanites did IN THE DUST OF FALLEN EMPIRES It was no mere human that was to lead the Sons of Quintessence into the wastelands of the Lumineth’s disgrace, but a strange hybrid creature known as Venestrati, Venestrati was a Curseling, a freakish but powerful champion of Chaos that isnot simply mortal nor ‘daemon, but both, one conjoined to the other through the mutative ‘energies ofits patron. Plagued by recurring dreams, Venesteati found the creature that haunted his imaginings slowly growing ‘out of his torso, frst asa tiny face, then head and shoulders pushing from his ribcage, until a creature rivalling himself in size curved upwards from his ‘meaty flank. That creature called itself a Tretchlet, and it told Venestrati to his Magister in the favour of the Quintessence cult - of ancient ‘weapons left buried in the deserts of eastern liatha already second only of Quint not only humans amongst ranks, but also Tzaangors ‘ian beastmen high in the favour ofthe Change God ~ and gifted ones at that. Known as the Enlightened Ones, their talents allowed them to see much about the past, even the secr. men and it not for the keen senses and high instincts of a Scinari mage named THE LANDS THRICE SCARRED Coalesced from magical motes of light as much as from dust and cosmic matter, Hysh is realm whose form is dictated by its affinity with symmetry. In form it echoes its foremost symbol, the Wheel of Magic. Eight continents lie equally spaced around a ninth, the hub of the realm, with a tenth surrounding them in turn, As with al the Mortal Realms, Hysh obeys a logic of form that is defined by the intensity ofits magical force. At the core, in the heart of the central continent Xintl, the innate aura of magic is weakest ~ here the landscape obeys all of the laws of order that foster sanity and logic, At the edge of the Hyshian realmsphere, the inverse is true ~ the immensely vast, ring-shaped ontinent known Haixiah isa place so redolent of magic that even to walk there isto risk some manner of areane annihilation hough the aelves discourage humans from straying far outside Xintil, ay an expedition of human pioneers has set out into the aelven lands around. The Lumineth know that they have duties than m humans do not stray from the heartlands in force, oF do not stumble across any sites of importance, they do not intervene. When they feel the need to prosecute their war against the forces of darkness, however, the Lumineth II not hesitate to act decisively - even if hundreds or even thousands of human lives are ost in the process. er, far more important nitoring the movements of their lessers, and so long as the ‘Once symmetrical to an uncanay degree, the lands of Hysh have been cracked and splintered by the forces unleashed upon them. Seen from the zenithal vault they look more like a moon than a realmscape, given the sheer quantity of craters, fissures and dust bowls that mar the wilderness, Some of these area direct result ofthe explosive destruction meted out pon them when the Lumineth made use of those impossible weapons they ad always told themselves they would never use. Others came to be after the dread forces of Chaos tore down all the beauteous works ofthe aelves, the destruction they wrought so severe they wounded the land itself. Much asa surgeon might cauterise a wound to stop the patient bleeding cout, the Lumineth have begun to use exceptionally potent symbol-magic to burn great ranes of sanctity and resolution in the landscape, in doing so sealing the rifts that would otherwise allow the energies of Chaos to leak in, These gigantic markings are often burned into the soil some make d o trenches or stil burn with white fice. Some are so vast they cover leagues, giant aelven runes whose symbolic power keeps the lands thereabouts from cracking apart completely. On occasion, the divinations of the Lumineth lead them to manifest the symbols across the holdings ofthe isnot only hamlets, homesteads and strongpoints that have been razed by rts have paid the price ser 1902s. white fire as a result, for at times, entire ity di Even without the fact that there are sworn enemies ~ the Sons of Base tei ‘Quintessence amongst them - who would undo everything the Lumineth A pristine cityof learning overseen by the hhave so painstakingly putin place in their mission to mend the realm ‘Lumineth, Settler's Gain’s great beauty theyhhave abused so badly; to heal Hysh wil be the work of centuries, if oer ee ene not millennia ‘TOR KITISE Ed A port city painstakingly rebuilt P after the disaster ofthe Spirefall still with deep scars within. ered and corrupted vastating magics ofthe [iin KEY Fs @ sree @ seasaire a0 : C eo he Scene rr THE LEGACY OF DARK TIMES ‘Though none of those taking part truly realised it, the parallel quests of the Sons of Quintessence and their Lumineth pursuers were but the latest development in an unfolding war of magi that had lasted centuries and scarred the Great Nation of Ymetrica to its very bedrock. THE SPIREFALL still the land is sick tainted by the | EXCAVATION ‘The demise of the Lumineth spoor of Chaos; only by cauterising | In the coming years, many empire comes from within when | the wounds and letting them heal Lumineth artisans and mages the learned scholars and seekers overtime can the Realm of Light __revisit the sights of their former of truth give in tothe jaded, becomea land of order and hope disgrace. One by one, they recover biter shadows within their ‘once more. ‘the lost weapons and relics that souls and, obsessed with rivalry ‘were buried by the toppling of their and pre-eminence, declare war citadels and palaces of learning. ‘upon one another. The lands of Hysh are ravaged by the ensuing catastrophe. After several horrific years of unrestrained, excessive ‘magical warfare, the surviving Lumineth havea moment of clarity. They look upon that which has become oftheir former civilisation and weep. Yet the damage has been done; with their reality-ripping spells and deadly artefacts of destruction they have alowed the spawn of Chaos to enter Hysh and begin its corruption in earnest, ‘Though several such excursions ‘meet with utter disaster, the majority of those weapons that still Jay unused since the time of the Spirefall are recovered and, using everything from reversed canticles to nullstone chests to greater spells of unmaking, made safe