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She Fell From the Sky

Story: She Fell From the Sky

Category: Frozen
Genre: Mystery/Fantasy
Author: AloverOfBooks
Last updated: 11/05/2014
Words: 132087
Rating: M
Status: In Progress
Content: Chapter 1 to 29 of 29 chapters

Summary: G!PAnna/Angel!Anna. [AU] Subject A117 has spent her entire life in a lab. After being set free, she finds
herself in a world she doesn't understand. She meets Elsa the rich girl who becomes her owner. She realizes there is
more going on at Weselton Genetic Science and some things can't change. (OOC my bad) Cover art by frankenjones
*Chapter 1*: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Set Free

Professor Lovdahl ran down the dark corridors, her only light was the red alarm lights that flashed brightly every few
moments. Her eyes counted the numbers on the walls, searching for the right one.

A112, A113… A116. Aha! A117!

She stopped and quickly fished out her identity card and swiped it on the door. It flashed green and the door slid open
with a hiss. Inside was a small bed, connected to the wall. Subject A117 bolted up from the small bed, "Professor
Lovdahl! What's going on here? Why are the lights acting all weird?" She looked confused, but her bright smile this time
made Lovdahl sad, and brought no joy this time.

Lovdahl shook her head and pulled out her key. "This section of WGS has been shut down, they are destroying all traces
of subjects. That includes you A117." Lovdahl worked on unlocking the lock that held strong leather straps to A117 small
body. Her shaking hands were not helping her, and she dropped the key. "Damn it. I don't want them destroying you,
we've worked too hard. I'm setting you free."

Lovdahl picked up the key, and A117 shook her head, excited and terrified all at the same time. "Setting me free? To
were? Will I go to another lab?"

Lovdahl frowned at the subject's words, redoubling her efforts. She was running out of time. "No, you're not going to
another lab. I mean that you are going outside.. When I get you there, I want you to fly. To fly as far away as you can. Do
you understand?"

A117 tilted her head, grunting when Lovdahl pulled a strap too hard. "But we're not supposed to fly.. Not outside, if I go

"Listen to me! They have called you a failed test all your life. I don't think thats true. I'm giving you a chance to run! I don't
want to see them destroy you. I want you to get out of here and be free. Now follow me A117." Lovdahl turned away
walking quickly out the door, knowing A117 would follow like a dog. It was trained into her to listen to the scientists. That
didn't stop Lovdahl from glancing back to check if the girl still followed. She led the subject down many halls until she
stopped before a large metal door.

"A117, the world outside is dangerous place, I'm probably not saving you by doing this, but I want you to go out there. I
want you to learn what its like to live. No more tests, no more needles, no more pain. Promise me you won't come back. I
want you to know that you are something more. I know you are the key. Doctor Stone just can't see it. I can. If you can look
for a group called the G-" A loud bang down the hall stopped her from saying more. She glanced back over her shoulder,
scanning the keycard over the door to open it.

A117 looked confused and more scared than before. "I will live, if thats what you want. Thank you Lovdahl, you were
always the kindest scientist here. Who am I supposed to look for?" A117 leaned forward and hugged the only figure she
ever really trusted. Lovdahl smiled, nuzzling her face into the girls hair.

"No time, and goodbye A117." She pushed the girl out the metal door and shut it, running back down the many halls.
Praying she did the right thing after all.


A117 shivered, it was chilly outside and the light was fading. She heard even more alarms go off in the distance and she
unfurled her wings for the first time in forever. She finally had enough room to stretch them out, after seventeen years of
being in small rooms.

A117 let out a sigh and gave them a test flap. "Okay, fly away. Not too hard. You've flown before.. Sure it was in a tiny
room, but hey, this is just a bigger room. A big cold and endless room." The girl crouched and leapt into the air, flapping
her wings hard in an attempt to gain altitude.

It took her four tries before she was high in the sky, she could almost see the whole building from this height. She
noticed scientists running to and fro from buildings, it looked like they were shouting. With a slight struggle she turned
her direction away from the building and she began to glide away. A117 wasn't sure what she was supposed to do, other
than fly far away. She then decided she would fly until she couldn't fly any farther.

Ten hours into her flight, and one mishap with a tree later A117 noticed a secluded building. What did Lovdahl say they
were called? Mansions, right. "Maybe someone's home." She mumbled, unsure if she was supposed to stop flying.

I am tired. And I did say i'd stop when I couldn't fly any farther. Looks like this is the b est I got.

A117 curled her wings in, falling toward the building, diving at near impossible speeds. Her eyes grew wide as saucers
when she realized her mistake. "Pull up! Pull up!" She landed running, and tripped over a chair in the dark, landing with a
crash and an oof.

"Ow ow ow!" She sat up glaring at the offending chair, "Hey you stupid chair! Learn to move out of the way." She checked
over her wings, then the rest of her body. Finding she had a scrape on her knee and possibly a bruise on her ankle, she
decided it was a good first landing.

"A B- A117! Perfect if I do say so myself!" She stood and winced at a slight pain in her knee, but the gasp after caught her
full attention. Her head jerked to the right, following the sound. A tall woman stood fifteen feet away, holding a notebook
like a weapon.

"Flier, what are you doing here?" A117 couldn't see her very well, it had long since become dark. She curled her wings in
halfway, holding them at half ready to fly. She didn't look like a scientist, so she was lost on whether or not to answer the
girl. "Answer me now."

"I-I landed here, in hopes I could find some help. Whats a 'flier?' Is that me?" The woman stepped closer, more into the
light, the moon making her hair seem white. She wore a simple blue nightgown that ran down to her knees, but it was
her bright blue eyes that stole A117 train of thought.

Whoa, she's b eautiful! I haven't seen a human like her b efore.

The woman lowered her notebook slightly, looking just as confused as the flier before her. "A flier is what you are. Are
you defective? Or just stupid?"

A117 face scrunched up at her words, wings stretching out and flapping wildly. The girl stepped back and lifted her
notebook again. "I am not stupid! I just didn't know!" Anna wondered just who this girl was? Calling her stupid.

The woman's mouth curved into a delicate frown, a thoughtful look crossed her face. "Calm down. Where is your owner?
Let me see your mark." She stepped closer, still looking cautious into A117 space, until they were inches apart. The
blonde girl lifted the sleeve of A117 jumpsuit inspecting the tattoo on her forearm.

"A117? Thats your name?" The taller womans fingers trailed down A117 arms, and the girl shivered. Something in her
head wanted it the girl to do that again. It didn't make sense, and so she lashed out.

A117 jerked her arm back, fixing the woman with a glare. "Stop that! If you wanted my name, you could have asked. And I
don't got an owner! I came from the lab back that way." A117 jutted her thumb over her shoulder, in the direction of the

"Wait your voice. Are you a girl? Come into the light." The woman stepped back, pulling A117 by the wrist so they both
stood in the moonlight, her eyes trailing up and down A117 body. "When did they start making female fliers. Are you
something new?"

A117 felt her head spin, the girl wasn't making any sense to her, she acted if she had never seen a girl like her before.
Well half a girl. "Uh.. I'm not a girl. Well I am! But.." She trailed off, looking at her bare feet. "I'm half a girl, savvy?" The
blonde blinked in reply, understanding in her eyes. A117 didn't see it though, she was busy studying her feet,

Something else had the girls attention, about the flier saying she came from a lab. "I'm sorry, did you say you were from
the lab? As in Weasleton Genetic Science lab?" The blonde woman went rigid and backed up a step, fear creeping into
her body when the flier nodded. She held her hand out. "Stay back! You could be sick or dangerous." She turned and
bolted in the direction of the mansion.

Boy is she fast.. Wait!

A117 took off after her, resorting to flying low to catch up. "Hey wait! I didn't escape! I was let go!" She stretched her arms
out, grabbing the girl under her arms, slowly lifting them higher.

The woman screamed loudly and clung to A117. "Put me down! I order you flier! Right now!"

A117 shook her head, resisting the urge to listen. "Nuh uh! Not until you prom-" She yelped when the woman's fist
connected to her throat. She let the woman drop, wheezing and coughing for air. "Ah! Lady!" A117 dived to catch the
screaming woman.

She caught her, and her tired wings gave out. The long ten hours of flight was the most she had ever done. Now she
was trying to carry the extra weight of the falling girl. They continued to drop at an angle. "Hang on!" She curled herself
around the woman, wings folding protectively over her. A117 shut her eyes and felt the first tree branch hit her back, pain
exploding throughout her body.

Snap! Snap! CRACK.

A flurry of dust and broken branches surrounded them both. A117 coughed and let her wings drop, crying out when her
left wing made a horrible snapping noise. The woman sat up much quicker, relatively unharmed from the crash, mostly
dazed from the entire thing. She stumbled to her feet, half falling, half walking away from the downed flier.

A pitiful cry caused her to stop at the edge of the trees. She chanced a glance back and she winced at what she saw. The
poor flier lay on her belly now, her left wing at an odd angle. The flier had her hand reached out towards her, "Help me..
Don't leave me here. I'll listen.. I'll…"

The flier dropped her head, sobbing, the pain was too much for her. The woman sighed and dropped her head, looking
at the dirt. "I'll help you, but you have to leave when you're well. And you'll listen to me. Got it?" After a weak nod, she
helped the broken flier to her feet. "I know someone who works on hurt fliers, I'll get you fixed. I'm Elsa Roe by the way."

The flier nodded once again, "Nice.. Nice to meet you Elsa."


Doctor Stone stood in the empty cell of Subject A117. Two guards brought in a woman, and they tossed her to his feet. "It
seems that Subject A117 has escaped. I wonder how Professor Lovdahl." He turned to face the kneeling woman
bending low, grabbing her hair and yanking her head back. He grinned at her cry of pain, "So tell me.. How did it manage
two heavy doors and the leather straps.. hmmm?" He yanked harder and bent down lower. She glared up at him,
refusing to admit she had done anything wrong.

"Come on spit it out. There are only a handful who have the keys to the doors, and only three who have the key to its
straps. I'm sure that Vance didn't set it free."

Lovdahl glared up at Doctor Stone, her eyes burned with hatred. "I set her free, she deserves it. She isn't a failure, she is
the key! The answer to the problems. There are groups out there. They will end this torture."

Doctor Stone tskd in response. "He is a failure. A disgrace to our company name. If we must label it with a gender, then it
is a boy. No matter how feminine he looks. Such a shame you decided to let him go. Now I have to go find him and cover
this up. No one can stop me. I am owned by the most loved company in the world. I bring fliers into the homes of many."

The doctors cold grey eyes brightened, full of malice "Mr. Cooper! I heard her say she would volunteer for the flier
breeding and the dream program. Didn't you?" One of the guards known as Cooper stood straighter.

"Yes sir! I did hear her, loud and clear." The guards face turned into a sneer as he lifted her up. "So glad you decided to
help us Miss Lovdahl. Weaslton Genetics would fail without you…"

"A117 will be the ruin of you Stone! You used to be a great man! You brought this upon yourself. People will know what
goes on in here. The Guardians will stop you and change the world! I swear it!"

Doctor Stone listened to her curses and screams as they dragged her away, his grin never faltering.

No one will stop me Lovdahl. I am at the top of the world and the Guardians are nothing b ut a group of children. And now
it seems I have a flier to catch.


This is my first ever story. I promise there is more, and i know its a little confusing (maybe?) But please bear with me on
this. I haven't tried to write a story. Constructive criticism is VERY helpful but no plain hate. I'm new to this, so please don't
eat me.

EDIT (8-4-2014) I have went through and fixed massive paragraphs and hopefully made this a bit easier. I also added
things here or there. Nothing crazy.
*Chapter 2*: Chapter 2: A New Name
Chapter 2: New name

Elsa stumbled and did her best to hold up the crying flier. It was getting harder to do so, because as time went on, A117
only got more heavy. "Hey, dont go to sleep. Stay awake, I need your help."

A117 nodded, sniffling, her left wing dragging low on the ground behind her. "I'm.. I'm trying Elsa. It hurts, it hurts so bad!"
The blondes legs finally gave out and they fell forward, and they both tumbled down a hill. A117 cried out with each hit to
her body, and Elsa did her best to tuck her self in. Several crashes later and one dull thud, they both hit even ground.

Elsa lifted her head confused as to why her final landing was soft. She found herself splayed across the broken flier.
"Sorry! Sorry are you alright?" A117 vaguely heard her words and she let out laugh.

"Yeah yeah. I didn't just break a wing, and totally didn't fall down a hill. Was I a good enough cushion?" Elsa's once
concerned gaze turned dark. A117 thought it was an ugly look on her face.

"Well fine! Be that way. I can leave you here!" She shakily stood up and hobbled away from A117.

"You promised!" A117 yelled, from her position on the ground. "You said you would help me. I'm sorry that I sound rude,
but if we all forgot, my WING is BROKEN." Throughout her small tirade the girl struggled and stood. Her arms waving at
her limp wing for emphasis.

Elsa stopped walking and she turned, "Well grumpy I can see my house lights. So come on." Her smile was small and
strained, she seemed tense. A117 noticed it and wondered if Elsa didn't like her home. A117 did a mini limp run to catch
up, groaning when it jostled her wing.

Soon she was standing outside the large building and she stared up at it. Her eyes were like an owls and despite the
whole situation it made Elsa giggle. The glare she received sobered her, and she made the Flier sit.

"I'm going to get Hubert. He will drive us. So just sit here." Elsa ran inside without a second glance. Elsa reached blindly
for her jacket and a second in case the Flier got cold.

Not that she could wear it with her b roken wing. But she's my responsib ility right now.

Elsa wandered down a hall to her left and she knocked on a door marked H. "Hubert. Hubert wake up. I need you to drive
me." Through the door she heard a muffled grunt and suddenly the door opened. "Where to Miss Roe?" Hubert wore a
long jacket, probably to cover his sleep clothes. The driver also seemed to ignore the fact his charge was covered in
mud, and had sticks and leaves in her usually perfect hair. He decided to ask about it later, he could hear the
desperation in her voice.

"I need to go to KG vets. Please hurry and bring the car. And not a word to Mother." Her voice grew shaky near the end,
the thought of her mother waking and finding her covered in mud and taking a flier to the vet. It made her want to run and

But you promised to help her Elsa. What did Mother say ab out helping others? Do it only if you b enefit from it.

But what Elsa got from this so far was a sore body and a flier that was probably run away. This is beyond illegal. Elsa
sighed and waited for Hubert to nod and they both went in different directions.

Elsa found the flier in the same position she left her. "Alright. Hubert will bring the car up. I'm getting you fixed up. I've
decided to call you Anna. I can't go around calling you A117. Someone might recognize you." Elsa's voice held no room
for arguement.

A117 now Anna seemed to think about her new name. "Fine. But did you have to pick Anna? What sort of name is that?"

Elsa flicked Anna on the forehead, and the latter held her wounded forehead. "I already decided. If you're going to live
with me, you will listen to me. You are the flier. I am the human. You listen to me."

Anna shook her head at the backward sense of thinking. She had been listening to people all her life. She thought she
was free. Was it like this everywhere? Or was she stuck in crazyland? "Why do I have to listen to you. I'm a 'flier', shouldn't
you lis-"

Elsa covered her mouth, leaning in and hissing to her. "That's not how it works here. Don't let anyone hear you say that!
There are laws, and people will kill you. Not everyone are kind to fliers. So just be quiet and listen. Can you do that?"
Anna nodded making a mmhmm against the hand on her mouth. "Perfect. Oh there is Hubert."

Anna tense up at the four wheeled metal box. What was that? Why was it growling? She growled back at it, and Elsa
rolled her eyes. She helped the flier stand and she waited by the car door until Hubert opened it for her. Anna kept up her
growling and Elsa shook her lightly. "Stop that, its not going to bite you. It's just a car."

Hubert opened opened the limos door for her like usual. "Miss Roe, you don't mean to ride with the flier in the same
seat. Do you?" Hubert raised a brow, looking confused.

Elsa pulled her best stern face and replied, "He belongs to me. So I suggest you keep quiet about your opinions of me
and my flier." Anna debated on opening her mouth to correct Elsa about her gender, but then again, Elsa said to be quiet.
After waiting for Elsa to enter she waited for Elsa to call her in. "Come on then. Get in."

Part way down the road Anna decided to ask a question. "I was just wondering, what are the rules here? And I like being
called a girl. It's what I am."

Elsa lifted a perfectly arched brow. "Rules? You mean like laws, or my rules? I can't call you a girl." Anna gave her such a
pitiful look she gave in. "Fine. I will call you a girl."

Anna's smile was short lived and her brow furrowed in thought. "Both. I guess. I mean its just that… I don't understand.
She said I was free." Elsa didn't know what to make of Anna being 'free'.

"I don't know what you mean by she said you were free, but you are a pet. About there being no girls.. here I'll tell you
everything I can remember from my last history lesson. Around forty years ago, Weselton Genetic Science made the first
ever flier. Fliers were amazing, they could help us do things we couldn't. Flying messages, picking up heavy items. At first
it was a government only thing. But Weselton Genetics came out with a weaker flier someone could buy as a pet.

"The only fliers that were ever made were male. Some people were fine with it at first, but soon they complained. They
wanted a female flier so their pet fliers could have a 'girlfriend'. After five years, Weselton Genetics went quiet. They ship
out male fliers all the time. My guess is they couldn't make female fliers. You certainly have a girl body, except your hair.
Its too short. Why is it cut like a boys?"

Anna ducked her head, flushing with embarrassment. "Doctor Stone had all of his experiments hair like this. He wanted
better hygiene and I think it was less work to keep me clean."

Elsa pretended to not notice the fliers embarrassment. "All right, well we can grow it out. You can't look like some
strange boy girl. You're mine now, and I don't want you looking grungy."

The strawberry blonde smiled her face full of gratitude. "Thank you! I always wanted to have hair like the girl scientists.
They always had such nice hair, and I always had this short cut hair." She tugged gently at red locke, her pain forgotten in
her excitement. "But that doesn't explain why I have to listen."

Elsa gave her a frustrated look wondering if her flier would ever listen. Probably not. "Alright, its a law. The state, no.. The
whole world considers you guys a pet. Get it? You don't have your own houses. You're a pet that someone owns and
uses how they please. There are some crazies out there who call you guys Angles. And they think you deserve rights. But
you are a flier, a creature made by humans. I read about it in the paper. You have no human DNA in you. Therefor you do
not have rights like a human."

Anna didn't know what half of that meant, but she did feel downright insulted. Especially by the condescending tone she
was given. "So you are saying I'm a nobody. I am just an object that someone owns. I'm not free then. Im just as trapped
here as I am back inside the lab." Elsa nodded like it was something everyone knew.

Well they prob ab ly do all know..

Anna was hurt, because this wasn't what she was told by Lovdahl. Lovdahl said that the world was beautiful, full of kind
people. Full of, well, more than what was inside the bloody lab building! "We can talk more about this later. Be qui-"

"Be quiet and listen. I got it.." Anna got out of the car that had stopped in front of a small store. It had a large neon KG sign
on it. As well as the word Vet right after. The windows were covered by blinds but Elsa strutted up like she owned the
place. She knocked quickly and Anna felt the pain in her wing coming back since she was moving around again.

A portly man opened the door and he yawned loudly. Once he saw Elsa he stood straighter. "Miss Roe, what brings you
to my clinic?"

Elsa waved her hand back at Anna, "It seems my flier has broken her wing. I am here to get her fixed. So wake up and fix
her." Elsa stood tall, and had her 'adult' voice on. But inside she was shaking, she didn't like being rude. Not to anyone,
not even fliers. She just didn't want Anna getting hurt, or killed.

Even though you almost got her killed… way to go Elsa.

"Yes Miss Roe. Right this way. Would you like a towel to clean up?" Elsa remembered her muddy state and mentally

"Yes please, I would also like an inking paid for my flier." The big man stopped in his tracks. He could let the fact the flier
was a girl slide, but getting ink for the first time? Real suspicious.

"Your flier was not inked before she was shipped? How very curious Miss Roe." His beady eyes narrowed, and Elsa
cursed again.

"Well.. I bought her! Yes. I bought her from another man, and I don't like her name. So I want her new name in the
system, Kai." The big man known as Kai didn't look convinced but still he dragged Anna down a hall, telling Elsa to use
the towel beneath the counter to clean up.

"Ow! Ow!" Anna whimpered, her hurt wing brushing against the wall, since the hall itself was really narrow.

Kai jerked Anna forward into a small room, "Hush you big baby." He pushed Anna on to an elevated metal counter. "Ah, a
simple break."

He pulled out the items to wrap up the break. "This will take maybe a month to heal." He was speaking in a much kinder
voice now. But his attention was on Elsa who entered the room looking a little cleaner than before.

Anna scowled and glared at Elsa who looked like she was trying to hold back her laughter. Anna was in a ridiculous
pose, laying on her belly, and her good wing was curled in against her body. The other lay limp and hanging down to the
floor. So big it curled a little on end since the room wasn't big enough for it to stretch out completely.

Her unmarked left arm was out and bottom up. The A117 mark tattooed in bold black ink vertically up her right arm.

"So you want her inked with something else?" Kai questioned as he began to move Anna's broken wing into the same
natural position as her other. She cried out and jerked away,

"Ow! Stop that!" The flier jerked her body away, not wanting to be touched by his rough hands any more. She didn't feel
like he was doing any good for her wing.

"Calm down, I have to put it in the right position." Anna felt the old memories of the scientists. Their constant groping
hands, and their rough touches. The smell of this room reminded her of the labs and the constant tests."No! Stop!"

She tried to sit up, but Kai grabbed her by the back of her neck. Forcing her down, "Stupid creature!"

Elsa darted forward, "Stop it Kai! Be more gentle with my flier." Kai glared at Elsa for interrupting his work, but he stepped
out of the room.

"Calm her down then, I'll tell Gerda to get the ink ready. I'll be back." His loud steps faded into the next hall, and Elsa
placed her cool hands on Anna's face.

"Whats wrong with you, he has to move your wing to fix it." Anna sniffled and looked up at Elsa,

"I'm sorry, I just.. I remembered something and it scared me. Plus that hurts! I don't want him touching my wings
anymore." Teal eyes stared up into ice blue.

Elsa shook her head. "No. You want to be able to fly again? You let him fix it. I'll tell him to be more careful. But its still
going to hurt. Relax will you?" Anna took a shaky breath, she didn't want to do this anymore. But she truly wanted to fly

"Ok.. I won't freak out again." She mumbled, looking away from Elsa.

Elsa smiled and patted her on the head, "Good girl." Anna beamed at being told she was good. She didn't hear that very
often, not from anyone. She was even more determined now.

After an hour of crying and trying to hold still, Kai had her wing properly wrapped up. Anna was shaking and Elsa wanted
to hug her despite all the rules and etiquette put into her. Gerda a thin elder woman waddled into the room.
Gerda smiled at the three in the room. "Miss Roe! You got yourself a flier! Heard you needed to re-ink him?" She sat on a
stool near Anna and grabbed her arm, wiping it with a disinfectant.

"What's his name?" Gerda asked, placing gloves off, mumbling about her memory and started to disinfect the tired fliers
right arm.

Elsa sighed, and wondered how many times until Anna's hair grew out she would have to correct people "Anna. Her
name is Anna."

Gerda stared, but then shrugged. She knew who Elsa was and figured she was just eccentric. That was why she
excused the odd name for the flier. "If that is what you wish her name to be Miss Roe. What of this old name?"

Elsa stared at the old tattoo, she too wondered about the old name. Did it have meaning? "Put her new one on the other
arm. Just desensitize her old one, and put a new set up on the other. Can you do that?"

Gerda gave her a wide smile, "Of course, it will be extra. That alright?"

Elsa smiled in return, "Quite alright Gerda. I want it all done tonight." Anna sat between them wondering when she would
get a say.

Elsa won't give you a say.

Anna held her arm out and winced from the stinging pain of the needle. Another hour of being in the vet house. The
constant constant buzzing and the nasty smell of ink nearly driving her mad, Anna finally had her new name and barcode
redone on her other arm.

Gerda had also gone and re-inked some of her old barcode, making it unreadable to any scanner. "There, if she gets
scanned, then it shows up as female flier known as Anna owned by Elsa Roe. Is that all correct?"

While Anna fidgeted and blew on her arm, Elsa nodded. "Sounds perfect to me. Thank you for acknowledging my fliers
gender, and thank you Kai for fixing her wing. Do I need to bring her in for anything?"

Kai handed Elsa a paper bag that rattled from pill bottles. "Give her two of these each day, and keep her wing dry for the
first two weeks of healing. Also make sure the break doesn't move too much. Check for swelling and pus as well. You
shouldn't have to come back."

Elsa gently grabbed Anna's wrist, and led her out the door. "Put the bill on my tab Kai. Have a nice night."

Hubert was waiting in the car and after letting Elsa in he started the car. Anna played with her fingers, clenching her
hands and unclenching them. Elsa seemed okay so far, a little controlling at times but that was probably an act.

Or is it? What have you gotten yourself into A117? No its Anna now. This is my new life and I can't mess it up. I won't b e a
failure. I will live like Lovdahl told me to.

Anna took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Then she stepped into the car, wondering if she made the right choice.

AN: Elsa seems a little weird and controlling maybe rude.. (sorry), but its the world she grew up in. Things will change
though. I promise. Im doing my best. There is a reason for all of this. But I need you to see how different the world is. Any
reviews are welcome, but I don't appreciate flames.

EDIT (8-4-14) I went and redid some of the paragraphs, cutting them to make the paragraphs less big. Adding in
something or taking something out completely. Nothing too big. Hopefully this makes the chapter easier to read.
*Chapter 3*: Meeting the Master
Chapter 3: Meeting the Master

Disclaimer: I don't own Frozen or anything Disney. It wouldn't be the magic it is if I did.

Anna stood in the middle of what she supposed was Elsa's room. She couldn't see much since it was dark in the room.
She decided it was Elsa's since she glided about the room with ease. "So.. where do I sleep?" Anna noted that the room
only had one bed, and if she learned one thing, it was that Elsa probably wouldn't share a bed.

Elsa dropped a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor. "You sleep on the floor for now. I can't have you in another room.
Mother will suspect if one of the rooms is being used."

Elsa had already showered off the mud, and was changing into another nightgown. Anna had been allowed to use a rag
to clean up since her wrap couldn't get wet.

I guess I really am just a pet. She's changing right there. Don't stare! Don't stare!

Anna forced her eyes to wander to the window, it was beautiful and took up most of the room. The window was shaped
like a triangle. Not risking a glance at Elsa she decided to focus on making a nest at the end of Elsa's bed. Anna stood in
the middle of the pile of pillows and blankets. She circled five times to her left then once to the right. With a grunt she
plopped onto the pillows, laying on her belly.

Elsa closed her door and lay a blanket on Anna, patting her head. Anna mock growled and smacked Elsa lightly over the
head with her good wing. That earned her another flick, this time to her nose.

"Bad Anna. I was only covering you up. Do you need to use the restroom? Once I go to sleep, I am not getting up until
morning." Anna shook her head, rubbing her wounded nose, glaring at Elsa. She didn't feel like she had to go. "Then
good night Anna. Sleep well."

I would if you hadn't b usted my nose.

Anna heard Elsa's bed creak slightly and then all was quiet. She counted Elsa's breaths until she didn't know what
number was next. Anna felt a pang in her gut not long after Elsa fell asleep. Or maybe it had been an hour. She didn't
know to be honest. Anna stretched and stood, glancing around. That same pang in her gut was still there. Yup. She had
to go.

"Elsa.. Elsa wake up." Anna nudged the sleeping girls arm and hoped she wouldn't get yelled at. Elsa grumbled and
curled tighter into a ball.

"Go back to sleep Anna." Anna started to dance a little in her place. "But I have to go! Really bad."

Elsa rolled over, her eyes glazed with sleep and she looked mad. "What did I tell you? I asked you.." Blue eyes searched
for the alarm clock. "Twenty five minutes ago Anna! Hold it until morning."

Anna shook her head, "I will pee myself before then!" Another evil glare from the blonde and Anna curled up back Into her
makeshift nest. Her leg bounced furiously.

It's okay. It's okay. Think of not having to pee! How ab out the weather outside. Awesome right? Oh yeah totally nice.
Especially that little pond with the fountain- stop it Anna!

Anna jumped to her feet and paced around the room, walking in small circles. After ten minutes she tried to cross her leg
and she whimpered. "I will pee on the floor Elsa!" She didn't even get movement from her owner on the bed.

I'll show her for ignoring me..

Anna grinned, turned away from Elsa and unzipped the front of her jumpsuit and heard a quick movement behind her on
the bed. Then a gasp, "Anna what are you doing?"

Anna glanced over her shoulder, "What's it look like?" She even wiggled her eyebrows for effect.

Anna heard Elsa shoot out of her bed, "Don't you dare Anna..." Anna couldn't hear anything past the fake groan of relief
she made. Elsa shrieked and Anna thought she felt her ears explode.

Treat me like a pet and I'll give you a pet. Two can play this game 'Miss Roe.'
"ANNA! How could- I can't believe you! BAD!" Elsa smacked the back of Anna's head and despite the slight pain, Anna
was laughing like a loon.

"I didn't go yet Elsa. But since you're up can we go?" Anna bounced on her toes and zipped herself up. She turned to Elsa
who was now glaring daggers into Anna's eyes. In that moment Anna swore that if a look could kill then she would be
dead seven times over.

"Alright, follow me. But don't make too much noise. I don't want you waking up my mother."


Anna woke up to a burning pain her left wing. She slowly rose to her hands and knees and crawled over to the side of
Elsa's bed. "Elsa.. my wing is burning!" she moaned, gripping the beds blankets tightly. Elsa sat up, yawning and
rubbing her eyes.

"Alright, I'll get you your pills." Elsa rolled out of her bed, groggily walking to her dresser where the brown paper bag lay.
She uncapped the medicine bottle and took out two pills. "Swallow these, they will make it go away."

Anna took the pills and swallowed them dry, used to taking pills. While she waited for the pills to work their magic, she
studied Elsa's room. The morning light made it much easier to see the blue dresser. Easier to see how plain and empty
Elsa's room was, save for the bed, a dresser and a nightstand. Anna made her way to the large mirror that hung from the
wall. She studied her own face, and she hated what she saw. Her strawberry blonde hair stuck up all over the place, she
ran her hand through the short strands.

I'll get long hair soon enough, then I can style it how ever I please. No more stupid scientists who cut it short.

Through the mirror her eyes stared into blue eyes. She waved at Elsa offering a small smile. She turned to Elsa who
was still watching her. "So.. How long does hair take to grow out? It's not a long time. Is it?" Elsa jerked from her stupor,
and put on a thoughtful face.

"I suppose it depends on the person, but flier hair grows quick. At least from what I can tell when I see them. How long
were you wanting it?" Anna's face scrunched up and she tapped her chin, letting out a hmm in thought. "Well I want to be
able to braid it. I remember seeing pictures of long haired girls. I always liked seeing the different styles they put their
hair in." Anna shifted away from the mirror when Elsa shooed her away from it. Elsa brushed her hair and began to put it
up in her usual bun.

"If that is what you want. I suppose that is okay." Elsa left the mirror and after changing into a simple blue dress she
gestured for Anna to follow. "I have work that needs to be done, and I don't want you getting into trouble. I'll have to get you
new clothes as well. I can't have you wandering around in a grey prison jumpsuit." Anna hopped into the air, "I get new
clothes! Do I get to-"

Elsa cut her off quickly, "No you do not. I will pick them out." Elsa noticed Anna seemed to shrink at her harsh words.
"But, you can pick one outfit. Just one though." Anna's face burst into joy again, "Yes! Thank you thank you thank you!" She
hugged Elsa who stiffened at the sudden contact. Gently she pushed Anna off her, but Anna didn't care, she was dancing
circles around Elsa.

"Your welcome. Now be quiet, we have to pass my mothers hall." She held her finger up to her lips and Anna copied her.
"Gotcha!" Anna winced and said in a whisper, "Oh.. I mean gotcha." Elsa peered around the corner to a long hall, and
after a moment she deemed it safe to pass by. After they passed by four more halls Elsa seemed to relax. Anna noted
which halls Elsa wanted her to be quiet by.

Elsa stopped in front of a door, but she had stopped so quickly Anna ran into her. "Watch it." The blonde woman
grumbled, opening a door that led to a library. Elsa walked past towers of books and straight to a desk where a stack of
papers and a pen waited. "I want you to stay in this room, and be-"

Anna knew where this was going, "Be quiet right? Ok, miss 'Any Noise Bugs You'." Anna held her hands out making a
mock serious face. Elsa gave her a look that Anna started to take as 'The Look'. Anna shuffled her feet and decided to
explore the room, since the thought watching Elsa write and write already bored her to death.

The books in the library had too many words for Anna's liking. She wandered until she found books that held pictures.
She grabbed four books and sat with them in a corner. Anna could hardly read, but the pictures she liked to pretend what
was happening. She opened the first book, it looked like something about people and old paintings. She flipped through
the pages, giggling at some and frowning at others.
She stopped at a picture of a woman in armor. She sat on a large white horse and she held a sword above her head.
She stared at something in the distance and Anna wanted to know what.

"You like Joan of Arc?" Elsa's soft voice made Anna jump and her good wing flared out in her surprise knocking books off
their shelf. With a loud crash, they hit the ground, and both girls winced at the echo that it produced.

"S-sorry! You scared me. I didn't mean to be loud." Both of them scrambled to pick up the books. The door to the library
opened loudly and Elsa straightened so quickly Anna thought she heard Elsa's spine crack.

The voice that filtered to the back, was sweet soft but it reminded Anna of Doctor Stone's voice. A voice that sounded like
everything was fine, but she knew there was venom behind it all. "Elsa? What was that noise?" The voice got louder and
Elsa shoved Anna down a different aisle.

"Hurry… That is my mother." Elsa shoved Anna in the gap under her desk. Elsa then sat at the desk making herself look

"I-I'm not sure what the noise was. Maybe some books fell?" She answered and hoped her mother wouldn't notice how
scared she sounded.

Her mother appeared from between two tall shelves of books. "They did, strange." Her tone gave it Anna the feeling she
didn't think it was strange. "Maybe the shelf is old. I'll have Robert check the shelves."

Anna shifted from under the desk, uncomfortable in her cramped position. It didn't help that Elsa's legs were shoved in
her face. She huffed and leaned on Elsa's legs to hopefully take the pressure off her broken wing.

Elsa twitched when she felt a weight on her legs and her hands moved to rest in her lap. She gave her mother a strained
smile while she pushed at Anna's face. "Excellent idea mother, do you want the papers I have finished so far?" Her
mother walked up to the front of the desk holding her hand out. Elsa stopped pressing on Anna and grabbed the
completed work and shakily held it out. Her mother snatched the papers and Elsa prayed she would just leave with
them. She didn't, her mother stood there, reading over the papers.

Anna tried to squeeze her face in the only opening between Elsa's legs and the desk. Her efforts got her flicked and
pushed back again. She huffed against Elsa's thigh, "I can't breath down here." She whispered mostly to herself. Elsa
shook her index finger left to right and Anna glared at the offending finger.

Since she was suffering she decided to have a little fun. She drew a pattern on Elsa's thigh and knee with her finger. The
leg shifted and moved away from her finger. She followed it and Elsa's hands reached under again and gripped her
hand in a death grip. Anna could hear Elsa's mother talking again so she listened in.

"This needs work Elsa, you did two of these wrong. I want you to find the error and fix it." The older woman tossed the
papers back onto the desk. "I want it done in black ink, not blue. Understand?" Her tone had completely changed from
the 'worried' tone into a colder one and Elsa nodded staring at the desk. "Good girl, I want them all done before afternoon
tea." Elsa cringed, right, today they had guests. At least she could look forward to good tea. As soon as her mother left
the room she pushed her chair back and Anna tumbled forward.

"Oh finally! I thought I was going to die!" She dramatically gasped and made a show of breathing. Her unbroken wing
unfurled from her back, stretching out. "Man your mother sounds evil. Why exactly am I a secret?"

Elsa rolled her eyes at Anna, "Don't be so dramatic. My mother doesn't like taking in stray animals. I'll tell her about you,
just not yet. She doesn't take to change very well." Anna raised a brow and shrugged, which resulted in her whimpering.

Right, b ad wing. Duh Anna, how could you forget?

"Introduce me at 'afternoon tea'. Whatever that is. Can't get mad over tea right?" She smiled like it was the greatest idea
in the world. "Oh do you have any socks?"

Elsa was startled by the change in topic, so much that she forgot Anna's first idea. "Socks? What would you do with

Elsa received a look that made her face burn with embarrassment. "What else? I would wear them. Its freezing in here,
haven't you noticed?"

Anna shivered holding her arms and her wings fluffed up in a way that was adorable. The wing curled around Anna in
attempt to warm herself. Elsa coughed to cover up her amusement, "Alright. I will get you some socks. Stay here."

Anna lay on her belly on the floor, playing with a small dust bunny. "How much longer? I am beyond bored. The small cell
I used to live in was better than this." Elsa sighed glancing at the clock that read ten.

"Tea isn't until one. Take a nap or something." Elsa went back to writing and Anna whined.

"But I am hungry! And I have to go to the bathroom. Feed me.. Feed me Elsa." She smashed the dust bunny underneath
her hand.

Elsa sighed even louder than before, "Its like caring for a child." She got up after finishing one last sentence of her work.

"Lets feed you and let you do your business. Before I rip my hair out." Anna stopped whining and she was on her feet in a

"Perfect! I like your thinking." Elsa walked out the door and Anna waited until she was a few feet away. She tested her
socks on the ground. Her foot slid easily on the hardwood floor. She grinned and ran after Elsa, then she stopped her
feet and let herself slide across the smooth floor.

Elsa turned at Anna's squeal of delight, "What are yo- oof!" Anna ran straight into Elsa and they fell to the floor. Elsa
closed her eyes and waited for her head to hit the ground. Instead her head was cushioned by Anna's hands.

"Sorry! I couldn't stop sliding. You have to try it!" Anna leaned away from Elsa, straddling her. "Oh, you're not hurt are you?"
Elsa shook her head, still stuck on the fact that Anna had stopped her head from hitting the floor. Why would she do that?
Did Anna actually care? Or was it because she was the owner and Anna the pet. The pet protected its master. Right? It
was rather distracting with Anna on top of her. She looked beautiful in the light, especially the way her hair lit up. Boy
looking or not, she couldn't deny that Anna was beautiful. She couldn't help but wonder how would she look with long

A loud rumbling from Anna's belly shook her from her shameful thoughts. She smiled and sat up, forcing Anna to sit
back on her lap. "Lets feed you, so your stomach doesn't wake the dead." Anna nodded and smiled before Elsa's words

She frowned and grumbled. "Hey! My stomach wouldn't do that. Thats rude." She got off Elsa and helped her up, "Which
way is the food? I want to slide my way there. You should try it."

Elsa shook her head, "Anna no. You're supposed to walk. Its not proper to slide across the floor." She patted out a
wrinkle in her dress then started to walk.

"Awww.. Come on! You have to do it once." Anna stuck her lip out in a pout, and her hands were clasped under her chin.

Elsa shook her head, "I said no. Stop asking." Her tone no longer held the playful jibe from a moment ago. It was just as
cold as her mothers. Anna flinched and hung her head.

"Okay Elsa." She hunched her shoulders and followed much more quietly, looking at her feet. Elsa glanced back and
she winced herself. She took out her anger at Anna.

"Oh fine! If it means so much to you. Just this once. " Anna leapt to the air in a small cheer. "I'm only doing this so you'll
stop looking like a wounded puppy."

A rather cute and adorab le puppy. Wait what? No that's wrong. Stop that Elsa, she's your pet. Thoughts like that will send
you to the loony b in. Or jail.

She bent over and slipped her heels off, hoping her face wasn't burning from the shame she felt. "Alright, so.. tell me
how this works." Anna stopped bouncing in her place and took on a serious face.

"All you have to do is run and stop running." What?

Elsa looked confused, "What do you mean?" Anna shook her head, "Let me show you." Anna ran down the hall and
stopped her feet, sliding with ease. "See? Its easy!" She waved at Elsa, giving her an encouraging thumbs up.

Elsa lightly lifted her dress and ran just like Anna did. She couldn't stop the huge grin or the squeal of laughter as she
slid down the large hall on her stockings. She stopped by Anna and she laughed again. To Anna it was the most
amazing sound she ever heard. Anna vowed to hear that full laugh again, and to be the cause of it.
"Fun right?"

"Yes it was. Lets do it again."


Afternoon tea time brought a maid to the library. She knocked and entered the library, a flustered Elsa sat at the desk.
"Miss Roe. Your mother wants you in the garden. Mrs. Briar is out waiting for you as well. She brought her daughter."

Elsa smiled politely and waved the maid away. "Thank you, tell mother I will be there shortly."

The maid bowed and left the library and Elsa let out what she thought was the hundredth sigh today. "You can come out
now Anna." She scooted back and let Anna out of from under the desk.

"Geez, you need a bigger desk. Your legs take up all the space down there."

Elsa raised a brow, "Right, next time I'll tell Robert to get me a desk that can fit both my legs and a flier down there. I'm
sure he can think of something."

"None of your sass Miss Roe. It doesn't suit you." Anna laughed and she ducked from the paper ball Elsa threw at her.

"You are lucky that I am merciful to the crippled. And that I so happen to be a kind owner. Now, I am going to go entertain
my mother and the Briars." Anna followed her since it was becoming her new habit to follow Elsa around.

"No Anna. You can't come with me." Anna crossed her arms and stared up into Elsa's eyes.

"Why not? I can be a surprise! Plus what's the worst your mother could do? You have guests, remember? You act like it's
bad for me to be here."

Elsa was already shaking her head knowing exactly what her mother could do. "No. You wouldn't make a good surprise.
Mother maybe wouldn't say anything about you then, but she definitely would after. She won't be happy with me for just
taking you in. It's technically illegal. But I have decided, and it's final. You are staying right here. Do not move from this

Anna nodded but Elsa grabbed her arm and jerked her closer. "I mean it. You will stay in here. You will not leave, and you
will not go out into the garden. Do I make myself clear?"

Anna nodded vigorously, "Yes ma'm. I won't leave the room." She gulped and looked away from the fire in Elsa's eyes. It
was clear, Elsa was still the master no matter how nice she seemed. Elsa looked pleased with the answer she got and
she left, the door closing with a final click.


Fifteen minutes after Elsa left, Anna had done everything she could to keep herself entertained. She opened more
books, she slid around on her socks. She counted books until she didn't know the next number. She groaned from the
boredom and she feared the wrath of Elsa, but she also wanted to see who was visiting. They seemed important.
Important enough that they called for Elsa and her mother. Anna got the idea that they didn't do much together.

The flier decided she had enough and reached out to open the door. The handle turned and the door slammed her in the
face. With a cry she landed on her rear, holding her nose. A woman stood in the doorway, she was tall, maybe as tall as
Elsa. She wore a long dark purple dress that nearly touched the ground. Her brown hair was in the same style as Elsa's.
Anna bet her blue eyes would be beautiful were they not so cold.

Something ab out her is terrifying. Oh holy test tub es! Don't tell me this is Elsa's mother..

The lady glared at her while she struggled to her feet. She felt warmth run down her lip, and she figured her nose was
bleeding. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand. Great she was. "Who are you flier?" The brunette reached for
Anna's arm, the wrong one, and Anna jerked back. "Come here. Now flier." Anna held out her other arm, lifting the sleeve.

"Anna? What sort of idiot names their flier Anna. You would do yourself a favor and leave. I won't tell you again." She
pointed to the door, and Anna almost went out the door just to get away from the woman.

A tiny whisper. "But.. I belong to Elsa." The woman's head jerked to Anna again.

"You belong to who?" She didn't wait for an answer and grabbed Anna roughly and dragged her along. Anna dug her
heels in an attempt to stop but the socks on her feet betrayed her and she slid right along.
You stupid socks! Curse you for working so well! Now I'm going to die, and its all your slippery fault!

The lady brought her to a room that was beautiful, and if Anna wasn't about to throw up her intestines, she might have
appreciated the decor of the room. The woman pulled out a scanner and she held it to Anna's wrist where the bar code
lay. It beeped and in a monotone voice bleated, "Anna. Female flier. Current owner is Elsa Roe."

The brunette tossed the scanner and grabbed the collar of Anna's shirt. She yanked Anna closer and studied her face,.
"There are no female fliers. Its impossible. It seems my daughter has been hiding things from me. Lets head back out to
the garden. You can play with Miss Briar's flier. Elsa shouldn't hide her pet from anyone. No matter how grungy you are."

Anna once again was dragged down the many halls. The doors to the back were massive and made of glass. A maid
opened the door for them both, bowing as they passed by. Elsa's eyes were the size of saucers and she was frozen mid
motion, her tea cup halfway to her lips. Anna rubbed the back of her neck and waved, ignoring the sudden death glare
from Elsa.

"Elsa, you never told me you owned a flier." That must have been Mrs. Briar Anna supposed, since she was older. Elsa
took a sip of her tea to give herself a moment.

"Well, you never asked Mrs. Briar. I'm sure she would like to go play with Phillip?" She pointed to a tall male flier in the
distance. Anna nodded and stiffly bowed to them, but that made her broken wing visible.

"A female flier? Oh the poor dear has a broken wing. How did that happen?" Mrs. Briar got up and turned Anna around to
study the cloth wrap that held her wing in place. "Such pretty wings, I wish my Aurora's pet had wings this color. His are a
dull brown. What color is this? A dark red? See how to light makes them shine. Absolutely gorgeous. You have a lovely
pet Elsa. Though her hair needs some work." Mrs. Briar tugged on Anna's wing and ran a hand through her hair all the
while she talked.

Anna stiffened and she hunched her shoulders, her wings fluffing up instinctively to make herself seem bigger. She
hoped that maybe Mrs. Briar would fear her size and run. But that was a dead hope because she squealed and fawned
even more over Anna. "How cute she is. I want a female too now. How much did she cost?"

Elsa coughed and tried to think of a good answer. "She broke it with a bad landing. And she was rather costly. They only
started making her. Its more of a secret, Weselton Genetics haven't announced her yet. She's more of a… test. Anna why
don't you go get to know Phillip? Go play." She smiled at Anna, but her eyes spoke a different story.

Yup now I am definitely dead. If Elsa's mother doesn't kill me, I'm sure Elsa will.

Anna left the four at the table so they could continue whatever they were doing before. She could feel all eyes on her as
she walked. "Hello! I'm Anna, you are Phillip." Phillip turned and his brown eyes studied Anna. Anna did the same,
looking him up and down.

"Yes. I am Phillip, pet to Aurora Rose Briar." He unfurled his wings, trying to loom over her and seem menacing. Anna
wasn't sure she liked his small show of dominance.

Hey b uddy, I might have b een here for only a night. But this is my mansion!

She squared her shoulders and glared up at him. She copied his stance, trying to seem bigger by fluffing her wings up.
Anna knew she was smaller but she wouldn't bow to him. She flapped her wing hard at him and he stumbled back in

That's right, my mansion. Just b ecause I'm smaller and crippled doesn't mean I wont fight b ack.

He glared and lowered his eyes, bowing deeply, one leg bent slightly, and the other leg rested slightly behind him. His
arms and wings flattened and stretched out. The position left him completely vulnerable. Anna crossed her arms and
she made him stay like that for a minute before she nodded. He straightened and looked at group of women. "So, they
say you're a girl."

Anna shrugged, "Yup and you're a boy. But if we get technical I'm half a girl. So what?"

He flopped to the ground watching the flowers sway in the slight breeze. "Just curious, you do have a hairstyle like mine.
Yours is longer though."

Anna sighed and wished her hair was long like Elsa's so she wouldn't have to deal with this. "Well I am a girl. Its growing
out okay?" She sat down as well, tearing up the grass, letting the wind take it.
"Anna! Phillip! Come here." Mrs. Briar called, and they both walked over. Phillip kept his head bowed and stood by
Aurora. The blonde girl patted her flier's arm with a loving smile. Anna stood by Elsa since she wasn't too fond of Elsa's
mother, and Mrs. Briar weirded her out. Anna didn't get a pat she didn't even get an acknowledgement.

The older Briar said. "Mrs. Roe and I are going inside to discuss some paperwork. Aurora, Elsa, why don't you two take
your fliers out for a walk. Do a little bonding?" Mrs. Roe and Mrs. Briar walked off not waiting for an answer.

Elsa glanced at Aurora, "Shall we walk then?" She gestured to the path that led through the woods. Aurora smiled and
followed Elsa, both their fliers in tow. "So Aurora, do you think that your company will merge with my mothers?" Elsa
asked, hands folded in front of her while she walked.

Aurora smiled, "I do hope that our companies merge. Your mother runs a tight ship, but our companies working together
is the best plan."

Anna hopped on her foot to remove her socks, wanting to feel the dirt on her toes. She wiggled them ignored the talk of
Elsa and Aurora. She didn't even understand what half of what they were talking about anyway. She sighed and copied
Phillips walking pose. Her hands clasped behind her back, strutting with her shoulders squared. He glared at her and
he tried to walk like Elsa. He did pretty good and Anna stifled a laugh.

Anna walked like an old man, hunching over and making a pained face. Phillip held his arms out and made a zombie
face, exaggerating his steps. Their stifled laughter had both girls turning to look back at them. Elsa's face said behave,
and Aurora was smiling behind her hand at their silly poses.

Both fliers looked up at the trees finding sudden interest in them. Anna heard a loud crashing sound. Like water almost.
Curious she headed in the direction of the sound, ignoring the calls of both Aurora and Elsa. "Anna come back here.. Oh
that girl. My apologies Aurora, I'll be right back. Feel free to continue on the path. I will catch up, as soon as I catch my

"No need to apologize. Not every flier is perfect. Some don't like to listen." Aurora headed up the path, Phillip not far
behind her.

Elsa stalked off after her flier, grumbling to herself. "Anna! Get back here right now! You're embarrassing me!" She lifted
her dress and broke out into a tiny run, and Anna heard her coming.

"But I want to see what that sound was." She grinned mischievously back at Elsa and took off in a run as well, laughing
as she did. Yeah Elsa might kill her for it later.

"Wow, that is a lot of water." She stopped at the treeline, staring at the ocean. She wrinkled her nose, the salty air didn't
smell good. "How did I miss this flying in? Its so beautiful."

Elsa appeared at her side and gripped her arm. "Why don't you ever listen to me?"

Anna shrugged, "Because you didn't say please?" Elsa glared and Anna gave in. "Alright, I apologize for not listening. But
honestly, this was just around the corner and you didn't say a thing?"

Elsa gave the ocean but a glance, "It's just the ocean. I've seen it a million times. Now come on."

Anna pulled her arm from her grasp, "Promise me that you will bring me back here."

Elsa rolled her eyes, "No. Now lets go." Anna turned and climbed the nearest tree.

"I'm not going until you promise me Elsa!" Elsa crossed her arms, "No I will not promise that. There is nothing great
about the ocean. Its just a bunch of salty water. You want that? I'll give you a tub full of water. I'll even sprinkle salt in it."

Anna laughed, but it wasn't a kind laugh. "Oh yeah sure. Rich girl doesn't care for the ocean she has seen a bunch of
times. This is the first time I have ever seen the ocean. Excuse me for wanting to come back."

Elsa's foot began to tap irritably, "I'll come up there and get you. If I have to, I will smack you."

Anna scoffed, leaning down to look at Elsa. "Go ahead, this is something I have to see."

Elsa rubbed her hands together and tried to jump for the first branch. It was a pitiful attempt and she hardly grazed the
branch. Anna laughed and leaned against the tree, mindful of her wing. "I'm just going to take a nap, let me know when
you make it up here."
Elsa grunted and jumped again, finally grabbing onto the branch. Her arms began to shake from the strain of lifting
herself up. "Ha! I got the branch." She struggled but pulled herself up the first branch.

"Great you did it. Ten more branches to go."

Elsa swallowed thickly and reached for the next one. "You're gonna get it boy-girl!" Around the seventh branch she was
panting and she took a break. She surprised herself making it this far. "I give up. Anna I promise.." She muttered quietly,
Anna leaned over her branch, cupping her ear.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Elsa groaned, "I said I promise to take you the beach later! Now help me down. I'm tired, and
sweaty, and I think I ripped my dress" Anna bit her lip, trying not to laugh because Elsa was right. Sweat dotted her brow
and there definitely was a rip. She could see her pale thigh, and boy was it beautiful.

Stop it b rain, are you insane?

"Alright alright. I'll help you down." Anna hopped down the first two branches and hung upside down on the branch above
Elsa to make a silly face at the frowning girl.

Elsa smiled softly, "Why can't I stay angry at you?"

Anna stuck her tongue out, "Because even after one night with me, you love me."

Elsa's mouth hung open, "I do not l-l-love you!" Anna dropped from her branch causing Elsa to lose her balance, arms
pinwheeling as she teetered back dangerously. Anna grabbed Elsa by her waist and yanked her closer. Their bodies
were squished together, and Anna was too worried about Elsa to appreciate it.

"Chains and Cells! Elsa don't do that!" Anna peered down at the ground, they were high up enough a broken leg or arm
was possible.

Or worse, a neck. Ugh, stop those b ad thoughts. Ooh man Elsa is very soft. We fit together nicely. Wait! Those thoughts
are just as b ad!

"You hopped onto my branch! It's your fault." Anna smirked and loosened her hold around Elsa's waist. "Ok, I'll let you go
then." Elsa shook her head frantically and clung to Anna again. Her arms wrapped around Anna's neck. "No! Don't let me

I won't ever, if that's what you want. There goes my b rain again..

"Come on, lets get you back to Aurora. She must be worried right? I'll listen when we get back."

"Good. Don't forget I owe you a smack. And don't think I forgot about you getting caught by my mother."

Anna groaned, "Right, don't remind me."


Aurora was waiting for them when they got back to the path. "Oh my! Elsa what happened to your dress?" Elsa gave her a
smile, "I fought a tree. It thought the dress was too suffocating and so it gave me a hand."

Aurora giggled and walked down the path again, Elsa not far behind. "You are too funny Elsa."

Anna rolled her eyes and looked at Phillip, "Your owner is so weird."

Phillip didn't look like he appreciated her comment. "She is not. You're the weird one here."

Anna shrugged wincing from the pain in her wing. "I am weird, I accept that. I don't think she will though." She sped up
and walked past Elsa and Aurora waving at the two of them.

"Does your flier know any tricks?" Aurora asked and Elsa shook her head.

"No, my flier is too thick headed to listen."

Anna pouted, catching on to what Elsa was saying. Rude.

Elsa continued. "I don't know much about her though. I never owned a flier before"
Aurora smiled and her face lit up, "Oh! I have books on keeping a flier, I'll send them to you. Maybe my Phillip can teach
her something." Anna rolled her eyes, glad they couldn't see her face.

Oh yeah, that b ird b rain will teach me how to b e an idiot who listens all the time. No fun there.

"I would like to read those books. Thank you. Well we are back to the garden." Elsa wished Aurora and her mother would
leave, she didn't like being around the girl. She was too perfect for her taste. Both their mothers were at the table sipping
tea again. They must have finished business quickly.

"Elsa, Aurora! There you are. Elsa! What happened to your dress?" Mrs. Briar's comment had Mrs. Roe glaring at Elsa.

"Go change Elsa, you look like a rape victim, and change your fliers clothes she looks like she broke out from prison."
Elsa's face burned with embarrassment at being scolded by her mother in front of others.

"Yes mother. Anna come." Anna followed quickly, waving bye to Phillip. Elsa wiped away a tear, angry that her mother got
to her so easily.

"So do I have to wear a dress?" Anna whispered. Elsa smiled at the thought of Anna in a dress. Somehow she felt Anna
wouldn't be very comfortable in one.

She gave a tiny shrug of her shoulders. "You are a girl so you can, but I won't make you wear one if you don't want to."

"Got anything casual? Do you think your mother is going to kick me out later?"

Elsa frowned, "No. I won't let her. You belong to me. Whether she likes it or not. And I do have something casual."

Elsa changed her blue dress for a white sun dress, while she gave Anna a blue sweater and plain white jeans. "Can you
get your clothes off?" Anna shook her head yes and after a few moments of struggling Elsa reached for her. "Let me help
you alright?" She unzipped Anna's jumpsuit and Anna struggled to keep a calm face.

I am wearing underwear, she won't see it. She won't. Nope.


Oh chains and cells, what did she see?

"Yes?" She inwardly groaned at how scared she sounded.

"I know you don't have a big chest, but wear a bra. Here do you know how to put it on?"

Anna relaxed and slumped, "No I do not."

After struggling to get the outfit off, Anna finally wore the sweater that was much too big. It hung past her hands and she
had to pull them up. The sweater stopped just past her hips and the jeans clung to her legs in a strange way. Not to
mention she felt squished between her legs. She hoped Elsa couldn't tell she was packing. The sweater did cover most
of her up anyway so it should be fine.

"This feels weird," Anna gestured to the pants. "Are you sure you're okay cutting the holes into this sweater for my

Elsa smiled, "I'm fine, I have plenty more sweaters. I'll get you clothes that fit you better tomorrow."

Elsa led them back down towards the garden and when they arrived only her mother was there, waiting for them.

She had a riding crop across her lap and Elsa started shaking. Her mother hadn't brought that out for a while.

"I heard that your flier doesn't listen very well from Aurora. I'm not happy Elsa. Not happy. You haven't been making good
choices lately." Mrs. Roe sipped from her tea, and uncrossed her legs. She tossed the riding crop to Elsa who fumbled
to catch it. "Teach her. Teach your flier what it means to misbehave Elsa. And then I will teach you for hiding things from

Elsa's eyes went from her mother, to the riding crop, to Anna. Anna looked like a frightened deer, eyes wide and she
stared at Elsa.

A shaking pale hand clutched the riding crop tighter and with a pained look, she raised it above her head.

"I'm sorry."

AN: Cliffhanger anyone? Longest chapter ever so far! Hope you enjoyed some of Anna's antics and what a day with
(boring) Elsa is like. Review, Say hi, tell me something constructive. Anything really. Hope this was an okay read.
*Chapter 4*: Lies, Regret, Forgiveness
Chapter 4: Lies, Regret, forgiveness

Warning: Abuse! If that bothers you or is a trigger, you have been warned. (Hope I don't lose some of you for this. Its all
part of a bigger plan. Stay with me.)

ALSO: It has also come to my attention that some of you haven't read the summary. I would like to warn you now, that
G!P means girl penis. Sorry If I wasn't clear enough b y stating she was a 'half a girl' and that you may have not noticed
G!P Annain the first line of my summary. Also if there is confusion as to why Elsa still calls her a girl, and Anna says she
is a girl. Its b ecause she looks exactly like a girl. And she feels it in her heart. Yes her hair is short, b ut it wasn't her choice
and she is growing it out. (Its b een mentioned a few times..) Sorry for the confusion and if you're still sticking to the story
thank you. If not, im sorry that the story isn't for you.

Lets do this..

Elsa stiffened with the crop held high above her head. "I'm sorry." She gave her mother a pleading look. "This can't be
right Mother."

Mrs. Roe moved to stand behind Elsa. Leaning in close to whisper in her daughters ear. "It's perfectly right. People do
this all the time. It's a pet, a pet that needs to learn. Aurora does the same and her flier listens just fine."


Mrs. Roe grabbed Elsa's face, thumb and fingers digging into her cheeks forcing Elsa to look at Anna. "No. Look at her.
She won't listen until you show her. Be a good girl. You're my good girl right?" Her mother's voice was soft, and sweet.
Sweeter than Elsa could ever remember it and she wanted to her it more. Like a poison her mother's words seeped into

Elsa looked at Anna and what her mother said made sense. Anna would probably never listen. And Elsa so desperately
wanted to make her mother proud.

She wanted to be good for her mother, wanted her to love her like she used to. Mother always blamed her for her father's
death. Always hated her for it. Elsa knew it, and she wanted nothing more to shine in her mother's eyes again.

"Your flier will love you all the more Elsa. Just like you love me. All the times I hit you, it was me teaching you. And you
listen just fine from time to time. You're simply showing it who's boss. A few little hits. That's all."

Elsa nodded and Anna whimpered her eyes not believing what she was seeing. The fear in Elsa's eyes dimmed until all
fear was masked by determination.

Anna held her arms out in one last desperate attempt to change Elsa's mind. She even crouched lower, trying to look
smaller and submissive. The animal side to her hoped it would work. "Elsa please. Don't do this. I'll listen from now on.

Her words and actions did nothing and Elsa raised the crop once more, but this time she brought it down without

Elsa shut her eyes at the cry Anna let loose. She wiped a stray tear with the back of her hand. It's for her good, mother
said so.

"Hit her again Elsa. Don't stop until I tell you."

And Elsa did. Again and again, while her mother watched with a sick grin on her face. Elsa cried all through it. If this was
the right thing to do, why did it feel so wrong? Why did it hurt to watch Anna cry for mercy after each hit? Why did earning
her mother's approval make her sick and not bring her joy like she fantasized about?

I'm sorry Anna, so sorry. Please forgive me.


"You may stop Elsa." Mrs. Roe commanded quietly after what felt like the longest eight minutes of Elsa's short life. The
blonde girl tossed the crop to the ground as if it burned sight of the small spatter of blood on the tip made her retch.
She doubled over, the guilt and regret threatening to overwhelm her. The sight of Anna cowering beneath her good wing
didn't help her conscious at all. Her mother tsked at the sight of the two girls. One whimpering on the ground, the other
losing her lunch onto the grass.

"You have failed me Elsa. You hesitated to follow, and even questioned my order, you cried during the beating, and now
you grow sick after the beating. A failure yet again. I hope you realize your mistakes. The both of you." Her mother lifted
the crop and twirled the end around her finger, whistling a tune as she walked away. Not even telling Elsa she did a
good job.


Anna felt a soft hand brush her wing to the side, and she flinched away. After a moment the hand returned and placed a
wet rag to the medium sized cut on her shoulder. Anna grunted and jerked away, curling up into a tighter ball.

"Leave me alone." Anna's voice sounded foreign to her, the anger that laced her words, it was strange to hear.

"Anna please, forgive me. I didn't mean it." Elsa's bottom lip trembled and her vision blurred from tears. She reached yet
again for Anna, but she found her world dipping and spinning. Once the vertigo wore off, she found herself staring up into
Anna's eyes. They were full of hurt, betrayal and something she couldn't place.

"If you didn't mean it?" Anna yelled angry confusion on her face. "Why did you do it Elsa? Huh? Tell me. I want to know.."
She held Elsa's wrists in her hands, keeping her in place.

"Anna I swear I thought I was doing something right. I just.. I just wanted mother to look at me. Really look at me and say
I did great. Just once! But she lied to me, and I hurt you. I know there isn't a thing I can do or even say to make up for this.
But forgive me. Please!" Elsa pleaded quietly, hoping Anna would understand. Praying to someone, anyone who would
listen that she would forgive her.

Anna hung her head, sighing loudly, "In what way Elsa… would it ever be right to hit anyone? Where does your head tell
you that its alright?" She looked at Elsa, her tears falling freely now. Anna understood slightly what Elsa was talking
about, and she wished with all her being that she didn't understand so she could hate Elsa.

Being called a failure all the time, being beat for doing something 'wrong.' Anna knew that feeling, and Anna herself,
would have done anything for Doctor Stone to tell her she wasn't a failure. For him to pat her on the head, and maybe
even hug her. Anything to see him proud. No matter how many times Lovdahl said she wasn't a failure, she still felt like
one. If her creator couldn't accept her, then who would?

Elsa must have felt the same way with her mother. Wanting acceptance from the one you looked up to. No matter how
bad they were.

But it wasn't an excuse for what she did. Anna rolled off Elsa, bringing her knees up to her chest. "It didn't hurt." She
whispered so quietly, Elsa didn't catch what she said.


"It didn't hurt. You hitting me. You just scared me. It mostly just tickled my skin. But I cried because I couldn't believe you
would do that. But what do I know, I only met you yesterday." Anna admitted quietly, hiding her face behind her arms.

Elsa clasped her hands, wringing them together. "It just tickled, it didn't even hurt?" If that didn't hurt Anna then her broken
wing causing her pain really had to be up there in the pain levels.

Anna nodded into her arms. "Yup. It never hurt when they hit me. It always tickled. I used to laugh when they first tried to
beat me, or do pain tests. I cry because of what they hit me with, or the look in their eyes. It always scared me. I cry in
fear. I cry because I couldn't understand why. Not because it hurts."

Elsa wondered how strong Anna was to not feel the pain, "But you are bleeding. You can't feel that? It doesn't sting at
all?" Elsa touched the cut and Anna shivered, her cool touch was strange to her hot skin.

"It doesn't outside. Things on the outside don't hurt. It's the insides that do." Anna shrugged Elsa off and stood in one
fluid motion. She held her hand out. "It doesn't matter anymore. I learned my lesson. You should probably bathe Miss
Roe." Elsa flinched at the formal tone Anna gave her, and the use of her last name. Anna sounded like any other butler or
maid in her home.

She accepted Anna's hand and walked to the mansion, and Anna followed with her head bowed.

It had been one week so far since the incident and Anna hadn't changed her attitude at all. Elsa was ready to tear her
hair out. She thought after Anna opened up a little to her, it meant forgiveness. She was so very wrong, and the formal
tone was just the beginning.

Her mother was right about one thing though, Anna was listening just fine now. But she wasn't the same as the first day.
Anna didn't complain when she was cold, didn't whine about when she was hungry. She would just sit and wait for Elsa
to finish her work, or a lesson.

She didn't slide down the halls, even when Elsa tried to coax her. Anna had simply repeated what Elsa told her the first

"It isn't proper Miss Roe. We have to walk."

Elsa was losing her mind, and she didn't know how to fix things. Elsa did everything, she got Anna new clothes and even
tried to let her pick what she wanted out off the laptop. Anna shrugged and told her it was her choice, since she was the

Elsa got Anna a book with only pictures. Anna told her thank you and never opened the book.

Elsa got her, her own little bed in the room. Anna continued to curl up in her own nest of pillows on the ground.

Elsa had decided there was only one thing left. The beach. Perhaps that would cheer her up. Anything to see Anna smile
again. Elsa wanted to do anything to get Anna to forgive her.

Elsa took Anna down the path that led to the beach from her home. Anna as usual followed with her head bowed. "Alright
Anna. Look! It's the beach! I promised to bring you back. Here we are."

Anna barely even looked at the ocean, she merely stared at Elsa. Her teal eyes dull and there wasn't even the spark of
wonder like when she first saw it. It tore Elsa to pieces to see it. She was the cause for this, and she would probably
never have Anna's forgiveness.

"Thank you for keeping your promise Miss Roe. It's.. beautiful." That was it. Those dead words broke her. Elsa cried right
then and there. And Anna did nothing but wait for her to finish.

That was two days ago and today was a new day. Elsa was doing her best to hurry through her lesson. Her tutor for today
was a thin man known as Mr. Thatch. He was too slow for her liking today. Her mother had Anna tied to a tree outside so
Anna could 'get some fresh air.' As her mother put it.

Elsa wasn't going to fight her mother over it, so she agreed and had a maid take Anna outside. Of course Anna didn't
complain or even speak. That was four hours ago, and Elsa was sure Anna was hungry, or thirsty. She scribbled down
the last of her notes for her upcoming geography test.

"Mr. Thatch, how do you get forgiveness for doing something terrible to someone?" She asked, fingers tapping the desk.

Mr. Thatch smiled looking up from his notebook, "Have you tried saying sorry?"

Elsa stared at him and he chuckled, "Alright, alright. I'm guessing you already have. Well have you explained what you did
wrong? Why you did what you did?"

Elsa nodded her head vigorously. "I did."

Mr. Thatch smiled again, "Then it just needs time. Give them time to forgive you. Try earning some trust back. Show them
that you have changed and wont do whatever you have done again. If you keep telling them sorry straight out, it might just
rub salt in the wound."

Elsa pondered what he said and thanked him. Afterwards she left and went to the kitchen. She convinced Cookie to give
her a pitcher of water, and to place it on a tray. She added all sorts of snacks and sweets to it.

She struggled to carry the slightly heavy tray down the hall. It was almost comical to see her straining to carry the tray.

I need to use my arms more often. This is just sad, I can hardly carry this tray.

The most work Elsa ever had to do was write and do her easy stretches. A passing maid turned pale at the sight of her
Lady's daughter carrying a tray. She hurried over and tried to stop her.
"Oh my! Miss Roe let me take that for you. You don't need to carry such things." Elsa glared her down gripping the tray

"I can do this myself. You may go." The maid opened her mouth, probably to protest again, but Elsa wouldn't hear it. "I
said you MAY GO!" Her voice echoed down the hall, later she would probably regret yelling at the girl for doing her job,
and the maid scurried off without another glance. With a huff Elsa continued on down the hall. Cursing the fact that the
kitchen was so far from the garden.

After nearly dropping the tray twice Elsa finally stood beside the large tree Anna was tied to. Anna lazily lay on her belly up
in the tree, playing with a leaf.

"Anna. I brought you some water, and a snack." Elsa smiled up at Anna in the tree, holding the tray a little higher. Her
arms shook from the effort but she refused to drop it.

Anna rolled off the tree and landed with a thud on her feet. Then she took the tray gently from Elsa, and muttered a thank
you. Anna stared at the water and all the little foods Elsa brought her. It looked good, but instead of eating it she put the
tray down.

Elsa didn't know what she expected, but she didn't expect Anna to climb back up the tree again. She didn't even touch her
food, or the water. A rational side of Elsa told her, that maybe Anna wasn't hungry or thirsty. The irrational side wanted to
throw a fit and kick the tray. Instead she asked politely, "Would you like to come inside after your snack?"

Anna nodded but she didn't move from the tree and Elsa waited.


Elsa cried quietly in her bed, it had been two weeks now and she barely made any progress. She was ready to give up
and just let Anna go. Where would she go? Elsa didn't know, but probably someplace better. She couldn't stand the dull
look in Anna's eyes.

She wished with all her being that she could go back and be strong enough to tell her mother no. "Someplace better
than being here with me. I'm evil, just as evil as my mother. I beat a poor girl. All for a pat on the back from my mother."

Which you never received…

Elsa jerked when she felt a finger brush a tear away. She stared up at Anna's teal eyes, full of doubt.

"Do you promise?" Anna sounded a bit fearful, like she wasn't completely sure she could trust Elsa again. And Elsa
wasn't sure if Anna should try to even trust her again. She was sure there was a part of Anna that never would fully trust
her. But she would take what she got.

The blonde sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. "Yes. I promise, a million times over. I promise you. I
won't do anything like that again."

Anna smiled brightly for the first time in two weeks. "Hold me. It's cold."

And so Elsa did.

AN: Wow that hurt myself to write a mean Elsa. (And I totally didn't rewrite this chapter four times trying to figure this out.)
Especially a mean Elsa to Anna. Sorry to N2Horizon I know I said I would introduce a friendly character. (technically I did,
but I meant a more important one) If I tried to introduce the character in this chapter it would make this chapter feel
cramped. And lose the feels. (In my opinion anyway.) So I had to cut it out and put it in the next chapter. On a good note,
the next chapter 75% complete. I'll have it posted later today. But first. I sleep!

And to the Guest, the whole world is all made up from my head. Unless someone has used mind tricks to give this idea.

Cough*Chapter five will contain some fluff... AND a new character. Promise.*Cough

Review, say hello. Anything.

*Chapter 5*: The Guardians
Chapter 5: The Guardians

Aurora kept her word and had sent the books about fliers and Elsa found herself reading them constantly. The book
looked ridiculous with the smiling lady standing beside her flier. In big bold letters it read, 'Understanding Flier Behavior!'

Elsa found some rather outrageous things that didn't seem true. She read how fliers had a sensitive spot just below
their wings. Reactions were varied. All you had to do was press with your thumbs.

Elsa put it to the test when Anna had her back to her in the library. Needless to say Anna had a 'panic button' and
knocked over almost a whole tower of books with her wing.

She read that fliers had territorial problems with other fliers. Which explained why Anna had a stare down with Phillip
during tea.

The book also explained why Anna loved to cuddle. Not only did it relax fliers, but it was also a way to bond and like a dog
or cat mark with their scent. Elsa wasn't big on touching, but if it helped Anna. Elsa would hold her everyday.

But right now Elsa was fighting Anna to get her to take a bath. For a month because of her wrap, Anna could only use a
rag to wipe herself couldn't take the smell anymore and told Anna to bathe.

That didn't go very well with Anna. The flier shook her head vigorously.

"See I would, but I have this wrap on. Didn't that fat guy say I couldn't get it wet? Yeah so until then. No baths for me."
Anna rubbed the back of her neck, leg bouncing nervously.

Elsa tossed the towel onto her shoulder and placed the bar of soap down. She cracked her knuckles and Anna didn't like
the look of determination on her face.

"Anna... I will drag you there myself. You need a bath. Badly." Elsa said in a no nonsense tone. She lunged with speed
Anna didn't think a human could possess.

Elsa had to have been working out, because she wrapped her arms around Anna and held her in place . Anna panicked,
a bath meant she had to take her clothes off. She was pretty sure Elsa didn't know her secret. Normally it didn't bother
her, but something about Elsa knowing made her flustered. It just didn't sit well with her.

The flier flailed and tried to smack Elsa with her wing. Her captor ducked and they both struggled and ended up on the
floor. Anna rolled to her belly in an attempt to crawl away. Elsa rolled as well and sat on Anna's thighs.

"I got you now Anna. Besides hasn't it been a month? I think this can come off." Her fingers ran across the cloth around
Anna's bad wing.

Gently Elsa started to unravel the wrap. Anna whined and struggled. Attempting once again to smack Elsa with her wing.
"What if it isn't healed? You going sit there and wrap it back up if it's not?"

"Yes I will. I learned how to do that actually. So stop fighting and hold still." Elsa replied still working to get the cloth off.

"Can you stretch it out?" Elsa asked after freeing the wing. She ran her hand up and down the gap between Anna's
wings. Said girl shuddered and her wings puffed up looking rather ridiculous. Elsa did it again just to see her shudder
again. She wasn't expecting the moan that Anna let out and she jerked her hand away.

