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ro[ect 1|t|e
%4 simulate a Quality 41 Service m4/el 14r Dynamic S4urce R4uting pr4t4c4l (DSR) by
a//ing extensi4n relate/ t4 ban/i/th metric t4 its structure t4 supp4rt certain aspect 41 Q4S
ro[ect Descr|pt|on
m4bile a/ h4c net4rk (M%), is a sel1c4n1iguring in1ra structureless net4rk 41
m4bile /evices c4nnecte/ by ireless links. ach /evice in a M% is 1ree t4 m4ve
in/epen/ently in any /irecti4n. %he basic i/ea is that a ne n4/e may ann4unce its presence
an/ sh4ul/ listen 14r ann4uncements br4a/cast by its neighb4urs.
DSR pr4t4c4l is a simple an/ e11icient r4uting pr4t4c4l /esigne/ speci1ically 14r use in multi
h4p ireless a/h4c net4rks 41 m4bile n4/es. It is an 4n/eman/ r4uting pr4t4c4l that is
base/ 4n the c4ncept 41 s4urce r4uting an/ c4mp4se/ 41 t4 phases: r4ute /isc4very an/
r4ute maintenance.
%4 achieve this g4al, the DSR R4ute Request c4ntr4l packet is m4/i1ie/ by a//ing a ne
1iel/ that ill be use/ t4 /etermine the acceptance level 41 available ban/i/th. %he m4bile
n4/e must have t4 all4 /ata tra11ics t4 pass thr4ugh reaching the /estinati4n n4/es.
simulati4n m4/el is implemente/ using the et4rk Simulat4r (S) an/ /i11erent scenari4s
are teste/ t4 see the per14rmance 41 the m4/i1ie/ pr4t4c4l c4mpare/ ith the 4riginal DSR
%he results sh4 that n4t all r4utes 1r4m s4urce t4 the /estinati4n ch4sen by the DSR r4uting
pr4t4c4l are suitable 14r real time tra11ic transmissi4ns, since there is n4 Q4S c4nsi/ere/ in
the r4uting pr4t4c4l; hereas the DSR ith Q4S sh4s extremely g44/ results, here the
transmissi4n /elay is n4t /esire/. ls4, pure DSR pr4t4c4l c4nsumes channel an/ n4/e
ban/i/th /ue t4 large am4unt 41 r4uting packets generate/ t4 establishing r4utes an/ b4th
pr4t4c4ls are 4perati4n ell in l4 c4ngesti4n net4rk. %hus, 1r4m simulati4n results an/
analysis, it can be seen that a//ing Q4S t4 r4uting pr4t4c4l is meaning1ul t4 4ptimize the
per14rmance 41 tra11ic 4n the net4rk; especially the real time tra11ic.
Module1: Dynamic Source Routing protocol
%he Dynamic S4urce R4uting pr4t4c4l (DSR) is a simple an/ e11icient r4uting pr4t4c4l
/esigne/ speci1ically 14r use in multih4p ireless a/ h4c net4rks 41 m4bile n4/es. DSR
all4s the net4rk t4 be c4mpletely sel14rganizing an/ sel1c4n1iguring, ith4ut the nee/
14r any existing net4rk in1rastructure 4r a/ministrati4n.

Module 2: QoS model for DSR Protocol
a) QoS-DSR route request(RREQ) packets extension: %he Q4SDSR RRQ packet
has all the 1iel/s require/ /uring the r4ute request stage 41 the r4uting pr4t4c4l like
n4rmal DSR pr4t4c4l ith a 1iel/ that c4ntains the /esire/ ban/i/th. S4 t4 achieve
this, a ne 1iel/ ill a//e/ in the RRQ packet, this 1iel/ can be use/ 14r any user
speci1ie/ Q4S parameters.

