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Iron man

Iron Man, many people know about him, some people have never heard of him,
he is a hero. there are a couple of reasons people would consider a villain, but
there are many reasons people would consider him a hero. Since he is my hero i
will tell you the reasons why i think that he is a hero. First, he created weapons
for our army, and they were superb weapons not just any weapon he created
the best. Next, he made the Iron Man suit which is like the greatest weapon of all
time, and he created like four of the suits and they were all usable. That is why i
think of Iron Man as my hero.

Iron Man is a hero for many reasons, like i talked about in my last paragraph,
those were just the little reasons. Now it's time for the major reasons why he is a
hero. One would be because he saves many people by creating the guns that he
creates for the U.S. Army. Then there is where he ends the manufacturing of
Iron Man suits because they are causing nothing but trouble and he is left with
just one for himself so that he can help our country, but at the same time all the
chaos from all the Iron Man suits being made is ended. Then his actions he
makes are all heroic; he makes good decisions on what to do when he is making
his weapons and making the suits. In the imaginary real world he does good
actions that are heroic.

Starting off with telling you my definition of a hero and the dictionary definitions
of a hero, i think that you know now that Iron Man is a true hero. You basically
know the legend of Iron Man now, i told you all that i could about him. He is just
like every other hero, he has his pros and cons, but in the end he is someone's
hero, not only mine but many more people's. Well to end it all off, thank you for
taking your time to learn about my hero Iron Man.

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