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ALOOD OF THE LIONESS Blood of the Lioness fut ds of Victory i be helpful to eroate a relationship map that depicts th the ch of parts one, tw ayers ahead of time about how they will be play aracters fora portion of the adventure PAST SELVES AND ALTER EGOS Pa players take on the roles of other chara f ‘before retuming to their usual PCs, ord th J forewarn the players without spoilers lo How to Start a Campaign IM doesn't need to 1 the core rulebook) The players’ usual characters but no strictly about them. The GM should ssh the play as this.can rub many players the wrong way part Two atives, the GM should discuss with ny would rathe the players whet ws (s00 The Advisors on page 12) players might relih the chance to try lay @ character concept wildly diferent from thei normal character. To reinforce the theme of ancestry the players might consider whoth acters could be related. if using the rules f {rom the Blood of the Lioness online supp! the ‘GM can alto tol the players that they have a chance t acquire a Legacy, # special new advartage Inking thesr historical character to their contemporary one ADVENTURE SUMMARY he Akodo War Col The PCs have been summoned t ated in the Cast ofthe Swift Sword, to gather i arding a dispute over @ diamond mine waracter Motives on po tsuki K appointed magetrate who will ender a 100 The State of the Lion on pag els 0 Living in the Past between the U wrongs, appease disg LIVING IN THE PAST The nature of « left up to the GM. For groups that want to portray a more grounded sotting, the vision can be considered 2 shared spirtual erence in which the PCs’ actions do nat “aker” the inthis case, the players should be presented with agency over the characters they are controling in sal PCs are not actually making s from their past counterpans. Such visions of past or future are uncommon, to be sure, but not unheard-of in Rokugan. For groups interested in more deeply exploring the supernatural elements of Rokugan, the PCs may be mentally transported to the post and can thus make diferent choices than their past altering” details in the time at which the ‘exist, The GM can also leave this matter ambigu- the PCs! actions “alter” a known fact the past, but the’ different dec counterparts, about the past, can they be certain thatthe fact wa simply recorded incorrectly? To ensute that this adver tures playable either way, any changes the players cause in the timeline should be minor and option, but even, small changes might affect the adventures conclusion Whatever type of vision the GM describes, an el ‘ment of mystery is encouraged, and while inside the Vision, the PCs should feel ike their actions and words ‘make a difference. In the vision, the PCs witness events that Lion ancestors lived thr gh, whichis itself a mys tical experience. How the PCs perform in Part Two h personal consequences in terms of gaining XP, honor and glory even if they cannot change the past. How ever, the most imp ant consequences of the visi take the form of secrets that are u hich vered and informa: afec tion thatis gained an be used t he fina ‘outcome in Part The ake of clarity, the PCs! foray into the past vision throughout ths text, GM decides it really is PLAYER CHARACTER MOTIVES Hfthe PCs played through the in the Palace of the Emer- ald Champion adventure and became Emerald Magis: been sent to the Castle of the Swift ‘ampion, Agasha Sumko, to help arbitrate the Unicom Scorpion dispute, Champion Agasha expects them to inqui about the Baie of Snow Plain and scour the Lions historical records for anything that might shed lightion the truth and prevent unnecessary blocdshed. the PCs are not Emerald Magistrates, players may make up Sword atthe ing Emerald own motives for traveling tothe Castle ofthe Swift thei ‘Sword together wit thei GM, or they may choose rom the following suggestions, most of which are designed tobe appropriate for a particular clan. COOPERATION AND COMPETITION Ifthe PCs are not working together as Emerald Magis: trates or for another Imperial entity, the confict between the Scorpion and Unicom in Part Thre lends itself to potential divisions in the party. When helping players incorporate