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Banana and Jaggery Oats Puttu

Here is a delicious breakfast combination from Kerala! While traditional

puttu is indeed made with rice flour and coconut, using Quaker
Multigrain Oats as a substitute can be a healthier and more interesting
twist to the recipe. Oats are known for their nutritional benefits,
including being a good source of fibre and various vitamins and
Here's a basic recipe for making puttu with Quaker Multigrain Oats

Ingredients for Banana and Jaggery Oats Puttu:

1 cup Quaker Multigrain Oats
1/2 cup grated coconut
1 Kerala banana, cut into round pieces
2 tablespoons jaggery (adjust to taste)
Water, as needed
Salt, to taste
Instructions for Banana and Jaggery Oats Puttu:

Begin by dry roasting the Quaker Multigrain Oats .This step enhances
the flavour of the oats.
Heat a pan over low heat and add the oats. Continuously stir and roast
for about 5-7 minutes until they turn slightly golden and emit a nutty
aroma. Be cautious not to over-roast them.
Once the oats are roasted, remove them from the heat and let them cool
down to room temperature.

After the roasted oats have cooled, transfer them to a blender or food
processor and grind them into a coarse powder.

In a mixing bowl, add the powdered oats and a pinch of salt. Mix well.
Gradually add water to the mixture, starting with a few tablespoons and
mixing it in. Continue to add water little by little until the mixture reaches
a crumbly, damp consistency. It should hold together when pressed with
your fingers but crumble easily when broken. Be careful not to make it
too wet.
Now, mix the jaggery with the grated coconut and keep it aside.

Layering Order:
Start with a layer of puttu mixture.
Follow with a layer of coconut jaggery mix.
Add banana pieces.
Repeat the layers, alternating between puttu mixture, coconut jaggery
mix, and banana pieces.
Finish with a layer of banana pieces and grated coconut and jaggery
mixture on top.
Steam for about 10-15 minutes until the puttu is cooked and firm. You'll
notice the steam rising from the top, and it will have a delightful aroma
when ready.
Carefully remove the Banana and Jaggery Oats Puttu from the mould
using a wooden stick or fork.
Serve your healthy and delicious Oats Puttu with banana and jaggery,
and enjoy it as a nutritious and satisfying breakfast.
This unique twist on traditional puttu is sure to be a delightful and
flavorful breakfast option!

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