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Dear Scribd Team,

I am reaching out to express my interest in Scribd and to request a free trial of

your service. As an avid reader and learner, I understand the immense value that
Scribd offers in terms of access to a vast library of books, audiobooks, documents,
and more. However, as a prospective customer, I also have some reservations and
uncertainties that I believe a free trial could help address.

Firstly, while I have heard glowing reviews about Scribd from friends and
colleagues, I have yet to experience the platform firsthand. Given the abundance of
subscription-based services available today, it's important for me to ensure that
Scribd aligns with my preferences and needs before committing to a subscription. A
free trial would allow me to explore the platform thoroughly, test its features,
and evaluate its content selection to determine if it's the right fit for me.

Moreover, as someone who values transparency and fairness in business practices, I

appreciate companies that offer free trials as a means of demonstrating confidence
in their product. By providing a free trial, Scribd would not only showcase its
commitment to customer satisfaction but also give me the opportunity to experience
the benefits of your service without any financial risk.

Additionally, I believe that granting me a free trial would be mutually beneficial.

As a potential long-term subscriber, my positive experience during the trial period
could lead to continued patronage and advocacy for Scribd within my social and
professional networks. Furthermore, it's an opportunity for Scribd to showcase the
unique features and benefits of its platform, potentially converting me into a
loyal paying customer in the future.

In conclusion, I am eager to explore the world of knowledge and entertainment that

Scribd has to offer, but I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to do so
through a free trial. I am confident that by experiencing the value of Scribd
firsthand, I will be more inclined to become a loyal subscriber in the long run.
Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to the possibility of
embarking on this journey with Scribd.


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