their motives in this section, the GM should Consider whether the group wants its plastyle to be cooperative or competitive. the former, the GM should try to align the PCs’ motives from the outst. See also Conflicting Duties on page 294 of the core rulebook Having PCs with wildly diferent motives can be dificult, Bat GMs should remember that communicat ing with theic players and working out those motives together can make gameplay and integration of the ct ferent player characters much easier. BLOOD OF THE LIONESS \eric Motives invited (or sent) to the Castle of the Swit Sword ould be to have their tale or the tale oftheir da cided by the talented sch a Scribes. Silat, a FC might be summoned to lend thet 4 aticultly niche subject eurrentiy bein resear ecorded by the koma. ifthe plished something noteworthy in 2 previous adventure oF game session, this can serve 98 a way to highlight Crab Clan ‘ofthe stalwart Crab Clan may be gent tothe Castle ‘of the Swift Sword to search for historical documents that might uncover outstanding food, armament, and, personnel agreements with the Lion or other clans (which could help reinforce the Wal). Alternatively, thei idee the Scorpio ign the Crab with the Unicorn of Jnicom dispute as the par the Scorpion (whatever makes sense for the GM’ story and the group's playsyl) in hopes of securing favorable trade support the nev erending battle against the Shadowlands deals Crane Clan With, tensions hi in the Castle Swit Sword The State of the ion on page 7) Crane Clan PCs must twead carefully ond politeness tke 2 suit of armor. Invitations are diffcut but not impossible to secure, especially if the lord of one ofthe PCs callin an outstand: ing favor owed tothe Crane by the lon, who are nothing fnat good for their word, Crane Clan samurai may bbe sontto the War College touncover additional evidence to strengthen the Crane Clans claim to the sai Pains, suchas through genealogies. and ol tes. TN Sentiment (Void 1) or TN 4 Theol ogy (Void 2) GoLveN Lantern Doyo check (Water 2, Fire 5) ms ni ; Living inthe Past, 0 A Restless Spirit ANCESTRAL SHRINE 0s phanta . acemrtaoai ns | 27010 Prey Pager coped E [SES Courtesy check or TN 1 Culture check (oF greater ogy auto {5 required, and ary Kitsu NPC can inform the prefered offering if asked. If @ PC fails to present an offering, the kan of th that PC recoives 2 strife as vine bristle atthe sight. and chill runs down their spine or changing byaity co character’ can afar Some 9 netsie ignore thew ¢ cies might enjoy the complonites of roleplaying oe character fousing another though “past” events, The: Gxt and player should talk this aver at the start ‘of Part Two and ecco on the method that tbe bot forthe group or ncaa The GM should inform the players whether o- not the pat con be changed, the fn drs of hone nce ae rod fans Bolo, fd a premade st ond be 08 f Tue Apvisors oc abitios. Their git making a scene that would ‘Matsa no Shion Yui from ‘Shon val fe + 8 ifelong compan of Sata rd te tn ot No The nye saccees anks ofthe da 1 tary Routh ey Fess arth check or receive 1 tive and {The TN for this Ay wean or tes the Rs el daring the wt te ee tbe CMs dsceton, ‘ese col Be lon searcher fr rei inher, ich amet mine order BLOOD OF THE LIONESS PLAIN cs TORE. he ono call its name from the thick snowfall that settles every winter Th ofr cald ace cl he alg yar before the Unicom returned, the Lion took €onto! of the plain from the Scorpion. The Scorpion had quietly mined the mountains vhile neglecting the plain itel, bbut the Lion farmed the land, turning it from open plain into productive paddies. The Lion were disgruntled and insulted when the Emperor granted their established farms to the Unicorn, As far asthe Lion are concemed, the Snow Plain is not only wasted on the Unicorn, but does not truly belong to them in the firs place. In 820, as the Lion army approaches the Snow Plain from the southeast, the Unicorn forty their postion in the northwest near the rice paddies, with the mountains ‘at their back. Ths involves cresting barricades around theirtemporary camp. A narrow pass through the moun: tains behind them offers an escape route if necessary, but Shino Kamu is unwiling to back down THE LanDscape The