TO ROAM THE DESERTS Whether judged too dangerous to recover or simply lost to obscurity due to the demise of their makers, those artefacts of power still ‘unplumbed by the Lumineth A SLENDER HOPE gather the dust ofthe passing “The Mage God Tecis, absent AFTERMATH centuries. The gaze ofthe Dark for much of the Sprefall on his |The Scinar, foremost mage caste Gods roams far and wie, however, own quest for enlightenment ofthe Lumineth, venture out into and overtime those who have and driven to the edge of despair the most badly affected regions made dark pacts with Tzcentch upon his return, finds common of Hysh. Their inten isto seal the begin to see certain locations in cause with the moon-spiit wounds inthe land by burning —_visions and prophecies. Amongst Celennar and learns the secrets the ancient runes oftheir people them are the Sons of Quintessence, ofcommuning with Hiysh itself, into the realm’serust. Amongst asecret Xintilian cult that counts His tutelage turns the tide, for it | toppled spies, miles-wide dust several favoured Teaangors isthrough these techniques the | bowls and jag toothed craters, amongstts numbers. Lumineth come toan accord with | theland is scoured by the white thelands themselves, and though fies of magical war; but this time When the cult’s Curseling, ittakes many seasons they earna | the Lumineth are united under _Venestrat, begins to experience measure of forgiveness. So begins the blazing eyes of the Archmage recurring dreams and whispers the Reinvention, where the aelves__Teclis,and it isthe daemonic from the Tretchet that groves fom sowiy come into something scions ofthe Dark Gods that feel his flank, he makes preparations approaching balance withthe land. their wrath, Such isthe artifice of fora coup. He combines his insight Through drasticacts of sacrifice the Teclians that their missions and ambition with the in‘luence _ anditrueheroism the remnants | meet with agreat deal of success, of the Tzaangor elder Qorkatuine, ‘ofthe formerly glorious Hyshian | thousands of daemons banished winning over not only a coven of i drive back the scourge or even destroyed utterly bythe the cult’s pre-eminent-beastmen eson dozen fronts. And | magic ofthe Scinar. | butalso a swathe of Kairie Acolytes to his cause. By twinning their visions ofthe past sith stolen tomes of Hyshian lore they devise plans of retrieval that see them sneak out ofthe city under cover ofa street festival, cross the Girdlesea and venture deep into the deserts of Iliatha. They do not go unobserved, forthe Enlightener Denezia Warwidow sees with her witch-sight the complex strands of fate bound around them. Via the strong spiritual link with her twin Lliathu, she alerts her sister to their slinking out ofthe city of Quintessence and, after gathering the most trusted warriors oftheir Vanari escort, the two pursue the Sons at a safe distance. TOR KITISE The coastal city of Tor Kitse, ts elegant spires reduced to smoking stumps through the devastation of the Spiceall, is gradually rebuilt Through the earthly labours of humans employed from Xintil and the magical artifice of the Lumineth wishing to reclaim the site the city is made harmonious with the land and, through the careful placing of hollows within its towers, appealing to the Hurakan spirits that create cthereal music by whistling through its gleaming neve spires, In the quiet gloom of night the ‘Tzeentchian cult makes its move; hnidden by glamours and illusions, the Sons of Quintessence are largely unhindered by nautical patrols, They manage to dock at the harbour and resupply, only ‘needing to slit the throats of a few sentries and guards before they set off beyond the city walls into the Iiathan desert beyond. Using magical means to sery thelr tall, the Scinarl mages Denezia and Lliathu follow them to the port city of Tor Kitise. ‘They succeed in recruiting a | bodyguard ofswordmastersio | their cause, but in doing so, with their divinations confused by the hustle and bustle ofthe city, they lose trail oftheir quarry. Their shame is spared when late one evening, a giggling wind-spirit calling itself Parashei visits them and tells them it has witnessed a cadre of Chaos agents venturing {nto the desert. It says it cannot go with them, for its Hurakan master Harantio ies sleeping off his latest overindulgence in a dockside tavern, but that they should head ‘east towards the region known as Hanori Seal. Thanking the capricious aclementor, they take their leave. HANORI SEAL The Sons of Quintessence venture tothe east of Tor Kitise, following the vision-dreams of the Curseling Venestrati and the mnemonic magic of the Traangor Enlightened. The area is barren, despite the fact it was once known for is fecundity. Long ago the rain squalls of the coast brought enough water to let golden flora spread across its meadows and rolling hills, but in the Age of Myth the release of the anathematic efreti, demi-seatient spirits created by the ancient Iiathan philosopher known as Sarandua asa defence against the propagation of diseases, had reduced itt a sterile and barren wasteland. Over time those same coastal winds scour away its topsoil to leave nothing but Dare desert, ‘The Sons venture further into this ‘traumatised landscape to reach Hanor Seal, a vast chasm in the. landscape that from above formed the aelven rune for boldness, ingress, and also the Season of Rain. The shape and meaning of the rune is well chosen, for that vast geomantic sigil was burned into the land by the scholars of Tor Kitise to banish the life-eater ddjinns and prevent their curse from spreading any further. More than that, it was done to exorcise the howling spirits left behind. in the wake ofthe life-eater jinn’ release Yet it isthe presence ofthe rune Hanor that leads the Sons of Quintessence to their quarry, for the symbol appears with stark clarity in the dreams of their leaders. On the outskirts of the rune-site Venestrati finds a sign that he and his disciples are on the right track ~ the shattered statues of Sarandua’s tombs. ‘THE MANY TOMBS OF SARANDUA Centuries ago, during the Age of Myth, there lived a charismatic but morally ambiguous aelven mage known as Sarandua, The liathan, prohibition against cloning more than one simulacrum did not exist then, and she created five copies of herself to ensure her researches were optimised. When these