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Leonsen- 6/10

Bridget- 2/10
Gia- 2/10
Ethan- 2.5/10
Dion- 1/10
Vivek- 1.5/10
Rachelle- 0/10
Brandon- 0/10
Jahiem- 0/10

If you find any mistakes it's most likely due to autocorrect being dumb
In a world where only one spot in heaven remains, millions of people are devastated
and desperate. Families are torn apart as they try to secure their loved ones a
place in the afterlife.
Leonsen is, to some people a caring man. His tall and robust physique is
complemented by a kind and empathetic demeanor, which reflects his profound
affection for his wife and children. As a skilled chef, he wholeheartedly devotes
himself to providing for his family. His relationship with his wife, Bridget, is
connected by a mutual love and support, while his bond with his sons is defined by
guidance and affection.

His sons, Vivek and Dion are also equally treated with love and attention. Both are
timid and shy and don't like to talk alot. However, they do find joy in helping
others and playing video games. Dion likes to read manga and Vivek wants to become
a world destroyer in the game 'Minecraft.'

It was just another day of playing like they usually did, but they would soon
receive some shocking news that would scar them for the rest of their lives.


Leonsen and his wife Bridget awakens in a strange bunker with no memory of where
they are or how they got here. There sons are no where to be seen. Bridget quickly
finds a journal after scouting around the room. Upon opening the journal they both
find that it is a guide or a map as you would like to call it, detailing how the
world has drastically changed and acts as a map.

They learn that the Air is toxic, and people now require gas masks to breathe.

Upon going outside, they see a harsh blizzard raging all around. The snow seems to
have stopped yet the damage is already done. Leonsen can barely see ahead of his
feet as he walks. The wind is bitter and freezes anything it touches, including

Bridget however, has no problem navigating the weather but Leonsen seems to be
suffering from the cold.

"How do you know where to go?" Leonsen asked.

Bridget responds, “I’ve had enough trips in these conditions to know the way around
here like a back of my hand.”

She starts walking in a specific direction and starts leading him in that direction
as well.

After a few hours of walking leonsen decides that its time that they search for
Bridget nods her head in agreement. She seems to have some experience in hunting
and foraging but with the recent nuclear winter, it seems that most animals and
plants are now just bones left on the ground. Bridget tells him that she will try
to find something to hunt so that they both can survive for the time being.

She then leaves to look for food, leaving Leonsen alone.

Leonsen decides to scourage for food on his own when he stumbles upon a bear just
outside the area that he is in. The bear seems to have seen him coming and prepares
to attack. Leonsen can see the whites of his eyes as the bear is coming towards
him, ready to bite down and tear him limb to limb with its vicious claws.

Leonsen tries to make a run for it and try to outrun the bear but it is no use. The
bear is running after him at a very high speed and he can feel his paws chasing him
just behind. The cold weather is slowing him down but the bear is catching up.

He tries to run into a bush in the hopes that the bear will get stuck but he fails
and ends up knocking his head hard against a branch. He feels dazed and lost
consciousness when….

When Leonsen wakes up, he can hear faint sounds of something eating…something. He
looks around but can’t see much. He quickly realises that the bear that he was just
attacked by at the corner of his eye. It doesn’t stop eating and he realise that
it’s eating some corpse that is already dead. This makes Leonsen a little worried
as he suddenly starts wondering where did the corpse come from?

The bear seems to be busy eating the body and doesn't really seem to be paying
attention to him. Leonsen uses this to his advantage and manages to sneak past the
bear. However....

The bear suddenly seems to sense his presence and freezes mid-bite on the body it’s
eating. It suddenly lifts its head and starts sniffing around the area. It’s nose
seems to be moving all around and it seems to be getting closer and closer to
smelling him out.

It’s nose suddenly moves to look right at him. It’s breathing heavily as it’s eyes
lock onto leonsen. It then lets out a deep growl and runs towards him at full

Leonsen makes an attempt to run but the bear is much faster than him. It is gaining
on him at an alarming speed and he feels the hot breath of the bear on the nape of
his neck.

The bear is breathing really heavily and looks extremely brutal. It’s mouth is
dripping thick drool with each exhale. Leonsen can see it’s huge razor sharp teeth
baring at him from below it’s growling mouth. It’s huge paws make the ground shake
every time they make contact with the ground.

"LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!" Leonsen shouts

The bear doesn’t seem to heed his call as it only grows angrier from it. It’s
growls seem to become deeper and louder.

It then lets out a huge, roaring cry. The cry shakes leonsen to his knees as it
sounds like a demon was speaking. It then lunges at him with everything it’s got
and prepares to rip him apart.
Just as the bear was about to pounce on him and turn leonsen into his lunch, he
hears a blood curdling roar coming from behind them. The bear suddenly stops and
his ears perk up. It then turns around to see…..

It turns out…..IT’S BRIDGET. She is standing there in a battle stance with a rifle
she had found. The bear sees this and instantly becomes frightened and runs away.
This was probably the last thing it was expecting.

Bridget says, “Gotcha!”

Leonsen feels a bit embarrassed after being saved by her, but he is just happy that
there is someone that saved him from what would have been a gruesome death. He
looks at the girl who seems to be quite pleased with herself for saving him. She
then walks up to him and whispers, “I had a bad feeling about leaving you here
alone so I quickly came back…”

Both of them then decide to head back to where they previously were.

Later at night

It was a quiet and peaceful evening. The full moon bathed the world in a soft glow.
Leonsen sat on a park bench and looked out at the city lights. He was lost in
thought as he thought about Bridget who had saved him from danger. He smiled at her
and said, “Thanks for saving my life.”

Bridget smiled back and assured him, “It wasn’t a problem at all. I’m glad I could
be of assistance.”

"Do you feel better now?"

Leonsen nods and says, “Yes, thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without

A comfortable silence enveloped them as a gentle breeze rustled through their hair,
carrying away any lingering tension. As they sat side by side, their gazes fixed
upon the cityscape.

"Can I tell you something?" Leonsen asked

"Sure, what is it?" Bridget responded.

Leonsen spoke about his children Dion and Vivek, while Bridget opened up about her
fulfilling career as a doctor. It became evident that both had experienced lives
brimming with love and happiness.

However, Leonsen's mind wandered back to a darker time, a time when he had no one
to thank for saving him, when he felt utterly alone and helpless.

Memories of his abusive parents flooded in him, their daily acts of violence etched
into his very being. He had been the target of their anger and frustration,
enduring their cruelty with every blow. The scars that were on his body served as a
constant reminder of their heartlessness.

As Leonsen grew older he thought it would get better, but his circumstances did not
improve. He faced relentless bullying at school, enduring mockery and ridicule for
being different. Friendless and devoid of social status, he found friendship in his
best friend, who tragically succumbed to a drug overdose. Leonsen was consumed by
grief, burdening himself with guilt for not being able to save his dear friend.
To compound his pain, he was betrayed by a supposed friend who spread malicious
rumors and lies, tarnishing his reputation. Even his teachers joined in the
bullying, turning him into the laughingstock of the entire school. The torment did
not cease there, as his neighbors added to his anguish by sending hurtful letters,
further isolating him in his despair.

Tears welled up in the Leonsen's eyes as he looked into his soul, sharing the
depths of his past pain.

Leonsen's pain and suffering were like a relentless storm that raged within him,
tearing at his soul and leaving him battered and weak. The realization that he was
trapped in a never-ending cycle of loneliness and despair was a heavy burden to
bear. It was as if the universe had conspired against him, casting him aside and
denying him the basic human need for connection and companionship.

The world, once a place of possibility and hope, had turned its back on Leonsen.
Friends and loved ones had drifted away, leaving him to navigate the treacherous
waters of life all on his own. The once vibrant colors of his existence had faded
into a monotonous gray, and the laughter that used to fill his days had been
replaced by a haunting silence.

Rejection and isolation became Leonsen's constant companions, their weight pressing
down on him until it became unbearable. He felt like an outsider, an alien in a
society that seemed to thrive on hate and violence. The walls around him grew
taller and thicker, closing in on him until he felt suffocated by the sheer weight
of his own loneliness.

In the depths of his despair, Leonsen often found himself questioning his purpose
and worth. What was the point of his existence if he was condemned to a life of
solitude and rejection? Was there any meaning to be found in a world that seemed
determined to keep him on the outskirts, forever on the fringes of society?

Each day became a battle, a constant struggle to find acceptance and belonging.
Leonsen fought against the currents of despair, desperately seeking a lifeline that
would pull him out of the abyss. But the scars of his past and the brokenness
within him made the journey all the more difficult.

Yet, despite the darkness that threatened to consume him, Leonsen remained
resilient. He clung onto a flicker of hope, a tiny flame that refused to be
extinguished. It was this hope that kept him going, that whispered in his ear that
one day, things would be different.

Leonsen knew that finding his place in this society would not be easy. It would
require everything to face his fears head-on. But he was determined to keep
fighting, to keep searching for....nothing...

Bridget sat beside him, perched on the edge of the cold ground, caressing his hair
as tears flowed down his cheeks. She had discovered him huddled in a ball, overcome
with uncontrollable sobs, and all she could do was hold him close and provide

Having known Leonsen since childhood, growing up as neighbors and friends. Leonsen
had become one of the popular kids, while Bridget found fun in her tiktok pursuits.

"You don't have to share what's troubling you, Leonsen," Bridget whispered, her
voice gentle and soothing. "Just know that I'm here for you."

Gradually, Leonsen's sobs began to go away, yet his grip on Bridget's hand remained
firm. He turned to face her, his eyes swollen and bloodshot from crying. "I hope
Dion...and Vivek are safe" he choked out, his voice trembling. "The doctors say
it's cancer, and it's already spreading."

Bridget's heart sank at Leonsen's revelation. Having lost her own mother to cancer
a few years ago, she intimately understood the pain and fear that consumed him.
"I'm so sorry, Leonsen" she murmured, enveloping him in a warm embrace. "But you're
not alone. I'll be here for you, no matter what."

Leomsen buried his face in the crook of Bridget's shoulder, seeking peace within
her comforting presence. They remained intertwined for a while, until Leonsen's
sobs transformed into gentle sniffles, and he eventually drifted off to sleep in
her arms.

With utmost care, Bridget laid Leonsen down on the ground and then nestled beside
him, encircling him with her arms and resting her head upon his chest. She could
feel his heart racing, a taste of his lingering fear and anguish.

She was there for him, just as he had always been there for others...

Day 2

Leonsen woke up to the smell of his wife's cooking and a grin spread across his
face. He rolled over, gently kissing her on the cheek before getting off of the
cold, stony ground. For breakfast he had eggs, bacon and toast.

Though the food tasted sloppy and Leonsen could've made a better meal he was still
happy that Bridget made something for him.

"Goodmorning my love," Bridget exclaimed before showering him with an affectionate


"I will go hunting today!" Leonsen proposed

"Are you sure you won't get hurt." Bridget questioned

"Of course, im strong and TALL right?" Leonsen replied

As Leonsen left the area to explore, fate would have it differently. It was on the
very trail he was following he would meet with a peculiar man. The man possessed an
air of mystery and had gray hair, alot of beard and rich clothes. Yet, it was his
sword that Leonsen got captivated by.

"Hello human," the guy said.

Leonsen greeted the stranger though still cautious of what his true intentions are.

The man turned towards him and and smiled. "Greetings, I am Gideon. May I inquire
as to what brings you to these lands."

"I am just exploring the area to find something to hunt. My wife and I have
recently made this place our home and we are currently trying to find our
sons...but to no avail." Leonsen responded.

Ah, i see, "Gideon acknowledged. "If you want to find your sons you could go and
ask the oracle, I know of a hidden cave nestled within these mountains," he
revealed, gesturing towards the distant peaks.

Leonsen's eyes lit up, this could finally be the chance he is waiting for. To
reveal where his sons are. "I would be honoured to explore the cave with you to
find the oracle," he declared.

And so, the two of them set off towards the mountains. It was a long and
treacherous journey, but eventually, they reached the cave entrance. As they
stepped inside, Leonsen couldn't shake off his sense of nervousness.

"We should be careful. Who knows what dangers lie ahead," Gideon said.

"I think we will be okay." Leonsen replied

But as they went deeper into the cave, Leonsen was lost in thought, thinking about
how we would find his sons with the oracle. Suddenly:

Without warning....

Gideon pushed him deeper into the cave, leaving Leonsen by himself.

Leonsen stumbled and fell, his head hitting a rock, causing him to black out.

When he finally awokened, he found himself lying on the ground, unable to move. He
tried to speak, but couldn't. Infront of him stood Gideon and in Gideon's hand was
his tongue. Shock and terror washed over him as a monstrous entity with 10 heads
loomed over him.

