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Discuss the importance and compare and contrast the mechanisms of nerve and hormone

communication in animals.
Communication within animals is important for maintaining homeostasis, how they react to stimuli
and how they carry out complex processes. The two primary ways of communication are through
nerve and hormone communication (Tutor chase, 2023).
The mechanism of nerve communication involves stimulus reception, which is when the receptors
specific to stimuli detect environmental changes. Then, there is impulse transmission, which detects
the change and sparks an electrical impulse, which is also known as an action potential, which travels
quickly along the neuron’s axon like a wave. Next is synaptic bridging which is when the impulse
releases neurotransmitters after reaching a synapse. These chemicals act as a synaptic bridge and
trigger a new impulse in the next neuron. Then there is the integration centre, which is when the
central nervous system (CNS) acts as the main coordinator and decodes these signals to determine
the necessary response. Finally, is the responsive action, where the CNS then sends messages
through motor neurons to muscles or glands causing a specific reaction. An example of this would be
the touch reflex. Some characteristics of nerve cell communication is that it has fast and specific
reactions, so the transmission speed of nerve impulses allow for rapid responses to stimuli.
Additionally, it is directed for specificity, so each nerve impulse travels along a specific neural
pathway to ensure that the message reaches its correct destination (Tutor chase, 2023). Nerve
signals are often localised as they affect specific target cells or muscles. This leads to an immediate
reaction to a stimulus. This fast nerve communication is important for animals to make quick
coordinated movements (Tutor Chase, 2023).
The mechanism of hormone communication is the secretion of chemical messengers (hormones)
into the bloodstream by endocrine glands. They travel to cells that contain receptor molecules on the
surface of the cells however, not all cells have receptors for all hormones (National 5 Biology, 2023).
An example of this would be the thyroid hormones which is when the thyroid gland secretes
thyroxine, influencing metabolic rate, growth, and development. Some characteristics of hormonal
signalling is its specificity as each hormone is specific to its receptors, so it targets specifical cells or
organs. This ensures that each hormone affects only the specific cells it is meant for. Hormonal
signalling is much slower than nerve communication, but it ensures longer-lasting responses (Tutor
chase, 2023).
One similarity of nerve and hormone communication in animals is that the hormonal and nervous
systems both function as an organ’s receptor and are affected. Another similarity is that the human
brain’s CNS regulates both the neurological and hormonal systems (BYJUS, 2023). Some differences
of nerve and hormone communication is the speed of signalling as nerve signalling is much faster as
they provide almost instantaneous reactions compared to hormone signalling. The duration of
hormonal effects generally outlast nerve communications as hormone communication ensures a
lasting impact. Hormones’ pathways are through the bloodstream whereas nerve signals take place
along neural pathways. Furthermore, hormones are chemical messengers in fluids, whereas nerve
signals are electrical, and they travel through complex neuron networks (Tutor chase, 2023).
Both nerve and hormone communication are essential for allowing the organism to respond to any
changes in the environment. The nerve communication allows rapid transmission of information
between different regions in the body whereas hormonal communication relies on the production
and release of hormones to be transported via the bloodstream for more widespread and long-
lasting regulatory actions. This shows both systems are needed as the complement each other
(National Library of Medicine, 2023).
BYJUS, 2023. Similarities and differences between nervous and hormonal mechanism for
control and coordination in animals?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 November 2023].

National 5 Biology, 2023. 3. Control & Communication. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2 Novemebr 2023].

National Library of Medicine, 2023. The Endocrine System. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2 November 2023].

Tutor Chase, 2023. 3.4.3 Localization and Impact of Signalling Molecules. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 November 2023].

Tutor chase, 2023. 3.6.2 Hormonal and Nervous Signalling. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2 Novemnebr 2023].

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