Anna blushed and was glad Elsa couldn't see her burning face. "Sorry, its just really sensitive right there. Do it again, but
scratch it. You tickled it and now my back itches." Elsa reached out slowly and scratched Anna's back. The strawberry
blonde groaned and wiggled her back, "Scratch it everywhere."

The older girl now used both her hands to scratch all over Anna's back, and she even went beneath the wings. "That
feels awesome. Keep going."

At this rate, Anna was going to fall asleep. Her back being scratched felt so good, it was a small heaven. She never could
reach that spot in between her wings.

"Alright. I scratched your back, now see if you can move your wing. No more stalling." Elsa said after five minutes of
scratching. She watched Anna move her good wing, "Very funny, the other one." Anna gulped and really hoped her other
wing was still broken. It wasn't hurting like normal, hadn't been hurting for a while actually. But Anna just prayed to
someone that the pills were working really good and maybe it was still broken.

Is this what I have come to? Wanting a b roken wing to get out of taking a b ath? I sure have changed. Normally I would
jump for a b ath.

Anna shut her eyes and unfurled her wing quickly, figuring it would be the best way to do it.. Other than feeling really stiff,
it felt fine. Perfect actually.

"Incredible." Elsa whispered, touching the healed wing gingerly. "You're amazing Anna." Anna felt another blush burn her

"Again." Elsa tilted her head, confused. Again what?

"Do what again?" Elsa asked, brow furrowed in thought. What would Anna want again? Her back scratched?

"Say it again." Anna whispered and Elsa smiled. Oh thats what she wanted.

"You. Are. Amazing." She whispered, laying on Anna, her arms curled on either side of the fliers shoulders. Anna let out a
noise that sounded like a deep hum, maybe even a purr at the contact.

Cuddling had become a new thing for them and Anna loved it. Elsa was always stiff at first and Anna always had to
initiate it so being snuggled suddenly was a surprise.

A rather amazing surprise. Did I hit my head and die struggling with Elsa? This is heaven. Because she would never
willingly do this. Mayb e she's just getting used to it. Yeah. Mayb e she secretly loves to cuddle. Ha who am I kidding. Elsa
always stiffens up when I hug her, or even touch her.

Another thought reared it's head, and it echoed through her head.

But she's holding you now, and she is completely relaxed.

With a playful growl she rolled in Elsa's arms, wrapping both wings around Elsa. Tucking them both in the warmth of her
wings. The flier knew she probably would have to take bath still. So she did her best to put Elsa to sleep.

I can b athe once she falls asleep. And she gets a nap. Win win right?

Elsa stiffened when Anna had moved but she relaxed after being wrapped in Anna's wings. Bonding. Yes. This was
bonding for Anna. And trust. She yawned against Anna's neck and the flier twitched, giggling.

"You still.. need.. to bathe." Elsa reminded her,eyes drooping. Why was Anna so comfortable? She felt a hand rub down
her back. Anna even started to make a noise that strangely sounded like a purr.

The gentle touch from Anna running her hand down her back soothingly and the soft purr coming from her chest did it for
Elsa. She closed her eyes and let sleep have her.

Great! She's asleep! Aw... But she's asleep on me. I did not think this through.


Anna bounced in the limo and ignored the look Hubert gave her for bouncing in what he called, 'his baby.' He rolled his
dark window up, tired of Anna already.

The limo had been flying down the highway for a while now. Thirty minutes into driving by nothing but trees on the left and
right, the ride got boring.

"So where are we going Elsa?" The blond looked up from her phone, her fingers no longer tapping on the screen.

"I figured I could take you to the city." Elsa smiled when Anna gave her a lost look. Elsa answered the question she knew
that was coming. "KG Vets isn't in the city. It's a small town near my home. The city is much larger."

Anna shrugged and played with the switch by her, fascinated at how it controlled the window. She rolled it up then down.
Up and down. Elsa grabbed her hand she groaned sliding from the seat onto the floor.

"Are we there yet?" Anna's voice was muffled against the ground, and Elsa almost couldn't understand her.

"We are actually."

Anna jumped up so quickly she hit her head in her enthusiasm. The flier had her face pressed to the window as she
watched the city gradually grow larger.

"Wow look how tall that building is!" Anna pointed to a massive skyscraper and when her breath began to fog the window
she switched seats.

Anna stared at all the people who walked down the street. The sidewalk was clouded with many people, and most
seemed to enjoy dark grey colored clothing.

There was a man in a suit who led his similarly dressed flier by a leash. One lady held her flier by the hand and dragged
him into the store. The other fliers were so different, some tall, some fat.

Another had wings like a rainbow and Anna found them too flashy for her taste. She wondered if the wings were natural.
Some fliers had perfectly groomed wings, and a few had terrible grooming habits. Their feathers all askew and leaving a
trail of feathers.

The limo came to a slow stop against the curb and Elsa exited the car, holding her hand out for Anna.

"Anna come." Elsa said in her owner voice. The one that demanded respect. Anna knew it was a show but she still
listened. It was her promise to Elsa to listen in public.

So many fliers and people, they littered the streets and Anna felt overwhelmed, small and weak.

She scurried to Elsa's side and tried to cover her fear but Elsa saw through it. She smiled and patted Anna's arm.

"Scared?" Elsa asked, grinning now as Anna shook her head no. "Then why are you sticking to me like like a leech?"
There was concern hidden in her words. But the amusement far outweighed her concern.

Anna glared at Elsa to know how she felt about being laughed at. "I am not scared! I worried you would be and so here I
am protecting you. Because I am a good flier." Anna bared her teeth at a flier who got too close for comfort, and it

Elsa rolled her eyes and led Anna to a store. The store's logo had a fancy looking flier facing the other way, looking over
his shoulder in a 'cool' manner.

Anna didn't catch the name, but the inside was all white. And very bright to her eyes. Rack after rack of clothing filled the
entire massive store. Anna thought she saw moving stairs that led up a floor.

"What are we doing here?" Anna eyed a few fliers, making sure they knew she liked her space. They glared at her and
followed their owners without another glance.

"Getting you new clothes. I could have ordered them online, but I don't know your size. What do you like?" Elsa searched
through a rack of button up shirts and held one out. It was bright pink.

Anna stuck her tongue out, "Bleh! I don't like that. Can I get this?" She held out a long sleeve shirt. She figured this would
keep her old tattoo covered. She got the feeling it needed to be hidden.

Elsa nodded, "Yes whatever you like Anna. But I do need to get you formal clothes. Look for some pants or shorts. I'm
sure you're tired of my jeans."

You don't know the half of it. I might have shrunk from the lack of room down there. To the pants! To save mini-me.
Breathe b uddy!

Anna scurried over to the pants looking through them. Most looked a little too boyish for her liking. After hunting through
them, she found neutral looking olive colored cargo pants. She liked the big pockets on them easy to stuff her hands

Anna turned to look for Elsa, but ran into a sturdy wall of a man. "Flier." He grabbed her right arm and pulled out his
scanner, and Anna panicked. Using all her strength she jerked back and her small hand slipped easily from his. Why did
people always go for the right arm?

Her eyes darted around for Elsa, where was Elsa? As if thinking about her conjured her, Elsa appeared. With her owner
face on. "Excuse me sir. What business do you have with my property?"

The big man's brown eyes widened to saucers, "Miss Roe! He belongs to you?" He held his hands up, as if trying to
ward Elsa's wrath away.

"Yes. She does. Now what did you want?" The blonde put extra emphasis on she. The man's bald head grew shiny from
his sweat. Anna wanted to laugh at the fear in his eyes. Not out of ill will, but for grabbing her like she was some lost

"I thought she didn't have an owner. My apologies Miss Roe. Have a wonderful day." He didn't even say anything about
Anna being a girl, he just took off like something burned him.

Anna stifled her laughter and handed Elsa her pants. "Cargo pants and a long sleeve shirt. Pretty neutral items you got
there." Elsa helped Anna pick a few more different types of pants, shirts and got her some underwear.


Anna carried all the bags back to the limo. Elsa got in the car and pulled her phone out, waiting for Anna to place the
bags in the trunk.


Anna whipped her head around searching for the noise. A girl with short dark hair waved. She was leaning from behind
the alley beside the clothing store. She wore a black zip up hoodie, and she had a pale yellow shirt underneath it. Her
skinny jeans had holes in it.

Anna glanced around then pointed at herself. "Yeah you.. come over here." Anna leaned around the trunk.

"Almost done Elsa." She heard a grunt in reply and then she walked over to the lady who called her over.

She definitely didn't expect to be grabbed and she squealed in surprise. "Shh! It's okay! You're safe!" The girl smiled
softly and dragged Anna with her down the Alley.

"Elsa! I think i'm getting stolen!" Anna hoped she was heard, because now they were turning down another alley. "Hey!
Who are you. Where are you taking me?" Anna struggled but the girl was strong and kept her in her grip.

The girl shook her head and pulled Anna down a small staircase that led to a meal door. Keeping a tight grip on Anna
she knocked on the door.

Ta-tap. Tatata-tap.

The door swung open and someone yanked them inside. The girl finally released Anna. She rubbed her wrist, "Okay. So
thanks for the nice tour. I'm gonna go." She turned but bumped into another person.

He had scruffy blond hair and a black beanie capped his head. He was dressed in the same zip up sweater as the girl.
He also didn't look very pleased with Anna.

The girl spoke first. "Who are you Angel? Are you a girl?" She had her hands splayed out like Anna was a rabid animal
going bolt on them. Anna would if there wasn't a guy in her way.

"Angel? Whoa whoa. I'm a flier. My name is Anna. Yes I'm a girl. Partly. It doesn't matter" She backed away but the room
wasn't very large and she hit the wall. Her heart spiked and she trembled. Anna found it odd that the girl didn't just scan
her arm like the others did.

The girl gave her a big smile, "Okay. You're right. That doesn't matter. Here lets start over. I am Rapunzel. That lug over
there is Kristoff. He's harmless. And we are the Guardians. And You. You are an angel." The brunette turned to show
Anna a symbol on the back of her jacket. It was two beautiful golden wings with two crossed swords in between the
wings. "This is our symbol. We are flightless, yes, but we care. The treatment of angels is wrong."

"What? Why do you keep saying I'm an angel?" Anna waved her arms, frustration taking over. She didn't get any of this.

Kristoff sighed loudly, looking tired. "Look. Rapunzel and I only two of many. We save your kind. The Angels who walk on
our world. We know that Doctor Stone stole your kind from Heaven. We the Guardians save you one at a time. We're out
to take Doctor Stone down. Welcome to the club kid."

He placed the same jacket on Anna's shoulders. Except hers had holes in the back so her wings could slip through. The
sleeves were a bit long though and only the tips of her fingers peeked through.

"Angels.. crazies.. Elsa warned me about you guys! She said some crazies called fliers angels." Anna felt something in
her stomach drop, but at the same time she felt hope. These people were out to save her kind? Did this mean they
would treat her like an equal? They didn't even look at her arms either. They looked her in the eye and for once, she didn't
feel like a lower being.

"Is Elsa your 'master?" Rapunzel asked, air quoting the word master. Anna was about to answer but a third voice
interrupted her.

"Anna!" Elsa's muffled voice outside the door had her spinning in place to face the door. She opened her mouth to
answer her, but some niggling feeling told her not to. She wanted to know more about these Guardians. She wasn't sure
how stopping Doctor Stone would save them all, but she probably didn't have the whole plan.

Rapunzel tried to convince her one last time. "They always say we're the crazy ones. But do you see us treating you like
they do?"

Anna turned to face Rapunzel, "I'd... I'd like to see more of these Guardians."

Kristoff ruffled her shoulder length hair, "Alright Angel. Follow us." Anna turned one last time to look at the metal door.

"Anna where did you go? ANNA!" Elsa sounded like she was panicking, and it hurt Anna to hear it. But she had to know
about these people. Maybe they were out to change the world.

Then she followed the Guardians, ignoring her master's call.

AN: HOLY I TRIED TO UPDATE twice in one day. I did but my grandma called and was crying because no one
remembered her birthday. (I honestly forgot too) so I went and got her a card and made her a cake and dinner. (Even did
a solo birthday song like a boss) Sorry if the format is terrible, I had to do this on my phone. Hope you enjoyed this one.

Hope my tiny smidgen of fluff is okay (worthy to be even be called fluff?). I'm working on it! I swear.

To the guest : I guess I did take inspiration from the book Maximum ride. But I have only read the first book to be honest. I
don't know much about the world.

Big thanks to all who have reviewed and followed: I am amazed I have 70+ follows on this. I expected around five, man
am I ever so glad to be wrong. So thank you guys! Seriously have a cookie.
*Chapter 6*: Doctors, Owners, Guardians, Oh my!
Chapter 6: Doctors, Owners, Guardians oh my!

Doctor Stone's fist slammed onto the metal table, causing the ten other scientists to jump. They all looked away, bowing
their heads or making themselves look busy with their notes.

"I want to know ladies and gentlemen. Why we haven't found Subject A117! It's just one damn creature! I don't think you
understand what's at stake here!" The Doctor was yelling and he knew it, so he forced himself to stop and he took a
moment to breathe.

"If those damn whack jobs find him. Who the hell knows what could happen. Whether we like it or not, A117 could ruin
us. I want him found, and I want it done now." He said, in a much calmer voice, running a hand through his slick backed
hair. The scientists scrambled all going different ways. One scientist, a very large and round man, waddled over and
handed Doctor Stone a piece of paper.

Doctor Stone snatched the paper and his brown eyes darted across the paper. He was only part way down the paper
when he smiled. "Really? You made progress?"

The fat man nodded and gestured for Stone to follow. "We have been making breakthroughs with Lovdahl. She is very
receptive to our Dream program."

Doctor Stone laughed, "That is what I like to hear. When will she be ready?"

"Give me three months. And she will be perfect."


Elsa had been down the same alley ways seven times over and still no sign of Anna. She knew Anna hadn't run away
because she called for Elsa. But that didn't explain where she went. She dropped to her knees exhausted from running
around. It had been two hours and still no sign.

The girl jumped when she felt a pair of hands rest on her shoulders. It was Hubert who did his best to smile
reassuringly. "We have to head home Miss Roe. It's getting late and your Mother called. We can look tomorrow." He
patted her shoulder and helped his Lady stand.

Elsa sighed in defeat and followed him to the limo. Even after the city was long out of sight, nothing but a black speck,
she still looked back.

"Anna come back to me please."


Kristoff and Rapunzel led Anna down another another set of stairs and she gagged. "Ugh what is that smell?"

Kristoff chuckled, breathing in deeply. "That would be the sewer."

Anna pinched her nose, staring at Kristoff. "Ew you like the smell?"

Rapunzel laughed this time too and Kristoff coughed loudly. "No. I don't. I just am used to the smell. Thats all."

He opened a side door and he let the girls go in first. "Almost home." This tunnel didn't smell as bad and two figures
stood guard beside another door at the end. Anna noted one was a flier.

Angel. I mean Angel. I really hope these guys don't get weird with me.

"We have brought a fledgling. Nothing new to report." The human nodded unlocked the heavy door. With a grunt, both
angel and human pushed together to open the heavy door.

Anna gasped, inside was a massive cavern? Filled with many holes, and tunnels. The entire place was filled with Angels
and human alike. No leashes, no one had their heads bowed.

They laughed and shared jokes. A few eyes wandered to the three who stood in the door. Rapunzel waved over at a dark
haired angel.
"Eugene! Did everything go as planned?" The angel stood and brushed himself off and jogged over so they wouldn't
have to yell to one another.

Eugene leaned in close so they could whisper. Heads together. Kristoff just turned Anna to face the cavern again. "Ignore
those two they are just talking business. We're all equal here but since you weren't part of the mission it doesn't matter
for you to listen in." Anna stiffened at his touch and she shrugged his hands off.

"So this is where the Guardians live?" She was still trying to get past how large and full of people it was.

"Yes. We all live here, this big room is like a sitting room. A place to relax and chill out." He gestured for her to follow and
led her down a tunnel with a sign that said, 'Tables'. "This tunnel leads to the tables. It's where we all eat. You're in luck,
we are having dinner soon. After dinner I'll show you where we sleep."

Anna didn't know what to say to that, but she didn't have to. A loud bell clanged loudly and angel and human filed in for
their dinner. Kristoff jogged to get up in the front of the line and Anna followed much slower. The large room was certainly
big, and the ten long tables took up all the space. Sticks with fire burning on the ends lit this particular room up.
"Torches." Anna jumped and did her best to not look scared. Behind her was the angel Rapunzel called Eugene. "Those
are torches."

Anna huffed, "I know what they are." She was lying but she didn't want to look stupid around the Guardians. Eugene
laughed like he knew she was lying and draped an arm over her shoulders.

"You are going to love it here. Sure it's a little dirty, but we have been making progress. A lot of progress. We are getting
closer to taking that bigot down. Doctor Stone that is." He gave her his best smile in hopes to reassure her that
everything would be fine.

It didn't help her. She stepped away to her left, using her wings to force him a step over as well. "Don't touch me. Alright?"
He held his hands up in surrender and she wasn't sure why she felt so defensive around him. This place was amazing,
a place where she could be apart of something. So why didn't she feel any better?

It's b ecause Elsa isn't here isn't it. What if she is worried?

Anna shook her head, reaching for the empty tray, copying what Kristoff did and piled on food. Apples, chicken, mashed
potatoes, a torn piece of bread, and some weird green mini tree. After she followed the blonde man to a table, where
they both sat. Kristoff dug in like he was starving and Anna stared at the food.

It was weird for her to sit at the table, since Mrs. Roe never let her eat at the table. She shuddered remembering the last
time she had dinner with the Roe's.

Ate my dinner right out of a dog b owl.

Shaking the awful memory out of her head, she looked at Kristoff who was now staring at her. He swallowed his food
painfully and coughed into his hand.

"Aren't you going to eat? Go on dig in." He nudged her tray a little closer to her, and she sighed.

"I am hungry. It's just weird sitting at the table. I'm.. uh.. used to the floor is all." She didn't like the anger in his eyes and
she stared at her palms.

"Damn. Look its alright, you're safe here. Eat I promise. Watch out for Rapunzel, she steals food." A gasp from Anna's
right had her nearly in Kristoff's lap. With a blush she relaxed and realized it was just the girl they were speaking about.

"I do not! Anna don't listen to that oaf. He is the thief, he just wants you looking at me so he can snag a bite." Rapunzel
smiled to at Anna and sat down, eating her food. She was more relaxed and dainty about it compared to Kristoff.

Reminds me of Elsa a little when she eats anything. She eats like she has all the time in the world, and never spills.

Anna finally dug into her food, putting her hungry belly out of its misery. She listened to Rapunzel and Kristoff argue, and
Eugene tried to talk to Anna. She just stuck to Rapunzel and Kristoff in the end. She started to think about Elsa and the
mansion, she was only there a month but it still felt like her home. Even if the sight of teacups still made her shudder.

"Yeah and I hear our contact got A117 out of the building. Doctor Stone has been looking for a whole month and hasn't
seen the angel." Kristoff made Anna inhale sharply and choke on her food. Rapunzel patter her back and Anna waved
her off when she was fine.
"Did you say A117 Christopher?" Kristoff nodded and eyed her suspiciously, leaning away to really look at Anna.

"It's Kristoff. What do you know about A117?" Kristoff kept glaring at her and Anna's insides screamed to not tell him. So
she didn't.

"Oh I just heard things from.. around. Before I was sold, I always heard news about A117. That's all." Kristoff didn't look
like he trusted her but he still gave in.

"Alright. I was only curious." After an awkward silence dinner resumed and soon everyone was clearing out. Anna
stretched and with all the people gone she let her wings unfurl. Letting them stretch as far as they would go.

"You have amazing wings Anna." Rapunzel said, reaching forward like she was going to touch Anna. She hesitated,
"Um.. may I?" The only people to touch Anna's wings were Elsa, the scientists and Mrs. Briar. Something else bothered
Anna about what Rapunzel said. She didn't feel a blush, and it didn't make her heart race and want to hear it again. How

"Sure.. I guess." Rapunzel ran her hand along the top of her wing, pulling a feather apart from the rest. She studied it
closely, eyeing it and then she patted it back in place.

"Your wings have to be at least seventeen feet across. Longer than Eugene's." Eugene scoffed in the distance unfurling
his. "Here stand back to back with her."

Eugene stood behind Anna, doing his best to stretch his wings out as far as they would go. It was no use, and Rapunzel

"Sorry Eugene, she beats you by two feet. Looks like we have a new record." Eugene crossed his arms and pouted and
Anna found herself laughing a little.

"Lets go to bed. We have work to do tomorrow. Such as training the fledgling, making our next plan against Stone. Saving
more angels." Kristoff yawned part way through, and he walked back down the tunnel. Everyone agreeing with him,
heading in the same direction.

Anna followed at a slower pace thinking about Elsa again. Maybe she could like it here, if not then she could find her way
back to Elsa. Sounded like a good plan so far.

But what if you don't ever want to go b ack? Will you leave Elsa with her mean mother?

Anna let herself be led to the sleeping quarters, where she curled up on the comfy little bottom bunk. She still wasn't
sure about the Guardians. She rolled onto her belly trying to ignore her thoughts, and for once, she missed Elsa's floor.

AN: Phew, the Guardians are a strange they are like a big crazy family. The question is, what will Anna do? Stay and
become part of the group and help take down the man who created her? Or go home, forgetting about it all? WELL WE
DON'T KNOW. (Hehe I do. But ya'll don't.)

Hope you liked this small bit to the Guardians.

*Chapter 7*: Guardians are Good, Elsa Bad Right?
Chapter 7: Guardians are good, Elsa bad. Right?

Anna bolted awake, sitting up quickly with a moan. But she was sleeping on a bottom bunk, and her head collided with
the bed above. Her moan of pleasure turned to one of pain and she fell back onto her pillow holding her forehead. With a
frustrated kick she tossed the blankets off her, it was way too hot in here.

Her head stopped throbbing and after a moment she felt a throbbing between her legs. She glanced down and this time
let out a frustrated groan. Did she really just dream that? About Elsa? Yes. But what spurred that dream on? She
shouldn't even think about Elsa like that. She was Master and thats it. Right? And now to top off her small set of worries
she was hard. Perfect, just perfect.

Stupid amazing dreams involving Elsa. Who ever thought Elsa could do that with- No. No stop it. Why would you even
dream that?

The bed above her shook and Kristoff's head appeared upside down and he rubbed a sleepy eye. "That was three
different types of moans. Which is never a good thing in the morning." He yawned and he noticed Anna's bulge and he
stifled a laugh.

Anna blushed and sat up to cover herself but only ended up hitting her head again. Kristoff decided to put her out of her
misery and he hopped off his bunk. "Follow me. I know just the thing."

Anna gave him a look, clearly not wanting to follow. Who would? Guy says he knows just the thing to fix a hard on? No

Kristoff turned and chuckled at the look on Anna's face. "Nothing weird. I swear. Come on." The throbbing between her
legs had Anna on her feet and she followed quietly. She didn't want to wake anyone else so they could see her
predicament and laugh.

Kristoff took her to a small alcove at the end of the giant room. He grabbed a bucket that had a sign above. Anna thought
it said, 'In case of hot dream.' Someone had doodled a smiley face winking next to the word hot. Then he dumped the
bucket onto her crotch and Anna yelped holding herself and bending over.

The water had ice in it! "Cold cold cold! Why Kristoff?" She knew why, but she couldn't fathom why he didn't warn her.

"Well your not hard anymore so I think you'll be fine. Besides were giving you your outfit today. You don't have to wear that
fancy sweater anymore. Everyone is waking up now, so let's go use the restroom before there is a line." He refilled the
bucket and just as he said everyone was stirring and waking up.

Anna gave up and followed because the cold water did remind her bladder that it had to go. That didn't stop her from
muttering about dreams, ice and damn rude humans.

The bathroom was basically a cave with a massive hole in the ground. The boys crowded around it, peeing right into the
massive hole. Anna stood to Kristoff's right, so she wouldn't have to stand between him and some flier she didn't know.

Just after she unzipped her jeans to go, Eugene appeared next to her and yawned as he to unzipped his pants. "Morning
ladies." He mumbled and then he glanced down to actually see his pants. He looked at Anna and did a double take as if
he just realized something. Anna raised a brow at him and he finally seemed to find his words.

He pointed at Anna's crotch, "Alright. I can handle a lot of things in life. But this cannot stand." Anna felt ashamed and
started to pull her pants up, and Eugene continued. "First you beat me in wingspan and now you have a bigger dick.
What the fuck?" Anna relaxed, that what he was worried about? She thought he was going to call her a freak or

"Seriously? What's next? Taking all the good women around here? Kristoff did you see this?" Eugene waved one arm,
since his other arm was holding his own penis. Kristoff glanced over Anna's head to smirk at Eugene. "I think everyone
is bigger than you Eugene. Quit your bitchin and piss already. Ignore him Anna, he has problems."

Eugene huffed and his feathers puffed up, "I don't have problems. My only problem is that a girl has a bigger dick than
me. Any man would feel insulted. Anna lets have a piss off. How far across the hole can you piss? I know I can beat you."
He had a determined look on his face and Anna laughed. Did this really matter that much? Probably not. But she wanted
to win this as well.
"Alright Eugene. You're on."


After beating Eugene at pissing across the hole, Kristoff took her to get her new set of clothes. He piled a pale yellow
shirt, dark grey cargo pants, and Anna mentally cheered since she had enough of jeans, and to finish it off he gave her
tan army looking boots.

"Here you go, all these is our outfit. Get em on quick. All the angels are going out for training. Rapunzel will go with you,
since she oversees it all." He let Anna hurry to change, and the pants were a little big, as was her zip up sweater, but
overall it felt loose in a good way.

Definitely b etter on my legs. I vow to never wear Elsa's pants again.

Rapunzel was waiting in the big room holding a clipboard and calling out names. Another woman was doing the same,
and angels were moving to either stand by Rapunzel or the other lady.

Eugene was pouting next to her, looking glum.

He gave Anna a glare when she walked up with Kristoff. "Oh don't tell me she is in our group. Tell me please she is with
Harper." Rapunzel didn't bat an eye and kept reading off her list. She smiled at Eugene and called out, "Anna."

Anna wasn't sure if she was supposed to walk over or what. "Just say here." Kristoff whispered nudging Anna on the
side with his elbow. After rubbing her damaged ribs she answered Rapunzel.

"Well thats everyone then. Eugene if you would please." Eugene stopped glaring at Anna, and picked up Rapunzel bridal
style and all the angels in the group unfurled their wings. Anna wanted to take a moment to see who was in her group,
but then they all were taking off. Flying through a large tunnel with a sign called 'Angel Training.'

Kristoff pushed Anna forward, "What are you waiting for. Fly!" She stumbled forward with a yelp, and she stretched her
wings out. She waved at Kristoff and made sure to give him a playful smack with her wings before taking off.

Flying taking off straight from the ground was just as hard as it was when she first tried flying outside the lab. With effort
and hard down strokes she was halfway to the tunnel. Thankfully an angel was waiting for her. He waited patiently and
was hovering just inside the tunnel.

"Glad you could make it. Rapunzel left me behind to make sure you didn't get lost. Lets go, I can tell already you need
some training. I'm Jason by the way. I already know you. You're the talk ever since you got here. Don't worry though most
fledglings are the talk." He kept talking most of the flight through the dark tunnel, and he didn't talk about anything useful.
Mostly silly things that Anna didn't care for. But she didn't say anything to him, her only answer a nod. He looked nervous.
She couldn't figure out why.

Soon the tunnel got more bright and the tunnel ended, abruptly making Anna squint in the early morning light. After her
eyes adjusted she found out that she was at the forest. These trees looked different from Elsa's forest had smaller trees
that were easy to climb. These trees had almost no branches until further and they were tall. Very tall. She didn't
recognize anything here.

"Here we are, the group should be just over here. Come on, follow me." Jason dived and Anna followed him, his grey
wings stood out in the lush green forest. Anna tried to copy the way he curled his wings around his body, and the way he
opened them to glide slowly to a land. In the end she wasn't nearly as graceful and landed running. She stumbled over a
root and tumbled to the dirt ground.

Jason scrambled over and helped her up, brushing her wings off. "Whoa, you okay? You didn't hurt anything did you?"

Anna shrugged him off, giving him a glare since everyone was now laughing at her. "I'm fine Jason. Thank you."

Rapunzel cleared her throat loudly to get everyones attention, "Now that we know how to not land. Lets get you all to work.
I want you to work on speed today. Margo will be Doctor Stone in todays run and catch exercise. I want you working on
tight turns, and catching her as fast as you can. Remember we are a team, catch her together."

The girl walked over to a bunch of cages, while the others groaned when she mentioned Margo. The cages held a bunch
of different birds. Rapunzel must have been grabbing Margo the bird. After she slipped on a heavy leather glove she
opened the cage. The bird itself wasn't large and it had grey wings. Its chest was white and little specks of grey littered
its chest and belly. Rapunzel took off a little mask and she murmured to the bird.
It took off and the angels stared at Rapunzel. "Well? You going to catch Doctor Stone or not?" The angels all went
airborne chasing after the fast bird, some pushing and shoving to get it first. Anna was not so quick and was just about
to take off to follow when Rapunzel stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"You stay Anna. I can tell you don't fly often." She smiled softly and Anna knew she wasn't trying to insult her, but it still
stung her pride. "You have big wings, I can see the potential here. We can work on power and simple things first. Then
you can try and work on speed with the rest." She patted Anna and stood back, "Alright. Lets start with taking off from the
ground. I want you to hover for me."

Anna gave her a blank look and tilted her head. Rapunzel ran a hand through her hair. There was more work than she
thought for Anna, "To hover you have to flap really hard, and really fast. But slow down every so often so you aren't just
flying up. Its a game of balance. Too much flaps and you go up, too little and you fall." Rapunzel gave her a 'go on' motion
with her hand.

Anna braced her feet apart, and tried her best, wanting to get stronger. For the her sake, the guardians. But most of all…
For Elsa.


It had been nearly two months since she joined the Guardians. Anna already was making amazing progress. She could
fly backwards, hover, dive and actually land gracefully. When she wasn't working on flying with Rapunzel she was
working on getting her body stronger with Kristoff.

He made her carry wood, bags of rice, lift weights, and run up and down tunnels. Eugene taught her how to comfortably
fold in her wings, allowing her to hide her wings under a jacket. He also tried to teach her how to pick up girls since he
was 'a good angel and always helped the lonely.'

But Anna didn't want to pick up any girls, if anything the one she wanted was above ground. She didn't like admitting to it,
and she always hated when her gang of three friends asked who she 'fancied'. Anna's answer was always the same,
that she didn't like anyone. They would roll their eyes and sigh, giving up for the moment but Anna knew they would ask
again another day.

That was the upsetting part, the guardians didn't allow anyone to leave, only for a mission could they leave, or a human
could to restock their supplies. Anna had no way of knowing what was happening up top. She asked to go on a mission
once, but Rapunzel denied her because as much progress she had been making, she wasn't reliable enough for a real

She was blind to the upstairs world until Eugene figured out how to wire a tv up in the male bunk room.


Eugene fixed the tv, turning it until the rectangular screen was level. "Quiet you idiots! I'm trying to get the sound going."
After a moment of silence there was a static screech from the speakers and the sound worked. "Ice Queen is on the
news, Trevor change it to channel eight." That is when Anna saw her, there she was. Right on the Tv! Elsa looked tired,
and sad. A womans voice was talking about Elsa.

Anna shoved someone over and sat down to see more and to hear better. "It seems that Miss Roe has finally come out
of her social hiding and is here outside the Grand Hall building. We haven't seen much of her the past few months, and
boy does she look tired. We asked her mother about her and this is what we got."

The screen changed to show Mrs. Roe and Anna glared at the image, she wanted to see more of Elsa! Mrs. Roe's voice
came on this time and she spoke in the sweet voice from before. "My daughter hasn't been the same since she lost
something precious to her. I believe she is coping with the loss."

Anna felt a growl rising up in her throat, she knew Mrs. Roe didn't care. She knew enough that Mrs. Roe would rather see
Anna dead. The image went to a live video of Elsa and her Mother. Elsa was standing outside the building and talking a
man in a suit. Her mother was all smiles and she was talking as well.

An angel in the back whistled, "Man! That Roe girl is fucking hot. What I would give to spend a night with her. Eh boys?"
There was an agreeing murmur from the rest, and Anna clenched her hands.

"Yeah Kyle you are right. I wonder if she likes it from behind, I hear all the rich girls do." Anna leapt to her feet to find who
said it. It was Michael, a human boy who always had a story about a girl each week. He also wasn't fond of Anna,
constantly picking on her in some way.
"Shut your mouth Michael." Anna's voice shook with barely concealed rage, and her clenched fists shook. Everyone
stared at the two of them and Michael also rose to his feet. He could hear the challenge behind Anna's words.

"Or what Lady Dick? Going to shut it for me? Got the hots for Miss Roe? Well get in line, and can it. She's the enemy."
Michael crossed his arms, waiting, smirking at Anna. Anna took a step forward, and she realized there was now a circle
of humans and angels. When did they all move?

"Thats right, she is the enemy. Doesn't stop me from imagining what she would look like on her knees su-" He never
finished, Anna lunged forward, punching him square on the nose. There was a sickening crunch and he screeched in

That wasn't enough for Anna, she tackled him to the ground. Punching him over and over again while yelling. "She."
Punch. "Is." Punch. "Mine." She felt hands grabbing her, but she threw them off with her wings. "All mine!" Her final words
was a roar and the hands stopped grabbing at her.

She felt a blinding pain in the back of her head, and saw stars. She tried to shake it off, wanting to end Michael for what
he was saying. But there was another hit, this time to her ribs and the pain in her head and side was too much. The
stars faded as did sound and she was falling. Falling into the darkness.


A door slamming shut bolted her awake and she held her head groaning. "Ow.." Someone held a bag of cold peas to
her head. It was Rapunzel, Kristoff was pacing not far off. Anna closed her eyes in hopes of getting the pounding in her
head to stop. Her blonde friend stopped his frantic pacing and walked over to the bed.

"Alright Anna. I want to know something. I'm giving you one chance to answer me correctly." He placed his hands on the
end of the bed, leaning in, staring Anna down. He hadn't given her a suspicious look since the first day she arrived.

"How do you know Miss Roe?" He leaned back, crossing his arms now, glaring Anna down. Anna gulped in response,
and she sat up holding her head.

Gently she pushed Rapunzel away who looked like she wanted to fret some more over her. "Does it matter?" She asked
quietly, and Kristoff slammed his fist on the end board of the bed.

"It matters Anna! You have no idea! That girl's grandmother was the owner and co-founder of Weselton Genetic Science.
Her mother took over now, and she owns the business. She is part of the reason why we do what we do!" He sighed and
ran a hand through his hair, then he took a deep breath. "So tell me. How do you know her?"

Anna touched her ribs, they had been wrapped and she fingered the edge of it carefully. Thinking over how she should
answer. "I see her on tv.. and magazines. Like everyone else. Nothing special."

Kristoff gave her a look and Anna knew that he didn't believe her. "I see her on tv too, but that doesn't mean I nearly beat a
man to death for talking about her sexually. Its nothing new Anna what they talk about for women. I know you hear it all
the time too, so what is so different this time."

Rapunzel placed her hand over Anna's giving her a pleading look and Anna gave in. "Elsa.. is my Master." Kristoff and
Rapunzel gave her a dumbfounded look, and it took Kristoff a full two minutes to process that.

"Impossible Anna. She hates angels. She never owned any, we have tried waiting for her to order one so we could sneak
someone in. To find information about WGS. And here you are, acting like you own her." Rapunzel glared at Kristoff,
silently commanding him to lay off. He glared back at her, they had their own silent battle.

"It is the truth, I found her after practically falling from the sky. I broke my wing because of her and I made a deal. A
promise. She would help me and make me better. She did! Then you dopes stole me away and here we are!" Anna
clenched the bed sheets and hoped that was enough for them.

Her fists hurt, her head hurt, and her ribs hurt. She was done talking about Elsa. She wanted to forget what she saw on
tv. A sad and lonely Elsa. Kristoff wasn't done and he stopped glaring at Rapunzel to look at Anna. He turned away and
grabbed a scanner, "I don't usually use these. But let me see your arm. I need to be sure."

Anna lifted her left arm and let him scan it, as always it bleated. "Anna, female flier, belongs to Elsa Roe." He tossed the
scanner onto the bed a new look crossed his face. He looked thoughtful but still slightly angry. Though he looked to be
calming down a little now.

"I will take this as a sign. Watcher help us. Alright then I guess this is a good thing. You aren't a spy or something. Well
not yet you aren't." Anna closed her eyes and rubbed them. What about spies and what not?

"Kristoff you aren't saying.." Rapunzel placed the bag of peas on Anna's hands and Anna thanked her with a nod of her
head. Rapunzel didn't look happy for once, and she was shaking her head at Kristoff.

"Yes. Yes I am. Anna, it is now clear to me that Miss Roe might actually like owning an angel. We need someone inside
to find more information and worm their way in." Anna wasn't following and her blank look spurred him on.

"So what I mean is, I think its time Miss Roe is reunited with her beloved pet."

AN: I would have updated yesterday but I went to Disneyland for the first time and saw the World of Color. ITS AMAZING!
They had a cool picture of Elsa in her coronation gown with messy braid hair. How often do you see that?

Anyway.. Anna gets to go back with Elsa! But she still has to work with the Guardians. Anna was going to go back, but
she sorta got caught up in becoming stronger. Next chapter is being reunited! Yay. OR IS IT?
*Chapter 8*: Wrong Feels so Right
Chapter 8: Wrong feels so right.

WARNING: Small abuse from Mrs. Roe. And getting frisky. sort of. whatever.

Elsa slid her steak slice around her plate, not feeling very hungry. Her mother had called in 'sick' and had sent her to do
business. She knew her mother wanted her to practice doing such things, because later on she would be owner of Roe
corporation. That didn't make it any better, and she worried she would mess up.

Still haven't found Anna. Hub ert says she was prob ab ly stolen. There are flier thieves, who sell them for profit. Hub ert
knows more, b ut he won't tell me what else there is. Oh god what if she was killed and he just refuses to say something.

The thought made her blanch and nearly puke back up what little food she forced down. Elsa but sighed and brought her
eyes back up to the man she had to eat dinner with. He owned some company that sold the best shock collars for
misbehaving fliers and was maybe willing to merge with her mothers.

She realized he was talking and she blinked and gave her head a soft shake. "My apologies Mr. Slade, but could you
repeat that? I am not myself tonight." Mr. Slade gave her a warm smile and he took a sip of his wine.

"Quite alright Miss Roe. I know you are new to this. Such a kind mother you have." He reached out and patted her hand
and she used all her willpower to not jerk her hand back.

She nodded giving a tight smile, "She is very.. kind. Continue on sir. Please." Mr. Slade took a bite of his salmon and
Elsa took the time to glance around the restaurant. The tables were all round and had a white cloth draped over them.
Many couples were dining with one another.

The restaurant was very nice, and rather beautiful with its low lighting. The silverware looked newly polished and the
waiter was shaking when she took Elsa's order.

Oh the woes of b eing rich and famous.. People make things nice when all you want to do is go home and mope.

Mr. Slade opened his mouth finally to speak but a waiter walked up and stopped him. "Pardon me. Miss Roe, a man
here wants to see you. Should I tell him to wait or?"

Elsa waved off the waiter, "Tell him to meet with me later. I am having a business dinner with Mr. Slade." The waiter
nodded and left, but he was only gone five minutes when he came back again.

"Pardon again, but he says its important and will only take a moment of your time." Elsa sighed and ran her hand
through her hair in frustration. Clearly who ever this was, wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Fine. Bring him up. Excuse me Mr. Slade. I will deal with the man quickly. My apologies." Mr. Slade nodded and sat back,
while the waiter walked off towards the stairs, going to fetch whoever deemed themselves so important that they needed
to be seen now.

Oh God! What if this is a test sent in b y mother. I could b e failing right now!

Before she could go down into a full blown panic the waiter appeared at the stairs. Behind him a blonde man followed.
His blonde hair was mostly covered by a beanie, and he wore a blue pullover sweater. His jeans had a rip on the knee
and over all he looked rather scruffy. But that wasn't the reason why Elsa was out of her seat, practically sprinting across
the room.

Right behind him, attached by a leash from the collar around her neck, was her Anna. Anna herself looked slightly
rumpled in her most likely borrowed clothing. The shirt was an oversized green one, and her jeans looked faded with
age. She didn't even have shoes on.

Anna smiled at her and closed the rest of the distance, laughing when she scooped Elsa up in her arms bridal style,
spinning her around. Elsa squealed and wrapped her arms around Anna's neck. Anna was back, finally back. Elsa didn't
care what happened in that moment. Anna stopped spinning and leaned in and nuzzled Elsa letting out that adorable

"I found you." Anna whispered. Elsa smiled and they stared into one another eyes. They could have stayed like that for
hours, but Mr. Slade clearing his throat broke the spell. Anna hastily put Elsa down, who was currently mentally scolding
herself for forgetting about Mr. Slade.
"Mr. Slade, this is my flier. She is very.. precious to me. I had lost her and now she is here. I am cancelling the dinner
now. Its better for my mother to personally meet with you anyway." Mr. Slade didn't look very happy, but he gave a small
bow and left. Elsa turned to the blonde man who was still waiting.

His blinked twice rapidly, and bowed. "Miss Roe. I hope you are pleased. I found her in one of the transports for ang-f-
flier sex clubs. I freed others, but then I realised she belonged to you and I figured to bring her back. Have a lovely night."
Elsa wanted to give him something, anything he wanted but he was already walking away.

Elsa didn't have time to think about it because Anna was hugging her from behind. "Hey what are you up to back there?"
Elsa asked, glancing over her shoulder at Anna.

Anna buried her head in Elsa's shoulder, "I just missed you.. and you smell funny. Take us home.. I want to go home."
Elsa shifted on her feet, and unlatched Anna's arms around her middle. Then she grabbed the collar and removed it.
Anna looked relieved to have it off.

"I smell funny? You.. Then we will go home." Elsa grabbed Anna by the wrist and did just that.


Mrs. Roe was waiting for them at the door. She had her arms crossed and she didn't look very happy. Anna didn't want to
be weak, but already she was lowering her head and trying to look small. She figured if she looked weak, then maybe
she wouldn't be harmed.

Yeah that didn't work with Elsa in the garden months ago. Anna got out of the car first and held her hand out to help Elsa
get out of the car. She then stood slightly behind Elsa, keeping her eyes trained to the ground.

Mrs. Roe slapped Elsa, so hard her head snapped to the left. "You.. Stupid. Ungrateful child! Mr. Slade has to now
reschedule for another dinner meeting. Do you know how busy that man is? You leave just because your pet comes
back? Failing all the time." Mrs. Roe gave Elsa one more slap and she stormed off after that. Muttering more to herself
about schedules.

Elsa dropped to her knees in the gravel, holding her burning cheek. Anna could only watch doing her best to remain

Mrs. Roe might have scared Anna paralyzed but she didn't like seeing Elsa hurt. She unclenched her fists that she had
clenched unknowingly. She crouched down next to Elsa who looked like she was trying very hard to not cry. From pain or
shame, maybe embarrassment. Anna thought it was all three.

"It's late shouldn't you get some.." Anna trailed off when Elsa shook her head. She reached out to pat Elsa, or maybe just
hold her. But Anna remembered herself. She got carried away in the restaurant, but she knew her place.

She's the master, I'm the pet. And now I am a spy for the Guardians. Elsa isn't b ad. I know she isn't. She doesn't like
hurting anyone.

Anna remembered the plan made by Kristoff and some other higher ups.

"Alright, gentlemen, ladies. We have a way into the Roe mansion. Anna here was owned b y Miss Roe herself. We now
know why she had b een in turmoil. We can't let this pass up. So I propose we send Anna b ack in to get valuab le
information." His pitch didn't go as planned, and they all argued over Anna's experience and how trustworthy she was.

"I will send her with a cell phone. She can call us to give us any intel, and she can take photos of anything she finds. She
will also play good with Miss Roe and try to earn any favors she can. This will work. I know it." The group had given in,
knowing that it was an invaluab le opportunity.

Before Kristoff took her b ack he had pulled Anna to the side, giving her a stern look. "I know there is more as to why you
b eat up Michael. Don't let yourself b elieve that she b elongs to you. I know you angels have an inner instinct to claim, b ut
you can't act on it. Its illegal for one up there, and two its considered the one of the highest tab oos. Right b elow incest. If
she finds out, she will get rid of you. Alright."

Anna had nodded in reply, not wanting to talk ab out what she felt for Elsa. She didn't know what she felt. Lust? Fear? No.
Not fear. She certainly didn't want people like Michael around. She wanted Elsa to b elong to her alone. Whatever the
case was she had to repress it. She didn't want to fail the Guardians.

Elsa brought Anna out of her memory flashback by standing and pulling Anna along with her. "I'm giving you a bath. You
smell like.. I don't want to know." Anna ducked her head, feeling that small inner panic again.
Stupid sewers, stupid Kristoff. Why couldn't he spray me with perfume?

Anna stopped in her tracks, her new strength nearly made Elsa fall back into her. "What is it with you and baths Anna?
You act like you're scared of them." Elsa's eyes widened when Anna didn't immediately reply, "You aren't scared of taking
a bath are you?" Anna shook her head and Elsa took another guess. " Is it because of.. well." Elsa blushed and tried to
find the right word.

In the end she just pointed at Anna's crotch, "Well.. That?" Anna jumped back, surprised and horrified. How did Elsa
know? Elsa smiled at the look on Anna's face, she was no longer bright red and it was Anna's turn to be.

"Well.. yes that. How did you, uh, know?" Elsa grabbed Anna gently again and decided to tell her on the way.

"Don't you remember telling me the first day I met you? Something about being only half a girl. 'Savvy?' I'm blonde but that
doesn't make me stupid. I don't see anything wrong with you." Anna winced, oh right. She did say that didn't she. Now
she felt stupid for the time she panicked when Elsa wanted to bathe her the first time. The only good thing is that Elsa
knew, but now she had to take a bath.

Wait. Back up four steps, did Elsa want to give her a bath. Anna's mind fried when Elsa opened the bathroom door. At
one point she had grabbed a towel, a rag and some soap. Elsa let Anna go long enough to put the towel, soap and rag
down and turn the knob on the black rectangular bathtub.

Anna wondered briefly if it could even be called a tub. It looked more like a mini pool or hot tub. Like the ones on tv. It was
raised up and a lower edge inside acted like an all around seating. The water fell out of a small horizontal slit and Elsa
poured soap into it.

Elsa turned around and gave Anna an impatient look. "Anna you can't bathe like that. If it bothers you so much, I'll turn
away. Okay?" She turned her back made a show of covering her eyes.

Either Elsa really is comfortab le around you, or she really just sees you as a pet to take care of.

Anna stripped quickly and sat in the now bubbly tub, lowering herself until she was neck deep in water. Elsa turned when
she heard the splash and she sat on the edge of the tub and turned the water off. She grabbed a bottle of shampoo and
waved Anna over.

"Come here, I'll wash your hair." Anna scooted herself over, looking like a frightened baby deer. Elsa cupped her hand in
the water and poured water onto Anna's head, repeating until Anna's hair was completely wet.

"There not so bad right? Your hair has grown longer. I could braid this for you." Elsa was scrubbing Anna's head gently
and Anna closed her eyes, leaning her head back.

Whoa, if I had known this felt so good… I definitely would have done this sooner.

Elsa giggled at the look of bliss on Anna's face. "Feels that good huh?" Anna nodded and hummed. "Well I'm glad you let
me do this. You stunk." Elsa let out a small scream when Anna used her wing to flick water up at her.

"Back only five minutes and you already misbehave." Elsa flicked Anna on the forehead lightly, using her other arm to
wipe away the water on her face.

Anna noticed Elsa's cheek was red, and maybe swollen from being hit. She reached up and touched the mark. Elsa put
her soapy hand on Anna's. "What are you thinking about?"

Anna smiled up at Elsa, "Nothing. Why?" Elsa ran her thumb over the back of Anna's hand.

"You look ready for a fight." Anna sighed, pulling her hand back under the water.

"Elsa you are my master. My owner. I have to protect you." Anna whispered, eyes staring into the wonderful blue of Elsa's.

I'll protect you even from myself.

"I am glad I have you then. Now.. Close your eyes I'm going to dump water on you. Then I'll leave so you can wash
yourself. I'm sure you are capable right?" Anna nodded but then spluttered by all the sudden water over her head. Elsa
had a cup in her hand, where the hell did she grab that?

After she made sure all the soap was gone from Anna's hair, she left the room. Anna scrubbed the smell of sewer, a little
sweat and Kristoff's scent off. Hygiene was tough in a cave alright?
Once she was done, she dried herself off and noticed a set of pjs waiting for her as well as some boxers. It was a plain
pink shirt and a pair of blue bottom pjs with little white wings on it. Anna rolled her eyes and put the clothes on.

Since the room was empty she unfurled her wings and flapped them hard a few times. She got water droplets
everywhere but at least her wings were damp instead of dripping.

How she wished she had Eugenes oiled wings. Water rolled off his feathers like a ducks. She giggled quietly at the
thought of Eugene being half duck. She heard a knock and she opened the door up. It was a maid, who bowed slightly.
"Miss Roe wants me to take you to her room." Anna shrugged and motioned for her to lead the way.

It wasn't that far to Elsa's room, but Anna nearly got lost again. Anna thanked the maid who simply bowed and went down
the hall. Elsa was waiting in her room, pacing around. Anna wondered what got her all worked up.

Elsa wore her nightgown tonight, and she was wringing her hands nervously. "Anna.. Would you." She shook her head
and just pointed to the pillows on the ground. Elsa had already gotten rid of the bed for Anna when she had given up
hope of Anna returning to her.

Anna went to her pillow pile and started her usual turns before she slept. "No wait.. Sleep here." Elsa was pointed to the
foot of her bed. Elsa tossed herself onto her bed, curling up under her blankets. "Good.. Goodnight."

Anna smiled, Elsa did miss her. So much she even was sharing, well.. Sharing the foot of her bed. She grabbed a pillow
and did her turns before plopping onto the bed. She curled up, using her wings as her blanket. Coming back was as if
she never left. "Night Elsa."


Anna sat by Elsa on the floor who was in the middle of a tutoring session. She was taking notes for a test and Anna had
heard that Mrs. Roe had left the mansion. One would think it a perfect time to wander throughout house.

It was a perfect time, if Elsa would let her leave the actual room. Elsa seemed really on edge about leaving Anna alone. It
was as though she feared Anna would disappear again. Elsa did think that Anna was stolen for the flier sex trade, so
maybe Elsa had reason to worry.

Still it wasn't helpful now because Anna was stuck sitting on the floor. She was playing with Elsa's shoes since Elsa had
removed them to be more comfortable. They were light blue flats and Anna was using one as a whale.

Her plan? Bother Elsa until she was told to leave. Except Elsa had the patience of a monk right now. Anna made a small
whale noise and raised the shoe in the air just beside Elsa's head. She crashed the shoe onto the paper and messed
up Elsa's writing. "Whale on shore!"

Elsa put the shoe on the floor giving Anna a stern look. "Not now Anna." Anna pouted and she tried plan b. She snatched
an extra pen on Elsa's desk, who sighed but continued writing whatever the hell the teacher was talking about.

Anna drew a little winky face with its tongue sticking out on her pointer finger, and she held it up to Elsa. "Ooo Elsa I love
you. Give me kisses." She said it in a tiny high scratchy voice, pressing her finger to Elsa's bottom lip. She made
squeaky kiss noises, and Elsa smiled a little before pushing her hand away.

"Stop that Anna. I am trying to write notes for my geography test." Anna crossed her arms, leg bouncing furiously with her
agitation. Why wouldn't Elsa just send her away? She had time to get information for the Guardians, right now!

Anna was tempted to ask to use the restroom, but she had gone before the tutoring session. Elsa knew that as well.
Which was really biting her in the ass right now.

Anna groaned and forced her way onto Elsa's lap. Anna was laying across her lap, head buried into her thighs, near the
knees. Elsa shifted to get more comfortable, but she didn't say a thing, only gently running a hand through Anna's hair.
Occasionally scratching Anna's wing as well. Which always resulted in the feathers making a wave motion. Like each
individual feather was shivering.

She still continued to work, writing away.

What ever happened to her slightly short temper with my nonsense? I need to get to Mrs. Roe's room to get information.
Mayb e I could go and try to write on the chalkb oard. Yeah that might work.

Before she could execute her genius plan the teacher turned around. "Miss Roe, why don't we take a break? I'm sure
your flier would appreciate it." Mr. Thatch smiled at Anna who was now hanging over Elsa's lap, looking pitiful.
Elsa leaned over to grab the shoes that Anna handed her, still unmoving from her place on Elsa. "That sounds perfect
Mr. Thatch. I apologize for her behavior." Mr. Thatch waved Elsa off, still smiling.

"It's quite alright Miss Roe. I think we all need a break. I'll be in the dining room, I'd like to try some of that new coffee."
Elsa thanked him and left after that, and Anna bolted from the room. Elsa slipped her flats on and followed and Anna
was no where in sight. She wondered where Anna went.

"Anna! Where did you go? This isn't time for games." Elsa called, going through a few rooms thinking Anna was hiding.
After five minutes of no Anna she began to panic. It was irrational and she knew it, but she just got Anna back and she
wouldn't allow her to be taken again.


Anna couldn't find much, but she did find layout plans for the building that held her captive for seventeen years. She also
found a couple of business files that talked about possible deals. Anna pulled the phone out of her pants. She played
with it for a minute and eventually got photos.

After another couple minutes of putting things back in their place she left the room. On her way to the garden she didn't
run into anyone. Once outside she went to the tree she had been tied to before and climbed it, resting on the limb. She
let her wings unfurl and hang lazily down.

She sent the photos and got a call immediately, it was probably Kristoff. She hit answer and she put the phone to her

Kristoff's voice sounded excited. "Anna those pictures are great. Getting the layout of that building will help us in the long
run. The business works will help us as well. We need to get more people hidden throughout all the companies. The
more people everywhere the more information we get. But you are our jewel right now."

Anna rolled her eyes, plucking off a leaf, twirling it around. "That's all great Kristoff. But how much more do I need?" He
went quiet a minute and she could hear people talking in the background.

"I need you to find files on A117. I also need you to find files that date back to the first angel. We need more on that.
Those two will hold the key to our success. Remember to keep your feelings about Miss Roe to yourself. She is just as
bad as the other crooks who did this." Anna shook her head, and then she frowned when she remembered that he
couldn't see her.

"I will look for things on A117, but I don't want to hear about Elsa being bad. She isn't. She truly isn't Kristoff." She tore the
leaf to pieces in her small fit of anger.

"Anna?" Anna heard Elsa's voice and she sat up quickly, she couldn't just hang up on Kristoff.

"Sorry Kristoff, Elsa is here, gotta go!" She hung up and stuffed the phone down her pants. Then she hung upside down
on the tree, curling her wings over her front like a bat.

Anna heard Elsa giggle and she heard her step closer. "Hmmm.. I wonder where Anna could have went? These red
feathers don't give her away at all."

Anna parted her wings when she knew Elsa was close and she growled at Elsa. Elsa chuckled and patted Anna on the
cheek. "So vicious my little flier."

Anna's eyes narrowed and she blew hard on Elsa's face. "I am not little!"

Elsa didn't look like she agreed and Anna dropped from the tree, doing a mini flip. She turned and came face to chin with

Okay, mayb e I am shorter than her. But I am stronger.

Anna smirked and Elsa didn't look as confident anymore, she took a step back. "Anna whatever you are thinking.. don't
you dare." She could see a glint of something dangerous in Anna's eyes. Elsa turned and made it all but four steps
before she was swept off her feet.

Anna threw Elsa over her shoulder, grinning triumphantly when all her captive could do was pound on her back. "Who is
the little one now?" She spun and Elsa laughed along with her, that is until Elsa pressed a finger into her back, just
below her wings.
With a loud cry she jerked and they fell forward. Elsa fell backward because Anna had let go, her wings flailing around in
her body's panic. In the end Anna found herself nose to nose with Elsa on the ground. Her left wing was trapped beneath
Elsa. Their legs were tangled and Anna was stuck laying on Elsa. Anna tried to lift herself off Elsa. Elsa's dress also
wasn't helping, it was catching on Anna's shoes.

"I'm sorry.. I.. let me.." Anna mumbled, trying to unwrap Elsa's legs from her own. Elsa herself looked shocked but then
she turned bright red once Anna started to frantically move her legs.

"A-a-anna.. stop moving." Her hands were gripping the back of Anna's shirt and she twisted the fabric in her hold. Anna
began to panic, was she making Elsa uncomfortable? She shifted her leg once again trying to free herself, but that only
made things worse.

Elsa was breathing a little faster and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Your l-l-leg." She moaned out the words and Anna
did a double take. She glanced down between them and she realized her thigh was rubbing against the junction
between Elsa's legs..

Anna lifted herself as far as her stuck wing would allow her. It wasn't far and Elsa's heaving chest still brushed hers.
Anna's nostrils flared when she caught the small tint of arousal coming from Elsa. She closed her eyes and
concentrated hard on getting her legs free of Elsa. Trying to forget the addicting smell and the wonderful sound of Elsa's

Holy this is the opposite of keeping to myself. Don't even get hard. Think of.. of the way Elsa is moani- stop that darn you!

Elsa moaned and arched her back when Anna's leg grinded against her again. Anna was able to slide her wing out from
under Elsa. She pulled away, now on her knees above Elsa. It was much easier to tug at the dress and untangle herself
now that she could actually reach and see her legs better.

Anna scrambled away from Elsa, now free and she covered her nose, crawling backwards. She was hard, her body was
yelling at her for stopping. Overall she felt the need to run.

Elsa just lay there on the grass trying to make sense of what just to track how everything just happened. But her mind
was hazy with desire and she almost wished Anna would come back to her.

Which was crazy talk right? Even thinking about being with a flier would send you to the looney bin, or jail, which ever was
given by the court. It's like being with an animal. Which was definitely wrong in her book. So why did she feel like it was

Anna got to her feet, giving into the urge to run, unfurling her wings and took off. The soft swish of her wings cutting the
air, the only signal of her departure.

A single red feather fell from the sky and Elsa caught it. She stared at the feather, cursing the owner of it before crushing
it in her grip.

AN: Well well well…

*Chapter 9*: The Whispers
Chapter 9: The Whispers

Anna paced the beach, shoulders hunched, eyes darting to the sea, and sometimes to the sand beneath her feet. She
was making herself a trench with all the pacing she had done. It had been a few hours since.. She decided to call it a
second garden incident.

Damn that garden. First I get b eat there, now this. I'll take the second incident any day though. I'm glad Kristoff isn't here
though, he'd smack me for this.

Anna stopped her pacing and she let out a loud sigh. She had to go back, but how would Elsa react? Coldly?
Awkwardly? Would she act as though nothing happened and go about her day? Was Anna the only one having a panic
attack here?

She sucked in a deep breath, trying to relax herself, and burying her toes in the warm sand helped her a little. Anna told
herself that the only way to know is to go back. That is if she would buck up and fly back.

"Alright. I go back and just play it cool." She ran a hand through her hair and put her shoes back on. Effortlessly she
jumped up, flapping lazily to get into the air. Time with Rapunzel had done her well, and her wings had grown much
stronger. She could knock a group of people down with a hard stroke. And she could launch herself with could fly much
faster than any angel could in the Guardians.

It only took a small fifteen minute flight to the garden. She shuddered, then she shoved the memories aside and jogged
for the house. Elsa was probably back to her lesson in Geography. Since she was only technically on break. Anna took
that for a sign to head for the room and take a nap until dinner.

She might have to worry about awkward glances at Elsa but she wouldn't miss dinner. Even if it was usually scraps, or
leftovers. She opened the door to Elsa's room feeling pleased with herself momentarily when she didn't get lost.

Elsa must have had the same plan because she was in the room. The blond jerked her head to Anna the moment she
opened the door. Together they stood frozen, staring at one another.

Both girls were having a debate in their head as how to play this off. Anna herself couldn't stand the tension, she could
feel it in the air. Not only that, she could still smell the fading hint of arousal on Elsa. That wasn't helping her sanity, and
so she backed up and shut the door.

Anna stared at the wood door, scratching the back of her head, trying to figure out what was next. The door opened
quickly and Elsa darted from the room. Or she would have if Anna wasn't in the way.

Anna stumbled and grabbed onto Elsa's arm to stop her fall, but Elsa couldn't hold her weight and they tumbled. Anna
found herself on the ground, hands on rather beautiful hips, staring up at a blushing Elsa.

How many times is going to happen? I have my own personal psych to keep up.

Anna bit her lip, thinking of what to say or even what to do. She couldn't just shove Elsa off, that would be also stopped
her was Elsa's thighs tightening on her sides like she was tensing to get up. So she settled for just staring up at Elsa
who looked lost. Her eyes were clouded in thought, and Anna noticed when she bit her lip Elsa's shifted her gaze to

Then Elsa was scrambling off of Anna, her face looked like a tomatoes it was so red. Anna sat up and leaned on her
elbows, "So-" Elsa cut her off, she was now wringing her hands, looking at the wall.

"We forget about this all. That's it. Do you understand Anna?" Elsa was looking at Anna now, her eyes were swirling with
fear and Elsa looked like she was trying to hide it behind a mask. Elsa bit her lip and turned away, "I… I have business to
attend to, and a lesson. Do what you will."

Anna continued to lay there for a moment, watching Elsa walk away, and her eyes couldn't help but notice the extra sway
in her step. Why was she born an angel, or flier, whatever she really was. After cursing who ever decided this was her
life, she got up from the ground.

Anna walked down the hall in the opposite direction of Elsa and she decided to visit the library. Her steps echoed down
the massive halls and it sounded loud to herself, and it seemed emptier than usual.
Did I take a wrong turn? It's so creepy down this hall.

Her ears strained to pick up any sounds, her heart started beating faster, and she felt her palms grow sweaty. Her
instinct screamed at her to run and she wanted to know why.

She noticed a painting down at the end of the hall. It looked out of place with a picture of feathers falling from the light.
Not to mention it was the only massive picture at the end of the hall.

She heard a small wisp of a sound, like a whisper. It called her closer and obeyed, walking towards the painting. The
whisper only got louder, but it muddled like she was underwater.

"What is it?" She asked the painting, pressing her hand to it gently. She heard a slam behind her and she whipped
around looking down the hall. The hall itself seemed to grow darker and it grew longer. Looking as if it would never end.

Anna groaned and held her head, the whisper now a commanding roar. But she couldn't understand it, what it wanted.
Her whole body started to tremble and she started to retch.

"LEAVE!" A deep roar broke through the whispers, and she jumped, nearly tripping over her feet running down the hall.
Her wings frantically flapping, as if they wanted to fly, but she didn't have the space to actually fly.

All the doors started slamming open and closed, the hall shook, and she chanced a glance back. The whole wall that
held the painting at the end of the hall seemed to move in. As if closing in and the hall grew shorter. She could see the
turn where she originally came from. Spots danced in her vision and she could hear the whispers again.

Holy test tub es! I'm going to die in this freaky hall way!

She jumped around the corner, tripping over her own wings in her haste to get away. She fell to the ground gasping for
air, crawling quickly on her hands and knees. She heard another slam and when she looked back the hallway she
entered was gone.

Anna rolled onto her back, closing her eyes, and thought she heard a deep laugh before she let the darkness consume


She woke up to a maid shaking her arm lightly, the light outside had long faded. How long had she been out? She
flinched and sat up with the help of the maid. "What.. What time is it?" She held her pounding head and rolled her

She let her wing stretch up, since the hall wouldn't allow her to stretch outward, and then she curled them in again.
Letting them pop and lose the stiffness. "It is almost time for dinner. Miss Roe requested I help look for you since you
haven't been seen all afternoon. She was worried. What were you doing down this empty hall? If I am allowed to ask."

Anna stopped her stretching to stare at the maid, repeating the conversation. One she didn't believe Elsa was actually
worried, especially after today. And two did a human just ask her if she was allowed something?

"I was looking for the library and then I got lost. I fell asleep after a while of looking." She smiled at the maid and got to
her feet. When did she go down the hall? Eleven? Dinner meant that it was almost six o'clock.

Her belly rumbled in anger when her brain figured out how long she was passed out. She put aside the worry about the
hall incident. It had to have been a bad dream, or something. Whatever the case was, she wanted food right now and
possibly a bathroom. She would ponder if what happened was real or not later.


Anna entered the large dining room where three plates were set up at the table. That confused her, who was their guest?
Anna painfully noticed Elsa's absence and she figured Elsa was taking her sweet time for dinner. Mrs. Roe always
entered the room last, so Anna sat on the ground near Elsa's seat, though she did distance herself further than usual.

Does this mean no getting handed food from Elsa anymore? I can't live on the crap Mrs. Roe demands I eat. And what
the hell was up with that hallway? Did I dream it all?

Before she could worry more Mrs. Roe and Elsa entered the room from different doors. Elsa took her usual seat to the
right of the head of the table. Mrs. Roe looked calm, but Anna could feel the anger coming off her body. Anna ducked her
head when Mrs. Roe kept coming for her.
Anna went over everything that she could have done to piss off Mrs. Roe. The only thing she could think of was nearly
humping her daughter in the garden. Anna whimpered when she felt Mrs. Roe grab her by the arm and forced her to

"Mother, what are you doing?" Elsa asked, her voice cracking a little, she was wringing her hands again.

Mrs. Roe pulled Anna towards the other side of the table where the third table setting was. "Since you think this creature
so important to dismiss business with Mr. Slade, I think she can sit with us at the table." Mrs. Roe sounded calm and
relaxed. Too relaxed and Elsa stood up, getting a bad feeling about this.

"No its alright mother-" Elsa tried to fix things, because anytime someone had her mother's attention, it usually ended

Mrs. Roe shoved Anna onto the seat, her hands placed firmly on her shoulders. "No I insist she sit with us. Sit down
Elsa." Elsa sat down with a thump and Anna gave Elsa a questioning look.

"So.. Anna, what is so special about you?" Mrs. Roe asked moving to stand beside Anna. Anna clutched the fork in her
hand tightly, looking like a deer in headlights. She cleared her throat and looked Mrs. Roe's cold blue eyes.

"S-special ma'am? N-n-nothing at all." Anna bit her lip, having a hard time keeping constant eye contact with the lady.

"Then tell me, why is it Elsa devotes herself to you?" Mrs. Roe was tapping her foot, arms crossing waiting for an
answer. "Well?" She asked impatiently, eyes narrowed to slits.

"She doesn't devote herself to me Miss. She just takes care of me. I am the pet, am I not?" Anna felt an instant pain on
the back of her head. She rubbed it, hoping to take some of the pain away. Things never really hurt, but lately her head
was a weak spot.

"Don't get smart with me. I want to know. What is it? Hmm?" Anna got the feeling her mother knew something she didn't.
Anna thought hard, what brought Elsa back to her?

"Mother I just thought it wiser that you talk with Mr. Slade. It wasn't my purpose to insult him by leaving him the moment
Anna returned." Elsa looked like she was going to puke and a light sheen of sweat covered her forehead. Mrs. Roe
turned her gaze to Elsa, disappointment clear in her eyes.

"You thought.. No you did not think Elsa! Never dismiss someone for something as silly as this." When she said this,
she pointed to Anna and you could hear the hatred in her voice. For Elsa, or for Anna, no one could tell.

"I will fix the problem with Mr. Slade and his wounded pride. I will make the deal and I am sending you and your 'oh so
precious' flier to visit with Aurora. Hopefully she rubs off on you. I want you there because all the daughters of well known
company's will be there. I want you to make friends with all of them." Mrs. Roe took a deep calming breath, clasping her
hands in front of her.

Mrs. Roe sneered at Elsa, and Anna never saw a more ugly look on someone. "Lets hope she can fix the
disappointment you are. And be lucky I can't teach you a lesson tonight Elsa. Go pack up, you leave at dawn. I don't want
to see your face until you actually learn to not disappoint me all the time."

Elsa got out of her chair so quickly that she almost knocked it over in her haste. Then she stiffly left the room, holding her
head high. But Anna saw the tears in her eyes, and the way her lower lip wobbled. Anna made to stand but Mrs. Roe
grabbed her jaw, pulling her closer.

"I saw you two." She spat out, looking disgusted. "I will let it slide this time only because I can't the whole city knowing my
daughter is involved with.. you. It would ruin me." She squeezed tighter and Anna felt her empty belly roll.

"But- we didn't- there wasn't- how much did you see?" Anna asked, and that only earned her a vicious glare.

"I saw enough of you two laying out on the garden. Sickening. Never took my daughter for one to lay with an animal. You
better be on your best behavior tomorrow. Keep it in your pants, the whole time you are there." She shoved Anna hard
and she tumbled off the chair. Mrs Roe looked like she was holding back the urge to just kill Anna and be done with it.
Anna gave in, knowing she wouldn't be able to win.

She nodded so hard her chin hit her chest, "Yes.. yes ma'am! I promise. Nothing." Mrs. Roe nodded like she was
pleased with Anna's answer and sat down, pulling a cloth napkin out and put it on her lap.

"Now go. I am tired of constant issues revolving around you two. Shame I can't get rid of you because the public loves
Elsa and her 'cute little flier'." Mrs. Roe shuddered. "If only they knew the truth. But they won't. Not ever." Anna nodded like
she agreed and then she left the room as quickly as she could.

She forgot about the hallway incident and she could feel the burn of Mrs. Roe's hateful and disgusted gaze all the way
across the room.

An: OOOOOO Visit to Aurora's home and other new rich folk. Yay? Mysterious hallway as well?
*Chapter 10*: Feeling just a little more
Chapter 10: Feeling just a little more, falling a little more.

That night Anna slept on the floor of one of the maids rooms. She didn't want to make Elsa uncomfortable, and she didn't
want Mrs. Roe thinking something was going on when there wasn't. The floor felt different even if it was technically the
same. She wasn't used to the maid's snores.

They were supposed to leave sometime at dawn but Mrs. Roe gave them mercy and let them have breakfast first. So
Anna skipped to the dining room, humming some tune. She opened the dining room door and all her bounce left her
when her eyes met Elsa's tired ones. Her tired and angry blue ones.

Anna waved meekly, before taking her spot on the ground. "Hey look at that Elsa. Cookie put my name on this." She lifted
the blue bowl to show Elsa and Elsa didn't answer for a moment.

"Where were you all night Anna? And that says pukeface." Anna frowned at the bowl and then she shrugged, placing the
bowl back on the ground.

"Cookie is a stinker ya know? One time she put jalapenos in my dinner. I had to chug a whole milk. Of course then I
threw it up because I heard from Kelsey- she's a maid here- said that no one could drink a whole thing without getting
sick. I told her that would have been nice to know before I almost drank it all." Anna snapped her mouth shut, her nervous
rambling was getting to her again. Whenever it happened in the lab, she was always punished for wasting time.

Elsa's continued glare was punishment enough. "I will not repeat myself again." Anna ducked her head, hiding her body
behind her wings.

"I decided a change of scenery was a good idea last night. I figured since.. you know the thing happened you would want
your space." Anna fiddled with her thumbs really wishing the maid would walk in and dump that nasty slop into her bowl
so she could choke it down.

Elsa's fingers parted a few of her feathers and she peeked through, "You didn't have to do that Anna. I told you to forget
about it." Anna parted her wings and was about to tell Elsa what she thought about that ridiculous idea of hers but then a
maid walked in with a tray.

One side had Elsa's plate of breakfast and a glass of orange juice. The other half had Anna's serving of slop. She set
Elsa's plate down and Anna recognized the black hair on the maid.

Anna waved and smiled up at the girl whispering, "Hi Kelsey." Kelsey smiled down at Anna and put the serving of food in
her dog bowl, sneaking a spoon from inside her sleeve. Her grey eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Hello Anna. Here's your slop, the Kelsey special." She ruffled Anna's hair playfully, tucking the now empty tray under her
arm. She glanced over her shoulder then whispered to Anna who only nodded in reply. Then she left, her heels clacking
as she walked away, smiling over her shoulder at Anna. Anna couldn't help but notice the sway in her hips. Kelsey
waggled her fingers at her before she shut the door.

Okay not going to lie. Kelsey is a b eautiful woman too. With the way she acts.. it makes me wonder if I would ever have a
chance- Holy what am I saying? What am I? A flier who can't keep their hands to themselves? Really? Low Anna… low.

Anna took a spoonful of her slop and ate it. She was halfway through it when she noticed Elsa staring at her

"What?" She asked around the spoon in her mouth. Elsa gave her a look that said, 'you know what.' "No really. What did I
do now?"

Elsa turned away and took a bite of her pancakes. "You seem rather comfortable with that maid. What did.. she say to
you?" Anna thought Elsa sounded weird, she sounded like she was gritting her teeth.

"She told me if I ever needed a place to sleep I could always-." Anna jumped when Elsa slammed her fork onto the table
and got up.

"I forbid it. You sleep in my room." Anna raised a brow, wondering where the sudden anger came from. Did Elsa hate
Kelsey? Well that's unfortunate, because Kelsey was probably going to be Anna's first friend (that wasn't Elsa) inside the
Anna started digging her own hole. "But why?" She ate another bite of her slop, feeling like it tasted better this time for
some reason. Did Kelsey put something in it? Whatever, it was amazing for once.

"You belong to me Anna, not her. Now drop it. I'm going to go and have Hubert bring the car up front. Grab the bags when
you are done." Anna pouted at Elsa's back thinking she was just grumpy because it was early in the morning.

I mean it isn't even really daylight out. Real b ummer. I b etcha Mrs. Roe is sleeping in her b ed right now. That hateful hag.

Anna went back to the room where she struggled to carry all the bags. There was three and she only had two arms. Anna
huffed annoyed she would have to make two trips to get all the bags. Like magic Kelsey appeared at the end of the hall,
she was doing her rounds, holding a feather duster. Humming a little tune as she went.

Anna called her over, "Kelsey! Do you have a moment?" She ran a hand through her hair to keep it out of her face. Kelsey
smiled and headed over, she pushed a stray hair from Anna's forehead.