b) QoS-DSR route establishment: Up4n receiving these RRQ packets, the
interme/iate n4/es (n1, n, nj) c4mpare the RRQ Q4S ban/i/th 1iel/ value, ithin
the RRQ packet, say, x kbps ith their 4/e Ban/i/th Capacity, (BC) kbps. I1
these interme/iate n4/es are alrea/y engage/ in 4ther tra11ic sessi4ns (either acting as
tra11ic s4urce n4/es 4r as r4uters, 14rar/ing /ata packets) then their t4tal available
ban/i/th capacity ill vary. %he n4/es hich cann4t acc4mm4/ate the user
speci1ie/ minimum ban/i/th, x kbps, the busy` n4/es, ill /iscar/ the RRQ an/
n4t br4a/cast 1urther. %he n4/es hich /4 satis1y the ban/i/th requirement,
br4a/cast the RRQ t4 their neighb4rs. %4 summaries, all the interme/iate n4/es (n1,
n,..nj) al4ng the vali/ Q4SDSR path are selecte/ i1 they can supp4rt the Q4Sminimum
require/ sessi4n ban/i/th x kbps:
Q4Svali/ interme/iate n4/es: n1, n,..nj i1 the 14ll4ing c4n/iti4n is satis1ie/:
BCn1 kbps ~ x kbps
BCn kbps ~ x kbps
BCnj kbps ~ x kbps
here BCn kbps is the 4/e Ban/i/th Capacity 41 n4/e n
%he 14ll4ing is a list 41 quantitative metrics that can be use/ t4 assess the per14rmance 41
any r4uting pr4t4c4l.
O ;erage end-to-end delay of data packets-it is cause/ by bu11ering /uring r4ute
/isc4very latency, queuing at the inter1ace queue, retransmissi4n /elays at the MC,
an/ pr4pagati4n an/ trans1er times. %his metric /escribes the packet /elivery time, the
l4er the en/t4en/ /elay the better the applicati4n per14rmance.
O %hroughput- %his is the measure 41 h4 s44n an en/ user is able t4 receive /ata. It
is /etermine/ as the rati4 41 t4tal /ata receive/ t4 require/ pr4pagati4n time. higher
thr4ughput ill /irectly impact the user`s percepti4n 41 the quality 41 service (Q4S).
O Packet deli;ery Fraction (PDF)- It is the rati4 41 the /ata packets /elivere/ t4 the
/estinati4ns t4 th4se generate/ by the CBR s4urces. %he PDF sh4s h4 success1ul a
pr4t4c4l per14rms /elivering packets 1r4m s4urce t4 /estinati4n. %he higher 14r the
value give use the better results.
O Data Packet Loss (Packet Loss) - M4bilityrelate/ packet l4ss may 4ccur at b4th
the net4rk layer an/ the MC layer. packet is /r4ppe/ in t4 cases: the bu11er is
1ull hen the packet nee/s t4 be bu11ere/ an/ the time that the packet has been
bu11ere/ excee/s the limit.
Simulation en;ironment:
Simulati4n is /4ne ith et4rk Simulat4r versi4n S. %he s41tare installe/ 4n pers4nal
c4mputer must be ith the 14ll4ing speci1icati4ns:
O Pentium IV .5 GHz, 56 KB cache, 56 MB 41 main mem4ry(4r higher) an/ Linux
kernel .4. as 4perating system an/ language use/ is C an/ %CL.
%he simulati4n parameters that are use/ in S /uring the / H4c net4rk simulati4n is
as 14ll4s:
O %he channel type is ireless channel, the ra/i4 pr4pagati4n m4/el is %4 Ray
Gr4un/ an/ MC layer base/ 4n CSMC (Carrier Sense Multiple ccess ith
C4llisi4n v4i/ance).
Quality 41 Service M4/el 14r Dynamic S4urce R4uting Pr4t4c4l M4hamme/
buHajar, Ibrahiem M.M. l mary, Sai/ buSha'ar an/ yman Mura/ , University
41 4rthern Virginia.

Group Members(-13):
O M4h/. Faraaz
O Pulkit garal
O M4h/. Shahi/
O Ma/hur Rast4gi

Project Guide:
Mr. Manish Gupta
CS&I% Deptt.

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