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The Takeover

Story: The Takeover

Category: Frozen
Genre: Romance/Drama
Author: Brooke-shutsano
Last updated: 10/23/2014
Words: 205553
Rating: M
Status: In Progress
Content: Chapter 1 to 23 of 23 chapters

Summary: Elsa is a lawyer who is not very happy with her job. After a hard day at work she decides to do something she
hasn't done in a long time; she goes out to a pub. There she meets younger student Anna. Meanwhile things at work get
complicated, as does her relationship to the young girl. Rated M for swearing, adult topics and explicit content
*Chapter 1*: Chapter 1
/Welcome to my little journey! This first chapter was just a little thing I wrote and it doesn't seem that interesting yet,
but a lot more happens in the next chapters :) I'm writing this after publishing the fifth chapter (which, according to a
review made the story '17x more interesting' (also fluff)) so even if you think this is a bit meh, try some of the next
ones and maybe you'll grow to like it :) I'm losing sooo many views on this first god-damned chapter! xD

The Takeover
An Elsanna fanfiction

Chapter 1

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" The sound of my heels resounded through the entirety of the hallway as I was trying to keep the
binders and loose papers in my arms from falling down to the floor. I was very aware of the eyes following me, the way
they seemed to judge me in just that single fleeting moment. I had grown used to it however, law school isn't something
you get through without getting used to people throwing you weird looks once in a while.

I skidded to a halt in front of a set of heavy oaken doors and took a moment to regain my breath. I checked my hair in the
oily sheen of the wood and was almost repulsed by the perfectness of the door - not a single dent or scratch distorted
my reflection. Most of my white hair was still caught in the bun at the back of my neck, but a few loose strands hung down
the sides of my face. I had my arms full however, so they'd just have to stay there. No biggie, right?

A crease in my skirt caught my attention but again, I had my arms full. I contemplated putting down the stack of files to
tidy myself up, but just as I bent over the door swung open and I stared at the knees of a very well-tailored navy blue suit. I
shot up and immediately felt a blush creeping up my neck. "Mister Holter, what a surprise."

"Hello miss Shields. I'm glad you could join us." He didn't offer to take anything off my hands, but I didn't mind. I preferred
it that way.

"Please mister Holter, call me Elsa. I've told you many times." I attempted a smile as I walked past him into the large,
square office. The heavy, hardwood table (just as oiled up as the door, I noticed) seemed way too small for the room and
the small amount of people sitting at it looked like they were drowning. The walls were empty and would have been
boring if it hadn't been for the wood embellishments all along the hip-high ridge that spanned the entirety of the wall.

"Quite." Mister Holter didn't seem impressed. I bit my lip softly as I put my things down on the table and tried to re-
organise them after my little sprint through the hallways. My attempt at kindness hadn't quite turned out as I hoped. Well
then, the ball was in his court.

"Miss Shields, you know why you're here?" Yes, to make you b unch of weasels even more amounts of money over the
b acks of people who you don't care ab out. I sighed.

"To legalise the takeover, mister Holter." I forced another smile as I sat down in a chair. This was going to be a long day.
*Chapter 2*: Chapter 2: The pub
/Ok guys, I just posted this very short first chapter two days ago to see if this thing could become something - and I
already have 8 followers and 162 views! Thanks, you guys are amazing!
/Chapters will be longer from now on, like this one (as long as I have the time and all that). Also just a heads up that
English is not my native language, so please pardon me if some sentences sound weird... :)

Chapter 2
The pub

I sat down behind the steering wheel of my car and slammed the door shut. I threw my briefcase on the passenger seat
and grabbed the steering wheel, sighing deeply. The day hadn't been fun, ploughing through legal documents wasn't
really my idea of a good time. When I enrolled in law school I had big dreams of becoming a criminal prosecutor or
something, putting away bad guys - not this.

I leaned forward and let my head fall heavily on the middle of the wheel - only to shoot straight back up when the horn of
my car started complaining loudly. My heart pounded in my throat and I felt my arms trembling with shock. I shot a glance
out of the window and saw a few silhouettes stop in their tracks. Thank god it was dark and the inside light of my car
wasn't on. I just sat as still as I could for a minute until I was sure no-one was looking anymore, then groaned and
leaned my forehead in my hands. This day was not getting any better.

A sudden idea entered my head and almost made me pull up an eyebrow. I slowly ran my tongue over my lips while I
pondered for a moment, then I resolutely twisted my key and started up my car. I was going to get a drink.

I was well aware of my formal attire as I crossed the streets towards a quaint pub I remembered from when I was in my
first year of law school. My brother used to take me there for a drink sometimes. I swallowed heavily, I hadn't thought
about my brother in a while. My pace slowed and I started to rethink my plans for the evening, but then two young girls
passed me. I stopped to stare at them as they walked away from me. They were barely clothed but didn't seem to mind
whatsoever, almost skipping along and talking to each other excitedly, no doubt looking forward to that evening and
whatever it may bring.

I straightened my back and started moving again. I had left my briefcase in my car, of course, which left my navy blue
knee-length skirt, light blue blouse and a blazer that matched my skirt. I had also been wearing a delicate pearl necklace
but I had left it with my other belongings in my car. The thought made me move my hand to my neck. It had been a gift
and I felt attached to it, which was why I had left it behind. Didn't want to lose it.

I rounded a corner and the pub came in sight. I felt my mouth go slightly dry when I saw the sign above the door. It was
just as I remembered it and memories washed over me. A smirk appeared around my mouth as I let my mind wander
for a few minutes.

I noticed the same two girls I had seen earlier were standing in front of the door to go inside the pub as well. There was
music thumping inside, quite different from what I was used to - but then again, it'd been quite some years since I had
last been here. It would be interesting to see how much had changed.

"Hello... ma'am. How can I help you?" I looked up at the burly security guy. He was handing the girls back their ID's but
his attention was already focused on me. He had short, bright blonde hair and the beginnings of a beard on his chin. I
could see muscles roll underneath his tight, black shirt and couldn't help but admire his physique. He was even wearing
a nametag.

"Hello, Kristoff. I'd like to go inside please." The man looked genuinely amused and at that moment I realised he wasn't
that old yet, maybe twenty-one. His physique made him look older, but now I wasn't sure I could call him a man yet. More
like a big boy.

"Sorry for laughing ma'am, I just wouldn't think someone like you would be interested in a place like this."

I cocked an eyebrow and resisted the urge to cross my arms. "I don't think that's any of your business. But I'll have you
know I used to come here quite a lot during my college days."

"And exactly how long ago were those?" He quickly raised his hands in a soothing manner. "Apologies, I'm just teasing.
I'd just take that nice jacket off before going inside, or people might think you're a cop and run." He gave me a small wink.

A man came walking up behind me. "Hey Kristoffel! What's the holdup?"
Kristoff sighed and leaned aside a little bit to look around me. "Shut up and wait your turn." I didn't look around, but
suddenly felt a shove in my back. It wasn't very hard, but it still made me take a sudden step forward in order to keep my
balance. Kristoff immediately moved in between me and the man behind me. "Ma'am, please go inside. This man won't
be troubling you any more tonight, because he knows he has a club ban since his last visit."

"I... ok, thanks." I quickly pushed open the door and stepped into a narrow hallway that led to a door I didn't recognise.
The bass of the music became louder, but it still sounded quite muffled. I didn't know they had installed a new sound
proof door since I last was here. And now that I looked around, that wasn't the only thing they changed. The posters on
the wall were gone and replaced with flawless white paint. It almost glittered and I had to take a closer look. I ran my
fingers over the wall and noticed that the paint was more silver than white. It was beautiful.

"Uhm... excuse me." I looked up and blushed. A man looked down on me with a beer in his hand. "I'd like to go outside." I
quickly stepped aside and took a deep breath to force down my blush again. I seemed to be doing that a lot today. I
smiled sheepishly. But I was here for a drink, I needed to stop worrying.

As soon as I opened the door I was almost blown away by the thump of music. The pub as I knew it had disappeared.
There was still a bar to the left, made from wood with a few stools. That was the only thing I recognised. Against the right
wall was now a stage, complete with instruments. The base drum had a band logo on it, which meant there would
probably be a band playing later on, but I couldn't read the name.

The area between the bar and the stage was mostly empty, but there was a handful of people dancing. I remembered it
being full of round tables with stools around, but apparently big dance floors were the new big thing these days. I felt old.

I sat down at the bar. A cheery looking man came walking up to me. "Hello! You look like you need a drink, ya?" I smiled
at his Scandinavian accent, even though it made it even harder to hear him over the loud music. I nodded at him and
ordered a scotch with a touch of water. When he put it down in front of me and named the price I was a bit startled, but I
handed him my credit card. "I can open a tab for you if you want, it will give you a ten percent discount on drinks, ya? Part
of our big summer blowout!" He grinned.

I smirked at him. "Summer blowout? It's freezing outside."

"That's why we call it a blowout. Do you want me to open the tab or not?"

"Does it cause any monthly costs or anything?"

The man looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. "Look lady, having a tab just allows us to charge your credit card once a
month for the drinks you have. If you don't drink, we don't charge. That's it."

I blushed, a bit ashamed I slipped back into my legal role that quickly. Always had to know the small print. "I'm sorry. Yes,
please open a tab for me."

The first sip tasted foreign on my tongue. I hadn't had a drink in a long time and I seemed to have forgotten the taste of
scotch. Or it was just very bad stuff. Probably the latter, although the first didn't help either.

I put my credit card back in the inside pocket of my blazer. It had been a pain to find a women's blazer with an inside
pocket, but I just liked having my valuables on my body. I had this fear that I couldn't fully explain, but the thought of losing
things had haunted me since I had been a little girl.

Now that I had my drink I wasn't sure what to do with myself. Great, so I was in a pub and ordered a drink (and quite an
expensive one at that). However the music made my ears throb and to be honest there wasn't that much going on. It was
nine in the evening, maybe it was just too early. I had to give it some time.

Give what some time, however? What was I looking for? I came here for a drink, and if I was just here to get drunk I didn't
have to wait for other people. I already realised I wouldn't be able to drive home later, but my apartment wasn't that long a
walk from here so that should be fine. I didn't have work tomorrow, so I could sleep in for a little bit. Spend some time
with my cats. I took a moment to reassure myself that I had left them enough water and food when I left home that
morning and then it hit me. I just really needed people. Sure, I saw people during work, but that was always work. I really
needed some good, social interaction.

The door opened and a small group of young men came in. They immediately headed for the bar and every single one of
them eyed me. It made me a bit nervous, the way they just blatantly looked me up and down like that. Was I looking for
that? A man? My last relationship had been quite a while back in university and I had broken up with him before
graduation. I'd like to say it was because of some deep, mature reason - but to be honest he'd just been a dick. Ever
since that I'd been married to my work.
I sighed. The group ordered several pitchers of beer and started downing it, slamming each other on the back whenever
someone downed a glass (or even pitcher) in one go. They probably had a tab here too. I wondered whether it was on
their own credit cards, or on their parents'. Damn, I must really be getting old to think of stuff like that.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed the bartender coming back up to me. He slung a cloth over his shoulder and
leaned towards me. "Do you want a refill on that?"

I started slightly and then noticed the glass in my hand was already empty. Quite a bit faster than intended, and now that I
was actually turning my head again I realised the world was swimming a little bit. "Maybe a glass of water for now."

When he sat the glass down next to me he lingered for a moment, as if he was unsure whether he wanted to say more.
He seemed to finally come to a decision when he left and I felt a bit relieved. Great mindset for social contact, Elsa.

I downed my glass of water as the door opened again. This time a small group of girls came in. It seemed they travelled
in gender packs nowadays. The internal joke made me grin. Maybe I needed another glass of water.

One of the girls turned her head and stared right at me as I still had the grin on my face. She cocked her head and
grinned back at me. She had auburn hair hanging loose down her shoulders and upper back, springing into view from
underneath a black beanie on the top of her head. Her hair seemed to flow like water as she moved and I found myself
staring at it. I quickly realised that she was still looking at me and I felt another blush creep up my neck (was that the
fourth or fifth one today?). Her bright green eyes caught mine and I quickly looked away, which made me catch the
bartender's gaze. He smiled and picked up a scotch glass from underneath the bar, the question on his face. I sighed
and nodded.

As he was pouring me my drink, the music started to die out. I looked up to see what was going on and saw that a man
had taken the stage, a guitar hanging from a strap on his shoulder. There was a microphone standard in front of him
and he adjusted it slowly and precisely, winking at the people now gathering in front of the stage. It still wasn't a huge
crowd, but I saw the red-haired girl standing right up the front. A boy to her left seemed annoyed with her and was
rubbing his arm. I brought my hand in front of my mouth. Had she elbowed her way to the front?

"Welcome welcome! I see we don't have a huge crowd tonight, but that's all good. We'll just get good Kristoff to open the
doors and soon the people will be pouring towards the angelic sounds of our instruments."

A few people wolf-whistled, one yelled something less nice. It just made the man smile wider. He continued introducing
his band mates, but my eyes kept being drawn to the redhead. Even though I just saw the back of her head and most of
that was covered by a beanie, I could easily pick her out from the two dozen people in front of the stage. It was a pathetic

As soon as the band started playing more people started coming in however. I had to admit myself, they were quite
good. Maybe it was because they were playing covers from bands I actually knew, maybe it was the third scotch I ordered
- but I was really enjoying the music.

All that drink had a side effect though. I got up from the bar and headed to the restrooms. Sitting on the toilet I felt that I
was starting to pass the tipsy stage already. I wasn't used to alcohol any more, that much was certain.

Sighing I washed my hands and headed to the door. As soon as I reached to pull it open however, it suddenly swung
inward. Hard. I couldn't get out of the way in time and the edge of the door hit me straight in the face.

"Shit!" I shouted, my hand pressed to the bridge of my nose. I felt tears well up in my eyes and looked up at the girl
standing in the doorway. For a split second I thought it was the red-haired girl, but I quickly noticed that wasn't the case. It
was a different girl, who seemed quite drunk herself.

She walked past me, looking at me a bit confused. "Sorry, did I do that?"

"Yeah you did, it fucking hurt!" I lowered my hand.

She paused at the door into a cubicle. "Are you like, a cop or something?"

I furrowed my brow. "No, I'm not a cop."

"Ok, good." She went into a cubicle and closed the door. I was flabbergasted. I stared at the door for a few seconds,
wondering whether I should wait until she came out to give her a piece of my mind - but then figured it wasn't worth it. I
inhaled deeply, then blew my breath out through my mouth. My nose didn't hurt that much anyway, it'd be fine. Just let it
I walked back towards the bar. I was planning on saying goodbye to the bartender and then head home, my party spirit
(as far as it had ever existed) had died out. I was so distracted that I didn't notice the redhead standing at the bar, waiting
for a drink whilst still dancing to the band behind her. I stopped in my tracks but she'd already seen me. It would look
weird if I would suddenly walk the other way now, so I stood next to her. The rest of the bar was taken, the pub was
starting to fill up quickly.

The redhead stared at me. "Oh my god, what happened to your face?"

I quickly brought my hand back up and then noticed the blood on the palm that had been pressed to my face.

The girl grabbed my elbow and waved at the bartender. "Hold my drink, I'll be right back!" The man looked at me
worriedly, then nodded. I was then dragged back to the bathroom. "Honestly though, what happened?"

She stood me in front of a sink and took a paper towel from one of the dispensers. I held out my hand to grab it, but she
slapped it away and started wiping off my face herself. I just stood there, slightly startled. The girl grabbed another
handful of towels, wetted them and continued cleaning my face. I couldn't help but look at her. Her emerald eyes were
focused on her work and shot from one part of my face to another. She was biting her lip in concentration, making me
distract myself by counting the freckles on her cheeks.

When she finished she threw out the towels and seemed quite proud of herself. "There, all done." I smiled at her, not
sure what to say. She just looked at me for a second, a slightly bemused look on her face. "You don't talk much, do you?"

I shrugged. "You seemed happy to do most of the talking." Her smile faltered for a bit. I quickly continued. "Talking in a
good way. Not as in too much talking, just... good talking. You talk well." I felt like slapping myself on the forehead and
could barely refrain myself from doing so, but the girl just laughed.

"Wow, that was... interesting." She eyed me up and down for a second, looking at my attire. I had been so focused on her
face that I hadn't even noticed what she was wearing. It was a black band shirt, the same band that was playing in the
pub I realised. She was wearing a pair of simple jeans with a hole in one of the knees and comfortable looking
Converse shoes. Quite a contrast with me.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you don't go out much."

I smiled. "You got me."

"I must admit I've been looking at you for a while and you don't seem to be having a lot of fun."

I felt slightly ashamed of myself, but I wasn't sure why. I used to be able to have a great time, but now with my job and all
that... It gave me an idea for a good answer that might not give away my age. "I just had a rough day."

"Ah yeah, we all have those. And then you went to the bathroom and punched yourself in the face?"

I smiled. "That would've been the door, actually. Apparently it didn't agree with the way I treated it on the way in, so when I
tried to get out it wanted payback."

I felt a bit ridiculous, cracking jokes in the bathroom, but the girl seemed amused.

"Well then, let's go make this night a good one!" She grabbed my hand and I felt an unknown tingle run up my arm. She
stuck out her tongue to the door on the way out, which made me aware of our age difference even more, but then she
took me back to the bar and ordered us both a drink. It was something I had never had before and came with a tiny paper
umbrella. It was incredibly sweet but the girl drank it quite easily so I decided it wouldn't be that bad. The sugar almost
made my teeth hurt but the kick of the alcohol followed quickly and drowned out the flavour.

I saw a sparkle in the redhead's eyes as she grabbed my empty glass and put it back on the bar. "And now we're going
to dance." She pulled me away from the bar.

"Oh I'm not sure about this, I'm not a great dancer..." I felt really awkward in my tight skirt. The girl suddenly moved behind
me and pulled my blazer off my arms and put it aside. I felt yet another flush creep up my face when I then felt her hands
on my waist, removing my blouse from my skirt. She used her palms to rub the fabric up rather than just grabbing the
shirt and pulling. It made me feel very, very uncomfortable - but also a strange kind of weak.

"Just listen to the music, and move." The girl closed her eyes and started moving to the beat of the song. She used her
hips, shoulders, knees... I didn't move, I just stood there staring at her. I felt my mouth hang open slightly and I quickly
closed it. I tried to mimic her movements but it was harder than it looked. The girl opened her eyes, saw me struggling
and decided to help. She moved behind me, put her hands on my hips and leaned into me. "Okay, now close your eyes
and let me lead." My mouth felt arid, my tongue thick against the roof of my mouth. I closed my eyes, a bit scared of what
was going to happen next.

The girl started moving her body against mine and I felt the tingling again, but this time not in my arms. My knees got a bit
weak, but that seemed to be helping with the dancing because the girl made encouraging sounds. At least from what I
could hear over the music. I felt her breath in my neck, her hands on my hips and her chest pressed against my back.
She even used her knees to make me bend mine, seemingly determined to get me dancing.

Then suddenly she was gone. I turned around, wondering what had happened, and saw her standing right behind me.
She grinned wickedly. "You're pouting."

As I tried to stop my face swelling up to the colour and texture of a tomato, the girl just laughed. She put her hand on my
forearm. "Have you ever done shots?" I shook my head, trying to avoid her eyes without looking too obvious. "Well then,
let's pop that cherry, shan't we?"

A rhythmic thudding filled my head. I kept my eyes closed, not sure what was going on. I tried swallowing but my mouth
was extremely dry and tasted terrible. I tried moving my limbs but they felt heavy and it made my head hurt even more. I
was almost afraid to open my eyes but decided to try anyway.

I looked up at a ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars stuck on it. It did not resemble my ceiling at all. I looked around
carefully and saw I was in a small room with a desk and bookcase crammed against one wall and a bed, which I was in,
against the other. My breathing quickened. "Please don't tell me..."

The door opened carefully and the redhead poked her head in. "Ah, you're awake. Finally, you were K.O. so long, I was
afraid I might have damaged your head last night." She grinned that wicked grin of hers and pushed the door open
further. She was holding a plate with what looked like toasted bread and a glass of milk in her hands. She was wearing
nothing but boxer briefs and a shirt.

No. No, no no no no. This couldn't be happening. I threw a look at the bookcase and the desk. There were study books
and school supplies scattered everywhere. This was a student's room.

"Are you okay?" The girl cocked her head and looked at me worriedly. I pushed myself up on my arms and realised I
wasn't wearing my own clothes. I was wearing a large shirt that was definitely not mine, and to my horror I felt I wasn't
wearing any pants at all. "Don't worry, I left your clothes out in the common area, they're not that badly creased..."

I felt like crying. What on earth happened last night? How many shots did we have? Did I actually go home with this girl?
Did I... did I take advantage of a student? My breath started quickening and I sat up. I had to get out of here. I had to get
out of here right now.

The redhead set the plate and glass down on her desk and moved towards me. "Hey, what's going on? You don't look
so well."

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I was at least still wearing panties, so I stood up. I moved around the girl, very careful not to touch
her. I pushed through the door into the common area. It was an absolute mess, but I didn't even notice. I quickly tracked
down my clothes, putting them on as I moved around towards the door.

"Hold on, please! What's going on? Talk to me!" The girl had followed me and now stepped in front of the door, her arms

I closed my eyes and raised my hands. "Please get out of the way."

"What's gotten into you? I had a lot of fun last night, and I thought you did too. Why are you suddenly pushing me away

My heart sank. So we did have sex. Oh god. I took advantage of a student, and a girl at that. How could I not remember
that? How could I let that happen? I pressed my hand to my forehead. My head felt like it was going to explode, both from
panic and the hangover.

"Just get out of the way!" I shouted at her, and I realised it a bit too late. I looked her straight in the eyes and I saw the hurt
in them. Then she suddenly stepped aside and threw open the door.

"Fine, get the fuck out of my house then."

I stepped past her and didn't look back.

*Chapter 3*: Chapter 3: The retreat
/...I'm at a loss for words guys. I guess I have to thank Elsannaheadcanons for this, almost 1,000 views and 36
followers! Whoop whoop! Lots of love, people.
/If there is a very good idea you have or something you really want to see in the next chapters, I'm happy to consider
it! Just leave me a review :) Don't be offended if I don't use it though, it has to fit with the outline I have in my head ;)
But it's always nice to brainstorm a little bit. Anyway, I'll shut up now, good reading!

Chapter 3
The retreat

I ran down the stairs, using the railing to make sure I didn't tumble headfirst down the stone steps. Although maybe that
was what I deserved.

I still had trouble believing what happened. I felt nauseous, partly with myself and partly because I had too much to drink
last night. My breaths came quickly and my heart was thudding in my throat. Suddenly my foot missed a step and I felt
myself lose balance. I managed to grab the railing and held on, causing my body to swing sideward and slam into the
wall, my shoulder hitting the railing.

I blinked quickly a few times and licked my lips, my arm twisted painfully. I let go of the railing and slid downwards until I
was sitting on the steps with my back against the wall. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself.

"Relax Elsa. Calm down. Whatever happened, happened. Nothing to do about it now. Just forget about it. Make sure it
doesn't happen again."

How old is she anyway? Is she even of a legal age?

"She's a student. She's not that young. Besides, she ordered alcohol last night."

Mayb e she just knew the b artender.

"Stop it, Elsa. Stop it." I closed my eyes and blew out my breath until my chest hurt. Then I sucked fresh air into my lungs,
calming my brain down a little bit. I'd almost been hyperventilating, not a good idea. I just needed to get out of here, get

I heard a noise and looked up at the brown-haired young man coming down the stairs. He looked terrible, heavy bags
under his eyes and clothes that didn't seem to have been washed in a long while. Probably another hangover victim. I
smiled awkwardly as he threw me a curious glance as he walked past me, dodging all the stuff in the stairwell. It made
me realise just what a mess I was sitting in. I worked myself up and checked my clothes. Thankfully I hadn't been sitting
in something overly disgusting, but I definitely needed to get my suit to the drycleaners.

I followed the boy outside, keeping a distance between us. The front door led out onto a busy street with a bunch of cars
speeding past. It was a suburban area though, there were just houses around us... and I didn't recognise anything.

I threw a glance at the boy, who was now leaning against the wall lighting a cigarette. His jeans and sweatshirt had
probably been black at some point, but now looked like a flushed grey. Looking at him up close I noticed he had a few
streaks of grey or white in his hair. It made him look older than he probably was, because his face seemed very young.
Despite his stubble. He was barefoot, making me fear for his feet in between all this rubbish.

"Excuse me," I started. He looked at me as he blew out a puff of smoke, making me swat at the air with my hands. He
shot me an apologetic grin.

"Sorry. I'm a bit tired."

"That's... okay. Uhm... Can you tell me where I am?"

The boy raised his eyebrows and laughed shortly. "I guess I'm not the only one who had a rough night." When he didn't
receive a response, he took another puff of his cigarette and continued talking with smoke circling out of his mouth and
nose. "You're out west. This here is a student accommodation flat for the Arendelle Medical University, or AMU. Heard
about that?"

"Yes, I have. Is it close to where we are?" I felt relieved, this was something I could work with. I involuntarily thought about
the red-haired girl from last night. Apparently she was in med school. It made me smile lightly.
The boy observed me briefly. He looked a bit confused, but amused at the same time. "Yeah it's two blocks away. Tell
me, did Anna bring you home?"

"I don't know who Anna is. But thanks for the information, I think I can find my way from here."

"Hold up." The boy threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out. I looked at him. The humour had left his eyes.
"We're all quite protective of Anna around here. We don't like it when someone comes in and takes advantage of her."

"Again, I don't know who this Anna is."

"Did you come home with a girl last night?"

I felt a blush creep up my neck. "I don't see how it's any of your business, actually." I wanted to get out of there, so I turned
around but the boy grabbed my arm. I stiffened. "Let go, please."

"Anna is the only girl in this building. And I heard two women yelling in her apartment just now. Listen, I'm not threatening
you or something, but I'm just saying. We are all quite protective of Anna around here. It'd be best for everyone if you didn't
hurt her."

I swallowed heavily. The boy suddenly let go of me and sighed. "But as long as you're not out to hurt her, we're all good.
Everyone fights, right?" He smiled. "I just haven't seen you around before."

"I haven't been around before. And I'm not planning on being around again."
Don't say it like that Elsa, he'll think you're some perv who just took advantage of his friend for the night. Which you
technically did, of course...

I shook my head. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm just tired, just like you."

"Come back up, I'll fix you some breakfast." I looked at the boy, apparently quite surprised - because he laughed. "I just
don't want to let you walk out onto the streets looking like a raccoon. Anna's friends deserve better than that. And I want to
apologise for being a bit of a dick to you. Like you said, we're both tired." He held out his hand. "The name's Sven, by the

"So, I was right? Anna brought you home?" Sven opened the door to his apartment and moved aside to let me in. I
looked past him and grimaced. He grinned goofily and quickly moved to clear some stuff off the couch.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked, already dreading the state the bathroom might be in. However, now that I looked
around, the apartment was messy but not filthy. Just stuff spread around everywhere. The lay-out seemed similar to
Anna's apartment, even though I hadn't seen too much of that. There was a light blue couch right inside the door, pointed
at a television set with a wooden coffee table in between them. There was a small kitchen to the left, complete with
cupboards and a small dining table with four chairs. Straight ahead of me was a small hallway which led to a number of
doors. Sven, his arms full of clothes, pointed me towards them.

"All the way at the back left. You can grab a clean towel, I don't mind."

Why thank you, Mr. Gallant."Thanks." I headed over to the bathroom as Sven seemed to do a super-sweep of the
apartment. I counted the doors. There were six doors in total. So, four or five residents in one apartment. Maybe less. I
opened the door to the bathroom and was surprised by a bathroom that was a lot cleaner than I expected. There was a
spacious shower cabin in the back and a white sink to the left with a large mirror above it. When I saw my reflection my
eyes widened. I looked terrible. My hair was messy and stuck out in every direction, I had heavy bags under my eyes and
my make-up was all over the place. I really looked like a raccoon, like Sven had said. My esteem for the boy grew tenfold
for not letting me leave while looking like this.

I opened a cupboard and was greeted by a stack of freshly washed towels. I was a bit puzzled by the different states the
apartment was in, but I welcomed the cleanliness of the bathroom. I couldn't find a washcloth however, so I just ran
water over my hands and rubbed my face as clean as it would get. My makeup was a bit reluctant to being cleaned off
however, so by the time I got most of it off my skin was red and looked puffy from all the rubbing. I dried my face off and
took another look at myself in the mirror. My hair was still a mess, but there wasn't much I could do about that until I took
a shower, so I just tied it into a low tail in the small of my neck.

The smell of coffee greeted me when I stepped out of the bathroom. I walked back to the living area and couldn't help but
smile. All the mess was gone and there was even a small vase set on the coffee table. I now noticed the soft, dark blue
carpet that covered the floor. For a moment I thought the carpet even covered the kitchen floor, but I quickly noticed that
was linoleum.

Sven poured me a steaming mug of coffee and gestured me towards the couch. I sat down carefully and crossed my
legs. I wasn't completely sure what my stomach would do with anything I swallowed right now however, so I left the
coffee where Sven put it until I felt sure I could handle it.

"Would you like some toast? I'm making some for myself anyway, so it's no hassle."

I smiled gratefully. "That'd be great. I left the towel in the bathroom by the way, thanks for letting me use it."

"No worries, Anna's friends are our friends." He turned towards the kitchen counter again and silence fell. I licked my lips
and bounced my foot up and down. Well, this is awkward. "No, it's not."

"Sorry, did you say something?"

"No, no. Just talking to myself."

"Oh. That's cool, I guess." Sven shot me a look. I wanted to slap myself on the forehead. Talking to myself. Really? Yeah,
that's totally normal. Come on, act normal.

"So, you're all medical students in here then?" I asked.

"Yeah, and no. AMU doesn't just teach regular 'got flu? Here's a painkiller' type doctors, there's a few other faculties as
well. Mental Health is one, so psychology and psychiatry. Then there's manual therapy, including osteopathy,
physiotherapy and stuff like that. But I guess you could say we're all upcoming doctors. " He sounded very enthusiastic
and I smiled. The coffee smelled really good and I decided to give it a try - and found out it was very good. "Is cheese

"Excuse me?" I looked up.

"For the toast. Is cheese okay? I also have some chocolate spread."

"Oh, yeah cheese is fine. Thanks."

"I could make one with either for you, if you want."

"No thanks, cheese is fine." I swirled the coffee around in the mug. Sven was being so friendly, even after I took
advantage of his friend. If only he knew.

I felt some fear starting to claw inside my chest. He seemed like a strong lad, what if he found out and got angry? Would
he hurt me? No Elsa, calm down. Just don't let on, act cool and you'll b e out of here in no time. He's a nice guy. Just keep
him on this sub ject. "What do you study exactly?"

"I want to get into rehabilitation, so helping people who've sustained serious injuries get back on their feet. Literally and
figuratively." He grinned. "But I need to get through regular medical training first." He finished the toast and walked over to
me with two plates in his hands. He set one down in front of me. He had made me two pieces of toast, one with cheese
and one half / half with cheese and chocolate spread. I looked at him quizzically.

"I kind of already started smearing chocolate spread before you answered you only wanted cheese." He pouted. "But
then you said you only wanted cheese. Sorry. Should've asked it differently."

I laughed out loud. "God, you're quite something."

"That's what she said." He grinned and turned towards me. He pulled one leg up unto the couch and leaned sideways
against the back, his hand supporting his chin.

"Who?" He looked at me with a confused look on his face. I rephrased my question. "What who said?" He snorted and
brought his hand to his face.

"Oh man, I thought you were joking. It's just a saying, never mind."

Silence fell once more as he grabbed a piece of his own toast and started chewing. I grabbed mine as well, figuring the
sooner I finished my food, the sooner I could leave. He was a nice guy, but I didn't want to hang around for too long.

"So, what do you study?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Me?"My heart made a little jump. How old did he think I was? "I'm uhm, I'm studying law."

"Oh cool! Where? Somewhere around here?"

"No not really, it's way out east. But it's just law, nothing as exciting as medicine."

"Well I wouldn't say that, it's still helping people right? Putting away bad guys, helping people sue companies and all

"Yeah, well sometimes it just kind of sucks." Like when you're b eing paid to take the livelihood away from nice, hard
working people.

"Well," Sven started speaking, but there was a noise from the bedrooms. He looked towards the narrow hallway and
smiled. "Looks like Kristoff's awake," he said.

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, half-eaten toast forgotten in my hand. "Did you say Kristoff?" My question was
answered when the burly blonde boy walked into the common area, dressed in nothing but a pair of pyjama pants.

"Kristoff, we have a guest damnit. Put on a shirt." Kristoff didn't really look at me as he trudged into the kitchen.

"So are there any more people living in this apartment, or?"

Sven followed Kristoff with disapproving eyes for a moment before looking back at me. "Nope, just Kristoff and me in
here. We had another roommate before, a guy, but he moved out just a few months ago. We don't mind, it's nice having
the place to ourselves. Plus, Kristoff is such a neat freak, he keeps the bathroom nice and clean."

I had started on my second piece of toast and was drinking my coffee in between. It felt like a waste to drink it so quickly,
but I still didn't have a mind to staying here for a long time. It was quiet for a little while, with Sven flicking through some
channels on the tv. It was actually quite relaxing.

Kristoff collapsed into a chair at the dining table with a big bowl of steaming something. He took a few bites of what
looked like eggs, bacon and cheese. He threw me a smile and looked back at the television set, but then his eyes shot
back to me.

"Wait a minute, didn't I see you last night?"

Sven didn't take his eyes of the TV. "Yeah, Anna brought her home last night."

I blushed, but shot a smile back at Kristoff. "Yeah, you wondered what someone like me would be doing at a club."

Sven laughed out loud. "Oh my god Toffy, you said that? You're an asshole sometimes, you know that?"

"Don't call me that. And I apologised about that, but I was just teasing!"

Sven looked at me. "You have to excuse him, sometimes he acts like he's been raised by trolls."

Kristoff shot up. "Don't call my Pabbie a troll."

Sven raised his hands apologetically. "Dude, relax. Geez, last night was a real bitch, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, a lot of annoying guests." He looked at me quizzically. "Did you have a good night? Anna usually doesn't just take
people home."

The implication was there, right there. I knew it. My hands got a bit sweaty and I had trouble holding on to the coffee mug,
so I set it down on the table. "Yeah, I got a bit drunk is all."

"Ah, so..." Kristoff started, but I cut him off.

"Thanks lads, but I really have to get going now." I stuffed the last piece of toast in my mouth, got up and attempted a
warm smile. I felt I wasn't accomplishing one.

"Whoa, what's gotten into you?" Well, this is a nice little flashb ack. The realisation made me remember, the memory
made me cringe. What if they talked to Anna and found out what really happened? I couldn't get to know them too well.
They already thought I was a law student, what was going to happen next?

"I have an appointment, so I should really go home and change and all that."
"An appointment, on Saturday afternoon?" Sven got up, my empty mug in his hand. Kristoff was still sitting at the table,
turned towards me with a bit of an aggressive look on his usually friendly face.

"What exactly happened last night, Elsa?" How the fuck does he know my name?! I moved towards the door. I put my
hand on the doorknob but turned around to at least attempt amicability.

"Thanks for the food and coffee, Sven. It really was good coffee."

"Don't mention it." Kristoff was the one who answered and he was getting up from the table. I smiled at him as well,
knowing all too well that my eyes were starting to water a bit.

"See you around, Kristoff!"

I turned around and left through the door. I had to stop myself from running down the hallway, just like I had done not
twenty minutes ago when I had left the redhead's apartment. Anna's apartment. No, I couldn't think like that.

As I walked down the stairs every noise behind and above me made me fear Kristoff was coming after me with a
baseball bat in his hands. Or just his hands, those were quite formidable on their own. I reached the street in safety
however, and started walking.

I was actually quite close to the pub, which made sense if Kristoff worked there. It took me only a few minutes to reach
the venue. I walked past it with my eyes on the pavement in front of me, my heart still racing. I realised I was memorising
the way I was going. No, I shouldn't - I could never go back there. Then why are you already thinking ab out the next time
you go there?

I shook my head. I needed to get the girl out of my head. I slowed my pace a little bit. I just needed to get my mind off of
her, that was all. I started mumbling to myself.

"I need to prepare some documents before Monday, I guess I can do that tomorrow." Rememb er her hair? How it fell
down her shoulders?

"Mr. Holter will want to see some prospects." She's quite caring, cleaning your face off like that. Ah, her face. With those
cute little freckles.

"Maybe I should just buy a new suit, I'm kind of ready for a new one." Mayb e we could go dancing together again.

I reached my car and opened it. I sat down in the driver's seat and grabbed the steering wheel. I remembered not to
slam my head onto it as I had done yesterday. "Get her out of your head, Elsa." I sucked my tongue. I tasted the remnants
of cheese and coffee in my mouth. Not always the best combination, but right now it tasted quite wonderful. I sighed. I
could have spent more time at Kristoff and Sven's, they seemed like really nice guys. Just watching a movie or
something. Yeah, b efore you took advantage of their protégée.

I slipped the pearl necklace back on my neck and savoured the feeling for a moment. Then I opened my bag and took out
my phone. I typed in the unlock code and stared at the screen. At four AM that night I had received a text message from an
unknown number.

"Hey Elsa! I took a business card out of your blazer, hope you don't mind. You're lying beside me right now, quite fast
asleep - but I just wanted to let you know I had a great night. I guess you'll read this when you get back to your car
tomorrow! Haha a little surprise from me! Love, Anna."
*Chapter 4*: Chapter 4: The filler
/A bit of a filler story here guys, where we get to meet THE CATS. Okay, not that exciting, I know... I've had a weird
week, a lot of stuff to deal with. I promise I'll do my best to post a longer (and more exciting) chapter next!

Chapter 4
The filler

She has my phone numb er. I stared at my phone and reread the text. Oh shit, which of my b usiness cards did she take?!
I frantically clawed at the inside pocket of my blazer, heart racing. I pulled out one of the business cards and let out a
relieved sigh. This one just said my name and contact details. I had new ones made recently which stated my job and
the law firm I worked at. Thankfully I hadn't swapped them out yet.

Why thankfully? It's not like you're going to see her again. Who cares what she knows. I dropped the business card on
the passenger seat and sighed. What was wrong with me? Why did my mind keep going back to the girl, and why did I
keep assuming I'd see her again?

I turned the key and started the car. I just needed to get home, take a shower.

As soon as I opened the door to my apartment, I heard loud meowing. A slight smile played around my mouth. "Hey Max,
hey Sitron!" I bent down to scratch the cats behind the ears. "You won't believe the night I've had." I walked further into the
apartment, heels clicking on the wooden floor. I took off my blazer and dropped it on the white couch, followed by myself.
The cats immediately jumped up onto the couch and started climbing on me.

Max came up to my face and licked my chin. I giggled and gently pushed him off. Sitron quickly curled himself on my lap
and started staring at me with his dark eyes. His fur had a beautiful light brown colour, almost the colour of straw. Max on
the other hand was completely white. I looked back at Sitron. "Oh, so you want to hear the story?" He just blinked at me
slowly, his nails digging into my skirt contently. "Okay then, I'll tell you guys. I went out after work, because Mr. Holter had
been riding me down all day..."

By the time I finished my story both cats were sleeping on my lap, a large ball of white and brown fur. Max was using
Sitron's hind quarters as a pillow and vice versa - it was a little kitty yin yang. I smiled as I looked down on them. I kind of
wanted to get up and take a shower, but I didn't want to disturb the cats... so I just rested my head back on the couch. I
had enjoyed telling my story, but now everything was quiet again. The white walls were quite empty and unyielding. I
looked to my left, where a nice modern kitchen was staring back at me from a slightly raised platform. I rarely used the
thing. I enjoyed cooking, but cooking for just yourself was such a waste of time.

The wooden floor was one of the things I enjoyed most about the apartment. It was dark and had a prominent grain.
Some days I liked to just lie down on the floor, tracing the patterns with my fingers. It usually ended with Max and Sitron
chasing my hands around.

I looked straight ahead at the television set. It consisted of a rather large flat screen TV, complete with sound system and
blu-ray player. Like the kitchen, I rarely used it. I was more of a reader, but I made quite some money as a corporate
lawyer and I did enjoy shopping. Just the sensation of owning something new, standing in a store and spending
money... It made me feel happy. The glass coffee table in between me and the TV had been one such purchase. It was a
beautiful table though. It sat on a dark red rug... which had been an impulse purchase as well. I really needed to get my
shopping urges in check.

To my right was a large bookcase, which I used more often. It was filled with books of all shapes and sizes and I'd read
all of them. I really needed to get out to buy some more, but the case was full... maybe I should buy a new bookcase as
well. There was plenty of wall space left in the large rectangular room.

I looked down at my lap again. The cats hadn't moved, but I should really get up. I was still feeling very dirty and grainy,
like I'd been sleeping in a bed full of sand. I didn't think Anna kept her room that filthy so it must be the hangover.
Whatever it was, I really wanted a shower.

Carefully I slid my arms underneath the two cats until they were lying on my lower arms instead of my lap. I gently lifted
them up and placed them on the couch cushion to my left. Max looked up at me with an accusation in his eyes. "Sorry," I
I enjoyed the feeling of the soft towel on my skin. I had scrubbed myself down until my skin saw red and the salt in the
scrub started stinging. I ended with a freezing shower, as I always did. It left me feeling fresh and awake, as opposed to
hot water. I didn't really like baths either, for the same reason. Always made me feel a bit hot and uneasy. I did own a
bath, because it came with the apartment, but I never used it. The shower stall, however... It had natural stone on three
sides and a glass door on the fourth. It was a rain shower, and very well used. It was not uncommon for me to take two
showers a day.

As I was living up on the 21st floor and my windows didn't look out on any other flats, I just wrapped my hair in a towel
and walked out of the bathroom. The cats were still sleeping on the couch. Had they waited up for me to come home last
night? I shook my head. They were cats, not people.

The bathroom led out back into the living room, behind the couch. I walked out onto a raised platform, the same height
as the kitchen. I guess you could say the seating area was just lowered, but it just depended how you looked at it. I spent
too much time thinking about useless things like that.

I moved into my bedroom, where a queen sized bed with white sheets stood in the middle of the room. The bedroom
wasn't huge but allowed enough space for two closets. I opened them and wondered what I'd wear that day. I checked
the clock on my night stand. It was one in the afternoon. It felt like I had been awake for at least thirty hours already, so
much had happened...

I slipped on a pair of jeans and a dark green blouse. I enjoyed how the colour stood out against my hair. Ever since I had
been young I enjoyed wearing dark clothes to set off my hair. I still did it.

I rubbed my hair off with the towel and dropped it on the floor. I'd clean it up later. I grabbed my laptop and moved back to
the living room, where I sat back down on the couch. Max immediately got up and wanted to climb back up onto my lap,
whilst Sitron remained comatose. Max complained loudly when I put the laptop on my lap however, taking up his
intended space. "Come on Max, I need to get some work done." However when I opened up my laptop and opened my e-
mail I realised I couldn't be bothered to do any work right now. I sat there on the couch, wondering what I could get up to,
when my mind wandered back to last night yet again.

"Forget it, Elsa. Just forget it." I opened up my browser and it showed me Google. Without thinking I entered 'Anna' in the
search field and hit enter. It showed me a few Wikipedia pages. I quickly hit backspace to return to the homepage, but it
just removed the last letter from my search query. Continuingly hitting backspace didn't help so I quickly closed the entire
browser by hitting alt-F4.

Oh my god what if she googles my name. My eyes opened wide. Then I quickly shook my head. Who cares if she finds
out you're way too old for her. You're never going to see her again, rememb er?

I put down my laptop and got up to make myself a cup of tea. The quiet of the apartment pressed down on me and as I
stared at the kettle, urging it to boil, I realised I didn't want to stay inside today. I wanted to go out to a bistro to get a cup of
coffee, not sit on the couch with my two cats wasting the day away.

By the time the kettle shut itself off, the water audibly boiling, I was lying on the couch with my head on a pillow. The cats
immediately took advantage of the situation and curled themselves onto my abdomen and hips. Max stretched himself,
digging his claws into my hip and I told him off. It didn't do much though.

"Let's see..." I opened my phone's contact list. I scrolled past my co-workers, not wanting to think of work today. My boss
didn't even come into consideration. "I haven't seen Belle in a long time," I told myself. But she's moved in with that guy
now, wasn't she pregnant as well? And Jasmine has gone to the middle-east for that volunteer project of hers... b uilding a
hospital? No she's a nurse, so she's nursing there. Or b oth. I frowned, whilst keeping on scrolling. When I hit the last
name however, it struck me. You don't have anyone to hang out with, no-one to call. Well, shit.

My mind wandered to Kristoff and Sven and the relaxed atmosphere that morning. I dropped my phone next to me on the
couch and stared at the ceiling. We could just watch a movie. It didn't have to be anything grand or weird. Just a movie
and some popcorn.

But you'd most likely - no, definitely - see Anna. She'll have told them what happened b y now. Do you honestly think
they'll let you hang out on their couch when they find out you took advantage of her? I rested my arm over my eyes and
sighed. I couldn't go back there. I used my free arm to pet Sitron, who walked up and sniffed my face. I looked up at him
and smiled sadly. "I'm fine, Sitron. I'm fine."

Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

*Chapter 5*: Chapter 5: The truth
/Okay, I promised a longer chapter. And well, I kind of got hooked and the word count just spun out of control! Wrote
this in one go and didn't feel like fact-checking too much. There's some legal stuff in here, and it might not be
correct (I'm not in law school) but just pretend it's super smart and correct OK?
/Love the reviews I've been getting, making me all fluffy inside. Aww, you guys.

Chapter 5
The truth

"What the..." I woke up to something repeatedly knocking against the side of my head. For a moment I thought someone
was in the room with me, or Max had developed very strong paws - but when I woke up I realised it was my phone, telling
me I had a text message.

What time was it? I picked up my phone, checking the time. Seven AM. Monday morning. I stared blankly at my phone for
a few seconds, trying to get the vivid dream I had been having out of my head. The text message was from an unknown
number, but there was something about that time that stood out to me. Seven AM. Monday.

My eyes flew open. "Oh shit, work!" I shot up, inciting loud complaints from Max and Sitron. My heart was racing, but not
with excitement. My job sucked, and the knowledge that I had done very minimal work the day before didn't help to psych
me up. Still, I didn't want to lose my job, so I should better show up on time.

I wasn't supposed to be meeting with anyone important that certain Monday, so in my hurry I decided casual attire would
be fine. As I was stuffing my left leg down a pair of white skinny jeans I thought back to Saturday afternoon and Sunday. I
had ended up staying in, enduring a constant struggle with myself between wanting to text Anna and knowing I shouldn't.
Most attempts at doing some work ended up frustratingly fruitless. The weekend had ended with pizza on the couch,
making rare use of my television set by watching a movie.

I slid a black shirt over my head and grabbed a brush to straighten my hair out. Mayb e I should cut it. "No time to think
about that, Elsa, you're late." I tied my hair back in a ponytail and quickly put on a black dress shirt. As a lawyer, casual
has its limits.

I burst out the front door of my building with minimal make-up on my face and a mug of coffee in my hand, nodding at
Eric the doorman for holding the door for me. I had surprised myself by not even being that late and having all my stuff in
my bag when leaving. The mug would probably start living a life with the other ones in my car, ending up embarrassing
me when a rare passenger would sit on it or fish it out from underneath the seat because it smelled. I wondered how
many mugs were already in my car. I had started using air freshener because it smelled. Maybe I needed a new car.

Stop getting distracted and get to work, you twat. I passed underneath the trees in front of my building, throwing a smile
at the paper boy as he put his bike up against one of them. He was terribly late with his rounds, but I didn't have a
newspaper subscription so I didn't really care. I had stopped trying to stay up to date with everything that happened, the
most important things ended up being discussed at the water cooler at work anyway.

I opened my car door and slid in the driver's seat, stabilizing my mug and throwing my bag onto the passenger seat. I
heard my phone buzzing and I fished it out of my bag with one hand whilst trying to insert the keys into the ignition with
my left hand, ending up dropping the keys between my feet.

I distractedly answered my phone whilst reaching for my keys, trying to slide them towards my hand with my feet. "This is
Elsa Shields."

"Hello miss Shields. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I shot up, hitting my head on the windshield wiper switch next
to my steering wheel.

"Mister Holter! Good morning. No, you are not interrupting, I was just on my way to work." He didn't mention anything
ab out a meeting or something today, did he? No he didn't. I would've rememb ered. My chest clenched. Oh please don't
tell me I forgot ab out something important.

"I am just calling to let you know we're moving everything forward. We would like you to finalise everything this week." My
heart sank into my shoes.

"This week? But sir, part of the agreement is that we allow the current owners of the company enough time to get things
in order and to perhaps look for a new job. I thought the actual annexation of the company would be three months from
"That was part of the agreement, yes. It is no longer. I want to be done with this matter within two weeks. Can it be

I licked my lips and closed my eyes. I really, really hated my job. I felt some anger rising in my chest. "Mister Holter, we
can't just kick these people out onto the street this week. All these legal matters drained their finances, they can't..."

"Miss Shields, can you do it?"

"As I was saying, they do not have the finances to pay for their home if we take away their company now. As you know, the

"Miss Shields." The tone of his voice silenced me. "Can you do it."

I hesitated for a second, then sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose with my fingers. "Yes, Mister Holter. I can do it."

"Good. I expect to see you in half an hour."

"I thought you had Mondays off?" I was cut off mid-sentence by the beep from the phone telling me he had already hung
up. I kept the phone there for a moment, staring out the window. The paper boy threw me an excited wave as he got on
his bike and drove off to the next apartment building. I should give him a Christmas bonus. Oh no, I don't get his

I threw the phone aside without further looking at it. Bloody hell Elsa, stop b eing so distracted all the time.

Despite the rough start of the day and the fact it would probably bite me in the ass later, I enjoyed wearing casual attire to
work that day. Not wearing heels made moving around the law firm a lot easier. I greeted the desk clerks at the main
floor of the big office building and got into the elevator safely. Without meeting Mister Holter, that was. I squeezed myself
in between a bunch of very well dressed people. "Twenty-five, please." A man shot me a strange look before hitting the
button. The doors slid closed and sooner than I wanted I got out on my firm's floor. The marble was enjoyably quiet as I
passed the front desk with the big, golden letters stating the name of the firm above it. I managed to get to my cubicle
without being spotted by anyone important and sat down in my chair. Well, that was that part of the day done and dusted.
Hopefully it'd remain quiet.

I opened my inbox and saw an e-mail from Mister Holter (or rather, his PA) reminding me that he needed everything done
that week. I reread it a couple of times, the anger building in my chest again. I leaned back in my chair and folded my
hands behind my head. Yes, I was a lawyer who was very well capable of doing this work. And yes, it paid handsomely.
However, was this really what I wanted to be doing?

Wow, this weekend really changed your perspective, didn't it? "Shut up," I mumbled. I massaged my temples and
straightened up again. The least you could do is warn them."That could cost me my job." You're a Shields, you can find a
new position somewhere. "Oh come on, I'm fighting enough with myself about that stupid girl, I don't need to add this to
the list." You'll b e rememb ered for your work, not your inner dialogue. "...shit."

I grabbed the company phone that was on my desk but reconsidered. I got my phone from my bag and saw that I now
had three text messages from the same number. No, make the call first, b efore you lose your nerves. I swallowed and
dialled the number.

The phone was picked up by a cheery sounding woman on the second ring. "Good morning, Almstedt firm."

"Good morning, this is Elsa Shields with Holter and Shields law firm."

"Miss Shields." The voice sounded less cheery now. "How can I help you?"

"I am looking for Mister or Mrs. Almstedt."

"You are speaking to Mrs. Almstedt."

My heart made a little skip. I hadn't completely prepared the speech in my head yet. "Oh, I apologise. I didn't realise."


I noticed I had dropped a silence and shook my head. I couldn't back down now. "Mrs. Almstedt, I'm sorry for disturbing
you." I lowered my voice a little bit. "As you most likely know, I am working on the takeover of your company by the one I
work at."
"I am well aware."

"Well I am calling you to give you a heads-up. Mister Holter is planning on finalising everything this week."

A silence fell. I gave the woman on the other side of the line a moment to process what I had just told her, but the silence
grew longer and longer and at that moment I received another text message. "Mrs. Almstedt?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because..." Now is the time to push through, come on. "Because I do not agree with what my boss is doing. I did not
sign up for law school because I really, really wanted to kick hardworking people out of their homes."

"I don't know what to say." The voice on the other side of the line started trembling and I heard a man in the background
asking what was going on.

I gritted my teeth. I had been working on this case for a while, looking into the background of the company and any
loopholes that would make it easier for Mister Holter to sink his teeth into the small law firm. It was a family business,
handed down three generations. Compare that to Mister Holter... I licked my teeth and sighed deeply to relax myself. Not
the time.

"Please tell me you will start taking the necessary steps." I heard some movement beside my cubicle and stopped for a
moment to make sure no-one was listening along.

A man's voice came through the telephone now. "Elsa, thank you."

The man was clearly a bit distraught, so I ignored the fact he had used my first name like that. "Mr. Almstedt. How much
do you know?"

"My wife just told me. Again, thank you. I know you're taking a risk by telling us this. We will immediately start making
arrangements. I know..." I heard the man lick his lips. "I'm sure your father would have been proud."

A tingling spread through my arms and I listened to the blood rushing to my ears for a second before hanging up the
phone. I swallowed heavily and took a deep breath.

"Do you need a glass of water, miss Shields?" My throat clenched as my head turned to the side to stare at the intricately
carved golden button of Mister Holter's waistcoat. "Or do you maybe need a cup of coffee to have while you pack up your
things?" You could've heard a needle drop in the office. There was no sound of keyboards, no-one talking, not even the
rattling of the coffee machine.

I slowly rose from my seat and stuck my head out over the walls that made up my cubicle. Every face seemed to be
frozen in time, staring at me and Mister Holter. I wasn't exactly close to any of my colleagues, but I had worked with most
of them. We got along, but I knew I couldn't count on any of them rushing to my aid. Nor did I want them to.

"You know you can't fire me, Mister Holter." My voice surprised me. It wasn't shaky as I expected, but calm and reserved.

"You can quit."

"Yes. Yes, I guess I could." I looked Mister Holter straight in the eye. He almost had a smug look on his face. I loathed
him so much in that moment, it was hard to express. "You ran this company into the ground, Mister Holter."

My phone vibrated in my hand and I couldn't help my eyes shooting to it. I pressed a button to make it stop making noise
and it opened up my message folder. I flash read my own name a couple of times, and then the first sentence of the third
message jumped out at me.

'Anna's been arrested.'

Wait, what? Anna's b een arrested? What the hell?

"Well miss Shields, I guess the choice is yours." My mind was still trying to wrap around what I had just read and the
situation I was in. I guess I could say my job farewell. Mister Holter couldn't directly fire me but he could make my life a
living hell. Then again, it already kind of was, and at least it made me some very good money. And I couldn't just leave my
inheritance go to waste by leaving it at the mercy of Holter.

Hold on, Anna's b een arrested. I opened up the texts.

'Elsa, Sven said you were in law school. Anna's been arrested, we need your help. Please call me, Kristoff.'
'Elsa, can you please call me? I have free texts but no minutes left, please. Call me. Anna's really in trouble.'

'Anna's been arrested. Elsa? Hello? CALL ME.'

'What the fuck happened between you two? Well whatever it was, drop it. CALL. ME. NOW.'

'They're talking about hauling her off to jail, Elsa.'

What on earth happened?

"Miss Shields, I'm sorry I'm interrupting this probably very interesting thing on your phone."

I pressed the call button on my phone. "Mister Holter, I'm terribly sorry, but I need to make a phone call. I will come back
to you." The realisation of what I said suddenly dawned on me and I looked away from my phone. There were a couple of
very shocked faces, some ducked away into the safety of their cubicles and there were even two that looked like they
might burst into laughter. My head turned to see a quickly reddening Mister Holter.

"Miss Shields, put down that phone." I heard Kristoff pick up in my hand and yelling into the phone when I didn't answer.

"I'm sorry Mister Holter. I need to take this." I brought the phone up to my ear as I pressed myself past the man and set off
to... anywhere but here, trying not to run hysterically. I heard someone applaud as I hurried out of the office and into the
women's bathroom.

"Kristoff." I locked the door and leaned against it, my other hand pressed against my forehead.

"Elsa, what the fuck? Why didn't you call me earlier?"

"I'm sorry, I've been... busy. There's a lot going on. But tell me, what's this about Anna?"

"She's been arrested, like I've texted you a hundred times. I'm down at the precinct and I've managed to stall them, but...
well, let's say I don't think my renditions of police interventions at the pub will keep them busy for much longer. I'm
running out of stories."

I felt panic clawing at my chest and throat and pushed it away with the only weapon I had available at that moment. My
professionalism. "What's she been arrested for?"

"Something minor. But well, she's kind of a well-known personality around here." I heard him hesitate. "She acts out.
She's a really nice girl, as you know. Please, I don't want her ending up with a criminal record or something."

"Has she actually been arrested, or just brought in?"

"A... wait, what?" I sighed. I couldn't leave this to Kristoff, clearly. "What about her parents?"

"She doesn't want me to call them. It's complicated."

I swore under my breath. "Tell me about it," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Never mind. You said you were at the precinct? I'm on my way. Just... tell them Anna's lawyer is on her way and that I'm
calling on the right to..." I tried digging into the criminal law classes I had had, but they'd been a while back and I couldn't
recall the correct terms right now. Might as well wing it then. "The right to client counsel or something."


"Just let them wrestle with that until I get there, it should stall them a bit longer."

"Just please get here, Elsa. If Anna rakes up a criminal record it could get her kicked out of school."

I hung up the phone. It prompted me to enter a name with the number so I could save it. In all the chaos it seemed silly
that it made me pause, but it took me half a minute to enter Kristoff's name and hit save. I rubbed my temples again and
gathered courage to face the office on my way out. Or mainly, Mister Holter. Although he didn't seem important right now.
Anna needs me.

I stepped out of the bathroom onto the office floor and headed to my cubicle, where Mister Holter was actually still
waiting. I guess he wanted to see me grovel to him. Well, fat luck.
"Mister Holter, I apologise but I am afraid I'll have to reschedule our meeting." I moved past him and grabbed my bag. In
a sudden urge I also grabbed the miniature snowman that was sitting on my desk. It had been a Christmas gift and I
didn't want it to be left behind in such a hostile environment.

"Excuse me?" I could almost feel him bloat up behind me and when I turned back I had a professional smile on my face.

"Yes, this meeting. Exactly this one. Something has come up and I am using one of the many, many vacation days I have
been saving up."

"Miss Shields, you cannot just walk out like this. Your parents..."

"You WILL leave my parents out of this," I half said, half shouted at him, immediately losing the professionalism I was
trying to fling at him. I saw a slight smirk tug at the corner of his mouth and I knew I had just given him ammunition. But
my phone was still clenched in my hand, reminding me of where I was needed most right now - with Anna. The mere
thought of the redhead made everything here seem less important. Especially the man standing in front of me right now,
seemingly quite smug with himself.

"I will let the front desk know when I plan on returning to work," I said. I once again moved past Mister Holter and headed
to the exit. I avoided making eye contact with the other people in the office although it felt like the atmosphere had
changed in my favour. I straightened my back a bit more and took the last few strides to the elevator doors with as much
dignity as I could muster in my jeans and flat shoes. Turns out it was quite a lot.

"I may or may not have earned myself a speeding ticket when coming over here," I told an exasperated Kristoff. He had
been waiting at the door of the police department, seemingly staring down every car that turned onto the parking lot.

"I think the cops looked through me when I told them you were coming with that client counsel thing." I was still glowing a
bit from what happened at the office and I knew that as soon as I came down from this high, I would collapse completely.
On the ride here I had felt the panic looming, as it so often did. Luckily I'd always been able to keep it at bay. Focus on
Anna, she needs you. The thought had helped and still did, but I really needed to take care of this and get out of here.

Kristoff took me into the precinct, where the smell of stale coffee and sugary baked goods hit me in the face. I hadn't
eaten anything yet that day and I felt a slight rumble in my stomach. We were standing in a surprisingly tidy front office
with a large desk tended by a sulky looking woman. I stepped up to her.

"Excuse me." The woman lazily looked up at me and I shot her my most professional look. "I am here for Anna..." At the
exact moment I realised I didn't know what Anna's last name was I made my voice turn upwards to mask the hesitation.
The woman behind the desk didn't notice, nor did she seem to care.

"ID," she groaned out. I handed her my identification, hoping Kristoff was too exasperated to notice I wasn't just a law
student. I was hoping for him not to know too much about the justice system and it seemed like luck was on my side for
the first time that day.

The woman handed back my ID and picked up a phone. "Yeah there's someone at the front desk for you, lieutenant. It's
about that Anna girl." She nodded and grunted a few times before putting the phone down and going back to work,
seemingly no longer interested in me and Kristoff. Which was fine with me, to be very honest.

Suddenly the realisation of what I was doing hit me. I was standing in a police precinct, somewhere I'd never been
before, posing as a criminal lawyer, which I wasn't, whilst the person who called me here thought I was a law student,
which I certainly wasn't. I felt my breath speeding up and the first wave of adrenaline shoot through my chest.

A door opened and a man with short brown hair, dress shirt and dress slacks looked at us. "This way, please." I
managed to walk confidently towards the door. Relax, please. You'll b e fine. You haven't done anything illegal. Yet. "I'm
lieutenant Masters and I'm handling Anna's case." He held out his hand and I shook it. Anna needs you. Act up.

"I didn't know lieutenants handled minor offenses these days, lieutenant Masters."

"They do when there's been a hundred of them, miss..." I pretended not to hear the question at the end of the sentence.

"Where is she?"

"Right this way." I followed the lieutenant through a crowded room with people working at desks, escorting handcuffed
people through to another room or locking them up in the few barred cells in the corner. The smell of stale coffee started
to make me sick. I hated bad coffee.
I thought we were headed to one of the offices in the back, but instead I ended up staring down at the back of Anna's
head through bars as we stopped in front of the barred cells in the corner. Kristoff came up behind me and I knew he
was most likely about to say something, so I quickly held up my hand to stop him. I turned around and he looked at me
questioningly. I shook my head slightly and turned to the lieutenant.

"Lieutenant, could we speak alone for a moment?" I looked the man straight in the eye and put on the best professional
look I could muster. He seemed a bit confused for a moment, but then gestured behind him to his office. I quickly
stepped past him because I noticed Anna turning around out of the corner of my eye and I really didn't want to confront
her right then and there. We hadn't exactly left on amicable terms last time.

The lieutenant closed the door and turned to me. I kept standing as to not make myself seem smaller (amazing, the
tricks they teach you in law school). I quickly scanned the office. There was a comfortable chair behind a littered desk. He
clearly spent a lot of time here. The trashcan was full, which meant he had been here early - usually the trash gets
cleared out daily in offices of this scale. The coffee rings on the wood showed that he might even have been here a few
times when the cleaners came through, preventing them from cleaning. There were a few pictures on the walls,
including some of a family with small children.

"Lieutenant, I understand that Anna has been giving you a lot of... heartburn over the past while." I decided to go with the
soft approach and sat down on the seat across from his desk. He sat himself on the edge of the desk, looming over me.
Okay, bad choice.

"Yeah she has. This is the second time in three weeks she's been brought in."

"I have been called in very recently, so I do not have the details of her current... predicament."

"Spray painting. This time it was spray painting."

I halted for a moment. That was all? Spray painting? Well I guess it was illegal, yeah, but... I felt relieved. And it gave me
back some confidence. "And is this a reason for you to put someone on public display like that?"

The man moved around his desk and sat down in his chair. He rubbed his face and I realised I was getting somewhere.
I gave him a moment.

"Okay miss Shields." I blinked. How did he know my name? He observed my face. "When a lawyer enters the premises
we enter their names into a system to make sure they're no fakes. Everyone here has heard of the big Holter and Shields
law firm, but everyone also knows it's gone corporate a while back. I was hoping you'd introduce yourself to me and
explain yourself, but... What are you doing here?"

Fine. Time to fess up. "Like I said, I was called in very recently. In fact, it wasn't even an hour ago. I have met Anna a few
days back and Kristoff apparently kept my number for some obscure reason." I really need to ask him what's up with that.
"He remembered that I did something within law and in his panic he contacted me. The deal is, I just want to help. I think
I can help Anna here. And I also think I can prevent you a lot of work by taking her off your hands. I can imagine you want
to spend some time with your family as well."

I knew I took a risk with that statement and for a moment I thought it might blow up in my face, but then the man seemed
to relax a little bit and leaned back in his chair.

"Listen, I don't think Anna is a bad girl. I really don't. But I've seen this happen a bunch of times. They say they'll straighten
up their act, won't get into trouble again. Then they're back a few weeks later, saying the exact same thing. If something
doesn't happen soon to really snap her out of it, it might spiral out of control."

"She has a foundation here in the city. She's going to university, she has an apartment and a solid group of friends she
can rely on. I don't think she's a high risk for you right now, and I don't think she'll become one very soon. Now, I can't
promise that I'll snap her out of it, but I will do what I can. But I do request that you let her go into my custody."

"You're not exactly family. And you just said you only met the girl a few days ago."

"And you just said everyone has heard of my firm and that my name carries quite some weight." Okay, final assault. All or
nothing. "And if you really want to take a tumble with a Shields over something as minor as a spray-painting charge, I
promise you... I tumble very well." I resisted the urge to close my eyes and hit myself on the forehead. Great statement,
Elsa. Just great.


"...What? I mean, good. Thank you. I promise I'll do my best to never see you again. I mean, not that I think you're bad
company, just..." I smirked and the lieutenant smirked back as he shook my hand.

"Long morning, miss Shields?"

"You could say that, lieutenant Masters."

The lieutenant asked me and Kristoff to wait out front, which I said we would. I managed to avoid looking at Anna,
although her red hair seemed to be screaming at me from the corner of my eye. As I almost dragged Kristoff along I
heard the lieutenant talk to Anna, although I didn't hear what they were saying. I really hoped they weren't talking about
me, as I didn't want my lie to Anna and Kristoff to come out.

We entered the front office again and I had just started pondering worst case scenario's in case my lie came out, when
Kristoff suddenly picked me up into a hug. Quite in the literal sense, as my feet were dangling a little above the floor. I
opened my mouth to demand he put me down, but then I realised I didn't really mind a hug right now. Even though it was
in the front office in a police department.

When he put me down I smiled a bit shyly at him. He seemed to be outside himself with joy. "You did it! You got her out!"

"Kristoff, relax. It wasn't anything major, so they wouldn't have locked her up for a long time. But yes, I'm glad I could
prevent a criminal record and all that."

"Exactly! You saved her!" The blonde young man almost seemed to be bouncing up and down with joy. It made me grin.
He looked like a great friend.

The side door opened and lieutenant Masters came through with Anna. She immediately locked her eyes on me and I
felt my heart drop to about my knees. I couldn't make out a lot in that split second, because she then turned to give
Kristoff a hug. "Thanks for bailing me out!"

"Elsa did that, I was just panicking and freaking out."

Anna grinned at him. "Isn't panicking and freaking out the same thing?"

I looked at Anna's unwashed hair and scrummy outfit. I realised it was the same outfit she'd been wearing the night I met
her. I cleared my throat. "My car is outside, I'll drop you two off at home. You look like you could need a shower and some

"Yes ma'am," Anna replied without looking at me. She stepped past me towards the door, a confused Kristoff in her
wake. I looked at lieutenant Masters, who gave me an almost apologetic smile and then a thumbs up. I sighed and
waved at him before turning around and following Kristoff's broad shoulders outside.

When I got to the car Anna was waiting on the other side at the back door. I tried making eye contact with her but she hid
behind the car and I started to feel the panic claw at my chest once again. It didn't help that the slightest glimpse of
Anna's face or hair made my heart thump just a little faster, either.

I opened the car and Anna immediately got in. I mentally thanked Kristoff for sitting in the front with me as I quickly took
my bag from him and turned around to set it next to Anna. She was looking at her lap with... was that a blush? I decided
not to ask right now and turned back to start up the car. Kristoff rolled down the window and enjoyed the wind on his face
as we drove off.

"So, where's Sven?" I asked Kristoff. Anything to fill the silence in the car. I turned onto the freeway, it was the quickest
way to the suburb where they lived.

"He really wanted to come but I told him to go and take the test he had scheduled for today. He already failed it once, this
was his last chance."

"Ah okay, so..." I was interrupted by the sudden appearance of two arms from behind me, which then closed in front of
me. Kristoff grabbed the steering wheel to stabilise the car because I was failing miserably at keeping it going straight

"I can't believe you just did that!" Anna's head was right next to mine, her voice shouting directly in my ear. Part of me
wanted to tell her to let go because I was driving a car, but the smell of her hair filled my nostrils and suddenly I didn't
care whether we crashed. "You totally fooled them, didn't you?!"

"You fooled them into thinking you were a real lawyer already! I thought I ought to act like you were just my lawyer, and not
hug you there in front of everyone, but you did it!" She was bouncing up and down behind me on the backseat and Kristoff
grabbed her shoulder to pull her off of me. The car swayed dangerously but I couldn't stop on the middle of the freeway.

"Jesus Christ Anna, you almost crashed us!"

"Oh shut up, Kristoff, she's fine. She's more than fine, she's amazing!"

You should tell her. Come on. This lie will come out sooner or later.

Anna pressed herself in between mine and Kristoff's seat and put her arm on mine. Okay, later. "Thanks so much, Elsa.
I really thought they were going to put me in jail this time."

"Next time they will," I said. I regretted it as I said it, but she should know the truth. "They didn't tell me the stuff you did
before this, but the lieutenant did warn me that if this happens again he might be forced to actually bring you to court."
Okay, he hadn't technically said it, but I knew it could very well be in store for her.

"Well then you'll just bail me out again."

"Next time it might not be so easy," I replied. I wasn't sure why I was acting this way, but I could certainly feel the panic
climbing up my throat again. My mind and heart started racing and I could even feel a trickle of sweat glide down my

"Why are you acting so... uptight?"

"I could really get in big trouble for this." That was true, however not in the way Anna would think. Corporate lawyers don't
get involved with criminal law, especially not when they're in quite a tight spot at work already.

The thought made me think about my work situation and I nervously licked my lips. Anna fell quiet and Kristoff stared out
the window, apparently not wanting to get in between our conversation. At first I was glad with the silence but then it
started pressing down on me. I was glad when I pulled up in front of the apartment building.

Anna got out of the car and opened my door, squatting next to me. "Please Elsa, come up with us?" I looked at her and I
wanted nothing more than to be close to her. She looked at my hands and face and worriedly put her hand on my
forearm. I was still sitting on the driver's seat, engine running and my hands clenched onto the steering wheel.

"Elsa, are you okay?" I looked at Anna's sincere face and suddenly I couldn't hold it back anymore. I felt the adrenaline
surge start in my chest and take over my limbs. I started shaking and hyperventilating heavily, up to the point where I
couldn't breathe at all anymore. My ears rung and I couldn't hear Anna talking to me, although I could still see her mouth
moving. I had never had a full blown panic attack before.

Anna looked worried but then reached over, turned off the engine and took the keys. Kristoff came over to my side of the
car and took my arm, wanting to help me out of the car. I pulled back from him, my skin was tingling and I didn't want him
to touch me. He hesitated, but Anna said something to him. I registered everything distantly, like I was watching a movie
on mute. I wanted to run away. Kristoff slid his hands underneath my knees and back and picked me up from the car
quite easily. I hit him on the chest but he didn't seem to mind that much as he carried me towards the building. I curled
my chin to my chest.

I'm out of a job . I'll lose my house. I'll lose everything. I won't b e ab le to take care of mother anymore. And what ab out
my b rother? Oh god, what if Anna finds out. I'll lose her too. Everything is ruined.

We were suddenly in Kristoff and Sven's apartment. I recognised the couch Kristoff set me down on. He sat down a little
bit away from me, seemingly unsure what to do now. Anna followed quickly, my car keys and my bag in her hands. She
set the things down on the floor and came over to me. I pulled my legs up to my chest and pressed my hands down on
my head, shaking heavily.

Am I dying? What is going on? Why can't I hear, why can't I b reathe, why does my skin tingle so much? Am I really

Anna took my hands and sat down on the floor in front of me, staring at me. I saw her take slow breaths and I tried to
mimic her. Quite quickly my hearing seemed to clear up and the worst shaking dissipated, but my head was still filled
with a rushing noise.
"Okay Elsa, you're doing great. Just breathe with me. Put your feet down on the floor, yes, just like that. Just on either side
of me." I breathed with her for a minute longer and Kristoff brought me a glass of water. I took a sip and then felt tears
burning behind my eyes. Here were these two people I had been lying to, one I had even taken advantage of, and they
were taking care of me. Like friends.

Anna climbed up onto the couch and pulled my face onto her chest, rocking back and forth a little bit. "Sssh, it's going to
be OK. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but you're fine. You were having a panic attack." I forced back my tears and
tried to pull back from Anna's chest, feeling very uncomfortable, but she just held me there. "Oh you're going to stay there
for a while. Just cry, it's fine. Just let it go."

I'd never used those words with that meaning and it would have made me smile if I hadn't still been riding the panic
attack. I decided that fine, why not, just let it out. And so I told them.

"I'm not a law student, okay? I'm an actual lawyer. And the lieutenant knew the name of my firm, that's one of the reasons
he let you go." I paused, expecting Anna to push me away, but she only responded by stroking my hair. "But this weekend
was really weird for me and then I was late for work and then my boss called and this case I've been working on is all
fucked up and..." Anna shushed me and I managed to take in a few breaths before continuing. "Even though my boss
can't really fire me because he's not even supposed to be my boss I think I might lose my job and then I won't... then
everything will fall apart." I realised I had been half yelling and I forced myself to breathe slowly a few times. Anna still
wasn't pushing me away, so I decided I might as well let everything out. "And I feel terrible about Friday. I can't believe I
took advantage of you like that."

I felt Anna's chest move a bit as she giggled. "Don't worry, you paid for your own drinks."

Now that the panic attack was receding a bit I realised I was lying on Anna's chest and felt a blush creep up my neck. I
moved up and Anna let me. I pulled one knee back up to my chest. "That's... not what I meant."

I looked at Kristoff, who was standing next to the couch with one hand under his chin and my glass of water in the other,
clearly still worrying about me. Then I looked at Anna, who had just held me as I cried out all my worries at her. And
you've only met her three days ago.

Anna looked at Kristoff, then back at me. Kristoff smirked slightly, put down the glass on the table and walked to the
kitchen. "I'll make us some coffee," he said. "And food."

"You always want food," Anna shouted after him. I felt confused, why were they so relaxed?

I turned my back to the side of the couch and pulled up both my legs in between Anna and myself. I found myself staring
at her again, counting the freckles on her face and enjoying the few I could see on her collarbones before her shirt
covered them up.

Anna pulled up an eyebrow and moved towards me with a cocky smile on her face. She pushed my knees apart and put
her hands on my lowest ribs, letting her elbows hang down to my sides. I was so surprised I forgot to protest and just
sat there staring at her with big eyes. She laughed and the sound vibrated through my chest.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked, looking up at me with those beautiful green eyes. I nodded.

"Yeah. At least I can hear again. I'm... not ok yet, but yeah. I'm doing better. I'm glad you're here." I wasn't sure if I was
making sense, but Anna seemed to understand.

"Listen here, Elsa. Yeah, it was not cool how you treated me Saturday morning. But to be honest, you never really lied to
me. I never asked your age," she shot me a look to silence me, "nor do I need to hear it if you don't want to tell me. It
doesn't really matter to me. And well, saying you're a law student when you're a lawyer isn't as bad as like, saying you're
studying medicine when you're actually a janitor or something. Because then people might call you when they're in pain
and you can't help. But now we called you and you still bailed me out."

I was in utter disbelief. "Just like that? You're not mad at me?"

Anna shrugged. "You just bailed me out of jail, that gets you a lot of wiggle room in my book. Plus, it's not like you've been
lying to us for weeks, we'd only really just met you once. And I guess you might've felt a little bit cornered. All of us here,
we have stories. But we stick together. And we wouldn't mind having you as a part of our little group here."

She suddenly got a mischievous grin on her face. Putting her arms on either side of me she pushed herself up until our
faces were so close I could feel her breath on my cheek. I put a hand on her chest as to hold her off but she just leaned
into it, using it to stabilise herself. "And one more thing. I never, ever sleep with someone on the first date." I barely
registered her words as my eyes kept flicking from her eyes to her lips. Then she suddenly pressed her lips against
mine. It was only for a moment but my head started swimming and my hand just lay limp against her chest, not objecting

The next thing I registered was Anna walking towards the kitchen, then looking over her shoulder. "So maybe you should
ask me out on a second one?"
*Chapter 6*: Chapter 6: The cook
/What's this, you ask? Another chapter so soon? Yes, yes it is. And it's full of fluff. Because I felt like you guys
deserved that after reading through my last chapter. Maybe even needed it. ...Hell, maybe I just needed it. Anyway,
/Oh and no, I'm not in med school either. But I do know how to make a mean hamburger.

Chapter 6
The cook

I realised my legs were still unflatteringly apart and I quickly slammed my knees back together. Did that just happen? Did
Anna just forgive me? Well it's like she said, you did just b ail her out of jail. "Yeah, I guess I did," I mumbled to myself, a
smile playing around my lips.

"Sven mentioned you like to talk to yourself," Anna said as she came walking back to the couch with two mugs in her
hands. I watched her walk, her hips swaying a little more than usual as she tried to keep her upper body from moving
around too much. She handed me one of the mugs, which I carefully took from her, then sat opposite from me on the
other end of the couch. The sun from behind her made her red hair look almost radiant.

"I guess it's a thing, yeah." I tried turning it into a joke but I was still feeling a bit off from the kiss Anna had given me
earlier and the way she looked coming over to me. And now just sitting there.

However the smell of chocolate suddenly filled my nose and I realised I was holding one of the biggest mugs of hot
chocolate I had ever held. "That's... quite some chocolate."

"It helps me relax," Anna said. "I figured you could need some." She blew on her hot chocolate and I blew on mine. It was
quiet between us for a little while, but the silence wasn't as uncomfortable as I was afraid it'd be. I did notice that Anna
was observing me so I pretended to study the room. I looked at the crisp sunshine coming in through the window above
the kitchen counter. It had been a comfortable temperature that morning, but I didn't think that was going to last much

Kristoff came from the kitchen with a bowl of scrambled eggs and bacon. He offered it to me and I looked at him a bit
surprised. "Hot chocolate with eggs? Well, this is certainly new."

Anna laughed. "Don't blame him, he doesn't know how to cook anything else but protein."

"I guess it beats chewing steak before midday," I jested. I put down my hot chocolate and took the bowl with a well-meant
thankful smile.

Kristoff looked a bit confused. "What's wrong with steak?"

"Seriously?" Anna used the mug to gesture at Kristoff, making both him and me tense up with the promise of hot
chocolate flying everywhere. Thankfully it only spilled over the rim slightly. "All you know how to make is eggs, bacon and

"I sometimes make chicken," Kristoff shot back.

"My point exactly," Anna giggled. "Didn't your Pabbie teach you how to make any other foods? Or the family after that?"

My interest piqued involuntarily. "Family after that?" I asked. I had stopped shaking completely and eating something
didn't allow me room to breathe too quickly either. I did feel like I needed to stay distracted for a bit longer as to not shoot
back into panic mode. How long was this feeling going to linger?

Kristoff sat down in between me and Anna and folded his hands behind his head. "Yeah, I come from several foster
families. Orphan and all that."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"I'm not. Pabbie was a great man and I don't remember that much of my biological parents. I know of them, yeah, but...
my earliest memories are with my Pabbie." I saw a hint of sadness glide across his face when he thought back to this
father figure. "But the family after that was great as well. It's where I met Sven."

"He's an orphan too?" I swallowed. "I don't mean to pry, if you want me to shut up I will of course."
Kristoff waved my words away. "Don't worry about it." He put his hand back behind his head and his chest muscles
pushed against the fabric of his shirt. I noticed that Anna was looking at them, which made me flush lightly. "Sven might
be an orphan. We're not sure, to be honest. I've offered to go to the foster adoption agency type thing with him to find out a
few things, but he didn't want to. Says the past is in the past." I saw Anna slowly mouth 'foster adoption agency type thing'
to herself before bringing the mug to her lips again. I caught myself looking at her lips and quickly looked away.

When I fell quiet Kristoff got up. "Does the delinquent want breakfast?"

"Will you be able to whip me up something more than bacon and eggs?"

Kristoff grinned. "I have steak," he said. Anna sighed and shook her head.

Kristoff started rummaging in the kitchen. It was quiet for a bit but I didn't like silence right now. I must say I was quite
interested in Anna's delinquent past, but I didn't feel it was appropriate to bring up at this moment. "So Anna, do you

Anna looked a bit surprised. "Uuuh, not really. I mean, I can whip up a mean salad. And I can cook pasta. The simple
stuff, not intricate. And I don't make my own sauce, I just buy it in a jar and stuff. And I make muffins. And cookies. I like
baking things." She took a big sip of hot chocolate. "I do miss good food though, no-one here really knows how to cook."

"I could cook for you guys," I offered without thinking.

"Really? You cook?" Anna looked excited. "Like, cook cook? Not cook like Kristoff and me do, but actually cook?"

I chuckled whilst I put down the empty bowl of breakfast. It had done me good, I hadn't realised I was that hungry until I
started eating something. I now picked up my mug of hot chocolate and took a big sip. The taste was a bit foreign after
the salt of the bacon, but I enjoyed it anyway. Anna had made it.

"Yes, I actually cook."

Anna looked at me for a moment, then put down her empty mug next to the couch. She pulled her legs up to her chest
and folded her arms around them. I stared into the brown liquid in my cup and twirled the mug a bit so it swirled around.
All of a sudden I felt tears prick at my eyes again.

Suddenly Anna was there, on her knees on the couch in front of me. She didn't lean into me, she just put one hand on my
pulled up knees. "You're still not done with that stupid panic attack, are you?" She took the mug from my (again
trembling) hands and leaned over to put it on the coffee table, leaning on my knee. I enjoyed the sensation of her being
so close but I couldn't stop silent tears running down my face.

I let out an exasperated groan as I rubbed one hand over my forehead. "I don't even know why! How long is this going to

Anna shrugged. "It can last quite a while. They call it 'the fear of fear', where you start getting so afraid you'll have another
panic attack you actually get one. At this moment you're just in a heightened state, your adrenal glands pumped you full
of adrenaline so it's quite normal to feel a bit weird for a while." I shot her a look that made her laugh out loud. "I'm in
med school, remember?"

She wiped the tears from my cheeks and then sat back again, her hand now on my ankle. "But me and Kristoff are here
for you. You're quite safe. No-one is getting past that guy."

"Give yourself some credit," Kristoff said from the kitchen.

"Well I won't let them pass me either, no, but with you they won't even bother trying," Anna retorted. I looked at her hand
on my ankle. She saw me looking and pulled it back into her lap.

Put it b ack, I wanted to say. Instead, a few new salty tears rolled down my face and a sob escaped my throat. She was
fine with touching you earlier, she prob ab ly just thinks you want some space. Anna looked at me with a worried but very
patient look on her face, like she could just sit there for hours. Just ask her, you wimp. "Hold me?" They were the first
words I could think up and they sounded pathetic, but Anna just smiled faintly and held her arms out to me. I shifted my
seating and put my head on her shoulder. She just held me, no movement, but no hint of awkwardness either. She sat
like someone who was planning on sitting like that for a while.

Kristoff came back from the kitchen and set a plate down next to Anna. It was toast with, yes, two fried eggs and cheese.
Anna giggled. "Well they're not scrambled at least."
By the time Kristoff and Anna had finished their breakfast I had felt a lot better. Anna had decided that I was staying with
them, and that we were having impromptu movie night that night. Kristoff didn't protest, he was planning on celebrating
with Sven that evening anyway when the other boy finished his final exam of that semester.

Me and Anna were now headed to my car, the cold air making the younger girl shiver lightly. I was rummaging through
my bag looking for my keys, Anna skipping beside me, hiding them behind her back. "Where the hell did I put my keys?" I
said as we reached my car. Anna suddenly dangled them in front of my face and I snatched them from her hand.

We pulled out of the parking space and Anna started giving me directions. On a long straight stretch she looked at me.
"So work is riding you down, huh?"

"Yeah, it's not that great at the moment."

"You said your boss wasn't supposed to be your boss... but you might still lose your job." She sighed and shifted to lean
against the door instead of her seat. "Sounds like quite a complicated situation."

"Are you majoring in psychology?" I asked with a slight smile around my lips, stopping at a red light and patiently running
my thumb across the rubber of the steering wheel. "I'd appreciate it if you'd buckle up, you know."

Anna ignored my comment. "I think you should call in sick tomorrow. Just hang out with us today. Get rid of some of that

Some of that stress is from b eing around you, I thought. But then I reprimanded myself immediately. No, b eing around
her calms you. It makes you awkward and uncomfortab le, yes, b ut also calm. I sighed. What's going on Elsa, this is a girl
we're talking ab out. You're into men. Right?

Anna had taken my non responsiveness as a sign to shut up. A few minutes later I parked the car on the supermarket
parking lot and Anna bounded off to get us a shopping cart. I smiled after her and locked the door. We went inside and
Anna looked around herself in slight astonishment.

"So, I'm free to pick anything I want?"

I chuckled. "Well not anything. There is the thing where I have to know how to prepare it."


"Yes, I know how to make pasta."

"Yeah but I mean really make make it, not just how I do it."

"I can make several types of pasta from scratch, yeah. However I don't really have time to make the pasta by hand
anymore before tonight, I can certainly make a sauce from all fresh ingredients."

"How about Chinese food?"

I blinked at the sudden change of cuisine as we slowly made our way through an aisle filled with soda. Anna grabbed an
offensively large bottle of Coca-Cola and put it in the cart, then looked at me expectantly.

"There's a ton of Chinese foods, but yes, I know how to make some." I saw her face and quickly added; "make make it,
not just how you do it."

Anna grinned. "I can't really make Chinese food anyway. Boiling rice is usually fine, but after that..."

"I can teach you," I offered. Anna slid her arm through mine and cooed. She actually cooed.

"That'd be great!" Awesome Elsa, already making promises like this. Anna squeezed my arm. "Stop worrying so much."

I looked at her. "I beg your pardon?"

She giggled and curtsied, almost pulling me off-balance. "I'm sorry milady. I can see when you start worrying, your
eyebrows go all..." she made a weird, scrunched up face at me whilst wiggling her index finger in front of her eye. It made
me choke back some laughter.

"I'm quite sure I don't look like that." I've known this girl for only two days, only one if you don't count the one where I was
drunk - and she already knows you. Being around Anna did feel natural, despite the awkwardness and feelings I had for
her. I had to admit I didn't know the slightest thing about her (you don't even know her last name) but it still felt... right.
Maybe it's what happens if you have a panic attack in front of people. It was quite a vulnerable state she had been in.
Maybe Anna was just being protective?

"Eyebrow," Anna mumbled angrily. Then her voice came back happy and loud again. "Hamburgers?"

I looked at her surprised. "What?" I recovered quickly. "Yeah, I can make hamburgers. Can't you?"

"Not homemade ones!" Anna started jumping up and down, making my shoulder twist a bit. "Oh oh that's a great idea!
I'm sure Sven and Kristoff would love that!"

"Well okay, I can do that. In that case we'll need beef mince, eggs, bacon-"

"-Kristoff already has all of that," Anna said, laughing.

"Well let's just make a trip through the store, I'll point at what we need and when you guys don't already have it I'll buy it." I
smiled with a slightly cocked eyebrow.

"Oooh Miss lawyer, all rich and stuff." Anna let go of my arm, making me feel a small pang of sorrow. It disappeared
again when Anna grinned at me over her shoulder. "Well then you're paying for the vodka too," she said.

Anna pulled the brand new mixer from the plastic bag she'd been carrying. Apparently they didn't have a mixer in the
student flat, so I had decided to just buy a new one. I wasn't quite ready to bring Anna along to my place. I didn't think
she'd be scared off too much by the apartment, but it might remind me too much about the distance between us. I was a
well-earning lawyer, Anna was a student without a mixer.

There were several bags of groceries around us and Kristoff eyed us curiously. Anna couldn't be happier as she
unwrapped the mixer and pulled the red appliance from the box. "Ooh look Kristoff, it's still shiny! And there's so many
things to put into it. We can make stuff!"

"You'll still need to figure out how to make stuff with that though."

"Elsa is going to teach me. And when I actually know how to cook, I won't cook for you ever." She stuck out her tongue at
the boy and he scrunched his face at her. I witnessed the scene unfold with my arms crossed, leaning against the
kitchen counter.

"Anna, if we want the buns done in time for dinner we need to get started." Kristoff looked at me tentatively, but Anna just
bounded up and started shoving Kristoff out of the kitchen.

"Yeah Kristoff, leave us! Go and play some of those despicable video games of yours." He shook his head before
heading to his room, but I could see the deep affection between the two. It actually made me feel a little jealous.

Anna fished out a large bowl from underneath the counter and started following my instructions attentively, swatting me
away every time I offered to help. "I'm learning, Elsa." I ended up sitting on the edge of the kitchen counter, watching her
struggle with the dough, trying to shape it into the texture I described.

"It should be slightly tacky but smooth. And certainly not contain any more lumps," I giggled. Anna put the lump of dough
in front of her and started hitting it with her fists to subdue it. She looked strangely adept at it. "Punch things often, Anna?"

Anna threw me a glance, a slight sheen of sweat on her forehead but a smile on her face. "Yeah I'm into martial arts,"
she said as she landed another punch straight into the dough.

"I can see that," I replied. I was a bit mesmerised by the vigor with which she punched the dough into docility.

"You should come with me some time," Anna said. She seemed satisfied with how the dough looked so she put it back
in the bowl. I handed her a cloth, which she put over it before putting it away on top of a shelf. She then looked at her
hands covered with flour, before fixing her eyes on me. I raised my hands and slid off the counter.

"Oh no. No, you're not coming near me with those." I could see the mischievousness spreading across Anna's face like
ripples on a pond and before I knew it I was running towards the couch, Anna running after me with her hands
outstretched, cackling with joy. I tried to get the couch in between us, but Anna just jumped on top of it and blocked my
escape routes.

Without warning she jumped off the couch just as I made a move to escape the corner she was backing me into and we
collided together. I felt a sharp pain in my knee as we wrapped our arms around each other and made simultaneous
efforts to at least fall towards the couch, not the coffee table. We landed on the couch in a tangle of limbs, me underneath
Anna. I immediately felt heat rush up my neck and face, a slight tingling in my arms. It must've been from the startle.
Yeah, right.

It was quiet for a long second before I could feel laughter bubbling up in Anna's chest, which pressed up against mine.
Heat now rushed high up my face but I was afraid to move, my left knee throbbing with pain. As Anna pushed herself up I
noticed one of her hands was on top of one of my breasts, the other one next to my side. As soon as Anna noticed where
her hand was she quickly removed it, a slight fluster creeping onto her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," she said as she got up. Then her gaze moved down to my chest and she clasped a hand to her mouth to
stifle her laughter, a small puff of flour swirling around her face from the sudden motion. I looked down and saw a perfect
white handprint on my black dress shirt, right over my left breast. At first I was taken aback, but then the situation dawned
on me and I started giggling as well, until me and Anna were laughing together loudly, tears rolling down Anna's face.

Kristoff came out of his room but stopped in his tracks when he saw us. "What the..." We suddenly stopped laughing, like
both of us froze in the moment, staring at Kristoff. He glanced at Anna's white, floury hands, then my chest. He pulled up
an eyebrow, turned around and moved back into his room. When the door slammed shut Anna and me looked at each
other and laughed again.

Anna offered me her hand and pulled me up. "Let's get cleaned up," she grinned. When I put weight on my left knee
however, it made me cringe and moan slightly. Anna immediately looked worried. "Did that happen just now? Wait, of
course it did, you weren't moaning in pain before. Not that you were moaning at all. Well, you were crying, but..." She took
a deep breath. "Sorry, I ramble."

I smiled at her. "Don't worry about it, it's cute."

I thought I saw Anna blush a bit before she gestured me to sit down on the couch. "I'm actually studying osteopathy, so I
have some knowledge of muscles and shit."

"Eloquently said," I jested at her. She just shot me a look, then kneeled before me with her hands on my knee.

I almost recoiled when she ran her hand halfway up the top of my thigh. "Can you stretch your leg without pain?" I
complied and winced slightly.

"It's not too bad," I said. It might help if you put your hand up a little higher.

"Okay, how about bending it fully?" I nodded.

"Yeah, that's fine." What if I said it hurt, where'd you put your hands then?

Anna seemed completely unaware of my inner dialogue as she pressed on certain parts on and around my knee,
testing it for pain. I answered all her questions and when she was satisfied with her examination, she look up gravely.
"We'll need to put some ice on it. But you'll live," she said. I feigned utter relief, bringing the back of my hand to my

"Whatever would I have done without you, doctor?"

Anna let herself fall down onto the cushions next to me, stretching. I couldn't help but notice the sliver of skin appearing
between her shirt and jeans, making my heart thud just a bit faster. She looked at me and I wondered if she had read my
mind when she smirked slightly. I smirked back but knew that my cheeks were reddening rather quickly. Anna extended
her hand and wiped a lock of hair back behind my ear. "You would've probably fallen into quick despair, infection,
followed by immediate death," she said. I just sat there, waiting.

Waiting for what, exactly? I wasn't sure. Waiting for Anna to say something? No you moron, you want her to kiss you
again. Yes, that was true. I wanted to feel her lips against mine again, smell her skin, feel her close to me. But she's not
doing anything.

I realised that was true, seeing as Anna was just sitting there, looking at me, excruciatingly close. She's waiting for you to
make a move. The thought struck me like lightning and I blinked a few times. I'd never made a move on anyone in my
life. That realisation also struck me. All in all I was starting to feel a bit dizzy. She'd only ever dated men, and it always felt
natural to let them make the first move. Mayb e b ecause you didn't feel for them what you feel for Anna? It was true I had
never felt for this girl what I had felt for my previous boyfriends. Another thought dawned on me. Mayb e you couldn't love
them b ecause they were men? I shook my head slightly. Wow, that's...

I was alarmed by the fact that Anna then moved away from me, leaning back slightly and starting to get up. Oh no oh no
you shook your head at her, you moron. Do something. Quick, do something. If you're not going to kiss her, at least say

"Date!" I shouted. Anna stopped in her movements and sat there, staring at me, slightly bewildered. Say more than that.
"I mean, I would like to take you out sometime. You said something about me asking you out on a second date earlier. I'd
like to take you out." You idiot, she said that after she made a joke ab out having sex with people on the first date. "Not just
as a reason to..." I was cut off by Anna pressing a finger to my lips. I then realised she was holding back laughter as to
not hurt my feelings.

"I'd love to go out with you, Elsa."

I let out a breath I didn't realise I had been holding for so long. A happy feeling spread through my chest, a welcome
change from the panic earlier that day. "My eyebrow did the thing again, didn't it?"

Anna grinned. "Oh yeah. They were both doing the thing. Heavily."

/Okay so here's where the vote system comes in. Do you guys want another chapter with the actual movie night (and
more fluff and cute and stuff) or do you want to get on with the story (with the answering of questions and "OH MY
GOD DID THAT JUST HAPPEN"?). Because there's a shitload of story to go through... ;) Drop me a review / PM if you
wanna have a say!
/It's freaking 3 AM here now, I should get some sleep.
*Chapter 7*: Chapter 7: The munchies
/Broke the 100 follower barrier! ^^ I'm sending you guys all the love in the world.

Chapter 7
The munchies

"Wow Elsa, this looks amazing."

"Thank you Sven, but Anna did most of it. I just coached." I pulled my ponytail over my shoulder and ran my hands
through it. We were all standing in the kitchen, Sven and Kristoff with a beer in their hands and Anna beaming at the boys
like she was showing them her firstborn child rather than the hamburgers we made.

Kristoff had put on a blue jumper which said "AMU" and most of his hair was covered by a black beanie. Sven had just
returned from university and was wearing a light purple dress shirt over black jeans. He had wanted to change but Anna
had positively dragged both boys into the kitchen for dinner. Kristoff had just shrugged at the other boy, thrusting a beer
into his hand.

Kristoff looked at me. "So how does this work? They aren't put together yet."

Anna shot past me and grabbed a bun. "It's like a buffet. You just grab a bun and then add whatever you want." To
illustrate she put a slice of cheese on hers, followed by a burger. "We made a whole load of consilents -"

"Condiments," I corrected her.

"- condiments that you can put on as well, and some sauces." Anna hadn't even flinched or looked up. I smiled and
leaned backwards against the fridge, so I wouldn't get in the way of the three friends getting their food. Anna finished off
her burger with every single condiment we made, causing her plate to be positively buried in all types of vegetables and
two types of sauce. She then beamed at me and walked towards the dinner table, quickly followed by the boys and me.

I sat down next to Anna and tried to keep my burger from falling apart. Anna made no such effort and seemed content to
just eat whatever she could reach. I looked away from the spectacle next to me and focused myself on Sven. "So, how
did your last exam go?"

Sven swallowed the large bite he had in his mouth and smiled at me with a bit of sauce in the corner of his mouth. "I
think I did well, I'll probably receive a pass - but tell me more about what happened at the precinct today! I heard you were
a rock star!"

Kristoff interjected. "Yeah she was, she came right over... well, when she finally started answering my texts that is." Anna
shot him an angry look. I just smiled and was bringing my well-balanced burger up to my mouth when I suddenly felt
Anna put her hand on my leg underneath the table. The sudden feeling made me squeeze my burger and a slice of
tomato came shooting out and landed right on my black shirt.

"Oh wow, you have aim!" Sven laughed, then suddenly yelped out in pain and brought his hand under the table,
apparently rubbing his shin. "What the hell, Anna."

I plucked the tomato from my shirt and put it on my plate, contemplating the stain for a second. It didn't look good, but it
was just a shirt. "It's alright." I laughed. "And apparently Anna also has quite a good aim, doesn't she?" I winked at Sven,
who eyed me and Anna for a few seconds before making an approving 'hmpf' sound and taking a swig of his beer. This
elicited a strong reaction from Anna and before I knew it they were yelling at each other. I was a bit worried and taken
aback, but Kristoff touched my hand to draw my attention.

"Don't worry about it, they don't mean a word of it. Beer?"

"No thank you, I think I had enough alcohol on Friday to last me a lifetime." Plus, we don't want another anxiety attack, do
we? I had come down quite far since earlier that day but I didn't want to push it. And well, I might actually want to
remember this night.

Anna and Sven had stopped yelling at each other and were now eating their hamburgers with so much vigour I was glad
they weren't ripping into one another. I had never seen friends act that way and I knew quite a few people who I'd never
hear of again if something like that happened. But then again we had already assessed that I didn't really have a lot of
real friends. I looked across the table, where Kristoff was giving me a blinding grin. But hopefully that's changing as we
"So Elsa, what's this case that's riding you down so hard?" Kristoff focused on me, probably because the other two at the
table didn't seem that talkative anymore. He was managing to eat his burger surprisingly tidy... and fast. "Is it ok if I get
seconds by the way?" I nodded, smiling at the boys' enthusiasm. Kristoff jumped up and swiftly put together another
burger. I couldn't imagine eating two of those monsters, but then again I was nowhere near his size. All that muscle
probably needed quite some sustenance.

Oh right, he asked me something.

"It's a corporate thing, two companies going head to head. Thing is, I'm morally not really on the right side of the fight at
the moment." I heard myself say it, proper as always, and smiled slightly. "Or we could say that my boss is just a huge
bag of butts."

Kristoff almost choked on his beer. "Oh my god we have to work on your swearing vocabulary." I glanced sideways at
Anna and Sven but they were now locked in a death stare and apparently hadn't heard me.

"I'm just not used to it anymore... being a lawyer has its perks, but also quite a few downsides." I had the decency to
blush. I enjoyed being able to tell the truth but it still reminded me of the age gap between me and the other three.

"I'm sure you can think of something better than bag of butts, come on."

I hesitated. "He's a dick?"

"Better, but come on. That's still nothing."

I thought for a moment. I didn't feel like throwing around a lot of profanity, but if Kristoff wanted an insult, he could have
one. I put my hands flat on the table, not noticing Sven and Anna now paying attention to our conversation. "My boss is
such an asshole, his GP is a proctologist."

It was quiet for a full five seconds with me staring Kristoff in the face, trying to read his reaction and doing a good job at
keeping a straight face myself. Then, like on cue, all three of them started laughing almost hysterically, tears almost
instantly running down Anna's face. "Oh my god that's one of the most eloquent insults I've ever heard!"

I couldn't help but grin goofily, my mouth drawn up crookedly. "Well at least you two aren't fighting anymore."

"Oh that? That's nothing, you should've seen us on New Year's Eve," Sven laughed. Anna looked at him affectionately,
causing me a slight pang of jealousy. I quickly corrected myself. If you keep this up you'll just wear yourself out. And it's
not fair on Anna, she's b een nothing b ut sweet and kind.

"Eyebrow!" Anna poked me in the side and laughed when I recoiled so much I almost fell off my chair.

"Oh my, someone is touchy." Sven shot Kristoff a meaningful look, I just focused on eating my burger without spraying
more condiments over myself.

"Come Elsa, the boys can do the dishes." Anna held her hand out to me still sitting on the chair.

"Yeah go ahead, we're good," Kristoff said as he started stacking plates. "And again, it was amazing food. Thanks for
teaching Anna some cooking skills, otherwise we'd all have nutritional deficiencies in a few years."

"You could always buy a jar of vitamins," I shot at him. He's in med school, he prob ab ly knows ab out that. The blonde
just winked and mentioned his head at Anna. I looked at her.

"Sorry, what are we doing?" I slid my hand into hers and let her pull me out of the chair, very conscious of how she
intertwined her fingers in mine.

"Getting you some clean clothes of course," she said as she dragged me towards the front door. I followed willingly, my
mouth slightly dry. I hadn't been up to her apartment since I burst out the door on Saturday morning. I was surprisingly
keen on seeing her room again though. No, get those implications out of your head, missy. Take her out on that date first.
Oh and sort yourself out as well, not unimportant.

