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TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © March 2023 Volume 10, Issue 3 || www.tijer.


Case Comments : Indian Medicial Association v v.p

Diksha Sahai
Shambhunath institute of law
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) vs. V.P. Shantha case is a landmark case in Indian medical jurisprudence.
The case dealt with the right of patients to seek compensation for medical negligence and the liability of the
Indian Medical Association for the acts of its members. This briefing provides an in-depth analysis of the case, its
issues, arguments, judgment, and impact.


Bangalore resident V.P. Shantha was advised to have coronary artery bypass surgery by his physician in 1995.
He was admitted to a private hospital where a medical staff carried out the procedure. However shortly after
the procedure, he experienced problems and was sent to another hospital for more care. Shantha received
therapy, but multiple organ failure ultimately led to her death.

The doctors who conducted the procedure, according to Shantha's family, were careless and contributed to his
death. The Karnataka Medical Council received their complaint; however the council rejected it. The family
subsequently brought a legal lawsuit to recover damages for medical malpractice.

After multiple rounds of court proceedings, the matter was finally heard by the Supreme court of India.


The key question in this case was whether patients have the legal right to claim damages for medical
malpractice under tort law. The Indian Medical Association's liability for the actions of its members was the
subject of the other debate.


The doctors who conducted the surgery, according to V.P. Shantha's family, were careless and had broken their
duty of care to the patient. They also maintained that because the Indian Medical Association had not effectively
regulated the medical profession, it should be held accountable for the actions of its members.
The Indian Medical Association, on the other side, countered that because it was only a professional
organization that represented physicians, it was not liable for the actions of its members. They said that as
medical negligence was a matter of professional carelessness, the tort law did not apply to situations involving it.


According to the Supreme Court of India, patients have the legal right to pursue damages for medical
malpractice under tort law. The court also ruled that if the Indian Medical Association did not sufficiently


TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © March 2023 Volume 10, Issue 3 ||
control the medical profession, it might be held accountable for the actions of its members.
The court noted that because medical personnel had a duty of care to their patients, tort law applied to
situations of medical negligence. The Indian Medical Association was ordered by the court to control the
medical industry and make sure that its members adhered to moral and professional standards.

The court further ordered the Medical Council of India to develop standards for calculating damages in
situations of medical malpractice. The court stated that restitution in integrum, which refers to placing the
sufferer in the same position as before the damage, should be the foundation for compensation.


The IMA vs. V.P. Shantha case has significantly influenced Indian medical law. The decision established the
general rule that patients have the right to pursue damages under tort law for medical malpractice. It also
emphasized the necessity for the Indian Medical Association to properly govern the medical profession and for
medical practitioners to adhere to ethical and professional norms.

Several legal precedents for cases of medical negligence in India have also been established because of the
case. It has increased patient rights knowledge and prompted more medical malpractice lawsuits to be brought
before Indian courts.


A significant case in Indian medical law is IMA vs. V.P. Shantha. The decision established the general rule that
patients have the right to pursue damages under tort law for medical malpractice. The incident also
demonstrated the necessity of Indian Medical Association regulation and the need for medical practitioners to
adhere to ethical and professional norms.


The case also raised concerns about medical ethics and the obligation of medical staff members to their
patients. The court highlighted that doctors have a responsibility to act in their patients' best interests and that
they owe them a duty of care. In addition to defining the Indian Medical Association's role and obligation in
regulating the medical profession, the ruling in this case established rules for calculating compensation in
situations of medical negligence.
The fact that this case acknowledged the necessity for a thorough legal framework to control incidents of
medical negligence is one of its major accomplishments. Prior to this case, India lacked a distinct legislation
governing medical negligence, therefore patients were forced to depend on general tort law standards of
negligence. But following the ruling in this case, the Indian government passed the Consumer Protection Act in
1986, creating a legal framework for handling consumer complaints, including those involving medical

The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) and State Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commissions (SCDRCs) were formed under the Consumer Protection Act to handle consumer complaints. A
three-tiered adjudication structure, comprising district consumer forums, SCDRCs, and the NCDRC, was also
established by the Act to offer effective and economical resolution for consumer complaints. Patients can
register complaints with the appropriate consumer forum for compensation in circumstances of medical
malpractice, which are also covered under the Consumer Protection Act.
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © March 2023 Volume 10, Issue 3 ||

The IMA vs. V.P. Shantha case also influenced India's medical ethics movement. In reaction to the ruling, the
Indian Medical Association updated its code of ethics and published new standards for professional behavior
that placed a strong emphasis on patient rights, informed permission, and confidentiality.
The case also caused India to put more of an emphasis on medical education and training. New guidelines for
medical education and training were released by the Indian Medical Council, including the requirement of
instruction in ethics, interpersonal skills, and patient care. The case made clear the necessity for medical
personnel to have training in medical ethics, communication, and patient care in addition to medical science.

Although the case had a favorable outcome, the Supreme Court's compensation criteria have come under fire.
Others contend that the recommendations are overly broad and fail to consider the particulars of each
situation. Others contend that the monetary awards made by the courts are insufficient and inadequately
compensate patients for the harm they have suffered.
The National Law Commission of India has suggested changes to the medical negligence statute in response to
these issues. The Commission has advocated for the creation of specialist tribunals to examine cases of medical
negligence and has proposed that compensation be determined by the patient's real damages, as opposed to a
predetermined formula. The proposed amendments also seek to guarantee that patients obtain prompt and
efficient remedy by streamlining the filing and adjudication of medical negligence lawsuits.
In conclusion, the IMA vs. V.P. Shantha case has significantly influenced Indian medical law. The case
established the general rule that victims of medical malpractice had a legal claim to compensation under tort
law and emphasized the significance of medical ethics, the regulation of the medical profession, and medical
education and training. A detailed legal framework for handling cases of medical negligence was also developed
because of the case, and it helped raise awareness of patient rights in India. Although the Supreme Court's
compensation criteria have drawn criticism, the case has started a much-needed dialogue on medical
malpractice in India and the need for institutional and legal reforms to guarantee that patients get appropriate.
The IMA vs. V.P. Shantha case has wider ramifications for Indian healthcare policy in addition to its influence on
medical law. The case made clear the necessity for increased spending on healthcare resources and
infrastructure to raise the standard of healthcare provided in the nation. To offer patients high-quality
treatment, it is crucial to make sure that medical personnel have access to sufficient resources, including
medical tools, medications, and diagnostic tools.
Concerns regarding the function of private healthcare providers in India were also highlighted by the case. The
ruling emphasized the necessity for further regulation of private healthcare providers to guarantee that they
offer patients high-quality care because the defendants in the case were private practitioners. The incident
prompted calls for more government regulation of for-profit healthcare organizations and the creation of criteria
for high-quality treatment.


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