The demon laughed maniacally as it began to beat Leonsen. He could feel his bones
breaking, skin tearing, and his body being torn apart.

Just when he thought it was the end, everything went black again.

When he woke up, he found himself on the stony, cold ground. As he tried to make
sense of everything, he saw Gideon standing by his side talking to his wife.

"Thank goodness you're awake. I found you in the cave, barely clinging onto your
life. I brought you back here to nurse you back to health," Gideon explained to

Gideon accepted all sorts of things that Bridget gave to him as thanks, including
food, new clothes, a place to sleep, etc.

However, when Leonsen tried to warn Bridget about Gideon's betrayal, he couldn't.
His tongue was still missing and he had no way of communicating.

As days passed by, Leonsen noticed that Gideon had no intention of leaving. He
wanted to scream, to warn Bridget about Gideon's true nature, but he was helpless.
He couldn't communicate his fears, and so Gideon stayed.

Day 6
The sun was barely up when Leonsen woke up to the sound of Gideon, kicking him and
rolling him up on the ground. Leonsen rolled over, trying to ignore the pounding in
his head.

"Get up, we're running low on food." Gideon barked, his voiced sounding grumpy and
impatient. Leonsen knew he was just trying to get under his skin, and it was
working. He reluctantly got up and stood there for a few seconds.

Gideon grinned maliciously and tossed a bag for gathering food. Leonsen knew he
couldn't trust him after he had turned against him and betrayed them. But we're low
on supplies so he has no choice but to go with him.

Leonsen walked, still weak from the beating Gideon had given him the day before. He
kept taunting him, laughing at his struggles, and pushing Leonsen further and
further away towards the outskirts of the forest.

When they finally reached a clearing, Gideon stopped, a cruel smile on his face. He
had produced a set of bear traps and began setting them up, his eyes never leaving

"What are you doing?" Leonsen asked.

"Oh, just making sure you don't try to escape," Gideon said casually. "Now start
walking, and watch your step."

Leonsen had no choice but to obey, each step sending a jolt of pain through his
legs as he carefully avoided the traps. Gideon followed behind him, ocasionally
kicking leonsen or pushing him into a trap for his own sick amusement.

Leonsen could feel the blood seeping through his clothing and his legs growing numb
from the pain. But Gideon wasn't done yet. He grabbed Leonsen by the hair and
slammed his head into a nearby tree, leaving him dazed and disorientated.

"Anyone ever tell you you're a lousy traitor" leonsen spat, trying to keep the fear
out of his voice.

Gideon only chuckled and grabbed a jar behind the trees. Suddenly, several snakes
slithered out from the underbush, their eyes fixed on leonsen. He screamed out as
they latched onto his arms and legs, their venom coursing through his veins.

Leonsen was barely conscious by the time Gideon dragged him back to the camp with
Bridget. But his misery wasn't over yet. A merchant had stumbled upon us and Gideon
eagerly sold leonsen for a mere 5 cents. Apparently there was a shortage of workers
to help build the king's empire.

So here Leonsen was, broken and battered, being forced into manual labour with no
way out. The pain was unbearable, but he refused to give up hope. Leonsen knew that
soon Bridget would come for him, would see through Gideon's lies and save him.
But....only time will tell.

The sun beat down harshly on Leonsen as he trudged through the dusty construction
site. Sweat dripped down his face, stinging his eyes, but he couldn't stop. He knew
the consequences all too well.

Every day was the same. Wake up before dawn, receive a brutal whipping if he didn't
move fast enough, and then start working. Building walls, digging trenches,
constructing buildings that would never be finished. It was all so pointless, but
he had no choice.

He had been sentenced to this hellish prison, where the guards ruled with an iron
fist. His once hopeful and bright friends had been beaten to death by the guards,
leaving him alone.

But the physical labor was not the worst part. No, it was the alcoholic Makima who
took pleasure in making their lives a living nightmare. She made them do the most
outrageous thing.

Every afternoon, Leonsen was forced to eat live worms, the squirming creatures
crawling down his throat as he gagged and fought back tears. And then there was the
dancing on glass. Makima would play a tune on her flute, and he would have to dance
barefoot on shards of glass until his feet bled.

But that was only the beginning. Makima would then make him fight against 100 other
prisoners, all desperate to survive and earn a meal. Leonsen, weak and exhausted
from his daily torture, would struggle to fend off his opponents, knowing that
failure meant a beating and potential death.

And the torments did not end there. Makima delighted in finding new ways to torture
him. She would starve him for days, making him crave food until he would do
anything she asked. She would beat him with a metal pipe, leaving bruises and scars
on his already battered body. And to add insult to injury, she would force him to
eat cockroaches, the revolting creatures crunching between his teeth as he fought
back waves of nausea.

But perhaps the most cruel punishment of all was the constant lack of sleep.
Leonsen was expected to work 24/7, and even the slightest nod off would result in a
harsh punishment. Makima would splash water on his face repeatedly, forcing him to
stay awake and continue working.

1 Year Later

Leonsen had been sitting in his cramped cell for what felt like years. He had lost
track of time in this dark and damp prison, where he was held captive. His only
hope was the letters he received from his beloved wife, Bridget, and his enemy

But little did he know, Bridget and Gideon were not going to let him rot away in
that prison. They had a plan. A plan that would set him free.

With Gideon's connections and Bridget's charm, they were able to sneak their way
into the prison. Using Gideon's skills, they were able to bribe the guards and make
their way to Leonsen's cell.

As soon as they saw Leonsen's condition, their hearts broke. He was weak and
bruised, but he still managed to give them a small smile. Without wasting any time,
they put their plan into action.

Gideon created a distraction, while Bridget used her keys to unlock Leonsen's cell.
They quickly made their way out of the prison and into the night. But their freedom
was not long-lived.

As they were making their way through the thick, dark forest, they were ambushed by
a group of natives. They were dragged into their camp and thrown into cages.

Leonsen was beaten and tortured to the fullest extent, while Bridget was forced to
watch helplessly. The natives stabbed spears into Leonsen's body, making him
entertain them with his pain. They also forced him to run away, only to be shot
with arrows.

With each passing minute, Leonsen's body was becoming weaker and weaker. He thought
this was the end for him, but then something strange happened. Gideon's soul
somehow took over Leonsen's body, and he was now able to talk.

The natives were confused, but Gideon quickly thought of a plan. He posed as
Leonsen and told them that everything he did was out of desperation to escape. The
natives seemed convinced and let them go, but not before marking them with their
tribal marks.
As they made their way back, Gideon who is now in Leonsen's body explained
everything to Bridget. Gideon explains how it was Leonsen who is now in Gideon's
body had done all of that to him, selling him, beating him, etc. and falsely
accused him out of jealousy. Bridget was devastated. She couldn't believe that
Leonsen who is in Gideon's body was capable of such treachery.

In a fit of rage, Bridgey pushed Leonsen (Gideon's body) into a deep hole filled
with piranhas. Gideon, now in Leonsen's body, laughed at him and both of them left,
leaving Leonsen alone in the hole.

After spending hours trying to climb out of the hole and failed, he decided to just
give up. Watching the walls and counting his last days.

Then at the corner of his eyes he saw something shaped like an egg. Upon lifting it
up, he found that it was a behelith.

As his blood dripped and fall onto the odd shaped egg, it spoke.

"tHe WoRld hAS DoNE you cruelty"

"Accept my power and be reborn"

And thus, on this day. Leonsen was no longer a man. He had transcended our world
and became one of the Godhands.
Interview between Gia and censored
"If you were to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?"

"Amazing," Gia exclaimed.

"What do you guys think about Gia going into a contest and possibly winning?"

"Why did you just laugh?" Gia shouted at her brother.

"Because he keeps saying possible like its possible that you're gonna win like

"I don't understand why everyone has to be so judgmental." Gia mumbled

"Gia's just a loser, Gia's this, Gia's that. Gia's this, Gia's me bro."

"Who cares about the world, Loki said you gotta do things your own way." Gia

"I don't know, i don't have a way, i've know...won anything in my whole know just once I want to feel like a winner."

"I dont care what you say, im coming with you."

"No way, no how."

"You know, this is supposed to be fun."

"Look, i got five days left... I dont have time for fun."

"There is more to life, than trying to be the best."

"Can you tell me why we are hiding then?"

"I cant finish this all this by myself."

"Why didnt you come with me after everything happened?"

"There is nothing to talk about, I died, and that's how it will stay."

"What about finding a way?"

"You are giving up, see, you are giving up."

"Yeah, im giving up, thats my way."

"I thought you were the one."

"You don't like it? Then find your own way."

"You made it pretty clear that winning's more important to you than us and your

"But hey, maybe you get to take your stupid trophy home."

"When are you gonna get a life."

"You are a nobody."

"You shouldv'e stayed with your parents."

"You win this thing, you and me, we're going places."

"Hey, look at this kid, she's great. A champion."

"Im really jealous of you."


"I trained hard for the last 10 years and then you come along and...."

"They must really like you."

"I don't know, i i a good person?"

"No you havent."

"I am, im a jerk."

"That is fun"

"You are having fun huh?"

"Yes, now I am."

"Oh, well then good luck."

"You did it, you're finally there."

"Woah woah, this is insane."

"Be slow, cutting butter."

"Let me."

Gia wakes up in a hospital. Her hand is wrapped up in a white taper, as she

struggles to get out of the bed.

She slowly opens her eyes, and is greeted by the harsh, blinding lights of a
hospital room. Her head is throbbing with pain and she can feel the dull ache of
bruises all over her body.

Gia tries to sit up, but her muscles protest, sending jolts of pain through her
body. Panic begins to set as they slowly realise that they are in a hospital room.

As they take in their surroundings, she notices that the hospital is eerily quiet.
There are no doctors, no nurses, no other patients. It's as if the whole world has
disappeared, leaving her alone.

Her heart begins to race as she struggles to get out of the bed. Just as she
manages to stand on shaky legs, the door to her room bursts open and a man enters.

He is tall and well-built, with a sharp jawline and blue eyes. There is a sense of
arrogance in the way he carries himself, and Gia can't help but feel a sense of
unease as he approaches her.

"Finally, you're awake," he says, his tone laced with annoyance. "I was getting
tired of waiting for you to come to your senses."

"Hi," Gia said weakly, her voice raspy from disuse. "I'm Gia, what's your name?"

The boy looked up, surprise flashing across his face. "I'm Gojo," he replied
cautiously. "Nice to meet you, Gia. How are you feeling?"

Gia groaned as she struggled to sit up. "My leg hurts, but other than that, I think
I'm okay. How did I end up here?"

"You fell while hiking and twisted my ankle," Gojo explained, a hint of
embarrassment in his voice. "I've been stuck here for a few days now."
Over the next few days, Gia and Gojo worked together to gather the resources they
would need for their escape. They secretly explored the hospital, carefully
avoiding the prying eyes of the staff. They found a first aid kit, some tools, and
even managed to acquire a map of the building.

Under the cover of darkness, they quietly made their way to the exit. As they
stepped outside, freedom tasted even sweeter than they had imagined.

But their adventure took an unexpected turn when they stumbled upon a vast open
field. In the distance, they saw a monstrous creature swooping down from the sky -
a bat that was bigger than a house, its wingspan casting a terrifying shadow over

Panic surged through Gia's veins as the bat unleashed a series of bone-chilling
screeches. It was attacking them. They needed a plan, and fast.

Gojo who had a harpoon shot at the bat in the sky. The harpoon whizzed through the
air, finding its mark directly in the bat's heart. A fantastic explosion of sparks
and light unfolded, capturing the entire area in a breathtaking display of colors.
The bat let out a thunderous roar before crashing to the ground.
However, the bat was not defeated and instead came back up from the ground with
seemingly no injuries.

"I am one of Leonsen's minions, he has given me great power. No inferior weapon can
hurt me."

The creature was momentarily paralyzed by the heat. Gia grabbed the boy's arm and
pulled him out of the way. "Come on," she shouted. They ran towards the hospital,
finally reached a narrow staircase and started climbing.

As they ascended, they could hear the creature calling out to his comrades.
"They're heading to the roof!" he yelled. When Gia and Gojo emerged onto the
rooftop, Gojo spotted a hand-drawn map lying on the ground next to an old table and
chairs. "This must be what we're looking for," Gia whispered to the boy, grabbing
the map.

Just as she started to examine it, she heard a loud thud. Turning around to see who
it is, she saw a tall figure clad in black armor standing at the entrance, with a
sword at his belt and a stern expression on his face. A hush fell over the room, as
the man seemed to have a particular mission.

"Who are you?" Gojo questions.

"Leonsen has ordered us to conquer and destroy all humans." The knight replied.

"Who is Leonsen and what kind of loser name is that anyway?" Gia questioned

"You know who is the loser? Your parents. They spent years of their life to give
birth to you, and THIS is all they got? I feel bad for them. Maybe they should get
a dog next time, something actually loyal and worth it." The knight screeched.