plain is fat, allowing for good visibility when there is no snowfall, The ground is boggy in places, perfect for growing rice but not so good for setting up camp. ‘or maneuvering troops. Because of the placement of the respective camps, most of the encounters occur between the two, inthe center ofthe plain ‘THE ABANDONED MINES In the northeast are several empty mines the Scorpion ince excavated for damonds. However, thare is also 9 secret. untapped mine et stil rich with resources. the PCs explore the empty mines, succesful TN 4 Skul dluggery check (ir 2, Earth 5) reveals a smal forgotten cache of diamonds, hidden there years ago. The PCs may be able to use the knowledge ofthis cache to thei advantage inthe pesto afta they return othe present {oe Living in the Past on page 2) “The untapped clamond mine, hidden deeper in the mountains than the ether, is known only to the Scor pion in the year 820, and they have concealed ts loco tion. The PCs know of the mine because i isan isu inthe present, butif they ty to find itin the mountains during ve von, they only ind open, empty, and aban- doned mines. “The Scorpion don't gain access to the mine inthe vision, and they endeavor to keep is existence secret Ik is imponant the mine remain undiscovered by ther clans, so thai mains a point of contention in the prosont Tue Lion “The Lion have brought tools and materials to build porary fortifications, but in the meantime the camp has tents only for the samurai, while most soldiers slaep on the cold ground. Guards and common soldiers can be represented by the Trained Ashigaru profile on page 314 ‘of the core rulebook. A jinmaku (war curtain) around the camp provides some shelter from the cold wind, and hibachi fie pots offer some heat and light at night. Hast ily made wooden fences line the perimeter af the camp, With one entrance, which is always guarded. Watch fres dot the perimeter outside of the fence, and scouts main- tain watch atthe highest points they can find. Sakura has brought many troops to feed, and nce is cooking in several large cooking pots. The current supplies will only last a handful of days without strict rationing, Sakuras victory must be swift. The strategy tent, the largest, isn the center of the ‘camp, guarded at all times by yojimbé, while ashigaru guards watch the perimeter of the camp. They have a supply of water an: nearby but must leave the camp to do so. sn ceplenish it from the streams The Lion have set up several portable shrines where samurai can purify themselves after battle, and priests to tend these. The camp's medical tent houses the ryor: ish, peasant medics who tend to the wounded brought there after bate. If necessary, the priests and ryorish ‘ean be represented by the Humble Peasant profile on [page 313 of the core rulebook, with the addition af the Sage template (see page 311 of the core rulebook} Tue Unicorn Camp ‘The Unicorn camp is smaller but better fortified than the Lion encampment. Its mass of tents is surtounded bby a wooden barricade and spiked trenches, with watch fires outside of the primary defenses. The Unicorn have Constructed several watchtowers, and archers stand vig ila at all times. Used to @ nomadic lifestyle, the Uni- com have brought enough supplies to outlast the Lion, ‘They also have a good source of water in the nearby ‘mountain streams. Day 1 (Once the PCshave been drawn nt Ayako vision at the end of Part One, read or paraphrse the following aloud: ‘Around you, soldiers are essembling a camp: ashi- {aru are erecting tents, and Lion bushi are barking orders, setting up patrols, and establishing guard Positions. A war curtain flaps and snaps in the wind, the crest of the Lion painted in bright yellow upon thehemp. eee YoustGele down and see thot Yl. sre cs ke everyoneseise, i Lion colors of yen, brown Ayako is with you, but sh Living in the Past 00 (eee Lion Identities on pag f the body sh recognize the PCS as familar faces, trea accordingly. ako, hereafter referred to a8 YO, sug follow Sakura’ instruction to meet them in Cs insist on exploring the camp fst, Yo jpprovel and goes onto the tent without In THE Lion CAMP. ifthe PCs explore the camp, they may find the following 1 and encounter the following NPCs