Anna dragged me up the stairs and only let go of my hand to fish her keys out of her pocket. I stood there fiddling with my
hair again, trying to keep my eyebrows as neutral as possible. Anna looked over her shoulder and smirked.

"Now you just look silly." She opened the door and stepped through, holding it for me. "Really, now you start worrying
about me knowing that you worry?" She didn't wait for an answer and instead started the arduous task of reaching her
room without knocking any of her stuff over. And there was quite a lot of it.

The room had the same setup as the boys', but this one seemed to have fewer rooms leading off the narrow hallway.
That, and it was almost impossible to see the floor or any other object underneath the layer of clothes, books, paper,
writing utensils and other knick knacks that seemed to lay over the room like a coat of snow. I wondered how far gone I
had been on Saturday morning that I hadn't noticed any of this.

"Are you coming?" Anna was standing in front of the door to her room, looking at me with raised eyebrows. I was still
taking in the scene but now started making my way over to her, careful not to step on anything. I realised it was probably
visible that I was slightly taken aback by the state of the apartment so I decided to change the subject.

"Is this a smaller apartment? Compared to the one downstairs I mean?" Anna disappeared into her room, I followed and
stopped in the doorway.

"Yeah, I only have one other roommate. She keeps to her room though." I wonder why, with the state of that lounge. I
scolded myself internally. Stop b eing such an old woman. Maybe it was just because I had always been forced to keep
my room extremely tidy, at least if I wanted to hold onto my belongings.

I eyed the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and was remembered of that morning only two days ago. It seemed
longer, a lot longer. The rest of Anna's room was messy, but not as messy as the living area. The clearest space in the
room must have been her desk, where a laptop was perched upon some papers. One caught my attention and I moved
over whilst Anna started rummaging through her closet, her back turned to me.

I pulled one of the papers from underneath the laptop and admired it, my eyebrows slightly raised. It was a drawing of a
man's back, only it looked like the skin had been removed so it showed the muscles underneath. She'd only drawn the
muscles on one side of the spine though, the other side consisted of just the skeleton. Despite the subject of the
drawing I wasn't repulsed or taken aback, instead I admired the skill it must have taken to apply so much detail to the

"You made this?" I picked up another paper. This one seemed to have less to do with her studies as it portrayed a
seemingly very content dog lying on a chair. "This is a Labrador, isn't it?"

Anna took the drawings from my hands and put them back on the desk, face down and with a bright blush on her
cheeks. "Yeah, I made them." She then turned back to the closet. "Here, let's pick you a clean shirt."

Why is she ashamed? They're b eautiful drawings. I wish I could draw like that. "Sure, of course. Yeah." I followed her to
the closet and she held up a shirt to me. It was dark green and seemed slightly too large. It had another band logo on it,
this time from a band I had heard of - the Dropkick Murphys. I smiled and held out my hands out to take the shirt, but she
clutched it to her chest.

"Well you'll need to get rid of those stained clothes first. I'm really fond of this one, don't want to get condo... conti... stuff
all over it."

"Condiments, and of course. Where's the bathroom?"

Anna threw the shirt on the bed, laughing. "Why don't you just give the shirt to me, I'll rinse it off. There's still some flour
on there anyway." Something in her eyes made me swallow heavily as I started undoing the buttons of the shirt. Anna
moved slightly towards me. "Does your knee still hurt by the way?"

"No, it's good. I'm good. We're good." Smooth criminal you.

"Well that's good to hear," Anna said. She stepped a bit closer to me, making me fumble with a button of my shirt. "Here,
let me help." With deft hands she undid my shirt and moved her hands up to slide it off my shoulders whilst I was
thanking every god I had ever heard of that I had worn a t-shirt underneath my dress shirt.

I moved my arms back a bit. It was unconscious at first but when I realised it made Anna lean forward to keep hold of my
shirt I moved them even further until our faces were so close I could feel her breath on my skin. I was very aware of our
height difference, as the top of her head only reached to my nose. It made me tilt my head down to hold on to her gaze.

Her green eyes stared back at me and I thought I saw at least some of my own desire reflected in them. I was not sure
what it was but something about this girl made me want to touch her, feel her, run my hands all over her. Run my lips all
over her.

My shirt reached my wrists and me and Anna were practically pressed together, held apart only by a thin sliver of air, both
of us unsure whether it was OK to close it. We stood like that for an eternal second, Anna's hands moving agonisingly
slow to remove the shirt off my arms.

Ok, fuck this.

As the shirt was about to slide off my wrists I grabbed it with my hands and held it back, the intent not to let it go clear in
the slight smile that played around the corner of my mouth. I only caught a glimpse of a grin on Anna's face before our
lips pressed together.

I let go of the shirt and it dropped on the floor behind me, completely forgotten. Anna put her hands on the small of my
back, pulling me close to her as she angled her head to the left and inhaled deeply and sharply. I brought my left hand to
her shoulder and put my right hand in her neck, afraid my knees might give out as my stomach kept making

A rushing that had nothing to do with a panic attack filled my ears and I ran my tongue across Anna's lower lip, causing
the girl to open her mouth and grasp at the back of my t-shirt. Using my left arm across her upper back to pull her close
to me I took a handful of hair and clenched it in my fist as our tongues wrestled together. Anna greedily explored my
mouth and I let her, my mind swimming. I completely forgot where I was, but not what I was doing. The smell of Anna's
hair and skin filled my nose and I heard myself make a sound that held the middle between a gasp and a moan.

Anna pressed her hips forward and I leaned back but in my enthusiasm I pushed her just a little too hard and we
slammed into the closet behind her. I tasted a hint of blood in my mouth and immediately pulled back, my left hand over
my mouth. "Oh Anna, I'm so sorry," I said.

Oh shit, I'm gay aren't I.

"Elsa. Please... please let go of my hair," Anna stammered, one of her eyes clenched shut as my right fist was still
pulling on her hair. There was a small wound on her lip where I had bit down and there was a bit of blood welling up
from it.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly let go and joined my right hand to my left.

Shit, shit. I'm really gay. Well. That's...

Anna rubbed the back of her head, her face so red I could feel the heat on my skin. Or maybe that was just my own blood
rushing to the surface. I wasn't sure what to do with myself so I just kept standing there, my hands over my mouth. Anna
pretended to check whether the closet was okay, but I could see she was just as flustered as I was.

Okay, I can deal with this. It makes sense, I guess. I've had b oyfriends b efore, and it wasn't b ad, b ut it wasn't... they
weren't... Anna.

Oh right, my shirt. I turned around and picked it up from the floor, then turned back to ask Anna once more where the
bathroom was so I could rinse it. I was met by Anna standing in front of me, her hands folded behind her head in a
slightly insecure stance. I looked at her a bit surprised, I hadn't seen her like that before.

When Anna spoke it was with quite a hushed voice. "That was kind of amazing."

My heart was still trying to escape my chest by breaking my ribs from the inside. "Your lip..." I brought my hand up to touch
her face but made a fist and dropped it back to my side. Respond to her, Elsa. Come on. "Yeah, it was."

Anna ignored her lip completely. "So you're OK with this?" She made a faint gesture with her head, indicating the both of

"I asked you out on a date before, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but... today was quite a weird day, I want to make sure you're really into... all of this. And that it's not just you still
being a bit weird from earlier."

She's worried that it's me who isn't into her? "Anna." I dropped the shirt once again (I could probably throw that away now)
and stepped forward. It was probably the adrenaline that was still rushing through my body that was suddenly giving me
this clarity of mind, so I might as well make use of it as long as it was there.

"I have been unsure about a lot of things today." I could see her face drop so I put a finger under her chin to lift her head
up. "I was rude to my boss, busted someone out of jail and then had the first panic attack of my life." I swallowed and
licked my lips. Anna curiously looked up at me. "The only things I have been sure about all day, or rather this weekend,
are my feelings for you."
Anna put a hand on my waist. "Elsa..."

This time it was my turn to put a finger on Anna's lips, careful to avoid the wound.

"Which has been making me incredibly insecure because before I met you, I was quite sure I was straight." I moved my
finger aside and cupped Anna's cheek in my hand. "To be very honest I'm quite terrified at the moment... but being
around you makes me just a little less scared."

Anna didn't try to speak, instead she just wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. I
pressed my cheek on the top of her head and hugged her shoulders. "Which is really weird because we've practically
just met a few days ago." I smiled sadly.

Well, this is it. If she rejects you know that's it. If she doesn't, well... My heart made a little jump and then continued to
dance the tango inside my chest. With my lungs.

It was quiet for a moment but it didn't feel awkward as we were standing there, still embracing each other. Anna then
squeezed her arms tighter around me, causing me to jump slightly. "I'll be rude to your boss with you, try not to get locked
up again and if you ever get another panic attack I promise to sit with you until you ask me to leave. And about those
feelings, well..." She pressed her lips to my neck and then giggled when she felt me tense up. "We'll just see what
happens and take it from there, ok?"

I closed my eyes and sighed contently. "That sounds fantastic."

Anna let go of me and I reluctantly followed suit. "We'd better hurry up and go downstairs before Kristoff and Sven wonder
what's happened and come looking for us." She ran her thumb across my neck and stuck it in her mouth, grinning. "And
don't worry about my lip, I've had worse. I usually get punched though, not bitten in the face."

"I'll try not to do it again," I muttered.

"Not even if I ask you to, Munchy?"

"Well, you took your sweet time." Kristoff and Sven had dragged a mattress from a room and put it in front of the couch
and were sitting there, sipping their beers.

"You have no idea," Anna joked. Kristoff's face opened up when he saw Anna's lip and I could see his chest swell with
questions but one look from Anna made him hold in his breath, looking from me to her and back. He finally let his breath
out in a big sigh and shoved Sven.

"What?" Sven looked at Kristoff a bit annoyed. "You go get them a drink, I'm not getting up." Kristoff just shoved Sven
again and Sven tried to brace himself, but it was no use and soon he was sitting next to the mattress instead of on top of
it. "Fine! I'll go get the drinks."

Kristoff motioned for us to sit down on the couch like nothing happened. I sat down and Anna quickly got up next to me,
taking my arm and wrapping it around her shoulders. When Kristoff teasingly tickled her ankles she pulled her knees up
and pressed her back into my side to get away from him. It made the green shirt ride up my side and I quickly pulled it
back down. Anna noticed and shot me a mischievous look, but then Sven came back and gave us both a glass of coke.

"There, now can we watch the bloody movie?" He punched Kristoff in the arm but the blonde barely flinched.

"Had we picked one yet?"

Sven looked at Kristoff with a shocked expression on his face. "...You were supposed to pick one up."

"I thought we agreed you'd pick up the movie and I would arrange snacks..."

Sven put his chin on his clenched fist and stared at Kristoff like he might jump and choke him. Anna laughed. "So that
means we have a whole load of snacks but no movie? Can't we just download one?"

"Whoa Anna, that's illegal," Sven quickly said whilst glancing at me. I just laughed loudly.

"I'll pretend that didn't just happen. I'm not some paper pusher that cares about a few illegal movies."

Sven threw his hands up in the air. "Sorry! Just making sure. But I don't have anything on my laptop at the moment and
the internet is kind of crappy here so streaming might just be a big bucket of frustration."
"Well surely there's other things we can do," Anna said. I already knew the things I'd like to be doing right now, but I kept
my mouth shut. The kiss me and Anna shared was still fresh on my mind and even the memory of it made me fluster a

Kristoff perked up. "Well, this just calls for a drinking game, doesn't it?"

"Oh I don't know, I don't feel like getting too drunk tonight." I had already smelled the vodka that was clearly mixed into my
coke without even bringing the glass to my lips, which told me the drink was quite potent.

"Don't worry, I have experience with that," Anna jested as she squeezed my thigh. I took advantage of the opportunity to
run a nail down her ribs, causing her to jerk away so violently she almost fell off the couch.

"Oh my, someone is touchy," Sven repeated.

Kristoff got out a pack of cards and we spent half an hour playing a drinking game I'd never played before. Luckily you
couldn't really be bad at it, it was pure chance so luckily I wasn't drunk off my mind by the time we finished. I had downed
my whole drink by then though and I made it quite clear to Sven I only wanted straight coke from then on. My head was
swimming slightly and I felt a bit tired, which wasn't that strange after the day I'd had. However it also had another
unwanted effect I had foreseen - I started worrying again.

You'll have to go into work tomorrow. I didn't want to go back and face Mr. Holter, but I couldn't really leave it at where it
was. Do you really want to go b ack to how things were though? I knew that wasn't a very appealing idea but doubt still
tugged on the edge of my mind.

It's my father's company. And I make good money.

Well that's it, isn't it? It's your father's company and you're his daughter. You should b e the CEO, not working underneath
Holter like some lap dog. Plus, the money is even b etter higher up.

The voice of Mrs. Almstedt came to the front of my mind. Both of them had been so nice, so thankful when I had called
them earlier that day. And they were old friends of her father. I had only met the couple once, many years ago when I was
only seven years old but I still remembered the cookies Mrs. Almstedt had made. My mother had been worried because
the traditional Norwegian cookies had brandy in them, but my father had managed to calm her down.

That was one of the last times your whole family was together. And happy. My mind wandered further, to my brother and
mother, but at that moment I felt someone gently touch my face. I looked down at Anna, who had put her head in my lap
and was looking up at me. How could I not have noticed her putting her head down?

"Is it work? Or something else?" Anna took my hand in hers and hugged it to her chest. Kristoff and Sven were still
playing their game and had switched to a bottle of tequila. The smell made my nose prick but at least they seemed too
preoccupied to care much about me and Anna.

"Work." I ran my thumb over Anna's hand, still caught up in the old memories washing over me. "And... my family." I
wasn't completely sure I wanted to talk about it.

Anna was quiet for a moment, then spoke softly. "You don't have to answer, but what about your family? Are they just as
complicated as your work?"

I let out a short cynical laugh. "More so. I can quit my job, I can't quit my family. Although I seem to be the only one who
thinks so." It was silent a moment longer, with Kristoff and Sven yelling and cheering at their game. Anna looked at the
boys, giving me some space but softly running her fingers over my lower arm to let me know she was still there for me.

"My father died," I said quietly. Anna looked back up at me. "It was an accident, he crashed his car. He was a great
criminal attorney." I ran my fingers through Anna's hair thoughtfully. I hadn't talked about my family in a long, long time,
but it felt liberating in a manner.

"After my father's death my brother and mother kind of lost it. My mom did her best, but between me and my brother...
They're both... we're all living quite separate from one another at the moment. I kind of took over the family name and
ended up going to law school with this big dream of following in my father's footsteps, but by the time I came of age my
father's partner had already turned the firm corporate. I didn't have anyone to tell me what to do so I agreed to take up a
regular position in the company to gain some more job experience so I could successfully take over for my father some
day." I sighed. "And now I've been holding that position for five years and it doesn't look like my boss, who should be my
partner, is planning on letting up."

Anna sucked on her lip for a moment. "Isn't there anything in place for this? A document, or your father's will, putting you
at the head of the company?"

I swallowed and curled a lock of Anna's hair around my finger, letting it spring back into place. My gaze flicked to her
injured lip and I felt bad for a moment, but she kept looking at me with a sincere look on her face. "There should be.
There probably is. However I always expected my boss, who was supposed to be a good friend of my father, to help me
out when the time came." I sighed, glancing at Kristoff who got up and moved to his room while Sven put the bottle of
tequila aside. "And I haven't had the heart to go through all my dad's belongings yet."

"How long ago did he die?"

"I was nine," I replied softly. Anna looked taken aback. There you go, loading all of your prob lems onto her. The first
person willing to talk to you and b e with you in a long time and you immediately start piling stuff onto her.

"Well that does sound rather complicated." She frowned. "But I think at this moment you should deal with what's right in
front of you. Get this big case out of the way and then start thinking about the bigger picture."

"Well this case will be out of the way quite soon apparently. Before the end of this week."

"But will you be happy with the way it turned out? I can see you really care about whatever is going on."

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" I let go of Anna's hair and gripped the side of the couch, squeezing it exasperatedly.

"Don't you though?" Anna slightly squeezed my wrist. "Is there honestly nothing whatsoever you can do besides doing
what your boss says? That sounds a bit off to me."

I looked into Anna's sincere eyes. I opened my mouth to tell her that I indeed didn't have a choice, but then I slowly closed
it again.

Mayb e she had a point. I was allowed to do freelance jobs.

It's dangerous. It probably wasn't the best idea to go head to head with Mr. Holter at the moment though. Then again, if I
didn't do it now, when?

"I have never been one to make my parents proud. I was just always a bit of a disappointment." I looked down at Anna
with a surprised look on my face. She intertwined her fingers with mine and looked down towards our hands. "I still hope
to someday make them realise they really do love me and are proud of me. I've been working my head off to make that
happen." Anna turned her eyes back to me. "I know I am in no position to speak, as my parents are still both alive - but I
think that even if they had died I'd still be working to make them proud."

It seemed like something clicked in my mind. My father always cared a whole lot about his company, but there was
something that had always been more important. His family and friends. I pushed myself off of the couch, Anna letting
out a surprised yelp as she rolled off the sofa and onto the mattress. "I have to make a phone call," I said forcefully as I
walked towards my bag, which was leaning against the table. Sven followed me with his eyes. I had almost forgotten he
was there but he must've heard our conversation. Kristoff emerged from his room with a guitar in his hand and looked at

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just need to make this call," I said. I unlocked my phone and started dialling the Almstedt's number. "I'll be right
back," I said mostly to Anna. The girl was laughing and gave me a thumbs up from the mattress as I opened the door
and stepped into the hallway.

"This is the Almstedt firm," a man said over the phone.

I closed the door and walked a few steps down the hallway before leaning against the wall. "Mr. Almstedt, I presume?"
Despite my excitement I was well trained.

"Yes, this is he. Can I help you? It is quite an unusual time." I checked my watch. Ten o'clock in the evening. Whoops.

"I apologise, Mr. Almstedt. This is Miss Shields speaking. I hope I didn't wake you up."

"Elsa? No, that's fine, me and my wife were still up."

I felt like slapping myself on the forehead. Of course they were still up, they were probably scrambling to get everything in
order before the end of the week. "This might sound very sudden, but..." I tried to gather my thoughts. "I guess I had a
moment of clarity."


"I want to help you. If you'll let me."

"What do you have in mind, Miss Shields?"

"You knew my father."

"Very well so."

"He was a friend of yours."

"Yes, we were quite close. We almost opened a law firm together, but I pushed him to join up with Mr. Holter." He
laughed sarcastically. "Didn't that turn out well?"

I hadn't known about any of this, but it only strengthened my resolve. "I'm not planning on letting Mr. Holter run your and
my company into the ground. I think that if you and I work together we can come up with a much more agreeable

I heard laughter coming from the apartment I had just left. I was waiting for a response, a voice coming from the phone to
tell me I just had the greatest idea of a lifetime. Instead it stayed silent. I removed the phone from my ear to check
whether my phone died on me, but we still had a connection. "Mr. Almstedt?"

"Can you come over tomorrow?" The sudden response almost made me jump.

"I'll need to swing by work, but yes, after that I can come by."

"I assume you have your father's documents?"

"They're... yes, I have them." I didn't feel like telling this man that I had never moved my father's possessions from the
storage it had been put in after his death. "I'll find them."

"You'll find them, or you have them?"

"I'll have them."

"That'll do," Mr. Almstedt said amusedly. He let out a short laugh. "Yes, this'll do very well. Very exciting, Miss Shields."

"I agree, Mr. Almstedt. I agree."

When I walked back into the apartment I felt like I was floating. A part of me still kept telling me I had just done a terrible
thing, but I realised I was also proud of myself. Really proud of myself. I had almost forgotten what that felt like.

Anna flew at me and wrapped her arms tightly around me, pressing her face into my chest. "I have no idea who you just
called or what you did, but you look so much happier I don't really care."

"I decided to make my father proud."

Anna looked up at me. "I'm sure he is, Munchy," she said softly. I raised my eyebrows in confusion but then remembered
the wound on her lip and the nickname Anna had given her after. I blushed lightly.

"Hey, lovebirds." Kristoff was sitting on a chair next to the mattress, Sven sprawled in front of him. Kristoff had a guitar on
his knees. "Come over here, have a drink, have a snack. No work tonight." He winked at me. "Well, no lawyer stuff

Anna pulled me over to the couch. "Well I'm not a lawyer." She pushed me down on the couch and then sat behind me on
the back of the couch.

"Anna, what are you..." I tried turning around to look at the redhead but she resolutely grabbed my shoulders and kept me
facing forward. She then undid my hair and ran it through her hands.

"Your hair is beautiful," she said happily. Kristoff was tuning his guitar and Sven was staring at his laptop, his eyes flying
back and forth over the screen. Anna pressed her fingers to my hair and started massaging my scalp, nails running over
my skin. I shivered, but not from the cold.

Sven turned his laptop towards Kristoff and pointed at the screen. "How about this one?" Kristoff leaned over. "You
should know all these chords," Sven continued.

Kristoff looked at the screen for a few moments longer, squinting his eyes. "Yeah, I guess I do." He smiled and carefully
tried out the chords a few times. I closed my eyes as Anna's fingers kept digging into my head, sending goose bumps
down my neck and shoulders. I slid my arms underneath Anna's knees and hugged her lower legs to my sides.

Anna pulled on my hair until I was looking up at her, resting my head against her abdomen. "Don't fall asleep, Miss

Suddenly Kristoff started playing his guitar loudly, causing me to jump slightly. His fingers flew over the steel strings
quite adeptly and it only took a few beats before he started singing.

"Feeling my way through the darkness, guided by a beating heart.

I can't tell where the journey will end... but I know where to start.

They tell me I'm too young to understand. They say I'm caught up in a dream, but life will pass me by if I don't open up my
eyes... well that's fine by me."

Sven then joined in and they continued together, both smiling with Kristoff tapping his foot on the floor. "So wake me up
when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older... all this time I was finding myself and I... didn't know I was lost."

I felt Anna move behind me, tapping her fingers on my shoulders to the beat of the song. She then chimed in and they
finished the chorus with the three of them, me just looking and listening in wonder. The boys looked at Anna and I was
wondering why, until she started singing the next part on her own.

"I tried carrying the weight of the world, but I only have two hands... Hope I get the chance to travel the world, but I don't
have any plans."

I was taken aback by her voice. It sounded good, but it wasn't just that. She made the lyrics sound sincere, like she knew
exactly what she was singing about. I was almost afraid to move because I didn't want to interrupt her.

"Wish that I could stay forever this young, not afraid to close my eyes! Life's a game made for everyone... and love if the
prize." The boys joined back in and they finished the song together, laughing and belting out the chorus as loudly as they
could. By the time they'd finished Anna was leaning to the left, shaking with laughter.

"That was amazing." I said it to all three of them, but mostly with Anna in my mind. She squeezed my shoulders and
started massaging them, my muscles trembling under her fingers and palms.

"Wow, you're tense." She seemed to be shocked by her own words, because she immediately continued. "Which makes
sense. I mean no, it doesn't, you shouldn't feel tense. I just noticed you were but I don't want you to be..."

"Do you sing, Elsa?" Sven asked me, seemingly wanting to save Anna from embarrassing herself too much. I smiled at

"I used to play, yes." Kristoff immediately held out the guitar to me but I waved him away. "But it's been a long time ago."
And I don't really want to emb arrass myself. Kristoff shrugged and pulled the guitar back onto his lap. It fell silent for a
moment, until Anna bent forward and looked at me upside down.

"Do you have stuff tomorrow?"

"Yes, I have... lawyer stuff." At the moment it's so complicated I'm not even sure I know what I'm doing anymore.

"Well it's getting a bit late and I feel like you could use a good night of sleep." As soon as Anna mentioned sleep I had to
stifle a yawn. She laughed. "See?"

We said goodnight to the boys, who didn't look like they were going to follow suit and turn in soon. We went back upstairs
and I was soon presented with an image I had been wanting to see for a while: Anna lying in bed with her hand held out
to me. I climbed into bed with her and she immediately pressed her back against my stomach and chest, grabbing my
arm and wrapping it around her.

I pressed a kiss against her hair and closed my eyes. "Good night, Anna."
Anna brought my hand to her lips and kissed it before snuggling back into me even further. "Night, Munchy."

/You asked for fluff, and I hope I have obliged! There was also one very sweet reader pleading me to put at least a
kiss in this chapter, so there you go. I'm really looking forward on continuing on the storyline next chapter, because I
can't wait to share it with you guys. 'S gonna be a rollercoaster!
/By all means keep the reviews coming! I enjoy all of them immensely ^^
/The song the trio sings is Avicii - Wake me Up
*Chapter 8*: Chapter 8: The storage unit
/After all that fluff we're diving head first into the story again! I hope you guys enjoy! :)

Chapter 8
The storage unit

I peered over the papers spread out in front of me, my head resting in my hands. I massaged my temples with my
fingers and once again pulled my laptop closer to read the letter I was writing, addressed to Mr. Holter and the rest of the
board. The light of the screen just hurt my eyes however so I closed the laptop and buried my face in my hands. I
smelled of ink and paper, whatever paper exactly smelled like. That combined with the old, wooden smell of the office I
was sitting in made me feel very nostalgic. It was about the same smell as my father's old study. Amazing, how powerful
smells can be.

A sound behind me made me look up. Mrs. Almstedt came into the office, wearing a coat and scarf wrapped tightly
around her neck. She was in the business off taking it off when she noticed me. "Oh dear, Elsa! Have you been here all

The middle-aged woman had bags under her eyes, probably not unlike myself. Her hair was black but I knew she dyed
it. Her face was slightly round, with high cheekbones and a still perky-looking nose. She usually wore a tailored suit with
pencil skirt, but the past couple of days neither of us had cared too much about our formal attire. She was now wearing
warm woollen leggings, a knee-length skirt with a floral pattern and a grey wool cardigan over what seemed to be two
more layers of clothes. The temperature had dropped drastically over the past week.

"I wanted to finish this hand-out before going home and getting some sleep, but..." I gestured at the laptop and all the
papers in front of me. "Turns out I'm not such a swift worker." That wasn't entirely true, I would have been able to get a lot
more work done if I hadn't been worrying so much about other things. These other things mainly including Anna.

Tuesday morning. Six AM. I opened my eyes slowly, a headache in the back of my head thumping against my skull. I was
greeted by glow in the dark stars, not unlike a few days earlier. Granted, I felt a lot less hung over, but... not less guilty.

With the last remnants of my panic attack and alcohol out of my system, my stomach was now a big churning mess of
guilt. I rubbed my eyes and shot a look at Anna, still vast asleep. I definitely felt something for her, but things had gotten
out of hand yesterday. Remembering the massages and other touches made me blush of unease and thinking back to
the kiss just made me want to groan and pull on my hair.

Okay, calm down. Think b ack to the things you do not regret. I did not regret hanging out with the three of them, cooking
dinner and playing games. I had been pleasantly surprised by Kristoff's guitar skills and the accompanying song the trio
had sung together. With Anna sitting b ehind you. I remembered being close with my friends back in university, the two I
had that was - hugging, having sleepovers with three people in one bed and braiding each other's hair and all that. It
hadn't been uncomfortable then.

You kind of outgrew those days. Had I though? I was more or less yanked out of those days when my mother had been
admitted when I turned eighteen, only a few months after I had started feeling comfortable at university with friends I had
started making there. I had been quite a prodigious student, skipping a few years of high school and mostly hanging out
with people older than me. I inherited part of a law firm on the same age it became legal for me to drink. Okay fine, I had
never really had a lot of responsibility there - but there was enough of that to be found elsewhere.

Anna shifted next to me, turning around and grabbing my arm. I really need to take this slower. We need to take this
slower. If we ever take it further. You're so much older than her. I carefully untangled Anna from my arm and got out of
bed. I stood there for a few moments, thinking about my last thought. I didn't want things to worsen between Anna and
me, and I definitely wanted to see where this... thing between us could go, but the truth was that we had only known each
other for a few days. And my life wasn't exactly rainbows and roses at the moment, did I really wanted to drag this happy
go-lucky girl into all of that?

To my surprise I didn't feel bad about sleeping with Anna in one bed though. I mean, this wasn't the first time we had
slept in Anna's bed together - not that Friday night had been a perfect example of taking it slow. It hadn't even crossed my
mind to try something with Anna last night, I just wanted to curl up against someone I trusted and get some sleep. Which
I did.

Okay, things are not completely messed up... b ut you still have to b e careful, Miss Shields. I gathered up the last of my
things and changed back into my own clothes, leaving Anna's shirt folded neatly on her desk. I put my own dress shirt on
top of it and wrote a little note. 'If you can get it clean you're welcome to have it'. I looked at the message for a moment
and it sounded a bit offensive, so I quickly drew a smiley face underneath the text. There, should be fine.

Mrs. Almstedt put a steaming mug of coffee down in front of me. I thanked her with a smile as she sat down next to me,
pulling the laptop over to her and catching up on the work I had done during the night. I had insisted that Mr. and Mrs.
Almstedt went home around midnight, but I had stayed around. The office in town wasn't that big but it was cosy, with a
lot of bookshelves and an old but well-cared for kitchen. It had a state of the art coffee maker though, which I had been
relishing immensely the past days.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you've been doing great!" She eyed me for a moment, from my simple black jeans
to the light blue blouse and all the way up to my unruly hair, caught in a frumpled bun on top of my head. "Aren't you
freezing? I'm wearing all these clothes and I'm still cold."

I sighed contently as I savoured my coffee. "I'm okay. I tend not to be too bothered by the cold."

"Are you sure? You might be getting sick." The woman brought the back of her hand to my forehead. "You do feel rather
warm." I managed to smile at her caring grey eyes. We had been working together most waking hours for the past three
days and I had grown fond of the woman.

She looked back at the papers in front of me. "Maybe you should get a few hours of sleep, the meeting with Mr. Holter
and the board is this afternoon. I'll finish up the hand out. You've already done most of the work anyway, I'll just make
sure the references check out," she finished with a slight smile. "Plus, my husband will be in soon." She put a hand on
my arm. "God is on our side, we will do this."

"Mr. Holter, I am simply picking up a few things. I am not resigning from the company." I had been psyching myself up on
the ride home from Anna's, while I was changing and then on my way over here (even stopping for a very tasty doughnut
on the way), but my heart was still thumping in my throat. I was standing in front of my cubicle, Mr. Holter once again
blocking my way like he had done the day before.

The man folded his hands behind his back. "Miss Shields, I understand you have taken the rest of the week off for
personal reasons."

I, in turn, crossed my arms over my chest. I was wearing the only fully tailored suit I owned, not with a skirt but with
trousers. It allowed me to plant my feel slightly apart which made me feel stronger. Plus, the rich black colour clashed
fiercely with my hair and the sparkling white blouse underneath the blazer. I looked good, and I knew it. "That's correct,
Mr. Holter. Fully within my rights, I might add."

"I'm sure it is, Miss Shields." He looked like he wanted to say more, but just squinted at me angrily. It didn't really make
him look more intimidating however. Kristoff can b e intimidating, you can just act like a huffed up little man.

I uncrossed my arms and reached for my bag. "Now if you don't mind, I have somewhere to be."

"Yes you do." Mr. Holter paused for a moment, waiting for my reaction. I just looked at him, the silence around us almost
palpable. I knew everyone in the office was listening to our exchange even though there was no-one in sight. "There is a
board meeting on Friday on the Almstedt case. I expect you to be there."

I nodded curtly. "That's perfect, actually. I will certainly be there. Be sure to save me a timeslot, I have something to say

"What shall I tell my PA to put on the agenda?" I'm turning this takeover around, put that on your b loody agenda.

I smiled. "I will make sure you obtain all the needed documents an hour before the meeting so you can read up on what
I'm planning on relaying to the board. I wouldn't want to blindside you." I hung my bag on my shoulder and made it clear I
was ready to leave, my heart beating quite fast. I knew how to act like I knew exactly what I was doing, but in all honesty I
was keeping my knees from trembling.

Mr. Holter gave me a measuring look which I withstood without a lot of difficulty. He then nodded his head. "Very well, I
shall see you then."

I was not a very religious person. Sure, I had received bible studies as part of my education and I had even been
baptised - but I wasn't one to put too much trust in God. The last time I had been in a church was for my father's funeral
service and I had never returned after that. Churches made me feel small and insecure, like even the walls were judging
me and the things I had done during my life. Or hadn't done.

The Almstedts were a different sort and seemed to be quite a religious pair, I thought as I lay down on the sofa in the
only other room in the small office that made up Almstedt law firm. It wasn't a big company, with just the middle-aged
couple listed as the employees, but it had a good reputation. They weren't renowned enough to land the big criminal
cases but they didn't mind, focusing mostly on defending small time crooks or people who had simply lost their way.
However they also had a good record in defending actual victims instead of crooks, or helping people sue a company
that had wronged them.

I sighed. I had done so much research on the company over the past months, preparing for the takeover, that I even
knew how much rent they paid for the office. Back then it was routine, but now it made me feel a bit sick. I fished my
phone out of my pocket and saw I had received a text from Anna. This early?

"Hey Munchy! I'll be crossing my fingers all day today, just for you. I even set my alarm and will be getting some study
done all day so I can keep them crossed"

I smiled, just as a second text came in. "Although I'm still fucking pissed off that you've forbidden me from being there
with you."

My fingers flew over the keys of my Blackberry. "You'd probably just get bored or angry. These meetings require a lot of
patience and restraint."

"Sounds terrible."

"They are. But I'll come over afterwards so you can either patch my crushed soul back together or celebrate with me."

"I'm all out of duct tape so you'd better nail this thing. But I know you will. You can do this!"

"Thanks! I'll update you as soon as I have news."

I set my phone to wake me up in a few hours and turned onto my side. The truth was that I was still trying to keep Anna
as far away from my job as possible. I really needed to work through this case first, I couldn't afford to be focusing on
anything else today.

I kicked off my shoes and curled myself up a bit. A minute later I was fast asleep.

"I'm still not completely sure why we're here," Kristoff said as he rubbed his gloved hands together. "It's Wednesday
morning during my break, I should be sleeping. Or training."

"I told you, my father's possessions are stored in here. I need a few things but I'm not exactly sure what the state of...
well, everything is." I was really hoping this was a high quality storage unit that kept everything inside stored nice and dry.
It should b e, I'm paying enough for it every month.

"Well alright then, open her up." Kristoff eyed me from the side as I fumbled with the lock on the door. My heart was
thumping quite fast. I had never been in here before. I wasn't even sure anyone had been in here since my father's
possessions had been locked away after he died.

I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed it was indeed a high quality storage unit, but then my breath hitched. I froze in place
as my eyes ran over all the items in front of me. Over there was my father's old chair and desk. Large stacks of cardboard
boxes, binders, files, furniture... "It looks like they cleared out the entire house after Father's death," I mumbled.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and noticed Kristoff looking down at me. "Are you okay?" I smiled and nodded but looked
away. "What exactly do you need?"

I peered into the storage unit and the large stacks of boxes. "My father's documents. His will, contracts, stuff like that."
Kristoff walked into the unit and carefully lifted a few boxes from their shelves. He put them on the ground and gave me a
crooked smile.

"I'll do the heavy lifting, you check whether the boxes hold anything you need. Maybe I'll get a bit of a workout from this
after all."

"Hey Kristoff?" The boy was just grabbing another box and froze mid-lift, looking at me. "Thanks for helping me with this."
The boy smiled and put the box next to the others. I walked over and knelt next to them, pulling the lid off of one of them.

"Don't worry about it. I was confused that you called me instead of Anna for a little while, but now I see why," he said as
he flexed his muscles. The box I was looking through contained mostly old case files and I put it aside. The next one I
opened made my breath hitch. It contained photo albums. I really didn't want to look through those right now so I tried
closing it, but in my hurry I just fumbled with the lid and put it on crooked.

Kristoff reached over and closed the box, kneeling on the other side of it whilst I stared down on my hands. "Hey Elsa. If
this is too difficult we can get some more people over here, you know." He took the box and put it back on a shelf he just
cleared. "There, this shelf means we looked through it. Have to have a system," the boy smiled. I realised he was trying
to cheer me up, but so far it wasn't working. Too many memories.

"I just... I don't know," I said. There was now quite a bunch of boxes around me so Kristoff sat down next to me and
opened one up. He took a file from it and held it out to me. I shook my head. "That's more case files." Kristoff nodded and
closed the box, shoving it aside. This ritual continued for a bit while I tried gathering my thoughts.

"Is it Anna? She's been a bit restless since Monday. Did something happen between you two?"

"You make it sound like we're already this couple that's been dating for years."

"Well no, not really." He seemed to think for a moment. "I know Anna. She is usually quite... careful with who she lets in."
He looked at me. "And I got the feeling you're quite tentative as well." He held out a binder to me. I took it from him, not
immediately recognising what it was about.

I opened it and looked down on a bunch of newspaper clippings stuck to the pages. It was about the opening of the law
firm and had a faded picture of my father and a slimmer Mr. Holter, the latter with a hand on my father's shoulder. They
both looked quite happy. The tile read 'Young Shields opens law firm'. I looked at the date. April 25st, 1981. I blinked.
That was today. Well, today thirty-three years ago.

Kristoff shifted next to me and I was pulled from my thoughts. "These aren't very important right now, but I'd like to take
them with me anyway."

"I'll put them on the 'take-away' pile," Kristoff smiled. He lifted the box over his head and put it behind him.

"I'm just not sure what I want to do about Anna," I said carefully. Kristoff pulled open another few boxes and didn't look at
me, but I knew he was listening. "I mean yes, I really care for her. And I can't really stop thinking about her. But I'm... I feel
like I'm just taking advantage of her kindness, you know?"

Kristoff laughed and I felt heat rush up my neck. He raised his hands apologetically. "Sorry, I'm not laughing at you. It's
just that Anna felt like she'd taken advantage of you on Monday because you were so... fragile." He closed the box he had
been looking through. "More case files," he said and put it on top of the other one. He then looked back at me. "She said
you kissed. And from the look of her lip it was quite heated, no?"

I rubbed my face. I couldn't believe I was talking about this, but then again... Kristoff was becoming a friend. And he knew
Anna. I just hoped he wouldn't report everything I said back to her, but for some reason I didn't think he would. "Yes, we

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Well I just feel like it's all going a bit fast."

"Then take it slow," he said with a shrug. I looked at him incredulously.

"Just like that?" I asked. Apparently there was something in my voice that caught Kristoff's attention because he turned
his head and looked at me with a slight frown on his face.

"Yes of course. Why not? Rushing things is always bad, especially if there's so much other stuff going on." He smirked
and seemed to weigh his next words. "I think you need friendship more than sex right now."

"I wasn't even thinking about that!" I said as my cheeks flushed and I brought a hand over my mouth. Kristoff just pulled
another box to him and opened it.

"Sure you weren't." He squinted for a moment and picked up a leather-covered book. "I think this is what you were
looking for?" he said as he carefully handed it to me. My heart missed a beat and my breath hitched. On the front it said
'Will' in curly golden letters. My hands trembled a little bit as I opened it. The first page stated that this was the will of
Maurice Shields and had been written and notarised on... My eyebrows went up.

"What is it?" Kristoff asked.

"This... this will was drawn up two weeks before his death," I said.

"That's a bad thing?"

"Well not necessarily, but... it's a bit weird. Or just a huge coincidence. I thought the will they have on file at the company
was older." I started reading through the will as Kristoff moved around the storage unit a bit, looking at some of the
things that had belonged to my father. He picked up a guitar case and asked me if he could open it, I just waved my hand
at him without taking my eyes off the will.

Kristoff pulled out the guitar with a sigh of admiration. "This is a solid mahogany Martin guitar," he said reverently as he
carefully ran his fingers over the neck. He sat down on my father's old chair and started tuning it. "It still sounds
amazing," he said softly. Suddenly a string snapped under his fingers. "Well, the strings have to be replaced, but the
body still looks brand new."

I finished reading the will as Kristoff was sighting down a crossbow that had belonged to my father. Hunting had been a
hobby of his and he had started teaching my brother before he died. I closed the will slowly, my mind racing. There
should've been copies of this document everywhere. The will the family notary owned was definitely an outdated version.
Had he not known of the updated version? True, this one had been notarised by a different man, but the company must
have known about all this. Oh, if only I had gone through my father's b elongings earlier. I put the will down, my hands

"Hey Elsa, everything ok? I mean yeah no you wouldn't be completely OK, you just read your father's will and all that." He
walked over to me, the Martin once more clutched in his hand. Seeing the instrument brought back memories of my
father playing and I felt icy tendrils claw at my throat. I should have never trusted Holter to carry out my father's will. Our
family notary even works for Holter & Shields. I trusted all of them.

"I remember being at a meeting about the will a few weeks after my father's death. The board was there, and of course
Holter. I even sat in his lap." I looked up at Kristoff, my hands balled into fists in my lap. "The bastard. He said he'd carry
out my father's will. I was nine, I only saw him as this nice young man who was a friend of my father's. I used to call him
my uncle." I swallowed. "So this is why he didn't want me going into law. He said I had the air of a doctor or something
and that I should choose my own path."

Kristoff grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up from the ground. "I don't understand. What are you talking about?"

I looked at the boy and felt him recoil slightly. "This company is mine."

"Elsa." I woke up to someone gently shaking my shoulder. "You've been asleep for a few hours, we need to prepare
now." Mr. Almstedt was kneeling next to me. "My wife made you another mug of coffee." He got up and left the room,
leaving me a minute to wake up. I sat upright and rubbed my face. I hadn't worn make-up for a few days, knowing I'd just
mess it up with all my face-rubbing and sleeping-on-desks. I really needed to get home and prepare for the meeting.

I moved into the office, stretching. I self-consciously quickly lowered my arms as I saw Mr. Almstedt smiling at me. Unlike
his wife his hair was brown, and unpainted. Well, maybe Mrs. Almstedt's hair also used to be brown. Who knew. He
looked very presentable with his short hair styled into a smooth wave and wearing a light grey suit with a white dress
shirt. He even had one of those napkin things stuffed in his front pocket. I never knew what they were called.

The man ran a finger over his moustache and turned his attention back to the things in front of him. There was an open
briefcase on the table and he was carefully and thoroughly packing the things I'd need. He looked at me. "My wife
finished the documents on the laptop, could you quickly look them over before we send them out to Holter and the rest of
your board?"

Thirty minutes later we had all agreed we had prepared as well as we could. The documents were sent out and I put on
my coat, fumbling with the buttons. Mrs. Almstedt reached over to help me and I let my hands fall to the side, clenched
into fists.

"Elsa dear, calm down. It will be fine. We have God on our side." The comment almost made me sigh. I would much
rather believe we had prepared well and that we had the law on our side.

"I don't know if I can do this." I knew I was tired and that it was probably just exhaustion that made my voice tremble. Yeah
that was it.

"Of course you can." Mrs. Almstedt finished buttoning up my coat and put her hands on my shoulders. "You now know
what your father wanted. Holter is in the wrong here, not you." She let go of me and put on her own coat. "Just go home,
take a shower and get dressed. You'll feel better."

I checked my phone. I still had a little bit of time left before I had to be at the company for the big meeting. I sat in my living
room, trying to keep the cats at bay so I wouldn't get cat hair all over my suit. "Well guys, I might as well get going." I got
up to Max meowing and headed to the bathroom to check my appearance one more time. I had put on a little bit of make-
up, not too much. I wanted to look professional and I needed people to focus on what I was saying, not a purple mound
of eye shadow on my face. I had drawn light lines around my eyes with a black eye pencil and put on a little bit of light
blue eye shadow to match the blouse I was wearing underneath the black suit. I managed to cover up the bags under my
eyes and had put on some blush as to cover up my even-paler-than-usual skin.

I re-applied my pink lip gloss and nodded at myself in the mirror. There was not a single stray hair sticking out of the bun
in my neck. I brought my fingers up to the delicate pearl necklace around my neck and sighed. I just needed to be careful
getting over there and I'd be fine.

They'll care ab out what you have to say, not just how you look. "No, but it helps," I mumbled at my reflection.

The drive into town consisted of me drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, almost running red lights and had the
highlight of almost running over an old lady on a pedestrian crossing. When I parked in front of the building my heart was
pounding in my throat and I was shaking again.

Come on Elsa, get it together. My internal scolding didn't help however and I leaned my forehead onto the steering wheel.
Conceal it. If you walk in there like this you'll mess up. I heard my phone buzz and reached to my bag to grab it.

"Hey Munchy, how you doing? I hope you're not freaking out too much. You're awesome! X Anna"

I started typing a response but instead I hit the 'dial' button on my phone. Anna picked up on the first ring. "Munchy! I
caught you before you went in!"

"Yeah, you did." I couldn't keep a tremble out of my voice and I sighed deeply to calm myself down.

"Elsa, you'll do fine." Anna hadn't dropped my embarrassing new nickname since Monday. "Just breathe in deeply. You
said some other lawyer people helped you prepare, right? And according to Kristoff you were quite adamant last
Wednesday after reading your father's will." I didn't reply and instead focused on not crying. I really didn't want to mess up
my make-up. "Elsa? Are you still there?"

"Yeah I'm here, Anna. Thanks. I just... imagine if I win. I don't know if I can run a company."

"Of course you can. Plus, as the boss you get to hire all these people that'll help you. Hire some sexy personal assistant
or something. Go on a recruiting trip past universities."

"Can we talk about something else? Just for ten minutes or something?"

"I've chosen my specialisation," Anna said immediately.

"Wait, weren't you studying osteopathy?" I remembered when she had told me, what she had said as she sat me down
on the couch. "With the muscles and... shit?" The memory of Anna taking care of my knee brought a slight smile to my
face. Good, that meant no tears.

"Yeah that was my final subject before having to choose a specialisation. They make us study each subject before
choosing." Anna giggled. "Sorry if I confused you."

I remembered Sven saying something about first going through regular medical training before getting to choose
rehabilitation. I shook my head. Not important right now. "That's ok. What are you going to choose though?"


"Excuse me?"

"You know, working in the emergency room. I loved that cycle, because you never know what you'll get and you're the first
person people see when they come into the hospital looking for help... Being the person to tell them they'll be just fine,
that's what I wanna do."

"I think you'd be great at that, Anna."

"Haha yeah I'm great at telling people they'll just be fine, aren't I?"

"They make you choose a specialisation this early?"

"What do you mean? I've been in uni for five years already, how much more do you want?"

Five years? "...Anna, how old are you?"

"Twenty-three, why?"

Holy shit that's only three years younger than me. Holy shit holy shit.

"Munchy? What's going on?"

I couldn't help myself, I laughed out loud and leaned back into my seat, pressing a hand to my mouth. You stupid, stupid
twat. "I just... I was worried."

"Worried? Why?"

"Our age difference. I thought you were younger. A lot younger."

"Why didn't you just ask?"

"...I don't know." Yeah, why didn't you just ask? You twat. Twat, twat twat.

"Wait, you thought I was younger? Why?"

"Well you have glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling for once."

"Those are awesome though."

"I guess they are." I looked at my watch, my worry mostly gone. I needed to get going. "Hey Anna I have to go. Thanks so
much for cheering me up, I feel a lot better."

"Any time, Munchy."

"I'll see you tonight, doctor." I hung up the phone and clutched it to my chest for a moment. The flutters inside of it had
nothing to do with nerves anymore. Well, a different kind of nerves. This might work. This might actually work. I shook my
head. Get through today first. Munchy.

I got out of the car and locked it. I then grabbed my briefcase, took a deep sigh and walked into the building with my chin
up. Let's do this, Mr. Holter.
*Chapter 9*: Chapter 9: The meeting
/Continuation of the previous chapter. It's a heavy one, so strap yourself in!

Chapter 9
The meeting

Mr. and Mrs. Almstedt were waiting for me in the lobby of the large office building. Both still dressed impeccably, they
noticed me and shot me a reassuring smile.

"You're going to do great, Elsa. But no matter how much it pains us, you know we can't help you in there. It's all up to you -
and you're going to do it!" Yeah, you can't help me in there. You helped me with the legal stuff, b ut Holter isn't just going to
b ring that up. I hadn't told them about my complicated family history, although they probably already knew some of it.
They had been tactful not to bring it up the past week, something I was grateful for.

I attempted a smile back, my jaw slightly clenched. I felt better after my conversation with Anna but I wasn't completely
free of nerves. "I do wish you guys could go in there with me."

"We'll be waiting in the coffee shop across the street. Once your meeting is finished we'll go in and catch Mr. Holter off
guard." Mrs. Almstedt smiled at me again. "But we've been preparing for this for days, Elsa. You'll do just fine.

"Yeah yeah, I have God on my side." It came out a lot harsher than I had meant. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it that way.
I'm just tired."

"Okay. Well, I guess we'll be going then." Mr. Almstedt nodded at me and his wife put her hand on my arm for a moment.
Then they both walked off, their arms intertwined as if they were afraid their world would unhinge if they let go of each
other. It still might if you mess this up Elsa.

I entered the elevator and clenched the handle of my briefcase in my hand. I heard my phone buzz and I took it from a
side pocket. Really, Anna? More messages? We just talked. However I was kind of disappointed when I saw the text
wasn't from Anna, but from the guy at the music store.

"Your guitar is ready, Miss Shields. We replaced the strings and the tuning pegs, but otherwise it was in good condition.
It's ready for pick up." I put my phone away. After Kristoff found the Martin guitar last Wednesday I had quickly decided I
would give it to him. I didn't play and this way the instrument would still have a good life. And I could enjoy someone
playing it. I smiled faintly, thinking back to Kristoff's face when had first held the instrument. I wondered how he'd look
when he realised it was his. I would pick it up after the meeting.

After the meeting. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly. See, there's life after this meeting. You can do this. You'll get
through this thing and then you're going to see Anna, Kristoff and Sven. It's going to b e fine.

I walked through the same walkway I had just a week ago. That day I had been late, running with binders and loose
papers in my arms, trying not to be late to a meeting with my very intimidating boss. Now I was carrying nothing more
than a filled briefcase (which I wish I'd brought to the meeting that previous Friday instead of forgetting it in my cubicle)
and was on my way to a meeting with someone who would hopefully not be my boss much longer.

I stopped in front of a set of heavy oaken doors and once more looked at my reflection in the doors. I ignored the fast
beating of my heart and sent myself a smirk before the doors suddenly swung open. Mr. Holter looked at me with a look
on his face I could only describe as toad-like. He seemed puffed up and he had missed a small spot on his jaw when
shaving that morning. His eyes were angry and his mouth was a drawn line.

"Elsa, you have made a grave mistake."

"Please call me Miss Shields." I noticed Mr. Holter had taken up the head of the table with his belongings. He probably
came in early just so he could do that. I walked past the man in the doorway and put my briefcase on the other head of
the table. My mouth was dry and I walked to the side table to pour myself some water, but the canisters were empty.

"I'm afraid my PA was a bit busy the past hour, so there is no tea or coffee yet." Mr. Holter sat down in his big chair with
his hands folded under his chin. I looked at him with as neutral an expression as I could muster.

"I'll go ask the front desk. I'm sure there is someone available to bring us something." I calmly walked to the door and
headed out to find someone to handle the beverages for the board meeting. As soon as I closed the door behind me I
leaned against it for a moment, gathering myself again.

You can do this. Just relax and do as you've rehearsed. You have prepared well. You can do this. "Mr. Holter is not a man
to roll over quietly, he'll put up a fight." And then you'll fight b ack. "I don't know if I can."

I was interrupted by a tall man in a white suit walking towards me. I straightened myself up and opened my mouth to ask
whether I could help him but he just walked past me, looking at me as he did. He brought his finger to his temple as a
greeting and turned around, now walking backwards. He wore a dark red scarf that complemented his brown wavy hair
and he gave me a sly smirk, making my stomach tingle. He then turned back around and disappeared around a corner.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. The young girl next to me jumped as well, taking a step back. "I'm
sorry Miss Shields, I didn't mean to startle you."

I looked at the black-haired girl. "Jeanie. No I apologise, I'm just tense. What can I do for you?"

The intern looked up to me. I had seen her around the office a few times but had never really talked to her. I noticed she
had grey eyes that matched her suit, but that she wore blue pumps that made everything look a bit off. Maybe she didn't
own any more nice shoes.

Stop, Elsa. You have more important things to think ab out than the attire of an intern. Jeanie rubbed her neck with her
hand. "I heard about today's meeting. Well, the entire office heard about it. I was just wondering if there was anything I
could do. For you, you know." Her eyes shot away for a second. "Or Mr. Holter of course. Anyone on the board."

"Well we could use someone to bring some tea and coffee, actually. Do you know where they keep all that stuff?"

"Yes, I do." The young girl seemed a bit startled and disappointed, but that could just be my imagination.

"Oh and Jeanie? Who was that man?"


"He just walked past us."

"Oh, the man in the white suit?" She shrugged. "No idea." She blinked a few times. "I'll get the tea and coffee then."

A sudden idea struck me. "Jeanie, wait." The girl looked at me expectantly. "I don't really have an assistant or anything." I
thought about the best way to phrase my question. "Would you like to help me out during the meeting? Take a few notes,
make sure all the board members are happy, all that."

"Yes, of course!" the girl beamed at me. "First, coffee. And tea. I'll make sure they'll want for nothing." She walked off and I
waited a few seconds before turning around and walking back into the room.

Half an hour later all the board members had arrived. I didn't recognise any of them, but was prepared for that. I had
practised with Mr. Almstedt. 'They all know Mr. Holter, but they've only seen you as a little girl. Remember them you're your
father's daughter and make sure they know you're a grown woman now.'

I sat in my chair, politely nodding at everyone who came in through the doors. I noticed they all moved over to Mr. Holter to
give him a hand but none of them moved over to me, so I stood up and made it a point to shake everyone's hand before
finally moving back to my chair and sipping my coffee until it was time to start. Okay, that man has just divorced his wife. I
shouldn't ask ab out that. But that guy just got married. Or did he just have a kid? Anyway, he is more likely to b e in a
positive mood. Okay Elsa, you have this under control.

Jeanie moved through the room with sure and quick steps, handing out coffee and tea and actually making small talk. I
saw her giggle with one of the older board members, his hand on her shoulder. I frowned slightly. Did she know him,
or...? I memorised the man's face, just in case.

When I heard a clock in the corridor strike three times I put my coffee down and rose from my chair, my knees trembling. I
leaned my hands on the oiled hardwood table to keep myself upright. "Mr. Holter, I can't help but notice your PA hasn't
arrived yet. Do you have any objections against me starting the meeting?"

"No, Miss Shields. The floor is yours. By all means." The man spread his hands generously with a smile on his face. The
unexpected courtesy took me back for a moment, but then I cleared my throat and smiled. Jeanie moved to sit next to me,
a tablet in her hands to take notes.
I waited until everyone had taken their seats. Jeanie had spread copies of the same file I had in front of me around so
there was one for every seat in the room. "Gentlemen, if I could have your attention." At the moment I spoke I realised they
were all already looking at me. Well, that's redundant. Great start, you twat. "We are here today to talk about a takeover.
The takeover of the law firm Holter and Shields. In just a moment I will introduce you to a discovery I've made that will
show you that my claim on this company is genuine and Mr. Holter has illegitimately and intentionally kept me from
acting on this claim. After this I hope to open a discussion about the leadership of this company and the implications my
discovery has made."

The room was so silent I could hear my stomach churning. Or maybe that was Jeanie, who was sitting next to me with
such a shocked look on her face, it was distracting me and several board members. I shot her a quick look and she
pointed her eyes back to her tablet.

I cleared my throat and quickly sat back down in my chair before my knees could give out. "Now I know most of you only
know me as a young girl sitting on her father's lap during meetings or company dinners. And it is true that for the past five
years I have not had much of a meaningful role within the firm." I locked my eyes with every single one of the board
members, lingering for a second longer with the man who had just had a child (or gotten married?). "But I am my father's
daughter. I am a Shields. And I am the legitimate CEO of this company."

I saw several people frown, some raise their eyebrows in surprise - but none of them scoffed or seemed to dismiss my
words. Good, you have their full and undivided attention. I fixated my eyes on Mr. Holter's, who wasn't nearly as phased
as I hoped he'd be. "If everyone will please turn to page one.

"This page contains an extract taken from my father's will which is on file here at the company. You will find that this
version of the will has been attached in full as well." My mouth was arid and I took a quick sip of my coffee. "Now as the
board knows, my father was the owner of the company and Mr. Holter his associate. The original name of the law firm,
before his death, was Shields and Associates. This information, despite being known to the board, was not disclosed to

Jeanie got up to get me a glass of water when she noticed the coffee wasn't helping my dry throat. The head of the board
spoke up. "This information wasn't withheld from you, Miss Shields. It was publicly accessible for your viewing."

I held up my hand. "Please mister Andrews, there is more to the story. I know all of this is rather unexpected for all of you,
and I apologise for that. All of this was unknown for me as well until this Wednesday morning. Please allow me to
explain myself further." I took the water from Jeanie and took a sip. It was certainly better for my throat and the cold liquid
seemed to clear my mind up a bit as well.

"If you will return to the document in front of you. The extract says: 'As owner of the company, it is hereby stated that in the
event of an untimely demise before the coming of age of a Shields heir, the company will pass on to Mr. Holter'. This
information was passed on to the board after my father's accident." I flipped the page over. "On page two we find the
same paragraph, however this statement has been taken from my father's revised will which was drawn up and
notarised a mere two weeks before his death. This will has been attached in its entirety for your viewing as well, of

There was some mumbling around the table as people flipped their pages. I gave them a few seconds to read the
evidence in front of them before reading it out loud. "'As owner of the company, it is hereby stated that in the event of an
untimely demise before the coming of age of a Shields heir, the company will pass on to Mr. Holter, to hold and tend until
said heir has come of age at which point they will take over Shields and Associates law firm.' I came of age the same
year I finished my Bachelor of Law, at the age of twenty-one. At this point I was told that Mr. Holter owned the company
and I was simply entitled to a job there because my father once founded the company as a partner to Mr. Holter. And I
agree that at that point I was not ready to take over the company. However the recent discovery of my father's actual will
states that I am indeed the rightful owner of this company and should have taken over as soon as I came of age." I took
another sip of water, trying to keep my hand from trembling. "A claim that only became more solid when I earned my
master's degree in August last year, and a claim that has been held from the board by Mr. Holter."

I folded my hands and held them in front of my mouth to hide my quick breathing as I looked at the man across from me.
One by one, the faces in the room turned away from me and faced him. Mr. Andrews sat back in his chair, the fingers of
one of his hands absently stroking his stubble. "Mr. Holter, what do you say to these claims?"

"They are, of course, correct." I blinked a few times. What? Just like that? No, no way. This can't b e. It's too easy.
"However." There we go. Shit. "I was unaware of this change in the will. As Miss Shields said, the will was altered a mere
two weeks before Mr. Shields' demise. The notary employed at this company had no knowledge of the will changing as
Mr. Shields apparently used a different notary to legalise these changes. Therefore we assumed the version of the will
we held was the correct one." The man checked his watch. What's he waiting for? "I am of course just as distraught by
these developments as the rest of the board, Mr. Andrews. However for the past seventeen years I have led this company
to where it is today. We hold three times more employees, handle four times more cases each year and increased our
stock value by a stunning three-hundred-sixty percent. While I am of course interested in what Miss Shields has to say, I
ask that you will make a decision based on all the information in front of you and not just on a seventeen-year-old will."

Mr. Andrews nodded slowly, looking at his fellow board members before focusing back on me. "Miss Shields, is there
anything else you would like to show us?"

Mr. Holter raised his hands. "If I may be so bold to pose a question to Miss Shields." He looked at me. "You say you have
a right, a claim to this company. You are, however, not the only Shields heir." My mouth turned dry again.

"Yes, Mr. Holter. This is indeed true. My mother has signed away any and all claim to the company when she was
admitted and..."

"She was admitted to a mental health facility, no?"

I swallowed heavily and took a drink from my cup, spilling a little bit of water on the table. My head started swimming a bit
and I was afraid I might throw up if I opened my mouth again. You prepared for this. You knew he would b ring this up.
Calm down, Elsa. I closed my eyes and pressed my fingers to my temples. "Jeanie, could you please get me an aspirin?
I'm afraid I haven't slept well for the past nights." Okay, good distraction. Jeanie got up and quickly left the room.

I focused back on the people in front of me. "Yes, my mother was admitted to a mental health facility when I was

"For the privacy of the Shields family I will at this point not delve deeper in to what exactly is wrong with your mother."

"I ask you to rephrase, Mr. Holter." I felt myself turning slightly red. Whether it was from anger or embarrassment I wasn't
sure. "If you wouldn't mind." Several people shifted in their seats.

"Excuse me?"

"There is nothing wrong with my mother. She is not wrong. She is simply getting help that I cannot provide for her back

"I apologise, I meant no offense." Of course you didn't, you... I breathed in deeply and let my breath go out my nose. I had
known this wasn't going to be easy. I just had to make sure I stayed calm. I felt a pressure behind my eyes and a
tightness in my throat and chest that I had started to associate with anxiety and I forced myself to calm down, to be here
and now. You need to get this right.

"That's quite alright, Mr. Holter. I'm sure you didn't."

"So what about your brother?"

I blinked but Mr. Andrews beat me to it. "Mr. Holter, please. There is no need for this."

"Mr. Andrews, I apologise if I am making you uncomfortable, but I am going somewhere with this." The man's phone lit
up and he glanced at it as a smile spread across his face. "And it looks like it has just arrived." He tapped a quick
response on his phone and folded his hands before him on the table.

I looked at him, confused. "Mr. Holter, what are you talking about?"

The doors to the large office opened and Jeanie came back in, throwing angry looks at Mr. Holter's PA who almost
pushed himself past her with two files in his hands. He moved to Mr. Holter, a shine of sweat on his round face and
breathing heavily like he had just ran a marathon. "The... files."

Mr. Holter calmly took the documents from him and opened the first one. His eyes flicked over the page as I tried to make
out what was on the cover. It was written quite small, but I managed to make out one word by squinting my eyes into
small lines. "Corona?" I whispered. Then my eyes widened and I had to put my hands flat on the table to make sure I
wouldn't keel over. Jeanie noticed and quickly put down the aspirin in front of me, managing to mask my movement
seamlessly by shielding me with her body.

"Miss Shields?" She whispered as she pushed the cup of water closer to my hands. I nodded a thanks and motioned for
her to sit down on her own seat.

Mr. Holter waved the file at me. "This is from the Corona Correctional Facility, Miss Shields. Would you care to tell the
board, or shall I?"

I clenched my teeth together. Take a second to gather yourself, Elsa. No-one will mind if you take an extra ten seconds. I
put the aspirin in my mouth and swallowed it with some water. Then I closed my eyes, folded my hands in front of my
mouth and then lowered them onto the table, my back straight. The board members couldn't see my trembling knees
and I didn't want them to.

"Those are juvenile records, Mr. Holter. They are meant to be sealed."

I could almost see the twinkle of happiness in my boss's eyes as he glanced down at the file again before looking back
at me. My hope was that the other board members could see through his act as easily as I could.

"I apologise, Miss Shields, of course. But if you are to take over a company as big and renowned as this one I just want
to make sure there are no... reservations about your person."

I realised I wasn't getting anywhere with Mr. Holter so I directed my attention back to the board members. "That file
contains the juvenile record of my brother. It contains details to a crime he committed when he was seventeen years of
age, sixteen years ago. I fail to see how it connects to me as a person and especially my capability to run this company."

"It connects to you, Miss Shields. Your mother has been admitted and your brother has been in prison for a whole six
years on a juvenile charge." He opened the other file. "And it looks like he hasn't exactly been a little angel ever since
then." He looked up. "I see he's almost finished serving his most recent jail time. You must be very pleased." He licked
his lips. "Doesn't that mean he also holds a claim to the company?"

Excuse me? My b rother? "I do not think my brother is suitable to run this company, Mr. Holter."

"But your father's will states that any Shields heir is entitled to take over the company. Technically your brother came of
age before you and thus holds a stronger claim than you do."

"My brother was in juvenile detention when he came of age, after which he has been transferred to a different facility to
serve the rest of his sentence and has been in and out of jail since then. Yes, I paid for him to work on getting a college
degree while he was in there, but that hardly allows him a claim on the company."

"What degree does your brother have?"

"I... I don't know." Shit, I should've avoided that question. Just say it's not important, don't admit you don't know.

"So you're saying the fact that your brother has been in prison removes his claim of the company?"

"Perhaps not legally, but I would gather that it makes him unsuitable."

"It doesn't say anything about a criminal record removing a claim on the company in your father's will, however." Holter
pointed at my hand out in front of him. "I know, I checked. So you are saying that circumstances undid your brother's
claim on the company, even though your father's will doesn't say so. But in your case it makes no difference?"

"I do not have a criminal record, Mr. Holter."

"Let's not stub our toes on technicalities here, Miss Shields. In essence it is the same."

"You are comparing something tangible like a criminal record to pure speculation into my fitness to run this company."

What is happening? He is steamrolling you, Elsa. You need to relax and think. Just think. I went over Holter's words in my
head again and again. What he was saying was ridiculous, but... in essence he was right. I swallowed heavily.
Sometimes I really, really hated lawyers. Okay, let it slide off onto logic then. The b oard knows that what he is saying is
ridiculous as well. Show your trust in the b oard. Yes, two b irds with one stone.

I raised my hands to prevent Holter from countering me once more. "Let's say you have a point, Mr. Holter. I ask you what
exactly lessens my claim on this company in the same way it does my brother. After that I think it is up to the board to
decide whether it is of the same calibre or not."

"You do not have a criminal record, this is certainly true. But if your immediate family is this... well, damaged, it could
reflect on your own mental stability."

It fell silent. I took another measured drink of water and glanced at Mr. Andrews, who was visibly uncomfortable but...
waiting. They're waiting for your response. "Mr. Holter." I set my cup back on the table. "When my father died, my entire
family crumbled." My voice broke slightly and I cleared my throat. Shit, shit, shit. Keep it together. If you b reak out in a
panic attack now they'll never keep you around. They'll think you b elong in a mental health facility yourself.

"My mother started acting differently quickly after my father's death. You know this, seeing how we thought you were a
friend of my father and thus stayed quite close to the family." Several people shot a glance at Mr. Holter, aware of the not-
so-hidden meaning behind my words. "My brother started acting out, he had been very close to my father and felt the loss
immensely. He met some wrong people and in the end did something stupid which led to the files in front of you."

Jeanie got up to get me a new glass of water. I fell quiet until she set it down in front of me, giving myself another
moment. Holter just looked at me, seemingly quite content. Ignore him, Elsa. He's trying to get under your skin.

I couldn't lie to the board, that had never been my intention. And I had partly expected this to happen. That didn't mean I
liked talking about it. I knew he was going to bring up my mother, but all this about my brother had taken me by surprise.

I let my mind drift back to Monday night for a second. I had looked up the song Kristoff had played and had listened to it a
few times over the past days. The lyrics were meaningful to me, especially for one line. After I drank half my cup of water I
gave each and every one of the board members a measured look. "For years whilst growing up I tried carrying the weight
of the world. But I only have two hands. My brother was locked up quickly after father's death but I was left with my mother.
Luckily there was our housekeeper, who made sure I had all the help I needed and who made sure I was taught
everything in order to follow in my father's footsteps someday. I studied hard and quickly left for university while my
brother visited in between travelling." And god knows what else. "I finished my Bachelor of Law by the time I was twenty-

I looked at Mr. Holter. "When I came of age I inherited my father's fortunes and properties according to the will this
company had on file, together with the responsibilities that came with it. As you can read in both versions of the will there
was a clause that prevented my brother from inheriting any money or possessions after he had been locked up. Sadly
that did not include the company, as Mr. Holter has pointed out." I unfolded and refolded my hands, trying not to wring
them. "I sold the estate and most of my father's possessions were stored away. After all of that I didn't want to delve into
his belongings immediately and I admit that after that I kept postponing looking into that part of my past.

"I thought this company was a safe place, so when Mr. Holter said he had a position for me I didn't think about declining.
Ever since then I have been paying for my mother's care and I have been supporting my brother to the best of my ability."

I locked eyes with Mr. Andrews. "I am able to run this company. Mr. Andrews, members of the board. I have been carrying
responsibilities since I was nine years old, bringing my own mother to her bed at night more often than not since I was
twelve. I have worked here for five years and have an impeccable record. Not only that, but I hold my master's degree. I
am sure that with the proper guidance and transition I can make this company into what my father wanted it to be."

I leaned back and folded my trembling hands in my lap. I managed to keep my face stern, looking back and forth
between everyone at the table until my head hurt and my eyes stung. Oh right, b linking. I should b link. I closed my eyes
for a second and drank some more water. How long has it b een quiet? An hour? Ten seconds?

"Miss Shields. That was very touching." Holter spoke and my eyes flew open. "However. I have been running this
company successfully for seventeen years. You have merely worked here for five. Yes, your father founded the company.
But he did it together with me. You are his daughter, yes, but you do not have my experience. Put that together with the
implications brought forth by your mother and brothers' current situation..." He looked sincerely worried but I knew he
was enjoying himself. How could I have ever trusted this man? "I just can't see how turning the company over to you is a
good idea."

Mr. Andrews raised his hands and Holter quieted. "Mr. Holter, Miss Shields. You have both had your say. And you have
both provided us with documentation supporting your respective cases."

"Yes, I have included documentation on succession rights, information on the notary that legalised the newest version of
my father's will, contracts from when the company was founded and more recent ones, documents stating how Mr.
Holter changed the name of the company without having the right to do so..."

"I'm sure everything is in order, Miss Shields. I promise that we will cover everything during our review of this matter."
Holter closed both files concerning my brother and slid them towards Mr. Andrews. However the man looked at me.
"Miss Shields, these are your brother's juvenile records. Looking at the situation, I will assume you speak for the entire
Shields family."

"I do."

"Do you agree with this file being opened up?"

"No. It is his juvenile record and has been sealed for this reason. I am not even sure how Mr. Holter got his hands on it in
the first place."

Holter raised his hands with an innocent look on his face. "Completely legally, I promise." How can you legally get your
hands on a closed file, that's ridiculous.

Mr. Andrews raised his eyebrows at the man. He doesn't b elieve him either. Good. "I would hope so." He then took the
file and slid it across the table to me. "I believe this belongs to you. However your brother's current criminal record has
not been sealed so I will hold on to that." Great, just great. "Now," he said as he looked at Holter and me, "I believe it is
best if the board retreats and discusses this matter thoroughly. It does not concern a small matter." The other board
members nodded. "We will inform you of our decision, Miss Shields, Mr. Holter."

"Mr. Andrews?" The man looked at me. "I am currently working on a case, a hostile takeover of another company by this
one. It concerns the Almstedt firm."

"I am aware of this case, yes. I believe it was supposed to be the actual reason for this board meeting."

"Yes, I apologise for... hijacking this meeting, but I'm sure you agree that this couldn't wait. As a result, I request that the
Almstedt case is put on hold until a decision regarding this matter had been reached. I am heavily involved in this case
and would hate to see it influenced by this matter."

"Very well, Miss Shields. Consider the case frozen for now. If that is all?"

As he stood the rest of the board members rose with him. I remained seated and politely nodded at everyone in the
room, taking note of Jeanie staying behind under the pretence of cleaning up but shooting me worried glances. Holter
lingered behind as well. "That was a good speech, Elsa."

"I told you my name is Miss Shields. And please, you've assaulted me enough for today. I've had quite enough."

"That wasn't assault, Miss Shields. Not by far."

I looked up, shocked. "Is that a threat?" Jeanie had frozen in place with several cups in her hands, eyes fixed on the table
in front of her.

"You're a lawyer, Miss Shields. Figure it out." With that, him and his PA left the room. Jeanie unfroze and walked over to

"Are you okay?"

I buried my face in my hands, breathing heavily. "Jeanie, please confirm something for me. What's the legal definition of

"An intentional act b y one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact,"
she recited like the textbook was right in front of her. I uncovered my face and looked up at her.

"So no. I'm not okay."

*Chapter 10*: Chapter 10: The tanktop
/Thanks for sticking with me through all of that! And for those of you that were a bit sad about "No Anna", she's back
this chapter - with a vengeance!
/I'm still on Tumblr, brooke-shutsano is the name :)

Chapter 10
The tanktop

I hesitantly knocked on Anna's door. I heard a soft bang and then a muffled voice. "Munchy, is that you?" I nodded, then
realised Anna couldn't see me.

"Yes Anna, it's me."

"You weren't supposed to be here for another hour!"

I waited for a few seconds but I didn't hear any sound coming from inside. "I'm sorry Anna. Now please open the door?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I looked up and down the hallway. I knew that Mr. Holter wasn't suddenly going to jump out of
nowhere and attack me with a broom handle, but ever since the meeting I'd been nervous. Jeanie had insisted on
coming with me to keep me safe, but I'd told her to go home as I called the Almstedts to let them know their meeting with
Holter was cancelled. But she heard the man threaten you. She might b e in danger as well. I felt my throat tighten and I
lunged for my bag to get my phone, but dropped it instead.

Suddenly the door opened. "Surprise!" Anna yelled. She then looked down at me as I tried shoving my belongings back
into my briefcase with one hand while trying to dial Jeanie's number with my other one. "Uhm. You ok?"

I looked up and was taken aback. Anna was wearing an apron over dark green coloured jeans and a black tank top. The
apron was smeared with almost all imaginable colours, mostly red. It also covered her bare forearms and there were
some smudges on her face. I immediately realised I smelled food. Burning food. "Anna, something's burning."

"What? Oh shit!" She ran back inside, leaving the door open for me. I heard my phone make a faint noise and I quickly
pressed it to my ear whilst standing in the doorway, pulling the guitar case I brought with me into the apartment.

"Jeanie? Oh, good I reached you. Good thing we exchanged numbers too." I threw a glance at Anna, who was mostly
busy taking a pan which was emitting black smoke off of the stove.

"Miss Shields? What is it? Is everything OK?"

I smiled. "Yes, I am OK. I just wanted to warn you. If it was indeed a legitimate threat Holter made... he knows you heard it
too. He might be coming after you as well."

"I'm sure Mr. Holter won't be doing anything rash immediately, not so close after the meeting. Yes, it was scary, but on my
way home I realised it would be stupid to suddenly come after you now. And me as well."

I leaned against the doorsill. "Just be careful, okay?"

"Of course, Miss Shields."

"Please, call me Elsa."

"Thank you, Miss... Elsa. I enjoyed playing PA today."

I grinned. "I enjoyed having you. However with your education you're meant for greater things than being my PA."

"I wouldn't mind. Anyway, I have to go now - talk to you later, Elsa! And be careful yourself."

"I will." I looked up and saw that Anna was now flat out staring at me, the pan forgotten in her hands. I was a bit confused.
"Talk to you later, Jeanie."

"I didn't mean that literally, you know." Anna looked at me with a slightly hurt expression on her face.

"That you should get a sexy PA."

My eyes widened. "Oh god no, Anna. That wasn't it." I pressed my hand with the phone in it against my forehead. "She's
an intern at the company. She played my PA today because I didn't have one." I swallowed, the meeting coming back to
me. Then I looked at Anna again and fully realised what she was doing. Or, trying to do. "You're cooking."

Anna looked down at the pan and quickly put it back on the stove. "I wanted to surprise you. To celebrate, you know." Her
voice was slightly small and I immediately felt bad. Better yet, I felt terrible.

"Oh Anna, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." I set the guitar against the wall, walked forward and dropped my briefcase on
the dinner table. I was still wearing my suit and had just prepared for the cold outside by wrapping a light blue scarf
around my neck and face. "The meeting was just very difficult and I..." Stop talking ab out yourself. Now. Like, right now. "I
really appreciate that you tried to cook."

"Tried to cook?" Anna put her hands in her sides but they were still covered by oven mitts so the effect was kind of ruined.
Her face still looked pained enough to not make me smile though.

"That you cooked. I meant that I appreciate that you cooked." This time I didn't resist the urge to hit myself in the face, I
slapped the palm of my hand to my forehead. Anna tilted her head.

"Well I just... I wanted to surprise you. But then you were here early, and well..."

Suddenly I saw flames erupt behind the redhead. " Anna, you didn't turn the stove off!" I rushed forward and pushed her
out of the way. She stumbled to the side as I tried to put the fire out by slamming the lid on the pan, but hit the rim of the
pan in the process and felt a sharp pain run up my hand. Anna reached in front of my stomach and turned the stove off,
then grabbed the pan and threw it in the sink, turning the water on. "Anna careful! Step back!" I grabbed Anna's shirt and
pulled her back, expecting a loud snapping sound at any second. When it didn't come however, I blew out the breath I
was holding in and looked at Anna.

"What was that?" Anna looked at me incredulously.

"I just... I never trust it when something really hot suddenly gets really cold and vice versa. You know. It might explode." I
was still breathing a little fast, the water in the sink running.

"So... first you push me out of the way of a fire, and then you pull me away from an impending explosion."

"That's... not quite... It wasn't..." I saw a smirk glide up Anna's face and I threw my hands up, defeated. "Okay fine, I totally
just saved your life. Is that what you were going to say?" I was reminded of the burn on my hand when it stung hotly,
making my wrist tingle. Anna saw me cringe and grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the sink.

"You need to cool that. Hold it under the water while I get a burn patch," she said before she dashed off out the door,
giving the guitar case a curious glance. Probably going down to the other apartment. I hoped she wouldn't ruin the
surprise. I adjusted the water so it wasn't flowing quite so hard and then put my hand under, sighing from relief. It wasn't
that big a burn and I'd be completely fine, but I was OK with Anna taking care of me for a bit.

That's all she's b een doing lately. "She made it clear she doesn't mind." That doesn't mean you can keep taking
advantage of her like that. "Enough of that. Everyone is talking about taking advantage of everyone."

I heard footsteps in the hallway and noticed Anna had left the door open. A slight fear crept up my neck but it soon
disappeared when Sven stuck his head into the doorway. "Anna said you burned yourself saving her life," he said
curiously. "Which probably just means you saved her from a candle tipping over or something, but I thought I'd check

"I thought she was getting a burn patch or something?"

Sven held up a white square package. "Got it right here," he smiled. "I don't really like other people using my stuff." I
smirked slightly. That'd be interesting when he became a doctor. He sat down at the table, putting the patch, a clean
towel and some other stuff down on it. "Come over here, I'll check you out."

"Aren't I supposed to cool with water for ten minutes or something?" Sven raised his eyebrows and I quickly turned the
tap off. "Sorry, I'm coming." I walked over to the table and sat down next to Sven, who put my hand on the table palm up.
The burn ran down the side of my hand and a bit up my little finger.

"How'd you manage this?"

I made a dramatic gesture with my free hand. "I saved Anna's life, didn't she tell you?" I put my elbow on the table and put
my chin in my hand. "I burned it slamming the lid on a burning pan she left on the stove."

"I thought I smelled something burning," he said seriously.

"Besides my flesh?"

"Stop being so dramatic, it's nothing." He dried my hand with the towel and cleaned the skin surrounding the burn with
an antiseptic. The skin was quite red and sensitive and there was already a slight blister forming. Okay, maybe it was
slightly worse than I had initially thought. He then took a very moist green piece of gauze from the square packet and
carefully placed it on the burn. It smelt strongly of mint.

"What's that?"

"Just a burn patch," Sven said slowly, focusing on his work. He carefully rubbed the green gauze onto the wound, making
sure it stuck to all the burned skin. He then put a piece of white, clean and dry gauze on top of it and taped it in place.
"There. Just leave that on for the rest of the day and night and you'll be fine."

"What am I supposed to do, sleep with a glove on?"

Sven threw me a glance. "The past week changed you. You're not usually this sarcastic. Or mean." He saw my face fall.
"Don't get me wrong, I approve of you being a bit more forward. I'm just a bit surprised is all."

He got up and gathered some wrappings, throwing them in the bin. I kept seated at the table. Was it OK to ask these
people for help? I can't exactly go to the police, Holter hasn't straight up assaulted me... It was just a threat. An empty
threat. Right? "Elsa? I'm serious, are you OK? What happened today?"

And what if the threat wasn't empty? What if he might try to hurt you? Then anyone who knows ab out it might b e in
danger. But if you don't tell them and Holter finds out they're your friends they might still b e in danger... Mayb e even more
b ecause they don't know they might b e in danger. Nice, Elsa, like you needed more complications in your life right now. I
sighed. "I need to talk to you. All three of you. Do you mind grabbing that guitar and going downstairs?"

Sven waited for me at the door as I grabbed my briefcase. "Sure, this place smells anyway."

When we entered the apartment Sven motioned he'd put the guitar in his own room for now. I nodded at him. I wanted
the gift to be a surprise, a happy thing - and I didn't want Kristoff to be distracted whilst I told them this. Anna bounced
over to me and carefully grabbed my hand. "Damn, you okay?" I carefully took my hand back, giving her a smile.

"I'm fine. Could you sit down or something? I need to talk to you."

"Of course! Do you want to go back upstairs?"

Wait, what? Oh. "Oh no it's not... about us. I need to talk all three of you." Does she look disappointed? Nah.

Kristoff was in his room and Sven quickly dragged him out. "What the fuck Sven, let go of my hair!"

"I told you to come quickly, Toffy. You didn't."

"Don't call me that! And I was in a raid, you just made it look like I ragequit the game." Sven hit him on the side of the
head with the flat of his hand.

"Elsa needs to talk to us, you moron. It's serious." I witnessed the exchange between the two friends as Anna moved to
sit on the couch. The two boys sat down, both on a different side of her, squeezing her in the middle. Anna pushed
against Kristoff's elbow.

"Move a bit, you lug! You two take up all space on the couch!"

Kristoff made a sultry face. "Well I can't help it, these guns need space."

I breathed in deeply and carefully sat down on the coffee table in front of the trio. I didn't really want to worry these people,
but I needed to get this off my chest. "Guys." Kristoff poked Anna in the side and she yelped, giving him a hit on his chest
with her fist. He flinched.

"No fair, Anna! We agreed, no martial arts in this apartment."

"Guys!" They fell silent and looked at me. "There is something I need to tell you."

Anna leaned forward with a worried look on her face. "Didn't the meeting go well? You didn't get the company?" I couldn't
help myself, I let out a cynical laugh.

"The board hasn't decided yet, these things tend to take some time. A few days, a week probably." I sighed. "The meeting
was a train wreck." Well that's not completely true, the b oard seemed to oppose Holter quite a b it. "Well, not really a train
wreck. But I got blindsided by my boss..." I shook my head to get the image of Holter's face out of my head. "I have no
idea what's wrong with him, but I am getting the feeling there's a lot more at stake here than just the company."

"Like what?" Kristoff asked. He had settled back in his spot, his arm on the back of the couch behind Anna. They were all
looking at me.

"I don't know. I honestly don't know," I said as I ran my hands over my hair, wincing a bit when my burn started stinging.
Anna leaned forward some more but I quickly shook my head at her. "I'm fine. It's just that..." I sighed. I think I already
knew how they were going to react. Sven would be shocked, Anna would hurry to my side and grab my hands, Kristoff
would jump up and run to the door to punch the first person in sight...

"At the end of the meeting my boss, he... he threatened me." I held my breath, expecting a big reaction, but instead no-
one moved.

"To fire you, you mean? I thought he couldn't do that?"

Ah. "It was quite a bit more intense than that, Anna. He threatened to physically harm me. He used the word assault."

Anna sprung up from the couch as Kristoff and Sven kept looking at me incredulously. "Where's that bastard?! I'll punch
him in the face, I'll kick his nuts up into his throat..." Kristoff reached up and pulled Anna back onto the couch with a sharp

"Sit down, miss magma. Let's hear Elsa out." He hadn't taken his eyes off me. "What exactly did he say?"

I painted the picture for them as well as I could remember. Anna just sprung up again and started pacing around the
apartment, flinging more nasty words around. Well, I needed to expand my vocab ulary anyway. Kristoff rubbed his face
and Sven stared at some point behind me, frowning and biting his lip.

"Why can't you go to the cops with this?" Sven asked eventually. Anna settled down and moved over to us.

"I don't have any proof. If I accuse my boss of anything at this point, the board will just think I am trying to discredit him or
something. I will not only have to say goodbye to my claim on the company, but probably my job as well." Anna sat down
next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

"So that's what you meant when you told that woman on the phone to be careful. I'm sorry for being rude to you."

I pressed my cheek to her hair for a moment. "That's okay, I don't blame you. Plus, you weren't exactly rude."

Sven wasn't done yet. "Okay, so why don't you quit?"

"It's my inheritance, Sven. I can't just quit. Plus, I need to take care of my mom and brother." Okay screw it, you might as
well tell them. "My mom needs around the clock care so I'm paying for her to be in quite a high-end facility. My brother has
been in and out of prison for the past ten years after being locked up for six years when he was younger..." I shook my
head whilst Anna put her hand on my lower arm for a moment.

"It's not really a great time for you to be unemployed then."

"Not really. My brother is being released in a month, which means he'll probably show up at my doorstep a month and a
day from now."

Kristoff sighed and put his hands on his knees, leaning forward. "Okay, so how are we going to do this?" I looked at him
curiously. "I mean are you going to move in with us, or are we moving in with you?" He frowned. "Wait, where do you even

"You... you'd do that?"

Kristoff laughed shortly. "Of course."

Anna poked my leg. "Like I said, we all have stories, but we stick together. And you're now a part of our little group here."
I looked at Anna, brushing her hair with my cheek. "This isn't really a story. Plus, it might just be an empty threat."

"Or it might be an actual threat." Anna chuckled. "I'll be your food taster from now on, okay?"

"That's better than being her cook," Sven said as he waved his hand in front of his face like he smelled something
terrible. Anna kicked him in the shin and he doubled over, pressing both hands to his leg. "Damnit Anna, that was still
sore from Monday!"

Anna looked at the clock. "Wait, let me make a call." I looked at her. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad. And grab your coat,
we're going out."

I checked the time as well. Five thirty. My stomach suddenly made a noise and I realised I was starving. Maybe going out
wasn't such a bad idea. I looked at the boys. "Do you guys want to come?" Sven opened his mouth, already nodding, but
Kristoff put his hand over the other boy's mouth.

"We're good. We'll order pizza." Sven pulled at the blonde's arm but Kristoff just squeezed his cheeks. "Plus, I have a
game to finish." He softly flung Sven's head aside, who rubbed his cheeks and got up. I folded my hands in my lap,
laughing lightly as Sven stomped off to his room, mumbling something about 'domestic violence' as he pretended (or
not) to have a slight limp. Kristoff followed him. "That's nothing to joke about!" he shouted as he disappeared into his
own room.

"Okay, that's great! We'll meet you there! Yeah, we'll leave now. Yep, immediately. Thanks again!" Anna hung up her
phone and grabbed my arm. "You're here by car, right?" she asked as she put on a sweatshirt. It was huge and must be
Kristoff's. I nodded.

"Why, Anna? What's..."

"No time to talk! Have to go!" She dragged me towards the door, grabbing her coat on the way.

"Who did you call?"

"No time to talk! Have to go!" I had half a heart to stop and yank my arm loose, telling the girl I wasn't in the mood for this
right now - but then I looked at the side of Anna's face, her bouncy red hair and her freckles that trailed across the bridge
of her nose... and her green eyes, that were filled with fire.

"Will you at least let me walk down the stairs on my own before we both break our necks?"

"Here we are!" Anna pointed at a warehouse that was hugging the road. "You can park over there, almost no-one comes

"I wonder why," I muttered. I parked close to the entrance and got out of the car. I hadn't enjoyed the last ten minutes of
the ride, as I hadn't been able to shake the feeling we kept driving further and further away from civilization. "Are you going
to tell me what we're doing here?"

Anna waited for me to lock the car. I walked up alongside her and jokingly scratched at some dried tomato sauce on her
arm. "You were trying to make pasta, weren't you? I thought that was something you said you could do?"

"Well, I wasn't going to put my usual terrible cooking in front of you. I looked up a recipe on the internet."

"Anna, I've only given you one rudimentary cooking lesson!" Anna didn't look at me but she took my arm, looking over her
shoulder. I followed her gaze and noticed two people walking on the street behind us. "Not everyone is out to kill me,

"You can't be too careful." We reached the door and Anna opened it, gesturing me inside.

"I think telling you to be less careful might get you killed in other aspects of life, so I'll accept it for now," I laughed. I
looked around as we stepped inside but I didn't see much, my eyes adjusting to the darkness after the bright light we
had stepped out of. "Anna, where are we?"

A voice I didn't recognise suddenly spoke up from in front of me. "This had better be good, Anna." My eyes were adjusting
and I saw a short woman standing in front of me. Her slight accent gave her away as being from quite far East. Anna just
walked past me and bowed slightly. She b owed.

"How do you see anything in here, Mulan? Turn on the bloody lights!"
"That's sabum to you, Anna. And I can't keep the lights on all the time, the electricity bill would end me."

"Don't be uptight, Mulan. It's not class time."

"Martial arts is a way of life, not something you do once a week."

My eyes had adjusted well enough for me to make out the woman who was looking angrily at Anna, her arms folded in
front of her chest. She had short hair, almost boyish. If she hadn't spoken and I hadn't seen her chest I might've even
confused her for one. Like Anna she was wearing a tank top, but unlike Anna she wasn't wearing anything against the
cold here in the warehouse. Her light grey sweatpants looked a tad too big for her, but if she did martial arts she
probably needed the extra room it gave her.

"Fine, sabum. This is my... friend, Elsa." I heard Anna's hesitation. Had she intended to call me her girlfriend? Nah, no

I stepped forward and held out my hand, smiling my best professional smile. "Hello, Mulan. Sabum. I'm sorry, what do I
call you?"

The woman grabbed my hand and I had to do my best not to flinch at how hard she squeezed it. She let go and actually
gave me half a smile. "You can call me Mulan for now. If I am going to teach you martial arts you'll have to start calling me
sabum though."

"Teach me... martial arts?" I looked over at Anna. "That's why you brought me out here?"

Anna looked confused. "Of course! Someone threatened to assault you, you should learn how to defend yourself." I was
amazed at the younger girl's logic. She hadn't even thought to ask me. It just made sense to her. If you're under threat,
you learn how to defend yourself. Well it's not that farfetched, really.

I looked back at Mulan. "I'm sorry Anna kept you here for this. I didn't mean to impose on your personal time."

Anna laughed as she walked further into the huge space. "Mulan doesn't have personal time. She lives here."

"That doesn't mean I don't have personal time, sun bae nim." I saw Anna flinch and turn back before giving a respectful
bow to this woman who had just called her... something.

"I apologise, sabum. That was disrespectful." She then turned around and ran off into the dark. I wanted to call after her
but Mulan put her hand on my arm.

"She's probably just off to punch one of our bags." She smiled affectionately, then looked at me. "Anna clearly cares
about you." She started walking and I walked alongside her.

"She has an interesting way of showing it, but I believe she might."

"She can be a bit crude, yes. But she means well."

I looked to the side for a moment, studying Mulan. "How long have you known her?" I heard a muffled thud from the
distance. Must be Anna punching something.

"She has been training with me for five years now. Ever since she... moved away from home." I frowned. I had never
heard Anna talking about her home. She had just said her parents weren't proud of her. I wondered why, the girl was
obviously doing well for herself, studying medicine and being into sports.

I looked at Mulan, frowning. "Sorry?"

"I asked what exactly has Anna so worried about you. She sounded very agitated on the phone and she's now wearing
herself out on one of the bags."

"It's a bit of a long story, but let's say I have received a threat against my person that may or may not be empty."

Mulan frowned slightly, letting my words sink in. "Well despite Anna's hopes I can't just teach you how to fight of an
attacker in just a few hours. But I can certainly teach you a few beginner things."

"I don't know. Martial arts isn't really my thing." I could now see an area in the middle of the room, cornered with four
chairs but without ropes. There were thin mats on the floor however. Around the area were more mats positioned with
some room in between them.
"Martial arts is everyone's thing." I must've looked sceptical, because Mulan stopped walking and faced me completely.
"Knowing martial arts isn't just punching and kicking people who annoy you. It's carrying yourself with an air of..." She
frowned. "It makes people think twice about messing with you by just looking at you."

"Like you, you mean?" I smiled. "Your English is very good by the way."

"I have been in this country for almost sixteen years now, I'd hope so." I was worried I might've insulted the woman for a
moment, but she smiled reassuringly. "But thank you." She started walking again, heading towards the sounds coming
from further in the large space. We had been walking for a bit already, the warehouse must consist of just one room -
which, judging from the exterior I'd seen, meant it was almost the size of a soccer field.

"But yes, perhaps you could say it's like me. However I have been practising martial arts almost my entire life, starting
when I was three in my father's dojang and then continuing when I enlisted at the age of fifteen."

"Fifteen? You're kidding."

"I'm afraid not. In my home country it's considered an honour to serve. My parents were so happy when I was accepted
into the army... On my first deployment I fled the country. I haven't been back since."

"I'm sorry." I meant it. I couldn't say my family was easy to deal with, but at least I still had them. "I didn't mean to pry."

The woman looked at me with raised eyebrows. "You didn't, I told that because I wanted to. I don't mind talking about it.
Your past is something to be proud of or to learn from. If you hide it it can only hurt you. I'm proud of most of my past and I
am still learning from the rest."

I wasn't sure how to say it, but this woman felt... wise. She couldn't be that old, perhaps thirty-five to forty, but she had
already been through a lot.

We passed some scattered square cushions on the ground. I threw them a glance. Maybe they used them for target
practice? There were handles on them, so...

"So this person who threatened you, is he powerful?" I blinked for a moment, still stuck in my theories about the strange

"I uh. Yeah, I guess he is. He is the big boss at my law firm."

"Well, that complicates things. Have you thought about resigning?" I smiled at the woman's logic. Straightforward, it was
a virtue I guess. The corner of the room appeared out of the half dark. It contained a rather large collection of punching
bags in all shapes and sizes, most of them patched up with one or more layers of duct tape.

"The thought crossed my mind. But if I resign I'm basically signing over everything my father worked for most of his life. I
don't want this... this bastard to take my inheritance and run with it."

We reached Anna, who was sweating profusely. Her hair stuck to her scalp and she had lost her coat and sweatshirt,
punching away at the bag wearing just her tank top and jeans. I stared at her for a moment, quite lost in the way she
moved. She was so... focused. And hot. Her eyes were fixated on her target, her shoulders tensed and her arms flying,
launching her fists into the leather punching bag or retracting them to her face.

Mulan shouted something and Anna stopped. She stood there, breathing heavily and looking at Mulan. I couldn't help my
eyes shooting to her muscled forearms and shoulders, defined by the workout and the sheen of sweat covering her skin.
"Anna, I told you this last time. Keep your front elbow in front of your body. You let it swing outwards, leaving your ribs
open." She said something else I didn't understand and Anna turned back to the punching bag after giving me a slight

Mulan beckoned me over and for a moment I was worried she'd make me punch a punching bag as well, but instead
she just led me to an empty spot in between the collection of bags. "I'll just show you something basic, okay? If you want
to learn more don't hesitate to ask." I nodded hesitantly. Was I going to learn how to punch things? I really didn't want to
punch things. I looked over at Anna. But what if they go after her? I gritted my teeth. Mulan noticed and she cleared her
throat. "Okay, grab my wrist."

"What?" I frowned at her.

"Grab my wrist. Just with your hand." She held out her arm and I grabbed it with my uninjured hand. But then I didn't. It
went so fast, I wasn't sure what just happened. "Again," Mulan said. This time I felt her pull her wrist loose from my
grasp. "Okay, now it's your turn." She showed me the weak points of a person's grip and after a few tries I managed to
pull myself away from Mulan. I was sure she wasn't using her full strength, but that was OK.

"Anna! I did it!" I said excitedly as I triumphantly held up my reddish wrist. The redhead moved over, still breathing heavily
from her workout. There was sweat dripping down her face and torso and I couldn't help but follow it down to the edge of
her tank top.

"See? I knew you'd like it!" I snapped my gaze back up to her face, but I had the inkling she had noticed my distraction.

I cleared my throat. "This kind of stuff is kind of interesting, yeah. I don't know if I really want to punch and kick people

"Say kind of one more time, I swear to god..." Anna softly punched me in the shoulder. "Sabum, do you mind if I use your

"Sure, Anna. Go ahead." The two women bowed at each other and Anna took off.

"Why do you do that? The bowing?"

"It's a sign of respect and trust. You can use it for all kinds of things. When I give a class we do it at the beginning and the
end of each class, when we start an exercise, when we end an exercise, when you thank someone, when you apologise
to someone..." Mulan shrugged. "We use it all the time. You show that person you respect them and won't intentionally
hurt that person and you also relay that you trust that person not to harm you." She frowned. "I've grown so used to it, it's
become my version of a handshake really."

"Isn't it like that in a lot of Eastern countries?"

"That's true." She smiled. "I can see Anna cares for you. And she's quite worried." I tried to interject but she held up her
hand, silencing me easily. It was true what she had said earlier, she had the air of someone you didn't want to mess
with. "From what you and Anna have told me I don't think someone might suddenly attack you, but if things get worse,
please give me a call. I don't want Anna getting hurt." She took a business card from the pocket of her sweat pants,
slightly frumpled. I grabbed one from my own pocket as if it was instinct and we exchanged them.

"I'll call you. And the cops."

"By the time it gets that serious I expect to already be by your side." She smiled. "My hourly rates as a bodyguard are quite
agreeable. Plus, I really need to pay that electricity bill."

Anna sat next to me in the car wearing a pair of light grey sweatpants and a black tank top that seemed slightly too small
for her. I looked at her. "Did you just steal a pair or your teacher's clothes?"

"Don't worry, she can have mine." She frowned. "Those jeans were expensive though."

"I'll buy you some new ones," I laughed. She pulled her knees up to her chest and sagged down in her seat, her shins
up against the dashboard. "I'd really appreciate it if you'd put on your seatbelt."

"So, are you going to take lessons?"

I sighed. Sub tle distraction, Anna. "I don't know. I like her, she's nice - and probably not a bad idea to have around when
things go wrong."

"Yeah she's great when shit hits the fan. Really calm, she can defuse almost any situation just by staring people down.
But if needed she'll kick the living crap out of you."

"Does everything with her have to do with excrement?" I laughed as I stopped at a red light.

"What?" Anna looked at me sideways. I shook my head.

"Nothing." It fell silent for a moment, Anna staring out of the window. "So, have you been in a lot of fights? With Mulan?"

"God no. Well, yes I've fought her on the mat, but not for real. I'd be dead." She chuckled. "But this once there was a small
group of bikers that came by the warehouse during training. Mulan just told us to stay put as she dealt with them. She
walked over as they were trash talking her but by the time she reached them they had all scrambled outside and all she
had to do was shut the door. She never laid a finger on them, never changed the pace with which she walked towards
them. She just walked over to shut the door." Anna grinned from ear to ear as she thought back to the moment. "But real
fights? No, never been in one."

"So, just on the mat?" A part of me didn't like the idea of Anna fighting other people, even if it was with gloves on. "Wait,
you guys wear gloves right?"

"Yeah, of course. Gloves, shin protectors, foot pads, a mouth guard and sometimes a helmet." She shrugged. "I don't
like helmets, but they're nice. Prevent your eardrums from popping when you get kicked in the head." She brought her
hand to the side of her head in slow motion, moving her head to face me whilst acting out she was in intense pain. I
didn't think it was funny. "Sorry Munchy," she said when she saw my face. "You should come to a training. Not to
participate, but just to watch. You'll see it's not all that bad."

We drove into town and Anna perked up. "We should stop by the pub. Kristoff isn't working but we can get something to
eat." I still hadn't eaten so I agreed and parked in front of the building on Anna's directions.

"They know me here. And it's not busy anyway."

"If I get a parking ticket it's on you," I warned Anna. She just laughed and took my arm again as we walked inside,
hugging it to her body. I still had the image of her being in intense pain etched in my mind. Anna set me at the bar and
left to use the bathroom, leaving me there with the bartender. The rest of the bar was completely deserted.

"Good evening! I saw you last week, ya?"

"Yes, I was here last week. I still have that tab, don't I?"

"Miss Elsa Shields, yes." I suddenly laughed. "Is there something wrong?"

"I have been wondering for a while how Kristoff knew my name before I ever told him. I guess that's how." I shrugged and
raised my hands apologetically. "I'm sorry. I've had a weird week. Can I get a cup of tea?"

"You still driving, ya?" I nodded and he poured a tea and a beer. I wasn't surprised he knew Anna's preference, but I was
surprised it was beer. Last time she had been drinking that sweet stuff. Who knows what it was called.

"Would you also like something to eat?"

"Yes, please!" I emphasised the last word and the man laughed.

"I'll get you the special, two of them."

"What's the special?"

"The only thing that's on the menu on Fridays." I chuckled and nodded.

When Anna returned from the toilet the bartender had just disappeared into what must be the kitchen. To be honest I
didn't have very high expectations of the food, but I was so hungry I could eat anything. When Anna sat down next to me I
remembered how she had managed to set pasta sauce on fire. Okay, mayb e not anything.

"Did you order?" Anna asked as she took a sip of her beer. I nodded and took one of the coasters from the bar, twirling it
between my fingers. Anna observed me for a moment. "Uhm, Elsa..." I looked up. Anna was blushing slightly as she
pushed a lock of her still slightly wet hair behind her ear. "I have been wondering since Tuesday what this... what we

Here we go. I straightened my back and turned to Anna. She had turned towards me as well, putting one of her hands on
the bar. I hesitated for a moment before putting mine next to hers. "I'm not sure." I glanced sideways to make sure no-
one was listening. "I have been so busy with this meeting..."

"Oh I know, I don't mean to pressure you into deciding anything or something. I just thought maybe you knew. Or had
thought about it. Or maybe you haven't and I'm just being very rude and inconsiderate because of course you have other
things on your mind right now..."

I quickly put my hand on hers, squeezing it lightly. Her voice faltered and fell away. "I have been thinking about it. And I
think the only thing I've concluded is that I have no idea what's going on or what I want."

Anna looked at my face for a moment. "What if I had been a man?"

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

Anna was now flushed a deep red. "You said something earlier, about you always having been straight. And if you've
always thought that, I can imagine it's... confusing and scary to suddenly have feelings for someone. A girl." She shot up.
"Not that I'm assuming you have feelings for me of course! You just said that you did on Monday, but Monday was a weird
day and then we kissed and I felt so bad..."