He unsheathes his sword and then begins advancing towards Gia and Gojo.

The knight swung his sword with incredible speed and accuracy, his eyes fixed upon
Gia. She blocked his attacks with skill and determination, her sword clashing
against his. Gojo, realizing that his friend needed help, jumped into the fray, his
sword slicing through the air.

Together, the two of them fought ferociously against the knight in black armour.
They were evenly matched, their swords clashing and sparks flying.

Just when it seemed like the girls were gaining the upper hand, the knight suddenly
lunged towards Gia, successfully disarming her. He turned towards Gojo, who was
still fighting with all his might. His sword grazed their arm, causing them to cry
out in pain.

"I have heard about you before, you have been causing quite a racket out here."
Gojo said

"Who are you to come here and talk to me like that? Leonsen has given me power
beyond your existence." The Knight states

Before the knight could even react, Gojo's hand shot up in the air, his fingers
forming a symbol of a domain expansion. In an instant, a transparent barrier
surrounded the area and the knight was trapped inside.

What is this?! The knight screeched, trying to break free.

This, my son, is the domain expansion of the Six Eyes, Gojo said, his voice echoing
within the barrier.

The Knight began to panic, realizing they were trapped with the most powerful
sorcerer. But Gojo wasn't done with them yet. He had a mischievous glint in his
eyes as he crouched down to their level.

You know, I've been wanting to try something out, Gojo said, his voice filled with

The Knight gulped, sensing that whatever Gojo had in mind was not going to end well
for them.

What are you talking about? The knight shouted

Without further explanation, Gojo proceeded to run the fade. For those who were not
familiar, the fade was a technique that Gojo had perfected over the years. It's
basically like saying "skill issue."
Gia and her friend, Gojo, had been surviving in the post-apocalyptic world for
months now. They had seen the world crumble before their eyes as a deadly virus
swept through the population, killing millions and leaving the survivors to fend
for themselves.

They had managed to find a safe place to stay, an abandoned warehouse on the
outskirts of the city, where they had set up a makeshift home. It was not perfect,
but it kept them safe from the dangers lurking outside.

Every day was a struggle for survival - finding food and clean water, staying safe
from other survivors who were willing to do anything to survive, and avoiding the
infected. But they had managed to survive this long, sticking together and relying
on each other.

One day, while scavenging for supplies, Gia and Gojo stumbled upon a female
survivor. She seemed just as tough and resourceful as they were, and they quickly
struck up a conversation.

Introducing herself as Bridget, the woman told them that she had been living alone
in a nearby abandoned house for several weeks. She had been surviving on her own,
but it was getting harder to find supplies and stay safe by herself.

Gojo and Gia were hesitant at first, not knowing if they could trust this new
survivor. But after spending some time with her and realizing that they could be
stronger together, they invited Bridget to join them at their warehouse.

Bridget accepted their offer, and the three of them worked together to gather more
supplies and improve their living conditions. They built a fence around their
warehouse, set up traps to catch food, and made sure to keep their home well-
stocked with necessities.

As they worked together, they learned more about each other's past. Bridget had her
husband die, and her main goal now was to find and save her two children who had
been taken away from them.

Gojo and Gia admired Bridget's determination and decided to help her in any way
they could. They all agreed that finding Bridget's children was their new mission,
and they started planning and gathering resources for the journey ahead.

They scouted the area and gathered information about the group that had taken
Bridget's children. It was a dangerous journey, but they were determined to save
her children and any other survivors they may come across.

Finally, the day came when they were ready to embark on their journey. They had a
map, weapons, and enough supplies to last them for a few days. They said their
goodbyes to their home, not knowing if they would ever return, and headed out into
the unknown.

The journey was not easy. They faced many challenges along the way - coming face to
face with infected, avoiding dangerous groups of survivors, and fighting for their
lives. But they pushed on, driven by their mission to save Bridget's children.

After days of traveling, they finally reached the hideout of the group that had
taken the kids. It was heavily guarded, and they knew they had to come up with a
plan if they wanted to get in undetected.

Bridget, being the expert at sneaking around, volunteered to go in first and gather
information while Gojo and Gia waited for her signal. She managed to find out the
location of the children and also discovered that they were planning to move to
another location the next day.

They had to act fast.

Gojo and Gia followed Bridget's lead, and together they sneaked into the hideout.
They were surprised to find some of the children being held captive were no older
than five or six years old. It broke their hearts, but they knew they had to stay
strong and save them.

They quickly and quietly took out the guards and freed the children. Bridget still
however running around in search of her kids.

But their luck soon ran out as they were discovered by the leader of the group and
his followers. The leader turned out to be Obito Uchiha. One of the Akatsuki

Gojo being Gojo said "I detect your apprehension, rage, and... power. I will be
taking it."

Obito, talking in the voice of Madara, disproves the case.

Obito: This cursed world will be saved by that power. You'll need to pry it from my
cold, dead hands.

Gojo: "Hmm, I know. You can fight my student, Gia."

Gojo throws Gia Infront of Obito

Gia: "Bro 💀"

Obito: "what?"

Gojo gives Gia a sword and wishes them good luck.

Everyone rn: 💀

Gia picks up the sword and attacks Obito. Obito rushes towards them and kicks them,
however Gia grabs their leg mid-air.

Obito: "Nani?"
Obito takes a shot at a couple of additional punches, just to be driven away
without fail. He attempts to get around with light-footed moves, yet just meets
Gia's sword spearing him through the chest.

Gojo: "Man, you mad weak."

Obito however chuckles and looks Gojo dead-on in the eyes, revealing he is fine.

He then descended to the ground using Kamui, surprising Gia and Gojo. Gia looks
around, but suddenly Obito grabs her and knocks her down, causing her to slide and
kick up dust. Sensing that Gia is in danger, Gojo teleports Gia to him and joins
the fight.

Gojo hits Obito with black flash and then pushes him away. Obito, still conscious,
surrounds Gojo with a pillar of fire and performs a jutsu, releasing a swarm of
Uchiha flames.

However, when the pillar catches fire, Obito is telekinetically dragged into the
flames by Gojo's blue technique and then destroys the mask with an iron handle.
However, he is tricked by Obito's genjutsu as his mask disintegrates, revealing a
horrified Geto underneath, and the choke is released.

Obito uses the entrance to smile and activate Kamui. However, Gojo recovers over
time. He resisted Kamui's pull and after noticing Obito's Sharingan flash against
the technique, he used hollow purple to suppress it and force the technique to end,
causing Obito to recoil in pain. As Gojo ran away, Obito growled angrily.

He attacks Gojo from multiple directions and the damage causes one of his eyes to
open. Believing that Obito was following him, Gojo folded his hands and spat out
Obito's blood.

Obito makes a hand motion to perform a summoning jutsu and immediately summons the
Ten-Tails Demon Blade, which begins to attack using a Tailed Beast Bomb. Gojo was
impressed by the impending attack.

Ten-Tails fires a Tailed Beast Bomb at Gojo. Gojo destroys the bomb with Hollow
Purple and deactivates it with Blue to avoid the oncoming explosion. At this point,
a god tree will emerge from the ground and point to the moon. Out of the smoke
appears Obito, now in the form of the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. Obito: "The end is

Obito transforms one of his truth-seeking balls into a staff as he prepares to face
his enemy.

Obito then attacks Gojo and slams his staff into Gojo's fist. He uses flying to try
to attack from multiple directions, but Gojo dodges incoming attacks and pushes him
with his other method, Red.

Obito takes a different view and avoids two more swings from the leaping Gojo
before briefly retreating and flying around the God Tree, using the Truthseeker Orb
as a projectile to cover his plans. Gojo redirects the three, but a truth-seeking
orb focused on Gojo sneaks past him and goes straight towards him.

Gojo sensed the attack and turned to redirect the truth-seeking orb into red, but
he was too slow and his arm disintegrated. As Gojo stared at his arm, Obito noticed
him and appeared in his blind spot, swinging his staff and striking Gojo, sending
him flying into the wall.

The sacred tree blossoms and Rinne's Sharingan is revealed. The image reflected in
the bright moon catches Gojo's attention. Gojo opened his eyes wide and looked up
with his mind focused on the Infinite Tsukuyomi and let out a weak sigh. In his
dream, Gojo sees students cheering him on as he walks the halls of the prestigious

As Gojo's vision briefly returns to the real world, Obito flies up and prepares for
the final attack. His truth-seeking spheres combine to form the Sword of Nunoboko
and the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Obito: "You have been freed from hell."

....before placing the giant spiral blade on the motionless Gojo. Gojo's eyes were
revealed to have been transformed into Rinnegan by Infinite Tsukuyomi, with a calm
expression instead of his usual angry expression. Nunoboko's sword reduces him to a
pit of ash. After noticing the small fire left silent for a moment, Obito flies up
and laughs maniacally.

Bridget and Gia managed to flee from the place safely during the onslaught.

As they continue walking and searching, they come across a small oasis and their
spirits are lifted for a brief moment. They drink from the cool, refreshing water
and rest their tired bodies in the shade of the palm trees. But their moment of
peace is short-lived as they realize that they must keep moving if they want to
find Vivek and Dion.

The desert is merciless, with the sun beating down on them and the sand burning
their feet. Despite their exhaustion and grief, my characters press on, their
determination and will to survive driving them forward. They encounter numerous
challenges along the way, from treacherous sandstorms to dangerous creatures
lurking in the shadows. Each step is a struggle, but they push through.

As they journey deeper into the desert, they also face internal struggles. One is
consumed with guilt, wondering if they were somehow responsible for their friend's
death. They question their actions and if they could have done anything differently
to prevent the tragedy. The other is filled with fear and anxiety, constantly
imagining the worst-case scenario for their missing sons. But they push these
thoughts aside, knowing that they must stay focused if they want to make it through
this ordeal.

As the hours turn into days, their clothes are tattered and their water supply is
running low. But they refuse to give up, continuing their search with a fierce
determination. And finally, their efforts pay off as they stumble upon a group of

The group of travelers however see them as assets and capture them.
Ethan is currently outside of his home, walking in the snow and making snowmen.
After a while he decides to go hunting and upon reaching a good distance away from
his home he finds a camp site with smoke coming out of it.

Ethan approaches the camp stealthily and hides just behind a tree to see if anyone
is there.

He sees a tent and a campfire burning, and two girls trapped in a cage.

Ethan sneaks into the tent and draws his knife, ready to defend himself.
As he look's around, he can see two sick people.

A woman is lying on a sleeping bag on the right side of the tent. She's clearly
dying, her face all pale and eyes glazed over. She has a cold fever and is
extremely weak.
The man is lying on the left side of the tent. He is also extremely sick and can
barely move.

Ethan decides to leave them alone and frees the girls who were trapped in the

Gia: "Thanks for saving us we thought we were gonna die."

Bridget: "Thank you!"

Ethan told them it's okay, and all three of them make their way back to his home.

Ethan: "So what brings y'all here?"

Bridget: "We're trying to find my son's, my husband lost his life unfortunately."

Before anybody could answer again. A loud noise is heard outside. Suddenly a
strange man appears inside the house dressed in a suit that resembles a hawk.


Everyone gets knocked unconscious after that.

Gia wakes up to sirens and an orange horizon. The sky is red and filled with smoke.
She has no idea of what is happening but she is determined to survive.

Her first instinct is to scavenge supplies as anyone would in any emergency

situation. She manages to find some canned goods, water bottles, and even some
batteries that still work. The store is raided moments after Gia enters, as others
also try to stockpile supplies before the inevitable collapse of society.

A man who is clearly unhinged attempts to tackle her and steal the possessions that
they have been looting. Gia struggles to keep him off as he tries to wrestle the
bag of supplies. Gia tries to fight back, but it is an uneven battle.

She took a step back, trying to analyze the man's movements. He was bigger and
stronger than her, but she was faster and more agile. She had to use that to her
advantage. With a battle cry, she rushed towards him, ducking and weaving to avoid
his pipe. She landed a few quick punches on his chest, but he hardly seemed

The man let out a wild scream and charged at her, his pipe raised above his head.
Gia rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding the blow that would have surely
knocked her out. As she got back to her feet, she could see the crazed
determination in the man's eyes. He wasn't just after her supplies, he wanted to
hurt her.

She knew she had to end this quickly. Taking a deep breath, she summoned all her
strength and launched herself at the man, tackling him to the ground. They tumbled
in a brutal struggle, each trying to gain the upper hand. Emily managed to pin him
down, but he was still struggling and she was beginning to tire.

Just as she thought she couldn't hold on any longer, a loud gunshot echoed through
the streets. The man froze, his eyes wide with fear. Gia saw her chance and quickly
grabbed her backpack, running as fast as she could. She didn't look back, knowing
that she had to put as much distance between her and the man as possible.