Ikoma Hideri's Tent Hider’ kneels outside the entrance to her tent, playing # hunting tune on her bamboo flute. She plays wth her ‘yes dosed and does not notice the PCs unless they speak to her. Alerted to their presence, she ceases to play and apologizes, showing ther proper deference as her superiors. She can answer questions about the camp ‘and its inhabitants. She mentions that things have been strained lately because medical supplies have been g0°S missing, but the general has been 100 engrossed withthe issues atthe frontline to investigate thoroughly Hf the PCs de not encounter Hideri here, she men. tions the medical supplies when they do mest her ‘prompting them to look into the matter and potentially ‘unearth the campis spy. the fake Akodo Kamayoko (see ‘Shosuro Yasu on page 21). Medical Tent = being used faster thar TN 3 Sentiment check (Fire 5, Water Inpivipuat Goats Yohelps guide the PCs th without her onn motives. Her desire isto ensure ax possible lem the uth. Her quit and regret tes mbered correctly the Moral Realm, and unt she finds peace, she wil be able to pass on to Meido, the Realm of The contemporary PCs may decide to learn all they can about the battle, merely observing and playing along, in order to facitate However, depending on ther allegiance inthe present they may wish to attempt to pursue personal agendas for sow the seeds of a future victory. Whatever their Goals, success is rewarded with experience. See Player Rewards on page 3 15 pe a ee ll evesormencrsy | During the st three days of the bale Ya occasionally expec ences dizziness and headaches. The CM ‘oud pepper the battle with deseriptions ofthis happening to alert the Cs tha something is ‘wrong with Ayako, Yo, orboth. asked, Ya says she el ike she isbeing watched and | that she experiencing | strange visions of tower ing soldiers that get pro sressvely more ifthe ‘asthe day goon Ayako and Yitare both beginning ro commnine ‘sith ther ancestor spirits. The spss are drawn to them. APC may make ether a TN 3 Medicine check Fre 2 Earth 5) or TN2 “Theology check Fe 1 Earth) the PC suc ‘ceeds they determine that the cause of 3's Aiscomstor is spiritual "APC who succeeds on the Thealogy check say spend 2 10 secognze this ability ancestral summon ing, a rare invocation jealousy guarded by the Kits family the PC tele i thi, she ‘more prepared for what ‘happens om Day 3 sce ‘i's Intervention on page 26: BLOOD OF THE LIONESS How to Achieve It: After a leader performs a success- ful Attack or Scheme action against an enemy leaders coher, they accrue 1 momentum point toward this stra- tegic objective. After a leader wins a clash against an enemy leader (see page 263 of the core rulebook), they accrue 2 momentum points toward this strategic objec: tive, and 1 momentum point toward the Maintain the Generals Favor ongoing objective Fulfilled When: This strategic objectve is fulfiled after the army accrues momentum points equal to Shinjo Kamnu’s focus (7, in ths case). Upon Completion: When a leader completes this objec- tive, the commander of the army learns the number of ‘enemy leaders and cohorts, the enemy army strength and discipline, and each enemy leaders identity and ranks in Martial skills, ‘At the end of the first round, read or paraphrase the following aloud: Suddenly, the forest of spears begins to draw back ‘across the marsh — not in a panic, but in a slow, delib- erate withdrawal, asf reacting to some unseen signal You see Matsu Sakura questioning the historian koma Hider’ on a nearby hilkop, her muddy scholars robes ‘an odd sight before the sea of shining lacquered | armor and glinting spear tips. As you approach the Pair, you catch the end of their conversation, Hideris | voice steady despite her harried appearance. Bh the tactic is steted to In-Kuni Kegersugus |) account of the skirmish at the Ridge of Bones. If the Unicorn appear to be in retreat, then what they desire is that we pursue, We should hold our posi- tion, and move cautiously across this terrain.” If the Lion army succeeded in its strategic objective for the round, Matsu Sakura realizes that Shinjo Kamu is a cunning opponent, and takes Hider's advice. if the Lion army failed in its strategic objective, however, Sakura