"Can I put this up really quick? Looks bothersome. Then I can help you with the bags." Anna nodded dumbly at Kelsey
like she was stuck in a trance.

Kelsey took her into a different room with a mirror and pulled out a hair tie. "So what do you want? It's your choice Anna."

Anna felt the angels sing for her. Her choice? Her choice? She thought really hard for all the styles she had always
wanted. "Braid.. but two braids. That sit up fron.. like this." She was so excited to get to choose she was shaking.

Kelsey laughed and ran her hands through Anna's hair using her fingers to comb through any tangles. She was quick
but efficient and Anna smiled at the finished product. Then they set down the hall, Anna holding two suitcases, Kelsey
holding the other.


Anna helped Kelsey put the third suitcase in the trunk, and Elsa was already in the limo. After a quick one armed hug
from Kelsey and a good bye Anna got in the limo.

Elsa sat on the left side of the limo, one leg over the other, bouncing slightly. "Who put your hair up?" Anna lifted one of
her braids with a smile.

"Oh do you like it? I ran into Kelsey aga.." Anna trailed off when Elsa pouted, crossed her arms and turned away. For the
love of science what did she do now? Was Kelsey a trigger word?

Anna sighed and crawled over to be facing Elsa, but she turned again. Anna gave up, throwing her hands in the air.

"Fine be a jerk. I was just happy to finally have my hair braided like I wanted it." She went to the partition window and lay
on the ground before it, playing with the braids done in her hair. She flopped them around, grumpy now that Elsa was
being mean.

"I would have put it in the braids for you Anna.. you needed only to ask." Elsa whispered, hanging her head, still facing
away, but her arms were no longer crossed. She was fiddling with her fingers.

Anna lifted her head, looking down the limo at Elsa, "But you always say I am a bother anyway. Besides after yesterday I
didn't think you wanted to touch me anymore. So yeah." She let her head fall with a dull thud.

Elsa sighed loudly and Anna closed her eyes, giving up on trying to understand Elsa this morning. Maybe in a few hours
she would make more sense.


Anna was falling, falling through the sky. There was the ocean far below her. She tried to use her wings but she found
them useless. Numb as if they weren't there. She screamed and saw the ocean water getting closer. She hit the water
with a hard slap.

For a moment she was motionless, shocked from the cold of the water, and dazed from the hard entry to the water. Then
she jerked and bubbles rose from her mouth. She screamed and heard the whispers again as she thrashed, trying to
reach to surface.

She kept sinking though, and she felt like her lungs were on fire from the water she was now inhaling. Once she met
darkness she heard the whispers grow louder.
It sounded like many voices, all talking to one another in a language she couldn't understand. Then the water around her
disappeared and she could breath, the darkness still surrounded her. She still hung in the air, her body felt numb,

She heard that laugh again, deep, as it was in the hall. It sounded muffled though like the whispers. She heard a rumble
and she thought who ever the owner of the voice was, was trying to talk to her.

The voice distorted again, and like a radio that found the right frequency it cleared up.

"You are hard to talk… distance...great." The voice screeched and scratched. "I can hardly get you to listen to me." Anna
tried to move her head, but she couldn't so she settled for looking around with her eyes.

"What are you?" She asked, voice trembling, limbs still suspended in the air.

She felt something move in the darkness, surrounding her body. She started to feel her limbs and wings again, but
movement was slow. Like she was moving in slow motion.

"I am.. friend." All throughout its speech, its voice cracked and changed volume.

"Were you the voice in the hall?" She felt something hot run along her wings and she shuddered.

"I am." The voice stuttered and made another horrible cracking noise, the whispers started up again. "I am out of time..
Know this.. All is .. it seems.." The whisper turned into a roar and the voice joined the constant whispers.

Then Anna was falling into nothing again, and she screamed, flailing her arms.


Anna woke up to Elsa shaking her shoulder. She groaned feeling drained and stiff. "Wake up Anna we are here." Anna's
brows lifted so high they nearly disappeared into her hair.

Here? But Elsa said that it was four hours away. I was out for four hours?

Four men in white button up dress shirts and grey vests with black backs waited outside the front door. One walked up to
the limo door and opened it, he held his hand out and Elsa took it. He helped her out of the car and waited for Anna to
slowly follow her out. He then closed the door and waited by the trunk.

Anna nearly tripped and fell on her face, her limbs were so sore and slow. Sort of like in the dream, they felt weightless.
Behind her Hubert opened the trunk and the two men took the suitcases, and Anna thanked the lords out there for not
making her carry anything.

The other two men opened the doors for them when they made it up the small staircase. Anna eyed the open room with
two grand staircases leading to probably more rooms. The house was large and probably had many rooms. A maid
bowed to Elsa, pointing at two glass doors between the twin staircases.

"Miss Briar and all the other girls are having an early brunch out in the back. She requests that you put on swim wear, its
expected to be hot today." Elsa nodded and then the maid led Elsa to her room. The layout was easier to follow for Anna,
being the house was just overly large and not an actual mansion. "Miss Roe this is your room. Come with me flier, I will
show you where you stay." She went to grab Anna's wrist but she grabbed air.

Remembering Elsa's earlier annoyance about her sleeping in another room, Anna shook her head and stood behind
Elsa, hiding from the woman. She wrapped her arms around Elsa and peered over Elsa's shoulder at the maid.

"If its quite alright ma'am could my flier stay in my room.? She's.. a bit shy around new people." Elsa asked. The maid
nodded and bowed before walking away. Anna sighed relaxing and she let go of Elsa.

Elsa opened the door and the gentlemen put their bags down and left them alone.

"Okay you put these on." Elsa gave Anna a pair of green swimtrunks and a black sports like bra. Elsa shoved Anna out
the door, "Put them on in the hall.. I need to change too. Don't put on underwear. You can't swim with them on under
swim trunks. Well you can, but its weird." Then she slammed the door.

Anna started pulling off her clothes in the hall, hoping no one would walk by. She sighed, a little sad that Elsa didn't want
to change in front of her.

Whoa ew.. I'm sad? Now I'm turning into Eugene. Women soon won't b e safe around me! Gah!
Elsa opened the door and Elsa had a thin white robe on. Thin enough to see through, and she had a pair of sunglasses
on. Elsa wore an ice blue bikini that tied around her neck to hold the top up and Anna lost all train of thought.

Elsa snapped her fingers in front of Anna's nose. "Hey stop, your staring and wipe the drool off." Elsa sounded mad, but
when Anna actually looked at her face, she was bright red. Elsa huffed and muttered. "See you outside. Put your clothes
away." Then she walked away. Well walk is the wrong word.

Anna watched her practically run and it took her a minute after Elsa turned down the hall to actually function.

There are moments when I question if Elsa is a goddess or something. This is one of those moments.

The girl wiped the small bit of drool off her face then put her clothes on the ground beside the suitcase. She felt naked
with her belly bare, especially when she stepped out the glass doors that led outside and all eyes went to her. She
noticed that doors that led to the back of the house were glass. Strange. Elsa's was too.

Suddenly there were three girls standing around her, fawning over her and how cute she was. One girl was darker then
the most and her black hair was in a long thick ponytail. She wore a turquoise bikini and her eyes were a dark brown.

The other wore a purple one piece with a darker purple robe sort of like Elsa's. Her hair was hanging loose and she
wasn't as excited or as loud but she still studied Anna like the other girls.

The third wore a white and blue one piece and she seemed to be the youngest looking. Like Elsa she had blond hair,
but hers seemed more yellow, like Aurora's hair. Her eyes were blue as well and Anna took a step back. Nervous she
unfurled her wings, ready to fly off. The girls only smiled wider and studied her wings, and Anna looked at Elsa

Elsa was sitting on a lounge chair by Aurora and she glanced over her shades for a moment at Anna. She grinned and
pushed the sunglasses up her nose and turned to answer whatever Aurora asked her.

She felt hands on her wings and she jumped backing up, holding her hands up. Then she started to ramble because
that's what she did best.

"Did you ladies say cute? Was there something behind me? I'm Anna! I.. uh.. belong to Elsa.. and I have one friend at
Elsa's house. It's this maid named Kelsey and man is it hot outside? Its what only ten?" They smiled at Anna and the
youngest of the three girls giggled.

"Elsa your flier is so cute and weird. Would you sell her to me?" Anna's eyes nearly fell out of her head, and she bolted
over to Elsa's side. She dropped to her knees, head falling into Elsa's lap.

"Please don't sell me." Anna mumbled into soft thighs so quietly only Aurora and Elsa could hear her. The two girls
laughed and Elsa ran her hand soothingly down Anna's back.

"Sorry Alice, I can't sell her to you. She's too attached." There was a small boo and Elsa gently nudged Anna in the
direction of other fliers. "Go play with them. The girls here are Meg, Alice, and Jasmine." Anna waved and turned on her
heel to get the hell out there before someone else touched her or something.

She recognized Phillip sitting on the grass but she didn't know the two the others around him. He held his fist out and
she bumped it, feeling more relaxed around the guys. And she didn't even know their names yet!

"Hey Anna. Long time." He pointed to a dark skinned flier with dark grey wings, he had short black hair and dark eyes. He
wore white swim trunks. "That is Aladdin. He belongs to Jasmine over there." Aladdin gave her a short wave and a smile.

Phillip pointed to an orange haired flier who wore brown swim trunks. He had the biggest muscles of them all and his
wings were a darker orange. "This is Hercules. Herc for short. He's a government flier. Owned by Meg. Government
means he's super strong. And a few other unimportant things. We are 'pet' edition fliers. We are pretty weak compared to
him. Anyway.." Hercules rubbed the back of head and smiled shyly.

Phillip was about to speak again, but as if out of no where a flier dropped to land by Anna. He was tiny, had dark pink hair
and lighter pink wings with pink tips that matched his hair. He wore yellow trunks. He had the most yellow eyes Anna had
ever seen.

He lifted Anna's wing and put himself underneath it, practically wrapping himself in it. He giggled and grinned up at her
with what she thought the worlds widest smile. She could see all his teeth and part of his gums. It nearly creeped her
"And thats Cheshire.. He's a little.. weird. He belongs to Alice." Anna agreed when the tiny flier launched himself into the
air, flying to a nearby tree to sit in it. He looked like he was talking to his own hands, shaking his head when he

Anna stared at him a moment before shrugging, she was weird too so she decided to not judge. She sat by Phillip with a
huff trying to remember all the names and such.

"Okay so hi guys. I'm Anna. Your owners are freaky stuff. Thought I was going to die over there." They all chuckled
quieting a little when the girls glanced over at them.

Then they all sat there quietly watching the girls giggle at this, smile at that. Gasp over something scandalous.

"Man human girls are the bane of my existence." Aladdin spoke up, and they all nodded in agreement, he like the rest,
was leaning back on his hands.

Hercules smacked Aladdin playfully on the back, and Aladdin winced painfully. "I know how you feel. Why couldn't we be
owned by a man? Its hard having to play dress up or help her choose the right clothes. Face the facts boys, we are just
pets to them."

Anna sighed still not over all the skin Elsa was showing off, and then she was poked in the side. She jerked away,
placing her hand over the affected area. It was Phillip who poked her. "So.. I see you have googly eyes for Miss Roe. How
long did it take for you to give up hope?"

Anna glared at him, still rubbing her side. "I haven't given up thank you. I still hope for the moment she opens her eyes
and thinks, hey.. I'd like to love you Anna." The group of guys started laughing all at once, Herc even rolled around holding
his stomach. Phillip wiped a tear from his eye and Chesh too laughed from his position on the tree. Aladdin had to get
up and walk away he was laughing so hard.

The girls gave them a glance but they looked happy to see their fliers getting along. Sometimes fliers got testy with one
another. They didn't feel the need to worry.

Aladdin recovered first and he returned panting slightly, "Man you have it bad. You are in what we call the hopeful stage.
The stage where you can't help but think, I have a chance. Trust me.. The ship will sail without you. She's going to marry
some rich dude. They all do. And you can do nothing but watch." He put his hand on her shoulder in sympathy and she
frowned at him.

Touching, people who just met her always touching. She liked contact, but sometimes she remembered her time in the
labs and the touching was no longer her thing until the memory went away.

"Well boys I think Anna should cool down after the eye full of the girls she got. What say we help her?" Suddenly they
were all, including tiny Chesh, grabbing one of her limbs. She screamed, but she was smiling so they weren't worried.
They lifted her and carried her towards the massive rectangular pool.

"Not funny guys! Put me down.. I.. haha.. Seriously! See this? This is my serious put me down before I break someones
nose face." They lifted her higher so she was above their heads. Her wings didn't even have room to even unfold. She
struggled a bit more, wriggling but it got her no where.

"Any last words Anna before we dunk you and accept you as one of us lonely losers?" Phillip asked, and she tensed
thinking over what she wanted to say.

She rubbed her chin in mock thought since they were holding her by her upper arms. "Hmmm I wanted to say.. oh how
do I put this in the right words? Right. Put me down you assholes!"

They all shook their heads, grinning like a bunch of fools. They lowered her so she was hanging and looking up at them,
then they swung her like they were going to throw her.

"One." The fliers chanted together and they pulled her back only to swing her again.

"I'm punching you if you do this."

"Two." She glared up at them.

"Throw me and there will be hell to pay!"

"THREE!" She screamed when they tossed her into the pool. The cool water felt good on her upper body, except her
weiner felt like it just shriveled and died from the cold. She flailed under the water and came up spluttering.

Her wings slapped uselessly against the water, too heavy to help her fly out. She glared daggers up at the fliers, hoping
they knew in that moment that she would kill them later.

They all laughed, high fived and then jumped in and she barely had time to get out of the way. She coughed up water and
she dog paddled her way to the more shallow end. Glaring at them over her shoulder as they started splashing one
another like kids and she grumbled as she stood in the knee deep water. She lifted her sopping wings and she sighed.

They were all frazzled and heavy now, and completely waterlogged.. She stretched them with some effort and she
flapped them to get the water out. She was about to get out of the pool, but then all the girls were up and she nearly
fainted. Elsa and Meg had taken their thin robes off and Anna could clearly see Elsa's smooth skin. Whoa they had
beautiful bodies.

Elsa giggled at the frightened look on Anna's face and at how silly looked with wet wings. Had to be a little intimidating to
see so many girls coming over to her. Elsa sat on the edge of the pool dipping her toes in the water and Alice jumped
into the water wading over to where her flier was splashing around with him. Aurora waded into the water, running her
fingers through the water. Meg sat on the edge like Elsa did. Jasmine followed Alice into the deeper part of the water,
splashing Alice.

"Something on me?" Elsa asked Anna who was still staring at her, with her mouth open. Anna closed her mouth with a
clack of her teeth. She nodded, then she shook her head.

Then she nodded again, and Elsa laughed. Anna turned bright red, "Yes.. No.. I mean." Anna gave up and turned to get
back to the deep water but Elsa wanted to see flustered Anna more. She wasn't sure why though. It just made her
insides soar knowing it was her who did this to Anna. Not anyone else.

She slid off the edge and jumped onto Anna's back, wrapping her legs around Anna's hips and arms around her neck. "I
want to get wet." Elsa whispered in Anna's ear, purposely making her voice more breathy. She heard Anna make a
choking noise and she grinned triumphantly.

"Wet you say? You do? Oh sure!I can help- I mean.. uh to the water." Anna helped keep Elsa on her back by holding the
back of her legs and she carefully waded into the water. Anna's hands were shaking a little. Elsa knew in the back of her
mind it was wrong of her, but she couldn't care less. She was enjoying this moment.

Meg smiled at little when Elsa jumped on Anna. "Elsa do you have the right idea. Wonder boy come here a sec. I need a
slave to carry me into the water." Hercules carried Meg into the water a few moments later, holding her bridal style. Meg
leaned back in his arms, stretching her arms above her. "Like having one of those floaty blow up bed things."

Anna grinned at Phillip who looked like he was in awe and quite possibly jealous of Anna. She mouthed the words, 'fuck
you Phillip.' She waggled her eyebrows and spun Elsa around in the water and she squealed legs tightening their grip
on her hips.


"You are one lucky bastard you know that right Anna?" Aladdin said after they went inside, the girls not wanting a
sunburn. So of course the boys and Anna had to follow. While all the girls were getting dry in their rooms the boys had
one room they shared and Anna didn't want to follow Elsa.

Okay so she did, but for her own sanity she didn't.

"Not luck Aladdin. Pure skill and dashing good looks." She heard him mutter a 'oh fuck off' and her attention went to
Phillip. "So what do you do while you are here Phillip? For fun?"

Phillip put a shirt on, and he thought it over a moment. "Other than oogling the girls like we do each year. I play music just
to pass the time. They play board games, or go back outside. Do you play anything?"

Herc pulled Aladdins shirt over his head, laughing when it caught on the poor fliers wings.

Anna shook her head, "No but I- Chesh I swear if you pluck one more feather- I wish I could. I can sing, but thats it." Oh
singing, she won a bet against Eugene on who could sing better. Eugene said he didn't sing at first, but after a few evil
looks and a pleading one from Rapunzel he had given in. Oh what a day that was.

Phillip smiled, "Well I have just the thing for you. You guys do what you will, I am taking Anna to the music room."

The music room was amazing, all sorts of instruments sat around the room. Anna fingered a couple of piano keys at
random smiling when they made the tiniest of sounds. Phillip showed her all sorts of different types of instruments but
she eyed out a simple acoustic guitar.

Phillip noticed her interest, "Guitars huh? Here I'll teach you how to play." He grabbed an extra one and put the strap
around his shoulder. She copied him and put the strap over her shoulder.

"Okay so this is the first string. This is the sixth."

He went on to show Anna what each part was, how to pluck the string. How to hold the guitar properly. She caught on
quick, eager to learn and excited. Maybe she could play a song for Elsa one day.


Jasmine poked her head into the music room five hours later, "Hey you two, its time for a dinner. Im going to get the
others." Phillip nodded to her and she left without another word.

"You are doing great already Anna. By the time this little get together is done in about two and a half weeks you should be
able to read music and play it. You are no pro, but you are the best pupil I have ever had."

She smiled and put the guitar back on its stand, gently running her hand along the neck. "I have got to tell Elsa I want

Phillip raised a brow, "What she will just buy it for you?" He laughed at the thought.

"Well yeah. I haven't asked for anything so I don't see why not. Plus you guys said it yourself. These girls have enough
cash to roll in that i'm sure a guitar wouldn't kill them." Anna shot ahead of him, calling over her shoulder, "Race you slow
poke!" She heard him growl then heard the loud thuds of his feet.

He was fast, but she was faster and she ran around the corner. But the dining room was quite literally around the corner.
Anna saw white and she tried to skid to a halt flapping her wings hard to help slow herself down, but Phillip rounded the
corner like her and he hit her. It pushed her forward, of course into Elsa.

Why couldn't it have been the maid? Or the butler guy? But no the world hated her.

When Phillip pushed her forward she had stumbled into Elsa who was right in of the table. Elsa wasn't even facing her
so she wasn't prepared to be rammed into. So they both fell forward, with a cry, over the table.

So now Anna had the awkward pleasure of bending Elsa over the table. Her hands were flat on either sides of Elsa's
waist.. Elsa was still in her bikini, only now she wore an open button up shirt and boy was it riding up her back. Elsa was
on her toes in surprise and Anna's lower half was flush against Elsa's wonderfully soft rear end.

Is everything ab out her soft? See its things like this that keep me up at night.

Both she and Elsa were tense, unmoving and Anna thanked another god out there that it was only Phillip, Elsa and her in
the room right now. She glanced over her shoulder. Scratch that, Phillip wasn't even in the room any more.

Legs just take me b ack down a different hall b efore things get worse. Then again nothing worse than this. Things are not
going to get b etter b etween me and Elsa at this rate. Does someone b oth love and hate me?

Anna realised that maybe she should say something, so she stuttered. "S-s-so.. Hows that w-weather huh Elsa?"

And then Elsa was laughing, her body shaking she was laughing so hard. Anna grabbed her hips stopping her from
moving. "Stop that.." She panted, jaw clenched.. Elsa glanced over her shoulder at Anna.

"Then get off me." She wriggled her rear end, pressing back against Anna trying to push her off. Which wasn't helping
Anna at all, squeezed her eyes shut and nearly rocked her own hips forward. Of course the lower half of her decided to
wake up and enjoy this moment too.

Someone shoot me, then my cursed legs who refused to let me run away. Then mayb e my penis.. for b eing a penis.
Yeah sounds good.

The girls shuffling in the room had Anna two big steps away from Elsa who straightened, both girls blushing furiously.
Elsa's ear tips were even red. Anna faced the other way, not wanting the girls who now were entering the room to see the
bulge in her shorts. But the boys came from the hall and Phillip covered his mouth, pointing at her crotch. She glared as
he and the other three stifle their laughter.

"Elsa are you ok? You look a bit red." Alice asked bouncing over to hold her hand in worry. Elsa coughed and shook her
head. Croaking out that she was fine.

"Why don't we sit to eat." Aurora offered noticing how uncomfortable Elsa seemed, and so the fliers sat next to their
owners. Everyone thought the reason Anna practically dived into her chair was because she was hungry, but Elsa knew
and so did the boys.. And the two blushed their way through dinner.

Anna ignored the low five from Aladdin, glaring at him until he got the message.

AN: Who doesn't love random awkward situations? Plus I count as progress for Elsa to maybe feel a little more open to
the feelings she vehemently denies. Is it any more obvious I don't know JACK SQUAT about guitars? I looked things up,
but my knowledge didn't increase as well as I thought it should. I'm tired, this was around 13 pages long. Would have
had this done yesterday but my brothers laptop is riddled with viruses.

Review, shoot me a message, or whatever. I love reading and (when I can) answering back.
*Chapter 11*: Whose side are you on?
Chapter 11: Whose side are you on?

Dinner was awkward, at least for Anna. She was sure Elsa could feel the hard on before she stepped away. To make it
worse, she couldn't get it to go away all throughout dinner. Elsa had glanced at her and when she noticed the still
obvious bulge, she scooted just a little bit away. Anna died a little inside when that happened.

At least Aladdin had mercy on her and 'accidentally' dumped his entire glass of soda, with ice, on her lap. It got rid of the
problem and it gave her the excuse to leave the room and finally breath. The tension was going to choke her in that room,
plus dinner was almost over anyway. She could feel Elsa's eyes on her back when she left the room.

So now here she was after a change of trunks, standing in the empty room she shared with Elsa. Anna glared at her
crotch, getting ready to have a stern talk with it about timing.

But the buzz coming from the pants she took off earlier this morning stopped her from her long awaited rant. She ran to
the pants and dug through the wrong pocket. She cursed then grabbed the phone from the other pocket.

She answered the incoming call and wasn't sure she wanted to deal with Kristoff.

"Anna have you gotten anything new?" Kristoff sounded a little scratchy and she moved around the room trying to get a
better connection.

"No Kristoff I haven't. I would have called if I had. I'm not even at the Roe mansion anymore." She heard a sharp intake of
breath and it was quiet a moment.

"Why are you not there Anna? You are supposed to be helping us. Remember?" He sounded like he was annoyed
maybe a little angry.

"Well excuse me! Elsa is here at Aurora's.. Um the Briar's summer home. Her mother sent us away for a bit. I'm having
fun here actually. I am having a great time chilling with the other fliers. Thank you for asking."

Kristoff was quiet again and she wondered for a moment if he hung up.

"Anna first off, you are an Angel. Not a flier. Flier is an invented word to demean you and its wrong. And we need you to
focus! Guardians have to work all the time. Maybe this Aurora girl will have useful information. Learn about the other girls
there as well. Stop messing around, we have no room for failure. Also don't forget what I said about Miss Roe." Anna
flinched at the word failure, she could fail them. She didn't want to fail them ever. But she actually wanted to have fun here
as well.

"Sure thing Kristoff.. I'll take a look around. Also I have been having.." She stopped herself. Should she tell Kristoff about
the weird hallway and her dream? It didn't feel right, something inside her head told her no.

"You have been having.. what?" Kristoff sounded worried now, like she was going to bring up Elsa again.

She scrambled to say something else. "Having.. a hard time being around all these people. It.. it disgusts me." She
sighed in relief when Kristoff laughed.

"It's alright Anna. Just stay calm and keep up the good work. They disgust us too. But don't worry, just get the right
information and everything will be perfect. I have to go, bye Anna."

"Bye." Anna whispered but he had already hung up.


Anna went back to the dining room and she found it empty. She was tempted to look for the guys, but she instead, went
to the backyard.

Outside it was near dark, the sun was setting and it was a bit chillier. She shuddered and wrapped her wings around
herself, using them as a sort of blanket. She walked along the edge of the pool, staring at her reflection in the dying light.

She stretched out her wings and stared at them, and for just a moment, she wondered if she was born human would
Elsa actually like her. What would her life be like if she was truly human, no wings, and fully a girl? She lifted her arms
and stared at the tattoos on either arm.
On her right was A117, the mark given to her by WGS. The seven rested near the barcode on her wrist. The A was just
before where her elbow bent. Then she looked at the other tattoo in the same place on her left arm.

On her leftshoulder there was a light tattoo mark done in a pale yellow. The way it was done it looked like a light scar.
Anyone who might have looked at it wouldn't even know it was there. In the right light it would shimmer though. The tattoo
was a plain letter G in the middle of the sun. So unnoticable sometimes she forgot about it herself.

Three tattoos, and yet they all have different meanings to me.

But who am I? Am I the failed experiment? Am I the pet? Am I the Guardian spy? What is my purpose? The Guardians
said I hold the key, that I am part of how they will get rid of Doctor Stone. But what else is there? What are people not
telling me? Who is the voice in the hall?

She rubbed her arms crossing them across her belly, "Why me? What has ever been so special about me? All I do is
bumble around hoping to please everyone."


Anna jumped forward in surprise when she heard Elsa's voice. She started flapping her wings hard in an effort to not
land in the water. Her toes only barely grazed the water and she landed perfectly find on the other side of the pool.

Her heart was pounding and she put a hand to her chest. "Elsa! Make a little noise next time! I nearly jumped right into
the water." Elsa raised a brow at the tone in Anna's voice and she slowly made her way around the pool. Anna gulped,
realizing her mistake. She glanced around for something to save herself.

"Are you telling me to do something?" Anna shook her head, backing up, not sure how she felt about the gleam in Elsa's

"N-n-no!" Anna choked out, holding her hands up, wings curling up to her body. Elsa looked dangerously beautiful with
her bikini on still. Of course she still had the white button up shirt on, and it only reminded Anna of the table.

"So you are lying now Anna? To me?" Elsa gasped in mock shock, getting closer to Anna now. Where did Elsa's
confidence come from? Earlier she was a blushing fool in the dining room, sure so was Anna, and these attitude
changes were making her head spin.

"I am not lying! I was merely telling you to.." Anna trailed off when she realized that she had trapped herself with her own

"Merely telling me to do something. So you were lying to me. See thats two strikes." Elsa stopped right in front of Anna,
and she leaned in very close, leaning over to whisper in Anna's ear. "Do you want to know strike three before I punish

Anna froze and nodded, looking terrified. She had been punished once by Elsa and that was an experience she never
wanted to be repeated.

"Strike three was bending me over the table." Then she shoved Anna backwards into the pool. The poor flier pinwheeled
her arms, wings flapping, but they couldn't save her from falling backwards. The water was much colder on her skin
since it was no longer hot out, she flailed under the water.

Anna finally resurfaced and Elsa waggled her fingers at her, walking back towards the house. "I came out to tell you that
its time for bed. Everyone is asleep." Anna threw her arms on the ledge and watched Elsa walk away.


After she got dry enough Anna went inside and ran into Herc. "Hey man what are you doing? I thought everyone went to

He yawned and scratched his bare chest sleepily. "I was actually sent to find you. We wanted to know if you wanted to
bunk in our room. We all have to share a room. Don't worry there is enough room for everyone." Anna looked over her
shoulder down the hall where Elsa's room was. It wasn't fair that she got to sleep in a nice room with Elsa. Plus she
wanted to hangout with the guys some more.

"Got any clothes I can borrow? Just to sleep in. I don't want to wake up Elsa." She pointed over her shoulder and Herc
"Yeah just follow me. This is going to be great. Oh just be warned, Chesh likes to hug people in his sleep."



It was the worst idea ever to sleep with the guys. For one, they stayed up all night, playing Monopoly and Anna ended up
losing. She swore Chesh was a cheater. She also only got around four hours of sleep compared to her usual nine.

The second reason why it was the worst idea ever, was because during breakfast she had to deal with all the girls
stares. No one asked about the marker drawn monocle around her eye, or the big fluffy drawn on mustache over her lip.
Elsa also didn't ask where Anna was all night.

The guys had giggled like a bunch of idiots and wouldn't stop calling her sir or mister. Even at the table.

Anna crossed her arms growled shooting glares at the guys. She wasn't sure who did it, but oh was she going to kill him
when she found out who.

After a lovely breakfast the girls were outside, but they were all playing volley ball. Elsa had fought Meg to be the
scorekeeper since they were uneven but Meg eventually one.

Anna wasn't sitting next to the guys, she didn't want to be near them, lest she decide to kill them all to save time finding
the culprit. She lay on her belly in the grass, arms crossed over another to make herself a pillow. She was mad, at the
guys and Kristoff. Today felt like a grumpy day.

Someone blocked the sun and she glanced up at the face. She squinted when the bright sun made it impossible to see
the persons face and got up. The woman wore a white button up shirt tucked into a grey pencil skirt that ended just
above her knees. She had on black heels and she towered over Anna.

The woman's forest green eyes crinkled at the corner when she smiled down at Anna. She held a tray with a cup of
lemonade on it.

"Would you like a drink kind sir?" She bowed and held the drink out for Anna. Anna took it gratefully and chugged it down
in a few gulps.

"I'm no sir. Don't they have to dress nice and have a lot of money?" The woman laughed and took the empty cup from

She then glanced around and leaned in closer whispering to Anna. "Come with me. I have just the thing you need to look
like a gentleman." Anna shrugged and followed her because she had nothing better to do really. And the woman was
pretty. Who would say no?

"What's your name lady?" Anna asked quietly as she followed the servant to the kitchens.

"I am Mariza." She answered smiling over her shoulder at Anna. She led Anna to a closet and inside was a box full of
clothing. "We keep all the extra outfits in here so that we can use them in case we spill something on our own. Or in this
case we are dressing you up."

Anna nodded and Mariza put a top hat on Anna, "There you already look the part neck up." She got Anna a white button up
shirt, a grey vest, a black tie, and some black pants with a grey stripe down the side. Anna couldn't fit any of the shoes so
she went without.

Mariza fixed the tie on Anna's neck, making it look smooth. She also helped Anna roll her sleeves to her elbow. Anna
looked at herself in the closet mirror. "Ha! Thank you Mariza. This is so much better. Now the joke is on those guys."

Mariza grinned and grabbed Anna's chin, giving her a kiss on her cheek. "A kiss for the gentleman from the lady. It's for
luck." If the burning on her face was any indication Anna was sure her face was really red. Anna didn't even know what
the luck was for. She just grinned goofily at the girl for a moment.

"Now go on. Stop looking miserable out there and have fun with your new look." She nudged Anna in the direction the
door out of the kitchen. She dodged a few other servants and headed outside.

Aladdin jokingly wolf whistled when she walked up and Phillip stared at her face. "Whoa what happened to your face
She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Oh ha ha Phillip you know what happened."

He got up from the chair he was lounging in and turned her head to the right. "No you have a kiss mark on your face. You
lucky dog. Which girl was it? The one you walked away with?"

Anna's eyes went wide, "I have a what?"

Herc shook his head, "I didn't know one of the servant girls was into fliers. It's technically against the law. Its considered
a sick fetish in some places. Doesn't stop people from being angels sometimes though,"

Aladdin shoved Hercules a little. "Herc, who cares man? This means one of the serving girls could be into us. I call
dibs." Aladdin raised his hands glaring at the two other fliers.

Phillip whirled around quickly, "Whoa no. I get automatic dibs. Its my summer home. And if she doesn't go for me. Anna
gets her because she is the one who found her." Aladdin got up from his chair and unfurled his wings, stretching them
out menacingly.

Phillip glared him down and did the same with his wings. Anna backed off, if they wanted to fight over a girl, then they
could. She wasn't going to stand around and watch. They would probably all get yelled at for being idiots.

While they had a stare off much like Anna had with Phillip when he visited the Roe mansion she went back inside to get
a pitcher of lemonade and five cups put onto a tray. Then she carried it back outside to the girls who were still playing
volley ball.

"Ladies, I have brought you some lemonade. Since it is quite hot out." Anna said in a mock deep voice. Anna didn't think
her plan through, because now she was surrounded by five girls. Aurora, Alice and Jasmine giggled at her taking their
drinks. Meg winked at her and just grabbed her drink and walked away. And Elsa, well she was glaring holes into Anna's

The four girls took their cups of lemonade to sit on the lounge chairs to sit in the shade and to watch Aladdin and Phillip
continue their stare off. Elsa stayed behind and Anna tilted her head. "Elsa? You don't want a dri-" Elsa grabbed her chin
and turned her head to the right.

"Who gave this to you?" She asked, studying the kiss mark as if she could figure out who the culprit was.

"Oh. This servant girl. She didn't want me looking so sad, cause you know this marker on my face. So she dressed me
up as a gentleman! And I like it, because now I don't feel as ridiculous with this mustache on my face. I match and look
rather dashing." Anna rambled nervously, hoping that explanation would please Elsa.

It didn't. "I mean't the kiss mark." She stopped glaring at the kiss mark and finally looked Anna in the eye.

"Oh that. She said a good luck kiss for the gentleman from the lady. Boy is she pretty Elsa you should see her. She has
this dark brown hair that sort of looks red in the light." The fire sparked in Elsa's blue eyes and she rubbed the pink kiss
mark off with her sleeve.

Then she leaned in and kissed Anna's cheek, leaving a red kiss mark. "She is nothing but a serving girl. I am the lady,
not her. So my kiss has actual luck." Elsa still looked ready to take someone out, but her face was bright red in a blush. It
confused Anna. Elsa took her drink and walked over to join the other girls leaving Anna standing there.

Anna stood there holding tray, trying to process what happened. Was Elsa still mad? Or was she even mad in the first

Anna shrugged and gave up walking over to the guys who looked tense still but more calm. She sat by Phillip and he
took the pitcher from her.

"Phillip why do women get mean?" She asked. Phillip spit the lemonade out of his mouth, laughing.

"Like.. why. Um. Elsa gave me this kiss mark after she wiped the other one off. She got a real mean look in her eyes. It
was a little scary. She got the same look when I told her that this maid back home let me sleep in the same room with

Phillip looked at her like she grew a second head. So did Aladdin and Herc rolled his eyes.

"She's jealous you idiot. Women get a little.. mean when they see someone they admire with another woman or man.
You have a bigger chance with Elsa than you know man. If she is getting jealous like I think she is. Or she is stingy and
doesn't like you around other people. Which wouldn't make any sense."

Anna's face scunched up in though going over the times she mentioned Kelsey and the kiss on the cheek itself. It
explained a lot.

Aladdin stood up, "Well since Anna is taken by Elsa, I get the servant girl." He glared at Phillip and Phillip got up and
punched him. They rolled to the grass fighting and Anna and Herc tried to pull them apart.

The girls ran over to stop the fighting and Anna laughed at Phillip and Aladdin's stupidity. Fighting over a servant girl?


After Phillip and Aladdin were punished for being aggressive, the girls decided to go inside to do 'business'. Which
meant they gossiped about their companies like they were talking about the weather outside. Elsa didn't join them, she
excused herself to oversee something important.

Jasmine's father owned a large oil company out in Arabia. Meg's father owned the worlds largest morg and headstone
business. Alice's father traveled a lot, but he always brought amazing ideas back to WGS, which got him paid
handsomely. Even if the ideas were a little mad. Aurora's mother owned the largest perfume and mattress company.

Anna did her best to remember this so she could call it in to Kristoff later. How their families got rich off of this Anna
wasn't sure. But information was information for Kristoff. Hopefully he wouldn't bug her any more through the trip if she
had something for him.

Anna sat and listened to them for as long as she could, but then they started talking about rich boys and girls, who was
the cutest and Anna decided to leave. She wandered throughout the house, doing her best to remember whose room
was where or where the halls led. After an hour Anna went back to the kitchen to see if Mariza was hanging around there.

She opened the kitchen door and saw the fridge door open. She couldn't see who was grabbing something inside so
she walked to the door and leaned over it. Anna grinned at what she saw.

Elsa was on her knees reaching for chocolate on a plate in the fridge, eating the small bite sized pieces. She looked like
she was in her own Heaven. Until Anna laughed. She froze and slowly turned, looking like she was struggling to swallow
the pieces she just threw in her mouth.

Anna rested her head on the fridge door, smiling down at Elsa. "This is what you had to oversee? Seems so very
important." She said, trying not to laugh any more. Elsa was usually such a dainty eater, but here she was stuffing
chocolate in her face. She even had some on the corner of her mouth.

Elsa got up from the floor, and calmly she closed the fridge door. Then she turned to walk away, "It is very delicious.
Thank you." Anna watched her walk away, grinning like an idiot still.

"Miss Roe I do believe you have chocolate on the corner of your mouth! The rumors were true, you are a barbarian when
it comes to sweets." Anna took off when Elsa turned to glare at her, wiping her mouth off as she did.

Anna wasn't sure if Elsa was chasing her, and in her haste to get away she ran into Phillip.

"Whoa there Red! What are you running from?" Anna could hear the laughter in his voice, and she rolled her eyes at the

"Really? Red? Very creative. I wasn't running from anyone. I was just getting my jog on. Anyway who let you off the tree?
Aurora?" She crossed her arms, smiling up at Phillip who looked unhappy to be reminded of being tied to the tree.

"I got out early for good time. Oh hey look its the servant girl!" Phillip ran a hand over his hair, feathers fluffing up a little
before they flattened and relaxed.

Anna turned to see Mariza coming towards them and her jaw dropped. Mariza wasn't in her servant outfit, she was in a
wonderful red bikini. Her long hair was pulled out of the ponytail it was in earlier and her hair fell in waves to her

Anna understood why Phillip tried to make himself look good. A mini Goddess was walking towards them. Thats why!

"Ah I found you sir!" Anna smiled at the joke. She had long since gotten the marker off her face But she still had on the
outfit.. "I came looking for you to ask if you join the rest of us servants outside. It's our turn to use the backyard area. You
may come too." She gave Phillip but a glance, her attention mostly on Anna. Anna could only nod, she was trying to keep
her gaze on Mariza's face.

"Perfect! Go get something to swim in on. I'll see you outside." She did a small waved and gave both fliers a smile and
she walked away. Phillip and Anna watched her go,both enjoying the wonderful view and sway of her hips, and then he
gave her a light shove.

"Are you secretly a chick magnet? Do your insides just scream fuck me to women? What's your secret? I demand to
know Anna." Anna rubbed her arm frowning at the place he touched her.

"Well I wouldn't know! She's only the.." Anna stopped and counted on her fingers. "Fifth girl to randomly invite me to do
things with them. First one was Anastasia, then Sarah, Yuki, Kelsey and now her." Anastasia, Sarah, and Yuki were
women from the Guardians, but Anna didn't like bringing them up often. She shuddered from the memory of those girls.
She still wasn't sure if she could consider them good memories or bad.

"Alright fine. Don't teach me the secrets. I'm not hurt at all." Anna rolled her eyes at how dramatic he sounded and left him
there grumbling.


It was a short walk to Elsa's room and she opened the door without knocking. No one was around and she quickly
changed into blue swim trunks and a matching blue bikini top. After making sure she had it on securely she left the

Elsa was at the door hand reached out to grab the handle. Anna moved out of Elsa's way. "Hi Elsa. Bye Elsa. I'm going to
go swim. I got invited by all the servants to swim."

Elsa whipped around, eyes narrowed. "Does this include the one who kissed you on the cheek?"

Anna glanced over her shoulder already halfway down the hall. "Yeah. She's the one who invited me. See ya Elsa! They
are waiting for me."

She didn't notice the dark look that crossed Elsa's face nor did she notice Elsa enter the room slamming the door
behind her.


Phillip was sitting with three of the four servant girls, grinning like an idiot. He looked like he was showing off how far his
wings could go. Telling the girls some ridiculous story. He was hopeless and he was probably going to get in trouble.

Herc said relationships with a flier was illegal. Then again there was probably some loophole, which might have
explained why the servant girls were so careless.

Or they didn't care for the rules. Then again they weren't doing anything but cooing over Phillip like one would with
someone elses dog.

Mariza was laying by herself on a towel, hiding a bit by the shade of the trees, leaning back on her elbows. She grinned
when Anna had appeared at the glass doors looking like a nervous baby calf. She crooked her finger in a come hither
motion and Anna walked over, she couldn't help but smile back at Mariza.

Mayb e my weakness is b eautiful girls? I'm not sure, b ut they keep finding me. I think Phillip was on to something ab out
me b eing a chick magnet.

Anna stopped when she was right beside Mariza, and Mariza patted the grass beside her. "Sit." She commanded and so
Anna sat.

Anna looked at the pool water, then her feet, then the trees. Mariza put her hand on Anna's knee and she jumped a little
from the contact. Anna had to swallow her heart before she coughed it up.

"So jumpy. Relax." Mariza whispered, leaning in very close. Anna leaned away slightly. Her brain told her it was wrong.
What about Elsa?

What ab out Elsa? Mariza is just.. b eing very touchy. Totally fine. Right? It's not like Elsa actually feels anything for you.
But she does get jealous over you.

Mariza laughed and her fingers drew little patterns on Anna's thigh. "I know you are from the Guardians." She whispered
in Anna's ear, and Anna nearly choked on her own spit.

"Whoa I am not from them. You must have m-mistaken me for someone else." Mariza shook her head, still smiling, her
hand still drawing those darn senseless patterns.

"Kristoff contacted me this morning. He was a little angry that you are stuck here. I'm surprised. I though they had
forgotten me." She stopped drawing patterns and rolled and sat on Anna's lap, resting her arms on Anna's shoulders.
"But that is fine with me. I'm sure there is some information you can find for him."

Anna was still trying to register the fact that she was on her lap. She was speaking? About what?

"Guck." She tried to say get off, but her frazzled brain tried to mix another word in. Mariza laughed and leaned in.

"You are so very cute Anna. If I had met you sooner you would be mine. Seems your heart is stolen by Miss Roe herself."
Anna started to panic a little and deny it but Mariza put a finger to her lips. "I won't tell Kristoff if you have some fun with
me. Sound fair? The people here are so boring, but you are so very interesting."

Anna's mind was going a mile a minute. She was trying to straighten out all that Mariza said. She was a Guardian
herself. Okay. Anna's heart being stolen by Elsa? Not okay. Sure Anna thought Elsa was beautiful and would do just
about anything for her if she would just ask. But Elsa was infuriating! She beat Anna once. Definite no no. Okay sure she
said sorry and tried to make up for it. Still Elsa wasn't like the Guardians who didn't care for rules. An-

And did Mariza just say she wanted to have some fun?

"Fun? Oh sure? How about some monopoly? Or cards? I know how to play goldfish.." Mariza leaned in, arms holding
Anna from leaning back and Anna put her hands on Mariza's hips trying to keep her at bay. "I know how to play war as

Mariza shook her head, smiling like she knew something Anna didn't. "Sounds tempting, but I want something a little
more.. exciting." Yup, Phillip was right, maybe her insides did scream fuck me to women.

Mariza grinded against Anna, leaning in and biting her gently on the neck. She ran her hands down Anna's back and
Anna wasn't sure if Mariza had pressed a switch or something but she started growling and she pushed Mariza over.
Holding Mariza's wrists in her hands on either side of the girls head.

Mariza grinned triumphantly when she saw Anna's pupils dilate, wrapping her legs firmly around the fliers hips. "Kristoff
and the higher ups like to go on about equality, but inside, you are all just animals. Animals with urges, it just takes the
right prompting."

In the back of Anna's mind she knew she should probably stop. It would take one glance and everyone would see them
laying on the grass like this.

Mariza tilted her head to the side, letting out a soft whimper and it drove Anna wild. She couldn't help herself, she buried
her face in Mariza's neck grinding her body almost desperately against her.

Something in her head told her to mark, to take, to claim the girl beneath her. She no longer cared about the Phillip and
the girls just across the long yard behind her. She didn't care about Elsa, or anyone else. She wanted more and Mariza
was willing to give it to her. She grinded harder against Mariza who moaned in response.

Mariza glanced to her left and stiffened up suddenly, as if she had just noticed something. She jerked her arm free and
grabbed Anna's right arm, looking at the tattoo for the first time.

"A.. one..seventeen." She murmured, eyes narrowed as she looked over the tattoo. Anna growled at her, who cared about
the tattoo? Her brain was too busy focused on getting sex.

Mariza's eyes went wide, "Oh my God! It's you! Why are you here?" Anna blinked, breathing hard trying to get herself to
calm down and actually listen to what Mariza was saying.

"What are you going on about?" Anna asked. Mariza struggled and shoved Anna hard off of her. Anna fell back glaring at
her, annoyed that she was left hanging.

"You! You are A117! How did no one see.. Anna you have to go back to the Guardians. Forget getting information for
Kristoff. If they knew that you were right here with enemy so close.. Shit." Anna shook her head, pushing Mariza back
down, covering her mouth.
"It doesn't matter who I am Mariza! I am not going back anytime soon. You aren't going to say a word to Kristoff. Not to
anyone." Mariza bit her finger and Anna jerked her hand back on instinct.

"Like hell I won't tell them who you are! The Guardians have been trying to get you for years! Our contact inside got you
free for a reason! She was supposed to tell you to find us! You are the key. Kristoff will take you to Him. He will tell you
everything! The truth. You are the savior." Mariza looked desperate now. "If the Roe family find out about their missing
project and see its you.. You'll go right back! They will take you right back to those labs." Anna got off her, backing away.

"No. You are crazy. Kristoff just wants information on me. Thats it. So i'm still looking! Elsa would never send me back."
Anna glanced over her shoulder and noticed Phillip making his way over. "I'm sorry.. but I can't have you blabbing."

Mariza's eyes widened and she got up to stop Anna, but Anna was already calling. "Phillip! Get someone to take her
away. She is a Guardian. She admitted it to me. She's trying to convert me to their stupid shit." Phillip looked like he
wanted to question it, but the look on Anna's face stopped him.

"I will be right back then." He said, running for the doors the servants taking off as well when they heard mention of
Guardian. Mariza tried to run for the doors too, but Anna grabbed her by her arm and held her back. Mariza glared at

She shook Anna's arm, trying to get sense into Anna. "No! Anna you can't do this. They need to know! You don't know
what you are doing! I swear if I get out, I will tell Kristoff who you really are and I will tell him what you have done!" Phillip
returned with two burly male servants, and they dragged her away, kicking and screaming. "You will regret this Anna! You
will! You are putting your trust in the wrong arms. Elsa won't ever want you! Whose side are you on? You can't have both."

The glass doors slammed shut and Phillip stared at Anna looking confused.

"What in the hell just happened?"

"Nothing." Anna sighed knowing the real reason she wanted to stay was because deep down she didn't trust the
Guardians. But she also refused to leave Elsa's side just yet.

AN: Yeah sorry this is a later than I normally put one out. Sorry to BookHacker as well. I did try to get this out before 8 am
for you. BUT I also did say not to hold that promise.

Shout out to all who read this and leave me comments! I like seeing them.

Shout out to TheSyndra! You have no idea how excited I was when I realized you followed this story. You are one of my
favorite authors here. I just find it really freaken cool.
*Chapter 12*: Making the moves
Chatper 12: Making the moves

Hello people. This is an doub le update sort of day! If you are here on 8/7 (U.S time) then go b ack a chapter and read 11

"Nothing" Anna said sighing running a hand through her hair. She pulled the braids out, shaking her hair loose. "She
was a guardian and she started getting all crazy. Saying I had to choose a side. I chose to stay here. With everyone.
Thats all."

Phillip nodded like he understood, but he didn't look like he did. "Yeah I hear those guys were always batshit crazy. They
carry diseases and they steal you away when no one is looking. They change you and make you one of their drones
going on about Heaven."

Anna resisted the urge to roll her eyes, they certainly stole you and talked about heaven. But she was sure the other
stories were over exaggerations.

"Who told you that?" She asked, and he smiled like it was obvious.

"Don't you see all the posters of Doctor Stone warning against the Guardians. That you have to report them when you find
them. I won't tell anyone else about the servant being a Guardian. They would probably check over us all for illness." He
shrugged and then wrapped a wing around her. She didn't but the next time she went into the city she would.

She leaned on him, accepting the small gesture of comfort. She didn't want to think about the fact she just turned a
Guardian in. She also didn't want to think about how she very nearly had sex with a woman in plain sight.

She shuddered, disgusted with herself. She wanted only Elsa and there she was moments ago ready to tear that other
girls bikini bottoms off.

"I'm going. If anyone asks.. I am no where, Got it?" Phillip raised a brow then watched as she took to the sky, landing on
top of the roof of the tall house.

"Want me to bring you some water later or something?" He saw a small hand lean over the edge of the roof in a small
thumbs up. "Okay. Well don't let that Guardian freak you out. I'm sure things are okay."


"Where is Anna? Doesn't she know its time for dinner?" Elsa asked, noticing Anna hadn't walked into the room yet.
Everyone else was showing up. She expected Anna to appear when Phillip did since she tended to hang out with him
the most. But even after everyone else was seated there was still no Anna.

Jasmine and the girls glanced at one another. Alice shrugged taking a bite of her mashed potatoes. "Haven't really seen
her all day. Other than this afternoon time when we played volleyball." Elsa cut a piece of her steak and took a bite.

She swallowed then thought back, "How strange of her. I wonder if she is alright. She isn't one for missing dinner."
Another round of delicate shrugs and more soft clinking of silverware on plates.

Alice sat up straighter remembering something, "Oh! I do remember something happening today. One of the servant
girls got fired. Some people came and took her away. She sounded crazy, talking about Anna too. Maybe Anna was sad."
Phillip coughed and spit his drink back into his cup. All eyes went to him. He got up mumbling his apologies.

"Sorry. Pardon me." He gathered his plate up and shot from the room. Elsa watched him go with narrowed eyes. She
stood up and excused herself and followed Phillip into the kitchen.

"Phillip I am going to ask you something. I want a straight answer." The flier kept his back to her, washing his plate off
into the sink, much to the servant mans chagrin. "Does Anna hiding all day have to do with the fired servant girl."

She watched his shoulders touch his ears and his feathers fluffed up nervously. It reminded her of Anna whenever she
was hiding something.

He turned slowly, not looking Elsa in the eye. "Er.. No." Elsa gave him a look and he caved. "Okay Anna is going to be
mad.. But the reason she has been hiding all day is because of the servant girl. Something happened and so they took
the servant away."

Elsa crossed her arms, foot tapping impatiently. He scratched the back of his head, looking at his feet. "Is this the
servant girl who kissed her cheek this morning?"

He flinched not wanting to answer that one either. But he did because he was a coward.

"Yes. Anna is on the roof. Dont hurt me thats all I know." He put his hands up and scrambled from the room before Elsa
could ask another question.

Elsa took a deep breath to remain calm. Nothing probably happened between Anna and the servant girl. The girl just
happened to be fired and Anna was just hiding. She knew she was lying to herself and hoped the reason why the girl
was fired, was not because of illegal acts between flier and human.

Elsa prepared another plate for dinner, filling it with steak, potatoes and green beans. She put a knife and fork on the
plate and covered it with foil. She grabbed her own plate as well. Then she bagged some chocolates and snuck a few for

She then set out to the garage, going to find a ladder and find Anna on the roof. Even if it killed her.


Anna rolled onto her back, tired of being on the roof, but she didn't want to go down and face Elsa. Just thinking about
Elsa made her burn in shame. She nearly had sex with Mariza just because she made her feel good. Stupid. She wasn't
a horny teen. Okay so she was still a teenager at seventeen.

Still wasn't a real excuse. For now Anna wanted to hide and make herself miserable as punishment for what she almost
did. And for what she did to Mariza. She had turned in a fellow Guardian. Did that make her a traitor?


She was still doing her job. Trying to get information about herself. Maybe she could learn a little more about why she
was so special.

A metal thudding against the roof scared her and she sat up quickly. She heard a grunt and a curse. The ladder shook
slightly and Anna curled up on her side, hiding behind her wing and growling like a cornered wild animal.

One pale hand appeared and set a covered plate down. Anna's stomach rumbled loudly and she nearly started drooling.
Elsa's head appeared and she tossed a little baggy onto the roof as well. She got her arm over the last step on the later,
using the arm to hold herself up.

"You going to stare at me? Or actually help me up?" Elsa was panting, resting her head on her shoulder.

Anna shook her head, "You should probably go Elsa. I just want to be alone." Elsa rolled her eyes and tried to climb the
last steps so she could get on the roof. But her weight on the ladder pulled it backwards.

Elsa screamed and Anna dived forward. She grabbed Elsa and yanked her and the ladder back to the house. "Damn it
get on the roof then Elsa. Before you break your neck."

She helped pull Elsa onto the roof and she collapsed backwards in relief when Elsa had her two feet on the roof. Except
she hadn't let go of Elsa's hands and Elsa fell with her with a surprised shout.

Anna didn't even try to move. She just lay there waiting for Elsa to get off of her. Anna wasn't about to move and somehow
end this with awkward looks and a boner. She knew the game now. Time to freeze and let Elsa move.

Elsa shifted a little and pulled her arms out from between their bodies and she just relaxed with a sigh. She nuzzled
Anna's neck and made herself comfortable, resting her head on Anna's shoulder.

"Uh Elsa?" Anna asked, hands laying on the roof limply.


"Any particular reason why you haven't got off me? I mean I am totally fine with it, I like doing this. Wait! I don't mean that in
a creepy way. I just mean't that we haven't done this in a while. Not since the garden incident and stuff and-"

"Anna." Elsa didn't sound mad, she just sounded amused.

"Yeah Elsa?"
"Shut up and hold me." Anna nodded, lifting her arms slowly, still a little nervous about holding Elsa. Elsa sighed and
grabbed Anna's arms and put them around her. "There, not so hard."

Anna laughed, she knew it was probably something she shouldn't have laughed at. Elsa gasped when she figured out
why Anna was laughing. She playfully slapped Anna's arm, then she laughed right along with Anna.

They settled down again and Anna just wanted to enjoy the moment while she could. She could forget about her troubles
for the time being. Being around Elsa honestly was is when they weren't in awkward situations. Like the table.

No. Bad b rain you're going to wake him up down there and then the moment is over. I just want to pretend Elsa actually
feels something for me. That too much to ask for?

But then she remembered what Phillip said this afternoon. He said Elsa was jealous.

She's jealous of another woman. She has to like you. Even if its just a little.

Anna lay there a bit longer, but her stomach rumbled and she remembered the food Elsa brought. "Hey.. did you bring
me dinner?"

Elsa nodded and when Anna tried to sit up, Elsa growled at her and for a second Anna froze. "Did you just growl at me?"

Elsa lifted her head and bared her teeth at Anna. She put her head back down. "Yes I did. No moving. I'm comfortable."

Anna wasn't sure how she felt about being growled at. Especially coming from Elsa. She wiggled her shoulder until Elsa
looked up at her again, then she grasped her by her chin and leaned in very close. Then she did her best growl, letting it
rumble up through her chest.

Elsa's eyes were the size of dinner plates. "That Elsa.. Is how you growl. Little practice and maybe you can do a quarter
what I do. I give you points for having such a cute growl though." Elsa blushed and buried her head in Anna's neck again
mumbling thank you.

"Now can we eat? I'm sorry but if you don't move, I'm afraid I'm going to have to gnaw through your arms." To make her
point she lifted Elsa's arm and snapped her teeth by it. Elsa got off her so quickly in attempt to save her arms she kneed
Anna in the groin.

Anna groaned and curled in on herself, rolling away. Elsa held her hands out and Anna batted her away with her wing.
"Anna I am so sorry. I didn't mean to!"

Anna sat up, hand still protectively covering herself. "See now i'm injured and you have to feed me." Elsa rolled her eyes
peeling the tin foil away from the food.

"Alright you big baby fine. What do you want a bite of first?" Anna made extra sure to keep herself covered while she eyed
what she wanted first.

"I want chocolate first." She smiled up at Elsa sweetly, and Elsa shook her head.

"No sweets before you eat. Come on, have a green bean. How did you know I brought chocolate?" Elsa held the fork out
and Anna leaned as far back as she could, shaking her head.

"No at least give me something tasty first. And I can smell them." Anna gave the green beans a disgusted look. Elsa just
moved the fork closer to Anna's mouth. Anna crossed her arms and turned her head away.

"No. I want potatoes first. Green beans are gross." Elsa sighed and waited for Anna to face her.

"Look I already have the green bean on the fork, just take a bite." When Anna didn't take a bite, Elsa closed her eyes and
prayed for patience. "They are good. This is literally the first time we have ever had green beans for dinner. How do you
know you don't like it?" Elsa stuck the fork in her mouth, eating the green beans. "There see? Delicious." She stabbed
the fork into some more of the green vegetable.

Anna grumbled and opened her mouth letting Elsa feed her the green beans. Elsa cooed at her and patted her on the
head. "Good girl. Not so bad huh."

Anna swore that if she had a tail she'd be wagging it. It wasn't long before Elsa had fed her the entire plate. Anna sat with
her back against the chimney. This roof really was cool. They had a nice flat spot to sit on and a nice breeze.

Anna patted the spot next to her. "Sit and watch the stars with me. See if you can make a picture out of th-oof!" Elsa
decided she wanted sit in the space between Anna's legs and lean against her. Which was totally fine with Anna. She
slid her arms around Elsa's middle and Elsa rested her arms on top of hers.

Elsa leaned her head back on Anna's shoulder so she could look up at the stars. Anna watched her face scrunch up in
concentration. Then she grinned, pointing up. "I can see a smiley face." Elsa turned to look at Anna who wasn't even
looking at the stars. She smiled, "Anna you're not even looking at the stars."

"Huh?" Anna blinked the goofy smile falling. "Oh.. I didn't. I mean.. Elsa would you be angry if I said I wanted to kiss you?"

She felt Elsa stiffen and shift so Anna tightened her grip on Elsa. "Don't run away please. Just.. Hear me out. I know its
illegal to actually be with a flier. But please give me one chance. I can't give you anything, and we'll always be a secret.
Well geez that sounds bad. I really should have said that better. Actually you know what? Forget I said-"

Elsa smiled and leaned in, effectively shutting Anna up by pressing her lips to Anna's. And Anna closed her eyes,
forgetting about everything else but Elsa.

AN: And I am dead tired. I figured since my brothers birthday is today. I would type out two chapters instead of one.
Kidding. I was late on the first chapter so I just decided to do two. Yeah the second one is shorter. But its a win right?
(Seriously is my baby bros b-day though)

Does this make up for what happened last chapter? Yeah this one is short.. But I feel like cutting it here.
*Chapter 13*: Making Progress
Chapter 13: Making Progress

To the guest who asked ab out how only one person noticed her tattoo.

Firstly I mistyped and put the Guardian tattoo on her right. I meant the left shoulder.. (Fail on my part. I'll go b ack in and
fix that)

Also Elsa has seen it (the A117 one) b ut doesn't know the meaning b ehind it. And Anna keeps it covered. By law she has
to keep her tattoo with her name Anna on it in the open out in pub lic.

With the guardians she always had on a jacket, keeping the tattoo to herself when she found out how crazy they got over
the fact she knew what A117 was.

Anyone who sees the A117 tattoo, who doesn't work with the program who made her (Or isn't a Guardian) just see it as a
numb er.

The mark of a flier is only really looked at when someone wants to identify who the flier is. (Guardians like to ask for the
name and never actually look at tattoos since they don't want to degrade the fliers even more)

Like a tag put on a cow. Anyone can see the numb er, b ut only the company gets the meaning. Ya know?

Sorry for the confusion. I could have actually portrayed that a whole lot b etter. I feel b ad b ecause I had to explain it here.

Phillip stared at Anna and waved his hand in front of her face. She blinked but she didn't stop her senseless smile.

"Alright. Ever since the lady incident two days ago, you have been grinning like an absolute idiot. Did she really give you
diseases and now you can't stop smiling? I thought you were moping about that whole thing?"

Aladdin and Herc nodded, looking just as worried. Chesh was laying across Anna's lap, twirling a strand of her hair
around his finger, waiting for answer.

"I'm just happy alright guys?" They stared at her and then Phillip got a big grin on his face and he lay back against the
lounge chair.

"I think I know. How was sitting up on the roof with little Miss Roe? Something happen?" Aladdin and Herc leaned in,
waiting for her reply. Anna turned bright red and her shoulders touched her ears.

"Well.." She twiddled her thumbs feeling like an idiot for feeling embarrassed. "Alright I actually got to kiss Elsa on the
roof. Then of course it turned into a makeout session." Phillip sat up, tearing off his sunglasses, arms resting on his
knees looking at her in disbelief.

"Holy hell. You convert everyone don't you? I'll be telling stories about this moment for ever. The story of Anna. The flier
who changed the way the world thought, kicking ass and taking girls. Or well in your case soon to be taking Elsa." She
laughed and reached over to punch him on the arm.

"Seriously! You will be famous! Everyone will know you. Remember me when you take over the world?" Aladdin and Herc
nodded in unison, staring at her wide eyed.

"Alright fine. When I feel like I can't do things anymore and I need help, I will call up my four favorite fliers. That includes
you too Chesh. That is if I was actually changing the world and kicking ass." She tickled his belly because really the flier
was still a young kid. He looked like he was twelve at the very least.

Chesh giggled and jumped off her lap, finding another spot to sit down on. Aladdin stretched his arms out, "Alright I want
to do something more than stare at the girls all day. I have had enough of being a creeper. And I don't want to hear about
Anna being the lucky bastard who gets to make out with one." Aladdin gave Anna a playful glare but he smiled to show
he didn't mean anything by it.

Herc sat up suddenly, "Doesn't Aurora have horses?" Anna, Aladdin and Chesh stared at Herc for a moment, wondering
what made him think of horses.

"Yes. She has around ten. Eleven if you count the new one that bucks everyone- Oh. Oh I see. Herc you damn genius!"
Phillip leapt to his feet, unfurling his wings. "Lets fly. We don't get to do it often."
And with a whoop, a few confused looks from the girls wondering where their fliers were going, they took off, heading for
the stables.


"Anna you damn cheater! Why didn't you say you could fly good? You make it look like childs play!" The four were panting,
wings dragging behind them limp and tired. Anna sat up from the hay bale she was laying on.

"Took you girls long enough. I got her around ten minutes ago. Slowpokes." They couldn't even glare they were too busy
gasping for breath. Herc recovered the fastest since his body was trained for flying small distances quickly. Aladdin and
Phillip were not and they were doubled over, hands on their knees.

Chesh looked a little sleepy, but he gave Anna a thumbs up. Anna got up and went into a little office type room full of
water, extra boots, pants and so forth. "Yo, they have water in here." They all squished in the room to refill on water and
regain some energy.

Phillip tossed his crumpled paper cup into the trash, clapping his hands together. "Alright. Herc had a brilliant idea.
Today we ride Manto the new horse Aurora got. He's a wild one! Bucks just about anyone off. So lets see who can ride
the bastard longer."

Chesh opted out, more than happy to watch the other four possibly break necks or wings. It was a challenge itself to get
the horse into the corral. Aladdin suffered a bit hand, and Herc got head butted once by it. Anna ended up punching the
horse in the face for stomping her foot.

Now that they had the horse stuck in what Anna could only describe as a mini cage they stared at the horse. It jerked his
head up and down, snorting and stamping its hoof on the ground. His eyes rolled around, staring at the strange looking
humans around it.

Phillip eyed the horse a moment deciding he wasn't going first, "Alright who is going first?" He turned around and Herc
and Aladdin stepped back. Leaving Anna the only one standing next to Phillip. Phillip grinned and took Anna's arm.
"Anna! Good of you to volunteer!"

"Whoa me? Why me?" Phillip rolled his eyes and climbed the side of the small cage. Anna did the same but she still had
a questioning look.

"Because you were handpicked by unanimous vote. Now get on the damn horse you pussy." He slapped her on the back
good naturedly and she pointed her finger at him, glaring at him.

"You guys are a bunch of dicks. If I die doing this. Tell Elsa that I would have loved her given more time." They laughed
and cheered her on, and she took a deep breath and settled herself on the brown horse. "Alright Manto, don't mangle me
please." The horse began to jerk and her leg slammed on the metal gate. "Open the damn gate already before I break a

Her heart started pounding and she twisted the horses white hair in her grip, tightening her legs around its middle.
Phillip jumped over the fence and reached for the latch and he nodded. Anna shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

Then Phillip unlocked the gate and he swung it open.

Anna felt her whole world spin and she clung to the massive horse for dear life. Cursing all the while. To her time sped
up and it happened in a few seconds. To the guys it took forever watching the horse buck, leap, spin and do its best to
kick off the unwanted rider.

The horse slammed its head back into Anna's face and she groaned and let go of the horse, flying off with its next leap.
The horse stopped its bucking when it realized its leech was gone.

She landed with a moan and she held her eye, her other eye noticing a blurry brown speck coming at her. She vaguely
heard shouts and then the world righted itself.

She scrambled to her feet, running for the fence. She gave herself points for making it as far as the fence. The horse
slammed his head into her back, trying to trample her. She curled her wings in to save them and did her best to climb
the fence.

Her vision blurred and she heard those whispers again. She could hear the scratchy voice that spoke to her. Then it was
gone and Herc and Phillip dragged her out by her arms.
They lay her on her back on ground and she spit blood out of her mouth onto the ground. Phillip spoke first. "Holy shit!
Anna how was it? We thought you were going to be that horse's bitch for a minute."

Herc was next, "Anna does anything feel broken?" He was kneeling beside her, checking for any bones sticking out.

She coughed and touched her eye, she winced from the pain on her eye then she shakily sat up. "Lets do that again!"
She held her arms out, and the two grasped her arms, helping her stand. Aladdin came running up with a first aid kit.

"I got it guys! Wait do we even need it?" Aladdin opened the white little case and shuffled through it. He pulled a tiny
bandaid out and put it over a small cut on her left cheek. "Well, I think that's all you really need."

She took a cup of water from Chesh, taking a drink so she could swirl the excess blood in her mouth and spit it out.
"Alright you chickens who is next?"

The three all looked the other way, shuffling their feet. Chesh just held his arms out to be held.

"Oh you assholes, seriously?" She crushed the paper cup, imagining it was all of them together.


They gave up putting the horse back into its stall. They would send a servant later. For now they watched the horse canter
around, looking less nervous now that the fliers no longer bugged him.

They all watched the horse take a piss and Aladdin laughed. "Alright I wonder. How does a horse store that huge ass
thing? It snakes its way out then slides back in. What the hell is up with that?"

Phillip scratched his chin in thought, never having thought about it before. "You know.. I don't even know. I wonder if that
horse has a huge penis, or is his tiny compared to others?"

Herc tilted his head thinking it over and he shrugged. "I'd say he's huge. That is a monster sized penis."

Anna stared at the three of them through one eye, since the other was a little swollen. "Are you all seriously talking about
horse penis? I'm done with you three for today." She lifted Chesh's sleeping body since he was laying on her. His arms
hung over each shoulder, and she tucked her arm under his rump, so he wouldn't fall. "I'm taking this kid back and when
you guys decide to show up. Please don't mention horses, dicks, or my eye. I'm hoping Elsa won't see it."

They all busted into laughter, quieting a little when Chesh grumbled against Anna's neck, lazily stretching his wings out
before curling them in.

"Anna, your eye is a little swollen and… oh I forgot to mention completely black!" Aladdin said, pointing at her shiner.
"Here instead of saying you got your ass kicked by a horse. We will say you fought off some Indians."

Anna flipped him off, "You are lucky I am carrying a sleeping child. Otherwise I would kick your ass and then toss you in
with the horse." Aladdin flipped her off in return, running a finger down his cheek in a mock tear.

"Whatever, I have the war wound. I have bigger balls than all of you. I rode that bastard horse, and you all chickened out.
AND I fought off 'Indians'. You guys are going to look so bad." She ignored their spew of curses and took off, making sure
to keep a firm hold on Chesh.


Anna put Chesh on his bunk in the room that the guys all shared. After making sure he was comfortable she left the
room. Anna walked down the hall, into the kitchen where servants gave her an ice pack for her eye. She thanked them
and left, heading for the music room next to play the guitar.

Anna sat in the chair, facing the windows so she could see the roses outside. She picked up the music book and tried to
replay the music on the sheet. She sighed after thirty minutes of trying to make sense of the song.

"..Lady.. lady love..." She trailed off when she hit a wrong note and she put the guitar on its stand angrily. She plopped
herself back onto the chair, hanging her arms limply over the sides. With a sigh she let her head fall back onto the chair.

She felt something soft tickle her face and she opened her eyes to a curtain of blonde around her. Elsa looked
concerned about her eye, and she was standing behind the chair smiling down at Anna.

"Hi." Anna whispered, smiling up at Elsa. "Like my war wound? I got attacked by some Indians. But I won."
Elsa rolled her eyes and she giggled, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "Oh really? Does that mean you get a
reward?" Anna nodded and her smile only grew when Elsa gently placed her hands on her face, leaning in and placing a
chaste upside down kiss to her lips.

Then she kissed Anna's brow above her black eye. Anna grumbled about 'real kisses' and put her hand on Elsa's neck,
trying to pull her back down for another. Elsa shook her head smiling at the now pouting flier. "I didn't close the door
Anna. I also was going to speak to Jasmine about her company. I just happened to stop by."

"Then close the door and come here." Elsa sighed like she annoyed but Anna saw the grin on her face when she turned
so she knew Elsa actually wanted to stay.

Elsa closed the door, clicking the lock into place, and as she turned around she said, "alright now we just need to close
the blinds."

Anna had already done that and she was standing by the couch, and Elsa wondered how she did all four windows that
quick. The room was now barely lit, the only light was the small amount from behind the blinds. Elsa walked over and
pushed Anna hard enough to fall back onto the couch.

The blonde put a knee on either side of her flier's legs whose hands slid up the side of her thighs slowly. Anna stopped
her hands ascent on Elsa's hips and she pulled her down so she sat on her lap fully. The flier unfurled her wings and
wrapped them around Elsa like a protective shell.

"I suppose Jasmine can wait a few minutes." Elsa whispered, running her thumb across the bandaid on Anna's cheek.

"Of course she can wait. Kiss me already. The suspense is killing me."


A round short scientist hobbled his way down the massive hall ways, taking in the impressive decor. "Very nice here isn't
it Doctor Stone?" On his right was a patient who had finally made enough progress to test.

Doctor Stone glanced up from the chart he held as they wheeled Lovdahl in a wheelchair towards the Creature. "I
suppose so, I don't really care much for it. I want to see if we got it to work this time."

Lovdahl twitched in the wheelchair, groaning from the pounding in her head. "Doc..thor..Sthone?" Doctor Stone looked
down at her and he smiled.

"Lovdahl, perfect! Awake for the test I see." Doctor Stone walked down a hall and he got an eerie feeling from it. He could
hear a ticking and a door slammed shut as he neared the door at the end of the hall. He smiled widely all the way
through it, punching in the numbers, then swiping the card ,and finally unbolting it by hand. He opened the thick metal
door and it was an elevator.

Lovdahl shivered, not feeling right going down the hall. Where was she? Was this the labs still? She could hardly
remember anything. The pounding in her head grew worse as they rode a small elevator down.

After a long fifteen minute trip down, the elevator doors opened with a ding. Down a short hall rested another door and it
opened on its own when they were close enough. The room inside was pitch dark. The round scientist flipped a switch
and a single circle of light lit up the middle of the room.

In the light there was something crouched on its knees, its head was covered by a muzzle like mask. Two massive
chain's held its arms straight out and massive black gauntlets covered its hands. A large collar around its neck with
poles sticking up and out, putting pressure. A chain connected to the collar and it was soundly bolted to the ground.

It looked exactly like a human if it wasn't for the black wings that hung limply behind it. The frazzled wings were
suspended in the air by chains wrapped around it. The feathers looked dirty, old and where the chains held the wings
they were raw and featherless.

Lovdahl started shaking and that pounding feel like a beating to her whole body. She whimpered and Doctor Stone put a
hand on her shoulder.

"Okay Lovdahl, I want you to think hard. Very hard. I want you to control that creature. Only with your head. Command it."
Lovdahl looked up at him, her eyes watering and she shook her head. How could she make it do that with her head?
She really wanted to leave but then the pounding turned into whispers.

Her eyes fluttered shut and she felt it. Something in the room. "Yes thats it. Find it.. Now control it." Doctor Stone sounded
excited, and he wrote a note down on his clipboard.

Voices. Lovdahl could hear voices. She felt a pressure inside her head and she pressed back with all her might. There
was a threatening rumble that shook the room and she backed off, letting what ever was pushing on her gain some
ground. Her heart started pounding and she noticed the fat scientist was shaking.

Pathetic. Something growled in her head.

"Control it Lovdahl. Don't let it win."

She gripped the arms of the wheelchair and she tried to push back again, and the creature in chains twitched. She
searched through all the whispers ignoring the calls until she found the source of the voice.

Listen to me. She mentally shouted, sweat dripping from her forehead from the strain. She felt the whispers shriek and
she screamed along with them, and then it was blank. All the pain gone and she knew she won this round.

Open your eyes. There was another rumble throughout the room and the chains rattled from the creatures shuddering

In the slit of the mask two forest green eyes opened and there was a deep hum. Lovdahl stared at the green eyes and
then she felt a slam in her head. As if the creature slammed a door in her face. Her eyes rolled back and she fainted,
going limp in the wheelchair.

The eyes closed and the rumble died off, the oppressive air in the room disappeared. Doctor Stone looked at his partner
who had pissed himself from watching the whole thing. The poor fat man was shaking and he ran a hand through his
balding head.