As Gia disappeared into the darkness, the man slowly got back to his feet. The
gunshot had come from a group of boys, who had been watching the fight from a
nearby rooftop. With a defeated sigh, the man retreated back into the shadows, his
hopes of survival crushed. Gia, on the other hand, had successfully defended
herself and her supplies, and she knew that she would have to be even more cautious
from now on.
Day 5
Gia sprinted down the dark, narrow alleyway, her heart pounding in her chest. She
had been on the run for days.

She could hear the group of boys behind her, their loud taunts echoing off the
walls. They had been following her since she left the store, and she knew they were
after her supplies. Gia clutched onto her backpack, which held everything she had
left in this world.

Just as she thought she was gaining distance, a sudden pain exploded in her face as
something hard smashed into her. She stumbled and fell to the ground, dazed and
disoriented. She desperately groped in the darkness, trying to find her attacker.

But before she could even stand up, the boys were on her, kicking and punching her
relentlessly. Gia curled into a ball, trying to protect herself as the blows rained
down on her. Tears streamed down her face as she prayed for someone to save her.

The boys eventually stopped their assault, taking her backpack and running off with
it. Gia lay there, bruised and broken, her only possessions now stolen from her.
She had never felt so alone and vulnerable.

With aching limbs, she managed to push herself up and limp to the end of the
alleyway. The sight that greeted her was far from comforting. She was in a run-down
part of town, with crumbling buildings and dark alleyways at every turn. She didn't
know where to go or who to turn to.

Desperate and weary, Gia stumbled into a nearby abandoned building and collapsed
onto the floor. Tears continued to flow down her cheeks as she curled up into a
ball, trying to escape the pain both physically and mentally.

But as she lay there, she began to hear whispers and footsteps approaching her. Her
heart raced with fear, thinking it might be the boys coming back to finish her off.
But instead, she heard a gentle voice speaking to her.

'Hey, are you okay?' a boy asked, his voice filled with concern. Gia cautiously
opened her eyes to see a kind-looking boy crouching beside her.

Gia's voice caught in her throat as she tried to speak. She had been alone for so
long, that the kindness of this stranger caught her off guard.

The boy helped her up and offered her some water, which Gia gratefully accepted. As
she slowly regained her strength, she told the boy everything that had happened to
her in the past few days.

The boy, named Aveshwar, listened to her. He offered to carry her to his home to
which she accepted since she had barely anything.

As she ate, Aveshwar explained that he lived alone in the house and was happy to
have someone to keep him company. Gia just shook her head and continued with
eating. However, as the night went on, Jack's demeanor began to change. He became
more possessive and controlling, insisting that she couldn't leave his house
without his permission.
Gia started to panic, wondering if she had put herself in danger by trusting a
stranger. She tried to remain calm, but her heart was racing and she couldn't
sleep. Aveshwar eventually noticed her restlessness and offered her his couch to
sleep on, but not without warning her that she shouldn't try to escape.

Feeling trapped, Gia tried to come up with a plan to get out of the house. She
waited until Aveshwar fell asleep and carefully made her way to the front door. But
as she was about to unlock the door, she heard a loud voice coming from behind her.

What do you think you're doing? Aveshwar's voice boomed, sending shivers down her

Gia turned around to see Aveshwar, his face twisted in anger. She knew she had no
chance of escape now.

What do you want from me? Gia asked, her voice shaking with fear.

I just want someone to keep me company. Someone to stay with me forever, Aveshwar
said with a sinister smile.

Gia's heart sank as she realized the true intentions of the boy who had initially
seemed kind and generous. She felt tears well up in her eyes, but refused to let
Aveshwar see her fear. With all her strength, she pushed past him and ran towards
the door.

But Aveshwar was quicker and blocked her path. The two struggled, but Gia could
feel herself getting weaker by the second. She knew that she was no match for him.

Another hit and she was knocked unconscious.

When she finally woke up, her head throbbed with pain and confusion. As she slowly
opened her eyes, she realized that she was no longer inside the house.. She was now
lying on a cold, hard floor, surrounded by darkness

Fear began to spread through her body as she tried to make sense of her
surroundings. She could feel something heavy and cold wrapped around her neck, and
as she looked down, she realized that it was a metal chain. Panic set in as she
realized she was chained to the wall.

Frantically, she tried to move and break free from the chains, but they were
securely fastened around her neck. She called out for help, only to be met with

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could make out the shapes of boxes and
old furniture scattered around the room. It was then that she noticed a figure
standing in the corner, watching her. She tried to scream, but her voice was hoarse
and weak.

Aveshwar finally spoke, his voice low and menacing. Welcome to your new home, he
said, a sinister smile spreading across his lips.

Gia goes unconscious again and this time when she wakes up.

The sun peeked through the window of the abandoned farmhouse, casting a warm glow
on her sleeping peacefully on the bare mattress. As the first rays of light hit her
face, she slowly stirred and opened her eyes in surprise. She rubbed her eyes to
make sure that this was real, and not just another dream.

But as she looked around, she realized that it was indeed real.
But now, as she looked outside, she saw something that gave her a glimmer of hope.
She saw a police car parked outside the farmhouse. At first, she hesitated,
wondering if it was a trick. But then she remembered that the police were there to
protect and serve, and maybe they could help her.

Without giving it a second thought, Gia quickly got up and ran outside. She
couldn't believe her luck. The police were there, and they were alive and well. She
rubbed her eyes again to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

She cautiously approached the police car, her heart racing with excitement and
fear. As she got closer, she saw that the driver's door was open, and the keys were
still in the ignition. She didn't waste any time and climbed into the car. It
started easily, and Lily let out a sigh of relief.

Without a destination in mind, she drove towards the nearest town. As she drove,
she saw that the town was in ruins. Buildings were destroyed, and there were
abandoned cars and debris scattered everywhere. But amidst the destruction, she saw
signs of life. People were roaming the streets, some of them looking scared and

Gia parked the car in front of the police station, her heart pounding in her chest.
She knew she needed supplies, and the police station was the best place to start.

She cautiously made her way inside, her hand hovering over her makeshift knife for
safety. But to her surprise, the station was empty. She quickly searched the
drawers and cabinets, finding first aid kits, water, and food supplies. She even
found a loaded gun and a backpack to carry everything in.

With her backpack filled, Gia made her way back to the police car and started her
journey. She didn't know what was in store for her, but she was determined to
survive and find others like her. As she drove into the unknown, she felt a twinge
of sadness for the life she had lost, but she also felt a sense of hope and

Godzilla had a stroke reading this and died

Ethan had always been a skilled engineer. He could fix and build anything, from
cars to buildings. That's why when he woke up in a nuclear plant, he wasn't as
surprised as one might expect.

As he slowly became aware of his surroundings, he realized that something was off.
The room he was in was filled with unfamiliar equipment and machinery, and the
walls were plastered with warning signs and diagrams. Ethan couldn't remember how
he got there or why he was in a nuclear plant. But as an engineer, he knew he had
to figure out what was going on and find a way out.

With his mind racing, Ethan quickly got to his feet and began to explore the plant.
He cautiously made his way through the corridors, trying to gather as much
information as he could. It didn't take long for him to realize that this wasn't an
ordinary nuclear plant. There were unusual modifications and upgrades that he had
never seen before. It was clear that someone was tinkering with the plant, and
Ethan had a feeling it wasn't for the greater good.

As he made his way through the maze of pipes and gauges, Ethan's heart began to
race. He needed to find a way to activate the plant so everything can blow up. He
knew that even the smallest mistake could result in a nuclear disaster, something
which he wanted.
Gathering all the information he could, Ethan finally found the control room. The
panel was filled with buttons and switches, and as an engineer, he could make sense
of it all. His hands moved with precision as he tried to figure out how to override
the plant. But just when he thought he had it under control, something stopped him.

Ethan felt a strange force preventing him from pushing the final button to activate
the plant. As if on cue, the roof suddenly exploded, and a bolt of lightning struck
the control panel, destroying it.

Panicked, Ethan turned around and saw a figure descending from the hole in the
roof. It was a bald man with the word 'plot' written on his forehead. Ethan
couldn't believe his eyes. It seemed like something out of a sci-fi movie.

Thinking quickly, Ethan grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher and aimed it at the man.
It was enough to knock him off balance, and Ethan used the opportunity to run
towards the emergency exit. He could hear the man shouting and chasing after him,
but he didn't stop until he was out of the plant and a safe distance away.

As Ethan caught his breath and looked back, he could see the nuclear plant
beginning to crumble under the weight of the explosion. It was a terrifying sight,
but he knew he had done the right thing.

Ethan had been running for what felt like hours, his lungs burning from the smoke
and his legs aching from the constant exertion. The nuclear plant behind him was in
complete chaos, the alarms blaring and the sound of explosions ringing in his ears.
He didn't know what had caused the meltdown, but he knew he needed to get as far
away as possible before it was too late.

As he sprinted through the desolate streets, he stumbled upon a small figure

huddled in a corner, clutching a worn teddy bear. It was a little girl, no older
than seven, with dirty black hair and big, frightened blue eyes. She looked up at
him with a mix of fear and hope, and whispered, ' name is Nayuta.'

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. He knew that name, but couldn't remember from where.
He knelt down and asked, 'Nayuta? Where did you come from?'

The little girl looked at him intently, as if studying his face. She then shrugged,
'I don't know. I just woke up one day and I was all alone. I've been living on my
own ever since.'

Ethan's heart broke at the thought of this little girl fending for herself in a
world filled with danger. He asked her if she was hurt, and she shook her head.
'I've been underground for a while now, hiding from the orange hair lady,' she

Ethan quickly realized that the girl must have a safe place nearby, and he
desperately needed shelter from the unfolding disaster. He asked her if she would
be willing to show him where she was hiding, and to his relief, she nodded eagerly.

They scampered through the streets, ducking into abandoned buildings and alleys
until they finally arrived at a hidden entrance to an underground bunker. Nayuta
led the way through the narrow tunnel, her teddy bear clutched tightly in her arms.

Once inside, they sat down on makeshift beds and blankets, facing each other in the
dim light of a single candle. They began to talk, and for a brief moment, the chaos
outside seemed to fade away. Nayuta told him about how she had lost her parents in
an accident, and how she had always dreamed of finding them one day. Ethan ignored
her and told her to cope better.
Ethan, in turn, shared his own story. He was an engineer, working at the very
accident site that day. He wanted to make his family proud, to create something
that would benefit society. But now, as he sat across from this little girl, he
couldn't help but feel that he had failed in his mission.

The two of them talked for hours, until the exhaustion of the day caught up with
them. Nayuta lay down on her bed of blankets, still clutching her beloved teddy
bear. Ethan lay down on the opposite side of the room, his thoughts swirling with
the weight of the day's events.

As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of purpose
with Nayuta by his side. Despite their uncertain circumstances, he knew that they
would face whatever came next together. And as he closed his eyes, he began
thinking of how he could rob her and take all of her resources.

The next morning, Ethan woke up. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stretched,
preparing for a new day on the streets. As he stepped outside, he noticed a new
addition to the shelter – an older man with wild, white hair was stumbling
aimlessly in front of the building.

Ethan could tell that the man was drunk and he tried to steer clear of him, not
wanting any trouble. But the white haired man suddenly turned and started hurling
bottles at Ethan. Ethan quickly dodged the flying bottles, his heart racing in

But soon, the fear turned into anger as the drunk man continued his assault.
Without thinking, Ethan lunged at the man and they began fighting. Ethan used all
the self-defense techniques he had learned while living on the streets, kicking and
punching the drunk man with all his might. But every time the man got hit, he
became even more enraged and retaliated by smashing another bottle on Ethan's head.

As Ethan fell to the ground in pain, the drunk man's attention turned to Nayuta,
she had been trying to defend herself against the man's attacks, but he was now
focusing all his anger on her. Ethan could see that Nayuta was struggling and he
knew he had to do something.

Summoning all his strength, Ethan got up and jumped on the man's back, trying to
pull him away from Nayuta. The drunk man's grip on her loosened and she was able to
break free and join Ethan in the fight. Together, they worked to take down the
drunk man, fighting with everything they had.

Ethan grabbed one of the bottles from the ground and smashed it against the drunk
man's face, causing him to stumble back in pain. Seeing an opening, Nayuta grabbed
another bottle and did the same, leaving the man in a defeated heap on the ground.
Ethan thought it was finally over, but to his surprise, the drunk man got up and
pulled out a gun.