"I just wanted to say that it was just a kiss. And if you don't want to do anything with it, with me, from now on that's totally
fine. If that's what you want."

"What makes you think I don't want to do anything?"

"Kristoff said you wanted to take it slow. And that when he acted like that was the normallest thing in the world you were
surprised." Anna took a breath. "So I just want to make sure that whatever you want, that's totally fine." She turned her
hand over and grabbed mine. "Also don't be mad at him for blabbing, he means well but he's a bit of a doofus."

"I just..." I ran my thumb over Anna's hand and put my other hand in my neck, scratching myself with the bandage. Just tell
her. She's b eing so open, you might as well explain yourself. I was unable to look at her so I put my hand back in my lap
and stared at the bandage. "Like you said, I always thought I was straight. But when I realised I might not be, it kind of
made sense actually."

Anna's face seemed to light up, but then she quickly toned it back down, scratching her nose with her free hand. "Oh?"

"I mean I've had boyfriends. When I was in university there was this one boy... I thought I was going to marry him at some
point." I laughed faintly. "I had a bit of a distorted image of love." I licked my lips and Anna squeezed my hand slightly.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Oh my god, she is too considerate. It's almost too much.

"I want to. It's only fair." I tilted my head. "I just didn't love him. It didn't feel right. When we kissed, it was... scientific. I was
aware of what I was doing, I used all these tips I found in magazines... but it was just that. A kiss. He was pushing for
more, I didn't really want to." My face felt like it was on fire. With you I forgot where I was. So yeah, there's that.

Anna's eyes widened. "He didn't. You didn't, right?"

"No, we didn't. Thank god." I glanced up at Anna's eyes. "So yeah. I've never."

"Well, that's okay." She shrugged. "I mean everything is better than... that." Then she smiled. "Well, if it's okay with you, I'd
very much like to be your first." My eyes widened and I pulled my hand back from her grasp. "Girlfriend! Girlfriend! I meant
girlfriend!" Anna brought both her hands to her mouth and looked at me with such a shocked expression on her face it
was comical. Despite my heart pounding in my chest I couldn't help but laugh. Anna turned away and let her head fall
forward. Her forehead hit the bar with a loud thud. "I didn't even mean girlfriend. I really just meant to... I don't know, ask
you out on a date or something." She rested both her arms on top of her head. "Just kill me now. Please."

I laughed and took her closest arm, crossing my fingers through hers. "Well now we've both asked each other out so
let's definitely do that date. I'd like that. I might be a bit awkward and insecure and not sure what to do and..." I shrugged
as Anna rolled her head far enough to the side to look at me. "I might become as big of a doofus as you."

Anna straightened up and smiled. "Impossible," she said. There was a red circle on her forehead and I rubbed at it with
my thumb.

"Maybe," I laughed.

"But seriously, I'm fine with any pace you set. There's no rush. On anything." I was getting uncomfortable with how many
times she repeated that. But that's a good thing. It means no more worrying ab out taking advantage of anything. Or

"Okay, agreed. But only if you are also very clear of what you don't want. Or do want." Anna just smirked at that, almost
scoffed even. But I knew she'd heard me.

The doors to the kitchen slammed open and the bartender came stomping towards us with two plates of food. He set
them down in front of us. "Thank god, I thought you two would never figure it out. Dinner is almost cold."

/Hope you guys enjoyed that! Longest chapter so far! Yay! (the next chapter is going to be 2k-3k words longer, but
*Chapter 11*: Chapter 11: The beanie
/Shoutout to my Tumblr pal Celerysticks for giving me a bit of a signal boost!
/Enjoy this chapter, guys. Don't be afraid to leave reviews. I thoroughly enjoply them! (Enjoy & reply)

Chapter 11
The beanie

"Oh my god!" Kristoff screamed in a high pitched voice. "Really? You're kidding right? No you're not kidding because if
this was a joke I'd honestly kill someone." I was holding out the Martin guitar to the boy and he seemed to be positively
bursting with joy.

Anna laughed, clutching her sides. "Careful Kristoff, don't forget to breathe. We wouldn't want your eyeballs to roll out of
your sockets."

"Can I... can I touch it?" The blonde held out his hands and I handed the guitar over to him.

"Of course, it's yours now!" I looked over at Anna, who was grinning from ear to ear when Kristoff took the guitar and ran
his fingers over the body again.

"Solid... mahogany..." Kristoff took the guitar to the couch and ran his fingers over the snares. "High quality steel strings...
that won't actually cut my fingers..." He struck a chord and moaned. "Perfectly tuned!"

Anna pretended to shield her eyes. "...Oooookay, I think it's time we left Kristoff alone with his new girlfriend. They clearly
have a lot to talk about." We were all standing in the boys' apartment. It was late Sunday evening and Anna and I had just
returned from the pub. The food had actually been really good and I was stuffed from the beef stew and homemade
bread. I had even risked a beer.

The rest of the night had been great. Anna had me tell her about university and some of the better cases I'd worked on. I
left out any personal things, because I'd had enough of talking about deep and meaningful stuff for a while. Or at least
that night. I just wanted to make Anna laugh, to talk about nonsense and spend time with her. Which brought me to our
upcoming date.

I had agreed to be the one to take Anna out, but that left me with the problem of deciding what kind of date I wanted to
take her on. Would she want me to just take her out to dinner? A movie? I could cook for her, maybe that was more
romantic. I sighed. You're used to just letting b oys come to you, you never really had the urge to chase them around and
now you don't know how to.

"Hey Munchy, I hate to say it but I have to be in the hospital very early tomorrow morning." Anna took both of my hands and
held them in between us. Sven walked over to Kristoff to admire the guitar with him, but the blonde boy resolutely turned
away from him.

"It's mine, you kept it hidden from me." He strummed the snares again, but he kept his eyes on Sven.

"What?! Elsa gave it to me for safekeeping is all! Should I have ruined her surprise by giving it to you before she came
back?" He attempted to sit down on the couch with Kristoff, but the boy resolutely stood up.

"Maybe!" Kristoff yelled, before walking to the corner of the room and sitting down, glaring at anyone who dared to come
too close to him and his new love.

I looked back at Anna. "I guess hospitals don't close over the weekend, hm?"

She laughed. "It's a good thing they don't, you don't want to know what crazy things people get up to when they don't have
work the next day." She winked at me and I blushed slightly. Well at least you ended up crashing in her b ed, not in the
hospital. I smiled at the redhead. And everything turned out a lot b etter than expected.

Anna shrugged, the movement pulling me back to reality. "We do cycles during the weekends every now and then. I have
Monday and Tuesday off though!"

I smiled. "I'll think of something to do on Monday, ok? I don't think I'll have to show my face at work for a while, at least
until the board comes to a decision." I imagined what would happen if I just showed up for work on Monday. If I sat down
at my cubicle I'd be admitting defeat but if I strutted into the CEO's office I'd be acting arrogant. And seeing how I didn't
feel like sitting in the lobby all day staying home was probably the best option.
"When you go back into work I'm coming with you," she said resolutely. I smirked at that. My own personal bodyguard.
Maybe I should call Mulan after all, to make sure Anna wouldn't go berserk and attack the first colleague to walk towards
me. It's almost too b ad she's training to b ecome a doctor, I wouldn't mind having her around at work.

"We'll see about that," I said as I squeezed her hands. I looked back at the boys, Sven now trying to take the guitar from
Kristoff whilst the blonde kept kicking at him whenever he came close enough. They were preoccupied enough not to
notice the two of us.

I looked back at Anna and smiled warmly. "I want to thank you. Really thank you. You didn't have to help me, but you did.
And even though martial arts is more your thing than mine, it was very nice to meet Mulan."

Anna smiled affectionately, biting her lower lip. "I wanted to help you. You don't deserve all the things that are happening
to you. And well, martial arts does command me to protect others." She shot looks to both me and the boys, smiling at
the scene unfolding in the corner of the room.

"Well I don't care whether you'd have done it for anyone, I'm really glad you did it for me." Okay you can do this. Just a
kiss, nothing b ig, no tongues, just a kiss. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against Anna's. My stomach clenched
when I felt her lean away for a second, which caused me to break the kiss and let go of her hands. "I'll be off then."

"Oooooh!" Kristoff wolf-whistled from the corner and Sven shot up, looking around confusedly.

"What's going on?"

Kristoff seized the moment and shoved the boy, making him stumble backwards a few steps. "They kissed, you ass
wipe. You could've seen it, but you were too busy coming between me and..."

Sven grinned. "You and Martin? Oh Kristoff, deep down I always knew. I'm so glad you finally told..." He wasn't able to
finish his sentence because Kristoff shot up so fast the brown-haired boy needed all his breath to sprint to his room and
close the door. Kristoff banged on it a few times because Sven was now singing an off-key rendition of 'Kristoff and
Martin sitting in a tree'.

"When you get out here you're dead! You'll need food at some point and I'll be here!"

Anna pushed me towards the door. "I think it's time we left the boys alone." I grabbed my stuff and stepped into the
hallway. Anna followed me and closed the door.

We walked to the stairs together, where we paused. She had to go up, I had to go down. I smiled. "Good night, Anna."

"Good night, Elsa." I started to turn around, but then Anna grabbed my arm. "Oh, one more thing." I looked back and Anna
suddenly pressed her lips against mine, lingering for a second or two before stepping back. "That other one didn't count,
you caught me by surprise." She turned around and disappeared up the stairs, leaving me standing there with a heavy
flutter in my stomach.

"Mrs. Almstedt! How are you?" I pressed the phone to my ear with my shoulder.

"We're okay. You bought us some more time to finalize everything on our side before the takeover of our firm, so we're
just rounding up some things. How about you?"

"I'm okay, I'm a bit nervous for the board's decision but I'll be fine." I put down the book I had been reading when Mrs.
Almstedt called. I put the phone back into my now free hand while I scratched Max behind his ears.

"They can't ignore your father's will, dear. Don't worry too much about it, there's nothing you can do at this point. You'll just
have to wait and see exactly what the board says."

I pulled both my legs up onto the couch. I was having a lazy Sunday, wearing sweatpants and a large sweater with
reading glasses propped up my nose. I had bought them the day before when I passed an optometrist in the city. I'd
been wondering whether I needed glasses after I caught myself squinting when reading for a while. I didn't really like
them, but they did make reading a whole lot more comfortable.

I now took them off and put them down on the book. "Yes, I'm catching up on some reading. I should go back to the
storage unit and pick up some of my father's books." Honestly I had become rather curious as to what hidden treasures
might be in the unit. Last Wednesday I couldn't wait to leave, but now... Maybe it was time I started digging a little bit.

Mrs. Almstedt's voice came through my Blackberry again. "That sounds like a grand idea. Now, there was a reason I
called besides catching up. With this takeover business draining a lot of our funds, we've decided to sell our house in
the countryside. We wanted to invite you over on Tuesday evening to have dinner with us as a goodbye to the place. We
raised our children there so we want to give it a good farewell."

"Are you sure? I am one of the people who drained your funds, after all." I felt a small pang of guilt.

"Don't be ridiculous, Elsa. I thought we agreed we'd all bond over disliking Mr. Holter? Now what do you say, Tuesday
evening. The gardens are lovely during this time of year and you might even walk across the pond if it's frozen solid

Tuesday. That was one of Anna's only off days... b ut I can't just say no to this. I'll just take her out on Monday. "I'd love to
come, Mrs. Almstedt. I feel honoured that you want to share this with me. Can you e-mail me the address and time?"

"Of course. And you should really bring that boy you're dating..." I could hear the slight giggle in the other woman's voice.

I frowned. "The boy I'm dating?"

"Yes, the one that kept texting you all the time when we were working together over the past week."

They think it's a b oy. Well of course they'd think that. "Actually, Mrs. Almstedt, it's..." Wait, they're religious. Very religious. I
can't just b ring Anna there. Oh no, you stopped talking. Say something, Elsa. Say something! What fits after 'it's'? "...his
birthday that day."

"Oh how wonderful! All the more reason to bring him along!" I slapped my hand to my face. Great. Just great.

"No that's okay, really. He has something planned..."

"Well apparently not something big, otherwise you would've said so when I invited you! How many times do you get the
chance to celebrate your birthday by taking your girlfriend to a dinner party this fancy?" Shit. "Elsa, I insist that you bring
that boy along. You deserve someone."

"I... thank you."

"Alright then, I'll see the two of you on Tuesday!"

"Great. See you then, Mrs. Almstedt." I hung up the phone and threw it on the couch before burying my face in my hands
and moaning loudly. "What did you get yourself into this time?!" I sighed as Max bumped his head against my hands. I
looked at the white cat. "Can I just bring you along?" Max meowed. "Yeah, I didn't think so." I grabbed my phone and
started typing a text.

"Kristoff, I need a favour."

"Anna, are you ready to go?" I checked my watch. We still had plenty of time but for some reason I was feeling restless. I
had changed three times that morning and had settled for one of my most expensive pairs of pants (dark blue Prada)
and a silky light blue sweater that hugged my figure and covered the base of my neck. I had even put on a white woollen
hat, but that's just because I hadn't been able to decide between tying my hair up to prevent it from getting tangled and
keeping it down because it looked nice. You've overdressed and now you keep checking your watch every two seconds.
Admit it, you're nervous as hell. I opened the buttons on my long black woollen coat. I pondered taking it off, but that
might entice Anna to take even longer to get ready.

The girl was tying her hair in the base of her neck. "Yeah yeah just let me run upstairs for my beanie." I sighed. "Well if
you won't tell me where we're going I'll just have to prepare for everything, won't I? Plus, it's cold!" The redhead walked
past me, playfully shoving me in the shoulder. "I'll be back in a jiffy!"

Sven wasn't home but Kristoff was. As soon as Anna left his apartment the boy got off the couch and walked over to me.
"Okay so this thing tomorrow, do I have to wear a tux? Because in that case I have to call and reserve one. And why can't I
tell Anna about it?"

"No I don't think you'll need a tux. Just wear something nice." I looked at his sweatshirt. "So maybe not your AMU
sweater." I frowned and looked at my hands for a moment. "And I don't want to tell Anna because she might take it the
wrong way."

Kristoff crossed his arms in front of his chest. "What, that you're asking one of her best friends to pose as your boyfriend
on a date with your business partner?"
I looked up at the boy and noticed he hadn't shaven in quite a while. It wasn't even stubble anymore, it was the beginning
of a beard. It made him look even more intimidating. I swallowed. "They're not really my business partners. Not yet, at
least." I bit my lip. "I just don't want her to think I'm ashamed of her or something."

"Because you're not. Right?" Kristoff raised an eyebrow. Geez this feels like talking to her dad b efore taking her to prom.

I raised my hands. "No, absolutely not! They're just really religious and..." I ran my fingers over my throat. "I just don't want
to cause a scene while they're going through this thing with their company. I mean, they have to sell their house and
everything. They have enough to deal with right now."

I heard Anna in the hallway and I shushed Kristoff. He shrugged, but didn't seem convinced yet while he walked back to
the couch. Anna burst in the door, her black beanie on her head and a grey scarf around her neck. "What are you two
talking about?" I looked at her stonewashed jeans and dark green sweater. I noticed a sliver of a white shirt sticking out
underneath it. She was really prepared for anything.

Kristoff let himself fall back on the couch and continued to watch his program. "Nothing." Anna looked at me and I just
shrugged like I had no idea what was going on.

"Oh, okay." Anna bounced over to me and took my hand. "Now where are we going? You'd better have a great thing
planned for dragging me out of bed this early." She saw my face sink and quickly held up her hands. "No pressure. I'm
sure whatever you think of will be great." She hugged the length of my arm to her body. "You'll be there."

"I think you might enjoy it, but it's quite a drive."

Anna scoffed. "That's totally fine, I'm great with cars." She picked up her backpack and, to my surprise, grabbed a black
leather jacket from a coat hanger. I had assumed it was Sven's, but now that I saw it up close it was about her size. She
slid on the coat and swung the backpack over her shoulder. "Let's go let's go!"

Kristoff waved lazily without taking his eyes off the TV when we walked out the door. Anna stuck her tongue out at him
before dragging me through the hallway, down the stairs and outside. I laughed. "I can't believe we survived that. Also,
shouldn't I be the one dragging you around?"

Anna turned slightly red. "Well maybe. But whatever, I just want to get going! It's freezing!" She hugged herself as I looked
around with a raised eyebrow. There was no snow and most trees still had some leaves on them. Winter had struck
quite suddenly and it seemed like nature hadn't quite caught up yet.

"It's a lot warmer than it was. It's just below freezing." Oh no, if it's too cold for her this is not going to work.

"Let's get in the car!" Anna bounded over to the passenger door and I walked over to my side to open it up. I'm sure it'll b e
fine. I sat down on my seat and started the car. Anna put the heater on and I scrunched up my nose slightly at the smell. I
rarely used the heater. "What the..." I looked over at Anna, who reached down towards her feet. She pulled a white coffee
mug into view and looked at me with a mixture of surprise and disgust. "How long has this been in here?"

"Oh just shut up and put on your seatbelt."

"Where are we going?! Come on, give me some hint!" We'd been driving for an hour and Anna had been incapable of
shutting up. I had settled for asking her about her weekend and she'd given me detailed descriptions of the cases she
had been working on.

"So that kid you treated, she's going to be fine right?"

"Well that's up to the orthopaedic surgeon, but I think so. I managed to stabilize her leg, but she's scheduled for surgery
to add some pins and such." She sighed. "That was my second choice, ortho. Breaking bones and stuff."

"Isn't the point putting them back together, not pulling them apart?"

"Yeah but sometimes a break hasn't healed correctly or something and you get to break things. And you get to use drills
and big saws..." She gestured in the air but then let her hands fall back onto her lap. She gazed out the window for a
moment. I was just glad I got into law instead of medicine.

"But you're distracting me! Tell me where..." Suddenly she saw a sign alongside the road and pressed her hands and
face up against the window before turning back to me with big eyes. "Arctica?! Really!" I laughed loudly at Anna's face,
which was so scrunched up with disbelief she looked like she might burst at any moment.
"Yes, I heard it's very good." I quickly looked back to the road so I wouldn't miss the turn off. Or crash the car. Good to
know I made the right choice.

"Good? Good?! It's amazing! I've been wanting to go there for ages!" I took the exit and soon we turned onto the parking
lot of the theme park, Anna still with her hands on the window. A valet pointed us towards a parking spot. "Oh come on,
it's almost empty, we should be allowed to park wherever," Anna said restlessly.

We got out of the car and Anna practically crashed into me, grabbing my arm. "Oh Munchy this is great! I thought you'd be
taking me out for dinner or something, or a movie. This is amazing!" Well, there go those options.

Anna's ecstasy was contagious and I felt my cheeks go red. Or maybe that was just Anna pressing herself into me.
Maybe. We started walking towards the entrance of the park. There was a large basin with several plants and a big tree
in the middle, but they'd all started to wither. I knew it was an all-year-round park and made a mental note to take Anna
back here in spring when all the plants and trees would come back to life.

I suddenly realised I had taken our relationship way ahead, months into the future. You can't assume you'll still b e
together b y then. I opened my mouth to talk back to myself but quickly closed it. Well I refuse to assume we won't b e, I
instead thought to myself.

"I hear they have a house completely made of ice!" Anna walked alongside me, her face dug deep into her scarf.

"I hear it's more like a palace. See that building over there?" I pointed over to a large rectangular structure, easily five
stories high without windows and a lot of smoke coming out of the top. "That's the Ice Hall. They have new sculptures
each year. Last year it was an ice maze I believe." I looked at her, laughing. "I'm surprised you're walking next to me so
calmly all of a sudden."

Anna turned a bright red and pressed her cheek into my shoulder. "Well you were right with what you said earlier, this is
your date and you should be dragging me along, not the other way around."

I took her hand in mine. "Well then, we'd better get going!" Seeing Anna's face light up made my heart beat a little faster
as we started running towards the entrance holding hands, laughing and trying not to fall on the small slippery patches
of ice in the parking lot. We kept a firm grip on each other and when I almost slipped, Anna caught me and pulled me

We managed to reach the entryway without any broken bones. All gates were closed except for one. "Two tickets please,"
I said in between breaths. The middle aged woman in the booth smiled at us.

"Of course. Are you two taking a sisterly trip?" she asked as she pressed her finger to the touch screen next to her. I
blinked. She thinks we are sisters.

"I uh... no not really." I let go of Anna's hand whilst the redhead checked a show list next to the window. I felt my throat go
a bit dry. Well this will prob ab ly happen more often. Just ignore it.

The woman had her hand on the ticket machine and didn't seem thrown off her plan to make idle conversation. "Well it's
always nice to see two sisters getting along so well. Me and my older sister..." She shook her head and shuddered. She
just works here, she doesn't mean anything with it.

Anna hadn't heard the woman but noticed my discomfort when she finished reading the show list. "Something up?" she
whispered at me, trying to take my hand again.

I avoided her hand by reaching up to the window. "She thinks we're sisters," I told her in a low voice. Anna raised her
eyebrows, but then got a sultry look on her face as she shot a look to the woman in the booth.

"Oh reaaaally?" she said slowly. The woman handed me the two tickets through the window so I wasn't looking at Anna
until she suddenly pulled my head sideways. "Thanks for paying for my ticket, sis." She put her hand in my neck and
pressed her lips against mine, using her other hand to tuck a strand of hair underneath my white woollen hat. When she
pulled away a few seconds later I was very glad with the cold air on my overheated skin and had to resist the urge to pull
my hat off.

I shot an embarrassed look at the ticket woman, who stared at us with a mixture of disbelief and surprise on her face.
"Uhm thanks. See ya," I muttered as Anna yanked on my arm and pulled me through the gate, laughing as she went.

It took me one look to figure out how this park worked. There were lanes leading everywhere and you were not supposed
to leave them, which forced you to go through the entire park (and most likely past all the merchandise) before you could
leave. There were small signs everywhere, telling people to stay on the paths and stay off the grass. The entryway led out
into a small square with a large sculpture in the middle. This one wasn't made of ice however.

Anna walked over to the sculpture and ran her hand over it. "It's plexiglas, but look at the shape! It's amazing!" I had to
agree with her, the sculptor had done a great job depicting a large, fountain-like spray frozen in midair. I held my head
sideways. With some imagination you could see a flower in it. Or a hockey stick.

"Come on Elsa, let's take some pictures!" I had brought my reflex camera (another spur of the moment purchase, but
one that had proven a lot more useful than my overpriced coffee table). I checked the settings and quickly took a few
shots of Anna. I went to put the camera away but Anna beckoned me over and took the camera from me. "You need
some pictures too!" I wanted to decline, but Anna positioned me in front of the sculpture so I just smiled goofily. I wasn't
used to people taking pictures of me.

Anna got down on one knee, my camera still in front of her face. "Oh yes darling that's wonderful! Strike a pose, strike a

"Anna, what on earth are you doing?" I took a step towards her but she waved me back.

"Models aren't supposed to talk!" she scolded me. "Now strike a pose!"

I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stuck my arms in the air. Anna took the shot, then got up and walked back to me. "That's
about what I do when I win a match," she grinned as she handed the camera back over. "And don't you dare delete the
pictures with yourself in it when you get home, I demand to pick a few for me to keep."

"Of me?" I asked incredulously.

"Of us, silly."

There was only one lane leading away from the square, and of course it had shops on all sides. We walked along the
entire thing, Anna's arm through mine. She pointed a few things out to me but every time I asked whether she wanted to
go inside she fervently shook her head. I was a bit annoyed, not with Anna but with the way the theme park seemed to
shove every single bit of merchandise in your face. Hopefully it's just at the start here and it will lessen when we get- I
jumped when a large snowman suddenly walked into my vision from within one of the shops. Anna latched onto my arm,
startled as well.

"Hello! My name is Olaf and I like warm hugs!" The man in the snowman suit spread his arms as an invite, but when
both Anna and I just stared at him with confused expressions on our faces he lowered the twigs that posed as the suit's
arms and spoke to us in a low voice. "Okay listen ladies, my boss is watching and I'm on probation here. Can you at
least pretend to think I'm cool, funny or otherwise worthy of keeping my job?"

"Munchy, quick!" Anna let go of my arm and jumped over to hug the snowman. "Take a picture of me with this awesome
snowman! Look at him! His nose is so orange and his buttons are so shiny!" I laughed loudly, one hand pressed to my
mouth. "Come on Munchy, we don't have all day! Olaf here needs to entertain the hordes of children in the park!" I looked
around at the almost deserted shop street (it was a Monday after all). I quickly took my camera out of my bag and took a
picture. I thought I was done but then Anna struck a different pose with the man and I took another picture, and another

Anna slapped the snowman-suited man on his back. "I hope that was enough!"

The man laughed, causing the entire suit to shake. "Yeah that should do it. Either my boss will hire me on a permanent
basis or I've just definitely lost my job." I smirked at the man's comment. Anna moved towards me but the man stopped
her. "Hey, hold on. I know I don't look like much in a snowman suit, but I get off in a few hours. Maybe we can hang out

Anna looked at the snowman's mouth, through which two brown eyes looked down on her. "Well uh..." I saw a slight
blush creep up Anna's face from underneath her scarf as she pulled her beanie lower onto her head.

I stepped over to the pair and grabbed Anna's arm. "She's taken," I said whilst striding off, my heart thumping in my ears.
Anna walked backwards with me, waving at Olaf.

"Sorry Olaf, my girlfriend doesn't like me talking to strangers!"

"That's okay! You two have fun!"

Anna turned around and took my arm, giggling lightly. "Maybe he just wanted to hang out with the both of us. It's a
possibility, you know." She flicked her thumb over my cheek. "You look like I could roast marshmallows on your skin."
I slowed down. We had left the shopping lane behind us and were approaching a fork in the road with a blue sign
showing us which part of the park was either way. I looked up at it. "Where do you want to go first, the Ice Hall or the

Anna pointed to the left. "Let's do some rides first, save the best for last!"

I sucked on my tongue for a second as we started walking again. "Did you mean what you said?"

Anna looked at me. "What?"

I eyed a young family with two children sitting on a bench, enjoying a large cotton candy together. The youngest child, a
boy, clearly didn't agree with his older sister holding the grand prize of sugary goodness, which led to a small fit.

I turned my eyes back to the pavement in front of me. "You called me your girlfriend."

Anna softly nudged me in the shoulder. "Well you started it by yelling I was taken."

"I just meant that..." You meant what, Elsa? Admit it, you said exactly what you meant. You meant to say that she was
taken. That she's yours. "You're here with me." No, that's not what you meant.

Anna pulled on my arm to stop me. She turned me to look at her and ran her fingers over my eyebrows. "If you keep
worrying so much I'll be nauseous from looking at your eyebrows before we even reach the rides," she said with a smile.
She leaned her head to the side. "Can't you just tell me what you're thinking?"

"I..." I shrugged and looked over Anna's shoulder at the Ice Hall in the distance. Maybe I should live there. An ice palace,
where people would leave me alone and I could talk to myself all day long.

Anna sighed and rubbed her neck. "Okay then, tell me what you want. Without taking other people and their thoughts into
consideration. Even mine."

Say it. Just say it. "I want to..." My voice faltered. Jesus Elsa, you're a real piece of work, you know that? I frowned. I
shouldn't blame myself, this was all very new to me. Say that to her, not to yourself. I looked at Anna still standing there.
"This is all very new to me. I'm not that straightforward. I over think things."

"Yeah, that's why I'm telling you to stop that." She laughed. "I can see why you became a lawyer. You can just prepare
everything back home, do your research, prepare some paperwork and then go into battle." Well not always, last Friday
was quite different.

Last Friday. You were taken completely b y surprise. But you still managed. You got through that. Then why can't you tell
this girl what you want? I straightened my back. Now say it b efore you chicken out again. "I'd like that."

Anna looked confused. "What?"

"I'd like to call you my girlfriend. And I want you to call me yours." My heart was beating in my throat and I felt my palms get
a bit sweaty.

Anna suddenly raised her hands to the sky and let her head fall back. "Oh dear lord, she did it! She said what was on her
mind!" She brought her head back up and grabbed my hands, her expression soft. "Does that mean I can now kiss you
whenever I want?"

I felt my cheeks go red again. "Didn't you already do that before?"

"Yeah well but I wanted to kiss you a lot more often." She saw my confused face and brought her hands up between us,
counting on her fingers. "Let's see. There was in the pub last Friday, there was a couple of times on the way back to the
boys' apartment, in the apartment itself, in the hallway, then when I saw you again this morning when you came to pick
me up, downstairs, at the car, in the car..." She ran out of fingers to use and saw my shocked face so she took my hands
again. "You are just very kissable." She bit her lip. "I was just worried I'd be pushing you. Those two times I kissed you
were just me acting before thinking."

Admit it, you've b een wanting to kiss her as well. Anna ran a finger across my cheek. "But our agreement stands." It's just
kissing. It's not like you'll b e undressing each other every time you are alone. That thought made my face go a shade so
red, Anna frowned and squeezed my hands. "Are you okay?"

I glanced at the freckles on her nose, her red hair sprouting from underneath her beanie. You want to b e with this girl.
She wants to b e with you. So what's the prob lem? I smiled. "I'm perfect," I said as I leaned forward to kiss her.
"That. Was. Amazing!" Anna pulled the hood of her vest up and pulled it tight around her face. "Did you see that?! We
went so fast and then there was the fountain we went around and the looping!" Several people were smiling at the
redhead's enthusiasm, something I had noticed a few times now. I was always taught that I had to be calm and reserved
so people would respect me, but this girl just did whatever she wanted and people seemed to love her for it. I know I did.

"We should go again!" Anna grabbed my arm.

"Oh no Anna, you're not taking me on that thing. Something smaller sure, but not anything that turns me upside down." I
gently tugged on her arm and we started walking down the lane leading away from the roller coaster. It had gotten
slightly more crowded, at least to the extent where we had to adjust our pace to the other people walking around. Maybe I
had to rethink my plan to bring Anna here in spring, if this was how crowded it was on a Monday at the beginning of

Anna suddenly stopped in her tracks and I looked at her. She pointed in the distance. "Hey look! Isn't that Olaf?" Anna
pulled her hood back, accidentally pulling her beanie off with it. She ran off but I stayed behind to pick up her beanie. I
reached down, but suddenly there was a black leather boot on top of it. I looked up, still bent halfway down to the ground
with my arm outstretched. I was met by the gaze of a handsome man with brown hair. I recognised his face but it took me
a moment to link him to the man I had seen last Friday at the office. He had been wearing a white suit then, now he was
wearing baggy jeans and a black coat.

"Hello Elsa," he said. I got up and looked behind me for a second but I didn't see Anna. I did see Olaf a little down the
road and assumed Anna would be there with him. "It's rude not to look at people when they're talking to you," the man

"It's rude to step on someone's headwear and then keep standing on it when you could have just said hello," I retorted
sharply. For some reason I absolutely did not like this man. I couldn't exactly say why, but there was something about
him that I just didn't trust.

The man nodded. "That's true." He didn't seem like he was about to move though, so I looked at him with the most
professional smile I could muster under the circumstances. Those circumstances would be my heart pounding high in
my throat. This man was trouble, I knew it.

"I don't think I ever caught your name," I said.

"The name's Hans," the man said as he held out his hand. I looked at it and crossed my arms. He shrugged and stuck
his hand back in his pocket. "I'm here on behalf of my boss."

"And who would that be?"

"None of your business." The man licked his upper lip and looked into my eyes, giving me the feeling he was trying to
stare me down. Anna, where are you. I managed to keep my eyes from tearing up as I looked back into the man's dark
brown eyes, causing him to smile. "Wednesday you will receive a phone call saying the board has come to a decision
regarding the law firm. They will offer you the position of CEO on a trial-basis, meaning you will be working alongside
Holter until you have proven yourself to the board, at which point they will reconvene to discuss a more permanent
solution involving you." I blinked, confused.

"Okay, thank you for the news. I'm not sure why..."

"You will turn the offer down. You will resign from the company immediately and sign all shares and stakes and whatever
else you own over to Mr. Holter." He took a small step forward until there was only a small breath of cold air in between
us. "Understood?"

And with that he disappeared. I looked around but he was gone, swept up in the crowd. I stood there for a moment while
people moved around me, looking at me, probably wondering why I was standing frozen in the middle of the path.
"Elsa?" I heard Anna's voice and the girl appeared next to me. She noticed her beanie on the ground, now ruined. "Oh so
I did lose it! Thanks for finding it!" She picked it up and held it between two fingers. "Not that I'll ever be able to wear this

Was that another threat? Who the hell does Hans work for? Anna threw the beanie in a bin and slid her arm through
mine. "Are you okay?"

I looked at her. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold and excitement and she hugged my arm against her. Don't ruin her
day. I smiled. "Let's go get some food and then head over to the Ice Hall?"
Anna rubbed her hand over her stomach. "Hell yeah, I'm starving!"

"Did Olaf ask you out again?" I asked with a playful poke in her side.

Anna laughed. "I took a couple of pictures of him with some kids for his boss. Turns out he lives on the other side of the
country though, so hanging out would be difficult." She smiled at a little girl that passed us. I didn't want to admit it, but I
was relieved. Oh come on, this is Anna we're talking ab out. She won't just cheat on you with a snowman. She's your
girlfriend now. I felt some butterflies crash into the inside of my stomach as I tangled our fingers together.

"And then we went to the Ice Hall and you should've seen it Kristoff! The palace was amazing! I went through all the
rooms, but Elsa didn't want to come in." She shot me an angry look as I unwrapped my scarf from my face and hung it on
a chair.

"Well it was made for kids, Anna. You were already on your hands and knees, I just didn't feel like crawling after you.
These pants cost over a hundred dollars." I ran my hands over my pant leg, flattening out the fabric.

"Why on earth do you have pants that cost over a hundred dollars? And why did you wear them to a theme park?" Anna
asked as she sat down on the couch next to Kristoff, who was still hugging the guitar to his chest.

I turned slightly red and Kristoff kicked Anna in the leg. "She just wanted to look nice for you, doofus."

Anna looked at me, but I pretended not to have heard Kristoff. He was right, of course. I walked over to the fridge. You still
haven't told her ab out Hans. "Can I grab a can of coke, Kristoff?"

"Yeah, of course. Grab me a beer while you're there."

I opened the fridge and had to look for a few seconds before I found the cans on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The
whole thing was a mess and I smelled at least a few things that should've been thrown out a while ago. Oh well, not right
now. "Anna, you want anything?"

"No I'm good." Her voice was a lot closer than I expected so I looked around and noticed her standing behind me. I got
up with two cans in my hands and turned around with a questioning expression on my face, but Anna just wrapped her
arms around my waist while the fridge slowly fell shut.

"Well you look amazing, Munchy. And I had an equally amazing day." She rose on her toes to kiss me and I held my arms
out to the side, not sure what to do with the cold beverages while I felt a familiar knot forming in my stomach.

Anna pulled our bodies together and suddenly someone took both cans from my hands. "I'll take that," I heard Kristoff
say. I wanted to break away from the kiss but Anna put her hand in my neck and pulled me closer. "Yours is on the
kitchen counter," the boy said lazily before walking off. I heard the tell-tale sound of a can being opened, then a door
closing. He'd gone into his room.

Anna broke off the kiss and deepened our hug by pressing her ear into my shoulder, snuggling her face into my neck. "I
can't wait to see where you take me for our next date," she mumbled.

I stood in front of my closet with my hands in my hair. I was wearing a matching set of dark red underwear and a thin
silver watch, which I now checked. I had twenty minutes before I had to leave to pick up Kristoff.

"Oh Sitron, what on earth am I supposed to wear? I don't want to look stuck up, like it's just another work appointment...
but I can hardly show up in a sweatshirt." The cat stroke past my shins and purred. I bent over to stroke its soft fur and
allowed a slight smile to play around my mouth. "Well at least I have you to pick for me."

I ended up wearing a black skirt that fell loosely around my upper legs down to my knees, over a pair of black tights that
ended up in purple pumps to match my shirt. It was a rich purple shirt that had a lower cut than I usually wore, but I had
to admit it looked good on me. Plus, I didn't really own anything low cut - so it was probably not that bad. Anna's tank top
had been a lot more revealing. I shook my head. Don't think ab out that now, you're off to dinner.

I decided to leave my hair down and brushed it until it looked and felt soft as silk. Add a little product, and there. Thick
locks framed my face and ran over my head to the back, almost like I'd just walked through a wind tunnel. I applied a
small amount of make-up and was ready to go. I checked my watch. Oh goody, I was late.

I grabbed my purse and carefully left the apartment, blocking Max and Sitron from following me. "I know, I know, I haven't
been around as much lately, but I'll change that I promise!" I really have b een neglecting them. Well they have food and
water, b ut... I sighed and started walking down the hallway, my heels clicking against the floor. It sounded a lot harsher
than in Anna's or the boys' apartment, where the carpet muffled everything. Here it sounded almost hostile.

I thought back to what had happened in the theme park. This man, Hans, just shows up to prevent me from taking up a
position as CEO alongside Holter. True, I wasn't looking forward to working together with the man, but if that's what the
board would decide that's how it was going to be. As long as we didn't have to share an office we'd be fine.

But why threaten you not to take the position? I had been thinking about that a lot ever since Hans had stepped on
Anna's beanie. It just doesn't make sense. Googling Hans' name hadn't brought up anything, but that made sense
without a last name. I had tried Hans + Holter, Hans + Holter & Shields, but nothing had brought up anything. What's their
connection? I'd just have to do some more research as soon as I returned to work.

I had reached the front doors and was greeted by the doorman. "Looking good miss Shields!" I smiled at the boy as he
held the door for me. I noticed the sky had gone completely black already. Damn, you are late.

"Not looking too bad yourself! That scarf is lovely," I pointed out. I was in a hurry but that didn't mean I couldn't be polite.
The boy looked down at the shabby knitted scarf he was wearing.

"Yeah well my grandma made it, so what are you going to do? At least it's nice and warm!" I waved at him without looking
around and headed to my car. It was a different one, I had rented it just for tonight. I didn't want to show up in my coffee-
smelling old car, so I had rented a nice black sedan. It had fancy seat warmers and everything. I opened it up with the
remote and the lights flickered, bringing a smile to my face. I could get used to that.

When I got in the car I received a text from Kristoff, asking whether I was on my way. I texted him back that I indeed was
just about to leave and that he should come downstairs, then I pulled out of the parking lot.

I hadn't driven for a hundred meters when my phone started ringing. It automatically connected to the bluetooth in the car
however so I jumped when I suddenly heard the ringtone coming from all around me. I quickly reached over and pressed
the button to pick up the phone. "Hello?" I said hesitantly.

"Hello Elsa?"

"Oh Jeanie, it's you! What can I do for you? Are you ok?" I had been thinking about her that day, knowing that she had to
go back into work. I had thought about calling her but in the end dismissed it, knowing that she would contact me if
anything happened.

"Yes I'm fine. I just wanted to let you know that the company is kind of... in shock after what happened on Friday. As an
intern you hear these things you know, when you bring around coffee."

I frowned, trying to keep my attention on the road. "What do you mean?"

"Well there are people saying they hope Holter gets fired and that they'd love to see you take over. You won over a lot of
hearts when you stood up to him the other day. Twice even, I heard."

I smiled. "Well that's good to hear. I found out yesterday afternoon that they might get what they want."

"Oh wow! Did the board call?"

"No not really..." I bit my lip. I wasn't sure whether I should tell her, but on the other hand, she was inside the company.
Maybe she could ask around a bit. "I saw that man again today. Remember the guy in the white suit last Friday?" I
drummed my fingers on the steering wheel nervously as I rounded a bend.

"The one with the wavy hair?" So I wasn't the only one who noticed that.

"Yeah, that one. His first name is Hans, I don't know his last name. According to him they're going to offer me the position
of co-CEO or something, working alongside Holter." I heard Jeanie draw in breath to respond so I quickly continued. "But
he basically told me to decline the offer when it gets offered to me. He gave me the feeling something bad might happen
to me if I won't."

"Oh wow." I sighed and closed my eyes. What was I thinking, I can't drag her deeper into this. If she snoops around and
gets caught she'll b e in b ig troub le. "Well I'll ask around here about a Hans."

"Wait, no." I ran my left hand through my hair. "That's dangerous."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. I promise not to do something stupid or get caught. I'll ask the janitor first, those people tend
to know everything."

"That's... actually not a bad idea. Just please, please promise you'll be careful."

"Right back at you, Elsa." Jeanie hung up the phone and I was left in silence again.

I was so far lost in thought that I almost missed the building. Kristoff was waiting on the curb and I had to take a double
take. He had used product to smooth his hair back and he had shaven his beard. It made him look a bit younger, but...
dashing. There was no other word for it. He wasn't wearing a tux like he had asked me before, but he wore a very nice
pair of black jeans and a black blazer over a white dress shirt.

"Wow, Kristoff," I said as he got in the car besides me. "You look really good."

He put on his seatbelt and smiled his goofy grin, looking at my skirt and low-cut shirt. "Not too shabby yourself, Elsa." He
ran his hands over the dashboard of the car. "And is this your new car?!"

"It's a rental, just for today. The shirt is not too low cut?" I half joked while gesturing at my chest. I still wasn't too sure
about that certain choice of outfit.

"Anna would probably say it's not deep enough, but I say you look great. Outgoing with a pinch of professionalism." He
accentuated his words by pretending to throw a pinch of salt onto something. "So, where is this fancy dinner with your
business partners?"

"Somewhere out of town, I already entered the information into the GPS. Should be half an hour or something." I pulled
away from the curb and headed for the highway. "So, did Anna..." I wasn't sure how to phrase my question, so I fell quiet.

"...see me leave? No, she was out so she didn't notice anything." He crossed his arms, looking like he was sulking a bit.
"So, explain this to me again," he started. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Just drop it. "Why didn't you just ask
Anna along, if you're not ashamed of her?"

"I would have asked her, but they're so... religious. Everything is God's will, all that. Maybe when I get to know them a bit
better I'll tell them I'm bisexual or something." Distract him with something. I looked at Kristoff's immaculate shirt. "Did
you already own this?"

He leaned his seat back a bit and folded his hands behind his head. "Believe it or not, I know some etiquette. Don't worry
about me using the wrong silverware or something." He wiggled deeper into his seat and closed his eyes. "These seat
warmers are heaven."

"Want me to turn on some music so you can sleep until we get over there?" I asked sarcastically, a bit annoyed. I figured
we should be getting our stories straight by now, how long we'd known each other, when we started dating, that kind of

Kristoff didn't pick up on my mood. "That'd be great," he muttered. "Nothing too heavy."

I reached for the radio but paused. "Actually, Kristoff. I need to tell you something that happened yesterday at the theme

"If you mean you and Anna going steady, I already know about that."

"No no, nothing like that."

Kristoff opened his eyes and looked at me. "Something serious?"

"It has something to do with that threat I received on Friday." Kristoff put his seat back into a normal position and listened
intently to my story about Hans. When I was done he looked out the window for a little while.

He turned back to me, one hand still in his neck and the other one on his knee. He looked uncomfortable. "You could just
go to the police and ask if they've heard about that Hans person. It's all starting to sound a bit criminal."

"I'd rather not do that before I hear back from the board about my position. Like I said, if I accuse Holter of anything now

"...might think you're just trying to make him look bad. I know, you said that." He seemed to be massaging his own neck.
"But it's now really starting to sound like a threat. This isn't just a guy throwing something at your face after a meeting
Elsa, this dude followed you to a bloody theme park and waited until you were alone to threaten you. This is serious."
"I know!" I almost shouted and I breathed in deeply whilst keeping my eyes on the highway. "I know," I said more calmly.
"And I'm worried. Really worried. Yesterday evening some guy passed me on the street and I jumped. Now I know I'm not
the most jolly person, but that's a lot even for me."

"Does Anna know about this?"

"No." I hesitated. "I'm worried that she might get herself hurt."

"Well to be honest I'm worried that you might get yourself hurt, Elsa. At least Anna knows some martial arts."

"Martial arts don't do much if it's really criminal. Unless she can deflect a bullet with her fist."

"This isn't funny, Elsa."

"I know," I said softly.

Kristoff was silent for a while. When he finally spoke up it was with a voice quieter than the one he normally used. "So
why are you telling me?" He rubbed his face. He looked a bit tired and I almost felt bad for telling him. But...

"I just needed someone to know. Just in case something happens to me."

Kristoff looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. "So when you get killed I have the honour to go to the cops
and tell them it was your boss's accomplice with a candlestick in the dining room?"

"It's just in case, Kristoff. But besides that, if I keep this inside my own head for too long I might explode." I turned on the
signal lights to get off the exit. There was a forest up ahead. "But I have another day. They won't do anything until I accept
the position of CEO." My stomach suddenly made a little jump. I will b ecome the CEO of the company.

"How did this Hans dude even know about that?" Kristoff asked.

I shrugged. It was a good question. "Maybe the board has already convened but they're just doing the paperwork or
something." It sounded stupid, even to me. Well the idea itself didn't, but then how would Hans know about it? I bit my lip.
Unless someone on the board has been blabbing.

"And you're still going to accept the offer?" Kristoff sounded a bit grumpy. I understood why. If it had been the other way
around I probably would have called him nuts for going through with it as well.

"Do you think they're just going to leave me alone when I sign everything over?"

"They probably will."

I sighed as we drove into the forest. I took my foot off the gas for a moment. "Maybe. But it's mine, Kristoff."

"You've only been working there for five years. Why is this so important to you?"

Because this is my way of rememb ering my dad. Of rememb ering the times we once had. I don't care ab out guitars,
desks or old crossb ows. I care ab out what my father b uilt up, and is now b eing destroyed b y one of the b iggest assholes
I've ever met. "I don't want to talk about it."

After a few minutes of silence I cleared my throat. "Kristoff?" The boy looked at me, his face soft again. Luckily he didn't
stay grumpy for long. "I really care about Anna."

"I know," he said.

"I feel like we're finally in a place from where we can move forward, you know?"

"...Okay." I could hear the confusion in his voice.

"Just don't tell her about this yet. Please. I don't want anything else to come between us right now." I licked my lips. The
driveway should be somewhere around here, according to the GPS. We were driving in between trees on a well-tended
but narrow road.

Kristoff huffed. "She'll find out and be angry."

"Just let me take her out on another date or something, I'll tell her then. Just not now, not after the great day we've had."
Our conversation got cut off when we turned onto a gravel driveway. I raised my eyebrows. "Damn, this family has
money," I said. Had money. Kristoff followed my gaze to the house up the hill.

"Damn, that's a mansion." It was two stories high and had a large balcony on the first floor, supported by white stone
pillars. The grounds surrounding the house seemed to contain gardens, fountains and to the right I thought I could even
make out a vineyard when the car's headlights swerved over it.

I pulled up in front of a few shallow steps leading up to the front door. A man with grey hair in a tux walked up to hold the
door for me, but I opened it myself before he could reach me. After growing up in a house where everyone always held
doors for me I had grown tired of it.

"Good evening. Miss Shields, I presume?" The man made a light bow and I nodded.

"Yes, I am Elsa Shields. And this here is my boyfriend Kristoff." Kristoff walked around the car and held out his arm to
me. Oh wow, he does know something ab out etiquette. I slid my arm through his and he put his hand on mine. Where on
earth did he learn this stuff?

The man escorted us up the stairs and opened the front door for us. Okay fine, one door, that's OK. We stepped into a
grand hall with marbled floors. It covered both stories of the house and had a wide wooden staircase on the other side
that winged to both sides, leading to balustrades along the edges of the hall.

The space looked a bit empty, I saw a few places on the wall where there must have been paintings (judging from the
decolouration of the stone around it), but the walls were now very much empty. They must have already started moving
things out.

"Elsa!" I turned to the side, where Mrs. Almstedt walked up to me. She ignored Kristoff and squeezed my upper arm. "You
look great, dear. You should wear purple more often, it really suits you. And your hair!"

I smiled. "You look good yourself, Mrs. Almstedt." I felt Kristoff go rigid next to me. Not the time to get nervous, Kristoff. "I
see we have both chosen to lose the pants tonight," I said in regards to the light green dress she was wearing. It had a
narrow corset which wasn't laced up that tight, but the woman was so skinny it'd probably look unhealthy if she had. I
was admiring the pattern of small flowers that covered the wide skirt when Kristoff cleared his throat and softly nudged
me on the shoulder

"Oh and you must be the boyfriend!" Mrs. Almstedt said happily. She grabbed Kristoff's hand and shook it. "Very nice to
meet you." She tried to say more, but Kristoff interjected.

"Yes, very nice to meet you. My name is Kristoff. Elsa, can we talk?" The boy looked exasperated and a bit anxious, so I
turned towards him. However Mrs. Almstedt grabbed my hand.

"Don't be ridiculous, you had her to yourself during the whole ride over here." I pulled myself loose from Kristoff, who
clenched my arm just a little too tight. I mouthed to his anxious face he needed to act normal and followed Mrs. Almstedt
through a door. It led to a rather large space of which I couldn't say it was an office or a lounge. There was a fireplace and
bookshelves along most of the walls. The floor was a rich green carpet and the furniture looked antique. It was all in the
same style, dark wood with red velvet. There were several chairs and sofas in front of the fireplace and even a pool table
to our left. I had expected b illiards in a place like this.

"Dear, I heard you talking about books? We have a lovely collection here." She handed me a book, then clapped her
hands excitedly. "Hold on, I'll get you a copy I really enjoy myself."

Large windows looked out over the gardens and I looked through one. I wasn't that interested in books right now, this
house was way more interesting. Kristoff had been following me closely, he almost bumped into me when I had stopped
walking. "Kristoff, what on earth is wrong with you?"

"Elsa, there's something you need to know. The Almstedts, they're..." I heard a door opening and I turned around. A
young woman came walking in and we immediately locked eyes. I dropped the book I was holding. Kristoff moaned
softly. "...Anna's parents."

Mrs. Almstedt walked over to her daughter. "Come Anna, don't be shy. Come meet Elsa."
*Chapter 12*: Chapter 12: The oak
/I was tempted to leave you guys hanging on that cliff a little longer, but my proofreader threatened me with hugs and
love so I decided to post it... He's nicer than I am apparently.
/Oh and for those PMs I got saying "lol that's random", the first hint towards Anna's past with the Almstedts is in
chapter 5. So shush.
/Last one (I promise), thanks for all the other amazing reviews and PMs I got from you guys ^^ Every time my phone
buzzes my heart jumps!
/And... okay J/K, enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 12
The oak

Anna is their daughter?! No, this can't b e happening. Not now. I opened my mouth to say something, but Anna cut me off
before I could even make a sound. She used her hands to straighten out her floor-length dark green dress, her red hair
in a neat bun on top of her head. "Hello, Elsa. Nice to meet you." She was led over to me by her mother, who still seemed
like she didn't have a care in the world.

"Elsa is a lawyer. She works at a big law firm in town." I tried to keep a neutral expression as I took Anna's outstretched
hand. I could feel blood rushing to my face. Why is Anna acting like this? Doesn't she want her parents to know we've at
least met b efore? I mean, she doesn't have to tell them we're together, b ut she could at least say she's met me b efore.

Kristoff was standing behind me and nudged me softly in the shoulder when he stepped past me and took Anna's hand.
"Hello Anna, my name is Kristoff. This is my girlfriend Elsa. Nice to meet you." I could see something in Anna's eyes but
there was so much conflict in them that it was hard to make out exactly what she was thinking. Wait, so her parents don't
know Kristoff either?

"Hello miss Almstedt." I smiled faintly.

Mrs. Almstedt chuckled. "I think it's fine if you call her Anna, dear. We've been asking you to call us by our first names as
well, remember?"

Get your head on straight, Elsa. Clear up your mind. Don't act crazy. I smiled at Mrs. Almstedt. "That's not how I've been
raised. But now that we're in your house, I guess I might as well. Idunn."

My eyes kept flicking between Anna and Idunn. I was talking to the latter, but my attention was with Anna. The dress she
was wearing was absolutely gorgeous and it was quite distracting. The rich dark green was set off with a brown edge
around her shoulders, which were left bare. They were spotted heavily with freckles and I had to actively focus on
something else not to stare. The fabric looked heavy and shone under the light of the fireplace. It hugged her form and
fell over her hips, where it then hung loosely to just above the floor.

Luckily Kristoff was less distracted and a lot quicker on his feet than I was. "Mrs. Almstedt, I'd love to see more of this
beautiful house. Is there any chance you could show me around?"

"Of course! Elsa dear, do you want to come along?"

Anna turned to her mother. "Maybe I could show Elsa the gardens? It would give you some alone time with Kristoff, I
know how much you care about boyfriends around here." I almost raised my eyebrows at the sting in Anna's voice, but I
managed to keep my face neutral.

"Oh nonsense, there's no need. We can all walk around together." The woman looked at Kristoff, which gave Anna the
opportunity to send the boy a sharp look.

Kristoff cleared his throat. "Actually, Idunn." I noticed he used the woman's first name, which surprised me. He then held
his arm out for the middle-aged woman to take. "I don't mind walking around with you on my arm for a bit. I'm sure Elsa
doesn't mind." Idunn put her hand on his arm and I could see she was impressed with the muscle.

"Oh well, if you insist." She slid her arm through his, giggling slightly. Kristoff led her out of the room through a door on
the other side of where we were standing whilst Anna stared after them. She waited until the door closed behind her
mother and Kristoff whilst I stood behind her, my heart high up in my throat.

The sound of the door closing hadn't even faded away before Anna roughly took my arm through hers. "Anna..." I started,
but she said nothing and pulled me towards the other door, the one we had come in through. I saw the man who had
greeted me at the door looking at us curiously and I just smiled softly. Anna had her arm through mine like Idunn had
had her arm through Kristoff's, only hers was clenched tight and was almost pinching my skin.

We left the mansion through the front door and Anna took a sharp left, walking past the front of the house. I glanced to my
left, to the window I had been standing behind a minute earlier. My mind was tumbling and tripping over itself, trying to
make sense of everything. It made me dizzy and a bit nauseous, a rough tingling forming in my chest. Oh shit, not now.

We stepped onto a gravel path in between copious amounts of rose bushes, low trees and natural large stones that
were scattered around everywhere. There were even a few wooden arcs on which roses grew, but there were no flowers
during this time of year. It just made everything look a bit dark and dead, with thorns everywhere, ready to rip your skin

Anna just kept moving over the gravel path. "Anna, where are we going?" I felt my throat starting to close. What does all of
this mean? What's going to happen b etween me and Anna? She looks mad. Why didn't she ever tell me ab out her
parents? Why didn't I know... why didn't I even know her last name?

I saw a clearing up ahead with a large tree in the middle. There was grass all around and when we stepped onto the
small round field I saw it was surrounded by a thick hedge. A light in the ground at the base of the tree illuminated the
impressive oak's branches. It was beautiful and ominous at the same time.

Suddenly Anna let go of my arm. She took another two steps before stopping herself. I pressed my fists to the sides of
my head. I wanted to say something, but Anna was pacing around and I didn't want to make her angrier than she already

Finally, after what seemed like hours but was probably more like a minute, she stopped walking and looked at me. Her
eyes were intense and her entire posture was rather aggressive, her hands balled into fists down her sides. "What the
fuck, Elsa?"

"I'm sorry Anna, I had no clue..."

Anna cut me off. "Why didn't you tell me you were working together with the Almstedt firm?!"

"I never realised it might be relevant to you, I didn't think it was important. If you'd only told me your last name..." I hugged
my arms to my chest, my mind swimming.

"You never asked!"

"Well, neither did you!" I turned around and brought my fingers to my temples. Calm down, Elsa. Relax. I felt a pressure
behind my eyes, which were wide open. I could feel my heart beating all through my body and my limbs started to tingle
slightly. Please, not now.

"You didn't bother telling me you had a dinner tonight? You lied to me, you said you needed to catch up on some reading
when I texted you!"

I turned back around. "I did! I do! What did you want me to say?! 'Hey Anna, I'm going to this dinner with some very
religious people who I work with, so I'm asking Kristoff to pretend to be my boyfriend. Okay, talk to you later!'?!"

Anna had moved into the beam of the light, causing her to look quite intimidating with her fists still in her side and her
teeth clenched. "Maybe!"

"Why didn't you even tell me your parents were lawyers? It makes no sense!"

"Oh I'm terribly sorry for not throwing all my problems with my family onto you miss Shields, you seemed quite pre-
occupied with your own drama."

She might as well have slapped me in the face. "That's not fair," I said in a small voice.

"No? Well a lot of things aren't fair, Elsa! I was doing my best to help you! That first moment I saw you in the pub I thought
you were one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, but I immediately gathered you were out of my league. But it
turns out you're not, are you? I cleaned the blood off of your face, I brought you back to my place when you got so drunk
you could barely walk... do you have any idea how sore I was from carrying you up all those stairs?"

"What are you even talking about? What does this have to do with anything?" I tried swallowing but my throat refused to
Anna gestured around wildly, her voice loud and rough. "Everything, Elsa! I saw you were unhappy, I wanted to help you!
Ever since we've met I've been trying to help you. And you never even bothered to ask about me, my parents, my family.
And I was still so shocked you wanted to hang out with me I didn't even bother doing anything about it."

"You never talked about them! The only thing you said was that they weren't proud of you and that you were trying to turn
that around. I could see it was a complicated situation." I brought my spread hands to the side, my muscles tense as my
voice skipped. "What did you want me to do, pry around in a clearly open wound?!"

"Yes! Maybe that's exactly what I wanted you to do! Instead I spent two weeks waiting for you to figure out what you
wanted, when I already knew on that first night what I wanted. I've been fucking patient with you Elsa, you and your shit.
I've never even been to your house, I have no idea where you live!"

"We were hanging out with Kristoff and Sven, what does it matter that you haven't seen my house? It's just a house!" This
argument is going nowhere. This has to stop, otherwise...

"So it just stayed that way! You came into my life, into our apartments and all we've done so far is take care of you! You
never asked about any of us!"

"I was trying not to be too dramatic, Anna." I dug my nails into my palms. "Whenever I needed your help I didn't want to be
a huge burden so I didn't ask about what is clearly a painful past. Whenever things were going OK, I didn't ask because I
wanted things to stay OK!"

"Well things are clearly not OK!"

"What do you want me to do then?!" I tried to keep my breathing under control but I was starting to see stars swimming
around my vision.

"Stop being so fucking perfect!"

"Perfect? I'm not..." I felt my legs cramp up and I started to shake all over. I reached out for something to grab, but there
was nothing there so I fell onto my knees, one arm outstretched to the ground and the other one clutching my chest. I
heard a ringing in my ears and could barely see my own hand against the darkness of the ground.

"Elsa. Elsa, breathe." I didn't feel Anna's hands on me but I heard her voice from far away, like she was whispering in my
ear. My arm was shaking so heavily I was unable to keep it straight and I felt my face hit something. There was
something tickling my nose, but I had no idea what it was. It was quite dark around, all I saw was someone's hand. And

Everything is messed up. Anna's going to leave you. You're going to lose the few friends you have. Hans will come after
you and hurt you. He's going to hurt Anna. No, he can't hurt Anna, please, please...

I heard a faint scream and I turned my head to find Anna kneeling, looking down on me. She pushed me onto my back. I
tried curling back onto my side but she pushed onto my shoulders to keep them flat on the ground. I brought my hands to
my face and wanted to hide behind them, but Anna took them and pushed them to the side. "Elsa. Breathe!" Instead I just
closed my eyes.

What were you even thinking, assuming everything was going to b e OK. You mess everything up. Anna. Your father's
company. Your mom. Your b rother.

I opened my eyes and saw her face close to mine, her expression worried but stern. She was visibly breathing slowly,
trying to get me along. I tried a few breaths but my mind was racing around in circles so fast, it was hard to keep focus on
my breathing. "Elsa I swear to god, if you don't start breathing normally soon I'll intubate you with a fucking straw and
breathe for you." She let go of my hands but before I could bring them to my face she cupped her hands over my mouth. It
surprised me but combined with trying to breathe slower I soon felt myself come down a bit.

You're having a panic attack. Calm down Elsa. You're pumped full of adrenaline. You're thinking in circles.

Anna suddenly looked over her shoulder and I saw another face appear above me. It was the man I'd met before and he
was panting heavily. I started getting my hearing back so I didn't need to strain anymore to hear Anna's voice, but it still
sounded like a whisper. "Kai, could you get some water and a cloth for me?" He nodded and turned away, but Anna
called him back. "And Kai. Please be discrete."

"Of course, Anna." He then ran off, leaving me and Anna in the grass. She still had her hands cupped over my mouth and
now looked down on me, but it was almost like she wasn't focusing on me. Like I wasn't there. She moved some hair off
of my face and made sure my blouse wasn't hindering my breathing. I'm her patient, I realised. It made me feel a bit
weird, but also safe. Protected. She'd take care of me, even after a fight.

I was slowly coming down from the panic attack, but I wasn't done yet, not by far. I was still shaking and I could feel
wetness on my face, which probably meant I was crying. I had trouble focusing my hearing and vision and I even forgot
where I was for a moment, but I slowly started to make sense of things again. You're starting to recover. Good. Now don't
fuck up and go b ack into it.

I inhaled deeply and focused on my exhales, trying to get them longer each time. I closed my eyes. "Elsa, keep your eyes
open. Please." The voice startled me a bit, because it was quite close and clear. Good, at least your hearing is almost
completely b ack. It's just a panic attack. I noticed Anna's face was looking down on me from straight above me and I
noticed something pressing down on me. I looked down and realised that Anna was straddling my hips.

Anna saw me looking. "You tried rolling back on your side the whole time. Breathing deeply and slowly in a foetal
position is a bit hard so I needed to keep you on your back." She smiled slightly. "Sorry." She didn't make a move to get
off however, but I didn't mind. It felt safe. In any other situation Anna straddling my hips with her hands covering my mouth
might have made me feel very differently, but this clearly wasn't that kind of situation.

By the time Kai returned with a bottle of water and a cloth I had calmed down far enough that Anna had removed her
hands from my mouth and I was breathing slow and deep on my own. I was softly rubbing my face and eyes, which felt
quite swollen. There was also still a distinct feeling in my entire body, which Anna told me was the adrenaline still
coursing through me. "It doesn't just disappear, your body needs to get rid of it. So like last time, prepare to feel a bit
weird for a little while."

She got up and helped me to sit up against the tree before sitting down next to me. Kai looked at us for a second, then
nodded at Anna. "Do you want me to prepare a new dress, ma'am?"

"Kai, don't be so formal." She looked down on her dark green dress. "Plus, it's grass stains in a green dress. I'm sure it'll
be fine." Her eyes moved to my tights. "However maybe a new pair of tights for miss Shields." If I hadn't already had
enough blood in my face to cause me to light up like a buoy I would have probably blushed, but now I just nodded at the
man. He smiled at me and left.

"Are you feeling better yet?" Anna put her hand on my arm. She had sat down far enough away from me to cause our
bodies not to touch, something I regretted.

"Yes, I am. Thanks."

"Come on Elsa, don't lie to me."

I looked at her, her face worried but soft. I sighed and felt tears run down my face again. A slight push and I might go
back into panic mode. "Ok, fine." I aggressively rubbed a tear off of my cheek. "Can you just... talk to me? Distract me?"

"Of course, Munchy." She moved closer to me and pulled my head onto her shoulder, my face pressed against her neck.
She ran her fingers through my hair softly and slowly. "I guess I owe you a slight explanation."

I felt her sigh and her head moved backwards to lean against the bark of the tree. "My family is an old one. Apparently the
Almstedts descend from royalty back in Norway. Some duke or prince shagged a commoner and this offshoot of family
was born." I closed my eyes and listened to her heart beating under my ear. It was quite soothing.

"I don't really care that much about my heritage. I'd love to go to Norway someday, because my parents emigrated from
there and I apparently spent the first two years of my life there. I speak the language, because my parents do care about
my heritage and raised me bilingually, but that's about all I know." She sighed. "I remember they had this friend a long
time ago who was also a lawyer, and he and my dad worked..." Her hands halted for a moment before continuing. "I
guess that was your dad then."

"Yeah, I guess he was," I said softly. We were both quiet for a minute, letting that information sink in. Then Anna breathed
in deeply and continued.

"Anyway, I was obviously very young when your father died. But it had quite an impact on my parents as well. They
became so busy with lawyer stuff that they didn't have time for me anymore and decided to ship me off to a private school
up North. I absolutely hated it. All nine years I spent in that place, from when I was eight to my seventeenth... I loathed it.
Not to mention the internal struggle I had when I realised I was gay. You know how religious my parents are. I've never
told them."

She stared ahead for a moment. "When my parents started assuming I'd become a lawyer just like them and I said I
didn't want to, I left. It was quite an easy decision to make. I was seventeen though, so my parents still had some control
over me. I couldn't tell them where I was going or they'd come after me. I just... left."

"Where'd you go?"

"The first few months after I left home and went into the city were... rough. I was... I was homeless, slept under bridges,
was hungry and cold..." I felt her shudder. "I really don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe some other time."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry." I felt Anna lean her chin onto my head and I reached out to squeeze her leg softly.
Listening to her story occupied me so much that I was starting to forget about my panic attack. I shouldn't ask ab out it, it's
her b usiness. I frowned. But she clearly said she wanted you to pry. "What got you off the streets?"

"Not what. Who." I felt something wet in my hair and realised Anna was crying. I tried to get up but Anna hugged my head
to her shoulder. "Stay," she mumbled. She waited a few seconds before lessening the impressive pressure she exerted
on my head. "Mulan. She found me and dragged me to her warehouse. I lived with her for a little while. It took her only a
few months to straighten me out and a while later I had finished my high school degree and was accepted into AMU."

I really need to send that woman some flowers. Or chocolate. Or a house. "I'm sorry I didn't ask before, Anna. You're right,
I was so preoccupied with my own worries I didn't think about yours. I mean I cared, and I was interested, but I felt like I
couldn't ask because I was already being such a nuisance with all my issues and then I'd also be prying around in your

Anna took my head between her hands and made me look at her. There were indeed tear tracks on her face, but she
was smiling now. "That's okay Munchy. I get it." She kissed my forehead gently. "We both messed up." I raised my
eyebrows and she giggled, blushing slightly. "When you started talking about your business partners I should've asked. I
mean, there are a ton of lawyers in this city, but I shouldn't have just assumed they weren't my parents. Especially seeing
you never named them." She let go of my face and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around it. "Still,
it's a bloody big coinkidink that things played out this way."

"Yeah, it wasn't really what I expected when I came out here tonight. And me not naming them was just a messed up
attempt not to drag you down into my troubles too much." You still haven't told her ab out what happened in the theme
park. But hell if I'm going to b ring that up now.

A noise made us both look up. Kai appeared on the clearing. "Your parents are a bit worried, Anna. If you don't come
back to the house soon they'll come out looking for you."

I frowned. "How did you even know we were here before?"

The man blinked. "Well you two were yelling at each other quite loudly so I decided to stay nearby just in case. And then
when I heard you screaming..."

"I screamed?"

Anna looked at me. "Yeah Munchy, you let out quite a bloodcurdling noise. Hopefully my parents were too busy blabbing
Kristoff's ears off to have noticed." So that faint scream I heard was actually... me? Damn. I saw Anna frown. "Why did you
even ask him to be your boyfriend? Couldn't you have just come alone?"

"Don't be mad at him. I asked him. Your mom noticed us texting each other last week and assumed it was a boy, so she
insisted I bring him along."

Anna stood up and brushed off her dress with her hands. There were a few faint stains on it, but she was right - they
were barely visible. Kai was still standing a bit away from us "Thanks, Kai. We're coming." The man left and Anna held
out her hand to me. "So, what have we been talking about?"

I took her hand and let her pull me to my feet. I swayed for a second, my energy drained from the panic attack, but Anna
took my arm and we started walking. "What do you mean?"

"Well I kind of panicked and pretended like I didn't know you and Kristoff at all, right?"

"Yes. I already wondered why you didn't just pretend we knew each other from somewhere else."

"I'm quite quick on my feet usually, but... this was a bit of a shocker." She laughed and I enjoyed the sound. "Anyway, let's
just say I've been telling you about medical school, okay? That's all you know about me for now."

"This is going to be quite an interesting dinner." I shook my head and inhaled deeply, enjoying the cold winter air in my
lungs. I realised Anna was probably freezing.

"Just do me a favour and don't start kissing Kristoff, okay? He'd never let me live it down and I'd be forced to kill him."

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cringe, so instead I changed the subject. "Hey Anna?"


"What did you mean when you yelled that I had to stop being so perfect?" It had bothered me a bit because I had no idea
what she had meant. It seemed very out of place in the argument we were having. Stop thinking ab out the fight, you'll
spiral down again.

Anna let go of my arm and walked beside me for a while, visibly thinking. I allowed her some time but when we reached
the house and walked in front of the windows I looked at her. She saw me and smiled sadly. "Don't you see? My parents
love you. Up until this day they've been telling me I'm a failure." We reached the doors, where Kai was waiting with a
chubby, round-faced woman. She beckoned me over, but I looked at Anna. She just stepped through the doors and
looked back at me. "You're the daughter they wished me to be." She turned away and quickly moved down the hallway.
Kai looked at me with a sad expression on his face.

"Please miss Shields, follow Gerda. She'll clean you up."

"Elsa dear, did you change tights?" I was led into the dining room by Gerda, whom I'd gotten to know as a very friendly
motherly figure who wanted nothing more than to talk about everything and everyone. It was all small talk though, and I
had the feeling it was because she and Kai knew exactly what was going on between me, Anna and her parents. She
managed to talk about the weather for the entire time it took me to change, clean up my face and apply some new make-

"Anna was showing me around the garden and I tripped. Silly me." I looked around. The dining room was beautiful. The
floor was white marble and the walls and ceiling were painted white as well, with wide moulding on the edges and
intricate patterns etched into the ceiling. A large table that could easily fit twenty people sat in the middle of the room,
covered by a red table cloth which made the table stick out immensely against the white of the room. A silver chandelier
hung from the ceiling and was complemented by silver candlesticks and silverware on the table. There even were two
flower pieces. They really went all out for this dinner, didn't they.

Kristoff was sitting at the table, seemingly quite relaxed. He stood up as I approached him and pulled back my seat. I
was so surprised I almost laughed at him, but instead I let him help me into my seat and put my hand on his arm as a
thank you. Anna, who sat down across from us at the table, shot us a look that showed she was amused and annoyed at
the same time.

"Mr. Almstedt used to hunt a lot with your father, Elsa." He was sitting to my right, with both of Anna's parents sitting at the
head of the table to my far right, so he used the moment he was looking at me to ask a question with his eyes. How do
you tell him what he needs to know without letting Anna's parents know?

"Anna showed me around the gardens, it was lovely. She told me all about medical school, it sounds fascinating." Wait,
if he told them he's in medical school this might go wrong. Oh shit, what did I say?

"Kristoff, I told you to call me Agdar. Please. And speaking of university, you never told me what you do for a living, son."
Son? Really? I shot a look at Anna, who had her hands folded in her lap and seemed to be studying her silverware. This
is really going to b e a long evening.

Kristoff took my hand in his and put them on the table. "Well I am unemployed at the moment, but I really want to find a
job. It doesn't feel right to live off of my girlfriend like this, you understand."

Idunn smiled warmly. "How did you two meet?"

Kristoff looked at me but I drew a blank. "Go ahead honey, you tell them," I said sweetly. I saw a muscle in Kristoff's face
twitch for a second and despite the heavy atmosphere I had to suppress a chuckle. Sorry, Kristoff.

"It's a cool story, actually." Kristoff took a sip of his water. There was also a glass of wine for all of us but I had the feeling
neither me or Kristoff wanted to be drinking that night. "I met Elsa in a book store. I was looking for new sheet music for
my guitar - did you know I own a Martin?"

"Really? That's a beautiful instrument, how did you get that? Is it mahogany?" Agdar was visibly impressed, but Anna
"Yeah Kristoff, where did you get that amazing guitar from?" she asked with a steel expression on her face as she took a
rather large gulp of her wine. "You being unemployed and all that."

"Anna, don't be rude." Idunn didn't even look at her daughter as she said it.

Kristoff smiled warmly. "That's OK. I inherited it, actually." Before Anna could interject again he quickly continued. "As I
was saying, I was looking for sheet music and I saw Elsa sitting there." He looked at me, smiling warmly. The loving look
he was giving me seemed quite sincere and it was making me slightly uncomfortable, but I didn't want to let on so I just
smiled back at him. "She had her hair down just like now and she was reading a very boring-looking book."

I quickly latched onto the story. "Actually it was Criminalistics from Richard Saferstein." I hadn't actually read it yet, but I
really wanted to buy it so the lie came out quite easily. "I was thinking about buying it and wanted to see whether it'd be
worth the money."

"You didn't end up buying it though," Kristoff laughed. I glanced over at Idunn and Agdar, who were listening to the story
with tender expressions on their faces. I didn't even want to look at Anna. "I asked her if she wanted to get a cup of coffee,
and she did. That's the whole story, really." He leaned over and gave me a small kiss on my forehead. I had to do my very
best not to look shocked.

"Oh look at her Agdar, she's blushing. You two look really good together." Wow, he's really good at this. Mayb e me and
Anna can just keep our mouths shut the entire evening and Kristoff can talk us through dinner.

"Anna, did Elsa tell you about her work as a lawyer?" Okay, never mind. Idunn looked at her daughter, who was blushing
slightly. I had the feeling it wasn't from embarrassment however, as the redness spread across her neck and shoulders
more than just her cheeks.

"No Idunn, she didn't. She was interested in my work in the hospital, actually." I wasn't surprised she called her parents
by their first names, but it did widen the already large rift between them.

"She must have told you something about her work." I glanced at the woman. I felt very conflicted. On the one hand I had
really enjoyed being around these people, working with them on the takeover, but now that I had heard Anna's side of the

"Oh, like you tell me everything." She glared at her parents. "Actually... Elsa did tell me something." I was surprised but
managed to hide it. Kristoff squeezed my hand softly, probably trying to remind me to keep acting like nothing was going

Agdar put his hand on his wife's lower arm, probably for the same reason Kristoff had squeezed mine. "What did Elsa
tell you, dear?"

"When were you planning on telling me your company was being assimilated?"

"That's not what it's called, Anna. It's..."

"I don't care what it's called! You didn't tell me!" Anna sat back in her chair, crossing her arms.

Idunn cleared her throat. "Anna. We weren't sure what was going to happen to the company and you didn't seem that
interested. We just figured we'd tell you when we knew for sure what was going on."

Agdar raised his voice slightly. "Ladies, please. Idunn, Anna. We have guests." Both women fell silent but I could clearly
see the discussion wasn't over yet. The air was so thick I felt like I could cut it with a knife.

After throwing a look at his daughter that seemed to hold a warning, Agdar turned to me. "So Elsa, what part of the
garden did you enjoy most? Did Anna show you the pond?"

"No, but I saw your large oak. It's rather beautiful, the way it's lit up." Just small talk. I can do this.

"Yes, it really is, isn't it? It's quite old, it was here long before the house was built. No-one really knows how old it is, but it
must be a few hundred years don't you think?"

Anna licked her lips. I glanced at her and hoped she wouldn't start an argument again. I understood her frustration, I
really did - but I still had large traces of the panic attack in my system and didn't need more excitement right now.

"Anna, will you stop sulking please?" I had to resist the urge to groan at Idunn's comment. Are you looking for a fight with
your daughter? Because this is how you get one.
Anna opened her mouth, looking almost furious - but then the doors to the dining room opened and Gerda came in
pushing a trolley with what looked like hot pies. Kristoff immediately piped up. "Oh look, the pie!" Agdar shot him a
thankful look and turned himself to Gerda.

"That looks wonderful, Gerda. What did you make for us this evening?"

"Well, these are all vegetable hot pies with cheese." She gestured to another large plate. "These ones have beef in them.
I know how much Anna used to love these when she was young, so I thought..." The chubby woman smiled affectionately
at the redhead and I could see Anna relax a bit. Thanks, Gerda.

We actually managed to get through the pies without any more arguments and were almost done with the next course,
which consisted of salmon with cream and asparagus. Kristoff had started discussing music with Agdar and Idunn kept
her eyes fixed on her plate, not unlike me. Even Anna kept her mouth shut.

"So, Elsa." I looked at Agdar, who seemed a lot perkier after discussing his passion for jazz music with Kristoff. "I don't
want to talk about work all evening, don't get me wrong, but I was wondering whether you heard back from the board yet.
Me and Idunn have been quite tense over the past days."

Kristoff scoffed, immediately followed by a cough. "I'm sorry, something in my throat." I gently hit him between the
shoulder blades, but I knew there was nothing wrong with his throat. I could almost hear him say it. Tense? Try b eing
threatened b y some dude and b eing stupid enough not to tell the cops.

"No, I haven't heard back yet. But I'm sure they'll let me know soon, this is not a decision they want to postpone too long."

"Well, me and my husband have been thinking." Idunn looked at Agdar affectionately. "This whole business has drained
our funds to an extent that our company is done for anyway. There's no doubt that we'll be part of your company soon." I
resisted the urge to glance at Anna. Please don't speak up, let this slide. "So we were thinking that your first order of
business as CEO should be merging our companies, rather than just taking us over."

I smiled. "I'm sure we'll figure something out. But let's wait until I hear back from the board before making decisions like
that, OK?"

Agdar nodded. "Of course, you're right." He clapped his hands. "Well then, shall we retreat to the lounge to enjoy a

Anna sighed. "Actually Agdar, I think I might leave soon."

"Don't be ridiculous Anna. Have a drink with us. Gerda has already prepared your room for tonight."

"I'm not staying the night," Anna said incredulously.

Idunn sighed. "Of course you are. I'm not bringing you back to the city tonight."

"Fine, I'll ride with Elsa and Kristoff."

"Ikke vær frekk, Anna!" I looked at Idunn, confused for a moment before I realised she was probably speaking
Norwegian. "Du kan ikke anta noe sånt."

"Who's the one being rude, Idunn? Speak English so they can understand what you're talking about."

"Ikke flau våre gjester!" Idunn put her hands down on the table so hard I jumped a little. Kristoff put his hand on my arm.

"Maybe we should leave them for a moment, Elsa. Dear." He got up and I followed him. Agdar seemed to be trying to
calm the situation and stood up.

"Vennligst stoppe roping. La oss prøve å komme gjennom kvelden."

Gerda came through the door with a plate in her hands. On the plate was a large, round and clearly homemade
cheesecake. It even had a candle sticking out of it. I frowned and then suddenly realised. Right, they think it's Kristoff's
b irthday. I felt tears burning in my eyes again. They made him a cake. A b irthday cake.

The round-faced woman beckoned us over while Idunn and Anna were getting up as well, both speaking in rapid
Norwegian. Kristoff and I walked towards Gerda but I was reluctant to leave. For some reason I didn't want to abandon
Anna, but this was clearly between the three of them.

"Gerda, I'm so sorry. Did you make this?" I asked in a low voice. The woman smiled crookedly.
"Yes, dear. It was for your... boyfriend." She looked at Kristoff. "But I'm guessing that's not exactly the story here. Is it even
your birthday?"

"My birthday?" Kristoff looked incredulously from Gerda to me and back. I pressed a hand over my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, the both of you. Everything just went wrong tonight."

The woman threw glances past me at the family behind us. She then smiled sadly at me. "That's okay, dear. Are you
Anna's friends from the city?"

Kristoff put his hand on my arm. "Yes we are. We care greatly for her, this is all just a huge mix-up. Elsa and I didn't know
we were on our way to Anna's parents."

The woman sighed and moved back from the doorway, putting the cake down inside a cardboard box that was sitting on
a table outside. "Well will you at least take the cake with you?" Her eyes shone as she looked up at me. It made me
realise this woman was small, shorter than Anna even. "Maybe you can share it with..."

I suddenly heard Anna's voice from behind me. "Slutte å late du er min mor!" It was immediately followed by a sharp
sound and when I swerved around I saw Anna clutching her face with Idunn's hand still in the air. Kristoff's hand closed
itself tightly around my arm and pulled me against him.

"Don't, Elsa," he whispered in my ear.

Anna turned around and strode towards us, her cheek red and tears in her eyes. We locked eyes and when she passed
me it took all my self-control not to yell at Idunn and Agdar, or wrap my arms around Anna to comfort her. Instead I
cleared my throat. "I think it's best if we continue this another time?" I heard Anna's footsteps remove themselves from
the scene, first walking but then running.

Idunn buried her face in her hands and sat back down in her chair. Agdar moved to put his hand on her shoulder but
reconsidered and brought it to his neck instead. "I'm really sorry about all of this, Elsa. It's not how I wanted you to see my

"I'll offer Anna a lift back into town," I said curtly. I managed to keep my voice calm though, something I was quite proud

"I'd really appreciate that. Otherwise she'll probably end up trying to walk back."

Kristoff gently tugged on my arm. "Elsa, let's go."

We found Anna waiting at the car, leaning back onto the hood. She was staring down at the gravel and when Kristoff and
me approached the car she just moved to the rear door, her hand on the handle. I unlocked the car and she immediately
got in.

Me and Kristoff exchanged a glance which relayed both our levels of frustration perfectly. Kristoff was very protective of
Anna as well and I knew he probably felt the same way I did. However we didn't speak as we sat down, buckled up and
pulled out of the driveway. I did wave at Kai and Gerda, who were standing in the doorway. It must b e quite hard on them
as well. Gerda had said Anna liked a certain type of hot pie when she was young, and Anna had told me she had been
shipped off to private school at an early age, which meant the woman had been employed by the Almstedts for a long

"That went well," Kristoff said. I resisted the urge to slap him, because I knew he was just trying to alleviate the pressure
of the situation. And people being slapped was a bit of a touchy subject at the moment.

It was quiet for another long moment. As soon as the car broke free of the trees I heard Anna sobbing quietly. I looked at
her in the rear view mirror for a moment and wondered whether I should say something, but decided against the notion.

Kristoff was staring out the window, his hand under his chin and the other one holding the cake box in his lap. I did my
best to keep my focus on the road. There was a lot to think about, but in all honesty thinking was the last thing I wanted to
do right now.

"Do you mind making a small detour for me?" Kristoff said.

I looked at him. "Sure, no problem. Where to?"

"Well I promised Sven I wouldn't be home until a lot later. Apparently he has a date back at the apartment." I raised my
eyebrows, surprised, but a glance in the rear view mirror told me Anna hadn't moved a muscle.

"I didn't know Sven had a girlfriend."

Kristoff looked at me with a smirk on his face. "He doesn't."

It took me only a few seconds to figure it out. Well, for someone who had never met a gay person three weeks ago I'm
learning quickly. "I didn't know Sven was gay."

Kristoff laughed out loud now. "He's not."

I looked at Sven. "Then what is he?"

"He just loves people. I guess you could say he's bi, but... he doesn't like the word." The boy shrugged.

"So you're the only straight one amongst us?" I asked with a smile.

"Yup. But Anna is the only real gay one. Sven had a girlfriend before this, but Anna chased her off."

"She was mean." I looked in the rear view mirror at Anna, who had curled herself up against the door, her forehead
pressed against the window. Her eyes were red and swollen and her cheek looked a bit puffy, but otherwise she
seemed OK.

"She wasn't mean. Not smart either. But she meant well." He turned to me. "She told Sven he didn't need me and Anna to
be happy, that he spent too much time being around us. I think she was just trying to get him to try and build a life on his
own, but Sven really needs people around him."

"Especially you," Anna said from the backseat.

Can I ask? Well I won't know that unless I ask. "Kristoff, if you don't mind me asking. You said you met Sven in the foster
system? I was just wondering, with all our weird pasts..." I attempted a smile, keeping one eye on the road and another
one on the rear view mirror. I didn't want to set Anna off, but she seemed fine.

"Well it's like Anna said, we all have stories. I think that's why we work so well as friends, none of us judge each other or
trivialise each other's problems because we all have our own as well." He folded his hands behind his head, balancing
the cake on his knees. "I told you that I had two families, right? First I lived with my Pabbie, who was an awesome guy.
He was old, so when he had raised me from the age of two up to twelve he died of a heart attack. I was devastated
because it didn't only mean I lost the only dad I'd ever known, but I also had to be placed into a new family.

"It all turned out good though. I was placed into this family which already had another foster child, Sven. He'd been with
them for years already but he had this thing where he didn't speak. He'd never say a word and people would judge him
for it. 'Why don't you just speak, you stupid or something?'". Kristoff accentuated the words with his hands, causing me to
glance at the cake every now and then. "Of course those kids never bothered him again after I'd had a talk with them." I
saw a faint smile on Anna's lips. She undoubtedly already knew the story, but still enjoyed hearing it.

"We hit it off, Sven and me. I learned to read his expressions and stuff and after about a year I just talked for him. He's
younger than me though, so when I finally got him talking it was just in time for him to go to high school."

"How'd you get him to talk?"

"By never expecting him to. I was willing to spend the rest of my life being his voice and I was fine with that. Other people
always pressured him into speaking but I didn't care." He laughed. "You know what the first thing was he ever said to
me? He told me to shut up. Those were his first words. 'Kristoff, shut up.' Of course his speech was a bit off because he
hadn't talked for so long, but it was amazing."

We were speeding down the freeway now and we were gaining on the city quite fast. "Hey Kristoff, where did you want
me to drop you off?"

The boy shrugged. "I dunno. The pub or something. Wherever I can waste some time."

"We can go to my place. Watch a movie or something like that."

I saw Anna throwing me a glance, an understanding smirk on her face. She remembered our argument as well. Kristoff
was rather oblivious however. "I've never been there. Anna?"
"Anna hasn't been there either," I said. "Okay, let's do that then. I don't really have any food though. We'd have to stop on
the way over there."

Kristoff looked over his shoulder. "Anna, at what time does your shift start tomorrow?"

"I got a tenner."

Kristoff turned back to me with a grin on his face. "Movie night it is."

/Now, I'm not going to put the translations of the Norwegian down here. Why? Because it's written in the first person
from Elsa and Elsa has no idea what they're saying so why should you? Anyway, if you really want to know, send me
a PM and I'll explain. But remember, Elsa is just as confused as you (probably) are...
*Chapter 13*: Chapter 13: The vodka
/Slight hiatus, sorry about that. Had a bit of a writing block and I've been switching to a zero-carb diet, so my energy
has been really bad the past days. Besides that I had to miss two funerals because I'm on the other side of the world
at the moment and I've been feeling like general crap for a while now. Anyway. Not that you guys care about my
personal issues :P
/You guys and your fluff requests! Whenever I post a chapter the next one (or two) has (or have) already been
finished so you can't influence me! Mwuahaha!

Chapter 13
The vodka

As soon as I opened the door to my apartment I heard Max and Sitron complaining loudly. I pushed the door open and
quickly walked inside so the cats would follow me and not get in the way of Anna or Kristoff, who was carrying the cake
and a brown paper bag.

Anna shot past the blonde and moved over to pet the cats, but stopped mid-movement. She looked up and around. "Holy
shit Elsa, this place is amazing."

Kristoff whistled softly. "And that's one hell of a tv." He rustled the paper bag. "Can I put this on the counter? Won't it
scratch or something?"

I laughed uncomfortably, my face red. "Just put it anywhere, I don't really care." Actually I did, but I wasn't going to be that
woman who complained about muddy boots on the floor. Oh shit their shoes aren't muddy, are they?

I gathered our coats and put them on the hangers next to the door. I was tempted to ask them to take their shoes off, but
instead I just took mine off and put them neatly next to my other pairs. As soon as the other two noticed they quickly
moved over to take their shoes off as well. I smiled.

"Can I have a look around, Munchy?" I nodded. Anna had started feeling better when I had let her pick out a few things in
the store and her mood had improved even more when Kristoff had let her pick the movie. I had to admit it felt good being
on the other end of the caretaking for a change.

I bent down and picked up Sitron while Max padded over to Kristoff to smell his jeans. The boy had just started emptying
the bag, but now squatted down to let the cat sniff his hand. "Careful," I said. "He sometimes scratches people he
doesn't know."

To my surprise however, Max licked Kristoff's hand and the boy scooped the cat up, propping it up on his shoulder. "Don't
be silly, we're best buddies. Me and..."


"Me and Max! See, it even alliterates." I looked on with something that resembled both shock and amusement when Max
curled himself up on Kristoff's broad shoulders, seemingly quite content with this new high ground he discovered.

"Munchy!" The shout made me swerve around swiftly, my stomach hitching and Sitron digging his claws into my lower
arm. Nothing turned out to be wrong though when Anna came running out of the bathroom with a big grin on her face.
"You have a bathtub!"

"Yes, that's... a sharp observation," I said slowly.

"I love baths!"

I laughed. "Well you're welcome to have one whenever you want. I don't really use it." Anna came over to the kitchen and
sat down on one of the wooden stools that took up one side of my kitchen island. I put Sitron back down on the floor and
walked into my kitchen, stepping onto the slightly raised platform. I opened the large fridge behind Anna.

"Hand me those, will you?" Anna took the several bottles of alcohol and other groceries that needed to be put in the
fridge and handed them to me one by one. When she was done she leaned backwards onto the kitchen island, looking
at me trying to mash a bottle of limoncello into the freezer. It was ridiculously small compared to the fridge and was
mostly filled with frozen pizza, vegetables and ice cream.

"Do you do much cooking in here?" Anna followed me with her eyes as I walked around the island to the other side.
There was a stove on the island itself but the counters against the wall were just that, counters and shelves. They made
up a U-shape around the kitchen island and had dark granite counter tops. My kitchen was basically just way too big for

I took a few glasses and a bowl from the cupboards. "Not that much. I don't like cooking just for myself. I once made a
big Christmas dinner in here though. It was nice."

Anna turned and leaned onto the counter, her green dress quite low on her chest. I wasn't sure whether she noticed, but
I certainly did as I let my eyes linger on her freckled shoulders for a moment. "Oh, for whom?"

I paused for a moment, the bowl still in my hands, before I put it down on the counter and processed the girl's words.

Kristoff left the preparations to me and moved to my bookshelves, running his fingers over a few spines. Anna looked at
him for a moment before turning her eyes back on me. "No more lying or circling the truth, Elsa."

I had already learned that whenever Anna used my real name, she meant business. I sighed whilst grabbing three small
plates from another shelf. "I'm not lying. Holter was here and a couple of other people from the office. It was awkward, but

"That's your boss's name?"

I put the three plates on the counter and took a large knife from a wooden block. "Holter? Yeah, that's his name."

"What's up with us and names? Honestly, are there other names I need to hear or know about?"

I pulled Gerda's cake towards me and smiled. "Not unless you have siblings or uncles I might be working with." I had
meant it as a joke but Anna's face fell. I had just opened the box to cut all of us a slice of cake, but now I faltered and put
the knife on the counter. And then I remembered. "Idunn said on the phone she raised her children in that house, not just

Anna sighed and smiled humourlessly. "Yeah that'd be my sister Ylva." She looked up and saw my worried face. Her
eyes went wide and she quickly raised her hands. "She's fine, she's fine! Wow, we've had enough drama for one night,
thank you. My sister is fine, she went to live in Norway six years ago. She's visited once since then."

"Ok, that's good to hear. That she's alive and everything. Damn, you had me worried for a second." I picked the knife back
up and sliced through the cake. "So you haven't seen her in a while? I guess you miss her?"

"Tremendously, yeah." I heard the sarcasm in her voice but chose to ignore it. She tilted her head back far enough to see
the fridge. "Is the booze cold yet?"

Kristoff sat down on the couch, Max still on his shoulder. The boy had a book in his hand and had been reading it, but
now looked up. "You'll get equally drunk if you drink it lukewarm, Anna."

"That's an excellent point, my dear man." She turned around on her stool and opened the fridge. "I vote vodka."

I put down the knife and shoved one of the plates to Anna. "I vote cake."

We all had a slice of cake (or two) and had started on vodka cola. Kristoff made the mixes and the smell alone told me
they were quite strong. I wasn't halfway through my first one when Anna was pouring herself a third. "Oh! I have an idea!"
she yelled. We were all sitting at the kitchen island on our stools, a bowl of crisps in between us.

"Having a glass of water?" Kristoff laughed, eyeing the amount of vodka Anna was pouring into her glass.

Anna waved away his notion with her hand, spilling some vodka on the counter with her other one. I'm glad we're
drinking over here and not over at the rug. "Don't be silly, Kristoff. No, I thought with how much we've been learning about
each other today, we should play never have I ever!"

Kristoff moaned but I hadn't heard of the game. I was afraid of what it might entail though. Kristoff saw my face. "It's when
we all take turns saying something we've never done. If you have done it, you have to take a drink. So for example, never
have I ever kissed a girl."

"Oh I've done that!" Anna took a swig of her vodka and made a scrunched up face. "Didn't add the coke yet," she giggled.

I frowned. "I'm not sure I want to play this game." It wasn't that I was afraid I'd done stuff the other hadn't, I was mostly
afraid of the opposite.

Kristoff shrugged. "You'll be fine. Just cheat."

I didn't like cheating however so when we were all set with filled glasses in front of us and Kristoff launched us off by
repeating his first question, I took a drink, immediately coughing. "Damnit Anna, did you just add vodka to my half filled
glass?" The girl just giggled and I reached for the coke, but she moved it away from my hand.

"Oh come one, that's no fun." Fine, I'll just make sure I don't drink too much then. Anna was next. "Never have I ever... had
sex." Both her and Kristoff took a swig, then noticed I didn't. Anna turned red. "Oh I'm sorry Munchy, I didn't mean to
embarrass you. It's usually the first one when you start playing this game."

Kristoff nodded his head at me, indicating it was my turn. I internally thanked him for not joking about it. "Never have I
ever..." I thought for a second. The game wasn't that hard to understand... and easy to rig. I smiled. "Never have I ever had
sex in a bed." Anna laughed loudly and she and Kristoff took a drink.

Kristoff chuckled as he put his glass down. "See, you're getting it. But now it's war. Never have I ever studied law." Anna
punched him in the shoulder, saying something about how that was way too specific and not fair, but I dutifully took a
swig of my strong drink. I was surprised when Anna suddenly punched Kristoff on the shoulder again, this time harder.
The boy rubbed his arm. "What was that for?!" he yelled incredulously.

"That's for kissing my girlfriend, you asshole." Anna took the vodka bottle and topped off her and Kristoff's glasses before
taking her own turn.

"Never have I ever been in a foster home," she sneered.

I laughed as Kristoff took a swig, glaring at Anna. I raised my hand. "Okay, okay, no more of that stuff. Uhm..." Both of
them were looking at me and I tried to think up something good. "Never have I ever held a gun." I expectantly raised my
eyebrows but was surprised when Anna actually took a swig.

She put down her glass and looked at our faces. "What? I've done some stupid stuff in the past."

Kristoff raised his eyebrows. "You always got angry when I asked about your past, but now..." He cocked his head. "Never
have I ever been locked up for more than a night." Anna took a drink. Okay, this might get either very interesting, or very
dangerous very soon.

Anna looked at Kristoff. "Never have I ever been in jail for more than two nights." All glasses remained on the table. Okay
phew, that's good to know at least. And I guess she wanted us to know too.

I licked my lips nervously. Did I want to stay on this topic? Maybe if I took it away from Anna a bit. "Never have I ever
busted someone out of jail." I winked at Anna as I took my drink. Wait, did I wink? Okay, I've already had more than I

Kristoff opened his mouth but I silenced him. "I think that's enough of this game."

Anna looked at me, a bit disappointed. "But we've barely started!" She set her glass down on the counter and hopped of
the seat. However she had misjudged the distance to the ground and she tripped on her dress, causing her to grab
Kristoff in order to stay on her feet. Luckily the boy managed to stay on his seat.

"I'm going to take a bath!" Anna suddenly declared. "Oooh it's going to be amazing." She half walked, half ran to the
bathroom. Kristoff followed her with his eyes, smiling.

"I think Anna's had enough vodka for one night."

I took the last swig from my own drink. "Yeah I think that's enough for me too."

Kristoff moaned and rested his head on his arms. "Why do I always drink with such lightweights? I don't want to drink on
my own but I'm barely buzzed!"

I laughed and reached to a high shelf to grab myself a small glass. "I'll have a limoncello then. Want one?"

"What the fuck is limoncello?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'll show you."

I had barely nipped my drink, moaning lightly when my favourite drink touched my lips, when I heard Anna calling for me. I
frowned whilst licking my lips and looked at the bathroom door, which was slightly open. I glanced at Kristoff. "What does
she want?"

He shrugged. "Go and see."

"What if she's naked?"

Kristoff smirked at me, but when he saw I was serious his smile faltered. "Then, well, she's naked. But you've seen
naked women before. Right?" He then winked at me. "Plus, if you don't go, I'll have to."

Anna's voice came from the bathroom again, calling my name. I bit my lip. "Oh, fine." I got up and moved over to the door.
I waited for a second with my hand on the handle before peering in through a small opening.

Anna was wrestling with her dress, trying to take it off. I smiled, relieved. However a small part of me was a bit
disappointed. Don't think like that, Elsa. I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me. "Anna stop struggling,
you'll rip it." I moved over to her and Anna stopped moving, a few strands of hair loose down her face.

"Stupid dress. My mom made me wear it. I don't even care if it rips."

"Don't be like that Anna, it's a beautiful dress." I searched for the zipper and found it on her back.

"Well, you can have it." She patiently waited, her back towards me while I held the zipper. "Is it stuck?" she asked.

My mouth went slightly dry. There are no b ra straps. What if she's not wearing a b ra under this? Anna asked once again
whether the zipper was stuck. "Uh yeah, hold on." I lowered the zipper slightly, revealing nothing but skin so far. Her
shoulders. Look at how many freckles she has. There are even a few on her shoulder b lades. I forgot what I was doing
for a moment and took my hand off of the zipper to run my finger over the large amount of freckles. I felt Anna's skin
tremble slightly under my touch and I jumped.

"Sorry Anna, I just..." I moved my hand to the zipper again but Anna turned around. There was something in her eyes that I
had seen once before, the one time we kissed in her room a little over two weeks ago. She raised her hands to my
blouse and played with the fabric, running her fingers across the neckline. It made my breath hitch but I took her hands in
mine and lowered them gently.

"Anna, you're drunk." I could feel it in my own head as well, the speed with which I had drunk the vodka was backfiring.

"So what?" Anna said. She twisted one of her hands free from my grasp and brought it up to my face. That's what you get
for dating a martial artist, Elsa. "I like your face like this. When you're not all fancied up, just wearing a little bit of make-
up... it's better than when you're trying to impress everyone." She followed the line of my jaw with her forefinger, then put
her thumb underneath my mouth. She squeezed my chin lightly whilst stepping closer to me, her other hand and mine
trapped between our bodies.

My heart was thumping in my chest and Anna could feel it, I knew that. It felt like my entire body was buzzing and I could
feel Anna trembling slightly as well. She raised her head and put her free hand on my neck so as to draw me in for a
kiss, but I resisted.

"Anna, stop. Please." She's clearly not herself, this is wrong. I don't want this. I stepped back to free my hands and looked
down at Anna, the hurt so clear in her eyes it cut off my breath.

Suddenly Anna's eyes filled with tears and I had to resist the urge to take another step back when she let out a scream of
pure frustration. She almost doubled over and I extended my hands, wanting to do something - but she shot back up,
rage apparent on her face. "Don't you like me?" she yelled. "Why don't you like me?"

I wanted to say something, but it was quite clear to me that it wasn't me she was yelling at right now. I heard Kristoff's
footsteps coming closer but they stopped outside the door and I knew he was listening in case I needed his help.

"I dressed up for you! I let you put this fucking dress on me, I let you put my hair into this ridiculous bun..." She raised her
hands and started pulling at her hair, removing the band that held it together. She threw it at the floor. She looked at me,
but her eyes weren't focused. Her make-up was starting to run and I wanted to go over to her, to take her in my arms, but
I wasn't sure whether that was what she needed right now. I had no clue what I was supposed to do, so I froze.

"Why can't you just love me for who I am? Fuck Ylva and her fucking husband, fuck her two kids... That's not me! That'll
never be me! But I do good things too! I save lives! I'm a good friend!" She took a step aside and flung her fist at the wall,
making me flinch. "You didn't even come over when Mulan invited you. Do you even care about me?!" She punched the
wall again, her voice becoming raw from yelling.
Okay this is going very wrong. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, but I was very sure I didn't want Anna to hurt
herself in her drunken frenzy. And when Anna launched her fist at the wall a third time and I saw blood on the tile, I did the
only thing I could think of.

I stepped in between Anna and the wall before she could throw another punch and tried to pull her against me. "No, let
me go!" She hit me on the chest a few times but I didn't let go and kept on pulling her struggling body closer to mine until
I was hugging her against me, my arms wrapped tight around her shoulders.

I felt her body go limp as she started crying and finally gave up the fight. I couldn't support her weight in the way I was
holding her so we ended up on the floor, Anna crying into my blouse and me still hugging her close to me. "Why can't you
just love me?" Anna sobbed against me. I was crying as well, rocking us back and forth and pressing kisses to her hair.

"I love you, Anna. I really do. I think you're beautiful and smart... Who cares that you're not your sister, you're amazing just
being yourself." So this is what happens when Anna loses control. In all honesty it had been quite frightening. I heard the
door open softly and Kristoff looked inside, his face pale. He saw us sitting there and then looked up at the wall. "Kristoff,
she hurt herself."

The boy saw Anna's hand, covered in blood, and nodded. "Do you have a first aid kit or something?"

"In one of the kitchen cupboards. I'll get her cleaned up a bit and bring her out to you." Kristoff left, closing the door. I shut
my eyes and let Anna cry a bit longer. She had stopped muttering and now the sobs started to die out as well, until the
only sounds she was making were short inhales as her breath hitched.

I unwrapped my arms from around her and she sat on her own, on her knees. I reached over to undo her dress and
found a strapless bra, but all of those thoughts seemed a universe away now. I helped her out of her dress and led her
over to the shower in her underwear. I was focused on her face and hair and didn't even look at the rest of her body. Not
only did it seem inappropriate, it was far from the forefront of my mind at the moment. I turned the water on, a lot warmer
than I was used to myself. I knew Anna didn't like the cold as much as I did. The redhead leaned heavily on my arm as if
she was half asleep, but I figured that was a combination of the alcohol and the exhaustion from her outburst.