"What does this mean sir?" The scientists voice cracked and he tugged at the tie on his neck, trying to breath easier after
what he just felt in the room. He could feel the power in the creature in the room. The whole way through Lovdahl's
struggle he wanted to run very far away.

Doctor Stone himself didn't even look frightened. If anything he looked over joyed and disgusted when he noticed his
partner had pissed himself. He excused it this time because they were men of science, not bravery. "This means we
have made leaps and bounds in progress. What we have accomplished today is beyond what we have ever done. The
Dream program is finally working."

Doctor Stone pulled the wheelchair out of the room and the fat man followed quickly. The white door shut on its own, and
he sighed in relief.

"I want Lovdahl given months of rest. I want her recovering, and given plenty of food. She needs to be stronger. Double
her program time. More time and practice is what she needs." The scientist frowned, bouncing on his feet like an
overgrown frog.

"But sir! Double the program time could kill her." Doctor Stone pressed a button on the elevator glaring at the short man.

"Then you better make sure she lives. Lovdahl is the key to our success. Soon we will control that monster in there. And
we will have everything." Doctor Stone laughed, because everything truly was going as planned. Even if A117 was still
missing. He wouldn't be for long.

AN: Alrighty then! Would have had this done yesterday but Viruses, college classes sign up and just not being around the
laptop in general stopped me. This is the last chapter that Anna and Elsa are at Aurora's summer place. Time for them
to move on.
*Chapter 14*: The Voice, fun and reality
Chapter 14: The Voice, Fun and Reality

Hubert put the third bag into the limos trunk and he shut it with a thump. Anna turned to the guys and Chesh looked ready
to cry. He sniffled and he glared when Herc ruffled his hair. Anna stood by the car door and Elsa poked her head out to
see what was taking so long.

For two weeks total they had stayed at this house. And for two weeks Anna had the best time of her life. Doing idiotic shit
with the guys. Hiding somewhere with Elsa to kiss her senseless and occasionally test the boundaries of how far they
could go. Anna was usually the one to stop anything from actually happening. The whole Mariza incident still haunted

Anna stood facing all the guys, standing in front of her wanting to say goodbye. Anna scratched the back of her head and
she held her hand out to shake Phillip's hand. He glanced at the other three fliers and they all laughed, holding their
arms out and closing in around her. They all hugged her, purring like the dorks they were. She couldn't help it and purred
back, loving the nuzzles she got.

Alice waved at Elsa who was smiling at all the fliers little moment. "Hey Elsa! Are you sure you won't sell me Anna?
Chesh really loves her."

Elsa shook her head, grinning when Anna broke from her group hug and ran to the limo at the mention of being sold.
Elsa moved out of the way when Anna dived into the car. Anna then hid behind Elsa, peeking over the blondes shoulder,
eyes narrowed. Elsa rolled her eyes at Anna's over dramatic antics.

"Sorry Alice. But she is too attached to me and I to her. Perhaps you can order one like her. Good bye everyone." The
fliers waved and Phillip winked at Anna. Anna stuck her tongue out at Alice. Elsa pulled the door closed and the limo
started up.

Partway down the gravel road, inside the limo Anna opened the sunroof and stuck her body through it. Elsa pulled at her
leg, trying to get her back inside.

Anna waved to the guys one last time. "I love you assholes! See you next time!" Pale arms reached up and grabbed her
shirt and arm yanking her back into the car.


That night after returning, Anna dreamt of darkness again. She could hear the whispers again. This time they sounded
more like a cry, or even a wail. Anna was in a dark room, and she heard the voice try and speak over the wailing.

In the dark she heard the sound of something shuffling, and there is a swipe of feathers across the front of her body.
Anna whipped around, hearing the voice murmur and her heart started to pound.

The voice cleared up and she felt something shift through inside her head. As though it was poking around. She shut her
eyes and tried to fight off whatever lurked inside. A rumble and the feeling of poking left.

"Tiny creature." The voice said slowly, as if it was trying very hard to speak.

"Voice." She answered, eyes darting around to hopefully catch sight of Voice.

"You are worried." It stated simply, the sound of movement behind her made her jump and whirl around.

"What do you know about my worries?" She asked, wings flared out in an aggressive stance. She heard a strange noise
that sounded like it was laughing. It's laughter was humorless, and it sounded like it was in pain.

"I know.. enough." She heard an intake of breath then a sigh. "I see.. things. I see the Guardians and your doubt." The
golden wing symbol flashed through the room a moment and she fell back, holding her arms out in surprise, her
feathers puffed up as if she was a dog raising its hackles. An image of Kristoff and Rapunzel appeared.

"I see the lab and your memories." A flash of white and images of Doctor Stone, syringes, cages and chains. A brief flash
of Lovdahl and her bright smile. Then nothing.

"I see your wants." Elsa appeared, like memory flashes. One of her smiling.. Elsa bent over the table once more. Elsa
laying on her bed naked, the moon the only light source, crooking her finger at Anna in a come hither motion.
Anna turned red, in embarrassment or anger, she herself wasn't sure. "I don't.. I don't think of Elsa like that!" She heard
more laughter then a cough, it sounded wet like there was something in its throat.

"Of course not. I wasn't showing you anything you have not thought of. All is not as it seems." Anna shook her head, what
wasn't as it seems?

"I don't understand." She heard the wailing in her head and another pounding. She groaned and held her head, her heart
started to pound hard like it was straining to keep her going.

"No time. Remember my voice. Listen for me.." The voice joined the constant whispers and the ground beneath her

She screamed when hands appeared from the darkness and grabbed at her. Pulling, gripping as if fighting to have her.
The whispers turned into a roar and they cleared for a moment. So many voices at once she could only make out a few
as the many arms threatened to tear her limbs apart. She felt fear and pain run through her veins, but it wasn't her own.


"I can't take it."

"Save me."

"Kill them for me."

"Why don't you answer me?"

Then a familiar voice blocked them all out and soft pale hands reached for her face.

"Anna wake up please."

Anna opened her eyes and there was only Elsa's frightened gaze and Elsa was sitting on her thighs. Anna started
gasping for air and her eyes darted around the room. Then grabbed Elsa's wrists, holding onto her as if she was the one
keeping her grounded.

"It's okay Anna. Whatever it was. It's just a nightmare." Elsa put her forehead to Anna's, breathing slow for Anna. Anna
subconsciously copied her breathing pattern.

Elsa rolled off Anna and she held her arms out for Anna. Anna rolled on top of her, burying her face into Elsa's middle.
She whimpered, she could still feel the fear, the pain, the anguish from the many voices.

She trembled squeezing her eyes shut, trying to keep the tears back, she just wanted the feeling to go away. The fear
didn't belong to her, it was forced onto her. Like she was taking it on. She gripped Elsa's night shirt and twisted it in her

Elsa ran her hand through her hair gently, humming and the sound soothed the frightened flier. "Relax Anna." Elsa
murmured, her hand smoothing out the ruffled feathers. After a long moment of silence Anna lifted her head.

"Sorry. I just.. had a bad dream. It frightened me." Anna didn't look at Elsa feeling ashamed for most likely having woke
her up. Anna glanced at the digital clock. It read three thirty. She winced, it wasn't even near the time to get up for the day.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Elsa asked,. Would it even help her to talk about it? Would it make a difference? It was a
crazy dream. That's all.

Yeah one you have had twice now? Real suspicious Anna.

She felt something in her head whisper no, and she shook her head at Elsa. No. Don't tell her ab out it. Instead she
blurted out, "I want to talk about the servant girl."

Elsa tilted her head but sat up once Anna got off her and moved to sit to her left. Elsa sat up, crossing her legs looking
worried about Anna's sudden change. "The servant who got fired. She.. she was a Guardian. It's okay i'm obviously fine.
Thing is before I turned her in. I might have nearly.." Anna wondered why she decided to tell the truth about Mariza. It was
as if when she tried to speak about the Voice and her dream something veered her away.

".. nearly had sex with her." She watched Elsa grip the the sheets below her and Anna wasn't sure she wanted to look
Elsa in the eye. Worried about her reaction. "It wasn't.. I didn't want to Elsa. She did something. I swear it. I did try to get
her off my lap but then she.." Anna struggled for the right words to explain what Mariza did. It was like Mariza woke her up,
changed her, took the human out of her.

Ha, if she was human.

"She did something to me and next thing I knew, all I wanted was her. Don't be angry about that because nothing really
happened. She mentioned she was a Guardian and I snapped out of it." Anna held up her hands in hope that Elsa got
that she was sorry.

Elsa looked slightly hurt and she turned so her back was to Anna, Elsa's head dropped and she played her hands. Anna
lowered herself in attempt to be smaller and she shuffled her way to face Elsa. Elsa turned her head away crossing her
arms. "I am mad, the same day you almost have sex with a woman you ask me for a chance and a kiss? And the rest of
the two weeks we are there you are silent about it?"

Anna winced, yeah that didn't sound very good. "But I am yours now. Nobody elses. I wasn't planning on asking you for a
chance that day. But.. I just wanted to put the incident with Mariza behind me. Honest Elsa. Please don't be mad at me.
Nothing happened. Nothing." Anna rested her head on Elsa's lap and wrapped her arms around her, giving her puppy
dog eyes and even whimpered for effect.

Elsa sighed loudly and ran her hand down Anna's back. "Since nothing did happen as you say.. Alright. I won't be mad
about it. Go back to sleep since you aren't scared anymore." Like an excited dog Anna pushed Elsa over, her head
resting just beneath Elsa's chin.

"Okay. We go to sleep then." Elsa rolled her eyes shifting to get comfortable under Anna. Well at least she had a heater
on her. Anna rubbed her nose gently on Elsa's neck, feeling better that she had told the truth. Not to mention Elsa said
she wasn't mad about it anymore.

She didn't forget what the voice said. Nothing was what it seems.


Anna sat on the ground as she did normally since Mrs. Roe was so kind to join her and Elsa for breakfast at eight that
morning. At least Kelsey made her slop taste good. What she put into it Anna wasn't really sure. She licked the light
brown goop off her fingers, past the stage where she felt ashamed to eat like this in front of Elsa.

"How was the trip Elsa?" Mrs. Roe asked like any good mother would. Except there wasn't any kindness in her tone.

"It was fine mother. I had plenty of fun. I liked playing with all the other girls and with Anna." Elsa stabbed a piece of her
waffle and ate it.

"Oh you did?" Mrs. Roe's eyes darted to Anna who sat up straighter when she noticed the anger in Mrs. Roe's eyes.
"Flier. Tell me, did you have plenty of fun?"

Anna swallowed the slop in her mouth glanced around. "Yes ma'am."

Mrs. Roe raised a brow, "And you remembered what I told you?"

Anna nodded ignoring the questioning look Elsa gave her. "I did remember."

Mrs. Roe smiled at her and nodded. "Now Elsa I have things I need you to do. Today you have no lessons. I want you
ready to leave the house by nine. Put on a business outfit. Today I want you to run the company."

Elsa paled and gripped her fork a little tighter. "So.. so soon mother? I thought I wouldn't have to take over for a long

Mrs. Roe sighed like she was dealing with an idiot. "It's for practice. I don't want to just dump the company on you. You
could fail and then where would the company be? From today on I want you going into the building to work. For practice. I
still run it and will oversee what you get done each day."

Elsa nodded, looking down at her food. "Yes mother. May I take Anna with me?"

Mrs. Roe narrowed her eyes, "If you must." She turned her gaze back to Anna. "Keep your hands to yourself the whole
time flier. I don't want anything happening in my office. In fact there shouldn't be anything happening anywhere." She got
up from her chair and left after that.

Elsa stared at the door her mother went through then turned to Anna. "Am I missing something Anna?"
Anna laughed nervously and just scooped up some of her food. "How about this slop today? Kelsey really has a way with
it." Elsa glared at her and Anna stopped playing dumb. "Well you see.. So your mother knows there is something up
between us."

Elsa's eyes were the size of dinner plates, "What do you mean she knows? How does she know?"

Anna swallowed her slop, "Remember the garden incident? Well your mother was home and she saw. But she got the
wrong idea Elsa. I tried to tell her it wasn't what she thought but then she got even more mad so I gave up. So now she
knows. Except now there really is something happening between us so.. yay we don't have to tell her since she already

Elsa dropped her head into her hands, lightly gripping her hair. "Is there ANYthing else that you need to tell me before we
leave?" Anna shook her head. "Good. I'm going to get dressed. Come to the room when you are done. I need to get you
something to wear."

Anna just took a bite of her slop, watching her go out the door.


"Hey you are pinching my gut Elsa." Anna complained as Elsa tightened the belt on her dress pants. Elsa grinned up at
her and yanked it tighter a moment and Anna did her best to suck her belly in to relieve the pressure.

"So sorry." Elsa loosened the belt and put it on properly. "Can you put on a tie?" Anna stared at her and Elsa got her
answer. She slid the dark red tie around Anna's neck, settling it under her collar and proceeded to tie it. "There. Very

Anna rolled her eyes blushing, "Why exactly do I have to dress up too? Were just visiting your moms work right?" Elsa
turned away from Anna to grab her black heels. Anna pulled at her tie and looked at herself. She looked like a business
person that is for sure.

She wore a white button up shirt, a black blazer and matching black suit pants. She had on nice black dress shoes and it
didn't make any sense. Elsa herself was just as nicely dressed up. She wore a black pencil skirt, a white button up much
like Anna and black heels. Anna wasn't going to lie, the black tights she had on were distracting.

Elsa grabbed her own black blazer. "Because when you work in business you have to look professional. Especially me. I
am very young there. I'm only nineteen. You have to look nice so I don't become the laughing stock. You wouldn't go to
weddings in a t-shirt and jeans would you?"

Anna tilted her head, "Whats a wedding?"

Elsa gave up and headed for the door. "Forget about it. Lets just go."

"Do you think my dashing good looks will attract all the ladies Elsa?" Anna asked, running a hand through her hair. She
wasn't allowed to braid it this time so it was loose. Her wings stretched out and fluffed up. Elsa growled.

"Better not."


Anna had been sitting in the massive office for only three and a half minutes and she was bored. At first she had been
excited to see it. The office was on the top floor and it had a great view of the city, thanks to the floor to ceiling windows
behind the desk.

The room was massive and had a bookshelf on the left wall and a black leather couch on the other side. A small coffee
table sat in front of the couch. There was two chairs facing the big desk in the middle of the room near the windows.

Elsa was sitting at it, typing on the computer, constantly looking at paperwork and then back at the computer. Anna
currently was laying on the couch, watching the people outside the office work and walk by.

"Hey Elsa what's this remote for?" Anna heard a grunt from Elsa and she sighed. Time to find out. She clicked a button
and shades dropped and blocked her view of the people. Another button moved the shades covering the windows. She
clicked the window one again so she could still see the buildings outside.

"How long are we here Elsa?" Elsa didn't reply and Anna rolled off the couch onto the floor.
"Anna you are going to rumple that jacket. It belonged to my father so please don't. I want you to be quiet. I need to do
this. If I mess up, who knows what mother could do." Anna got off the ground as sat on the couch, arms stretched out on
top of the couch. Elsa clicked a button on the desk and a few moments later a woman walked in.

She was dressed in a long white skirt and a red blouse. Anna smiled and waved at the girl, because that seemed the
kind thing to do. She smiled back at Anna as she passed and she stood in front of the desk.

"Yes Miss Roe?" She asked, hands clasped behind her. Elsa forced a smile after seeing the tiny exchange. She had to
remind herself that Anna seemed to be on anyone's good graces. Except her mother.

"I need you to bring me some colored pencils. Arts and crafts sort of things. Scissors, glitter, color books. I need them in
the next fifteen minutes. Actually the sooner the better. Can you do that for me?" The girl had whipped out her phone,
typing quickly, trying to keep up with Elsa.

"I can do that Miss. I'll be back in a jiff." The girl gave Anna another million dollar smile as she left and Elsa rose from her

"Can't you go anywhere without calling the attention of other women Anna?" Elsa asked, looking annoyed. Anna glanced
at the closed door, wondering what she did now.

"What do you mean? I just smiled at her and she smiled back at me. Twice. Am I bad for smiling at a pretty girl?" Anna
said. Elsa gave her a look going to the bookshelf and she looked over the books. Anna wanted to slam her head onto the
coffee table a couple of times.

Oh you idiot. One doesn't call another girl pretty in the presence of their own girl. Its suicide. Especially with Elsa's temper.
Never know what she could do.

Anna got up, shoving her hands in her pockets, walking over humming a tune. Elsa looked over her shoulder, but she
tried to look like she was paying attention to the books. Anna smiled and slid her arms around Elsa's middle. She
leaned to look at Elsa from her left, and Elsa turned her head to the right.

Anna was prepared for that and quickly moved to lean in from the right and she kissed Elsa on the corner of her mouth.
"Come on. Don't be grumpy over one girl. A lot of girls are pretty." Elsa glared at her over her shoulder. Anna grinned, "But
you are the only beautiful girl Elsa. No being grumpy here. Do you need help with anything?"

Elsa turned in her arms and thought for a moment. "I guess you could read over this for me." She pulled away from Anna
and went to the desk to hold out a paper. Anna gave her a weak smile. She hadn't expected to read.

"Um.. Anything else? Like moral support wise?" Anna took her time walking to Elsa hoping she would have something
else for her to do.

"Nope. Just read this letter and tell me if it sounds like I actually know what I am doing." Anna took the paper and stared
at the jumble of words. She recognized Elsa's name and that was about as far as she got. She could see some words
she thought she knew but it wasn't enough.

She stared at it harder, willing herself to read it. She had never actually admitted to Elsa that she couldn't read. She was
raised in a lab! Most she could do was recognize her name. She didn't know one letter from another. She could see
Elsa's name but wouldn't be able to tell anyone what the letters were.

"Well what do you think?" Elsa asked having waited an appropriate time for Anna to read. Anna tapped her chin,
humming in thought.

"Very professional. Very well written, and I like how you put your name on the bottom and not the top. These words are
nicely spaced apart." Anna handed the paper back, shoving her hands in her pockets again.

Elsa frowned and glared at Anna. "Anna be serious. If you don't want to help thats fine. Don't waste my time though."
Anna winced, hunching her shoulders up to her ears.

Her face was probably really red right now. She mumbled out a sentence and Elsa frowned. "What?"

"I said I can't read very well Elsa. I can't really read at all. I can only recognize my names and thats it. And maybe a few
words here and there." She shrugged and Elsa put the paper down.

"I'm sorry Anna. I didn't mean to.. I'll teach you then. It explains why you only loved picture books so much." It also
explained why she only called Kristoff and never attempted to text him anything. That one idiotic try was enough. It also
made it very hard to find information about herself. All she could look for was something with her name on it.

"That would be nice Elsa. I'd like to be able to read. Its very handy." Anna smiled at her, feeling better since Elsa hadn't
laughed at her.

"Here I will read it to you then." She picked up the paper again and cleared her throat.

"Mr. Carter, I would like to arrange.."


Anna did her best to doodle a picture of a working Elsa. Turns out the arts and craft nonsense was for her. She had
glared at Elsa for a moment but then she discovered how much fun she could have with the stuff Elsa had someone
bring her.

She crumpled the paper and then she tried to draw the hands that grabbed her in her dream with the voice. The sound of
all the cries, the shouts, the pain, the sadness, all of it. It had nearly drowned her. "What are you drawing?" Elsa was
standing above her and Anna crumpled the paper quickly.

"Nothing. Just remembering something. Are we done for today?" Anna asked, tossing the paper into the waste basket.

"Actually we are scheduled for a photo shoot. Well I mean I am because I haven't done one in a while. The city is getting
a little anxious. Since you belong to me, you are going with me." Elsa heard Anna's stomach rumble loudly. "I'm sure we
can get food right after."

Elsa led Anna out the door and down the office. She followed, waving at random people, smiling the whole way. Anna
stood in the small elevator with Elsa. It was a long near seventy floors down. Anna shuffled her feet after they went down
two floors.

Then she got an idea.

Anna began to move her body, dancing in the tiny space and Elsa stared at her. "Anna what are you doing?"

Anna waggled her eyebrows at Elsa. "Whats it look like? I'm bored, lets dance." Elsa shook her head.

"I don't dance." Anna pouted a moment, thinking about something to do.

"Lets play rock paper scissors." Elsa raised a brow watching as Anna held her fist out.

"Fine. Best two out of three." Elsa held her own fist out, looking determined.

"Hope you know I'm going to win Elsa. Get ready to cry."


Anna stepped out of the elevator arms in the air looking very unhappy. "I don't get how you can just win thirty two times in
a row Elsa." She glared at the elevator blaming it for her defeat.

Elsa smiled smugly, "I guess I have to teach you how to win at a childs game."

Hubert opened the limo door for them when they left the massive building. Anna got in after Elsa and she lay across the
seats, resting her head on Elsa's lap.

Elsa toyed with Anna's hair, twirling a bit around her finger. "And what do you think you are doing?" She asked, a half
smile on her face.

"I am marking you as mine before we get surrounded by people. Because I am an animal and its what animals do. We
mark our territory." She whispered with her best serious face. She was quoting a tv show on flier behavior.

Elsa laughed so suddenly she looked surprised herself. "Is that so? Does that make me yours then? I thought you
belonged to me." Anna shook her head, putting a hand on Elsa's cheek.

"So backwards Elsa. Its all an illusion. You belong to me. All of you." Anna said it in such a way Elsa shivered.

She started blushing, "All of me huh? I get no say?" Anna sat up, giving her a predatory look.
"Yup." She nudged Elsa and got her lay across the seats and she settled herself between Elsa's legs. She leaned on
one hand so she could kiss Elsa and run her other hand up the outside of her thigh. Automatically Elsa lifted her leg and
hooked it around Anna's hip.

"Anna we can't do stuff like this in a limo. Hubert is right there." Elsa said against Anna's lips, but she didn't seem as
concerned though because she wrapped her arms around Anna's neck.

Anna smiled kissing Elsa softly once more before saying, "That tiny window is tinted, and its soundproof. That's why I
knock on it to get his attention. That old fart is driving anyway. Plus I heard the drive to the photo shoot is long." She
pressed her lips to Elsa's again. Tongue sliding past parted lips, exploring Elsa's mouth.

Somewhere at some point they had started removing clothes. Anna herself wasn't even sure when they both decided to
remove them. Here she was in the middle of a limo, her blazer gone and her shirt unbuttoned, the tie hanging limply
around her neck. Elsa was sitting up now lips pressed to Anna's still, hands practically yanking her own blazer off and
tossing it.

Anna helped her keep her from falling from her lap with one arm and the other tugged on Elsa's shirt, untucking it from
her skirt. Elsa on the other hand was pulling at the buttons of her shirt, undoing them.

With the shirt untucked she pushed it down Elsa's shoulder, not caring that there was a couple of buttons left. Elsa didn't
seem to care either since she pulled her arms free of the sleeves and let the shirt bunch around her waist.

Holy b ells, at this rate i'm going to end up losing my virginity in this limo. Not that I care. I'm sure Elsa does though.
Should I b e mature and stop us?

Anna was saved by Hubert turning the car down the road that led to the massive building that would hold the photo
shoot. She pulled away from Elsa, and they frantically buttoned up their shirts, doing their best to look like they had
boredly sat in the car. Elsa pulled her hair from its ruined bun, deciding loose was better than a messy bun. Then she
helped Anna tie her tie around her neck. She smoothed Anna's hair out next.

Anna looked okay, normal as if nothing happened, that is If she didn't have an obvious bulge in her pants. Elsa sighed,
"How are we supposed to take care of that. I don't have any water or anything."

Anna shut her eyes and willed it to go away.

It didn't work.

"If we remain calm it will go down. Hopefully. Just don't touch it." Anna said, and after two minutes of no change Elsa got
on her knees in fron of Anna and tugged on her belt.

"Whoa what the hell are you doing? We're trying to make it go down, not keep me excited Elsa." Anna grabbed Elsa's
hands, stopping them from undoing her belt.

"Exactly what I am about to do." Elsa said calmly. In what way would kneeling before her not excite her. This plan of hers
was faulty. Wait.

"You are not planning what I think you are planning.. are you?" Her voice cracked as Elsa finished unbuckling her belt
and started to unzip her pants.

"I'm pretty sure I am. This is way more faster than waiting in hopes that this will go down. We're running out of time. You
will owe me after this."

Anna wondered if she should be offended that Elsa thought this was faster. Her pride stung slightly, but she tried to stop
Elsa one more time. "Elsa you don't have to do this. I'll just sit in the limo and wait for it to go down. This is rather

And then Elsa was pulling her free from her boxers and kissing the head and... Anna thought her eyes were going to fall
out from her head. This was like that amazing dream she had when she was with the Guardians. Except ten times better
since this was real.

Elsa looked nervous but determined and she ran her tongue up, from the base to tip and Anna groaned head thumping
against the window behind her. Elsa smiled up at her, looking pleased with the reaction she got. She squeezed her eyes
shut, when Elsa sucked on the head lightly.

Then she bobbed her head down taking more into her mouth. Anna bit her lip, "Teeth Elsa… your teeth." Elsa
mumbled a sorry, and she began to bob her head again, eyes closing, her hand tugging slightly at the base. Anna
resisted the urge to rock her hips. The limo stopped at a final red light, the building just past the light.

Anna clawed at the leather seats feeling a pressure build low in her stomach. She watched in lewd fascination as Elsa
took as much as she could into her mouth. Elsa moaned around her and it all became too much. The wonderful warm
wetness of Elsa's mouth, the vibration from her moan, the sight of Elsa on her knees.

Anna hands balled into fists and she wished they had more time so she could enjoy it. She cried out when she came.
Elsa's eyes snapped open and she pulled away coughing a little. Her hand came up to cover her mouth and a few
seconds of struggle she swallowed it.

"Ugh.." She grumbled, making sure she didn't accidentally miss any and get some on herself. Anna shook her head to
break the sleepy haze that threatened to take over and she blushed, fixing her pants.

"Not sure what to say about this." Anna scratched the back of her head, wondering if was okay to say thank you. Naw that
seemed like a dick move to her.

"Say nothing because we are here. Shame you lasted only five minutes." Elsa was blushing but she grinned when Anna
looked annoyed.

"You little.." She muttered, watching Elsa climb out of the limo. Anna made sure her shirt was properly tucked in and she
got out of the limo as well. Smiling like an idiot now because who wouldn't?


The photo shoot was going well so far. Anna did her best to stay away from it all because the bright flashes were
blinding, and she was slightly still not over what happened in the limo. Elsa had been in pose after pose, and in different

Anna preoccupied herself by eating a sandwich from the snack table. She also ate a few baby carrots from the vegetable
platter. Then someone got the bright idea to throw Anna in with Elsa for the pictures.

Anna heard them say something about wowing fans with the news of Elsa owning a flier. So there Anna was, standing
behind and slightly to Elsa's right, with her wings unfurled. Her arms were crossed and did her best to look 'fierce'. She
wondered how many photos she had to pose for.

In one pose she got to hold Elsa bridal style and when the pictures were done she spun Elsa around. She couldn't help
it and she loved the instant squeal and the fact Elsa would cling to her. Of course there was more camera flashes but
she didn't care.

In another pose she had to just stand alone and she wasn't sure she liked it. The flashes were too much for her eyes
and she stumbled away from the set. As soon as lady brought out a leash and collar for a final pose Anna drew a line.
And she walked away from the set.

Elsa shook her head at her from where she sat, her hair being done, giving her the silent command to let them do it.
Anna glared, and pushed the hands away from her neck. "No." She said and the girl stared at her then glanced at Elsa,
as if she would fix the problem.

They are b ringing you down to pet level again. Don't allow it.

She heard the Voice ring through her head and she twitched a little. She unfurled her wings and swept the girl back
giving her a growl. The lady who held the collar and leash backed up a step, glancing over her shoulder. A bigger man
walked over to Anna, and he wore a tight black t-shirt. He had to have been security.

Do not fear them. They are weaker than you.

"Grab her for me. She's being difficult." The bald man nodded to the woman and lunged for Anna. Anna hopped back a
step, chopping his hand away. She growled and it turned into a snarl when he reached for her again.

"Calm down flier." He ordered, glancing over her shoulder at something. Anna felt a hand grip her shoulder from behind
and she grabbed it, yanking hard and throwing who ever it was over her shoulder. It was another person in a black t-shirt
but this was a woman.

"I don't want that stupid leash. I'm not a pet." Anna said and the people stared at her with a raised brow.
"That is very Guardian like of you flier. Only they think that way. You are just a pet. Know your place." This time three
people grabbed at her and she couldn't fight all of them off. She punched one in the belly and the other two grabbed at
her arms.

Elsa ran over, shouting for them to stop. Elsa yanked one security man off Anna, and the other stopped. "Your flier thinks
to highly of itself." One guard with red hair said.

"She belongs to me, a rich woman. How else would she think of herself. She has problems with leashes. The
photoshoot is over, we're leaving." Elsa grabbed Anna's arm and dragged her towards the door quickly.

Anna followed gratefully but when they opened the doors and left the building, a smoke canister exploded in front of
them. Anna heard Elsa scream and her hand was torn from hers and when she looked for Elsa she found nothing but
grey. She coughed and tried to squint through the nasty smoke. Instead she saw the golden symbol of wings, then
nothing when someone hit her hard on the back of her head.

AN: Welp that all just happened. Hahah its 5 am and I am going to bed now. Enjoy this one folks. Or not.

Reviews are welcome, anything really.

*Chapter 15*: Suspicions
Chapter 15: Suspicions

Words like this is the Voice speaking in Anna's head

Anna felt someone smacking her face, not so hard to be painful but enough to wake her up. She opened her eyes
groaning from the bright light. She realized she was in a chair and her arms were tied to the arm rests. She shook her
head to clear the fog, squinting against the blinding light.

The light was so bright in her face she couldn't see anything else. "Hey can someone move the damn light? My eyes are

Someone grumbled an apology and started to move the light out of her face. She heard a loud smack, and an 'ow', then
the light resumed its blinding position.

"Anna you seem to have forgotten us." Kristoff said from somewhere behind her. She pulled at the bonds around her
arms. They had used chains and they were special make, made for government fliers. Damn.

"I have not Kristoff. What the hell is up with this?" She heard him walking around her and Kristoff grabbed her chin,
turning her head towards him.

"I hate being the bad guy sometimes. But you haven't been answering our calls for almost two weeks now. Then we find
out you are in the Roe company building. You didn't even look for anything. You just had fun with the 'arts and crafts' shit
Elsa gave you." He let go of her and walked in circles around her.

"And then we find you at a photoshoot having a little fun taking pictures with your beloved Miss Roe? Anything else I need
to know Anna? It seems like you don't seem to care for us anymore." Anna glared at him, her eyes trying to track his

"I do care Kristoff! I haven't been.. there hasn't been anything to find lately. It's a little damn hard when I can't even read
half the shit in that house. Did you forget I wasn't even in that house for two weeks?" She growled at Kristoff and he
sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You are correct. You have been out of the house. What I want to know Anna is.. why Mariza, our contact, suddenly
dropped?" He leaned in, hands resting on her arms. She leaned back as far as she could.

"I wouldn't know Kristoff." She lied. "I didn't even know you had a contact there. A servant was fired though while I was
there. And I haven't been answering because I had nothing to report. Plus I just got back home yesterday. Or today,
whatever day it is." She closed her eyes, sighing in frustration.

"Home Anna? Did you just say home? The Roe mansion was never your home, this is your home. We are your family.
You agreed to help us find information on A117 and the first angel!" Kristoff gripped his hair tightly, taking deep breaths to
try and remain calm.

"You want information on them? Then send me back already Kristoff. I finally got inside the company building. Elsa took
me today. Yeah I dicked around in there, but it was my first day in there. I'm sure with time, I can get information straight
from the source! The lab itself. Maybe I can convince Elsa to take a tour of the building, or something. I don't know." Anna
pulled hard on the chains and the chains groaned under the strain.

Kristoff shook his head, "We cant.. just send you back. The idiots who collected you made a scene. It's all over the news,
Miss Roe's precious flier is gone. Stolen by the Guardians. Quite the fuss." Kristoff shoved the light away, pointing to a tv
on a rolling stand..

Guess Anna had been out for a couple of days then. The news reporter was asking Elsa about Anna and if she knew her
pet had any ties with the Guardians. Elsa kept shaking her head and looked genuinely scared. There was small video
footage of the gas canister going off from a security camera. You could clearly see the symbol of the Guardians who
grabbed Anna and ran.

"Damn it Kristoff you made her worry. Do you know the lies they think about all of you? She probably thinks you guys are
making me to be your zombie drones who spews about heaven and equality. They all think you guys are sick with
disease. How am I supposed to go back now? Not to mention that they put fliers down who are associating with you
guys." Anna glared up at Kristoff.
Kristoff shrugged, "We wait a few days. We'll mess you up a little, and then we make it look like you broke free. Miss Roe
is rich and you are very precious to her. Maybe she can fight the charges of you being a Guardian. It's what they are all
thinking right now." He unlocked the chains and started to unwrap them.

"A few days?" Anna rubbed her sore arms, and Kristoff pulled on her right arms sleeve, intending to check for any

Anna jerked her arm back, "Its fine Kristoff. Leave me alone alright? You guys are the cause of this. One time of me going
missing is bad enough. Twice? But now this time they know it was the Guardians who took me. And just before I
sounded like a Guardian to the security. I want everyone to fuck off right now. I'm not angry you took me. I'm angry you are
putting pressure on Elsa. You are causing unnecessary stress. If you really doubted me maybe I shouldn't be helping
you. But I promised I would." She rubbed her arm, cradling it to her chest as she walked out of the room. Kristoff didn't
stop her, he only stared at the space she had once sat, looking guilty.

Can't trust anyone can you tiny creature?

Anna felt a pang in her head and she stumbled, using the wall to hold her up, she held her head. What the hell? She
waved away some angels who walked by, looking sorry and worried all at once.

Voice? I thought you couldn't talk when I was awake?

She felt panic beginning to creep in. Was she just crazy and now instead of having bad dreams now she could hear
voices in her head?

I can't. Normally I can't. But I know you need me. So here I am. Though I cannot speak for long.

The Voice in her head sounded just as scratchy and in pain as it did in her dreams. Why was this happening to her now?

What should I do? I hear that they put fliers to death for associating with the Guardians. I go b ack and they could kill me.

She heard the Voice laugh inside her head, and she held her her head, sliding against the wall to sit.

Go back to your master. She has money. She can help you, save you from the humans. Even the strong need help
sometimes tiny creature.

Anna nodded and she felt the pain leave her head, she struggled to get to her feet. She stumbled down the tunnel and
she found herself in the main room. Angels turned to her and a familiar brunette ran towards her. Eugene grabbed her
arms lightly, helping her stand.

"Anna I heard about you being back. Even though it went shit, I am glad to see you." He smiled at her and Rapunzel
appeared next, engulfing Anna in a bear hug.

"Did Kristoff give you a hard time in there? I hope not, they wouldn't let me see you. They took you straight to him. I don't
agree with how they got you and treated you. We're here to help you guys. Not look like a bunch of bullies." Rapunzel said
and hugged Anna tighter and she wheezed.

"Hey, I can't breath Punz." The brunette woman let her go, smiling sheepishly. Anna raised a brow at her, patting her
chest trying to see if she cracked a bone.

"Sorry Anna. For all of this. We're trying to find the right time to send you back. I mean it has been a week so this isn't
looking good for you."

Anna did a double take, "What? It has been a week? I thought I was only a few days by the tv footage!" Anna ran her
hands through her hair, so things were a little worse than she thought. "Let me go back now then! Wait. Why was I out for
a week?"

Eugene winced and rubbed his hands together. "The guy we sent out to get you.. He hit you pretty hard. A weak spot on
every angel. He got you right on the back of your neck. So it took some time to get you to recover."

Anna narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms. "Who hit me?" She heard a familiar laugh and she grit her teeth. She turned
around and glared at the human boy before her. "Michael you brought me in?"

Michael held his arms out, looking smug. "The one and only babe. Sorry I hit you pretty hard. No hard feelings right?" She
took a step closer to him raising her fist, and Eugene and Rapunzel grabbed her arms.
"Let go of me. I am out of here. I'll figure this out on my own. Elsa will make sure I am okay. Tell Kristoff I hate him for
having me brought in. And tell him I will get more information. Don't call unless you really need to. And Michael." Michael
tilted his head, waving his hand in a go on motion.

"I will fucking kill you if you decide to touch me again. I also don't want to hear anymore stories about Elsa." Anna
shrugged off Rapunzel and Eugene then she walked past Michael making sure to shove him hard enough with her
shoulder that he stumbled a little.

Anna had, had enough with the Guardians, but she had her plans. She would change the world, even if that meant
dealing with the Guardians and their backwards ways.

Rapunzel followed her, "Maybe I can give you a hand."


Elsa was growing tired of all the annoying press and the city. Why did those Guardians have to take Anna? Why did the
city have to bug her?

Right because she was famous and it was her and her mother that funded the flier company. Hell they ran it, owned it
and made bank off it. Right this moment Elsa cursed her heritage and her birthright. Why did people have to love her and
freak out so much.

It seemed so weird, half the city mourned with her, the loss of Anna. The other half searched for Anna. Anna had been
gone a week total and Elsa was doing her best to reassure everyone that Anna was no Guardian. That Anna was kind,
and loving and never would follow such people.

Elsa wanted to believe that so much.

It hurt the first night she had gone home out Anna, her mother had yelled at her for hours. Not only did her mother have to
deal with the press but Elsa had written the letter to Mr. Carter and he refused the offer because of Anna and the whole

The second night she hardly slept, all she could see was the Guardians. Their golden symbol before they pulled Anna
away and vanished. She also cried herself to sleep at the news of a servant at Aurora's summer home being a
Guardian. Elsa hoped no one would bring it up, but they did and now there was a bigger hoopla about it.

The third night her mother got even more angry, bringing out the belt that she only used when she was spitting mad.
Elsa didn't sleep well that night. She wasn't used to laying on her belly to sleep, but the pain of sleeping on her back was
too much.

The fourth day rolled in and Elsa couldn't stand it any longer. Hubert had sent people out, and many people kept an eye
out for Anna but there was still nothing. Mr. Carter still hadn't wrote back about the deal for the company.

By the seventh night Elsa hardly ever slept, and she found herself on her laptop, typing away. Looking up what Guardians
were, what they fought for. A lot of it scared her. The stories online were crazy and she couldn't tell a lie from a truth.
Some stories claimed that the Guardians fought for the justice of the angels. Some said they represented riots, anarchy
and hate for something they weren't. That Guardians were jealous of the angels and pretended to be good.

And then the eighth morning happened. Anna returned. Elsa was sitting at the table eating her breakfast with her mother
when Kelsey ran into the room. She looked frantic and made her way to Mrs. Roe.

"They found Anna. She appeared out in the country roads, she looked terrible. They have her in a holding bay, but they
say they are going to put her down!" Mrs. Roe nodded and smiled, shrugging like she couldn't do anything.

"Good riddance. Maybe the sickness in this house will die off with her death." Mrs. Roe looked pointedly at Elsa. Elsa
looked ready to cry, and looked like she won the lottery.

Elsa got up from her chair ignoring the shouts of her mother to get back in her chair. She ignored her mother telling her
to let it go. To let Anna be put down and to be done with her perverse desires. If Anna was found then it truly wouldn't be
long before they put her down.

The car ride into the city was the longest it had ever been. In the city people were standing around the entrance. Some
screamed for Anna to be put down since she was infected. Others wanted them to wait for Elsa to at the very least say
good bye.
They parted for Elsa who hurried past them, glad she decided to wear flats today. It made running through the crowd
easier. Elsa stormed through the glass doors of the city capitol and guards stopped her up front.

"I don't care what you want to do to her. She belongs to me. I want my lawyer here. If I want her put down then I will say
the word." Elsa poked the guard in the chest, looking both furious and terrified. The guard gave in when someone over
the radio said it was fine for Miss Roe to come and see her flier.

A long walk down many halls, up an elevator and there Anna was. She was handcuffed to a bed, wearing the same outfit
she wore when she first was taken. Anna looked delirious, mumbling about escape and had to run. She had a needle in
her arm to allow water to drip slowly into her system.

"Whats wrong with her?" Elsa asked, leaning over the bed to look over Anna. She put her hand on Anna's forehead and
she was burning up.

The veterinarian picked up his clipboard. "Seems she was drugged horribly. A girl found her wandering the woods near
her family's farm. Your flier here was shouting about whispers. Wouldn't stop saying that they were out to get her, that
she had to run, had to follow the trail down the rabbit hole. And much more that I don't care for."

Elsa looked at Anna and cupped her face in her hands. Anna lazily looked up at her, grinning like a fool. "Oh Anna.. What
did they do to you?" Elsa turned to look at the veterinarian, " I don't want her put down. You understand me? I don't care
what Doctor Stone says about Guardians. Stone isn't the law here. I am. I made this city the way it is, and I say she is

The vet backed up a step when he noticed the fire in Elsa's eyes. "Of course Miss Roe. We need to test her in case she
is sick from being around Guardians. The police i'm sure will question her as well. For now she needs to ride out the
drugs in her system. It might take a few days. I'll leave you here then." He bowed and left the room, shutting the metal
door with a click.

"Pssst.. Elsa!" Anna near shouted and Elsa winced. Anna waved Elsa over as if she was across the room. But Elsa
wasn't she was still holding Anna's face.

"I can still hear them! This whispers. The whispers Elsa. They crowd inside here." Anna brought Elsa's hands to her
head and she laughed. "Help.. Help they yell. They shout. They cry. I can't help them Elsa. I don't even know what they
want." She whined.

Elsa shook her head and kissed Anna on the forehead. "It's okay Anna. Relax. Just let the drugs do its thing. I want you to
get better for me."

Anna nodded up at her, then she yanked Elsa onto the bed with her. Elsa tried to get off the bed, but Anna wrapped her
arms around her, and threw the covers over them both. Then Anna snuggled into Elsa, wrapping her legs with hers.

"Anna I-"

Anna put a finger to her lips whispering frantically. "Shush. They will hear.. They will find me again. Keep them away.
Away. Run away Elsa. Down the rabbit hole. Down the drain. Follow the trail." Anna held up her arm with the A117 tattoo,
shoving it in Elsa's face, eyes darting around the room as if searching for something. "Don't let them see. Can't find me
Elsa. I wasn't here."

Elsa sighed in defeat, pushing Anna's arm down and wrapping her arms around Anna. "Okay.." She whispered into
Anna's hair. "I'll be quiet. I'll keep them away." She ran her fingers along Anna's back and knew that would make her

Anna nodded, rubbing her nose on Elsa's neck. "I'm tired Elsa." She yawned loudly against Elsa's neck.

"Sleep Anna. Sleep off the drugs."

And so Anna closed her eyes and went to sleep.


The next two days were hell for Anna. After the loopy self went away, the puking and shakes started. Not to mention the
fever got worse. Elsa stayed by her side most of the time, leaving only to keep the Guards away. To make sure people
knew Anna wasn't a Guardian.

On the third day when they deemed her fine enough to move around, she was allowed to shower. After that she went
through blood tests. Many tests and then once that was done she had to answer questions from the police.

They asked her question after question. All about the Guardians and what they did to her, and what the Guardians said.
Did she have any information on where the Guardians lived? Where they could possibly be at? Did they drop her off or
did she run away? Questions she didn't really have the answer for.

Though the guards were suspicious they let her go. But she was scheduled for bi-weekly visits to a therapist and had to
maintain good behavior. They worried for Elsa's safety but she waved them off left and right.

The city itself was happy to see Anna okay and soon after her recovery the magazine came out with the pictures she and
Elsa took the day she was taken away. Anna had her own tiny fan base who loved her dearly and they all hoped she
would be okay. Anna knew they cared because when she got home with Elsa, there was mail for Anna. All of it was get
well cards and that they would fight for Anna if they tried to put her down wrongfully.

It was overwhelming to Anna how much the city seemed to care. It reminded her of the Guardians and how much they
looked up to A117. Elsa laughed when she mentioned that the city seemed nosy and too crazy. Elsa welcomed her to the
club of 'City Love'.


Lovdahl ate her ham sandwich, loving the crunch that the lettuce gave it. Ever since she had been sent down to see that..
thing.. They had been treating her much better. They still did those damnable dream tests on her. She shuddered at the
thought, taking another bite of her sandwich.

The door clicked open and Doctor Stone entered the room. He smiled widely at Lovdahl, walking over and running his
hand along her cheek.

"How is my favorite girl hmm? Getting stronger?" She glared up at him and jerked her head away, swallowing the last of
her sandwich.

"Oh don't be mad. We still haven't found him, your precious experiment you know. I don't know what you see in him. What
you Guardian traitors see in him. But we will find him." He took her plate off her lap, and ran his hand along her legs,
starting at her knee then sliding up her thigh.

She shoved his hand away, gripping the thin blanket closer to her. "No you won't." She said, trying to sound strong. "Once
the Guardians have her it is all over. They can get rid of you, and hopefully start to change the way people see the angels.
She is stronger than you think Stone."

His lip curled in disgust and he brought his hand up to slap her. She flinched before he could actually do it and he
laughed. He trailed his fingers up her neck and lifted her chin so he could look her in the eye. Her skin crawled at his

"But I have plans Lovdahl. Big ones, and you are a key part of it." His smug smile dropped when she smirked up at him.

"And I will just follow these plans of yours? I know enough to that you want me to control that.. creature. What makes you
think I won't turn it against you?" He grabbed onto her neck and squeezed hard. She grabbed for his hands, trying to tug
his hands off.

"You will follow because tomorrow you start up a new program. It's rather lovely. You'll get plenty of needles in your back.
Very painful stuff. But soon i'll have you eating out of my hand."

He let go of her and she coughed, grasping at her throat. She wheezed and hated the tears in the corner of her eyes. She
wasn't scared for herself, she was scared for A117. Why hadn't the Guardians found her yet?

"If you will excuse me, I have a meeting with Mrs. Roe. She wants a report on what we have been doing. Which is fine by
me. I've never seen her take interest in the company her mother Ika started." He leaned in and kissed her forehead and
Lovdahl shuddered resisting the urge to shove him away, she didn't want to be choked again. "I'm glad you chose the
Guardians over me. I never would have known that you were susceptible for the dream program. I still love you Lovdahl
always have, always will."

He ran his hand along her cheek looking lost in a memory, and left the room, taking the empty plate with him.

"No you didn't Stone. You love your science and power more than anything on this earth. Including your own child. And I
was too stupid to see it." Lovdahl whispered to herself and she hugged her middle, tears falling as she wished for what
could have been.
AN: And this I guess Is a double update day. Since I technically updated already today.

I hope you know I love you guys and girls. If I didn't like to write this, I wouldn't update as frequently. Your reviews and all
the follows/favorites I get. They make me happy. Which is why I sit down so much to type it out. Not saying review more,
I'm just saying thank you for those who do. I like reading all the comments and such.

On to the next CHAPTER YA'LL.

*Chapter 16*: Hiding in the Sanctuary
Chapter 16: Hiding in the Sanctuary

Yeah I posted 15 the same day I did 14, but later in the day. So you might need to go back one.
*cough*ratedMforareason*cough* Who said that?

Being back in the Roe mansion was amazing. Well it would be if at dinner Mrs. Roe didn't send Elsa death glares for
making sure Anna wasn't put down. Anna made sure to be on her best behavior around Mrs. Roe not wanting to set her
off for any reason.

That night she came back, Anna had checked over Elsa's back when she kept whimpering and shifting on her belly. She
was angry at all the old scars on Elsa's back, and a few newer ones. Elsa had to stop her from going straight to Mrs. Roe
and beating the life out of her.

Elsa said it was just her back, that no one ever saw it anyway. Anna grumbled that she saw her back, and she kissed the
old scars, wishing she could have been there for Elsa when she recieved every single scar.

Then she let Elsa use her as a pillow all night, which wasn't as bad as it sounded, since Elsa was very soft. Of course it
so happened that morning she woke up with a boner. She had blushed so red, her freckles disappeared and even
though Elsa herself was blushing she said it was fine.

Then Anna had to deal with jealous Elsa all morning because Kelsey kissed the top of her head in a 'so glad you got
well and was found Anna' sort of way. It took a lot of begging on her knees to Elsa to get past that. It didn't help that
Kelsey had practically undressed Anna with her eyes and of course Anna caught on to her looks. She had smiled
apologetically at Kelsey in hopes of steering her away, but Elsa hadn't seen it that way. Boo...

Then the dreaded trip to the city. Elsa went to work in the office while Anna was stuck visiting with her therapist.


Anna sat on a black leather chair, looking like a deer in headlights. The woman across from her was old so that was a
plus for Anna. She had this weird thing where women seemed to eye fuck her and she knew it was a real thing. She
didn't want to sound like a cocky ass but it was the truth. A sad truth because if Elsa ever found out how many apprecitive
looks Anna got she was sure that Elsa would lock her away in a cave. Or a tower. Whichever Elsa pleased at the time.

The elderly woman hunched over her notes in her comfortable high backed chair. She smiled over at Anna who smiled
slightly back.

"Welcome Anna. I am Dr. Istovish." The elderly woman had golden honey colored eyes and Anna wondered how her
eyes were that color. Chesh had crazy yellow eyes like that, but he was a flier. It came with the territory. Her hair was
white, a pure white not even sprinkled with black. Istovish wore all white and it was strange to see so much white in the
dark blue room.

"Hello.. Dr.. Isti-Istovish." She gripped her hands together tightly, and Istovish gave her another warm smile.

"Today I want to ask questions about you. It's really easy. This is just my way of getting to know you more before I get into
real things later on. There aren't any records about you and your history so all I have are notes from other people
speaking about you." Istovish shuffled some papers and pulled out a pen. She thumbed the top with a soft click.

"So go on. Tell me things about you. Don't worry. Anything you say stays with me. I only speak to the others on your
progress and whether or not you are stable and safe to be around. I don't give them anything specific." She put the pen to
the paper, staring at Anna waiting.

"Okay.. I uh am Anna. I love the color green. I occasionally pick at my feathers when I shouldn't. Elsa is my owner. I eat my
dinner out of a dog bowl at home. I hate leashes and collars. I love to fly but it really isn't allowed. I have four friends but
one good one. All fliers. I had.. a.. nightmare about something. That I don't understand." She mumbled the last part, eyes
dropping to her lap. Dr. Istovish heard the change in her tone instantly.

"Can you tell me about this nightmare?" She was scribbling something onto her pad.

"It's weird.. I hear whispers. Lots of whispers. I am usually surrounded by darkness and.. I hear a voice over it all. I think
its only just nightmares. But." She stopped herself slightly worried. What if the lady deemed her crazy and deemed her
too sick and had her put down?

"But what Anna?" Dr. Istovish leaned in, looking genuinely interested.

"I heard it. The Voice. Once or twice in my head. It helped me get through the Guardians." Dr Istovish grinned as she
wrote her notes down.

"Thats fine Anna. That is just your subconcious helping you. Tramautic things make you hear and see things that aren't
normal. The Guardians must have scared you so much that you felt the need to listen to a 'Voice' in your head." Anna
blinked processing what she just said. Normal? Thats fine with Anna. She could brush the Voice off as coming from the
cause of a tramautic experience.

Which meant it would leave when she wasn't in need anymore. Right?


"Ah? Like my name, Anna?" Anna pointed to the letter A she had wrote and looked questioningly up at Elsa who smiled
and patted her head.

"Good, and the other sound it makes?" Elsa tried not to grin when Anna lightly knocked her head with her knuckles.

"Ay? Like the name Ava?" Anna looked up at Elsa who looked thoughtful a moment. The longer Elsa took to answer her,
the more the flier ducked her head between raised wings.

Elsa decided to let her have it. "You are correct." She watched Anna do a tiny victory dance in her seat and she waited for
her to stop. "Thats only one letter out of twenty six. Can you do them all?"

Anna nodded and picked up her pencil, writing out a squiggly E. "This is a E. It makes the same sound as the letter, but it
can make an eh noise." The flier wrote out a letter N. "This is an n. It makes a nn sort of sound like nothing.. And this is a
Z." Anna got most of them, not in the right order which didn't bother Elsa at all. It wasn't like she had to know the order,
she just had to know all the letters. They were home in the library since the library seemingly gave off a learning aurora.

Anna held up her paper, "Alright I got all twenty six! See?" Elsa blinked and focused on the paper. She took it and looked
it over, eying it looking for any mistake.

"This is good. But where are the lower case letters?" Elsa asked and Anna groaned thumping her head onto the desk.
Her wings went limp and hung lazily to the ground.

"I have to do both the upper and lower case? I hate the lower case. It's stupid." Anna whined, crossing her arms and
sticking her lower lip out in a pout.

Elsa rolled her eyes and set the paper next to Anna. She put one hand on the desk and used it support herself while she
leaned down to press her lips to the still pouting flier. Anna stopped her pouting and kissed her back.

As soon as Anna began to reach for Elsa and try and deepen the kiss the blonde pulled away, waggling a finger at the
flier. "No no. Finish the lower case letters first. Then you can have a reward."

Brows lifted, "What sort of reward?" Elsa gave her a mischievous smile leaning in close to whisper in Anna's ear.

"Well why don't you finish the lower case letters and I will show you."

Anna shivered and snatched her pencil off the desk and furiously wrote on her paper. In record time she had all twenty
six lower case letters next to the proper upper case one. The letters were messy and hard to read, but still Elsa had to
admit, they were all correct.

Elsa hopped up onto the desk, one leg crossed over the other. She leaned back on her hand taking her sweet time.
Anna stared at her, wondering if she got them all right.

"Well?" She asked, hand tapping the desk, her leg bouncing furiously. Elsa bit her lower lip in thought. Anna thumped
her head onto the desk counting to ten for patience.

"These look.." Elsa stopped when Anna looked up at her, hope in her eyes. Feeling like the devil Elsa sighed and put the
paper down. "Wrong." Anna slumped in her chair and slid down to the floor groaning and Elsa laughed at how over
dramatic she was.

She waited a minute longer then she decided to put Anna out of her misery. "I'm kidding Anna. You got them all right."
Two teal eyes peeked over the edge of the desk, eyes narrowed.

"One hundred percent?" She questioned, two hands on the desk. Elsa laughed at the look Anna was giving her. It was
as though Elsa was the bad guy.

"Yes one hundred perAhh!" Elsa cried out as her back hit the desk since it was sore still, and it took a moment to orient
herself after the world had dipped so suddenly. She blinked up at Anna who was above her, pinning her arms on either
side of her head.

"I don't like being tricked Elsa." Anna growled out and Elsa felt like prey beneath her. Anna's wings were unfurled and her
eyes were no longer the bright teal, they had darkened to a stormy sea color rather than the beautiful caribbean sea
color. All she could see was Anna and her wings blocked anything else.

Anna didn't wait for her reply, instead she leaned down and nuzzled the trapped womans throat, growling lightly again.
Elsa tilted her head back and Anna hummed, pressing her lips to the now hammering pulse. Elsa tried to move her
arms, but that resulted in Anna biting down on her neck.

It wasn't a hard bite but Elsa got the message and she wrapped her legs around Anna's waist. The flier set to work on
sucking and gently nipping at Elsa's neck. A moment later she pulled away to admire the mark she left.

"Did you just mark me?" Elsa asked, looking incredulous. Anna nodded with a triumphant look on her face and she
began to undo the buttons of Elsa's shirt. She spread the panels of the shirt and she smiled.

"No not really. You will know if I do. Nice bra, is this lace?" Elsa blushed and looked away, forgetting all about the mark
on her neck. Anna stared for a moment, and thought on how to proceed. "How do you take this thing off?"

Elsa arched her back and her arms disappeared behind her back, there was a small snap and she sat up a little to take
both her shirt and bra off but Anna stopped her. The flier shook her head.

"I want to do it." She whispered and gently she pushed the shirt down Elsa's shoulders.

Elsa shivered and covered her chest blushing furiously and Anna placed a soft kiss to her shoulder smiling softly. She
gently grabbed Elsa's wrists and pulled them away. With a nudge she got Elsa to lay back on the desk again.

Hands held pale cheeks and she kissed Elsa before kissing the corner of her mouth and making a trail down a pale
neck, placing a final kiss in the dip between her breasts. Anna was running off what she thought was best. Judging by
how Elsa was squirming in anticipation she had to have been doing something right.

She took a pink nipple into her mouth, rolling the bud in her teeth. Elsa grabbed onto her arm and her back arched. She
moaned loudly her legs tightening their grip on Anna's waist.

Then the door opened and Anna lifted her head letting out a snarl. It died in her throat when she realized who it was at
the door. Elsa looked up and she saw her mothers upside down angry form, arms crossed and foot tapping. Well shit.

Anna sat up and Elsa followed her, crossing her arms over her chest and glancing nervously over her shoulder. She
prayed that she mistook a maid for her mother.

She didn't. Her mother was still there. Anna wrapped her arms around Elsa, lifting her wings to shield Elsa's view of her
angry mother. Elsa whimpered and buried her head in Anna's neck, wishing she could sink into the wood floor.

"I have had it up to here with you and your sick obsession Elsa." Her mother raised her hand above her head, showing
how far she had it. "I come to the library to tell you something. I can excuse one adventure out in the garden. But here in
the library? In my house? Sick. You are sick Elsa! Deranged! Its a wonder how I am your mother."

With every word Mrs. Roe got louder and with every word Elsa flinched and tried to sink herself into Anna's skin. Anna
glared at Mrs. Roe, a growl rumbling deep from her chest. "Shut up." She barely whispered it, and Mrs. Roe nearly
couldn't hear it over the threatening growl she was receiving.

"What did you say?" Mrs. Roe crept closer and Anna tightened her grip on Elsa.

"I said, Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Anna said each word slowly, as if Mrs. Roe was an idiot and she needed to say it slowly for
the woman to get what she was saying. The flier lifted the discarded shirt off the desk and put it on Elsa's shoulders. She
helped her off the desk, then she pushed Elsa behind her.

The angry brunette stepped around the table, her blue eyes blazing, her cheeks flushed red from her anger. "I'll teach you
to talk back to me you stupid animal." She lifted her arm and attempted to hit Anna but she just caught her, holding Mrs.
Roe by the wrist.

The brunette looked surprised when Anna actually grabbed her, and she let out a whine from how hard her wrist was
being squeezed. "Let go of me you.. You are the problem. Always have been since you got here. Corrupting my daughter.
She might have failed me over and over, but at least she wasn't sick. Then you show up and-" Mrs. Roe started to
scream from the pressure on her wrist.

Break it. Break her wrist. Teach her a lesson. She won't forget it anytime soon.

Anna growled again and applied more pressure, intending to break the bone but Elsa grabbed the back of her shirt,
tugging slightly. "Anna don't.. Lets just go." Anna immediately let go of Mrs. Roe's wrist, giving her a hard enough shove
that she fell back.

"I don't want to hear about Elsa being sick. You are sick for beating Elsa. You don't think I see the marks on her back?
The scars there? I see another fresh one and I swear.." Anna was shaking she was so angry, more angry than she had
ever felt. Even more angry than when she beat Micael.

But feeling Elsa tremble against her and to feel her tears on her neck.

It made her want to destroy Mrs. Roe. And that terrified her.

Elsa slipped her shirt on and did a few buttons to keep it closed and then she grabbed Anna's hand and dragged her
from the room. They both blocked out the sounds of Mrs. Roe's pained and angry shouts.

Elsa kept running until she found an empty room in the back. She opened the door and waved Anna in, keeping an eye
out for anyone. The room was full of sheet covered furniture and Elsa walked to a door in the corner of the room. Instead
of a closet there was stairs that led up.

Anna went up first and she brushed away a cobweb, squishing more than a few daddy long legs. She knew Elsa was
following because she could feel her breath on her back. Not to mention Elsa was gripping the back of her shirt for dear

After going up another flight of steps the walls opened up into a massive attic. There was tons of junk but a path led
through them and this time Elsa led the way. It was dark, and dusty and cramped. Anna applauded herself for tripping
only once.

Elsa stopped and bent over, fumbling with something in the dark. There was a scratching noise, a hiss and Anna
wrinkled her nose when she smelt the smoke. Elsa lit the candles on the ground.

The low light was enough for Anna to see and she took in the space around her. The area was cleared of junk, shoved to
the side to make room the for candles that Elsa was currently lighting. In the corner of the room was a mattress with a
sheet and pillow thrown onto it. There was a dollhouse and a few other toys littering the floor around it. A small chest with
clothes sticking out from it sat next to the dollhouse. A small hand mirror rested on top of the chest.

That wasn't what captured Anna's attention, it was the wooden wall, covered in chalk and paints. Anna ran her fingers
across a tiny hand print on the wall and stared at little drawn pictures. One of a house. Another of a stick figure little girl
standing with a stick figure man. It was labeled 'me' and 'Daddy'. She noticed no mommy figure. Snowflake designs
littered the wall as well.

"What is this place Elsa?" Anna asked turning to see Elsa kneeling by the dollhouse, running her fingers across the

"This is where I ran whenever mother got too angry. When I wanted to pretend I lived with a mother who didn't hit me, or
yelled at me.. It's my sanctuary. I would hide here and sleep and just play with my toys. I'd only come down for the
bathroom and some food. Sometimes I came here just to relax, or to miss a 'lesson'. You know.. I always dreamed of
living in a regular sized house, in a tiny town where everyone was the same." Elsa's voice was soft, and her eyes were
lost in a memory.

"Can I add myself to your stick figure family and live with you in regular sized dream house?" Anna whispered, and Elsa
smiled at her and rummaged through the chest. She pulled out a white piece of chalk and she held it out to Anna.

"You can live with me." Anna took the chalk piece and kneeled on the bed drawing a tiny stick figure of herself. She gave
herself wings and then she put her name next to it. It looked terrible, but she was happy with it just the same.
"There now I am added to your sanctuary wa- wah.. what are you doing Elsa?" Anna's face turned beet red and she
looked at some random spot above Elsa's head.

"Doing what I want." She answered stepping closer to Anna. Anna noticed her getting closer and she fell back, sitting
instead of kneeling now, and she held her hands up.

"And that involves being n-naked? P-p-put something on." She heard Elsa laugh, a different one than she normally
heard. This one was low and it sent shivers down her spine.

"You didn't seem to mind me topless earlier. I'm fully naked now, I don't see how that's different." Elsa settled herself on
Anna's lap and Anna flinched.

Someone give her a b ook on the difference b etween topless on a desk and naked in a room. Has someone written
something like that yet? By golly I will. I'll make millions worldwide.

"Yeah but I knew we weren't going to.. to do it on that desk. Plus you don't really want your first time in an attic.. do you?
Not someplace cheesy and romantic after a great day of spending time together?" Anna put her hands on Elsa's thighs
nervously, hands shaking. She was trying really hard to keep her eyes on Elsa's face. She didn't want to chance a look

"This is as romantic as it gets. All my happiest memories are here. I have the candles too for 'romantic quality'. I don't
want something over the top anyway. My entire life is over the top. This is perfect. No more interruptions." Anna cursed
herself for having a weak will. It was crumbling away, it didn't help that even through her pants she could feel the heat
coming from Elsa.

Elsa gripped the front of the flier's shirt and she yanked her in for a kiss. It was a wonder how their teeth didn't clack
together. Anna gasped and Elsa took advantage sliding her tongue to explore inside. Pale hands reached for the end of
Anna's shirt, tugging it up as far as she could. Anna leaned back, breaking the kiss and lifted her arms, helping Elsa tug
the long sleeve shirt off. She tossed it somewhere behind her.

Her cool hands roamed Anna's stomach and she got a giggle out of it. With an expert hand, Elsa unlatched Anna's bra
and her other hand slid up to cup a small breast. The other hand came around and copied its twin. With a thumb and
forefinger she rolled the nipples between them. Anna moaned arching her back to further press her breasts against the
pale hands. Every part of her body felt hot, like she would melt where Elsa was touching her.

Anna grabbed Elsa by her hips, pulling her body as close as she could and she bucked her hips best she could in her
position. She wanted to ease the throbbing between her legs, and her pants felt too tight. Elsa must have read her mind,
because then her hands was on the belt, tugging and pulling mindlessly.

Anna sighed in relief when Elsa had unzipped her pants, life was much easier now that she had room to breath. Her
moment was short lived, when Elsa scooted back down Anna's legs to tug on her pants. Anna got an eye full of her and
she had never seen so much pale skin in all her life. The candlelight cast darker shadows, and the light itself gave
everything an orange tint.

Then her eyes zeroed in on the blonde patch of curls between pale legs and she gulped. She was really going to do this.
Her pants were tossed over Elsa's shoulder and she nodded. Yup she was. She helped Elsa take off her boxers, lifting
her hips and sliding them down. The air in the room felt cold on her erection and she shuddered.

Elsa seemed to lose her confidence and she sat on her haunches. They both stared at one another a moment. "You
can.. we can back out still." Anna said, hoping Elsa honestly wouldn't. She was excited and she actually wanted to do this
now. She struggled to keep her face neutral.

Elsa looked offended for a moment and she set her jaw, shaking her head. She pushed Anna back onto the mattress
and crawled towards her. Anna's eyes were the size of dinner plates, and she gripped the sheet underneath her tightly
when Elsa lay her body on hers.

Anna was sure her face matched Elsa's in wonder. It was strange touching from head to toe, skin on skin. It felt amazing
though and she ran her hands down Elsa's back, running fingers over light scars. She couldn't help herself and she
bucked her hips, enjoying the friction of their bodies. Elsa moaned and Anna whimpered.

Elsa supressed the urge to let Anna continue and cupped her cheeks, kissing her softly, "Calm down Anna. You barely
lasted five minutes in the car." Elsa smiled against Anna's lips, and she growled in return. Anna huffed and agreed in the
end. She probably would have to calm down, she didn't want to embarrass herself..
Anna lay with Elsa a minute, sharing soft kisses to help keep herself relaxed. Elsa sat up, placing her hands on Anna's
abdomen. She ran her nails lightly across the muscles there, and she rocked her body atop Anna's. She wanted to get
used to the feeling of Anna's hardness against her.

Anna groaned and she held Elsa by the waist, wanting more of the wet heat on top of her. Elsa changed her rocking back
and forth to a rolling motion atop Anna and that rewarded her with a hiss and a quiet, "Holy shit."

Elsa kept rolling her hips, panting along with Anna. Whenever she thought Anna was too close , including herself, she
would stop. Of course Anna would whine and try to buck her hips. She had to lift herself slightly off Anna who gave her a
pitiful look.

"Please." Anna whimpered, hands trembling against her waist. She tried to hide it by running her hands up and down the
blondes sides. "Oh please Elsa. No more teasing. I'm dying down here."

Elsa giggled, and took Anna in her hand. She glanced down, shifting slightly and she felt the head brush her sensitive
folds. Anna gripped the sheets once more, refusing to move. She would let Elsa do it when she was ready. Though the
way Elsa bit her lip and looked a little apprehensive, she got the idea they might be stuck like this for a while.

Elsa huffed and started to lower herself, but then she started thinking about how it might hurt. She knew it was stupid to
be afraid, but she couldn't help it. She also knew that there wasn't always pain the first time. It differed per person. Right?
That didn't stop her from panicking a little.

She got off Anna and lay beside her, who gave her a confused look. Elsa shook her head and pulled Anna to settle above
her, comfortably between her legs. She'd just make Anna do this for her.

"I want to do it like this." Elsa whispered wrapping her arms around Anna's back. The flier nodded, and rested her weight
on her elbows and she looked down. Elsa was definitely wet that was for sure. Elsa looked down too, eyes wide. Anna
could see the sliver of fear battling the cloud of lust. She didn't want Elsa afraid, this was supposed to be fun. Or at the
very least feel good.

She put a hand on Elsa's chin and made her look up at her. That lasted a moment before she was looking down again.
Anna sighed and wondered where the girl's confidence went. Guess she would have to buck up and pretend she knew
how this worked.

"Roll over."

Elsa stopped looking down, her breasts bounced slightly from how quickly she jerked her head up. "What?" It took Anna
a moment to remember what she was thinking of.

"Roll over, on your hands and knees." She ordered and she sat back. Elsa complied without another word. She did look
over her shoulder at Anna who gulped. Anna's knees were between Elsa's legs and she ran her hand up the scarred
back. After a moment she was pressing against the blondes moist sex and she waited.

"Quick or really slow?" Anna asked, one hand holding Elsa's waist and the other held her shaft. Elsa hung her head,
gripping the sheets.

"Quick." Elsa murmured squeezing her eyes shut. Anna sent a tiny plea to someone that this actually wouldn't hurt Elsa.
Then she rutted her hips forward so quickly that Elsa cried out in surprise and put her hand against the wall in front of
her to ground herself. Anna groaned and she held still for Elsa and for herself.

Anna thought Elsa's mouth was amazing, but this topped it comepletely. Elsa was so soft and warm, and so so tight.
She let out a shuddering breath and leaned forward enough to rest her hand on Elsa's against the wall, intwining her
slightly tan fingers with pale ones. She was panting into Elsa's ear and it took all her will power to not just mindlessly
start thrusting in and out.

Elsa squeezed Anna's fingers a long minute later. "Move." She half ordered, half whimpered and Anna did just that.
Slowly pulling out until only her head remained snugly inside, then she gently rolled her hips forward. Anna was giving
herself and Elsa time to adjust. They both groaned in unison and the slow pace went on for a couple of minutes.

Then Elsa whined and wiggled her body back into Anna's for more, and Anna couldn't handle going slow anymore. She
rested her head on Elsa's right shoulder, tightened her hold on her waist, her other hand squeezing Elsa's hand tighter,
and picked up the pace. Hips rocking at a furious pace, she enjoyed the way Elsa's walls clamped around her as if they
never wanted Anna to leave.

Anna really hoped Elsa was close because her thrusts started to get less controlled and more jerky. If Elsa's escalating
chants of Anna's name were any indication then yes she was. Teal eyes stared at the junction between Elsa's neck and

"Mine." She growled before biting down on Elsa's neck hard. It sent Elsa over the edge, she screamed and her whole
body tensed up. Even her walls clenched impossibly tighter around Anna, who only lasted two more shallow thrusts
before she moaned against Elsa's neck loudly, her orgasm ripping through her as well.

She let go of Elsa's hand collasped on top of her, and Elsa didn't complain as they both rode out the small high. Anna
lazily lapped at the bite she inflicted, silently apologising for it.

Elsa grunted beneath Anna and shook her body to let her know she wasn't happy with being squished anymore. Which
wasn't a good idea because Anna was still inside Elsa and they both whimpered from the sensitivity. Anna pulled out
and rolled off Elsa, laying on her back staring at the ceiling.

"Was that good?" Anna asked quietly, feeling a little nervous now, because the fact she hardly lasted five minutes in the
car still bugged her and she wasn't sure how much time had passed before she came.

Elsa laughed against the mattress and lifted her head to sleepily smile at Anna. "Yes. Didn't even hurt. Perfect." Anna
pulled on Elsa until the latter got up enough for Anna to grab the sheet and cover them both. Elsa then decided to squish
Anna and lay on her, yawning against the redheads neck.

Anna ran her fingers through platinum hair, purring, feeling sleepy but she didn't want to sleep just yet.

"Did you mean it?" Elsa mumbled against her neck and Anna giggled.

"Mean what?" She replied, still playing with Elsa's hair.

"That i'm yours." Elsa sounded worried, nervous even and Anna frowned.

"Of course. You are mine Elsa." Elsa smiled against Anna's neck and when she spoke the worry was gone.

"Good. Then that makes you mine too." Anna laughed this time, and then she closed her eyes, listening to the sound of
Elsa's breathing even out before falling asleep herself.

AN: Hahahaha I stared at this for a few hours thinking this over. I don't.. Okay I have never actually written smut before.
The bj scene back in chapter 14 (?) was the only thing I had really done. I wasn't going to do this but.. my hand slipped
and I typed around 5k words. IF I want to be technical this had a purpose. Or not. hehe.

If it sucks please please dont remind me that it does. I'm already worried about posting this because I don't even know if
this is good. Not fishing for compliments, this is genuine worry.

AND for the lack of a real warning above… This story is rated M for a reason.

Thanks for the reviews and thank you for reading this story. Didn't think it would get much attention but here we are. I'll
see you in the NEXT CHAPTER. bye bye.
*Chapter 17*: Removed from the House
Chapter 17: Removed from the House

Anna really was enjoying cuddling with Elsa. She wasn't even sure what time it was anymore. She knew that when she
ran with Elsa to the attic it was getting late. It was just past dinner time, but now after sleeping she might as well have
slept all through the next day.

Feeling the urge to go, she detached herself from Elsa carefully and she searched for her clothes in the dim light.
Finding her pants and shirt she pulled them on, careful not to make a lot of noise. Elsa generally was a light sleeper, but
this time she didn't seem to notice.

She picked her way down the junk path, careful to go around that chair she tripped over coming in. She stared at the
sheet covered furniture in the room for a minute before her body reminded her why she actually came down stairs.

She got the feeling Elsa didn't want anyone to know where her secret room was, so she poked her head out looking for
any passing by maids. Once she deemed it clear she left the room and strutted down the hall. She whistled some tune
and used room in the halls to stretch out her sore wings. She couldn't fully unfurl them, but after laying on them all night,
Anna would take any sort of movement.

"Ah. Much better. Not so sore now."

After using the restroom she wandered toward the kitchen. Intending on grabbing something for Elsa to munch on.
Cookie put up a fight with her on giving her a tray of food. Soon as she mentioned it was for Elsa, the cook stopped
arguing and set up a tray.

Cookie filled it with fruits, some yogurt, some juice and of course a lovely helping of her usual slop. "Thanks for the food
Cookie.. I'll bring this to Elsa." With a grin she snagged a few bars of chocolate off the counter and she ignored the
angered shout from Cookie.

Anna passed by Kelsey and she waved with a wing since her hands were full. Kelsey smiled and blew a kiss at her and
Anna ducked like the dork she was in case you could actually spot that. She would rather have a happy Elsa this

The trek up the dark stairs was easy enough, it was the blind walk through the junk that sucked. Anna had to shuffle her
feet and she kept a close eye on the ground. She refused to trip in here. Somehow through a miracle she didn't trip and
she smiled when she noticed Elsa still sleeping.