It was a strange looking gun, one that Ethan had never seen before. The drunk man
aimed it at Ethan and fired. Instead of bullets, the gun shot out shots of alcohol
that pierced through Ethan's body, causing him excruciating pain. He and Nayuta
quickly ran for cover, hiding behind a nearby bench as the drunk man continued to

As they caught their breath, Nayuta turned to Evan with an idea. She had noticed
that the drunk man's gun seemed to have a limited supply of alcohol shots. If they
could somehow use up all the shots, they might have a chance at defeating him.

Working together, they used their surroundings to their advantage – using the
benches and debris to block the shots and eventually, they were able to use up all
the alcohol in the gun. With a final punch from Ethan, the drunk man fell to the
ground, defeated.

Exhausted and injured, Ethan and Nayuta helped each other back to the shelter where
they were both treated for their wounds. As they laid in their beds that night,
they couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day and how they had come
together and worked as a team to overcome their attacker.

Nayuta: "That was a close one."

Ethan: "Yeah...."

Ethan: "Enough games now, I must proceed with my plan to get into heaven."

Nayuta: "Don't you mean me?"

Ethan: "Only a strong one must enter heaven, that will be me, not you."

Nayuta: points her finger at Ethan

Ethan: "Little Girl, what you doing"

Ethan is now unconscious after being shot in the head

As Ethan opened his eyes, he was met with blinding white light and a throbbing pain
in his head. Confused, he tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through the left
side of his head, causing him to fall back down. He reached up to touch his head
and his fingers grazed over a bandage covering a large wound.

He was in a hospital room. But why? Ethan couldn't remember anything. His mind was
blank. His heart raced as he tried to recall any details about his life, but it was
as if a part of his brain had been erased.

Just then, a little girl entered the room, cautiously peeking her head through the
door. Her eyes widened when she saw that he was awake.

'You're awake!' she exclaimed, running towards Ethan. 'Oh, I was so worried! You've
been asleep for days!'

'D-days?' Ethan stuttered, still trying to process what was going on. 'W-who are

The girl looked taken aback by my question, but then her face softened. 'I'm
Nayuta,' she said. 'We used to play together before...'

'Before what?' Ethan asked, his heart pounding in my chest.

'Before you were shot in the head,' she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Shot in the head? This was all too much to handle. His memories were a blur, but he
could vaguely remember being in some sort of altercation before everything went
black. But who would want to shoot me? And why?

Nayuta must have sensed his confusion and she took his hand. 'Don't worry, I'll
explain everything. But first, we need to leave this place.'

She helped him out of bed and they snuck out of the hospital. As they made their
way through the deserted city, she told me everything. The world was in chaos. A
war had broken out between two factions and we were caught in the crossfire. Ethan
had been shot in the head by a stray bullet, causing him to lose his memory.

But what struck him the most was that Nayuta and him were on their own. She had
lost her family in the war and he had no one to turn to. It was just the two of us
against the world.

However, Nayuta had a plan. She had heard of a science base where they could gather
supplies to build a bomb. With it, they could take down both factions and end the
war. It wasn't an easy task, but Ethan trusted her.

Together, they made their way to the science base, avoiding violence and danger at
every turn. They snuck past guards, sneaked into labs, and finally, they had all
the parts they needed to build the bomb.

As they were putting the pieces together, Ethan couldn't help but feel grateful for
Nayuta. She had saved his life and now she was saving countless others by ending
the war.

Finally, the bomb was ready.

Nayuta: "You can press the button."

Ethan: "Alright.."

Mustering up his courage he went to press the button to activate the bomb. Upon
pressing it however, it did nothing. He pressed it again but nothing happened.

Ethan: "It's not working bruh"

Nayuta: "Hmm did we do something wrong?"

When Ethan studied what went wrong, the entire roof of the building that they were
in ripped off. A bald man from the sky came down with the word "plot" written on
his forehead.

Ethan: ragequits
As they walked through the vast forests and landscapes, they came across a group of
people, all dressed in torn and ragged clothes. They seemed to be a clan, and Ethan
couldn't help but feel drawn towards them. Perhaps this was the place where he
could finally belong.

Ethan approached the leader of the clan, a tall and muscular man with a menacing
aura. He explained his situation, and how he was looking for a family to join. The
man looked at Ethan with suspicion before giving a sinister grin.

'We can offer you a place in our clan,' he said, 'but there's a catch. We need the

Before Ethan could object, the man's followers forcefully took the girl away from
him. He was left powerless as they robbed him of all his belongings and put him in
a cage, like a wild animal.

Ethan was beaten up and taunted. The girl tried to fight back, but she was
outnumbered and overpowered.

That night, as the clan slept, Ethan came up with a plan to escape. Using his
knowledge and skills from the lab, he managed to break free from the cage and free
the girl as well, he also grabbed a gun. However, the noise awoke the entire clan
which comprised of over 48 people.

Fight 1

Ethan Vs John Wick

John Wick: "It was you....."

Ethan: "What?"


Ethan: "Ay, I just want to wake up in peace and quiet in the morning. I didn't kill
anybody Dog."

Ethan finds himself at gunpoint by a deagle gun.

Ethan also pulls out his pistol and both of them fire at each other, flinging each
of them backwards.

John swiftly disarms Ethan of his pistol before slamming him into the bar counter
with a bar stool. Ethan manages to knock John's own gun aside with a tray and rolls
away from the bar, momentarily escaping John's grasp.

With a deft move, Wick hurls the remaining portion of the broken bar stool leg at
Ethan, who's caught off guard by the unexpected projectile. The impact serves as a
diversion, allowing Wick to seize his weapon and shoot it at Ethan.



Ethan looks all around him before finding a rocket launcher. He picks it up and
sends a rocket straight at John, which hits him and destroys his jacket. Not only
that, the rocket broke his phone which had a photo of his dead dog and deceased

Taking advantage of the distraction, Ethan quickly retrieves a gun from the bar
counter and fires at Wick, who's equally swift in regaining possession of their
weapon. The two bullets collide mid-air, with Ethan's shot disarming Wick once
more, while his own bullet grazes Ethan's cheek.

Wick tackles Ethan against the wall, delivering several hooks to his face before
attempting a suplex. As Ethan is pinned down, he futilely tries to shoot Wick with
his gun, but Wick easily knocks the gun aside and continues to overpower Ethan.
Ethan then takes out Wick's pen from his pocket. Mid-brawl, multiple clicks of the
pen can be heard as both men struggle for control for it.

As both get up and continue struggling to take back the pen, multiple clicks of the
pen can be heard mid-brawl. Wick remembers what this pen does while Ethan seems to
realize that something is wrong with it and, in a panic, the pen is thrown into the
air. It lands on the ground between the two. Knowing what may end up happening,
Wick can only comment during the brief and awkward silence...


Ethan: (sigh) To be entirely honest, I lost count-

Before either man can fully recover from the recent brawl, the pen detonates in a
cataclysmic explosion, decimating the surrounding area and causing both combatants
to plummet down to the ground floor below. Gasping for air, Wick hastily retrieves
his pistol and opens fire on a fleeing Ethan, who dodges behind a nearby pillar and
pulls out a phone.

Ethan: "Nayuta now!"

As Wick continues to exchange shots with Ethan, an unmistakable honk pierces

through the chaos, signaling the arrival of Nayuta who is driving a car. With a
swift press of a hidden panel, guns appear on the car and starts shooting bullets
at John Wick who hides and takes cover.

Wick launches himself at Ethan in a frenzied melee, both men trading blows in a
flurry of punches and kicks as they tumble across the ground floor. The car
disruptively intervenes mid-bout, sending them both scrambling for cover behind
nearby pillars. As the car's relentless barrage subsides, the two adversaries
cautiously emerge from their hiding spots, ready to resume their brutal hand-to-
hand combat.

As the car's barrage ceases, Ethan seizes the opportunity to retrieve his weapon
and aims it at Wick, who's momentarily stunned. In a swift motion, Ethan pulls the
trigger, sending a lethal shot straight into Wick's already wounded chest. With a
grimace, Wick crumples to the ground, defeated by Ethan.

Defying all odds, Wick lunges towards Ethan with unyielding determination, taking
two more bullets to his already-wounded chest before managing to pin him against a
nearby pillar. As Ethan frantically searches for a way out, he spots a gleaming
glass chandelier hanging precariously above them, sparking an idea. With a
calculated gamble, Ethan delivers a cunning quip before the situation escalates

Ethan: "Time to die Wick."

As the car's barrage continues to ravage Wick's body, Ethan seizes the opportunity
to deliver a powerful kick that sends Wick hurtling towards the oncoming
chandelier. Despite his valiant efforts, Wick is unable to avoid the falling
debris, and the heavy crystal fixture crashed down upon him, silencing any
potential retorts or comments from the legendary hitman forever.

Ethan lies down tired, his wounds gaping.

The leader of the clan comes out through all the rubble and congratulates him on
beating John. He then brings out another of the clan's member for Ethan to fight.

Makima: "What's good?"

Ethan: "AW HELL NAH."

Ethan and Nayuta run away

Dion and Vivek woke up in complete darkness. They couldn't remember how they got
there or where they were. As they tried to gather their thoughts, they realized
that they were inside some sort of confined space that seemed to be moving. Dion
reached out and felt cold metal walls, while Vivek searched for a door or a switch
to turn on the lights.

After a few minutes of panicking and trying to figure out where they were, the
movement stopped and the room suddenly filled with light. Dion and Vivek squinted
as their eyes adjusted to the brightness. They were surprised to find themselves
inside an elevator, and even more surprised when the elevator started moving again.

The two of them exchanged confused looks, trying to make sense of the situation. As
they rode the elevator, they couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They had no
idea where they were heading or what was waiting for them at the top.

After what felt like an eternity, the elevator finally came to a halt. The doors
slid open and Dion and Vivek were greeted by blinding sunlight. The two of them
shielded their eyes as they stepped out of the elevator and onto a rooftop. To
their surprise, they weren't alone.

A group of people stood there, looking at them with curious eyes. Dion and Vivek
were completely disoriented, unable to understand what was going on. Before they
could even ask any questions, the people grabbed them and pulled them out of the

As they were being dragged away, Dion and J looked back at the elevator and saw
that it was now surrounded by a high wall, trapping them inside. They tried to
resist, but the people were too strong. They were led through a door and into a
massive maze.

Dion and Vivek's hearts raced as they realized that they were now trapped in a maze
with no way out. They looked at each other, their eyes filled with fear and
confusion. Who were these people? Why were they here?

The group of people seemed to be waiting for something, and as soon as Dion and
Vivek were brought in, they started cheering and clapping. Dion and Vivek were even
more confused now. What was going on?

Just then, a loud voice boomed throughout the maze, announcing, 'Welcome to the
Maze of Life. You have been chosen to compete in a series of challenges. The first
one to reach the end of the maze will be rewarded with riches beyond your wildest

Dion and Vivek looked at each other, completely taken aback. They had no idea how
they ended up in this situation, but they knew that they had to work together if
they wanted to survive.
Day 1
They found themselves lost in the dark, winding maze. They had been exploring the
abandoned castle when suddenly, the ground beneath them gave way and they tumbled
into the maze.

As they got up and dusted themselves off, they noticed the sound of low growling
and heavy footsteps coming from somewhere in the maze. Their hearts raced with fear
as they realized they were not alone. Without warning, a group of terrifying
creatures, known as Grievers, emerged from the shadows and started attacking them.

Panicked, Vivek and Dion ran for their lives, desperately searching for a way out
of the maze. As they turned a corner, they stumbled upon a small crevice in the
wall. Without hesitation, they squeezed through it and found themselves in a hidden

Breathless and shaken, they caught their breath and took in their surroundings. The
room was filled with dusty old books and scrolls. But before they could relax, the
sound of the Grievers grew closer, reminding them that they were still in danger.

Thinking quickly, Vivek remembered a book he had read about ancient mazes. In the
book, it was said that certain mazes had secret pathways and rooms that could only
be found by solving riddles or puzzles.

With the Grievers closing in, Vivek and Dion searched the room for any clues or
hints. Suddenly, Dion noticed a book with a peculiar cover. It seemed to glow in
the dim light, and upon closer inspection, it had a riddle inscribed on it.

'Feed me and I will live, give me a drink and I will die. What am I?'

Without hesitation, Vivek knew the answer. 'Fire,' he said, as he grabbed the book
and held it up towards the Grievers. With a loud hiss, the Grievers stumbled back,
seemingly afraid of the fire on the cover.

Taking advantage of the moment, Vivek and Dion ran towards a nearby bookshelf and
pushed on it. To their surprise, the bookshelf slid open, revealing a hidden

They quickly squeezed through the narrow passageway, with the Grievers hot on their
heels. The passageway led them to a room filled with mirrors of all shapes and
sizes. The Grievers were confused and disoriented by the reflections, giving Vivek
and Dion a chance to catch their breath.

