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NOTE: Please print out this Workbook and keep it near your desk for the Guitar Breakthrough Summit. Also, take this first page and TAPE IT TO YOUR MONITOR OR YOUR WALL so you won't forget to be there for the summit. You do not want to miss a single moment! When: Saturday, January 20, at 10:00 am CST (Chicago time) Where: Password: 611707 Notes: Keep your Workbook nearby... we're going to cover a lot of information very quickly, so you want to be ready to write down the key points at that moment. Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | How To Use This Workbook To put it straight - even without meaning to, by the time Guitar Breakthrough Summit ends, half of what you learn will be forgotten - unless you use this workbook that is. Why? Writing things down helps you: * process information on a deeper level * retain more of what you learn * accelerate your personal growth So... print out this workbook, grab a pen and follow along. t Guitar Breakthrough Summit You're Awesome: We're so excited you've chosen to join us for this outstanding virtual event, and we're confident you will gain very significant and meaningful new insights, tools, and skills! Here’s how you can maximize the value you get from us: There will be a large Q&A (Questions and Answers) session at the end of the event, and we encourage you to ask us ANYTHING you want to ask about the topics covered during the event. If you need clarification on something, please ask us. If you would like an additional example of something, please ask us. If you'd like us to go even deeper into some aspects of the topics, please ask us. There are no dumb questions. If you have a question about something, there is a very good chance that others have the same question. This entire event exists to help you, so let us help you as deeply as possible - ask us your questions in the Q&A session near the end of the event. We'll be answering as many questions as we can. Question: Will there be recordings available?: This event is live only. ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | About Your Instructors = Tom Hess Guitar Playing Breakthrough Specialist Tom Hess, also known as the teacher of teachers, has taught, trained, coached and mentored countless guitar players from all over the world to become virtuoso guitarists, professional musicians and guitar teachers. == Dylan Andrews BE Ear Training Coach 1 Dylan Andrews is an ear training coach for guitarists from all over the ‘world, musician and highly successful guitar teacher in the Atlanta, Georgia area, specializing in rock, blues and jazz httpsd/ = Mike Philippov Guitar Practice Expert Mike Philippov is a leading author of guitar practice instruction, a master Quitar trainer and recording artist. His primary expertise is training guitar players how to practice for maximum results, hetps:// Hl Simon Candy ‘Acoustic Guitar Extraordinaire Since beginning to teach in 1994, Simon Candy has helped many Music Theory Expert Tommaso Zillio, PRD, is an internationally recognized music theory for guitar expert, master guitar trainer, a YouTube star, recording artist, Composer & session guitarist. = BrianFish Rhythm Mastery Expert Brian Fish is a rhythm mastery expert with 29 years of teaching and 38 years of performing experience. Some of Brian’s students have gone on to release their own music and tour the United States. https:/ BE Diana De Cabarrus Songwriting Mastery Coach Diana De Cabartusis a songwriting teacher, trainer and coach. She isthe founder of Key To Music Edinburgh students become excellent musicians and has become the : {helps aspiring songurters of all leading author of acoustic guitar x genres. 2 instruction > bttpsi//acousticguitarlessonsonlinenet )Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Guitar Breakthrough Summit Info During Guitar Breakthrough Summit, you'll discover: The “Checkmate” Guitar Technique Secret That Unlocks Insane i 6 Guitar Speed How To Take Any Guitar Lick You Know And Play It Better & Faster In Just 20 Minutes - This Works The Very First Time You Try It For 93% Of All Guitar Players! Memorize Your Guitar Fretboard In Just 5 Minutes Per Day Discover A Mind Blowing Fingerpicking Technique And Simple Ways You Can Apply It To Your Playing For An Incredible Sound! How To Play By Ear The Right Way Write The Perfect Melody For Your Song A Little-Known Way To Make Complex Rhythms Easy To Play and more... Guitar Breakthrough Summit has and will only be streamed live. This means that no recordings will be provided for this LIVE training. Guitar Breakthrough Summit is specifically designed and taught as a LIVE interactive event in order to help you experience huge breakthroughs when you attend. So, to ensure you get the training you want and need, please login at least, 20 minutes BEFORE we start. TEM eames Oem ee eee Meee The “Checkmate” Guitar Technique Secret That Unlocks Insane Guitar Speed To understand the secret, we have to first discredit... 