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A superhero is a person who possesses immense herculean strength and

sorcerous abilities. Many superheroes can accomplish this, but there is one
that can do this more exceptional than any other! This superhero is
extremely important in Norse mythology as he is the God of Thunder. He
was gifted with an enchanted hammer which can only be lifted by someone
who is worthy enough. The hammer can control elements of storms like
lightning, wind and thunder to help him vanquish his enemies. Did you ever
question yourself who this amazing superhero could be? This splendid
superhero’s name is Thor! Thor is the most supreme superhero of all time
because he has super strength, his perceiving personality and his enchanted
hammer called Mjolnir. Thor’s super powers play a major role when
fighting villains to serve justice. Thor did not recognize his unbelievable
superpowers right away, in fact, he did not realize that he was even Thor
until later on in his life. He was first a psychiatric nurse called Thorlief
Golmen. One day he suffered a nervous breakdown before his 30th
birthday. During the 18 months he spent institutionalized, he claims to have
realized who he was and why he has been sent to Earth

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