The running water seemed to do the girl good and she brought her uninjured hand up to her face to clean off the
remainders of her make-up. She opened her eyes and shot me an apologetic look. I could see her eyes were clear
again so I turned away and moved over to sit on the edge of the tub, my back towards the shower. I waited until I heard
the water stop and then closed my eyes, listening to Anna move over to the stack of towels on a shelf to my left, passing
in front of me.

"I'm covered up," Anna's voice came out. I opened my eyes and smiled at Anna, who had wrapped two small towels
around herself. Her underwear hung over the side of the tub.

"You could've grabbed a large one." I took a large towel from the shelf and tossed it at her. I quickly turned around so she
could swap them around.

"I didn't know you had two sizes," she mumbled.

It felt like the alcohol had left my system. Anna was a lot clearer as well, but not quite - she wasn't yet able to walk in a
straight line, but at least her mind seemed clear. I pointed her to the bedroom and told her she could borrow some of my
clothes before I moved over to sit with Kristoff on the couch. The boy looked at me. "Do you think..."

I rubbed my temples with my fingers. "Kristoff, please. Not now." I felt my hands tremble slightly and I sighed deeply. Max
tried climbing back onto the blonde's shoulders but he pushed the cat away. Sitron was sitting in a corner of the room,
looking a bit insulted by the number of loud strangers in his house.

Anna came walking into the room wearing my sweatpants and a sweater. She looked apologetic. "I'm sorry, I got some
blood on your towel and sweater... and on a shirt in your closet when I reached up to grab this stuff."

"It's okay, I'll just put it in water later. Come over here and let Kristoff take care of your hand." Anna moved over and sat
down on the red rug besides the coffee table. Kristoff had prepared a few things and spread them out on the counter.
Anna put her hand on the table and I cringed.

Almost the entire top of her hand was blue and swollen and the skin on her knuckles had burst in several places. Blood
kept seeping out slowly as I stared at it, a slight tingling around my mouth. I wasn't used to blood and injuries. Of course
I'd cut myself cooking on occasion, but that wasn't anything a band aid couldn't fix. This was something else completely.

"Shit, Anna." Kristoff sighed and took some kitchen towel to dab away the excess blood. The girl cringed slightly. "You
might've broken it this time."

"This time?" I asked immediately, my voice high. "Sorry," I said right after.

Anna kept her mouth shut, so Kristoff answered. "She's done this once before. Only that time she just punched through
the drywall. Your wall is tiled concrete, it's a lot tougher." He looked at the wound up close. "You've bled enough, no need
to disinfect it." He then got up and walked to the freezer. He took out a bag of frozen peas. "Mind if I use this?" I shook my
head so the boy walked back to Anna. He wrapped a few layers of kitchen towel around the bag and then gently put it on
Anna's hand. "I can't bandage it when it's that swollen." He looked at Anna with a mix of pain and affection in his eyes.
"You moron."

We watched the movie Anna had picked in silence, even though it was a comedy. By the time we finished it, it was past 1
AM so we decided Kristoff would take the couch. He first bandaged Anna's hand up before curling himself into a sleeping
bag I owned. No need to tell him I only owned it because my brother had the nasty tendency to randomly show up at
times. Oh shit, he gets out in less than a month. I shook my head and rested my palms on the kitchen counter. Sitron
jumped up and sat next to my arm. He meowed softly and I scratched the cat behind the ears. "Time for bed."

I turned around and saw Max outstretched on Kristoff's chest. The boy seemed to already be asleep even though he
closed his eyes not five minutes ago. I wanted to smile but I couldn't, I was too exhausted from the day. I turned off the
lights and walked into the bedroom.

Anna was already in bed, lying on top of the covers wearing a large soccer jersey that belonged to my brother. On his
visits he seemed to always leave a few articles of clothing behind. Including underwear, I remembered when I saw Anna
wearing black boxer briefs. I always just washed them and kept them. Although having a girl in my bed wearing them
hadn't been one of the intended uses at the time.

Anna was lying on her stomach with her head turned away from me. I quickly changed into a pair of dark blue pyjamas
and buttoned them up to my throat before getting into bed next to her.

I had thought the girl was already asleep but I was proven wrong when she rolled over and put her lower arm on my
stomach. I stretched out my arm to the side and she put her head on my shoulder, snuggling her face into the crook of
my neck. "We're quite a pairing, aren't we?" she sighed.

"I get panic attacks, you get anger attacks." I played with Anna's hair, curling it around my finger and letting it fall down.



"That argument that you had with your parents... in Norwegian. What was it about?"

If was quiet for a bit and I was a bit afraid I'd overstepped, but I kept hearing Anna's voice in my head from earlier that day.
I want you to pry in that wide open wound. Anna pulled on a loose thread of my pyjama. "My mom thought I was being
rude. And that I shouldn't just assume you guys would give me a ride." She sighed and I could hear the tiredness in her
voice. "She slapped me because I yelled at her to stop pretending to be my mom. The few years I spent at home Gerda
was more of a mother to me than Idunn." She put her hand flat on my stomach and pressed her forehead in my neck.
"Let's talk about it tomorrow or something, I'm exhausted."

"Of course, Anna. Thanks for telling me though." I squeezed her shoulder softly.

"We need to stop having these days," Anna mumbled. I could hear she was trying to fight off sleep. It made me smile.

"What days?"

"You know. You bust me out of jail after having a bad day at work, you get a panic attack. You go to a dinner with people
who turn out to be my parents, you have a panic attack, I get an anger attack. Imagine how bad the next one would be."

"I have two panic attacks and you beat someone to death?" The words left my mouth before I realised what I was saying.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way."

"I know. But you're kind of right." She yawned. "I really don't want... to face... Mulan..."

I stroked the girl's head whilst staring up at the ceiling. She was right. I was really done with these weird days.
I didn't sleep well that night. I lay awake for hours, listening to Anna's deep and rhythmic breathing. She's so peaceful. I
turned onto my side and looked at the girl lying next to me. She'd rolled away from me soon after she'd fallen asleep,
mumbling nonsense in between soft snores.

I guess she does have something of her mother in her. Those cheekb ones perhaps. And her nose could b e her father's. I
sighed and resisted the urge to wipe a lock of hair from the girl's face.

I heard one of my cats scratching at the door. Slightly annoyed I got up, careful not to disturb Anna, and walked to the
door. Sitron was outside and he slipped into the bedroom when the door opened. He jumped onto the bed and seemed
a bit confused that there was someone else in there, but he quickly curled himself onto the foot of the bed. I looked into
the living room and saw Kristoff's hair sticking out from the couch. Every time he inhaled I could see Max's white hair stick
out just above the back of the sofa.

After a quick trip to the toilet I wanted to crawl back into bed, but noticed something on my window. It's snowing? I went
over to the window and pressed my nose against the glass. It was indeed snowing, heavy white flakes were circling
down towards the ground and covered the lower edge of my window. I had a very wide windowsill so I sat down, my back
against the side panel and my knees drawn up to my chest. Even at this hour there were cars driving around outside.
Their headlights made the snow light up like fireflies in the night. It was mesmerising.

I heard Anna moan softly and move around in the bed. I looked over to make sure she was okay, but she'd just rolled
over onto her stomach with her limbs spread everywhere. Sitron seemed heavily insulted by the fact there was now a foot
next to his head, so he jumped off the bed and came to sit with me. I crossed my legs and he climbed up on them. "So
you complain when I leave you alone for a day, but when I bring home company you're still not satisfied?" I whispered,
scratching the cat behind his ears.

I heard a scream from outside which made me look up. I lived up quite high so for the sound to reach me it must've been
rather loud. Luckily it turned out to just be a young woman who was engaged in a snowball fight with someone, a boy by
the looks of it. Both were wrapped up with scarves, hats and gloves and they were throwing handfuls of snow at each
other. The boy tried to close the distance between them, rewarded by the girl shoving a large amount of snow in his face
with both her hands. I smiled, listening to their faint laughs and yells. The boy took the girl's head in between his hands
and kissed her then, in the middle of the street. The girl paused and they lingered like that for a moment or two, before
the girl shoved the remainder of snow in her hands underneath the boy's coat. I snickered and watched as they ran off,
the boy chasing her.

When they disappeared out of the corner of my window I felt lonely all of a sudden. I looked over at Anna, who smacked
her mouth in her sleep and mumbled softly. Why can't we just b e like that? Uncomplicated. I looked back at the window
as a fresh snowflake joined the others at the base of the glass. Why does it have to b e so... dramatic all the time? I
frowned. Well that's not entirely true. The theme park was nice. "Until Hans showed up," I muttered.

Yeah, ab out that. I sighed. I was still determined to go through with it and accept the position of CEO if it was offered to
me. I wasn't about to be scared off by a few threats, but at the same time I shouldn't just ignore them. Mayb e I should go
to the police and see what they think ab out it. I could go see lieutenant Masters, he'll prob ab ly rememb er me.

The wind made a soft whistling noise as it curved around the building. I leaned my head back against the windowsill and
closed my eyes, listening to the special kind of silence only wind and rain could bring me. It couldn't drown out my
thoughts, however.

You should tell Anna everything too. Keeping secrets has clearly not b een the b est strategy for you b oth lately. Sitron dug
his nails into my pyjamas and I absently started stroking his fur. You're lucky she forgave you that easily. I smiled faintly.
Our first argument and it's resolved b y me having a panic attack. I guess it works, b ut I'd rather just talk it out next time.
Next time? Yeah, people have arguments in healthy relationships, don't they?

I gently put Sitron down and got up. No use thinking about these things in the middle of the night, I might as well get
some sleep. I got back in the bed, lying down on the very edge. I looked over at Anna, how she was sprawled out, and
considered snuggling up to her for a moment, but decided against it. I faced the other way and closed my eyes, the wind
outside nicely covering up the thoughts that were swirling around my head.

/Next chapter will hold some more fluff to save all of your poor hearts, I promise!
*Chapter 14*: Chapter 14: The beanie II
/It's been 8 days since the last update, sorry about that! Life... Can't live without it, right?
/Anyway, I have been tormenting you guys a bit with the last chapters, and this one starts out not so happy either - so
I've already finished chapter 15 and I'll throw that one online tomorrow. Which also explains the long-ish wait.
Together chapter 14 and 15 are like 24k words so that should make up for it, no?

Chapter 14
The beanie II

"My head..." Anna rested her face in her hands, sagged down on one of the barstools in my kitchen. Kristoff was still fast
asleep. I had tried being quiet when getting up and waking Anna, but she quickly told me it took a lot more than just a
couple of people talking to wake the blond up.

"Breakfast is almost done." I flipped the sizzling bacon and eggs over and put down the spatula, leaning on the counter
to look at Anna. "How is your hand?"

She carefully loosened the tape holding the bandage together and unwrapped her hand. When the last bit of bandage
slid off of her skin I sucked in my breath. Her hand was still very blue and the blood under her skin had spread as far as
her wrist. Unlike me however, Anna just regarded her hand with slight fascination. "I don't think it's broken," she said

I looked up when a gust of wind whistled around the building, a stark contrast with the warm smell of breakfast filling my
kitchen. I looked back at Anna. "How do you know?"

Anna carefully wiggled her fingers. "Because it hurts, but it doesn't make me want to jump out the window when I do
this." She smirked at me. "I'll be fine Munchy, don't worry."

I frowned and had to resist the urge to cringe at Anna wiggling her injured hand around like that. "Of course I worry, I saw
you punch my wall so hard you cracked the tile."

Anna looked at me with raised eyebrows. "I... cracked a tile?"

I leaned back against the counter across from the stove and studied Anna's face. "I'm not sure whether you're shocked,
proud or..." I shook my head. Anna just chuckled softly.

"Well I feel bad for breaking something in your house. But the martial artist in me is kind of proud." She frowned and
looked down at her hands. "Well not of the fact I lost control like that, just..." She rubbed her face with her uninjured hand.
"I am certainly not proud of that." She glanced up at me from underneath heavy eyelids. "Sorry."

The way she was sitting there, her shoulders hunched and her head low, she looked very small and fragile. Not the Anna
I was used to. It made me want to wrap my arms around her and hug her. So why don't you? I moved around the counter
and stepped behind the redhead, clasping my hands together in front of her stomach and resting my chin on her

"It's okay. It's just a tile. I was thinking of moving house anyway." I chuckled softly. Anna put her hand on mine and leaned
back into me, causing me to straighten my back. Her head tilted back and she looked up at me, her head pressing in my
sternum just underneath my chest.

"No it's not okay. I got drunk and lost control and that's never okay. Stop defending me and just accept the apology."

"...okay, apology accepted." I smiled. "I guess that makes us even in the whole 'drunk-behaviour' area."

I heard a soft meow and looked over at the couch, where Sitron was trying to lie down next to Max. Kristoff's arm was in
the way however, and the cat didn't seem happy about that. He moved over to Max's other side and lay down, which
meant his hind legs were on Kristoff's face. I chuckled. "Shouldn't we wake him up?"

"He'll wake up eventually. The smell of bacon will probably appeal to his subconscious."

I let go of Anna to turn off the stove and serve up breakfast. I loaded up a plate with bacon, eggs, orange slices and some
toast for Anna, eliciting a grunt from the girl. "I can get used to this, Munchy. It looks absolutely amazing." I simply smiled
and made up another plate, settling for a little bit of each for myself. I wasn't that hungry.
Sitting next to Anna, eating our breakfast in silence, I couldn't help but think back to the previous night. There's clearly a
lot of hurt within Anna. I had no idea, she does an amazing job hiding it - b ut last night really showed how much it
actually pains her that her parents don't seem to accept her. Until that outb urst in the b athroom she almost acted normal.

I put down my fork and Anna glanced over. "Not hungry?"

Tell her what's on your mind. You tried protecting her, that didn't work. Just talk. "It's just that... I don't know if I can just go
back to the way things were before. What happened last night was terrifying. " Anna also put down her fork and I could
see the hurt on her face. I quickly grabbed her uninjured hand in mine. "Not you. I wasn't afraid of you. I know you wouldn't
hurt me." I saw the doubt on Anna's face but she kept quiet, giving me the room to continue. I sighed and closed my eyes
for a second before looking back at the redhead. "Let me rephrase. I just never knew how much you were hiding from
me. No, wait." I folded my hand over my eyes and squeezed my temples. "How is it that whatever I'm trying to say comes
out sounding terrible?"

Anna still kept quiet and it was starting to make me really uncomfortable. I looked up at her. "Are you mad at me?"

Anna withdrew her hand from mine and very gently started massaging her bruised hand, fixating her eyes on her
knuckles. "For what you're saying now?"

"For anything. Yesterday made it clear to me that I need to be more open to you and..." my voice fell away.

"And that I should be more open to you?" Anna said. Her voice wasn't harsh, but it wasn't soft either. "You have a point,
because what happened at my parents' house yesterday was really not OK. I'm not saying it was purely your fault, but..."

"But I should have told you." I couldn't look at Anna anymore so I followed her gaze and observed how she softly
stretched and rubbed her fingers.

"Yeah. You should've."

"And I wanted to. I think."

I felt Anna's eyes drill a hole in the top of my head. "You think? Elsa I really agree with the whole 'being more open to
each other' thing, but if it's going to be like this..."

"No, that's not what I meant!" I buried my face in my hands. "I really want to share everything with you, but I'm just worried
I'll get you in trouble. Or get you hurt." I looked up at Anna with pleading eyes. "And I just really don't want to see you get

Anna's eyes softened slightly but I could see she was still on edge. "How can telling me something get me in trouble?
It's my decision whether I want to act on something Elsa, don't take that choice away from me. My parents have been
doing that to me for most of my life, I don't need you doing the same."

I shot a look at Kristoff but he hadn't moved. And even if he's listening, it's not like he doesn't already know everything
that's going on. "Okay, fine. You're right. And this is probably the worst moment to tell you this, but I can't keep waiting for
the right moment because there isn't one." I put both my elbows on the counter and pressed my palms against my eyes.

"Monday, in the theme park, a man came up to me. He's the one who stepped on your beanie." I barely took enough time
to take a breath. My resolve was already on thin ice, one sound or look from Anna might break it. "He told me that I'd get a
call on Wednesday. Today. The board is going to offer me the position of CEO alongside Holter, on a trial-basis, but if I
take it he'd hurt me. Or something. He didn't say what he'd do to me, but..."

I was interrupted by the sound of Anna jumping off her stool. Without looking I knew she had started to pace and I kept
my palms pressed to my face, my stomach churning slowly.

Anna's footsteps stopped. "You're telling me this now? Seriously? This happened on Monday, and you're telling me
now?!" Her voice was trembling but alarmingly soft.

"Anna, please. I know it was wrong of me not to tell you, but we were..."

"You're damn right it was wrong of you not to tell me!" The sudden increase in volume made me jump slightly and I heard
movement from the couch. I kept my hands pressed to my face however, not daring to move. This is it, you've lost her.

"This asshole walks up to you, threatens you, and you don't tell me? He was right there Elsa, he was in the park with us!
He was RIGHT THERE! If he had decided to do something then and there, I wouldn't have known and I would've been
"He said he'd hurt me if I took the job, not..."

"He's a criminal, Elsa! A fucking criminal! You can't trust criminals to keep their word!" Anna's voice started getting hoarse
again. It still hadn't recovered from the previous day and she was exerting it again to quite an extent. "God fucking damnit
Elsa! Will you at least look at me?!"

A sudden knock on the door made all three of us look up. Yes, all three, because Kristoff had woken up as soon as Anna
had started yelling. We were staring at the door when a second knock resounded through the apartment. We have a
doorman. All mail is delivered downstairs. Anna looked at me, her face still angry but now seemingly focused on
something else. "Elsa, who can get up here?" she asked quietly.

"Just people that work at the building, or other residents," I answered. I saw Kristoff get up, his eyes fixated on the door.
Anna moved into the kitchen and grabbed a knife from the counter. Whoa, guys, hold up. "Can we please stop and think
for a moment?" I asked, my voice shaky from the argument I'd been having with Anna.

"How many visitors do you get up here, Elsa?" Kristoff asked while moving towards the door carefully.

I licked my lips. "None. But I'm sure it's just..."

"Miss Shields?" The voice came from outside the door and I saw Kristoff visibly jump, but Anna hadn't moved a muscle.
She was still in the kitchen however, and not moving towards the door. I had recognised the voice though, and felt myself

I got up and walked towards the door. Kristoff's eyes widened. "Guys, it's my doorman. He won't jump and kill me." They
didn't hesitate to defend me though. The thought made me warm inside. Mayb e you haven't lost Anna yet.

I opened the door and there was my doorman, holding a parcel in his hands. "What's this, you usually don't come up to
hand deliver packages."

The boy shrugged, glancing over at Kristoff. The blond was standing right behind me, like a scruffy bodyguard. "I uhm..."
He looked back at me. "The guy gave me some cash to deliver it immediately. That's all. Happens all the time." He held
the parcel over to me and I took it. It was small and light, but I didn't really care about it. I nodded at the boy and closed
the door. I really wasn't in the mood for small talk.

I tossed the parcel onto the kitchen island and sat back down on the barstool. I locked eyes with Anna and felt there was
still a large amount of tension between us, a tension that needed to be resolved. Anna shot a look at Kristoff and the boy
scratched his neck. "I'll be... taking a shower."

"Is there anything else you haven't told me, Elsa?" Anna had put the knife back on the counter but she didn't look less
intimidating, her bruised hand in a fist at her side. I knew it must hurt.

"Hans. The guy's name is Hans. That's all I know. He mentioned Holter as well, so he probably works for him somehow,
but I had never seen him before Friday." I saw Anna's eyebrows lower and quickly continued. "He was just walking
through the hallway when I had the meeting, I didn't think anything of it. Just a guy in a suit walking in an office building."

"Fuck." Anna leaned onto the counter, breaking her aggressive posture. She suddenly looked exhausted and the heavy
bags under her eyes seemed to have appeared out of thin air. "If there is anything else, anything at all, you need to tell
me now." I shook my head and she rubbed her face with her hand. "I take it that you're still planning on taking the job?" I
nodded and she fell quiet, thinking things over.

I stared down onto the counter, folding my hands tightly in front of me. "Anna, if you want out, I get it." It took quite some
effort to keep my voice from breaking when I said it. I don't want to lose her. But I don't want her to get hurt either.

She frowned. "Want out? What are you talking about?"

"If you want out of this. This situation. This relationship. You have enough on your plate with your parents already, and I
have no idea what's going to happen to me. To the company. So if you want out, I understand."

"Oh, wow." She laughed cynically. "If there was any part of me that wanted out, do you think I'd still be here?"

I thought about that for a moment. "I guess not."

"That's mine." Anna's voice had changed and I looked up, confused.

"The parcel. It has my name on it." Her eyes were locked on the small black parcel on the counter. I reached over and
pulled it towards me. Anna was right, it said her name. Anna Almstedt. No address, just that. "Give it to me," the redhead

I looked up, a bit surprised at the urgency in her voice, but I handed the parcel to her. Anna immediately ripped the plastic
open and two things came falling out, something made of fabric and a piece of paper. Anna picked them up. "A black
beanie." She then read the paper and I saw her face slacken. I felt my mouth go dry and my heart started beating faster.
Anna handed me the piece of paper.

I read the message out loud. "Miss Almstedt, I hope you had a great day with your girlfriend. I felt so bad for ruining your
beanie, I wanted to replace it. Sincerely, Hans."

Anna leaned backwards against the counter. "I'm in this with you, Elsa. Whether we like it or not."

"He knew you were here. He fucking knew you were here." And he knows what you mean to me.

I saw Anna's surprise at my profanity, but at this moment there were no words strong enough to describe my mixture of
anger, fear and panic. I got up and moved towards my bedroom. Anna called after me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting dressed. And then I'm going to see lieutenant Masters."

"Anna, you can't just ditch school. Work."

"I'm just an intern. They don't need me as much as you do."

"Maybe you'd be safer in the hospital."

"For fucks sake Elsa, stop resisting me." Anna pressed her phone against her ear and leaned against the passenger
door of the car.

I gritted my teeth whilst trying to keep my attention on the road. The layer of fresh snow was quite thick already and my
socks were making squelching noises in my trainers. I hadn't taken a lot of time getting dressed, throwing on a pair of
jeans and t-shirt. Even I wasn't immune to cold however, so I had wrapped a scarf around my face and was wearing a
long woollen coat.

Kristoff was sitting in the backseat, his face grim but his eyes alert. The boy hadn't said much but his mood was so foul
he'd yelled at Anna for not hurrying up when we were on our way to the car. The girl had been mesmerised by the snow
on the ground and even through her own anger had reached down to form a snowball in her hands. It had fallen back to
the ground unused when she walked over to the car however, her face just as dark as it was now as she held the phone
to her ear.

"Hello, doctor Reynolds? This is Anna Almstedt. Yes, the medical intern. I'm sorry but I can't come in today, something
came up." I nervously checked my mirrors before taking a right turn towards the police station. "I know doctor Reynolds, I
apologise. I injured my hand and it needs to rest before I can come back to work."

Kristoff shifted in the back seat. "Now he's saying that she can still learn whilst not exactly working," he mumbled.

"I know doctor, but you know me. I can't be somewhere and not work. I promise I'll work even harder tomorrow."

"Doctor Reynolds doesn't work on Thursdays," Kristoff sighed.

"Then I'll work even harder for doctor Richards. I'm sorry doctor Reynolds, but I have to go. Yes, again I'm sorry. Okay. See
you. Bye." She hung up the phone and looked over her shoulder at Kristoff. "Were you saying something?"

"Nothing important," Kristoff said whilst rubbing his face. I was too stressed to laugh and instead had to slam the brakes
when someone stepped onto a pedestrian crossing from behind a parked car. Anna was flung forward and had to brace
herself on the dashboard with both of her hands, yelping from the pain in her hand.

"Shit Anna, I've told you a million times to wear your bloody seatbelt!"

"Learn how to drive and I won't have to!"

"Enough!" Kristoff yelled. Both Anna and I quieted, tears pricking behind my eyes. "We've got better things to do than
argue about stupid shit like this. Anna, put on your fucking seatbelt. Elsa, start driving, the cars behind us are honking."
Anna aggressively tugged on her seatbelt and fastened it before staring out the window, softly massaging her painful
hand. I released the brakes and drove off, my arms trembling from the shock of having to slam the brakes and both Anna
and Kristoff yelling at me. Relax, everyone is just stressed out. Just get everyone to the precinct safely and take it from

As soon as I parked the car Anna threw open the door and got out. I took two deep breaths before turning off the engine
and getting out of the car, shivering slightly when I felt the snow drop the temperature in my shoes again. I was still
driving the rental which had a superb heating system, I'd called the company to let them know I'd be keeping it for
another day. Kristoff was waiting for me outside the car, Anna was already running up the few steps that lead into the
precinct. "Just let her rage on for a bit, she'll calm down." Kristoff smiled. "She loves you too much not to."

"She... loves me?" Kristoff put an arm around my shoulders and started walking towards the doors, practically forcing me
along. It was a bit of a weird feeling, he usually wasn't that touchy feely, but it did make me feel safe and wanted.
Something I could use right now.

"Well I won't put any words in her mouth, but I've never seen her fall for someone as fast as she did for you." I felt my
throat tighten, but not in a panicky way. A warmth spread through my chest.

"Why are you telling me this though?"

Kristoff squeezed my shoulder. "Because I got the feeling you needed to hear it."

We walked through the doors to find Anna arguing with the desk clerk. "I'm basically on a first name basis with the dude,
I just want to talk to him!"

The woman behind the desk didn't look impressed. "Being arrested isn't the same as a social call, Anna." Well at least
she's on a first name b asis with the desk clerks. I pushed away the thought and stood next to Anna, my hands folded on
top of the counter.

I mustered up my most professional smile. "Good morning. I'm here to see lieutenant Masters, could you please tell him
I'm here?" I handed the woman my business card, but she didn't look at it. Instead, her gaze flicked between me, Anna
and Kristoff.

"You're with her?" She nodded at Anna.

"Actually, she's with me. I'm not here to discuss Anna's previous arrests, I'm here on my own accord. I've been receiving
threats and I want to discuss them with the lieutenant."

"Lieutenant Masters doesn't handle cases like that. I can have you sit down with..." She checked a list in front of her.
"Officer Ribof."

Anna started pacing, clearly impatient. The desk clerk eyed her and I turned towards Kristoff. "Kristoff, could you please
take Anna to wait outside?" Sorry Anna. I felt tears prick behind my eyes again when I saw the redhead glare at me.
Kristoff held out a hand to her but she just shook her head and walked outside. I closed my eyes for a moment, fighting
back the tears. Please give me a moment, Anna. This is a different kind of b attle than what you're used to.

I turned back towards the desk clerk. "I'm sorry about Anna, she's very... spirited." I smiled at the woman, but didn't get
any response except a lazy stare. "Could you please just call the lieutenant and ask him whether he'll see me?"

"What's he to you?"

"We're... acquainted."

The woman rolled her eyes but she gave in and grabbed the phone on her desk, dialling an extension number. "Yeah
Eddie? Got someone here at the desk." She eyed the business card. "Elsa Shields. Says she knows you. Yeah. Ok." She
hung up the phone and turned her gaze to her computer screen, lazily moving her mouse around. When she noticed I
was still standing there she slowly looked up. "He's on his way."

"Thank you." I glanced at the name tag on her uniform. "Roz."

The door to the squad room opened and lieutenant Masters looked through. "Miss Shields, I can't say I was expecting
you. But please, come to my office."

"Anna and a mutual friend are waiting outside, do you mind if they tag along?"
The lieutenant raised his eyebrows. "Anna?" He shrugged. "Sure, why not." I quickly stepped outside to beckon the pair
inside, then followed the lieutenant through the door into the squad room.

"So, can I ask what this is about? Not that I mind you visiting, of course." The man shot me a smile as we walked through
the room, Anna and Kristoff at our heels. The redhead still didn't seem very happy, but at least she was still here. I'm
thankful for that.

"I've gotten myself into quite a volatile situation, lieutenant." I heard Anna huff cynically and had to bite the inside of my
cheek not to react. I knew I was jumping into my professional role, but that's what needed to be done right now. If I didn't,
I probably wouldn't be able to get through this conversation all too well.

We went into the office at the far end of the squad room. There weren't a lot of chairs, so the lieutenant offered me his
whilst Anna took the other one. And the men stand, how typical. I took the chair though, not wanting to step on the man's
toes. Not now. I glanced over at Kristoff, who had taken up the bouncer's position at the door.

"So miss Shields, what can I do for you?" The man listened intently to my story. I left nothing out and when he learned
about my relationship with Anna he raised his eyebrows for a moment, but he kept his mouth shut.

"Okay." He leaned against the wall, one hand thoughtfully rubbing the stubble on his jaw. "Let me get this straight. Holter
& Shields law firm, one of the biggest in town, is actually yours as left to you by your dad. However Mr. Holter denied you
your rights, either knowingly or unknowingly."

Anna interrupted him. "He knew. I'm sure of it." I looked at the girl. She'd borrowed some of my clothes, the dark blue
jeans folded back around her ankles and a simple dark green shirt hugging her form underneath a white vest which
she'd opened up. She was usually complaining about everything cold, so I was wondering why that was. She must've
been freezing outside.

"I can't really comment on that without looking into it, Anna. But I believe that isn't the biggest issue." He looked at me.
"Can you please repeat the threats you've received?"

"Well first there was Mr. Holter indirectly threatening me with assault. I didn't take that one all too seriously, but when
Hans showed up in the theme park he told me quite clearly that I was not supposed to take the job."

"And then today you got that beanie. Did you bring it?"

Anna nodded and held out the paper bag she'd stuffed everything in. The lieutenant put a latex glove on his hand and
took it from her, opening it up. "Well, I guess it can be perceived as a threat." He turned the paper message over, but
there was nothing else on it. He looked at me. "And I believe it is a threat. But if this goes to court they'll just argue he was
trying to be nice because he stepped on Anna's beanie."

"But it's clearly a threat!" Anna flared up.

The lieutenant sighed and put everything on his desk. "I get that, Anna. I don't think Elsa would've come to me if she
wasn't sure about that." He looked at her. "You do realise this is a threat towards you though, not her?"

She huffed. "I can take care of myself. And of Elsa."

"If he wants to hurt you he can just use a knife or gun. You and your martial arts can't fight that."

"I'll get him before he draws a weapon." Anna glared at the man.

I closed my eyes for a second. "Theodore." The lieutenant looked at me, a surprised look on his face. "Can I call you

"Actually Eddie is just short for Ed." Oops. He shrugged. "Or does that mean it's long for Ed?" He smiled at his own joke
but quickly faltered when he saw my face.

"Okay, Ed. I just want to know what I should do from here."

"You're planning on taking the job, right?"

I rubbed my forehead, slightly agitated. "Yes. Everyone keeps asking me that."

Kristoff spoke up and all of us looked at him. "Well yeah, because it doesn't sound like the smartest move at the
I looked back at the lieutenant, who in turn looked from me to Kristoff and Anna for a bit. "Well I'll definitely look into this
Hans fellow. I'll need you to file a report though."

"Can't you just ask around a bit without having to do all that?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

I put on my best pleading face. "I don't want the company being under investigation the moment I take up my new

Anna moaned loudly. "Jesus Christ Elsa."

Ed made a hushing movement with his hands. "No no, I get it. Once a company is under investigation stocks drop and
you shouldn't be affiliated with trying to get your co-captain arrested as soon as you take up a position at the helm." He
nodded as if he was taking decisions for himself. "I'll try to get an ID on that Hans guy. Might take a while though, I can't
rush this past all my other cases."

I got up and nodded understandingly. "Of course, I wouldn't expect you to." I saw Anna inflate like she was about to shout
something to the opposite, so I quickly grabbed the lieutenant's hand. "Thank you so much, lieutenant Masters. You have
my card?"

"I can't say that I do." I gave him a new one and he put it with the stuff on his desk. "It was nice seeing you again, Elsa."
He looked at Anna. "Anna." Kristoff held the door open and the three of us left. We walked through the squad room in
silence, the smell of coffee and sugary donuts filling my nostrils.

As soon as we stepped out the front door, Anna turned towards me, fresh snowflakes immediately clinging to her red
hair and eyebrows. "Okay, so what's next?"

I sighed, buttoning up my coat. Please zip up your vest. "I can drop you off at the hospital if you want, you'd only be an
hour late for your shift."

She waved away the idea. "Nah that's not going to happen. I'm sticking with you for the rest of the day. No way I'm leaving
you alone in that apartment."

"I'm..." I was going to say I'd be fine, but I knew that wasn't going to change her mind. Besides that, it wasn't exactly true.
There's still something in b etween us, I can feel it. Like a ringing in your ear. You're not sure what it is, b ut you're damned
sure it's there. "Thanks, Anna."

Kristoff raised his hand and I looked at him. "I wouldn't mind a ride back to my place, actually." I nodded and smiled. His
dress shirt was wrinkled and he'd rolled up the sleeves of his blazer, making the usually nice outfit look rather scruffy.

"Of course. Get in."

"So." I sat down on my couch, my back against an armrest and my knees drawn up to my chest. I clutched a large mug of
tea in my hands and blew softly on the steaming liquid, enjoying the wind howling around the building now that I knew I
didn't have to go out again. Anna was lying on the floor, stomach down, a slight sheen of sweat on her forehead. Her
workout had caused my living room to smell slightly salty, something I found strangely appealing.

"So what?" She tapped her phone before pressing herself up on her forearms and toes into a planking position, her
body tense as a drawstring. She had insisted on staying with me another night until a more permanent arrangement
could be made, so when we dropped Kristoff off she had quickly packed a bag for herself. This included training gear
like the loose white pants and black singlet she was currently wearing. I admired her muscular shoulders and arms,
tensed to their maximum by the position she was in.

"If you want to finish your workout first that's fine, we can talk after." I took a small sip of my tea and almost burned my
tongue. Still way too hot.

Anna started getting red in the face and her body started trembling slightly. I glanced at her phone and saw she was
almost up to a minute already. I'd bet I couldn't hold out that long. I figured it was probably hard to talk when her body was
tensed up like that so I waited patiently until she came down to the ground again.

Max jumped up on the couch with me, meowing loudly. Sitron moved over to Anna and smelled her face, his whiskers
tickling her skin. "Sitron, get over here!" I quickly yelled, but it was too late - Anna had to release the plank and rolled on
her side, playfully swatting at the cat.
"Damn you Sitron, now I'll have to go again." She sat up and crossed her legs, stretching her arms above her. The
singlet raised up and I couldn't help but look at her muscular stomach underneath. The muscles were still engaged from
the workout and it made my mouth go dry. "You were saying?"

I flushed red when I realised she'd caught me staring and I quickly took another sip of my tea whilst Max tried climbing
onto my lap. "I know there's probably some more things you want to say to me. For some reason we're always
interrupted when we're arguing." I stretched my legs and Max climbed up on them, sitting down and blinking slowly at
me. I scratched him behind his ears, my mouth smiling but my mind buzzing.

"You make it sound like we're some old married couple. But yeah, I guess there's a few things left that we have to
discuss." She twisted her upper body and I could hear something crack. It unnerved me, but I decided now wasn't the
best time to comment on it.

"Feel free to say anything, Anna. I have no more secrets."

The redhead brought her legs together in front of her, both slightly bent at the knees and her feet flat on the ground. She
put her hands underneath her knees and leaned back until her arms were stretched before letting go of her knees,
putting all her upper body weight on her core. She put her hands flat on top of each other, and started bringing them from
side to side, twisting her upper body. I looked on, wondering if I'd be able to do that.

"Well." Anna's voice sounded strained because her muscles were tensed, but at least she was able to talk through this
exercise. "We have to figure out... what to do about... my parents."

I nodded, softly pushing Max on his side so I could reach his stomach. He lazily complied, raising his legs in the air and
purring softly. "Yeah I've been thinking about that. And I think you should decide. They're your parents, I just work with

"But you... need... them?" I hadn't been counting how many times Anna had moved from side to side, but it must've been
quite a lot already.

"Well I'll have to work with them more in the future. They'll be a part of my company."

"Answer... my..."

"Yes," I quickly replied. No need to over-exert her. "Well I think I can do it without them. Be CEO, I mean. But it would be a
lot easier if I could ask them for advice. It doesn't take away the fact that I think it should be your choice though. Whatever
you decide is fine with me."

When I didn't get an answer I quickly threw a look at the redhead and saw her eyes were closed and her teeth bared in a
painful expression. Her upper body seemed to be trembling and her feet were slightly off the floor.

Now that I knew she had her eyes closed I risked looking at her for a moment longer. I could see the muscles in her
shoulders rolling underneath her skin and even though the rest of her torso was covered by the singlet it wasn't hard to
imagine the muscles at work underneath.

Sitron still seemed very interested in the young girl on the floor and he was sitting on the edge of the rug, looking at the
(for him) inexplicable movements Anna was making. My eyes flicked between him and Anna, just hoping he wouldn't
jump on her or something worse. His tail was swishing from side to side precariously and I was pondering whether I
needed to remove the straw-coloured cat from the equation when Anna let out a loud groan and let herself fall
backwards, her chest rising heavily and her hands above her head.

An image entered my head. The image of me straddling Anna's hips with my hands on her wrists, pushing her to the
floor with her chest rising and falling just like it was now, me leaning down to press my mouth to hers. Whoa, whoa Elsa.
What the hell. Inappropriate.

I smiled cynically at myself, pinching the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger with my eyes closed.
Come on, b rain. With all of this stuff going on you show me that? Let me think of some puppies, or kittens. Bab y seals.
Throttling Holter.

Instead I thought back to the theme park, the kiss Anna had planted on me at the ticket booth. Then later at Kristoff and
Sven's apartment, when she'd kissed me in front of the refrigerator. The corners of my mouth curled up when I
remembered Kristoff's reaction to that, grabbing the cans from my hands like nothing was going on.

"What on earth are you thinking about? Your face just went from flushed to sarcastic to flushed to entertained." I looked at
Anna, who had pushed herself up onto her elbows. She was still panting, making it very hard to keep my eyes focused
on her face. "Was it something I did?" she smirked. Damn you, Anna.

"So, your parents." I cleared my throat and put my hand back on Max, who had started to complain loudly at the lack of
attention. Sitron had walked over to Anna and started licking her arm. She looked down on him, a bit surprised. It's just
the salt in your sweat. They like it. The thought made me think about how Anna's sweat would taste. God damnit Elsa,
what's wrong with you today.

"Yeah, my parents. I don't think we should tell them about us right now. Not yet. Let's just get through this thing with your
company and Hans first." Anna scratched Sitron on the top of his head and the cat blinked at her.

"Looks like Sitron is starting to like you. Count yourself lucky, he's the shy one. Max'll scratch you, sure, Sitron will try to
stare you out the door." I smiled at the girl. "And thanks. I really appreciate that. As soon as you're... as soon as we're
ready to tell your parents, I'll be behind you a hundred percent." I swirled the tea in my mug around a bit, weighing my
next words. "How are you planning to deal with your parents after last night? If I may ask, of course."

Anna her hand moved to scratch Sitron underneath his chin as the green-eyed girl frowned slightly. "Well it's not the first
time stuff like this has happened." I raised my eyebrows, but she quickly interjected. "Not the slapping, that's not a daily
thing. I kind of asked for it though. Not that slapping anyone is ever okay. Maybe when you're a martial artist like me and
both parties are fine with it. We don't really slap each other though, we punch and kick..." She sighed as Sitron moved
away and jumped onto the couch. "We'll be fine though. It doesn't change much. Next time we see each other we'll
probably pretend nothing happened, like we always do."

The redhead gestured towards her feet. "Care to help me out with this next exercise? I can't do it alone." I thought I saw a
small glint in her eyes but I wasn't sure. I didn't really care either, I was already glad she wasn't mad at me anymore.
Kristoff had been right, she'd calmed down during the ride back to my apartment. I just needed to leave her alone for a
bit, let her rage. And the workout didn't seem to have been a bad idea either.

I put Max on the sofa and walked over to Anna. I placed my empty teacup down on my kitchen island and then stood at
her feet, the redhead still lying on her back raised on her elbows. She now gestured at her feet again, which were flat on
the floor. "I need you to keep my feet on the floor. You can use all of your weight, I'll be standing up completely and then
lying back down."

I quickly kneeled at Anna's legs, trying to conceal a heavy swallow and my increased breathing. I then carefully put my
hands on her feet, quite conscious of how close my face was to her knees. "Okay, ready? I'll try to do the first one slowly,
but I have to build momentum... otherwise I might knee you in the face. Don't forget to put all your weight on my feet."

Anna put her shoulders back on the floor, her arms bent at the elbow. Then she quickly exhaled and raised her body up,
starting with her shoulders, rolling her lower back over the floor before lifting herself completely up into a standing
position. She hadn't been kidding about the amount of weight that was needed to keep her feet on the ground and after a
few repetitions I found myself sweating, trying to make sure she wouldn't fall backwards and injure herself because I
couldn't hold on to her feet like I was supposed to.

Every time she managed to raise herself into an upright position she punched the air a few times before quickly lying
back down in a perfect reverse of the movement it took to get up. I was panting slightly but needed some distraction from
Anna's upper legs sometimes touching my face when she came up. I couldn't lean too far back or I wouldn't be able to
keep her feet down. "Why are you training so hard? Or is this your normal routine?" Oh listen to the wind outside. Pretty

Anna managed to squeeze out a few words every time she was upright and punching. "I normally train..." another rep
"quite intensely, but..." and another one "I'm training for a tournament." She lay down on the floor with a slight grunt and
stayed down. I let go of her feet and sat down myself, my arms wrapped around my knees.

"A tournament? When?"

"It's in two months, you should come!" Anna rolled onto her side in order to push herself up using her arms. Are her
ab dominal muscles that tired? "It's a little way away, a few hours' drive, but it'd be worth it! Plus, that way me and Mulan
don't have to use public transport." She winked at me.

"I... " In all honesty I didn't want to go. Watching Anna fighting other people, possibly getting injured... it made my skin
crawl. But it's what she loves to do. And she wants to share it with you. "I'd love to come," I said with a smile. I saw Anna's
face light up and knew I'd made the right decision. "Now if your workout is done, I think you should take a shower. You're
starting to smell." I put so much smile and sarcasm in that sentence that there was no way she could take it as anything
else but a joke.
All that had a side effect however. Anna tilted her head forward slightly, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.
"Why Munchy, do you want to join me?" Her voice was lower than usual and it made my skin crawl.

My mind screeched to a halt. Wait, what? Immediately after I realised my brain had stopped working it kicked into gear
again, but it skipped all the lower revs and went straight into fifth gear. The most contradicting thoughts were tumbling
through my head, the one yelling even louder than the other. You want this. But not now. What on earth are you supposed
to do? I'm not ready for that. Do I just kiss her? Sure, having a bit of a fantasy creep into my brain now and then was fine
and all that, but now that I seemed to be standing on the threshold of actually getting to -do- some of the things I had
been thinking about... No. I wasn't ready. Not at all.

It probably only took me a few seconds to think through all that, but Anna had seen my face and quickly got up in a
squatting position, her hands on my knees. I looked at her with a frown. "I want to, Anna, but I can't. I just can't, not yet. But
I want to. I've been thinking but I can't not do what I'm just who..."

Anna squeezed my knees almost painfully. "Elsa. Shut up. I was kidding." I shook my head to get the remnants of my last
attempt at a sentence out of my head, but Anna apparently didn't expect me to speak. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
It was just a joke." She shrugged. "Well I mean, you totally could. Sometime." She chuckled. "But don't worry, I won't be
dragging you into a shower any time soon. Just... whenever you're ready is fine."

A sudden thought entered my head as Anna got up. But what then. How do I even know if I'm ready? "So then I just tell
you? How did you know you were ready?"

Anna had gotten up while I was talking and was now standing, her hands on her hips and a thoughtful look on her face.
"I'm not sure how I knew I was ready. I just knew. I mean with that guy in college you knew you didn't want it, right? It just
didn't feel OK?" I nodded, Anna smiled. "Well then that's it I guess. At some point the doubt will be gone and it'll feel
right." She helped me up and then chuckled. "I was fucking nervous the first time though. That'll probably never go away."
She then frowned. "Not a good enough reason to use the word 'fucking', probably."

"Thanks, Anna." I smiled down on the redhead and took her hands, reminding myself not to squeeze the injured one.

Anna smiled as well, running a thumb over my fingers. "And well yeah, I guess at that point you could tell me. Or you can
just show me." She tried to look innocent and even managed to conjure a pout onto her face, but it quickly broke into a

I leaned forward to kiss the younger girl, but at that exact moment my phone started ringing and vibrating against the
kitchen counter. I had put the ringtone on so I wouldn't miss any calls today. Not only was the board supposed to call,
according to Hans, but I was also waiting for a call from Jeanie. Anna sighed and moaned softly. "I think I prefer being
interrupted whilst arguing." She looked at me. "I'll be having that shower then." She took a few steps towards the
bathroom while I walked towards my phone.

Before I could pick up the phone however, Anna called my name. "And Elsa. Be careful."

I nodded and took in a deep breath when I saw the number was blocked. I knew what Anna had meant. Be careful with
what you say. With what you promise. And especially with what you don't tell them. I pressed the green phone icon and
put the phone up to my ear. "This is Elsa Shields."

"Good afternoon, Miss Shields. You are speaking to Mr. Andrews, head of the board of Holter & Shields." I let out a breath
I didn't know I had been holding. I glanced over to the bathroom door but Anna had disappeared, closing the door behind

"Good afternoon, Mr. Andrews. How can I help you? It's hard to believe the board has already come to a decision this
fast." That's it Elsa, stroke his ego. Him and his b oard are sooo fast.

"Well I'm glad to inform you we did, actually." I could hear a change in his voice and knew my flattery had worked. "And I'm
also very pleased to inform you that we have come to an arrangement in which you will fulfil a role as CEO."

"Mr. Andrews, that's fantastic news." I did my best to find a balance between sounding surprised but not too excited.
CEOs don't get excited. "I don't know what to say."

"Well before you say yes, let me explain how your position will work. You will not be the sole CEO of the company. The
board discussed the option but we were forced to conclude that you simply do not have the needed experience to run a
company this large on your own." Okay so far it sounds like Hans was right. My stomach sunk a little. Which again leaves
us with the question of where he got his information. I walked over to the couch while Andrews continued to talk into my
"Mr. Holter has already agreed to work alongside you for a trial period of six months, after which the board will evaluate
your performance." The man cleared his throat. "Now we could tell there was quite some tension between the two of you
at the meeting last Friday." I frowned, but didn't interrupt the man. He was right of course, but I hadn't expected him to
bring it up.

"We have agreed to transfer Mr. Holter to our other building. It's not very far, but it will allow you the room to get used to
your new position without Mr. Holter looking over your shoulder all the time. On top of that it will let your employees get
used to your presence without a middle man so to say. We're hoping you can start the small gust that will grow into a
fresh wind throughout the company, Miss Shields." He's b een practicing that, I'm sure of it.

"That sounds great, Mr. Andrews." I quieted for a moment, letting the information sink in. So they're saying they'll transfer
Holter out of there. Does that mean the prob lem is out of the way? He'll still b e the b oss of his own b uilding. Mayb e that'll
b e enough for Hans. I frowned before a sheepish grin spread over my face. I'm the CEO of a law firm. Holy moly.

"Of course you'll need to hire an assistant and you'll have to have a meeting with our building resource manager if you
need any changes to be made to the office."

"Well those stupid cubicles need to go." I went red. "I mean..."

Mr. Andrews laughed. "I meant -your- office, Miss Shields. You will be taking up residence in Mr. Holter's old office, so to
say. But of course, as CEO you're also allowed to make such changes to the work floor... but don't forget to include the
board where needed."

My heart started beating a little faster with excitement. I get to change things. I'll b e the CEO. Oh wow. "Miss Shields? Can
I take your silence as a yes or a no?"

I blinked, Hans' words playing through my head. You will not take up this offer. I grinned defiantly. Screw you, Hans. "Yes,
Mr. Andrews. A definite yes."

"Splendid, Miss Shields. Truly marvellous. Now if you don't mind, I have some other business to attend to, but I will make
sure to send my assistant to your office tomorrow to go over a few things before you can settle in and get to work. Lots to
do, lots to do."

"Is there anything I can do beforehand, Mr. Andrews?" Please say no.

"Just enjoy the rest of your day, Miss Shields. You have a busy couple of months ahead of you."

"I imagine so, Mr. Andrews. But I must say I'm looking forward to it."

"Splendid, Miss Shields. Splendid. Well, I shall talk to you on another occasion then. Perhaps the Pinehearth winter
formal in two months' time."

A formal? I'll have to ask his assistant ab out that. "Until we speak again, Mr. Andrews." Please don't say splendid again.

"Until we speak again, Miss Shields."

I hung up the phone and stared at it for a little while, a multitude of feelings and emotions blazing through my chest. My
neck was clenched and I felt my limbs tingle but instead of making me feel anxious, it made me want to jump up and
down and yell at the top of my lungs.

I closed my eyes and pressed the phone to my forehead with both my hands. I got a company. I'm CEO. I got a
company. My eyes flew open. I need to find an assistant. I rushed to put my laptop on top of the kitchen counter and sat
down on one of my barstools, opening my web browser. Okay so what do I look for? Employment agencies? I should
just call them. Or is it all online? I looked at my phone. I'll just call them. My fingers hovered over the screen. Oh wait, I
need a phone numb er.

I got up and walked over to the low table next to my front door. Yellow pages. Wait, do I even get those? I stopped in my
tracks. Oh right, internet. I turned around to walk back but was greeted by Anna, who walked out of the bathroom wearing
black jeans and a simple green shirt with a white logo on it. She was rubbing her hair with a towel but halted when she
saw me, an incredulous smirk and frown on her face. "Damn Munchy, what's gotten into you?"

I put my phone down on the counter, the tension in my chest ready to explode. I pressed my fingers to my mouth, chest
swelling up and my eyes wide and happy. "I said yes!" I yelled loudly from behind my hands. The energy in my body was
threatening to overwhelm me so I strode over to Anna and took her hands in mine, the towel falling to the floor. Anna
seemed surprised but not against the notion and I pulled her in large circles around me, our arms outstretched.
"Hahaha careful Munchy, don't slam either of our heads into the wall please." She pulled me in closer and put one of her
hands on my waist, the other one intertwined besides us. Before even giving me the time to put my now free hand on her
shoulder she started pulling me in circles behind the sofa into an energetic waltz. Oh right, we've b oth b een raised with
this stuff.

I was surprised how easily Anna took the lead but I didn't mind, letting myself be swept up in the dance and the feelings
in my chest that were elevated by Anna's stomach pressing into mine and her fingers on my lower back. I closed my
eyes, trusting Anna not to steer us off in a wrong direction.

"Oh shit," Anna suddenly yelled, a laugh in her voice. She pulled me sharply in a different direction and my eyes flew
open to reveal Sitron standing to the side. Anna let go of me and petted the cat. "You have a habit of being inappropriate,
don't you?" she said, playfully frowning at the cat. She then looked up at me. "Your classical dancing is a lot better than
what I saw in the pub that first night we met."

"Well my teachers probably thought 'twerking' wasn't appropriate dancing for an upcoming business magnate." I
laughed, although I was quite disappointed our dance had been interrupted. Anna stood up again and wrapped her
arms around my waist.

"I hate it when we argue."

I swept some locks of wet, red hair out of Anna's face. "Me too. This is much nicer."

Anna grinned up at me. "Maybe next time we should just aggressively dance our anger away."

"I'm afraid one of us might end up with injuries in that case. Probably me." I put my arms around Anna's shoulders,
pulling her in for a close hug. We stood there for half a minute, enjoying each other's presence. When I pulled my head
back Anna planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you before that happens."

I pressed a soft kiss on the bridge of the redhead's nose, tasting a hint of my own shower gel. It smells a lot b etter on
her. A weird feeling crept up on me, a possessive urge. She smells like me, does that mean she's mine?

"Elsa, your phone." I had been so caught up in the moment I hadn't heard my phone ring. That, and I just wasn't used to
the ringtone.

"I hope that's Jeanie." I wanted to walk over to the counter, but Anna shot past me and picked up the phone. "Anna, what
are you..."

Anna raised her hand and pressed the phone to her ear. "This is Elsa Shields' phone." I heard a voice coming from the
other side but I couldn't hear who it was. "Jeanie." Anna shot a look at me. "Don't worry, you can tell me. I'm on Elsa's
side." I walked over and held out my hand, claiming the phone, but Anna just ducked past me and started walking
around the apartment, avoiding me. "Yes, I understand. Yes. Hmhm." Her voice was very professional but her face
showed mischief. I knew I was never going to catch her if she didn't want to be caught, so I just stood in the middle of the
room with my arms crossed and a scowl on my face.

I was thinking about how I was going to repay Anna for acting like this, but then I suddenly saw her eyes widen and her
mouth open in terror. A chill ran down my spine as I walked over to her, putting my hands on her arms. "Anna, what is it?"

Anna shook her head at me and focused on Jeanie on the other line. "Did you find the name Killigan? Duff Killigan.
Please tell me he isn't involved." I frowned. I'd never heard the name before.

Something Jeanie had said seemed to relax Anna a bit as I felt her muscles slacken lightly. She walked away from me,
towards the other side of the couch, and I started to get really frustrated. "Come on Anna, what's going on?"

"Alright, thanks for the call. Yes, we'll be in touch. Bye." Anna hung up the phone and tossed it at me. My reflexes weren't
as good as hers so I almost dropped it, but I managed to prevent it from landing on the hardwood floor. "That was

"I know." I looked up. "What did she have to say?" I was worried and let it show in my face, trying to get a quicker
response out of Anna.

"She apparently tried getting some information off of several people. She said she's been careful though. Anyway, she
came up with a name. Richard Worth. Ever heard of him?"
I frowned. "Can't say I have."

Anna put her hands in her sides and sighed. "Well, I have. He used to work for Duff Killigan a few years ago. I haven't
heard from him in a long time but if he still works for him..." She rubbed her face. "That man is bad news, Elsa. Really
bad news."

I took a slow and deep breath. I'm not sure why, b ut this just doesn't change anything for me. Mayb e I'm crazy, b ut... I
raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know this guy, Anna?"

"I ran into Worth once, just the once. He tried recruiting me but luckily I'd just met Mulan by then and I declined. I had
heard the name of his boss on the street a few times though. People are scared of him. He's not that well-known to
people off the streets, he's that good at covering his tracks - but on the streets people know to stay out of his way." She
looked at me. "People who oppose him tend to disappear. If Hans works for him..." She shook her head and her eyes
turned pleading. "Is there any way I can talk you out of this, Elsa?"

I scratched the back of my head. I didn't want to worry Anna, but if I let this opportunity go... I would never forgive myself. I
knew that. "I'm sorry Anna. No. I need to do this."

Anna seemed to deflate and blew out her breath. "Okay then. But in that case I don't want you to be alone anymore. Not
tonight, not ever. I wouldn't be able to relax knowing you were on your own somewhere. Mulan, Kristoff, Sven, Merida,

I raised both my hands. "Whoa Anna, what are you talking about? And who are this Henry and... M..."

"Merida. And they're teammates of mine, and good friends." How many friends does this girl have?

"No, Anna. I won't allow more people to risk themselves for me. I already don't like you and Kristoff doing it, let alone all
those other people." I frowned, a bit frustrated but anxious at the same time. I really don't want this to b low up into some
personal army.

I saw Anna's eyes darken a bit but could see that she wasn't that angry. Just worried. "Well what would you say if I told
you I won't allow you to risk yourself by taking that job?"

Okay, well. That's a point. I shook my head. "Okay, fine." I looked up at Anna. "I'll make a phone call to Ed. Maybe he
knows more about that guy and his affiliations."

Anna raised her eyebrows. "So you're on first name bases with the lieutenant, hm?"

"I remember you claiming the same a few hours ago."

"Who is this Jeanie to you anyway?" I raised my eyebrows at the sudden change of subject. Wait what?

Anna huffed and I looked down at my phone, suddenly realising. No, it can't b e. "Anna... are you jealous?"

"What? No!" Her heavily flushed cheeks betrayed her however and she crossed her arms whilst turning away from me.

I was so taken aback by this new piece of information I laughed, but then quickly moved over to the blushing redhead. I
stood behind her and hugged her, putting my chin on her shoulder. "Don't worry Sparky. I'm not going anywhere."

Anna turned around in my arms, still blushing but now smiling lightly. "Sparky, hm?"

I licked my lips, suddenly a bit nervous. "Well I can't have you call me Munchy all the time without having a nickname

Anna put her arms around my neck and grinned, then laughed out loud. "I'm not sure whether I enjoy being called Sparky

I kept standing up straight, forcing Anna to press her wrists into my neck rather than her lower arms. "Well I'm still not
sure whether I enjoy being called Munchy either," I said with a fake dignified voice.

"Sparky sounds like a dog. And well... Spark is Norwegian for kick. Did you know that?" I shook my head, surprised. "Well
I call you Munchy because you bit my lip... does that mean I have to kick you before I earn the name Sparky?"

I laughed and pressed my fingers into Anna's lower back. "Ok fine, forget Sparky. I'll come up with something else."

"I like it when you just call me Anna." she said softly, pulling my head downwards. I leaned into the kiss, one last thought
passing through my mind before the buzz of having Anna pressed against me drowned everything else out. These are
going to b e a weird few months.

/Until tomorrow! Please leave me a review or send me a PM, I love hearing from all of you ^^ Oh and Tumblr asks are
also always a possibility, look me up! (Username is the same as here, brooke-shutsano). I'm just a social addict,
*Chapter 15*: Chapter 15: The explorer
/I made a promise and I'm keeping to that promise. So here it is, 14 hours after chapter 14!

Chapter 15
The explorer

I nervously tugged at the neckline of my sweater. It was a rich black and had bright white lettering on the back, saying
'Shang Taekwon-do Academy' in a half circle, with a few characters underneath it I didn't understand. Anna had told me it
was Mulan's family name, adapted by herself as to not disgrace her family because she'd ran away from home. I didn't
make sense to me when Anna told me but I was afraid to ask Mulan, who was standing next to me. Hey Mulan, what do
you mean you disgraced your family and had to adapt your name?

The shorter woman now swatted at my hand. "Don't pull on your sweater like that, you're pretending to be a part of the
team. Your sweater is already clearly brand new, stop acting so fidgety or they'll put you up on the rafters." I rubbed my
hand over my slightly sensitive shoulder and thought back to yesterday. It made me flush slightly and I shook my head to
get the thought out of my head.

I looked upwards to the rows of benches around the large hall we were in. They were separated from the tournament
floor by the simple fact the front row was five meters up from the court and there was only a low metal balustrade
between the spectators and the sheer drop down onto the linoleum floor. The benches were filled up with proud parents,
family members, friends and even a few fans here and there. You could clearly see which of the fighters in the hall had
fought internationally just by looking for their names on banners all through the crowd. The whole hall smelled faintly like
sweat, soda and the cheap rubber used on the floors. It kind of reminded me of PE.

Mulan nudged me with her elbow. "Why don't you go hang out with Merida and Henry, I need to prepare Anna for her first
match. Her weight class is coming up after this one." I glanced over at my girlfriend, sitting with her back against the wall
to my right. She was listening to music with her eyes closed, muttering to herself. I knew she was focusing herself for
her upcoming matches, so I glanced around in my search of Anna's team members. Merida wasn't fighting today, she
just competed in the jumps and was there to offer moral support to her team mates.

I squinted my eyes, trying to look over and in between the hundreds of heads that were bobbing around this area of the
hall. It was the 'staging area' where all contestants were free to move around. When it was time for your pool to fight,
you'd be called out on the speaker system and you'd be allowed to enter the tournament area, which was separated from
the staging area by heavy metal crush barriers. There were five areas like the one I had seen in Mulan's warehouse, in
the shape of the 'five' side of a dice. The middle one was on a large platform and reached to my chest. Every single one
was made up of mats that made me cringe the first time I saw them - I was really sceptical about how much of your skull
they'd save if you fell down.

A contestant clad in the same white suit everyone was wearing bumped into me, pushing me into the crush barrier. I hit it
with my lower back, not very hard but hard enough to make me blow out my breath sharply. "Oh sorry, sabum" the young
man said. He bowed to me.

"It's okay." I smiled. Oh shit, I'm supposed to b ow, aren't I? Anna had taught me a few things and I was about to lean into
a bow when the boy nodded and moved along. Oh, okay. Apparently I don't have to b ow. A bit confused I leaned against
the crush barrier, looking up at the spectators again. I sighed, scanning the crowd for familiar faces or eyes that were
looking at me. It was one of the habits I had formed over the past two months since taking up my new position as CEO.

"I hope everything is as you wished, Miss Shields?" My building manager stood in front of me, a clipboard in his hands
and a pencil behind his ear. I guessed him to be in his mid-forties and he was one of the cheeriest employees I had. I
had caught myself calling him up to check on the changes I had ordered for my office and the rest of the company, just to
enjoy his jokes and voice.

"It all looks great, Foster." I was standing behind my father's old desk and ran my fingers over the heavy dark wood,
polished and oiled until it felt smooth as ice. Foster had called in a top notch restaurateur to work on the desk and it
looked and smelled brand new, but I could still see the bump in the top of the desk where my father once slammed his
hand down so hard his ring had left a dent. I had asked them to leave it. I looked up at the man standing across from me.
"You really outdid yourself."

Foster bowed his head, a slight grin on his face. "Well Miss Shields, to be honest I was happy to get Mr. Holter's old stuff
out of here. He had terrible taste." I suppressed a grin of my own as I smoothed my pencil skirt with my hands and pulled
on the lower rim of my blazer. It was light blue and brand new. To celebrate my new position Anna and I had gone into
town, spending a little too much money on new clothing. Anna had objected when I had offered to pay for some new
jeans and a coat for her, saying I 'was her girlfriend, not her sugar aunt'. In the end I still paid, though. The memory
brought a smile to my face.

"Well if that is all, I'll return to my other responsibilities." I looked up and nodded at Foster, quickly falling back into my
more professional role. Anna had been on the forefront of my mind for the past several days and I found myself thinking
about her a lot, sometimes at the most inappropriate of moments. When I was in a meeting with my employees or high-
end clients, for example.

I sat down in my luxurious leather seat and crossed my legs, running my hands over the arm rests and enjoying the
distinct smell of leather. I then put my elbows on my desk and pulled my laptop towards me. It was a sleek-looking new
one and according to Foster it was so powerful I could play video games on it if I wanted to. He'd even offered to install
something called 'dota' for me but I had refused, unsure what it even meant. Instead Kristoff had come into my office and
set up a World of Warcraft account for me, adding me to his friend list. I had tried playing a bit but I had never played
video games in my life so it took some getting used to. There was another 'training session' scheduled for that evening,
because apparently the 'guild' needed a healer. I rubbed my temples. Whatever all of that means. I resisted running my
hands through my hair because I'd most likely mess up the tight bun my hair was pulled into. I always wore it like that at
work these days.

I checked the clock on my wall. Another half an hour before Idunn and Agdar would come over for a meeting on the
merger of the companies. It had already gone through and they were officially employees of Holter & Shields now. I
scrunched up my nose. First chance I got, I was changing that name. Anyway, there were a few things that we still
needed to talk about and the couple had offered to bring in lunch as a way of making peace for that horrendous dinner
two weeks ago. I hadn't seen them since and had been psyching myself up all morning. Just don't get mad at them.
Idunn didn't mean to hit Anna.

As soon as my laptop had finished booting (which took a lot less time than I was used to) I saw a text bubble appear on
the right side of my screen. I clicked it, it was from Henry - my assistant. When Anna had learned that I was now officially
looking for an assistant she had pushed me to hire her teammate, because apparently he had experience working as a
personal assistant but he would also serve as a bodyguard. It hadn't sounded like a terrible idea and so I had decided to
hire the young man, much to Anna's delight. And judging by the slightly distraught phone call I had received from his
previous employer when Henry had given notice, he was good at his job. Today was his first day. We'd see how good he

I quickly saw the notice he had given me wasn't a personal message from him, but more a notification that he was now
allowed to change my agenda without my consent. I shrugged. Fine by me. When I opened up my schedule however, I
raised my eyebrows. The rest of my week was made up of large coloured blocks and consisted of meetings,
appointments, visits... I even saw a grey block which said 'Employee Evaluation' and had a clip attached to it. I clicked it
and a text file popped onto my screen. It was a thorough report, made up by the department head who overlooked the
interns. Apparently one of them, name unknown, hadn't been performing well and needed a kick up the behind - or
maybe I needed to even fire this employee. Oh shit, it's not Jeanie is it? I scanned the report and saw several mentions of
'him' and 'his' so I blew out my breath.

Okay, let's look at today first. There was a green block for my appointment with the Almstedts, but before that there was a
thin blue slot that said 'meeting with Henry'. I raised my eyebrows and pressed a button on my intricate phone set. It only
took a few seconds before a voice sounded through. "Good morning, Miss Shields. How can I help you?"

"I just opened up my schedule and see we have a meeting planned." I smiled, but then realised he couldn't see me.
"Come on in."

I leaned back in my chair and looked around at my office. I grinned. My office. It wasn't huge, but spacious enough to fit
my large desk and chair, two black sofas around a coffee table, several large cabinets and a few bookshelves. To my left
was a large square window looking out onto a still bright white world with snow slowly descending onto either grumpy
commuters or ecstatic children. There used to be drapes in front of it, giving the whole office a bit of a musty old feeling
(and the ancient furniture hadn't helped either). I had changed everything into a more modern style with a lot of black and
white, except for my father's old desk. Where there was colour, it tended to be blue - however I caught myself ordering
window shutters for the front of my office in a dark green colour that reminded me of Anna's favourite shirt.

A sharp knock on the cloudy glass pane of my office door made me sit up straight, my hands folded in front of me.
"Come in, Henry." The door opened and Henry stepped through. I had met him once before and he looked now as he did
then, although slightly more professional. His thick black hair had been styled to one side and he gave me a startling
white smile. He wore a suit, a black one, with a light blue tie. I smiled at him. "Looks like we match." I stood up and
extended my hand. "Good to see you again, Henry."

He took my hand and then sat down in one of the two seats across from my desk. His grey eyes were friendly and I was
very glad he was looking at me that way. I had seen him fight a week before and the only thing that had played through
my mind at that moment was 'shit I'm glad he's on our side'. He was fast on his feet and his punches and kicks were...
well, packed a punch. A smirk shot across my face at my own internal pun and Henry smiled as well, revealing those
dazzling white teeth again.

"Maybe you should text me your choice of clothing each morning so I can adjust my attire accordingly," the boy joked. I
wasn't sure whether I should laugh or not, so instead I stuck with my professional smile. Henry didn't seem fazed by the
lack of reaction. "Okay miss Shields, I took the liberty to reserve a bit of your time to have a meeting about your
expectations for me and the such. I have already gone over my contract with Human Resources and that's all in order,
but seeing how it's my job to assist you in all your work I need to... get to know you a bit better, so to say." His eyes delved
into mine and it was making me a little bit uncomfortable. He's not hitting on you, relax.

"Well Henry, I'm very glad you set this time aside for us. And I'm going to be very honest with you, I have no clue what is
going to happen over the next few weeks. The past two weeks have been very chaotic with me moving in here, signing
paperwork, going over contracts... today is the day I actually take up office, as you know." The boy nodded, leaning back in
his chair with his tablet at the ready. Something about his demeanour still bothered me. He was too relaxed, too familiar.

"One of the things we need to be very clear on is our relation to each other. We both know Anna, and you have seen me
at Mulan's warehouse before. However you are first and foremost my personal assistant and around the office that must
be very clear." Henry frowned but he shifted a bit more upright in his chair, looking slightly uncomfortable. Okay. That's
b etter. Now for the recovery. I sighed. "Well, with that out of the way, let's return to business. I had a look at my schedule
and I'm already extremely happy to have you around. I would've drowned the next few days without your work." I smiled
and Henry's eyes lit up again. Okay, I think that's a good starting point for our professional relationship.

We spent the rest of our time discussing several topics, including security. Henry had already heard a few things from
Anna but I made sure that we were both on the same page. I checked my watch. The Almstedts were probably almost
here. Henry looked up from his tablet and at me. "Okay, so to summarize. People are always to come through me and
when I don't recognise them I will escort them into your office. Foster installed a button for me to unlock your door from
my desk, it'll be locked continuously." He glanced over his shoulder at the door. "I already put an order in with Foster to
make sure your windows are bulletproof, he said the glass setters should be here tomorrow."

I raised my eyebrows. Bullet proof glass? Damn. "Are you sure that's necessary?"

The boy nodded. "Even though your friend with the police couldn't find a direct link between Richard Worth and Killigan,
even the slightest implication of a connection was enough to send Anna and your lieutenant friend into a frenzy. Which
tells me it's not a bad precaution. I'd rather have made a few too many adjustments that weren't needed than forgetting
about one that turns out to be the one that kills you." My throat clenched and I felt ice creep up my throat at that sentence.
Henry noticed the change in my face and quickly continued, a smile on his face. "Don't worry, I'll be outside whenever
you're at work. They won't be getting past me." I knew he was trying to be reassuring, but he just seemed a bit too slick to
me. Definitely not my type. Henry glanced at his tablet again, tapping rapidly with his fingers. "And I can't tell anyone else
about any of this, right?"

"Not yet. Not until I've done some digging myself. There is a connection between Holter and these people, I just need to
find it."

Henry frowned, then shrugged. "Well I'm afraid Holter did a lot of his business in hard copy, so there probably won't be a
digital paper trail. Especially if he's been into criminal stuff. You'll have to do a lot of digging."

I thought about that for a moment. "Can you please schedule a meeting with Jeanie for me? Jeanie the intern?"

Henry tapped on his tablet, probably pulling up my schedule. "Well you have quite a busy few days ahead of you, so if you
need to see her this week I can schedule for the two of you to have lunch the day after tomorrow."

"That sounds good, please schedule her in. I'll order something for lunch."

"I will order some katsu don and sushi for you from that new Japanese place around the corner, they're supposed to be
really good." His fingers flew over the tablet and then he looked up at me, showing off his white teeth. "The Almstedts
should be here any minute, do you want me to show them in as soon as they arrive?" I nodded and the man got up,
straightening his tie. "Thank you miss Shields." He made a slight bow and left the office with me staring after him for the
whole way. Did he just b ow? I think he did.
I played around with some of the new programs I was going to be working with whilst waiting for the Almstedts. My
phone buzzed and I looked at the screen, a smile appearing on my face. "Hey Munchy, how are you? Is Henry acting

My fingers moved deftly over the keys, typing in an answer and sending it within a few seconds. "I'm great! Hope you're
doing good too. Henry is acting cool. I'm about to meet with your parents. Miss you."

I looked down at the screen. Hm, mayb e I shouldn't have mentioned her parents. My screen lit up again. "Oh okay, that's
nice. Don't tell them hi from me. I miss you too."

The text made me smile, but the realisation I had only seen my girlfriend twice over the past two weeks left me feeling
sad and lonely. I had gotten used to Anna's presence and things seemed very quiet without having her around. Most
days I was at the office until late, taking care of the thousand and one things that needed to be done (and still hadn't
finished) and when I got home I was exhausted. Anna in turn had been doing a lot of late shifts, which left me with the
same question every night for the past two weeks - 'who is in the lobby?'. Sadly it had only been Anna once and it had
been training night, so I had tagged along to the warehouse where I'd observed some of Anna's teammates working out.
Anna couldn't join them because of her hand but she seemed content to just point things out to me. 'Look, that's a round
kick. It's very useful when you do it with your front leg, but when you just swing your back leg forward it can be a bit slow
and your opponent might counter before you can even reach them.' I had no idea what she'd been talking about exactly
but I was just happy sitting with her, our arms entangled.

The other nights it had been either Kristoff, Sven or Mulan waiting for me. Henry had offered to take over a few nights but
like I had told him today, he was my PA first. I couldn't just bring him home like that. There had also been a few nights
where I went home alone, but I hadn't told Anna - I knew she would probably ditch work to come protect me and seeing
how nothing had happened over the past two weeks I figured just one evening every once in a while couldn't hurt. Plus, I
was busy looking for a new place - my current apartment just reminded me too much of the solitary existence I had been

I quickly punched in another message whilst I heard voices outside my door. Probably the Almstedts. "I'll see you soon, I
promise. Things should settle down a bit soon. Otherwise Henry will just schedule you in. Are Max and Sitron okay?" The
cats had been trusted to Kristoff and Anna and were living in the former's apartment.

"They've been complaining a lot and refuse to sleep anywhere else but on top of Kristoff, but otherwise they're fine. I have
to go, patient." Henry's voice crackled through my phone set as I put my Blackberry down on my desk.

"Mr. and Mrs. Almstedt are here, Miss Shields." I heard the electronic lock on my door click and a muscle in my jaw
twitched. All these security measures are making me feel like a prisoner.

I stood up when Idunn and Agdar entered the office and moved around my father's desk (no, my desk) to greet them.
Idunn embraced me briefly and Agdar put a fatherly hand on my shoulder. Please don't, I thought, but I just smiled and
gestured around me. "So, what do you think?"

"It looks amazing, Elsa. You've really done a good job redecorating the place." Idunn pointed at the window. "I'm glad you
got rid of those terrible drapes." I smiled and gestured them over to the sofas surrounding the low table in front of the
window. They must've met with Holter here b efore. And now it's me acting the CEO part.

Agdar quickly sat down and put the plastic bag he'd been carrying down in front of him. "Idunn wanted to bring
homemade sandwiches, but with Gerda gone I thought it'd be safer to get some from a restaurant." He smiled
affectionately at his wife. Well, at least they love each other. I sighed and closed my eyes, smoothing out my pencil skirt
as I sat down. Stop it, Elsa.

Idunn sat down next to her husband and smiled at me. I could see she was slightly uncomfortable but I didn't feel like
calming her down, so I just crossed my legs and waited for either of them to speak. Agdar was busy unpacking our
lunch, so Idunn eventually spoke up.

"I want to apologise again for the other night. It was all a bit... uncomfortable." Idunn folded her hands in her lap. Her outfit
mirrored mine only hers was black. Agdar wore a black suit as well, which reminded me of the one Henry had been
wearing but this one had a slight striped pattern. Together the couple looked like they were on their way to a funeral.

"I don't know if uncomfortable is the word you're looking for, dear." Agdar spoke softly, finishing setting out the lunch.
Everything was meticulously placed like he'd needed to keep his hands busy. Sure enough, once even the napkins had
been placed square on the table he started wringing his hands and looked at me. "What you saw wasn't our family. It's
just that our daughter and us, we... have a difficult relationship."
Idunn quickly continued, nodding at her husband's words. "Yes, we hadn't seen her in a while but we really wanted to
introduce her to you."

"Why, so I could be a role model to her?" I hadn't meant to be that straightforward, but Idunn especially was... pissing me
off, Anna would say.

Idunn looked at her husband for support but he wasn't looking at her so she turned back to me. "Well yes. And no. I
mean we know she's still adamant about becoming a doctor but..."

I raised my hands. "Ok, hold it right there." I leaned forward, my forearm resting loosely on my knee and my other hand
pointing straight at Idunn. "Anna is going to be a doctor, and a great one at that. I can't think of any place she'd be more at
home than in the ER, saving people's lives. She's great at taking care of people. She'd make an absolutely terrible lawyer
and if you haven't seen that then you have no idea who your daughter actually is."

The couple stared at me, a shocked expression on both their faces. Agdar was the first one to speak up after he cleared
his throat. "So you have been hanging out with our daughter since the dinner?"

I nodded and immediately Idunn shifted forward in her seat, her eyes full of hurt and concern. "How is she?" That one
question was so full of raw emotion I instantly felt my anger melt away. This was a mother who loved her daughter, even
if she didn't always show it.

I leaned back again, realising I had been sporting quite an aggressive posture. "She's... doing fine. She was quite a
mess after that night, but she seems to have recovered and is back at the hospital, running night shifts."

Idunn placed a hand over her eyes for a moment before looking back at me, shifting her hand to cover her mouth. "She
stayed at your place after that evening? I know she has her own room somewhere in town, but we have no idea where

Agdar put his hand on his wife's lower arm and she fell silent, a single tear running down her cheek. Agdar mostly
seemed tired, his eyes heavily lidded. "Thank you, Elsa. For taking care of our daughter after the dinner."

Actually we've known each other for a b it longer. Did you know I'm dating her? Yeah, she's gay. Like me. I sighed and
smiled, keeping my inner dialogue just that. Inner. "She's a lovely girl, it's no problem whatsoever. Now, I must say I'm
quite hungry."

My eyes caught a glimpse of Merida's bright red hair through the crowd. She had tried tying it down into her neck but
several strands still sprang in all directions. It was very curly and the short locks she hadn't been able to wrestle into the
elastic band made it look like she was sporting a ginger afro.

When I finally caught up to them Merida and Henry shuffled apart slightly, giving me room to sit in between them. I sat
down and smiled at them. "What's this, a protective sandwich?" Henry glanced through the crowd, then looked at me with
an off-centre smile on his face.

"Well I like my job, can't have my boss being assassinated."

I just laughed and shook my head. It'd been two months and nothing bad had happened. I hadn't even heard from Hans
and the messages I received from Holter were related to work and usually came through our PA's. It had relaxed me a
bit, but I was still wary. It was like Ed said; they might just be waiting for the moment I let my guard down. Henry and I had
taken up the habit of cracking small jokes on the subject, but my own personal secret service remained vigilant

Merida seemed a bit bored as she lazily scanned the crowd. She let her head fall back and groaned. "I'm so bored!" I
glanced at her and had to suppress a giggle. The girl was a lot younger than me at only eighteen years old and still had
a few mannerisms retained from puberty. Or so I thought. Maybe this was just her normal demeanour. The girl looked at
me with her brown eyes. "I don' think anyone is gonna be choppin' yer head off with so many people around. Specially
since they're people who can kick yer ass to kingdom come." Her Scottish accent caught me off guard and I chuckled.

"I think you're right, Merida. Nothing is going to happen here." Only Anna fighting people. Throwing punches. Receiving
punches... I sighed and frowned. I really wasn't looking forward to it, but it meant a lot to Anna that I was here.

Henry glanced at his phone and grunted before conjuring a dazzling smile on his face and looking up at the crowd, his
eyes looking for his girlfriend Cindy. She was sitting in the front row, bouncing up and down and waving. When she saw
me looking she waved at me as well, but then her face fell. Henry chuckled softly. "She's angry that you're allowed to be
down on the court but she has to sit up there."

"She doesn't know about Hans and Richard does she?"

Henry laughed. "Nah. It's not that I don't trust her, I love her and would put my life in her hands - but if she knew about that
she'd probably never let me leave the house again." He put on a high voice. "'Henry are you crazy? That's dangerous!'
She'd never let me hear the end of it." He looked me up and down and softly squeezed my upper arm. "You could pass
as a competitor though, working out with Kristoff has really done you some good."

"Shut up, Henry." I felt my face tingle a bit at the unexpected compliment and embarrassment it brought. I had caught
myself standing in front of the mirror that morning, looking at the changes in my body over the past two months. I wasn't
muscular like Anna, but my body was certainly more toned.

I ran my hand across my jaw line, ending the movement by pressing my fingers to my mouth. Henry had learned how to
read my body language a bit so he kept his mouth shut, but Merida wasn't as considerate.

"Bloody hell, how much longer is this gon' take?" She had put on a sweater similar to mine over her martial arts suit, her
red belt hanging out from underneath it. Anna also had a red belt, but hers had a small black stripe on the end of it - the
last degree before the black belt, apparently. Henry beat them both and already had his second degree black belt. He
liked to playfully exert his power over the two girls every now and then, but after I had reminded him that it was his boss'
girlfriend he was talking to he had lessened his assaults on Anna.

He still enjoyed teasing Merida, though. "You could've just entered the competition as well, instead of sitting here with

Merida scoffed. "Ye know as well as meself that I don't stand any chance at the moment. And ye know that I enjoy
jumping more than fighting. Sir." She glared at him and Henry shrugged.

"It's a part of the sport, but I understand. It's not for everyone. But still, it has to be said you're doing very well in training." I
wasn't sure whether he was being friendly or condescending, but decided not to meddle. I was the new factor here,
these people had been training together for years.

"Well I sure beat yer ass the other day." Merida grinned and reached behind my head to shove the boy in the shoulder.
Before Henry could retaliate however, a voice came over the speaker and all three of us looked up. "That'll be Anna's
pool," Merida muttered. She got up and pulled me with her, weaving her arm through mine. "Let's go watch."

I let myself be dragged through the large crowd of martial artists to the length of crush barrier that was closest to the
heightened middle field. I raised my eyebrows. "She's going to be fighting on top of that?"

Merida nodded as Henry appeared on my other side, leaning onto the barrier. He gestured at the field. "Anna's category
is one of the most spectacular. She opted to fight in the pool of black belts rather than her own." He saw my face and
grinned. "She's really good."

My pocket vibrated and I pulled out my Blackberry. "Look up," the text said. I turned around and it only took me two
seconds to make out Kristoff and Sven sitting down on the bottom bench. We waved at each other for a moment. I'm
really glad they made it, it'll do Anna good. Hell, it does me good.

I saw Anna appear to my left, Mulan walking a pace behind her. There was a group of about eight contestants walking
towards the centre stage and I eyed all of them. Most were Anna's length and build. They're in the same weight class, that
must b e it. I had learned a few things over the past two months but I wasn't completely up to speed, only attending a few
training sessions in which I was way too occupied with Anna to pay a lot of attention to the things the others were doing.

The group of young women sat down on a set of benches behind the stage. Anna sat down on the edge of one so she
could look around the platform to where I was, but a referee came along and ushered her to the middle. Anna managed
to send me a quick smile before disappearing out of sight.

"Damn I'm bored." Anna was sitting on the kitchen counter in between a few cardboard boxes, dangling her feet

I had my focus on my laptop, which was sitting in front of me on the kitchen island. I shifted slightly on my barstool. "Sorry

"They say it's going to get warmer again next week. All the snow will melt." She crossed her arms. "I want to build a
snowman or something."
I formed a few words with my mouth, jotting down a few notes on a pad to my right whilst glancing at the text bubble that
appeared on the edge of my screen. It was from Henry. Slightly agitated I clicked on it. 'Your brother was just here again.
Do you need me to alert security so he doesn't get in again?'

I rubbed my eyebrows and typed a response. 'No that won't be necessary. If he comes in again tell him he needs to
make an appointment.' I rolled my shoulders and rubbed my neck with my hand. Kristoff had been riding me at the gym
yesterday and I felt like I was way too sore to be doing this boring CEO work. Especially sitting on a barstool. I need to
b uy a proper desk and chair for my new place.

I looked up, slowly processing the fact Anna had been talking to me. She now hopped off the counter and leaned onto
the island across from me, allowing me a clear view of her cleavage. I swallowed heavily and quickly focused back on
my screen. "Come on, Elsa. Let's go build a snowman."

"Go away, Anna." I had been telling her for over an hour that I needed to prepare for tomorrow and that she could do
whatever she wanted without me, but my books didn't appeal to her. I had even suggested she take a bath, but the girl
seemed adamant to do something with me.

The redhead now huffed and decisively walked over the door, grabbing her coat on the way. "Okay, bye!" she sneered,
before disappearing out of the door. My fingers were hovering over the keyboard, my brain trying to process what had just
happened. She didn't just leave. Did she? She'll b e b ack. I kept staring at the door a moment longer but then shook my

I ran my hands through my hair and shook it out over my shoulders. I plucked at a strand of my pink wool sweater and
adjusted the neckline so it would tickle a bit less. It was a Sunday so there was no work, but I had a ton of things lined up
for the next two weeks. Including a move. My eyes roamed across the room, again taking in how empty it felt. Most of my
books had been packed up and the kitchenware had also been put into boxes.

Oh right, work. I opened up my e-mail and saw an e-mail from Ed Masters. I scanned the page and then angrily clicked it
away without sending a reply. You've b een telling me you can't do anything without starting a formal investigation for six
weeks now. Stop reminding me. The lieutenant had been able to do a bit of digging though. He had found out that Hans
indeed worked for Richard Worth, but he hadn't been able to connect them back to Duff Killigan. Worth was mostly
affiliated with lighter criminal activities like burglary, whilst Duff Killigan had been linked to several unsolved murders.
They'd never found enough evidence.

I was halfway through a legal document when I heard a low thud at my door. My gaze jerked up and my heart sped up a
bit. Please tell me it's Anna. I heard a key turn in the lock and I calmed a bit. Only my secret service has a key. Sure
enough, the door opened and I saw Anna come in. My jaw dropped however when I saw what she had in her arms.

"Anna! You can't just..." I stood up, my hands in my hair and my mouth open in shock.

"If you won't come outside, outside will come to you." She put the bucket of snow down on the floor. "We're building a
fucking snowman."

"Oh Jesus Anna. Okay, let me just... We'll go outside. Just please put that bucket outside before you get water

Anna crossed her arms. "I'm not moving until you've closed that laptop and put on a coat and boots." I didn't need any
more motivation than that and soon we were walking out the front door, Anna happily bounding alongside me with the
bucket of snow in her arms.

"Let's build it here," Anna exclaimed happily. She immediately turned the bucket upside down and knelt down in the thick
layer of snow, forming it into a round shape with her gloved hands. I walked over to her, pulling my legs up high out of the
measurable amount of snow that covered the streets. It reached to halfway up my calves and I counted myself lucky that I
owned a pair of high leather boots.

I squatted down next to Anna, not sure what to do. I blew into my hands and rubbed them together. It was several
degrees beneath freezing and I was tired, which always made me slightly more cold. For once, Anna seemed to be less
bothered and was happily slapping snow onto the rapidly growing base of the snowman. "Come on Elsa, get started on
the middle piece!"

I formed a ball of snow in my hands and started making it bigger, rolling it over the ground in large circles. A blush
formed on my cheeks and I laughed at Anna, who had a focused look on her face which seemed better suited for
mathematical issues rather than snowman-building.
"What are you laughing at?" Anna threw a handful of snow at me and I dodged it, surprising myself with my reflexes. I
thought about retaliating but I was afraid I'd lose my growing ball of snow. Just you wait, Anna.

"Is the bottom done? I think this piece is," I said. Anna nodded happily and I put the middle piece on top of the bottom
one. "I'll go roll the head, you make sure that one's on solid."

"Wow Munchy, you've really turned into a CEO. Giving orders, approaching everything so efficiently." I didn't need to
glance at Anna to know she was joking. We'd both gotten a lot better at reading each other's voices over the past six
weeks, seeing how most of our communication still was via phone. Anna had been incredibly patient with me,
understanding that I simply needed to put a lot of time into the company right now. I grinned and glanced over at the
redhead, who was fortifying our snowman with extra snow. I had promised her a big surprise as soon as I got through
these first few months and it had been very hard keeping it a secret from her. The tickets aren't dated, we can leave as
soon as there's time.

"Is the head done?" Anna got up, cleaning the snow off her knees. "Come on, put it up there!" She clapped her hands
and gestured excitedly at the snowman. For someone who doesn't like cold she sure loves snow. I lifted the head up and
held it in place as Anna strengthened this connection as well, padding it with snow. She stepped back and giggled.
"Now he looks like Kristoff."

I stood next to her and looked at the incredibly thick neck the snowman had. I nudged her in the ribs, chuckling myself.
"That's not nice." I took the carrot out of my pocket. "Want to do the honours?" Anna took the carrot from me and carefully
pushed it into the snowman's face, bracing the back of his head. I dug up two sticks from the bushes and pushed them
into the snow, serving as arms.

"Look Munchy, it's Olaf!"

I laughed and squatted behind the snowman, grabbing his arms and making a silly voice. "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm

Anna laughed and knelt down as well, hugging the snowman. We locked eyes and I could see the warmth in them and
knew it was reflected in my own. My heart went out to her. Her beautiful red hair, the freckles that I knew spread across
her face, shoulders and possibly lower. The depth in her green eyes which now seemed slightly blue as they reflected
the white around us.

Slowly I scooped up some snow in my right hand and suddenly pushed it into Anna's face. The girl shot up, sputtering
and wiping the snow off herself. "Oh now it's war!" She formed a quick snowball and flung it at me, hitting me on the
shoulder. I threw a handful of snow at her but it dispersed in the air and Anna let out a fake maniacal chuckle. She'd
been introducing me to superhero movies on the rare nights we could spend together and I quickly thought back.

"Is that your brilliant plan for world domination, villain?" I dodged a snowball but suddenly felt one on the back of my
head. I looked around and saw a chubby kid, perhaps ten years old, his hand still in the air from throwing the snowball at

Anna laughed loudly and started chasing the kid around. "You know nothing of my evil genius, woman!" she yelled as
she rubbed some snow into the boy's hair. "Nor does your sidekick!"

"We will thwart your plans no matter what! Won't we?" I shouted at the boy, who let out a high pitched laugh before
rushing to my side and throwing a snowball in my face. "Hey, you're supposed to be on my side!"

Anna laughed again. "Come to the dark side, little boy!" She then rushed me, pressing a large amount of snow in my
face. I hadn't seen her coming so I lost my balance and fell backwards, Anna landing on top of me. Our fall was broken
by the thick layer of snow and I heard it crackle all around me, melting against my neck.

My already sore muscles were crying out as I tried pushing Anna off but she didn't move, a heated expression on her
face that seemed to be from more than just the snow fight. Before I could think about it however, she reached to the side
and shovelled a large amount of snow onto me, covering my entire face. She then rolled off me and I shot up, exhaling
sharply to get the snow out of my nose. "Damn you, Anna!"

I suddenly heard her voice quite close to me. "Maybe I don't want to dominate the world. Just you." I frowned, slightly
confused, as I wiped the last bit of snow off of my eyes. Anna had already gotten up and was chasing the chubby boy
around, throwing small hands of snow at him.

"Russel!" An unknown voice came from the street and I looked up to see a smiling woman standing there, the leash of a
golden retriever in one hand and the other one extended to the boy. "We have to go, dear."
The chubby boy threw one last snowball at Anna as I got up, trying to get the snow off of my clothes. The boy then sighed.
"Yes mom." He waved at us and ran over to his mom, grabbing her hand. Both me and Anna looked on affectionately as
the pair walked away, the boy skipping and the mom trying to get the snow out of his hair.

Anna turned to look at me and laughed into her glove. "We killed Olaf." I looked behind me and saw we had crushed the
snowman with our fall earlier. Even his nose was cracked in two.

I rubbed my shoulder. "So that's what was poking my shoulder," I laughed.

The doorman made us clean ourselves off a bit before he let us back into the building. We ended up just leaving our
coats downstairs to let the snow melt whilst we rushed back up, looking for warmth. I missed the greeting sounds of my
cats when I pushed open the door but knew I'd see them again soon when I visited the boys.

"Oh crap, it's already late. I need to get going, I'm working tonight." Anna stomped her feet on the doormat outside. "Can I
borrow a coat off you?"

I glanced at the clock. On my way up I had been entertaining the thought of having a shower, which might have included
Anna. The thought of being... close to her had been scaring me less and less over the past six weeks. The idea of
turning thoughts into reality started getting exciting instead of just terrifying. I sighed. "Sure you can borrow a coat. Do you
need a ride to the hospital?"

Anna checked the clock as well. "Nah that's okay. Henry should be here soon to take over for me anyway and I have his
key." Right, the head of my secret service decided that we shouldn't make too many extras. The head of my secret service
b eing Anna of course. Henry had started taking up a few shifts of protective duty in which we tended to just get a lot of
work done on my CEO duties. I didn't mind the help.

She moved over to give me a quick kiss on the lips, but before she could pull away I rapidly put my arms around her
shoulders, pulling her against me. Elsa, what are you doing? Anna let out a surprised little yelp but soon after her hands
were running through my messy hair and I felt her lips part slightly. Elsa, stop. I flicked my tongue out to lick her lower lips
but I was met by her own tongue, probably on its way to do the same to me. Okay Elsa, continue.

I felt heat rush up to my face and my heart was pounding through my entire body as I ran one hand downwards, digging
my fingers into her lower back. Suddenly Anna made a sound and put her hands on my chest, pushing me away. My
vision steadied slowly and I looked at Anna's flushed face. Her cheeks were lit up and her lips were still parted, her chest
rising and falling rapidly. "Holy shit, Elsa."

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. I just felt like doing it."

Anna laughed and rubbed her face. "I'm on my way to work. Damn you, Munchy." She looked up at me with a heated
expression that made the hairs in my neck stand on end. "I'll be thinking about that kiss for a while. Damn you. And I'm
meeting my parents afterwards, where I have to pretend you're just a friend of mine." She ran her fingers over my cheek
in a swift motion, before grabbing a coat and opening the door. "Damn you," she said with a smile on her face before
she slammed the door.

I inhaled deeply and blew my breath out. I moved back to my laptop. Right, work. Work. Think ab out work. Of course my
mind wandered back to Anna. I raised an eyebrow when I remembered what she had said outside. Dominating me
instead of the world? What was that ab out? I opened up my browser and started a search. Soon my eyebrows
disappeared into my hairline and I felt my face flush again. "Oh."

I checked the time on the clock above the door to my office. I had twenty minutes left before the Almstedts would be here
to give me an update on how and what they'd been doing over the past weeks. The conclusion of that meeting would
also start my weekend with two rather important things happening. Tomorrow would be Anna's tournament and on
Sunday was the big formal that Mr. Andrews had invited me to. I was rather nervous for both.

My desk phone rang and I waited a few seconds before picking up. Please, no extra work. "Miss Shields."

"Hey Elsa, this is Jeanie." I sat more upright, immediately focused on the call. "I just called to let you know that I've been
digging into Richard Worth and Hans. Turns out he's his son! So his full name is Hans Worth. Silly name, isn't it?"

I frowned, trying to quickly switch my brain from 'CEO-mode' back to the separate investigation Jeanie and me had been
working. She had volunteered to transfer to the other building where Holter now worked, in order to 'increase her spy-
efforts'. I hadn't heard from her in a while so it was good to hear her voice and know she was alright. "Yeah, it sounds
silly." I pinched the bridge of my nose in between my fingers, leaning backwards in my chair and staring up at the ceiling.
"What does it mean though?"

"Well the connection between Richard and his son is clearly there, so it just confirms what we already know. But that's
not the most important thing I found out." I heard paper rustling and it sounded muffled, like she was in a closed space.

"Jeanie, where are you?"

"The janitor's closet!" she responded happily.

"What on earth are you doing in there?" I shook my head and leaned forward again, putting both my elbows on the desk.
"Never mind that. What else did you find out?"

"Well I'm afraid I did find that name in an old case file. Duff Killigan?"

My eyes widened. "What was the case?"

I suddenly heard a noise on the other side of the line, followed by a man's voice. "What are you doing in here?" My heart
rate shot through the roof. Oh god, oh god, please don't hurt her. I put my free hand flat on the desk, my entire body
tensed to get up and call for the army when needed.

"Arnold, leave me be. You can get your broom later." She lowered her voice. "It's spy-stuff." The man said something else
which I didn't quite catch, but then I heard the door close. "Yeah so Holter once got Killigan off of a murder charge
apparently. He had the evidence stacked against him but Holter was able to convince the jury a key piece of evidence
had been obtained illegally."

"Jeanie, what just happened?"

"What do you mean?" The girl sounded confused and I sighed deeply, slightly exasperated.

"That thing with Arnold and spy-stuff."

"Oh that? That was just Arnold the janitor. I let him believe he helps me with my very secret spy work by sometimes
getting me into an area I'm not supposed to be like Holter's filing cabinets. Or his janitor's closet."

"Just be careful. And could you get that file to Henry? I'd really like to look it over myself."

"Of course! I'll photo copy it and make sure it's back in Holter's private collection before he even suspects something is

"How seriously are you taking this spy-thing?"

"I re-watched all of the Charlie's Angels movies, but I couldn't be bothered to watch the old TV-series. They're just not very
believable, you know?"

I rolled my eyes, a faint smile on my face. "Okay Jeanie. Now I think it's time you got out of that closet."

Jeanie giggled. "I don't think I'm the one who needs to get out of my closet, Miss Shields."

Before I could respond to that she had hung up and I was left staring at my phone, attempting to register her last words.
"Cheeky little..." I shook my head and put my phone down, glancing at the clock. Ten more minutes.

A rapid knock on the door made me look up, surprised. Henry never just let people come up to the door. When the door
audibly unlocked itself I frowned. And he definitely doesn't just open the door up for anyone... The realisation dawned on
me and I smiled. Ah, of course.

Anna opened the door and stepped inside, her eyes sparkling. I raised my eyebrows as I looked her up and down.
"Wow, Anna." She was wearing her hair in one thick braid which she had pulled forward over her shoulder, the same way
I sometimes wore it. I smiled. "My suit looks good on you." She was wearing a rich black one with a dark red shirt
underneath. It was a t-shirt which hugged her form tightly, clearly visible as she had left the buttons of the blazer open. I
wasn't used to seeing the redhead in a skirt but she pulled it off well. Very, very well.

My mouth went dry as Anna walked towards me and I raised from my chair when she leant onto my desk. "What are you
doing here? In ten minutes..."

Anna interrupted me. "My parents will be here. I know." Her voice was low and she looked at me with slightly lidded eyes.
My eyes kept flicking up and down her body and face, lingering on some of my favourite areas. I knew Anna noticed and
that she knew exactly what she was doing to me. She was usually a bit more tactful about it, though.

We were both leaning on the desk from a different side. Anna slowly moved around it, running her fingers over the wood.
What the hell are you doing, Anna? I felt my breath hitch as Anna swayed her hips when she rounded the last corner and
positioned herself on the same side of the desk as me. "Anna seriously, what are you..."

Anna pressed a finger to my lips before moving in front of me, so close she forced me to lean backwards onto the desk. I
felt heat rush up my neck and face when Anna put her hands on my waist and softly pressed her hips into mine. "I like
this new you," she said in a husky voice as she squeezed the muscles in my side. "I'm glad you started working out."
She leaned forward but didn't kiss me, instead she skipped my face entirely and ran her tongue across my jaw line all
the way to my ear. I felt myself tremble at the sensation and I couldn't help a soft sound escaping my lips.

"Remember that day about two weeks ago?" Anna whispered in my ear, her hands now on my lower back, massaging
the muscles. "When we built the snowman?" I nodded feverishly, still not sure whether I wanted Anna to continue or
whether I wanted to push her away. I trusted her completely and was a hundred percent sure that she'd never do
anything that I didn't want, but what I feared most was the fact that I knew exactly what I wanted. But her parents will b e
here in a few minutes.

I was still leaning backwards on the desk, forcing Anna to lean into me in order to reach my ear. She suddenly lifted me
up and put me on the desk without any noticeable effort. It made me exhale in a trembling fashion, the unexpected
movement eliciting a surprised yelp from my lips.

Anna pushed my blazer off of my left shoulder and let her teeth trail along my collarbone before biting down. It sent a hot
flash through my body and before I realised what I was doing my hands had moved up to Anna's shoulders, tugging at
her collar. I felt my lower abdomen clench and there was a hotness in my core I had rarely felt before. I didn't even care
that my skirt hiked up a bit when I wrapped my legs around Anna's thighs, wanting to pull her closer. I was breathing
heavily as she continued to press kisses and soft bites to my shoulder and I leaned forward, my mind set to returning
the favour.

However, all of a sudden I heard my desk phone crackle and Henry's voice resonated through the office. "Mr. and Mrs.
Almstedt are here for you, Miss Shields. Want me to send them through?" I heard the slight amusement in his voice.
Anna had stepped away from me as soon as we'd heard the phone and she was buttoning up her blazer like nothing
happened, a neutral expression on her face. I was still sitting on the desk however, my pencil skirt halfway up my thighs
and my blazer and dress shirt pushed off my shoulder. My mind was racing so fast I'd already forgotten Henry, but then
his voice sounded through the office again. "Miss Shields?"

I quickly got off the desk, straightening out my clothes whilst trying to get my head to stop spinning. Anna had her back to
me and was facing the door, sitting on the edge of my desk in a casual manner. I pressed my finger to the button on my
phone set when I was sure my clothes were in order again. "Yes Henry, please send them in." I released the button and
hissed at Anna. "What the hell was that?"

The door opened and Anna moved over to greet her very surprised parents. I knew they had been talking to each other
again but things were still quite tense, so I wasn't that surprised to see Anna just nod at them politely before exiting the
office. Soon after my Blackberry told me I had a text message and I glanced down. "That, dear Munchy, is payback. Have
fun with my parents. Think of me."

I licked my lips nervously, drumming my fingers on the crush barrier and moving from one leg onto the other. Henry put a
hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly. "Don't worry, she'll be fine."

"Those other people were monsters." My voice sounded a bit higher than usual. I had the feeling Henry wanted to
reassure me again, but instead he removed his hand. I loved having him as a PA, he was absolutely great at what he
did, but it did mean certain barriers had to be held up.

Merida didn't have that issue and she put an arm around my waist, pulling me close. "Ye haven't seen Anna yet. Those
other lasses have nothing on 'er." I glanced over at the young woman who had just lost the previous match, sitting on a
chair to the side and carefully drinking water from a bottle whilst her coach wafted cold air at her with a towel. She doesn't
look that great. Oh god.

A lot sooner than I had wished, Anna clambered up onto the platform. She was wearing blue safety gear consisting of a
helmet, gloves and kick pads. I knew she was also wearing shin padding underneath her pants and her lips were being
pressed outwards slightly by the mouth guard she was biting into. Behind me I heard Kristoff and Sven yell loudly, but I
was afraid that if I opened my mouth I might vomit.
Anna was jumping up and down a bit, light on her feet and punching her fists together. Her hand had completely healed
after a few weeks but a part of me almost wished it would've prevented her from competing in the tournament. I closed
my eyes and leaned my forehead down onto my arms. Don't think that, Elsa. Anna loves this. She wants this. And you'd
b etter well support her.

Merida squeezed my side and I let out a surprised yelp, causing the curly redhead to giggle. "Look, 'er opponent isn't tha'
imposing." I looked up at the platform and saw a girl of about the same height and weight as Anna, also jumping up and
down and psyching herself up for the fight. I glanced back at Anna and saw Mulan standing behind her, her hands
pressing down on Anna's shoulders and her mouth moving rapidly whilst Anna stared at her opponent. Intimidation

"How many fights does Anna have?" I asked, my voice coming out more as a squeal than a sound a normal adult
would've made.

