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English Questions - Michelle Payne-Brush’d with fame

1.What is the purpose of this non-fiction text?

The purpose of this text is to entertain and inform people about Michelle Payne’s
life story and her achievements. Michelle Payne is a famous Australian jockey,
and they all need to have some sort of biography written or spoken about them. A
purpose of a non-fiction text is usually to inform someone about something and
tell them facts. Michelle Payne’s life is a factual text, but she also includes a few
stories of her childhood.

2. Who is the text written for and what evidence do you have to
support this?
This text is written for people who are fans of Michelle Payne and her family. It
could also be for horse racing fans and people who enjoy watching and
competing in the Melbourne Cup. Her life is full of achievements and tragedies
that it should not be hidden from the world. Michelle tells us about her sister and
mother and how they passed away. She also described her injuries and the

3. What makes this a non-fiction text?

This is a non-fiction text because Michelle Payne talks about her life, and she
doesn’t make up any stories. Anh gets her sister’s and brother’s information and
gets her to tell him about her experiences. He also asks her a lot of questions
and gets truthful answers. This text is not fiction because it is not a story. It
describes Michelle’s life, and its primary purpose is not to entertain. It is to inform
people about her life.

4. What language features are used to help the author achieve

their purpose?
The author uses:
- Quotes _ Both Anh and Michelle quote on previous events and sayings. They
also discuss hard and tragic times with her sister and her parents.
- Rhetorical questions _ Anh asks Michelle both questions and rhetorical
questions. He wanted to get to know her and her life.
- First person _ Michelle and Anh are narrating the video. They are explaining
and looking at the camera.
- Stat/Evidence _ They go to live footage and pictures taken years ago to show
proof and entertain/inform people more.
Most of these language features are used when a text is non-fiction. Fictional
texts include other features such as similes, metaphors and hyperbole.

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