But their peace was short-lived as they noticed the mirrors beginning to crack and
break, sending shards of glass flying everywhere. They quickly realized that the
Grievers were using their sharp claws to attack the mirrors.

Panicked, Vivek grabbed Dion's hand and they ran towards the mirror on the far side
of the room. With the Grievers in hot pursuit, they jumped through the mirror and
found themselves in another hidden room.

This room was different from the others. It was filled with beautiful paintings and
sculptures. As they caught their breath, they noticed one particular painting that
seemed to be pulsating with energy.

With no other options, they decided to touch the painting and see what would
happen. To their surprise, the painting acted as a portal, transporting them to the
entrance of the maze.
At night

Dion: "Today was something."

Vivek: "Where is our family too?"

Dion: "I have no idea, but we gotta keep moving."

Vivek: "I'm scared, I miss mom and dad. When will we find them?"

Dion: "I don't know. I'm trying to be brave, but I'm scared too. What if we never
find them?"

Vivek: "We have to keep going, they told us to stay together no matter what. We
can't give up."

Dion: "I just want to go home. I want mom to tuck me in and dad to tell us a
bedtime story."

Vivek: "Me too. But we have each other. We'll get through this together, no matter
Day 2
The two siblings woke up in the morning, their stomachs grumbling with hunger. As
they ventured into the maze, they searched for any sign of food. The siblings
discussed their options, wondering if there was a grocery store or a restaurant
nearby. After a while, they heard the sounds of distant voices and laughter.
Approaching a small clearing, they encountered a group of strangers who were
sharing food. The strangers were willing to help, and the siblings' hunger was
finally satisfied.

However, as your parents used to tell you. Never accept anything from strangers.

Dion and Vivek fall unconscious.

When they woke up, they found themselves in a dimly lit room with no windows and a
heavy metal door. Their heads were pounding, and their bodies felt weak. They
quickly realized that they had been drugged and brought to this room by the

Confused and scared, they looked around for the source of the voice. 'Who are you?'
Dion called out, his voice shaking.

'We are the creators of this maze,' the voice replied. 'And you two are our latest

Dion and Vivek were shocked. They thought the maze was just a cruel twist of fate,
but now it seemed that it was actually a twisted game.

'Why are you doing this?' Vivek asked, trying to hide his fear.

'We are testing the limits of the human mind and body,' the voice answered
cryptically. 'And you, my dear players, have proven to be quite resilient so far.'

Just then, a tray of food was pushed through a slot in the door. Dion and Vivek
were hesitant to eat, but their hunger got the best of them. As they ate, they
started to feel nauseous once again. But this time, they fought against the feeling
and managed to stay awake.

They frantically searched their surroundings, hoping to find a clue or a way out.

But as their gazes landed on the locked door that stood between them and freedom,
they knew they needed more than luck. It required a key card, and they had no idea
where to find one.

Vivek ran his hand through his hair in frustration while Dion paced back and forth,
deep in thought. Suddenly, Dion's face lit up with excitement.

'I have an idea,' he exclaimed. 'We can basically copy the key card by making
molten plastic.'

Vivek raised an eyebrow, impressed by his friend's quick thinking. 'How do we do


Dion’s excitement was infectious as he explained his plan. 'We need a heater, some
food plastics, and a tray. We'll use the heat from the heater to melt the plastic
into a mold of the key card. It's simple!

Realization dawned on Vivek as he understood the brilliance of Dion's plan. They

quickly scrambled to gather the necessary materials, using the food plastics from
the trays they had been given to hold their meals.
As Vivek held the tray over the heater, Dion carefully placed the plastic into the
mold and watched as it began to melt. They both held their breath, hoping that
their makeshift key card would work.

After a few tense minutes, Dion gingerly removed the now molten plastic from the
tray. They both let out a sigh of relief as they saw that it had perfectly taken
the shape of the key card.

With hope renewed, they rushed to the door and inserted the molten plastic key card
into the slot. To their amazement, the door clicked open, and they were finally

Vivek and Dion had been trapped in the room for what seemed like hours. They could
hear the guards outside, their loud voices echoing through the walls. But now, they
had finally managed to find a way out. A small, barely noticeable crack in the wall
led them to an opening in the maze. They didn't waste a second and made a run for

As they sprinted through the winding paths, their lungs burning with exhaustion,
they suddenly stumbled upon a caravan parked just ahead. The bright neon sign above
it read 'Guns for Sale'.

Without thinking, Vivek and Dion veered off their path and headed straight towards
the caravan. They knew they needed weapons if they were going to make it out of the
maze alive.

As they got closer, they could see the various guns on display.

Vivek, had a more reserved attitude towards guns. He had seen their destructive
power firsthand and was hesitant to even touch them. But he knew they needed to
protect themselves and didn't want to risk their chances of survival.

The man behind the counter was an intimidating figure, with a long scar running
down his face and a collection of guns strapped to his waist. He looked up as Vicek
and Dion approached, a sly grin spreading across his face.

'What can I do for you boys?' he asked in a gruff voice.

'We need weapons,' Dion said confidently, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

The man raised an eyebrow, 'You look like you've never held a gun in your life.'

Dion swallowed hard but kept up his bravado. 'We need them to defend ourselves
against the creatures."

The man chuckled, 'Well, you've come to the right place. What type of guns are you
looking for?'

Dion and Vivek exchanged glances before Dion spoke up, 'We need something powerful,
something that can take down multiple targets at once.'

The man nodded, 'I have just the thing.' He led them into the caravan and showed
them an assortment of weapons. With each one he presented, Vivek's eyes widened BIG
while Dion's expression grew more and more concerned.

After much consideration, Vivek settled on a sleek, black rifle while Dion picked a
smaller handgun. The man handed them each a box of ammunition and a few extra
'That'll be 500 dollars,' the man said, holding out his hand.

Vivek and Dion looked at each other, neither of them had that kind of money.

'We don't have that kind of money,' Vivek said, disappointment creeping into his

The man's grin widened, 'Well, there's always a price to pay for good weapons.'

Dion proceeds to shoot the man without question.

Dion: "let's go."

Vivek still in shock, went outside the shop with Dion and both of them continued
going deeper into the maze.

As the sun slowly set on the horizon, Vivek and Dion, trekked deeper into the maze.
They had been searching for a way out for days now but haven't had any luck.

As they cautiously made their way through the maze, Vivek suddenly came to a stop
and put his hand out to signal Dion to do the same. He could hear faint rustling
noises coming from up ahead. They both drew their weapons and slowly crept towards
the source of the sound.

As they turned a corner, they were suddenly ambushed by two figures dressed in all
black. Vivek and Dion quickly found themselves surrounded, their weapons no match
for the skilled fighters in front of them. Before they could even react, they were
disarmed and forced to their knees.

As they looked up, they were met with the faces of their captors. It was a man and
a woman, both with cold, calculating expressions on their faces. The man had a scar
running across his cheek, making him appear even more menacing. The woman had sharp
features and her eyes seemed to hold a darkness within them.

'Who are you and what do you want?' Vivek demanded, trying to sound brave despite
the fear creeping up his spine.

The man smirked. 'We are the ones who found the treasure first. And now we will
make sure that no one else lays their hands on it.'

Dion's eyes widened with realization. "What treasure? Bruh"

'We don't want any trouble,' Vivek spoke up, trying to reason with the duo.

The woman scoffed. 'Too late for that. We have been watching you two for a while
now. You were getting too close to the treasure and we couldn't risk it. Now, you
will tell us everything you know about the maze and its secrets.'

Suddenly, without warning, Vivek leaped up and tackled the woman to the ground.
Dion quickly followed suit and took on the man. With a burst of adrenaline, they
both fought tooth and nail against their opponents.

The man's scarred face twisted into a snarl as he punched Dion, causing him to
stumble back. But Vivek, fueled by determination, managed to pin the woman down and
grab her weapon.

'Don't come any closer!' Vivek warned, pointing the weapon at the two.
The duo shared a brief glance before nodding and making a run for it. Vivek and
Dion watched as the two vanished into the maze, leaving them alone.

Just when they thought they could relax.


Vivek got sent flying into a wall by a steel rod.

Similarly, Dion was also tackled and thrown into Vivek.

Fight 1
Vivek Vs Yor Forgor

Yor, with a brash swing of her katana, narrowly misses Vivek, who calmly dodges the
attack and counterattacks with a powerful punch to Yor's face. This causes her to
stumble back, blood streaming from her lip. She quickly regains her composure and
wipes the blood off her face before charging towards Vivek. In a swift motion, Yor
nearly decapitates Vivek with one fell swoop.

Yor skillfully evades Vivek's rapid attacks, then launches a series of jabs, each
of which is expertly blocked by Vivek. As Yor tires from her barrage, Vivek seizes
the opportunity to unleash his renowned Three-Inch Punch, sending Yor crashing into
a nearby table.

Vivek: "hang on we can talk about this!"

Yor: "There is nothing to talk about wretch."

Yor, with a witty remark, twirls two blades around her fingertips. She swiftly
lunges at Vivek, who blocks her attack and counters with a forceful push, nearly
striking Yor's head. Vivek then readies herself for Yor's next move as the Thorn
Princess gets up.

Yor ran in circles around Vivek, and in one dive, dealt a devastating blow to the
Vivek's head! This caused Vivek to grimace in pain and stumble forward, allowing
Yor to deliver another. Before she could, however, Vivek reached for his firearm,
and aimed it at the incredibly fast Yor…


A bullet grazes Yor's cheek, causing her to be stunned for a few seconds. Yor then
lands a left hook and follows up with a suplex, disarming Vivek and pinning him

Before the attack could land, Vivek delivered a decisive blow to Yor's kneecaps,
forcing her off. She then fired five bullets from the gun, but Yor, with keen
perception, cleaved the bullets in half with her blades. In response, Vivek simply
uttered, "Damn."

Yor charges towards Vivek, attempting to grab his gun. Vivek responds by pulling
out two guns, and the two engage in a struggle to disarm each other. Vivek manages
to deliver an elbow to Yor's arm, causing her to scramble to keep the weapon in her


A bullet wound had appeared in Yor’s abdomen, accompanied with a hiss of pain
leaving Yor’s mouth.
Vivek stands in front of Yor, panting, as Yor backs up and falls to the floor,
clutching her bullet wound.

Yor groaned as she leaned back, uttering, "Loid... Anya..." Vivek looked towards
her opponent in remorse.

Also Vivek: "Being a mother won't save you."

Yor refuses to die here and stands up with sheer will-power despite feeling groggy.
With a determined look in her eyes, the Thorn Princess bolts towards Vivek.

Yor lands multiple lucky hits, each one impacting and severely hurting Vivek. Vivek
is backed up into a wall, and in a fit of desperation, grabs a metal string and
throws it towards Yor, who ducks and continues her pursuit towards her enemy.

Yor flips two of her knives around in her hand and leaps in the air, somersaulting
and diving down, aiming both weapons at Vivek. Vivek dodges the attack and stomps
his foot on Yor's, stunning the assassin. He quickly forces the Thorn Princess into
a headlock and throws her away from himself.

Yor manages to swipe the gun from Vivek's waist and fires a few loud blasts,
causing Vivek's arm to be full of bullet holes. Vivek grunts in pain and places his
hand against his bleeding wound and disheveled clothes. Yor responds with an almost
monotone, "Sayonara." She then hits the startled Vivek with a left hook and a quick
jab to the gut, before kicking him the walls, destroying each one. Vivek wipes the
small amount of blood leaking from his lip and holds onto his injured arm. He
hastily stands up and bounds towards Yor, leaping like a frog before swinging his
sword at the Thorn Princess' head. Yor manages to quickly block the blow, only for
Vivek to use it as a distraction and use Pai Mei's famous Three Inch Punch to catch
Yor off guard.

(If you don't know who Pai Mei is you aren't a real fan of Kung Fu Panda)

With Yor slightly weakened, Vivek dealt a deft blow to Yor, with enough strength to
blast her into another wall!


Vivek’s katana had barely missed a perfect blow to Yor, due to the Thorn Princess’
dodge. The slice ended up bisecting the pipe above the Yor Forger’s head. With a
quick blast of vapor erupting from the pipe, both fighters scrambled around the
room in hopes of landing a lucky hit!

Vivek groped around the room for a door. He soon managed to get the vapor out of
his face and see again, grabbing his blade once more and swinging it at Yor, who
with instinct alone, grabbed the blade in between her hands!

The gun, released from Yor’s earlier grasp, was in clear sight. Vivek managed to
reach for it and fires multiple rounds at his assailant, despite the immense pain
in his arm! Each bullet was masterfully dodged by Yor, who somehow managed to kick
one of the blasts back at Vivek, striking his bad arm! Seeing this as an
opportunity to finish the fight, Yor slides the sword back to Vivek, making sure
her opponent died honorably

Yor's monotone voice echoes through the nearly empty room as she instructs, "Pick
it up." Vivek reluctantly slides the blade back into its sheath and assumes a
battle stance.
Vivek leaps towards Yor, who thrusts her fist up. Vivek narrowly dodges the punch
and rams himself into Yor, tackling the Thorn Princess forward and slamming her
head into the wall. Vivek quickly goes back a little.