"Well if she loses it's over and done, but if she wins 'er first two fights she'll end up in the finals." Merida let go of my waist
and yelled some encouragement to Anna, her hands cupped around her mouth. Anna didn't glance over.

There were referees on all four corners of the mat, sitting on chairs with what looked like stopwatches in their hands. No,
Anna explained this to me. They use those to keep score. There were three more people sitting behind a table a bit away
from the platform and there was one last referee standing on the mat, calling both fighters towards him now.

Anna turned towards Mulan and gave a short bow before walking to the middle of the mat, bowing at the referee and her
opponent. My heart tried clawing its way out of my throat when both women took up a fighting position, the referee quickly
doing a check of their equipment to make sure they weren't cheating. Mulan and the other coach sat down on chairs on
the edge of the platform, both situated directly behind their fighters.

A young lad next to Henry scoffed. "That girl has nothing, look at her. She doesn't even have a black belt yet." I wanted to
speak up but Henry just grabbed my arm.

"Just wait," he said. I turned my gaze back to the platform as Henry leaned over to me. "This girl always attacks with a
straight leg attack or punches, all Anna has to do is move aside and counter." The referee brought his hand down and
immediately Anna moved to the side, the other girl indeed moving past her. Anna threw a few punches and I thought I
saw a few of them hit the other girl in the face, but everything was going so fast I wasn't sure.

"Ha! That's certainly a few points fer Anna!" Merida high-fived Henry over my head while I just miserably looked on. The
both girls had moved away from each other a bit and were circling one another, looking for an opening. Merida sucked in
her breath. "She's setting up fer a backwards kick, look how she's turning 'er hip forward." I raised my eyebrows and
blinked, almost missing the action. The other girl had suddenly moved forward, throwing a few very well-aimed punches
at Anna's head - but as soon as she had moved, Anna had switched her weight onto her front leg and moved her back
leg behind her other one, hitting the other girl square in the chest with the bottom of her foot.

The girl collapsed as Merida punched the air, jumping up and down. Henry shot a smug look at the boy who had spoke
up earlier and I was just staring up at the platform and Anna. The referee ushered her back to Mulan, where Anna knelt
down with her head low. I expected her to talk to Mulan but she was silent, Mulan seemingly only giving Anna updates on
what was happening behind the redhead.

"Why is she doing that?" I asked Henry.

The man followed my gaze and leaned forward onto the barrier as well, bringing his head to the same level as me. "It's a
sign of respect. The other girl is probably fine but as long as there's an indication of injury Anna's supposed to kneel in
front of her coach until the fight either continues or is called off. It's just to show that you're not happy that you hurt the
other person, if you know what I mean."

I looked at the girl on the floor. She was lying on her side with her coach kneeling at her head. They were talking to each
other and when the referee asked the pair a question I saw the coach shake his head. He then moved back to the
middle of the mat and yelled something, raising his hand on the side Anna was on. Henry nodded contentedly. "That
means she's won."

Anna got up and bowed to Mulan and the referee before moving over to the other girl. She knelt next to her and they
shook hands. They're laughing. What the... Anna then shook the coach's hand and helped the other girl to her feet before
moving back to Mulan and exiting the platform. I was still a bit confused as to what exactly was going on, but what I had
just witnessed seemed to have pulled back a curtain for me. It's not just people fighting each other. There's respect
involved, and discipline. Self control. And then afterwards they shake hands like they've just had a good chess match. My
smile turned into a grin. Did Anna just do the equivalent of a scholar's mate?
The pool continued on the platform and I was starting to slightly enjoy myself, trying to figure out the exact rules and
moves the fighters were making. There was a lot of tactics involved, not just brawling as I had imagined. There was one
moment however when two fighters got too close to the edge and they had lost balance, falling down. The match had
continued, one of the two women eventually winning on points as was supposed to happen. Anna had told me before
that this branch of martial arts was semi-contact, so a KO wasn't a desired outcome. Points do sound a lot b etter.

The woman who had won had injured her ankle during the fall however and had to excuse herself from her next fight, in
which she was supposed to go up against Anna. This meant Anna automatically advanced to the finals, something we
were all excited about. My main motivator was still getting Anna in as few fights as possible and this qualified.

Merida bit her lip. "She's going up against the terminator in this last round, isn't she?"

My eyes widened. "You've got to be kidding me. You know how nervous I am and you say Anna's supposed to fight
someone called the terminator?" I gestured wildly at Merida, who just looked slightly bemused as she grabbed my
wrists and pulled them down.

"Sorry, Elsa. She isn't called the terminator because she is very good, more because she's... well, a bit mean.
Sportsmanship isn't high on 'er agenda." Henry cleared his throat and Merida glanced at him. "Okay fine, she's also quite
good. But Mulan will keep an eye on Anna, don't worry. She's gon' be fine."

Anna and her opponent climbed up onto the platform. Anna wasn't bouncing around this time, instead she was standing
quite still, not taking her eyes off of her opponent. I felt a chill run down my spine. I had never seen Anna look that
terrifying, her eyes that cold. I knew it was an act, a tactic - but it still unnerved me.

Mulan moved behind Anna again, slightly massaging her shoulders and neck. She wasn't talking this time, she was just
throwing the same type of glare towards the other side of the platform. Anna alone was scary, the both of them together
made me want to run screaming out the door. I get what was going through those b ikers' minds.

A lot quicker than I liked the girls were facing each other. "Merida?" I swallowed. "What's that girl's actual name? I don't
want to think of her as the terminator." Merida whispered the name in my ear and I nodded slowly. "Doreann. Let's call
her Dora. Sounds a lot less intimidating." I heard Merida chuckle but my attention shifted back to the mat on which the
fight had just started.

Instead of the quick start the last fight had had, both girls stood almost motionless for a moment, just bouncing up lightly
on the balls of their feet. Their eyes seemed to still be locked together but their helmets made it hard to make out their
faces as they slowly circled each other.

I heard Mulan yell something and Anna immediately responded, making a feint to the left before moving forward, her right
leg kicking towards Dora. The other girl blocked the kick however, pushing Anna's leg to the side and immediately
moving in for a set of punches. Anna recovered quickly and had her gloves up at her face, joining in on the punch-
throwing. They ended up with their arms clenched around each other's necks and the referee separated them, both of
the girls calmly moving back a bit. "How can they be so calm?" I wondered out loud.

Henry pointed at Anna. "Her body is relaxed, but it has to be. Otherwise she won't be able to respond as quickly. I
promise you, her mind is working in overdrive." The boy focused back on the match when Dora also made a feint with
her leg, but she only tapped it down to the ground before kicking at Anna's head. The redhead was barely able to get her
hand next to her helmet but despite the extra layer of protection I could see her head snap to the side and I inhaled
sharply. Merida put her hand on my arm to reassure me everything was fine, but a large part of me wanted to jump the
barrier and run towards the platform.

Anna stayed upright despite the hit to her head, moving away in a big circle from the other girl to regain her composure.
Henry frowned. "She's off. What's going on?"

Merida looked around her, her eyes finally resting on me. "Shit Elsa, ye look like you're at a funeral. Please at least
pretend you're no' about to faint, Anna 'as probably seen ye and is worried." I blinked and quickly tried to smile. Anna
needs you not to worry for a moment. Can you do that? Just think of something else that makes you happy. The first thing
that came to mind was the previous day when Anna had hiked me up onto my own desk and I felt my skin go red, but it
had the desired effect.

In a gesture that surprised everyone around me I brought my fingers to my mouth and whistled sharply. "Whoooo Anna!
You can do this! Go go!" I punched the air like I had seen Merida do before. The girl now dragged my arm down,

"That'll do it, ye." During my short contemplation I had missed a little bit of action and Henry informed me that Anna was a
few points behind. Apparently it was nothing a kick to the head couldn't fix though.

I licked my lips and reserved a small portion of my brain to keep my face happy and excited. At least look the part. My
stomach was bubbling slightly as I watched Dora circle Anna, like some predator stalking its prey. She suddenly moved
forward, forcing Anna backwards towards the edge of the field. The referee yelled something as Anna tried to move
sideways out of Dora's path, but she almost bumped into Mulan who'd half risen from her chair. Anna let herself fall to
the mat to prevent herself from taking her coach down in her fall, causing Dora to stumble as well and in a move that
made a ripple of sound pass through the entire hall, Dora brought her foot down onto Anna's head.

A lot of things happened at once. Merida was shouting profanity at the platform whilst Henry was yelling at me. I wasn't
sure why until I realised I had one leg over the crush barrier, ready to rush to Anna. However Mulan had already jumped
up and stood over the redhead, gesturing wildly and seemingly making some statements that left little to the
imagination. Please b e okay. Please b e okay.

The referee ushered Dora back to her coach and the girl sat down on her behind, one leg pulled up in a relaxed manner.
"Show some bloody respect, ye cunt!" Henry slapped Merida on the back of her head.

"Shut up, Merida. You're wearing our team sweater."

In turn Merida just quickly pulled the sweater over her head, flinging it aside before continuing her stream of curses and
insults. My attention was with Anna however, who was rolling from side to side with her arms over her face. Someone tell
me how she is. Show me. Anything. Mulan knelt down and removed the girl's gloves and mouth guard carefully. A man
wearing a reflective vest and a first-aid bag jogged over to the platform but halted at the edge, talking to Mulan. The
woman held out her hand and the man threw her an ice pack, but when he started climbing onto the platform Mulan
shook her head and told him to leave. Does that mean it's not that b ad? Oh god help me.

Mulan pulled Anna's hands aside and carefully pressed the ice pack to Anna's face. From this distance I couldn't see
what was wrong but my palms were sweating. I noticed that Henry was still trying to get me down from the barrier without
getting inappropriate with his hand placement, but I didn't bother telling him off. Please let Anna b e okay.

"Elsa!" Merida reached up and slapped me in the face. "Fer fucks sake, come down from there. Anna's fine." I frowned
and looked down on the girl, who gestured at the field. "Mulan has it under control. If she'd been worried she wouldn't
have told the lad to leave, would she?"

I got down from the fence. Did she just slap me? I blinked and rubbed my eyes, after which I looked at the group of
referees which seemed to be discussing what to do next. "Is Dora's going to be disqualified?"

"She should be," Henry said angrily. "That was a foul. The referee had clearly stopped the match, but Dora continued
anyway. Anna was on the ground when she stomped on her. If they don't disqualify her I'm going to punch something."

Merida huffed. "Maybe they'll rule it as an accident. They were both off balance after all."

"Yeah but whose fault was that? Dora didn't have to push Anna that far to the edge but she did."

"It's a tactic, Henry. You know that."

Henry just snorted, crossing his arms. The lawyer in me saw the sense in Merida's words, but I was with Henry on this
one. That was my Anna up there.

As I looked on, Mulan helped Anna into a sitting position with the redhead's back towards us. Anna gestured something
and Mulan raised her eyebrows, but then gave us a thumbs up. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and
for a moment I thought I might deflate completely. Then the referees returned to the field and one of them walked over to
Mulan and Anna. Mulan listened on before jumping up, an angry look on her face and gesturing in curt motions. Henry
moaned. "They're not disqualifying her. What the hell."

I saw Anna get her feet underneath her and pushing herself up, swaying slightly from side to side. She put her mouth
guard back in between her teeth and slowly bent over to pick up her gloves. "Holy shit, she's not gon' fight, is she?"
Merida shot a look at Henry, who just shook his head. Mulan also noticed her pupil getting up and she walked over to
her, pressing her forehead to Anna's and grabbing Anna's helmeted head, talking rapidly.

Anna seemed adamant however and she faced Dora again, moving to the centre of the mat to continue the fight.
Someone in the crowd began applauding and soon almost everyone joined in, cheering Anna on. Well at least the crowd
is on her side. I'm more worried ab out Dora though.

"Damn, she's going all karate kid on her ass." Henry laughed incredulously. "She's absolutely crazy, but you gotta love it."
Merida just shot him an angry look and I agreed with her this time. I don't love this, any of this. I gritted my teeth. But Anna
needs you now more than ever.

"Anna!" I yelled. The fight hadn't continued yet as the referee was talking to Dora, possibly telling her she was on very thin
ice. Anna turned and looked at me. I felt my face slacken when I saw the bruising but quickly regained my composure
and sent my girlfriend a beaming smile. "You can do this!" I hesitated for a second. "I love you!"

Several heads turned to look at me but I didn't care as I was solely focused on Anna's bruised but now radiant face.
Henry smirked. "I don't think more blood to her face was what Anna needed right now, but you seem to have done it."

Merida now reached up to hit Henry on the back of his head. "Shut up, ye tosser. It's romantic." I blushed.

Anna turned her attention back to Dora, who was now standing in front of her with her glove out. Anna seemed to hesitate
for a moment but then tapped it with her own, eliciting a few more approving claps from the audience. A respect thing?
Now? She just stomped on your face, Anna... I sighed. Prob ab ly something ab out b eing the b igger person or something
stupid like that.

The fight started up slowly, with a few punches here and there, but soon it was in full swing again. The hits were now
quick and short and I had no idea if there were points being scored anywhere, but according to the two people next to me
they were going neck to neck. Henry mentioned that Dora seemed to have really calmed down and was almost careful.
Whether it was thanks to the referees' warning or she was feeling bad was left undecided for now.

The fight ended without anything big happening according to Merida, but I had been biting down on my lip so hard I
tasted blood. Every time I saw a flash of Anna's face it seemed to have become more red and blue and the fight had
been paused twice because Anna had blood seeping out of her eyebrow and needed to be cleaned up.

Both fighters returned to their coaches and Dora knelt at her coach this time, like she was supposed to have done when
Anna had been on the ground (according to Henry's loud commentary). Mulan shortly pulled Anna into a hug before
setting her down on her own chair, taking off her helmet and pressing the ice pack to the girl's face.

When the referee returned to the middle of the mat the soft murmur of voices in the hall died out. Anna and her opponent
moved back to the middle of the mat. Both had lost their helmets and faced the crowd, giving everyone a good view of
Anna's injured face. The referee then stepped back and attempted to move Dora's hand up. Merida cursed and Henry
slammed his fists down on the crush barrier, but I hushed them. "Look at her, she's resisting."

A lot of people had reacted negatively when they'd seen Dora had won on points but then the girl stepped sideways and
took Anna's wrist, bringing the redhead's hand up instead. A lot of people started clapping, including Henry and Merida
even though they looked like they'd seen a ghost.

Five minutes later I was striding over to Anna, who was sitting on a chair in the first-aid corner of the tournament hall. She
was beaming as far as the bruising and ice pack on her face allowed it. One of the EMTs tried to block my path but Mulan
told them to let me through. Henry and Merida waited at a slight distance and Mulan joined them, allowing us some

I squatted in front of Anna, who slowly lowered the ice pack. "Don't freak out, okay?"

"Why would I freak out?" I said, trying to sound confident - but my voice shook a little from gazing upon Anna's face from
this close. When the ice pack allowed me a clear view of Anna's face I blinked a few times but I managed not to react too
heavily. Instead I folded my right hand over the one that was holding the ice pack and brought it back to her face.
"Bruising like that really needs an ice pack, you know."

I couldn't get the image out of my head though. There was a very angry dark blue and purple spot on the outer side of her
right cheekbone between her eye and ear, from which bruising spread out over a large portion of that side of her face. I
still had my right hand on the ice pack and sighed deeply. Anna didn't need me to tell her what I was feeling and she
carefully leaned forward, pressing a kiss on my forehead. "That must've been terrifying to watch. I'm sorry."

I swallowed, all the emotions I had been feeling over the past half hour trying to squeeze their way out of my eyes. "Don't
be stupid, you're the injured one. It's not your fault. Don't say sorry."

Anna pressed her forehead against mine, leaning into it. "Do you know she offered me her medal? I didn't accept it
because it was hers and I knew it was an accident." I closed my eyes, my hands on Anna's knees. Anna chuckled softly.
"You know what this means though?" I shook my head slightly against hers. "It's going to be hella awkward explaining
my face at that formal of yours tomorrow."
/I hope you guys enjoyed that one! Not sure when I'll be updating again. Might be tomorrow, might be in 10 days. Life,
you know. But don't worry, I have absolutely no intention to stop updating. I'll finish this fic! I don't want to get an
angry Australian proofreader hunting me down, those people are dangerous...
*Chapter 16*: Chapter 16: The announcement
/Hey guys, I've been finding out about some fanarts people have been making! That's so cool! If you make something,
could you please submit it to me on Tumblr? Just because tagging me sometimes doesn't work and I don't get to
see it and that makes me very sad because I really, REALLY love it when people take the time to make something for
my story. Remember, it's brooke-shutsano on Tumblr as well! :)
/Also stop being so damn surprised when I respond to your review or PM, I meant it when I said I respond to all of
them :P
/"Okay enough with the ranting Brooke, just get on with it." Ok.

Chapter 16
The announcement

Sven grunted as he set down yet another box of books on the floor of my new home. It was Sunday morning and I would
have much preferred to be focussing on the formal later that evening, but I needed to move out of my previous apartment
and this was the only day available. I glanced at my dress, which was hanging on a bookshelf, dangling precariously
from a clothes hanger. Sven had already joked about it once but now he followed my gaze and grinned again.

"Are you sure you won't accidentally hang yourself with all those straps and things?" I glared angrily at him, fidgeting with
the shirt I was wearing. I'd started out wearing a sweater but the weather had cleared up immensely and soon I'd been
sweating, hauling boxes into the house to the music of a few birds who had come home early from their trip south.

"Stop worrying about my formal, I'm doing enough of that for the both of us." I was panting heavily, filling my nose and
mouth with the smell of cardboard, books and wood. I pulled the box Sven had been carrying towards me and put it onto
the small stack against the wall. Sven wolf whistled.

"Those muscles look good on you, Miss Shields." He'd been calling me that ever since I took up my new position and I
had gotten used to it.

I glanced at my arms. "Behaviour like that is probably what scared your boyfriend away, you know." I smirked at him and
he knew I was teasing.

"That was never going to turn into something serious anyway. Plus, now I'm free to chase other options." He winked at
me and licked his lip. I just laughed.

"Wow Sven, don't let Anna catch you doing that."

A woman's voice sounded from the doorway. "Don't let Anna catch you doing what?" Mulan stepped through the door, a
large duffel bag flung over one shoulder. She looked at the rather large amount of cardboard boxes spread in piles
across the room. "And here I am, just bringing two duffel bags." She looked around at the vast living room. "Damn, this
place is huge."

I flushed slightly. "Well I own a lot of stuff, and I've cleared out my dad's storage locker. A lot of these boxes contain things
that I might just have to throw out, I haven't had the heart to go through them yet." I bit my lip as I followed her gaze around
the living area. Mulan was right, it was rather big but the house had been a steal, belonging to an elderly couple whose
daughter was desperate to get rid of it. The living room was mostly wide and not very deep, the entire back wall covered
with bookshelves.

Mulan dropped the bag and it fell to the hardwood floor with a thud. "Don't worry about it," she laughed. "I'm honoured
you're letting me live with you for a while until my financial situation has... settled down." She glanced at Sven, who
smiled happily and tried to give the woman a hug. She just stretched her arm out and put her hand on his chest. "No."

I laughed at the disappointment on Sven's face and he scowled at me before moving out the door again, off to grab
another box from the back of the truck. Mulan looked at me and smiled, spreading her arms to the side. "So, show me
around our place! I've only seen pictures."

I walked over to the black-haired martial artist and she put an arm around my waist. We'd become friends over the past
months, my affection for the woman being sparked on enormously by the fact she'd once gotten Anna off the streets. I
was happy to do the same to her, getting her out of that warehouse.

We stood with our back to the front door and I gestured to the left, where a door led to another room. "That's the kitchen
and dining room. It's all a bit old-fashioned but everything works fine and there's a new fridge." I pulled Mulan to the
middle of the living room. "Check out the fireplace!"
Mulan smiled. "Living in the suburbs has its advantages. No noisy neighbours, a garden, a fireplace..."

I nodded happily. There were two large couches facing the fireplace and my rug had been placed in between them, as
had my coffee table. I showed Mulan the bookshelves I had let a carpenter build in and the woman seemed interested in
my collection.

Sven came walking back in with another box. "This says 'bathroom' on it, where do you want me to put it?"

I walked over to the boy and took the box from him. "I'll take that." I let him load the box over into my arms and walked
towards the back of the room, where a wide wooden staircase parallel to the back wall led up to the second floor. The
whole bottom floor consisted of just the living room and kitchen, which meant the wall space downstairs was enough to
hold all of my books and then some.

Mulan followed me upstairs into a hallway that ran across the length of the house, several doors leading off of it. I
nodded at the first one. "Could you get that for me?" She reached past me and pushed the door open, revealing a cosy
bathroom. It held an old fashioned bath tub standing on bronze coloured paws, a new shower cabin that I had let
someone build in and a wall-high mirror on the other side next to a smaller mirror above a very wide marble sink top.
The house was still one big mash-up of old and new, but I was planning some more improvements for the coming
months. I'd make it my own.

I put down the box and gestured down the hallway. "The second door is a toilet, the third is your room and the last two
are my study and bedroom." Mulan nodded understandingly and moved over to check out her room whilst I went back
downstairs to help Sven unload the rest of my belongings. I really own too many things, we've b een at it for hours

Another few hours later all boxes had been unloaded, including a few which contained things from my brother I just
couldn't seem to get rid of. Handling them had pained me and I wondered whether I had been too harsh on him, telling
Henry to just let him make an appointment if he wanted to see me. I shook my head to drive out the thoughts, I had other
things to worry about right now.

I tossed Sven the keys to the truck, my other hand shielding my eyes from the sun which was low in the sky. The three of
us were standing in the front yard, fresh green grass underneath our feet. The yard wasn't that impressive and consisted
of just grass and a big chestnut in the back, but I didn't mind. Once I have enough time to use it I might b uy a garden set
and a b arb eque, b ut... Sven smiled at us. "Okay, I'll get the truck back to the rental place."

Mulan frowned at me. "Yeah and you should really be getting ready, you have less than an hour before Henry gets here." I
swallowed nervously and Mulan got an empathetic look on her face. "So you're telling her parents about the two of you
tonight, hm?" I nodded and Mulan suddenly started shoving me inside. "Okay, let's get you ready then. See you later,

Sven waved at us as Mulan closed the door behind us. She eyed the intricate dress. "Okay, so we're going to get you into
that?" She tilted her head to the side. "Okay you go have a shower, I'll see if I can figure this thing out."

Despite my nerves I smiled and quickly went upstairs. After a hurried shower I leant on the sink, staring at myself in the
mirror. My hair hung straight down, soaking wet. I opened up the cupboards underneath the sink and cursed when I
realised I didn't have my blow dryer up here. I wrapped a large towel around me, tucking it in on itself, and went

Mulan was sitting on one of the couches, the dress spread out next to her. She had her hands running through the large
amount of straps and looked up when she heard me. "I figured out the dress!" I smiled at her from halfway up the stairs,
making sure the huge towel covered me from high up my chest down to my calves. I then pointed at a box sitting next to
the front door.

"I think I put my blow dryer in there, could you grab it for me?"

Mulan glanced over. "Yeah sure. I'll bring it and the dress upstairs and we can work on getting you ready."

Wait, is she going to help me do everything? The idea of someone seeing me in my underwear (or worse, naked) made
me feel very insecure but I smiled and nodded at the black-haired woman. I quickly went back upstairs and headed to my
room at the end of the hallway, adamant to be at least wearing some underwear before Mulan would join me.

My bedroom wasn't very big and most of the space was taken up by a large king-sized bed littered with pillows and
blankets. Next to the small vanity that sat against the wall there was a large window that was streaming a bright spot of
sun onto the bed, making the white covers look almost silver. I was just pulling my strapless bra into place when I heard
a knock on the door. I quickly picked the towel up again and clutched it to my chest, flushing slightly. C'mon Elsa, it's just
underwear. "Come in!"

The door opened and to my surprise it wasn't Mulan, but Merida peeking around the corner. I frowned, my eyes slightly
wide. "Merida? What on earth are you doing here?"

Merida walked into the room, my blow dryer in her hands. "Mulan asked me ter come over. Something 'bout an
impossible dress and yer impossible hair." She grinned as her eyes flicked to the towel I was still clutching to my chest.
"Anna has been so nervous about t'night, we wanted ter make sure everything would go ok."

The girl's red hair wasn't contained today and it bounced around her face and shoulders. I raised an eyebrow. "Mulan
called my hair impossible?"

Merida ran a hand through her hair as she plugged the blow dryer into the power socket. "Aye, compared to her Asian
hair yours is impossible. Mine shouldn't even exist." I smiled at the joke as Merida gestured me over to the bed. "C'mon,
sit yer ass down. I need to get yer impossible hair dry."

"Shouldn't I put on some clothes first?" I wrapped one end of the towel around myself again.

Merida just looked a bit confused. "We're all women here, aren't we?" The door was pushed open once more and Mulan
walked in, holding my dress like it was a time bomb. I relaxed a bit but still had the towel clutched to my chest as I sat
down on the bed and felt Merida kneel next to me on top of the blankets, the air from the blow dryer hot on my scalp. She
used the blow dryer and a brush at the same time, clicking her tongue. "I'm sure ye hear this all the time, but yer hair truly
is beautiful." I blushed a bit but started enjoying the attention I was getting, the brush softly scraping over my skin. Is this
what having good friends feels like? Sven and Kristoff didn't really count, I'd never let them blow dry my hair whilst I was
wearing lingerie. A few weeks ago I wouldn't have let Merida or Mulan do it either, but the women were so natural and
cool about it, I felt I might just make it through this.

Merida put down the blow dryer and started brushing out my hair. After a few seconds she paused however and I felt cool
fingers run over my collarbone. My eyes shot open and I flushed a deep red, clasping my hand over the bite Anna had
left. Merida laughed so hard she fell back onto the bed, her knees pulled up to her chest. "We're gon' have to cover tha'
up with some make-up, tha's gon' be hard ter explain to er parents."

It only took Merida and Mulan twenty minutes to get me dressed up. The black dress was floor-length and had a split
running up to just above my knee. It hugged me tightly from my chest down to my hips, where it then fell naturally down to
cover my black heels. The straps Mulan had been struggling with were woven together in an intricate pattern on my
shoulders and onto my back, where the dress had been left open to show off my pale skin. Mulan and Merida made
approving noises as they looked at me, but I hadn't seen myself yet.

"You should really leave your hair down, Elsa. It looks so beautiful that way." Merida fluffed my hair up some more, careful
not to mess up the thin layer of make-up she'd put on my face.

"I don't know," I said insecurely. "I'm the CEO."

Merida huffed and pushed me towards my bedroom door. "You might be the CEO but yer also a beautiful woman. No
shame in showing tha' off."

I wanted to take a turn at the bathroom to have a look at myself, but Merida blocked my way. "You're running late. Just
trust me, okay? You look great." She smirked and winked at me. "And I really approve of your choice of underwear. Black
lace, hm? Anna's a lucky lass."

It felt like my face was on fire as I descended the steps to find Henry standing in front of the lit fireplace. The flames
bathed the room in a golden glow. The smell reminded me of holidays we had taken when I was very young, up into the
mountains. Henry was wearing a full tux and looked absolutely dashing with his hair gelled back and his face freshly
shaven. He looked up to me and his eyes widened. "Oh wow," was all he managed to say.

I descended the rest of the steps and found Cindy admiring my bookshelves underneath the staircase. She was wearing
a silvery-white ball gown with a matching ribbon in her blond hair. She now looked at me, beaming. "Wow Elsa, you look

"As do you, Cindy. Are you looking forward to the formal?" The girl nodded happily as the three of us moved to the door,
Henry holding out his arm to his girlfriend. I hadn't met the girl that often and had only spoken to her once, holding a
lengthy conversation which seemed to revolve solely around shoes and her obsession with said footwear. I shot a last
nervous smile at Merida and Mulan, Mulan smiling and Merida waving happily back at me.
I glanced over at my brand new car and felt a happy flutter in my chest. Yes, I had indulged slightly and bought a rather
new model sedan, very similar to the rental car I had used before. I pulled the keys from my clutch and Henry asked
whether he should drive, but I scoffed. "Like I'll let you drive my brand new car. You can sit in the back if you like." I winked
at the boy and pressed a button on the remote, making the signalling lights flash. I smirked. Tonight was going to b e

The sun was low in the sky by the time we pulled up to the manor where the formal was being held. The house
reminded me of the Almstedt's old place, but this one was just a tad bigger. It had a very large fountain opposite the front
door and everything was lit up, silver streamers everywhere we could see.

The gravel crunched underneath my heels when I got out of the car and handed my keys over to a smiling valet. The
smell of pine filled my nose, mixed with different kinds of expensive perfume from the many wealthy women invited to the
formal. Henry helped Cindy out of the backseat, her dress hindering her movements. I used my own hands to straighten
out my dress carefully. It was a bit tight, but at least I didn't have the risk of getting lost in the layers and ruffles of mine. I
moved a hand to my neck but then remembered I wasn't wearing the pearls because they might hinder the straps on my

"Miss Shields!" I heard a familiar voice from a bit to my left. There were several cars parked out onto the wide gravel
driveway, valets criss-crossing between them and their former occupants. It took me a second to make out Mr. Holter,
who was walking over to me with his hands folded behind his back. His tux was flawless and the button on his waistcoat
looked only a little bit strained by his imposing belly.

"Mr. Holter," I said as I politely nodded at the man. Henry stepped up and offered his hand to Holter. He used the
courteous gesture to mask the fact he was standing slightly in front of me, shielding me in case the man tried anything.
An image of the previous night crossed my mind, Anna instructing Henry with very clear language. 'You'll stick with her
when I'm not there, got it? And even then you're not to take your eyes off her.' Henry had pointed out that his girlfriend
might not approve of him eyeing his boss that way, but Anna hadn't been swayed.

"You must be Henry, Elsa's PA." Holter took Henry's hand, squeezing it visibly. I ran my tongue across the back of my
teeth, a flutter of anxiety raising its ugly head inside my chest.

"I am indeed Miss Shields' PA." Henry covered the correction up with one of his toothpaste-commercial smiles, bending
down slightly. He was still shaking Holter's hand up and down slowly and I saw both the men's knuckles were white. The
way Henry stood there looking down on my co-CEO appeared rather condescending and I could see Holter didn't like it.
Don't irk him this early in the evening, Henry.

I cleared my throat and both men looked at me, finally letting go of each other's hands. "It's a bit chilly outside, what do
you men say we head inside? It would be rude not to greet the host upon arrival after all."

Cindy appeared on my other side and took my arm. She squeezed a little tighter than needed and I had to do my best not
to smirk. Don't worry, your b oyfriend's protectiveness is for very different reasons than you might think. Even though I
couldn't tell her that, I still wanted to reassure her. I bent over in her direction while Holter nodded and moved away, back
to his wife. "Do you see Anna somewhere?"

Cindy glanced around, then shrugged. "I don't see her, maybe she's already inside? She was coming with her parents,
wasn't she?" I nodded and took my arm back from her, almost shoving her into the arms of her boyfriend. To be honest I
thought the girl was slightly annoying, but Henry seemed positively infatuated with her.

We walked up the shallow steps to the front door, nodding politely at everyone we met on the way. And there were quite a
lot of people. I had read in Mr. Andrews's invitation that it was a formal with several big law firms, not just Holter &
Shields. It meant a very large amount of very stuck up people in one place. Hold on. You're one of those stuck up people
now. You're the CEO. Act like it.

I lifted up my head and strode through the front door. The warmth inside was welcoming on my back. Wait, how low does
that dress actually go? I felt a gust of wind hit the skin on my shoulder blades and run all the way down to the small of my
back. The realisation that the dress ended that low made my cheeks light up. CEOs don't b lush. Stop b lushing. I knew it
was a V-shape and wasn't very revealing as far as dresses can go, but to me it almost felt like being naked. Especially
as it made me wonder how obvious it was that I was wearing a black lace bra. Mulan and Merida wouldn't have let you
leave if it were that ob vious... right?

I felt a warm hand on the small of my back and my head shot to the side but it was just Henry. He bent over to me,
smiling and looking ahead of us. "We're holding up the crowd," he whispered. I realised I had stopped walking and let
Henry lead me and Cindy further past the front doors and into the large entrance hall. The first word that came to mind
was majestic. The hall was made up of marble and gold tints. Where the Almstedt residence had a wooden staircase at
the back of the hall, here there was a white marble one that was nearly twice as wide and led up to a gallery with a heavy
balustrade from which ribbons and garlands hung down over the heavy pillars framing the entire hall.

There was staff everywhere, carrying coats into side rooms and pointing people to where they were supposed to go.
Large flower pieces drove away the smell of pine and the tones of Vivaldi's Spring seeped into my ears as a young man
came walking up to us, his hands folded behind his back.

"Good evening. May I please take your coats and names?" He nodded his head, not looking either of us in the eye.

I smiled at the young man and touched his shoulder, causing him to start and look up at me. "We're not wearing any
coats, as you would have noticed if you had actually looked at us." The boy shot me a nervous smile as I brought both my
hands back in front of me. "My name is Elsa Shields and this is my PA and his girlfriend."

The boy's eyes widened. "Miss Shields! In that case, Mr. Andrews has requested you be brought to him." He nodded at
Henry and Cindy. "Your companions can proceed to the ballroom."

Henry took his arm from Cindy and moved an inch closer to me. "I will accompany Miss Shields."

I put my hand on his arm. "Henry, I will be fine. This lovely young man will surely make sure I don't get lost or anything." I
noticed Cindy's face. "You should escort your girlfriend into the ballroom. I'm sure she'd appreciate a dance."

Cindy's annoyed voice followed me as I was led up the stairs by the footman. I held the hem of my dress in one hand
and was once again very aware of the nakedness of my back as I felt several pairs of eyes burn into my skin as I made
my way up the marble steps. I had been a bit disappointed that I hadn't been able to make out Anna in the crowd, but I
was sure I'd see her soon. I needed to focus on what Andrews wanted of me first.

When we cornered the top of the stairs I took a moment to look down into the entrance hall. There was a continuous
stream of people coming in through the front doors and looking down on their heads I felt myself become slightly
nervous. This was my first gig as CEO after all and I suddenly felt insecure about my ability to act like one.

The music died down for a moment and I frowned, trying to remember what came next. The sudden burst of heavy cello
music caught me by surprise and I felt my breath hitch. Okay you're more nervous than you thought. Just relax. The
footman led me around the corner and we were now walking across the gallery, allowing me even more of a bird's eye
view of the crowd. I halted when I saw the Almstedts come in through the door, my eyes immediately searching for Anna.

"Miss Shields?" The boy who was escorting me noticed I had stopped walking and took a few steps back to stand with
me. "Everything alright?"

I frowned, not being able to discern Anna. I glanced back at the boy, who seemed genuinely worried. "Yes, I am fine.
Please, lead the way." You'll see Anna in a b it. Stop ob sessing.

The boy gestured me through a heavy wooden door. I nodded my thanks to him and went through. The smell of old
books mixed with something else hit me in the face and made me relax. I wasn't sure why the smell was so familiar but I
didn't have a lot of time to think about it. Andrews was sitting behind a desk in the back of the small room, surrounded by
stacks of documents and books. Deep bookshelves lined the walls and made the room look even smaller than it already

"Mr. Andrews, you asked to see me?" I took a step towards the man's desk and accidentally knocked over one of the
stacks of books on the floor. The action made a cloud of dust swerve up and I quickly froze in place, not wanting to make
an even bigger fool of myself.

The man rose from his chair and quickly moved around his desk, a smile on his face. My eyes flicked to the red silk band
tied around his waist underneath his tuxedo jacket, the rich colour standing out against the black and white of the rest of
his attire. "Miss Shields, how lovely to see you. And may I say you look absolutely stunning?" The man took my hand and
brought it up to his mouth, lightly brushing it with his lips.

"You may." I smiled and took my hand back, resting it next to the other one on top of my clutch.

The man made a faint gesture to the room behind him. "Let's get out of here, the dust is making my nose itch." I followed
the man back outside, where we found the boy waiting for me. Andrews nodded at him. "Thank you Charles, I've got it
from here. You can return downstairs."

The boy named Charles nodded and shot a last look at me before he disappeared. I followed him with my eyes for a
moment whilst Andrews leaned onto the balustrade, looking down into the hall. I stood next to him, unsure whether it
was appropriate to ask him to hurry up because I wanted to go back downstairs.

"It has been eight weeks, has it not?" The man looked down onto the bobbing heads of the people underneath us as I
put my hands down on the balustrade next to him.

"Yes, eight weeks minus a few days."

The man made a gesture like he was waving away a puff of smoke. "You're probably not surprised to hear I've been
keeping an eye on your work so far."

My eyes scanned the crowd once more, looking for red in a sea of black, brown and blonde. Where is she? With difficulty I
brought my attention back to the conversation. "I would've been disappointed if you hadn't, Mr. Andrews."

"Please, call me Charles."

My eyes flicked down to the boy who was currently taking a coat from a woman whose hat was so big I could barely see
her husband standing next to her. Andrews followed my gaze. "My grandson, yes."

I smiled at the man. "He seems like a nice fellow." I left the question burning on my tongue, unsure whether it was okay
to ask. Why isn't he wearing a tux instead of that monkey's costume?

"I wish we wouldn't have to discuss work on an evening like this, but I'm afraid it's inevitable." Andrews turned, leaning
his forearm onto the balustrade and looking at me. "I would like you to hold a short speech in front of everyone. After all
this formal is partly to celebrate your new position."

"I was unaware of that. Thank you." I nodded at the man, the less subtle tones of Mozart now replacing Vivaldi.

"As far as I've heard you've been doing very well so far." The man smiled at me. "Keep this up for a few more months and
the board might just choose to let Mr. Holter go." His smile turned into a slight frown. "There is one thing that irks me,

"And what is that, Mr. Andrews?" I was growing a bit restless, I really wanted to get downstairs to look for Anna. And even
though my secret service was mostly governed by Anna and was usually forced on me, not having anyone at my side to
protect me started making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"I recently found a young intern going through some files that were quite a way away from her field of work." My mouth
went slightly dry. Okay, act cool and think fast. Mr. Andrews studied my face. "Would you happen to know anything about

"That's not a lot to go on, Mr. Andrews. Who was this intern, and what was she going through?"

"She was going through some of Mr. Holter's old case files, saying she was trying to learn by studying actual cases
rather than her text books."

"I often find that learning from practice rather than theory can be a valuable thing." I managed to keep my face calm and
unyielding, sending out a constant smile.

"Quite." Andrews kept eyeing me, studying my face. I became more and more uncomfortable as the silence grew and
was glad when he finally broke it. "Tell me, Miss Shields, do you play poker?"

I raised my eyebrows slightly. "I can't say I do, Mr. Andrews. Why do you ask?"

"I think you'd be quite good at it." He looked down at the entrance hall floor, where the crowd was starting to thin rapidly.
"It looks like most people are here. I think it's time we joined the party, don't you?"

I nodded my head. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Charles. I must say I'm looking forward to laying eyes on your
ballroom, considering how many people it's managing to fit inside. It must be quite grand."

Andrews held out his arm to me. "Well then, shall we?"

The ballroom turned out to be even more grandiose than I had imagined, with shining hardwood floors framed by pillars.
Heavy red drapes span from pillar to pillar high above the crowd, causing the light from the majestic chandeliers to cast
shadows along the walls to make the area look more like a gallery than part of the ballroom.

In the back of the room a podium held a medium sized orchestra which was now playing a slower piece of Mozart. I
remembered it used to be one of my father's favourites and I was taken back to his study years back, with the smell of
candles, tobacco and musty old books. So that's what Andrews' study reminded me of.

"Miss Shields?" I looked at Mr. Andrews, returning to the present.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" A waft of the most delicious smell filled my nostrils. Somewhere in the room there was
chocolate and I was suddenly determined to find it.

Mr. Andrews smiled at me and folded his hands behind his back, nodding. "I suggested you go find your friends. Are you
here with someone besides your PA?"

I bit the inside of my cheek. You're going to tell everyone tonight anyway. And this could make for a good dry run.
"Actually yes, I'm meeting my date here."

"Well I'd be happy to meet him. Please allow me the honour of an introduction."

"I'd be more than happy to introduce you to her."

Mr. Andrews didn't even blink, which earned him quite a few brownie points in my book. "Well then I'm looking forward to
making her acquaintance. Now if you will excuse me, I need to go and find my wife so we can welcome everyone."

As soon as Andrews left I opened my clutch and took out my phone, being bumped softly in the shoulder every time
someone squeezed passed me. Shit there's a lot of people here. I had received two messages, both from Henry. Damnit
Anna, where are you? I opened Henry's messages. They asked me where I was and whether I was okay, so I quickly
typed out a message saying that I was in the ballroom near the entrance. I was just pressing the 'send' button when I felt
a warm hand press against my lower back.

I froze in place. For a split second that felt a lot longer I had a very vivid image of Hans standing behind me, his charming
grin underneath his wavy brown hair. He'd fit in perfectly with the crowd here. A tingling sensation spread from my chest
down my legs and arms but then I heard a familiar voice in my ear that sent a very different kind of sensation through my
chest. "You look absolutely stunning, Miss Shields."

I turned around, ready to scold Anna for scaring me like that, but my voice got stuck on the way out when I saw the
redhead standing in front of me. My turning movement had caused Anna's hand to slide off of my back and onto my
waist, where it lingered for a second before it fell down to her side. The thumb of her other hand was hooked into the
pocket of her tailored blazer, made from a velvety dark green material that made her hair look like it was on fire. She was
wearing it down over her left shoulder, taking some of the attention away from the bruise on her face. It was impossible
to cover it up completely however and she hadn't made any other attempts, only framing her eyes with a heavier amount
of eyeliner than usual.

My eyes slid downwards from her face towards the white silk dress shirt underneath her blazer that was left open at the
top to show off her freckled chest, across the blazer which had one large button on the front which I really wanted to open
later on and down to her black tailored pants.

Anna turned her face away from me and quickly held out her left arm. I was wondering why my back was suddenly so
tense when I realised I had been leaning forward to kiss her. I shook my head to get rid of the faint ringing in my ears. I
had almost forgotten where we were, the vision that was Anna taking most reason from my mind.

I took Anna's arm. "You look..." I wracked my brain trying to find the correct adjective to describe her but Anna just

"You don't have to say it, your eyes said it for you." She put her right hand on my lower arm, running her thumb over my
skin in a quick movement that went unnoticed by everyone but made my stomach jump up.

Anna led me over to her parents, who smiled happily when they saw me. They were both dressed in black again, quite
similar to the times I had seen them over the past weeks. I nodded and smiled back at them both. "Agdar, Idunn. Good to
see you."

Idunn kissed my cheek. "It's good to see you, Elsa." The woman looked over my shoulder. "Where is that lovely young
man Kristoff?" I mumbled something incoherent but she had already shifted her attention to her daughter. She brought
her hand up to Anna's face, who recoiled slightly. "Oh don't be like that Anna, I just wanted to bring your hair forward over
that ungodly bruise of yours." I smelled alcohol on the woman's breath. It wasn't very strong but strong enough.

"I think it makes her look even beautifuller. More beautiful. Not fuller." The words stumbled out of my mouth and even
though Idunn didn't seem to notice I saw Agdar eye me curiously. I quickly smiled at him to pretend there was nothing
behind my words but I had the feeling I hadn't fooled him, especially when he then turned to me.

"Elsa, would you care to dance?" I blinked, slightly taken aback. I had just found Anna and the feeling of her elbow
pressing into my side made me feel warm and content. I didn't really want to let her go yet. But you can't just say no.

"Of course." I managed not to look longingly at Anna as she took my clutch from me and I took my arm back from her to
put my hand on Agdar's. The orchestra started playing a waltz as Agdar led me to the dance floor, skilfully weaving us
through the crowd.

"I wanted to get a dance off of you before everyone realises who you are. By then you'll be the belle of the ball and
everyone will want a piece of you." Agdar smiled and turned towards me when we reached the edge of the dancing area,
where several couples were already swerving around on the energetic waltz that was being played.

The people next to us smiled and made some room for us, but I was suddenly eyeing them differently than before. They
all want a piece of me? I guess I can't b e surprised, b eing the new CEO, b ut... A flutter of nervousness settled itself in my
stomach and I was growing more and more anxious at the prospect of having to speak in front of all these people. I was
usually fine with public speaking, but this was another thing entirely. Give me a b oard meeting over this any day.

Agdar put his hand on my waist and I automatically put mine on his shoulder. He led me into the waltz and I followed him
as he skilfully wove us in between the couples already on the floor. His hand was relaxed but firm on my waist and it was
easy to follow his lead. I found myself enjoying the dance, against my expectations. My eyes kept scanning the people
around us however, a piece of my brain still constantly looking for danger. There are so many people.

"Is everything alright, Elsa?" I looked back at Agdar's face, his neatly trimmed moustache and his slightly worried blue
eyes. "You've looked quite nervous ever since I saw you walking off with that employee fellow."

"You saw that?" I smiled at the man and released his shoulder when he pirouetted me, quickly putting it back at the end
of the twist.

"You're hard to miss. You look absolutely beautiful tonight. Something my daughter has also seemed to notice."

I felt blood rush to my head and block out some of my hearing. "You... saw that too then?"

The man smiled and he suddenly looked tired and older than before. He looked at me affectionately and I felt a pang in
my chest when I remembered that my father used to look at me the same way. I swallowed heavily whilst Agdar sighed.
"I might be a klutz when it comes to my family sometimes, but I know my daughter. Idunn refuses to accept it but I can
see that Anna cares for you in more than just a friendly way." I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt the man. That,
and I was afraid that if I'd open my mouth I might say something stupid. Or vomit. Either he'll tell me to b ack off or he'll
give me his b lessing. Either way it doesn't matter, I'm not giving her up.

"I just ask that when and if she shows these affections to you, you let her down gently. I don't want to see her hurt any
further. I'm glad she's found a friend in you but maybe it's best if you tell her to find some others. Maybe she'll find a boy to
settle down with." I blinked. I guess there's a third option. The waltz ended and everyone stopped to give short applause.
Agdar and I joined in, my mind racing and my eyes flicking from side to side.

I had promised Anna I would let her tell her parents about us. Would just telling her dad now b e b reaking that promise?
He set it up himself, all I have to do is say that we've b een dating. He apparently already knows she's gay... Although he
doesn't seem to fully understand what that means.

"Do you mind if I cut in?" I turned around to find Henry standing behind us, tapping Agdar on his shoulder.

The older man turned around. "Ah, Henry! Of course, of course. Would you mind if I in turn took your girlfriend for a spin?"
He made a bow towards Cindy, who was standing on the edge of the dance floor and seemed to be positively fuming at

I had to suppress a giggle. "Henry, shouldn't you offer your girlfriend the first dance of the evening?"

The boy shrugged as Agdar moved towards Cindy. He put his hand on my waist and kind of awkwardly stood in front of
me, catching my eyes. "Well I told her it's a work formal and I'd be spending a lot of time at your side." He looked down at
his feet quickly while we waited for the orchestra to start back up again.

"Did that explanation include dancing with your boss?" I tried not to laugh too much. It helped that I was very aware of his
hand low on my waist. There was nothing sensual about it but it made me think back to Anna and how much I would
rather have her hand there.
Henry was clearly preoccupied with other things. "Not really. And I can't say I've often danced before."

"In that case." I moved his hand to my shoulder and put my own on his waist. "I'll lead." Just please play another waltz
and not something quicker.

My wish was fulfilled when the orchestra struck up another piece of Mozart and I carefully started leading Henry into the
waltz, taking small steps to let him figure out the rhythm. "Was there something you needed to talk about, Henry? Or did
you just want to embarrass yourself on the dance floor?"

"That's mean." He started to get the hang of it however, quicker than I had expected him to. Then again he's a martial
artist and has quick feet anyway. "But yeah I was just not very happy with leaving you alone for that long. Anna would kill
me if anything happened to you." He looked up, confident enough to take his eyes off his feet. "She'd have to get in line
behind myself, though."

"You're a good friend, Henry." I meant what I said and squeezed the boy's side gently. He smiled happily in response.

"I'm just so frustrated that I've never seen a picture of this Hans fellow. I mean how do I know who to beat up if I don't
know what he looks like?"

"Maybe we should have a secret gesture or something," I said with a smirk. I was kidding of course, but Henry wasn't.

"You know, maybe we should."

"Don't worry Henry, I'll text you or tell you when I see him. But I don't think he'll just show up here." I sighed, suddenly
slightly irritated. "Plus I'm getting a bit sick of thinking and talking about Hans all the time. We're at a formal, I just want to
enjoy myself, dance with my girlfriend and be bored by lawyers whilst drinking champagne."

Henry grinned. "That sounds like a fun evening. Except for the lawyer part perhaps."

I was impressed by how quickly the boy picked up on the dance and I was just contemplating whether I should give him
the lead when the orchestra died down in the middle of their song. All eyes in the room turned towards the stage and the
loud murmur of voices slowly died down.

Mr. Andrews stepped up onto the stage next to the conductor with a microphone in his hand. A few people applauded
when they saw him but he quickly waved his hand, silencing them. He rapped his fingers on the microphone and then
brought it up to his mouth. Henry stood to my left and took my arm. I shot him a look. Cindy will have a fit, you know that

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you all to the Pinehearth Winter Formal." I joined the rest of the
applause. "Last year's formal was a great success and my wife and I didn't hesitate for a moment when we were offered
the honour of hosting it again this year. Will someone keep an eye on Mr. McDougall though, our fountain is still
recovering from last year's assault." A few sounds of laughter rose up from the crowd and a man yelled something about
spiked champagne from my left, eliciting more laughs.

"Sure Mr. McDougall, it was purely our fault you managed to drink two whole bottles before collapsing and taking part of
our fountain with you." I smirked. Of course I hadn't been here last year but the atmosphere so far was light and friendly.
"Now I promise to keep my speech short. In fact, I'm almost finished. Just let me introduce you to someone who most of
you already know by name." I felt icy tendrils climb up my throat. Shit I have ab solutely no clue what to say. "In fact,
everyone knows her father as he was the founder of our great company."

My eyes narrowed. He called him the founder. Not the co-founder. Oh that'll sting Holter. I didn't get a chance to think
about it any further though. "It is my honour to introduce you to the new CEO of Holter & Shields, none other than
Maurice's daughter - Elsa Shields."

A storm of applause went up as Henry escorted me to the stage. I felt hundreds of eyes on me as I grabbed the skirts of
my dress to step up, ignoring Henry's hand but shooting him a nervous smile. I quickly turned back towards the crowd,
very insecure about my exposed back, only to face a beaming Mr. Andrews. He handed me the microphone. "You'll be
fine," he said softly as he shook my hand and took a step back.

"Good evening, everyone." My voice skipped a beat, making it sound like I was on the verge of tears. Make a save. Come
on. I cleared my throat, pulling the corner of my mouth up into a smile. "Excuse me, I'm coming down with a cold." They
seem to b e sensitive to jokes. "Two of my friends forced this dress on me, not thinking an exposed back might cause me
any discomfort only two weeks after the snow melted off the ground." Okay, not hilarious, b ut b etter than nothing.

I scanned the crowd, swallowing nervously at the large amount of eyes on me. Then my gaze fell on Anna, standing next
to her parents at the edge of the dance floor. She gave me a thumbs up, eliciting a disapproving look from both her mom
and dad. It calmed me down immensely though. It's just a crowd of people. You can do this.

"I only had the privilege of knowing my father for a few years. Some of you worked with him and knew him for a long time,
longer than I have. I cannot say that I knew much about law when I was merely nine years old, but there are a few things
that I have always remembered and those are his passions. He had a passion for hunting and music, forcing me behind
a piano from the age of four." I smiled to show the crowd that I was joking and many of the faces softened, including my
own. I often thought about my father but I rarely spoke of him. "His biggest passion was always this company though. He
always managed to make time for me and my brother but at the end of the day he could always be found in his study,
working on god knows what. Even then I already felt that this was an important part of his life."

I looked at Mr. Andrews, who was standing slightly behind me. He smiled and nodded at me. "I took up a position at the
company when I was fresh out of law school and I've worked my proverbial behind off for several years, preparing myself
for the moment when I would be allowed to follow in my father's footsteps." I locked eyes with Anna again. "Over the past
three months a lot of things have happened to me. I was very unsure about what was going to happen to me for a while
but I received help from someone I've come to care about deeply. I was reconnected with my own passions and two
months ago I received the amazing honour of finally filling my father's shoes when I took up my new position as CEO. I
must say they are a lot bigger than I expected and even more uncomfortable - but I'm starting to walk them in and I feel
like in a few more months I might just be able to lace them up."

Andrews gestured a waiter over as I finished up my speech. Looking at Anna turned into something quite uncomfortable,
the way her eyes had changed when I indirectly mentioned her made my spine tingle. Instead I scanned the crowd
again, locking eyes with as many people as I could. "I'm hoping you will all support me in this journey I've started.
Compared to all of you I'm just starting to walk while you've already finished several marathons." I nodded. "Which is not
me saying you're all a bunch of old people." Laughter now bubbled up in the crowd.

"That's alright dear, most of us are," someone yelled. Andrews was just handing me a glass and I raised it to the crowd.

"That's Miss Shields to you, kind sir." A large amount of people laughed and applauded and I took it as a good point to
end the speech so I handed the microphone back to Andrews, who brought it back to his lips.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast." I lingered on stage, knowing my face was rather flushed but
choosing to pretend it wasn't. Well that could've gone worse at least. "To Miss Shields. May she reign with wisdom and
great stock value." He raised his glass to me and I raised mine back before taking a sip. I was tempted to down the
whole glass but that wouldn't be very CEO-like. I raised my glass at the crowd again, who were applauding or raising
their glasses with us.

Henry was waiting for me at the edge of the stage and this time I took his hand to step down. I thanked him with a smile
and was just about to make my way over to Anna when my way was blocked by some people who wanted to shake my
hand and introduce themselves. Well, here we go I guess.

It was a full two hours later when I finally reached Anna. Henry had been sticking with me, acting as my PA, so Anna had
sacrificed herself by hanging out with Cindy. The orchestra had started playing some quicker music and the dance floor
was rather full, the freely flowing champagne making a lot of people unjustly confident in their dancing skills.

I managed to dodge a couple who were engaged in a quickstep and put my hand on Anna's shoulder. The younger girl
didn't look around but she did reach back, putting her arm around my waist and pulling me closer to her. I glanced at her
parents, Idunn waving happily at me and Agdar sagely nodding like he knew exactly what was going on. Oh b oy, this is
going to b e interesting.

I leaned over to Anna. "What do you say we go get some food?" I still need to find that chocolate. My stomach growled
loudly to emphasise my words and Anna squeezed my side, opening her mouth to excuse herself to Cindy. The girl was
already pushing her way past me however, striding towards her boyfriend who had quite an alarmed look on his face.
Anna and I chuckled behind our hands. "Let's go before she changes her mind," I said. Anna nodded and grabbed my
hand, but before we could move we were cut off by a grey-haired man with a very imposing moustache.

"Miss Shields, lovely to make your acquaintance," he said as he held out his hand. The fingers of his other hand were
hidden inside his dress shirt, which was tucked into a kilt with a very intricate and beautiful belt. Oh come on, can't you
people leave me alone for a minute?

I managed to smile warmly and grabbed the man's hand, but before he could say any more Anna pulled on my arm and I
had to take a quick step to the side not to fall over. The man raised his eyebrows and I managed an apologetic face
before turning back to the front, trying not to trip over my dress at the pace Anna had set. "Anna, that might have been
someone important. What are you..."

"Apparently the only way I get to talk to you tonight is during a dance." We stopped in the middle of the dance floor as the
last tones of the quickstep died out. The people around us stopped their dance and applauded, Anna just looked up at
me. Damn I'm a lot taller at the moment.

"Anna, I don't know if..." Before I could finish my objection Anna put her hand on the small of my back and pulled me
against her, masking the movement with a glance to the side as she stuck out her elbow.

"I've been very patient all night, now I want to dance with my girlfriend." Anna looked up at me with dark eyes and I
swallowed heavily when I noticed the way she was biting her lower lip.

"Fine, just let me take off my shoes." Anna let go of me and I quickly kicked off my shoes. Henry appeared out of nowhere
and took them from me, giving us a slight smirk and faintly nodded to where Anna's parents were. They were now both
eyeing us curiously, Agdar with a slightly darker expression than his wife who just seemed confused.

I turned my back on the couple and looked at Anna, resting my hand on her shoulder and intertwining the fingers of our
free hands. Anna curtly flexed the hand on my back and I felt her nails scrape softly over my skin, sending a rush of
electricity up my spine. "Anna, you need to know something."

I glanced up at the stage and saw one of the cellists was quickly replacing one of the strings on his instrument, holding
up the music. Anna raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "What's that?"

"Your dad. He told me that he knows you're gay."

Anna didn't exactly respond as I had expected, she just huffed and grinned. "Yeah, sure. Like that'll happen." My face
stayed serious however and soon her face fell. "Elsa, the man is more oblivious to me than a snowman is to heat. You
must have misunderstood him."

"I don't think I did." I felt Anna's hand clench mine and I lowered them both, looking intently at the redhead. "He doesn't
know we're together though. He told me that maybe we should stop being friends, because he's afraid you might like

"And what do you think about that?" Anna's eyes were fiery, making her look rather intimidating. The bruise on her face
didn't help either.

I squeezed her shoulder. "I was tempted to tell him to go screw himself with a broomstick, but I promised you that we'd
tell them together. So I just ignored it." I felt rather smug with myself, knowing that Anna usually appreciated a bit of
profanity at the right moment.

She indeed grinned, grimacing at the pain in her cheek. I looked worried but she shook her head. "Maybe we should just
tell them that, to go fuck themselves with broomsticks. It would be worth it just to see their faces when you turn out not to
be the perfect little girl they think you are." Our eyes locked and I was very tempted to lean over and kiss her, only stopped
by my own insecurity with all these people around us. Anna's eyes softened and she untangled our hands, bringing one
up to push some hair behind my ear. "You're perfect to me though."

The music started up before I could respond and before I knew it my feet were following Anna's lead, my brain still
somewhere behind me on the ballroom floor. Where I had enjoyed dancing with Agdar, having his daughter's hands on
my back and pressing against my palm completely made me lose grip on my surroundings and my eyes lost
themselves in Anna's bright green ones, trusting her not to send us crashing into anyone else.

The music was a blur to me, the only clear thing that managed to pierce my brain was the feeling of Anna's body against
mine, her thighs pressing against my own whenever we moved forwards or backwards. We had probably already been
dancing for a full minute when I realised we were dancing a tango and that there were a lot more eyes on us than just
Anna's parents'. When Anna saw my eyes flick to the side she dug her hand into my back. "Screw them," she mouthed
as she pulled me into a quick spin.

"But Anna, your parents..." The redhead shushed me as she set one of her legs in between mine, spinning us in place
again. Holy shit she's good.

"Do you want to talk about my parents or do you want to dance?"

A smirk spread across my face. "Dance. Definitely dance." My dress swirled around my calves and Anna's legs as we
used up most of the dance floor, Anna's strong hands easily moving me in every direction she wanted me to go. I licked
my lips, the building pressure in my chest combined with the fast paced dance making me slightly dizzy. "If you keep
using your hands like that I don't know if my knees will hold," I half joked.

"My hands can do a lot more than this," Anna said in a low voice as she suddenly changed our direction, spinning the
other way. I automatically copied her when we changed hands as well, Anna using the moment to place her hand slightly
lower down my back.

I realised we were both panting lightly and I had the strong inkling that, just like mine, Anna's increased breathing wasn't
just from the dance. Any thoughts of her parents, or anyone else for that matter, were pushed to the back of my mind as I
kept looking down into Anna's eyes, my grip on her shoulder just as firm as hers was on my back. Everything else
outside of the two of us was a blur, even the music seemed to have died out.

It took us a few seconds to realise the music had actually died out and it wasn't just us. We came to a halt in the middle
of the dance floor, both breathing heavily and keeping a firm grip on each other. I looked up and saw that the dance floor
was empty. Everyone had stepped aside to make room for us and several people were applauding, although some were
muttering softly amongst themselves - but one thing was for sure, everyone was looking at us.

Anna lowered our intertwined hands but kept the one on my back in place. "It's your party, but if you want to kiss me that's
fine by me," she said softly, sending me scrambling for my sanity once more.

Without a second thought I placed a hand on the side of her face and pressed my mouth against hers.
*Chapter 17*: Chapter 17: The button
/Okay guys, here it is. Try not to read this in class or on the bus or in any other room where there are other people.
Unless you can read sexy times without blushing, then go for it. Oh the first chunk of the chapter is fine btw. Like, no
sexy times. Wait what's that? Stop talking? Oh ok.

Chapter 17
The button

It was just a kiss. A brushing together of lips, contact that lasted no longer than two seconds. I didn't wrap my arms
around her, I didn't force my tongue inside her mouth, we didn't end up ripping each other's clothes off on the dance floor.
It was just a kiss. Right?

Wrong. As soon as I pulled back from the soft kiss I felt the tension in the room cover me like a blanket. Not a soothing,
warm and snugly blanket, but a very prickly and hairy one that your older brother would wrap you in for fun and just laugh
as you would start crying, begging to be let out.

I slowly retracted my palm from Anna's face and lowered it to hers, softly wrapping our hands together. It was the only
contact we had as I turned to the side, not ready and not willing to confront the hundreds of faces that were pointed our
way. The ones that stood out from amongst all the others were Agdar and Idunn's. Agdar his eyes were dark and
unyielding, where Idunn seemed to be caught in a wave of dizziness that threatened to knock her off her feet. Henry was
standing next to the woman, holding on to her lower arm as he shot me an unnerved look. It seemed to tell me to run, but
maybe that was just me.

What did you do. Oh my god. Please reverse time. This is not happening. Reality seemed to slow down until I wasn't
sure what was real anymore. Anna's hand in mine felt real, but I couldn't feel the floor anymore. It made me wonder if
what I was seeing was actually happening. Maybe if I willed it hard enough, I would realise that everything was OK and
that I hadn't just wrecked my young career. Anna squeezed my hand. "Elsa you're going white, please stay with me. We'll
be fine."

My jaw locked on itself as terror started settling in my limbs. Anna is right. Now is not the time. You're the CEO. This is not
the time. Try to relax. Put it away. Conceal, don't feel. "Ladies and gentlemen," a voice sounded through the speakers.

I turned around, mostly forced by Anna - but she managed to hide my stiffness by sliding her arm through mine in a
cordial manner. I'm sure we looked like quite a friendly pair to the outside world, just two good friends. If only I hadn't just
kissed her in front of a crowd.

Andrews was up on stage, the microphone against his lips. "Will you please join me in an applause for these two
wonderful dancers. I sure am jealous and if I didn't have a prosthetic hip I'd ask Miss Almstedt or Miss Shields to take
me for a spin," he joked. Great, tell the whole room her last name. I was hoping some people didn't already know that I
was dating my employee's daughter. There was a polite amount of applause however and Anna jokingly bowed to our
large group of spectators. I didn't move, still doing my utmost best to ignore the amount of adrenaline amassing itself in
my chest and arms. The skin on my arms felt icy and I was sure Anna must be feeling the icy spikes extending
themselves like frostbite - but she just kept holding on to my arm, hugging it close to her.

"Now if everyone would please follow my wife outside, we have a fire show planned for you. The fireworks last year were
a spectacle to behold, but just wait until you see these people." I kept standing there, frozen in place, with Anna
squeezing my arm tightly. It's just adrenaline. You've felt it b efore. You'll b e fine. Anna is here. I hadn't noticed the
redhead had been speaking to me constantly so when the attention slowly turned away from us she pinched me sharply
on my arm.

"Elsa. You with me?"

I blinked and looked to my side, unable to focus on Anna. The feeling in your face will come b ack. There are no insects
crawling on your head, that's just the adrenaline. "What?"

"We'll be fine, Munchy. Just give them a minute and they'll forget all about it." You've b een through this b efore. It sucks,
yes. You'll b e fine. Just rememb er that word. Focus on that word. Fine. Anna. Fine. The movement of Anna's hair told me
she had glanced to the side. "My parents are coming. Just let me handle them, please." Oh shit, her parents. Don't hit
Anna. Don't b e mad at her. It's my fault. I kissed her. I felt a different set of hands on my other arm as Anna released her
grasp on my other one. I tried to reach for it, hold on to it, but she moved away. No please don't leave me here, Anna.
The owner of the hands that were now grasping my arm led me to the side. I wasn't sure where we were going, all I
could do not to fall was remember to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Where are my shoes? Who's holding on to
me? Wait no let me go, I need to stay with Anna. The unknown touch on my arm felt like a vice, the places our skin
touched seemed to be radiating fire through my skin and into my muscles. Let me go. I had the overwhelming feeling
that I didn't want to be touched right now. I didn't have the clarity of mind to respond eloquently though, all my energy and
focus was spent on trying to stay upright and not give in to the anxiety. Little did I know that I was already knee-deep into
an attack. I need to get b ack to Anna. I need her.

"Elsa." I recognised Henry's voice. Is he the one holding on to my arm? I managed to glance up and indeed saw Henry
looking down on me, his eyes filled with worry and distress. His face was darker than I remembered. Did his skin
change colour? No that's not it. It took me a few seconds to notice my back was pressed against the wall of the ballroom,
behind the pillars and the curtains that were covering us in shadows. It took me another moment to realise I was sitting
down instead of standing. When did that happen?

Henry was still holding on to my arm however and that combined with the fact that I was sitting caused a flare of pins and
needles to surge through my limbs. I tried scurrying to the side, away from the hands that were touching my skin. "Let go
of me," I managed to force out of my throat as I swatted at the person squatting down next to me.

The boy let go and allowed me to create some distance between us. I tried to get up but tangled my legs in my dress.
Where is Anna, I need to get to Anna. Henry moved in front of me, not touching me but prepared to catch me if something
happened. "Anna is fine." I hadn't realised I had been muttering her name. Was I? I don't know. A new voice came from
the side, a man. He had a faint Scottish accent and handed Henry a glass of water.

"My wife used to get anxiety as well. May I?" A glance in his direction showed me the faint image of a kilt, it was the man
who Anna had dragged me away from. I was seeing everything through a haze though, and time seemed to be rather
fluid - one moment the man was standing to the side, half a second later he was squatting in front of me with his hands
on my knees. "Hello, Elsa." Stay away from me. No, please don't.

"Sir please, I don't think that's wise right now." Henry stood to the side, wringing his hands. My eyes shot between the two
men. I managed to focus on the Scottish man's face in front of me. It didn't look worried or soft however. The man
seemed to be enjoying himself.

Get away from me, get away. "Don't," I muttered. I had been so far gone that I had completely forgotten about my
breathing. I now felt that my lungs were struggling and my ribs were sore.

"Relax, girl." The man put his weight on his other leg, bringing his body in between Henry and me. I was still sitting on
the floor, trying to get the stars to leave my vision and trying to ignore the ants that were parading across my skull.

"Sir, I must ask you to leave. Now." Henry's voice sounded like it came through a thick cloud and I wondered when he
had said it. As soon as his voice died away I wasn't even sure whether he had said anything at all. Just please leave me
alone, everyone go away. Anna, where's Anna.

I don't know why I did it. Something inside of me told me to look up, look at the man squatting in front of me. I locked eyes
with him. His eyes were a dark brown with a slight hint of light brown in the centre, almost yellow. I could see his eyes so
clearly I saw the separate ridges in his iris, a small black spot that sat to the left of his pupil in his right eye. It was then
that I felt a hand high up my leg, underneath my dress. It wasn't on my knee or thigh - I felt him touch the fabric of my
underwear right on the hip bone.

A scream tore from my throat as I brought my hand out into his face and a second later the man was gone. I saw Henry
hauling him up by his arms, tossing him aside like he was a ragdoll. Two seconds later I felt someone wrap their arms
around my shoulders. I immediately tried to fight them, flailing my arms around as my vision started getting dark. Strong
hands pulled me in however and as soon as Anna's smell filled my nose I let go of everything and felt my mind go blank.

"What's wrong with her?" The male voice clawed its way into my ear as I struggled to open my eyes. My eyelids felt like
they were glued shut and I was sure there was an elephant sitting on my chest.

"She had a panic attack, that's all. There's nothing wrong with her." I recognised Anna's voice and it seemed to wake me
up from a slumber I hadn't known I was in. I moved my arms and squeezed my eyes, breathing in deeply to try and get
my bearings.

"She's waking up," another male voice said. The floor underneath my head dented, causing me to frown. No, not floor.
Cushion. I opened my eyes and saw Anna sitting above my head, a worried but intensely affectionate look on her face.
She cupped my face upside down with her hand and looked down on me.
"Munchy, are you okay? Feeling better?" Now that I was waking up I could hear the orchestra playing nearby. Okay so
we're still at the formal, just in another room.

"What happened?" My voice sounded raw and an arm appeared into view, a glass of water in its hand. I followed it up to
Henry's face, who was standing up rather rigidly. I let my eyes wander over the rest of the room as I took the glass from
him. I didn't recognise the space we were in but it seemed rather empty, with bare walls and just the sofa as far as I
could see. When my eyes found Agdar and Idunn standing near the door my breath hitched however and I dropped the
glass. "Shit," I muttered.

"That's okay," Anna said quickly. When she saw I was trying to get up she helped me into a sitting position, one arm
wrapped tightly around my shoulders. I felt something prick into my hip and frowned, but before I could say anything Anna
spoke up. "You fainted. You hyperventilated and fainted. That's all."

"That's all!?" My eyes found Idunn, who was trembling slightly. I half expected Agdar to hold on to his wife but he didn't, he
just leaned into the wall behind him.

Anna shot her parents a sharp look. "Yes, Idunn, that's all."

"Elsa, your PA grabbed one of your company's biggest clients and tossed him into the wall. What do you say to that?"

I frowned, trying to remember what exactly had happened. Everything since the moment I had kissed Anna on the dance
floor was a blur to me and just thinking back made my throat clench up again. I didn't want to dig into that right now, but
there was something about that man that made my insides churn.

Another sharp prick into my skin caused me to reach through the slit in my dress to my hip, not thinking about what
exactly I was doing. "Elsa, what the fuck?" Anna's hand rushed to pull my dress back over my legs when I pulled my hand
back out, a piece of paper in it.

"This was in my underwear..." I shook my head. Come on, rememb er. How did it get there again? It was completely
silent for a full ten seconds, whilst Henry turned back to face me. He had looked away when I had reached underneath
my skirt. Now that my mind was clearing up more and more, the fact that I had just done that made me flush slightly.
"Sorry about that, I wasn't thinking."

Henry reached towards the paper. "Don't worry about it. May I have that?" I handed it to the boy, completely forgetting
about Anna's parents. Anna's arm around my shoulders was way more important to me right now. I leaned sideways into
the girl, looking for more comfort in her warmth. It was only a slight movement but Anna understood, squeezing my
shoulder and taking my hand in hers. I put my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing. She
pressed her face in my hair, giving me small kisses whilst muttering soft words to calm me down.

I hadn't seen Henry pull out his phone and I was so focused on Anna that when he suddenly spoke up my eyes flew
open and I lifted up my head. "Hello? Yes, I'm sorry for calling you at this hour but it's important. I'm Miss Shields' PA,
Henry Lepidus." I frowned at the boy to my left, wondering who he was talking to, but then my eyes flicked back to the right
where Anna's parents were still staring at us. I tried letting go of Anna's hand but she just squeezed it harder so all I
could do was shoot a slightly distraught look at the couple. I thought I mostly saw confusion in Idunn's eyes, but Agdar's
eyes were dark.

"We're at the Pinehearth manor. Yes, that one. We'll be here." Henry hung up the phone. "Masters is on his way."

"Lieutenant Masters?" I looked at the boy quizzically, wondering what the paper had said to make the boy immediately
call in the cavalry.

"I don't give a bloody fuck about that piece of paper, or that guy in the ballroom." Henry, Anna and I all looked at Agdar,
who was starting to turn an alarming shade of red as he stood against the wall, his fists trembling at his side.

"Agdar, please, can we talk about this later? I don't..." Anna made a very valiant attempt at calming her father down by
letting go of me and stretching her hands out in a soothing manner, but her father didn't want to hear any of it.

"You shut up! I am your father and I will not have any of this!" I blinked, taken aback by the man's outburst. I wasn't
expecting it from him at all. Maybe having the inkling that his daughter might be gay was all he could handle and seeing
the reality in front of his eyes had pushed him over the edge.

To heighten my surprise, Idunn turned to face her husband. "Please dear, I don't think this is the moment. Look at Elsa,
she's still white as a sheet."

"I don't care!" He pointed a trembling finger at me, a vein in his neck pulsing dangerously. "I trusted you," he hissed. "I
thought you might be the good influence my daughter needed, but instead you corrupt her with your... with this..."

Anna jumped up and I grabbed the back of her blazer, partly because I needed her close to me to keep me calm and
partly because I was afraid she might rush her father. "Don't you talk to Elsa that way, Agdar. It's me you're angry at, not

"I told you to shut up!" Agdar's voice lapsed, making him sound even more dangerous. Henry moved ever so slightly to
Anna's side, facing me. He didn't exactly step in between Anna and Agdar but the movements his eyes made from side
to side told me he was tensed up and ready to act if things escalated.

"You're abominations, both of you." Agdar lowered his hand but he was still shaking. Idunn tried grabbing hold of his arm
but he shrugged her off.

"Agdar." The woman leant down ever so slightly, pleading with her husband. "This is our daughter, Anna. Please, we
need to talk about this. Don't do this, she's our daughter. Please..." I saw tears running down her face and I hugged
myself, feeling like an intruder into what was clearly a family issue.

I thought Idunn was the most religious one. I didn't expect this. I guess it's the quiet ones. Agdar's nostrils were flaring
outwards as he looked from his wife to me, resting his eyes on Anna. "This is not what God intended."

I was proud of Anna for keeping her mouth shut this long, even though I had noticed she had started trembling in an
uncanny resemblance to her father. "Doesn't the Bible say to love one another, especially your family?" She sucked in a
shuddering breath.

Idunn finally managed to get a hold of her husband's arm and she squeezed it. "That's true, Agdar. We can work through
this. We're a family first." I saw her hesitate for a moment. "The Bible isn't everything."

Agdar his eyes now fixed on mine and I was unable to look away. He shook his head, his teeth clenched together. His
tongue then darted out to wet his lips, his eyes wide and slightly maniacal. "Monster."

My fingers lost their grasp on Anna's blazer when she surged forward, but luckily Henry was faster. He wrapped his arms
around her chest, pinning her arms to her sides. The speed with which he had to intercept her caused them to both fall
to the ground and Henry twisted so that he landed on his back, Anna sideways on top of him. "Let go of me," she growled
as she struggled against Henry's arms.

I witnessed the scene and was highly surprised how little it did to me. Yes, I felt warm inside from the fact that Anna was
willing to punch her father in the face over an insult directed at me, but the insult itself hadn't swayed me that much.
Agdar only managed to make himself look like a fool, rather than making me feel bad about myself. Mayb e I should
thank him.

I looked up at Agdar, who looked a bit startled, and Idunn, who was staring down at her daughter with an expression on
her face I didn't quite understand. She turned towards her husband. "Get out," she said. He looked at her, confused, but
she crossed her arms in a sudden display of eerie calmness. "I said, get out. Leave."

"Idunn, what are you..."

"You do not get to talk about my daughter that way. Nor about the... the person she loves. Look at what you're doing to
her." I saw the woman swallow and realised her resolve wasn't very strong. Any little push from Agdar might break it.

The man just shook his head and without any further comments or glances he strode through the door, slamming it
behind him. Immediately the atmosphere in the room shifted and Henry quickly let go of Anna, who rolled off of him and
jumped up. Henry was cat-like in the speed with which he was also back on his feet, his tux slightly wrinkled. He eyed
Anna like she was a dangerous wild animal who could snarl and lash out at any second.

Instead, the redhead frowned lightly, an otherwise rather relaxed expression on her face and in her stance. "Well, that
was bound to happen."

Idunn stood there, looking at her daughter. She had both her hands in front of her mouth and was still trembling slightly,
but she too seemed to have calmed now that Agdar had left the room.

A silence dawned over the room, only broken by the music still drifting through the walls. There were also the occasional
chattering voices when footmen or guests passed the closed door. I crossed my legs, unsure and rather confused as to
why the situation had suddenly defused like that. Oh so now you're worrying ab out there not b eing too much tension?
And where the hell are my shoes?
"So." Idunn rubbed her palms on her dress. Anna stood in front of her, her hands in the pockets of her blazer. Henry
moved to sit next to me, apparently sure Anna didn't need any more restraining. I put a hand on his arm in a silent thanks
for his intervention earlier as we both tried to look anywhere but the mother and daughter in front of us.

"So," Anna replied. Her hair was a bit ruffled from her tumble with Henry and I saw the button of her blazer lying to the
side on the floor. I resisted the sudden urge to pick it up.

"You two. How long have you..." Idunn kept rubbing her palms on her dress in a very nervous and insecure manner, but
she was trying. She was really trying.

"We've known each other for a while." Anna looked at her mom, a slightly worried look on her face. But there was also
affection. Her mom was still here, and she was asking about us. She's really trying. "We met at a concert in a pub. Elsa
got... she stayed over. She wasn't in a very happy mood, because work wasn't all that great."

Idunn looked at me. "When was this?"

I bit my lip. "The Friday before I called you to tell you about the sudden timetable shift in the takeover of your company."

Her eyes widened for a second, then she nodded. "Oh. That's not too long ago, I guess." To my surprise her mouth
curled up in half a smile. "So at the dinner..."

I nodded. "You kind of backed me into a corner when you told me to bring my boyfriend. I knew you were religious, so I
asked Kristoff along. He's a friend of both me and Anna."

Anna interjected. "She didn't know you were my parents, otherwise we would've dealt with it very differently."

Idunn then surprised all of us by laughing. It was half cynical, half shocked. "Well then. I must say it does explain a lot of
things." She looked at her daughter. "I just... I don't understand."

Anna frowned. "What don't you understand?"

"This... gay thing." She raised her hands. "I just don't understand. The Bible clearly states that it's wrong but... It's not a
choice or anything, is it?"

Anna shook her head. "It's not." She ran her tongue over her teeth, thinking. "Have you ever been in love, mom?"

I could see Idunn's eyes widen slightly when Anna dropped her first name. I wonder how long it had been since Anna
had actually called her mother 'mom'. "Yes, I have."

"Butterflies in your stomach, can't stop thinking about that person, being all gooey when you see them... Just hearing
their name makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. That kind of in love?" Idunn nodded and Anna smiled and shrugged.
"Well you get that with men. I get it with women. I have that with Elsa." I felt my heart flutter up when she said that and
Henry softly squeezed my arm.

"And not with men? Not at all?" Anna shook her head and Idunn nodded, clearly trying to process all this information. She
looked really small as she was standing there at the wall so I reached my foot out and nudged Anna in the calf. She
looked around at me and I nodded at her mom. 'Hug her,' I mouthed at her. Her eyes widened but she immediately
stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her mother's shoulders, causing Idunn to stiffen and freeze in place.

"I'd be happy to explain it to you, mom. Anything." She giggled. "Well maybe not -everything-, but..." I rolled my eyes. Not
now, Anna. Anna sighed and I saw and felt a lot of tension drain out of her and her mother. She kissed her mother on the
forehead. "I love you, mom."

Idunn suddenly wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter's waist and pressed her face into her shoulder, sobbing
loudly. Anna looked slightly startled but she pulled her mother in close, stroking her hair while she shot me a bewildered
look. I just smirked and put both my thumbs up in the air. Henry suppressed a chuckle and I poked my elbow in his ribs.
Nothing like someone else's drama to forget ab out your own.

The thought reminded me of my panic attack and I leaned into Henry. "Care to go for a bit of a walk so you can tell me
what happened?" The boy nodded. Anna had heard me and smiled at us as we moved to the door, still allowing her
mother to cry loudly into her shoulder.

Henry and I stepped out into the hallway. I didn't recognise it but it was exactly what you'd expect from a hallway in a
mansion like this. A lot of wooden accents, white walls, green carpet and heavy wooden doors every other couple of feet.
"Did you have a place in mind?" Henry asked. I shook my head so we just went left, both not sure where we'd end up.
"So, could you tell me what happened?"

Henry strolled next to me as we set off in a very leisurely pace. "From the moment you blacked out?"

"From the moment I kissed Anna, please." I frowned. "And if you could include where my clutch and shoes ended up."

Henry smiled faintly but looked a bit confused. "But you were there when you kissed Anna, why do you need me to tell you
again? I was with you."

I shot a glance at the boy next to me. "Have you ever had a panic attack, Henry?"

He shook his head. "I can't say I have." He frowned and turned his gaze down a bit. "But I must say watching you go
through one was rather terrifying. The sheer panic and dread in your eyes was..." He swallowed. "I guess you weren't
really paying attention to anything then. Sorry I assumed without thinking."

"That's okay. I wish I wasn't such an expert on them either. This was my third and heaviest one up until now." Why was
that though. I wasn't worried ab out losing Anna this time, was I? I shook my head. I guess it sometimes just doesn't make

We rounded a corner at the end of the hallway and I looked out a window to my right into the dark gardens. We were at
the back of the house and I could see several large trees, all with lanterns in them. There were a few paths criss-
crossing the lawn and in between the trees and bushes, all of them also lit up. It gave everything a silver glow and was
rather beautiful.

The orchestra was still going and had gone back to playing waltzes and slightly calmer music. I smirked. They prob ab ly
won't play a tango again tonight. The wind through a slightly opened window made me sigh contentedly. The pine scent
was lovely and a good distraction from the slightly musty smell inside.

Henry touched my arm. "Are you okay?"

I looked to the side. "Yes I'm fine." I smiled. "Just enjoying the smell and view."

Henry looked out of the window as well. We had stopped in our tracks and the boy opened the window completely,
leaning onto the windowsill as a gust of wind played with the small lock of hair that had gotten loose from its gelled hold
on top of his head. I leaned my shoulder against the wall next to the window. "I'd offer you a stroll through the gardens,
but..." Henry sighed.

"What is it, Henry?" I cocked my head. "What did that piece of paper say?"

Henry glanced at me before looking back out the window. "Let me tell you what happened in the ballroom first." I nodded
slowly. Please don't trigger anything again. I felt a lot better but as usual it would take me a while to be completely fine
again. Although fainting was quite a good remedy.

"Well I think it's safe to say almost everyone in the ballroom was rather shocked when you kissed Anna." He smirked
lightly. "Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it. You were dancing so intensely, it was an absolute joy to watch... it only
made sense to end up with a kiss. Don't blame yourself for doing that. If you hadn't I might've just rushed the dance floor
and yelled at you for not seizing the moment."

Henry turned and also leaned against the wall on the other side of the window, mirroring me. "I could immediately see
that the Almstedts weren't exactly amused though. I didn't really care about the others, but even during the dance I could
see Idunn was rather taken aback. She'd been drinking and well, I figured I might lend her a hand." He laughed. "You
have to really hand it to Andrews though. He really saved your ass. Thanks to him almost no-one saw you break down."

He bit his lip. "That sounded rude, sorry."

I shrugged, crossing my arms. "Well that's what I did, I think." I tried remembering what Andrews had said and done, but I
couldn't remember. But he made sure most people didn't see me. I need to thank him.

"Anyway, I went over and escorted you to the side as Anna got into a discussion with her parents. She has your clutch, by
the way. And your shoes are somewhere in the ballroom." He shrugged. "Since you asked. Anyway, I didn't hear all of it
but to me it sounded mostly like Agdar was being mad at her for making a fool of their family, so soon after the takeover
and all that. Anna was more interested in making sure they wouldn't make things worse for you, being the new CEO.
Something about 'keeping it professional' between you and them." My heart warmed a bit at that but I knew that I couldn't
count on the Almstedts anymore. At least not on Agdar. I shivered slightly. That's definitely not an option anymore.
Henry took my shiver as a sign of cold so he closed the window and gestured down the hallway. We set off again and he
continued his story. "The ballroom emptied rather quickly and by the time you were sitting down against the wall almost
everyone had gone. Then this guy showed up wearing a kilt, holding a glass of water." The memory of a kilt flashed
through my mind and I inhaled sharply, causing Henry to put a hand on my shoulder. "Okay that was definitely not you
enjoying the smells."

Memories washed over me and I swayed on my feet, involuntarily bringing a hand down to cover my hip. "He put that
piece of paper in my underwear."

Henry gritted his teeth as he gently moved me to the wall so I had something to lean against. "Yeah that's what I was
afraid of. I didn't really see him do anything, he was in between you and me, but when you screamed I immediately
tossed him aside." He leaned a hand against the wall next to my shoulder in a protective manner, using his other hand
to cover his eyes for a moment. When he lowered it his eyes had turned sad. "I'm so sorry I didn't make him leave
sooner. He seemed to just be worried about you. Had I known... I wouldn't have let him leave."

I took one last deep breath, finding steady ground again in the protected feeling Henry gave me. "Had you known what?"

"Elsa?" Ed Masters came walking down the hallway wearing a terribly cliché light brown long detective's coat, flanked by
two uniformed police officers and the young footman Charles scurrying after them. Henry pushed himself off of the wall
but kept standing close to me. Ed looked at him. "You're Lepidus?"

"Please, call me Henry. My forefathers had terrible taste in names. And you are a very fast responder." Henry immediately
fell back in his role, baring his sparkling white teeth and holding out his hand. Masters only grabbed it for a short second
before looking back at me.

"What's going on?" I in my turn looked at Henry, who gestured behind us.

"Please, let's head back to the other room. Anna will want to hear this as well." He walked ahead of the rest of us, Ed
trailing alongside me with the officers and Charles in our wake. The boy was apparently adamant in keeping an eye on
us, or he was just looking for gossip.

We rounded the corner again and Ed looked at me. "You look beautiful by the way, Elsa."

Henry snorted. "Don't even try mate."

Ed flushed a slight red. "Excuse me?"

The boy in front of us glanced over his shoulder as I bit my lip, trying not to blush too much. "She's just come out by
kissing her girlfriend in front of an entire room of lawyery hotshots. You don't stand a chance."

Masters frowned. "Your girlfriend? You don't mean Anna, do you?"

I sighed deeply. "It's a long story. But yeah. Anna."

Henry held open the door for us and we walked back into the room to find Anna and her mother sitting on the couch, their
hands entangled in their laps. It looked like Idunn would rather be sitting on Anna's lap, the way she was leaning into her
daughter. It made my heart melt to see the usually strong woman reduced to such a state, but I was glad that she and
Anna had at least made up.

Anna now looked up and raised her eyebrows at the group of people marching into the rather small room. Ed told the
officers to wait outside the door however and when Charles tried to follow us Henry put his palm on the younger boy's
forehead and pushed him back out before closing the door in his face. I heard a faint 'oh man!' come through the door
and I smirked, but my smile quickly faltered when I saw Henry's serious face as he turned to the lieutenant. "Okay I'll give
you the short version."

Ed looked at me and I nodded, indicating that Henry was allowed to speak for us. "The night was going fine. Elsa did her
little speech as CEO and she made her rounds talking to everyone. Then she and Anna decided to dance, after which
they kissed." Ed shot me another glance but I ignored him, sitting down on Idunn's other side. To my surprise the
woman untangled one of her hands from Anna's and took one of my hands without saying a word.

"Elsa panicked when she realised what was going on. Hell I would've panicked as well if all those hundreds of people
would've stared at me like that. Anyway, Andrews tactically emptied the ballroom and Elsa was sitting against the wall
when this guy walks up and..." He shook his head, pursing his lips for a moment as he fished the piece of paper from
his pocket. "The bastard put this in Elsa's underwear."
Anna shot up onto her feet, positively shouting. "He did what?!" Henry turned towards her and put his hands on her
shoulders, then turned her around to face me. I got up and pulled the girl into a hug.

"Please, Anna. I need you to be calm for me right now. No more screaming." Anna immediately wrapped her arms back
around me and pressed her face into my neck.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. If I'd have known I would've broken his face." I chuckled softly, but Anna pulled back from the
hug and looked at me with a very serious look on her face. "I'm not kidding. I would have broken his cheekbones, his jaw,
his nose... I would have literally broken his face in half."

Ed Masters cleared his throat and I saw he had the note in his hand. "I'll disregard that blatant description of aggravated
assault, because we have more important things on our mind." He looked at me. "Did you know who that man was?" I
shook my head and he sighed, opening the note back up to read it to us. "'We can get to you anywhere, anytime. Give up.
Signed, Duff Killigan.'"

I squinted as the bottom dropped out of my stomach. "That was Duff Killigan? The man in the kilt? The man with his
hand underneath my dress?"

Idunn looked confused. "That man is one of our biggest clients, Mr. McDougall. Not this Killigan you speak of." I had
almost forgotten the woman was sitting there but the sight of a police lieutenant seemed to have sobered her up. Her
make-up was smudged around her face but her eyes seemed alert.

"Mom, it's a very long story. I think it's better if you don't get involved right now." Anna sucked on her tongue. "Do you have
any idea where Agdar went?"

Idunn shook her head, but then decisively got up. "No but I'll go look for him." Her eyes moved from me to Anna. "Be
careful. I love you." She then turned her eyes at Henry. "I might need some help with my make-up, could your girlfriend
help me out with that?"

I saw the colour drain from Henry's face as his eyes widened dangerously. "Oh shit, Cindy. I completely forgot about her."

Henry and Idunn left together. I shook my head, laughing softly. Anna looked at me. "How can you laugh? That was Duff
Killigan, he was right on top of you." She made a very tense impression, flexing her fingers and rolling her shoulders.
"Quite literally, I might add."

Ed held up his hands and we both looked at him. I snaked my arm around Anna's waist and I felt how tense her core
muscles were. I tried softly squeezing them but it didn't have a lot of effect, other than that it seemed to make her ticklish.
She did put her arm around my waist as well, pulling me close to her.

The lieutenant shot our arms a quick look before looking me in the face. "I'm afraid I can no longer keep this under the
table. Not only will it be against my oath as an officer of the law, but my conscience wouldn't be able to cope with keeping
this a secret any longer." He pulled a small notepad and a pen from an inside pocket of his coat. I didn't know they still
used those. "You'll have round-the-clock company of a protective detail from now on. Officers will be stationed outside
your house and office. Wherever you go, they go." He scribbled something onto his notepad. "You still live in that
apartment building?"

I shook my head. "No I moved recently. As in, today." I let go of Anna and moved over to the man to write down my new
address. "It might be worth mentioning that I'm living together with Mulan Shang, a martial arts instructor."

I turned back towards Anna when she spoke. "Yeah and we'll make sure that there's always one of us at her side. Me,
Merida, Henry, Mulan." She scowled at me. "No more nights sneaking home alone when you think it's okay." I grinned
sheepishly. Okay so she did know ab out that.

The lieutenant nodded slowly. "Well if you don't mind I won't waver the protective duty. The guns will probably help. But I
appreciate the fact Elsa will have friends with her." He looked at me. "The coming time won't be easy. I wouldn't be
surprised if they already know I'm here. As soon as I start looking into this they might double their efforts."

"I have some information concerning Killigan and the company that you might be interested in."

Ed nodded. "Tell me everything you know. Please."

The fire crackled and spat some sparks at us. They just fluttered down to the stone hearth and died there, a weak
reflection of the large fire they had been a part of. I felt slightly drowsy from both the scotch and the heat of the fire on my
skin. The whole room was filled with the lovely warm smell of burning wood.
Mulan took another large log from the large metal tub next to the fireplace and threw it into the flames. It made our faces
light up brightly. Anna and I were sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, me staring into the fire as Mulan used the
cast iron poker to rearrange the log. When she was satisfied she sat back down next to me. Merida was also still there,
sitting behind us on the couch with the eyes of someone who was completely withdrawn into their own world. The lights
were off and it was hard to make her out against the dark backdrop of the couch and the rest of the room.

"Well seeing how I'm not paying you any rent I guess I can make an exception and offer my protective services for free."
Mulan smiled faintly as she winked at me. We had just finished telling her and Merida everything that had happened that
night. Idunn had found Agdar in the gardens and I had gotten Henry to drive them home, Idunn having had too much to
drink and Agdar a crumpled mess of emotions. I hadn't seen him but according to Henry's texts I had received just half
an hour ago he was a complete wreck. Serves him right.

I didn't really want to think about them anymore though. In fact I wanted to get the whole night out of my head. When we
got home I had immediately showered and changed out of the dress and was now sitting in front of the fireplace in my
grey sweatpants and a dark red t-shirt. I never recovered my shoes. Anna hadn't changed though and was now playing
with the hole in her blazer where there had been a button before. "Well let's think about all the good things that came
from tonight," she said.

Mulan and I looked at her, Merida apparently wasn't listening to either of us. Anna leant back onto her stretched arms, her
legs crossed in front of her, and shot me a look that made my spine tingle. "Well I finally came out to my parents. And I
finally got to show my dad how I feel about him."

"I'm glad Henry tackled you though. I'd rather have you here than in jail."

Mulan leaned forward and looked at Anna with raised eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

Anna looked grumpily at me before she turned her eyes on Mulan. "Nothing happened. He called Elsa a monster and
said she corrupted me and..." She shook her head. "I wanted to walk up to him to shove him, but Henry stopped me. So
nothing happened." Just shove him? I suddenly felt a bit bad for assuming she'd punch her own dad. Of course she
wouldn't just do that, you twat.

"And you made peace with your mom," I added, trying to steer the conversation back to happier things. I also crossed my
legs, sitting slightly further back from the fire than Anna. I absently ran my fingers up and down her lower arm, causing
the hairs on her skin to stand on end.

"Yeah, I guess I did." Anna was quiet for a little while, staring into the fire, before she chuckled. "For some reason I
thought my dad would've been more OK with it. Especially after what you told me on the dance floor."

"Yeah, same. I think that the faint idea and possibility that you were gay were already a lot for him to handle. When he
then saw it however..."

"Me and you, their perfect little girl." She winked at me. "That's probably why he freaked. They've been so full of you ever
since you met them. Maybe he felt like you were his last chance or something."

"Last chance of what?"

"A normal daughter, a lawyer like them."

I was tempted to ask about her sister, wasn't she normal? The moment wasn't right, however, so I just kept quiet. Mulan
reached back and grabbed the bottle of scotch that was sitting on the coffee table. She refilled all four of our glasses,
giving herself a royal amount. "I think I'll take this upstairs." I couldn't help but feel like we scared her off, but I appreciated
that she wanted to give us some privacy.

As soon as her footsteps died out above our heads Anna straightened up again, grabbing her glass. She swirled the
alcohol around and took a sip, smacking her tongue. "I don't often drink this stuff, but I guess I can get used to it."

I looked at her back. "You'd better, that's Dalmore 18 at a hundred dollars a bottle," I joked.

Anna frowned, staring down at her glass. I let my eyes wander down the part of her face I could see, illuminated by the
fire. I shuffled a bit closer to her and rested my chin on her shoulder, leaning into her and wrapping my hands around her
waist. She in turn put her hand on the inside of my knee, hugging it to her thigh.

She turned her head sideward and I caught her lips in a kiss. Despite the slightly awkward angle it was soft but intimate
and when Anna pulled back to stare at the fire I felt a pang of disappointment. Anna set her glass down and rubbed her
eyes. "I don't think I can finish all of this though."
I chuckled. "Says the girl who can down more vodka in one night than I could in an entire week."

Anna flicked my nose with her finger. "Well this isn't vodka, is it, Miss Shields."

I smiled mischievously when I dug my fingers into her side. "Oh I'm sorry, Miss Almstedt." Anna squealed and tried to get
away from me but I latched on to her waist, my fingers running over her sides underneath her blazer.

"I-I'm so, so so-sorry," Anna managed to squeeze out in between hiccups of laughter. She turned towards me, her strong
arms trying to grab my wrists. When she managed to get a hold on them she pushed me onto my back and dug her
fingers into my sides. What followed was a rather wild struggle for dominance as we rolled from side to side, both
wailing with laughter.

Anna was of course the stronger one and it didn't take her that long to pin me down, straddling my hips and pinning my
wrists to the ground next to my head. We were both panting and rather flushed from our struggle, but the realisation of
our current position seemed to hit both of us at the same time. Anna scrambled to get off of me just as I was planning an
attempt to reach up to catch her lips.

"Sorry," Anna muttered as she stood up.

"It's okay, I didn't mind," I responded as I pushed myself up onto my elbows.

"I'll go have a shower." Her face was still flushed and I saw her biting her lip.

"Okay, my clothes are either in my wardrobe or in boxes in my bedroom." Anna nodded at me and moved off towards the
stairs, leaving me lying on the ground with a very confused look on my face. What just happened? Why'd she stop? I
suddenly realised and I let myself fall back onto the floor, rubbing my face with my hands. Of course, the panic attack and
everything tonight. Killigan stuffing things in my underwear. She doesn't want to trigger anything.

Being around Anna only made me feel safe however and the thoughts that had been tumbling through my head when
Anna had me pinned to the floor had had nothing to do with Killigan or anything else that evening. Perhaps mayb e that
dance. That was a good dance.

I got up to put the glasses in the kitchen and clear away the scotch. I used the poker to scatter the wood still burning in
the fireplace. It was small enough for me not to worry about my new house catching on fire, but I still sat with it for a little
while longer. I heard Anna's footsteps leave the shower and move over to my room, but I was still caught up in my own

Andrews had been rather calm about the whole ordeal. He had seen that I had been distraught and when the police had
arrived he had steered them clear of the crowd. According to him almost no-one knew about what had happened and he
had even tried to reassure me about me and Anna before I left. 'Don't worry about those old geezers, they don't have
anything to do with your personal life anyway.' I smiled faintly.

My mind now wandered back to earlier that evening, before things had gone downhill. I replayed the dance in my head,
how Anna's hands had moved me across the dance floor, turning me in every direction she wanted me to go. How she
had placed her leg in between or outside mine, brushing our thighs together during the twists and direction changes. I
licked my lips, absently putting my hand on my back where hers had been during the dance.

My face flushed even further when I then thought back to how she'd pinned me down on the floor, or a few weeks ago
when she had hiked me up on the desk. It also made me feel slightly insecure, however. I knew my body wasn't
physically repulsive, but the idea of literally and figuratively baring myself to someone else so completely was terrifying
for me. Anna had broken down almost the entire wall I had built around myself but that last brick was rather stubborn. I
loved the redhead and I wanted nothing more than run my hands all over her, but the thought that she might do the same
to me was... embarrassing. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I rubbed my face. I trusted Anna completely but what if we got
intimate and I did something wrong? What if there was something wrong with me? How could anyone ever want to touch
me in that way?

I sighed deeply, pressing my palms into my eyes. If you keep thinking like that it'll never happen. Anna won't instigate it,
she promised you that, so if you don't make a move, no-one will.

I tried driving the thoughts out of my head but I couldn't shake the arousal that had settled itself in my stomach and lower.
The fire had almost completely died now and a slight chill ran up my spine.

"Ye should go to her." My heart threatened to leap out of my chest when Merida spoke up from the darkness behind me.

"Shit Merida, I forgot you were there." I paused, frowning and flushing again. "Like, I really forgot you were there. Sorry,
that was a bit inappropriate."

"S just a tickle fight. S not like ye were rippin' the clothes off of each other. Not with yer hands at least... yer eyes kinda
gave ye away though." I could tell she was trying not to laugh, even though I couldn't make out her face in the light of the
dying fire.

I got up, the heat from my embarrassment driving out the chill from the room. Standing up I could make out Merida,
curled in a blanket on the couch. I made a face at her and moved towards the stairs. She yelled after me. "Don't be too
loud, I want ta get some sleep." I bit my lip and chose to ignore her, but my heart was beating a little faster nonetheless.

When I carefully pushed open the door to my bedroom I saw Anna lying in my bed on her left side, facing the wall away
from me. She was lying on top of the covers and I wondered whether she had been waiting for me. She seemed to be
fast asleep now however and she didn't respond when I closed the door.

I quickly changed into my dark blue pyjamas and stood next to the bed, the silky material nice and light but cold as well. I
needed to get Anna underneath the covers or she'd freeze, but I didn't want to wake her up either. I bit my lip but then
thought of a compromise. I snuggled up behind her, pressing my stomach against her back and pulling the covers up to
cover us both, my right arm around her shoulders over the blanket. Like a wrap, I thought amusedly.

Instead of being caught up by sleep however, the feeling of Anna's warm back pressing against my stomach caused my
ears to rush ever so lightly. My left arm was stretched right up underneath my own head and I was quite comfortable, but
a different kind of unease settled itself in my stomach. I slid my right arm underneath the covers and put it around Anna's
waist, as I had done before - but this time it was different. I was very aware of Anna's steady breathing, how her stomach
expanded and retracted underneath my arm. She was wearing a large shirt and boxers again, as she usually did, but
instead of it being endearing it suddenly filled my head with possibilities for the amount of room it left underneath the

Can I do this? She's asleep, I might wake her up. Would she mind? I licked my lips and repositioned myself slightly,
leaning onto my elbow and supporting my head with my hand. I put my right hand on her side, slowly running it down
towards her hip. I enjoyed the feeling of her muscles underneath her shirt so on my way back up from her hip I dared to
slide my hand underneath her shirt instead of over it, breathing in sharply at how her soft skin rippled underneath my
fingers. I then slid my hand forward onto her abdomen, wanting to feel the muscles there too. I had felt them before, but
never like this. Running my hand over her skin while she was asleep felt slightly wrong however, although I was rather
sure she wouldn't mind.

I sighed and pulled my hand back, but then I frowned. Hold on, is she still asleep? The girl's breathing had definitely
changed. It was going slightly faster and was more shallow now, making her chest rise rather than her abdomen. I put
my hand back on her side, over her shirt, and shortly ran my nails up her ribs. I felt her right arm and side tense up
shortly at the touch and I smiled. Yeah okay, she's awake.

If there was one thing I was sure of it was that Anna would definitely not let me do anything she didn't want. The fact that
the girl was awake and just lying there with her back pressed into my stomach, letting me touch her, made my head
swim and I felt a tingling in my core. It also made me slightly unsure however. Okay, what do I do now? I internally
scolded myself. Stop thinking, that's what you do.