underestimates Kamu, and orders her forces to ‘advance in pursuit. Any PC may make a TN 4 Courtesy check (Air 2, Earth 6) to atternpt to dissuade her; ifthe PC succeeds, Sakura halts the army's advance, and that PC gains 1 momentum point toward the Maintain the: Generals Favor ongoing objective. Ifthe PC fails, that PC loses momentum points in the Maintain the Gen- ‘eral Favor ongoing objective equal to their shortfall instead, and Sakura does not halt the army/s advance. lf the army advances heedlessly, ead or paraphrase the following aloud: Sakura calls for the advance. “Grant them no respite! ‘Wars ae lost when commanders fil to seize victory at ‘the time it presents itself, and now ie that time.” As the pursuing Lion forces move across the boggy terain, ‘screams startto echo across the sodden valle. Pit raps Wed with spiked staves ~careflly avoided by the Unc J) com formation in ther approach and withdrawal =cleim | the lives ofnumerous solders, While relatively few sok dior fall into the several foot deep holes concealed by 1) foliage, panic begins to spread throughout the ranks, | and the advance breaks as the formation falters The Lion army suffers 6 attrition and receives 12 panic: If the army stops its advance, read or paraphrase the following aloud: J Sakura shouts forscouts to step forth, and these skilled trackers quickly reveal the Unicorn army intended | ap: pits filed with spikes, carefully seeded around the battlefield and hidden with foliage. Sakura turns toHider: "You were correct, | see. | suppose its a var- ation on their famed feigned retreat on horseback." Hideri nods. “The way they used those pit traps is ‘unusual Its a tactic most common for close:in defen- sive fighting, quite at odds with the flexible tactics the Unicorn use in the open field. And their ruse required near-perfect coordination. Perhaps the Unicom learned its efficacy firsthand when fighting the Crab CClan when they forced their way through the Kaiu Wall. Or perhaps it was not their commanders idea at all "She trails off, lost in thought eer ene ADVERSARY CONFLICTRANK: =ES4 3 General Shnjo Karns n charge of the Unicom forcs ot Snow Plain, The hatred he has for the Lion is even ston. et than his desie to keep the plain. Kamu isa proud and taditonal man who prefers battle to diplomaty. He believes the plain is his clans by ight, since the Emperor ‘ranted these and other lands to the Unicorn onc their fetum to Rokugan was made oficial. However, his orders ffom the Unicom Champion were to keep the peace at ‘much 25 possble ond avoid futher enmity Therefore, he asked the visting Scorpion, Shosuro Amane, to hep negotiate peace, This he soon regrets, as the Scorpions apparent benevolence quickly becomes suspect, ove 4 comes 15 Indomitable Wil Quick to Anger: e ® Soca Scimitar: INSPIRING LEADER Tue Generats Converse are, with @ Joh peace, b Seizing the Hilltop To interfere wi (Grievously sighting di by doing so) a PC most forte 1 and 10 9 5 and that PC loses 3 momentum posnt wW ing Maintain the General PCs can take this oppor ‘Amane, making a sill tether one othe wider © TNA Culture Water reputation and inter and disadvantages. ‘TN 2 Government (Earth) the political ramifications of ing the Unicorn here Lowe The Unicorn have surely suffered the same hardships a we have. Let us attack now! THe Outcome . THe ORDER oF BATTLE ON Day 3 MoRNING MEETING Genera Sakura must de to attack hoping the snow cont PRAYER To THE ANCESTOR We could ask the kami to prevent snow from falling again today... no. 3, 7.0309 0" he bo Une the FC can sty cme a such otf hey LP! Baw spat sy RC ‘At some point during the battle, when things look dire eee ee ee ee _gerously high) or for a particular PC (such as if they are Oe ee ee eee ee eed eee ee Pee ee Soe advancing relentlessly, eee os epee The Lion Clan army immediately removes 15 panic and 15 casualties. Roe After the PCs succeed in their strategic objective, the Imperial Envoy arrives: ‘As Sakura must meet the Imperial emissary imme- diately after the battle, she has no time to visit the ryorishi. If a PC has the Medicine skill, they may offer to bind her wound by making a TN 2 Medicine (Earth) Cee Leet ee ee ee ee forfeit 7 honor and 7 glory to