Yor leaped forward and began to clobber Vivek with a barrage of punches. After her
opponent is weakened, Yor flips over and gets on her hands, before using them to
propel herself upward and deliver a crushing blow to Vivek's face!

Vivek stumbled back. He wiped blood from his lip and regained his fighting stance.
He didn't think it would come to this, but she had no choice.

Vivek flips Yor around and swings both of his stiletto-esque weapons down his
opponent, severing both of her arms! With one final attack, the Vivek brings his
blade in front of Yor's neck.

Vivek: "Asta-la vista baby."

Vivek brings the blade towards himself, decapitating Yor and ending the legacy of
The assassin.. The former assassin's body goes limp and slumps forward as Vivek
falls to the ground unconscious.

Vivek: "Finish....the battle."

Fight 2
Dion Vs HomeLander

Homelander: "Howdy, good weather we are having today right?"

Dion: *Takes out his gun.*

Homelander: "Woah, no need for violence man."

Homelander: "Homelander embodies not only heroism but also a unique identity; it
stands for courage, integrity, and inspiration. To maintain relevance in the hearts
and minds of fans, we should explore ways to enhance the brand while staying true
to these core values."

Dion ignores him and just thinks about how to escape the maze.

Homelander: "So do we have an understanding? You'll leave my country alone?"

Dion now noticing Homelander talking to him: "What was that?"

Homelander: "I SAID-"

... before getting interrupted by a powerful rocket launcher from Dion, knocking
him into the walls of the maze, and also unleashes a shockwave strong enough to
vaporize a building.

Dion uses his overheated sniper rifle and shoots at Homelander, making it difficult
for Homelander to retaliate. With impressive agility, Homelander dodges Dion's
attacks and counters with powerful strikes that leave Dion reeling. In a moment of
triumph, Homelander seizes Dion by the face and slams him into the wall forming a

Dion recovers and angrily charges at Homelander ramming both of them through the
wall. Stopping for a brief moment, he follows up by grabbing Homelander's head and
grinding it against the ground as he flies using a jetpack, unwittingly slamming
him into the maze and then firing more rocket launchers at him.
Dion swiftly approaches Homelander, ready to defend himself against his attacks.
However, Homelander becomes frustrated and tries to charge at him, but Dion deftly
avoids his advances. Seizing the opportunity, Dion grabs onto Homelander's arm and
spins him around, determined to protect himself and others from Homelander's
powers. Homelander firmly grips Dion's head and prepares to slam him through the
maze walls repeatedly. However using one of his free hands, Dion manages to stab
Homelander in the eye using a fork.

He then uppercuts Homelander to flip him upside down before grabbing his leg and
hand and stepping on his chin to drop down to the ground, intending to crush
Homelander's head against it. Before this happens however,

Homelander shouts out: (*STOP IT*)

The supersonic scream that comes out destroys Dion's ears, causing them to bleed
and the scream to mess with his equilibrium, forcing him to let go of Homelander,
who grabs him and crashes down to the ground at hypersonic speeds, causing an
explosion that vaporizes the entire area.

Homelander, the most powerful superhero on the planet, was facing his toughest
challenge yet. A normal human, armed with guns and missiles, had called in an air
strike on Homelander. Dion had discovered a weakness in Homelander's impenetrable
armor - a fear of air attacks.

As the bombs rained down on the maze-like structure, Homelander frantically tried
to defend it with his laser vision and superhuman strength. But to no avail. The
human had outsmarted him and Homelander watched in horror as the bombs detonated.

Homelander lunged at Dion, determined to make him pay for what he had done. But
Dion was not defenseless. He dodged and weaved, using his quick reflexes to avoid
Homelander's powerful blows.

As they battled, Homelander couldn't help but wonder why this human had such a
strong vendetta against him and his fellow superheroes. Was it jealousy? Envy? Or
something more sinister?


But there was no time to ponder, as the air strike had caused a chain reaction,
triggering a series of explosions that rocked the entire maze. The ground beneath
them was crumbling and there seemed to be no way out.

Amidst the chaos, Dion yelled out, 'This is what you get for playing God,

But before he could finish his taunt, a final explosion ripped through the maze,
creating a gaping hole in its walls. It was the end of Homelander, but it was also
their only chance for escape.

Without a word, Dion grabbed Vivek and they raced towards the opening, the debris
and destruction collapsing behind them. They emerged outside, blinking in the
bright sunlight.

They finally escaped the maze and we're now free to continue their journey.
The world was in complete chaos. People were running around, screaming, and
desperately searching for answers. No one knew what was happening, until the moment
came when the heavens opened up and a voice boomed through the sky.
'Attention, citizens of Earth,' the voice announced. 'We are angelic messengers
sent by the Lord himself. The time has come for the chosen ones to join him in his

Everyone stopped in their tracks, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief. Could
this really be happening? Were the angels speaking the truth?

'We have chosen a specific location on Earth where the gateway to heaven will
open,' the voice continued. 'If you wish to be the lucky person to enter the gates
of paradise, you must make your way to the coordinates we are about to reveal.'

The entire world held its breath as the angels, Rachelle and Brandon spoke the
coordinates out loud. XYZ: 45.6789 degrees North, 78.2345 degrees West.

In an instant, the world erupted into chaos once again. People pushed and shoved,
trying to make their way towards the coordinates. It was a free-for-all, with
everyone fighting for the chance to be the chosen one.

Among the chaos, Ethan with Nayuta, Gia, Bridget, Vivek and Dion start heading to
the coordinates, determined to enter heaven.

The journey had been long and difficult, but they had finally arrived at the
coordinates that the angels had spoked about. They had been walking for what felt
like days, their feet sore and their minds weary, but the promise of reaching their
destination kept them going. And finally, as they stepped foot onto the barren
land, they were surprised to find that they were the only ones there.

They looked around at the desolate landscape, trying to make sense of why the
angels would lead them here. But then, the sound of footsteps caught their
attention and they turned to see a figures running towards them.

Without hesitation, Vivek and Dion recognized the girl as their mother Bridget.
They couldn't believe it, after all this time and all the hardships they had faced,
their mother was standing right in front of them. They ran towards her, tears
streaming down their faces as they embraced her tightly.

As they hugged, Ethan and Nayuta looked over at the other stranger who had also
arrived at the same location. It was Gia.

'Excuse me, do we know you?' Ethan asked

'It's you,' Gia said. 'You're the ones who set us free from the cages.'

After everyone has settled down they all regrouped together.

Ethan: "In case y'all didn't know, only one of us can go to heaven and that's going
to be me!"

Bridget: "Now now I think we should handle this like civilized adults."

Before they could say anything, the sky darkens and they see a hawk flying down
from the sky then crashing down to where they are.

Bridget, Vivek and Dion recognized him as Leonsen.

Ethan: "Who is this guy?"

Bridget started crying and ran towards him whilst Vivek and Dion stood still.
Bridget: "Where were you all this time?"

Leonsen: "Uses the force and pushes Bridget backwards."

Bridget: "Why Leonsen :("

Leonsen: "The world will pay for what they did to me."

Vivek and Dion rush towards Bridget

Ethan: "Me personally, wouldn't take that type of disrespect."

Gia pulls out a gun


Leonsen summons his minions to attack them.

Round 1
Ethan Vs Aizen

Ethan tells Nayuta to hide under some debris

Aizen quickly discards his glasses, smoothly brushing his hair back into place.
Next, he unsheathes his Zanpakutō, Kyōka Suigetsu, readying it for combat. With a
swift dash, Aizen moves rapidly towards Ethan, momentarily vanishing from sight.
Utilizing his cunning and quick reflexes, Aizen suddenly reappears right behind
Ethan, ready to strike.

Ethan, startled by Aizen's sudden attack, leaps away and pulls out a KFC chicken,
As Aizen approaches with Kyōka Suigetsu, they engage in an aerial battle before
returning to the ground. Their blades clash repeatedly, each trying to gain the
upper hand. Noticing the stalemate,
Ethan utilizes his unique abilities to summon chicken from the earth. One of them
strikes Aizen, sending him flying into the ground, but he skillfully avoids the
next attacks.

As Ethan jumps to evade Aizen's charge, the latter swiftly dodges a fried chicken
that would have struck him. With lightning reflexes, Aizen blocks Ethan's
subsequent attack before jumping onto one of the chickens. Leveraging its power,
Ethan propels himself toward Aizen with incredible force. Just as their fists
collide, Aizen unleashes a powerful punch, demonstrating his mastery over Kyōka
Suigetsu. However, Ethan remains unfazed thanks to his immense strength fueled by
the power of the KFC chicken.

Aizen: "Just give up!"

Ethan punches Aizen in the face.

But his arm breaks instantly, startling Ethan. Aizen abruptly stabs him in the
back, sending him hurtling into the air where he is swiftly knocked out. Aizen
stabs him through the chest a second time, targeting just his head and torso.
Confident of his win, the Soul Reaper mocks his opponent while wiping blood off his

Aizen: "I expect nothing more from a human."

Infuriated, Ethan's gaze shifts to the KFC chicken, ending Kyōka Suigetsu's
hypnotic delusion and demonstrating that Ethan had not, in fact, been severed.
Ethan uses the opportunity to headbutt the Soul Reaper as Aizen glances about,
realising that his Zanpakutō has been compromised.

Aizen displays his Fourth Fusion transformation in a flash of energy. With a

devastating cut that destroys most of the messianic Ethan's kfc supports and the
battlefield, he sends Ethan flying. Then, he lowers his blade to the ground and
sends a powerful tremor in the direction of him. Ethan however, conjures a kfc
barrier to easily deflect it, and Aizen leaps to avoid it.

Aizen: Hado #90: Kurohitsugi

When Ethan realises he's going to be confined inside a black coffin, he calls upon
a giant chicken to protect himself. The Hado blows up before Aizen could launch the
attack, and he watches as the Chicken roars and survey its surrounds.

With a playful sneer on his face, Ethan calls forth a huge KFC chicken from behind
Aizen and lunges in his direction, extending his arm. Aizen smirks conceitedly,
shielding himself with a barrier, but Ethan absorbs it, bashing him twice into the
ground before hurling him in the direction of the chicken. After Aizen recovers, he
slices the chicken in two, but it explodes and splits into a cluster of smaller but
still extremely hazardous chickens.

Angrily, Aizen attacks Ethan again. The two clash through the fields, until Aizen
cuts another large chicken in half to create a smokescreen to transform to his
Final Fusion form. He then shoots an energy blast to Ethan, who attempts to block
it. After being sent back, Ethan unleashes his true form (KFC FIGHTER) and attacks.
Aizen retreats to a distance away while dodging attacks and uses a barrage of
fireballs to slow Ethan down, to no avail. Once he gets a fair distance however, he
uses another Hado.

Aizen: Hado #99: Goryūtenmetsu!

Five dragons appear and charge at Ethan. The two groups clash until only one dragon
is left. It charges at Ethan only to be stopped when it is grabbed by the neck.
Ethan in his KFC FIGHTER form then jumps onto the Dragon, sliding along its back
whilst stabbing his KFC knife into it.

Jumping off the now destroyed energy dragon, Ethan and his two surviving KFC
chickens laugh in manic joy as they fly and charge at the Final Fusion Aizen, who
is also laughing in excitement over their battle as he charges up dark energy from
his wings. The two collide and make a gigantic explosion that destroys the ground.
Ethan, who is falling, looks to see that his opponent is also falling but has been
blasted to pieces. Believing he had won the battle, Ethan laughs as he compliments
his opponent's tactics...

Ethan: "LESS GO."

... before being punched from behind through the chest by the arm of the ex-Gotei
13 captain.

Aizen: Nothing can escape my illusions boy!

Aizen charges up one final attack right where he and Ethan are.

Aizen: "Know your place!"

Aizen conjures up a massive, obscene shaft of purple light and sends it at Ethan.
Aizen laughs in triumph once the attack stops, seeing Ethan on the ground.

Ethan gets up, and Aizen stares at his pitiful attempt.

Aizen: "Any last words?"

Ethan: "Domain Expansion: Kentucky Fried Chicken."

Before Aizen could say anything. A domain appears over him and he finds himself in
a KFC restaurant.

Infront of him stands Colonel Sanders.

Aizen falls backwards helplessly as Colonel Sanders sends a frying pan at the
Shinigami, which destroys his body piece by piece and leaves him lying on the
ground, unresponsive.