I slowly brought my hand back underneath her shirt, caressing the redheads' stomach with my nails. It caused her
muscles to tense and ripple underneath my touch and it made me feel strangely powerful, having her body react to my
hand like that. I liked the feedback and wanted more, so I brought my face down and pressed my lips to the pulse in her
neck. It elicited a sharp inhale from the girl, but otherwise she kept still. I didn't mind, considering the lack of protest as
permission to continue for now.

I brought my hand back to her side, squeezing a little harder now. I got a handful of muscle and a very slight sound
escaped Anna's throat, causing my breath to hitch. I ran my hand down towards her hip and back, now using my nails
rather than my fingers. Can I touch her somewhere else? I was a bit apprehensive about continuing so my hand came to
a halt on Anna's waist and I pulled my face away from her neck.

The girl now moved, turning her face up to look at me. She saw my face and brought her right hand up to caress my
cheek. I looked at the slight glint in the girl's eyes. It was dark so it was hard to make out her expression, but she ran her
finger across my jaw. "What's up?"

I bit my lip. "I'm just not sure what to do." Saying it out loud made it sound pathetic and I buried my face in the mattress
behind her head, groaning softly.
Anna put her hand on top of mine, still resting on her side. She squeezed it and brought it back to her stomach. "It's okay,
Munchy. I'll just be lying here, not doing anything." She turned her face to look at me over her shoulder. "Just... do
whatever you want. Trust me, I'll let you know if you do something that's not OK." She moved to roll her head back forward
but paused for one last comment. "And if you do something OK you'll probably notice," she said with a smile in her voice.

I sighed. My resolve was almost gone and I considered just rolling over and trying to go to sleep, but then I felt Anna's
side rise underneath my arm again as she inhaled deeply. I clenched my jaw for a second before tentatively scratching
my fingers over her stomach again, trying to make the muscles ripple again. My mouth pulled up into a grin when they
indeed moved and I pressed my hand into her stomach, pulling her more tightly against me. Anna kept her promise and
didn't do anything, but I didn't mind whatsoever. I had her permission to explore... so explore I would.

Leaning over a bit further this time I pressed a kiss to Anna's jaw where her neck reached her ear. I took her earlobe in
my mouth and sucked it softly whilst continuing to gently massage her stomach and side with my hand. I ran my mouth
down her neck and flicked my tongue out when I reached her clavicle. The shirt she was wearing had a wide neckline so
I had access to her shoulder, which I gladly made use of.

Butterflies swam through my own stomach as I remembered our encounter in my office two weeks back and I bit down
on Anna's shoulder, evoking a deliciously sharp inhale from the redhead. I quickly flicked my tongue out and kissed the
spot where I had just bit her, my head swimming with arousal. I wanted more of her.

Bringing my mouth back up to her neck I brought my fingers in circles higher up her stomach until I was caressing the
skin just underneath her breasts. A small sliver of doubt settled itself in the back of my head again but the heat in my
own core won and I carefully pressed my palm against Anna's left breast, weighing the small mound in my hand. I
started making circles, squeezing the remarkably soft tissue as Anna's breath quickened. I noticed she was tensing and
moving her legs around a bit, probably slightly frustrated she had promised me not to move. I brought my right leg up
and over hers, hooking her knee with my heel and pulling her leg back.

I saw Anna's mouth was hanging slightly open and her hands were clutching the covers we were lying on. The air inside
our little cocoon was getting quite warm and I felt myself starting to sweat lightly, the places where our skin touched
becoming hotter and hotter despite the layers of fabric still in between us.

The pressure in my own lower abdomen grew as I rolled Anna's hard nipple in between my fingers, causing the redhead
to now clench her jaw shut. I alternated between licking, sucking and softly biting her neck and shoulder, intensely
enjoying how Anna seemed to melt underneath my touch. You're touching Anna. Holy shit, you're touching her b reasts.

Soft moans kept escaping Anna's lips as she visibly struggled not to move around too much. I contemplated telling her
she could move and join in, but I was enjoying myself so immensely the way things were I just bit down on her neck.
Anna yelped at the sharp sensation and I could see the covers underneath her hands move as she clutched down
harder. I felt the heat in between my legs growing and I wondered whether Anna was feeling the same way.

Can I? I removed my hand from Anna's breast, causing the redhead to whimper softly. I ran it down her stomach until my
fingers hit the edge of her boxers. I softly kissed Anna's neck and shoulder as I hooked my thumb underneath the elastic
band, slightly nervous. My thumb hit a few hairs and my breath hitched. I brought my face up to look down onto Anna's
form lying in front of me. I had never had my hands anywhere else than on myself, and even that had been on very rare
occasions, never being able to give myself the release I had read about in a few of my books and on very singular web
searches. Before I could bail out however I quickly reminded myself of Anna's words. I'll let you know if you do something
that's not OK.

I slowly brought my hand underneath Anna's boxers, my fingers meeting slickness as they brushed over the hairs in
between her legs. In a rush of confidence I brought my right leg in between Anna's knees and angled it so that my foot
was on the bed, spreading Anna's legs to allow me better access. The sudden movement made Anna's breath hitch and
I saw her glance at me, a heat in her eyes that set my own core on fire and told me she had absolutely no objections to
my actions.

I ran a finger over the wet folds underneath my hand and Anna's eyes fluttered shut again. I explored carefully, down from
her entrance up to the sensitive bud that made Anna's whole body tense up when I ran my finger over it. I decided to
focus there and started circling it with two fingers whilst I brought my face back down to kiss Anna's shoulder and neck. I
softly bit down on her skin as I felt her breathing become irregular, the muscles in her neck and jaw tense. I took her
squirming as a very good sign so I sped up, the rubbing made easy by the fact my fingers were coated in Anna's

Anna leaned her head back against my arm, panting heavily, and I angled my face to caress the front of her neck. I licked
underneath her chin, my right hand speeding up on top of Anna's core. It caused my forearm to cramp up slightly but I
didn't mind, Anna's soft moans and heavy breathing enough reward for my still increasing efforts.

I watched how her posture continuously shifted over the next few minutes as Anna's breathing kept going faster and got
more shallow and irregular. "Holy... shit... don't stop..." Anna moaned as she rocked her hips back and forth, pushing
herself up against my hand. Sweat was beading on her forehead, glistening in the slight amount of moonlight coming
through my drapes. I could feel her body start tensing up like it was building towards something and when it released
Anna quickly brought her hand to her mouth, biting down on her knuckles. I kept rubbing, albeit a bit slower whilst Anna
trembled against my hand, her hips jerking and her back rolling against my chest. After a few seconds she caught my
hand and pulled it up and away from herself, entangling her trembling fingers with my slick ones. I felt her relax, taking
deep breaths and hugging my forearm to her chest. I pressed my forehead against the back of her head, finally giving my
cramped up left arm some rest from holding me up all that time.

After about a minute Anna turned around and rolled on top of me, pushing me onto my back. I was a bit taken aback but a
different feeling replaced my surprise when Anna pressed her lips against mine, running both her hands through my
hair. I ran my hands down her back as I slightly parted my lips, inviting her to deepen the kiss. She swiftly did so, running
her tongue across my lips before pushing it into my mouth. She then sucked my tongue in between her teeth before
pulling back from the kiss. In the dark I couldn't see her face but I knew she was looking down on me. "Now, will you let
me return the favour please?"

/I like you people.

*Chapter 18*: Chapter 18: The briefcase
/Been gone for a little bit, sorry about that! I'll try to pick up the writing a bit again but life is really getting in the way
with doctors and counsellors chasing me around campus. With sticks. And torches. *giggles at mental image*
Anyway, I hope the start of this chapter makes up for my absence :P
/Oh yeah that said, avert your eyes if you're not in a safe environment when it comes to people reading over your
shoulder or stuff.
/Shoot, forgot to mention that this is a direct continuation of chapter 17. So maybe get re-acquainted with that one
before starting on this.

Chapter 18
The briefcase

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, the desire that had been burning in between my legs lessened by a rush of
insecurity. Anna folded her hands high up on my chest and rested her chin on them. "Something wrong, Munchy?"

"No, I'm fine. I mean... I really enjoyed that."

It was too dark to make out Anna's face, but I could hear a grin in her voice. "You're not the only one." She took one hand
from underneath her head and ran a finger across my jaw line to my chin, before moving it up to my lips. "But you're not
sure about me doing it to you." I nodded softly and Anna felt the movement with her hand. She pulled herself up a bit
higher again and planted a soft kiss on the bridge of my nose. "What's making you unsure?" She folded her hands
underneath my neck, her elbows pressing in the mattress above my shoulders. "If it's your face, I love every inch of it."
She pressed soft kisses to my forehead and cheeks, even on my eyelids, forcing me to close them. "If it's your neck, I
adore every single bit of it." She moved her lips down my jaw onto my neck, planting kisses there as well, leaving a fiery
trail in her wake.

She pulled back and hovered her face over mine. "Is it me? Because I can do that all night to every single piece of skin I
can find and enjoy myself thoroughly."

"No it's not you. Definitely not you." I caught her face in between my hands and gently pulled her downwards to kiss her.

She pulled back from the kiss a few seconds later. "Then please. You deserve to feel as sexy as you are. You've been
driving me crazy for two and a half months now." She softly squeezed the back of my neck with her hands. "Not that you
owe me anything. You owe me absolutely nothing. I just want to touch you so bad it hurts." She sighed. "If you tell me to
stop, I'll roll to the side and leave you alone. If that's what you want, just tell me."

I frowned and ran the scenario through my head. No, definitely not. I put my arms around Anna's neck and pulled her
back down, squeezing my eyes shut as our lips crashed together. Anna returned the kiss for a second but then
unwrapped my arms from around her neck, taking my wrists and pinning them next to my head. She was panting slightly.
"Hold on, feisty pants. We're going to take this slow." I swallowed heavily when Anna brought her mouth down to my neck
and kissed me gently, her tongue running over my skin every now and then. The covers had slid off of us but there was
now enough heat in between us to melt the ice caps so we left them discarded to the side.

Anna released my wrists but I left my hands in place on top of the mattress as she reached to slowly undo the front
buttons of my pyjamas. For every button she popped open she planted a soft kiss on my skin, starting in between my
clavicles and working her way down slowly. When she reached the sensitive skin in between my breasts I mewled softly,
having half a mind to tell her to stop. God damn it Elsa, knock it off. She clearly wants to do this, she just told you.

Anna passed the skin in between my breasts without any natural disasters occurring so I managed to relax a bit, starting
to enjoy myself ever so slightly. I had been so tense I wasn't even fully registering the fact that this was my Anna currently
running her mouth over my abdomen. By the time she completely finished opening up my pyjama top she came back up,
leaving the side panels there to cover my chest. "So far so good?" she asked breathily, before softly pressing her lips
against mine. I nodded into the kiss, feeling blood rush up to my face as heat once again started gathering itself
between my legs.

I ran my tongue across Anna's lower lip, she darted out hers to meet mine and we just enjoyed exploring each other's
mouth for a moment. There was no rush, we had all night. That realisation made me relax completely and I brought my
hands to Anna's shoulders, pulling her down onto me. She responded by tilting her head and putting some more
pressure behind the kiss, our teeth clicking together mildly. I responded fiercely however, tensing my neck to meet her.
She half rolled off of me, leaning onto my side and her own elbow as she ran her hand across my other side, never
breaking the kiss.
She pushed one half of my pyjama to the side and broke the kiss to look down at me, almost causing my fragile security
to break. She reached up above our heads and pulled the curtain open slightly, causing the whole room to light up from
the bright full moon. To my surprise I was only lightly tempted to pull the pyjama back in place and the inkling
disappeared completely when my eyes followed Anna. She got up onto both of her knees and in one fluid movement
pulled her shirt up over her head, tossing it to the floor.

It looked like she wanted to lie back down but I pushed myself up from the mattress as well, mirroring her pose as my
eyes darted across her shoulders down to her small but perky breasts. Even though I had touched them before this was
my first time actually seeing them and I automatically brought a hand up to touch them again, flicking my thumb across a
nipple which responded by perking up immediately. I grinned when the question I had been asking myself for a while
now was answered. Yes, the freckles went all the way down to the tops of her breasts. I wanted to lean over to press my
mouth to the freckles on her shoulder, but she caught my shoulders with her hands and pushed me back. "It's still your
turn, if I'm not mistaken."

Our eyes locked as Anna slowly pushed my pyjamas from my shoulders, letting the jacket drop down to the bed. The way
she was looking at me made my breath hitch, there was enough heat in her eyes to cause my stomach to clench. I was
completely topless now, my breasts hanging down slightly heavier and fuller than Anna's. She ignored them however,
pulling my face towards her own for another kiss. The sensation of her breasts pressing against mine caught me
slightly off guard and I moaned softly into her mouth, causing Anna's lips to curl up into a smile.

I ran my hands up Anna's back and into her hair, scraping her scalp with my nails. She did the same to me with one of
her hands, but the other one ran down my back to scratch sharply at my lower back, sending hot flashes up my spine
and down in between my legs. She broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against mine, both of us panting slightly. "I've
been wanting to do that all evening, damnit."

"Shut up," I said huskily as I pulled on her neck with both of my hands, greedily pressing my tongue back into her mouth.
She made a slightly surprised noise but then put both her hands on my pyjama-clad behind, pressing her hips against
mine as she inhaled sharply. I tilted my head and our teeth clicked together again but I didn't care. Anna had woken
something up in me, something I'd never felt before - I wanted more, and I wanted it now.

Anna suddenly leaned into me heavily and I fell backwards, breaking the kiss to prevent our teeth from smashing
together as we hit the mattress. I caught myself being glad the bed was this wide, otherwise I would've hit my head on
the wall to the side of it. Anna landed on top of me, pressing the lengths of our bodies together, but didn't continue the
kiss like I had expected. Instead she put both her hands on my sides and squeezed them softly as her mouth ran across
my cheek to my ear. Her tongue flicked out and she bit the earlobe softly, causing me to suck in my breath. She put her
knees on either side of my hips and continued to press kisses down my neck and shoulder, flicking her tongue over the
mark that was still slightly visible from the previous Friday. Her hands meanwhile roamed freely over my sides and
stomach, causing me to squirm underneath her.

The pressure in my core was building and I could feel my legs trembling slightly. Anna noticed and she raised her head
to look at me briefly. I had the feeling she was looking for permission again and apparently the look in my eyes was
enough, because she grinned wickedly and brought her face back to my shoulder. I felt her lift up her right leg and softly
nudge her knee in between my thighs. I parted my legs to give her room to put her knee down and she again lay down on
top of me, this time lower so her face was level with my chest.

Anna softly pressed her right hand into my left breast, running her palm over the mound and caressing my nipple with
her fingers. The sensation caused me to slightly buck up my hips, hitting Anna in the stomach. I swiftly turned my gaze
down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do thaaaaa-"

My voice turned into a moan when Anna wrapped her mouth around my other nipple, massaging it with her lips as she
grazed it with her tongue, sending hot tendrils to low in my abdomen. I slapped a hand to my mouth, remembering there
was only my study in between me and Mulan's bedroom and Merida was right underneath us. Those thoughts were
quickly driven from my mind when Anna pressed her right thigh up and down into my core. I kept my hand to my mouth
when another yelp escaped from my lips, half fearing and half hoping I might need to muffle some more.

Anna detached herself from my now very sensitive breast and moved her lips down to my stomach, lowering her body in
between my legs. She dipped her tongue in my belly button as both her hands ran down my sides, hooking onto the
edges of my pyjama pants. There she stopped, causing me to look down at her, one hand still over my mouth whilst the
other one grasped itself onto the sheets. Her eyes were dark but questioning, so I nodded feverishly. "I need to hear you
say it, Elsa. Do you want this?"

I'll b e naked. But... "Fuck, yes, Anna..." Every word came out of my mouth as a pant and Anna tugged on the edge of my
pyjamas. I lifted my hips to help her as the fabric of both my pyjama pants and my underwear slid off my hips. A short
awkward struggle followed where Anna had to step completely off the bed to pull the clothes off of my legs, dropping
them to the floor before quickly crawling back towards me on her hands and knees. That sight alone caused me to
shiver slightly, electricity dancing up and down my spine as I eyed her breasts swaying slightly in between her arms.
Despite my arousal I was very aware of my nakedness, feeling the strong urge to cover myself up or at least cross my
legs. My entire body felt like it was radiating heat from both arousal and slight embarrassment, but my face and core in
particular felt like they were on fire. Sweat dripped down the sides of my forehead as I pressed my head down into the
mattress, closing my eyes and biting down on my lip. I was nervous, but then again if I didn't get released from this hold
soon I felt like I might kill something.

Anna didn't go straight for the sweet spot in between my legs, however. I was slightly surprised to feel her grabbing hold
of one of my feet, massaging the bottom of it while I raised my head back up, frowning slightly. Anna saw me looking and
grinned as her hands moved from my foot up to my calf, digging her fingers into the muscle. It tensed up and she
shushed me. "I can't massage tense muscles, Munchy."

"Well... I don't... Why do you..." My mouth was dry and I didn't quite have my breathing under control, but the message
came across.

"Just lay back and relax. Trust me on this. I'm a doctor." I gave up and lay back on the bed, my lower arm across my eyes.
With the heat of the moment dissipating slowly, I became more nervous and I had half a mind to cover myself up with a
sheet but then Anna pressed her thumb into a rather intricate knot on top of my thigh. Before I could stop myself a loud
moan tore from my throat and Anna giggled, reaching to the side to throw a pillow at me. "If this is how loud you moan
from a massage..."

I didn't even respond to the jest, I pressed the pillow to my face and wrapped both my arms around it while Anna started
working my quadriceps. She spent a few minutes on both of my thighs, until my entire body was relaxed and my head
was swimming lightly from how good it felt. The nerves and embarrassment of being naked had gone and I felt
completely at ease.

Suddenly Anna replaced her hands with her mouth and kissed me halfway up my thigh, immediately causing fiery
tendrils to reach back up into my core and higher up my spine. I breathed heavily into the pillow as she slowly made her
way up my leg, my heart beating fast with anticipation - but she skipped over to my other leg, causing me to only feel her
breath rush past my centre. I bucked my hips up, heavily disappointed when I felt her mouth move away from my core

It was then that she suddenly pressed her mouth into me without any warning, making the sudden feeling that shot
through my body even more intense. I was very glad with the pillow on my face when a high pitched noise ripped itself
from my throat as Anna snaked her hands underneath my legs, grasping onto my hips as her tongue started making
long movements all up and down my folds. It's so hot. How can someone's tongue b e so warm. She pushed her tongue
into my very wet entrance and I felt a very short but sharp pang of embarrassment at how slick I was. It disappeared as
quickly as it came however when Anna then moved up and flicked her tongue over my clit. One of my hands shot down to
tangle itself in Anna's hair, wordlessly begging her to do it again. She took the hint and softly sucked on the sensitive
nub, causing my hips to buck up sharply against her mouth, making Anna's hold on my hips not an unnecessary one.

All inhibitions dropped from my mind as I pressed Anna's head down on myself and wrapped my legs over her
shoulders, hooking my ankles behind her head. I bit down hard on the pillow as not to scream when Anna started a new
assault on my clit with her tongue, sending my eyes rolling in their sockets. I had no idea what she was doing, all I knew
was that I didn't want her to stop. An unknown feeling started building itself up very low in my abdomen and seemed to
be wanting to push its way out of me. I figured it was part of it and I let it climb, Anna managing to keep a surprisingly
strong hold onto my trashing hips. She didn't lessen her efforts and soon I was seeing stars, drawing in one last
shuddering breath before I felt myself tumble over the edge down into an abyss.

Everything went white for a second as my entire body tensed, my back arcing and my mouth opening wide in a silent
scream. Anna was still holding on to my legs, seemingly circling around my clit with her tongue rather than right on top of
it. Several tremors tore through my body and my core became so sensitive I pushed Anna's head away from it. She
slowly climbed up and threw the pillow aside before lying down on top of me. She pressed her face in my neck and
sighed contentedly, waiting patiently for me to come back down from my high.

I had no idea how much time had passed before I felt like speaking again. "So that was an orgasm?"

Anna's head shot up from my chest and she stared at me with wide eyes. "You've never had one before?" I shook my
head, slightly embarrassed, but her face just split into one of the widest grins I had ever seen on her. She rolled off of
me, lying down on her back with one hand underneath my neck. "Is it bad that I'm very, very proud of myself right now?"
I suddenly got up and straddled Anna's hips, one hand on her stomach and the other one plucking at the fabric of her
underwear on her hip. "Well, no." I grinned. "Not if that means you'll do it again."

Anna brought the back of her hand to her forehead in a pseudo-distraught manner. "Oh dear lord, what have I done," she
groaned before I caught her lips in a kiss.

"You're looking a lot happier this morning," Mulan said to me as I poured out four glasses of orange juice. She checked
the clock on the wall. "Or should I say, afternoon?" I bit my lip and turned away from the woman to hide my blush. She
laughed loudly. "Oh my."

Anna wasn't downstairs yet. Even after I had taken a shower and gotten dressed there was still no movement in the girl
spread-eagled on my bed in her underwear. The thought to rejoin her had crossed my mind, but I knew that if I would get
back in bed it'd be hell getting enough sleep that night before going back to work on Tuesday. I hadn't seen Merida, the
girl had left sometime that morning. She had left the blanket folded neatly on the back of the couch.

Mulan took her glass from me and shook her head, turning her attention back to the book she was reading at the kitchen
table. I had told her she could borrow anything from my shelves and it looked like she had opted for A Game of Thrones
by George Martin. A faint smile spread itself across my face as I ran my hand through my hair, stroking the still slightly
damp locks over to one side so they wouldn't end up in the orange juice. "Play nice, otherwise I'll tell you who dies next."

Mulan looked up, frowning. "Do a lot of people die in these books?"

I snorted with laughter. "Just keep reading." I put two of the glasses I had poured onto a tray, together with some small
croissants which I had loaded up with either jam or cheese.

Mulan eyed the tray. "Don't go spoiling them, or we'll never get rid of them."

I picked it up and moved towards the door. "If they prevent me from getting shot in the head, I'll take it." Mulan didn't seem
to appreciate the joke but I quickly slipped out the front door and approached the dark blue sedan parked in front of my
house. It was really starting to feel like spring, birds were loudly singing at the sun shining down on me. The two male
police officers saw me coming and smiled widely.

"Miss Shields, you didn't have to. But I'm glad you did," one of them said happily. The other one winked at me.

"Remind me to opt for the morning shift more often."

I smiled warmly at the men and winked back at the younger one. "Maybe I will." Damn Elsa, sex changed you. I walked
back towards the house, the tray loosely in my hands when I felt my pocket vibrating. I took out my phone and looked
down at it. It was a text from Henry.

'Hey Elsa, do you know what's up with Jeanie? I can't reach her.' I frowned and stopped in my tracks to type a message
back, but instead I decided to just hit the call-button. It only took Henry a second to pick up.

"Hey Henry, what's up? What do you mean you can't reach Jeanie?"

"Well usually she texts me every day but today she hasn't and she's not answering her phone."

I swallowed heavily and brought my free hand up to my forehead. "Do you think something's happened to her?"

"Is it possible that they know she's been digging around?"

I closed my eyes and I heard a car door open behind me. "Andrews said something about it yesterday, which could
mean others know about it as well." Henry swore on the other side of the line as one of the police officers spoke up from
behind me.

"Miss Shields, is everything alright?"

I turned around with the phone still to my ear. "Jeanie isn't answering her phone."

The man frowned whilst his colleague pulled out his phone. "Is that the intern who found that information on Killigan?" I
nodded and he pushed a button before bringing the phone to his ear.

"Yeah lieutenant? We might have a situation..." He walked off and I didn't hear the rest of what he said. The other officer
looked at me and tried to smile reassuringly but I turned away to talk to Henry.
"Okay, Ed knows about it."

"I'm sure it's nothing, Elsa. Let's not jump to conclusions." I heard the stress in his voice however and a cold hand
started squeezing my throat.

"Yeah. Let's just wait and see what Ed finds."

A sudden scream from the back of the house had me and the two police officers look up at the same time. I heard both
the officers yell at me but I had recognised the voice - it was Anna's. I dropped the phone and sprinted back to my front
door. Oh god let her b e okay they can't get to her please no. I burst back into the house just in time to see Mulan's feet
disappear up the stairs, yelling. "Anna where are you?!"

I wanted to rush the stairs but a hand closed itself around my wrist, holding me back. I looked around to see the younger
of the two officers standing behind me, his gun in his free hand. His colleague ran past us towards the stairs whilst I
tried tugging myself loose, the distinct sounds of a struggle coming from above me. They got to her. Oh god, she's dead
isn't she? Every single scenario I could think up tumbled through my head, each worse than the other one. Mayb e she's
b een kidnapped and they'll torture her. They'll throw her from the window. They'll b reak her neck. The sudden vision of
Anna with empty, dead eyes came to me and a sense of determination came swimming up through the panic.

In a clear moment I remembered what Mulan had taught me and I twisted myself loose from the officer. "Miss Shields,
stop!" he yelled, trying to grab me again - but I was already at the bottom of the stairs.

The moment I put my foot on the first step Anna appeared at the top of the stairs. She was pulling her sleeping shirt
down her stomach and her eyes were wildly searching for me. When she saw me she came down two steps at a time
and she crashed into me, hugging me tightly to her. I was blinking, still trying to register that Anna was fine. She was
okay. They didn't get her. I ran my hands over her back and head, almost to make sure she was real and I wasn't making
her up, then pushed her away from me to look at her face. The bruise on her cheek had gained a small addition to it in
the form of a slight cut on her forehead.

"I'm okay Munchy. I'm okay." I reached for the cut but she swatted my hand aside and instead used her thumbs to wipe
away the tears on my cheeks. I hadn't even realised I had been crying, but the vision of losing Anna and now the relief of
having her in my arms had tears running down my face in a steady stream.

Anna put her arm around my shoulder and wanted to guide me over to the couch but I didn't move, my eyes flicking
between her and the top of the stairs. "What happened?" I heard noise coming from above us and steady footsteps
heading towards the stairs. "Who was that?"

Anna kissed me on the forehead before sitting me down on the bottom of the stairs and squatting in front of me, her
hands on either side of my face. "A henchman or something. I've never seen him before, he was climbing through your
bedroom window but found me in your bed instead of you."

I was torn between wanting to hug Anna to me and needing to know who was upstairs. I tried to pull Anna to my side, but
she stood up instead, her eyes fixated on the stairs behind me. She put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down and I
settled for hugging her waist to my face, still revelling in the fact she was not dead. A cold feeling settled itself in my
chest. The guy who did this is going to pay.

"This is all a big misunderstanding. Who the hell are you anyway?" A male voice came from the top of the stairs and I
stood up, my eyes wide. No. "I'm telling you, I know her! No not the naked one, the other one!"

"Shut up. One more word and I will break your arm." Mulan's voice was low and steady and I knew she meant her threat. I
looked over at the young officer who hadn't exactly moved except for holstering his gun. When he saw me watching his
face became slightly less pale and he moved over to the bottom of the stairs.

Anna looked at me questioningly, her hand still on my shoulder. When the three people coming down the stairs came
into sight I gritted my teeth and it felt like an icy shard shot through my chest. Mulan had a firm grip on a man's arm,
whose hands were in cuffs behind his back. The older officer walked behind them, visibly uncomfortable. "I really would
appreciate it if you would let me escort him, miss Shang."

"Yeah me too," the man said with a hitch in his voice. "Dang woman, you're going to bruise my arm." He saw my Anna
naked. No-one gets to see my Anna naked b ut me. Especially him. All attention was now with the brown-haired man in
his ragged sweater and black hole-riddled jeans. Plus, no-one was expecting me to suddenly run up the steps and
punch the guy square in the nose, which is why no-one was quick enough to stop me when I did.

"Shit!" I yelled, waving my painfully throbbing hand through the air. Anna grabbed my arm and pulled me back down the
stairs, a highly incredulous look on her face.

The man also yelled out in pain and surprise as blood trickled down from his nose onto his lips. "What the fuck, Elsa?"
Mulan also looked taken aback but she hadn't tried to intervene and I had the inkling that she hadn't planned on it either.
She now descended the rest of the steps, the man struggling in her strong hold. Both of the officers seemed to be frozen
in place. The man scowled at them. "Much help you guys were."

I used my free hand to point at him. "No," I said in a hard voice. "You don't get to blame them. You don't get to 'what the
fuck' me. You don't get to say anything." Something like a snarl came from my throat. "You don't even get to 'Elsa' me. Do
you have any idea what you just did to me? Why on earth were you climbing through my window?!"

"There were cops out front!" the brown-haired man replied, looking rather outraged. Anna tugged on my arm, trying to
move me back from the bottom of the stairs, but I dug in my heels.

"And without wondering why they're here, you just climb through the bloody window?" I gestured wildly and Anna now
stepped in front of me, staring me in the face as she grabbed my other arm as well.

"Elsa, calm down. Who is this?"

I sighed slowly and deeply before looking at Anna, still with a heavy scowl on my face. "Anna, I'd like you to meet my idiot
brother, Jack."

Every eye in the room turned to the man, who smiled charmingly and sarcastically curtsied. "Jack Shields, at your
service." Mulan pulled on his arm, twisting his shoulder. The man yelped and shot back up, looking angrily at the

Anna turned back to me and released my arms. She was frowning and her mouth was formed in an 'o', like she wanted
to say something but just wasn't sure where to start. The younger of the two officers helped her out. "This is your brother
who's been locked up?"

I looked at him. "How do you know about that?" I folded my arms in front of my chest, part of me still feeling the urge to
punch my brother again.

The man shrugged. "We needed to be up to date on your current situation. Being your protective detail and all that." He
looked up at his colleague, who was standing behind Mulan. I glanced at him and I had to give my brother some credit
on one comment - they hadn't exactly been useful.

My brother frowned at me, some concern shining through in his eyes. "Protective detail?"

The older officer stepped down, ignoring Jack's question and fishing the keys to his handcuffs from his pocket. He
looked at me. "Do you want to press charges for breaking and entering?" I leered at my brother, almost nodding - but
then I sighed and shook my head. Anna put a hand in my side and squeezed it slightly to calm me down. The entire
situation had been defused now that the intruder turned out to be my brother - but everyone was still very much on edge.
For a change Anna seemed to be the one hoping I wouldn't punch someone instead of the other way around.

As soon as Jack's wrists were released from the cuffs he rubbed them and stepped away from Mulan, glaring at her
suspiciously. He then looked at me. "Since when do you surround yourself with police officers and ninjas?"

I looked my brother up and down. He had never been a large boy and as a man he was still rather fragile, causing him to
look younger than his thirty-three years. I knew he wasn't weak though, he was quite agile and quick and would steal
your wallet or purse before you even realised he was there. Which was what usually landed him in trouble. His brown
hair was a bit unkempt and stuck out in all directions, just too long to be called a hairstyle. I made it a point to eye him
visibly before speaking. "Ever since people have been threatening me and my friends," I said.

The man laughed. "Since when do you have friends?" He immediately flinched when Mulan made a quick movement,
then he smiled nervously when she turned the movement into an innocent gesture to stroke some hair behind her ear.
"Okay, sorry I asked."

"What are you doing here, Jack? What do you want?"

"Can't I just be visiting my favourite sister?" He shot past us and jumped over the back of the couch, landing lightly and
immediately putting his feet up on my coffee table. No-one else in the room moved but I saw Anna's gaze following my
brother around like a hawk, tense like a drawstring.

"I'm your only sister. And no, you can't. It's never just a visit with you."
Jack turned onto his knees, looking at me with his chin on the back of the couch. He made big eyes and pouted his lips.
"Oh come on, I haven't seen you in years."

I felt anger flare up in my chest again and I gestured at the ceiling with my hand. "And what an entrance you make!
Showing up after so many years, climbing through my window looking like something regurgitated you."

My brother huffed and turned around again, sitting down on his behind and draping his arms across the back of the
couch. "Well, that's harsh."

Anna stepped forward and leaned onto the couch, looking down at my brother with her intimidation face on. I'd seen her
use it last Saturday at the tournament and I wasn't surprised when my brother turned slightly pale as he looked up in her
face. "You know what's also harsh? You hitting me in the face with a briefcase."

I uncrossed my arms and brought my hands in fists down my side, striding towards the couch. "You did what?!"

My brother now jumped up and took a step away from us, almost stumbling over the coffee table. He raised his hands
defensively, seemingly glad the couch was in between him and us. A glance at the officers told him he wasn't going to be
getting any help from them and he didn't even bother with Mulan. "Ladies, ladies, please." He brought his hands together
underneath his chin and looked at Anna. "Miss, I'm sorry I swung at you with a briefcase. I just wasn't expecting to find
you in my sister's... bed..." His eyes widened and he looked at me with an open mouth. "Hold on a second, what was she
doing in your bed? Practically naked?!" I tried to keep my face from flushing but failed, a red tinge creeping up my neck
that wasn't just from embarrassment. My brother's eyes widened some more and he laughed loudly, slapping himself
on the knees. "My sister is a womb raider?!"

I grabbed Anna's arm, afraid she might leap over the couch to assault my brother, at the same time hearing sirens
coming closer. The two officers looked at each other and the older one frowned. "You didn't call in the all-clear, did you?"
The other one shook his head and they both moved to the front door.

"My sister is a shrub scout!" Jack ran a finger underneath his eye to wipe away a tear from laughing so hard, completely
ignoring the approaching police force. "You have good taste though, sis. She's hot. Does the carpet match the curtains?"
Shut up. Shut up, right now.

Anna looked at me, then at my hand which was white-knuckled in its grip on her arm. "Elsa, I'm not about to attack your
brother." I let go of her arm with an apologetic look. Anna turned towards Jack. "I'm warning you though. I've heard
enough about you to know you're not worth much. And I should really have kicked you harder for hitting me with that
briefcase. But you're Elsa's brother. Family's important." I thought back to last night and sighed.

"Fine. I'm sorry." Jack rubbed his ribs. "And your kick was hard enough." My brother licked his lips and put his hands in
his side, looking around the living room. "You really moved up in the world, sis. Although technically you moved down,
from the 20th floor to here." He grinned at me but his smile faltered when he didn't get any response from his 'crowd'.

The door opened again and Ed Masters came through, his hair windswept and his eyes slightly wild. He made a quick
sweep over the room with his eyes before he rested on Jack, sighing deeply whilst Jack moaned. I looked from the
lieutenant to my brother. "You two know each other?"

Ed nodded, shutting my brother up with a gesture of his hand. Wish I could do that. "Yeah I've worked with Jack in the

My brother crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows. "You worked with me? You're the one who locked me up on two

The lieutenant walked towards me, throwing an annoyed look at Jack. "Yeah I'm still hoping you might learn something
one of these days, Frost." He then stopped next to me, looking a bit worried. "Are you okay?"

I raised one of my eyebrows and moved to cross my arms before realising I'd be mirroring my brother. I masked the
movement by putting one arm around Anna's waist. "Anna's the one with a cut in her head and Jack has blood on his
face, shouldn't you be asking them?" From the corner of my eye I saw Jack reach up to his face like he suddenly
remembered I'd punched him.

Ed looked questioningly at Anna, who just shrugged and put her arm around my shoulders to pull me close. I immensely
enjoyed the feeling of our sides pressing together, a rather large tangle of emotions still caught in my chest.

I glanced at my brother, his unshaved and unclean face, his ragged clothes and his eyes that seemed slightly glazed
over. A realisation hit me and I closed my eyes for a second, tears threatening to push their way past my eyes. Well, that
explains it. "Tell me, bro, what were you doing before coming here?"

Jack looked at me, lowering his hand with which he had been rubbing his nose. "What do you mean? I tried visiting you
at work, you being the new CEO and all that, but that gay assistant of yours wouldn't let me in."

"Henry isn't gay," Anna said immediately.

Jack just looked at her and made a mocking bow. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to insult the queen of rug munchers."

Anna just replied very dryly. "I'm more of a princess, really."

I detached myself from Anna and raised my hands to silence everyone before staring my brother straight in the eye.
"What have you taken?"

I saw something flash through Jack's eyes but then he made an innocent face that was very hard to believe. "What are
you talking about, Elsa? Sis?"

I felt my stomach tighten and I closed my eyes. I had always had a very large weak spot for my seven year older brother,
looking up to him even when he'd gone to prison when I was just ten years old. It wasn't until eight years later when I had
found out why he'd exactly served time that I started to resist him. Despite my attempts to put my foot down with him he
always managed to manipulate me into giving him money or a place to sleep though. Usually because I was lonely and I
just wanted my big brother around, now that our mother had also disappeared from the picture.

Anna touched my shoulder, waking me up from my walk down memory lane. "Elsa, are you okay?" She looked from me
to my brother. "What are you talking about?"

Ed Masters crossed his arms and looked at my brother with a very tired look. "Are you back on the stuff again, Jack? How
long have you held out this time? A month? A few days?"

I opened my mouth to say something smart, something witty, but all the emotions I'd felt over the past twenty minutes
threatened to overwhelm me. I wanted to tell him to get out, to get his act together, to disappear... but I just couldn't. I'm
not strong enough. "Just go take a shower, Jack. I'll put some clean clothes in front of the door."

My brother's face broke into a grin, but even though I remembered how that expression used to make me feel happy and
safe I now just felt empty. Ed and Anna looked at me, both clearly unsure what to do. I had surprised both of them and
they didn't want to overrule me on a family matter in my own house but I had the strong feeling they both didn't agree with
my decision.

It was Mulan who stepped past me and headed over to my brother, causing me to inhale sharply in alarm. Jack looked
quite terrified as he tried to get away from her but in a display of cat-like agility she cut him off and grabbed the collar of
his sweater, all while keeping a neutral expression. "I will not have a junkie in my house." She strode to the door and
tossed him out on the curb, the several officers gathered outside looking rather surprised as Jack ended up spread-
eagled on the lawn. "You're welcome to come back when you're sober," she yelled at him before slamming the door

Mulan turned towards me and sighed, her hands on her hips. "I'm sorry, Elsa. I almost didn't do it because he's your
brother and all that... but I've seen his kind." She looked at me with a tentatively apologetic glint in her eyes. "You can't
enable him by letting him stay."

Ed rubbed the slight stubble on his jaw. "She's right, Elsa. In the end it's your choice. He's your brother so I promise not
to frisk him to see if he's carrying, but..." He glanced at the front door. "I'll go get rid of those uniforms. After that we need
to talk."

Anna came back ten minutes later wearing some more clothes with her hair up in a ponytail. She cuddled up to me on
the couch and although her presence made me feel safe, the fact she hadn't showered caused the smell of our activities
last night to still linger on her. It made me feel quite uncomfortable. Last night had definitely cured my shyness around
the redhead but thinking back to it made me feel guilty, with everything that was going on right now.

Ed Masters sat on the couch across from us with his notepad on his knee. He was flicking through some pages and had
a phone pressed to his ear. "Okay. Thank you. Yes, thanks." He hung up and looked at us. "Well, you'll be glad to hear
Jeanie is safe. I sent an officer to her house, who found her rather hung-over slung on the couch. Apparently she was
rather distraught about missing work today."

I sighed deeply and rubbed my eyes. Thank god she's okay. "I promise I won't fire her," I said with a faint smile. I looked
up at Ed while Anna stretched herself out on the couch, her head on my lap and her eyes closed. Mulan had insisted she
make us all some calming tea and the noises from the kitchen almost drowned out the birds singing outside. Another
lovely day, I thought. Well, at least outside.

A loud voice drifted in through the front door, followed by the sounds of a small struggle. Ed looked at me sadly. "Sounds
like your brother still refuses to leave." Ed had gone outside to tell the officers to leave whilst my protective detail stayed.
He had forced a change of shift though, meaning there were now a man and woman I didn't know sitting outside in the
cop car. My brother was still hanging around, so they were mostly busy sending him off whenever he came walking back
up the street.

Without opening her eyes Anna reached up and took one of my hands, hugging it to her chest. I used my other hand to
play with her hair a bit to try and distract myself, flicking her ponytail around. "Well if he's using again I guess that makes
sense. He's not used to people telling him no."

"I've been telling him no ever since I met him. I put him behind bars and everything."

"Correction, he's not used to ME telling him no. With other people he just doesn't seem to care." Anna played with my
hand on her chest, drawing figures on my palm with her fingertips. I stared at the cold fireplace, the ashes from last
night's fire still in the hearth.

We all went silent for a minute. Mulan came walking in and set a cup of tea down for all of us before sitting down next to
Ed. She wrapped her hands around her cup and looked at us, probably wondering why no-one was talking. I slowly
licked my lips and looked at Ed, who had apparently been studying me and looked a bit caught when I met his gaze. "So
what do we do now?"

Ed rubbed the back of his neck, leaving a small blotch of ink from his pen on his skin. "I have half a mind to put you in full
protective custody, up in a safe house or something. But that might just draw more attention to the whole matter." He
frowned, glancing through his notes again. "I mean if your brother knows where you live and that you're the CEO and all
that..." He carefully looked at me. "You don't think he fell in with... the wrong crowd again, do you?"

I shook my head. "No. Well maybe, seeing he's back on drugs, but I don't think he'd just sell me out to Killigan or
something. At least not knowingly." I hadn't even thought about my brother doing something like that, but the way Ed had
brought it up made me feel a bit nervous. He wouldn't do that, would he?

"Well I have a team trying to link Killigan to this McDougall name he's apparently using as an alias. We'll also talk to the
Almsteds and Andrews, seeing how they seem to know him." He sighed and put his pen and notepad down on the
coffee table before carefully taking the cup of tea. "We'll be talking to a lot of people in the company, we can't keep this
quiet. Don't be too surprised when every single one of your employees knows about this by tomorrow."

I licked my lips nervously. "You might want to talk to Idunn first. Agdar might not be in a very co-operative mood." I glanced
down at Anna, who squeezed my hand, her eyes still closed. "Apparently I damned his daughter for all eternity."

A loud noise coming from the front yard made us all look up, but then things settled down again. I had a vision of my
brother struggling with the police officers and I gritted my teeth. I was heavily torn between wanting him to disappear and
wanting to have him around. It was mostly a struggle between my brain and my heart, my brain telling me he was a bad
influence and that I couldn't provide him with the help he needed, my heart screaming at me that he was my big brother
and I needed to take care of him and not let him get arrested.

Anna opened her eyes and looked up at me. She took one hand away from her chest and used it to stroke some hair
back behind my ear. "Eyebrow," she said affectionately.

In a sudden rush of agitation I swatted Anna's hand away. "Stop obsessing about my bloody eyebrows." I regretted it as
soon as I had said it and I sighed, but Anna just ignored the comment and clutched my hand back to her chest, now
softly massaging the palm. God I love her.

"The best thing would be if you could just disappear for a while without raising too much suspicion, if you know what I
mean." Ed sipped his tea. "Do you have something like a business trip you could undertake?"

The two tickets in my desk upstairs shot through my mind. I frowned and gestured at my phone lying on the coffee table.
"Anna, hand me my phone please." Anna obliged and I wrote a rather lengthy message to Henry. When I finished it I
looked down at Anna and put my hand on her forehead, stroking some stray hairs back when I petted her head. The girl
contentedly sighed and wiggled her head in my lap, pretending to purr like a cat.

"Get a room," Mulan said jokingly. She had been rather quiet ever since she had thrown my brother out and I felt like it
might be because she felt a bit bad about it.

I raised my eyebrows at her, playing arrogant. "I got a house, it's you that's living in my room." Mulan laughed but I just
sighed. Sure, I could joke, but I was feeling far from happy. I didn't want to pull everyone down with my mood however, so
I played into Anna's purring by scratching her stomach with my nails. She yelped and grabbed my hand again, throwing
me a dark look.

My phone vibrated and I quickly read the text. Soon a smile spread across my lips and I looked at Ed. "Henry tells me I
have the perfect trip to undertake. Or at least one that he can arrange for me." I looked down on Anna. "We just have the
problem of your work."

Anna frowned. "I'm usually the one who has to convince you to bring me along to work things. I mean I don't mind, not at
all, I'm just a bit surprised."

I smiled and flicked her nose with my finger. "Well that's because I planned this trip a while back and I'm just adding the
business trip flavour to cover it up."

That caught Anna's attention and she sat up onto her knees, turning towards me. "Hold on, what are you talking about?"

"Well you said you always wanted to see Norway, right?"

Anna's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. "No way."

"Nor, way." I kind of grimaced at my own terrible pun.

Anna squealed and surged forward, crashing into me while her arms wrapped around my neck. I had to catch her,
suddenly having her full weight on my neck caught me a bit by surprise so I had to quickly put my arms around her torso
while her legs stuck out to the side. "Munchy! I can't believe it!" Anna pulled her head away from my shoulder and she
looked at me, shocked. "No really, I can't believe it. Really?" She pulled her legs underneath her and put one knee on
either side of me, my head held firmly in between her hands. She looked very serious. "Tell me you're not joking."

I put my hands on her sides, smiling. "I'm not joking. I have two tickets to Norway, already paid for."

The redhead squealed again and hugged me tightly, before pulling back and suddenly pressing her lips hard on mine. I
kissed her back for a second but then Ed loudly cleared his throat and I pushed Anna to the side, my blush challenging
Ed's while Anna fell off the couch with a yelp. Mulan seemed highly focused on her tea, downing the steaming liquid in
one go. "Anyone need a refill? I'm going to get a refill." She shot up without waiting for an answer and disappeared into
the kitchen.
*Chapter 19*: Chapter 19: The names
/Chapters from now on might contain a little more dark themes. Blood, death, that type of stuff. I don't know a lot
about what exactly can be triggers to people so if I need to tag something let me know ok?
/Sorry for the wait, people. As an apology, here's the longest chapter so far :) Hope you guys enjoy! Don't be afraid to
leave a review, it was really hard for me to pump out this chapter so I'd appreciate any feedback.

Chapter 19
The names

I was running late. Very late. I desperately checked my watch but couldn't even make sense of what it said. I felt some
sweat trickle down my face as I broke into a run, trying to ignore the staring faces all around me. They seemed to chase
me, I saw them looking at me in the rushed glances I managed to throw at my blurred surroundings.

A loud voice resounded in my ears, telling me that boarding had commenced for my flight. Our flight. Shit, shit, I'm late,
I'm not going to make it. I still had to make it through the entire airport, check in my baggage, go through security... I was
never going to make it. A slight ringing filled my ears. Just try. You might make it.

Before I realised it I was running past a large window on my way to the gate, a backpack slung over my shoulder and my
boarding pass and passport clutched in my hand. It was dark outside, dark blue and black tendrils groping the sky like
grotesque fingers leaving prints on an unwilling thigh. I'm too late, aren't I. The plane has left without me.

The departure hall seemed unnaturally long, but that was probably just the rush I was in. I bit my lip, not the smartest
thing to do whilst running, but I didn't even feel it. "Get out of the way," I half asked, half yelled at several people. I thought I
recognised a few people but shook the feeling away. Just focus on making the flight, Elsa. Come on, you can still make

I looked around me whilst running, trying to find a clock or message board, my heart beating high up in my throat. Wait, is
that... no, it can't b e. My throat closed on itself and I felt myself stumble when I saw Hans standing in the crowd. My
brother was standing next to him, pointing at me. I stopped running, I even stopped moving. I just stood there, frozen.

Where is Anna? The sound came through the speakers again, telling me the gate was closing. I have to make it on to
that plane. I couldn't tear my eyes away from Hans's face however, how perfect it looked. In his case it just added to the
general feeling of unrest he gave me. Added onto the knowledge that he was trying to hurt me and Anna. He stood
perfectly still, his and my brother's faces rocks in the ocean of heads moving around them.

My eyes shot to my brother, his brown hair still a mess around his face. He looked sad but his eyes were intense. He's
high. He's high off his rocker.

Suddenly Hans was right in front of me. I tried to scream but something was blocking my throat, no sound managed to
push its way past the foreign object lodged in my windpipe. "Hello, Elsa." Why aren't you running, why are you just
standing there? Move, Elsa. Move!

I ran, however fear had grappled my legs and was pulling me down to the floor, the backpack feeling like it weighed in at
three tons rather than just a few pounds. I felt myself falling and my hands hit something sticky and warm on the floor.
Something had soaked through the carpet, turning it from blue into a dark red, almost black. Blood.

I sat on my knees, staring at my palms, my hands seeming to deform and resemble claws rather than human hands.
That's a lot of b lood. What's... "It's your fault, Elsa." I heard Hans' voice in my ears, but I didn't see him. I couldn't tear my
eyes away from my palms. "You did this. You can't do anything right."

I clasped my hands over my ears. "Stop it, you're lying. It's not my fault, you're doing this. Just leave me alone." The words
left my mouth as sobs, my ribs squeezing on my lungs until I couldn't breathe.

Hans put his hand on my right shoulder, shaking it gently. "Who accepted the job? Who got her involved? Who forced my

Is he talking ab out Anna? An icy lance thrust itself into my heart. Is this Anna's b lood?! "Help me!" I yelled. There must be
security at an airport, right? I raised up my head but I couldn't see any other passengers nor personnel anywhere. My
gaze got drawn to something else however, an object lying on the floor a few feet in front of me.

"No, god, no, please..." I crawled toward the person lying on the floor on my hands and knees, the blood on the floor
soaking through my jeans and forming small pools around my palms where I pressed the viscous liquid up from the
carpet. I took Anna's limp body into my arms as her head lolled, blank and empty eyes staring up at the ceiling past me.
"You did this!" Hans's voice filled my ears, my head, my entire being and I didn't even realise I started screaming when
Hans forcefully shook my right shoulder.

"Elsa, wake up!" My eyes flew open and I heard a loud noise abruptly stopping. I shot up and was held down by
something on my lap, pressing down on my hips. I stared at the chair in front of me, a warm hand pressing on my right
shoulder whilst I was trying to get my bearings.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" The voice came from my left and my head shot to that side, staring at the flight attendant with
wide-open eyes. The woman frowned worriedly, eyes now moving to look behind me.

"She's fine. Just a bad dream." Oh right, I'm on a plane. With Anna. On our way to Norway. I closed my eyes and sighed
deeply, slowly blowing out my breath towards the seat in front of me before turning back to the flight attendant.

"Yes, just a bad dream." I managed a smile. "I'm sorry about that, I hope I didn't bother anyone."

The woman smiled warmly at me. "Don't worry about it. Can I get you some water perhaps?"

"That'd be great," I nodded. I took another deep breath and Anna took my hand into her lap, stroking the back of it with her
thumb. I looked to my left though, the elderly woman on the other side of the aisle eyeing me curiously. "Sorry," I said
softly. I noticed several other faces turned towards me and I tried to look apologetic. I figured that loud voice had been me
and the scream in my dream had been quite real.

"That's alright, dear. I'm not a great flyer either." The woman, seemingly well over eighty, smiled heartily. I wish my
grandparents were still alive. Hell I wish my dad was still alive and my mom wasn't in a mental health facility. "Are you and
your lady friend on holiday?"

I blinked, still trying to get the vision from my nightmare out of my head. I squeezed Anna's hand a little and it felt warm
and real. Just a dream. "Yes. Well I'm also looking into expanding my company's business abroad into Europe, starting
with Norway seeing how we have ties there." Almstedt ties. Mayb e not the strongest ones, with Agdar and all that. Falling
back into my professional role grounded me a bit, almost as much as Anna's hand which was clutching mine firmly.

The plane shuddered a bit and I saw the elder woman flinch. I smiled reassuringly. "Just some turbulence, I'm sure.
Nothing to worry about."

"Tell me more about your company if you please, dear. You look rather young to have a company of your own, especially
one big enough to look across the border."

I spent a few minutes chatting with the woman. The flight attendant returned with a bottle of water and I took a large swig,
trying to get the bad taste that stuck to my tongue out of my mouth. I looked over at Anna, who smiled at me and ran her
fingers over my hand. "Want to talk about it? The dream? Or are you good?"

"I'm good." No point telling Anna I'm having nightmares where she usually ends up dead. I curled my lips up in a smile
and glanced out the window next to Anna. "Looks like we're descending," I said with a nod.

Anna looked back out the window, letting go of my hand to press her palms against the wall of the plane. "It's all so
green! Oh look, there's a city! Do you think that's Oslo?"

I checked my watch. "We still have another hour before we're supposed to land, so I don't think so. Maybe it's not even
Norway." I glanced at the small screen ahead of us, but it just showed commercials instead of our current position.

I yelped softly in surprise when Anna suddenly latched onto my arm, her head pressed against my shoulder. She
chuckled but then intertwined our fingers, looking down on our hands. "You think I don't notice, do you?" Her voice was
soft and caring, causing my heart to squeeze on itself lightly.

I was quiet for a moment before sighing deeply. "The dreams?"

"You've been sleeping restlessly for over a week now, if you even sleep at all. Ever since your brother came into the
house." Thinking back to that day lit up a flare of anger and sadness in my chest and I flexed my free hand. Anna noticed.
"Still angry, huh?"

"He saw you naked. He hit you with a briefcase. Of course I'm still angry."

"Well I was wearing boxers. So not completely naked. And we did repay him with a kick in the ribs and a bloody nose."
Anna licked her lips, visibly suppressing a grin at the memory.
"He deserved worse." But I still feel b ad for kicking him out on the lawn like that. I squeezed my eyes shut. "Let's talk
about something else, I don't want to be thinking about this right now."

"Okay. Are the nightmares also forbidden territory?"

"Yeah. Let's talk about it later, okay?" I felt Anna nod, her head still pressed into my shoulder. She sighed deeply and
snuggled up closer to me. The flight attendant returned to make sure I was feeling okay and I nodded politely. Just leave
me alone. I'll b e fine.

"I think Mulan has the hots for Ed." Anna mumbled. I frowned, then laughed shortly.

"Wait, what? Where's that coming from?"

"Just trying to change the subject. Unless that's also not okay."

I tasted a hint of bitterness in Anna's voice. She's just worried and you keep telling her not to talk ab out it. Of course she's
a b it annoyed. I sighed and rubbed my temple. "The nightmares. I keep dreaming about Hans, or Killigan. I'm usually
trying to get away from them."

Anna ran her fingers over my forearm. "I figured as much." I could tell she wanted to say more so I gave her a moment.
She opened and closed her mouth a few times. "Is that also why you've been keeping up so late?" Anna and I rarely went
to bed at the same time anymore and thanks to my nightmares and the tension that my brother's visit had brought all we
had done in bed since that day was sleeping. Or lying awake, in my case. It usually ended up with me getting up early to
do some work and by the time I thought to check back in on Anna she was gone, either at work or down in the living room

I glanced around. The elderly woman across the aisle had fallen asleep and was drooling lightly. So much for flight
anxiety, I thought. I chewed the inside of my cheek whilst Anna kept drawing intricate patterns on my forearm with her
fingers. "It's just..."

A voice came over the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. We're about to start our descent
towards Oslo. Thanks to favourable winds we're scheduled to arrive a bit ahead of time." The signs above our heads
flickered on, telling us to fasten our seatbelts. "After we land please remain seated until the seat belt sign is turned off
and the plane has come to a complete stop at the gate. If you have any other questions we ask you to raise your hands
and one of our flight attendants might just come your way. Jessica used to be a kindergarten teacher so she responds to
visual cues. We'd like to thank you for flying with us and we wish you a very happy stay in Norway."

"So it WAS Oslo!" Anna looked back out the window at the city stretched out ahead of us. I smiled at the redhead's
enthusiasm and pulled my seatbelt a little tighter before leaning my head back and closing my eyes. I hate planes.

Anna didn't bring the subject up again and I was happy to let it rest. Customs, baggage claim and the passport checks
went by in a blur and soon we were walking out into the arrival hall, Anna bounding along next to me with a large duffel
bag slung over her shoulder. Meanwhile I hauled around a large suitcase with one hand and tried balancing a smaller
case which kept spinning on itself with my other, in addition to the rucksack strapped onto my back. Why on earth did I
think I'd need all this stuff? Oblivious Anna kept pointing at signs and translating them for me, even though the English
words were usually right underneath them.

"Hold on Anna, just let me get a coffee or something." My eyes started scouring the hall for a Starbucks or something
similar, large crowds of people blocking my view. I glanced at Anna but the girl was focused on her phone, probably re-
reading the e-mail her sister had sent earlier that week. Anna had been looking forward to seeing Ylva and her kids ever
since she'd received the e-mail, saying they'd come over for dinner. I just bit my lip, hoping Anna would pay a little more
attention to our surroundings. The sheer number of people and the accompanying noise made me uncomfortable. If
anyone wants to hurt us now would b e the perfect opportunity.

"Hey, there's a dude with your name." Anna had to tug on my wrist to get my attention, pointing at a small man with 'Miss
Summers' on a piece of paper in front of him. He was squeezed in between a bunch of other people who were also
staring at the travellers flowing out into the arrival hall. Guess she was more heedful of our surroundings than I thought.

Someone bumped into me and I jumped, but it was just another traveller pushing his way towards a young girl. They
hugged happily before walking off, their arms wrapped around each other. Anna pulled on my wrist again. "Munchy, you

I nodded quickly, waving the question away. "Yeah yeah, just tired. Let's go see who that guy is." I moved over to the man,
smiling, but Anna quickly shot in front of me, extending her hand.


The man looked a bit taken aback, looking from me back to Anna. "Hello. I'm here to pick up Miss Summers and escort
her to her hotel." He had a thick accent and seemed to be tripping over most of his words. He glanced at me. "Which one
of you is Miss Summers?"

I raised my hand and shoved Anna aside to offer the man my hand. "That'd be me." He took my hand and gestured
towards my luggage, but I just smiled and shook my head. "That's fine, I can carry my own baggage. It's very crowded in
here and I'm tired from the flight, so I'd appreciate it if we could get going. Will I be able to get some coffee at the hotel?"

The man nodded his head. "Of course, Miss Summers. Right this way." The changed names were something Ed had
set up. The tickets had remained in my own name but from that point onwards he had personally made sure I would use
different last names for every reservation we made. He had also given Anna a fake name for us to use amongst others,
but hers wasn't on any documentation. Just some extra security.

Anna walked with me as we followed the man through the crowded entrance hall, my eyes still flicking nervously over all
the people around us. My nightmare came back to me when we passed a large window in the side of the hall that looked
out over the parking lot and I involuntarily flinched when another hurried commuter bumped into me.

"I didn't catch your name," Anna told the man when we stepped through sliding doors out into the cold that was Norway. I
was glad for my long woollen coat but I hadn't bothered with a scarf, something I regretted. Spring in Norway was a lot
colder than winter was back home. The wind shot right through my jeans, and the t-shirt and sweater I was wearing
underneath the woollen coat were barely managing to keep the cold off of my skin. I glanced over when Anna pulled the
collar of her own coat up to cover her neck. The girl was wearing more clothes than I was, having put on a long-sleeved
shirt over a regular t-shirt. Her AMU-sweater poked out from underneath her black coat, the blue of the hood clashing
with her red hair. I could see her shivering though, the cold cutting through her jeans as easily as it did through mine.

"Nils Fett," the man replied as we stopped on the side of the road in front of the airport. There were mostly taxi's driving
on and off, but to my left I also saw a few tour busses. I'm glad I hadn't gone with that option, the amount of people they
were currently trying to cram inside one of the vaguely white-looking automobiles made me have flashbacks to a certain
high school locker I'd seen the inside of just a little too often.

I glanced to my other side, where Anna was currently trying to fit her entire fist into her mouth, tears streaming out of her
eyes. "An... Sara, are you alright?" I had both my hands busy with my luggage, so I had to settle for shooting the redhead
worried looks. She was staring at the back of our escort's head, grooves on her forehead the size of small fingers.
"What's wrong with..." I moaned. "Jesus Anna, it's just a last name. You probably spell it with an E and an extra T or
something," I hissed at her after making sure we were out of the man's earshot.

Nils only took a few more steps after we crossed the small road and stopped next to a large limousine, opening the door
with a flourish and a small bow. I felt my cheeks redden but Anna just stepped past me with her duffel bag slung over her
shoulder. "Where should I put my bag?"

"Pardon, I'll open the trunk immediately." Nils hurried over to the front of the car, which took a lot more time than it should.
Why did they have to b ring a limousine. I told Ed I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

Anna nudged me in the shoulder. "Now this is a way to travel. If you keep spoiling me like this I'll be offended if we fly
economy again on the way back."

"I didn't..." The trunk audibly unlocked and Anna moved over to dump her duffel bag. She quickly returned to help me with
my luggage.

"What was that?" She lifted my large suitcase with a small grunt and pushed it next to her duffel bag, almost crushing it.
Nils came over, looking like he was going to help, but Anna shot him a look and he shuffled back to the back door,
keeping it open. It'll b e freezing in there b y the time we get in.

I bit my lip. "Nothing," I sighed as I tried shaking my backpack off. Anna reached over to assist me and I felt myself get
slightly frustrated. "I can handle myself. Sara." I cursed myself softly. "I'm sorry, that came out harsher than I meant." Anna
just leaned against the back of the car, her arms crossed and her eyebrows slightly raised. She managed to look rather
bored and impatient at the same time. I was surprised she wasn't tapping her foot.

I tried wiggling my shoulder out of one of the bands, but when it finally came off my shoulder I just managed to trap my
own arm against my body. I turned around and tried leaning the weight of the backpack onto the car in an attempt to get
the weight off of the straps, but it didn't help. I shook my upper body but when that didn't help either I was forced to resign.
I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. "Sara. Could you please lend me a hand?"

"Of course, Munchy!" She hopped off of the car and stood in front of me. She threw me a mocking look and undid the
clasp in front of my stomach. The bag immediately slid off my back onto the ground. I covered my face with my hands
while Anna tossed the rucksack onto her duffel bag.

"I want to go home," I moaned into my hands. It was meant as a joke but as I said it I suddenly felt tears well up in my
eyes. I frowned, surprised, and removed my hands to look at them.

Anna put her finger underneath my chin and lifted my head. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I... I thi-hink so..." Large sobs heaved through my body and I saw Anna's eyes go wide, her entire face contorted into
confusion like she was trying to figure out a sudoku which had suddenly started talking back to her. "I'm s-sorry Sara... I
don, don't know wh-hy..."

Anna pulled me against her, our coats preventing most body contact but her arms still providing a calming amount of
comfort. "You're just exhausted. Let's get to the hotel and relax for a bit, okay?" I nodded into Anna's shoulder and she let
go of me to close the trunk before leading me to the limousine door.

Nils was still holding the door, looking utterly uncomfortable. "Can I get you anything, ma'am? Some water? An

Anna grimaced at him. "Painkillers?"

Nils fidgeted with his coat as I leaned over and climbed into the seat, my sudden outburst diminishing almost as quickly
as it had set on. Just exhaustion. "Well maybe she had a headache or something..."

Anna managed to smile sweetly. "That's very kind of you. But we'll manage. Thank you."

I didn't join in the conversation, too stunned by the interior of the limousine to talk. Now I've ridden in limousines b efore,
b ut... I pulled Anna down next to me, not taking my eyes off the inside of the car. I spread out an arm in a gesture that
managed to relay little more than 'I'm confused'.

"Shit Munchy, you almost made me hit my head on the..." Anna joined me in staring at the extravagant inside of the car.
"Is that... a hide?" Nils closed the door with a rather large thud and I saw his shadow move across the tinted windows
back to the front. Anna didn't pay him any mind as she slowly slid off the couch onto her knees. "This is a hide. An actual
hide. From like, an animal." She ran her hands over the reddish-brown animal skin on the floor, leaving patterns in the
otherwise pristinely brushed hairs.

My eyes moved from the hide to the white couch against the side of the car, opposite a bar that looked like it cost more
than my entire house. All surfaces seemed to be either chromed or covered with a thin layer of gold and polished to a
sheen that made you scared to touch anything. There was a divider between the driver and the back, which was currently
down. I cleared my throat. "Uhm, Nils? I'm sorry, but what's up with all this?"

"Why Miss Summers, we were told you were coming over so we just wanted to make sure you had everything you
needed. We prepared the very best lodge for you up at the hotel as well. And don't worry, your assistant already double
checked with us to make sure we stocked your fridge with Limoncello."

I gritted my teeth. "And which assistant would that have been?"

"Mr. Adams. We've also been contacted by your other PA, Mr. Jones, who tried convincing us you were someone else." I
saw him grin lightly in the rear-view mirror. "Clever, but you should really inform all of your PA's when you try to pull a ruse
like that." What on EARTH is he talking ab out. Plus, how many PA's does he think I have?

Anna had taken off her coat and was rubbing the length of her body across the soft carpet that covered the rest of the
floor like a cat, making it hard for me to focus on the driver. "What else did they tell you about me?"

"I'm not sure I understand the question, Miss Summers." The heating inside the limousine worked rather quickly and I
took my coat off as well.

"I had meant for this to be a rather... unnoticed visit, you see." Shit, what the hell did Ed do? He changed my name b ut
still b lab b ed to everyone that I was a b ig time CEO? Like that won't draw any attention.

Nils' eyes looked at me from the rear-view mirror. He seemed slightly amused. "Well you are the acclaimed Valerie
Summers, are you not? How can you expect to stay at any hotel unnoticed?"

I glanced at Anna, who had stopped her antics on the floor to stare at me, now clutching two crystal wine glasses she'd
found in one of the small cupboards. She wasn't moving, just staring at me. 'What?' she mouthed at me, a startled grin
playing around her mouth.

I tried to think quickly but the name didn't ring any bells. "And what have you heard about me exactly?"

Nils pulled out of the parking space and slowly started making his way across the parking lot, slaloming precariously
close around some parked cars. There's something to b e said for his driving skills, this car is huge. "Is that a trick

Anna suddenly grabbed a magazine from a stack that was neatly put inside a holder on the side of the cupboards,
staring at the front page. She then held it out to me and I took it, quickly scanning the front as well. It was a holiday
magazine, apparently about upscale hotels and was owned and run by... I pressed a hand against my forehead. They
think I own a large magazine that rates high-end hotels. Well. I really need to have a talk with Ed ab out what 'unnoticed'

"Never mind, Mr. Fett." Anna's fist flew back to her mouth when I used the man's last name and I rolled my eyes at her.
She in turn rolled onto her back, hugging her stomach and kicking the air with her feet. Nils nodded at me one last time
before he rolled up the divider between us, drowning out most sound from the traffic we were now merging into. Good,
noise-cancelling. "Anna honestly, you look ridiculous."

Anna got up on her hands and knees, still giggling as she stuck one drawstring of her hood into her mouth and started
chewing it. "Well excuse me, Miss Summers. Wait, can I call you Val?" She giggled. "And who am I supposed to be?
Sara the..."

I smiled tiredly. "You can be my sexy PA if you want. But only if you stop sucking on your clothing."

Anna threw me a provocative look. "Got any alternatives?"

I pointed a finger at her. "Don't even think about it."

How was I supposed to know Anna would take her new job so seriously? True, it could've been the three glasses of
champagne she'd had in the long car ride over here, but she was barking orders at the busboys like she did it on a daily

I felt extremely underdressed in my jeans when I stepped out of the limousine, my woollen coat buttoned up to the top to
try and hide my simple sweater underneath. The first thing that hit me was the smell. There is no smell. It took me a few
seconds to register that the air here was just so clean and fresh it almost felt like there was no smell, but then the aroma
of fresh pine mixed with some essential oils hit me square across the face. Sauna. There must b e a sauna here. God I
could really use a sauna right now.

Anna had exited the car on the other side to 'keep an eye on our luggage'. The boy she was currently glaring at couldn't
be over sixteen and he was rather red in the face, but before I could tell Anna off I saw him throw a rather unabashed look
at Anna's chest and buttocks, even through all the clothes she was wearing.

I moved over and pricked the boy in the chest with my forefinger. "You keep your eyes to yourself if you want to keep them,
young man." The boy flushed and nodded his head before he quickly moved over to help his colleague load up our bags
onto a trolley. The cold wind cut through my jeans like knives and I took my first good look around.

On the ride over here I had already noticed we were going up into the mountains, leaving the city far behind us. We'd
been driving for almost three hours and I had quickly become less overwhelmed by the luxurious inside of the car,
especially when Anna discovered a large stash of Ferrero Rocher after promptly downing the champagne she found
before that. We spent some time pelting the crushed up golden wrappers at each other and Anna had ended up falling
asleep with her head in my lap while I read through some of the magazines I had to pretend to own. I had also hastily
looked up some information on the hotel we were going to be staying at on the brand new tablet Henry had acquired for
me and I had been impressed. I'm still mad at you, Ed, b ut this is a nice place you b ooked.

We were now standing in front of a very imposing but beautiful wooden structure, erected entirely out of logs and large
natural stones with thick layers of mortar in between them to make them fit. The building was pushed up against a sheer
cliff which continued up into a snow-topped mountain. I turned around and was hardly able to suppress a gasp. We were
surrounded by a pine forest, with a beautiful view on two sides where the hill descended rather steeply downwards.
Dusk was setting in and lights were starting to pop up everywhere in small agglomerations, turning the whole valley
underneath us into a misshapen Christmas tree. Off to one side I saw a rather large body of water but my interest was
mostly piqued by rather large wafts of steam that rose up behind the pine trees on the fourth and last side to my left. Hot
springs? Here? I don't rememb er reading ab out that.

"Excuse him, please, Miss Summers." I didn't respond immediately so Anna cut in.

"That's quite alright, Mr..."

I turned around and blatantly stared at the large scruffy man standing in front of me. Holy sh... He had managed to force
his large arms and chest into a blazer, but he clearly wasn't used to wearing them. This must b e... His face didn't look
like it was used to being shaven this close to the skin, there were several small cuts on his jaw and neck and he had
used an offensive amount of gel to smooth his curly brown hair back. One of the largest men... His eyes were bright blue
and looked really friendly, so it wasn't hard to mirror his beaming smile back to him. ...I've ever seen in my entire life. He
grabbed Anna's hand and shook it carefully, like he was afraid of offending anyone if he shook it harder. Anna just
responded to the belittlement by squeezing his hand so tightly he jumped slightly and threw her a confused look. "I'm
uh... Mr. Torvik. Tjodolf Torvik. But you may just call me Dolf, it's easier."

He managed to wrestle his hand away from Anna and I extended my own, but instead of grabbing it he took it gently in
between his fingers and kissed the back of it. He had to lean over quite a bit and I saw Anna huff up so I shot her a
warning look. By the time Dolf had brought his imposing body back up I had conjured up a bright smile. "Thank you for
welcoming me personally, Mr. Torvik."

The man raised his enormous hands and laughed. "Please, call me Dolf, Miss Summers." He saw me shudder lightly
and he quickly stepped aside, gesturing at the wide wooden staircase leading up to the building in front of us. "How
about a cup of coffee or hot chocolate before we show you to your cabin?"

"We get a cabin?" Anna blurted out.

I turned to Anna, Dolf looking rather surprised. "Sara, if you insist on not knowing where we are going on our trips, please
refrain from asking stupid questions."

Anna shrugged. "Well Tom and Jerry get to plan everything, don't I get to act like a happy tourist when they end up
sending us somewhere that's actually nice?"

I sighed and tried to look lightly arrogant. "We're not even inside yet, Sara. And don't call them that."

Anna turned to me and crossed her arms, imitating my look eerily well. "Well, first impressions count." She looked at
Dolf. "And your establishment makes a good one, Hagrid. Ignore my boss, she always gets cranky after long car rides."

Dolf's eyes were wide as he looked from me, still standing at the car, to Anna, who was striding up the wooden
staircase. I had to clench my jaw shut to prevent myself from laughing at Anna's rather astute reference. Dolf wrung his
hands together. "Well, I'm glad your assistant thinks we make a good first impression." He laughed but it came out like a
very nervous giggle, much unlike his imposing form. "She must have misheard my name though. " He licked his lips.
"But you're still the boss, right?" His eyes flicked from side to side. Poor man, he's more anxious than I was when I found
out Anna was an Almstedt. I frowned. Okay, mayb e a little less.

I eyed the boys who took off with the trolley that contained our bags, then smiled at Dolf. "Please, a hot coffee sounds
very pleasant right now. But after that, remember that I'm here to experience what it's like to be a guest here. So just treat
me as one."

Dolf spread his hands gingerly. "This is how we treat all our guests!"

I slowly eyed him, from his overly polished shoes to his pants, which were slightly too short and showed bright red socks
underneath, his blazer which looked ready to rip at the seams, his blue tie that clashed horribly with his socks and one of
the cuts on his neck that had started bleeding again. I sighed. "Oh dear, I hope not."

It wasn't very late yet, but it was completely dark by the time Anna and I sat down at the luxurious bar, a classical piece I
didn't recognise playing softly over the speakers. The leather of the barstools creaked softly and Anna wiggled into hers
a little bit, grinning widely. Dolf pulled a third barstool next to ours and sat down behind us, forcing us to turn sideways to
be able to look at him. I didn't mind, leaning my left arm onto the bar whilst rubbing knees with Anna. I saw her look at me
but I focused my attention on Dolf.

"So, how long have you worked here? Did you open this place up yourself?"
Dolf gestured at the bartender and she came over quickly. I ran my fingers over the bar, solid wood with gold tints. It
matched the rest of the furniture, but that didn't surprise me. This place was way too high-end for mismatched barstools.
I glanced past Dolf, which was quite a feat as he leaned forward and conversed with the bartender in rapid Norwegian.
On our way in I had noticed the sign on the door saying the bar was closed, and that had surprised me slightly. Closing
off the entire bar, just for me? I mean this room clearly wasn't the restaurant, it looked more like a lounge with its red
sofas and armchairs surrounding round coffee tables everywhere - but it still seemed a bit over the top. All wooden
surfaces, including the hardwood floor, were shining like they were covered in a thin layer of ice and there was still a
small hint of wood polish noticeable over the otherwise nice homely smell of freshly ground coffee beans. It made me
hunger for coffee.

"Miss Summers will have a cappuccino, extra chocolate powder on top please. And a hot chocolate for me." I glanced
over at Anna as she placed the order, as her voice sounded a lot more brusque than usual.

"Of course. Do you wish some whipped cream with that?" The bartender spoke with an accent as well, but she clearly
spent more time with the foreigners as hers was a lot less thick.

I saw Anna throw a glance at me before continuing. "Maybe something a bit stronger than whipped cream?"

The bartender nodded courteously. "I will stir in some Baileys for you, ma'am." Anna smiled as the bartender set to work.
I followed the girl with my eyes for a moment. She had rolled up the sleeves of her white dress shirt and tucked it into a
black pencil skirt but one panel of the shirt had gotten loose and was hanging down the front of her hip. Her thin tie was
also a bit crooked, like she'd been doing some heavy lifting. She had shining black hair, pulled back into a loose bun,
and a very appealing face. Her straight nose and strong jaw could have made her look manly - but she looked everything
but manly as she reached up to grab the bottle of liqueur off of a shelf. I saw Anna glance at the girl's skirt-clad behind
and I felt a pang in my chest, even though I had been looking at the girl just the same. Not with any intentions, I wasn't. I
turned my attention back to Dolf, who was fiddling with his jacket. I looked at him questioningly but apparently my
annoyance with Anna was still clear on my face, because I saw the man recoil slightly.

"Oh I opened this place up with my wife, yes. We started out as a small inn but my wife has such a good eye for
business, we grew quite quickly." The man smiled nervously and spoke rather fast, forcing me to focus on
understanding him through his thick accent. It did distract me from Anna, who was drumming on the bar with her fingers.
"But this is all common knowledge, Miss Summers."

I managed a smile. My eyelids were burning lightly and I felt that coffee was heavily overdue but a glance at the bartender
told me she was preparing Anna's hot chocolate first. Of course she is. I frowned slightly. Stop it Elsa, she's not going to
jump your girlfriend. You're tired and grumpy. "I try not to know too much about the places I stay at, Mr. Torvik. Dolf. It
makes the experience more genuine."

"I guess you can't believe everything you read, can you Miss Summers?"

I squinted and turned my head sideways, smirking. "And what exactly did you read about me, Dolf?" I tried to focus on the
music rather than the still speeding up drum rolls Anna was making on the bar. A waft of the delicious smell of hot
chocolate filled my nose and I was almost tempted to change my order, but then I felt my burning eyelids again. Caffeine
first, Elsa.

The man flushed. "Oh eh, nothing. I mean, yes, of course I read something. Just that you always seem to be keen on
exploiting a resort's weak spots. Which is not a bad thing, it makes sense..."

I put a calming hand on Dolf's impressively large forearm. I saw him glance at it, rather shocked. Almost like he
expected an electric shock in case of any physical contact with me. "Don't worry too much, Dolf. This is as much a
vacation as anything else. I'm here to relax." And your fidgeting and nervous b ehaviour isn't helping.

The bartender set down Anna's hot chocolate and set to work on my cappuccino. Please hurry up, I'm falling off my stool
here. Dolf ran his tongue past his lips. "Well I hope you have a great time here, Miss Summers. Myself and the rest of the
staff are at your whim."

"That's very kind, Dolf. And I appreciate the lengths to which you've gone to make us feel welcome." From the corner of
my eye I saw Anna blow on her hot chocolate and take a large sip, sighing contentedly. She kept herself far from our
conversation and I didn't mind, but it did make her seem less and less like my PA - and less like Anna in general. She
wasn't usually this quiet.

"We have put some extra security measures in place on your request, Miss Summers. I promise you and your PA will be
safe here."
I clenched my jaw. Great. If next time you could b rief me, Ed, that'd b e great. "Excuse me?"

Dolf smiled and I finally felt like I saw his real, friendly face rather than the professional mask he carried around. "Don't
worry about a thing, we are very discreet around here."

"Like closing off an entire bar for my arrival?"

"Oh that wasn't just for your arrival, we waxed the floors yesterday. I just decided to leave the sign up an hour longer so
you could enjoy a drink before retreating to your cabin." Oh. I hadn't realised that had also been an option. Jumping to
conclusions, Elsa?

"I appreciate that, Dolf." I smiled as the bartender put my coffee down in front of me. It was quite a large mug and the girl
had created an intricate mosaic with the chocolate powder, causing me to throw her a smile. She seemed a bit taken
aback but then beamed back before grabbing a clipboard.

As the girl disappeared underneath the bar, pulling open cupboards, my gaze slid over to Anna and I could see she was
not amused. She turned away from me and Dolf and put both her elbows on the bar, taking slow sips of her chocolate. I
rolled my eyes shortly. I wasn't the one looking at her ass, Anna.

"Please enjoy your drinks." I looked at Dolf and sent him a friendly smile. The man nodded but I could see he was
uncomfortable. He now either thinks I'm sleeping with my PA or that I make my girlfriend pretend to b e one. I found
myself not really caring which it was. If it was either. My powers of deduction seemed not to be working that well today. "I'll
leave my son outside, when you're ready to go to your cabin he will take you there."

"Thank you for everything, Dolf. I'm looking forward to my stay here." The man made a short bow and took his leave. It
was quiet for a while, the only sounds being me and Anna enjoying our drinks. Shit this cappuccino is amazing.
Sometimes the rattle of glass or heavy thuds of bottles being placed on shelves made me glance up at the girl taking
inventory, but otherwise it was quiet. I closed my eyes and let the smell of chocolate and coffee fill my nostrils. The music
coming over the speakers might not be from a composer I knew but it was a very nice piece and I found myself tracing
my fingers over my large mug of coffee to the beautiful sound of the violin.

"If you want I can light up the fireplace for you, ma'am." My eyes flew open and I was greeted by the dark hazel eyes of the
bartender. She was rubbing a cloth over the already spotless beer taps and was smiling at me. Anna was staring down
into her mug.

"No thank you, after our drinks I think Sara and I will retreat to our cabin."

"Travelling is exhausting, isn't it?" The girl put away the cloth and pulled the lever of one of the taps forward, catching the
flat beer that came out in a small bucket.

"Yes, and I can't say I'm a huge fan of planes. I'm always a little bit too aware of the huge distance between me and the
ground, if you know what I mean." I took another sip and felt the foam on top of my cappuccino hit my nose. I put the mug
down on the bar, a bit embarrassed, but the girl was already holding out a napkin. I took it and nodded thankfully.

"I wouldn't know, I've never flown in my life," the girl continued. I looked at Anna, who downed the rest of her hot chocolate
in one go. She looked almost sad and I felt confused. What's going on? Am I missing something? I'm just making small

The bartender looked over at Anna. "Can I get you anything else, ma'am?" She seemed satisfied with the current
consistency of the beer coming out of the tap so she turned it off, putting the bucket down next to her.

"How about just a Baileys?"

"Sure thing," the girl said and she quickly pulled a glass from under the bar. "On the rocks?"

"Nah that's okay, just straight up please." I took advantage of the distraction to study Anna's face for a moment. There's
definitely something up, b ut what? The bartender poured out a healthy amount of Baileys and put the glass down on the
bar. I thought I saw her throw a quick glance between me and Anna, but then she picked up the bucket and left through a
door behind her.

I cocked my head and looked at Anna. "Hey, something wrong?"

Anna glanced at me sideways after taking quite a large gulp of her Baileys. She smacked her lips, savouring the taste
while staring down at her glass. "No. Yes. I don't know." She rubbed her hand over her forehead.
I put a hand on her forearm. "What's up, Anna?"

Anna pulled her arm away in a sudden display of annoyance and anger. "Nothing. I'll be fine." She spilled a little bit of her
drink in the abrupt movement and I could see that simple fact along caused her to frown even deeper. "And don't forget to
call me Sara. Wouldn't want anyone to find out."

"Oh come on... Sara, what is it? Is it your sister? Or that bartender? Sure, she's pretty, but that's..." Anna threw her head
back in an exasperated manner.

"The bartender? Seriously? No, Valerie, it's not the bloody bartender." She gulped down the rest of her Baileys, a rather
impressive feat. "And yeah, I'm nervous about tomorrow - but that's not it either." Her eyes rapidly went from fiery to
demoralised as she sighed. "I think I'll go ask where our cabin is. See you there." She slid off her barstool and I wasn't
sure what to say or do. I knew she was nervous ab out tomorrow's dinner plans with her sister, b ut... By the time my brain
caught up with me Anna was already disappearing through the door.

I turned back to the bar and stared down in my mug. What the hell just happened? The bartender came back through the
door. "Did your friend leave already?" She took Anna's empty glass and rinsed it. "Impressive display of speed drinking,"
she said with a grin. When she saw my face her smile quickly faltered. "I'm sorry, I need to work on my appropriateness. I
talk before I think."

I smiled. I know another one like that. "That's okay." I swirled the remainder of my coffee in the mug. "At least you don't
seem intimidated by my name."

The girl smiled again, shrugging. "I've had some very important people sit at my bar. Turns out they're just people like
everyone else." She looked at me for a second. "You look like you could need something stronger than just coffee."

I looked at her with a sad smirk. "As in more caffeine, or more alcohol?"

She shrugged. "Or both. I make a mean Irish Espresso."

I laughed. "I didn't know that was a thing," I said. I drank the last bit of coffee and the girl took my mug. "How about
another one of those amazing cappuccino's you make, with some Cointreau on the side."

The girl grinned and pulled a bottle of Cointreau of the shelf with a flourish, flipping it over in her hands before pouring
some into a glass. "One shot of alcoholic therapy coming right up."

I smiled as I watched the girl work. She put the small glass of liqueur down in front of me and set to making the
cappuccino. "How about a different pattern this time?" she asked with her back towards me.

"Surprise me," I smiled as I dipped my pinky in the small glass and put it in my mouth. The girl turned back to me just as
I pulled my finger from between my lips and I had the courtesy to blush lightly. "Force of habit," I said with an
embarrassed smirk.

"That's okay, that's how I learned to drink the stuff as well." The girl laughed loudly as she grabbed a new bag of cocoa
powder from a shelf. She had a rich voice, and her laugh was warm and genuine. I put my elbows on the bar and leaned
my chin on top of my folded hands, staring at the well-stocked shelves. I didn't recognise a lot of the stuff on there, but
then again my knowledge of alcoholic beverages wasn't that extensive. Not like Anna's.

I sighed softly and rubbed my cheek with my palm. What on earth is up with that girl. She seemed fine b efore, and now
that we're here she's suddenly... I circled the rim of my glass with my finger and brought it to my mouth again when a
droplet stuck to the skin.

I looked up when the bartender put my coffee down in front of me. She looked at me with a bit of a searching look, then
she grabbed another glass from underneath the bar. "Mind if I join you?" she said as she waved the glass. I smiled and
shook my head. The girl put the glass of Cointreau on the bar and then walked around it, pulling up Anna's barstool to sit
next to me. She undid her tie and put it on the bar, undoing a few of the buttons of her shirt. She sighed contentedly when
the pressure on her windpipe faded and when she rubbed her neck I thought I saw a hint of a tattoo on her back. Stop

The mug of coffee drew my attention and I let out a short, loud laugh. The girl looked at me questioningly as she poured
herself some of the liqueur. I waved my hand to excuse myself. "Sorry, it's just that your... chocolate art." I looked down at
the mug. A snowman looked back at me, its chubby arm waving up at me. "It's really cute," I said as I wiped some foam
off of the rim of the cup.

"Thanks, I try." The girl laughed. "Actually it's just a bunch of stencils I put over the mug when I dust the foam with the
chocolate. It's not that hard." The girl leaned onto the bar and sighed happily when she took a small sip of the alcohol.

I also nipped my drink before looking at the girl. "I didn't catch your name," I said when I put the glass back down.

The girl turned towards me and held out her hand. "The name's Raina." I took the girl's hand and shook it. "But most
people just call me 'hey'," she said with a mockingly serious face.

"Hey, Raina. I mean just Raina. Not hey. That was just..." I scoffed at my own eloquence. "Thanks for the coffee. My name
is Els... Valerie." I closed my eyes for a second. Great, Elsa. Just great. The girl just laughed however.

"You could be the queen of England and I wouldn't really care. Whatever you want to be called is fine by me." She winked
at me and took another sip of her drink. Is she... flirting? Nah.

I bit my lip. Oh screw it. "Then please, call me Elsa. Just not in front of anyone else."

The girl made a playful salute. "Your secret is safe with me, Elsa. It'll be Miss Summers when there's other people
around." I smiled at the girl and turned back to my coffee. It had cooled off enough to drink and I again cherished the
taste immensely. It was quiet for a bit while Raina topped off her Cointreau and I enjoyed my cappuccino. The hot drink
made me feel better and I relaxed a bit.

"So what's up with your PA?" Raina turned around and leaned backwards against the bar. I noticed her tights were a very
dark green rather than black, which I had thought previously. She was also just wearing simple black flat shoes, but I
knew from experience that wearing heels when you had to move around a lot wasn't exactly the most comfortable option.
Plus, she mostly stood behind a bar so she had to worry mostly about her upper appearance.

I glanced up at the girl's face and felt myself go slightly red. She saw you looking at her legs. Quick, make a safe.
"Working on heels isn't the most comfortable, hm?" I took a drink of my coffee to mask my blush. See, I wasn't looking at
your legs, just admiring your shoes. Uhuh.

"Some days Dolf makes me wear them, but only on special occasions. Last Christmas event was a real pain. I still have
spots on my heels from the blisters." The girl looked out at the room and I turned sideways to follow her gaze. "Working
here is really awesome though. We sometimes sneak into the saunas after hours and we get free access to the gym."
She jokingly flexed her arms. "Need to keep the employees in shape for the entertainment of our guests."

I frowned. "They don't actually..."

Raina laughed and shook her head. "Just joking, Elsa. Of course there's the occasional old geezer who thinks it's okay
to grope me when I give him his umpteenth refill, but..." she shrugged. "I just laugh it off, mostly. We need to make the
guests feel welcome and happy, and if that includes me flirting with someone thrice my age, so be it." She reached
behind herself and grabbed her glass to take a sip. "But when it goes even a little bit too far all I have to do is snap my
fingers and Lidvar is there to rescue me."


"One of Dolf's sons. Most of them are employed here at the resort. Lidvar is the head of security. He looks really
imposing but he's a sweetheart, really." I thought back to Kristoff and smiled. I know another one just like that. "But you're
avoiding my question."

I looked at Raina with a raised eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"About your PA. She didn't seem very happy. Did you tell her she wouldn't get a bonus this year?"

"Ah. No I'm not sure what's wrong with her. She's probably just tired. I mean she's been looking forward to this trip a lot,
her family is from Norway, so maybe now that she's here..." I frowned. Mayb e that's it?

"Could be. I mean, if you're looking forward to something so long you tend to form an image for yourself, you know? And
then when the time actually comes people are disappointed because it's not exactly how they imagined." Raina turned
back to the bar to refill her glass again. I noticed mine was empty too so I pushed it her way and she happily obliged
while I took a large gulp of coffee.

Another silence fell. The music cut off and then started on another piece of music, a piece of Chopin I enjoyed very much.
I smiled just as Raina sighed deeply. "Ah I love this piece."

I looked up, smiling and slightly surprised. I hadn't expected her to be into classical music. "Yeah, me too. I remember
playing it when I was younger."
Raina looked at me with raised eyebrows. "You play piano?"

"I used to."

"We have a very beautiful grand piano in the lounge area. You could totally play it. If you want."

For some reason the idea of me playing piano made me feel really uncomfortable and I shrugged. "I don't know, I haven't
played in years. I think it's safer if I keep it to myself."

Raina shrugged and I searched the walls for a clock. I didn't find one. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" The girl
glanced at her watch.

"Seven thirty." Wow, it's not even after eight and I'm already b uzzed on Cointreau.

"I think I should get to the cabin as well, I have some work to do."

Raina looked at me, both her elbows behind her on the bar. "Isn't this the first day of your holiday? Even a big magazine
magnate as you deserves to relax every once in a while."

Images of Hans and Killigan shot through my head and I stared into the brown swirls of my coffee. Relax. Yeah, sure.
"And how do you propose I do that?" I asked, closing my eyes as grim images still tumbled through my head.

I suddenly felt a hand halfway up my thigh and I looked up, meeting Raina's eyes which were quite a bit closer to mine
than they were before. "Some ideas come to mind," the girl said with a smile. My mind screeched to a halt as I looked at
Raina's dark brown eyes. She's really pretty. I resisted the corner of my mouth pulling up. But she's not my Anna.

I swallowed heavily and shook my head. "I'm sorry, Raina. I'm seeing someone."

The girl took her hand back and leaned back into the bar. "Ah, gotcha. Sorry, won't happen again." She smiled at me and
downed the rest of her Cointreau. Damn, that girl can drink. I frowned lightly. But just like that, she's fine? My head was
still swimming a bit after Raina had suddenly come onto me. And that Cointreau is rather potent. But something else
also gnawed at the edge of my brain. I'm sitting here drinking with this girl while Anna is seemingly distraught b y
something. Shit Elsa, why are you still here?

I decisively finished my coffee in two large gulps and shot back the Cointreau. Raina looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"I haven't scared you off, have I?" she asked with an amused smirk.

"No, on the contrary. You just made me realise how much I care about my girlfriend and how much I should be there to
comfort her right now." I smiled at the girl, my left hand flat on the bar.

Raina nodded with a smirk. "Ah, so not just your PA. I didn't want to assume but I already thought there might be
something going on there."

I laughed. "Not my PA at all, actually." Hold on Elsa, you're sort of undercover here. You've already given her your real
name. I looked up. "But it tends to make it easier if people think she is, especially on these business trips."

Raina pretended to tip an invisible hat. "Your secret is completely safe with me, Miss Summers."

I slid off the barstool and smiled at the dark-haired girl. "Thanks, Raina. I'll see you later."

"Lodge twelve. This is you, Miss Summers." Lidvar smiled professionally at me as he handed me the keys to the large
wooden structure that arose next to us in between the trees. It was two stories high and I had to say I was looking
forward to seeing the inside of the cabin. It was still really cold and the smoke circling out of the stone chimney promised
warmth inside.

"If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to contact us. There's someone on duty all hours and room service is
always on call. I've also arranged for a car on your request. You'll be able to pick it up in the morning, just come by the
main building." He pointed out a rather large, heavy keychain. "That there is a panic button we installed specifically for
you, Miss Summers. Press that, and all security personnel will come rushing to your current location. It's GPS activated."

The wind made the pine trees around us rustle and I glanced at the thick darkness in between the trunks. I was really
ready to get inside. "I hope I'll never have to use it, but thank you Lidvar. If there is anything, we'll be sure to call." The
blond-haired man bowed lightly and I was reminded again of how much he looked like Kristoff. When I had bumped into
him on my way outside I had done a double take at the appearance of the burly young man, so much did he resemble
the blond back home. He was wearing a flawless tux, which reminded me a bit of the night several months ago at the
Almstedts' old manor.

Lidvar seemed adamant to stay put until I was safely inside so I climbed the three steps to the front door and unlocked it
with the key. I looked back at the man with a short wave and went inside, closing the door behind me. I was greeted by a
very comfortable fire burning in the fireplace to my immediate right, in front of which Anna was asleep on a (hopefully
faux) bear skin. She used the impressive beasts' head as a pillow and I deduced that she was deeply asleep from the
steady rise and fall of her back. My eyes fell upon a liquor bottle to the girl's left and I frowned while a pang of worry shot
through my chest. Shit, I should've followed her here sooner rather than staying and chatting with Raina.

I hung my coat on a hook to my left. The rest of the room was beautiful in its simplicity and attention to detail. There was a
table with some chairs around it and a small kitchen, all in wood tints. There were a couple of structural beams in the
room supporting the ceiling. I ran my fingers over one of them and admired the carvings they were decorated with before
turning back to Anna. The rug lay at the foot of a very comfortable looking sofa and I sat down on it, resting my head in my
hands whilst looking down on the girl.

Could it really b e just that? She's a b it disappointed after fantasising ab out visiting Norway for so long? Anna mumbled
softly in her sleep and turned her head the other way, pulling one knee up slightly before settling down again. Or is she
just worried ab out me and did all that worry finally wear her out? I frowned and felt a sadness settle itself in my chest. It's
my fault she worries that much. I'm sure she was rather carefree b efore I came along. I raised an eyebrow. Well, it wasn't
all great, with her parents and all that. But at least she didn't have the extra stress of having to take care of me.

I rubbed my face with my hands. Let's just unpack a b it. Mayb e have a shower. I quickly decided a shower was first on my
list, after travelling for that long I felt a bit grimy. I quickly hunted down the bathroom which was almost as large as the
living room and held a large bathtub, shower, double sink and - to my delight - a door that led to a sauna. I curiously
opened the door to the wooden room and noticed there was another door that led outside. I double checked whether it
was locked before returning to the bathroom. Everything was made out of natural stone and I was reminded of my old
shower, especially when I found out it was a rain shower.

I quickly undressed and stepped underneath the steady stream, enjoying the feeling of the water hitting my shoulders
and upper back. I leaned my forehead against the side of the shower and just stood there for a while with my eyes
closed, letting the water wash away some of my tension. I always loved that about showers, it was like retreating into
your own little world for a while. No-one bothered you, it was just you and the running water.

My thoughts were quickly pulled back to Anna and my situation though. I mulled everything over in my head for a few
minutes before sighing deeply and turning my face upwards. I pushed my hair away from my face and washed it with the
provided shampoo from a dispenser on the wall. It smelled lovely and I used more than I usually did, letting the steam
from the shower carry the lavender scent through the entire bathroom.

I finished up with a short, cold shower and quickly dried myself off. I sneaked past Anna with a towel wrapped around
myself and took my suitcase, carrying it upstairs as quietly as possible. I allowed myself the time to change into a pair of
black sweatpants and a red sweater. The sweater was new and lined with actual sheep wool. It had been rather
expensive but Anna had insisted I bought it to prepare for the cold in Norway. Plus, 'what's the use of making so much
money if you never indulge yourself?'.

I pulled up the hood to cover my damp hair and spent twenty minutes unpacking all the things I had hauled along. I even
unpacked Anna's belongings, because I knew that if I didn't do it Anna would just end up living out of her suitcase with
stuff spread around everywhere. I frowned when I found a sketch book at the bottom of her duffel bag, but then
remembered the drawing I'd once seen on her desk. I opened it and on the first page was a very detailed drawing of an
arm, again skinless with the muscles and tendons intricately drawn and positioned.

I sat down on the bed with the sketchbook closed on my lap and leaned backwards, again admiring the details that ran
through the entire house. The bedroom took up half the upper floor and contained a large double bed with one of the
most beautiful headboards I had ever seen. It looked like the carpenter had just taken the crown of a tree and cut a slab
out of it, creating a thick but intricately patterned headboard that rested on what had been the trunk of the tree and then
spread out into branches which still had the bark on it in some places. It hadn't been oiled and there were a few cracks
in the grain of the wood but it just added to the rustic feeling of the place.

The bedroom further contained a wardrobe, two night stands on either side of the bed and a large mirror next to the door
that led back onto the landing and the stairs. There was another door next to the bed's headboard and I curiously opened
it, leaving the sketchbook on the covers. My mouth fell open when I saw that the ceiling here consisted mostly out of a
huge window, through which the light of the moon and stars formed a white square on the floor. The floor itself was
mostly covered by another rug and a sofa with several pillows stood right underneath the window, caught in the starlight.
Anna needs to see this, I immediately thought.

I descended the steps to see whether Anna was awake and my question was answered when I saw the girl now turned
onto her back, her limbs sticking out at slightly odd angles. She was snoring lightly and she had a strand of hair in her
mouth. Graceful, I thought with a smirk.

I glanced at my tablet, which I had put on the table. Right, I need to call home. I took the tablet to the couch and pulled my
legs up onto the cushions, enjoying the warmth of the fire on my face. It wasn't a log fire, it seemed to be gas-fuelled, but
the flames were very real and warm.

I perched my glasses on my nose and booted up Skype, but before I could tap on Ed's name he was already calling me.
I answered and put the tablet on the coffee table, facing me. I waved at the screen when Ed popped up, pixelated at first
but then the connection stabilized and Ed smiled back at me, raising his hand in a greeting. "Hey Elsa, good to see you
arrived okay."

"Yeah the flight was really long but it's a miracle what a cappuccino and shower can do to a person."

"Never underestimate the power of caffeine." I noticed Ed was dressed rather casually in a t-shirt and that he was also
wearing glasses. He seemed to be sitting on a couch as well, rather than at his desk. Right, even detectives have a
personal life. It was strange to imagine Ed in a casual setting, but then I remembered the pictures I had seen in his

"Enjoying a night off, Ed?"

My question was answered when a door opened and Ed looked to his right. I heard a high giggle and Ed held out his
arms. A young girl wearing a pink fluffy dress leapt into view and Ed put her on his lap. He then pointed at the tablet. "Say
hi to Elsa, sweetie."

"Is she a princess too?" The girl must've been around six years old and I couldn't help myself smiling at the endearing
image on my tablet screen as I waved back at the little girl.

Ed repositioned his daughter on his knee. "Elsa is not a princess, honey."

I quickly interjected. "No, I'm not a princess. But can you keep a secret?" I leaned forward to the tablet, whilst jokingly
checking whether no-one was listening. I kept a very serious face and Ed's little girl nodded, her equally focused eyes
glued to the screen.

I lowered my voice. "Actually I'm a queen. I rule a kingdom with many subjects, but there's an evil king who wants to steal
my throne and rule in my place."

The girl gasped audibly. "Is he an evil wizard?"

I widened my eyes. "How did you know? You're a very smart girl. But you know what, your father is helping me battle the
evil... wizard king."

Ed laughed and put his daughter on her own two feet again. "That's quite enough. Go play with your big sister, honey."

The little girl pouted. "She doesn't want to play with me."

Ed gently pushed his daughter back towards where I figured the door must be and she disappeared out of sight. "Just
tell her daddy says you can both have one cookie. But just one!" he yelled after her when the girl cheered and ran off,
slamming the door behind her. Ed shook his head and looked back at the screen. "Thanks for that, now I'll never hear
the end of it."

I laughed and leaned back again, my legs to the side. "So, how is my kingdom faring in my absence?" I repositioned my
glasses on my nose and pulled my hands back into the sleeves of my sweater, pressing them into my lap.

"Quite well, actually. I'm keeping tabs on all known affiliates of Killigan and the Worths, but so far there is no unusual
activity. As far as we know, that is." The man rubbed his jaw, as he usually did when he was a bit restless or worried. I
gave him a moment to collect his thoughts. "And your brother..."

I frowned and rubbed my sleeved hand over my forehead. "You know I'm a bit done with my brother right now, Ed."

Ed raised his hands. "I know, I know. And I won't talk about him long. I just wanted to say that he's actually doing better."
He laughed softly. "I guess your punch in the nose finally woke him up. I've been keeping a close eye on him and he
seems to be trying to get clean." I didn't say anything as I let that information sink in. Well we'll see when I get b ack. If he's
still sob er then...

"But enough about him. Over the past week Jeanie, Lepidus and I came up with a bit of a theory." Anna moved and my
eyes flicked over to her but the girl had just turned back onto her side and was hugging the big bear-head to her
stomach, its teeth precariously close to her chin and neck. I quickly looked back to the tablet when Ed continued. "We
think that Killigan's organisation is using your company to launder money and keep its employees out of jail. In return,
Holter gets a small cut of the profits."

I nodded slowly, sucking on my tongue. "I guess that's possible. But then why did Holter turn the company corporate? It's
easier to keep people out of jail if you actually represent them in court." I felt my shoulder cramp up slightly and I rubbed it
with the hand of my other arm, frowning as images of Holter digging his claws into stacks of blood money tumbled
through my head.

"We're thinking that it's not in such a direct manner. We've been going through your personnel files and Jeanie actually
managed to link more than one of your company's employees to Killigan's organisation."

That silenced me for a while. My head swam a little bit and I felt my stomach cramp up, my hand now clasped tightly onto
my shoulder.. How deep does this go? "I guess... I guess it makes sense that it isn't just Holter."

"We're thinking there must be at least one board member in on it too." Ed stared straight into the camera of his laptop.
"Now that we're dropping bombs anyway."

I tried to swallow but my throat felt arid. "Hold on Ed, I'm grabbing something to drink." Ed nodded and leaned back onto
the couch, folding his hands behind his head. I got up and moved over to the kitchen, pulling open the refrigerator. It held
a complete tray of Red Bull, a couple of bottles of water, both carbonated and not - but my eyes were pulled to a selection
of fruit juices in the door. I grabbed a bottle of pineapple juice and poured myself a large glass. I moved to put the bottle
back in the door but then reconsidered and brought it with me to the couch.

"Okay, so Killigan is using my company to create covers for his employees?"