2 “common-sense” guitar speed tips (they ‘seem’ so obviously true - you probably never thought to question them) that WRECK your speed potential. 1. Trying to make Froctrationt 2. Moving your hands & Speed Plateau ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | The better way to build speed? Think Like A Chess Player Every Time You Play A Note BU saeaaa (oc What is it Moweantl — best now and how is it? TEM eames Oem ee eee Meee How To Apply This Process To Your Speed Plateau Find the old Go through the lick you want to speed up ONLY with and then - ONLY with your todo the Practice until you can maintain the at your Do those 3 things and your speed will jump! ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | How To Take Any Guitar Lick You Know And Play It Xia m ae Cm ey Lice a Coloma Very First Time You Try It For 93% Of All Guitar Players! ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | How To Memorize Your Guitar Fretboard In Just 5 Minutes Per Day Music theory is great to learn for any musician, but it can do nothing for you if you can't on the guitar In my experience as a guitar teacher, the mental That includes: - Knowing/finding the on the guitar fretboard - Knowing/finding on the guitar fretboard (se) - Knowing what you are in relation to the (scale and chord ) Our goal is to know all that without , with zero I'm going to go in depth with and then show you how you can too. TEM eames Oem ee eee Meee 3 Reasons Why Most Memorization Methods Fail They rely on mental ” They go in the wrong rather than to They are too :you can’t make them to suit you. 3 Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | oso so odes oe mec EOSOE | The 7 Steps For Efficient And Effective “ ” Practice Restrict to strings. Choose one Play the once on each in order. or the note - the note - the note Go up AND down the You CAN use the fretboard diagram on the previous page to but. ... then you have to play the pattern in a row without looking at the diagram! 3 Important Warnings 1.Youwillnotlearnthe =. This is expected, but it feels like “ " 2. Do not overdo it! minutes a day maximum. )Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | 3. Do not use like the pattern. 2 Reasons why are your enemy: a. are convenient only while practicing. But in real-life playing they create mental b. When you use a , your brain stops - and so your brain also stops learning. How To Make This Practice Work For You No Mental , No Mental . You have to keep your brain . To make the exercise 8 1. Usea .Start___! Suggested starting 2. Play 2different_____ going up and down 3. Play without stopping. Suggested: 4. Change the . Try 5. Add )Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Discover A Mind Blowing Fingerpicking Technique And Simple Ways You Can Apply It To Your Playing For An Incredible Sound! are one of the most impressive techniques you can play on guitar. Today, you learn how easy it is to be up and running with this 5. Keep ¢ The Always maintain between when Example 1 of the ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | TT I 12 Frets Example 2 of the LH r] | au EEEEE © Activity: Practice sounding the and go Next, we can apply the to .Itis of utmost importance to be able to what your is doing © Chord Shape 1: ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | = A B OF OF © Chord Shape 2: = A B OF © Chord Shape 3: uitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | = A 8 OF © Chord Shape 5: © Activity: - Outline using the Next, it’s time to add sound. We do this with the of the alternating with . ° Pattern 1 This first pattern begins with a and then alternates with 0. 0. 0- Pattern 2 This second pattern begins with a and then alternates with )Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Let’s now apply the © Chord Shape 1: FMaj13 Here we are applying to an FMaj13 chord: 1 © Chord Shape 2:Gm11 Here we are applying 3 © Activity: - Apply the Progressions Finally, we can now apply our ° Progression 1 Here we are applying toa simple Emi1 FMaji3 ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | . Progression 2 Here we are applying toa chord progression: GMaji3 © Activity: - Apply the to some *** ADDITIONAL NOTES *** ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | How To Play By Ear The Right Way 1 1h) SVS Ve | GOOD VS. EVIL [ea ee] THE CORE FOUR eve | IDENTIFY THE CHEESE eS OS ) eas ~ B RELIABILITY Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Write The Perfect Melody For Your Song I never heard of anyone saying ‘Wow, the way is used in that song makes it sound amazing} But many apps exist for the user to hum the melody into their phones so the app can tell them what the song is. This is because unless we've a song and have some level of musical knowledge, we don't even know ithasa___ always know when we get by and that's ust thing that characterises our sense of a great song. If you're interested in , you'll know the melody doesn’t in - it's working along with the and the and the other elements. Those create the sense of the melody sounding and feeling great to the listener. Nonetheless, someone who loves to listen to music will still usually go to the melody as the of the song. Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | So we'd all like to be able to write When | was at college, some of my instructors would refer to certain composers or songwriters as having a knack for melody, as if they had randomly got lucky and as if writing good melodies was really just a matter of and and In fact, there are ways of approaching our melodies that will give us much better results than trial and error, and we're going to explore some of those today. Since a melody is a we're often inclined to focus first we're going to choose and We tend to think about less. But is a real key for creating that of. as we hear a melody, and it’s a way to help the listener with . It's just that if we are creating music informally or in an improvisational way, which is how most of us start, it usually doesn't occur to us to sit down, a ,and then asa point. Or at least, this never happened in any of the bands | wrote music with when I started out. Example: by - when you hear this example notice that has the . This helps us the s In comparison with a lot of simpler songs, the chords for this section move in quite an unpredictable way. So the really helps us follow the song despite the unusual harmony. ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Another song that has a longer cycle of chords is : The of those phrases and the repetition of the helps us to follow the lyric and the story. Starting melodies from Em (E GB) 1 |+ [2 Check out this For this first example, the pattern is established at the measure. The first part of it is repeated in bar 2. It in measure 3.The__of the. has some breathing space. melodies using this and take your notes from the E minor pentatonic. Use this to start with and choose according to each of the following prompts. Use one prompt at a time. E Minor Pentatonic ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | You must on one of the from the when we get to a new chord, Those are in for you by the chord. (NB - although chords have three notes, | have only included those notes in the chords that are found in the Em pentatonic. Youcan___ the from those that are not found in the Em pentatonic if you can find them easily once you've done a version using only notes in Em pentatonic.) You don't have to start ona from each , but the last in each must be from the chord. Make one version where you have a of 2 per Make a version where are Make one version where the mainly Create a version where the clustered around or return to one Make a version where the that are on of, ___and___comeinon the of measures ___and__. You can adapt any version you already made. : TT )Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Take this new rhythm. “Rhythms will be given during presentation You'll see it is the Write a motif and chords. in that motif over the Em (E GB) Bm (B D) + |2 Do this the same rhythm is more Now you create your own in this The but if you have some give you a that have over the This by and do not have to some some more figures, that is likely to. ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Bonus tip: To make your lyrics fit the music well, you can from the lyric itself. Repeat a line back several times emphasising the and work out what the The rhythm for the word ‘ ‘would be four notes of. for example. Now that for your and go through you Excellent job increasing your skills writing melodies! ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | A Little-Known Way To Make Complex Ra Adan e t=] a Koda) An element of rhythm that makes things more difficult to understand and play is . Using traditional Western Counting, you have to figure out if the notes fall on the ’ , or There is another way of counting rhythm called that makes dealing with accent patterns much easier. This system uses percussive syllables that naturally highlight the accents. The syllables are: TEM eames Oem ee eee Meee How To Master Accent Patterns Using examples Pickthe and 8th, , Triplet ©Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Accent Pattern 1: ca The syllables for this pattern are: Example 1A Example 1B Example 1¢ )Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | Accent Pattern 2:__ + + + The syllables for this pattern are: Example 2A Example 2B Example 2 C TEM eames Oem ee eee Meee Accent Pattern 3:__+ ap a The syllables for this pattern are: Example 3 A Example 3B Example 3C )Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | OO Q&A - Three Burning Questions | Have For The Instructors During Q&A Are: My Action Steps: uitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. | P| eee Guitar Mastery Solutions, Inc. |

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