She set the tray down on the ground and it made a small thud and she tensed, staring at Elsa's sleeping form. She
didn't even budge, and Anna sighed in relief.

"Perfect." She mumbled and then Elsa decided to wake up. Anna rolled her eyes, of course she would wake up when
she whispered but not when she nearly dropped the tray.

Elsa sat up holding the sheet to her chest, sleepily rubbing her eyes, then she blinked a few times. She noticed the tray
and she smiled at Anna.

"What is all this?" She gestured to the tray of food, and Anna shrugged.

"I went hunting for my good lady. I had to fight off a wild Cookie and Kelsey for all of this." Anna picked up a strawberry
from the fruit pile. She was just going to bite into it, but Elsa that devil, decided she wanted that strawberry too. She
snagged Anna's wrist and brought the red fruit to her lips.

"Mine." Elsa said. Anna nodded like Elsa was going to bite her fingers off if she didn't agree.

"Fine. I'll eat this melon." Anna reached for it but Elsa snagged the whole bowl and cuddled the bowl close to her body.

"No no. All mine." She smiled and Anna pouted a moment before turning back to the tray with a huff.

"Hateful creature." She muttered, eyes locking onto the slop and she sighed. Anna felt a arm snake up her side and a
pale hand pressed a strawberry to her lips. "Nope. I don't even want it anymore. You can hog all the fruit to yourself."

"But you know you want to eat me." Elsa said in a tiny squeaky voice and Anna laughed. She ate the strawberry including
the green leafy bit on top. Elsa made a disgusted noise, "Yuk. Did you eat the leaf part too?"
Anna shrugged and moved to lay next the tray on the floor and she put her head on Elsa's covered lap. She grabbed the
cup of yogurt and spoon."Feed me wench. I had to fight off the dreaded Cookie for this." She commanded in a deep
voice, and Elsa smacked her on her belly slightly. But she fed Anna none the less and Anna fed her bites of the yogurt.

And somehow feeding each other, turned to into tearing off Anna's clothes, and rolling around the mattress. And they
stayed up there most of the day, only leaving when they needed to, because in the back of their minds they both knew
Anna had technically assaulted a human. A rich one at that, who already hated her guts.


Anna poked her head around the corner of the hall way. After a shower and a change of clothes, she decided to get back
to work on investigating the mysterious hall. That is if she could actually find it. She was completely confused.

It was down this hall wasn't it? There was nothing that seemed to lead her to that strange painting or the empty hall. She
stopped at the end of the particular hall she was in and scratched the back of her head. She looked around the four way
intersection in the halls.

"Well this was pointless." She stuffed her hands in her pockets, rocking on the balls of her feet. She rolled her shoulders
then she whistled walking down the hall. Elsa was busy talking to her mother and Anna wondered if she was done yet.

At first Anna was worried her mother might get physical but Elsa reassured her that she would bolt at the first sign of
being hit. As much as Anna wanted to stay and watch over her, she remembered her duty to the Guardians.

A man walked out of a room a couple doors away. Dread crept up her spine and she got a bad feeling about this guy. He
wore all black even his hair was black cut long so it hung past his jawline, and he even had on a mask that covered the
bottom half of his face. His cold grey eyes stared her down, she knew that look. She was about to be hunted. In one hand
he held leather straps and Anna recognized them immediately.

Wing straps. They did just as they sounded, made to hold wings against a fliers body forcefully. They wound around the
wing and around the body to help keep them in place. They didn't have to be super strong straps, because once the
pressure was on the wings, it was near impossible to use your wings and force them off, and the buckles were on the
back so a flier wouldn't be able to just take it off.

The other hand held a metal mask, a muzzle of sorts. It had small horizontal slits near the nose and mouth of the mask.
The mask looked like it wrapped around the bottom of her jaw and probably buckled somewhere in the back. The metal
gleamed against the light in the room and she shuddered.

"Scary stuff you got there.. I think I took a wrong turn. So I am going to go back. You stay there-" She yelped when her back
hit a hard body. She bit her lip and looked up. The man behind her had black hair, dark skin, and was a scrawny a giant
of a man. He had on the same dark mask on his face as the other guy.

His eyes crinkled and curled into half moons and she knew he was probably grinning down at her. They had a stare
down and then she acted. She shoved her fist into his throat and he choked, grabbing at his neck. Doubled over he was
easy to climb over and she barely made it four steps when she felt hands on her arms.

There was a third and fourth men in black and they slammed her against the wall. The hit knocked the wind out of her,
and for a moment all she could do was claw at the wall. She felt rough hands caress her wings. She tried to unfurl her
wings to smack them away since her arms were pinned and that earned her another smack against the wall roughly.

"Beautiful wings eh boss?" The voice came from her right and she heard an answering grunt. More hands and she felt
the leather being slid into place on her wings. She whimpered when they tightened the straps, forcing her wings to curl
in tightly to her body. It was one thing to curl them in herself, but they had positioned her right wing wrong and she could
already feel the cramp.

Another pair of hands ran from her hips up, a little too close to her breasts and she growled in warning. There was a
laugh and someone smacked her on the ass. "Boss this one is so weird. Looks like a lady, but I hear it really has guy
parts. Fun combination right?"

The sound of a slap and a grumble from behind her. Then an angered whisper. "Turn it around already, stop fucking
around Johnson."

The one they must have called Johnson turned her around and this man had brown hair, and his eyes were green. His
cheeks were rounded from his grin, hidden behind the mask. Johnson's hands held her shoulders and she attempted
to kick out at the black haired man who held the muzzle. He had to be the one they called Boss. In total there was four
men, all dressed near the same.

She snarled when the muzzled was near her mouth, and she turned her head away. She struggled against the hold on
her. Johnson punched her in the stomach and she doubled over puking up the little food she had consumed. Well
damn. That was fun to consume and now it was on the ground. For a moment she stared at the food sadly, trying to will
away the pain in her belly.

No... I ate some of those off Elsa's b ody. Such a waste. Not sure why i'm sad ab out that. Mayb e b ecause those fruit and
yogurt represent good times. Yep. This is some omen or shit like that. I'm going to die. Well at least I didn't die a virgin. Or
mayb e b ecause I'm not one that's why this is happening. Damn it Kristoff! What were the rules to horror moments?

While she questioned her knowledge on horror movies, Boss gripped her head and shoved the mask onto her face, and
he locked it in the back. She panicked when the mask not only covered her mouth but her nose as well. She knew she
was hyperventilating, and that she should relax, but she couldn't. What if she died from lack of oxygen?

"Hey Kyle look, she's freaking out." Johnson said, slapping his knee in his amusement. Kyle was a dirty blonde with blue
eyes, and he laughed a little. Johnson continued, "Stop panicking you dumb bitch. There is holes for you to breath."
Johnson tapped her mask where the small slits were to let her breath.

Boss held his hand out and the fourth man, the one Anna punched in the throat, passed a metal looking tube. Boss
grabbed one of her hands and he shoved it down one end of the tube. There was a click and then pressure was on her
wrist. He put her other hand in the other end, the same click and pressure on the other arm.

"And now the finishing touches." Boss pulled a pink collar out of his pocket, lifting it to show her the heart shaped tag that
hung from it. There was even a little bell that jingled when he shook it. "Look it even has your name. Anna." He lifted it to
her neck and in one last attempt to keep him away, she slammed her head hard against his chin.

Boss let out a shout of pain, stumbling back holding his chin. "Feisty bitch." Boss stopped Kyle from hitting her and her
relief was short lived. Boss decided to hit her himself. A terrible ringing in her ears made her whimper and she saw
spots. In her dazed state, he put the pink collar on her neck. "Brian. Where is the leash?"

Brian, the scrawny, one pulled a leash from his pocket and he passed it to Boss. A final click. Johnson and Kyle let her
go and her legs turned to jello. She dropped to her knees and Boss yanked hard on the leash. She fell forward, landing
on the metal around her hands, her wrists screamed in protest.

Johnson straddled her like a horse, grabbing her hair and he put his hand in the air. "Giddy up pony bitch!" Boss shoved
him off and he yanked hard on the leash.

"Get up flier. We're going for walk. Keep your hands to yourself Johnson." She scrambled to her feet, feeling off balance
with her wings curled painfully in. Not to mention her hands were locked together. She followed, eyeing them cautiously.

Who the hell are this guys? What will they do with me? If I get stuck with these freaks, please please don't leave me with

"Where are we going?" Her voice sounded strange from behind the mask and Boss looked over his shoulder at her. He
yanked on the leash and she nearly fell over again.

"Dogs don't talk. We're going for a walk, so just relax and enjoy it. We will that's for sure."

There was a round of chuckled from the men and she shivered. What was going on?


Elsa was on the edge of her seat, watching her mothers every move. Mrs. Roe had invited Elsa in for tea and Elsa
noticed the wrap on her mothers wrist. She winced, great Anna must have done something to her wrist.

"So glad you took time from your schedule to sit with me Elsa. I can't imagine how time consuming laying with an animal
is." Mrs. Roe held her saucer with the teacup on it. Eyeing Elsa while she stirred in some sugar with a spoon.

"Hardly time consuming." Elsa put two lumps of sugar into her tea, gently stirring the sugar in with a spoon, much like
her mother.

"I don't wish to dwell on the past right now. As we all know in three days your birthday ball is coming. Very exciting." Her
mother didn't sound very excited. "And the day before your birthday ball Mr. Carter is coming down to visit with us on
business. And I want you on your very best behavior while he is here. Mr. Carter is giving us another chance."
Elsa nodded, feeling her gut twist. Of course her birthday was just in three days. All the hullabaloo made her forget. How
silly. At least she would have Anna there. Maybe she could have a masquerade ball? The mention of Mr. Carter brought
her out of her thoughts.

"I will be on my best behavior mother. I promise. I'll make sure Anna is dressed nice, or if prefered, I will keep her away
from Mr. Carter so you can do business." Elsa tried to smile at her mother, but it came out as a grimace.

Mrs. Roe took a drink of her tea and then she laughed. Elsa wondered what had her laughing, and she raised the cup to
her lips while she waited.

"Were doing business together. This is a family run company. You will work with Mr. Carter as well. Your flier though? We
won't have to worry." Her mother took another drink from her tea and Elsa nearly spit out her tea.

"Why won't we have to worry?" Elsa felt like someone was twisting her intestines around. She squirmed and waited
impatiently for her mother to finish sipping off her drink.

"I guess I forgot to mention. So very silly of me. I'm having Anna removed from the house for a bit. I don't want her getting
in the way." Mrs. Roe smiled at Elsa and the blonde slammed her cup onto the small saucer.

"Removed? How long is a bit mother?" Elsa's hands started shaking and the teacup rattled against its little plate.

"Just until after your birthday I suppose. Mr. Carter should be showing up the day before your birthday. And then there is
your birthday itself so I guess total of four days." Mrs. Roe shrugged like it was nothing serious.

"Four days? But… she.. you.. Why?" Elsa put her tea down and started to stand but her mother raised her hand.

"Ah.. She's should already be gone. While we were having tea, I had Vick's boys remove her. She's in very good hands.
The best pet sitters out there. No need to worry. Oh look there is one now." Her mother gestured to the door and a man
wearing all black walked into the room. He pulled down his black mask and ran his hand through his long black hair.

Elsa could hear a ruckus of other men outside the closed door. Then the man spoke to her mother.

"Mrs. Roe, I am here to send my best wishes to your daughter on her birthday. We won't be here for the massive ball this
year." He bowed to Mrs. Roe who grinned in return, he turned to Elsa. "Miss Roe, I wish you a happy early birthday. We
have your flier, she is in good hands." Elsa froze at the tone he said the last part, and she watched him leave the room.

He opened the door and Elsa could hear voices grumbling to one another. "What the hell did you do Johnson? Brian give
me that."

She heard a thump then Anna's muffled voice. She sounded terrified. "Elsa don't let them take me!" Then the door closed
and she couldn't hear anymore.

Elsa felt blood rush to her ears, and she ran to the door, stumbling over her dress once before she ripped the door open.
Already turning the corner, four men shoved Anna around. Anna was looking back, eyes wide and she struggled all the
more when she caught a tiny glimpse of platinum blonde hair. "Elsa!"

"Anna! Hey wait! You can't just take her!" Elsa grabbed the bottom of her dress and lifted it as she ran down the hall,
sliding a little around the corner. She went face to chest with a tall brunette man. He put his hands on her shoulders and
she leaned over to see past him.

"Whoa there Miss Roe. Don't worry, your flier will be just fine. In four days it's all yours." Elsa made a feeble attempt to
shove him away, but he wouldn't budge. After a moment she gave up and she slammed her knee into his groin. With a
groan he cupped himself and fell to the ground.

She smiled and stepped over him. Anna was already down the long hall, going through the front doors. By the time Elsa
made it to the doors, Anna was being shoved into the back of a white van. Hubert was holding the door open for the men,
but when he noticed Elsa he wrapped his arms around her waist holding her back.

"Miss Roe please calm down. It's only for a few days. Your mother says this is for a reason." Hubert murmured. Elsa
watched them slam the back doors shut and they hopped into the van. The brunette she kneed earlier, limp-ran out the
door. He opened a sliding side door and he hopped in.

Anna tapped the metal on the metal pieces that covered the window. She wished she could smile to reassure Elsa. But
she couldn't and she did her best to wave her bonded hands at her. The van's engine revved slightly and they left.
Anna watched Elsa's struggling form grow smaller until the van turned down the road and all she could see was the

"Bye Elsa. See you in a bit."


Elsa stormed into the house, finding her mother exactly where she left her. "Why? Why would you send her away? There
is no other reason for this. My birthday is in three days. How am I supposed to celebrate it without her there?"

Mrs. Roe raised a brow, drinking her tea, seeming to enjoy this moment. "It's becoming less of a secret in this house
about your infatuation with that animal. If Mr. Carter were to catch on, we would be history. Our company and reputation
would drop. I refuse to let all that go, over your schoolgirl crush. You also have survived nineteen birthdays without that
thing in my house, I am quite sure you will be fine this year." Her mother took a breath and she put her teacup down.

"I had her taken away for her actions. A punishment if you will for cracking my wrist. Since I can't teach you a lesson, I will
teach your flier one. I also can't have you whimpering like a wounded dog while Mr. Carter is here either. And I don't want
that animal near him. It's a win win for me. You will still be on your very best behavior this week." She got up and patted
Elsa on the cheek.

She was so gentle about it Elsa flinched. She nodded and ducked her head, giving up because Anna was already gone.
"I will be good mother. Will those men hurt Anna?" She started to wring her hands at the thought.

Mrs. Roe chuckled like it was a ridiculous of Elsa to ask her that. "Of course they will. Nothing will be broken but I paid
them handsomely to have fun with her. Perhaps they can beat the will out of her and then all my problems will be solved."
Mrs. Roe stepped around Elsa mumbling. "Almost all my problems. Still have you to fix. Oh well. One thing at a time." As
she headed for the door she said a final command. " It's late. Go to bed Elsa."

And Elsa did just that, hoping that when she woke up from her nightmare, she would be right next to Anna on the
mattress in the attic.

AN: Yay! Anna gets to hang out with the four weirdos and is missing out on Elsa's birthday. No? Ok.

Hope everyone knows I had to dunk myself in Holy water after writing the last chapter. Except i'm the spawn of Satan so it
burned like a bitch.

And I am stoked to see that I beat my own record in views in a day. I got around 2.15k views compared to my plain 2k
views. (not too big of a difference, but still fun to see it surpass the other one.) I just thought it was nice to see. Well enjoy
this chapter. I may or may not have another chapter way later today. So keep an eye out for it as well.

I will SEE you in the NEXT CHAPTER. See ya!

*Chapter 18*: Vick's boys
Chapter 18: Vick's boys

Anna rested her head against the metal bars that blocked her off from the four men who took her away. Boss was driving
up front, Kyle was sleeping in the back across from Johnson. And Brian sat in the passenger seat. Johnson was closest
to the bars and he pulled down his mask to grin at her.

"Really is a shame we get to miss the big ball." The brunette flipped a coin, caught it, then flip it again. "Stuff of dreams it

"What big ball?" She pressed against the bars harder and she begged him with her eyes to say more.

"Damn where have you lived your entire life? The big ball! Miss Roe has a huge party for her birthday each year. We get to
dress up and play the gentleman. It's like a game. She doesn't seem to like to dance, but you are a winner if you get her
to dance. Everyone gets to go." Johnson looked like he was lost in last years birthday.

Anna felt her insides roll. Elsa's birthday was going on while she was gone. Just great. "I have lived in hell thats where. I
guess it is a real shame we will miss it." Anna got an idea and she smiled behind her mask.

She leaned against the wall of the van, wincing when it put pressure on her cramped wing. "Say.. You guys are just
supposed to watch over me.. Correct?"

Johnson scratched his chin, nodding as he did so.

"Well.. What if I told you, you could go to that ball?" Johnson jerked forward, eyes wide.

"How could we do that? We're stuck babysitting you." Anna knew she had him now.

"We all go. The five us! We can all be bros! You watch over me still. You still get to go to the ball. Foolproof." She felt giddy
when Johnson pondered what she said a moment.

"Right. You are right. I'll tell Boss." Johnson turned away from her and she panicked. Boss seemed smarter than the

"What the hell do you want Johnson? I'm driving here." Johnson crawled to sit by the driver seat. Anna couldn't hear him
anymore because he was whispering. Johnson nodded a few times, gesturing back at Anna.

The van lurched to a screeching halt, Anna slammed against the bars with a cry. Boss got out of the car. After a tense
moment of silence the back doors to the van opened.

"Trying to play with idiot Johnson's mind?" Boss held a stick swinging it around.

Anna trembled at the sight. "No… No uh sir. I have never been to that party and I was just hoping-" Boss cracked the stick
over her head. Literally. The stick snapped from the force of the blow and Anna couldn't even scream.

She fell back into a familiar darkness.


Anna opened her eyes and she found herself unbound. She sighed in relief, but then the familiar whispers started up.
She sat up with a groan. She had to deal with four freaks, she didn't have time to lose her marbles and speak to Voice.

"Voice? Are you there?" She called in to the dark and then she heard the rumble through the constant whispers.

"There." Voice said. She noticed movement in the darkness. Which seemed impossible. How could one see something
in the pitch dark?

"Here." The movement came from her right and much closer.

"Everywhere." The dark itself seemed to move and she narrowed her eyes trying to pinpoint where it was.

"What are you? Won't you tell me?" She stopped trying to follow the movement of the room. To be quite honest it made
her nauseous. Seeing the room move when she wasn't moving with it.

"Friend. I am friend. Not enemy." Voice made a strange noise like chains rattling. "Be wary of those who took you.

Then Anna was falling like she normally did in the end of these dreams. The hands reached for her again and she could
hear the cry of thousands again. Reaching for her, pulling at her limbs, as if fighting for her attention. She squeezed her
eyes shut and waited for it to end.

"Please hear me out."

"Save me."

"Save us from Stone."

"I pray to thee our savior, to defeat the evil in the world."


Anna opened her eyes, blinking away blur from sleep. She was on her knees and they felt numb. She wiggled her body
to assess any damage. Her head was sore from being hit, and her wing was cramping. Her arms felt heavy from how
they were hanging in the air. Wait. Hanging in the air?

She turned her head and noted the shackles around her wrists. Connected to wall, the chains had been tightened so her
arms remained suspended. The muzzle was still on her face, and the straps still in place over her wings.

She examined the wood flooring, it was cracked and aged. A round wooden table set near the right corner, with four
chairs surrounding it. The room was lit by a few hanging light bulbs. To the left was a kitchen. A rusted stove, a sink and
a counter. There was a window above the sink, and two cupboards sat on each side of the window. A small fridge sat by
the stove. Overall it was a simple kitchen. If it could be called that since it connected to the living room.

Near Anna's right was a small tv on a stand. Complete with a couch and chair to sit and watch it on. No one was in sight
at the moment and Anna took this chance to pull on the chains. It only brought a pain to her already sore wrists.

Down a hall across the room from her a door opened and Brain walked out of it. He looked sleepy and he was shirtless
wearing only low hanging jeans. He walked down the hall hardly giving Anna a second glance and he went straight to the
kitchen. He grabbed himself a glass of water and he drank it down quickly.

Anna couldn't help but notice how dry her mouth was. She leaned forward as far as she could. Brian noticed her when he
heard the chains clinking from the movement. Not to mention the little bell on her collar chimed.

"Thirsty huh?" He filled the glass up and he held it up above her. She didn't care if her muzzle was covering her mouth,
she eagerly stood up on shaky legs, eyeing the beautiful cup of water.

Brian held the cup just out of reach and she growled. All she wanted was that water. Was that too much?

"Would give it to you, but you seem to have a muzzle on your face. Boss can only take it off. Oh well." Brian took a hearty
drink of the water and she whimpered. He even had the gall to waste some and let it pour down his chin.

"Maybe Boss will give you a drink later. Took you a long time to wake up. Its been a whole day. It's late so go back to
sleep or something." He refilled the glass and set it just out of reach of front of her. He even put in a few ice cubes in it.
"Nighty night flier."

She let out a frustrated growl when she couldn't reach the cup, even with her leg stretched out. "Well this sucks. Couldn't
even give me a sip of water." To make it slightly worse, she felt her bladder wake up and remind her she needed to pee.


At some point she passed out after staring at the glass for so long. She opened her eyes and noticed the missing glass.
She heard the sound of a pan clanging on the stove and there was a terrible smell in the air. Her nose scrunched up
under the mask as she tried to identify the smell in the room.

Boss was lazily sitting on the couch and he held a burning little paper in his hand. Looked like the strangest cigarette
Anna ever saw. Kyle sat boredly on the chair, leg bouncing as they watched the television. Brian wasn't in sight, but
Johnson was in the kitchen cooking something up.

Anna's eyes went to the tv at the mention of Mrs. Roe. The tv had a buzz static line through the center but after a smack
from Kyle it disappeared.

On screen was Mrs. Roe standing with Elsa talking to the news reporter, probably outside their mansion. There was a
third person. A man who stood at Elsa's side. He wore a dark grey suit and he had a plain black tie. His hair was brown
but the sun made his hair seem blonde. His hair was long and it was slicked back. He was just slightly taller than Elsa.
Anna didn't like how close and comfortable he looked by Elsa.

The reporter man smiled to the camera and he asked a question. "So can you tell us about the theme for this years
party? People have been dying in wait." He put the microphone to Elsa and she smiled at him.

"I want this years party to be a masquerade ball. A queen and her subjects theme. May the many knights and good
gentlemen try and win my favor this year." She dipped her head to the reporter who bowed in response.

"Masquerade ball it shall be. Will it be inside your beautiful manor as it usually is? Tomorrow night correct?" Mrs. Roe
nodded this time smiling at the reporter. He had another question.

Her party is tomorrow night? What.. How long have I b een out for?

"How are all the gentleman going to try and win your hand when you seem to have one here already? Who are you sir?"
The brown haired man slid his arm around Elsa's waist and Anna watched Elsa force a smile to her face. She noticed.
Noticed how she tensed up when the guy pulled her closer to him, forcing their sides to touch.

She couldn't help but growl at the sight, and Boss threw an ashtray at her, yelling for her to shut up.

The man grinned at the camera. "I am a fair man. I will try and win her hand at tomorrows party as well. I am Samson
Roy Carter. Son to the owner of Carter Gun Military Co.. We produce all sorts of weapons out to our army. I am on a
business meet here with the Roes."

The reporter had a flash of recognition. "Oh you are Mr. Carter's boy. Haven't seen you in a long while. Where have you
been?" Anna began to tune them out, feeling something she never felt in her entire life. She wasn't sure if it was a good
feeling, but it burned inside. She felt an instant hate for Samson.

Gee I thought this was ab out Elsa and her party. How did we go from that to this idiot? Staking claim on tv.. Low man. I
can see what he is doing. He's showing everyone who watches the damn news that Elsa is his tomorrow.

In the back of her head she felt a pang, and she knew the Voice was there.

Seems like there is another reason you were put out of the house. Looks to me that Mrs. Roe knew Mr. Carter had a
handsome son. How scandalous of her.

Anna snarled and got to her feet at the thought, ignoring the screams her legs let out in protest. She pulled hard on the
chains and Kyle laughed at the sight of her.

"Boss look. Flier looks jealous." Boss looked at her and he rose from his seat. He tossed the remote to Kyle who started
to flip through the channels.

"You like Miss Roe little flier?" He stood in front of her and she glared up at Boss who only took another drag from his
cigarette. Or whatever it was. It definitely was the cause of the terrible stink. He blew the smoke into her face and she
coughed, turning away.

"Shouldn't like a human, flier. Things like that get you killed. I see why you fancy her though. Then again many fancy her.
Samson on tv there is just lucky. He's rich. He will probably own his father's company one day. I give it a month before he
announces his engagement with her. How it usually works." She glared at him again, and Boss laughed..

"He can't have her." She grumbled, and that made Boss laugh all the harder.

"She is a pretty little rich girl. Even if she did ever consider you, it would be a passing phase for her." He waved his hands
at the word phase the joint sticking out the side of his mouth. "You'd be the animal that she chilled with before she
moved onto a real man. Or a lady. Which ever. In this case man because Samson there looks like he is playing to win."
Another drag and more smoke in her face, and she gave him a questioning look.

"How do I know he's playing to win? Easy. Rich men and women have been trying to get Miss Roe for quite some time.
She is worth big big money. She's the cities little baby. I think ever since she turned seventeen they've come calling. She
always says no, so I've been told. Samson has made more progress than any man or woman I have met. So put your
feelings outside and bury them." Boss walked away from her, grabbing a dark bottle from the fridge.
He popped the cap off and he went back to Anna. "Brian mentioned you were thirsty last night. Guess I owe you a drink."
With a couple of clicks the muzzle fell off her face and she opened her mouth a couple of times. Talking behind the
muzzle was hard since she could barely move her mouth.

So she gratefully stretched open her mouth. Boss held the bottle near her lips and the smell coming from it was just as
disgusting to her nose as his cigarette.

"Don't make that face. It's good stuff. You said you were thirsty. Drink up." He tilted the bottle and reluctantly she drank
from it. Her eyes watered from the taste but she was so thirsty that she chugged it right down. It left a strange aftertaste in
her mouth and she could feel it swirl around her belly

"Still thirsty?" Boss asked, tossing the bottle to the ground. She nodded, the drink hardly quenched her thirst. "Johnson
bring me a couple more beers. Flier over here is still thirsty."

Johnson scrambled to the fridge and he grabbed four, opening one. He set three down by Boss and he passed the open
one over. Boss waved him away after that and he tilted the bottle again. Anna drank that one down just as fast, gasping
once she finished.

"More?" She merely opened her mouth with a nod. Boss grinned and opened another bottle.

Her head started swimming a little around the third one. By her eighth beer she felt like her whole world was spinning.
She just wanted the thirst to go away. Still Boss opened another bottle, and now Kyle and Brian watched her drink more,
cheering when she finished another one.

"Damn. It keeps drinking em all down so quick. How much can it have before it dies Boss?" Kyle asked, amazed at the
little pile of bottles on the ground. Boss shrugged smiling when Anna's head drooped. She groaned against the
pounding in her head. Much different from when Voice bothered her. "Think we could get her high as well? She looks
drunk enough to me." Anna rolled her eyes and glared at them all.

"I'm.. not..drunk." She tried to say but it came out terribly slurred and sounded more like, 'mm nut..frunk'. The four stared
at her, and then they burst into laughter, rolling around while she tried to maintain her mean look slurring her words still.
"I don't.. even drink." They laughed all the harder and Brian went grab a joint for her.

"Here.. Like this flier." Brian put it to his lips and he took a small drag. He coughed once after and she stared at it. "Go on.
Try it."

She glared at the joint like it was evil. "I need to pee." She murmured closing her eyes. She started to shake, "Pee.. Need

Johnson wandered over quickly. "I call dibs!" She took one look at his eager face and she shook her head.

"Don't need to go.. that bad anymore." Boss shoved Johnson away towards the kitchen. Kyle got up from his spot on the

"Alright I'll do it. Lets hope all I have to do is stand there." Kyle got the key from Boss and worked on the chains around
her wrists. Her arms were like dead weights after hanging for who knows how long. She dropped forward into Kyle's
arms and he helped her stay on her feet.

With shaky legs she stumbled with Kyle down the long hall. She glared at Johnson who looked like he was pouting by
the stove. Kyle opened the bathroom door for her. She saluted him with a smile. Then she fell into the bathroom.

Lucky for her that it only held a toilet and a sink. She fell against the wall and Kyle looked like he wanted to check on her,
but instead he slammed the door shut. She tapped at the wall for the light switch. Once she got that, she struggled with
undoing her jeans.

She narrowed her eyes and focused as hard as she could on the button. Her fingers couldn't get it and she laughed.
Why was it so hard to just unbutton her own jeans?

Better get this done quickly b efore Johnson decides you're a cripple who needs help taking a piss.

That sobered her up enough to get her pants undone. She put her hand on the wall in front of her for support and eyed
the toilet.

"No moving.. Mr. Toilet. I see you sch.. scheming down there." She heard someone knock on the door.
It was still Kyle to her relief. "Hey! Take your piss already! I'll send Johnson in here. We all don't want that." At the mention
of Johnson she tried to go as fast as she could. She applauded herself with not missing at all. Even if the toilet did try
and spin around like a little shit it was.

After washing off her hands and another struggle with her jeans she headed back down the hall with Kyle. The blonde
man set her down on the soft chair. She glanced up at him confused.

"You're so drunk that you'll probably have to go a lot more. I would love to see you even try to run away this drunk." She
gave him a look and made a peace sign, giving him the 'I am watching you' motion.

He gave her the motion back and he went to sit by Brian on the couch. Boss was no where to be found and Johnson
looked like he was setting the table.

This was the strangest group of people she ever met. Scary at first, even creepy. But right now they seemed rather laid
back. Well except for Johnson, he was the weird one.

The smell of food made her stomach rumble and she hoped she would be allowed to eat too. Then the tv caught her
attention again. On screen was Doctor Stone, and Lovdahl?

"Turn.. Turn that up!" She shouted and after she got told to shush the tv was turned up.

There was a reporter woman talking on screen now. "Doctor Stone is here and he is the genius behind the fliers of
today. He is announcing something that is supposed to blow us away."

Doctor stone appeared, arm over Lovdahl's shoulders. He waved and at the crowd, and they gave a little cheer.

"Ladies and gentleman! I am proud to announce an upcoming benefit to our entire world! As you know I have already
given us fliers. Both Government edition and your lovely pet edition! But today I announce that I will run for President. In
order to bring new changes to our world, I require a higher position. Once I become president, I will release the new
wonder I have hidden away." Another loud cheer from the crowd and an applause.

Brian scoffed, looking unimpressed. "Can that dude even run for prez? Legally can he?" Kyle shrugged and Anna did her
best to focus on Lovdahl.

She looked so happy, and she was smiling like she did when she used to visit Anna back in the labs. Anna felt a pang in
her heart. As much as she hated the labs, Lovdahl was the only good thing she could ever remember.

She closed her eyes and let herself drift back, back to her favorite moment with Lovdahl…

"Lovdahl! Lovdahl! What do you have there?" A small five year old A117 pulled on the scientists white lab coat. Her wings
strained against the wing straps on her b ack. Lovdahl kneeled to unhook the straps.

"Rememb er shh.." She put her finger to her lips and A117 copied her, giggling while putting her small finger to her lips as
well. "I b rought you a surprise." The straps fell to the ground and the flier unfurled her wings with a sigh.

A117 tilted her head, "What sort of surprise? Will I love it?" Lovdahl reached into her long coat, pulling out a b ook and a
small rectangular b ox. Lovdahl raised the b ook higher when small hands eagerly reached for the it.

"Ah ah.. Sit with me." Lovdahl settled herself on the b ed, leaning against the wall. A117 climb ed onto the b ed, sitting on
her lap, b ouncing in her excitement. Lovdahl b ringing her items was very rare, so when it happened she loved it.

Lovdahl let her take the b ook and she watched as the flier opened the b ook. "I got you a picture one. Of outside. See
this? That is the sky. And its-" A117 jumped in cutting her off.

"Blue! I rememb er this color. Very pretty. I want to find a girl with pretty eyes like the sky." A117 nodded like she meant it
and her head lightly b umped the scientists chin.

"Oh you do? Well I'm sure you could. Turn the page." The b runette settled her arms around A117 watching her squeal
over pictures of the forest, of the b each, of the sky itself.

"What else did you b ring me?" A117 had flipped through the picture b ook at least twice now, b ut now she was looking for
the small b ox that Lovdahl b rought with her.

"I b rought you something very special." She opened the b ox and the sweet smell of chocolate invaded A117 nose. Her
eyes widened, she had no clue what it was. But something told it was amazing. "This is candy. Chocolate. Very special
just for you. I know today is your b irthday. Happy sixth b irthday."

The woman b roke off a piece of the chocolate for the flier who took it from her like the candy would explode any second
now. "You're supposed to eat it." A117 tossed the piece into her mouth and then she closed her eyes in b liss. All the food
that was ever given to her. This was the most amazing.

The flier didn't even chew on the chocolate, she let it melt in her mouth a moment. She didn't want to waste it, no matter
how much her b rain told her to scarf it down. It wasn't long b efore all that was left of the chocolate was the b ox and a
small stain on the corner of her mouth.

"Amazing. I love it!" Lovdahl smiled at the excited flier then she collected the little b ox and put the b ook under the pillow.
"Cuddle me." Little arms reached out and Lovdahl glanced at her watch. She had time. Always for A117.

A117 got under the covers and Lovdahl curled up with the flier on the b ed. A117 wiggled closer, hiding her face in
Lovdahl's neck, playing with the gold cross there. The scientist wrapped her arms around the flier, running her hands
down her b ack and she got a small purr in return.

"You know A117.. You are very special. I don't want you to forget that." A117 tugged on the cross slightly, shaking her

"But Doctor Stone says I am a failure." She yawned and didn't notice how Lovdahl stiffened or the sharp intake of air.

"Stone is.. the failure. You are the most wonderful gift out there. Whenever they say something mean or b ad ab out you
and you hear it. I want you to know. You are special. I want you to rememb er that always." Anna b arely nodded b ecause
she was already falling asleep. Lulled b y Lovdahl's hand that rub b ed her b ack.

Lovdahl waited a few more moments knowing that one A117 fell asleep she was out cold. She placed a kiss to the red
hair and whispered.

"You are the greatest achievement this world has ever known. I love you b ab y girl."

Anna lurched forward when the tv screeched and she was sucked from her memory. The room spun and she gagged,
leaning over the arm rest. Brian got up from his spot at the table and ran for the kitchen while she continued to retch. He
dived for it and got the large pot beneath her in time when she finally emptied out most of the beer in her stomach.

Brian let her dry heave it out and he went back to the table to resume eating his steak and potatoes. The four men ate
comfortably while Anna's body tried to get rid of all nine beers in her stomach.

Once she was done, Johnson got a stool and sat in front of her. "Got you a plate." He held a fork full of steak to her and
she shook her head. He scowled, and held it closer. "Don't be rude. Eat it."

She shook her head again, lifting her trembling hands. "No thanks bub. I can do it myself."

She must have triggered something for him because he threw the plate hard into the wall. It broke and food splattered
the wall. "Ungrateful bitch! All of you!" He shouted and next thing she knew was fist after fist to her gut, shoulders and
chest. Still drunk she could barely lift her arms to block.

Kyle, Brian and Boss stormed over and pulled the angered man off of her. He kept shouting about how ungrateful the
world was and they dragged him back to his room. Anna sagged on the chair dazed, drunk and lost.


She opened her eyes and she was still in the chair the tv was going on about the final preparations for the party tonight.
Oh it was the next day? Her chest hurt a little from the punches she had received and her head pounded horribly. With a
groan she rose from the chair, and she stumbled down the hall.

Those idiots didn't even chain her back up. She used the restroom, and then she sucked the water straight from the tap
in the kitchen greedily. She rummaged through the fridge and ate a cheese stick.

She sat back down in the chair munching on chips and watched footage of Elsa's house. A few teaser photos of the
decorated insides were shown and then it hit her.

She was un-fucking-tied! She stood shoving a final handful of potato chips into her mouth and ran to the door, with some
hungover fumbling she yanked the door open with a slam. She heard a shout as she ran out the door. Her hands tugged
on the leather straps of her body while she ran.
"Aw Fuck! Boss the flier is getting away!"

"Catch it!"

"Get the gun. Who didn't tie it up?"

"Idiot no! Chase it!"

She couldn't even differentiate who said what and she kept running. She was in the city. On the very outskirts somewhere
judging by the few trees sprinkled here or there. As she neared the city, more small houses appeared. But they all
looked empty. People were probably getting ready for the massive party tonight. She kept running as fast as she could,
still clawing at the leather on her chest.

"Come on! Break already!" She growled and twisted the leather hard and with a victory cry she snapped it. "Yes!" She
began tugging and pulling, trying to get her wings free. She heard a shout from behind her and heavy footsteps on

Kyle was right behind her, gaining on her. Adrenaline and panic rushed through her veins and she pulled the last of the
straps off her wings. She whimpered when her cramped wing finally stretched out.

"Get it Kyle! It's going to fly off!"

Then she was attempting to run and flap her wings at the same time. She hopped a little and she gained two feet of air,
with the help of her wings, before she dropped again. The pounding in her head worsened and she heard them again.
Those damn whispers.

Not what she needed when her head was already pounding from the hangover.

"Take him out."

"Why haven't you done anything?"

"I b elieve in you still. Our Savior."

She felt a hand tug a couple of feathers from her wing.


And then she felt the ground disappear from her feet, her wings finally lifting her. Anna glanced over her shoulder as she
overworked her wings to take her high into the air. She saw all four men huddle beneath her, shoving at one another.

"Sorry boys! I have things I need to do!" Anna gave them a small wave and she heard them shout for her to come back.

First she would need an outfit for tonights ball. And she knew just where to get it.


Anna stared up at the logo with the flier looking over his shoulder in a 'cool' manner. She probably looked really grungy
since her jacket was dirty, had a bit of blood on it, and she probably smelled like alcohol and maybe worse. Somehow
no one stopped her. She did get a few curious looks in the city and no one seemed to recognize her at all yet.

She pushed open the door and flinched from the extra bright lights. She looked around for the tiny woman who ran the
store. She had met her once at one point. Elsa said she was usually kind.

"What is this? Who are you? What do you want?" Just the woman she was looking for.

Anna bowed to her and smiled at her. "Remember me? I was on tv once for.. yeah. I belong to Els-Miss Roe."

"My god you have gotten dirty. Don't you know the great ball is today? Don't tell me you plan on going like that?" The black
haired woman snorted. "Oh what am I saying dahling. I know you came to me for the right look. I am Edna Mode by the
way, but you knew that."

"Right. I need clothes and stuff." She followed Edna who scurried around all the clothes to bring Anna towards the back.

"You need a shower first. You smell like a wet dirty alcoholic dog who just rolled out of a bag of weed. Not the look you
want. I hear you are under watch. No worries I wont tell anyone about this." Edna shoved her into the back where there
was rows chairs in front of mirrors and in the back there was bathtubs.

"I run a clothes and flier wash store. Very handy for you in this case. Strip and get in this tub." Edna went and pushed a
small stair set so she could climb it and turn the tap water rushing into the tub. Anna got into the tub, feeling weird being
naked to a woman she hardly knew.

Edna flipped a switch and the water stopped running from the bottom and it fell like a waterfall from the ceiling above her.
She coughed and spluttered, surprised by the onslaught of water. "Use this." Edna put four different soaps by the tub and
she went back toward the half of the store where all the clothes waited.

Anna set to work on scrubbing herself clean. Edna came back with two girls dressed in white with a black apron over
their clothing.

"Shave her legs and such. Make sure this flier is very clean." Edna left again mumbling about the right outfit for Anna.

Anna looked between the two girls nervously blushing, "Yo.. I can shave me own legs.. okay." She gave up and let them
scrub her back and hair for her. It wasn't nearly as fun as when Elsa washed her hair. She relaxed when the girls were
completely professional and didn't get weird with her once. The water did help the soreness of her body and it just felt
good to be clean.

Next she was standing in a towel while they blow dried her wings, and it felt weird to feel the heat on her feathers. She
checked over the spot where Kyle had grabbed a few feathers. Didn't look like she had a gap. Yes!

After she was dry, Edna returned with her outfit. A white button up with a black waistcoat. A red tailcoat jacket that
matched her wings in their dark red near black color. The pants were form fitting dark grey with a red stripe up the side.
Complete with black boots.

"Am I going to ride up on a white horse and play the prince tonight?" Anna asked raising a brow. She got swatted on the
leg for that and Edna had the ladies dress her up. Thankfully they let her put her underwear on by herself. She was
beginning to feel like an ingrate at this rate.

They brushed her hair and put it up in a fancy bun, they used her hair to braid it into a headband of sorts. And Anna felt
like a princess from the neck up. Well then. Then to finish the outfit Edna presented her with a pair of white gloves and a
white half mask.

"Since the ball is usually dark, no one should recognize you. Not even Miss Roe herself. Keep your wings tucked under
this jacket now. You could pass for a human. I could give you a sword to keep up the prince look."

Anna smiled at Edna and she crossed her arms. "And how did you know I wanted to be disguised tonight and not just
dressed up? And you could really give me a sword?"

Edna smiled up at her, walking down the hall waving Anna to follow. "Something I just know dear. People have noticed
your absence. They wonder but do not question. I will have my driver drive you. He's out front waiting for you. The party
starts in thirty minutes and its an hour drive. Yes I will grab the sword."

Edna had the two girls put a wide leather belt on her hips. It hung loosely off her body, the sheath of the sword hung a bit
lower on her left hip. The sword itself looked like a classic officers dress sword. The hilt was a beautiful steel, the grip
was a dark blue. The sword itself was light and the blade thin, and didn't look like it should actually be used in a fight.

It probably could, but Anna got the idea it was more for looks.

Anna got into a black limo and Edna did one last check over and she smiled. "Perfect. The dashing rebel to steal away
the Queen from the Prince.."

The door shut and the limo drove down the empty streets. The light was dying now and Anna stared out the window
watching the city go by.

"The Queen has already stolen me and I refuse to let anyone steal her from me." She clenched her fist tightly and she
watched the treeline come into the distance.

AN: AND the ball is next chapter. Yeah Anna spent most of her first two days unconscious with those weirdos. But she
gets to go to the ball and hopefully beat Samson with a stick.

But next chapter is Elsa's birthday party. Jealous Anna gets to come into play sort of. Maybe we will see more of Samson.
Boss did say he was in it to win it.

Welp. I will SEE you in the NEXT CHAPTER. Bye.

*Chapter 19*: Party with the Queen
Chapter 19: Party with the Queen

The limo pulled up to the Roe mansion and Anna's eyes couldn't believe themselves. Outside the building people milled
about, holding their drinks and chatting with one another. How strange it was to see people around the house. Usually it
was near empty.

Anna waited for the driver to open the door for her, being used to doing that with Elsa. With a nod of her head to the driver
in thanks she crunched her way across the gravel. She smiled at a couple of people standing outside and they waved in

She grabbed a white rose from the garden of flowers and ignored the odd looks she got from the people outside. She
would need some sort of gift for Elsa.

After tucking it safely in her inside coat pocket she went inside and the entire house seemed different. For one it was
darker and low lit. There was actual people all over inside and Anna had to squeeze through a couple of people. After
some wandering throughout the house, Anna discovered two different types of parties.

One party was for those who wanted a little more bounce, and inside it was dark except for some bright lights that
flashed with the music. The room was mostly filled with fliers and she actually recognized the guys from Aurora's house.
Alcohol was found in this room and people were just having a great time in general. Anna actually loved the loud music,
she could feel it pounding in her chest.

As much as she wanted to stay and talk with the guys, she knew that Elsa wouldn't be around loud fun people. Because
Elsa would probably be somewhere a little more calm and quiet. And probably a little more boring.

Which was the other party. Anna found herself in a massive room that she never even knew existed in the house. Giant
columns held this room up. And behind a raised dais where a big throne chair sat, was windows. Wall to ceiling and
there were two sets of doors on either side.

The doors led to the garden outside where people were scattered at random. Outside there was food cooked and
placed, tables where you could sit. Inside the ballroom was where all the dancing was.

This party had slightly calmer music, low lighting like most of the house, but you had a definite air of class here. People
danced with one another, every girl looked like a princess or a royal lady. All the boys would bow and ask for a dance.
Masks of all the sorts appeared here.

Some resembled animals such as foxes, cats, and bears. One guy had a pretty cool looking bat mask. In Anna's opinion
at least. Others had beautiful patterns or feathers sticking out from them.

Next she eyed the large chandelier hanging high above, wondering how people lit the candles on top of it. Maybe a tall
ladder, that or a flier probably had to fly and light it. Then again she was the only flier Elsa owned.

Anna headed over to the snack table first. All she had in her stomach was a cheese stick and a handful of potato chips.
Careful to not stain the white gloves she picked up a cracker cheese and slice of turkey. She made herself a mini cracker

Not a gourmet dinner but it was better than the slop that she usually ate. And she was starving anyway. After plowing
through at least fifteen of those she hunted for punch. She couldn't win Elsa back on low levels energy and a dry throat.

That was her story and she was sticking to it.

The punch was being served by non other than Hubert himself. She nearly walked away but he held out the cup filled
with the red drink.

"A drink Miss?" She didn't want to speak and give herself away so she took the cup and smiled to show her thanks.

With that out of the way she let her eyes roam over the many people. She figured Elsa would be at the big throne. And
she was.

Elsa wore the most amazing gown Anna had ever seen. It shimmered in the low light, and it was a bright red. Anna
wondered why red? Elsa loved blue more than any color. There was a wonderful slit in her dress and with her legs
crossed you could see up a pale leg and the start of her thigh.
The dress had see through sleeves that ended in a point on the back of her hand. There was a sparkling see through
cape that looked unreal. The dress itself was beautiful maybe a bit sexy. Which surprised Anna. Elsa always dressed in
a conservative manner. Or well.. She did but then always ended up looking more hot than she should.

Anna looked at Elsa's hair and it was swept back, braided in a single braid over her left shoulder. A tiny pointed crown
rested on her head and she slouched to the right on the chair, resting her head on her palm. Her other hand drummed
against the wide arm rest. She didn't have a mask on. Most likely because everyone would know who she was anyway.

Elsa looked bored out of her mind and clearly unhappy and she certainly wasn't hiding that fact.

To her right was presents, and people would walk up to the raised dais she was on to show her they brought her
something. She would smile and thank them. They would add it to the ever growing pile of presents. Then she would
sigh, slouch again, and watch the crowd.

To the left of Elsa stood a familiar man, wearing a black suit and top hat. His mask was a plain black one that only
covered his eyes and nose. He had on black gloves and he looked like he was keeping guard over Elsa. Anna growled.
The perfect look for the thief in a gentleman's clothing.

How to win Elsa's hand? She couldn't just waltz up and say "Look its me Anna!" Because bozo was right next to her.
Anna went over a few scenarios and in the end decided to try and make her way over and just hope that Elsa would
figure it out herself.

But on the way she was stopped by a girl who she ended up reluctantly dancing with. Anna danced around the ballroom
with a different black haired girl with a rather nice feathered mask. But Anna's eyes were always watching Elsa.

Around her fourth dance with a girl Elsa seemed to notice the stranger in red who was always watching her. And blue
eyes constantly watched for the familiar teal eyes that seemed to be always on her.

After a sixth dance Anna had to start telling the girls no, which got her pout-y looks. Elsa sat up straighter as Anna walked
her way over. She stepped up tiny set of stairs so she could stand even with Elsa and ignored the look Samson gave

She bowed to Elsa, one arm behind her back. "My good Queen." Elsa heard her voice and she looked so relieved and
happy when she knew it was Anna and then her face went back into its bored look. Anna reached for her hand and she
placed a kiss to pale knuckles, eyes on Samson. His gloved fists were clenched tightly.

That's right you b astard. You don't know me, b ut know Elsa is mine. You can't have her. Not ever.

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful woman. Sorry but it is all I could afford." Anna said and pulled the rose from inside her
jacket. Elsa took it and pressed it softly to her lips to hide her smile.

"A most generous gift. Thank you." Samson scoffed and stepped closer to Elsa.

"But what of my gift to you? It is most expensive and worth more than a rose that will wilt with time." Elsa glared at him
and set the rose on the arm rest beside her.

"This rose is worth more than all the money could buy. I can see the thought behind it. This dress is.. lovely Samson. But
money cannot please us all. We all know I have plenty to roll in. I find it charming one of lower birth thought to give me a
gift. Not so over the top."

Anna wanted to laugh at the embarrassed look on Samson's face. She could see the flush on his cheeks. But the
mention that it was Samson who bought Elsa this dress. She wanted to tear it off and put something else on her.

Instead she opted for retreat. "I best be going. Have a lovely birthday Miss Roe." Anna turned and maybe she was being
petty. But she knew Elsa would follow her and she wanted Samson to see it. To know that Elsa would chase her and not

"No!" Elsa rose from her seat and she looked a little embarrassed about her outburst. Anna was smiling on the inside. "I
mean.. dance with me." Anna beamed up at the blonde and she took her arm in hers.

Samson stepped forward like he wanted to intervene but Anna was pulling Elsa out to the dance floor. Of course her
brain decided to panic right then. Anna had so far bluffed her way dancing with those other girls. No one noticed if she
messed up, but she was with Elsa. The fucking birthday girl. Who didn't want to dance with anyone until now.

Who was this stranger who got her to smile, to look happy and no longer pout? They didn't know.
So all eyes watched as she led Elsa in a waltz. She gave herself credit for not messing up hardly at all so far. One two
three right? It was crazy for Anna to dance with Elsa. Elsa giggled when she did mess up a step. Near the end she had
fun and spun Elsa around and even dipped her over her arm.

And the song ended and Anna held her there, her gloved hand caressed Elsa's cheek. She leaned in to kiss Elsa
because she couldn't help it. Elsa didn't seem to mind because she closed her eyes and waited. And in that moment
Anna happened to look up. There was Stone and Lovdahl, talking to Mrs. Roe. In her surprise she let Elsa drop to the
ground with a thud.

A collective gasp through the crowd, all eyes on them. Elsa sat up and rubbed the back of her head. "Ah.. shit Elsa I'm
sorry. So sorry. Meet me where the real party is." She whispered hastily and then she practically ran from the dance floor.

Damn. When she wanted to sweep Elsa off her feet, that didn't mean she wanted to drop her to the ground.


Elsa watched as Anna ran from the dance floor. "Okay." She whispered. She wasn't sure how she felt about being
dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Samson appeared at her side, holding his hand out to her. "Are you okay?" She nodded and she took his hand. He
helped her stand then he bent over and picked up her crown from the ground, placing back onto her head.

Elsa watched Anna take off and she wondered why she took off so suddenly. What hat spooked her?

"Would you like to d-" Samson started with a smile.

She cut him off. "I'll be right back." He scowled at her back, and he squared his jaw.

On her way to follow Anna, her mother stopped her. "Elsa come here. I want you to meet Doctor Stone and Professor
Lovdahl. He's the man who makes all the amazing things happen in our company." Meaning he was the reason they
could bathe in money so speak to him and impress him.

Elsa gave the door Anna ran through one last glance. She sighed and headed over to her mother, smiling at the Doctor

"Quite the drop you took there Miss Roe. Are you alright? Your dance partner took off pretty quick." Stone said, smiling but
it didn't quite reach his eyes. Elsa felt an arm snake around her waist. Samson had followed her. Elsa didn't want to deal
with Samson, or Doctor Stone. Both men were in the way of finding Anna.

"Oh I am fine. My dance partner felt a nosebleed come on so she panicked and dropped me. She apologized profusely
but she didn't want to strain my dress." Her mother, Stone and Samson all chuckled and Lovdahl wouldn't stop looking at
the door that Anna ran off through.

"Where did your dance partner go? She looked rather familiar." Lovdahl asked, still looking at the door. Elsa paled and
she tried to think of something to say. Was Lovdahl someone who made Anna in the lab? Anna had mentioned she
came from the lab, and that a lady said she was 'free'. Was this her? Stone didn't seem to care for Anna, he was back to
talking with her mother.

"She mentioned something about a bathroom to clean up and going to the other party a minute. Probably embarrassed
that she dropped me." She tried to pull away from Samson but he only tightened his grip.

"Speaking of restrooms where are they?" Lovdahl asked, glancing at the group of people. Elsa saw her chance and she
took it. There was no other way to get away without being rude. Plus she could get away from Samson.

"I can take you. I have to go myself." Elsa finally was able to detach herself from Samson and she led Lovdahl away from
the group. Once they were out of earshot of anyone Lovdahl let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank God. I don't know how much longer I could have talked with your Mother. I mean no offense, but she is not my
favorite person." Elsa couldn't stop the grin that came to her face. Lovdahl could get in line. Elsa herself was beginning to
hate her mother's presence. There was nothing she could do about it though.

Elsa stopped at the bathroom door and they together they waited. "Don't you have to go?" Elsa asked and Lovdahl shook
her head.

"No. I want to go check on something." Then Lovdahl was walking away and Elsa wondered if Lovdahl wanted to find

"'Meet me where the real party is'. Where is that? Does my house have two parties?" Elsa tapped her chin in thought,
then she slowly walked in the direction that Lovdahl went.


Anna didn't ever want to try alcohol ever again. But after seeing Doctor Stone and Lovdahl so close to her. She went and
took a shot. It burned down her throat, but the bartender said it would make her feel better.

He was a damn liar.

She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall in the corner of the room, watching people dance and grind on one
another. How strange it was that there was a quieter party just across the house. It seemed to Anna that this was for the
poor and the loud. Fine by her. She could fit in.

This was probably the party that everyone loved, it had arcade games, ping pong and so much more. There was even a
pool outside. Did Mrs. Roe just have this all built for the party or did Anna really need to explore more often? How in the
hell did she pull this off so quickly.

Lovdahl walked into the room, and she did look rather beautiful in her purple floor length dress. She already felt a purr
rumbling through her. Anna couldn't help it, the woman was someone special to her. Lovdahl seemed to sense where
she was and their gazes locked.

Anna nodded towards the doors that led outside. The two of them went outside where it was cooler and quieter. They
stopped near the treeline and Anna stared at Lovdahl a moment.

"Is it really you A117?" Lovdahl reached for the mask on her face, pulling it off. She smiled widely at Anna who frowned a
little at the use of her old name.

"Yes. But its Anna now. What are you doing here?" Anna pulled Lovdahl into a hug, still beyond happy to see her. This
meant that Lovdahl was okay. Right?

"You tell me why you are here first." The brunette woman buried her nose in the fliers hair, knowing this might be her only
chance to see Anna for a while yet.

It wasn't a command, but to Anna it sounded like one. Oh the life of being trained to listen to any scientist. Anna smiled
against Lovdahl's throat and she toyed with the cross that was always on the scientists neck. Except this time it made
her fingers tingle, a small sting, and she let it drop back on Lovdahl's neck.

"I have to attend my masters party do I not?" Lovdahl stiffened and jerked away looking at Anna.

"You belong her? Tell me you at least found the Guardians Anna? Did you show them the mark?" Lovdahl gestured
to the arm that held her A117 tattoo. Anna felt a bitter taste. Whether it was the alcohol or the mention of Guardians. She
didn't know.

"The Guardians found me. They know I belong to Elsa and they want me spying for more information since their contact
inside the labs went silent. They figure that Elsa's house has more information and they think that maybe I can find my
way into the lab to get concrete info. They do not know that I am A117. I am not that flier anymore. I am Anna now." Anna
stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets, looking at the ground.

"Go back to them. Tell them Anna. You are the key-" Anna shook her head and she felt an anger bubble up inside her.
She knew she should listen. Put aside her anger, but.. she couldn't. Like something inside was egging her on.

"How? How am I the key? Tell me Lovdahl! They all speak of me like I am some gift from above that will save them! What
power do I have? I am nothing special. I actually think I am losing my mind. I hear whispers! They ask me to help them.
What are they? And a voice. It tells me things.. What's wrong with me?" Anna realized she was crying and she wiped
away her tears with her sleeve.

"Forget about that voice you hear. Don't listen to it. You used to hear it as a child but I put a stop to it. Ignore it. If it tries to
talk to you. Make it leave. I can't explain the whispers. I could never get those to stop when you were a child, not without
pills. I guess they came back without the pills." Lovdahl gripped her shoulders tightly looking worried and scared all at

As if the Voice knew it was being talked about, it appeared inside her head. Speaking low and quiet. As if Lovdahl could
hear it if it spoke too loudly. Anna closed her eyes and listened to what it had to say.

I am friend. Friend to you. Don't listen to her. She is the bad one. She wants you to go the Guardians. The people who
caused problems for you. Don't you just want to stay with Elsa? Forever? She wants to tear you away from Elsa.

Anna opened her eyes, glaring at the woman before her. "No. The Voice is my friend. Its been very good to me. To me!
Better than any Guardian. I can't trust the Guardians right now. Left and right they have done wrong in some way. I can't
leave Elsa behind either. I need to stay here. To get information. Its what the Guardians want isn't it? Once they get their
precious information. I am done. I belong with Elsa. I will take her away from here, as soon as I get what those damn
Guardians want."

Lovdahl looked shocked and for a moment she was silent. "Anna… the Guardians.. they need you. You have the power.
You just need to unlock it. I don't know how either. But please. Just trust me. I know you have a higher purpose."

Trust her? She gave you pictures of the 'wonderful world' and what did you find when you were free? You found
yourself in a world that was completely different. A world where you are just a dog. She was lying to you about this
world. I haven't lied once. Listen to me tiny creature. Listen.

Anna growled at the scientist. "You don't even know how I am special. This is all a joke. Leave Lovdahl. Get out of here. I
thought I was happy to see you.. But now I don't know. You're telling me the same bullshit the Guardians do. I have had
enough for now." Anna took her mask back and after putting it on, she left Lovdahl standing there.

She didn't notice how Lovdahl started crying after she walked away. She didn't hear her whisper, "Please my baby.. don't
listen to it."

But Anna could only hear the Voice.

Very good girl. You are stronger than they are. They need you. Not the other way around. You make sure they always
remember that.

She purred loudly at its words. She was a good girl.


Anna had just stepped inside the room full of people and she found Elsa surrounded by drunkards. They looked like they
were trying to get her to dance. Anna growled and stormed her way over. Already her argument with Lovdahl was at the
back of her mind. Elsa was most important to her.

"I'm terribly sorry. I was just looking for my friend here. If you would please step back." Elsa sounded stern but Anna
could hear the fear in her voice. She could see the way she shook a little, being surrounded by drunk men and women.

Show them who she belongs to.

With snarl she shoved the nearest one away and Elsa looked relieved to see her. The crowd scattered slightly but the
man she shoved away looked pissed. And embarrassed that it was a small woman who shoved him over.

"What the fuck? I was only trying to get Miss Roe to dance with us." He tried getting to his feet, but he was drunk so it was
more of a struggle.

Anna stood behind Elsa placing her hands on her hips. She slowly rocked her hips and used to her hands to guide
blonde woman to move with her. "Seems I already am dancing with her. Now leave."

Anna wasn't sure why she felt the sudden need to make it clear that Elsa was hers. Had to be Samson. The thought of
him near Elsa had her holding onto the girl tighter. Anna was sort of scaring herself. She shouldn't be like that. Elsa
wasn't an object that she could hide away in her dragon hoard. But she sure as hell would try to keep men and women
like Samson away. She got bad vibes from him.

"Miss Roe! Have a drink with us lesser folk!" Elsa opened her eyes and she glanced back at Anna.

Get her to drink. Show her how fun it can be. It was fun being drunk with those four guys. Don't you remember?

Anna honestly couldn't remember. She thought it was bad from what she could remember. A shift in her memory and
she only saw herself smiling when she was drinking with Boss. Voice said it was fun. She trusted it's judgement. Anna
grinned at Elsa and dragged her over tot he people.
"Anna we.. I shouldn't drink. It's not good for our health." Elsa sat on the stool looking at the shot glass. She looked on
the edge of trying it and the edge of saying no completely.

"It's your birthday. Have fun with me. I'm probably dead meat tomorrow anyway. I wasn't exactly let go to join the party."
Anna nudged her with her elbow and Elsa still looked at the drink nervously.


Anna leaned in, trying again with a whisper. "Please? This is my only chance to be human. To hang out with you and no
one will call me an animal. Or a pet. Be a dumb teenager with me." It felt a little wrong to use that against Elsa. But Elsa
nodded this time and picked up the glass and drank it all. She coughed and squeezed her eyes shut. Someone patted
her on the back.

She gave the thumbs up that she was fine and the group cheered around her and wanted another round. Anna knew it
was bad. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew it was bad to be drinking. Voice. It overpowered her real
thoughts. But Voice was her thoughts wasn't it?


It wasn't long before Elsa was flushed, drunk and giggling at every little thing. How long had they been sitting there
drinking? Anna couldn't remember. Couldn't remember much anymore.

She danced with Elsa to the fast paced music. It was harder drunk, but it didn't matter. It was fun to just have fun and not
care. Neither wanted to think about their actions.

She was dancing to the cheesy slow song with Elsa now. Both of them leaned on one another for support. Elsa dropped
her head against Anna's pressing a soft kiss to her nose, which was still covered by the mask.

The song changed and Anna was pressing Elsa against the wall. Too drunk to care for whistles, and the ruckus around
her while she made out with Elsa. Too drunk to notice the camera flash. She didn't care for anyone when she pulled
away only for Elsa to drag her from the room.

Didn't notice the questioning looks from the two different types of party goers when Elsa and her stumbled by. Didn't hear
the whispers and see the pointing.

What is Miss Roe doing? Who is that girl with her? Are they drunk? How scandalous. Does her mother know? Are they
going to a room together? Where is Mrs. Roe? Someone tell her.

All Anna could hear was the lock clicking into place.

Couldn't hear the pounding on the door or the angry scream outside of it. You come out of that room this instant Elsa!

She could hear the rustle of clothing. Heard the creak of the bed. Heard Elsa moan for more.

How dare you do this! Who is the stranger? Is it that damn animal? People are talking Elsa! Unacceptab le!

Felt the sting of nails on her back, the wonderful squeeze of legs around her hips and she reveled in the cry that

She listened as Elsa hummed her a song afterwards, running pale fingers through her hair.

She laughed against Elsa's stomach.

The fingers stopped. "What?"

"We're so dead tomorrow."

And they laughed together because they were drunk and stupidly in love. They just didn't know it.

An: It's a shame these things have consequences. On a good note, Anna totally won Elsa's hand. Bad note, everybody
sort of saw them stumbling around and kissing. Better note. No one actually knows it was Anna. Well except the mom
because.. She knows that's the only person Elsa would sleep with.

And since I can't explain clothing too well.. (I can't english very well) Elsa basically wore her ice dress but in red. A gift
from Samson for her birthday.
*Gasp* What will Samson think about the drunken night?

^ Do we really care?

Holy I had to reread this quite a few times to make sure it was decent. More fixing problems. More Samson. More angry
old hag.

I will see you in the NEXT CHAPTER. Bye.

*Chapter 20*: Bananas, Samson, and Dates
Chapter 20: Bananas, Samson, and Dates

Anna was the first to wake up. She didn't really move for five minutes. For one her head was pounding a little. Secondly,
there was a pale arm across her belly and Elsa was the worlds lightest sleeper. She slowly slid away from Elsa and
when the blonde stirred she froze. After a tense moment Elsa's breathing slowed once again and Anna knew it was safe
to slide out of bed.

She felt a sting on her back and she frowned. She went to the mirror and turned to check it out. She looked over a couple
of scratches on her back. Nothing too bad. With a shrug she pulled on a white tanktop, and a grey zip up sweater. Some
plain blue jeans with a tear in the knee.

Anna knew just the thing to make sure Elsa had the greatest wake up call ever. She would need a guitar, pancakes and
her own voice.


Anna carried the tray of pancakes carefully. It was a battle for Anna to get Cookie to let her use the kitchen. Then once
she got the kitchen to herself this early in the morning, she realized one fault in her plan.

She hadn't known had to make pancakes. After a minute of pacing Kelsey swooped in, the mini Goddess she was, and
saved her. With the aid of Kelsey she made a perfect stack of banana pancakes. She completed her breakfast platter
with some side eggs, bacon and a cup of orange juice.

She had Kelsey get her a guitar. That didn't take as long as she thought. Turns out Elsa had bought her one as a
welcome back gift for when she returned after her four days. Anna's plan was going to work and be so genius that
couples all over would have to beat her at this.

With the guitar hanging from a strap, squeezed between her and the tray she quietly pressed her back to Elsa' door.
Using her wing to press the handle down she walked backwards to open it. Happy to see Elsa was still asleep on her
belly, she set the tray on the bed beside Elsa. She decided the orange juice could stay on the nightstand. Didn't want a

She settled at the foot of the bed. She was nervous now that she actually had to play so she went over the notes in her
head. She knew this song by heart by now she never actually played it in front of Elsa.

Then she pushed down the small fear that she would play a cord wrong and played the notes.

"But b ab y, you hardly even notice

When I try to show you this song

It's meant to keep you.

Elsa sat up part way through the first of the lyrics, and she crossed her legs beneath her. She rubbed her eyes and
smiled at Anna who grinned back at her.

"What do you think you are up to?" Elsa asked and Anna kept grinning at her and she continued her song. Nodding to the

From doin' what you're supposed to

Like wakin' up too early

Mayb e we could sleep in

I'll make you b anana pancakes."

Elsa blushed and pulled the tray onto her lap. "Did you make this?" She got another nod. Elsa took a bite of her
pancakes and she couldn't stop the giggle when she realized Anna had actually made her banana pancakes.

Pretend like it's the weekend now

And we could pretend it all the time

Can't you see that it's just rainin'

There ain't no need to go outside

Elsa rested her elbow on the edge of the tray, chin resting on her palm. She didn't care for the small pounding in her
head, not when she was so focused on Anna.

I really don't mind the practice

Because you're my little lady

Lady, lady love me

Because I love to lay here lazy

We could close the curtains

Pretend like there's no world outside

And we could pretend that all the ti-

Elsa pushed the tray to the side knocking a couple of the eggs off the little plate onto the tray but she didn't care. She
leaned on one hand for support and she grabbed Anna by her sweater. She pressed her lips to the surprised flier's.

Anna leaned back and Elsa followed her. Between small pecks Anna murmured, "Better eat-mmm-your breakfast." Elsa
didn't even answer her and yanked the guitar strap over the fliers head tossing the guitar.

It crashed to the ground with a terrible crack that echoed inside it. "Aw.. I think you broke it." Elsa rolled her eyes, pushing
Anna down so she could straddle her.

"I'll buy you another one. I'll buy you a million if that's what you want." Anna's brain caught up with the conversation, did
Elsa remember she was naked?

"If you don't eat those pancakes i'll eat them. I'm starved." Elsa twirled the string from the hoodie around her finger. Anna
recognized that look on Elsa's face. She raised a brow. "Did a lovely breakfast and song to keep away your hangover
really get you going Elsa?"

Elsa bit her lip blushing and she nodded. Anna sighed loudly just to mess with her and maybe she was slightly
bummed Elsa didn't want to just eat. Well her attempt at being cheesy and cute got her sex. "You don't want to?" Elsa
whispered and began to wring her hands.

Anna smiled and sat up, keeping one arm around Elsa so she wouldn't fall back. She grabbed the wringing hands and
leaned in. "Are you kidding? I will take morning sex with you over a hot breakfast any day. Undress me."

The worry left Elsa's face and she pushed the jacket down Anna's shoulders. "Thank you for the wonderful breakfast, and
the song. You're so very sweet."

Anna blushed, "Yeah yeah."

The outside world could wait a bit longer.


Elsa was in the library with Anna, helping her read and write when her mother finally decided to make her appearance.
Elsa wanted to clap, since it was now twelve fifteen. She had expected her much sooner, more around seven in the

Scowling her mother tossed the newspaper onto the desk. "It's things like this that piss me off. People get drunk every
day and sleep with strangers. And as soon as you get stupid and try it, the world must be in apocalypse."

Anna picked up the newspaper and read the headline out loud. Sure she was slow but Elsa let her do it because she
needed more practice.

"Miss Roe finally lives life with ma.. ?" She looked up at Elsa for help.

"Masked." She whispered. Mrs. Roe looked like she was losing her patience and tapped her foot, hands on her hips.
"Miss Roe finally lives life with masked" Elsa smiled and she didn't care if her mother was there. She
cupped Anna's face and gave her an eskimo kiss, whispering good job and Anna purred.

Mrs. Roe rolled her eyes, "Oh for Christ's sake. Focus. Pictures of you and her are all over. The damn news, this
newspaper, and the internet. They are outraged that their 'precious wittle Miss Roe' would ever do such a thing.
Tomorrow you will release a statement about how the stranger seduced you and it was just a drunken one night stand.
You were naive and it happened."

Mrs. Roe waited for Elsa to nod and then she continued. "In two hours we're having a late lunch outside. Be there. I don't
have time to punish you, but know that I will get you for this Elsa." She made to leave and was halfway to the door before
she stopped and turned as if she just remembered something.

"Right. How could I forget? If you want to have sex in my house with that animal, have the decency to be quieter. Not
everyone needs to hear. It's disgusting." She left after that and Elsa just stared at the door blushing.

Anna coughed in her embarrassment and Elsa let out a nervous laugh.

Anna raised a brow. "What?"

"It explains why she didn't bother us earlier this morning."

"Right on. Would have ruined my morning to be cock blocked by that creature you call a mother."

Elsa smacked her on the back of her head.

"What it's the truth!"


Samson joined them for a late lunch outside. As did Aurora, and Alice. Turns out they were at the party and they had
dropped by for lunch to make sure Elsa was okay. They didn't seem to care that Elsa drunkenly slept with a stranger.

Anna was tied to a metal stake in the ground near the table. Phillip and Chesh were tied up as will, and they all played
rock paper scissors to pass the time. Anna wasn't sure why Samson was still around. Supposedly business with Elsa
and her mother wasn't over. He was still working on a deal even if his father wasn't there.

"I apologize for my father." He started after they had all eaten. "He had to leave and couldn't attend the party yesterday at
all. But he left me to stay and try and work a deal. In the meantime let me make up for his absence by taking Elsa out for
dinner. Strictly business." Samson gave Mrs. Roe his million dollar smile, leaning back in the chair. Aurora and Alice
looked ready to swoon over Samson.


Mrs. Roe let out a hmm in thought. Elsa looked between the two, flabbergasted. She was right here! Samson could just
ask her and not her mother. She'd tell him no anyway. Anna crawled over and she sat by Elsa like a guard dog. Giving
Samson the evil eye, and Elsa scratched the top of her head.

"I do suppose that is fine. Elsa is free tonight anyway." Anna growled and Samson stood up clapping his hands together
looking very pleased.

"Perfect. Would you like some more tea?" He asked and Mrs. Roe nodded. "I will go get a servant to make more."

As soon as he was out of earshot Elsa slammed her cup onto the table. "What are you doing mother? I am not some
object that you can just pawn off for the night." Aurora and Alice made themselves scarce and went to check on their
fliers, they didn't want to be in the middle of a mother daughter argument.

Her mother put her cup onto the table but in a much more calm manner. "I don't want to hear it Elsa. You have done
enough. I need this deal to go through and if that means you have to play nice with Samson then so be it." An evil smile
and she whispered. "This is your punishment. Perhaps you can forget about that dog down there and actually be with
someone of your own kind. Hmm?" Anna wrapped her arms around Elsa's leg, sticking her tongue out at Mrs. Roe.

"Fine then I will go to dinner just this once. Hopefully I can work a deal out and then he will leave." She patted Anna on the
head absently, working her way through a plan to get the deal going and over.

Elsa got up just as Samson was returning, untying the rope from the stake in the ground. "Excuse me. I'm going for a
walk. Aurora, Alice? Care to join me?"

Anna got up from the ground, dusting her pants off slightly. A small tug on the rope that was still hooked to her collar on
her neck had her following after Elsa. Elsa cooed at her smiling, and Samson cleared his throat, hands in his pockets.

"May I join you on the walk?" He smiled probably thinking it would make Elsa blush and say yes. Elsa's face went from
loving to cold.

"No you may not." Samson looked beyond surprised, shocked even, that she said no to him. Aurora and Alice gave gave
Elsa the 'are you insane?' look.

Mrs. Roe scowled and got up from her seat. "You may go with her Samson. She's just being rude. Right Elsa?"

Elsa sighed loudly, and Anna shook her head subtly. She didn't want that guy coming with her and Elsa on a walk. "Yes
you may Samson. I apologize. I am weary from all the drinking of last night."

Samson nodded and Elsa set off, Anna leading the way. Alice and Aurora pointedly kept behind a few paces. They
wanted Elsa to have a moment with Samson.

Anna was grumpy, if she really had to go on a walk with this bum, then she wanted to go to the beach and play in the
sand. And maybe kick sand at him 'accidentally'.

"Anna slow down. Where are we going?" Elsa had to speed walk to keep up with Anna. The flier pointed to the treeline.

"Beach." She answered slowing her pace to a walk again. She had hoped that Samson wouldn't like the idea of walking
through the woods. He was a rich boy right? Didn't they have some innate fear of mud or dirt? Of anything unclean? He
must not have that fear because he was right beside Elsa when she glanced back. She crossed her arms with a huff.

Phillip gave her a playful shove, pointing at his neck mockingly. She glared at him and since they were ahead of Elsa and
the others, she kept her hand against her belly and she flipped him off. He had to bite his lip to keep in his laughter.

Then Anna listened in on Samson's and Elsa's conversation.

Samson scratched the back of his head. "So.. when did you get your flier?"

Elsa shrugged, "Not too long ago. Maybe five months or more ago. She can be a little silly but thats okay. It makes a
boring day better." Samson nodded like he understood.

"I don't own a flier myself, but it must be fun. Did you open all your other gifts?" He pulled his hand out of his pocket and
hung his hand next to Elsa's.