"You're always straight to the point, I like that about you." Ed smiled whilst shaking his head slightly. I frowned but let the
seemingly strange comment slide as I took a large gulp of the juice.

"Is that a yes or no, lieutenant?" I smiled at the tablet to show that I was joking.

"Yes, that's what we're thinking. There's also been a little bit of chatter coming from abroad, that Killigan is planning a big
shipment - we're thinking drugs or weapons - but we can't be sure. If that's the case, they might become even more bold
in their hunt for you." I saw the man frown. "I'm really worried for you, Elsa. We're not talking small time crooks here.
Killigan is tied to so many unsolved murders and disappearances..." The man now rubbed his eyes. He looked

"Ed. I'm hours away, under a fake name, staying in a lodge in the middle of the woods. I'm safe for now." I really wanted
to believe my own words and I almost did, but the dread was already settling itself in my shoulders and limbs. Images
from my most current nightmare tried pushing itself into my brain but I held them off by glancing at Anna, who was
drooling lightly onto the bear rug. She's alive and fine. She's right there.

"I know, I know. But I can't help but feel this investigation isn't really going anywhere. There've been a lot of investigations
into Killigan and his organisation, and none of them have been able to bring the bastard down."

"Not so loud Ed, your children might hear."

"This is no time for jokes, Elsa." Ed leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. The light from his screen lit his face up
from underneath and made him look almost sickly pale. The bags under his eyes were heavy and he really needed a

"I'm sorry Ed, you're right." I took another mouthful of juice and let it sit in my mouth for a second before swallowing,
causing my gums to tingle. "And going after Richard or Hans Worth?"

"I'm afraid that'd just be poking the hornet's nest. The retaliation might be... deadly."

I looked at Anna again. The girl snuggled her shoulder into the rug and a smile played around her lips. Sweet dreams, I
thought. I frowned and let my mind wander for a second. I guess... if it's all this dangerous, mayb e I need to start
considering serious steps. I absently rubbed my neck. My company is important to me. Really important. But is it worth my
safety? And more importantly, Anna's safety? I sighed. Well it's definitely not worth Anna's safety. But b esides that, what
am I willing to sacrifice to keep this company?

"Mind voicing those thoughts, Elsa?" I looked back at Ed, who had half a smile on his face like he knew exactly what I
was thinking.

"Just... contemplating. Whether it's all still worth it."

Ed nodded and let out a deep sigh. "Well I can't decide anything for you. But now that I'm digging deeper, I can see
there's things to say for both staying and quitting."

I frowned. "What's that then? Just to see if we're on the same page."

Ed scratched his forehead. "Well quitting seems to be the safest option right now, but to be honest I'm really wondering
whether they'll just leave you alone when you quit. You're still a Shields, which makes you a threat even if you start
working for someone else. They might just decide to silence you anyway, and in that case staying where you are right
now is actually the safer option because..." I could see Ed was struggling with his next words but I thought I knew where
he was going.

"Because if they kill me now it's a lot more high-profile and if my death can be linked back to either Holter, Killigan or
whoever else is involved that'll be the end of Killigan's grasp on the company."

"Exactly." Ed chewed on the inside of his cheek for half a minute. "And if you no longer work for the company it's easier to
just get rid of you low-profile in an accident or something."

I felt myself go slightly dizzy. Even though I had always been quite adamant about keeping this job, the option of quitting
and thus being safe had always been in the back of my mind as a failsafe. And suddenly that was yanked out from under
me. I felt my breath speed up and I could feel a tingle in my chest. I put my hand on my forehead and closed my eyes.

"Elsa, where's Anna?" Ed asked, pulling me back to reality a bit.

"She's asleep here in front of me, on the rug."

"Do me a favour and wake her up, please. You're not looking so well and you know, she might want to hear this stuff too."

I looked at the peaceful redhead. I felt a bit bad for waking her up but I knew Ed was right. She'd want to hear this. And I
need her to calm me down. I slid off the couch and knelt next to Anna, my hand on her arm. The girl frowned in her sleep
and mumbled something. "Anna, wake up." I softly shook her arm but the girl just snuggled into the rug deeper, sighing. I
bit my lip. "Anna, please wake up." My voice broke from the strain and Anna's eyes suddenly opened and they found
mine. The girl was wide awake within two seconds.

Anna pushed herself up on her knees, mirroring me, and took my face in between her hands. "Elsa, what is it? Is
everything okay?" She shot a slightly bewildered look through the room, like she was half expecting an axe-murderer to
be hiding behind one of the wooden beams.

Ed's voice came from the tablet. "Hey Anna, good to hear your voice." Anna glanced past me and got up, pulling me with

"Hey Ed," she said with a smile as she sat down on the back of the couch. She pushed me down on the soft cushions
and pressed her lower legs into my sides as her hands softly started massaging my shoulders. "What were you telling
my girlfriend that got her so worked up?"

Ed quickly recapped our conversation while I leaned my head back against Anna's stomach. Her very capable hands
worked my very tense shoulders and I found myself suddenly feeling extremely sleepy, despite the bad news I'd just
received. That's Anna for you. Safety. Pure, uncomplicated safety. I felt myself smirk lightly. Well, not always
uncomplicated, b ut she still makes you feel safe.

Anna squeezed my shoulders in a way that made me open my eyes. "That's one of the first real smiles I've seen on you
since we arrived here."

I sighed deeply. "Well you haven't exactly been a ray of sunshine yourself." I showed her I wasn't angry or frustrated by
putting a hand on her lower arm and squeezing it lightly.

Anna smiled down on me. "That wasn't because of you. I'll explain later." She looked at the tablet and resumed her
massage. "Thanks for the recap, Ed." She sighed. "I'm not extremely pleased with the content though. I was still thinking
of ways to talk Elsa down from that big leather chair of hers, but I guess that's not an option anymore."
I laughed. "Finally climbing up in that chair with me then, instead of just tugging on my ankles?"

Anna teasingly ran her nails over my neck where Ed couldn't see it. "Enticing," she said in a low voice. I flushed and
quickly focused on Ed while Anna brought her hand back to rolling my muscles.

"I still have a bone to pick with you by the way, Ed."

"And what's that?"

"What made you think it was a good idea for me to pretend to run this high end magazine? People have been treating me
like half a goddess around here. Not exactly low-profile, I'd say."

"But they've also heightened security. Trust me, they won't let anything happen to Valerie Summers, acclaimed hotel
critic. Or connoisseur, she likes to call it." He smiled.

I frowned. "Wait, you know this woman?"

"Yes, we've been dating for a couple of months now. She actually helped set up part of this ruse. What, did you think I'd
just randomly use someone's name without them knowing? Especially a name like hers?"

Anna laughed. "Wow Ed, you've got game. Nice catch."

"Thanks Anna. I think." He laughed. "We've been keeping it under wraps, both for her sake and my children's'. I don't want
to just bring a new mommy into their lives when I'm not sure whether it's a long term thing or not."

I smiled. "Oops, I might've raised the stakes. Your daughters will expect you to bring home a queen now."

Anna looked down at me and halted her massage. "Wait, what?"

Ed cleared his throat. "Don't worry princess, I won't be stealing Elsa from you any time soon." Both me and Anna looked
incredulously at the screen and Ed flushed lightly. "I just... what Jack said. He called Anna the queen of rug munchers
and she said she was more of a princess and..." he sighed deeply and covered his face in his hands. "I think I'll shut up
right about now."

Anna laughed loudly when she saw my still rather shocked face and she opened her mouth to say something but I was
more than happy to leave the subject of my brother behind so I quickly interjected. "So Ed, what do you propose we do
from here?"

Ed looked up from his hands and quickly fell back into our previous conversation. "Well you guys should just enjoy your
vacation. Your absence actually gives me a nice window to focus on the investigation for a bit." He frowned. "But I really
don't want you going to that business meeting without police backup, Elsa. I gave you my contact's number, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, you prepared me well, don't worry. I won't just assume things go OK anymore, especially not after what
you just told me." I sighed. That'll b e fun, imagining there's danger around every corner. I looked up at the bottom of
Anna's chin. At least Anna's here to keep my feet on the ground. And my head on my shoulders.

"Okay then. Let's talk again next week, around the same time?" The door on Ed's side opened again.

"Daddy, can I say bye to the queen?" Ed smiled and held his hands out again, catching his daughter and putting her on
his lap just like before. The little girl beamed and I saw she was missing a tooth. "Don't worry queen, my daddy will make
sure the evil wizard doesn't steal your kingdom!"

I felt a few shocks of laughter run through Anna's abs as she leaned forward to get a better look at the little girl. "Don't
worry little one," she said. "I'm a knight, just like your daddy. We'll keep the queen safe." She made a face but I couldn't
see what it was. When she came back up the girl was gone and Ed waved at the screen while reaching forward.

"Night, girls."

"Night Ed," I said tiredly. The screen went black and I leaned backwards into Anna with my eyes closed. "I thought you
were mad at me," I said while suppressing a yawn.

"Mad at you? What made you think that?" Anna tried reaching some muscles lower on my back but the angle was wrong,
so she groaned. "Come on Munchy, you're about as flexible as a rock." She started shoving me off the couch and I
quickly took off my glasses, putting them on the coffee table before I stood up. "Take off that sweater and lie down," Anna
commanded as she stepped back to the rug. I raised my eyebrows at the girl, which caused her to groan again. "Elsa,
please. Let me take care of you. I'll tell you why I was annoyed during the massage, deal?"

"Okay, deal." I pulled the sweater over my head and threw it onto the couch. I was wearing a simple red bra and before
my slight embarrassment could show on my face I quickly lay on the rug, my forehead on my wrists.

Anna sat down on my lower back and I sighed deeply when her warm hands immediately set to work on the more
intricate knots on the back of my shoulders. With a quick movement Anna undid the clasp of my bra and I felt my face
flush further, but I knew it was just so she could reach my back completely. There was nothing sensual about the pain
that shot through my back when she pressed her thumb into a spot next to my spine and I hissed through my teeth.
"Damn Munchy, glad I insisted. It's even worse than I thought."

"I thought you were going to explain what annoyed you earlier?" My voice came out strained and in between sharp
exhales. Shit that hurts.

"Well remember when we sat down at the bar?" I thought back and then it hit me. Of course, they were speaking
Norwegian. Anna understands Norwegian.

"What... did they say?" My face contorted again as Anna rolled a muscle halfway down my back underneath her knuckles.

"Nothing important. Basically Hagrid was telling the bartender to make sure everything was alright for you, that she
should do everything to make you feel welcome, and that it was basically her job to make and keep you happy."

I felt a little bit of bitterness in her voice. "Ah, so that's why you were staring at her so intensely. And stop calling him that."
I almost laughed but then Anna drove her knuckles into another tense muscle and I bit my lip instead.

"He's called Gygrid in the Norwegian books, it's not like he knows what I'm talking about. But anyway. I mean it wasn't like
he was ordering her to come on to you or anything, but..." I bit my lip again, but not from pain this time. Nothing to b e
ashamed of, you told her off. But let's not tell Anna right now, we're still here for another eight days. Anna audibly sucked
on her lip. "Whatever, I guess I'm just tired as well. But it made me feel like... well, I've been feeling like it more often
sometimes over the past weeks."

"You're not making sense, Anna." I was thanked for my interjection by Anna grabbing my arm and twisting the shoulder
while pushing her fist into a muscle around the joint. I let out a sound somewhere between a scream and moan. "Shit
Anna, point made, point made."

"I was just loosening up this muscle, Munchy." Yeah, sure. "Anyway." I felt a bit of a falter in Anna's efforts and I lifted my
head up from my hands to look back, but Anna just pushed my head back down. "Stay down, I'm not done." She sat down
on my upper legs and began working my lower back, causing me to release a serene sigh. "I feel bad for saying it, but
sometimes I just feel like I'm not important." I opened my mouth but Anna pressed her thumbs in the muscles next to my
spine. "Please let me finish, because I want you to understand even though I hate myself for feeling like this

I obliged and fell silent. How can she feel like she's not important? She means the world to me. "I mean you're so busy
with all kinds of stuff... You took over as CEO of the company, then all this stuff with Holter and Hans started and then it
turned out to be even bigger when Killigan came into play..." Anna sighed and I felt her slow down the movements of her
hands. "And in the meantime I'm just little old me, who's doing her best to keep her girlfriend safe and support her
through all these big things. But I don't really matter. To Ed I'm your girlfriend, although that's probably better than him still
seeing me as a repeat offender." She scoffed. "To Holter and Hans I'm just your girlfriend, someone they can use to get
to you. To these people here I'm your PA, and I don't really matter. They want to make YOU happy. I'm just here because
you're here." She fell silent for a little bit but I knew she wasn't done. "...I wouldn't be surprised if even my parents are
seeing me more as your girlfriend than their own daughter."

Anna stopped her massage and moved to sit next to me, her knees hugged to her chest with her arms wrapped around
them. She rested her chin on her knees and when I looked at her she seemed tiny with the light of the fire framing her
form. "And I've been looking forward to coming to Norway for so long that it feels... strange that it's again all about you. I'm
pretending to be your PA, all that."

I got up on my knees and put my hands on her forearms. "Anna, I..." I desperately tried to look for words to describe how I
was feeling but I couldn't find any. "I don't know what to say."

Anna smiled sadly. "But honestly, I feel so bad for feeling like that sometimes. I mean it's not like you chose to be chased
around by this crime lord. Or for my parents to be as messed up as they are."

I frowned. "No, but I still don't want you to feel like you're not important. Because you know what? If it weren't for you I
would've crumbled months ago. You've already helped me past so many obstacles just by being there for me, I... I
couldn't have hoped to have done so well if it hadn't been for you." I squeezed Anna's arms. "I mean if I hadn't met you I
would never have decided to help your parents out, my dad's storage locker would've stayed locked for another couple of
years at least..." I leaned forward to catch Anna's eyes. "Without you I wouldn't be where I am now. I would still be sitting
in a cubicle, working for Holter and wasting my days away wondering about the many ways I let my family down."

Anna frowned. "So basically I'm also the reason your life is being threatened by a homicidal maniac?" When she saw my
expression she quickly lifted her chin from her knees and took my face in between her hands. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
And you're right." She ran her thumb over my cheek. "Plus, I can't exactly say I wish the tables were turned. I'd suck at your

I chuckled, lowering Anna's hands and putting them on her knees. "And imagine me trying to protect you from Hans and
Killigan. I'd have a meltdown after a couple of days."

Anna also laughed at that. "But maybe your parents would've at least been more appro-" her eyes widened when she
realised what she was about to say and she looked at me with a horrified expression on her face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't
just say that. Please forget I said that." She buried her face in her hands.

"That's okay, I know what you meant." I shrugged. "And it's not like my dad had a lot of objections to make." Anna opened
her mouth at the slightly morbid joke, then closed it. I smiled. "Just say what you want to say, Anna."

The redhead looked at me with a pained expression on her face. "Your mom... would she object? Is she..." I saw the girl
dig for words and failing, so I squeezed her hands.

"Is she able to object to anything? Yes, she is." I stared at a spot next to Anna's head, thinking back to the last time I'd
seen my mother. "She's... stuck in the past. I was there a while back and she kept asking where Maurice was. My dad."

Anna nodded. "Do the doctors have a name for it? Not that that's needed of course, but maybe I've heard of it. Or not. I
mean, you don't have to tell me or anything."

I sighed and shrugged, turning my gaze back to Anna. "They've been trying to put a label on her for years, but I'm not that
interested in it. To me she's just my mom." I bit my lip. "I haven't exactly seen her in a couple of years though."

Anna's eyes widened. "A couple of years? Oh." She turned her gaze up and stared at my forehead for a little while,
causing me to raise an eyebrow. Staring at my forehead? That's new. Anna smiled and locked eyes with me again. "We
should go see her. Your mom."

I smiled and nodded. "I think that's a great idea."

Anna clenched her jaw. "Okay, now that we've decided on some common ground, could you please get your boobs out of
my face? They're distracting." My eyes flew open and to the side, where my bra was still pressed into the rug where my
chest had been during the massage. Anna's slight blush was no match for the deep colour my cheeks flushed as I
scrambled to get up and put my sweater back on. How on earth did you not notice that, Elsa. What the actual fuck. No
more Cointreau for you. No alcohol, for that matter. Ever again. Ever.

/Just before you start yelling at me yes, I conversed with hmselsanna before using that name. I thought it'd be a fun
little easter egg for y'all :)
*Chapter 20*: Chapter 20: The pudding
/Chapters from now on might contain a little more dark themes. Blood, death, that type of stuff. I don't know a lot
about what exactly can be triggers to people so if I need to tag something let me know ok?
/I already finished this chapter before going on holiday, so that's why I'm managing to post it now. :) Hope you guys

Chapter 20
The pudding

I checked the time in the bottom corner of my screen. Five AM. I rubbed my eyes and stretched with my hands over my
head. I looked back at the screen but my tiny in-game character looked blurry and when the chat window showed a new
message from Kristoff (or MuscleMan3000 as he called himself here), I had to squint through my glasses to read it.

"Isn't it way past your bedtime?" It was in the general chat that the others in the raid could read as well, so soon other
messages popped up.

"What the fuck dude, don't tell the healer to go to bed."

"Noooo please stay Shields!" That last one came from a warrior character and I saw him walk over to me in the game
and start dancing with my character.

I smiled and typed a response back. "Sorry guys, MM has a point. It's getting late. Or early, more like." I typed a command
and my character raised a hand, moving her finger from side to side and saying 'no' at the warrior still caught in a loop in
front of me.

"It's only like, three more bosses, we can totally down them in half an hour." The hunter character moved over to me and
played an animation in which it knelt, his hands folded to the heavens. The effect was ruined by the fact my character only
reached up to his hips, so he was begging empty air.

I checked the time again and bit my lip, contemplating my options. Anna had gone to bed a while back, not long after my
massage. I told her I'd quickly check whether Kristoff was online to check in with the cats and our other friends back
home, but I quickly found myself caught up in a raid as the main healer. I smirked. I was a fast learner.

It's not like you're looking forward to going to b ed, Elsa. And b esides, it's only a couple more hours b efore the wake-up
call. Might as well stay up. I typed out another message. "Okay fine guys. Only if Arrowhead stops waving his hands
through my head. And Bullz, get out of my face, you're rubbing your groin on me."

A bunch of cheers erupted in the chat and several characters jumped up happily. "Awesome ShieldSister88!" Kristoff had
helped me pick the name. It fit the character, a healing one that mostly used shields. It had the side effect that everyone
in-game called me Shields as well, an added little perk.

"Just let me grab some caffeine," I quickly typed. "Don't charge yet, MM." Of course Kristoff was the tank, and he actually
kept quite a tight leash on his raids.

When I sat back down at the table with a can of Red Bull I saw the boy had sent me a private message. "You sure, Elsa?
You've been pulling quite a few late nights the past week."

I typed a message back without looking at my laptop and hit enter before checking for any errors. Which meant the
message came through as "pgv. fpmý epttu snpiy ,r". I checked my hand placement. Damn, b oth hands one key to the
left and that would've made sense.

Kristoff just sent back a few words. "Headset. On. Now." I smiled and dutifully put on my headset. Skype rang and
Kristoff's voice soon sounded through the ear pads. "What the hell was that supposed to mean, Elsa?"

"Good evening to you too, Kristoff. I meant to type that you shouldn't worry about me, but I guess that backfired."

"What's Anna doing?"

"She's asleep. But how are you guys doing?"

"Hold on." I heard Kristoff type something and soon a message came up, telling everyone to get ready for charging the
boss. I quickly checked whether I had everything I needed, but I was well-prepared as usual. I got a bit bored whilst
Kristoff told off some people who had forgot to bring potions (again) so I steered my character in his direction, jumping
up and down in front of him a bit. He responded by starting up the dance animation and I entertained myself for a minute
before Kristoff finally charged the boss and I got distracted by healing.

"Yeah we're fine. Mulan asks whether Max and Sitron can go into your room and study. Careful Els, he's lunging that
way." I quickly steered my character to the side before casting another healing spell.

"Thanks. And yeah sure, they can go in my bedroom - but I don't think my study is a great idea. Especially with my dad's
two crossbows lying around. Damnit Kristoff, get out of that area. Those blue swirls aren't just to make the boss' lair look

"Ooooh, sassy healer." I heard the amusement in Kristoff's voice and he quickly moved away from the blue swirls
erupting from the stony ground.

"Shut up, or I'll tell Anna about your in-game name." I sucked in my breath sharply when one of the many health bars on
my screen suddenly plummeted and I flung a spell at the character it belonged to.

Kristoff laughed loudly. "Okay, you win. Nice save, by the way."

"You focus on keeping the boss' attention and I won't have to make saves." I bit the tip of my tongue between my canines,
thinking about my call with Ed earlier. "Did you know Ed is dating someone?"

Kristoff tssk-ed. "Well, Mulan won't be too happy about that." I heard a door open and I distantly heard Sven's voice.
Kristoff responded. "Yeah it's Elsa, but we're raiding. Shut the door."

Instead I could hear Kristoff swear softly and suddenly Sven's voice was a lot closer. "Hey Elsa! How's Norway?" I knew
Kristoff had jerked the headphone plug out of the jack, because I abruptly heard an echo in the game sounds.

"Norway is freezing, but beautiful. We've just arrived though, should have more information tomorrow."

Sven laughed. "You're not writing a travel brochure Elsa, I don't expect a thorough report every two days. Just let us know
how you're doing over there."

We're just peachy. I mean I'm b eing hunted b y a homicidal maniac and I have to pretend to b e a magazine hotshot...
"Kristoff, Ballz was standing right in the kill zone. Wasn't my fault. And by the way, does everyone know about Mulan's
interest in Ed except for me?"

Meanwhile Anna's feeling like she's not important while she's the only thing keeping me going at the moment... Kristoff
responded. "Well you aren't exactly the most well-versed poet when it comes to taking clues. And just let him rage. He'll
cool down. We've almost brought the sucker down anyway."

"Almost, we almost have him."

Kristoff agreed audibly, his jaws clenched. "Take that, you... mother..."

"Kristoff!" Sven drowned out the rest of Kristoff's sentence and I thought I even heard a short slapping sound. The boss
went down at that second and I heard Kristoff put the headset down on his desk and start chasing Sven around.

"What the fuck, you little... stinking up my room with your filthy cigarette smell."

A crashing sound came through the headphones and I wondered whether it had been Kristoff or Sven who had knocked
something over. "I told you, I'm trying to quit but it's HARD!"

I smiled faintly but then hung up on the Skype call. The energy drinks were Anna's, she'd insisted on getting the tray in
the fridge (which was already missing five cans thanks to me), because 'life was too slow without them' - but they mostly
just gave me a headache, besides keeping me up.

I sighed and finished my earlier inner dialogue out loud whilst staring at the shining can. "And you're too afraid of a few
nightmares to get a decent nights' sleep." The fact that I happily took a headache over getting some sleep relayed the
gravity of the situation. I put my headset down on the table and rubbed my temples, pushing up my glasses.

I only had to wait half a minute before I got another private message from Kristoff. I hadn't been paying attention when
they'd been dividing the spoils of our conquest, so I was glad to see Kristoff had my back. "Here, these pair of boots
dropped - you needed them, right?" In-game Kristoff ran over to me and soon my character was sporting a shiny new
pair of white booties. "You ok?"
"Yeah I'm good, stop asking."

"Sorry, will do."

I buried my face in my hands. Now you're even b eing rude online. I returned my fingers to the keys. "Sorry Kristoff. Guess
what, not sleeping left me a bit tired and grumpy. But I meant it when I asked how you guys were doing. And I didn't just
mean the cats."

"We're good. Sven got a spot in the revalidation program and I got a letter for Anna as well, from the hospital. Got it today.
Sure you don't want another Skype call?"

"Nah I'm good, headache. I'm sure she'd be ok with you opening her mail."

"I guess I can give you the honour of being the bearer of good news." Kristoff ended the message with a winky face and I
rubbed my neck. I stared at the screen a while longer while running my character to the next encounter, clearing out
some minor enemies on the way. I noticed Kristoff's character was falling behind, he'd stopped moving completely.

"Hey MM, what's up?" I waited another minute, but there was still no response from the boy. In the meantime the group
chat was being clogged up with rather rude comments and I raised my eyebrows. "Kristoff, where are you? Did you dc?" I
switched to the group chat. "Guys, stfu. MM will be back in a bit. I'm calling five."

A Skype call popped back up and my laptop automatically answered it. I scrambled to get my headset back on, already
hearing Kristoff's voice through the earpads. "Elsa, you there?"

"Yeah I'm here, what is it? Didn't Anna get a spot on trauma?"

"It's... shit, Elsa." I could hear Sven swearing in the background and I frowned, getting a bit worried. "Did you know Anna's
been under scrutiny from uni? Did she tell you anything about this?"

"Under scrutiny? What do you mean? She hasn't told me anything." I sighed at my computer screen. "We haven't exactly
been talking about HER work lately."

"Yeah I guess your situation took precedence hm?"

A couple dozen retorts tumbled through my head, some sad, but most of them rather rude. Instead of voicing them I just
bit myself on the lip, hard. "Yeah. I guess."

"Well Anna's been missing shifts and slacking at work, apparently. This is a letter from her mentor, saying that if she
cocks up again she'll be kicked off the program." I swore, but Kristoff shushed me. "Oh wait, it gets better. This leave
she's taken up, to come to Norway with you, she didn't receive approval for it. In fact, they declined her request. That's
what the letter was about."

"Hold on, so that means..."

"If Anna doesn't show up at the hospital in... thirteen hours, she'll be kicked off the program. Elsa, she'll be kicked out of
med school. And if that fucking asshole doesn't shut up RIGHT NOW..." I could hear the blond type away on his keyboard
furiously, and one by one the guys that had been posting rude comments quieted down. Silenced by private message,

Okay. Think. I put my glasses on the table and rubbed my eyes. Think, Elsa. You can figure this out. Fly her b ack home?
I guess it's an option, b ut preferab ly not. My mind quickly turned to my professional instincts. Appeal to her mentor.
Explain. "Kristoff, do you have a phone number for that mentor of hers?"

"Uh yeah sure, I guess. Why, wanna act as Anna's lawyer again?"

"I can at least try and talk to the guy."

"You're the grown-up." For fucks sake, give me the damned numb er and shut up.

I unceremoniously hung up on the blond and dialled the number he'd just typed out for me on Skype. It'd just be charged
to the company account, fine by me. When the phone was ringing I blinked slowly and realised what I was doing. It's nine
in the evening over there. What are you even going to say to - "Hello, this is Dr. Reynolds."

"Good evening, Dr. Reynolds. My name is Miss Shields. I apologise for calling at this hour but I have an enquiry about
one of your students, Anna Almstedt." My tongue worked faster than my brain did and for once I was thankful for it. At least
in professional situations it was conditioned enough to say things that made sense.

The man was silent for a few seconds. "Good evening, Miss Shields. Are you... a friend of Anna's?"

"I've known her for quite a while, yes. I must say I was rather shocked to hear about her below average performance at
work of late. It was something I was completely unaware of." I pressed two fingers to the bridge of my nose, still
struggling to get my brain to catch up to my tongue.

I heard some irritation in the man's voice when he spoke back up. "I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Shields, but why exactly
are you calling me?" I heard a creaking sound, telling me the man had probably sat down on a chair or maybe the edge
of his desk.

I bit my lip. "It's... very uncomfortable for me to say this, but I'm asking for a favour. A... rather large favour."

"And that would be?"

"I understand that if Anna doesn't show up for work tomorrow she's off the program."

"We have a waiting list twice as long as the number of spots on the program, Miss Shields. If Anna is not up for pulling
her weight, we'll have to offer the opportunity to someone else who is... more motivated."

I swallowed the swearword that tried to force its way up my throat. "Okay, so the favour is maybe even larger than I
anticipated." The line stayed quiet and I gritted my teeth. What are you doing, Elsa. It's five in the morning. It almost felt
like my body and voice were acting on their own and my sanity was still catching up to the fact that Anna might be out of a
job because... well, because of me. A pang of anxiety shot through my chest. Shit Elsa, what are you doing?!

Well I'm on the phone with him now, hanging up is not an option. Might as well say something. "Anna is with me. In


I opened my mouth two times but closed it again on both occasions, only talking when I slacked my jaw a third time. "I'm
terribly sorry, I'm afraid it's my fault. I... I know her parents."

"You know the Almstedts, and thus you took my number one student to Norway?" The man sounded tired and I thought
his voice seemed a bit muffled, like he was talking through his fingers or maybe away from the mouthpiece of the phone.
"I fail to see the causality."

"You know Anna's parents?"

"Yes, I worked with them in the past." Okay, mayb e that's your way in.

"Well you might know they merged with another company a couple of months back." I took a quick gulp of energy drink to
lubricate my parched throat, but instead just gave myself a rancid taste in my mouth.

"I'm aware, yes." The man's voice became brusque again and I knew I was on very thin ice.

"I'm their new boss. I'm the current CEO of Holter & Shields law firm." I pressed my tongue against the roof of my mouth
as my eyes slid back to the screen of my laptop. Oh shit I was playing a video game. A glance at the chat showed that
people were getting sick of waiting for me but MuscleMan3000 just very eloquently told them to shove their weapons up
where the sun didn't shine because I was trying to save someone's ass IRL. It brought a small smile to my face but I
quickly transferred my attention back to the phone call when Reynolds responded.

"Okay. And you're... friends with their daughter? I'm confused, Miss Shields. Are you friends with Anna, or her parents?"
There you go, you're talking in circles. You shouldn't try and do stuff like this when you're running purely on caffeine, you

I pressed my fingers to my forehead. No use talking yourself down now, try to save this. Save Anna. "I like to count myself
amongst both, although I admit it's a bit of a difficult situation at the moment."

I heard Reynolds sigh. "Okay listen here, Elsa. I actually know Agdar quite well and I very recently had the honours of
offering him my couch because he was drunk off his ass and Idunn wouldn't let him into their apartment." ...Well shit, this
doesn't make things any easier. "Which is one of the reasons I've already given Anna some leeway. Agdar is a friend of
mine but he's never forgiven me for taking Anna under my wing when she showed more interest in medicine than law.
But she's really been pushing it over the past months. I thought it was her parent's company, or something else that
would resolve itself with a little bit of time. But then she suddenly calls in sick with an injured hand when I can clearly
hear she's out and about in a car..." Ah yeah. I rememb er that.

"So I'll assume you know something of me as well then."

Reynolds sighed again deeply. "Well judging from Agdar's tirade you're some sort of monster who corrupted his little
innocent girl to the dark side by latching your claws into her." My stomach sank while the man laughed cynically.
"Honestly, if I were to believe everything that man had to say you'd be calling me from one of hell's pits."

What the fuck, Agdar. Really? I felt some tears push against the back of my eyes, but I bit down on my lip again sharply.
Keep it together, Elsa. Reynolds sighed. "But I know Anna. The only way anyone gets to dig their claws into that girl is
with her absolute permission and usually some encouragement as well. I was on the other side of the room when a
drunk patient suddenly tried choking a nurse - Anna broke the guy's hand. He didn't remember it the next day so we said
he'd done it to himself when he was drunk." Well, aren't I going through a rollercoaster of emotions right now.

"That does sound like Anna, yes."

"Then what's going on?" I could hear the man was on the verge of his patience and I decided now wasn't the time to
tread carefully. "I wasn't planning on getting involved in this whole situation Miss Shields, which is why I was really
hoping against the odds that you were calling for something else." He swore softly. "Honestly, if Anna would just tell me
what's going on..."

"I did hear you call her your number one student earlier. And I truly believe that's what she is, and still can be." I breathed
in deeply. "Like I said, it's my fault. I got involved with Anna but there are some... big guns shooting for me at the moment.
You know Anna, she gets protective. And she's been so hell-bent on keeping me safe, she's neglected her work at the
hospital." I raised my hands but realised the man couldn't see me. "Which I honestly didn't know about until... ten
minutes ago. I just heard."

Reynolds was quiet for a bit and I could hear he'd started pacing. "Anna could have a really bright future in the ER, Miss
Shields. And I've been doing my best to keep her on the straight and narrow, God knows - but I can't keep holding my
hand over her head." He's starting to sound like Ed. Does Anna even know how many people are looking out for her?

"I understand, Dr. Reynolds. And I can't properly voice how terrible I feel about this situation. But please, don't... don't give
up on Anna because of her protectiveness of me."

"I'm sorry, Miss Shields. I've warned Anna before, several times. If she's not here tomorrow morning..." I thought I heard
several swearwords on his breath when he exhaled sharply. "She's not leaving me any choice."

Think fast, Elsa. Think. Now. You're the thinker. Now's the time where you take care of Anna, not the other way around.
"Dr. Reynolds, you say there's only a limited number of spots in your program. Is that because there's a lack of

"Money, Miss Shields. Everything revolves around money." I have money. Here, take my money. Take all of it.

"I'll have to look into the possibilities, but... what if my company would sponsor another spot, or two, to open up in your
program. We'd call it..." I glanced at the computer screen. "The Shields initiative." Did I just quote a video game? I think I

"That's a big commitment you'd make, Miss Shields. We're easily talking about a few tons per spot." I closed my eyes,
frowning as I tried to get last year's financial report back to me. Henry, where are you. I quickly minimized the game and
opened the PA chat-system. I knew it was linked to all of Henry's electronic devices, so here was to hoping he wasn't...
showering or something.

I quickly typed a message to Henry. 'Henry, can I make a multi-ton commitment right now, yes or no.' I licked my lips.
"Please Dr. Reynolds, give me one minute."

My heart leapt up when Henry responded. '..what the hell, Elsa? Is this for personal expenses?'

"Miss Shields?"

"I'm conversing with my PA, please Dr. Reynolds, bear with me for a little bit."

'No it'd b e a large PR b oost for the company as well, Henrynolds.' I sent the message and felt like biting my tongue.
Separate conversations. At the same time. You can do this Elsa, you're a woman. Multi-task.
'You're in luck, the b oard allocated half a million for PR expenses after your takeover of the company and the merger
with the Almstedt firm. What's this ab out, Elsa?'

'We'll talk later. Thanks, Henry.' "Dr. Reynolds?"


"I can't promise two spots, but I daresay I can make sure you'll have another spot on your program coming next cycle or
the one after that."

"I... I must say I'm a bit taken aback by that, Miss Shields."

I sighed deeply and leaned back in my chair, pressing my hands to the sides of my head sharply when the headache I'd
been suppressing with all this stress about Anna's job came back with a vengeance. "You're not the only one, Dr.
Reynolds. Trust me."

"Well I'd ask whether you can just do that, but I guess that'd just be taking a piss in my own watering hole." The man
cleared his throat. "Excuse my French."

"Pas de problème," I said with a smirk.

"Well, I guess we'll talk again when you're back from your holiday." The man on the other side of the line laughed. "This
wasn't exactly how I expected this night to go. But thank you, Miss Shields. Keeping Anna around is a big added bonus to
this, I promise you that."

"I'm looking forward to meeting you when I return from Norway, Dr. Reynolds."

"Likewise, Miss Shields."

The call dropped and I stared at the conversation with Henry without really reading anything. After a couple of minutes
where I just stared at the futuristic blue background I opened up Skype and dialled Kristoff. He immediately answered.
"Elsa, what happened?"

"I... I think I just saved Anna's spot on the program."

I heard Kristoff cheer loudly and relay my message to Sven. "So you bailed her out again! Awesome! Hold on, I'll tell the
guys to be patient a bit longer. You're still finishing up the raid with us, right?"

I rubbed my face, the possible ramifications of my recent actions slowly settling itself in my stomach. I hadn't exactly
been listening to what Kristoff had been saying, my mind was still elsewhere. "Hey Kristoff, remember what I said last
time I bailed Anna out?"

Kristoff sounded like the happiest guy on the planet when he responded, clearly a bit distracted as he diligently rapped
his fingers over the keys. "Yeah something about it not being so easy the next time?" The boy fell silent and the sound of
keystrokes halted. "Elsa, what did you have to do to save Anna's spot?"

"I kind of might have just thrown half a million dollars at the problem to make it go away."

By the time Anna came down the stairs, stretching and yawning widely, I was just wrapping up things with Henry. I'd
endured a full twenty-minute Skype tirade at how irresponsible I was and it probably would have lasted a bit longer if I
hadn't curtly pointed out to Henry who the boss was and who paid his pay checks. The fact that I had been healing the
raid without Henry's knowledge helped with keeping me calm. You think I'm irresponsib le? Here, watch me save this
hunter's ass with a well-timed healing spell.

Anna took one glance at me and crossed her arms angrily. "You didn't get any sleep at all, did you?"

I looked up from my laptop, knowing I looked like hell. I was still wearing the same clothing and my hair was probably
sticking out in all directions. I managed a sheepish grin. "Well I was doing important work."

"Playing video games with Kristoff?"

"Yes, that too."

"Pushing papers to make even more money?"

"No, can't say I did that." I was still grinning meekly and Anna walked over to the table, leaning down onto her arms. She
was wearing her sleeping shirt and she'd just quickly gathered her hair in a low ponytail, but I was painfully aware that
this was one of the very rare mornings where the redhead looked better groomed than I did.

"Okay you win, what else did you do?" Anna glanced at the several empty cans of Red Bull and my laptop screen, but I
had minimized all my programs so she didn't learn anything there.

"I have agreed to sponsor AMU for up to half a million dollars in order to open up another spot or two for some very lucky
med students because SOMEONE forgot to mention that coming along to this trip would mean she would lose her job
and spot on one of the best medical programs in the world."

Anna didn't move, she didn't even blink. She just stared at me. I was exhausted and not in the mood for dealing with the
redhead's antics right now. Lack of sleep always left me grumpy and easily angered and I knew that if Anna made some
smart remark or better yet, got angry at me for doing what I did, I'd just end up fighting with her.

So instead I pushed my chair back and slowly got up, my back cracking rather painfully from sitting down for so long.
"Now if you don't mind, I'll go have a shower." Anna was still staring at the air where my head had been a couple of
seconds ago. I walked over to the bathroom door and opened it, not looking back at the redhead. I softly closed the door
and took off my sweater.

I was just taking off my underwear when a thunderous voice resounded through the entire cabin. "YOU DID WHAT?!"

"I still can't believe you did that." Anna let out a deep sigh as I wrapped a light blue scarf around my neck. The redhead
stuck her gloved hands into the pockets of her leather jacket and glared at me from in between the thoroughly brushed
locks that framed her face.

"Can we drop it, Anna? We have enough stuff to prepare for tonight, let's forget about the fact I probably just made
enemies out of the entire board until we get home." I slid my arms into my long woollen coat and buttoned it up after
pulling my braid out from underneath both the coat and the scarf. "Where's your scarf?"

Anna rolled her eyes and opened the door of the cabin. "You're not my mom." She disappeared through the door and I let
out an exasperated sigh before following her out into the cold Norwegian air. It was a very crisp morning and my breath
fogged up as soon as it left my mouth, causing me to snuggle deeply into my scarf. Anna was walking a little distance in
front of me and I couldn't help but smirk at her back as I followed her, my leather boots making crunching noises in the
fresh snow.

I inhaled deeply, letting the cold air fill my lungs. Enjoyment and a sense of calmness settled itself in my chest when I
again smelled nothing else but crisp winter air mixed with pine and a touch of what I thought was lemongrass. Oh no
wait, there was a waft of green apple.

I hadn't tried out the sauna yet, because I had promised Anna that we'd spend the day preparing for the dinner with Ylva
that evening. After I finished my shower Anna had been pacing the room fully dressed already, throwing dark glances in
my direction. When I had moved to go upstairs however, she had suddenly rushed me and hugged me so tightly I
couldn't breathe before returning to pacing.

The girl still seemed to be a churning ball of emotions as she walked in front of me. I saw her cross her arms and
hunch, before suddenly moving to the left to admire a frozen spider web. She halted and breathed onto the web, causing
it to fog up even further. The sound of my approaching footsteps in the snow made her glance up at me, smiling, but then
her face became conflicted again and she walked off.

A part of me was a bit worried, but I had gotten to know Anna well enough that I knew she'd calm down in a little while
and we'd talk about it then. I would explain to her how it was the company's PR money that I'd spent, and that it was
actually really good publicity for the company to sponsor the medical program. Mayb e I can even use it as a leg-up b ack
into turning the company b ack into its original state, not this corporate b ullshit. "Hanging out with Anna improved your
vocabulary," I murmured to myself.

"Talking to yourself again, are you Munchy?" Anna had stopped walking to let me catch up with her. I could see her neck
was reddish and she was trying to shield her jaw and chin from the wind with her leather jacket - but it didn't exactly have
a mentionable collar.

"Are you going to micro-manage my eyebrows again as well, Anna?" I winked at the girl as she slid her arm through
mine and we continued down the path together. I caught glimpses of other cabins through the trees but we stayed on the
main path which led to the large building we'd arrived at yesterday.
Anna ignored my comment as she hugged my arm tightly to herself, shivering lightly. I almost opened my mouth to make
a snarky comment about how warm my neck was with its scarf, but swallowed it at the last moment. At least now she's
latched on your arm instead of walking ahead of you. "Do you want to grab some breakfast here at the resort?" I asked
instead. "It'll be a while before we get another chance if we drive down to the town."

Anna muffled a yawn. Not getting any sleep the past night hadn't exactly energised me, but the fresh winter air kept me
nice and alert. "Nah Munchy, I'm not that hungry. Let's just go down towards the town. You arranged for the car, right?"
Damn, I could've done with a coffee.

"Okay, let's do that then. And yeah, Lidvar said to meet him at the main building."

"Ah, the Kristoff look-a-like?"

"That's the one." We emerged from the trees and there the blond was, at the bottom of the wooden stairs next to a dark
red SUV. I raised my hand up and the man smiled blithely. I saw his eyes flick to Anna's arm intertwined with my own, but
that didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Although my actions here do reflect on Ed's girlfriend. Let's play nice.

"Miss Summers, I hope your first night has been enjoyable."

"It was, thank you very much."

Anna scoffed lightly as she let go of my arm to inspect the car. "Yeah, the bed was lovely."

I saw Lidvar's smile turn a little cramped and he quickly changed the subject. "I've filled up the tank for you. You
requested that the car would be ready for you in the morning so I wanted to make sure you'd be ready to leave as soon
as you woke up." The blond licked his lips. "Are you sure you don't want to have some breakfast before you leave? We
have some maps inside as well."

"The car doesn't have GPS?"

Lidvar tittered uncomfortably. "Ah yes of course, there is. Excuse me, my mistake." The man suddenly held out a paper
cup with a plastic lid out of which some steam circled up into the cold winter air. "Raina said you liked her cappuccino,
so she made you one for the road. In case you didn't have time for breakfast."

Slightly startled I took the cup. "Thank you, that's really nice." I smelled the subtle hint of chocolate powder mixed with the
coffee. "I mean it. That's really awesome of you."

The man beamed happily as he handed me the keys. Glad I made his day. Everyone around here is so nervous, I'd b e
happy if they let up a b it. "Have a nice day, Miss Summers."

"You too, Lidvar. Say hi to your parents and Raina from me."

Anna was already sitting in the passenger seat with the radio on. I opened the door and she held out her hands to take
my coffee as I clambered into the slightly elevated seats of the SUV. "Oooh Mister Sandman, bring me a dream! Make
him the cutest that I've ever seen..." She happily belted along with the radio, causing Lidvar to throw a glance back at us
from halfway up the stairs. I just closed the door and waved at the boy while Anna threw a little personal dance party next
to me in her chair.

I quickly took my coffee back from the redhead and put it in a cup holder in the dashboard. I carefully rounded the little
roundabout in front of the resort and was very glad for the snow chains around the tires when I felt the car lose traction for
a fraction of a second. It didn't take me long to get the hang of it however and soon we were halfway down the mountain,
Anna now singing along to Last Christmas by Wham as I took advantage of the straight stretches of road to enjoy
Raina's cappuccino. The road zigzagged down the mountain, so I either had the mountain on the left or right side of the
car. Anna pouted every time I had to take another turn, taking away the view from her side.

I didn't want to bring up AMU now that Anna was so enthusiastically embracing her joyful side again, so I kept my mouth
shut. We'll talk ab out it later, plenty of time. After about half an hour Anna turned down the radio and glanced over at me.
She waited until I had carefully traversed yet another hairpin turn before speaking up. "I noticed you unpacked my stuff."

I was just thinking about reaching back to my coffee but now I brought both hands back to the wheel. "Yes I did. You know
as well as I do that you wouldn't have unpacked yourself."

The girl shrugged and breathed on the window, fogging up the glass. "Well we're not staying for weeks, just eight more
days. We'll have to pack everything up again soon for the next leg of our trip." She grinned at me. "That'll be fun,
meticulous Elsa on a road trip with unscrupulous little me." Her smile wavered quickly and I swallowed my retort.
"I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't mind me unpacking your duffel bag," I said carefully.

"It's not that." I saw the girl flush a bit. "I just noticed my sketch book lying on the bed."

"Ah yeah. I took it out. I remembered that I had seen those drawings on your desk. You know, of the guy's back with the
muscles and bones. And the Labrador. They were beautiful." I slowed down on a wider stretch of road to let another car
pass. The driver raised his hand at me as thanks for giving him the room and I nodded back at him before releasing the
brakes again. The road was rather narrow and even though there were metal guardrails dividing the road from the sheer
drop on the other side, I'd rather just be careful and avoid having to trust the crash barriers with our lives.

"So did you... open it?"

I frowned. "Yeah I took a look at the first drawing. Of the arm. Why?"

"Nothing," Anna said quickly. She drew a smiley face on the fogged up glass. "So did you bring any good books?"

"That's a rather sudden change of subject," I laughed.

"Hey my hobby is drawing, your hobbies include reading and going through other people's stuff." Anna stuck out her
tongue at me and moved to poke me in the side, but then quickly changed her mind. "Sorry, won't poke you while driving
here. It's a long way down."

"So, you're looking forward to tonight then?" The sun shone in my eyes and I lowered the sun flap. I hadn't thought to
bring sunglasses.

"Now who's changing the subject?" Anna chuckled. "But hell yes! I've never met her kids before. Can you imagine me as
an aunt?!" A glance to my side showed me how much Anna's eyes lit up at the prospect of meeting her sister's kids.

"It's a boy and a girl right?" I was fine with staying on this subject for a bit, pleased to see Anna so excited rather than the
gloomy mess she'd been that morning.

"Yes yes! Cyrus is the eldest at four, Eivi just turned one I believe. I've never met either of them before." Anna nervously bit
off a sharp edge off one of her fingernails. "Do you think they'll like me?"

I took advantage of another straight stretch to put my hand on Anna's knee for a moment, not taking my eyes off the
snow-covered road. "I'm sure they'll love you, Anna. You're their big aunt, after all."

"We should make sure we have both ice cream and maybe some pudding as well. I know I used to go gaga for
chocolate pudding when I was young."

"Anna you still go gaga for chocolate pudding."

"Shush Munchy, I'm thinking about the menu here. This is serious stuff." Anna settled down a bit before sighing wistfully.
The sudden change in demeanour caused me to throw her another look.

"What's up?"

Anna frowned and bit her cheek. "Do you think my parents told my sister about us?"

I sucked my tongue for a moment, trying to come up with something smart to say to that sudden question. "I can't say I've
thought about that, Anna. Sorry."

"Don't say sorry. It's just that..." Anna sagged down in her seat a bit and put her knees against the dashboard. "I know
Ylva is religious, but not as much as mom and Agdar." Ah so it's now mom, b ut still Agdar. "I know mom's been trying to
deal with it, and I think she's doing well... but do you think Agdar would go as far to call my sister?"

I scratched my head and pulled my braid forward over my shoulder, remembering the phone call I had had with
Reynolds. In all honestly I didn't put it past him, but I wasn't going to tell Anna that. "I don't know, Anna. He's your father. I
don't know him that well."

"You know him about as well as I do," Anna said grimly. She played with the zipper of her jacket for a minute, then
pushed herself back up and stretched her back. "Well if Ylva wanted to cancel she would've called, don't you think? So
let's just do introductions tonight and see how it goes." Anna smiled, nervousness again playing around her lips. "Maybe
we should also get some yoghurt, just in case. Do you think Cyrus and Eivi like yoghurt?"
"Hvor mye er det?" Anna politely asked the cashier. The man seemed surprised and replied in Norwegian as well while I
loaded the paper bags into our shopping cart. I recognised most of the stuff we bought but Anna also insisted on getting
some products of which I couldn't even pronounce the name, let alone know what it tasted like.

I noticed Anna was conversing with the cashier somewhat more than I had expected her to do over something as
mundane as paying for groceries, and the man sounded a bit unsure in his speech. "Sara, something wrong?" I asked
as I put down the last paper bag. We had decided to keep using the fake names, both for extra safety and so we wouldn't
slip up in front of someone at the resort.

"I'm sure it's nothing Val, hold on." Anna held her credit card out to the cashier again and the man took it, but he seemed
a bit listless when he ran it past the reader. I glanced at the people in line behind us and some of them looked a bit
impatient, checking their watches or phones. I hadn't expected the large supermarket to be very busy at a time this early,
but apparently people did their shopping in the morning over here.

The credit card machine made an off-sounding beep and the man shook his head before handing the card back to Anna,
using his other hand to emphasise his seemingly pleading words. "I... he's saying my credit card is being declined. I
don't get it."

"Here, use mine." I reached in my coat for my wallet as I saw Anna's face fall. "Don't worry about it Sara, we'll figure it out

"I don't want you always paying for everything, especially when it's for a dinner with my family. I can cover something, you
know." Anna took the credit card however, handing it over to the cashier with a sulky expression on her face.

Anna was still frowning when we were putting the groceries in the back of the car, the sun having disappeared behind
the clouds and tiny snowflakes drifting down on us. The several fast food restaurants around us made the air heavy with
the smell of oil. It didn't smell very appetising but it reminded me of how empty my stomach was. "Hey, let's go get
something to eat. No use in worrying about this now."

"My dad probably blocked my card," Anna said as she angrily slammed the trunk closed. She took the cart and started
pushing it across the lot back to the store, ignoring several other cars who had to slam the brakes in order not to run her
over. I quickly unlocked the car and drove after her, meeting her at the entrance. "It's just like him," she continued after
sitting down next to me.

I frowned, pulling out of the parking lot while looking both ways. It wasn't extremely busy but there were a lot of kids out
and about. "Why would your father block your credit card?"

Anna fastened her seat belt and crossed her arms. "It's the credit card to my trust fund. I rarely use it, only when I'm really
desperate for money - or now that I'm abroad and can't use my regular card."

"You have a trust fund?" I bit my tongue. "Sorry, that's not important right now."

"Well it's not like my parents can't use the money I guess. The loss of their company didn't exactly help them out

"Between them they still make six figures now that they're working for... at Holter & Shields." You're b eing smooth this
morning, Elsa. Sure, remind her ab out the fact b oth her parents now work for you. It's not like she's b een feeling
unimportant already.

"Ah yeah I guess you'd know." Anna sighed. "Let's just get some breakfast and get back to the lodge, okay? Oh and can
we stop by a toy store or something? I want to get Cyrus and Eivi something. A stuffed animal maybe." Anna's face lit up
again and I smiled.

"I'm sure they'd love a gift from their auntie," I said graciously. I checked the time and was surprised that it was already
midday. "No wonder I'm hungry, it's time for lunch already."

Anna also glanced at the clock. "Ah. Yeah let's grab a bite then." She peered out of the window while I kept focusing on
not hitting anyone on the slightly confusing streets. It wasn't a tiny town but it was certainly several sizes smaller than
Arrendelle, and it had a bit of an old feel to it. Mayb e there were even carriages driving on these roads at some point. Who
knows how old this place is.

"What about over there?" Anna pointed towards a street to the right. "Looks like they might have restaurants and shops
there." She hesitantly looked at me. "I might have to borrow some money for those gifts though."
By the time we arrived back at the resort the sun was already low in the sky. It was only three in the afternoon but it got
dark really early at this latitude. Anna parked the car and I got out of the passenger side, still shaking lightly. Anna moved
around the car quickly to check whether I was feeling any better. When I saw her worried face I sighed deeply. "I'm s-sorry

"It's okay, Munchy. We didn't crash or anything, did we? Look at us, we're fine."

A young man who I recognised as the guy I'd pricked in the chest yesterday came walking towards us, rubbing his hands
together in the cold. He kind of looked like Lidvar, giving me the inkling this might be another one of Torvik's sons.

The weather hadn't improved and it was still snowing, and the wind now caused the small snowflakes to feel more like
tiny razorblades on any piece of exposed skin. The boy was wearing a thick coat but no hat or gloves, causing me to look
at him with an alarmed expression on my face. "Ma'am, is everything alright?"

Anna stepped in between the boy and me. "Miss Summers is fine. We could use your assistance though, we have some
groceries that we'd like to bring to our lodge." I rubbed my gloved hands together, both cursing and welcoming the biting
cold on my face. I leaned my back against the side of the car and glanced at the white steam rising from several lodges
in between the trees. I really want to try out that sauna.

The boy shook lightly as he stood there, looking a bit lost. "But ma'am, we have a fully catered all-inclusive restaurant
and room service."

Anna sucked her lips inward, then let them pop back out. "Well, we decided we wanted to cook for ourselves. Is that a
problem? Why else is there a kitchen in the lodge?"

"No, of course not, no problem at all." The boy's eyes had gone slightly wide. "I'll bring a luggage cart, please give me a
minute." The boy nodded and took off at a bit of a jog while Anna turned back to me and vigorously started rubbing my
upper arms.

"Damn Elsa, you must be freezing. I'm so sorry, what was I thinking, letting you drive all that way on zero sleep." She
stood close to me, the car at my back.

My teeth chattered slightly when I spoke again, happy with the way Anna's body and the car shielded my face from some
of the wind. As long as I didn't glance sideways, that was. "It's n-not your fault, Anna. I w-wanted to d-drive, remember?
Neither of us c-could've known I'd fall asleep b-behind the wheel."

"When we get home you're going to get some sleep." Anna seemed a bit helpless as she stood there, clearly wanting to
do more. She looked around restlessly. "Where's that kid?"

"He'll b-be here." I gathered some courage and moved away from Anna to the back of the car, opening the trunk. I
glanced sideways and saw the boy moving towards us with the luggage cart, the wind pulling on his coat. He wasn't
alone, however.

"Here, let me help you with that." Raina gently pushed me aside with her shoulder, a worried expression on her face.
Anna swiftly appeared on my other side, throwing a glance at the other girl who was wearing a thick coat with the hood
up, a faux rim of fur framing her face. "I heard you weren't feeling too well." She quickly lifted two of the paper bags out of
the boot of the car, handing them to the busboy who put them on the cart. I moved to help, but Raina put her hand on my
arm and looked at Anna. "Take Miss Summers back to the lodge, Sara. We've got this." Anna nodded and handed the girl
the car keys.

"Come on, Valerie. Let's go." Anna took my arm, but I resisted.

"Are y-you sure, R-Raina?"

The girl simply shrugged and smiled, already holding another bag. "This'll go a lot faster if you stop distracting me with
your stuttering, Miss Summers."

Anna pulled on my arm again and this time I obliged. The redhead protectively pulled my scarf up to cover the lower half
of my face and I let her, my teeth now chattering quite fervently. Anna had one arm around my shoulders and her other
one latched firmly onto my lower arm. I allowed her to lead me back to the lodge that way, knowing that any objections I
made wouldn't change anything.

As soon as Anna had me inside she started tugging on my coat. I laughed lightly. "I can t-take my own coat off, Anna."
The redhead just ignored me and I eventually gave in, too tired to counter her any further.
Anna had just fired up the gas-fuelled fireplace and was busy pushing me onto the couch when there was a knock at the
door. Anna moved to open it and helped Raina and the busboy carry everything into the kitchen. I sat on the couch, slowly
warming back up a bit, listening to the gentle bustle behind me. The smell of gas that had shortly filled the room was
quickly replaced by the homely smell of wood when the floor and surrounding furniture started soaking up the heat from
the fire as well.

The cushions next to me dented and I automatically let my head fall that way, but I immediately knew something was off
when I met a shoulder a lot sooner than I had expected. I shot back up, just as Raina laughed heartily and patted me on
the arm. "Wrong girl, Elsa." She was dressed in her bartender outfit again, this time with black tights.

I looked around and saw the busboy had left and Anna was looking at me from the kitchen, frozen in a position that told
me she'd been putting stuff from the bags into the fridge. "Elsa?" She cleared her throat, trying to seem innocent as she
looked at Raina. "Who's that?"

I had the decency to blush. "I told Raina my real name by accident last night. After you'd left the bar." Raina sat rather
straight, her hands in her lap. I looked from her to Anna, who caught my eyes. She didn't seem angry, to my great relief,
and lifted a tub of chocolate pudding from the paper bag.

"Yeah, about that." Raina turned towards Anna, who smiled faintly. My eyes widened. You're not going to say what I think
you're going to say. "Sorry for coming on to your girlfriend."

A large crash told me Anna had dropped the pudding. I just put my face in my hands. Movement of the couch told me
Raina had gotten up, quick footsteps told me she was moving over to the kitchen. "Oh fuck, I'm sorry. I promise you, Elsa
immediately told me she was taken and I backed off."

"I can clean up on my own. Raina." I could hear Anna was speaking through clenched teeth, but I didn't remove my face
from my hands. Just listen to the fire. Pretty flames.

"Oh come on Sara, don't be such a little bitch." That made me look up, shocked and a bit angry at the same time. I was
about to stand up from the couch but when I saw the two girls in the kitchen I quickly sat back down.

Anna's eyes were dark and her entire stance screamed danger at me, her fists clenched at her side and her feet planted
firmly on the floor, one a bit in front of the other. Raina just stood across from her, her arms crossed and her weight on
one leg, the other one bent lightly at the knee. I saw the chocolate pudding slowly slide outwards from where it fell,
spreading across the floor like it wanted to disappear just as much as I did.

"What did you just call me?"

"Did I fucking stutter? I called you a little bitch." Raina's head moved with her words and she actually raised a finger at

The redhead wasn't impressed and firmly stood her ground. "You're the one who came on to my girlfriend, you cunt."

"Well yeah, you'd left. And what, was I supposed to ask her bloody PA for approval to come on to her boss? She's a big
girl, she can take care of herself. And she's fucking hot." I saw Anna clench her jaw again. Raina didn't laugh, but I
thought I could hear some faint amusement in her voice when she spoke up again. "What, are you saying you're blaming
me for thinking your girl is hot? Have you seen her?"

I hadn't moved as I followed the exchange with wide eyes and a heart that was beating somewhat faster than usual.
Anna just stared at Raina, of whom I could only see the back of her head. She had her hair down and it shone under the
light of the fire. It reached to halfway down her back and curled lightly, but I shortly tore my eyes away from the bartender's
hair to glance at my girlfriend.

Anna squinted slightly, but then - to my utter bewilderment - her face split into a grin as she shrugged. "Well, I guess I
can't blame you for that no. She is fucking hot, after all."

Raina held up her hand and Anna high-fived her. "You're damn right, Sara. You scored a field goal with that one."

Anna raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Yeah, and she's loaded too."

I loudly cleared my throat and both girls turned to look at me. I spread my hands. "I'm RIGHT HERE, you know."

Anna kept her face completely straight as she nodded. "Hell yeah. Score."
I went upstairs to get changed, leaving the two women to clean up the mess they'd made. The chocolate pudding, that
was. For a reason that was completely obscure to me they seemed to have bonded firmly over profusely swearing at
each other. So much so that when I left, both of them were roaring with laughter. The last thing I saw before rounding the
corner of the stairs was Raina firmly pressing a slightly brown hand into Anna's face and the sounds of their wrestling
followed me until I closed the door of the bedroom behind me.

I pressed my back against the door, a steady throbbing pushing against the inside of my skull. I slowly undid my braid,
my fingers fumbling slightly. God I'm completely exhausted. The shock of the near-accident had dissipated, although
thinking back to how Anna seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the wheel and pulling on the handbrake,
still made me slightly nauseous. Damnit Elsa, you need to get some sleep.

My eyes moved to the bed. At my request the maids left the lodge alone, meaning the bed was still unmade from when
Anna had slept in it. The way the covers were laid out told me Anna had stuck to her side of the bed. She waited for you.
Mayb e she even stayed up for a b it. And she kept expecting you to show up. I pressed my hand to my forehead, my now
loose hair hanging feebly down one side of my head. Perhaps you're so tired you won't dream again. Just... rest. Just for
a little b it. Anna is right downstairs, nothing's going to happen. "But her sister is coming in a couple of hours. Anna needs
to prepare. She needs me." She can ask Raina to help. "She's been looking forward to this for so long." And what good
will you b e if you fall asleep at the dinner tab le?

I gave in and slowly undressed, changing into the sweatpants I'd worn the night before. My head was swimming from
exhaustion and I just picked up Anna's sleep shirt, pulling it over my head as I sat down on the edge of the bed. Oh god
it's so soft. I let myself fall sideways and pulled the covers up to my chin. My eyes closed by their own nature and I
immediately drifted to sleep.

My eyes slowly opened and I was blinded by a bright fluorescent light. I raised my hand to shield my eyes and I sat up in
bed, the covers sliding off of me. My eyes slowly got used to the light and I looked around. Oh god damnit, I'm dreaming
again. I frowned. But if you're aware that you're dreaming it's not scary. Because it's a dream.

A movement to my left made me look that way and my eyes widened when a woman with rich blonde hair sat down next
to me. The light made her hair look almost white, but I wasn't fooled - it was exactly how my hair always looked in artificial
light like this.

" What are you doing here?" My mother smiled happily and I looked into her bright blue eyes as she took my

"Well you haven't been to see me in so long, I thought I'd come and see you." My mother sighed and bit her lip. "It's been
so many years since the accident."

I seemed to be sitting in a narrow bed with rails on both sides that were down at the moment. A hospital b ed. I looked
around but saw nothing but white, a silence pressing down on my eardrums. The only sound was me and my mother's

"I meant to visit. I really did." Why are you talking to her Elsa, you're dreaming. This is ridiculous. I felt my grasp on the
dream slacken and the room seemed to darken. A ripple of anxiety reached up from my chest to my lips and I swallowed
heavily. Hold on to the dream, Elsa. Don't dive into the nightmares. "I'm scared, mom." I looked down at my mother's lap.

"I know, Elsa. Sweetie. It's okay. I'm scared too."

I frowned. "What do you mean?" I looked up at my mother's face but all I saw was a flash of black fur and white teeth,
before it suddenly felt like a bomb went off in my head. It only lasted a fraction of a second but for that single moment my
entire consciousness existed out of a white, blinding light and a sound so loud it couldn't be emanating from anywhere
but inside my own head.

My eyes flew open once more and I was staring up at the ceiling of the lodge. I immediately pressed my palms to my
eyes, pressing down on them and groaning. Goddamn dreams. I yawned. How long was I asleep? I sat up, sleep still
tugging at my limbs. My eyelids were heavy and my tongue felt like rubber. Well I clearly was asleep quite deeply.

I got up and moved to the bedroom door. When I opened the door I knew something was wrong. It's quiet. Why is it
quiet? I quickly descended the steps and I moved into the main room, looking around anxiously. "Anna? Anna where are
you?!" I yelled, hoping the redhead was just in the bathroom or something. Well did Raina go with her in that case?

I moved over to the bathroom door and jerked it open. "Anna are you in here?! Anna!" My breathing was fast and
laboured. There was still some chocolate pudding on the floor of the kitchen and I blinked rapidly, trying to figure out what
was going on. My phone, where's my phone?

As soon as I picked up my phone from the table the door to the lodge opened and Raina came walking in. She seemed
surprised to see me. "Elsa, is everything alright?"

The black-haired woman moved over to me, squinting worriedly. I closed my eyes and pressed my palms to my temples.
You're just worked up from that scare you got. Relax. I took a deep breath and released it slowly before looking back at
the girl. "Where is Anna, Raina?"

"Oh the PA? Outside." Raina cocked her head, her face rather neutral. "What's going on? Anything I can do?"

"I just had a nightmare. I want to see my girlfriend. That's all."

"Well, you're not dreaming anymore," Raina laughed as she pointed towards the door. "Like I said, she's outside. But if
it's a hug you want, my arms are more capable than Anna's." I just raised my eyebrows at the girl, causing her to laugh

I didn't bother protecting myself from the cold before moving to the door and pulling it open. It was dark and I stared at the
tree trunks that were visible in the light that came from the lodge. It had stopped snowing and the wind had also died
down completely, causing it to be eerily quiet out.

A sound to my right caught my attention. It sounded like rope, a knot being pulled. I had a flashback to sailing camp and I
frowned when I thought I could distinctly smell salt. I turned my head to the right and my heart stopped. For there, from a
low hanging branch and illuminated by the light coming from the lodge's window, hung Anna's body, slowly swinging
from side to side from the rope pulled tightly around her neck.

I squeezed my eyes shut, caught by a wave of dizziness. You're asleep. Elsa, you're asleep. This is a nightmare. Wake
up. Wake up right now. I caught myself on the doorframe, opening my eyes again as Raina suddenly appeared next to
me. She still had a rather neutral expression, like everything was right in the world. Fuck, why are you not waking up.
Wake up, Elsa.

Raina pointed at Anna's body, which was slowly revolving on itself, one shoe dangling from its laces which were caught
on Anna's ankle. "See, there she is. I still think my arms are better at hugging right now." The girl put her hands on my
shoulders and squeezed them, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Anna. I'm... I'm asleep, right? Yes, there's no other

"Come on, give us a hug." Raina moved forward but I pushed her away. She tried holding on to my shoulders but I
struggled, pushing her arms away and trying to shove her in the shoulders. The girl managed to grab hold of both of my
wrists and I suddenly felt like I was falling, going from vertical to horizontal.

"For fucks sake Elsa, stop fucking fighting me!" I felt the pressure of someone sitting on top of me and I looked up at
Anna, who was holding on to my wrists with a rather panicked expression on her face. When she saw I was awake but
still fighting her she got off of me, rolling onto the other side of the bed. I immediately got out of bed, the sudden
movement causing my head to rush.

"Elsa, calm down." My wide-open eyes shot to the left, where Raina stood with both her hands up.

"You stay the fuck away from me!" I screeched as I backed away from her, hitting the wardrobe with my back. My eyes
shot back to Anna. Am I still dreaming? Last time I thought I was awake. I dreamed ab out my mom, b ut then I woke up.
In this b ed. And Anna was... I stared intently at her, but as I looked at her I could again see the rope strung tightly around
her neck, her eyes bulging. I pressed my palms to my eyes and slid down to the floor, crying silently.

"Raina, get out." Anna didn't have to tell the other woman twice and I shortly heard the door close. "Elsa, look at me." I
looked up between trembling fingers at Anna sitting in front of me on the floor, her legs crossed. "You're awake. Look at
me. You're awake."

My voice trembled. "That's what Raina told me last time."

I could see the confusion on Anna's face but the girl quickly recovered, holding out her hand. "Here, take my hand. You'll
notice it's warm." I carefully took her hand, almost afraid to touch it. Anna smiled. "See? Very real. And..." she very briefly
pressed her nail into the back of my hand and I flinched. "There, that hurt. And when you're dreaming you don't feel pain."

I released the tension I was holding in, blowing out my breath. I reached out and Anna moved over to sit next to me,
taking my head into her lap as I breathed in her scent. We sat like that for a few minutes but I didn't want to fall asleep
again, so I got back up. Anna looked at me with a pained expression in her eyes. "Fuck, Elsa."
I pulled my knees up and hugged them to my chest, trying to keep the images of my dream from coming back by staring
intently at the redhead sitting next to me. "Yeah. Fuck."

Anna ran her fingers into her hair, resting her forehead against her palm while she looked at me. "That bad, huh?"

I nodded. "That bad." I drew another shuddering breath. "It was so damned real, Anna. I... I dreamed during my dream. I
woke up, but I was still dreaming." I shook my head. "I'm going crazy."

Anna put her hand on my shoulder. "No. You're definitely not going crazy. You're just completely stressed out and you're
so terrified to go to sleep that it's no wonder you're having the most atrocious nightmares."

I rested my head sideways onto my knees. "How long was I asleep?"

Anna pulled one corner of her mouth up in an almost mocking manner. "You were gone like, five minutes before Raina
heard you yelling." She saw my expression and shrugged lightly. "Apparently real life-Raina is a lot cooler than Elsa's-
nightmare-Raina." She gave me such an earnestly concerned smile I felt my heart warm up inside my chest. Anna
carefully pushed some hair back behind my ear, then looked up when there was a gentle rap at the door. "Come in,
Raina," Anna called.

The door slowly opened and Raina peeked inside, her teeth bared in a very heedful manner. "Coast clear?" she asked
gingerly, holding on to the door. I managed a faint smile and nodded at her, so the girl came inside and leaned against
the wall next to the door. "I don't mean to impose or anything, but I couldn't help but notice you seem slightly distraught,
Miss Summers."

Anna scoffed. "Is sarcasm your only mechanism, Raina?"

Raina shrugged. "Sort of," she said softly, shutting Anna up immediately. "Anyway. I was thinking, if you want me to get
out and leave you two alone that's totally cool. I'm just a bartender, after all." The girl pulled up one corner of her mouth.
"However, I'm also a bartender. Which means that if you, Sara, Anna, whatever, want to sit up here with Elsa while I make
sure there's a sweet dinner downstairs when your sister arrives that's totally cool with me."

"Hey, Raina." Anna pulled the corners of her mouth down and stroked an imaginary moustache. "You're rather swell, you
know that?"

"Fuck yeah," the girl said with a wink as she moved back through the door, throwing me a quick sincere smile before
leaving. Anna got up and started pulling me towards the bed. I dug in my heels, however.

"I might have a better idea," I said with a careful smile. "Grab the covers and come here," I said. Anna curiously followed
my orders and I moved over to the other door. "Have you looked in here yet?" Anna shook her head.

"I thought it was a closet." I felt a strange sense of pride as I pulled open the door and gestured Anna inside. The girl's
eyebrows almost disappeared into her hairline when she saw the room. "Holy shit," she said softly.

"I thought we might relax here."

Anna looked at me. "Me, relax, yes. You, sleep." I felt some anxiety swell in my chest and it must've shown on my face
because Anna dropped the covers on the floor and wrapped her hands around my waist, bringing her face close to mine.
"Elsa, whether you like it or not, you need sleep. Even if it's just an hour or two for now. And I will sit with you for those two
hours, keeping watch. If you as much as twitch the little toe on your left foot I will slap you in the face."

I opened my mouth to object but then closed it again. I rested my forehead against Anna's. "Thanks, Anna." After quickly
grabbing a book, the redhead led me over to the couch and sat down. She reverently stared up at the sky through the
window, where the wind was starting to blow the clouds apart. I rested my head on her lap after wrapping myself in the
covers. Anna pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and I took her hand, hugging it to my chest as I closed my eyes.

"Come on Elsa, we need to get ready." I frowned, confused, as I opened my eyes again and heard the distinct sound of a
book closing.

"What? I thought you said we had two hours?" My eyes slid past Anna's face to the large window behind her as the girl
reached to put the book down on the floor next to the couch. The clouds were completely gone and when I moved I felt a
small spot on my cheek pull at my skin. I've b een... drooling?

"Silly Munchy, you've been asleep for almost two and a half hours. My sister could be here any moment." Anna bent over
and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I couldn't say I felt extremely well rested, but all the anxiety seemed to have left my
system and I could even think back to the nightmare without having the urge to scream or curl up in a ball.
I sat up and felt a stiffness in my back. I stretched and behind me, Anna did the same. She stood up a bit wobbly and
stomped her feet a few times, rubbing her thighs. "Well my legs should be well-rested too, they've been asleep for
almost as long as you."

I rubbed my face as I unwrapped the covers around myself, immediately shivering when the warm cocoon fell away. The
smell of roasted chicken filled my nose and I smiled. "Seems like Raina kept up her end of the deal," I said as I got up,
gathering the bed sheets in my arms.

Anna opened the door to the bedroom and I saw her eyes light up again. I followed her and dumped the sheets on the
bed before turning back to Anna, who had picked up a plastic bag from the corner of the room. I hadn't noticed she'd
brought it up earlier, but then again, I'd been slightly preoccupied. Anna pulled out the two stuffed animals we'd bought
earlier that day and she almost jumped up and down with joy as she hugged the stuffed T-rex and baby tiger to her
chest. "Let's get changed Munchy, I want to be downstairs when they get here."

I smiled. I felt like I really needed a shower but there was no time, so instead I settled for brushing out my hair and
washing my face with some water from the bottle next to the bed. I was just applying a little bit of eyeliner, having quickly
changed into a casual knee-length navy skirt with matching light blue blouse. Anna had changed into a nice-looking pair
of black jeans and was standing next to me in front of the mirror, holding a red and a green shirt in her hands.

"What do you think, Munchy? Red or green?" She pouted. "Red means stop, green means go?" She grinned as I let out a
short laugh.

"I don't think Cyrus and Eivi have their driver's license yet. But you know how much I like the green one." It had the Green
Lantern logo on it and it was the shirt Anna had been wearing the day I heard I would become CEO of the firm. It brought
back happy memories.

"Green Lantern it is then." Anna pulled the shirt over her head and starting brushing her hair yet again. I put down the
eyeliner and took Anna's arm.

"If you brush your hair any more you'll go bald." I pressed a small kiss to Anna's cheek, quickly removing the light lipstick
stain I left with my thumb. "You look beautiful."

Anna winked at me. "You look beautifuller. Now, let's go!" She grabbed the stuffed animals and bounded towards the
door. I felt a little bit nervous as I followed her, closing the door behind me while Anna was already halfway down the
stairs. Her parents hadn't exactly been very welcoming at the idea of Anna dating me, and even if Ylva was more open-
minded it could still bring down the mood of the evening. When I had suggested we hold off on telling Ylva Anna had just
glared at me angrily though, and I had quickly dropped the subject.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and found Anna standing in the middle of the room with her back towards me, Raina
sitting at the table with her phone in her hands. The whole room smelled delectable and I walked over to the kitchen to
check out what was spreading the mouth-watering scent. I found a roasted chicken, creamed potatoes with cheese,
steamed vegetables, garlic bread... "It looks and smells delicious, Raina." I turned around and instantly knew something
was amiss.

Anna looked at Raina, a questioning but at the same time fearful expression in her eyes. Raina in turn looked back at
Anna with a face that relayed nothing but sympathy. "I'm so sorry, Anna."

I stepped out of the kitchen, looking from Raina to Anna. "Raina, what is it?"

Raina glanced at me before looking back at Anna. "I just got off the phone with your sister Ylva." I scanned Raina's hands
and saw she was holding Anna's phone, not her own. "They're not coming."

A heavy silence fell, in which I could see the hurt clear in Anna's eyes. I stepped forward, but Anna held out her hands to
me. "Don't, Elsa. Just..." She stared at the floor, tears welling up in her eyes. I had frozen in place, clenching my jaw from
the paralyzing forlorn that seemed to radiate from Anna. "I'm going for a run," the redhead suddenly said as she moved
towards the door. She ignored the coats and disappeared through the door.

I bent down and picked up the stuffed T-Rex that had fallen to the ground when Anna had raised her hands to stop me
from coming over to her. I felt my nostrils flare out and in a display of pure frustration I flung the toy at the wall. "Fuck!" I
howled, closing my eyes and pressing my knuckles into my forehead. Shit, Anna isn't even wearing shoes. I hadn't been
paying attention to Raina, but when I also started moving towards the door she got up and grabbed my arm. I saw she
had her own phone pushed to her ear.

"Elsa, you don't know these woods. Besides, you're exhausted and thus susceptible to the cold." I blinked at the girl.

Raina rolled her eyes. "So, I'll go after her." She said something in Norwegian when someone started talking to her on
the phone. "Me and an army of Torvik's sons," she added to me before turning away, grabbing her coat and continuing to
speak in Norwegian. She turned back to me, pressing the phone to her ear with her shoulder. "Please stay here, Elsa.
You're no good to Anna if you get lost yourself."

The girl closed the door behind her and I stared at it for a few seconds. I then picked up the stuffed T-Rex and sat down
on the sofa, staring into the fire as I hugged the toy to my chest. "It's not your fault," I mumbled, unsure whether I was
talking to the T-Rex or myself.
*Chapter 21*: Chapter 21: The pin
/It's been a while, with me adjusting to life on this side of the world and moving and all that stuff. But here it finally is,
chapter 21!

Chapter 21
The pin

I rubbed my face on the stuffed T-Rex I still had in my hands. I stared into the flames, silent tears rolling down my
cheeks. I really wanted to trust Raina, and I knew she was right and I shouldn't go out there alone - but my legs were
aching to do something, adrenaline surging through my limbs as if it were screaming at me to go chase after Anna.

If you go after her now you'll just get lost yourself. "But what if they don't find her." Mayb e she just went to the b ar to have a
drink. "Or she took off into the woods." In which case you won't b e ab le to find her any faster than Raina and Torvik's
people. "Fuck!" I jumped up again, dropping the stuffed animal to the floor. After a short hesitation I picked it up again
though, hugging it to my chest as I moved over to my laptop and booted it up. Please let someone b e online.

To my surprise I saw myself in my contact list. Or rather, my work-account. "What the..." I double clicked my own name
and I was greeted by the sound of someone swearing softly when I put on my headset.

"Hello?" a woman's voice came hesitantly through the ear pads. The other person hadn't put their webcam on so I wasn't
sure who it was, but I thought I recognised the voice.

"Mulan, is that you?" I tried to sound neutral, but I couldn't keep a small quiver out of my voice.

"What's going on?" Well, she's not wasting any time is she.

"Hey Mulan. I'm just... There's..." I hugged the T-Rex closer to my chest. "Things are a bit fucked up over here." I raised an
eyebrow. "And how exactly am I calling myself only to hear your voice?"

"Ah, that. Well... I kind of needed to look something up so I went into your study to use your computer. I promise I'm only
using internet, I'm not looking at any files or anything."

I closed my eyes and put my forehead on the edge of the table, squeezing my eyes shut. "Yeah no it's fine. Don't worry
about it."

It was quiet for a little while, during which I didn't hear anything but the wind softly blowing around the lodge. "So. Are you
going to tell me what's fucked up? Is Anna alright?"

I didn't move, I just sighed into the microphone in front of my mouth. "Anna's... her sister was supposed to come over
with her husband and kids. Anna had been looking forward to it for days, a week even. We got presents, went grocery
shopping, everything - and then they didn't show up."


"Yeah. Anna just kind of took off. Said she was going for a run."

"She'll be fine." Mulan spoke slowly and clearly and it had a bit of a calming effect.

"Well she's not wearing a coat or shoes and it's minus ten Celsius outside." I sighed heavily.

"Oh. Well that complicates things. I hope someone went after her then?"

"Yeah, a couple of employees went out after her. Raina told me to stay put because I don't know the woods and she was
afraid I'd just end up needing a search myself."


I licked my lips and lifted my head from the table. "Yeah she's an employee here. A bartender."

Mulan chuckled softly. "Are you on first name basis with all the bartenders over there after one day, Elsa?"

"No, just the ones that came onto me." I ignored the sounds that came from the other side of the line. "It's all good,
nothing happened and she and Anna seem to be friendly." I groaned. "How can you even laugh right now? Anna's out
there doing god knows what."

"Elsa, there's nothing you can do. I know it sucks, but there are a bunch of people who actually live there already out
looking for her. They know the area. You don't. Going out there right now will just cause more problems. Besides, what if
Anna decides to come back to the lodge and there's no-one there?"

I blinked. Okay, good point. I looked around me. What if she comes b ack and she's freezing? I glanced over at the fire.
Well there's that. But mayb e I should draw a b ath. Or fire up the sauna. Or... "Elsa, calm down," Mulan said calmly.


"I could hear your cogs turning from all the way over here."

My stomach was churning heavily but I knew that Mulan and Raina were right - I couldn't do anything right now. "I just feel
so helpless. I want to DO something, you know?"

"Yeah I do." I heard a faint noise and Mulan scrambled around a bit. "Hey there. Did you hear Elsa's voice?" I frowned, but
then I heard a meowing sound closer to the computer.

"That sounds like Max," I said with a faint smile.

"It is! Hold on, let me just..." I looked at the screen when Mulan turned her (wait, my) webcam on. The woman had her
hair in a messy bun and she seemed to be wearing pyjama's. She was also holding Max in her arms as he sniffed the
air curiously.

I also turned on my webcam and smiled. "Hey buddy! Getting used to the new house?" Max meowed again softly, looking
around curiously as Mulan laughed and put the cat on the desk. My eyes slid past Mulan at my study. The shelves on the
wall were still stacked with files and boxes of my father's belongings.

Mulan saw me glance and she smirked apologetically. "I didn't touch anything, I swear. Well, I put the box of crossbow-
bolts up on a higher shelf when I got in here. Max and Sitron have been stalking me everywhere, I didn't want to close the
door on them. But I never let them in here when I'm not here. Not that I'm here often, mind you."

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I pointed my finger at my webcam. "Hey Max! Up here!" The cat meowed loudly when he
found me on the computer screen and he tried butting his head against my hand, but he just caused the webcam to
tumble down. It startled him and he jumped off the desk, hissing softly.

After returning the webcam to its original position Mulan reached down and pulled the cat back on her lap. She stroked
his head and he sat down, still staring at the offensive object that had scared him so much. Mulan opened her mouth to
say something but then looked to the floor again. She scooped up Sitron, who was apparently attracted to the noise, and
put him next to Max.

We spent a few minutes playing with the cats but any time my eyes wandered even momentarily away from my computer
screen I was reminded of Anna's absence, causing a new rush of adrenaline each time. It was because of that, that
when my phone rang I jumped before quickly putting my headset down on the table and answering it. "Yes? Anna?"

"Hey Elsa. We found Anna. She's cold, but fine." I moaned loudly and sagged down in my chair, an intense feeling of
relief spreading through my body. I felt tears prick at my eyes again. Raina laughed softly through the phone. "We're
bringing her up to the main building, want me to come pick you up?"

"Yes, I'll put my coat on." I hung up the phone and looked at the screen, where Mulan was already waving at me. "I'll talk
to you later, Mulan. And feel free to use the computer any time!"

"Elsa, stop it. You're driving me crazy." Anna swatted at my hands when I moved to take the heavy black coat away from
her. Instead she hung it up on the hook herself, next to her own and mine. The coat had the name and logo of the resort
on it, they'd given it to Anna to use after they found her wandering the woods.

"Oh so when I'm cold and shivering you get to take care of me but when it's the other way around it doesn't count?" I
crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at the redhead.

"Well I'm not shivering anymore, am I?" Anna moved towards the couch and sat down, stretching her hands out to the
fire. She glanced at me. "Sorry for scaring you though, I didn't mean to do that."

I walked over to Anna and pressed a small kiss to her forehead. "I know, you told me. Like, twenty times." I chuckled
when Anna pushed against my thighs to get me away from her. "Can I at least get you something warm to drink?"

Five minutes later we were both clutching mugs of steaming hot chocolate in our hands. I glanced over at Anna. The girl
seemed okay now, blowing softly into her mug, but I knew she was still hurting inside. Her eyes didn't have that spark
they usually did. I looked back into the fire. Raina had picked me up and taken me to the resort, but Anna made it clear
she didn't want to hang around there too long. I had simply collected her from Lidvar and four other men who apparently
were all sons of Torvik, bright heads of blond hair and an imposing frame.

Raina had stayed behind at the resort and I was thankful for it. I really appreciated all the work she went through earlier
that night, preparing the food and giving me some time to sleep - but I was glad she wasn't here to intrude on Anna's

Anna sighed and leaned back into the cushions, taking a sip of her drink. She had her eyes closed and I studied her face
for a moment before leaning my elbows onto my knees again, staring at the fire. I have ab solutely no clue what to say.
Damnit. I'm so exhausted. I slowly licked my lips and ran my fingers over the outside of the mug. Do I try to talk to her
ab out her sister, or do I wait until the morning? Do I propose she get some sleep? A b ath? The chat I'd had with Mulan
earlier that evening came back to me. Your cogs are turning again.

The silence felt heavy and I started feeling a bit uncomfortable. Okay fine so you have no clue what to say. Then just do
something. I leaned back into the cushions, putting my hand up on the back of the couch. Anna noticed and she happily
leaned into me, pulling her legs up and resting her head on my shoulder. She closed her eyes again and sighed when I
put my arm on her side, petting it softly. I had to stifle a large yawn, my eyes burning with sleep.

"We should burn those plushies," Anna murmured. She rested her mug of chocolate on my knee, hugging herself with
her other arm.

I rubbed her shoulder. "I don't think that's a great idea. For one, the entire lodge will smell terrible. Second, you'll want to
keep them to give them to Cyrus and Eivi when we've set up a new meeting. Appointment. Date." I sighed. "I'm sorry,
when I'm tired I forget how to English."

A soft laugh coursed through Anna's body and I enjoyed how her ribs shook against my hand. "Well maybe. If Ylva even
wants to reschedule."

"You don't know why they didn't show up, Anna. Let's just call her in the morning and talk about it. Maybe they forgot..." I
grimaced when I realised what I just said. "No they wouldn't forget, it's too important. I mean maybe their car broke down,
or one of the kids caught a cold..."

As on cue, Anna started coughing. It started out small but she quickly had to sit up and I hit her on the back as a couple
of severe coughs tore through her body, causing her eyes to water. I looked at her empathetically. "Well that's what you
get for going out in this weather underdressed as you were."

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry mom." Anna sniffled and ran the back of her hand past her mouth. She was frowning and still
looked rather miserable. I placed my hot chocolate down and put my arms around her, resting my chin on her shoulder. I
opened my mouth to say more but Anna beat me to it. "Let's just go upstairs." She smiled half-heartedly and patted me
on the arm. "Hopefully a good night's sleep will prevent me from getting really sick."

During our slow trek upstairs I walked behind Anna, trying to get my thoughts in order. This isn't exactly how I hoped the
first days of our vacation would go. Anna's feeling so b ad... And I'm not exactly a b ounding b undle of joy myself. I
glanced up at Anna, her shoulders a bit hunched. How do I show her how much she means to me?

I quickly made the bed while Anna changed. I walked over to the wardrobe just as Anna pulled her sleeping shirt over her
head and I could see she was trembling slightly. I moved up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist,
leaning forward to press a kiss to her temple. "You're still freezing, aren't you?"

Anna stroked my forearms with her fingers and turned her head towards me. "Well it's a nice change that your hands are
warmer than mine." She intertwined our fingers and I ran my thumb over the back of her hand. It's true, this is the first time
since I've met her that her skin feels cool to my touch.

I saw a brief smirk run over Anna's face and she suddenly turned around. I smiled incredulously. "Anna, what are you -
AAH!" I buckled over when Anna slipped her hands underneath my blouse, pressing the cold palms against my sides. I
tried moving away from her but she moved with me, sliding her hands to my back and pulling me against her.

"Don't be mean Munchy, this is a rare opportunity!" She turned her hands around, warming the other side against my
back as well. I felt my skin crawl and I clenched my teeth.
"Well I guess it's better than being chased around with floury hands." I laughed and looked down at Anna. I wrapped my
arms around her shoulders and hugged her to me. "Anna, I'm really sorry about tonight." I sighed. "And last night. I really
want you to know that you mean the world to me."

Anna wrapped her arms firmly around my waist and returned the hug. She turned her head upwards and I caught her
lips in a kiss, lingering for a little while. It was a strange sensation, Anna's core temperature was so low even her lips felt
cool against my own.

The kiss quickly changed in nature when Anna slightly tilted her head and softly scratched her nails over the skin of my
back. I moved one hand to the back of Anna's neck and pulled her forward gently, moving my tongue out to tease her
lower lip. Anna moved her hand up and I suddenly felt a small jolt of pain run through my spine, so I pulled back from the
kiss abruptly.

"What happened?" Anna asked curiously, a slight frown on her face. I thought I also saw a flash of guilt and hurt, but it
disappeared so quickly I told myself I'd misinterpreted.

"I... I slammed my back into the wardrobe earlier. When I woke up from that nightmare." My back had been feeling rather
sore ever since, but I hadn't really paid it any mind. Anna immediately demanded that I show her though, so I took off my
blouse and clutched the garment to my chest.

Anna carefully ran her fingers over a rather painful spot on my back. "Yeah that's quite a bruise you've got there." She
professionally pressed a few points and gauged my reaction. "No broken ribs though."

I couldn't hold back a yawn and my jaw stretched itself open widely. "Wouldn't I have noticed a broken rib, Anna?"

The redhead moved to the bed, shrugging. She sat down and looked at me. "Broken ribs are sometimes less sore than
contused ones. It's a thing." Her eyelids were heavy and she pressed her hand to her mouth when she also yawned.
"Now get changed and get over here." She smiled. "Let's get some sleep. We're both tired. And I don't want to make you
sick too."

I quickly changed and slid underneath the covers with Anna. She held out her arm and I put my head on her chest, again
yawning. Anna stroked some hair behind my ear. "You go to sleep first. As soon as I know for sure that you're not having
some terrible nightmare I'll join you." She ran a nail across my shoulder. "And remember, whenever you're not sure
whether you're awake or dreaming, do the nail-pinching thing. I'll teach you some more techniques tomorrow."

Techniques? I put an arm around Anna's waist, yawning once more, and pressed the length of my body into her side to
transfer some warmth over into the redhead. "Good night, Anna. I love you."

Anna pressed a kiss to my head. "Love you too, Munchy."

"It's really refreshing to see someone of your age get into this business, Miss Shields. Especially these days, when
youth tend not to care for pursuing the lengthy track of law school anymore." The middle-aged man straightened his red
tie and nodded politely at me.

I looked up when someone in the room laughed loudly, but quickly brought my attention back to the man sitting next to
me. "Thank you Mr. Johansson. Of course I was more or less brought up in this world, I can't say I ever saw myself doing
anything else." I sipped my glass of white wine and crossed my left leg over my right. My eyes glanced to my left, where
Anna was talking with another balding gentleman. He seemed to be enjoying an anecdote, as Anna was gesturing
animatedly and the man responded by laughing or gasping at the right times. Telling ER horror stories, Anna?

A younger woman, probably somewhere in her thirties, came walking up to us. She slalomed past some other big wigs,
holding a tablet and smiling a bit slickly. She threw me a look that seemed to hold mostly contempt, but I'd been getting
more of that today. Anna and I had been attending a luxurious lunch (expertly organised by Henry), at which a large
number of representatives from several law firms were gathered. Many of the people here had worked in the business a
lot longer but held a position far from mine. It caused the atmosphere around my person to be slightly tense, but luckily
Anna was always there to lift everyone's spirits with a joke or silly story.

"Mr. Johansson, Mrs. Becken is on the line for you. He says it's urgent." My conversation partner threw his hands up.

"Ah, duty calls. Excuse me, Miss Shields. I hope we get to talk some more later."

Oh god please no. "That would be very welcome, Mr. Johansson." I smiled sweetly, but when the man turned his back
towards me my face fell a bit slack and I took another sip of wine. We'd arrived at eleven that morning and it was already
pushing four o'clock - that's a long time to hold up fake smiles and eloquent banter. It's for the good of the company,
Elsa. "Yeah, if I still have a company in a few months." No-one noticed me mumbling to myself. No-one except for Anna of

"Judging by your face I'm really happy I offered to be the designated driver today," Anna said with a wink when she sat
down in the armchair next to me. She glanced at my attire. "Hold on," she said as she leaned over to straighten my collar.
I was wearing a black blazer and dress pants over a pristine white dress shirt. Anna's outfit mirrored mine almost
perfectly but hers sported a thin dark green tie with a golden pin on it. It was the Almstedt family crest and I had been
surprised at how much weight it carried around here.

"I'm normally a fan of Chopin but they've been playing the same piece over and over again for the last five hours. I'll never
be able to look at a piano the same way again," I said softly.

Anna chuckled with her hand over her mouth. She'd been playing her role very commendably and she was almost
getting more attention than I was - something I didn't regret whatsoever. As opposed to me, who had to play the rather
stiff CEO, Anna could just be herself for the most part. A lot of the people in the room eyed her rather affectionately, like
an excitable cousin. The glares were reserved for me.

"Miss Almstedt, would you like another mineral water?" I hadn't seen the waiter come up behind me so I jumped slightly,
quickly trying to mask the movement by putting my glass down on the low table in front of me. I glanced at the pristinely
dressed waiter and smiled while Anna placed an order for mineral water with a slice of lemon.

"I'm surprised at you, I figured you'd be halfway through your second bottle of coke by now." I smiled teasingly at Anna,
who glanced back at me in return.

"You surprise me too, I would've half expected you to have fallen asleep by now."

"That's not fair, that only happened a couple of times."

"A day." Anna smiled at me again but instead of looking energetic, she suddenly looked exhausted.

I had just opened my mouth to place another retort but now I frowned slightly. "Are you okay? You looked like you were
enjoying yourself out there." I'm not getting the most attention for a change.

Anna raised an eyebrow. "Playing the Almstedt role isn't exactly my idea of a great time at the moment." She saw my face
fall slightly so she quickly leaned over and put her hand on my knee. "Don't worry, it's not like I'm hating it. It's easier to
play my role without my dad in the room. I would always feel his eyes on the back of my head, judging me every step of
the way." She withdrew her hand and visibly suppressed a snort that would've been out of place in our current
surroundings. "I guess it's easier now that I know I couldn't possibly let him down more. I've got nothing more to lose."

I clenched my teeth at Anna's words, wanting nothing more than to embrace her and kiss every inch of her face and tell
her she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever encountered in my entire life - but that would definitely be out of place in our
current surroundings.

"Miss Almstedt, your mineral water." The waiter had returned and threw Anna a generous smile while she thanked the
man. He then turned to me. "Miss Shields, my boss has asked me to remind you we have to start preparing for the next
group soon." The young man looked very nervous as he spoke, clearly not wanting to give a high-paying customer such

I smiled at him reassuringly. "Thank you for reminding me, but I was well-aware." I leaned over slightly. "The reason I
didn't book the whole day is because I needed a reason to leave before dying of boredom," I said in a low voice. The boy
smiled but I could see him fidgeting with his hands.

"It uhm..." the boy's eyes flicked over the crowd of rich people gathered in the large room. "I'm not sure how you wish to
proceed?" He turned it into a question and I felt for him.

"How about you tell your boss I want him to take care of it? And if he doesn't want to, or he thinks you're trying to dump
responsibility on him, tell him to come see me." I saw a man approach Anna and the girl got up to greet him
appropriately. Oh come on, leave her alone for five minutes.

The waiter nodded his head and left, leaving me sitting alone in my chair once more. Anna was standing not too far
away, but her back was turned to me and all I could see were her hands folded behind her. I suddenly fought to swallow
a snort when Anna suddenly made a 'blablabla' gesture with one of her hands, shielded by the other. I buried the sound
erupting from my throat with a cough, which immediately prompted one of the men in my vicinity to turn towards me

"Miss Shields, are you feeling alright?" I looked at the man and was surprised to see he was rather young, probably in
his early thirties. I smiled at him as I got up, straightening my blazer and extending my hand.

"Yes, I'm fine. You seem to have me at a disadvantage."

The man took my hand and seemed confused. "I'm sorry?"

I smiled gingerly. "You know my name but I don't know who you are."

The man's eyes widened. "Of course! I apologise. My name is Daniel. I'm that guys' PA." He pointed at the man who was
talking to Anna. "Have you spoken to him yet?"

"I can't say I have." God this is just turning into another useless conversation. I want to get out of here already. I checked
my watch. Raina's prob ab ly waiting for us.

Daniel noticed my gesture and his eyes showed amusement. "Am I boring you, Miss Shields?"

I opened my mouth to voice the opposite but then just sighed. "It's not you, it's just... all this." I gestured vaguely,
indicating the whole room. "I know it's good for the company, but..."

Daniel looked around like he noticed the room for the first time. "Yes, I guess it is rather stiff. Especially with the
impressive amount of security." The man raised his eyebrow. "I do wonder what's up with all that."

No b ig deal, someone might b e trying to kill me for interfering with his huge money laundering operation. That's all. "My
assistant can be a bit overbearing, he's never been to Europe." I tried to look disinterested.

Daniel looked back at me. "Ah." He bowed lightly. "I will take my leave then. I do believe it's nearing closing time." I
frowned, causing Daniel to smile. "They killed the music." As he said it I realised he was right - the never-ending piece of
Chopin had disappeared from the air. Daniel gave me another generous smile and took his leave.

I found myself suddenly feeling very alone. I glanced over the crowd without really seeing much, while at the same time
feeling like my head was spinning. The ugly feeling of anxiety started forming itself in my chest and I ran my hand
through my hair in a frustrated gesture, pulling loose several strands from the bun on the back of my head.

"Hey Munchy, you ok?" The sudden voice from behind me made me jump visibly and I immediately felt a hand press
down on my shoulder. "What's up?"

I turned around, still eyeing my surroundings nervously. "I don't know," I said honestly.

Anna tried following my glances to see what was making me uncomfortable but I knew she wouldn't find anything, as
there was nothing actively setting me off. Anna squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "You don't know? You have that look
in your eyes. That... one look." She sounded a bit unsure and helpless so I gently patted her forearm with my hand.

"I feel anxious. But I don't know why." I licked my lips and reminded myself to keep breathing calmly and deeply. "It
happens. I'll be fine." My voice quivered very lightly at that last part and I internally scolded myself. Great way of reassuring
your girlfriend, Elsa.

I noticed Mr. Johansson looking at us and I tried edging away from the redhead, but she wouldn't have it. In the
meanwhile I felt my throat tingling but I tried pushing it aside. It's just a physical feeling. Nothing b ad is going to happen.
You'll b e fine. The self-talk didn't help however, the anxiety was here now and it wasn't exactly prone to reason.

"Okay." Anna looked at me inquisitively. "I'm going to ask you a few questions and you have to answer them honestly."
When I didn't meet her eyes Anna softly pressed against my cheek to force me to face her, before crossing her arms in
front of her chest.

I hugged myself with one arm when Anna's touch fell away, but at the same time I was happy Johansson's reason for
regarding us had now disappeared. I looked at Anna, wondering what the girl was going to ask me that was so

Anna kept her voice low so the people around us wouldn't hear. "Do you want to talk about your anxiety?"

"No, not really."

Anna nodded. "Okay. Are you okay with me touching you?"

To that I firmly nodded and Anna stepped to my side, sliding her arm through mine. "Good. Do you want to stay in this
room?" I regarded the people around me and knew I should stay to see everyone out, but at the same time I knew I didn't
want to stay. I shook my head. Anna affectionately put her free hand on my lower arm. "Okay then, let's go."

We walked towards the exit, Anna cheerfully smiling and greeting everyone as we moved past them. Some of them tried
to start a conversation but somehow the girl attached firmly to my arm managed to pass everyone without saying more
than three words and, which was especially skilfully done, without insulting any of them. I was content with just smiling
and nodding at people, knowing Anna was actively taking the attention off of me. I felt tears prick in my eyes but not just
from the anxiety. When we had left the room and were finally out of view of everyone I wrapped my arms tightly around
Anna, pressing my face into her shoulder and sobbing softly. "Gods, I love you so much," I murmured.

Anna softly pushed me away and for a moment I felt a renewed pang of anxiety, but then I also heard the voices
approaching the doors from the other side. Anna turned me around and gently pushed me towards a door in the wall. "In
there," she said softly.

I opened the door. "Anna, this is a cupboard," I said confusedly. Anna just pushed me inside, closing the door behind
her. There was very little light in here so I couldn't really see her, I just felt dust fill my nose and had to suppress a

Anna pulled me down with her as she sat with her back against the wall, almost physically forcing me to sit in between
her legs and lean backwards against her chest. I set my feet against the opposite wall and closed my eyes, listening to
the multitude of voices outside of the cupboard. Seems like the party is really over.

"Did I ever tell you about how I met Kristoff?" Anna suddenly asked. I shook my head and Anna felt the movement against
her collarbone. She put her arms over my shoulders and folded her hands on my chest while leaning her head down on
mine. It made me feel secure. Anna's the only one who can touch me when I'm anxious and not make it worse, I thought
as I entangled my fingers with hers.

"It was at the pub. I came there quite often already, mostly because I had to escape Mulan every once in a while. I love
her, but living with her can be... suffocating." I felt a soft chuckle in her chest. "Well not for you, probably. But at that time
she really was my substitute parent, she dragged me off the street and was still busy kicking me back to the straight and

Anna started playing with my hands. "I'd heard I had been accepted into AMU earlier that day and wanted to celebrate. It
just also happened to be Kristoff's first night working there as a bouncer. So when I was drunk off my ass by the time it
was nine PM he was the one who held my hair as I puked my guts out in a urinal."

I grimaced. "That's disgusting."

Anna shrugged. "It would've been a lot more disgusting if he hadn't been there. I almost passed out then and there.
Kristoff went through my bag, found my phone but couldn't find anyone labelled as 'mom' or 'dad'. I had stopped calling
them by those terms long before that, and besides that, I didn't even have them saved as contacts in my phone."

"So who did he end up calling?"

Anna laughed loud enough to cause her to press a hand to her mouth. "He dialled Masters. I had him saved under
"Uncle P", because it kind of felt like he was trying to be my good uncle who saved me from a life in jail by covering for
me. P stood for pig, of course." Anna's laugh faded. "I really should thank him for the stuff he did for me though. He's a
good guy."

I ran my fingers over the skin on Anna's hands and arms. "Yes he is. So is Dr. Reynolds."

Anna sighed deeply, moving my head up and down quite a bit. "I keep forgetting you know that guy now." She was silent
for a few seconds. "But yes, he definitely is." Anna pressed a soft kiss to my hair. "Are you feeling better?"

I had been feeling better, Anna's story distracting me from the causeless anxiety sitting in my chest and throat, but she
had reminded me just a bit too early and it came roaring back. "So what happened after Kristoff called Masters?"

"Masters didn't know I was living with Mulan at the time, the two had never met. And they actually only met because of you,
I don't think Masters even knew about her existence before that." Just like Anna to take the hint just like that and keep
b ab b ling. I snuggled myself more firmly against her, if that was even possible.

"He thought you were still living on the street?"

