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1op Dogg vs.

Puppy Mills

I am 1op Dogg Master K-9 Trainer and the host oI the new hit dog talk show "You 1alk
I Bark." I am a world traveled dog trainer and proIessional dog behaviorist. I have trained Ior
many reasons but mostly Ior love and the gratiIication that comes Irom seeing dogs go Irom
untrained, unskilled and with no sense oI direction to completely trained, on and oII leash. When
I mention reasons Ior training, my training encompass my skills and experiences earned during
my service tenure in the U.S. Army, Atlanta Police Department and also training Ior the general
public in many states and countries. My training includes drug dogs, bomb dogs, protection dogs,
executive dogs, cadaver dogs and loving companion dogs. I am a breeder and a passionate
activist Ior our Iour legged Iriends who predominately cannot protect or care Ior themselves.

One oI the segments on my show is called 'Paws About Town. I have researched and
visited many business and parks to Iind the best dog parks, vets, groomers, pet shops and homes
Ior our Iriends. I report my Iindings on my show and you get to hear iI your vet, groomer, pet
shop or dog parks receives my seal oI approval.

While training a standard poodle, and a boxer in Mountain Park, Lilburn, Georgia, (great
park) on distraction techniques I repeatedly walked pass Mrs. Jean Garrison who was relaxing in
the park with her dog Sammy. I introduced myselI and we began a conversation about her
beautiIul Cavashon who is 'part King Charles spaniel and Bischon Ireis. During our
conversation Jean shared a very heartIelt and Irustrating experience with me. On March 12
Jean purchased two month old Sammy Irom a breeder in Indiana who she immediately Iell in
love with because oI the puppy`s playIul nature. Jean had no idea that Sammy was sick, the
puppy seemed Iine with the exception oI a being tired and sluggish, which was a little conIusing
Ior such a young puppy. Although Jean provided the love, socialization and desirable living
conditions that all puppies should receive, what she did not receive Irom her commercial dog
breeder was the Iine print oI the health condition oI her puppy. Jean however, immediately took
Sammy to her local veterinarian Ior an evaluation to Iind out why she did not have the energy
that she expected a young puppy to have. Jean was under the assumption that she had purchased
a healthy pedigree puppy that only may need vitamins to get her energy back, but the vet
revealed Sammy suIIered numerous health problems. Sammy was diagnosed with Toxccitia and

Jean`s initial purchased Ior Sammy was $800 which included the cost oI her new puppy
and other Iees associated with shipping and a clean bill oI health (shots, etc). Because oI the
extenuating circumstances Sammy had suIIered prior to Jean becoming her new owner, Jean was
Iaced with numerous expensive vet bills and treatments. To keep her new puppy healthy and
happy Jean was Iaced with only one decision, to pay Ior the treatments that Sammy so
desperately needed. As the expensive treatments continued, Jean Iound that no matter the costs
or treatment Sammy`s health continued to deteriorate. Days and weeks into Sammy`s treatment
Jean said that she discovered that Sammy had not been immunized by her breeder and in addition
Sammy did not receive the proper care during her stay with the breeder. Jean Iound her
communications with the breeder even more Irustrating that Sammy`s treatment because the
breeder continuously ignored her and gave her the run around about the care oI Sammy. Jean
has since Iiled a complaint with Indiana`s consumer department and is awaiting their response on
her rights regarding Sammy`s health. You may catch Mrs. Jean Garrison interview on you tube
at 'Top Dogg vs. Puppy Mills.

According to The Humane Society oI the United States (HSUS), there are an estimated
4,600 licensed (by the United States Department oI Agriculture) Puppy Mills operating in the
U.S., most oI which are not inspected routinely. Many oI these Iacilities are not required to be
licensed; HSUS estimates about 10,000 unlicensed operations. These operations house between
20 to over 1,000 dogs which are involved in pet trade. Some even pose as pet rescue groups.
These animals suIIer through substandard conditions at many oI these Ior-proIit Iacilities. They
are housed in overcrowded, unsanitary crates or cages without adequate veterinary care, exercise,
grooming, Iood, ventilation, water and socialization. Many are weaned Irom their mother`s soon
aIter birth; Iemales are sometimes bred each time they come in heat and oIten euthanized aIter 4
years oI breeding.

True breeders Ioster Ior the love oI a speciIic pedigree and not just Ior proIit. True
breeders are very knowledgeable oI their breed and are particular about who their new puppy-
parents will be and what kind oI homes where their precious cargo is going. Blake 'Top Dogg
Rashad has been breeding Ior more than 25 years. He has a long term relationships with his
clients; over 70 come back Ior dog training. Join Top Dogg, master dog trainer and host oI
You Talk I Bark, in his FIGHT to eliminate Puppy Mills and protect our Iour-legged Iriends.
They can bark, but we need to have the bite to protect them!!

Mrs. Jean Garrison`s appeared on my show to share her story with audiences, and to
promote awareness. Please visit to view the Iull interview,
or Iollow the link to listen to update on this story

Dont forget to listen to "You Talk I Bark every Saturday
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
On the New Sensation Station Network at
Also "Go to the Tune in APP to listen on your favorite mobile device!!

For live call in questions, comments & concerns: (404) 474-7316

To contact Top Dogg call (404) 410-0026 or

And always remember 'II you Lead, Love and respect your dog
they will Follow, Love and Protect You
"Bow Wow" Atlanta
Blake "1op Dogg" Rashad

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