do so. een eer ete peer en areas a et ee — arene ea aoe pment kaa eee poe OP Tee a eee ara Seppun Honor Guards. Upon her arrival, Momoka stops the fighting. She sends 2 guard to each gen. ‘eral to demand they send their warriors back to their perp tes pen ee eed ‘small escort, and Sakura takes her advisors with her Sakura and Kamu must show respect to Momoks, though their hatred for each other makes it difficult for them to be in such close proximity. if the Lion made an attempt on Kamu’s life during the night, he penne en ea ree ee es direct from the Emperor, which she reads out loud. Do Unicorn: Pena et te eaeente ee ee eed ee eet te ees Seeds oro, eee ‘Momoka explains that the Unicorn will be recorded ‘8 the victors—that is the price the Lion must pay to ade ateeetene een offer, from the Emperor no less, though it means her hard-won victory will be forgotten by history. A mes- ‘senger is sent to koma Hideri immediately, to have her alter her accounts of the battle. ieee ke eee such a lie dishonors him and is not happy about hav- ing to give so much to the Lion after they have done such damage to his clan. He is angry, and he chal- lenges Sakura to a duel to prove who is the greater warrior. Momoka allows this, and even seems to eae eee ed Sakura is wounded, Momoka gives both generals time De ee ee Da pa Oh tl eee eee eens Prepare for the duel, the camp is in uproar. Read oF ee eT The PCs may attempt to rescue Hideri from the flames. She was knocked out and left to burn, s0 she tent. As ss check (Earth 2, Fire 4) en nd Hider fy PC who makes the attempt bu Burning condition (see page 272 of the core Alternatively, "lames in time to save her. Some people are running nearest stream, where they will have tothe water. The PCs might lead them in throwing con the fie instead, and a TN 4 Command or Per: sh people to ssful TN 3 bles a PC to enter and remove her without sustaining harm fails suffers th the PCs may attempt to quench ‘titi time to get to Hider PCs may be able to rescue Hider, but sh da lot of smoke and only lasts long eno ‘the loss of her scrolls. This was the Si in having Shosuro Yasu, who pion’s was masqueradin kodo Kamayoko, set the fre (see Scorpion interfer- ‘on page 24), but Hideri did not se PCs receive 3 honor for atterp swish, they may take the Fite she was playing {wes attacked and was stil clutching when she ci F When Hider dies, or when her burned bo inthe remains of the tent, Ya asks to speak to the ‘alone. She tells them that the Scorpion Amane came Ao her after meeting with Sakura the right before and Spromised to help keep what happened to Ya out ofthe Histories, She signed an account of the battle, one that didnt include her, and told the Scorpion where Hid ‘was so they could plant the document. She eal Ghat they wanted to know where the historion’s tent was ‘sothe Scorpion could have Yasu burn it Ifthe PCs look for the Scorpion in one of the aben di mines, they find Amane there, but the shinobi Nasu has already gone and taken the document “The PCs may to bring Amane back to Sakure justice orlet hem go. Amane wil nt resis, sy. litle. I the PCs manage to bring Amane to the Lion Sekura demands that the Scorpion be executed Hideris death, Then, itis time for the due! her assaila the death as the angry Unicom genera il ‘Sekura speaks to her advisors alone. ‘arin damaged, she is in no position to {She is angry and frustrated. Kits ‘champion and fight for her honor the Scorpion to manipulate her 10 make amends to Sshura ‘Sakura appeals to the PCs. BLOOD OF THE HOWE Part chit tte meat wey discovered the their afiliations an PC approaches change history while i the vic battle fsthan ‘enti. In this section, the PCs wi that determines how thei new tony, and which of the VISIONARIES When the PCs find themselves back at th ‘Swikt Sword, Ayako reminds thers that while 8 iy audience, attuned and forniliar with spiritual like the one the PCs experienced, « the experience they have shared, most samurai would ‘teat their tale vith suspicion and 2 raised brow. RUNNING THE INTRIGUE Appeal to Aishi or Tsubame to Drop Their Clan’s Claim or Someone Else NPC Objectives 178-4-4334 9178163443754 jill eG)

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