"Not yet. I haven't had time since.. last night. I was busy teaching Anna to read this morning." She glanced away hoping
he wouldn't ask more about last night. He probably wasn't too pleased with her on taking off last night. He technically
was her date last night. An unspoken date really. He just assumed she would get it and she didn't care to be his date. It
was her birthday. And it was his choice to stay by her side not hers.

"Anna? You're teaching your flier to read? How strange, but I guess it has its uses I assume?"

An awkward silence.

"She wanted to learn. So I am teaching her. No real use other than the fact she wants to read books. I'm fine with it, it
gives me a person to share opinions on books." Samson reached for her hand but Anna jerked forward, causing Elsa to
stumble out onto the sand. They were at the beach finally.

Anna bounced on her toes and Elsa chuckled, "Alright. Hold on Anna geez." She untied the rope from the collar and Anna
dropped to the sand to yank off her socks and shoes. With a whoop she rolled the ends of her pants up a little. Anna
planned on playing in the water and then she was going to slam into Samson.

Chesh fell back into the sand, wanting to sleep with the warm sun on his face. Aurora and Alice went to work on covering
his small body with sand, laughing when they gave him breasts with the sand. Chesh only snorted and kept still.

Anna made sure to secretly hide the Guardian phone in her sock then she stuffed that sock into her shoe. Couldn't get
that wet.

Suddenly she was weightless slung over a broad shoulder. Laughing she pounded on Phillip's back shouting. "Put me
down you!"
Phillip only shook his head, heading over to the water. "Nope. We're going into the water for some fun. I haven't seen you
in a week or two. Heard about that random stranger sleeping with Miss Roe. Wouldn't be you would it?"

Anna stiffed and he felt it. He had her now. "I knew it. You are a god to all fliers. May I learn your seducing skills you lady
charmer you."

Anna rolled her eyes, keeping an eye on Samson. Elsa had moved from her position, but that was because Samson
was holding her hand and leading her towards the water. Anna's ears strained to catch Samson saying.

"Come look for seashells with me."

That romantic b astard! I was going to ask her to do that. Well… ob viously I couldn't do it now since we're surrounded b y
others. But still. Damn you laws against flier human relationships! Let go of his hand Elsa. Tell him he sucks. Tell him his
sense of fashion sucks! I mean come on. Who really thinks Elsa looks great in red. Wait no.. She looked fucking
amazing last night. But red? Everyone knows she loves b lue. Her entire damn room is shades of b lue. Its like fifty
shades of b lue in there!

She was brought out of her tirade when Phillip let her fall onto her rear in the water. The water felt cold to her skin, but the
heat of the sun made it a perfect match.

"You seemed pretty mad. I could feel you holding onto the back of my shirt pretty hard." He glanced over at Samson who
seemed to be presenting Elsa a full sand dollar.

Anna growled and Phillip splashed her. "Give it a rest. Nothing we can do."

"Actually.. I think there is. Lets have a sand fight." She stuck her hand into the wet sand, standing with a handful of wet
sand, some of it slid down her wrist.

"A sand fight? The fuck?"

"Come on. Work with me here." And then she told Phillip her plan.


"I really do hope our companies can come to agreement with one another. I don't want it to get in the way." Samson said,
hands clasped behind his back. Elsa was going to ask him to elaborate on it, but the sound of footsteps on damp sand
made her turn. Phillip was running up to them Anna not far behind. Was that scoop of wet sand in her hand?

Anna squeezed one eye shut in aim and she threw it at Phillip. The brunette flier dived behind Samson before Anna
could throw it and so her sand ended up hitting Samson right in the face.

Phillip stifled a laugh and he slowly slunk away from the crime scene. Anna didn't hold back her laughter. She bit her lip
to stop it when Elsa sent a glare her way. Samson pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his face off.

Of course he had one of those.

"My bad Mr. Carter sir. I was trying to get that guy over there. I closed my eyes so that's probably why I missed." Anna held
her hands up in mock surrender. Elsa narrowed her eyes, she knew what Anna was doing.

Samson only smiled trying to get the rest of the sand off his face. "Please. Call me Samson. Mr. Carter is my father."

Anna wanted to stamp her foot. Didn't the guy get angry? He seemed pissed when Anna was playing the stranger who
had Elsa's favor last night. Maybe he just had serious zen level calm?

"Elsa I want to go see Aurora. Will you come with me? Alice is there and she scares me a little.." Anna whispered the last
part. Elsa knew that Anna didn't actually need her to go see Aurora. Still she gave in.

"Yes. I wanted to talk to them about something. Excuse us Samson. I apologize for the sand my flier threw." Elsa said
quickly as she was led away by the over excited strawberry blonde.

They didn't see the way Samson took a calming breath. Didn't see him slick his hair back muttering about 'never giving
up.' and that he needed, 'to play it cool Samson. She'll come around.'


Aurora and Alice were settling in on the other half of the house. Mrs. Roe didn't seem to have faith in Anna and Elsa's
ability to abstain from sex in the house with guests nearby. So they were put over there.

Samson had left after the small beach trip, he wanted to prepare dinner out and about. He wanted to be sure there
wouldn't be a horde of angry people over Elsa's party last night. He even was so 'thoughtful' to leave Elsa another dress.

Red again.

"Anna don't you dare!" Elsa warned, snatching the dress from Anna.

Anna looked offended, "What did you think I was going to do it? Tear it up?"

"Actually yes I did." Elsa hung the dress of the shelf of her book case.

"Well then you are correct. I was. Red seriously? Terrible color. Who would buy you such a dress anyway. Ugly and.."
Elsa glanced over at her over her shoulder and Anna choked. "But you make it look really amazing and maybe Samson
is onto something."

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that." Elsa put the dress on and she bent over to make sure the concealer on her neck
was in place. She needed to hide the mark on her neck, then she made sure her hair was correct.

"Elsa do you have to go? Couldn't you just cancel last minute? Or just.. stay here with me. Business or not I don't like that
guy. Vibes." Anna's wings drooped and she squeezed her fingers, eyes looking at the wall, the window, the books.
Anything but Elsa.

Elsa looked so pretty and nice, (even if it was in that damn red) and she looked ready for a real date. A date with a
schmuck who probably wanted a real date soon after his 'business' date. It bothered her. Anna would always be the pet.
She wouldn't be able to ask Elsa out on a date or kiss her in public. She couldn't give Elsa a family or a fancy big

Anna could really only try and make her smile behind doors and keep Elsa happy. A relationship with Anna could be
summed up to; Cuddling, sex and hanging out. Anna knew she shouldn't have any doubts. But it was still a small fear in
the back of her head.

What if Boss was right? Anna was that phase where Elsa wanted to have fun and then moved on to marry a human. A
human like that idiot Samson. Man she wanted to kill that guy.

All these thoughts ran through her head and Elsa could see the different emotions go across the worried fliers face.
Worry, doubt, fear, then anger.

"Anna I can't do that. If I do this mother will leave us alone. This is punishment for last night. I would take one business
date with him than being hit by mother." Elsa hugged Anna, resting her cheek on the flier's shoulder.

"I'll be fine anyhow. It's just one. Right?" Elsa pulled back to smile at Anna.


AN: JUST ONE. That's what they all say..

AND thank you to the guest who brought it to my attention that my story shares a few more traits to Maximum Ride than I
thought. (SPOILER for Maximum Ride?)

I didn't know that Max hears a voice in her head. Serious. I only read the first book back in my freshman year of HS. So….
I actually find that funny. Do I have to count this as a crossover then? I share the angel trait and the voice trait in my story.

This isn't meant to be a crossover though so um.. this is awkward.

I think i need to see a doctor.. so yeah. Im dying? My god is this the curse of fanfiction? Doomed to have sudden life
problems while writing out a story?

(Not that any of you should care. This is my puny way of saying my updates might become slower. Probably not. But this
is so I can say at least I warned ya. I think im fine though.)
*Chapter 21*: Jealousy, Desire, Need
Chapter 21: Jealousy, Desire, Need

I'm slightly sad. I couldn't see the 3 new reviews I got for chapter 20. Luckily my phone sent me an email and I could see
them there. Still it's weird, fanfiction says I have new reviews, but won't let me see them.

Anna stood at the window watching Elsa walk to the silver Porsche. Samson wanted to drive Elsa to dinner himself. That
asshat. He opened the door for Elsa and she smiled politely at him. Samson shut the door once Elsa was inside and he
happened to look over at Anna.

Anna glared at him and he raised a brow looking confused. Of course he wouldn't get why she hated him. After a tense
moment of staring he walked around the car and got in.

Anna heard Mrs. Roe behind her. "Aw poor little dog. Master leave you behind?" Anna thumped her head onto the glass.

"Naw, I didn't want to steal the thunder on a b usiness date. Would be quite sad if ole' Samson were to be shown up by a
pet wouldn't it?" She turned to face the brunette woman, and raised her arms, fingers entwined, palms up to stretch.

Mrs. Roe smiled as if she thought it funny. "It would. And then people would know and you would be put down. Perhaps I
should send you along next time. Come with me now. I need your help with something."

Anna raised a brow, confused by two things. There would be no next time. Elsa would seal the deal tonight and then
Samson would be out of the picture. And did Mrs. Roe say she needed her help? Did hell freeze over?

"I knew you were slow, but please at least use your brain today." Anna blinked and growled, running to catch up to Mrs.
Roe who was already turning to go down a different hall.

Mrs. Roe led Anna down to her own room and the room was much more decorated than Elsa's. The bed was across the
door in the long room. It had a canopy and it looked so well made Anna resisted the urge to go and jump on it to mess it
up. A large bookcase full of books was on the right wall as well as a door that led either to a restroom or a closet. To the
left was a massive window, with a beautiful view of the garden.

It explained how Mrs. Roe saw them out in the garden that one time. She noted to never try to do anything weird in the

"So what did you need my help with?" Anna stuffed her hands in her pockets, a little more than nervous that she was in
this room alone with a madwoman. As an after thought she added. "Ma'am."

"I want you to assemble this desk." The woman gestured to a box with a picture of a black desk on the outside on it. "And
I want it put right in front of the window. Facing away from it so I can use the light to work during the day if I need to."

Mrs. Roe went to her book case and pulled out a red book, flipping through the pages. "I have all the tools needed for the
desk to the right of the box. Get to work." The brunette lay on her bed with a different book and she opened it.

Anna went to the box and she stared it down. Put it together she asks? Maybe this would put her Mrs. Roe's good graces.
Or at least make her like her a little more. Didn't really make a difference to Anna. But she was asked to do something
and it would kill time.

Anna found screwdrivers, and a small kitchen knife next to the box. She picked up the knife and cut the tape on the box.
As she worked on getting all the pieces out of the box she wondered if she was allowed to talk with Mrs. Roe. Or did she
have to stay quiet?

Time to test it and see.

"Do you hate me for.. for being with your daughter?" Anna asked, setting the manual and screws to the side. For a long
moment Mrs. Roe didn't answer and Anna thought she wasn't going to.

"Hate is a rather weak word." Mrs. Roe finally answered, her voice quiet. You could hear her flip to the next page. She
continued. "But.. I can not change what has happened. As much as I try, I can't make her see you only as a pet. What she
sees in you I will never understand. What makes you better than a human girl? A human boy?"

Anna was silent and she realized she was asked a question. "Oh um.. Well. I don't know. I asked her for a chance. She
gave me one and I just do my best to keep her happy." She shrugged and placed the first two boards together and began
to screw it together. She hoped it was the right pieces. Her reading skills only went so far.

"What ever the case I wish the public didn't love you so much. It's what is stopping me from having you removed from
here completely." Anna got a glare then the woman turned back to her book.

Suddenly she was glad that the public loved her. She knew she was under watch for disappearing with the Guardians.
Still though it was nice to know people out there liked her. For what? She wasn't sure. She still had a box full of we love
you cards. The city was strange bunch of people.

Anna was silent for the rest of the hour and a half. She put the desk in front of the window just as Mrs. Roe asked. Then
she gathered the manual, the plastic bag that held the screws and she put them in the box. Anna admired her work and
she ran her hand along the desktop.

She jumped a little when Mrs. Roe appeared at her side to examine the desk. Anna bit her lip and Mrs. Roe raised her
hand high. Anna felt like a coward but she flinched thinking she was going to be hit. Her eyes closed and she waited.
There was no hit, just a soft pat to her head.

"G.." Mrs. Roe started looking like she was having difficulty and the smile on her face looked so forced. "Good job." Anna
forced her own smile, more than a little weirded out.

"Now get out." The moment was gone and Anna lifted the box and took off with it. She went to the kitchens to put the box
in the recycling bin. After a minor argument with Cookie about why she was in the kitchen Anna went to the dining room.

Time for dinner. Without Elsa, stuck with Mrs. Roe. Anna took her usual place on the floor, wondering why six dinner
places were set up. She knew Aurora and Alice was here. But that meant there was three people she didn't know about
were here.

Mrs. Roe walked into the room and sat at her place at the head of the table. "Get off the floor. Tonight you get to dine at
the table. You better enjoy tonights dinner. It's only because we have guests."

Anna sat at the place farthest from Mrs. Roe figuring that Alice and Aurora would sit on either side of the woman. She
was correct and she got an approving look from Mrs. Roe for it.

Alice, Aurora and their respective fliers entered the room and sat at the table. Phillip sat across from Anna, and Chesh
settled to her left. Alice sat to her right. Damn why couldn't Aurora sit by her?


Dinner went down without a hitch and Anna savored the meatloaf and mashed potatoes. She ate the green beans only
because she knew if Elsa was there she would make her eat it.

Everyone parted ways after dinner and Phillip put an arm around Anna's shoulder. "So buddy.. How does it feel going a
moment without Elsa? Do you think that Samson guy will woo her during their date?"

Anna lifted his arm off her and shoved him hard. He nearly went into the wall but that didn't stop him from laughing. She
grit her teeth. "It's a business date. That's all."

Phillip put his arm around her neck and hugged her to his side. "Bro. Didn't you know? All rich guys call dates with rich
women of their kind 'business' dates. It's like a code for 'I want to take your wonderfully hot daughter out on a date.' Trust
me. This one guy takes Aurora out on 'business' dates all the time." She stiffened, was it true?

Phillip continued, "Lets hope Elsa isn't charmed by his kindness. Rich girls-no offense Anna-are sometimes easily
impressed. Easily drawn to things that aren't the norm. He could sweep her off her feet or some shit like that. Plus rich
guys, or well any guy, generally play to win. Whether they want sex, or marriage, which gets them sex."

Like b eing with you. You aren't the 'norm'. Is that why Elsa likes to b e around you? A reb el against her strict mother?

"Phillip you are not helping me right now. If anything you are making me feel worse. Go make googly eyes at Aurora. I just
want to be alone." She detached herself from him and went out to the garden. She wandered through the paths, touching
a few of the flowers. It was dark and Elsa had been gone for around two hours or more.

When would Samson bring her back? How long did it take for business to be over? So many thoughts, questions doubts
were plaguing her.

Go away. Stupid thoughts. I don't want to think ab out it. I have faith in Elsa. It's one date.. a b usiness one.
Is it really? Who is to say he won't come back after tonight? Get rid of him. Voice whispered, and she could feel a
ghost of a body touch her back.

Anna shivered and it wasn't from the cold. "What are you saying?" She looked over her shoulder but found no one.

I say you kill him. He is a threat and threats have to be dealt with. Isn't that what the Guardians are doing to Doctor

Anna shook her head wildly, "No. I can't just kill him! That's.. that's wrong. The Guardians aren't going to kill Doctor Stone
either. They want information to take him down. Go away! You aren't being very helpful right now!"

She heard a groan and the pressure in her head felt like it was forced off. It lasted but a moment, because the pressure
came back but much weaker.

Suit yourself. It was only a suggestion. I only wish to help. Remember what I told you. Not just about Samson, the
Guardians included. And the pressure faded away and she breathed out a sigh of relief.

Alone she began to wander through the garden again. Now she couldn't stop thinking about what Voice said. Kill
Samson. That went way too far. There was a line that she couldn't cross. But it still nagged at her, to kill him would to be
rid of him.

She looked at her palms, curling her fingers in.

Kill him. It would b e so easy. You could just strangle- No! Stop it.

She hugged herself, rubbing her arms in attempt to make the goosebumps go away. Was she sick? Was there
something wrong with her? She looked back at the house then at the tree line. Maybe she needed some time away from


Anna ended up climbing her favorite tree to lay across a branch on her belly. She felt safer sitting up in the tree, like she
was above her annoying thoughts. Thoughts of Samson, Elsa and murder..

Something shook the branch just slightly. A barn owl had settled on the tree with her and it stared at her teal eyes with its
own endless black eyes.

"What are you looking at Pupils?"

It raised it wings and screeched loudly at her. She glared at it and sat up, hands on her hips it didn't look scared at all.

"Hey bub! This is my damn tree! I was here first so.." She mimicked its screech and she unfurled her wings. That only
made it angrier and it took a step closer, giving her another screech.

"Hey fuck you Pupils that isn't very nice of you!" She pointed at it and it nipped at her finger. She sat back, still glaring it.

"Okay Pupils.. lets call a truce. You sit on that end. I'll stay right here. Deal?" She scooted back towards the trunk of the
tree. She settled her back against it and crossed her arms. The bird tucked its wings in and settled down. "Remind me
to bring you something to eat next time. Maybe you'll like me better then."

The bird only kept watching her, its ghostly face standing out in the night.

"Do you like chicken? Wait does that make you a cannibal?" The bird fluffed its feathers up, it looked like it shrugged.
"Whatever. I'm actually glad you happened to stop by Pupils. That okay if I call you that?"

Another shrug. "Alright cool. So I have a question. Do you have lady problems?" Pupils continued to stare at her, but it
actually looked offended.

"So either you don't have problems or you are a lady bird. Which is it?" Pupils shook its head and took off in flight. It didn't
make a sound, its wings were silent against the night.

"I guess that makes you a lady bird! Fly away you flying chicken!" She closed her eyes wondered how much she must
have lost it to talk to an owl.

"Have fun talking to that bird up there?" Elsa said, just one branch below her. Anna nearly fell out of the tree in her
"What the hell? How did you climb this far up and not fall?" She demanded, leaning over to look down at a slightly sweaty

"No Anna. The question is.. how did you not hear me coming up the tree? I think I made enough noise to wake the dead.
And I shook the tree when I hopped up a couple of branches. I think you were having too much of a good conversation
with that owl. Do you speak owl?" Elsa's eyes widened and she looked shocked, "Are you an owl secretly?"

Anna rolled her eyes and hung upside down from branch to be at eye level with Elsa. She folded her wings in, in front of
her. "Nope. I am actually a bat thank you very much. So did you seal the deal?"

Elsa bit her lip and looked away. Anna felt her good mood drop back to shit levels and lifted herself up. "Let me guess…
no business happened at all Elsa."

"Samson forgot the paperwork." Elsa wrung her hands together and continued quickly. "He said he was going to bring it
but-" Anna jumped off the branch and used her wings to let herself glide down safely.

"I don't want to hear it. Samson didn't want to do business after all. Of fucking course." She pinched the bridge of her
nose and then another thought occurred to her. And her stomach sank. "Did he set up another date?"

She watched as Elsa struggled to get down from the tree, hanging from a branch wiggling her foot to find the next branch
below. She looked like a toddler who was trying to get down a high ledge, except Elsa could probably break her neck
from her height.

"Well yeah. He said we could talk business over lunch in a couple of days. He didn't say where though." Elsa finally
made it to the bottom landing with a thump. "He forgot. It's a simple mistake. Humans do that Anna."

"He forgot on purpose. I know he did." She hunched her shoulders, angry that Elsa did just go out on a date. Elsa was
hers damnit. She was bothered already because it was a business date. Now she was being told no business actually
happened. That made it a real date.

"I'm going to bed." She stalked off, hands in her pockets. Kicking at a rock wanting to take her anger out on something.
Elsa followed, her heels swinging in her hand.

"Anna wait. It's.. It wasn't a date. He said we could call it a friendly dinner. Samson didn't treat it like a date at all. He just
asked questions about me. Silly stuff like what my favorite color was. We just had dinner at a fancy restaurant. Tomorrow
after I do my statement about the drinking i'll spend all day with you. With you." Elsa grabbed for Anna's hand and she
turned to face Elsa jerking her hand away.

Get angry. You have the right.

"Thats the thing Elsa. That is what people fucking do at dates. They eat something, they hang out. They smile, they swap
stories about one another. Thats another thing. You have to essentially have to say sorry for drinking and having sex with
me the 'masked stranger'. You don't have to say sorry to anyone about going out on a 'business' date with him." Anna
started to tremble, and she wasn't sure if it was from anger or hurt. "In fact I think people would cheer to see you with

She turned and stomped into the house, and Elsa followed a moment later looking guilty. She didn't want to admit to
Anna she might have had fun with Samson. She didn't really like the guy, but he did his best to make up for forgetting the
paper work. He payed for dinner as well. She guessed it was like a real date. They had dinner, swapped stories and she
did laugh at one thing he told her.

There was only one moment that bothered her was when Samson put his arm around her waist to lead her to the
balcony to show her show her the stars.

She had to make it up to Anna. She could see why Anna felt threatened, Samson was human rich and being with him
wouldn't bring hell upon her. Anna wasn't human and hell would probably rise if anyone knew about her and Anna. But
Anna should have at least a smidgen of faith in her. Elsa knew who she wanted. Why couldn't Anna see that?


Elsa entered her room to see Anna curling up under her pile of blankets on the floor near the corner of the room. The
lights were out and she had to use the moonlight to see Anna. "Anna what are you doing on the floor? Get on the bed.
You don't have to sleep down there."

The blankets shifted a little and she heard a grunt. "Your bed is too soft and it hurts my back. So I'll sleep down here

Elsa crossed her arms, "Anna that is the worst excuse I have ever heard. Get on the bed."

"I refuse. Its safer for you anyway. I'm really mad right now. Go to bed already Elsa. I want to forget tonight ever
happened." The blankets shifted again and she figured Anna was squirming to get comfortable.

"Safer for me? How would you sleeping on the floor make me safer? Does it really bother you that much that no
business happened? Because nothing happened at the dinner." Elsa stepped back when Anna shot up from the
ground. Her teal eyes weren't bright anymore. They were dark, like the ocean inside was raging.

Anna took a step closer and grabbed Elsa's wrist eyes trained on sky blue eyes. "It does bother me Elsa. It really does.
What makes it worse I can smell that guy all over you." Her eyes narrowed and she stepped closer nostrils flaring as she
breathed in again. As if she couldn't believe it the first time. "I can smell him on you. Why? There is only one way to do
that. That is to get real cozy with one another."

Anna shoved Elsa back and she fell back onto her bed. She crawled back until she was in the middle of the bed. She
leaned back on one arm as if trying to distance herself from Anna.

Anna stopped at the edge of the bed waiting for her answer. Elsa's words were a little shaky. She wasn't afraid of Anna,

"Samson did stand a little close to me out on the balcony. He just put his arm around my waist. He was showing me
something. I won't lie to you. I was uncomfortable with that." Anna didn't look like she was listening anymore. Her pupils
had dilated when Elsa had mentioned Samson touching her. Her brain had only registered it was an unnecessary touch.

I bet she allowed that touch. His hands were on her. Your female. Doesn't it bother you?

Anna let out a low growl and she crawled onto the bed, her wings were stretched out as far as the room allowed her.
Elsa felt like prey in that moment, and her arm gave out and she fell back against the bed, eyes the size of dinner plates.
Her heart rate accelerated and she felt a warmth pool low in her belly. She couldn't believe it.

She was turned on by all of this.

Anna's nostrils flared again, she could smell Elsa's arousal and another growl rumbled from her. She grabbed for Elsa's
chest and with a hard tug there was a tearing noise. The dress ripped jaggedly down the middle stopping just at her
belly button. Slightly tanned hands parted the cloth so she could eye Elsa's bra covered breasts. Elsa's chest started
heaving under Anna's heated gaze.

Another tug and the bra snapped, the air in the room felt so cold against Elsa's body. She shivered and found it strange
to actually feel cold for once. Normally the cold didn't bother her.

Anna set to work and took a pink nipple into her mouth her hand roughly grabbing at the other. Her teeth grazed over the
nipple and she bit down slightly. Elsa cried out arching her back, hands grasping the blanket beneath her tightly. Anna
did the same to the other breast, giving it the same bite then she pulled back with a wet pop.

She sat back so she could run her hands up Elsa's thighs. She gave them a squeeze and she tugged the dress up
impatiently. She bunched the red dress around Elsa's waist and she eyed the wet spot on the underwear hungrily. She
took off the blue panties much the same way she did the bra. With a sharp tug and it tore away.

Elsa felt a flush creep up her heaving chest and she knew she was blushing. The way Anna was staring at her made her
burn for more. Unconsciously she pressed her thighs together wanting friction, and that earned her a warning growl.
Anna lay on her side next to the flustered blonde using her arm to hold herself up and she hovered above Elsa, face only
inches away.

Her hand forced their way through pale thighs pushing them apart so her fingers could brush against glistening folds.
Her thumb brushed over a sensitive clit, and Elsa closed her eyes with a moan hips rolling in an upward motion.

"Look at me." Anna commanded and Elsa forced her eyes open. With a smirk Anna shoved two fingers inside Elsa and
that earned her a moan. Blue eyes struggled to stay open while two fingers wiggled in a come hither motion.

The thumb at her clit pressed harder in a circular motion and Elsa barely could hear Anna speak over the pleasure that
was spreading through her limbs. "Who do you belong to?" Elsa bucked her hips in response. Anna stopped moving her
hand all together and Elsa whined. "Who?" She whispered.
"You." Elsa hoped Anna would resume since she answered, but instead she pulled her hand away. Elsa's hips lifted in
attempt to follow, Anna only growled and pushed her hips back onto the bed. "Please." Elsa panted the word, grabbing
onto Anna's shoulders, twisting the fabric of her jacket in her hands.

Anna rolled on top of her grinding her body hard against Elsa's in attempt to gain friction of her own. The hands gripping
Anna's shoulders went for the button of her jeans tugging frantically. The rasp of the zipper and more quick tugs followed.

Anna helped Elsa pull her pants and boxers down just enough to free herself. They both groaned in satisfaction as Anna
slid past dripping folds, fitting snugly inside. Anna had enough sense to check if maybe, on an off chance, she might
have hurt Elsa. Then Elsa wrapped her legs tightly around the fliers hips, and the movement caused her inner walls to

Anna groaned, pulling back slowly only to slam herself back inside. She held Elsa's right wrist, trapping that hand
against the bed, her other hand held Elsa by her hip. And then it became mindless thrusting. In the back of her mind she
knew she should be careful with Elsa but she couldn't get past the desire.

The bed creaked with each hard thrust and Anna's groans blended with Elsa's moans. She buried her face in Elsa's
neck, panting and mumbling. "Mine. All mine." She sucked hard on the pale neck, wanting to leave another mark. She
wanted to leave them all over, just for Samson to see. For him to know that Elsa had someone already.

Elsa felt her stomach muscles clenching and with her free hand she clawed at the sweater. "Yes-mmm-I am.. Ah! Y-
yours." She could barely get the words out, and her legs tightened around Anna.

Anna stopped holding onto Elsa's hip and pressed her thumb to the sensitive bud between the whimpering womans
legs, then she bit down on her throat. Elsa cried out and her eyes squeezed shut, giving into the sweet bliss of her
orgasm. Anna moaned against Elsa's throat and with a final rock of her hips she spilled her seed inside.

The two of them were still for a long time, just holding onto one another and panting. Anna blinked and she lifted her
head to look Elsa in the eye. She realized she still had Elsa's wrist in a death grip and she let go.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have. That was uncalled-" Elsa grabbed Anna by her cheeks and pulled her down for a tender kiss.

"Hush and help me get this dress off." Anna gave her a weak smile and she ended up tearing the front of the dress the
rest of the way. She pulled out of Elsa and the woman sleepily pulled Anna's clothes off.

Soon they were settled under the covers with Anna spooning Elsa. Their legs tangled with one another and Anna ran her
hand along Elsa's stomach in a protective gesture. Elsa hummed, already almost asleep and she put her hand over

Elsa is mine, not Samson's, not anyone's.

An: Aaaaaand… There needs to be a better way to practice writing smut. Or a less embarrassing way to go about it. This
is nerve wracking stuff. Don't know how some people write it like a pro.

I think Pupils the Barn Owl will show up more. Because who doesn't love a wild animal bro/sister to hang with when
you're being a debbie downer about sharing your girl with someone else?

Lol. Just so everyone knows, I am sooo glad that my little brother can't read yet, otherwise I would have been fucked. I did
this sweet ninja dive to get the laptop back from his grubby hands. Darn kids being nosey.

And by the time i finished this chapter I couldn't see the 4th review for chapter 20. It says I have 128 reviews but I can still
only see up to the 123rd review on 19. Something is WRONG HERE.

Welp. I will SEE you in the NEXT CHAPTER. Bye.

*Chapter 22*: Samson wins the Battle
Chapter 22: Samson wins the battle

Anna pressed a kiss to Elsa's wrist, holding onto her just a bit tighter. They were laying across the limousine seats and
Elsa was settled comfortably between Anna's legs, her back squished to Anna's front. It would be their last moment until
after Elsa finished talking to the city about her actions at her own party. All morning Anna had been holding onto Elsa
when she could.

Which didn't bother Elsa in the slightest. The only bump this morning was when Anna found out she had actually bruised
Elsa's wrist. Anna was horrified to see that she was the cause of the mark. Elsa had told her it was fine and even rolled
her hand in a circular motion to prove it. But her wince told Anna everything.

She had hurt Elsa. So she tried to make up for it by being gentle all morning, and she did her best to stay on her best

Mrs. Roe broke the relaxing spell. "Separate. Now. I have had enough of seeing you two hold each other like it was going
out of style. There is only so much I can handle in one morning." Anna rolled her eyes and she let go of Elsa who moved
to sit across from Anna. "Anna come here, I want to give you something."

Anna didn't move for a few seconds. First Mrs. Roe needed her help and now she wants to give her something? Could
Hell freeze over twice?

"Get over here." Mrs. Roe commanded and Anna scooted over to sit near her. Anna glanced at Elsa confused and she
hoped she had something she could tell her. Elsa shrugged at her, holding her hands up.

"You get to hang out with me all day. But I can't have you running off." Mrs. Roe pulled out a plain, slightly bulky, red collar
and Anna slumped. Damn. Why couldn't it be something else? "I even got you a matching leash." With a glee that only
Mrs. Roe could have, she put the collar on Anna's neck. A click and the leash was connected as well.

"Perfect. Give it a tug." Anna didn't understand what she meant. A tug? Like try to move away? Or what? Or did she want
her to tug on the leash?

"Go and try to sit by Elsa." Mrs. Roe pointed over to the spot by Elsa at the other end of the limo. Anna noticed the leash
wouldn't really go that far.

"But it won't reach-" She started to say but then Mrs. Roe cut her off.

"I said try and sit by Elsa."

Anna got up at the colder tone in Mrs. Roe's voice, and as soon as the leash ran out of length it pulled on the collar. Anna
really wanted whoever invented this collar to be burned at the stake.

Inside the collar, there was nubs that didn't really hurt when they dug into her throat, but she supposed it was supposed
to hurt. But the tug caused the collar to shrink and for a second she couldn't breath. It loosened up when she moved
back towards Mrs. Roe. She coughed and glared at the leash while she touched the collar.

Mrs. Roe clapped and smiled, "Ah Alice's father finds the most wonderful things out on his adventures. This collar
originates from China and its for flier's who are known to stray from their owner. Perfect wouldn't you say Elsa?"

Elsa who had been quiet the entire time looked out the window. "If you say so mother." As soon as Mrs. Roe went back to
her tablet, the loop on the leash around her wrist, Elsa mouthed the words.

'Are you okay?'

Anna smiled and gave her the thumbs up. Other than the few seconds her mind panicked when she lost the ability to
breath, she was fine. This just meant she was stuck with this old woman.


Anna was surrounded by people, and police officers tried to keep the crowd back. People were throwing questions at
Elsa and she kept her head held high the whole way to the stage. Anna was stuck with Mrs. Roe who was letting people
coo and pet her.

Never had she been touched by so many people at once, and she did her best to smile at them all. After five minutes of
being swarmed Mrs. Roe deemed that Anna had enough and led her to the stage where Elsa was standing behind a
podium. She looked calm and she waved at a few of them as well. But her other hand gripped the podium tightly.

Mrs. Roe snapped her fingers and pointed at the ground beside a comfy chair. "Sit." And with a grumpy huff Anna sat. To
kill a little time, she worked on fixing a few ruffled feathers.

After a moment the crowd died down a little and Elsa began talking about how she was only a human. That they made
mistakes. That what happened was just a lucky seduction. Someone yelled out at that point that whoever the masked
stranger was, was a lucky bastard.

A few others wanted the masked strangers head for tricking their favorite person. For taking advantage of Elsa. Anna
rolled her eyes, resting her head on her hand, just watching Elsa look regal.

And then Samson was walking onto stage. Where the hell did this guy come from? What was it with him and always
butting in? He walked up to Elsa and said that he didn't care for mistakes and that he truly loved her with all his heart.
And he hoped that she would marry him.

And the crowd did this disgusting Awww. Anna wanted them to boo and throw something at Samson. Anything to get him
off the stage. Elsa looked like she wanted to run, or just sink into the floor.

The crowd started to chant, "Say yes and kiss him!" because what better way to seal your love than with a kiss? Anna
moved to stand up but Mrs. Roe had anticipated this and she had the leash wrapped around her arm, making it
impossibly short.

With a wheeze and a gasp for air she remained stuck on the ground. Anna knew now why Mrs. Roe had this collar on
her. So she wouldn't fuck it up and go over and probably punch the guy out. Or kill him. Sounded plausible.

Samson leaned in, hands on Elsa's elbows and he whispered something to her. Elsa stared at him wide eyed and then
she looked past Samson to glance at Anna and she hoped her eyes said sorry. Elsa gave Samson the prettiest smile
and she said in a clear voice.

"Yes. Samson I will marry you." Anna died a little inside. Why did she say yes? Why couldn't she say no? What the hell
did he say to her? And then Samson was kissing her, keeping Elsa in her spot by wrapping his arms around her.

I told you he wouldn't stop. In one day he has made more of a claim on her than you ever had. Shame isn't it? Voice
was laughing at her pain, and she felt like her body was being drained of feeling. Like something was sucking the
strength from her slowly.

Mrs. Roe leaned down, whispering to Anna. "I want you to give up on Elsa today flier. After today, Elsa is going to be
Samson's fiance. With her marrying him, I will have the product our company needs to move on with our plans. You will
not screw this up. If you play it nice, maybe Elsa will divorce him. For now I need this deal to push through. What better
way to get that by marrying the son to the owner? Not to mention no one will care about the masked stranger incident. I
have perfectly moved the attention to something better. Genius isn't it?"

Anna didn't answer, she let herself drown in the cheer of the crowd, let her eyes soak in the sight of the worlds perfect
couple. Samson who held Elsa by the waist and waved to the cheering crowd. Elsa who had a small half smile on her
face. They looked like that magazine couple people read about and dreamed of being. All perfect for one another.

Anna laughed suddenly and Mrs. Roe looked like she hadn't expected that.

I knew the crowd would cheer to see Elsa with him. I just didn't think I would ever have to see it. And so soon.


Anna was stuck by Mrs. Roe's side after the whole thing ended. Samson remained glued to Elsa and he talked with
reporters with her. He answered questions about how long he had known Elsa. Or was last nights date a way to ask her
to marry him in private, and this was the public affair?

Lies lies lies. Shut up all of them.

Anna ignored it all. She was sad, but Elsa didn't love the guy so it wasn't like she was worried. Not by that much. "Mrs.
Roe, may I go inside that store there? I just want a minute away from the crowd. Please?" Mrs. Roe patted her arm,
unhooking the leash.

"Of course, take your time." Anna knew she was being nice because she was probably feeling like she won. Maybe she
had. Anna couldn't just walk up and announce that Elsa was hers. That would backlash pretty bad. Maybe Mrs. Roe was
counting on it, because then with Elsa getting married she would look like a crazy lonely flier whose love went past pet
and owner.

Anna went into the alley way next to the store, and the people didn't notice her. She pulled out the Guardian phone and
called Kristoff. He picked up after a few rings.

"Anna! I suppose since you are calling you have more information for us?" Kristoff asked, his voice broke up a little but
then it cleared near the end.

"Yes. I think. Mrs. Roe is wanting to join up with a military company. They make guns. Carter something.. Sort of fishy for
what Mrs. Roe does. They make fliers, what would she want guns for? She said it was part of a plan." Anna glanced over
her shoulder and moved further into the alleyway.

Kristoff sighed into the phone. "Shit. This must have to do with Doctor Stone wanting to be president. How he could work
that out, I have no idea. But there definitely is something going on. Eugene turn that up!" A grumble in the background
then the sound of cheers echoed. Kristoff and them must have been watching the news about Elsa.

"Anna, Elsa is leaving to visit someplace with Samson in a few days. It's just announced. Go with them and see if you
can listen in on any information. I assume they are going because they are getting married. But you make it sound like
there is no deal between the companies. So if they strike a deal then I need you to be there to learn what it is exactly that
that Roe wants. Can you do that?" Anna gulped, she could. But that meant dealing with Samson and his googly eyes at

Could she stop herself from doing anything? Like say kicking his face in?

Another thought lifted its ugly head.

What if he tries something and you aren't there?


"I'll do it. I'll get this for you. But then I want answers. I want to know a little more about your plans. For Doctor Stone and
such. No more patting me on the back and sending me to find more information. I want to know. Alright?" She bit her lip,
waiting for the answer. Waiting to see if he would allow it.


"I can do that. I'll find a way to pick you up for a day and take you to see the plans. Don't ask how, but know I will get it
done. For now. Get ready for a minor trip."

"Perfect. I refuse to stay in the dark any longer. I hate it." She hung up after that, shoving the phone back into her pants.

A familiar heavy feeling in the back of her mind.

You love the darkness, don't lie.

That's true. Its comforting. I find you there all the time.

Of course, because I will always wait for you there tiny creature.

And she smiled to herself, canines just a little longer, eyes flashing a beautiful forest green then they returned to their
original teal color.


After the marriage announcement Samson took them all to a dinner. More like a victory dinner. How much was this guy
going to rub it in Anna's face? Even worse Samson sat right next to Anna in attempt to get to know her more.


Because he believed since she was Elsa's pet, and since Elsa was going to be his wife, he might as well get friendly
with her. Anna would have rather stabbed herself with a fork ten times over, but here she was. Elsa across from her.
Samson to Anna's left, and Mrs. Roe was to Elsa's right.

The waiter took their orders and Anna wished she could have ordered the strongest drink. That way at least she could
numb the feelings of her hate away. Anything to make this fly right by.

I can be your drink. I can numb the feeling away. Would you love that? How could Voice do that? He sounded so
convincing though, like he was already drugging her.

Relax. Feel that there? She could feel a tapping in her head, and she jerked, her knee thumping against the table. All
eyes were on her, and Elsa looked worried. Like maybe she thought Anna would snap at any moment. That hurt almost
as much breaking her wing. She wasn't going to attack Samson or anything.

She hunched her shoulders, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry. I felt like something scratched me. It just surprised me. It won't
happen again."

One more time. Just let me in. And so she did, she felt like she had fallen into a fog, or a haze. Every movement wasn't
her own. She heard a pleased laugh, and she watched her own hands reach for the water and drink. She couldn't feel it
go down her throat. It was strange, like someone else was controlling her.

She was content to sit and watch, all she would need is some popcorn and she was set..

Samson clapped her on the back, "So… Anna. Tell me about yourself."

Forest green eyes locked onto Samson and she gave him a toothy smile, fangs flashing. "Like what sir? There isn't
much to me at all."

Samson tilted his head looking slightly confused. Wasn't her eyes normally a teal?

"Tell me anything. I want to know more. You do belong to my fiance. I can tell she loves you very much. Better see what
my competition is." He chuckled like he made his own joke up.

How much would he laugh if he knew?

Anna chuckled along with him. "No competition here sir." She leaned back in her chair, hands folded behind her head.
"But if you must know, all I am is a good pet. I belong to Elsa and no one else. I want to know more about you. What can
you tell me about you? You are much more interesting. I love the whole military company thing." Her voice even sounded
strange, smoother like velvet. A little more deep, and the way she held herself. More arrogant, and the only two to catch
on was Elsa and Mrs. Roe.

Samson smiled wide at her, looking very pleased, he was oblivious to the change in Anna. Of course. The conversation
was back on him, and about him. She listened to Samson ramble on about his father's life's work. Anna didn't really
glance at Elsa or Mrs. Roe. Voice kept her focused on pleasing Samson and getting in his good graces.

Anna felt the fog start to clear, and she felt the pressure of Voice start to strain and then fade.

I did my best for as long as I could. This is very taxing. A little more practice and soon I can numb the feeling away
anytime you want. For as long as you want.

The presence left and she jerked a little when the plate of food was put in front of her. The green in her eyes faded back
to the teal. Her heart was pounding and her limbs felt heavy, even her mouth was dry.

With a shaky hand she reached for her water, and she proceeded to chug it down. Much to Mrs. Roe's chagrin.

"Anna manners. You shouldn't chug water down. Excuse her Samson." Mrs. Roe tried to smile it off and Samson

"She's an animal ain't she? It's okay for her to get messy. You don't expect a dog to know all human things do you?
Animals can't do everything we can."

Elsa narrowed her eyes, "I would like it if you wouldn't treat her like so. She may be an animal, but she is mine. I get to
insult her. No one else."

Samson's smile dimmed a little and he didn't look happy to be spoken to like that, but the look passed and he smiled at
her. "Of course. My apologies. Another water for my flier friend here." He snapped his fingers and pointed to Anna.

Anna chugged that water down too and hoped she wouldn't pass out from exhaustion.

"Anna you don't seriously want to sleep in the floor do you?" Elsa looked cautious of Anna who fell to the floor on the
same pile of blankets. She did have the right, since yesterday her asking that ended up in sex. And a bruise on her wrist.

"I do. I need to get used to being away from you. Since you know. … you're getting married and all. I give up on life for
today. Told you they would cheer Elsa." Anna pulled the blanket over her head, not bothering to change out of her formal
attire. Voice had left her exhausted and confused. Did Voice take over her body? Or was she still losing her mind and just
thought she was being controlled.

Elsa lifted the blanket enough to see Anna's eyes. "What happened to you earlier? You were acting so strange. Your
eyes changed to another color. Green. And you don't have to give up. Just because i'm getting married to Samson
doesn't mean I automatically have to have sex or do anything with him. This is the modern times Anna. I can have a
platonic marriage."

Anna lifted her head a little, and Elsa could see the frown on Anna's face, the blanket had slumped over her eyes. She
didn't want to talk about what happened to her at dinner. "What did he say to you? Why didn't you say no?"

Elsa looked at the wall behind Anna. "He told me that he would help convince his father to work a deal out. And a few
other things. He said that you were being looked for. Heard news that Doctor Stone was missing something important.
And he suspected it was you." Elsa lifted the blanket from Anna, lifting her arm. She ran her fingers across the tattoo, and
she looked at Anna.

"Anna tell me where you came from. Don't just say the labs. I want to know." Elsa looked scared and Anna couldn't look
her in the eye anymore. The truth? Yeah she could give her part of it.

"I.. I really am a failed experiment. I did come from the labs. Somewhere out there. I was born there and Lovdahl was the
only kind scientist to me there. She's.. like a mother to me. I guess Doctor Stone wanted to make a female flier but
obviously I'm no girl. Not a real one. They were being shut down. Or at least that branch of the labs. So Lovdahl set me
free. They were going to kill me." Anna shut her eyes feeling bad for getting angry at Lovdahl. Lovdahl who was only kind,
but Voice said she was bad.

"And then I flew away. Far far away. I found you, or well you found me. It's why I ran when I dropped you at your party.
Stone couldn't recognize me. I don't know what he would do to me. I am A117 the failure Elsa. Now you know. I think
there is a reason why he wants me back. Maybe just to kill me, or maybe for.. I don't know."

Anna sat up and she glared at the tattoo, it forever marked her a failure. Elsa grabbed both of Anna's hands. "You are no
failure. Not to me. I'm glad I said yes to Samson. It means you are safe. It's my sacrifice for you. I was going on a fifty fifty
chance when he told me that you were being looked for. I will marry him, get that deal and then.. I'll find a way to keep you
safe until I inherit my mother's company. I'll look through the files under female fliers and I will erase you from the
system. Then I will divorce him."

Anna smiled at her, that marks the first person to ever think she wasn't a failure. And not because she was A117. But
because she was Anna. Elsa didn't say she was the key, or that she was special because of some mark. And that was
enough for Anna.

"Where do you think Samson will take you tomorrow? Can I go?"

Elsa smiled and hugged Anna. "I'll take you with me. Even if I have to fight Samson for it. With my luck he will take me
some place that requires airplane flights."

AN: Yeah sorry for the two day delay. I brought my brothers laptop with me to my grandmothers house (i'm staying with
her for a couple of days) And I forgot his charger for it. It died and I have been using my Grandmother's computer. Note
this thing is hella old. Like paint dries faster than this thing can go.

Love the reviews I get! Seriously I do! I look like a dork because I grin like an idiot and feel all giddy knowing I got some
review. I don't care if its a critique. I love reading them all.

If there is any errors in here I apologize. My grandmas computer is hard to read. You have to squint to get past the buzz
line through it.

Tomorrow I am going to LegoLand with my family to celebrate yet another birthday. It's like birthday central here so
probably no update tomorrow.

Next chapter is all about going somewhere with Samson and chilling with him.
I will SEE you in the NEXT CHAPTER. Bye.

FUN FACT and maybe a bit of a SPOILER below. read that at your own risk.

Next chapter may be the last we ever see of Samson. Dun dun dun?
*Chapter 23*: I love dealing in wrong things
Chapter 23: I love dealing in wrong things

Im sorry. But I didn't want to put this. But. Warning. Implied rape. NO DETAILS. But its there. A bit of gore too. It happens
at the end. (The real question is who is it? Anna? Elsa? The maid down the road?) DON'T HURT ME. *Hides* Just.. if
you get mad, think of how often I [used to] update. I'm good to you.. right? Have some fluff. God this chapter hurt to write.
Mayb e that is why I stalled like a mofo.

Elsa didn't look so good sitting on the airplane. She was gripping the armrest tightly and she kept trying to glance out the
window. "We are so high up. What if we start to fall out of the sky?"

Anna laughed and used a wing to block the sight of the window. "I would save you. You forget I am a genetically
engineered creature. With Wings." Anna put her hand over Elsa's and gave it a comforting squeeze. "I promise nothing
bad will happen on this flight."

Anna watched Elsa's throat bob slightly when she gulped. The worried blonde forced a smile. "Right. If we crash, you can
just fly us to safety." Anna smiled and leaned back into her seat.

"Here, take a nap." Anna detached herself and lifted the armrest between them and patted her own shoulder. "Plunk your
head right here."

Elsa vehemently shook her head. "No. I can't sleep. What if we crash while I am asleep?" Elsa grabbed Anna's hand
again and squeezed tighter at the thought.

"You big baby. If we start to crash I will wake you up... Hopefully." Elsa looked worried so Anna pressed Elsa's head to
her shoulder.

Anna felt Elsa weave their fingers together. Pale white against her slightly darker ones. "Promise me you won't fall
asleep? You'll keep an eye out?"

Anna pressed a kiss to the top of Elsa's head. "I promise Elsa." Anna started to purr and it wasn't long before Elsa
stopped fretting and fell asleep on the plane.

"I love you Elsa." Anna whispered. And she meant it with all her being.


Anna shook Elsa awake before the plane could fully land. Could it even be called a plane? It was a small private jet to be
exact. The only passengers was the pilot, copilot and the stewardess woman. They had been flying for at least six hours.
Magically Elsa had slept through it all. She did wake up once, but Anna ran her hand through Elsa's hair and started to
purr until she was fast asleep again.

Now Anna was carrying all the bags, one duffel bag and two suitcases. Lucky for her they had wheels on the bottom.

Samson had a limo waiting for them, but he wasn't there, thankfully. This one was white compared to the usual black
kind that Anna always rode in.

Anna enjoyed the entire limousine ride. Sure it was four hour drive.. but did she put that four hour drive to use. Anna loved
how soundproof the little partition window was. And it was probably the last time she would be able to be intimate with
Elsa for the rest of the week they were gone. Anna wasn't above car sex, not one bit. In her defense Elsa started it.

Anna was only bummed out that Elsa said no marking. Elsa didn't have the right items in the limo to cover up another
mark, in the trunk she did, but that would require getting out of the vehicle and she wouldn't risk it. Still Anna loved every
minute of being in that limo. And she was quite amazed at how many times a woman could orgasm in four hours.

With a victory grin she hopped out of the car, not the least bit tired. "Come on Elsa. Your 'fiance' is waiting." Anna joked
and bounced on her toes while Elsa got out of the car, nothing would ruin her good mood. Well maybe Samson would
but she hadn't seen his mug around yet.

Elsa gave Anna a glare, looking ready to fall asleep. "How do you have the energy to do anything? At all?" She stretched
her limbs out and sighed when they popped a little.

Anna shrugged and spun in place once. "I just have amazing stamina. Don't be mad that I have amazing skills." Anna
flexed a muscle just because she could, and she waggled her eyebrows at Elsa who rolled her eyes.

"Oh please. I don't want to hear about stamina. Miss last five minutes in the car." Elsa grinned and Anna blushed bright
red while she grabbed the bags.

"Whatever! That was one time! Also I was under time limit. So I have an excuse. It's a legit one too. This time I was much
better. You can't compare a first time blowjob to now. Thats like comparing a baby walking for the first time to when they
were four years old." Anna threw the duffel strap over her shoulder and she got the two suitcases.

Elsa rolled her eyes and gave her a hand and shut the limos trunk and then she headed for the house. Anna studied the
summer home. Much like Aurora's it was large, but Anna got a more grand feeling from this one.

The building itself was a strange creme color, with Spanish style roofing. It was basically your average day expensive
show off massive home. The only fun part was the beautiful flowers up front. Anna loved flowers. They were always
beautiful no matter the markings.

Samson was just opening the front doors as they walked up. He smiled at Elsa and kissed her on the lips. Elsa was too
tired to say anything, but she certainly looked surprised. Anna couldn't stop the instant growl that rumbled through her.
Elsa glared at her over her shoulder.

"Sorry Samson. She gets testy. There is a reason why I have her around so much. She's like my own guard dog. I got her
because I needed safety. She's just grumpy because at the airport people got too close for comfort." She gave Samson a
smile, "Is your father here? I would like to say hello before I go to bed. It's been a rather tiring day." Elsa suppressed a

Anna had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing. It technically was late but early enough to sleep? It
was around seven. They had left the airport around nine am. Six hour flight and a four hour drive took most of the day up.
Anna was just happy that Elsa wouldn't be able to be around Samson really at all. Not to mention she was the reason
why Elsa was tired. Maybe there was a higher purpose to tiring Elsa out.

Samson seemed unaffected by Anna's growl. He brushed it off like it was normal. "Sure I will show you to our room.
Father won't be here for a few days. He was delayed and is stuck in Japan right now. But he promises to get here to work
on the deal before the week is up." He said smoothly and Elsa froze in the hall. Anna felt another growl coming on. They
weren't married yet so why would he want a room with her?

"Actually I was hoping to get my own room Samson. I'd much prefer my own privacy." Elsa said, standing taller so
Samson would know that she would argue with him.

Samson stopped in the hall and he clenched his hands into fists his whole body looked tense, then it passed and he
was relaxed again. "Of course. Silly me. I will show you to your own room. Then I will take your flier to hers." Elsa nodded
and they followed Samson to the left half of the house.

Elsa's room was red and Anna rolled her eyes. Red. This guy and red. A dresser to the left, and a tall body length mirror
on the right. Plain, simple, probably not what Samson had planned for Elsa. Anna dutifully set the two suitcases down
and she gave Elsa a friendly hug goodnight. Samson bowed and kissed the back of Elsa's hand.

"I will see you tomorrow Elsa." He whispered and she nodded sleepily. Samson left the room already heading down the
hall and Anna started to follow, but once she left the room two arms dragged her back.

"I want my goodnight kiss." Elsa whispered, pulling Anna back into the room. Anna dropped the duffle bag with a soft
thump. She turned and placed a quick kiss to Elsa's lips. She knew Samson could walk back down the hall at any time
when he realized she wasn't following.

Of course that wasn't enough for Elsa. Anna swore that if they got caught, she would blame Elsa. What was supposed to
be one kiss became multiple kisses and somehow Elsa ended up on the dresser with her legs wrapped around Anna's

He is coming. Voice growled in her ear and she detached herself from Elsa.

As soon as Anna heard the tell tale footsteps down the hall she scrambled to one of the suitcases and began to put
clothes in the other side of the dresser where Elsa's legs weren't blocking the drawer.

"What is taking so long?" Samson demanded and he took in the sight of Elsa sitting on the dresser and pointing at
different places that she wanted her things.
"Sorry Samson. Anna offered to put my things away for me so I wouldn't have to. So I'm just pointing out where I want
what." Anna put the last pair of panties in the second drawer and she looked at the now empty suitcases. "Thank you

Anna bowed, grabbed her duffel bag and left the room quickly, ignoring the look from Samson.. The man didn't look like
he was sure of what he should say. So he left as well, shutting the door behind him.

"Alright flier i'll take you to your room." He went down the hall walking like he had all the time in the world.

"It's Anna. At least acknowledge that I have a name. I know you are Samson. Know that I am Anna." Anna muttered
glaring at his back. Samson whirled around so quickly she didn't have time to react. He grabbed Anna by her jaw and
squeezed hard. It didn't hurt, but she growled at him. Touching. Unwanted touching from strangers bothered her.

"Know your place pet. You could be called Fido for all I care. You are just my future wife's pet." He shoved her back and
kept walking down the hall. Anna caught herself against the wall and gripped the strap over her shoulder tightly.

She growled, eyeing Samson's back. Call her a pet one more time and she was going to kick some ass. Her eyes
flashed green, freezing her movements and she heard Voice speaking.

Relax, be smart. He's just an arrogant prick. He's just like any rich boy who thinks he won a prize. You're just the
annoying dog that his prize owns. But we know better. Anna could feel Voice smiling when he whispered the last part.

"We know better." She repeated and the green faded from her eyes as did the tension in her body.

Yes. We know better because we are one and the same.

One and the same.


Turns out that Anna's room was on the other side of the house. What was up with that? This means she would have to
walk all the way across this house to get to Elsa. What if Anna had nightmares?

Anna had to bite her tongue to stop her laughter. Nightmares? Of what? Now she was just being stupid. Still she would
always be wary of Samson. She didn't like the vibes that he gave her. She couldn't place what she felt, but he always left
her on edge. The way he swooped in and got Elsa to agree to marry him didn't sit well with her either.

"This is your room. Hope the bed bugs bite you on the ass." Samson left her in the small room. All it contained was a
little single bed and a chest at the end of it. There was a small rectangular window, and if she stood on the bed she
could look out of it.

Her room reminded her of a cell. All it needed was a barred door and the little toilet in the corner of the room. Her room
was even a grey color. She shrugged and tossed her bag to the ground. She pulled off her shirt and pants flopping onto
her bed with a grunt.

She rolled around the bed dragging the blankets with her until she was perfectly burritoed. Satisfied that she efficiently
curled up she yawned and tried to sleep. Except she couldn't. It was too weird to sleep alone, and without the sound of
Elsa's breathing. Even the smell of the room was off. It smelled of cleaner and mangoes. Gross.

Voice. Talk to me.

About what? Voice whispered, sounding like it just woke up. Or maybe like her Voice was trying to go to sleep as well
and he nearly had been asleep.

Anything really. I just need to hear something other than my own b reath. It's too quiet in this room. You know I never
noticed. Are you a b oy or a girl? I just assume you are a b oy b ecause you sound like one.

I am male. Now then I shall tell you a story. Voice murmured and he began his story. Up in the sky there lived thirteen
angels. They lived together in harmony. The creator loved them all dearly, and showered upon them many gifts and
love. One day the angel happened to look down upon Earth. He noticed that the humans treated the Earth poorly. He
couldn't stand for it and he went to their creator to fix things.

The angel told creator that to rule the humans and to teach them their wrongs was the only way to fix earth. He gave
the plans to Creator and Creator shunned the angel. Creator said it was wrong and cruel to rule the humans. That it
was the human nature to destroy and they would one day learn.
The angel no longer found love from his creator and he felt the warmth leave his feathers, felt the cold dislike
coming from all his siblings. The angel fell from the sky and found himself surrounded by the humans he so
detested. He became known as Fallen One.

In hopes to prove to his creator that he was right, he began to rule the people. The people feared him and under his
cruelty they treated the Earth much better. After many years the Earth was healthy once more, but the people were
dying much quicker, and were not happy. Fallen One looked to the sky knowing his siblings and master was

"Look! I have fixed Earth! The people no longer treat it with cruelty and under my rule everything is perfect." Fallen
One shouted and he waited for Creator to say he did things right. Fallen One had been down on earth for so many
years, he longed for the heat from the sun on its wings. He longed to see Creator smiling down upon it. He wanted
love from its siblings once more.

He wanted to belong once more.

Creator shook its head, telling Fallen One that the people were afraid and unhappy. That they feared to do anything
and that this wasn't the way. Creator could see the darkness in Fallen One's heart. Could see there was no hope and
Creator turned Fallen One away. Calling Fallen One a failure.

Angered Fallen One treated the humans worse. Killing them for fun, making them believe he was a God. Making them
sacrifice others to please him. Creator watched on for a few years and finally when Creator realized that Fallen One
would not stop, it sent another angel down. This angel was called Protector.

Fallen One had gained power like no other. The fear of the people, their pain their cries echoed throughout the Fallen
One. He gained power from them and Protector could not beat him alone.


Voice stopped his story when he noticed Anna was asleep, snoring and drooling a little..

I will tell you the rest next time then tiny creature.


Anna was up bright and early, since her dreams were bothering her. She dreamt of angels fighting and people
screaming. Then the whispers started up again, and she had jerked awake. She got dressed in her usual attire of a grey
zip up hoodie and jeans. She covered her head with a snap back that said Dog on it. Elsa got it for her more as a joke.
She slipped on her green converse and wandered down the hall. It was only six thirty in the morning.

Anna kept an eye out for any sort of maid or servant. She didn't find anyone, not a single person in the kitchen either. She
tilted her head and wondered if the staff were asleep as well. Anna went through the fridge and found some eggs and
regular fridge items. Like milk, cheese, sour cream, assorted vegetables and fruit. Whipped cream? Maybe she could
make some waffles or something.

A creak from the door and the shuffle of feet made her turn. Elsa still looked sleepy, but she was dressed for her day as
well. She had on a black dress that hung just above her knees. It looked more like a relaxing dress than a fancy one. Her
blonde hair wasn't in its usual bun. It fell down in slight waves.

"Morning Elsa." Anna waved at the yawning blonde.

"What are you up to? Don't you know that there are people who will cook for you?" Elsa watched as Anna grabbed a few
plastic bowls, placing them on the counter.

"Well I am hungry now. And I refuse to wake another person up to feed me. I have two hands. I can totally do this." Anna
went back into the fridge for some milk and eggs placing them on the counter. She grabbed some butter and muttered
about waffle irons.

"And what do you plan on making?" Elsa asked and she picked up an egg, shaking it a little. Anna watched as Elsa
played with the egg, shaking it around like it was some new toy. The flier just took a moment. It was really cute to see
Elsa having fun with the eggs.

"I plan on making waffles." Anna finally answered once she recovered from the sight. She hunted through cabinets for
flour and baking soda. She did a victory dance when she found the elusive baking soda.
Elsa stifled a laugh and she turned to leave. "Have fun then. I will wait for a servant to wake."

Anna grinned and grabbed a few measuring spoons. "Shame. Kelsey told me how to make these. Said I should make
them with someone special. But she's the only one I have made them with. Guess she's my special someone." Anna
turned away and counted the seconds. One second. She heard an outraged gasp.

Two seconds. She heard the quick steps and by three seconds Elsa was a leech on Anna's back. Clinging tightly, arms
wrapped around Anna's middle. "I think I will help you make those waffles. Not because I am jealous.. or anything like
that. I just realized how hungry I am."

Anna shook with her laughed and she had to rest her hands on the counter to hold herself up. "Oh right. Because you
aren't jealous of Kelsey. Crack those eggs into a bowl for me. And pour one and a half cups of milk into it." Anna set to
work on measuring flower into another bowl but then she noticed Elsa holding the egg and looking at the bowl. "You do
know how to do that right."

Blue eyes shot to her and Anna had to duck from the daggers that flew her way. Elsa looked highly offended and she
looked down at the egg. "I know how to crack an egg and measure milk. I'm not stupid."

Anna went back to pouring the flour into the bowl. "Of course. My apologies. I never said you were stupid." Anna grinned
though when she heard the crack of the shell and a small curse. She waited a minute and when she turned around she
couldn't help but laugh.

Elsa was trying to grab the broken eggshells from the bowl. She kept missing and both her hands had egg all over them.
Anna leaned onto the island between them, resting her head against her fist.

"Do you want help?" Elsa glanced up and Anna had the joy of watching her pale cheeks flush red. Elsa pulled her hands
out of the bowl shaking her head.

"Just let me show you how to do one egg." Anna said and grabbed a new bowl and she went and stood behind Elsa.
"Okay so you hold the egg like this."

"Is this just an excuse to be close to me?"

"Shut up. Yes. Pay attention. I refuse to eat waffles with egg shells in it."

Anna took the back of Elsa's left hand in her own and she pulled it over to a new egg. With a quick movement she tapped
the egg against the side of the counter. "See you have to crack it a little." She took Elsa's other hand and moved her hand
into position, pressing the pale thumb into the crack on the egg.. "Then you have to use your thumb and sort of crack it in
half the rest of the way. Make sure you don't drop either half the egg shell."

Elsa watched as the yolk and egg white fell into the bowl. "See easy."

"Show me one more egg." Elsa whispered, hands still under Anna's gentle grip.


"Yes. This is very relaxing."


Anna eventually was able to make waffles with whipped cream and strawberries on top. She let Elsa try to make one, but
she ended up burning it. Elsa stared at the two dark waffles on the plate and she looked ready to cry. Anna stood across
from her and she panicked, she grabbed a fork.

"Anna I ruined it." Elsa hugged her middle, lower lip trembling, eyes on the ground. "Do you think this is a sign that I will
never be able to cook? What if I have kids? Am I going to let a servant do everything?"

Anna rolled her eyes and cut a piece off the waffle. With a small prayer that she wouldn't die from eating the bite, she
shoved it into her mouth. The taste was awful, it was the worst assault on her tastebuds. And yet she smiled all the way
through it.

"Yum. I like burnt waffles. Don't be so dramatic. Unless you decide to adopt a kid, there is zero chance of having one."
Elsa watched as Anna took another bite of the awful waffle. Anna didn't even flinch. She was all smiles.

"That is true. Shame I can't have children with you. What I would give to have a tiny Anna, or two or three." Elsa leaned on
her elbow and Anna nearly choked from the wistful look on Elsa's face.

The flier coughed into her elbow trying to not inhale her awful waffle. "Elsa.." She swallowed the last of the dry waffle.
"Damn. You can't just say stuff like that."

Elsa was the picture of innocence and she smiled coyly at Anna. "What ever do you mean?"

What do I mean? I would sell my soul to Doctor Stone to just have the ab ility to have children with you. With her b eauty
and b rains and my strength.. our child would b e unstoppab le. Seriously. It would b e a crime to everyone out there. Wait.
Did she say two or three?

Anna had this stupid look on her face now, mind flying off into fantasy land. Elsa thought maybe she broke Anna and she
took Anna's hat off her head. With a grin she put the black hat on her blonde head.

"Did I break you? Hello in there." Elsa waved her hand in front of Anna who jerked and blinked several times.

"You.. are evil Elsa. Do you know what I would give to actually have a baby with you?" Elsa bopped Anna on the nose
shaking her head no. "Well I.. actually don't really know either but still!" Anna felt like Elsa didn't seem to understand the
fact as an animal, she would love to see Elsa pregnant with her baby.

Not only would it be awesome to see, but to her it meant her genes would go on. Knowing that her legacy wouldn't just
die with her was a nice thought. It was thoughts like these that made Anna believe that she was just an animal.

What's next? Am I going to go and piss on Samson's b ed to show him who is the alpha male is here? I hope not.

Elsa perked up like she had a genius idea. "You know its super early still." Anna raised a brow, what was that supposed
to mean? She grabbed her hat back and placed it back over her own head.

"Yeah so?" Anna took another bite of the waffle and she noted that Elsa looked pleased with her eating it. Damn she
better be. This waffle sucked so bad.

"Samson is asleep. The whole building is asleep. Come on." Elsa walked away and Anna was momentarily distracted
by the graceful sway of Elsa's hips.

"You know.. one would think that because I am the one with a penis here I would be the horny one. But no you take the
whole cake." Anna hadn't moved from her spot, and Elsa glanced over her shoulder.

"Come on doggy." Elsa cooed, waving her hand to follow, looking at Anna's hat pointedly.

Anna grabbed her hat and tossed it onto the little island. With a grumble she left the burnt waffle and cooking supplies
on the counter.

"You want a dog? I'll show you a dog Elsa."


Samson had woken up earlier than the two thought. After Anna heard him practically stomping down the hall calling for
Elsa she had worked overtime to at least finish. She wasn't about to be left hanging, and Elsa hadn't minded either.

Elsa had only moaned into the desk she was bent over, for Anna to hurry it up. Because of that they had even less time to
make it seem like nothing was going on when Samson entered the room. Anna really hoped it didn't look like she and
Elsa just had sex. Probably. But one could only hope not. They both were slightly sweaty, clothes rumpled and Elsa's
cheeks were still flushed. Hell even Anna's heart was still pounding and her arms still felt like dead weights.

Anna listened to the door creak open and she kept her eyes down on the book. She was sitting in the black chair at the
desk, reading out loud for Elsa. Elsa stood just to her left, hand resting on the back of the chair. Samson opened the
door and he scowled at the sight of Anna in his chair, but it turned into a shit eating grin when he saw Elsa.

"There you are." Samson said, walking further into the room and stopping on the other side of the desk. "I noticed you
weren't in your room so I went looking around. I see you found my office."

Anna couldn't help it, she dropped her head onto the book, shoulders shaking in her laughter and her fist lightly thumped
on the desk. She knew Elsa was probably glaring at her, and Samson might be thinking she was crazy. But she couldn't
help it.

I just.. I just had sex with Elsa in Samson's office. Of all the places.. And I can't tell him either. Well I didn't get the chance
to piss on his stuff to show him who's b oss. So I had to go the extra mile and b end Elsa over his desk.

"Sorry about that. This book is really funny." Anna lifted her head, wiping a tear away from her eye.

Samson glanced down at the book. "You are reading the bible." Anna gulped and tried to remember what she had just

"Well.. You know. This Noah bit here? If only Noah, his wife and sons, and his son's wives were the only ones on this
really big boat. What women did his grandchildren find? It says Noah's sons had their own children right. And their
children had children. What other people are there? I'm getting an incestous vibe here. I find it funny."

Samson didn't look very happy with her and he took a step closer. It looked harmless but Anna could see the difference
in his stance, and the way he looked at her. "In what way do you find incest funny? Its wrong."

"I love dealing in things that are wrong." Anna smirked up at him, leaning towards him on the desk.

Samson raised his hand as if to hit Anna and Elsa scrambled around the desk to stand beside Samson. She smiled
sweetly at the man, gently smoothing the collar on his white polo shirt.

"Samson now that you are awake, how about a tour to pass the time. This building is just so.." Elsa bit her lip just for the
added effect. "..grand. I would love to see it all."

The anger left Samson and he nodded. "A tour sounds nice. Your dog can come too." He wrapped his arm around Elsa
and led her towards the door.

Anna started to growl at being called a dog and at the way Samson automatically was holding onto Elsa. Elsa stopped
her when she glared over her shoulder mouthing the word, 'behave.'

With a sigh, Anna closed the bible, heading for the kitchen. She would clean her mess up, grab her hat and follow them
in a moment.


Samson had a god damn tennis court. A basketball court and a mini golf course. Was this the game house? He even
had trails off in the distance you could ride a horse on. And a massive lake further away. What is up with this? It all
looked suspiciously new too. Was this a way to further impress Elsa?

Was it not enough she was already marrying him? Now she had to ooh and ah over all of it? What happened to grumpy
Elsa during the party? Oh.. Right.

Samson knew that Doctor Stone was looking for her. Which made no sense to Anna. How did he know but not Mrs. Roe?
She was the owner of the company.. Or did he snoop? What game was he playing at?

Anna flinched when a tennis ball flew past her towards the trees in the distance. "Fetch boy!" Samson yelled and Anna
glared at him.

"Oh har har.." She shouted back, doing a mini jog to go get the yellow ball. "That dick.." She bent over and snatched the
ball from its place in the grass.

"Hey catch!" She shouted long after she threw it, and the ball hit Samson in the back of the head. He stopped in his
tracks and Anna gave him a toothy smile. "Whoops! I did say catch! Better luck next time."

Samson only laughed it off and she could hear the strain in his voice. She was wanted him to get angry so she could
have a reason to beat him. At least then she could plead self defense later on.

Elsa sighed and took Samson's hand, leading him over towards the path that led towards the lake. Anna didn't follow
this time. She would probably give in and push Samson into the water. She already was pushing it with the tennis ball,
so maybe it was best to leave before she did something worse.


Two days had gone by uneventful. Samson stole away most of Elsa's time working business. He always found alone
time with her. Anna meanwhile found herself constantly listening to Voice. She had been practicing allowing him control.
It was draining, but over the past two days she was getting better.

She could feel Voice, and it was wonderful. To feel him as if he were a real being and not just something in her head. To
allow herself to relax and have him show her things. He taught her proper stances when fighting. He taught her how to
take flight from the ground better and faster than Rapunzel ever could. He even taught her how to use her strength

Turns out she was strong. Stronger than any government flier could dream. Maybe that was part of why she was special?
Her strength? She still wasn't sure. It was just hard to use it correctly. When she used it, it was like a lock. As if someone
had stored it away and she had finally woke it up.

Voice had prompted her to look around Samson's office once more. Something about noticing a locked cabinet and
maybe there was something more to it.

So two days later Anna was snooping through Samson's office. It was pretty late, late enough that everyone should be in
bed. Everyone being Samson, Elsa and Anna. Oddly enough no servants were here. Samson cooked for them and
catered to just about everything for Elsa.

And Mr. Carter still had not shown up from his trip to Japan. Samson said something about being delayed once more.
But he promised his father would show.

Do you think that Samson will b e kind to Elsa? I need to help the Guardians. Once I help them then I can come b ack to
Elsa. What are your thoughts on what I should do?

What once hurt to have have Voice speaking to her, turned into a pleasant feeling. Like she was complete and it felt so
right to have him there. Like he was always meant to be. Why would Lovdahl ever say he was bad? He was far from that
to her.

I do not trust a man who uses what I see as blackmailing to become wedded. I think you should work more on
finding information about yourself. Find more about Doctor Stone. That is your best plan. I do believe you are special
like the Guardians say. You are special to me.

Anna smiled and she felt a warmth course through her. "I am special to you. You are special to me too Voice. You know
maybe I am crazy and you're just a figment in my head. But at least you are always there."Voice's laughter rang through
her head and she laughed along with him as she pulled vanilla folders from a cabinet.

Tiny creature its fine to be a little crazy, life would be rather dull. Would it not?

"That is very true. Was your story true? The one that I fell asleep to a few nights ago?" She asked as she skimmed over
documents over gun shipments to places. Most of the resources were going to the city?

It is a story. That is all you need know for now. Would you like me to-

"Shush. I think I found something." Anna heard Voice scoff and she ignored his rumbling. "What the feathers is this? If
this is correct.. Weapons have been shipping to the city. Is says there hasn't been a deal between Roe and Carter."

Anna shifted through more papers. Designs of armor, armor that could fit a flier. A special build it seems. Guns, lots of
guns, to be sent to the city. "But from what this says, it would seem that Carter Military Co. is going to send a mass
amount of weapons. They just need to agree on something. Its like Carter is holding back or something. What the hell
would Roe want with all of this?"

Seems rather shifty don't you think. Armor for a flier? How queer.

"This must be part of surprise for the whole world to see. I need to tell the Guar-" Anna was cut off by an ear piercing
scream. Anna shoved the vanilla folder full of papers back into a drawer in a desk. Anna leapt over the desk and ran for
the door. Elsa screaming in the middle of the night was not what she ever wanted to hear.

Anna ran down the hall and she could smell fear. She was nearly choking on it, it was so strong. Anna tried the door but
it was locked. She could hear Samson shouting.

"I told you no screaming." Anna heard a slap and a whimper. Anna was frozen a moment. Was she hearing what she
thought she was really hearing? "You spread your legs for a damn stranger! A woman even? But not me? I am your
fiance! Now get ready for round two you stupid bitch."

Anna slammed on the door with all her might and the door cracked a little from it. "Go away you dumb dog. Don't you
know what privacy is." She heard footsteps and Samson opened the door. He looked a little sweaty, his shirt was gone.
His pants were zipped up but they remained unbuttoned. His left hand had teeth marks a little trickle of blood ran from it.
Elsa probably bit him.
Anna didn't hesitate. She punched him, hard enough he stumbled back into the room. She saw the way Elsa's arms
were tied to the bed post. Elsa didn't look like she was crying, but she definitely looked terrified, and humiliated. Her left
cheek was already turning red from the slap that she had received.

Anna watched as Samson rose from the floor, wiping the blood away from his mouth. Anna's eyes flashed green and
she charged at Samson, shoving him against the mirror so hard that it broke. Shards of glass fell to the ground, and
Anna gave him another punch, this time to his gut.

She got in a few more punches before Samson finally found himself and with a shout of rage he slammed his shoulder
into her stomach. She fell back and he straddled her, hands closing around her throat. "I'm going to kill you dog. And
then i'm going to have more fun with Elsa. Because she is mine."