Round 2
Gia Vs Harley Quinn

With lightning-fast reflexes, Harley Quinn pulled the trigger and a bullet came
flying towards Gia. But with a sudden burst of adrenaline, Gia managed to dodge the
bullet as she threw herself to the ground.

In a state of panic, Gia scrambled to her feet and pulled out a rocket launcher
from her bag. She had been trained in self-defense and wasn't going to let Harley
Quinn get the best of her.

Gia started shooting rockets at Harley Quinn, causing chaos and destruction all
around the area. Harley Quinn was taken by surprise as she dodged the blasts and
tried to shoot back at Gia with her own gun.

Harley: "Stay still, I can't shoot you when you are moving."

Gia finally comes out from behind the debris and throws some grenades at Harley
before running in the opposite direction.

Harley upon seeing the grenades tries running but gets caught in the cross-fire and
suffers from some burns. Unfazed by this however, she picks up her mallet and
swings it at Gia.

Gia however smashes her fist into Harley Quinn and and takes her mallet.

Harley takes a piece of dynamite from her pocket.

Harley: "Got a light?"

Gia: "Yeah sure."

Gia shoots another rocket at Harley but Harley is fast to dodge and lights the
dynamite using the rocket. Harley then runs up to Gia and shoves the dynamite into
her mouth before kicking her into the wall.

Gia gets up, takes the dynamite out of her mouth and throws it in another
direction. Taking the opportunity Harley wraps a chain around Gia and swings her
mallet fiercely at her. Gia gets hit by the mallet and flung into one of the
chickens that Ethan had spawned.
Harley goes to attack her from her blind spot, hoping to land a sneak attack. But
Gia grabs the bat as she turns around and knees her in the guts. She shoves Harley
back and throws the mallet away.

Before Harley can recover, Gia shoots her in the shoulder and then hits Harley with
the hammer, sending her flying to the ground.

Gia laughs as she goes to finish her. Gia shoots a rocket straight for Harley and
this time she cannot dodge and she gets blown to pieces.


With all the minions taken care of it, it just leaves Leonsen. The rain is now

Round 3
Bridget (amped) Vs Leonsen (First Form)

Bridget: "Why are you doing this?"

Leonsen turns around, water falling on his skin as he just stares

Bridget: "Leonsen, you worked your entire life to help people."

Bridget: "Please."

Leonsen opens up his wings

Leonsen: "You're fighting the wrong man, but have it your way."

Bridget is astonished as Leonsen effortlessly creates a massive, modern building

out of thin air. This unexpected structure, defying natural laws.

Bridget throws a lamp at Leonsen runs behind him, and roundhouse kicks him. The
kick sends Leonsen flying, Bridget then flies after him, kicking him multiple times
before dashing behind him again and punching him. She grabs a dazed Leonsen and
slams him on the ground numerous times, drags him near her, and uppercuts him in
the air.

Bridget: "We don't have much time-- please!

Leonsen: "NEVER, the world must pay for it crimes."

Leonsen strikes her from behind, slams her head into the concrete and sends her
flying into the sky. In the sky Bridget throws a rope on one of the buildings but
Leonsen catches it and slams her to the ground. Leonsen then flies behind her
again, Bridget fires a gun at him but Leonsen propels it, and kicks her down again.

Bridget: "Stop, you've already done enough damage!"

Leonsen: "NO, the world always bounces back."


Bridget kicks Leonsen in the groin but this doesn't do anything. Leonsen punches
Bridget three times, knocking her into a trash can where a wooden staff comes out.
Bridget grabs it and begins hitting leonsen with it, only for him to counter and
uses the force against her. Bridget is knocked backwards.
Soon, both him and Bridget wind up on the floor. Leonsen punches Bridget into a
pile of rotten bones. Bridget takes out a knife and throws it into Leonsen's leg
and then uses knuckles to fist punch him, but Leonsen punches her away.

Leonsen: "I see you have grown stronger."

Leonsen: "It won't help."

Bridget: "I know your weaknesses."

Leonsen: "I Have no weaknesses."

Bridget heals up and prepared to fight again.

Leonsen eventually punches Bridget towards the ground before flying up and
unleashing his heat vision downwards, only for Bridget to teleport to avoid it and
get closer to him. After landing two hits, she uses teleportation once more to
avoid an attack and begins delivering a quick combo to Leonsen.

Bridget eventually grabs Leonsen's cape and spins him around before tossing him
into the dirt. Leonsen gets up from the ground.

He is able to back it up by flying forward and punching Bridget into a pile of

rocks. SHe narrowly dodges Leonsen's next attack and kicks him downwards into the
ground before putting her hands together and firing a Lazer beam at him.

The beam shoots through Leonsen's body into a mountain, Leonsen is badly injured
but he still manages to regenerate from the wounds.

Unfazed by the attack, Leonsen flies upward and punches Bridget high into the sky.
As Leonsen attempts to land another punch, Bridget is able to predict where he is
aiming and manages to land a one-inch punch to his chest, sending Leonsen flying

Leonsen: "You're wasting my time."

Bridget catches his fist and punches him to the side. Leonsen begins missing more
against her, who repeatedly counter attacks at high speeds, forcing Leonsen to the
point where he creates clones of himself. The entire canyon is caught in a bright
red explosion that sends Bridget flying back to the ground and landing next to a
pile of rubble.

Leonsen: "Enough playing!"

Leonsen points his finger at Bridget and she feels excruciating pain up, knocking
her unconscious.

Leonsen then jumps onto the building and start absorbing electricity.

Round 4
Vivek Vs Leonsen (amped + Second Form)

Fire running through the veins of Leonsen like a wildfire.

Vivek: "People are dying, you need to stop."

Leonsen: "I will cure the world after I'm done with you."
The air crackles with energy as Leonsen unleashes a surge of lightning towards
Vivek, who reacts with lightning-fast reflexes, narrowly evading the attack. With a
decisive motion, Leonsen retaliates, leaping into an acrobatic assault, delivering
a flurry of lightning-quick strikes. Sparks fly as their movements blur, creating a
dazzling display of skill and power. The clash intensifies as they exchange
powerful blows, each refusing to yield. Sweat drips down their faces as they dance
on the edge of danger, fueling their determination to emerge victorious.

Vivek gets electrocuted and sent flying into a boulder.

Summoning every ounce of resilience, Vivek rises from the ground, his body
thrumming with pain from the electric shock. Determined to turn the tide, he
launches a swift and furious punch, connecting solidly with Leonsen's face. As
Leonsen recoils, gasping for breath, Vivek seizes the opportunity, striking a
devastating knee to his gut. With a quick and calculating move, he snatches a rope,
expertly lassoing it around his neck. Exerting all his strength, he hurls Leonsen
into a nearby structure, the sound of shattering bricks and crumbling mortar
echoing through the air.

Leonsen rises from the rubble, his eyes blazing with fury. With a flick of his
wrist, he summons a fierce lightning storm, the sky crackling with energy. In a
blur of motion, he teleports behind Vivek delivering a crushing electric shock that
sends him flying backwards. Leonsen's movements are lightning-fast, as he lands a
series of punches, each one more devastating than the last. Vivek struggles to keep
up, his vision blurring as Leonsen moves with a speed that defies physics. In a
final, devastating move, Leonsen suplexes Vivek to the ground, before launching a
powerful lightning strike that sends him hurtling back into the earth.

Vivek: "Let's stop fighting, then we can do whatever you want."

Leonsen: "I already know what I want. Now get out of my way before I really hurt

Swiftly seizing the opportunity, Vivek secures Leonsen's body with a tightly tied
rope. Launching himself into the air, he delivers a devastating blow, crushing
Leonsen's face into the ground. With a surge of adrenaline, he swiftly lifts the
dazed Leonsen, driving a powerful punch into their gut before grabbing their cape
and slamming them into the ground.

Leonsen springs back to life, delivering a crushing jumpkick to Vivek's face. With
a fierce grip, he grabs hold of Vivek's head and launches himself into the air,
smashing their face against the jagged walls of the canyon. The impact sends sparks
flying as Vivek is flung high into the sky. Leonsen follows close behind, hurtling
through the air at breakneck speeds. They collide with the ground in a deafening
explosion, creating a massive crater that sends dirt and debris flying.

Vivek gets up weakly from the ground and tries throwing a punch, but his weak punch
is easily countered, leading to him being thrown into the canyon walls. Leonsen
then shoots lazer beams at him. However, he manages to narrowly dodge Leonsen's
heat vision, giving him a chance to grab a rocket launcher from his bag. He takes
aim and fires, creating a powerful explosion that inflicts pain on Leonsen and
sends them crashing to the ground.

Leonsen: "How much money are you getting paid for attacking me?"

Vivek: "I'm not getting paid, I'm trying to save you."

Vivek: "Just stop fighting, and we'll start over, like the family we were before."
Leonsen: "Liar! Just like the rest of them-- nothing but LIES."

After Vivek tried shooting Leonsen with the rocket launcher, Leonsen seizes the
opportunity to inject Vivek with a stamina-draining serum, leaving them completely
tired and unable to continue the fight.

Dion jumps into the battle and kicks Leonsen square in the face, sending him flying
into a bunch of debris.

Round 5
Dion (Amped) Vs Leonsen (Final Form)

Leonsen gets up from the rubble, tired and losing strength quickly.

Leonsen: "Such a disappointment...Dion."

Rain and smoke permeating the air around them.

Dion: "Can't you see all the people you're hurting?"

Leonsen: "You'll never understand."

Leonsen: "You haven't suffered like I have."

Leonsen: "You should be on my side."

Dion: "I was."

Dion propels themselves into the air and forcefully smashes Leonsen's face into the
canyon walls. Seizing the moment, Dion grabs hold of Leonsen's cape and hurls them
to the ground with immense strength creating a giant crater.

Dion lifts Leonsen to their feet and delivers a series of powerful punches,
starting with a right, left, right, left, right, left uppercut that sends the
villain soaring into the sky. Dion then jumps up and slams Leonsen into a pile of

Leonsen retaliates by unleashing a barrage of electric shocks, but Dion dodges each
attack. With a swift motion, Dion grabs Leonsen's head and rips off their mask,
exposing their face. Dion then slams Leonsen into the ground with a powerful blow.
Dion punches Leonsen's face repeatedly, leaving them bruised and battered. Dion
then delivers a devastating sucker punch to Leonsen's gut and then punches them
into more rubble.

Dion: "Please, think of the man you were."

Leonsen: "That man is gone."

Leonsen: "You can't save me Dion."

Dion: "Then I guess you'll have to save yourself."

Dion: "You were my hero."

Dion: "You meant so much to me."

Dion: "I hate that you're making me do this."

Dion: "What happened to our family?"

Dion delivers a fierce punch to Leonsen's face, sending them crashing into the
canyon walls. The impact creates new holes and cracks in the already damaged rock
formations. Diom then grabs their cape and uses it to slam Leonsen into the ground
with tremendous force, repeating the action a total of 10 times. With one final
blow, the protagonist punches Leonsen in the face and smashes their head into the
rubble, leaving them defeated.

Leonsen: "You look tired...Dion."

Dion: "Not tired..just hurt."

Leonsen manages to get back to their feet and with a menacing grin, they lunge at
Dion, pinning them to the ground with their metallic claws. The claws dig deep into
their skin, causing intense pain and immobilizing them.

Dion: "Leonsen stop!"

Leonsen response by digging their claws deeper into their skin.

Dion pushes Leonsen off of them and delivers a powerful kick to their face, sending
them flying towards the canyon walls. The impact causes the already damaged rock
formations to crumble, falling on top of Leonsen and immobilizing them. Although
still alive, Leonsen is now trapped under the rubble, unable to move. Dion
approaches them slowly.

Leonsen grabs Dion's hand.

Leonsen: "You are my son."

Leonsen: "I should've known you would turn on me."

Leonsen: "Just like all the others."

Dion: "Turn? I worshipped you. You were kind and helped people."

Leonsen: "We have to do what's best for those beneath us, whether they understand
it or not."

Dion: "No you're wrong."

Dion: "You were everything I wanted to be."

Dion: "You just...threw it away."

Leonsen: "Yes of're right Dion."

Leonsen: "The power, it blinded me."

Leonsen: "Just give me a second chance, I can fix all of this."

Leonsen: "We can fix this...together."

Dion: "I'll make sure you get help."

Dion leaves

Leonsen: "NO!"
Leonsen's screams fade away
Dion goes on to check everyone. Bridget and Vivek are okay. Ethan is with Nayuta
and Gia just chilling.

Suddenly, the two angels appear from the sky. Rachelle and Brandon.


Before anybody could say anything, Jahiem comes out of nowhere and enters the
portal. The angels disappear leaving the others there.


The others have a good laugh at Ethan as the screen fades away.


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