Anna saw red, and her mind clicked. Elsa was hers. All hers. She stopped pulling at Samson's hands and she gripped
his wrists instead, so hard that he cried out and let her go. She used all her strength to throw his body off her. Samson
practically flew back and he hit the wall, falling to the ground with a thump.

Anna rolled to her hands and knees reaching for a shard of glass. She didn't care for the small slice across her palm, all
she could hear was Samsons words echoing through her head..

Because she is mine.

She stood over Samson's dazed form and he looked at her through squinted eyes. Anna's wings were unfurled and she
blocked his entire sight. In that moment Anna looked like an angel of death. Her eyes were green, her smile much too
big, fangs sharp. He noticed the glint of the light catching on the mirror shard and he held his hands out.

"You.. You wouldn't kill me would you? It's wrong. Murder is wrong." Samson's voice cracked and he was shaking. He
didn't look smug, or as arrogant as he did when he was strangling her a moment ago.

Kill him.. Protect Elsa.. Kill him. KILL HIM ANNA!

"Can't you remember Samson? I love dealing in things that are wrong." Anna listened to him scream. Watched the class
shard disappear into his belly, his throat over and over again. Loved how he struggled and tried to stop her. Heard his
scream turn wet from the blood that he coughed up.

She vaguely heard herself growling that Elsa was hers.

Mine, mine, mine, mine. You can't have her. You sick fuck. Why would you touch her like that?

Samson stopped screaming. He stopped struggling and all Anna could smell was blood. When she stood and faced
Elsa now looked at Anna in fear. When Anna glanced at the mirror, looking at what was left of the broken shards, Anna
was scared of herself.

All up her forearms was blood dripping from her fingertips, and blood splattered her body. The green in her eyes faded
and she felt drained. She tossed the bloody glass shard to the ground as if it burned her. With shaky steps she headed
to the head of the bed. She yanked off her sweater, doing her best to wipe the blood off her arms onto the inside of the
sweater. Her shirt was near pristine except for a few small splats.

Anna tugged on the rope around Elsa wrists. "Its okay Elsa.. I just got mad. Thats all." Anna saw the burn marks from the
rope on Elsa's skin and she couldn't stop the growl. Elsa flinched shaking a little and Anna pressed a kiss to Elsa's
forehead, gently holding Elsa's hands in her own. Her mind registered that Elsa was probably afraid of her.

Anna couldn't blame her. She just murdered Samson. Rightfully so. He deserved it. Don't forget that. Protect Elsa.
Protect her. Anna's teal eyes gleamed, little green flecks lit up in her eyes.

Elsa whimpered, and Anna lay with her on the bed. Elsa didn't seem to care for the blood prints on the sheets, or the
minor ones on her skin. Elsa wouldn't stop shaking and Anna purred, letting Elsa bury her face into her chest. "I'm sorry I
wasn't here sooner Elsa. I'll always protect you. I promise."

Elsa tried to turn and get a better glance at Samson's lifeless body, as if she couldn't believe what she had witnessed
moments ago, but dark feathers blocked her vision. "Don't look at him Elsa. Please just go to sleep." Anna let out a small
whine, gently rubbing Elsa's bare back.

Elsa buried her face in Anna's chest once more, clinging to her tightly. And then she cried for the first time that night. And
Anna did all she could, whispering, holding, purring, and just listening to Elsa sob.
Elsa finally whispered as if ashamed to admit it. "I'm glad you killed him."

AN: I WAS going to double update but of course something had to go wrong and I lost my copy of the next chapter. I was
too pissed off to write it up again for you guys. So in the end i'm just posting this one.

This one may have errors riddled through it. May not. I am super sorry for the five or six day delay in this chapter. Laziness
and too many birthdays distracted me. To be honest though I had updated four or six days in a row. I think I had tired
myself out. [I'm only human and I can only do so much] But now everything should go back to normal.

Anyone here willing to draw me a cover photo? I'm getting tired of seeing my Pirate lion for the default cover. That would
be amazing if someone could. I would love you forever and cherish you!

Review. I have my fort and shield ready. Throw your best weapon at me! I am ready for whatever you guys have. Anger.
Sadness. Whatever it be!

I did say Samson's last time appearing was here. What will Anna do now? There is no real way for her to get out of killing
Samson. Elsa can't always save her with cash and her fame. What will happen now?

Well.. I will SEE you in the NEXT CHAPTER. Bye.

*Chapter 24*: Running from Carter
Chapter 24: Running from Carter

Anna couldn't sleep, the adrenaline that ran through her veins hadn't gone away. All she could really think was protect
Elsa. As if it was an internal command that her brain kept repeating like a broken record. She didn't care that the danger
was over, she still eyed the Samson's body like he would get up and try to hurt Elsa once more.

Then Anna would get paranoid and watch the door, looking for anyone to appear and walk into the room. She didn't care
that they were the only two in the house now. At one point Anna had growled at the house creaking a little. That woke
Elsa up a little and she had only tightened her grip on Anna telling her to shush.

Tell me the rest of that story.. I need to relax. I need a distraction. Anna felt a shifting and then a yawn.

I can tell you the rest I suppose. Voice hummed a little in thought. Do you remember where I was?

Anna frowned and thought back two days. Um I think you were talking ab out Protector needing help to fight Fallen One.

Voice chuckled, oh right. I remember now.. Voice made a noise like he was clearing his throat and he began the rest of
the story.

Protector went to the people and convinced them he was good. That he would save them if only they would help him.
They needed to stop believing in Fallen One. Stop the rituals and believe in him instead.

After a long eight years Protector had gained enough followers, had given enough warmth and light to the people
that they could over power Fallen One. Protector rounded up his people, and he took them to Fallen One.

Protector found Fallen One sitting upon a grand throne, Fallen One had his own army of people, people who he
granted the ability to fly much like him.

Their wings were mere shadows of the beautiful white wings on Protector and Fallen One. These people believed in
Fallen One more than Protector and they wore cloaks of black, dark gray and had symbols of green.

Fallen One laughed at the sight of Protector standing with his own army of people. They wore clothing of white, light
gray and symbols of blue. They were the picture of light and good and Fallen One was disgusted.

"So brother! Creator sends you to be rid of me? Does Creator not see the good I bring to the world? The order?"
Fallen One stood and held his arms out, gesturing to the world around him. The world around him was bleak and
gray, the sun always blocked out by the clouds.

Protector pulled out his dual twin swords, tossing the hood of his white cloak off his head. "You have done nothing
but bring chaos to this world Fallen One! I will give you one last chance to repent! To fix things and admit your
wrongs. Creator will forgive you, I am sure of it. It does not need to end like this."

Fallen One unclipped his black cloak to unfurl his white wings, stretching them out far. "I have done no wrong. It will
always end in bloodshed. Its what we are meant to do." Fallen One pulled a massive claymore from behind him and
he charged forward. The humans, clothed in black and white charged forward as well.

The clashing of steel and cries of the wounded fueled Fallen One on. Their pain gave him power, the fear they
reeked. The anger itself brought him power.

Fallen One swung his heavy sword and sliced Protector's people in half. He laughed as the rest backed off slightly to
stare at their dead comrades. "Weak! You believe you can defeat me?"

Two steel swords swung in from the left and Fallen One barely lifted his sword to block the attack. Protector snarled
at him, swinging again. Fallen One ducked and slammed the hilt of his sword in Protectors face.

Protector fell back, blue blood falling from his mouth. He spat it out and glared at Fallen One. The humans had made
a circle around them, each cheering their leaders on. Protector gained power from the hope, from Creator himself.
Protector fed off the love, the joy of the people. Off their willpower to fight the evil that was Fallen One.

The angel unbuttoned his cloak, letting it fall to the ground. He flared his wings out and Fallen couldn't help but stare.
The white of Protectors wings was more pure, and they carried the warmth of the sky. A feeling that Fallen One had
lost when he fell. Fallen One dropped his sword, eyes trained on Protectors wings. Oh how he hated that he wanted
that feeling again.
Protector smirked and he lunged forward, one sword piercing Fallen One in the gut, the other near his shoulder.
Fallen One screamed and fell to his knees, blue blood falling from his wounds.

"Anything more to say before I finish you?" Protector asked, wanting to give his brother one last chance.

Fallen One let out a painful sound. A mixture between a cry and laughter. The white in Fallen One's wings drained
into a terrible black. With a wheeze Fallen One locked his eyes onto his brothers.

"I will return brother. Stronger, more powerful than before. And I will rise with my champion. No one will stop us and I
will watch you and Creator burn." Protector and his believers laughed outright.

"We have won already. You are defeated. Sentenced to death. There is no champion." Protector started to pull on the
swords, meaning to take them out so he could finish his brother off but Fallen One laughed, startling the angel.

With loud snarl Fallen One glared at the humans with dangerously beautiful green eyes. "Created from obsession,
born from lost love, a creature stuck between two different worlds. The champion will change the world and it will
listen only to me. You will all fall against its power. Darkness shall rise. Earth will be mine once more.."

Protector shook his head and he yanked his swords free from Fallen One's body dropping them to the ground.
Protector lifted his brothers heavy sword up from the ground. With a cry he drove it through Fallen One's chest.
While he watched the life from his brother drain from his eyes, Protector muttered.

"And I shall create a hero to the people. A figure of beauty and light, of purity. The hero shall be loved by all, including
your precious champion. Only the hero can command the champion and the hero will save us all."

After that Protector went around trying to fix the Earth and bringing it back to its natural state. It brought light to
those who believed in Fallen One, and it purged the false angels from Earth.

Eventually Protector returned to the sky with his brothers where they were happy once more. Supposedly Protector
was waiting for his brother to return to Earth. But many many centuries had passed and there was still no sign of
Fallen One. No sign of the Champion.

It is sometimes told that Fallen One is alive, only building power. Sometimes its told that Fallen One only cried for
mercy from his brother and received none resulting in his death. Other times it's said that Fallen One surrendered
and took off to hide like a coward.

So Fallen One lost and light was b rought b ack to earth? Good defeated evil? Thats so.. b oring and cliche. Does the light
always win? What ever happened to darkness winning once?

It's just a story tiny creature. One that I have heard many times. I put it together with the classic good versus bad. I
just added winged creatures to add interest. I thought I would share it with you. Voice let out a purr. We are darkness
though. We are going to defeat Doctor Stone. So in a way, in our own story we are darkness that will win.

Yeah b ut Doctor Stone is darkness too. Is it weird darkness is fighting darkness?

It does seem strange. Are you relaxed now? Can you sleep now?

Yes. I can sleep now. I don't feel as anxious, more like i'm drained.

It's the adrenaline tiny creature. It's wore off. Sleep now. I will wake you if I hear anything suspicious.

Anna yawned and buried her nose in Elsa's hair, letting sleep have her, but somewhere in the back of her mind she still
worried about Elsa, and what would come in the morning.


Anna woke up to a door slamming down the hall and she snarled loudly. She sat up half covering Elsa with her body,
feathers fluffing up. Anna felt panic rush through her. She could run now. Run to the Guardians. But then she would
permanently be dubbed a murderer. The only people who ran were the ones who committed a wrong.

And then she would probably never see Elsa again. She couldn't stand for that. Maybe she could bring Elsa with her! But
Elsa hated the Guardians and Anna would have to admit she had been spying all along on Elsa. That didn't seem like a
good ending. Wouldn't the blame also go on Elsa for murder as well?

All the scenarios ran through her head and she felt Elsa stir and wake up. "Anna? It was probably nothing." Elsa rubbed
her eyes, making sure to not look at Samson. She didn't want to think about last night.

"Samson? Miss Roe? Anyone here?" A voice called from down the hall and Anna tensed up. It was Mr. Carter!

Mr. Carter opened the door and Anna didn't expect Mr. Carter to look like an exact copy of Samson. Standing before her
was an older version of Samson.

The eyes, the hair, even the scowl on his face. "What in the world?" Mr. Carter took one look at the blood on Anna, her
sweater, at his son's dead body and he backed away from the room. He stuck his hand into his pocket taking off down
the hall.

Anna growling at him didn't help the situation either. She couldn't help it. He looked so much like Samson she felt that
same rage from before stir inside. Elsa touched Anna's cheek and the flier jerked. She stopped her low growl to smile a
little at Elsa.

"I protect." Anna murmured, resting her forehead on Elsa's.

"Yes. You protect. But I need you to snap out of it. Can you get me clothes? I need to speak to Mr. Carter. I can't having
him assuming the wrong thing. The faster I fix things, the better chance I have of saving you." Elsa bumped her nose on
Anna's and the flier nodded.

Anna rolled off the bed and went through the dresser. She pulled out the first things she could find. A pair of jeans and a
button up shirt. She blindly grabbed Elsa a pair of underwear and a bra walked over to hand her the clothes.

Elsa sat up and winced, her cheek wasn't as red before. It looked a little swollen, but her wrists and part of her arms
looked worse. It was a mixture of rope burn and bruises. Anna sighed, "I wish I got here sooner. I could have stopped
this. Maybe then I wouldn't have.. killed Samson."

Elsa pulled the jeans up, buttoning them quickly. "Don't blame yourself. I should have seen it coming. He had been
acting strange for the past two days, making me uncomfortable."

Anna blinked. For the past two days I have b een listening to Voice.. This is your fault Voice! I wasn't there to watch over

Voice growled at her, she could feel how offended he was. Do not blame me! You willingly came to me and we were
getting things done. I suppose I shouldn't have stolen your time away. How can we predict such things? No one is to
blame but Samson. He did a wrong. And we corrected it.

Anna sighed once more, running a hand through her hair. "You couldn't have seen it coming. No one is to blame for this.
Only Samson."

Elsa pulled the shirt over her head, "Okay here is the story. I will tell the truth. About what Samson did to me. You were
just an animal protecting its master. I've seen this defense work on dogs and a few other animals. And you haven't
shown any aggression to anyone. The only recent wrong you have done is supposedly working with the Guardians. And
you are not. This could work Anna."

Anna tilted her head, "And if doesn't work? What happens to me then?"

"Then you get put down."


Elsa left Anna in a different room and she went looking for Mr. Carter. While she walked down the hall she called her
mother first. "Mother I need a flight home."

Mrs. Roe yawned loudly into the phone. "What is it now? Don't you know that its eight in the morning?"

"Mother please... Anna killed Samson-" Elsa was cut off by a shriek and she held the phone away from her ear. God she
didn't need this. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep for a few years.


"Anna killed Samson because he.. Because Samson raped me. And I couldn't get the deal for the company to go
through. I know thats what you asked for. But Anna and I can't stay here. Mr. Carter came back today, of course.. And I
think he assumes that Anna just killed Samson without reason. What do I do mother?"
Mrs. Roe didn't answer a moment, and then she huffed. "Failing again.. Alright fine. I will have police there. Hopefully
before Mr. Carter gets someone down there with the wrong idea. I don't want you showering or anything. Your body is
evidence right now."

"Evidence?" Elsa went through the kitchen keeping an eye out for where Mr. Carter could have run off to.

"Proof. You need proof. You can't just say someone raped you. And with your flier killing the supposed rapist then it looks
real sketchy. It could be a coverup for all the world would know." Her mother sounded upset but Elsa knew she was
upset with her. She'd probably get yelled at for not trying hard enough. She wasn't looking forward to that.

"In what world would I ever lie about being raped?" Elsa had to hold herself back from shouting her question into the

"My company has been trying to merge with Mr. Carter's for a long time. This could be some trick up my sleeve for all Mr.
Carter knows. Not to mention if your dumb creature decided to kill someone, it's her word against a dead mans. I can
make this work." Another sigh and a slight pause. "For now I need you to take pictures of any marks and anything that
would help prove what happened did. Then I want you to wait somewhere safe. I will make a call to Mr. Carter and a few
others. Wait for the police."

Elsa turned around and headed back towards Anna. She trusted her mother on this. She was always good at bending
the law.

"Thank you-"

"Don't thank me yet. This is going to cost me and I want something in return Elsa. Nothing is free. Getting your flier
cleared of murder isn't going to be easy." Mrs. Roe yawned and Elsa frowned.

"Of course. I will.. I will do anything. Just help Anna."

"I will help her then. Just remember you said you would do anything Elsa."


After Elsa left her alone Anna waited a moment and then she went down the hall as well. She needed those files.
Samson's office was empty as it was before and she opened the drawer hastily. After a moment she found the folder,
called Project Order.

"Got it." She did a little cheer and she snapped as many clear pictures she could on Project Order. Even if the deal didn't
go down with Mrs. Roe this was still important. Guns? Armor? Was Doctor Stone or Mrs. Roe planning a takeover?

Once that was done she put the folder back and while she headed back down the hall she started to send the photos to
Kristoff. Anna nearly ran into Elsa and she dropped the phone to the ground in her surprise.

"Anna there you are. I was worried you had run.. Where did you get a phone?" Elsa bent over and picked up the phone,
and Anna snatched it back.

"No where important. I like to play games on it and stuff." The flier had to hold the phone away from the blonde who
reached for it.

"Let me see it Anna." Elsa grunted and tried to grab the phone again and Anna growled at her resisting the urge to just
hand it to her.

"No. It's just a stolen phone from those four guys who took me away for your party. Don't we have more important things
to worry about?" Anna shoved the phone down her pants, scowling at Elsa.

"You are right. We need to take pictures of my arms, and then we have to wait until the police that mother is calling gets
here. She's going to report it and fix things."

Elsa unbuttoned the little button on the cuff of her sleeve. She pulled the sleeves up and she made Anna take pictures of
the marks. Twenty-five minutes later Anna was sitting with Elsa in the room across from the room where Samson still

Anna leaned against the wooden headboard, Elsa was leaning against Anna, wrapped up in arms and wings. Elsa was
playing with Anna's fingers to distract herself and to not dwell on the night before.
"Anna I have a question. And I want you to be honest with me." Elsa tipped her head back to rest on Anna's shoulder
biting her lip in worry.

"Ask away then."

Elsa gripped Anna's hand and she decided to ask the question on her mind. "Why did you kill him? Why didn't you just
knock him out or something?"

Anna pulled her hands free, "Because I was told to. It was the right thing. He said so."

"Who said so? Anna what are you talking about?" Elsa lifted her head and leaned away so she could look at Anna.

Anna looked away, damn she had let it slip a little. Would Elsa believe her about Voice? "There is-"

Anna was cut off by the blaring sound of the song 'Pink Panther'. Elsa jerked and scooted away from Anna reaching into
her pocket to pull out her ringing phone. It was Mrs. Roe.

"Elsa you need to leave with Anna now. Mr. Carter already called some of his men in. His OWN men. He is far from
happy and I can't send police or do anything because you are in Mr. Carter's state. I have no power where you are. My
reach doesn't stretch that far."

"His own men for what?" Elsa didn't like the sound of that. Mr. Carter owned a military company, that sold guns and other
items to the army.. Supposedly Mr. Carter had a side bit full of mercenaries.

"He's going to have Anna put down like Old Yeller out in the woods. Leave right now! Get back in our state as fast as you
can. I tried to reason with that man but he refuses to believe anything other than what he sees. Which is his dead son
and your flier as the culprit."

"Okay. I'll call you when we get back." Elsa hung up and pushed Anna's arms off her. She hopped off the bed, running her
hands through her hair. "Anna come."

Anna looked confused by Elsa sudden change but she still followed. "Did something go wrong?"

"Yes. We need to get back home. Or at least back in our own state." Elsa opened the door and a man in wearing digital
camo stopped by the door. He immediately grabbed Elsa's arm trying to pull her away from Anna.

His grip was much too rough for her arms and she cried out. "Ow. Let go."

"Stand back miss. It's a wild one." He used his free hand to speak into a radio near his shoulder. "Sir this is Ryan. I
found the girl and the flier. Down the left main hall.. Do I shoot it?" Anna growled at him getting ready to pounce on him.
The green bled into her eyes and she waited for him to move first.

There was static and a shout. It sounded like Mr. Carter. "Fucking kill it! Do what you must."

Anna pounced with a snarl and Ryan reached for his gun, throwing Elsa away and she hit the wall with a squeal. Anna
landed on Ryan and she wrapped her legs around him doing her best to keep his hands off the pistol at his hip. The
man fell back against the wall after being unbalanced by Anna's extra weight.

He shouted and turned to slam Anna against the wall. Anna could hear the heavy thuds of footsteps and she panicked.
She bit down on the mans shoulder and her fangs pierced through the fabric will little resistance.

Elsa got up off the floor and pulled at Ryans short hair and the three of them tumbled to the ground. Anna stopped biting
and sat back on the guys stomach and she punched him on the nose. She heard a crack and his cry made her feel
stronger. She smiled.

Hit him again. Feels good doesn't it? His pain.

Anna started to grin and punched him once more. She would have continued but Elsa pulled on her arm. "Anna stop! We
have to go."

Voice practically hissed inside Anna's head and she winced. The green in her eyes dulled and she nodded. "Yes. We…
go. Of course." Anna got up and she started down the hall, making sure Elsa was in front.

She heard shouts behind her and there were more similarly dressed men and women stomping down the hall. "Faster
Elsa.. Run!" Elsa picked up the pace and she turned the corner. Anna was nearly at the corner when the first bullet
whizzed past her.
"Why does everyone have to be crazy?" She muttered, hoping nothing hit her. Another four rounds went off and she felt a
pinch, and she grabbed the wall to whirl around the corner.

She nearly ran into Elsa who was stopped in the middle of the hall. A dead end. "Anna lets go in this room. We can go
out the window." Elsa ran into the nearest room and once Anna was inside she slammed the door shut. Elsa went to the
window to open it while Anna pushed the dresser in front of the door.

"Elsa.. How do we actually get out of here? We don't have a driver. The limo guy left the day we got here." Anna climbed
out first and she kept an eye out while Elsa went through the window next.

"I guess we could steal their car? No.. We're in enough trouble." Anna heard someone slamming on the door and she
picked Elsa up bridal style. "Hey.. you aren't thinking of flying with me are you?"

"Yes." Anna smiled and she unfurled her wings. She could do this. They would be fine. Totally fine. Anna started the slow
process of taking off from the ground. It was annoying enough taking off just by herself. With Elsa's added weight it was
like she was just learning how again.

"Fly faster." Elsa grumbled, looking at the tiny space of air between her and the ground.

"Well geez if I didn't have an extra weight on me I would." They were only just above the house and Anna could feel sweat
on her forehead.

Elsa gasped lightly smack Anna on the shoulder. "Are you saying that I am heavy?"

"Right this minute you weigh a ton. I have special bones Elsa. Like a birds! My bones are light and airy. Yours weigh as
much as an elephant to me right now." A clap and a bullet flew past them, barely nicking Anna on the wing. She grit her
teeth and resisted the urge to curl the wing in. "Why did they have to shoot at us. Isn't there a less dramatic way of doing

She held Elsa tighter to her and now that they were high enough, she could use the wind and gravity to bring them
forward. Elsa screamed a little, not expecting the sudden dip forward. "Why are we falling?"

"We are flying. This is how it has to go since I am carrying you." Anna used the help of the strong wind to fly up once
more, and powerful down strokes to keep them high up. "Which way is home?"

Elsa chuckled nervously, glancing down and seeing everything so small made her want to puke. "Not sure."

"You don't know?" Anna's jaw dropped and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "So i'm flying blind now? What's
next?" The Guardian phone buzzed its tell tale buzz in her pants and she rolled her eyes. Of course Kristoff called her

Maybe if she just ignored him he would go away. Elsa crossed her arms, wiggling to get more comfortable. "I don't know,
I guess I could gps it?"

Kristoff was calling again. Damn it. "You should. I just need a direction Elsa. Once we get in our state then we should be
fine.. right?"

Elsa reached into her pocket, and some turbulence had them dropping a little. Elsa cried out and she dropped her
phone. Sky blue eyes watched her white Galaxy S5 phone fall towards the ground. "Oops."

"Oops? What oops?" Anna stopped watching the sky to look at Elsa. The woman looked like she was trying to hide in her
hunched shoulders.

"I may have dropped my phone." Elsa hid her face in Anna's neck when teal eyes glared at her.

"You have to be.. Why did you you drop it?" Anna shouted, already having enough of today. It wasn't even in the afternoon
yet either.

Elsa gently bit Anna on the neck to let her know how she felt about being yelled at. "It's not my fault Anna! You had to drop
from the sky! Warn me next time!"

Anna growled, "Oh yeah I'll warn you when the next air patch wants to hit us. I'll just ask the air to be nicer next time. Now
we don't have a phone. Or a way home."

"Well if you hadn't killed Samson we wouldn't be running like fugitives out of state to get home!" Anna inhaled sharply and
she closed her eyes praying for patience.

"If you want to low ball and use bull shit like that then fine. But say that again and I will drop you Elsa. I rescued you! Yeah
I shouldn't have killed him but whatever. What do I know right? I'm the dog that protected master."

They were quiet for the rest of the two hours they remained in the sky.


"Are you okay?" Elsa asked when Anna started to dip a little further down. Anna blinked and saw spots. She squinted and
shook her head.

"I.. I'm fine. I just got a little sleepy." Elsa looked at Anna like she was crazy.

"It's only one in the afternoon Anna. Maybe we should-" Elsa screamed when Anna's eyes rolled back eyes shutting and
they began to drop light a dead weight. "Wake up Anna.. Wake up!"

She slapped Anna on the face and said flier opened her eyes, snapping her wings out to slow their descent and to guide
them safely to the ground. Anna didn't land as gracefully as she should have. She hit the ground running and after a few
shaky steps she dropped Elsa and fell to the dirt.

Elsa brushed dirt off herself and Anna clutched at the back of her leg. Her hand came back a dark red. So that explained
the pinch she felt earlier. She was shot. "Ow.. Why didn't I notice this earlier?"

Elsa actually looked at Anna's leg and noticed the large red patch on the back Anna's thigh, there was blood on her calf.
She must have been bleeding this entire time. She gasped and she crawled over. "Anna I need you to stay awake for me
now." Elsa glanced around. They were in a forest, there wasn't a building or the sound of civilization in sight. What was
she to do now?

"Can I die from being shot in the leg?" Anna asked, laying on her belly, the spots coming back to her.

"With all the blood you have lost so far. Yes. I need wrap it so the blood will stop." Elsa glanced around. She could feel
panic creeping in. If Anna actually died she probably would die as well.

"Ah.. buzz buzz! Ring ring." Anna laughed and pulled her Guardian phone out. Elsa perked up. Thats right! Anna had a

Quickly she snatched the phone from Anna who weakly attempted to grab it back. Elsa answered it and she didn't know
what to expect.

"Anna! That is some great information you found! We will have to move in quickly. I need you-"

"Excuse me. This isn't Anna. Who is this?"

The man on the other line was quiet for a long moment.

"Who is this? Where did you get this phone?" The man sounded suspicious and the enthusiasm was gone in his voice.

"This is Elsa Roe. Who ever you are some help would be appreciated. Anna got shot and now we are stuck here. People
are trying to kill her. Please help us. I don't know what to do. She's falling asleep." Elsa would ask questions later. Right
now Anna needed help. If this man could give it, she would take it for now.

"Stay on the line. I will track the call and I will get someone to you as fast as I can. What I need you to do is stop her from
bleeding. Do you have some fabric or anything?"

"I have a long sleeve shirt on."

"Perfect. Tear some of your sleeve off or some from the bottom. Once you do that.."

Elsa listened to the mans instructions doing her best to get Anna's leg wrapped up and she dragged her to lay next to a
tree. Looked like rain clouds in the distance. Elsa remained on the phone with the man and now that she and Anna were
leaning on the tree she decided to ask him a question.

"Who are you?"

Another stretch of silence. "I'm Kristoff and I am a friend of Anna's. That's all you need to know right now. I have someone
in that state. They are coming to get you. They will bring you to us."

"Who is us?"

"More friends. Don't worry we aren't bad. Just old friends of Anna."

Elsa felt suspicious. Was this the one who told Anna to kill Samson? Anna had mentioned 'He said so.' "Alright. Tell
them to hurry. Anna is out cold now. I don't know how much longer she will last."

AN: And I feel like I should cut it off here. It's 2:05 am here.. Im sleepy but I needed to get this chapter out.

BECAUSE I am going to a Chargers football game. My baby sister got invited which got me invited and I feel like I should
experience something fun such as Football. I guess. Its my first NFL game. I have been to a college game before

Anyway to the Guardians we go! Yay? Elsa and Anna were going to go to the police but they are in Mr. Carters state. His
town. His people. So they are sort of screwed right now. Dramatics next chapter? Maybe..

Welp, I will SEE you in the NEXT CHAPTER. Bye.

*Chapter 25*: Elsa meets the Guardians
Chapter 25: Elsa meets the Guardians

Elsa shook Anna in hopes to wake her up. The flier had eventually passed out and she was getting paler. It had been an
hour which marked three hours since she had been shot. Elsa didn't know how much longer Anna was going to last.

"Anna please wake up." Elsa shook the girl again and she mumbled something. Elsa couldn't catch it. "Wake up and
stay awake this time." Eyelids opened and cloudy teal eyes looked over at Elsa.

"I.. I'm awake." Anna's eyes fluttered and started to close again. "I'm so tired Elsa. I can hear the whispering again."

Anna seemed to perk up when she talked about the whispers. Elsa jumped on that conversation. "Tell me about them.
What do they say?"

Anna leaned on Elsa, resting her head on her shoulder. "They call for help. Like a.. prayer.. They feel warm sometimes..
Like the sun on my back… and it hurts."

"What do they want help for?" Elsa asked, wiggling her shoulder to keep Anna moving and hopefully awake.

Anna was quiet a moment, and she took a shuddering breath. "Save us. I believe in you.. Come back. Why don't you
answer me? They reach for me sometimes.. In my dreams. They pull.. and it hurts. Sometimes I try to follow one pair of

Elsa had to shake Anna again to get her to speak more. "But the dark hands yank me back. Like they don't want me
surrounded by the others. Sometimes pale hands reach and grab me first. But then the dark hands claw at my back.
Telling me to return. To listen. They remind me of your hands, the pale ones."

Elsa frowned and wrapped her arm around Anna. "If they reach for you again. Look for my hands. Think of me. Don't let
the dark ones get you. I'll save you."

"But then the dark hands yell, shout, screech, and pull harder. I watched those hands tear the pale arms apart once. I
don't want you in danger." Anna weakly grabbed for Elsa's shoulder, trying to lift her head to look up at Elsa.

Elsa kissed Anna on top of her forehead, smiling down at her now. "I will be your hero Anna. I will save the both of us. I
won't let it get you. How long have you been dreaming that?"

"Not very long. Recent. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering. Other times I just remember falling. Sometimes I
hear Voice." Anna smiled so suddenly Elsa had to blink to believe the happy smile on her face. "Those are.. my favorite

"Voice. Who is Voice?"

"I don't know.. I can't tell you. He is friend. Not enemy." Anna sighed and she slumped against Elsa. Elsa heard people
talking in the distance and she carefully lay Anna on the ground. That had to be the people Kristoff sent.

Elsa picked her way through the lush forest. "Hello! Are you the ones sent to help us?" Elsa heard the sound of thumping
and it grew closer. Three people on horseback broke through the heavy bushes.

"Are you Miss Roe? Where is Anna?" A woman on a grey horse asked looking around. Either for Anna or enemies. The
two women and one guy all wore similar black zip up jackets. Elsa wondered if they matched on purpose. They all had
their hoods up and you couldn't see their eyes.

"Yes. I'm Miss Roe. Anna is this way." Elsa turned back the way she came leading the three on. Elsa found Anna
standing, leaning against the tree. She looked frantic, and the fear in Anna's eyes left the moment she spotted Elsa.

"Anna! You shouldn't be trying to stand." Elsa watched as Anna tried to take a step towards them, but the flier ended up
hitting the dirt. The girl riding a palomino horse tossed her leg over the horse and slid to the ground.

The girl helped Elsa lift Anna off the ground. "She's lost a lot of blood. We need to get her to our camp quickly. We have
some blood transfer items."

Elsa had one of Anna's arms over her shoulder, the other arm rested over the other girls shoulder. Elsa gave her a
strange look. "You have blood transfer equipment out here? What ever for?"
The girl gave Elsa a humorless laugh. "Carter and his boys are getting a little more trigger happy. We need it out here."

"Why would he want to shoot you guys?" The girl didn't have to answer. They had reached the horse and Elsa helped the
girl toss Anna over the horse's back. Draping her horizontally on the horse. Strange. No saddle. Elsa watched the girl get
on the horse and she gasped.

On the back of her sweater was the tell tale golden wings. "You.. You are Guardians!" Elsa backed up, eyes wide. She
tripped over a root and she crawled back. These people were dangerous! And crazy! The girl on the grey horse hopped
off waving the other two away.

"You two get Anna back to camp quickly. I'll deal with her." A grunt in agreement and the other two turned their horses
around. They clicked their tongues, giving their horse a kick to get them going.

"Stay away from me!" Elsa couldn't move anymore, her back pressed firmly against a tree.

The woman pulled her hood back and she had long blond hair. It was slightly tamed by a black head band, but it didn't
stop the bangs from falling into her girl looked into Elsa's blue eyes with her own. "For the love of Watcher.. Look. I'm a
human too. No need to freak out. I'll tell you my name. And you tell me yours. I don't care that I know it already. Got it?"

Elsa was strangely calmed once she realized the woman was actually a young girl. She would probably be pretty if she
would smile. Right now she looked bored and annoyed.

The girl held her hand out for Elsa to shake and to help her up. "I'm Eilonwy S. Cauldron. Yeah I am a Guardian but i'm
sure I do more good than you. So lets get along right? I am technically your way out."

Elsa took her hand and allowed herself to be helped up. The girl had to be around fourteen. She was much shorter than
Elsa. The Guardian had to look up to look Elsa in the eye. "I'm Elsa Roe. Elsa Idina Roe if you want the full name." They
shook hands, staring a moment. Elsa stored the small insult that the girl did more good than her for later. She was
Guardian. How was she better than her?

"Alrighty then. Lets go. The faster we get to camp, the less chance we have of being shot. Or captured." Eilonwy walked
over to her horse, patting it on the nose and Elsa followed at a much slower pace.

"But I am not a Guardian. Why would I get shot?" Elsa watched how Eilonwy effortlessly got the horse to kneel to the

"Because you would be spotted with me. Sorry but these guys shoot first then ask questions. Man. Now I know you
haven't been here long. You don't know the half of what goes on in this state. Its not as happy as your state. Now lets go
Princess. Hop on."

"I'm too old to be a princess." Elsa grumbled, cautiously throwing her leg over the horse. She gripped the grey hair of the
horse when Eilonwy clucked her tongue and the horse got to its feet.

"Fine then. Scoot back a little then Queen. I need to steer since I know the way." Elsa scooted back on the horse, and
Eilonwy pulled herself onto the horse with ease. She had to have done it a bunch of times.

The younger girl led them in the same direction the other two ran off in. "So.. What happened for you to get shot at by
Carter? I thought he was all buddy buddy with your mother?"

Elsa shook her head, shivering slightly. "No. They were trying to be 'buddy buddy'. Things didn't really work out like that."
Elsa didn't think it was that good of an idea to tell them about what really what happened. She wasn't sure they would be
happy with Anna killing someone.

Speaking of Anna.. Elsa felt betrayed. Anna had been friends with the Guardians all along. And information? Was she
just working with her to get that information? Was their relationship just a lie? Could it even be called a relationship?


Elsa stopped that train of thought before it took off completely. Anna wouldn't do that to her. At least Elsa hoped not. For
now she shoved aside the hurt, and the betrayal. She would deal with this when Anna got better.

Assuming she did.

When Elsa arrived at the camp the Guardians had already had the bullet taken out of Anna's leg. The wounded flier
rested on a table on her belly, her long wings stretched out so they could be examined, and her leg had been wrapped
up tightly. A woman and a flier stood beside Anna.

The flier had black hair, he seemed to be licking the extra blood on his hand off. Elsa was weirded out at first, but then
she caught snippets. "I think her blood type is.. O negative." He licked his finger once more, making a smacking noise
with his lips. "Yup O negative. Where do we keep the O blood types at?"

The girl beside him went towards a large cave that most of the tents surrounded. "They are in the very back inside. I'll go
get them." The cave had massive wires and thick cords running into it. They connected to a generator just outside the

As much as Elsa wanted to go to Anna she didn't really like needles. That was her story and she would stick to it. So
instead of watching over Anna she wandered through the camp. She noticed that Eilonwy followed her from a distance. It
was so strange to see the Guardians up close.

They were so far from what you would hear in the news. She knew they sometimes protested peacefully. But it never
ended peacefully. She heard that they could be dangerous, and more than a few scientists were beat up. She heard that
fliers sometimes went missing because of them. Sometimes even people.

She heard that they were crazy, that they were sick. Diseased. For what? Elsa herself didn't know what they stood up for.
She only knew that they believed fliers came from heaven. Which was crazy. Every flier was a lab baby, specially made to
a buyers order.

So why did they seem so.. normal? They gathered food, they laughed, joked, grumbled about being tired. There was
even a few kids, and they too wore black jackets with gold symbols on the back. They all looked clean, maybe a few were
grungy. One thing she noticed, is they all knew one another. And boy were they loud.

"Jackie! Jackie did you get the deer?" An elder woman called and Jackie, a brunette, turned from where she stood by
wooden crates.

"Yes Wanda. Jack brought it over. That deer is gutted and put into the big freezer."

Or she could hear conversations that went along like this between a a group of kids..

"Okay lets play Stone killer!"

"Alright you have to be Doctor Stone this time."

"Ha get her!"

She watched the girl try and fight off the others, and they took off running through the camp, shouting. Eilonwy appeared
to her right, arms behind her back. "So. Still think we are crazy, going to kill you?"

Elsa couldn't stop her smile. "No.. You guys seem rather ordinary. Doesn't mean I think you guys are okay quite yet. I've
just had enough for one day. I can freak out later."

Eilonwy nodded, and she gestured for Elsa to follow. "Come on. Since you're here, you can help us out."

"Um no thanks. I would rather not associate with you guys anymore than I need to." Elsa held her hands up and Eilonwy
raised a blonde brow.

"Gee see here's the thing… I wasn't asking. I was telling. Didn't your mother ever tell you that nothing was free? We can
help Anna because she is one of us. You are not." Elsa flinched, she actually heard that just today. How ironic.

"What do I have to do?" Elsa crossed her arms and sighed. Eilonwy smirked, leading Elsa back towards the large cave

"Well since you were so kind as to volunteer. We are going to process the meat." Eilonwy's smirk turned into a grin when
Elsa looked confused.

"And.. what exactly does that involve?"

"Oh my fine Queen.. You will see."

Elsa blanched when she was met with Jackie, the brunette with matching brown eyes. "You need a hair tie for your hair?
Trust me you really should put it up." Jackie tied her hair up in a high ponytail.

"I need to get out of this room. Is this what happens to every deer?" Elsa tried to back up a few steps but Eilonwy pushed
her forward. Elsa stumbled into Jackie. Jackie who had bloody arms and blood all over her apron.

"Have fun Queen. I don't want to see you until dinner time. Which should be deer tonight. Show her how to do it all
Jackie." Elsa pulled away from Jackie, looking at her now bloody button up. Eilonwy leaned in to whisper to Jackie. "Oh.
Don't be afraid to get her dirty and work her hard. She has to earn her way in."

"I don't want to be apart of the Guardians. I'll do this so I can go home." Elsa pulled her sleeves back, in a last attempt to
keep the blood off. "Do we at least get gloves?" Jackie started laughing so hard that she had to wipe away a tear. Of
course then she had a blood smear under her eye.

"Boy you really are a Queen." Jackie said once she calmed down. "Look this is actually easy once you learn it. Here's an
apron and tie for your hair. Once you get that done, get a knife. We have a deer to skin. Then we have to quarter it and
debone it. Come on a kid can do it."

Elsa looked at the upside down hanging deer, its guts already gone. She groaned, "Is that supposed to make me feel
better? Because that didn't help."

"Well I hoped it would. But its true a child can do this." Elsa watched Jackie start to cut the skin around the leg and she
gasped. It sounded so gross! She wanted to run away yelling ew ew ew.

Jackie pulled some of the skin away from the leg, revealing the muscles hidden underneath. The girl waved her arms
around. "See its easy. Cut, grab, pull. Cut some more." Blood flew off her hands and straight into Elsa's still open mouth.

Elsa screamed.


Elsa left the cave and she shuddered. Her arms were all sticky now. Why did dead deers have so much blood? And why
did she have to do that for three and a half hours? "I think Anna is awake."

Elsa started and she frowned. "For how long?"

"Oh a while. She isn't done getting blood I heard. But at least she is awake. Maybe you can bring her a plate of food.
Should be done cooking by now. I'll take you to the river to wash off that blood."

"Wait. I thought the deer we were cutting up was for dinner?" Elsa watched as a slow smile split Jackies' face.

"Well those ones are put away for tomorrow. In the giant fridges.. That we totally didn't steal. We already had deer from
yesterday. Come on Queen lets get you washed off and maybe a new shirt."


A new shirt meant the ugly pale yellow shirt that all the Guardians wore. Jackie tried to get Elsa to wear a jacket since the
sun was already setting, but she refused to wear that blasted jacket.

Elsa then found herself squished around a large campfire between Jackie, and Eilonwy. Anna was sitting next to a flier
and she chatted with him, she still had a blood bag, but they allowed her to eat with everyone. Oddly enough they were a
group of people apart.

Fine by Elsa. She didn't want to ask Anna about the Guardian's quite yet. She was attempting to eat the cooked deer and
potatoes and carrots. After having gut the other deer, she was a little on edge about eating it. That and she didn't really
have soap for her hands when she washed them off in the river.

Anna didn't seem to mind. She tore right into her dinner like a starving animal. After a few minutes of silence, the only
sound the crack and pop of the fire and a burp from a stray child, a young boy stood up.

"Story time! I want a story! Wanda tell us The Story!" Wanda chuckled and ruffled the boys hair.

She put her metal platter down and she tapped her chin in thought. "Oh I suppose I could tell that one. I'm sure our two
guests would enjoy a story." Elsa tilted her head, wondering what this story was.

"Long ago there was thirteen beautiful angels. They lived up in the sky." Wanda lifted her arms to the sky, pointing at the
stars above. "Up in Heaven with God. They all lived in sweet harmony and they watched over the people on earth. One
day one of the angels grew jealous. He hated the humans." She paused for a moment, making sure Anna and Elsa
were keeping up.

Elsa looked interested, and Anna looked pale. Probably due to blood loss. "He hated them for how weak they were. He
saw them as a species to rule and give order. This angel argued with God over it and God cast him out. The angel fell
and he was known as Chaos." Anna shook her head, no. He was Fallen One.

"Chaos wandered the earth bringing what his name said. He brought chaos and fear to the people. Making them his
slaves. He was very cruel and the people cried for mercy. The earth was stuck in eternal darkness and rain. The people
prayed for someone to save them!" Wanda smiled at the wonder on the children's face. They always loved this story.

"God heard their prayers and he answered them. He sent down an angel to save them. This angel was called Watcher.
Because he was sent to watch over us. Watcher was plenty stronger than Chaos and he challenged him to hand to hand
combat." The elder woman took a sip of her water.

"Chaos agreed but the cheater he was he brought his own army. An army of false angels. Humans turned into an angel.
Watcher had seen this coming and brought his own army. The people itself. They fought long and hard. Eventually
Watcher executed his own brother. But before Chaos fell to Watchers blade he shouted to the sky."

Wanda deepened her voice. "I will rise again! Earth and its humans will be mine! All mine!" The kids boo'd at that.
"Watcher rid the world of false angels and he stayed on earth. People prayed to him all the time. They would forever be in
his debt for getting rid of the evil. Some say Watcher stayed behind to make sure Chaos would never ever rise."

The others clapped and Anna jumped to her feet, pointing a finger at Wanda. "Lies! That is not how the story goes. You
have it wrong. Fal- er.. Chaos was cheated by .. God. He was cast out wrongfully. He only wanted order.." The flier next to
Anna got up and patted her arm.

"Anna I think its time you went to bed. You're still loopy I can tell. Lets go. Come on." The flier tried to lead Anna away but
she shook her head, trying in vain to dig her heels in.

"No Jason. That old lady has it all wrong." Jason shook his head, smiling to himself.

"Come on Anna. Before you do something even more crazy." Elsa watched as Anna was practically dragged away by

"I better go check on her." Elsa passed her plate to Jackie who ate the leftovers off it with a shrug.


Jason was just leaving the small tent where Anna was to sleep for the night when Elsa walked up. "Is she okay?"

Jason shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pocket. "I think so. Not sure. She's lucky she has the excuse of drugs and
blood loss. Otherwise there would have been hell to pay for such rudeness to Wanda."

Elsa gave him an apologetic look and she bent over to head into the tent. Anna was on her belly, and she growled.
"Jason I swear.. Go away. I know what I said was rude. Alright?"

"It's me." Elsa was kneeling just at the end of Anna's feet.

Anna jerked and rolled over leaning back on her elbows. The movement had jostled her leg and she hissed. "Oh.. um.."
Anna bit her lip, pushing an invisible strand of hair behind her ear in a nervous habit.

"How long until you would have told me that you were a Guardian Anna?" Elsa crossed her arms and Anna kept her eyes
on her lap.

"Well.. You see.. I wouldn't tell you until after."

"After what Anna?"

"After we got rid of Doctor Stone. After we got people to see that i'm not an animal. I am a person too." Anna heard Elsa
laugh in disbelief.

"Anna like it or not, but you are an animal! You are a human in disguise. I don't like how your kind is treated either but
"Did you just say.. my kind?" Anna was looking at Elsa now, eyes wide and she looked so hurt. Elsa refused to let that
get to her.

"Yes. Why would you join these guys in the first place? Wait.. How long have you been with them?" Elsa watched a flurry
of emotions change Anna's face. Hurt, anger, then guilt.

"Remember when I disappeared for two months? That's when." Anna let her body fall back onto the blankets beneath

"So you were lying to me when you said you weren't apart of the Guardians when you left for a week? So when Kristoff
said you found good information you were just spying on me? Was everything a lie to make me comfortable around you?
So I wouldn't see you snooping?" Elsa's voice broke and Anna sat up quickly, shaking her head.

"Never! I swear." Elsa didn't look like she was believing Anna's weak plea. Elsa' started to stand to leave. Anna grabbed
her wrist tightly, but gently, yanking Elsa down on top of her. She wrapped her arms around Elsa locking them together.

Elsa tried to push away and when that failed she punched at Anna's chest. "Let go you lying.. back stabbing dog."

"No I won't let go. Do you know why I joined the Guardians?" Elsa didn't answer, she still attempted to wiggle free from
Anna. Anna wrapped her leg over Elsa's to keep her still. "I joined them for you. For us I guess you could say."

That stopped Elsa's struggles and she narrowed her icy blue eyes on Anna's teal. "For me? How would joining their
senseless crusade be for me?"

Anna tried to smile at Elsa. "Because.. the Guardian's don't care for human flier relationships. They treat me like an
equal and not a pet. They ask for my name and don't reach for my arm to scan it. If I could help them change the way
people saw fliers.. then.. then I could be with you. No more hiding."

Anna continued hoping Elsa would understand. "I do this for you. I have problems with the Guardians too. They make me
mad sometimes too. They actually kidnapped me into their gang. But they are fighting for a better life for all fliers. I fight
so one day if I was ever so lucky I could marry you. Kiss you in public. To smile and be able to say you're mine."

Elsa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "You really have been doing this for me?"

"Yes. I joined them to make myself stronger for you. To change the world for you and maybe a little for myself. I.. I turned
in a fellow Guardian to stay with you. I killed Samson for you. I learned how to read for you. So I could be a little smarter.
And to help with reading for the Guardians."

Anna felt Elsa's tense body slowly relax under her grip. Perfect. "I.. I just wish you would have said something sooner. I
asked you outright. You could have told me the truth then Anna."

"No.. I couldn't have Elsa. To be honest the Guardians seem sketchy to me as well. I feel like they hide something. But if I
have to be honest. They are looking for me."

Elsa didn't look like she followed. "Looking for you? Why?"

Anna shrugged, "They are looking for A117. Which is me. I don't understand why. They say I am the key. Key to the
success. I haven't told them because they would take me away from you. But I also don't really know what is in store for
me. That's why my wardrobe consists of long sleeves and sweaters. All I know is everyone I meet says im special. It only
makes me mad."

"I told you were special." Elsa mumbled, her chin resting on Anna's chest.

"Yeah but I like hearing you say it to me." Anna murmured quietly. And I love it when Voice tells me that too. Why is it only
when they do it I love it?

Elsa took advantage of Anna loosening her grip, sitting up and resting her hands on Anna's ribs. "Anna I want to cuddle."
Anna started to nod closing her eyes with a yawn. Weren't they cuddling already?

"But I want to do it naked." Anna sat up so quickly Elsa almost fell off her lap.

"Whoa no. No. I don't think you need that right now. See there is a thing called time and place." Elsa glanced away and
she started wringing her hands. Ah damn. Anna said the wrong thing.

"I need it. I can still remember Samson's hands." Elsa shivered, and she looked Anna in the eye again. "I just want skin
on skin contact. I don't want to remember him. I don't know how to explain it. But.. I just feel so.. dirty. Like no amount of
soap would ever get rid of that feeling." Elsa looked so nervous, and a little scared. Scared of what she was
remembering, or nervous that Anna wouldn't take her seriously.

Anna nodded, running her hands up Elsa's back. "Since you explained why… I think we can do that. I just don't want you
uncomfortable. I mean.. you know.. Samson and I do have the same anatomy. I don't want you to have a flashback or
something." Anna was worried Elsa was just pushing herself. But if this was what she wanted and it would hopefully
make her feel even just a little better, then so be it.

It took longer than Anna thought to take all their clothes off. Elsa insisted Anna remove hers for her. Anna had pulled
Elsa's shirt off and then she waited nine minutes before Elsa was comfortable enough to remove the next article of

But Anna didn't mind. She wasn't hurt at all when Elsa panicked a little when she started to pull down the blue panties.
She simply dropped her hands to the ground and let Elsa take a calming breath. Once that was removed, Elsa removed
Anna's clothing.

Though it didn't take as long, the only time Elsa really hesitated is when she got to Anna's grey boxers. After ten minutes
of waiting Anna smiled a little.

"You don't have to do this. Maybe its too soon for you.. I'm totally fine w-"

Elsa vehemently shook her head."No. I don't want to let this grow into an irrational fear or anything. To me that's him
winning. I refuse to let that happen. Plus its you.. My Anna. I shouldn't feel so afraid." With that she pulled Anna's boxers
off with a little help and she pushed Anna back against the blankets.

"D-don't move. Just lay there." Elsa was hovering above Anna on her knees. Anna lay there smiling up at Elsa.

"Take your time. But if I fall asleep don't be mad at me please." Anna ended her sentence on a yawn, but she still kept
smiling at Elsa.

Elsa closed her eyes, and draped herself across Anna. Elsa relaxed after a moment and Anna sighed. Another five
minutes rolled by.

"Did it help?" Anna asked, and Elsa lifted her head from Anna's shoulder, smiling.

"A little. Rub my back?"

"Anytime Elsa."


Doctor Stone threw the chair across the room inside his office. He shouted and flipped his desk over. "God damn it! The
deal isn't going to go through at this rate! I need you to fix this!"

Doctor Stone turned to Mrs. Roe who looked like she was waiting for a child's tantrum to be over. "Of course I will fix
things. You forget Stone that this company belongs to me. Me! So shut your trap and let me think. I'm already building my
case against Carter and his damn son." Mrs. Roe patted Doctor Stone on the chest and he brushed her hand away.

"If things go right I think I will have everything I need to milk this entire situation. I heard you had a problem in the flier
department that was shut down. Tell me about that." Mrs. Roe watched Doctor Stone as he shuffled through a few
papers on the ground.

He lifted one up, "We had to shut down due to lack of profits and any results. We had one escape. Don't worry I will find
him though. I have been making progress with Creature though. The Dream program works. That is why I need this deal
to go through. Carter has all the resources we need."

Mrs. Roe glanced over the paper that Doctor Stone handed her. "So you really got it to listen hmm? There isn't anything
that could go wrong?"

"If you like I could show you some footage. She excels at the program and can control it for up to two hours so far. Give it
more time and it would be effortless." Doctor Stone went to his tipped over desk to grab a disk from the drawer.

He put it into the dvd player and he turned on the tv. "Alright. This footage is her first try. Its hardly anything." The scratchy
video of the Creature, stuck on its knees, chains holding its arms up appeared. The footage had Lovdahl in the
wheelchair and it showed her weak struggle to control it. The camera zoomed in on the green eyes that opened at
Lovdahl's command.

The video went to static and it changed. "This footage is a week old and she has made amazing progress." Lovdahl was
standing and she looked much healthier. Lovdahl held her hand out and she put her hand on its covered head. The
sound screeched and Mrs. Roe heard a loud rumble. "Look at how she hardly has to try to focus her energy in controlling
it. It's damn near impossible, but she does it!" Creature fluffed its feathers and even rose to its feet for Lovdahl when

Mrs. Roe turned the tv off. "I have seen enough. I can see the Dream program works. There are no flaws?"

"There is only one strange thing. Lovdahl says that Creature is building power. As if leaching off something. It also
rumbles and makes noises, more often when its alone. Lovdahl mentioned that it speaks. Speaks to another far away.
But it refuses to give anything about it no matter how hard Lovdahl tries." Doctor Stone didn't look very happy, but he
shrugged nonetheless.

Mrs. Roe waved that off. "If it doesn't effect anything then proceed as planned. Things will go according to plan. But it will
be all for naught if we don't get Elsa back. With her we will have Carter Military Co. eating out of our palms."

Doctor Stone and Mrs. Roe had a good laugh over that mental image, and then she ordered him to clean up the office.

"Come home soon Elsa. Come home soon. Hopefully you have what I need by then."

AN: Few its three thirty and I have to be somewhere by nine. No complaints here though.

Elsa's trying to heal, Anna is healing already from her gunshot. Doctor Stone and Mrs. Roe converse and plan. Lovdahl
gets more pro at her skill.

I will SEE you in the NEXT CHAPTER. Bye!

*Chapter 26*: Onward we Go
Chapter 26: Onward we go

Anna was all healed up within two days. All traces of her wound was gone save for a minor limp. Currently Anna was in
the dark cave going over the map with Eilonwy. She sighed and stared at the yellow circle that marked their campsite. Off
into the distance there was red marks. Carter's men lingered around there.

It felt like a battle map, except they were running from the battle. "Jason flew back today and he said there was more
here." Anna used a pencil and marked a new area. "They haven't spotted us yet but I think if you guys go this way."
Another pencil mark taking a way around the red. "You can get past them. It will take us more into the state and not out,
but its either that or go through this mountain pass."

Eilonwy tapped her chin in thought and she marked one of the pencil lines in red so she knew where Carter was. "We
may need to go through that pass Anna. I need to get you and Elsa out of this state. I contacted Kristoff and from what I
can tell... " Eilonwy put the red marker down. "I'm sending a team through the mountain pass."

The girl started marking a trail up between the mountains. "The North Mountain is dangerous around this time of the
year. And it has blizzards during this time. Eventually the pass will close up. But if we hurry you two through Oaken
Pass.." She drew another line directly at the mountain. "We can assemble more gear and continue through the tunnels
in the mountain. Its just as dangerous. But i'd rather walk you through a dark tunnel than a freezing storm."

Anna stared at the line and she got a bad feeling, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up a little. She brushed the
feeling off. She passed it off as being nervous after hearing the whole blizzard spheal. "If its what you think is right. How
long will this trip to the tunnel take?" She heard a story once from a Guardian angel. He had tried to fly in the bitter cold
and his feathers froze, chipping off. He had nearly lost his wings in the cold.

"Maybe a week and a half. Through the tunnels it could take another week, sometimes less. I'd say two weeks and we
could have you back in your state." Eilonwy turned to fiddle with an ancient looking radio. "I'll contact Kristoff's team and
tell him how this is going to go down. You start packing up a tent and traveling items for you and Elsa. We leave once he
gives the okay."

Anna nodded and she left the cave, hating the static the radio put out. Jason jogged over to her after he put down a
couple of logs. "So what did boss girl herself say?" The young angel smiled widely at Anna.

This guy always seemed to follow her around. Back in training he was her partner for just about everything. Always
smiling and trying to get her to smile. He was always happy and only seemed to beam even brighter when she herself
was smiling too.

"Says she's taking a team to go through the tunnels. Guess I get to go home." Anna turned on her heel and slowly made
her way through the camp. Jason followed, looking lost in thought.

"Home huh.. Think Eilonwy would let me go with you guys?" Anna raised her brow at him and he fumbled a little. "I mean
on the trip. Its so.." He leaned in whispering, "boring here." He was close enough Anna could see the silver in his grey

"If you say so. I don't see why you couldn't at least come with us. She did say she was setting up a team. Why don't you
go ask her?" Anna watched Jason's feathers fluff up in his excitement.

"Excellent idea Anna. I will go ask her now before she sets it all up. See you later." He took off in a flurry of feathers and
Anna caught one. They were just as grey as his eyes. She let it drop and she kept on going throughout the quiet camp.

It was still early morning and most of the people here were sleeping. Including Elsa probably. She used to rise early but
Anna felt like the whole ordeal tuckered her out. She slept a lot more, and was a little more jumpy. Anna yawned a little
and a strange feeling washed over her.

She felt a fear flood into her, and she could see Elsa, as if she was in front of her. Her brain and entire body felt a pull. To
go to Elsa and check on her. It was strange and Elsa looked like she was rolling a little in her sleep. Elsa opened her
mouth and let out a cry and Anna could hear it in the distance. It weirded her out, was she actually seeing Elsa from a

Anna blinked and the image went away but the distant cry sounded off again. Anna ran across the cold ground,
everything in her being screamed Elsa. She entered the tent after fumbling with the zipper a few moments. Elsa started
to struggle as soon as Anna grabbed her.
"Wake up Elsa. Its not real! What ever it is." Anna felt a strange coolness go through her body as soon as she touched
Elsa. It was strange and soothing in a way. Elsa opened her eyes and she was panting, eyes frantically searching

"Anna! Anna he was here. I ran so far.. So very far." Anna knew what this was, another nightmare. Most likely about

Anna shushed her, wrapping both her wings and arms around the frantic woman. Elsa buried her face in Anna's neck.
"He's gone. Gone forever." Anna wished she could tell Elsa it would be okay. But in truth it would probably never be okay.
"I have good news. Do you want to hear it? Might make you …" Anna trailed off.

"Might make?" Elsa asked, shifting in Anna's hold, her breathing was slowing down. She was safe, she always would be
in Anna's arms.

"Nothing. But we have to pack up traveling items. We are going home finally. Eilonwy is getting a team ready and once
Kristoff answers we can go. We have to go up the mountain but its the only way." Anna rested her head on top of Elsa's,
wanting to wash away her worries.

"Do you think I have time to bathe? Its been two days and I can't take being dirty anymore." Anna couldn't stop the small

"Yeah you should have time. I'll get you some clothes and its in the direction of the river. But if you go up a ways there is..
a stall or something? I don't know what to call it. But its a private area for one person to bathe. But its cold as fuck." Anna
shivered remembering her bath earlier.

Elsa smacked her back lightly. "Language Anna."

Anna detached herself from Elsa and crawled out of the tent. "I'll be back with your stuff."


Anna led Elsa to the bathing area and found it empty. Of course it was. Its was still early. Only a few others had woken up
from Elsa's cries. After Anna explained it was a nightmare they either went back to sleep or got up for the day.

Anna set the small pile of clothes on the stand just inside the wooden walls, set up in a circle in the river. It has small
holes put into it so water could flow through still. It was a simple bathing area. Inside it had a stand with soaps waiting to
be used. Eilonwy said something about stealing or buying their hair soaps from time to time.

Each person had their own rag though so Anna had to go get Elsa her own, as well as a towel. "Alright here you go Elsa.
Knock yourself out. The soaps all there, try not to use it all. And.. bye." Anna turned quickly and started to leave but Elsa
stopped her.

"Will you stay? Just to watch out for other people?" Elsa was gently holding her by her wrist, looking worried. Anna felt
that pull again, everything inside her said to stay. To watch over and to help her. It was weird, and Elsa's words felt like a
command. She knew it was only a question, but the pull inside of her had her feeling like it was a direct order.

She wished Dr. Istovish was here so she could speak to her about it. "Uh.. yeah sure Elsa. I can stand here." Anna kept
her back to Elsa and watched for anyone. Anna heard a splash and a squeal.

"Its freezing!"

Anna rolled her eyes and she couldn't keep the laughter out of her voice. "I told you. I didn't say it was freezing for fun.
What happens when you don't listen to me." Elsa splashed cold water onto her back and Anna stiffened up, jumping
forward in surprise. "You little.. I already bathed!" She spun to face Elsa and wished she hadn't.

Elsa had to be either a Goddess or the child to one. Elsa was standing in the water deep enough that it was just past her
navel. She licked her lips and tried to not stare. Quite honestly, she got to see Elsa's naked body each night. The woman
was adamant about getting over her fears.

Still Anna could feel her face heating up and she looked at the tree tops. She could hear Elsa giggling and she got
splashed by water again. Anna sputtered, wiping the water from her face, wringing her now wet shirt and jacket out. Teal
eyes glared at frosty blue. "What was that for?"

"The first time was for making fun of me. The second was because you looked like you needed to cool down." Anna
turned away from Elsa, grumbling that she needed to bathe already.
"We have places to be so.. hurry it up a little." While Elsa bathed Anna plucked at her feathers. She pulled one that looked
so beat up it was a little sad. "Poor little feather. Sorry, you didn't make the cut." She straightened one out, smoothing
another. "Much better."

Anna was halfway through her other wing when Elsa coughed behind her. "If you're done talking to yourself crazy.. I'd like
to leave." Anna turned to see Elsa fully dressed, complete with the Guardian signature jacket. Her hair was in a loose
braid, as if it was hastily done and thrown over her left shoulder.

"What?" Elsa asked, pulling at the bottom of her jacket, shifting around a little. "Does it look weird?" She ran a hand
through her bangs, pushing them back.

"You look wonderful. I like your hair like this. Better than your bun. Not that there was anything wrong with your bun. And
you didn't lace these properly." Anna gestured to a rock. "Hop up. I'll do them for you."

Elsa obeyed and she hopped onto the ledge so Anna could kneel and redo the laces. "If you don't do it right, they could
come loose while you are on the run. If someone is after you that is the last thing you want. Death by tripping over your
laces. Or if they are too loose then the boot could slip from your foot while trekking through mud." Anna finished one boot
and moved onto the next.

Anna had to tie her own boots many times under the scrutiny of Rapunzel. Her fingers worked from muscle memory,
tying them up quick and the correct way. "And have you lost a boot in the mud?"

Anna chuckled remembering the time she had. The mud pulled her boot clean off her foot. Rapunzel had yelled at her for
not lacing her boots right. Such things can cost your life. It was Rapunzels job to keep Guardians alive. Anna learned
how to lace her boots after that mistake. She stood up hands going to Elsa's waist. She had intended to pull Elsa off the
rock, but that plan shot out of her head when Elsa wrapped her arms around her neck. Elsa smiled down at her, using
one leg to pull Anna closer.

Just as Anna leaned up for a kiss she heard a shuffling behind her. With a sigh that could knock a house down she
pulled away from Elsa's grip. Elsa hopped off the rock just as Jason entered the area. "There you two are. Jackie
mentioned that she saw you two head… whatever it doesn't matter. Eilonwy says better pack up your tent and grab an
extra set of clothes. Its time to go."

Jason's grey eyes looked between the two. Anna could see the unspoken question in his eyes. She ignored it and pulled
Elsa along. "Thanks Jason. Did you get to go on the trip?"

He blinked and then a big smile spread across his face. He sped up so he could walk next to Anna. "Eilonwy is letting
me go. Which is great. Hopefully I can go home too. This place is too cold for me."

"I hear you on that. Too cold." Anna replied as she walked in the direction of the tent.

"But the cold is very nice. Its a reason to snuggle, to curl up in front of a fire." Elsa argued not believing her ears. "Cold
usually means snow. Making snowmen and having snowball fights."

"I've never seen the snow." Anna admitted wincing when Jason and Elsa gasped in unison.

Jason spoke first, looking at Anna like she had just grown another head. Inwardly she snickered because it would be a
third head. She put that thought aside for now. "But.. how Anna? Where have you lived your whole life? A prison cell?"

Anna frowned shoving her hands into her pockets. She kicked a rock in her path. "Something like that. Whatever. I'll see
the snow up on the mountains right?"

Jason watched as Anna sped up her pace and he leaned closer to Elsa. "Has she lived in a prison cell?"

Elsa shook her head, "It doesn't matter.." Elsa struggled to remember his name. "Jason. It's not really my place to say
where she's from. In truth I don't actually know. Well I do know.. sort of. Go pack your stuff up."

Jason watched as the blond woman struggled to find the right words. He took the hint. "Oh yeah sure. Tell her i'm sorry. I
didn't know." Jason took flight after that, leaving the two girls behind.

After a small jog that Elsa would forever deny that she jogged like a little kid, she caught up to Anna who was already
taking apart the tent. "Need some help there?"

Anna blinked and pulled the plastic poles from the nylon with a swish. "Naw. Its probably better if you get an extra set of
clothes. It will take us two weeks to get home. So a few sets is nice. Whatever they can spare really."
Elsa hesitated to make sure Anna wasn't still bothered by the prison cell joke. Anna seemed to be okay. She was
humming some tune that Elsa swore she had hummed to Anna before. She didn't look distressed or upset anymore
either. Seeing that Anna was her normal self she nodded. "Okay. I can do that."


"We're riding on horses?" Anna looked at the chestnut stallion that kept pawing at the ground. His head kept jerking up
and down and he snorted from time to time. She had this terrible flashback, riding that horse at Aurora's home. What
was his name? She couldn't remember at the moment but the idea of riding this horse didn't seem like the best one. "I
could just walk.. Or you know walk."

Eilonwy raised a brow, "Get on the horse Anna. If Jason can ride his horse, then so can you." Anna glared at the blond
girl then at Jason and his horse. His horse looked fat and lazy. Far from the spritely thing that kept bouncing around like it
was ready. Ready for what? To kill her probably.

Elsa mounted her own brown horse, and it calmly waited for her to get situated. She patted the mare's neck. "Good girl."
She glanced at Anna who still looked nervous. "Maybe he's testing you. Just hop on." Quieter she added, "and pray he
doesn't buck you off."


"Nothing, just get on the horse Anna. I'm sure Eilonwy wouldn't lend you a mean horse. He's probably ready to go on the
adventure. Aren't you?" Anna stiffened and she reached for the saddle. Mechanically she hoisted herself onto the horse.

She didn't want to, but there was that feeling again. Like it was an order. The horse's ears dropped back onto its head
and it stumbled around. It looked spooked, maybe it sensed something about Anna. Maybe it was just feeling ornery. But
Anna stayed on the horse and the horse stayed on the ground.

Eilonwy looked a little bored. "Jason stay behind in case her horse gets crazy. I'm leading the rest of the team up the path
to be sure its clear. Keep an eye on them."

Eilonwy steered her grey horse and gave it a kick, her and the four others trotted into the forest. Jason walked his horse
to stand beside Anna. Jason's horse looked a little nervous now too. "He's a little frightened but its probably you. Don't be
afraid of him and he shouldn't be of you. Grab the reins." Jason lifted his own and Anna copied him.

"Good. Now just give him a small click of your tongue." Jason demonstrated for her. "And tap his sides with your feet.
See?" Jason's horse walked forward and it looked more relaxed as the distance between Anna and the horse grew.
Jason stopped his horse and motioned for Elsa to follow him.

Anna gripped the reins tightly and she did her best to copy what Jason did. He made it look so easy and so did Elsa. If
they could do it, why couldn't she do it? She misjudged the strength of her kick. That or the horse really loved a good run.
It reared in to the air and Anna flapped her wings in surprise and fear. All the while clinging to the animals thick neck, and
she tightened her legs around its sides.

She shut her eyes and the horse took off like hell itself was rising behind it. She vaguely heard Jason and Elsa yell her
name, or maybe she was the one yelling? The horse dashed through the forest and Anna felt a few of the branches tug
at her. "Stop horse! Stop please! Whoa! Halt! Stay! Bad horse!" Anna had lost track of the reins. Were they thrown over the
horses head?

She wondered briefly why it was her that got the crazy horse. A joke? Maybe she should ask Eilonwy about it later.
Speaking of the devil there she was. The young girl glanced over her shoulder and was surprised to see Anna speeding

"Eilonwy you are a di…" Anna never got to finish because she had already passed her up. Dust flying behind her and
settling quickly. Eilonwy had little time to question what she just saw as Jason and Elsa rode up not too far behind.

"Did Anna pass by?" Elsa asked, looking frantic.

"Yes. Lets go get her." Eilonwy huffed like this was the worlds way of punishing her. "After her! Who ever catches Anna
first gets the biggest softest bed at Oaken's place."

That set the whole group off. They sped after Anna with a whoop. Elsa couldn't believe it. They probably really only wanted
the most comfortable bed at Oaken's Place. Elsa encouraged her horse to move faster, following the broken path of
sticks and the small bit of leftover dust to find Anna.
Anna meanwhile felt a terrible pain in her head. She felt the need to be by Elsa's side which was what she normally
wanted. But this was urgent. She yanked hard on the horses long main, screeching out, "Stop!" The horse finally started
to slow and she kept on repeating stop and pulling until the horse had finally stopped.

Both Anna and the horse were shaking, the horse was panting and coughing, seeming to be gagging on something.
Anna slid off the horse with a groan and she checked on the horse. The pain in her head didn't stop until the group had
surrounded her. She ignored the questions and let the others check over the horse.

Like a zombie she made her way to Elsa and hugged her leg. That same relief washed over her. Actually the pain
stopped as soon as Elsa stopped her horse. "No more fast riding. For the love of all things." Anna mumbled into Elsa's
thigh. Anna felt a hand run through her hair.

"Thats alright with me. You scared me."

Anna laughed but there was no humor behind it. "I scared myself."


Turns out there was a bur or a stickler rubbing between the blanket and the horse. It was already bothered by that and
Anna sitting on it never helped the horse. The horse was still antsy after they removed the stickler but it was much easier
now to sit astride the horse.

Anna wasn't allowed to steer her own horse. She was instructed to hold onto the pommel of her saddle. The reins were
tied to a rope which was tied to Elsa's saddle. All Anna had to do was sit on her horse. She felt humiliated and wanted to
lead the horse on her own. Eilonwy had merely told her no.

She felt like a child, or a dog, or an ingrate. She couldn't decide what she felt like quite yet. It didn't help that the others
snickered at her now that they knew both she and the stallion was just fine.

"Dumb stickler thing. Stupid horse. Stupid Eilonwy and who ever saddled this creature. Dumb everyone." Anna grumbled,
arms crossed glaring at the ears of her horse.

"Does that include me in the dumb everyone?" Elsa asked turning in her saddle a little to look back at Anna. The flier
shook her head adamantly, but the pout was still on her face.

"No.. but this is dumb. The horse isn't scared anymore. Not me either! Why can't I drive? Or steer.. whatever you do with
this." She gestured to the horse below her, and gave up when Elsa couldn't help but laugh.

"If you're good maybe you can 'drive' the horse. You could have hurt yourself or the horse. Consider yourself lucky Anna."
Elsa turned back to face the front, deciding to turn her attention to Jason.

"What luck? Its my 'luck' I got the horse with a stickler thing under its saddle. I don't see anyone else with the same
problem." Anna continued her pout for the next five hours they rode. Only managing to stop when they got off the horses
for a break.

AN: That was a longer delay in chapters than I ever wanted. So sorry. I won't throw any stories or excuses because in the
end. They are just excuses. I'm sure you didn't want to hear them. I went over this chapter sleepy so there may be a crap
ton of errors. Please excuse that. PLEASE.

Next chapter is traveling to see Oaken's Place up in the mountains!

I'll do my best to keep the updates quick like I had them before. College starts this monday for me. Its a new experience
and I do not want to mess that up. I am not sure how I feel about this chapter.. But its what I wanted at the same time. I
feel like chapter 26 is just cursed.
*Chapter 27*: To Oaken's Pass we go!
Chapter 27: To Oakens Pass we go!

To Potassi, you may shame me for all eternity for my procrastination. Just promise to go easy? Satan is mean enough.

"This looks like a good place. Alright we are stopping here for the night." Eilonwy dismounted from her horse while the
others checked over the area. It was just covered enough they shouldn't be spotted from afar.

"Lyle and Jo. You two get some wood for a fire. Its freezing. Jason start unpacking the tents. I'll get the food ready. Anna
help Jason. Mark and Gene you two find a spot for everyone to go to the bathroom. I don't want everyone pissing all over
the place. And Elsa you know how to take care of horses right?"

Elsa was already pulling the saddle from her horse. "I know enough. I can get them all tied up and unsaddled if thats
what you want. I might need help with the rest."

Eilonwy nodded with a half smile. "Perfect. Thats our game plan so.. break." Everyone parted ways to do their job.

Anna helped Jason set up the tents. There was eight people total but only four tents. To save space two people would
squeeze into one tent. It was rather cold out so no one argued about having to snuggle with a buddy. It wasn't very hard
setting up the tiny tents. These ones were a tad smaller, but they got the job done.

"Are you.. together with Elsa?" Jason asked quietly as they worked to set up the second tent. They were being placed in a
wide circle. Anna raised a brow at him and she noticed he was blushing.

"If you could call it that. Not like I take her out on dates and wave to the crowd of followers. I'm with her I guess. I'm not
with other girls. She's not with other men or women." Anna shrugged, hitting the stake of the tent into the ground.

At least she wasn't by choice anyway.

Jason unfolded the next tent, laying out the plastic poles for Anna to snap together. "Oh. I think I know what you mean.
How does.. spying on her work out? I mean all the group ever says is she is the bad guy. Do you spy on her and just tell
us things? Then go back to her all hugs and smiles?"

Anna watched the pole click snugly into place. "She isn't a bad guy Jason. Not everything is as it seems. I've only seen
her be bad once." She stopped talking and her gaze seemed distant. She shuddered. "But its in the past. It doesn't
matter anymore. She is good. I swear on it. Kristoff believes otherwise and he can all he wants. At least I know." She
nodded remembering her spying. "Oh it used to be like that. I would sneak around then go back to her smiling. She
knows now so I don't really know how this is going to work."

Jason was quiet for the third tent and halfway through the fourth he spoke again. "Do you love her?"

Anna dropped her half of the tent. "Why do you want to know Jason? Stop asking me questions." She pointed a finger at
him, wings flared out to make herself appear bigger.

Jason dropped his half and held his hands up in defense, his own wings curled in tighter. "Its only my fourth question
Anna. I was only curious. And its simple yes you do or no you don't. Since you're so angry about maybe you don't."

Anna's eyes narrowed and she took a step closer to him. "I killed a man for her. If that isn't some twisted form of love.
Then I don't know what is." Jason's eyes widened and he looked at her as if she was a new creature. She backed off and
kicked a pole. "Finish the damn tent yourself. I'm going to help Lyle and Jo collect wood."

She yanked her hood over her head and shoved her hands into her pockets. She was glad that Eilonwy or Elsa wasn't
close enough to hear them. She did love Elsa. There was no question. It bothered her that Jason asked her if she did or
not. It made her feel like her relationship, or whatever it was, wasn't good enough.

How many others couldn't see what she and Elsa had? Yes it had to be a secret around people in the city. But
surrounded by the Guardians she didn't really have to care to hide it. It was all jumbled in her head. She was mad that
her love was even questioned. She was grumpy Jason didn't know she was with Elsa. She was upset with herself for
getting upset over what Jason said. She wanted..

She wanted to do something nice for Elsa. She also wanted to learn more about Elsa. The most Anna even knew was
that Elsa was rich, beautiful, mostly kind, and her mother was evil. She was trying to figure it out in her head when she
got a great idea.
She'd bring Elsa flowers. Not only was it a nice thing to do, the others would see that she cared, Elsa would see that too,
and maybe help show the rest there was something between her and Elsa.

The plan was nearly foolproof. Except the closer to the mountains they got the less she saw of flowers. So finding some
was taking some real effort. She found some small white flowers, a couple of yellow ones and a few purple. She found
one blue and she placed it in the middle of her little gathering of flowers.

It took thirty minutes, and she even grabbed some thicker logs so it wouldn't be considered a wasteful trip in Eilonwy's
eyes. She put the flowers inside her jacket and carried the sticks and logs with both arms.

Another twenty minutes and she was back in camp. All seven of them rushed to her, looking worried. Mostly Jason and
Elsa. Eilonwy looked like she was worried and angry at the same time. The others looked annoyed.

"Where have you been? Couldn't you hear us calling for you?" Eilonwy demanded as Anna dropped the logs onto the

"Um no. But I got some wood. I figured we should take it with us. The higher up we go, the less trees we will see.. right?
So why not have plenty packed now right?" Anna didn't like all the eyes on her and she began stacking the extra wood up.
"I get it. I shouldn't have taken off without saying anything to you. But I know how to take care of myself and I did tell Jason
that I was going to collect wood."

Eilonwy gave up. "Just don't do it again. Watcher only knows what could have happened." She threw her arms up
heading back to the fire, and the rest followed her, wanting to eat their bread and dried meat.

Elsa stayed by Anna's side running her fingers over a small cut near Anna's ear just on the side of her face. It was a little
tender and when Anna swatted her hand away with a grumble she felt the flowers get squished.

"Oh damn it." Anna cursed reaching into her zip up, she peeked inside and frowned. Great she smashed a few. She
wanted them to be perfect.

"What? Did the cut hurt that bad? You big baby." Elsa said in a mocking voice but she smiled so that Anna knew she was
only playing.

"No. I brought you some flowers as a surprise because I realize that I should be more.. romantic or sweet. Not that I was
doing this because I felt like I was obliged. But then as I looked around there are hardly any flowers. And so I had to hunt
them down. So thats why I was gone so long. And I kept them nice this whole time. Now they are all messed up. Which
is stupid because I really wanted them to be perfect." Anna pulled out the flowers, some of them missing petals and a
few were crushed.

Elsa looked like she was trying to keep up with what Anna was rambling on about. But the words she caught and the
ruined flowers along with Anna's ducked head explained it all. "You brought these for me?"

Anna nodded and she hoped Elsa would just take them already. Barely a moment passed when she felt Elsa take the
flowers. She held them in to her nose and she breathed in their scent. "They are beautiful Anna. Doesn't matter if you
smashed a few. It adds character. Plus its definitely you. So imperfect that its perfect."

Anna smiled and held her hand out and Elsa took it. Together they walked to sit by the fire with everyone else and eat
their ration of food. Anna was surprised when Elsa sat between her legs to lean on her. She figured because it was cold
out Elsa wanted to sit closer.

Elsa plowed right through her ration of bread and dried meat and Anna watched her eyeball her own. After a few bites so
she wouldn't starve she handed the rest of it over to Elsa.

"I can't take that. It's yours." Elsa looked like she really wanted it but was trying to be noble and not.

"You're eying it like you can't go on without it. Take it silly. I'm not all that into dried meat any way." Anna smiled at her and
held it closer to the woman's mouth. Anna was lucky to keep her fingers. Elsa uncharacteristically chomped the offered
food. "Gee did I rub off on you a little? Or you really this hungry?"

"I'm starving. We ate a few hours ago during a break but.. I'm just dying for food. Must be all the travel." She shrugged and
once she checked her fingers for crumbs she leaned back. Anna held onto her and listened to Jo speaking about some

Something about taking on six of Carters men alone and taking them all out. After an hour of sitting and playing with
Elsa's hair, the woman's body gradually got heavier and her breathing slowed.
Quietly as she could she waved Jason closer. "Hey.. Can you give me a hand? I need you to open the tent for me.

Jason nodded and got up opening her tent. Anna gently pushed Elsa forward, keeping a hold on her so she wouldn't just
tumble forward. Carefully she got up and pulled Elsa up with her. Carrying her like a bride she shuffled by the group.

"Elsa's asleep so I guess I better sleep. Good night you guys." Anna nearly tripped over the edge of the tent. Some how
she and Elsa didn't end up on the ground.

She expected Elsa to wake up but she didn't for some reason. She really had to have been tired. She lay Elsa across the
large open sleeping bag and then she zipped the tent up. It was much colder away from the fire. Cold enough that Elsa
shivered and finally decided to wake up a little.

"Its cold." The words were mumbled and the sleepy woman curled into herself.

Anna smiled at her while she slid into the sleeping bag as well. Elsa rolled and huddled closer, and the flier fought the
urge to giggle. Elsa's breath was so warm against her neck.

It didn't take long for Anna to join Elsa in dreamland.


Anna was floating. In a darkness that was both familiar and not. There was almost a light surrounding her. As if she was
surrounded by a dark curtain that only just blocked the light out. She tried to move but there was nothing to move on. Her
limbs were free and her wings could move as well. But there was nothing to move against. Nothing to push off from.

It was as if she was floating inside a great cavern maybe even space. She couldn't hear anything but she could feel a
cool water float over her skin. The feeling was much like the relief of touching Elsa after waking her from her nightmare.

Anna felt the world move around her. The cavern vibrated slightly, and Anna had the vague sense that the room had
rolled. She tried to move her arms in attempt to move around, she felt herself drifting uselessly around.

"Hello?" She tried, hoping what ever brought her here would speak. Was this just a crazy dream? Was Voice here? She
hadn't heard from him since Elsa told her to stop beating on the man hired by Carter in the mansion.

"Voice? Are you doing this?" As soon as she tried to reach out to him the whole room convulsed and Anna felt a terrible
pain enter her head. She shouted and held her head and she stopped trying to reach him. The pain in her head stopped
immediately after.

"Okay so you aren't Voice. I won't try and reach him here." She saw the walls shudder and convulse and she felt a fear
and pain rush through her. She screamed and the whole room disappeared.

When she woke up she could hear Elsa whimpering.


Anna opened her eyes and after some adjusting she could see Elsa. Elsa no longer was cuddled to her body, she was
holding her stomach and she whimpered again. "Does.. did something make you sick?"

Elsa opened one eye, sitting up with a groan. "No its just a stomach ache. Ugh… Ow Ow ow. Or worse.. It's a cramp."
Anna gave her a blank look while Elsa rubbed her stomach.

"I don't know what makes the difference between the two.. but what can I do to help?" Anna still felt that fear rushing
through her system but she wasn't sure why. What was there to be afraid of? The feeling felt forced and it bothered her.

"I should be fine. Will you rub my belly for me?"

Anna put her hand on Elsa's belly directly and ran her palm across it. She felt the muscles twitch and Elsa sighed. "How
do you do that? Like you just sucked the pain away."

Anna felt that pain and fear fall away and she felt just fine again as well. She was tempted to tell Elsa about this strange
new feeling but there was always that nagging voice inside her head. Telling her to be quiet until she understood it. The
right thing to do would be to not freak Elsa out right?

Besides it was only an idea really. She didn't actually know or not if she was feeling what Elsa was feeling. She just
knew the pain and fear went away. She wanted to know more before she said anything. That and something told her to
keep her mouth shut.

Anna stopped rubbing the belly and that earned her a grunt. "Keep going," Elsa said. "Maybe I can fall asleep with you
doing that."

"Oh of course mistress. What ever pleases her. It's not like I need sleep either." Anna continued to rub Elsa's stomach
softly and she watched the blonde woman relax under her fingers. "Feeling better now?"

Elsa smiled up at Anna who was leaning over her slightly, still gently running her fingers along her stomach. "Yeah."
Elsa flinched, sucking her stomach in when gentle fingers brushed too far to the right. "But that tickles."

"Oh it does?" A devious smile.

"Don't you even dare."

Anna dared and sat up fully so she could use both her hands. Elsa screamed and writhed beneath the treacherous
hands. "S-s-s-top!" She laughed harder and the sleeping bag stopped her from fleeing.

Anna continued until she heard someone shout, "Jesus christ just kiss and go to bed already. I'm trying to sleep."

Anna laughed and Elsa smacked her.


The next few days went on uneventful. The days began to blur and it got ever colder. Anna didn't have another strange
dream, and she even got to ride the horse on her own for once.

After a fifth day of travel Anna woke up and unzipped the tent to see four feet of snow covering the entire area.

"What is this!?" She fell back into the tent, and she stuck her hand out after a moment. Little snowflakes melted onto her
hand and she growled. "Elsa.. wake up. There is.. cold stuff outside."

"Thats snow silly." Elsa mumbled after sitting up, stretching and scratching her back lazily. She smiled once her body
woke up. "Maybe we can play in it later. We have to get going."


Later turned out to be after a day of riding. Anna practically threw herself off the horse and onto the snow. The horse
stamped its hoof with a snort, giving Anna a weary look. "So this is snow. Its cold, wet, and crunchy."

Elsa and the others dismounted in a much calmer fashion. Elsa got to work on taking the saddles off the horses and
getting them tied up. Anna sped through her task of setting up the tents. She was shaking she was so excited.

Jason watched as Anna did her best to take a calming breath. After she relaxed she made sure each tent wasn't going to
fall down. Once that was done, like a child she hopped over to Elsa who was still tending to the horses.

"Almost done there Elsa?" Anna asked, bouncing on her toes, her arms were crossed behind her back to keep them
from grabbing Elsa and dragging her away from her job. Elsa shook her head only on the third of eight horses. After what
felt like hours Elsa had all the horses settled.

"Come on I want to build a snowman Elsa. You are too slow sometimes." Anna took her hand and dragged Elsa to a
nice open patch of snow. Elsa looked to the sky but still smiled and waited for Anna to start. Anna waited for Elsa to show
her how to start. "So how do we do this shindig?" Anna asked after a moment of standing around.

"Oh. Right. I forgot this is your first time.. So what we do is pack a snowball. But don't push it tightly together. We want the
snow to still stick to it." Elsa packed a light snowball then she waited for Anna to do the same. After some fumbling Anna
had a lopsided snowball."Perfect, now we roll it. I'll tell you when you have enough snow."

After a few minutes Anna had enough for a bottom. "Now we have to make another ball of snow. But this time a little
smaller. And then a final one for a head." Anna nodded and packed another ball up and started on it. It wasn't long until
they had a decent sized snow man.

"She looks plain." Anna said frowning a little at the plain three snowballs.

"So its a snow woman?"

"Of course. Snowman sounds boring." Anna went looking for sticks. It was much harder and she eventually stole two
kindling sticks from the wood pile to use them as arms. Eilonwy pretended not to notice.

Elsa tilted her head and tried to get a better look at the snowwoman. "Its missing a carrot. And eyes. Real shame. I
guess we can look for rocks, but I think my hands are frozen." Elsa held her hands out and when Anna touched them,
they were cold. Anna herself could feel the cold seeping into her bones as well. Her wings even was getting icy from
melting snow.

"We can come back to this later then Elsa. Lets get you warm." Anna wrapped an arm around Elsa and led her to the
small fire to hopefully catch some warmth. Anna hardly ate once more and gave most of her half to Elsa once again.

Her stomach had curled in on itself wanting food, but Elsa looked more hungry. Or so that was her excuse. Besides, she
ate enough that it was fine to eat a little less for a few meals. Right? Either way Elsa was happy to wolf down the extra
bread and meat.

After sitting at the fire long enough to warm up Anna left to plop into the snow. She let her wings unfurl after some shifting
and she made herself a snow angel. She sat up carefully and glanced back at the imprint.

"A snow angel huh. Let me try." Jason said and he moved a distance away and started to make his own. "The angels are
making snow angels. Weird. Your wings are bigger though." He gestured to the large prints her wings left. "How do you
fly? Quick small wing strokes? Or big strong ones?"

Anna knew Jason was trying to put things back to normal. Ever since his love question she made it a point to only really
converse with him unless she had to. She leaned back on her elbows. She felt the snow melt a little into her jacket but
she ignored it.

"I prefer big strokes so I don't have to use my wings as much. The bigger and stronger it is, the less I need them. I like a
calm glide to be honest. What about you?" She let her head roll the side and she looked at him. He was sideways to her
but he leaned back as well.

"I prefer quick. I feel like i'm getting somewhere faster. You do have big wings though. Made for power and such.
Rapunzel was right when she said you have potential to be a fast easy going angel." Jason scratched his jaw absently,
"its like.. You are built to be perfect in what you do. I mean you're clumsy sometimes. But I can see it. When you get it right
its.. almost perfection."

Anna raised a brow and Jason coughed. "There is Elsa. You should go to sleep soon. Its supposed to get even colder
once the sun goes out." Jason got up as Elsa appeared. He nodded to her then used his wing to knock her forward. Elsa
fell forward and landed in Anna's arms.

Elsa glared over her shoulder at Jason who was laughing and saying something along the lines of 'have fun lovebirds'.

"Did I miss something?" Elsa received a quick peck on her lips.

"Didn't miss a thing."


Finally they arrived at Oakens freezing, teeth chattering and starving. They had a scuffle with a thieving raccoon and he
took off with the food. They had gone nearly two days without food. The group was grumpy and tired. They all put their
horses in the nearby barn and then they piled into the front door of the massive cabin.

A large man with muttonchops waved at them. He wore a sweater and a beanie to help fight off the cold. He was sitting
behind a large desk with a few items placed across it. There was a notebook in front of them. "Yoo hoo! Hello group!
Welcome to Oakans. What can I get for you?"

Eilonwy rolled her shoulders trying to get the cold ache out of them. "Food, rooms, baths, clothes. The whole nine yards.
And we are the Guardians. We seek the Path."

Oaken's smile dropped and he narrowed his eyes. He stood up and he turned out to be a wall of a man. "Guardians the
Path is always open to those who walk under Watchers gaze."

All the Guardians except Anna and Elsa kissed their palm and put it to their heart. In unison they mumbled, "Watcher
guide us along the Path."

Anna wondered if she was missing something. She never really studied the Watcher. Especially since she wasn't into
reading the massive textbooks on Watcher. She knew that they believed him to be a Guardian. The first true Guardian,
and one that defeated all evil and wrong in this world. They hoped he would aid them in their battle against Doctor Stone.

Anna let the thought drop when everyone started grabbing for their keys to their room. Everyone had to share a room
again, since Oakens never had huge lodging. The people who traveled through were usually Guardians.

"I will have my son draw a bath. You'll have to take turns. We only have two tubs. Not including my own personal one. My
husband will have dinner ready by the time you are all cleaned up. My daughter will bring the winter clothes."

They shuffled down the long hall and away from the warm and inviting living room. The hall was partly cooler but the
warmth was still greater than earlier. Anna opened the door to hers and Elsa's room. The room was rather warm and
after flipping a switch Anna sighed. A real bed, and not a sleeping bag. Big fluffy pillows! She pulled her wet jacket off,
boots and jeans. She let herself drop onto the bed.

She sighed in relief and her bones enjoyed the softness of the bed. She heard a shuffling and then a weight on her hips.
Elsa had removed her jacket, boots and jeans as well. They stayed like that, cuddling for warmth until it was their turn to

Anna expected Elsa to want bathe on her own but she looked almost offended when Anna mentioned that. Anna pulled
her wet pants back on with a grimace. "I just.. I don't want to make you uncomfortable thats all."

Elsa opened the door, her pants already back on. The corner of her lips barely lifted in a small half smile. "I'll be fine. I
want to be the big spoon this time."

Anna didn't argue. She didn't complain at all when Elsa wanted to wash her. She was happy when Elsa didn't tense up
once while she returned the favor and washed Elsa's skin. The whole bath was a quick affair. Anna felt like her stomach
was eating itself and she was sure Elsa was hungry too.

With how quickly they dressed into the sleeping pajama pants and oversized shirts, and how they practically ran down
the hall towards the delicious smell of food. She would say that Elsa was starved.

The table with alive with small jokes between the group and questions from Oaken's children. Oaken whispered and
chatted with Eilonwy, talking about taking the Path and what would be needed.

Anna plowed through three bowls of stew and Elsa ate through four. "Geez its like you're eating for five Elsa." Anna
received a glare and she shrunk a little. She tried to salvage the situation. "But uh.. you do it.. gracefully?" That didn't help
at all.

Jason snorted and coughed, and Jo spit his water back into his cup. Gene looked away biting her lip and Lyle and Mark
got up and left. Excusing themselves with barely suppressed chuckles that they were putting their bowls away. Jason
recovered first. "Wow what a save Anna." The sarcasm was oozing out of his pores.

"Shut it Jason. At least I tried." Anna grumbled grabbing her bowl and Elsa's after checking that she wasn't hungry for
more. As she walked away Elsa finally spoke.

"Guess who gets the floor Anna?"


"Who do you think?"

Anna groaned.


Do you want to leave a review?

I know I haven't been updating, Im really sorry, but

It doesn't have to be a review.

Just say hi...

So we meet Oaken. How lovely. Next chapter we venture into the PATH! Dangerous stuff there. People die in that tunnel.
*cough* not implying anything. Just its truths. Sorry for the wait.
Im gonna do better on my updates. Hopefully. This chapter feels like a filler to me.. Sorta. If you look you might see
things.. The story picks up and things move along next chapter. Well move along more than what was here..
*Chapter 28*: Things that Bump in the Dark
Chapter 28: Things that Bump in the Dark

Anna rolled herself into a burrito with the blankets while Elsa was gone using the restroom. All that stuck out of one end
of the burrito was her nose, lips, and a couple strands of hair. She huffed and heard muffled laughter.

"What are you doing all wrapped up like that?"

Anna grunted and wriggled her body, looking like a fat caterpillar. "It's chilly and I refuse to sleep on the floor. But I am
sorry, I didn't mean to offend you earlier. It was just crazy to see you eat so much food."

"Oh Anna.. You don't have to apologize. I mean I was a little mad but- oh just unwrap yourself already so I can kiss you,
you dork." Elsa watched Anna shift in the roll of blankets. After a moment she still wasn't free.

"Yeah Im stuck. Its pretty tight in here." Anna admitted and Elsa laughed and that renewed the angels efforts to free
herself. Anna could just imagine Elsa rolling her eyes at the end of her laughing.

Suddenly soft warm lips pressed to hers, she barely registered that Elsa kissed her when the warmth was gone. She
could still feel the small puffs of air, Elsa must have stayed close by. "You really do look adorable all bunched up like a
little bug." Suddenly she could see once more and Elsa was helping her untangle her arms from the blanket.

"I am not a bug." Anna pouted crossing her arms once she was free and turning slightly away. Elsa nuzzled Anna's
cheek placing a soft kiss to her cheek. Anna resisted and flopped onto the bed, hiding her head beneath a pillow.

Elsa wasn't deterred, with a sly smile she sat on Anna's lower back. "But you were a cute wittle bug." She got a grunt in
answer, and she ran her fingers along Anna's back. Nails lightly traced designs in the gap between Anna's wings. She
watched the feathers flutter and twitch from her soft touch.

"I'm a handsome bug. None of this cute nonsense." Came a muffled voice from beneath the pillow and Elsa tapped her
chin in thought. She shifted a little on top of Anna and then eventually laid herself across the angels back resting her
cheek on a shoulder blade just above a flexing wing.

"Well you are rather handsome, but cute too."

"Oh lay off it."


The next morning the Eilonwy set who was to go back to the main camp with all the horses and who was to go into the
cave. Gene and Mark were to go back with the horses leaving six people to go into the tunnel.

Oaken was supplying them with ropes, food, flashlights, and much more to hopefully survive the tunnel. He gave
everyone except for Elsa a pick axe and a machete. Elsa didn't look like she cared but she commented that she "wasn't a
flower why didn't she get an oversized butter knife too?"

Everyone was carrying some sort of bag and they all wore heavy coats with lighter jackets underneath for inside the
tunnel. Eilonwy said it was warm in the tunnel from time to time. The closer they got to the tunnel the more irritated and
jumpy they got.

The tunnel door itself was a short walk through the snow. Though lugging the gear on their back made it seem even
longer than it was. Elsa looked tired and grumpy this morning, even more so now that they were trekking through the
snow. She was fine earlier but it was like someone flipped a switch and she grumbled about every little thing. Her jacket
was too tight, her shoes were too loose, this shirt was itchy, and whose idea was it cook fish this morning?

Even Anna had the sense to steer clear of Elsa this morning.

The tunnel itself looked harmless but the eerie feeling you got just by being near it said otherwise. The opening was a
dark hole, and icicles hung low and sharp making it look like an open mouth.. waiting to swallow any victim inside. Any
vegetation that could even survived the cold, was dead and rotting. There was no birds to be heard near this tunnel.

Eilonwy passed around amulets that looked like an eye settled on a shield with a few feathers etched into the back of the
shield as well as a motto or maybe a prayer.

'Follow the light, shun the dark, believe in the Hero.

Watcher guide you through darkness

and into Creator's arms.'

Anna was given hers last and she held it for only a few seconds before she dropped it into the snow. Her hand was
burning and she pulled her glove off, and Jason noticed her. While she examined her slightly red hand he bent over and
picked the amulet up.

"You dropped your amulet." He held it out to her and she gripped her hand tightly glaring at the amulet a moment.

"You hold on to it for me a minute.. Please." She added the end as an afterthought and he raised a brow. She shook her
head at him pulling her glove back onto her hand, hiding the near rash on it.

"If you say so. But you need it on before you go in. I have heard stories of this tunnel. It truly is only used in dire need.
There is evil in this tunnel, but sometimes its necessary to go through." Jason whispered to her, glancing at the tunnel
and still trying to listen in on what Eilonwy was talking about.

"So we go into this tunnel." Eilonwy was saying. "I have my watch set to make us stop every one and a half hours. We will
rest, drink water, change any batteries if we must. When we have traveled at least six hours, we will rest for five. Always
keep that amulet on, and if you see something. Don't advance unless it advances on you. Keep Watcher in your heart
and you will make it. Got it?" The blonde leader held her hands out waiting for her answer. "Oh and grab a buddy."

There as a collective nod and a few mumbled 'yes ma'am.' Oaken then handed Eilonwy a sack that was stained red near
the bottom. No one asked about it but the bag certainly smelled terrible.

Then everyone thanked Oaken and started inside. Eilonwy went in first, followed by Jason. Then Lyle and Joe went in
next and that left Elsa and Anna to enter. Elsa looked at the amulet and she put it around her neck. "Here you go Anna.
Jason gave me yours for you. Said you dropped it." Elsa put the necklace around Anna's neck and the angel had to hold
back a pained whimper.

"Thank you." The words forced and her voice cracked slightly and even Elsa noticed it and she opened her mouth to say

"Anna are-"

"Yo love birds lets go. We lose each other in here and you probably are dead. We don't want that. So lets roll." Lyle's head
was poking out of the cave and though he was smiling at them, his hand was gripping the amulet like it was his lifeline.

Elsa took Anna's hand and pulled her over to the mouth of the tunnel. Elsa started to shake, her whole body told her to
run, to find another way. But there was no other way and with a trembling step she entered the tunnel but Anna stayed
behind for just a moment. She watched the darkness swallow Elsa in and she couldn't see her anymore.

Anna stepped into the tunnel and she felt something pass through her. As if what ever lay inside sensed her and
welcomed only her. The rest ahead shivered and grabbed onto their charms. Praying that Watcher would save them from
the evil. Anna realized the evil inside recognized her, and it wanted her.

But why was it? She wasn't evil, she fought for the good. It made no sense and the light sting and itch from the amulet on
her chest was bothering her, making a thin sweat break out on her forehead.

She pulled out her flashlight and attached the little bracelet around her wrist, that way if she dropped the flashlight then it
wouldn't hit the ground. In front of her the rest of the five tread carefully in the cave. The cave itself was pointed and rough
and Eilonwy called out to be careful and not trip.

To trip would be to impale one's self on the sharp rocks. How fun.

"How are you doing Anna?" Elsa called over her shoulder watching her feet so she wouldn't trip or slip and sprain an
ankle. That would be the worst. Behind her Anna grunted in reply, scratching at her neck.

"Im fine. You just keep an eye out." Anna said finally and picked up her pace since it seemed Elsa and the group was
getting too far ahead for her liking. After nearly slipping twice she found herself directly behind Elsa. Idiots luck she didn't
trip she supposed.

"Light. Light. Light. In Cave.. Light. Shun.. the light."

Something in the tunnel rumbled and there was a cold breeze causing everyone to shiver. Lyle jumped in place slightly
pointing down another tunnel entrance. "What's that over there?"

Eilonwy up front turned around and hissed quietly, "Everyone freeze, and shine the light over there. But do not go in
there." No one wanted to go anywhere anyway.

Six lights shined on the tunnel entrance and there was hiss and something flashed across the light. Jason looked at
Eilonwy, eyes wide. "Alright Eilonwy. What the fuck is in this tunnel?"

Eilonwy started walking through the tunnel again taking a moment to relax herself. "Chaos had a friend. A helper so to
speak. It isn't told in stories often since it was considered unimportant. This creature was an ugly one. Its body was
covered in shadows and smoke, and a single touch from it could kill anyone. Only if it chose to do that though. Chaos
used this monster to bring death to many and destroy anyone who got in his way. Today we call it Death since it was the
cause of many. When Watcher defeated Chaos he banished Death somewhere deep and far."

Eilonwy stepped around a small hole in the ground and pointed it out to Jason who echoed it back to Lyle behind him.
"Death supposedly lurks here because it knows we cross through here. But it is weak. Weak to the light, and we are
everything good and we are strong. We've tried to run it out, but it always comes back. So long as darkness doesn't meet
with Death, we should be fine. It's said that Death only listens to Chaos and his minions."

As she spoke those words the soft scraping noise of claws across rocks started up behind them. A soft clicking joined
in. Like what ever was in the room was trying to sense them through echolocation. It grated on the groups nerves. All but
Anna. When Anna looked behind herself, she saw two faded green eyes staring back herself and she straightened and
ignored it. She merely nudged Elsa along a little bit faster.

But she could feel the eyes on her back and her feathers ruffled at the thought of being followed. "I am not evil. I am
good." She mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" Elsa glanced over her shoulder a brief moment before continuing to maneuver the rocky path.

"Nothing. I just hate the dark." A smile.

A lie.


The burning of the amulet was still there even after they stopped for a small break. Anna was sweating lightly and
everyone was shivering from the cold weather. "Bathroom breaks and food breaks. Ladies over here. Gentleman over
there." Eilonwy glanced at Anna and then shrugged, "Anna.. just go with the guys."

Anna nodded too tired to even try to even make a comment. Jason, Lyle, Jo and Anna all lined up in one area. They kept
their eyes on the tunnel, ears straining to hear any sounds. Other than the occasional rock breaking and falling in the
distance, or the sound of water it was relatively quiet. Oh and the sound of everyone pissing at once.

"Ah.. I should have ate first. Now i'm gonna have dick hands when I eat." Jo grumbled as he zipped his pants up.

Jason snorted and wiped his hands on his pants just to be sure. "You're right man.. Eilonwy usually passes out the food
so im wondering how this.. ew. Alright I hope the rations are packed individually."

Everyone picked a place to sit in the black cave and they were spread out oddly. The backpacks actually had their own
rations since they didn't want to lose all the food if someone dropped the bag down a hole.

Anna found Elsa a smooth rock to sit on and she sat near her on the ground, munching on the bread and cheese. She
used this time to study the rocks around her. Now that they had been walking long enough the rocks no longer were as
sharp and they gave way to smoother rocks. Though there was rough scratches all throughout the whole cave. Some
rocks were wet from water or slime, Anna wasn't about to test it.

"Are you going to eat that?" Elsa asked and Anna wordlessly handed her bread over. She had the cheese and that was

"Planning a hibernation Elsa?"

"Please do you even know what that means?"

"I know enough that you're veering from the topic"

"I thought we were over this.. what are you even trying to say?" Elsa growled at her and took a bite of the bread. Glaring at
a spot on the wall above Anna's head. Her brows were lowered and she had an adorable pout on.

"Im just saying when i'm dead from starving or something-" Anna was cut off by a terrible gurgling roar and she felt a
whoosh of air. Anna saw a flash of white and she yanked Elsa to her body, pulling her out of the path of claws and a jaw
full of teeth.

The creature landed in the middle of the group and everyone flashed their lights at it, it took up most of the cave. The air
smelled like burning skin and the monster screeched. It had translucent skin and some skin was rotted or even missing
in some places. It had the head of a bat and wings much like a bat as well. The leather of the wing had small rips or

It reared up on two legs and it had four arms that ended in nasty claws, matted fur covered its shoulders and neck and it
turned into a v down its abdomen. The fur covered its legs and its feet were much like a lions paws. Its tail was much like
a lizards, scaled thick with a pointed tip. It had a large underbite and when it screeched again spittle flew. Pale glazed
over eyes eyed the human and fliers with hatred.

"Kill.. Kill.. KILL THE LIGHT. GET OUT!"

With a flick of its wrist it slammed Jo against the wall, picking the now dazed man up by his waist and pinning him there.
It licked from chest up to the side of his face. It hissed in pain and slashed at Jo's chest and the amulet fell to the ground.
Jo whimpered in pain and fear. It let out a content hum and Eilonwy pulled out her machete-which Anna now understood
why Oaken gave them one- and she slashed at it's arm.

The cave creature hissed curling in the wounded arm and used its free arm to shove her away and then it licked at its
wounded arm.

Eilonwy dropped her bag and machete when she landed a few feet away and Jason ran to her side helping her sit up.

Jo tried to lean over and grab his machete at his side but the creature slammed him against the wall once more and he
went limp, slumping over to the left.

"Jason grab the bloody bag! Everyone run now!" Eilonwy shook her head in hopes of clearing the stars. "Open that bag
and throw it as far as you can back the way we came." She commanded and she grabbed her pack and machete.

Jason did just as she said, opening it to find a bloody and dead got inside. He cringed but he spun and tossed the bag.
Blood dribbled onto the ground and the monster rumbled and let Jo go.

It crawled over and past Elsa and Anna and it lifted the bag with two arms, hunching over it sliding its long tongue inside
to slurp at the blood inside.

Anna took her chance and got to her feet and helped Elsa up. She stopped at Jo's limp body, urging Elsa to run.
Everyone was scattering up the cave in a panic. "No Anna come on! Let's go!" Elsa tugged desperately on Anna's arm.

Anna put her ear to Jo's chest and she couldn't hear a heartbeat. "He's dead." She heard a crunching sound. The
monster was eating its way through the goat, and only its legs and part of its gut stuck out.

"Holy fuck.. I'm sorry Jo. Run!" Anna pointed her light at the ground and pulled Elsa along with her. She picked her way
around rocks and didn't dare glance behind her.

Anna felt a tug on her arm, she heard a cry and she toppled backwards. Elsa had tripped and since she held Anna's
hand they both went down. Anna looked over her shoulder at Elsa, who looked ready to faint from panic. Anna could
smell the blood from the goat, the rotting of the monster, the fear on Elsa.

She could see it moving quickly towards them. Its large ears alert and its eyes zoned in on their general direction. Anna
grabbed Elsa's hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "Stay down."

"What are you doing?"

Anna scrambled to her feet and she took a calming breath and she stepped over Elsa's prone body. She lifted her wings
and stretched them above her body as far as she could. She ruffled her feathers and she bit her lip holding her arms
high. Her heart was pounding and she felt like she was going to be sick. The amulet buzzed harshly against her chest
and she got the urge to rip it off.

Oh fuck me I hope this actually works.

And then she let out a growl that turned into a scream. The creature seemed surprised and stopped a few feet from her
and it stood on its hind legs. It roared at her, stretching out its four arms and its wings as far out as they could in the cave
and she refused to flinch even when spit hit her across the cheek. She looked it in the eye and took a step forward,
jerking her wings in a quick forward motion.

It stepped back confused now and it seemed to be studying her. As if it noticed something for the first time.

"Friend? friend? friend..? Foe? Foe? Foe? Dark. You are Dark.. Dark. Tiny creature is dark."

It lowered itself and sniffed at her chest where the burning amulet rested. It snorted and Anna scrunched her face in
disgust. Its breath was horrible, she could smell rotting meat and overall decay inside.

"Light. Light. Why. Light..? Why light? Burns? Doesn't.. Buuuuurn? In paaain?"

Anna could hear it in her head and she didn't know how to communicate with it. She hoped it would get her words. She
reached into the first layer of her jacket and grabbed the leather pulling the amulet from its hiding place. She felt instant
relief on her skin as soon as she lifted it away from her skin. She pulled it out into the tunnel for the monster to see, it
recoiled slightly. It let out a long low growl and Anna leaned away from the amulet. The light coming from it did bother

"Shun the light. Right?" She tossed the amulet to the side and the monsters head jerked up and down in a nod. "Who
are you?"

"Forgot.. Forgot who.. am. Monster. Kill. Kill kill kill many. Banished. Banished. Left.. behind. You. Are are?"

Anna tilted her head up at the creature. Was this Death? Or was this just a follower? "I am Anna. I am friend not foe." It
copied her movement and tilted its own head, studying her with its glazed eyes.

Anna helped Elsa up deeming that it was safe enough to help her up. She made sure to keep an eye on the monster.
Elsa was shaking a little and she looked a little green.

"Female female.. human.. Light. Human. Follow light. kiiilll…?"

"No! The human female is mine." Anna glared up at it and it didn't seem to get it, looking suspicious as it leaned in to
sniff at Elsa who leaned as far away as she could without toppling backwards. Anna took another step closer and
growled once more. "I said she's mine." Her eyes flashed green for just a moment and the creature lowered itself to the
ground, trying to look smaller.

"Not kill. Why? Why? Light. Shun it. Destroy it. whhhhyy?"

"Because I said so. I'm the boss and I say what is what. Now get out of here." Anna gently pushed the still shell shocked
Elsa back a little. It was time to go. Anna had enough with this creature. It had killed Jo and even though she didn't know
him too well, he was still a person.

"Boss boss! Stay. I stay. Others. Danger here. Not safe."

Anna whirled around when she heard the word others and danger. "What do you mean others? You aren't the only thing
in this tunnel?" She motioned for Elsa to keep going down the tunnel and Elsa didn't need any further prompting. She
wasn't going to leave Anna behind, but her body told her to stay very clear of that.. that thing.

"We are many many. Death. She leads us.. hides hides. Banished to tunnel. Her creation. We are Creation. I follow. Stay
with you. My master. New maaster. I help."

The creatures voice was like a whisper she had heard many times before and yet it was so unfamiliar. It had no definite
male or female voice rather its voice shifted from male to female constantly. Never the same after each word. It was as
though the creature itself did not know itself.

"Death.. is here? It lives here? Can you sense them? We are trying to pass through here. We want to stay safe and away
from them." Anna wanted to get to the bottom of this but she didn't have the time. She needed to get Elsa home and she
needed to tell Kristoff news of what Carter and Roe were up to.

The creature looked over its shoulder huffing and it got up to rest on all its limbs. "Death is here. Death not here.
Banished. New other thing is Death. F-f-former Death live here. Sense you. Former Death sense you. Powerful
darkness. You. Find us. No escape. You leak.. reak.. power." It shook its massive body and sniffed at a claw licking
some left over blood off it.
"Okay.." Anna wasn't sure she got it, this was all a dream. It had to be. She was talking to a monster like they were old
friends. For Watchers sake she was hearing it in her head! The angel ran both her hands through her hair, walking in a
small circle.

"Give power. Weak. I weak. Can't fight former death. You have power. Give some? I heal.. become strong. Fight." Anna
stopped walking and looked up at the stinky monster tilting her head. Feeling a little suspicious, who was to say it
wouldn't turn on her. As if it heard her it reached a thin arm out and prodded her chest with a claw gently. "Fight. Fight for..

Anna sighed and wondered what her life was coming to. "Alright. Tell me how to give you some power."


From further down the tunnel five heads were peering around the corner of another cave entrance. "What the hell is she
doing down there? Is she talking to it? What the fuck?" Eilonwy grumbled still shaking slightly from her near bout of

Elsa huddled with the rest, her body was relaxing now that she had put distance from the monster. Or as relaxed as she
could get as she watched Anna pace and wave her arms around. Still looking like she was talking to the creature.

Everyone watched in terror now as the monster pushed Anna down. Trapping the angel, its large clawed hands holding
arms and legs down. They watched as two long slithering tentacle like limbs poke out from its belly. At the end of the
tentacle was a sharp piercing claw.

The creature let go of Anna to take off her two jackets and lift her shirt enough to reveal her stomach. It pushed her back
down again and once it had her in its hold, the two tentacles stabbed into the angels stomach.

Up until that point Anna hadn't struggled. Now she screamed a blood curdling scream and jerked around.


Anna wondered why she did things like this. Like being stabbed in the stomach and supposedly giving up her power. Or
well some of it to the creature. Even now as she tried to throw herself into a happy place while she watched something
from her body be sucked down the tubes to the creature.

The creature who looked like it was having the time of its life. It's eyes were closed and it was humming. Or purring. Anna
didn't care to figure it out. She whimpered and she could hear it hush her in her head. "Oh holy Gods.. Are you done?"
Her voice cracked and she could hear the pounding of footsteps coming from behind her.

"Yesss. I won't take anymore." The two tentacles slid out from her stomach and she groaned in relief. The pressure was
fading, and now she watched as the creature opened its eyes. No longer a faded green, they were a bright teal matching
her own.

Carefully it licked the two small holes and once they healed, it helped her sit up with one arm. The other arm pulled her
shirt down and the other two helped pull up the first jacket and then the second.

"Thanks." She was helped to stand now and it dusted her off in an almost loving gesture. A claw came up and wiped
away a tear she didn't know she let go away from her cheek. She smiled up at it and its lips pulled back to copy her. It
looked terrible and creepy, but she still got the idea.

"Who am I? New name. Name. Rename. Give one." It bounced a little on its feet its eyes only on her. And she was lost.
What to call it? Was it male? Female? What was its purpose before she found it? It mentioned killing people but under
her command maybe it could be better.

"Barrus. You are now known as Barrus. Because it seems to fit you." She had never seen such a creature in her life. And
now it had a name, and it was beyond happy. It nodded its head up and down in a quick jerking motion.

"I am Barrus. Follower of Tiny Creature." It bowed and everything seemed like it was going to be alright.

And then the machete sang through the air and landed in Barrus's shoulder and it roared.


Jason watched the monster claw at the machete lodged into its shoulder and he grinned. Throwing practice had paid off
for once. What he didn't expect was for the monster to pull out the machete and snap it in half. Nor did he expect the gash
in its shoulder to seal up like it was never there.

"Wait everyone stop!" Anna cried, holding her arm out to the group who had stopped mid charge and the other to Barrus
to stop him from charging. "This is Barrus! It won't hurt us anymore! I.." She couldn't exactly say she could speak to it. "I
made a deal with it. Barrus will lead us out of the tunnels."

"I lead. Lead light.. hate light. Like light. Master like light.. Barrus hate angel boy. boy. kiiiiill?" Barrus grumbled and Anna
did her best to ignore it for a moment.

"Barrus im gonna assume you're a guy because I feel rude just saying it all the time." Anna watched as Barrus lifted its
leathery wings in a mock shrug. "He knows there are more things lurking in here. He can help us sneak around the rest
and we can get through here faster. Wait hold up.. How did you get around them before?"

Eilonwy stepped closer eyeing Barrus the whole time but when he didn't even budge or notice her she looked at Anna.
"We had amulets and flash lights. These creatures hate the light and they are weak. Very weak. We could sneak around
them or flash them with the lights and use the amulets to keep them at bay. They never attacked us before. Once they
did, but we killed it. And then you come in and talk to it like its nothing. How is that?" Blue eyes narrowed at her, and the
group shifted uneasily.

"I know things. And I made a deal with him. He gets some energy from me and we get to all live. Jo dying was a terrible
thing. I am sad at his passing. But Barrus is gonna help us now. I promise. I don't even know how I speak to it." Anna
hoped Eilonwy would believe her and wouldn't ask anymore on it. To be honest Anna wondered if she really was evil.
Barrus said she was dark and that she had power. She had enough of something that she could share with him and
she wondered what this all meant.

This was too much like a fairy tale for her tastes.

"As a Guardian.. I know we shouldn't ask about things of the past. You are a Guardian. What you might have done and
was before no longer matters. We trust. Without trust darkness could overtake us. So.." A loud long defeated sigh. "Let it
be our warning and guide. It stays in the front and at least fifteen feet ahead of us. I don't want it near us. Gives me the
fucking creeps." Eilonwy turned away to converse with the group and Anna felt like maybe things were going to be okay.


"Are you feeling okay Elsa?" Anna asked as they followed Barrus through the tunnels. They had been walking for at least
ten minutes and Elsa looked a lot less green now. Anna was worried that maybe she would be sick for real but it never
happened. If anything the blonde woman visibly relaxed after she gained distance from Barrus. Maybe it was his looks
that unsettled Elsa.

"I am now. I just.. things like that shouldn't exist. At all Anna. Its like a bad dream or a movie." Elsa grabbed Anna's hand
in her own, squeezing it gently. "I was scared. For you when it stabbed you and you started screaming. I didn't know what
to do. I felt like a coward. Jason ran up as soon as you started to struggle. I just sat there until everyone followed him. I'm
not strong like the Guardians are. This entire cave makes me sick to my stomach. I just want to run and never look back."

Anna smiled a little knowing that feeling a little. Feeling like maybe she wasn't enough for Elsa. Especially with the
barrier of pet and master. "I agree it shouldn't exist. Just so you know a little secret. It's ok to be scared. It doesn't make
you weak. I heard it makes you human."

Elsa smiled and looked more at ease now. "Only human huh. Does that make you an animal?"

"Ha! No! That makes me a demon."


"What the hell is up with the monster?" Lyle asked looking at the thing that used to be Barrus. Barrus was curled up
tightly with its own wings covering itself and a weird cocoon had covered its body. They had stopped to rest and get
some actual sleep and they woke up to Barrus looking like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

Anna was the only one who could talk to it so she strode up and put her hand on its wings. The cocoon covering it
shuddered beneath her hand. "Tiny Creature to Barrus, come in Barrus!" Anna felt a pulse go through the sac holding
her follower and after a tense moment she got her answer.

"I heal… Stronger. Change. Go on with.. out me.. Go. Go. Okay. Everything. Okay." Then the pulse stopped and it seemed
all life inside stopped. It was odd being cut off from him just like that. As if the tether between them was severed. She
shrugged though and grabbed her pack.
"Barrus is like.. cocooning his way through life. Guess he needs to heal up. So we just move on without him." Anna
fiddled with the straps of her pack, and zipped and unzipped her jacket nervously while she waited.

Eilonwy's lips dropped into a frown at the news and Anna worried she was going to be angry. She wasn't in the end. It
just means they had to keep an extra hard eye out for anything suspicious.

So onward they trekked into the tunnels following a cave system that Eilonwy seemed to know by heart. They heard more
things scampering around the tunnels but Eilonwy said it was normal and to keep moving. The sooner they got out of the
tunnels in a few days, the sooner they could forget about this place.


"What is this?" Eilonwy put her hand on a wall that was in her path. "This wasn't here. Not before." She patted it as if
testing to see if it was real and maybe the tunnel wasn't playing with her. "What is this?" She repeated. They had been
walking for quite some time and now they were at a dead end. "We didn't go the wrong way. What the hell?"

Everyone sat down with a groan, mostly frustration. "Can we take a break?" Lyle griped, resting his arm across his eyes.
"I just want to relax a little and eat some food."

Elsa perked up a little from her spot on the ground. "I second that. I'm hungry too. We should rest and think about this
mystery wall in a minute."

Jason scratched his head in thought agreeing with Lyle and Elsa. "Yeah we're safe anyway."

How wrong he was about being safe.


They had only ten minutes of peace and quiet when creatures from all directions leapt out. It was as if they were part of
the rock itself. In a flash everyone was grabbed by the arms and legs and constantly passed to the next creature like a
hot potato. Anna could hear many voices through the whole thing.

Capture! Surprise. Master wants! Bring them. Light. It burns. Pass them. Capture.

Anna reached for Elsa who actually did get sick this time and before she could touch her they were pulled apart. The
bumpy ride went on for fifteen minutes until they were dropped into the middle of an open cavern.

There was grunts and growls, snarls even throughout the whole room. The creatures bouncing around them and
pushing them down any time they tried to stand. Some even punching or scratching at the group. As soon as Anna got
her bearings she crawled to Elsa who was curled up in the fetal position on the ground. She covered Elsa with her own
body, using her wings to curl around them both.

Suddenly the light pounding on her back stopped. After waiting a moment longer she peered over her shoulder, finally
rolling over to see where the creatures went. . The monsters had all backed away and standing above Anna and Elsa
was a woman.

Her skin was pale, so pale that you could see a few of her veins underneath. Her eyes were a dark glittering red and they
scanned over the group. She wore a tattered black cloak, worn and torn in some places. She wore nothing on her chest
and she wore only a loincloth, and her feet were bare as well. Her dark red hair was long, down just past her shoulders
and the left side of her head was partially shaved. The woman had gold piercings in her ear, and even a cartilage
piercing, as well as a silver lip ring.

She smiled a predators smile when she noted Anna. "Well well it seems I have guests." She did a mock bow that all
fliers did when they submitted to another flier; two arms stretched out to the side and one leg stretched behind her. Then
she waved her arms to the partially lit cave.

"I was once known as Death. Now I am known as Kani. This is my cave and these…" She gestured to the bouncing
creatures who slobbered at the thought of possibly eating the humans.

"Are my creations." A pale foot pressed hard on Anna's chest. "I was sleeping.. But then I was rudely awoken an uproar. I
see now why I was woken up. It's not often i'm awake when there are delectable things to play with."

Anna got a real bad feeling about this. As the usual of course. Since she seemed to have the worst luck on this earth. It
had to be destiny.
AN: Well I got this out faster than the last chapter. YAY! Got a little delay because of college and some procrastination.
But here ya go.

Not my longest chapter but still up there.

How bout meeting Barrus and Kani ay?

How about that amulet burning?

Howaboutareview? *cough* Whoa whoa who said that? Reviewplease*cough* Sorry must be a cold.

Well we will get to see what Kani wants and stuffs next chapter. More Barrus as well! Um more tunnels too. Well.. I will
see YOU in the next chapter. BYE BYE!
*Chapter 29*: Give me the Power!
Chapter 29: Give me the Power!

Kani let the group huddle together while she went and sat on a chair on a raised dais. She smirked at the cowering
humans and angels beneath her, crossing one leg over the other. She felt much like a Queen with all the adoring looks
her creatures gave her. All their white glazed eyes on her, watching her as if she was a Goddess.

Oh how Kani missed the days when she brought death to many whiny humans. When she was Death, when she ran the
world below while her beloved War and Fallen brought more victims to her. Once there was many playthings and now
she was stuck with riff raff and blinded creatures.

But here was this group whom usually her creations would tear apart and eat. This time they were excited and they
chattered on to her, surrounding her and trying all at once to tell her the news. So quickly were they speaking to her it was
hard to decipher what they prattled on about.

With an adoring smile she held her hands out and pet a few of the creatures on their scruffy head. "Loves.. Oh my sweet
loves one at a time. What is so exciting about these playthings?"

A collective purrs and whimpers went through the many creatures in the room and the ones closest to her nuzzled her
legs. "Tell me all about them." She dragged out the word all and she picked one to her left, holding its face in her hands.
This creation had the head of a crocodile, surrounded by a mane of brown hair. It's chest was that of a mans, and its
arms that of a lizards and the legs of a tigers. It's tail seemed to be much like a sharks or some undersea creature.

She nuzzled this one with a purr, touching noses with it. "You will tell me all about them, won't you baby?" The head
bobbed up and down and it pointed to the group growling, grunting and whining to her in a language only she seemed to

She leaned on her fist slouching slightly and she listened as the creature droned on and on. One tidbit of information
had her sitting up and eyeing the group with new interest. "One of them is a power source? How do you know?"


Anna sat huddled with the group holding a shivering Elsa in her arms, her wings covering the frightened blond and
hiding her from the sight of the many mismatched creatures in the room. "Eilonwy.. Why in Watchers name have we
gone into this cave.. If creepy shit like this lives here?"

Eilonwy stopped praying and let go of her amulet to look over her shoulder at Anna, whom she was leaning against.
"There isnt! I have been in these caves before exploring to find routes. The most alive thing I have seen were pale and
weak. They were easy kills! And they ran at the sight of the light or the amulet." Eilonwy took a shaky breath and ran a
hand through her hair. "Don't you see? These shouldn't be here! I have no clue how there came to be so many."

"Well they are awake and alive now! I swear if I die in this tunnel I am coming for you in the afterlife." Anna was angry
because now Elsa was in real danger. A creepy cave was one thing, but a creepy cave full of monsters and a scary
woman was a whole other thing.

Anna ran her hands up and down Elsa's arm and side in a soothing gesture. Elsa had her face buried in Anna's neck
and she was breathing in and out quickly. She had a death grip on Anna's jacket and she kept shaking or whimpering
from time to time.

"Elsa calm down. I won't let them hurt you." Anna murmured

"I can't.. I can't do this anymore Anna. It hurts being here." Elsa shook her head, panting and pulling on Anna's jacket
harder, twisting the fabric in her grip. It was as if she was trying to sink into Anna's skin and hide from all of this.

"I need you to breath slower. Breath with me okay?" She took a slow and steady breath and then she released it just as
slowly. It took a few slow calming breaths but eventually Elsa caught on. She copied Anna and began to breath in time
with her. "There.. it's not so bad. Ignore everything around us. It's just you and me." She rubbed her cheek against the top
of Elsa's head letting out a purr.

She peeked over her wings when she heard the creatures grow quiet and she heard the soft patter of feet upon the rocky
ground. Kani was walking over and the red eyes were scanning over the group once more.

"It has come to my attention that one of you is a power source and doesn't follow the light. I can't tell which one of you it is
since all of you are beaming with light, but I will count to five before I start killing for fun." A pale hand raised up with a
finger out. "One."

"Two." Another finger raised. "Three." A third finger and the smile dropped, turning into an angry scowl. "Four… I'm losing
my patience loves."

Anna shifted away from Elsa and got to her feet stepping in front of Elsa and the group. Immediately the creatures
growled and moved closer, ready to attack her if she dared harm their mistress. "I think you're talking about me. I do
follow the light actually. I just find it hard to believe in sometimes." Anna wasn't lying but she wasn't exactly telling the
truth. "Nice place of gloom you have here."

Kani sashayed her way over and Anna realized she was shorter than the pale woman. Two freezing hands cupped her
face and red eyes peered into teal. "Ahhhh.. You are dark. You were just hiding behind all the light. Clever one you are.
Fooled me. I have been waiting so long for someone like you." A dark tongue darted out and before Anna could move out
of the way she licked her way from the bottom Anna's throat all the way up to her bottom lip.

"I can taste it on you. That hidden power, though it seems someone tapped into it recently. Won't you share some of it
with me?" Kani smirked at the dumbfounded look on the angels face.

"Uh.. I-I-I-I.." Anna stuttered stepping back, now very unsure of herself. She glanced back at the group for support on what
the plan might have been. Eilonwy and the others shook their heads subtly and Elsa still looked afraid but she was
glaring at Kani like maybe Kani would drop dead if she glared hard enough.

Kani just followed her with a step forward, a cat like grin on her face. She made Anna face her again and she looked her
in the eye. Anna clenched her hands into fists her whole body tensing up. "Would it not be nice here? Stay here with me.
Share with me some of your gift. We can play together." There was something swirling in her eyes and it was distracting.

As she spoke Anna's hands and whole body loosened up. Her wings drooped down to the ground and her eyelids
drooped as well. She nodded slowly, a dopey smile coming to her face. "Together?" Asked the angel slowly, placing her
hands on Kani's hips, tracing circles with her thumbs.

"Yesss." Kani whispered back, a triumphant grin on her face. She was already winning and all it took was a bit of magic.
Sure she was running out of magic and power, but this wonderful angel had power inside. It coursed through her veins
and it would be easy to tap into it. And oh how Kani wanted power once more. She just had to get the angel to give it.
Power could not be stolen. Not while one was weak themselves. Only the powerful could give and take power without

"Anna ignore that witch! Don't give her anything. She's weak." Elsa yelled and that caused Anna to jerk a little, trying to
turn and face Elsa once more, the glaze in her eyes clearing slightly.

Kani growled and her eyes flashed with a burning hate. A creature, nearest to Elsa, eye's flashed red like Kani's and it
smacked Elsa hard across the face. Hard enough the blonds face snapped to the left and there was a small scratch
across her cheek where a scale had cut into her skin.

"You can eat that one. But I want the rest alive. Make sure none of them escape." Kani ordered and there was an excited
rumble throughout the the mass of creatures around them. Kani dragged Anna to the nearest cave entrance, cooing to
her and promising her things all the while.

Elsa watched Anna go while holding her cheek, and she reached out in hopes that maybe Anna would snap out of it. A
clawed hand grabbed her wrist and jerked her over to its body. A long tongue slid out to lick across her newly acquired
cut. She shuddered and a pain gripped her stomach.

Human hands grabbed at her shoulders trying to pull her back, and monstrous paws grabbed at her body and legs, all
the creatures wanting the right to kill her for their mistress. They yanked on her legs and hips towards them and the
hands holding onto her jacket pulled the jacket off her. She tumbled forward into the mass of monsters.

Then the fight broke out on who got to kill Elsa and take the first bite.

She watched as one covered her with its body, snarling at any of the rest who got too close, trying to fight them off with
one arm while holding her down with the other. One creature slashed its throat and shoved it off, trying to pick the
panicking blonde up.

Hands pulled at each of her limbs trying to force her to them and she cried and yelled, feeling her bones pop. She
whimpered and felt a buzz go through her middle and a light covered her hands and feet. The monsters dropped her to
the ground and they all howled and licked their burnt paws.

Elsa lay there dazed a moment holding her shaking hands in front of her face. What on earth did she just do? And how?
Could she do it again. She scrambled to her feet and the creatures backed off slightly. She held her hands out and willed
it to happen again but nothing happened. "S-s-stay back! Im w-w-warning you!" Blue eyes searched for the group who
was still corralled together near the middle. Eilonwy and the rest were being held back but they still tried to kick and pull
at the monsters near them.

One grew brave and took a swipe at Elsa's head and she barely ducked in time. The others realised she wasn't going to
blast them and they started for her once more. Elsa backpedaled as quick as she could, then she stumbled and fell to
the ground. "No stop! Go away! Anna help me!" She covered her eyes as the first round closed in on her.


Anna was in a fog, stuck in a place between reality and dreams. She felt like she was forgetting something but the
insistent hands and alluring voice assured her she forgot nothing. She was right where she needed to be. "Give me your
power. Just let me have it."

Pale hands ran along her stomach and ribs where the power lay. Kani tried to soak some in but a barrier blocked her,
and it zapped at her. The power itself knew who it belonged to, one couldn't take it. Not without true permission. She
pulled her hands away shaking them to get rid of the tingles in her hands. Drat. It seems that magicked consent wasn't
the same as true consent. "Just hang tight a moment darling. I need a moment to think."

Kani pushed Anna onto her rocky slate of a bed covered in creature pelts and paced the room. Anna just watched her
from where she lay an ever present dopey smile on her face. Back and forth Kani went, tapping her chin and letting out
frustrated noises.

Kani had to act now. Her power over Anna would fade eventually. She tossed her cloak to the ground and crawled on top
of Anna and straddled her waist. Time to try plan b. "Whats your name baby?" She purred loving the look of pure awe on
the angels face.


"Well.. Anna I want you to close your eyes." As soon as they were closed she held the angels hands in her own. She
placed the angels hands onto her stomach. "Tell me.. what do you feel?"

Anna giggled and wiggled her fingers. "I feel skin. Very soft skin."

Kani rolled her eyes but forced herself to sound kind. "You are so funny.. feel again, but this time try to feel inside. Do you

Fingers shifted and pressed onto her stomach, the dopey smile turning into a frown. "Empty. You are empty inside."

Kani grinned now trying to stop herself from squealing in excitement. "Yes. Oh yes you are right. Now touch your stomach
and what do you feel inside?"

Anna put her hands on her stomach and she looked thoughtful and almost surprised. "I'm full. Overflowing. I think you
need some too Kani. I have plenty to give."

Anna put her hands back on Kani and just when Anna started trickle some of her power to Kani there was a pain ripping
through Anna's head.


A voice Anna knew all too well. She blinked and pulled her hands away from Kani as if they were burned. The fog lifted
and she blinked a few times. "Elsa?" She felt a tug from an invisible wire, feeling the need to be at her side.

"No!" Kani shouted putting Anna's hands back on her abdomen. "Give me your power. I need it! I can be strong again
with it. I can be Death again!" Kani tried to rein in her anger and forced a smile. "Please? I'll give you a reward."

"I'll give you a reward Anna if you get them all right." Said Elsa from a distant memory.

Anna shook her head and tried pushing Kani off her. "Elsa I have to get to Elsa." There was a snarl from the pale woman
and she put her hands on Anna's shoulders trying to force her down.
"No. You will stay here until you give me what I need!"

Anna growled up at her and mentally searched for something deeper in the tunnels. After a moment she found what she
was looking for.

Barrus wake up now! Help Elsa!

"Elsa. Elsa? Who?"

LIGHT! HUMAN FEMALE! HELP THE HUMAN FEMALE! Anna tried throwing a punch at Kani while she mentally shouted
at Barrus.

"Oh.. Oh! OH! Human female! Mine you say! I rememb er! I help!"


Elsa waited for the first claw, the first tooth the first anything to touch her. Two seconds ticked by followed the third. A loud
familiar screech and when she peeked between her fingers she saw Barrus standing just before her.

Or something that looked like Barrus. No longer was Barrus pale, translucent and sickly, but now his skin was dark,
maybe a brown or a black. The rotted flesh was healed and muscles had appeared, giving him a more fit look. He also
seemed to have grown. Before he was just large enough to lift a human with his arms and push them around. Now he
towered over Elsa easily and if one were to try, maybe you could ride him. His wings were no longer torn as well, and
Barrus looked to be the picture of health.

He screeched once more and used both arms to smack many of the creatures away at once. He kept up the snarling
and hissing making them back off only pausing once to sniff Elsa. His large ears flattened against his head and he
made a disgusted face at her. He snorted in Elsa's face and then nodded as if confirming he had the right person.

Elsa whimpered and her stomach did flip flops. She made a disgusted face as well nose scrunching up and. He might
have looked healthy but his breath was not any different.

The creatures used his distraction to scrambled over his body like a bunch of swarming bees and he began grabbing at
them trying to throw them off or even crush them in his grip. Their numbers were too great and Barrus began to falter and
he roared loud enough that it shook the cave.

Elsa used this chance to skirt her way around them and get to Eilonwy and Jason who waved her over. "Lets get Anna
and get the hell out of here." Elsa nodded and Lyle came back holding all their packs. Making sure to not gain any
attention they wandered down the cave that Kani took Anna with.

Leaving Barrus to struggle with the many creatures who bit, pulled, scratched and tore at him.


Anna was seeing spots.

Kani had her hands around her throat and she was cutting off Anna's air. The days she had gone with little food wasn't
helping her nor was the fact all she had in the past hours was some cheese. She tried making a last attempt at
punching Kani but all she succeeded in doing was tapping the woman, doing no real damage.

She watched white lips pull back over strangely pearly white teeth and she noted the fangs. "I'm going to knock you out.
Then im gonna get rid of your friends. I bet my sweetlings already had fun with that white haired bitch." She laughed. "I
will get that power."

"Not today you won't." Kani looked startled and then her face was blank. Elsa had swung the machete she borrowed
from Eilonwy and it smacked Kani hard on the side of her head with the flat of the blade. The pale demon slumped over
Anna out cold.

Anna started gasping and wheezing hard while the group worked together to pull the slumbering demon off the angel.
Elsa dropped the sword like it burned her and checked over Anna. "Is everything ok? She didn't hurt you anymore than
this right? Say something."

Anna gulped in air for a moment longer before she chuckled. "I told you Elsa," She wheezed before continuing. "That your
overeating was going to kill me. I was too weak to fend her off."
Anna wondered if the smack she received echoed down the cave.


The group of five entered the cave room once more and hid behind some rocks to figure out their game plan. Barrus was
still struggling with the monsters but the group paid him no mind. No one but Anna. While the group worked on an
escape plan she watched in horror as the creatures mauled Barrus.

"So we sneak away while that monster takes one for the team. Im sure they will feast on its body long enough we may
just be able to make it out of this hell hole." Eilonwy whispered quickly glancing around the rock again.

"Wait so we just leave him behind? Just like that? I can't do that!" Anna shook her head furiously and Jason looked at her
like she was stupid.

"Anna! It killed Jo and now we leave it to do. An eye for an eye, besides it is evil." He spat glaring at Barrus over the rock.

"Fuck an eye for an eye he saved Elsa. And no one is evil, there is second chances. Everyone deserves the chance to
live. Everyone Jason."

Barrus was on the ground and it was clear now that he was losing and he even looked defeated with how he lay there.
Allowing them to bite and tear at him, the many thousands gnawing away at his hide.

"Barrus come here!" Anna stepped out from behind the rock and held her arms out. "I will give you more power!"

Anna started running towards him and the creatures noticed her too. Some broke off to run at her, licking their lips and
drooling. Flesh they craved flesh.

Barrus huffed and closed his eyes, and then he forced himself to his feet and with a little struggle he started for Anna as
well, knocking the few he could out of his path. Shaking his back hard to get rid of the creatures on his back.

"Anna come back!"

"Shit they are swarming the whole room!"

"Everybody run!"

Anna didn't take the time to wonder who was yelling what, she just ran towards her goal. Barrus. Barrus could help them,
he just needed more power. Kani said she was a power source, so why not give him more? She pulled past the thread
that told her to go back, to listen. She refused, Barrus needed her more than anyone else.

She felt a tug on her leg and a hot wet feeling seeped from her calf and knew something clawed at her. Another tug, this
time on her arm and then she was jumping into Barrus' outstretched arms watching the world go black as he covered
her with his hulking body.



Elsa watched Anna and Barrus disappear under the creatures and she used a pick axe to swing at the creatures. She
was hiding behind Eilonwy, Jason and Lyle but she tried her best to get the ones they missed. Green muck splattered
Jason on the leg and he cursed looking disgusted.

There was a rumble and a loud hum and the room started to smell like metal. Then with a ear ringing clap and a few
monsters flew off Barrus with an agonized squeal. The others scattered away and Barrus rose to stand on his hind legs,
resting on his haunches. There was another hum and sparks ran up Barrus' tail and spine and then there was another
loud clap. Bursting out his his mouth was a bolt of lightning. It shot through a few other monsters burning a hole through
their chest and they convulsed on the ground before going still.

Anna stood just before Barrus and their movements were in sync. She smirked and she made a gun shape out of her
hand, pointing and making pew pew noises. Each time she made the noise Barrus would fire off another bolt hitting
monsters left and right, shooting in the general direction she pointed.

Soon all the monsters were scrambling and running off into different little hidey holes. "Kill them Barrus. Kill them all."
Anna held her arms out and Barrus set to work, grabbing at one ill fated monster and he lifted it to bite off its head. He
tossed its useless body to the ground and moved on to the next, crushing it under his clawed hands. Another one was in
his arms and he pulled on each end until there was a snap and the monster ripped in two.

Eventually all of them were out of the cave or dead and steam hissed out of Barrus' nostrils. He waited a moment longer
as if waiting to see if any more would dare challenge him before unfurling his wings and roaring in triumph. His roar
ended on a loud purr when he ducked down to get a pat for being such a good boy.

Elsa ran over and hugged Anna glad that she was okay. Anna wasn't even bleeding anymore. Barrus had made sure to
lick her wound while she had transferred more power over to him. Anna hugged Elsa back relaxing now that she knew it
was safe. Though the amulet around Elsa's neck was stinging a little at Anna's chest but she could deal.

Eilonwy and the group made their way over at their own pace, checking all the dead monsters and making sure they
really were dead. Grumbling about evil and questioning what Anna truly was.

"What doing? Doing? Hold?" Barrus asked studying the two girls as they hugged one another.

"Its called a hug Barrus. You do it when you're happy." Anna replied and a moment later four arms wrapped around the
two of them, holding them snug against his warm body. It made Elsa uncomfortable for a moment but when all Barrus
did was purr and nuzzle the two of them the corner of her mouth quirked up in a smile. Even if her body was in total panic
and her stomach continually rolled from how close he was.

"Huuuug. So happppy toogether." Barrus twitched a little and shifted his hold on Elsa and grumbled. "Light.. b uuurns. In


They left Kani to wake up to the destruction of her creations. It took only seven more hours of trekking and they were at
the halfway point in the tunnel. After another long rest Eilonwy urged that they powerhouse their way through the tunnels.
She didn't want to stay in the tunnels any longer than she had to. And so after more hours of trekking, one near fall down
a hole, they finally saw the light of morning.

Anna never thought she would ever be excited to be so cold. She was next to last to finally leave the cave. It was just as
cold and windy as it was on the other side of the mountain. But finally they were through the whole thing.

The view was spectacular, the sun was just rising and it tinted the sky with pinks and light oranges. The Snow glittered in
the morning sun and far below and beyond you could see the forest. Anna heard the crunch of snow to her left and she
looked up at Barrus who looked like he was testing out the snow.

"What is.. this? What is? White.. Cold. Bright. Very b right. Whaaaat is it?" Barrus tilted his big head at her and Anna
smiled up at him.

"This is snow. Thats the sky and that is the sun. Its rising in the sky."

"Why? Why? Rise for? What rise for?"

"It rises so we can see. So we can grow food. I hear it chases the moon that only comes out at night." Anna watched as
he seemed to ponder that and for a long while he was silent just staring off into the distance.

"Don't understaaand. Feeling. New feeling. Strange. View. View is pleasing. What does it mean?"

Anna looked at the rising sun and how everyone seemed more relaxed and carefree laying in the snow. Jason went as
far as rolling in the snow kissing it with joy. She took a deep breath and gave him a warm smile. She put her hand on her
heart. "The sunrise is beautiful. The view.. It's.. beautiful."

Barrus hummed and looked at his dark hand, flexing it to make a fist like hers. He put it over his chest and looked at the
the sunrise. His teal eyes were widened in awe and Anna could hear it in his voice. "Beautiful." The creature of darkness
whispered. "The view is b eautiful."


They walked as far away from that god forsaken tunnel as they could before exhaustion took over. Everyone collapsed
into the snow, huddling together for warmth. Anna watched as Barrus burrowed himself into the snow, looking

"So.. you are really going to keep him?" Lyle asked through chattering teeth, rubbing his hands together trying to warm
"Yeah. I can't leave him in the tunnel. They'll try to kill him. And I can't really let him wander on his own." Anna replied,
eyeing Barrus as he rubbed his back against a lone dead tree. "I just want to get Elsa home and fix things."

"What I want to know." Eilonwy said as she did her best to take out her sleeping roll from her pack. "Is how you gave
'powers' or what the fuck ever to that monster. What the hell was that Kani chick going on about you being a power

Anna hunched her shoulders going over it herself and she thought hard about it. "I.. It's just my special power. I think.
Whatever, I follow the light still. I think its because i half follow the light and half don't believe it I can talk to them or
something." She looked at the sun that was nearing late afternoon. "I'm just as lost as you are about this. Kristoff might
have answers. He seems to know everything."

Voice might have my answers. But I haven't heard from him in so long. Where are you?

Elsa pulled out her sleeping roll as well and made sure she put the waterproof end on the snow. It wouldn't do her any
good to get soaked in her sleep and wake up freezing. Anna got her sleeping roll as well, though she wrapped hers
around Elsa's for extra protection. She'd just squeeze herself into the one roll with Elsa.

But first… "Elsa let me see that." Anna tugged on the leather strap of the amulet and Elsa pulled it from around her neck.
Carefully Anna took it by the leather and she tossed it at Jason. "Don't need that anymore." Everyone began curling up
into their rolls, and Lyle grumbled about Anna being lucky she got to cuddle Elsa all night. All he got was the bitter cold.

Jason narrowed his eyes at Anna, lifting the amulet carefully and brushing it off. He wasn't as easily fooled as everyone
else. His friend was different, different in a way that was dangerous. She could barely hold the amulet and that was
suspicious enough as it was. Only evil couldn't touch it for long, and he noted how Anna seemed to hate it. How she
spoke to the evil creatures and befriended one. One that killed Jo even! Still he kept quiet, knowing that he would bring
this up. Only at a later time.


It took three easy days of walking down the mountain to reach the bottom. And after an extra day of walking they would
finally meet up with Kristoff and his group. The group was waiting on some rocks by a dirt road. The Guardians in Elsa's
state would pick them up shortly.

Elsa pulled at her dirty jacket and made a sound of disgust. "Ugh.. How long has it been since we got that bath? Never in
my life have I ever felt so grungy." She ran her hand through her hair and shuddered. Greasy hair, dirty clothes, no bath
since the tunnels. Ugh the tunnels in general.

"Its been at least five days or so. I think. We were in the tunnels for.. maybe a day and a half. Its not a long journey in
there. We just got sidetracked." Eilonwy shook herself off, taking her outer layer jacket off. It was so much more warmer
here and the snow was gone and the vegetation was back once more.

It wasn't long before a group of Guardian's appeared on a dirt path driving jeeps. Most were faces she didn't recognize
but one small Guardian hopped out of the vehicle and Anna couldn't help the instant smile. "Rapunzel!" She called
jogging over and Rapunzel jumped into her hug.

"Anna! Glad to see you made it through the tunnels. Man you stink. How was it? Did you actually see anything spooky in
there? Eilonwy always complains about the shadows- What the hell is that?" Anna looked over her shoulder and Barrus
was out in plain sight. He lifted two arms and waved at the flabberghasted woman. He even gave his creepy smile to her.

Of course. Anna forgot about him and man did she need to work on his smiling.

"Rapunzel and other Guardians here, this is Barrus. He is.. a good guy now. He's my new pal. He won't hurt you. I
promise." Jason shouldered his way past Anna.

"Tell that to Jo, Anna." He opened the back door to the jeep and tossed his pack and himself into the jeep.

Barrus hobbled over trying to walk like Anna and the gang did and he pointed at Rapunzel. He made a fist and patted his
chest. Rapunzel glanced at Anna then back to Barrus. "Um.. What is he doing?"

"Human. Female. Human. Beautiful. The view is pleasing. Be... miiine?" Barrus looked at Anna like she should translate
and he even waved his arm in a 'go on' gesture and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Holy Watcher. Rapunzel he likes you. He's saying you're beautiful. And he says.. you know what? Just know that this lug
thinks you're beautiful." Anna patted Barrus and took Elsa's pack to go place it in the back of another jeep.
Rapunzel stared up at Barrus for a moment longer then she turned bright red. "Uh.. Thanks." Then she gestured to the
car. "Everyone pick a car and lets go. Kristoff is waiting."

In total there was three jeep cars and Lyle and Jason settled into the back of one with Eilonwy, and Rapunzel Anna and
Elsa got a vehicle. The third vehicle was to lead Barrus to the forest entrance of the Guardian homespace.

Rapunzel sat up in the front seat and she turned around smiling. "So you better tell me all…" She trailed off when she
noticed Elsa asleep on Anna's shoulder and Anna asleep with her cheek resting on top of Elsa's head. They held one
anothers hand, fingers intertwined, both snoring softly. "Tell me about it later then." Rapunzel whispered still smiling at
the sight. She was tempted to snap a picture just to poke fun at Anna.

The angel who fell in love with a human.

AN: Well I think I should cut her off here. Im sort of unhappy with this chapter. Im not sure what it is… I just everyone to
know.. I LOVE BARRUS. I don't even know why! I just do. He's such.. a scary beast and can kill but then he's all cuddly
and just an idiot that I want to hug his mismatched body. -im tempted to draw him.. I can always draw a monster-

Guardians next chapter. Answers maybe to some questions… Maybe some betrayal.. Maybe some loving. Lots of
maybes.. MAYBE Voice comes back. Maybe he doesn't. Who knows.

Read, enjoy review. (hopefully)

I love to read the reviews know that I read them all! I like seeing the comments. No fishing here I just like to read em. Its
like.. its nice to see people taking the time to do that for me.

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