"Yeah. But when Kristoff figured out he wasn't an actual uncle but a cop, the sweetheart said he'd misdialled and
decided to just bring me back to his place instead. He and Sven were already living in the AMU building, I moved in soon
after." Anna huffed onto my hair. "He had to go back to work as soon as he dropped me off however, and by the time he
got back I had puked all over their toilet and sink, but also on several placed on the floor and even in his wardrobe."

I wasn't sure whether to smile or be disgusted by that. Probably both. "You must've had quite a bit to drink."

"Well, yeah. I never got that drunk again. I got drunk, yes, but not that drunk." Anna rubbed her nose on my hair, nuzzling
closely to me. "I just get punch-hole-in-wall-drunk now, no longer puke-everywhere-drunk."

It was quiet for a few minutes after that. I felt content just lying back against Anna, listening to the many people moving
past our door. The fact that they had no idea we were here made it feel like we were all alone, even though their
footsteps sounded only a few feet away.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Anna."

"About what?" The redhead responded quickly but didn't move. Still wary for symptoms of anxiety, prob ab ly. Or

"This was supposed to be a holiday, a vacation. Some time away from everything going on back home. It just seems like
we can't catch a break."

"Oh, Munchy." Anna hugged me tightly against her and I felt new tears push against the back of my eyes. "It's already a
big break for me that I don't have to be at the hospital and you don't have to go to work. I hate not having you close to me,
because every time we're apart I worry something might happen to you because I'm not there to protect you."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I just hugged Anna's arms tighter to my chest. I enjoyed the hug, but the bad
thing about all hugs is that they're bound to end. So when Anna released the pressure on my upper body I sighed deeply
and unwrapped her arms. "We have to get going, we have an appointment."

"Oh?" Anna got up smoothly by sliding her back upwards past the wall. She quickly pulled me to my feet too and pressed
a short kiss to my neck which sent shivers that had nothing to do with feeling safe and secure down my back.

"Raina offered to cook."

Anna pressed her ear against the door to make sure no-one was directly on the other side. "Again? She cooked for us
two nights ago too."

"That didn't count. That night was... weird." In the little bit of light coming in from the doorway I could see Anna shrugging,
but I knew it still hurt her that Ylva hadn't shown up. A slight smile crept up on my face. "So Raina wanted to do a bit of a

"I think the coast is clear," Anna said as she carefully pushed the door open. She peeked out quickly before suddenly
dragging me out into the hallway by my arm. I glared at her, a bit startled by the sudden tug on my shoulder. She just
winked at me. "Can't have CEO Shields and Miss Almstedt be seen exiting a cupboard together, people would talk."

"Gods Raina, that smells delicious." Anna stepped into the cabin before I did and didn't bother taking her coat off before
falling down on her knees and clasping her hands together. "What did we do to deserve another one of your grandiose
feasts, Miss Loki."

Raina laughed and put one hand in her side, the other one pointing a ladle with tomato sauce on it at Anna. "I'm no
trickster, you're the ones who are using false names to have some sort of weird romantic getaway together. But yes,
kneel before me."

Anna got up and I grabbed the shoulders of her coat, quickly pulling it from her back as she started moving towards the
kitchen. "At least we're not breaking into people's homes when they're not there."

I shook my head lightly while the two women playfully argued. I was tired and a bit nervous so I didn't feel witty enough to
join in their banter. Anna and Raina didn't notice when I moved towards the stairs to quickly change into something more
comfortable. "Well I have a key so it's not exactly breaking in. Besides, I'm cooking dinner, it's not like I'm going through
your panty drawer to steal all your valuables."

"What kind of moron keeps their valuables in their panty drawer?"

"Well that thing on your tie looks like... Wait, hold on, you're an ALMSTEDT?!"
"Oh for fucks sake, I forgot to take that thing off..."

I cut off the voices downstairs by closing the bedroom door behind me. I leaned against it for a moment, my eyes closed.
Well it's not like Raina wouldn't have figured that one out sooner or later. I rubbed my face, realising too late that I would
now have to completely re-apply my make-up. I sighed deeply and decided to take things one step at a time. Get
changed first, worry ab out hair and make-up later. I grimaced, ridiculing my own inner dialogue. It's just dinner, we're not
meeting the queen of England. "No, just Anna's sister and her children," I muttered to myself softly.

I thought back to the phone conversation I'd had with Ylva the previous day. I had woken up from a hectic dream in the
morning, leaving Anna to sleep in while I took a quick refreshing walk outside. It was there that I had ran into Raina, who
was holding a company phone and was looking a bit confused.

"Miss Summers, this is someone who doesn't want to give her name but insists she has to talk to you." The woman had
leaned in closely. "Says it's important."

It had turned out to be Ylva, who was feeling so bad about not showing up the previous night she hadn't dared to call
Anna but instead tried to contact me. She didn't have my cell phone number so she had called the resort, who in turn had
turned the call over to Raina who had gone out to find me. Which was... "a bit of a complicated way to get in touch, Ylva."

"I know, but I didn't just want to call Anna again. Last night I got this employee on the line and I kind of panicked because
I know you and Anna are undercover and all that... I kind of hung up before realising what was going on." Wow, she really
sounds like her sister.

"So what happened? Why didn't you show up?"

"It's Agdar." Of course it is. "He sounded drunk as he threatened to cancel my children's college fund if I as much as got
in contact with Anna. I panicked, but I realised soon after cancelling that I was being ridiculous. He's my dad but he
doesn't control my life. I've suspected Anna was gay since we were kids, I commend her for sticking around as long as
she did."

Since they were kids? "Oh wow. Well it makes sense you kind of panicked, and it's good to hear you didn't cancel for
some other reason."

"I want to come over tomorrow, if that's okay."

I had looked at Raina. "Dinner tomorrow? I think we can arrange something." Raina had put two thumbs up in the air.
"Let's keep it a surprise for Anna."

Now, as I rummaged through my clothes to find an outfit while Anna was probably still arguing with Raina downstairs, I
was seriously rethinking that plan. Sure, Anna would be surprised, but would it be a good surprise? Things had been so
complicated lately, wouldn't this just be another stressor on top of everything else? In a sudden rush of frustration I
pulled off my blazer a bit too aggressively and I heard the terrible sound of tearing fabric. The source quickly became
apparent when I held the piece of clothing at arm's length and saw the purple silk lining of the blazer had come loose.

I swore and threw it at the bed, but it landed just behind the foot of the bed. I clenched my fists and turned away, groaning
and leaning my forehead against the mirror on the wall. Calm down Elsa, you just need to relax. Enjoy the coming
evening. Get some more sleep. I had been sleeping better now that Anna was actively assisting me in the matter, mostly
because simply lying on top of the redhead just seemed to calm me down. Anna doesn't seem to mind, I thought with a
slight smile.

I sighed. Okay. Get changed. Don't b reak any more stuff. Smile. Hug your girlfriend. You got this.

When I opened the bedroom door again I was still wearing the white dress shirt but I'd exchanged my dress slacks for
the same navy skirt I had been wearing two nights before. I should tell Anna to get changed as well, her sister could b e
here any...

"...yeah no I think she's been feeling better. It's just hard to gauge her sometimes, you know?" I had just put down my
hand on the railing to descend the stairs, but Anna's voice made me stall.

"She looks better at least. Two days ago, when you guys came back from town, she looked pale as a sheet." A faint
clanking of plates and the distinct sound of heels on the hardwood floor told me Raina was probably setting the table as
she spoke.

"Well she fell asleep behind the wheel on the way back, that's why she looked so terrible." I clenched my teeth. I felt like I
was intruding on the conversation, but then again, they were talking about me. Doesn't that give me the right to
eavesdrop? I heard a thud and Anna groaned. "I just don't know what to DO anymore."

It was silent for a little while and I considered opening and closing the bedroom door loud enough for them to hear, but
then Raina spoke up again. "Just make her feel safe and relaxed, I guess. I don't know what kind of stuff is going on with
the two of you, but it's clearly stressing the both of you out quite a bit."

"I'm trying."

I heard more thuds but wasn't sure what they were until Raina answered that question for me. "Stop hitting your forehead
on the table, you'll break it. Your head, not the table. That is solid mahogany."

"Oh shush." The thudding stopped, however. "With my previous girlfriends I always knew what to do. Mary loved it when I
massaged her feet. Monique would always feel better if I pretended to be Tarzan. Don't ask." I heard the sound of drinks
being poured and I again felt torn between wanting to hear more and dreading what that might be.

"Thanks," Anna said. Just get out of here, Elsa. "Even Laura wasn't that difficult to calm down, I'd just make her come so
hard she'd fall asleep right after." That comment caught me so by surprise I forgot all about moving away from the

"Well, I guess that can do the trick. But I'm getting the feeling the two of you have something deeper and thus more
meaningful going on than with the women you were just describing."

"Yeah. The way I love Elsa makes it so much more complicated. I'm so afraid of hurting her, of scaring her off... She's so
sensitive. We've only slept together one time and it meant so much to me... I finally felt like Elsa was opening up, but then
all this stuff happened and now I'm apprehensive again, it took her so long to finally be ready for that and now I don't want
to scare her off again. It's all so fucking delicate it's driving me crazy."

I heard Raina cough uncomfortably and Anna made a shocked sound. "Oh gods listen to me, I'm sorry. Why am I telling
you all this, I'm rambling." Another thud. "I'm an idiot."

"It's okay, it's one of my superpowers that makes me such a good bartender. But yeah, you should probably be talking to
Elsa about this, not me."

"You're right." I heard a chair scraping along the floor. "I'll go change."

"Oh and Anna." Raina sounded a bit unsure and there was a short pause before she continued. "There's a difference
between giving her the space to decide whether she wants to do... anything... further when you're setting things up, you
know, and completely leaving everything up to her. If she is as much of a queer baby as you say she is, she probably
won't be the one instigating stuff like that. It's all new to her."

"Thanks." Anna laughed briefly. "You really are good at that listening and talking stuff." My mind was spinning, trying to
process everything I had just heard but I soon realised I didn't have the time. Anna's footsteps were nearing the bottom of
the stairs and in a few seconds she'd see me standing here, which was a situation I desperately wanted to avoid.

In a display of stealth I hadn't expected of myself I slipped through the door and hurried to the bed. I wanted to lie down
on my side and pretend to sleep but immediately realised that wouldn't be very believable, seeing how I'd been adamant
about not shutting my eyes for longer than three seconds when I didn't have Anna's arms around me.

I sat up on the bed and grabbed the book Anna was reading off of the bedside table, opening it on a random page. Shit,
it's upside down - at the exact moment I had the book correct side up Anna opened the door and came into the bedroom.

"Finally done arguing with Raina?" I visualised being in the boardroom to keep my voice from shaking. I might've been a
lawyer, I hated lying.

"Sorry, I had to make her promise not to blab to the other employees that I was an Almstedt. Headlocks and hair pulling
might have been involved." Anna moved to the closet whilst taking off her blazer. She threw it down on the floor next to
mine. "Nice to see you're finally becoming less anal about tidiness."

I tried desperately to think of something to say. She told Raina ab out... that. My eyes were unfocused and the words on
the pages of the book were a blur. I had no idea she was worrying so much.

"Would it be rude to just show up in my pyjama's? Raina has clearly made an effort, but I'm so exhausted from that
damned party." Raina. She told Raina ab out our sex life. I gritted my teeth. For as far that exists. I sighed lightly, trying to
focus my thoughts. It's just Anna's way of dealing with it. Raina is a nice girl. It's not a b ig deal. "Is it okay if I borrow one of
your dress shirts? You brought so many there's enough for a soccer team." What on earth is a queer b ab y anyway.
"Elsa. You with me?" Oh crap. Think fast.

"Sorry, I got sucked into the book. It's one of my favourites." I quickly read a few sentences. "Did you get to the scene in
the French castle yet?"

"Yeah. But if you had actually been paying attention to the book, or was wearing your reading glasses, you might have
noticed the bookmark just above your right hand." Fuck.

"Just get changed, Anna. I'm tired." I closed the book and lowered my forehead into my palm.

"I'm sorry, Munchy. Here I am, talking about how exhausted I am, when you had to play the stuck up CEO for almost five
hours straight." Oh please, no, you're not allowed to make me feel b ad right now. I'm not even sure whether I'm angry at
you or myself. Or b oth.

I looked up and tried to give Anna a sincere smile. Get it together, Elsa. For Anna's sake. That last thought seemed to
give me the push I needed and I felt the smile on my face wasn't fake. "Yes, of course you're allowed to borrow one of my
shirts. I think the light blue one might suit you." I pushed myself off of the bed and walked over to Anna, who seemed to
accept my change in demeanour as enough reason to drop the previous subject.

"You don't think it'll clash with my hair? I could wear it up, I guess." She took off the shirt she was wearing and regarded
the dress shirt I had indicated to her on a shelf above her. Oh gods I didn't know you owned red lace b ras, Anna. I got up
behind her and ran my hand through her hair.

"I like it when you wear it down." That's it, that's the most forward you can b e? I sighed. Prob ab ly just as well, with Ylva
and her kids on their way.

I saw Anna shiver slightly. "Down it is, then." She reached up to grab the shirt, the muscles in her back and shoulders
tensed up. I enjoyed the view but again had no idea whether I should do anything or not.

I think I'm b eginning to understand that whole queer b ab y thing. "I'll head downstairs, meet you there?"

"Sure Munchy. See you there."

I slipped through the bedroom door and went downstairs, where I found a rather flustered Raina. She was visibly trying
to set the table and finish up dinner at the same time, so I grabbed the silverware she'd put on the edge of the countertop
and started distributing it.

"Thanks, Elsa." Raina shot me a smile, but then frowned. "Wait, do I call you Elsa or Valerie when Ylva and her kids get

Just call me queer b ab y. "Elsa should be fine."

"Ah yeah, I guess you don't have to keep up appearances for Anna's sister." I saw Raina shake her head lightly as she
turned back to the stove. "Cooking for two Almstedts and I decided to go with pasta Bolognese."

I put down the silverware as I was taught, everything in the correct place. "Anna is very happy not to be treated as royalty,
don't worry about it. I'm sure Ylva is the same."

Raina groaned. "Still. Pasta. I could've at least, I don't know… done something more original."

I still couldn't figure out whether I was annoyed with Raina or not. She's such a nice person, just look at her. I noticed
there weren't any napkins on the table yet so I started looking in the cupboards. "Well it smells great, so unless you
wanted to use home-grown tomatoes I'm not sure how you could improve."

The black-haired woman turned the stove down to minimum and wiped her forehead with her sleeve, staring at it in a
disgusted manner immediately after. "I used to grow my own produce, back when I lived with my mom." She leaned
backwards against the countertop. "The napkins are in there," she said as she gestured vaguely to one of the cabinets
above my head.


"I had this amazing pet too, loved him to death. My mom hates animals though, so I never told her I had him." Is this life-
story night? I covered up my sigh by reaching up to grab the napkins off the shelf. "I wanted to be a chef, I used to
constantly bake and cook all kinds of stuff… but my mom thought it wasn't 'a very suitable career' for me." She used her
hands to form quotation marks next to her head as she said it. She then laughed and shrugged. "Well, mother knows
best I guess."

I had just finished putting napkins on all the plates when Anna came back downstairs. She glanced at the table and
frowned while me and Raina exchanged nervous glances. "Hold on, why are there six plates?"

"Ylva's husband couldn't make it."

Anna's eyebrows slowly travelled up her face until they disappeared almost completely into her hairline. "Wait. What?"

"I think you should go grab those two stuffed animals, Anna. They could be here any second." I winked at the redhead,
the look of pure ecstasy on her face enough to make me forget all about the annoyed thoughts that had been running
through my head.

"They're coming? Tonight?!" Anna looked from me to Raina, who stood next to me with one elbow on my shoulder. "And
you knew?! You bitch!"

Raina wagged one finger at Anna. "Language, Miss Almstedt. We wouldn't want the kids to hear you." My phone started
ringing and Raina quickly wiped her hands on a cloth before heading towards the door. "That must be them, I'll go fetch

Anna's eyes followed Raina to the door, lingered there for a second when it closed, then shot back to me. "You arranged
this?" she asked softly.

I rubbed my neck nervously, hugging myself with my other arm. "Well Ylva called me, but yes. Me and Raina did." I smiled
apprehensively. "Does that mean you're OK with us keeping it a secret from you?"

"Gods, Elsa." Anna walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close and pressing her face
into my shoulder. "I am a hundred and ten percent okay with this. Of course I am. You dork."

I pulled Anna close to me, relief spreading through my body. "And she didn't cancel because she hates you because
you're gay. But you can ask her about that yourself in a little bit."

"Is this why you got anxious today? Because you were nervous I'd get mad?"

"No. I honestly don't know why I got anxious." I licked my lips in a nervous manner, thinking back to the feelings of anxiety
earlier that day wasn't exactly comfortable. "It just happened." I unwrapped my arms from around Anna and looked down
at the redhead.

"Oh. Okay." Anna also took her arms back. Why do you suddenly feel so afraid to give her a small kiss? It's just a kiss. "I'll
go get those plushies then!" Anna's face lit up and she bounded off towards the stairs to collect the stuffed animals.

And the moment's gone. Great job . I closed my eyes. "There will be more moments." Anna won't b e there forever. "Shut
up, she's not going to break up with me." She's clearly frustrated. "She also said she loves me." Love can't fix everything.
I threw my head back, tears burning behind my eyes. "Stop it, Elsa. Focus on tonight. Get through the night. You can do
this." What if Ylva hates you? "Now you're just thinking up reasons to feel anxious. Knock it off."

I was thankful when the door opened and Raina re-entered the room, a small boy on her heels who was wearing such a
dark blue woollen sweater he seemed to emerge from the darkness head first, body later. The boy was laughing and
grabbed Raina's leg for support when the dark-haired woman stopped to take Ylva's coat.

Cyrus saw me standing in the middle of the room, looking at the small redheaded boy a little incredulously. "Du er min
tante?" he said excitably. He let go of Raina and came over to me on quick little legs clad in an impeccable pair of black
trousers. I laughed and squatted to offer Cyrus my hand.

My eyes slid over to Ylva, who had Eivi on her arm, and I was taken aback by the stunning resemblance the woman held
to Anna. Ylva was a few years older than her sister, sure, but other than that they looked almost exactly the same - up to
the way her red head fell over her shoulders. She didn't even dress very differently from my girlfriend, as was revealed
when Raina took her coat. I had to give Ylva one thing, her stonewashed jeans and wool-lined black vest were very
practical. The woman gave me a wide smile before scolding her son. "Cyrus, I told you to speak English tonight. And no,
that's not your auntie, that's Elsa, her lady friend. You'll meet your auntie soon, I assume?" She turned it into a question
as she looked at me with half a smile, repositioning the blonde toddler on her hip.

Cyrus shook my hand with a serious look on his face like he suddenly felt extremely important. I looked at the boy. "Yes
Cyrus, your auntie Anna is upstairs. She'll be down soon." I leaned forward, pretending to check whether no-one was
listening. "I think she might have a present for you," I said with a wink.
"Cyrus dear, go wait on the couch." The boy bounded off in a very similar way to Anna a minute earlier. I got up to offer my
hand to Ylva, who took her arm away from her daughter to return the gesture. Both the woman and the toddler had a
healthy blush on their faces, fresh from the cold outside. Eivi didn't look cold in her purple onesie though, and she
seemed rather content to suck on her thumb while blankly staring back at me.

I shook Ylva's hand. "Ylva, nice to finally meet you. Anna has told me a lot about you."

Raina came over to take Eivi from Ylva. Anna's sister looked a bit surprised at first, but Raina gave the woman a
reassuring wink. "I prepared some warm milk with anis kuber for Eivi and Cyrus to warm them up a bit. I thought I'd put
Eivi in a high chair."

"Thanks, that's very nice of you." Ylva looked a bit taken aback but pleasantly surprised. She handed Eivi over and told
Cyrus to follow Raina into the kitchen. She then looked back at me. "What were we talking about?"

"I said it was nice to meet you."

"Ah yes of course, it's nice to meet you too. Sorry, it was quite a drive over here, I'm a bit tired." Ylva looked around.
"Seriously though, where is my sister?"

I glanced at the stairs. "She went upstairs to grab something." I frowned. "She's been up there a while already though."

Ylva walked to the side of the stairs and looked up at the bedroom door. "Anna!" she yelled, causing me to jump slightly.
"Kom deg ned her!"

I glanced at Raina, who was supressing a laugh as she started the microwave. Cyrus was clinging to her leg again.
"Kan jeg ha en ekstra anis kube?" he asked with a pleading face. I blinked a bit, my gaze switching between Ylva and
Raina. Great, I'm the only one who doesn't speak Norwegian around here.

The black-haired girl noticed my slight discomfort. "Elsa snakker ikke norsk, bør du snakke engelsk til henne."

Cyrus crossed his arms. "You speak Norwegian too!"

Raina winked at the boy. "Well let's then all speak English from now on, deal?"

I heard the bedroom door open and footsteps quickly descending the steps. "Ylva! Det har vært altfor lenge!" I turned
around just in time to see Anna practically fling herself at her older sister, pulling her in so close I wasn't sure whether
Ylva could still breathe. The two women were about each other's height and I couldn't distinguish where Anna's hair
ended and Ylva's began, the shades of auburn matched each other perfectly.

Cyrus kicked Raina in the shin. "Hun gjør det også!"

Raina pushed the boy aside with her knee. "That's it, no extra anise cube for you."

Ylva pushed her sister back against her shoulders. "Gods, let me look at you." The woman chuckled. "You look great!"
Ylva tested the fabric of Anna's black dress slacks with her fingers.

Anna scoffed. "You just say that because we still look perfectly alike. I thought we agreed you'd dye your hair?" Her eyes
fell on Cyrus, who was staring at her with his head cocked slightly to the side. "And this strapping young man must be

Cyrus looked from his mother to his aunt, then at me. He frowned like he was angry at me. "You're not my auntie. Maybe
Eivi's. Not mine."

"Do you want another one?" Raina asked, standing next to the table with a bottle of white wine in her hands.

I laughed and pulled the bottle from her grasp. "Don't be so bartender-y, you're not on duty." I looked at Ylva. "Do you want
a refill though?" I pulled the rubber cork out of the bottle and poured myself some of the quality drink. I also refilled
Raina's glass, who just grinned and sat down next to me.

Anna was sitting in front of the fireplace with Eivi and Cyrus, the toddler supported by Anna's legs with the stuffed tiger
clutched to her chest. Cyrus was running circles around them and pretended his T-rex was attacking the tiger, causing
Eivi to be heavily offended. I opened my mouth to warn Anna that Eivi wasn't exactly amused, but Ylva put her hand on my
arm. "Leave them."
I pursed my lips together and turned my attention back to the woman sitting across the table from me. "You're the mom,"
I said with a slight smile. Raina seemed content to lean back into her chair, sipping her wine, so I ignored her.

"Anna has always been good with kids, so I can't say I'm worried. Plus, the first thing you learn when you have kids is that
they're more resilient than you might've thought before." The woman snorted. "You don't want to know how many times
Cyrus hit his head in the previous years, and he's still alive and kicking."

She has less freckles than Anna. I glanced back at my girlfriend and felt a warmth pour into my chest when the girl
beamed at me before grabbing Cyrus and tickling him, telling him to stop bothering his little sister.

"I can see she really likes you." Ylva smiled warmly at me and I automatically returned the gesture. It's hard not to smile
b ack when she's giving you such a look. Just like Anna. "I mean, just the fact she came out to our parents over you…"
She shook her head like she was trying to get rid of a bad memory. "Then again, the fact they never noticed before that
just attests to their blindness."

"Agdar mentioned he knew. Or at least suspected something."

Ylva scoffed softly before taking a drink of her wine. "Of course he did. He likes to think he knows a lot, that man." I wasn't
sure how to respond to that, but I was saved from making an unsuitable comment by Ylva herself. The woman put her
glass down on the table and threw me a measuring look. "There's one thing Idunn mentioned though, that I didn't want to
say over the phone." She lowered her voice and threw a measuring glance at Raina.

The black-haired girl looked from Ylva to me. "Oh, want me to leave?"

I shook my head. "No, that's okay." I looked at Ylva. "I trust her."

Ylva sighed, then shrugged. "If you say so." The girl swirled the liquid in her glass, checking whether Anna wasn't
listening. "It's just… I got a call from Idunn. She's worried about you and Anna. She's not stupid and when she heard the
name Killigan after that fiasco of a ball, she did some digging and wasn't very happy with what she found."

I put down my glass and rubbed my eyes. Damn, my make-up. Ugh, screw it. "I didn't want to drag any more people into
this, Ylva." I noticed Raina had leaned away, but I knew she heard everything that was being said. I appreciated she
didn't butt in.

Ylva shrugged. "Well, Idunn didn't tell me everything, but she knows about your cover and the reason you have it." The
redheaded woman looked at her sister with a pained expression on her face. "It's just such a beautiful thing to see Anna
happy like this." Ylva turned her face down to the table. "I just ask you to be really careful about keeping your cover
sealed. There's already too many people around here who know your real names." Ylva nodded to Raina. "No offense,
you seem like a nice person and all."

Raina shrugged. "None taken. And I'll be really careful about not telling anyone we're hosting an Almstedt." I saw a smirk
on the girl's face but then she gave us both a look that showed she was being dead serious. "And I mean that. No joke.
Not from me, not about a topic that causes the air to get thicker than a strippers' ass whenever it's brought up."

Ylva chuckled. "She said, before making a joke." Raina didn't respond and Ylva looked back to me. "Just… be careful.
Especially on your travels. Right now, the difference between Summers and Shields isn't just a couple of letters, Elsa. It's
the difference between life and death."

The comment made my heart beat fast and high up in my throat. I looked at Anna, focusing on the memory of earlier that
day in the cupboard. She's right, it's not a joke. Not anymore. You're in this together and there's no b acking down
anymore. I suddenly felt a need to be close to Anna that was so strong I felt my legs tensing up to raise me from my chair
before I realised what I was doing. I quickly relaxed and masked the twitch of my upper body by putting my elbows on the
table and folding my hands together. I suddenly felt a hand on my knee and jolted visibly, blood rushing to my head. Next
to me Raina almost doubled over laughing, having pulled her hand back to support her stomach. "You need to work on
your poker face, Elsa."

Eivi started crying softly and Anna picked the girl up, rocking her a bit. Raina abruptly choked back her outburst. "Sorry,
did I do that?" Anna shrugged as Eivi immediately fell asleep on her shoulder. Anna sat perfectly still, looking endeared
and a bit uncomfortable at the same time. She smiled when Cyrus too yawned widely. I checked my phone. It is getting
late. I looked up at Ylva, who was already nodding and downing the rest of her wine while Raina pushed her chair back.
"I'll show you guys to your room," she said happily.

"Ylva," I said quickly before the woman got up from the table. She looked at me. "Thank you. For coming over, I mean. It
means a lot to Anna." I smiled. "And me too. It was lovely to meet you." I meant every word of it, the evening had been
lovely. Even the heavy ending of it just showed Ylva's concern for her younger sister so I tried to not let it ruin the evening
too much.

It had become apparent to me really quickly that the two sisters had been really close when they were younger, and still
had a very strong bond between them. Raina turned out to be great with kids and she had entertained Cyrus and Eivi
long enough for the sisters to have a thorough heart to heart in front of the fireplace, helped along by two and a half
bottles of wine and Raina's amazing cooking.

"You've been rather quiet tonight," Anna said when the rest had left. She looked a bit buzzed and tired when she spread
herself out on the couch, limbs sticking out everywhere. I sat down next to her and ran my hands over her side, causing
the redhead to double over immediately. "No - hold on - I asked you - AARGH!"

I managed to hold the upper hand for a whole three seconds, before Anna actually put her back into it and easily pressed
me down on the couch, perched on top of my stomach with my hands pinned against my sides by her knees. She put
her hands on her hips and looked down on me. "Any last wishes?"

I opened my mouth, then closed it. "Let go of my hands." I managed to sound very indignant and blood rushed to my

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Elsa." Anna immediately lifted herself up into a squatting position. As soon as my hands were freed
from their prison I grabbed the front of the shirt Anna was wearing and I aggressively pulled her forward, causing Anna to
yelp in surprise. When she extended her hands to catch herself they landed so close to my face I felt some of my hair get
caught between her palms and the couch cushions.

I put my hand in the back of Anna's neck and pulled her face to mine, pressing my mouth to hers so greedily I felt my
teeth press into the inside of my lips painfully. Anna spluttered and squeezed one of her hands in between our faces,
pushing mine back into the couch with her palm over my mouth and her fingers splayed across my face. She didn't move
far back though, she left a mere inch in between our eyes. "Elsa, what the fuck."

Every piece of me that was in contact with Anna in any way felt like it was on fire. The need to be close to her and really
feel her as much as I could was completely overwhelming me, to the point where I felt tears push themselves out of my
eyes from the frustration of no longer having Anna's lips against mine. I combatively turned my head, forcing Anna to
remove her hand, and stared at the redhead with a tear hanging onto my lashes and a heat in my eyes that visibly made
the girl sway.

I put my hands on either side of the girls' neck and stared intensely at her. "Anna, I need you to take me. Make me yours.
Right now."

The young girl blinked one last time before she grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head, pressing her
already open lips onto my mouth. I willingly met her tongue with my own, fiercely exploring her mouth and already
oblivious to the way our teeth clicked together more than once. Anna moaned and let go of my wrists, hands shooting
down to unbutton my blouse. She had barely opened two of the buttons when I reared up into a sitting position, not
breaking the kiss, but putting both hands onto Anna's chest and simply pulling the dress shirt either way. I felt more than
one button bounce off of my throat and jaw but I didn't care, all my thoughts swirling around the girl who was almost
heaving in her efforts of getting in enough oxygen through her nose.

This new position caused my back to immediately protest however so I swung my legs off of the couch, my hands on
Anna's thighs forcing her to keep straddling my lap. Anna broke the kiss and mumbled something about "hey, it's your
shirt," before hungrily pressing her open mouth to my neck, biting down almost instantly. Her hands dove underneath my
shirt and more buttons went missing in action, but without noticing I just violently arched my back when Anna's nails dug
into my side and lower back.

I leaned forward, which would have caused Anna to fall backward if I hadn't tightly wrapped my arms around the girl,
pulling her against me so longingly I caused a surprised but definitely not disapproving sound to erupt from my
girlfriend's throat. It made her detach herself from the already rather sore spot on my neck and I seized the opportunity to
move us to the floor, Anna's back pressing into the soft carpet and the length of my body pressed up against hers.

The panels of Anna's now ruined shirt were spread wide open and I got a good view of the delicious red lace for the
second time that evening. I didn't stop to take in the view however and just pressed my face to the fabric of the bra,
nuzzling it for a second before biting the soft skin just underneath Anna's left breast. I enjoyed the throaty cries that my
actions elicited from the redhead while my hands roamed down her sides, my tongue lavishly tasting the skin on her

The smell of our quickly peaking arousal was already filling the room, mixed together with our heavy breaths and
frequent moans and cries. Neither of us had stimulated the other more than just by feeling and tasting each other's
skins, with me nuzzling Anna's bra being the closest thing to instigating anything more sexual than just heavy over-the-
underwear action. Both of us had already been on edge so much the past few days, with all the tension and stress
almost leading up to this one explosive outlet we both needed so desperately.

I was so caught up in the feel and taste of Anna's skin I was taken by surprise when the redhead grabbed my shoulders
and forcefully removed the dress shirt from my shoulders and arms before ardently twisting us around. I felt a burning
sensation on the shoulder that hit the carpet first but ignored it, more pressing feelings and aches needed to be dealt
with first.

When Anna spoke it sounded so guttural it was almost a growl. "You don't get to tell me to take you and then turn it
around on me like that, you bitch." In a display of strength even I had never seen of her before she lifted me up from the
floor by my arms and pushed me against the wall next to the still lit fireplace.

I couldn't help myself, I screamed when Anna suddenly pressed her thigh in between my legs so hard it caused me to
stand on tip-toe. I wrapped my arms around her neck for stability when Anna hiked my skirt up my thighs and
unceremoniously pulled my underwear to the side. I knew how drenched I was even before Anna's fingers basically
slipped off of my underwear, her thumb brushing past the extremely sensitive bundle of nerves above my opening.

A jolt of apprehension caught my throat when I felt Anna's fingers get closer to my entrance. I had never been penetrated
by anything before and I felt like we both needed to calm down a bit before any of that. I put one of my hands on her wrist.
"Anna, use… use your mouth. Please."

Anna didn't acknowledge the fact I had said anything, she didn't even look at me - but she immediately sank to her
knees, forcing me to unwrap my arms from around her shoulders. I blindly reached to the side and found the
mantelpiece, immediately holding on to it for dear life. My other hand hung loose, right up to the moment when Anna
suddenly assaulted me with her mouth full on, seemingly holding nothing back. I wrapped my hand into the auburn hair
tickling my thighs, feeling my knees starting to tremble when white hot bolts of electricity caused my eyes to roll upwards.

The orgasm built a lot faster than it had the last time and soon I had trouble holding myself up against the wall, so Anna
hiked one of my legs over her shoulder. I was planning on transferring just some of my weight onto the girl, but when
said girl suddenly grazed her teeth over my clit I buckled and Anna had to press one hand onto my abdomen to keep me

"Fuck!" I yelled, tightening the fist in Anna's hair as the pressure in my lower abdomen kept rising and rising. When it
reached a point I was sure it had to release it just climbed some more, until the feeling in my core started nearing the
line between pleasure and pain. I was trembling all over. "I have - got to -" any other attempts at speaking died in my
throat, but either Anna understood or my body just gave in. Whichever it was, the climax rolled over me and I felt every
muscle in my body tense up.

The muscles in my stomach contracted so violently Anna's arm started shaking from the effort of keeping me up. She did
that absolutely awful thing she had done last time as well, where she kept slowly running her tongue around my core
until it became too sensitive and I had to physically pull on her hair to make her stop.

As soon as Anna's shoulder disappeared I sagged down and ended up face to face with Anna who, very unlike my own
feeling of completely serenity and bliss, still had enough heat in her eyes to make a volcano blush.

I quickly unzipped my skirt, removing the obtrusive garment from the situation by tossing it at the couch. My eyes slid past
the ruined dress shirt on the floor but my gaze was quickly pulled back to Anna, in whose eyes I saw a small sliver of
doubt through all the other emotions caught in there. She's still afraid she pushed you.

I got up on my knees, planning on pushing Anna onto her back slowly and seductively - but instead my knees buckled,
still wobbly from my intense orgasm, and I crashed into the redhead. Anna still ended up on the floor, but my mouth was
pressed in between her breasts rather than on her lips.

Deciding to just go with it, I slipped my tongue out past the redheads skin and I felt a shiver run through her entire body.
My stomach was pressed against Anna's hips and I could feel the heat radiating from there. I deduced there was no time
for any more teasing and I moved my hands to undo Anna's now creased pants. The girl just lay there, staring at me with
her arms sprawled to the side. When I pulled her pants and underwear down however, both her hands clenched into
fists, pulling up the rug.

I noticed Anna was shaking ever so slightly, a sheen of sweat covering every inch of skin I exposed when I removed her
pants completely and tossed them aside. My brain was wracking itself to remember the things Anna did to me both
times she had pleasured me with her mouth, but I suddenly drew a complete blank. Now that the edge was taken off my
haste and hunger I found myself wondering what I was supposed to do exactly.

Anna covered her eyes with one of her forearms, wiping some of the sweat away with her sleeve. "Elsa, please. If you
don't do anything soon I'll explode. Just… pretend you're eating ice cream or something. Without the biting." Or licking the
lid of a tub of yoghurt, I thought. The metaphor made me blush and purse my lips. Anna threw me a glance. "Or use your
hand. Or help me into the shower and let me take care of it. Whatever makes you feel more comfortaaAAAA!"

Giving Anna a little piece of her own game, I had suddenly run the flat of my tongue across her entrance and nub,
stopping at the latter and taking it into my mouth. Anna's hips jerked and I lay down on my stomach, wrapping my arms
underneath her thighs and grabbing hold of the girl's hips as she'd done to me the first time we'd made love. This does
make it easier.

I was just trying to decide what Anna tasted like when the girl all of a sudden came undone underneath my tongue. I was
a bit surprised by the sudden trashing of her hips, only managing to hold on because the sudden increase in moaning
volume had tipped me off just in time.

When Anna's body became completely slack I rested my head to the left on top of the redhead's thigh. Anna had come so
quickly I still had a bit of afterglow of myself to enjoy, so we were both very content to just lie there for a minute or two. The
fire caused Anna's skin to light up with an orange-red intensity rivalled only by her hair, which looked like it was positively
ablaze. I unwrapped one of my arms from around the girl's hips and traced the faint line of her abs, causing her to giggle

"Come here, I want to hold you." Anna reached out to me and I groaned as I moved my heavy-feeling body upwards until I
could lie down on top of my girlfriend, our bras complaining as they met each other.

Anna ran her fingers across my face, pushing some sweaty hair back and following the lines of my nose and jaw. "Okay,
now that that's done - what the fuck, Elsa?"

A sudden sound at the door made both of us jump. Gods no Raina please don't come in please don't. I froze while Anna
reacted, rolling me off of her and standing up on the balls of her feet before the rustle of paper had disappeared from the
air. I looked up at Anna and giggled. The redhead looked at me quizzically. "You look a bit ridiculous, trying to defend me
in just your bra."

Anna unclipped her bra in a smooth, one-handed gesture and let the garment drop to the floor. "Better?" she asked with
a sideways grin. She then nodded at the door. "It's a note," she said.

I couldn't be bothered to get up, my limbs still filled with lead - so I just lazily rolled onto my stomach as Anna moved to
the door to check what the note said. I noticed she wiped her fingers on her shin before picking it up and I felt some
blood rush to my neck - but it disappeared rather quickly when Anna suddenly laughed loudly. She turned around as she
straightened up again, the note half crumpled in her hands. "It's from Raina." She cleared her throat in a fake dignified
manner. "Dear weirdos. Came back to see whether you wanted to have one last drink before going to bed. Sounded like
you already had your mouths full. Have fun on your road trip. Later."

Anna crumpled the note and chucked it at the fire before looking at me. "Now, remove the rest of that offensive cloth from
your body, Miss Shields." I raised my eyebrows, trying to look insulted but failing. Anna just winked at me. "We still have
to try out that sauna."

/Well there you go, chapter 21. Hope y'all enjoyed that.
/I pulled an all-nighter to finish this chapter, so you'd better have. ;) It's 7:28 AM here at the moment. So if I left in a
spelling error, blame Gopher. He's the awake one.
*Chapter 22*: Chapter 22: The pictures
/Ok a shitton happens in this chapter. I felt extremely unsure about posting it, but my proofreader said it's perfectly
ready. So I'm going with him, because he's an awesome proofreader and wouldn't say that if he didn't think it was
true. So yeah. Chapter 22, whoo!

Chapter 22
The pictures

"...Excuse me?" My voice trembled slightly and I felt my throat close up. I slowly brought my hands up as if to ward off an
attacker, my palms forward and my posture frontal.

The man standing in front of me wrung his hands, his broad shoulders rolling underneath his greasy white shirt. He
threw me a slightly mocking glance before turning his attention back to Anna, speaking in rapid but seemingly curt

Anna ran her hand through her hair slowly as she listened, ending up holding on to the back of her own neck. Her hand
slid forward gradually until it rested underneath her chin, pulling forward the single braid her hair was tied in. She
frowned and responded, instigating a short but tangibly heated discussion between the two.

"Faen!" The redhead sighed deeply, shrugging in a defeated manner as she turned to me. "We'll be fine, Munchy. We'll
just have to… get a few extra blankets." She rubbed her own shoulders, which were clad in her thick grey vest which had
a faux woollen lining. It was warm enough for now, but we could hardly sleep in our warm winter clothes for the coming
ten nights.

My eyes widened. "So there's nothing he can do? Are you kidding me?" I was strangely aware of the smells on the air.
The faint hint of gasoline mixed with the lovely smell of nothing that was the freshness of Norway. I couldn't think of
anything but how cold the air felt in my nose, nipping softly at every piece of exposed skin. I had the same vest as Anna,
except mine was dark red. I pulled at the sleeve of it, pulling it over my hands. If I could, I would've retracted myself as a
turtle into the warm woollen shell.

Anna sucked her tongue to the back of her mouth before smacking her lips, throwing her hands up. "Henry fucked up.
They don't have anything else. It's this, or a regular car." The abrupt movement she made with her arms made the hood
of her vest jump up and hang onto her hair. The lining clung to the redhead's smooth locks easily. Anna swatted at the
hood agitatedly until if fell back down. It was a comical sight, but I was too worried about our mode of transportation (or
lack thereof) to be very amused.

The cold cut through my jeans and made my skin crawl even under the thermo pants I was wearing. I looked out to my
left, across the vast and absolutely stunning lake. Instead of taking in the beauty of it however, all I seemed to be able to
notice were the small chunks of ice caught on the rumps of ships and the mist rising from the mountains surrounding
the lake on three sides. "It's freezing, Anna. I don't think a campervan which has an actual heating system would be
considered an unnecessary luxury."

"Well he says that if we just go down towards the coast a bit the weather should be better. We'll figure out a way to stay
warm." I felt my cheeks flush lightly at that. Anna turned back to the owner of the rental company and continued
conversing with him. In the meantime I turned away and strolled over to the side of the lake, until the soles of my hiking
boots were surrounded by the crystal clear water that seemed to fill all of the streams and lakes around here.

I squatted down and picked up a small stone that caught my attention. It was very light grey in colour, almost white, and
had small chunks that shone like metal. It was beautiful. I put it in my pocket and looked out over the lake again.
Everything is b eautiful here. I was almost a bit shocked when my tension seemed to seep out of my chest. It's like… the
opposite of anxious. My lips split in a grin. We'll b e fine. Cold, b ut fine.

"You've been exceptionally quiet." I glanced over at Anna, my hands on the steering wheel. I had been a bit nervous about
driving the campervan through Norway but it turned out it wasn't that hard. The fact that we had a… smaller camper than I
had planned helped, I just had to make sure I took the hair pin turns at the right speed so we wouldn't plunge to our
deaths. Great train of thought, Elsa. I swallowed nervously.

Anna shrugged, a lazy grin on her face. "I'm just enjoying myself." She vaguely gestured to the landscape stretching out
next to us. We were driving down a bit of a mountain and we had a clear view of the forest and roads stretched out
underneath us. "I've wanted to come to Norway for a long time, and now I'm here. Sometimes it's… hard to believe, I

I tried imagining how Anna was feeling. If there was anything I had learned about looking forward to something and
imagining it for a long time, it was that sometimes the reality almost looks bleak against all those expectations when you
finally get there. I know it had been like that for me when I took up my position as CEO. I focused on the road when I had
to take another turn which brought us over the top of the shallow ridge.

Anna put her hand on my leg. "Don't worry so much. I'm fine. I'm just taking everything in, and there's so much of that to
be done…" Anna rested her chin in her free hand, the other one lazily running over my thigh while she seemed to be
taking in the view of the lake now before us.

I enjoyed the feeling of Anna's hand on my leg but it was also a bit distracting as I had to focus on the road. Pair that up
with last night, and I had half a heart to let Anna take over the wheel. Flashes of my hands on Anna's back, drawing red
lines on her skin, her lips on my face, her teeth on my neck… I brought a hand up to rub the sore spot. A little harder and
the redhead would've drawn blood.

I tried to get the very distracting thoughts out of my head, or we would probably end up crashed into the guardrail. Sleep
wasn't something I had had a lot of the previous night (if any), and I didn't want to repeat what had happened a few days

"Hey Anna?"

The redhead tugged at her own jeans to get an uncomfortable crease out of them. "Hm?" She let out a frustrated sigh
and lifted herself out of her seat to reposition her belt buckle, not taking her other hand off of my leg.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing with Raina?"

The redhead sat back down and turned towards me, her eyebrows high at the sudden change of subject. "What do you
mean? Trusting her?" I nodded and Anna copied the movement slowly. "I… yeah. I've been thinking about that too, but
there's just something about her that makes me feel comfortable around her. You know?"

"I do. That's what I told your sister last night. But when you think about it, we've only known her for a couple days. And she
did try to come on to me." I winked at Anna, who just scoffed.

"Like I'd feel threatened by some blonde hoo-ha from Norway."


"Yeah she clearly dyes her hair." She looked at me. "I'm not sure why, blonde hair is a lot more attractive. Especially
when worn down like this." She took her hand off of my leg to push a lock back behind my ear.

"Gosh, look at that lake." I turned on my indicator and steered us off the road onto a small parking space. I quickly
unbuckled. "We should take a picture," I said with a blush on my cheeks.

Anna got out of the car with my camera in her hands, chuckling. She caught up to me and put her arm around my waist,
pulling me close for a second. "I'm sorry Munchy, I shouldn't distract you while your hands are busy." Her eyes moved to
the lake and she whistled softly. "It's like a mirror," she said.

I agreed. The water was so clear and smooth, the hill on the other side was reflected almost perfectly. Anna let go of my
arm and turned around, bending forward to look back through her own legs. I looked at her, confused (and honestly a
little bit disturbed), but she just laughed. "It's almost the right way up this way!" She came back up and started playing
around with the camera. I found a nice patch of grass to sit down for a moment, my feet almost dipping in the lake. I
followed Anna with my eyes as she fell almost eerily quiet, focused on taking the pictures. I pulled my knees a little
closer to my chest and rested my chin on them. Anna was balancing herself on a fallen tree, trying to get further out onto
the lake.

"Be careful," I told her. I knew she would survive a dip in the lake, but I wasn't as sure about my camera. The redhead just
turned back and squatted down on the large log, pointing the camera at me. I raised my hands. "Come on Anna, you
know I don't like it when people take pictures of me."

"I don't care. I'll just keep them for myself. You'll never ever have to see them again."

I gave in and just stared out over the lake again, a doubt eating at the edge of my mind. "Hey Anna?"

The redhead slowly got back up and skipped down the length of the log back onto the grassy stretch of solid ground I
was sitting on. I followed her movements, smiling at the child-like ease she bounced around. "What are you going to do
with those pictures?"

Anna sat down next to me. "Don't worry, I won't distribute your nudes."

I frowned. "I don't have nudes."

Anna winked. "Yet." I rolled my eyes as Anna nudged me with her shoulder. "Okay I'm serious now. What'd you mean?"

I put my hand on Anna's leg and pulled it against mine. Last night had cured the excessive need of having Anna close to
me (I'd had enough of that on the couch, against the wall, the floor, the shower, the bed…) Now just having her near me
was enough to make me happy, which was a lot better than earlier when not having physical contact with the redhead
had made me feel anxious.

"I'm fine with you taking them - pictures, not nudes - but don't forget we can't really be ourselves here. If you were to
suddenly post pictures of us on the internet that might become… a problem," I said carefully.

Anna nodded. "Well I did promise Kristoff I'd upload some of them for him and Sven to see, but I already figured I
wouldn't do that with pictures that have either of us in them." Of course she already figured that, she's not stupid.

The sun shone down on us, driving away the sharpest chill on the air. There was almost no wind, which was the main
reason for the lake's ability to reflect the scenery so sharply. Anna lifted her foot into the air and brought it down until the
sole of her boot almost touched the water. "I can see the dirt underneath my shoe, that's ridiculous."

In a sudden rush of mischief I shoved Anna, causing her to plunge her foot entirely into the cold water. She yelped and
tried to grab me, but I quickly moved out of reach whilst getting to my feet. I wasn't sure what came over me but I ran off,
laughing loudly, whilst Anna chased me. Every other one of her steps was accompanied by a squelch, her shoe and
sock soaking wet.

Knowing that the redhead would catch up to me even if I ran as fast as I could, I turned around and braced myself. Anna
more or less crashed into me and dragged me to the ground. Before she could pin me down I squeezed her sides and
she jumped, rolling off me. She half rolled back and just looked at me, grinning. I stayed down on my back, smirking at
Anna as well. She propped herself up on one elbow and cocked her head.

"I'm glad you're here, Munchy."

I reached out my hand and gently stroked her cheek. "I'm glad you're here too, Anna." I saw the redheads eyes move
upwards and I followed her gaze to where a small group of tourists was exiting a tour bus. They were throwing us
curious glances and I felt my cheeks flush. I got up from the ground and brushed some sand and grass off of myself with
my hands.

Anna got up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. She pressed her chin on top of my shoulder, an
impressive feat - she must be standing on her toes. "What's the matter Munchy, are you embarrassed by a few tourists?"

"No." Anna poked one of her fingers into my stomach. "Okay, yes. But not for you. Just… because."

Anna snickered. "How eloquent, Miss Shields."

I turned myself around in Anna's arms, putting mine over her shoulders. "I'm on vacation, Miss Almstedt. I don't care
about eloquence at the moment." I leaned over and pressed my lips against Anna's. I could almost feel the tourists' eyes
burning holes in my back, and my face flushed a heavy scarlet.

I felt Anna's lips split into a grin against mine. "If you start radiating even more heat I might get a tan." I withdrew from the
kiss to look at Anna's entertained face. "You don't have to do it for me, Munchy. If public affection isn't your thing, that's
cool." She suddenly stuck out her tongue and licked the bottom of my chin, tightening her hold on my waist to prevent me
from jumping back. "As long as I still get to have all of you when we're alone."

I swallowed heavily. "Well, Miss Almstedt. I think that can be arranged."

"The nights are freezing, b ut we make do. We had b elow freezing temperatures the first night, and in the morning we had
to scrape ice off of the inside of the windows b efore we could get b ack on the road again." I thought for a moment, pen
tapping against my chin. The travel journal lay open on my knees, the few sentences I had just written the only ones on
the otherwise blank pages.
I glanced up to follow Anna with my eyes. The girl was headed to the shower block, a towel flung over her shoulder. She
was wearing the same grey vest she had been wearing since the first day. I smirked. Anna had predicted that I would
have big problems on our road trip, meticulous as I was - but this was the fourth day in a row I was wearing the same
warm red vest and thermo clothing. We hung them out every chance we got, but the truth was - it was just too cold. We
needed to wear warm clothes, or get sick. I had exchanged the thermal top for a low cut shirt today, just so I could wash
the thermal. It promised to be a slightly warmer day than the few we'd just had anyway.

I brought my pen back to the paper. "I can't wait to b e b ack at the resort and have a proper b ath, or sit in the sauna for an
hour. No matter how many times we shower, we can't really do laundry so we end up smelling b ad again anyway. It helps
that we b oth smell. Makes us not smell each other as b ad." I chewed the inside of my cheek. "First day we stopped off at a
lake. Beautiful. Anna got wet feet. Second day was b eautiful as well, we stopped off at a waterfall - where Anna decided to
take revenge and pushed me into the river. Never felt so cold in my life. Anna offered to warm me up with, and I quote,
b ody heat. Refused." I blushed and smirked lightly. "Later accepted."

I repositioned myself on the mattress. The campervan we were travelling in was a lot smaller than I had anticipated, but
it turned out we didn't need all that much space. There were of course the two seats in the front, behind which the bed
started immediately. The bed was as wide as the campervan and offered enough room for two people, with storage
room underneath the mattress. At the foot of the bed was a small kitchen-like area, with a gas burner, a water tap and a
small counter. Not that we had used it, we made sure to stop off at a camp site each night so we could use their cooking
and shower facilities. The only thing that I was really missing was a heater. As soon as the car stopped running the
heating cut off as well, and within an hour the inside of the camper would be as cold as the outside air.

"Third day. Stopped off at another river. I love those, the stony river b eds b ring me a strange amount of joy. Anna noticed.
She wrote our names on a rock and took some pictures of it." I frowned, a little pang of regret shooting through my chest.
"I kind of overreacted and threw it into the river. It seems silly now, b ut I was really angry that she used our real names. I
still worry ab out our safety on a daily b asis. Anna does too, I know that. I overreacted." I twisted my wrist a few times, a
small cramp developing in my entire lower arm. I wrote down a last sentence. "It's now the morning of day four, talk to
you later."

I looked down at that last sentence, wondering why I'd written that. I'm not writing it for a specific someone. Right? I
sighed and shrugged, closing the journal and placing it behind me on the bed. I started preparing the van for travel,
making sure everything was securely stowed in the storage boxes underneath the bed or the few cardboard boxes we
used for food and other loose items. I grabbed two cans of soda, one for each of us, and put them in the dashboard cup

Anna returned from the showers, just as I was climbing into the driver's seat to adjust it to my slightly longer legs. "Oi!"
she yelled, startling me slightly. The redhead came to my side of the van, damp towel over her shoulder and her wet hair
steaming in the cold morning air. "I'm driving," she said with a small frown on her face.

"You were driving yesterday too, are you sure? I don't mind," I said. Noticing Anna's expression, I scoffed. "You look
positively nervous, it's very unbecoming on you."

"Just let me drive. Please?"

I shrugged and climbed over to the passenger seat. I had seen the redhead pour over a map the previous night when I
had been cooking, but I had pretended not to notice. The girl seemed agitated for some reason and I didn't want to push
her any further. The gravity of the situation became extra clear when I had tried to kiss her and she only responded with a
small peck on my lips. During the entire road trip so far she always tried to get at least a handful of breast or buttocks
whenever we kissed.

So it was because of that that I was also starting to feel a bit apprehensive as I settled myself in my seat for the coming
couple of hours. I sat in silence as Anna backed the van out onto the camp site's main road and drove out through the
main gate. I smiled at a couple of kids biking along the road, but they just looked at me with blank expressions. I yawned
and pressed my hand against my mouth. Anna was quiet too but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. I was content with
looking out the window and stealing an occasional glance at my girlfriend as she focused on the road and traffic. When
she pulled up at a traffic light I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

She looked at me, slightly bewildered. "What was that for?"

I settled back, leaning half against the door and half against the back of the seat. "Nothing. I just felt like doing that."

Anna grinned and shook her head. "I'll remember that."

Glad to see Anna grin again, I relaxed a little further. "So where are we going?"
Anna winked at me. "It's a surprise." The light changed and Anna took a turn, heading out of town and toward the forest
ahead. I had to keep myself from raising an eyebrow. It wasn't that I didn't like the girl's 'surprises', it's just that they
tended to involve a lot of nudity and I wasn't exactly up for that so early in the morning on an empty stomach.

"Is this about that rock yesterday? I told you I was sorry about that."

Anna bit her lip. "No, that's all good. I was a bit surprised, but I know you were just worried." She threw me a glance
before turning her eyes back to the road. We were coming up on a railroad crossing and I waited until we were past it
before continuing the conversation.

"Okay. Well then, were are we going?"

"Geez, can't you let go of the need to control everything just this once?"

I opened my mouth to say anything, but then pursed my lips back together. That comment stung. I don't always do that.
My mind slid back to the Shields Initiative. Okay, mayb e sometimes. "I'm sorry Anna. You're right."

"And can you stop apologising all the time?" Anna looked at me with an amused glint in her eye.

I shook my head, the short pang of annoyance and hurt I had felt vanishing as quickly as the cold in the van under the
blowing heat vents. I unzipped my vest and put one of my feet up on the dashboard. "Sorry," I suddenly shot at the

"Oh I'll make you sorry, don't you worry about that." The cattle fields on either side of the road were replaced by trees
when we drove into the forest. It immediately became darker and Anna even had to turn on the headlights. The morning
mist hadn't dissipated here yet and as the road rose, the amount and density of fog banks increased.

Anna slowed down a bit and I decided to wait until we cleared the fog banks on our way back down to continue the
banter. I closed my eyes and leaned sideways for a moment, not planning on sleeping but just feeling the need to relax
for a bit. Sleeping in the campervan wasn't the hell I had expected it to be, but it was definitely some of the worst
conditions I'd ever endured. We had put two more duvets on top of the mattress to prevent the cold air from chilling us
from underneath, two sleeping bags (although we usually ended up just using one), two more duvets on top of that and
another fleece blanket to catch any moisture dripping down from the ceiling. After having to scrape ice off of the inside of
the windows the first morning, we slept with the windows slightly open. It helped against the moisture – but it also meant
we woke up every morning with freezing faces.

I now woke up with a comfortably warm face and, even more comfortably, Anna's hand firmly pressing down on my leg. I
blinked a few times and yawned, stretching my arms over my head. Anna removed her hand, smiling. "Didn't look like
you were dreaming this time."

I grabbed Anna's hand and pushed it back down on my leg. "You know as well as I do that I haven't had any nightmares
since the lodge." I ran a thumb along the back of her hand. "Thanks to you."

"Happy to help," Anna said as she saluted with her free hand. My heart jumped up and I almost lunged for the steering
wheel, but Anna's hand was already firmly attached back to the helm before I could make a move. She felt my muscles
tense up however, and shot me a smirk. "What was that about always taking control?"

I blew out my breath slowly, trying to get my heart rate back down. "There's me being overly controlling and then there's
you risking our necks."

"Don't worry Munchy, nothing's going to happen."

"You say that all the time, but…"

"We're here." Anna raised her voice a little to cut me off. I choked back a retort and looked out the window. Anna turned off
the main road onto a dirt road littered with grit. The redhead put both hands back on the wheel and carefully steered us
around the many potholes in the ground. I was a bit worried about getting stuck, but decided against warning Anna about

I opened my window a little bit and breathed in the wet mossy smell of the forest. There were a few birds around, but
most of them had apparently decided it was way too wet to sing. It wasn't exactly raining, but here inside the forest it
probably never dried up – especially during winter.

We drove past a sign but I didn't quite catch what it said. I opened my mouth to ask Anna where we were going, but again
I choked back the comment. See, I can learn.
"Here we go," Anna said as she turned the van onto a hardly recognisable parking spot. There was no asphalt anywhere,
just a couple of small wooden posts that apparently acted as dividers for the parking spaces. Otherwise it was nothing
more than a grassy (and very moist) field.

I opened the car door and then I suddenly recognised the soft murmuring I had ignored before that moment – there was
a stream next to the field. I smiled and turned my head to show Anna I very much approved of this place, but the redhead
was gone. I looked the other way and she still wasn't there, so I started walking around the van – but then she came
jogging around the corner so fast we almost bumped into each other.

"Here you go, Munchy!" Anna pushed some sort of metal pan into my hands. I turned it over in my hands and noticed it
had a few ridges on the inside.

"What's this?"

Anna grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "It's for the river." She gave me a small shove in the back. "We're
gonna find some gold."

I laughed as Anna grabbed my arm and almost started dragging me towards the stream. "Anna, what are you talking

"I read about it in a guide, and I even asked Raina – there's still gold to be found here. I know how much you love these
little rivers, and I know you love gold."

"I don't particularly love gold."

"Everybody loves gold." We arrived at the edge of the river and Anna let go of my arm. She still looked really excited, but I
suddenly also saw a little bit of doubt in her eyes. It made her look a bit wild, her slightly large eyes combined with her
big smile. She put her hands in her side. You haven't even thanked her for the thought, you moron.

I leaned over and pressed a kiss to Anna's forehead. "Thank…"

Anna pushed my face away and pouted. "I hate it when you do that, makes me feel like some kid." I could see she wasn't
angry, so I wasn't able to keep myself from smirking.

I wrapped my arms slowly around Anna's neck, holding the pan with both hands, and looked deep into Anna's eyes while
turning my smirk into a sultry smile. The girl blinked, confused for a split second, and I used the moment to press my
lips against hers. It wasn't like Anna to be hesitant about kissing me very long though, and she in turn seized the
opportunity to deepen the kiss and run her tongue past mine. It made my chest tighten up, but I wasn't exactly planning
on going any further in a parking lot – so I broke off the kiss before either of us would get too excited. "How about now?
Still feel like some kid?"

Anna pulled off a very believable serious face. "No, I must say I feel very much like a big girl now." She ducked out from
between my arms and started moving back to the car. "You start searching, I'll grab the camera!"

I regarded the object in my hand with some curiosity. I guess I just… I stepped onto the rocky riverbed and squatted
down to scoop up some sand with the pan. I shook it back and forth like I had seen people do in movies, until all that
remained were small rocks. I regarded them, but the only thing that shone out to me was the slight ridiculousness of the
situation. Don't b e like that, Anna is excited ab out this.

I scooped up another pan full of sand, the clicking of the reflex camera in my ears. I threw a look over my shoulder and
saw Anna, also squatting, taking pictures of the river and the trees around it. I followed her gaze and put the pan down,
straightening myself. Putting my hands on my hips, I also took in the environment. The water wasn't crystal clear as we
had seen before, there was a rusty tint to it. I could still see straight to the bottom, but the water was definitely a strange
shade of red.

I turned my face upwards and glanced over at the other side of the stream. It hit me how much out in nature we were. It
was easy to drive past these kind of places without really seeing them and realising just how special they were. There
was nothing but the soft murmur of water, a singing bird here and there, the wind rusting the branches of the trees
around us every now and then… And Anna.

"Hey Munchy, bend down like you're looking for gold again. For the picture." I shook my head, smiling, but I knew
objecting was of no use so I grabbed the pan again and scooped up some more sand. I heard Anna snap a few pictures
before she came over to me, balancing on a rock slightly further out into the stream. "Find anything?"

I allowed the water to carry away some of the sand still in my gold pan before pouting and shaking my head. "Sorry, no
luck. I'm afraid we'll have to rely on my excessive amount of family funds for a little while longer."

Anna shoved me in the shoulder and I almost lost balance, snorting back a laugh. "Sorry Anna. It just doesn't seem very
likely we'll find gold here." I offered the pan to Anna. "But why don't you give it a try, you get lucky more often than me."

When I saw Anna's face contort I realised what I had just said and blood rushed up to my face. Anna bit her knuckles as
she took the pan from me. I tried to keep a straight face but I knew the colour on my cheeks and neck gave me away.
"Well," Anna started. "I would think you were getting enough luck the past few days to make up for lost time."

I chuckled and bit my lip, trying to drain some of the excessive blood from my face. "I'm not complaining. And it does help
against the nightmares, I guess Laura had the right idea about that." Anna took the pan from me and I stood up, but we
froze at almost the exact same moment. The bottom of my stomach fell down and landed somewhere in the river, where
it must've been carried off downstream – because it certainly wasn't coming back.

I stared at the campervan, not wanting to turn around to face Anna. Mayb e she won't notice. Mayb e she won't realise.
Mayb e… "How did you know about that? I don't remember discussing my ex-girlfriends with you." Anna's voice was calm
and only a little bit icy. Of course she noticed.

"Didn't we? I'm sure it must have come up in some sort of conversation…"

"Don't lie to me, Elsa. I think I would remember telling you about my ex-girlfriend with strong nymphomaniac tendencies."

I buried my face in my hands. "You're right. I…" You can at least look at her. I turned around to face Anna, but now I was
just towering over her. I also squatted back down to look my girlfriend in the eye. To my surprise she didn't look as much
angry as she did hurt. "Am I allowed to say sorry for trying to lie my way out of this?"

I was kind of hoping for another joke at that, even an innuendo – but Anna just raised an eyebrow and continued to look
at me with that agonisingly sombre expression on her face.

"Okay, point made." I sighed. "I heard you talking to Raina. Before your sister and her kids arrived."

"You listened in on our conversation?" Again that infuriating calmness. I found myself almost wanting Anna to get angry,
for her to yell – anything but this calm and hurt demeanour she was currently displaying.

"I didn't mean to. I was on my way downstairs when I heard you talking and…" I closed and opened my mouth a few
times. "I heard you were talking about me. And I just wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to move back into the bedroom but
at the same time I was…" I couldn't look at Anna any longer so I averted my gaze. "I was curious."

Anna also averted her eyes and stared at the tips of her boots for a few seconds. "I guess that makes sense. Just… I
have to ask." I looked back at my girlfriend – that's right, she's still your girlfriend, who you should've b een honest with a lot
earlier – and she met my gaze. "Is that the reason you came on to me that night?"

"No!" I cocked my head. "A little bit, probably. It definitely put the thought in my head."

"Thanks for being honest, Elsa." Anna got up and put one hand in her side, gazing out over the stream for a bit with a
pained expression on her face.

I also quickly got up and took Anna's face in my hands. She didn't resist, but she didn't exactly look very happy with the
touch either. "Hold on, I wasn't done." I looked straight into Anna's eyes to show her I was sincere. "I said it put the
thought in my head, but it was me who acted on it. I had this… I have this need to be close to you, and that night it got to a
point that I just couldn't hold it back any longer. I've been wanting to be close to you for a long time now but I didn't realise
it was… in that way. Not until I heard your conversation with Raina."

I lessened the pressure of my hands and moved one of them down slowly, stroking Anna's cheek as I tried to conjure a
sincere smile. It turned out to be a rather sarcastic one. "It's still hard for me to believe there's someone out there who
wants to be with me, who gets as excited about the thought of being with me as much as I do about touching them." I
frowned. "If that makes sense. Did that sentence make sense?" No response. "I always felt I would be… bothering you
whenever I got the idea of maybe coming on to you." I shook my head forcefully. "I suck at this."

Anna's eye twitched and a frown flashed across my face, but then Anna just groaned loudly and hugged me. "For fucks
sake, why don't you just bloody TELL me these things?" She pressed her forearms into my lower back, her face buried in
my shoulder. I let out a very deep breath and actually felt my head swim for a few seconds.

"Don't scare me like that Anna, Jesus fucking Christ."

Anna leaned backwards, her hands still on my lower back, and looked at me with a thrilled expression on her face. "Did
you just… cuss, Miss Shields?"

I felt my arms tingle with relief. "I've been doing that more often, about time you noticed." I pulled Anna closer again and
rested my chin on top of her head. "I thought you were furious."

Anna's face was pressed against the skin underneath my still zipped down vest, making her next words sound rather
muffled. "I was, for a moment, but… Jesus!" She suddenly blew a hard raspberry in between the tops of my breasts, and
I recoiled sharply – actually taking a few steps backwards.

"What the fuck, Anna?" I pressed my hands to my chest, scowling at the redhead. I zipped up my vest with a quick
movement while Anna pressed her fist to her mouth, her eyes roguish. "I knew I shouldn't have worn a low cut shirt

"Well it is very inviting." Anna shook her head, trying to get the mischievous look off her face. "Seriously though." She
cocked her head and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You should really stop with the whole hiding-things-from-me."
She smiled. "Unless it's to surprise me with my long-lost sister and her children, that's fine."

I sighed, knowing that now wasn't the time to stay offended about Anna blowing a raspberry on my chest. I pouted and
held out my arms. "Forgive me?" Anna let her head fall back, releasing a frustrated groan before stepping forward and,
instead of hugging me like I had expected, wrapped her arms low around my waist and picked me up. I yelped and
braced myself on Anna's shoulders while the redhead spun around a few times, her face pressed firmly against my

Anna stopped spinning but held me aloft, turning her face upwards to look at me. "The view is nice from down here," she

"I'm wearing a woollen vest, how on earth are you even distinguishing my breasts?" I asked with a slight giggle. I didn't
exactly like being picked up and my hands stayed firmly pressed down on Anna's shoulders, trembling slightly at how
high up from the ground I seemed to be.

"Wishful thinking," Anna shot back. "And you know, I could've been talking about your face."

I grinned. "I'm sure you weren't." Anna released some tension on my waist and I slid down the length of her body until my
feet were firmly on the ground again. Anna then grabbed my hips and pulled them against hers, a spark of electricity
shooting up my spine at the sudden movement.

"You're right, can't say I was."

"Day eight. Anna wants to visit a nearb y cave, I'm not too sure myself – b ut she never nags whenever I want to stop off at
another river, so I won't nag ab out this." I heard a movement and Anna came up behind me, still buried deep inside her
sleeping bag. She rested her chin on my shoulder and put her hands on my sides. I turned my head to the side to give
her a kiss on the cheek.

"So how's the journal coming along, Cuss?" I resisted the urge to quickly close the book, and instead let Anna read the
few lines I had just written. I still felt the pang of fear that she might get mad, but the past few days had showed me that
this was very rarely the case. Anna indeed laughed. "You won't nag? All you were doing last night was nag."

"Is that what we're calling it now?" I looked at her petulantly, unable to keep a sly smirk from creeping up my face.

Anna moved her hands up and briefly cupped my breasts through the several layers of clothing they were covered with. I
just sighed and let my hands fall down my sides, pretending to be extremely bored. Anna immediately shot her hand out
and grabbed the journal, moving away from me as far and quickly as she could in the cramped space.

"Anna!" I crawled after the redhead across the bed, but she lifted both her feet up to block my path. They were still clad in
the sleeping bag, unlike most of her naked upper body – the sight made me flush with more than agitation. It also made
me worry for her health. "Anna, you'll get sick, put some clothes on."

The redhead ignored me as her eyes shot over the previous pages of my journal, constantly blocking me with her feet. I
had already given up though and instead of fighting her I grabbed the nearest duvet and threw it at her. In a reflex she
blocked the feather-filled blanket from landing on her face, not taking her eyes off of the pages. "'Anna almost killed us?'
Seriously?" She laughed loudly. "There was still a guardrail between us and that landslide, Cuss." I sat back and
crossed my arms, cold air seeping in from the door. I leaned over and closed it completely, but the sudden lack of
morning light didn't stop Anna from continuing her read.

"Oh gods I'm going to borrow some of these words for when I put the pictures online." She shot me a look. "We had
dinner during that sunset?"

"I'm not going to tell my mother about all the times and places we have sex, Anna. And we did in fact have dinner there

"Well there's one meal I enjoyed more than the… other…" Anna's face relaxed and she looked at me softly. "Your mom?"
I shifted uncomfortably and Anna held out her arm. I shot her an angry look but still moved next to her and put my head on
her shoulder, snuggling into her side after covering us (mostly her) with the duvet.

I put my arm around Anna's waist and stroked her side languidly with my thumb. Anna rubbed my shoulder and upper
arm gently, resting her cheek on top of my head. I bit my lip for a moment, before softly speaking. "I miss her. I haven't
talked to her in so many years, and she… she doesn't know any of the things that have been happening. Not that I
became a lawyer, got my Master's degree, took over as CEO…" I snuggled into Anna's shoulder a bit more. "Or that I
finally found someone I'm happy with. Really happy." I sighed. "I noticed I was writing the journal to someone, but I didn't
realise I wanted to tell all these things to my mom. Not until a couple of days ago."

Anna squeezed my shoulder a little harder, but she didn't interrupt me. The silence that fell wasn't very heavy, but it was
clear both of us were waiting for the other one to speak up. It was Anna who gave in after a few long minutes. "We'll go
see her. Soon after we get home from Norway." She pressed a kiss to my hair and let her lips linger there while she
continued speaking. "And in the meantime you can borrow mine. She's learning."

I started becoming more and more aware of the closeness of Anna's naked body and decided it was time to get on the
road. When I moved to get up Anna pouted. "Aww, come back."

I suppressed a smile. "I just got dressed. And if we don't get going soon we won't be able to visit that cave on the way to
the next camp site." I sat up on my knees and started moving back towards the door, ignoring the heat in my cheeks.

"Oh come on, Cuss." I stopped and looked back at the redhead, the urge to crawl back to Anna growing stronger –
despite that annoying new nickname she was using. Apparently it was Valerie's nickname and she would drop it as
soon as she got to call me Elsa in front of other people again.

I couldn't help my eyes shooting down to Anna's lips for a second. Anna wiggled her eyebrows and threw off the duvet,
running her hands down her own sides. "Are you sure you don't want some of this?"

"Yeah okay that's it, we're leaving." I ignored Anna's further moans of frustration (or seduction) and exited the van,
slamming the door shut behind me.

"Are you done yet?" I rolled over to Anna's side of the bed. The redhead was sitting up with my laptop on her knees, back
pressed against the headboard of the luxuriously soft and warm bed back in the lodge. We had arrived back at the resort
earlier that afternoon and had enjoyed an amazing dinner of Chinese takeout.

Anna's fingers were flying over the keys, her face illuminated by the laptop screen. Seeing my girlfriend focused like that,
her hair up in a bun and her eyes intense, made my heart long for her. I sighed. You always get that at the weirdest times.

"Kristoff!" I was startled by Anna's sudden outburst, but quickly noticed Skype was opened up. The headphones weren't
plugged in so when Kristoff spoke I heard him too.

"If it isn't my favourite strawberry swirl couple." The boy's voice sounded slightly distorted, but even through that I could
hear there was something off. Anna frowned as well, but before she could ask Kristoff continued. "How was your

"One of the reasons I called you was to say I uploaded the pictures. I'm sending you the link now." Anna shot me a look
and winked. "And Kristoff, don't forget that me and Elsa aren't technically in Norway. If anyone asks, your long lost gay
uncle sent you those pictures of him and his lover Cuss."

Anna pulled her USB drive out of the computer and put it in the pocket of her sweatpants. We had both spent at least an
hour cleaning ourselves up, Anna in the bathtub and me in the shower. My idea of enjoying fresh clothes had meant
putting on a nice blouse and white jeans, but for Anna it meant wearing black sweat pants and a black dress shirt (which
didn't exactly go well together, if you asked me).

We were both exhausted but the fact we were able to freshen up and feel clean again had given us enough energy to
decide to stay up until a reasonable time. It was now coming up on nine PM and as far as I was concerned, right now
was a very reasonable time to go to bed.

"Anna. That bird is tiny." Kristoff said incredulously. I chuckled, thinking back to our hike along the turquoise river. Two
small birds, one black and one coloured, had followed us almost the entire way. They especially seemed to enjoy
making dives at Anna's head, causing the redhead to yelp and almost slip on the wet rocks more than once.

"Don't you patronise me, Mr. Muscle."

Kristoff groaned. "Elsa, I asked you not to tell her of my in-game name."

I chuckled while Anna looked at me with wide eyes. "Actually Kristoff, I hadn't told her about that. Yet." Anna made a 'go
on' gesture with her hand.

"Don't you dare, Elsa. No." Kristoff sounded gruff but I wasn't intimidated, so I shrugged and winked at Anna.


"Elsa I will kill you, you know that?" Kristoff's voice was almost drowned out by Anna's fit of laughter but he was still very

"Mister 3000! Oh gods Kristoff, I thought you were sick of me making jokes about you being such a gym monkey but it
turns out you embarrass yourself enough without me around."

I let the two friends rage at each other for a moment, rolling onto my back and closing my eyes. The fact I could lie on top
of the sheets in regular clothes without freezing brought me an unwarranted amount of joy. I guess you just don't know
what you have until it's gone. I smiled sleepily and turned around.

Anna finished up the call with Kristoff ('screw you, strawberry swirl') as I pressed my face into the sheets. Breathing in
deeply, I moaned when Anna shoved me in the shoulder. "Knock it off, Anna. I'm enjoying the fabric softener."

"You'll be able to enjoy the fabric softener when we go to bed tonight. Raina could be here any moment and we owe her
a drink." I heard Anna close the laptop and get out of bed.

I raised my head up. "Raina is coming over?" I pushed my hair out of my face with my free hand, raising myself up on my

Anna frowned, towering over me. "Yeah, something wrong with that?"

I blushed. "Just, that note… she almost walked in on us the other day." I grimaced. "I don't know whether I want to face
her after that."

"Well, she didn't walk in on us. And if you don't get out of bed soon, I'll tell her about the past ten nights in increasing

I immediately pushed myself off of the mattress and stood up, straightening my freshly washed blue blouse with my
hands. "Ready to go," I said cheerfully.

Anna snorted. "You're no fun at all," she said as she turned away and moved towards the bedroom door. I followed the
redhead, taking a few quick steps and wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. Anna jumped slightly before
putting her hands on mine and leaning backwards. "Okay I take that back," she said with a sultry voice.

Feeling the strange need for vengeance, I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to her neck just above her collar. "I do
love it when you dress up," I mumbled against her skin. I felt Anna's pulse speed up underneath my lips and I bit down,
eliciting a sharp gasp. When I was satisfied with the pace of Anna's heart rate I detached my arms from around her waist
and moved past her to the door. "Let's not keep Raina waiting," I said happily.

For a fleeting moment I could swear steam might come out of Anna's nostrils any second. "I swear Munchy, I'll fucking
get your bloody ass for that!"

"Now who's cussing?" I giggled as I quickly made my way down the stairs. Anna chased me but when I reached the
bottom of the stairs and rounded the corner I froze in my tracks, almost causing the redhead to slam into me.

"Munchy, what…" Anna moved next to me, saw what I was staring at and immediately stepped in front of me. She pushed
me backwards with such force that I stumbled and fell, landing hard on the floor and slamming my back against the wall
and the back of my head against a windowsill. The world swam and I saw two Anna's for a moment, both in a fighting
stance with their hands in front of them.

"Get out," she said with a quivering voice.

"I'm sorry, it's not personal. It's just business." Daniel didn't look like I remembered him, his hair was messy and he
hadn't shaven. I tried to focus on his face but my brain seemed to have swollen to twice its original size, black spots still
blurring my vision. I slipped my hand in my pocket and pressed my thumb on the emergency keychain Lidvar had given
me. "I need you to get out of the way, Miss Almstedt. The contract is out on her, I'm not after you."

"Over my dead fucking body!" Anna's voice skipped with fear, but she didn't move. I shook my head to try and be able to
see, wanting to get up to defend Anna as much as she wanted to defend me but knowing I would just fall back down to
the floor if I tried to stand up while my limbs were so heavy. Things were happening so fast, I had barely registered the
fact Daniel the PA was standing in our lodge before Anna had reacted with awfully quick reflexes. I hadn't even perceived
him as a threat yet, I had been too surprised by the fact he was standing in our lodge. I wondered what exactly had tipped
Anna off, but then realised I was thinking very unnecessary thoughts for the current situation. We were in danger. I
must've hit my head harder than I thought. "You'll have to go through me before you get to Elsa," Anna growled.

"Okay, if you insist." Through the fog in front of my eyes I thought I saw Daniel lunge forward but Anna was quicker,
kicking him hard in his groin. He buckled over and Anna immediately moved to drag me to my feet, forcing one of my
arms over her shoulders and stepping over the dark shape on the floor which I knew had to be Daniel writing in pain.

My heart was threatening to jump out my mouth as I attempted to draw breaths. It was made very difficult by the confusion
and terror that had settled itself in my body, knowing there was a threat to our lives nearby but not being able to see or
hear it clearly.

Daniel let out an angry shout laced with pain as Anna half dragged, half carried me to the front door of the lodge and
pushed it open. I was starting to see clearer again, a dull thumping threatening to burst my skull apart on top of
adrenaline doing its best to poison me from the inside. It was probably that same adrenaline that made me feel like I
could walk again and I started moving my legs in unison with Anna's while we made our way through the trees towards
the main building. I faintly registered my feet getting icy cold as soon as we stepped out of the front door, but in that short
moment of distraction my foot got caught on something and both Anna and I fell down.

"Get up, get up!" Anna screamed in my ear, tugging on my arm and twisting my shoulder painfully. My ears were rushing
and I tried getting up, but my ankle was throbbing and when I attempted to put weight on it I just buckled and landed on
my knees again. I envisioned Daniel coming up behind us and I felt hot tears stream down my face, but no matter how
hard I tried I wasn't able to put pressure on my ankle. The dark was weighing down on me and the trees around us
seemed to be closing in on us as I was struggling in the snow.

Anna tried lifting me but I was such dead weight she was unable to. "Just go!" I yelled at her, but she instead
straightened out and turned back towards the lodge, clearly planning on defending me if I couldn't run away. "Anna!" I
screamed. "Run! Get out!" I had no idea what kind of weapon Daniel was carrying, but I thought it probably wasn't a gun.
If it had been a gun he would've just shot Anna instead of lunging at her. A knife, he must have a knife.

I thought I heard other voices but when I looked backwards all I saw was Daniel, running towards us rather crookedly. He
looked hellish, his eyes burning with anger and a large bloody switchblade held out in front of him. Bloody? I glanced at
Anna's leg and saw her pant leg was wet with blood, the snow around her foot slowly turning red. I blinked and pressed
my fingernail hard into the back of my hand. Be asleep, please, b e asleep.

The image in front of my eyes did not disappear. I didn't wake up. I wasn't asleep. A scream tore from my throat as Anna
threw her foot out again, hitting Daniel hard in the side as soon as he got in range. I saw a flash of metal and Anna
roared, either from pain or anger. I felt completely helpless as I sat in the snow, not feeling the intense cold seeping in
through my pants or palms. He's going to kill her.

Daniel faltered for a moment when Anna's kick hit him, but he didn't fall to the ground again. I saw him regain his footing
and he lashed out his arm, barely missing Anna who jumped backward just in time. It caused her to almost step on me
and her heel hit my arm – causing her to instinctively look behind her. No, don't take your eyes off him, don't…

I saw Anna's eyes go wide when a weight slammed into her. "Anna, no!" I screeched when she fell to the ground, my
mind refusing to acknowledge what was happening. Time seemed to slow down while I braced myself, expecting a
sharp pain at any moment when Daniel would come at me to finish the job.

Instead, I heard a very loud metallic clang and then a dry thud. I opened my eyes, not realising I had closed them, and
looked up. Raina stood there, shaking all over, her hands clutched onto a frying pan. She was holding it above her head
like a sword, a large dent in the rim. Anna was lying on the ground underneath Lidvar, who now scrambled over to twist
Daniel's arms behind his back.

Raina's stunned eyes found mine. "What the FUCK is going on with you two?!"

"That's right. I was with Lidvar when the emergency emitter on his belt started beeping. He knows I've been hanging out
with Miss Summers and Miss Evergreen, so when he received a call from lieutenant Masters from Arendelle PD he
came to me to ask whether I had any more information on what exactly was going on." Raina had one hand pressed to
her forehead, retelling the same story for the fifth time to another police officer. I was seated on the back step of an
ambulance, a Mylar blanket draped over my shoulders. My blouse had some blood on it from Anna's leg, and my ankle
was badly sprained, but otherwise I was fine.

"And what had the lieutenant told him exactly?" The police officer looked at Raina, his pen shooting across his notepad.

Raina sighed. "I repeat; 'When we ran the guest list through the system, Daniel Sanders came up as flagged for
affiliation with Duff Killigan'. Neither I nor Lidvar had any clue who Killigan was, but I knew Valerie Summers was a cover
name for Elsa Shields, who I've been hanging out with. I had already figured there was more going on than just the two
of them wanting a quiet holiday, I'm not stupid. So when Lidvar's emergency emitter started beeping, I grabbed the
nearest weapon and headed over to the lodge with him."

"And that weapon was… a frying pan." The officer sounded sceptical, but Raina just put her hands on her hips and threw
him a mocking glance.

"Have you ever been hit over the head with a frying pan? Works like a charm."

The man shook his head and glanced back down at his notepad. "Yes ma'am. What name can I put down with your

"I prefer Raina, but uhm…" She glanced at me and leaned a little closer to the officer.

"Is that with an S or a Z?"

"Z," Raina quickly said with a blush on her face. I couldn't care less about a stupid name at the moment, though.

The female paramedic who had been taking care of me came to check whether I was okay and I looked at her
pleadingly. "Can we go to the hospital yet? I want to be with my girlfriend, please."

The woman squatted in front of me. Her face flashed blue and red in unison with the lights on the many, many police
cars and the ambulance I was currently sitting in. The paramedic put a motherly hand on my arm. "Miss Almstedt is well
tended, I promise. My colleagues…"

"Don't call her that!" I screamed it at her, losing control of my voice for a moment. Startled, I pressed my fingers to my lips
and averted my eyes. "Don't… call her that. Please, there could be more of them out there."

The paramedic had recoiled lightly at my outburst, but she now nodded. "I apologise. The police have already informed
us. Again, I'm sorry." She got up. "I'll radio the other bus and reconfirm so they're extra careful, if that will make you feel
better." I nodded and the woman disappeared.

A moment later Raina took her place, also squatting but with her hands on my knees. "Valerie, I'm so sorry."

I was still shaking lightly but I managed a smile. "Raina, you don't get to say sorry to me. You… if you had been but a
moment later…" My shaking intensified and Raina sat next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me
against her.

"Sara will be fine. She just needs a couple of stitches, is all."

"There was so much blood…" I got lost in the horrific images in my mind for a moment, but Raina shook my shoulders
and snapped me out of them. I looked at her with such hurt on my face I could see it reflected in her features for a
second. "Why won't they let me see her?"

Raina threw a furious glance at the police officers, who seemed to just be standing around in between the trees and
their cars. I saw Torvik and his entire extended family standing off to the side, keeping a close eye on proceedings and
me. The black haired girl sitting next to me squeezed my shoulder again and to my surprise her touch gave me slight
comfort. Slight. "They need to ask you some questions as soon as you feel up for it."
"Why can't it wait?" The last word turned into a whine and I inhaled sharply, doing my best to hold back the tears. As soon
as they started flowing I knew I wouldn't be able to stop.

"They want to take your statement as soon as possible, without cross-contamination with anyone else." She raised her
voice a little. "Which is why Mr. Obvious is standing to our right, listening in to our conversation." The police officer in
question came scuttling towards us, a slight blush on his cheeks. He was young, with a short head of blond hair.

"I apologise, I was waiting for Miss... Summers to be ready to give her statement. You can stay of course, Miss

The young man was clearly taking more heed of the instructions Ed had distributed amongst the police officers and
other emergency personnel. The lieutenant was the first person I had let Raina call as they were loading Anna into an
ambulance, her face so pale that every time the blue light of the ambulance lit her features she seemed more like a
corpse than alive. "I'll be okay, Munchy," was the last thing she had said before the paramedics had slammed the doors
shut and I was left behind, restrained by the female paramedic who had soon afterwards perched me on the back steps
of the second ambulance. When a gruff-looking officer had asked whether I needed more restraining the woman had
said I was 'in shock' and had basically told the officer to back the fuck off, something I had appreciated immensely.

I was pulled out of my flashback by Raina, who shook me very lightly. I looked at the police officer, rather wide-eyed. "Yes
I can answer questions. Just get it over with," I said quickly.

The young officer didn't seem very convinced but he pulled a large device from a satchel on his belt which looked like a
cross between a tablet and a phone. He looked at me with soft eyes. "It's a device I can use to record our conversation,
so I can pay attention to you instead of writing everything down. But if you prefer I won't use it, that's of course fine as

"Just do me a favour and call me Valerie Summers. My girlfriend is called Sara Evergreen."

"Of course." He pressed a few buttons before turning his attention back to me. "Can you tell me, in as much detail as
possible, what happened tonight?"

I inhaled deeply and blew my breath out. This was going to be fun.

Raina accompanied me to the hospital after the interview was over. There were two cop cars accompanying us as well,
one in front and one behind the ambulance. Raina had offered to drive but the paramedics were worried for my health,
afraid I might be in minor shock or even slightly hypothermic. They wanted to make sure I was fine before leaving.

I was lying down on top of the gurney in the back of the ambulance. Raina was sitting in the front with the driver, while the
paramedic next to me had spent the previous one and a half hours threatening to tie me down if I didn't stop sitting up all
the time. She had finally succeeded by telling me that 'the more I co-operated, the sooner I would see my girlfriend'.
Seeing Anna and making sure for myself she was fine was the most important thing on my mind right now. That, and
one other thing.

"What are they going to do with Daniel?"

Raina took off her seatbelt, eliciting a grumpy look from both paramedics. She ignored them and turned around in her
seat so she could talk to me through the small space in the wall separating the front from the back of the ambulance.
"They'll lock him up for sure. He's not a Norwegian citizen though, so they might extradite him back to Arendelle to stand

"And what about Killigan?" I tried getting up, but a glare from the woman next to me quickly made me give up on the idea
and I just turned my head so that I could at least catch a glimpse of Raina. The movement made my ankle throb again
but I found I couldn't care about that right now. "Did Ed say anything about him?"

"El… Valerie, don't worry about that now. Ed is on top of it, I'm sure of that. The fact that he called to warn us about Daniel
should tell you that."

"Ma'am, please put your seatbelt back on. We're almost at the hospital."

Raina didn't move from my side as we went through the emergency room, where she tore a nurse a new one for
slacking off too much for her taste. I didn't have to understand Norwegian to get the meaning of what she was telling the
young man to take and where to put it. The doctors insisted I was put on a slow-drip IV to make sure I was getting
enough fluids and they put a bandage around my ankle to support the sprained joint - but other than that they were
satisfied enough about my condition that they allowed Raina to take me to Anna in a wheelchair.

As Raina wheeled me through the hallways, looking for the correct treatment room, I felt myself get more and more
restless. Everyone had been telling me Anna was fine, but I needed to see her for myself before taking anyone's word for
it. When I heard her laugh drifting out from one of the rooms ahead of us, cops posted at the door, I almost started crying
with relief.

The first thing I saw when we rounded the corner was Anna hiccupping from laughter, her forearm over her eyes. A nurse
was standing with her back towards us and was working on the redhead's lower leg. My eyes were rather wide as I was
torn between wanting to know how her leg was doing and wanting to throw myself at my girlfriend. The latter quickly won
and I got up out of the wheelchair, causing Raina to yelp and run after me with it – the IV still attached to the pole sticking
up from the seat.

Anna opened her eyes at the sound and braced just in time for me crashing into the side of the bed and into her,
wrapping my arms around the girl's neck and burying my face in the front of her hospital gown. All the tears I had been
holding in suddenly came bursting out and my entire body shook with sobs, tears leaking from my eyes and nose. Anna
didn't speak, she just held her hands pressed tightly onto my back and let me cry on for a while.

It must have been minutes but it felt like mere seconds had passed before I felt another pair of hands gently pulling on
my shoulders. It was the nurse, who had an affectionate but firm expression on her face as she guided me back to my
wheelchair. "Please, Miss Summers, I need to finish up Miss Evergreen's leg. I'll show you to a waiting area."

"Please, I want to stay here." I beseeched the nurse, who sighed.

"Fine, but I can't have you looking over my shoulder. You'll have to stay in your wheelchair, right there in the corner."

"That's fine, that's perfectly fine."

Anna completely ignored the conversation between me and the nurse. "Look Cuss, I even got flowers." She nodded at
the small bundle of white lilies on her bedside table. "I think one of the cops has the hots for me, he bought them for me
downstairs." She then pouted. "And they won't let me stitch up my own leg. I begged, but they're all like 'we don't let
patients stitch themselves up, that would be so wrong'. Party poopers."

Raina audibly smacked her lips. "I'm going to get some coffee. Anyone else want some?"

Anna laughed. "I'm not allowed, I'm high." She giggled. "They gave me morphine."

I answered without taking my eyes off of Anna. "No thanks." I felt like I needed to take the moment in, really see that she
was alive and well. The anxiety in my chest slowly retreated, only leaving behind small remnants of stomach pain and a
headache. "Are you okay, Anna?"

The girl sighed and pushed her head deeper into the pillow. "I am feeling so fine, it's almost criminal." She giggled.
"Sorry. Too soon?" My eyes snapped to the nurse when Anna suddenly arched her back and let out a sharp yelp. She
muttered something angry in Norwegian while the nurse shot her a sweet smile. The redhead looked back at me.
"Marga thinks I should be nicer to you."

"I agree with her." I was very content with just looking at Anna, still revelling in the fact that we were both alive. Fine, even.
My ankle hurt and I wasn't sure how Anna's leg was looking, but it couldn't be too serious or she and the nurse wouldn't
be goofing around so much.

I took a few deep breaths, allowing the rest of the tension in my limbs to dissipate. There are cops in front of the door.
Raina is here. Ed is on top of it. I opened my eyes back up and saw Anna looking at me with a sympathetic look on her
face. I managed a weak smile as I brought a hand up and rubbed my face. "This better be the last time I'm visiting you in
a hospital, Anna."

Anna smiled lazily, her eyes hooded from the morphine. "But I work at one. We can't just always have sex in your chairs. I
want to have sex in mine." Her words came slurred and lazily, the sedation clearly doing its work. I blushed, but the nurse
ignored us. Anna giggled again. "Don't worry, I'm not planning on being a patient often. And when we're old and crooked
we'll just rent a room together."



The nurse stepped back and rolled me closer to the bed so I could bump my fist against Anna's outstretched one. The
redhead snickered when I eyed her freshly bandaged leg. "It's not like I'm going anywhere any time soon, and neither are
you by the looks of it."

Anna leaned back into her pillows, failing at fighting back a yawn. "It sounds crazy but I'm almost happy this happened."

"Excuse me?" I felt anxiety roar back into my chest. "You're happy we got attacked?"

"This is probably going to be the break Ed was looking for." Anna moved her right hand around like it was an airplane,
making engine noises with her mouth. God she's high. She made her airplane-hand crash into the palm of her other
one. "Ed will link that asshole back to Killigan and BOOM!" she opened up both her fists to emulate an explosion, again
with sound effects.

"I'm getting so fucking sick of you two." I turned around in my seat to look at Raina, standing in the doorway with a cup of
coffee in her hand. She looked annoyed, something her words had already betrayed earlier. "So far I've always been
happy with whatever lame excuse you guys gave me but I'm done. Either you tell me what the fuck is going on or I'm out."

I blinked, searching for words, but Anna just laughed. Stop it, you'll scare her off. "Is frying-pan lady getting sick of us?
How about you, not even telling us your real name but constantly wanting to hang out with us. Admit it, you're totally
angling for a threesome." For fucks sake, Anna.

The nurse was quiet as she cleaned up the materials she had used to stitch and bandage Anna's leg up. I didn't feel
very comfortable discussing Killigan and everything else that had been going on in front of her, but then again there were
two cops at the door and Anna and I would be leaving for Arendelle soon again anyway.

Before I could open my mouth however, Raina was already reacting feistily to Anna's accusation. "Well can you blame
me for wanting to interact with people who don't just see me as some silly bartender? You and Elsa are cool people. I'm
sick of talking to people who look down on me all the time."

I inhaled to speak again, but I was once more cut off. This time by Anna. "Come back with us to Arendelle then, get the
fuck out of Norway."

I rolled my eyes, but Raina simply went red. "Fine!"

Blinking, I turned my gaze back to Anna. "Fine!" the redhead shouted. They suddenly both looked at me and I felt caught
in between them, like a window between a tiger and a lion at the zoo.

"Well I uh…" My brain seemed to short circuit for a moment, trying to process what exactly was going on. We had gone
from micro to macro, from being in a hospital room enjoying the simple fact we were both alive to thinking back to
Arendelle and everything that was awaiting us there. When I thought about all that and the huge things going on in me
and Anna's lives something simple as Raina emigrating from Norway to Arendelle seemed tiny. I threw my hands up.
"Whatever you want, I'm fine with it. Whatever."

Raina frowned, clearly startled with my reaction. "Fine!"

I scowled at her. "Fine!" I then quickly turned to Anna. "Don't you dare…"

Anna grinned at me. "Okay," she said with a wink.

/There is an extra dimension to this chapter... the holiday pictures that Anna uploaded for Kristoff. They can be found
on Imgur by adding /a/umFmz#0 onto the regular imgur url. I will post a link to the album on my Tumblr as well (
/I hope you enjoyed the chapter and all my fears about posting it will have been for nothing :)
*Chapter 23*: Chapter 23: The lists
/Apologies for the hiatus! If you follow me on Tumblr (which I hope most of you do), you know that life got in the way.
But yes, still adamant about finishing this fic, no worries.

Chapter 23
The lists

"Are you ready for this?" I looked over at Anna, supporting most of my weight on the crutch in my left arm as I walked. The
airport staff had insisted that I made use of a wheelchair, but I had firmly declined. I was not about to re-enter Arendelle
and see all our friends again whilst seated in a wheelchair. Definitely not if Anna, who had needed a total of twenty-five
stitches, was walking normally again with just a very slight limp whenever she put weight on her previously injured leg.

Anna smiled at me as she hoisted her duffel bag higher up her shoulder after someone bumped into her. "Are you
kidding me, I was born ready." Someone brushed past us and the otherwise homey coffee scent of the airport was
replaced with the pungent smell of old sweat and liquor, causing me to wince.

"Well I wasn't." Raina was sweating lightly as well, but I was pretty sure she smelled a lot better than the man that just
passed us. She had both her own suitcase and mine under her care. We had left the trolley behind a while back,
knowing what we were about to face. "I still can't believe I'm here. Five days." She looked at Anna, an almost accusatory
look in her eyes. "Five freaking days and I'm in a new country." She had to speak up a bit to make herself audible over the
hundreds of voices all around us.

Anna grinned. "You'll be fine. We'll find a couch for you."

Raina stopped in her tracks, eyes wide and mouth forming a terrified 'o'. "You said I could live with you!" I kept hobbling
forward, the crutch chafing my arm somewhat.

We approached the double doors that led to the arrival hall and I could already hear the exited murmur of voices. Gods,
there are several dozens of them out there. Ed, I hate you. I nervously halted my steps and re-adjusted my blazer. I had
kept it open because the crutch pulled at the fabric, but now I buttoned it up and used my hands to flatten a crease in the
matching black skirt. Anna stopped next to me and pushed a lock of hair back, wrapping it around the bun on the back of
my head. When withdrawing her hand, she ran her fingers past my cheek.

"You can do this, Munchy." Raina stopped behind us, leaning backwards against a handrail after safely placing our
suitcases out of the way of other travellers. She and Anna weren't dressed as formally as I was, but they were posing as
my faux security team so they were both wearing dark blue sweaters that said "ADPD" on the back. Anna had worn her
own pair of blue sweatpants, Raina wore my grey ones. It was a bit haphazardly put together, but it was just for the half
hour it took for us to make it back to Ed and the security team he had waiting for us just beyond the doors in the arrival

I took a moment to lean my forehead against Anna's. "I hate this."

Anna nodded. "I know. But we practised on the way here. You got this. And I'll be right behind you."

Closing my eyes, I envisioned a courtroom. It was my usual fall-back whenever I needed to act serene and calm, but now
I suddenly found it didn't work anymore. I cursed softly as I straightened back up and Anna used her thumb to wipe
something off my face. "It doesn't work," I said nervously.

The mass of people around us was making me jumpy. It had only been five days since the attempt on my life and the
nightmares had returned. As long as Anna was with me they weren't as bad as they used to be, but both of them
combined, I was starting to lose all the calm and happiness I had gained on the road trip with Anna.

Hold on. The road trip. I looked at Anna's face, counted her freckles. I had gotten quite used to them over the past weeks
but now I felt like I was rediscovering them. There's the ones that form a little circle under her eye. And those ones make
a path from the side of her nose to her lips. I traced the line with my finger and Anna smiled peacefully. "Go kick some
ass, Munchy."

I straightened myself and took a deep breath. After a short deliberation I put the crutch aside and walked through the
doors on my own two legs, a moderate limp to my step. I guess that can't hurt the story.

As soon as I broke through the doors into the arrival hall the flashes started and I had to do my best not to recoil when a
wall of people rushed me. Ed was waiting just outside the doors with a couple of officers, who quickly formed a
protective half circle around me. It didn't stop the reporters from thrusting microphones in my face, however.

"Miss Shields, how are you feeling?"

I did my best not to take a step back, folding my hands in front of me and smiling. "I am feeling alright, thank you. It's…"

"Is it true there has been an attempt on your life?"

I looked at the man who had asked the question. Isn't that why you're all here? "Yes, such an attempt has been made

"How is the pregnancy coming along?"

My eyes shot to the reporter who asked the question. "Excuse me?"

"Is the baby in danger after the assassination attempt?"

I raised my hands in unison with my eyebrows. "I am not pregnant."

"Did you miscarry after the assault?"

Ed stepped in front of me and silenced me with a quick hand gesture. "Ladies and gentlemen, please. Miss Shields has
travelled a long way. There is no pregnancy, nor has there ever been one." He had to raise his voice impressively, the
many reporters still trying to get the details on my fictional pregnancy. I stepped back a bit, bumping into one of the police
officers who were there to keep me safe. My eyes found Anna's, who looked at me with an incredulous smirk on her face.

The redhead shoved one of the officers in the shoulder when he tried to get her away from me. The officer recognised
the sweater and stepped aside so she could lean in to me while Ed was still addressing the reporters. "I know I'm good,
but I'm not that good."

I in turn leaned towards her ear. "This is why I hate reporters, half of the stuff you read is made up. And that's in
newspapers, magazines are even worse." The crowd of people made the air feel thick with warmth and the smell of
mixed perfumes and colognes didn't do much to alleviate the heavy atmosphere.

Anna grinned. "It's not like National Geographic is interested in your story, no."

The girl gave me one last wink before she turned her attention back to the mass of people around us. I had lost sight of
Raina but I knew she would be fine. The reporters were after me, not her. Ed finished his address and turned towards
me. He grabbed my upper arm in a gentle but firm manner, gesturing his head in a way to say 'let's get out of here'. He
supported me as we made our way to the side, where there was an open door guarded by two police officers. They
moved aside when we approached and me, Ed and Anna went inside.

"Elsa!" I had barely registered that we were in a small room without any furniture, filled with people whom I only caught a
glimpse of before Kristoff almost crashed into me and picked me up in one of the tightest hugs I had ever received.

"Dude, you're killing her." I recognised the voice as Sven's, which strengthened my hunch that they were in fact our
friends. My suspicions were made definite when Kristoff carefully put me down and let go of me. I smiled at the people
gathered in the room. For reasons currently eluding me they were all dressed in black, simple t-shirts and dark jeans –
except for one person. Idunn, who was dressed in a knee-length black dress, stepped forward. She was sobbing lightly
and hugged her daughter close to her while mumbling 'my baby girl, you almost died, my baby'. Meanwhile, Mulan came
over to give me a short but firm embrace.

Kristoff and Sven retreated to the corner so Merida and, to my big surprise, Jack also got the chance to welcome us back
home. When my brother held out his hand to me, a slightly embarrassed look on his face and his eyes turned down, I
didn't respond. "Look at me," I said softly. Jack licked his lips nervously before looking me in the eye. His gaze was clear,
I did not see a hint of drugs in his face. Even his clothes looked freshly washed and he had received a haircut, not
completely removing his signature long locks but definitely taming them up a bit.

"He's clean," Mulan suddenly said. I looked at her and the woman shrugged, smiling while she scratched her head. "He
has kind of taken over our couch. I would've told you, but I didn't want to worry you right before your road trip. And after that,
well…" She made a gesture towards both mine and Anna's leg.

Jack still stood before me. He had dropped his hand and put both of them in his pockets, his shoulders hunched and
his eyes once again facing the floor. I suddenly felt tears prick at my eyes and I stepped forward, hugging my brother
tightly. "Gods Jack, it's good to see you."
Jack didn't immediately hug me back, but a punch in the shoulder from Mulan quickly fixed that and he put his arms
around my waist. "Hey sis," he said softly. I sighed into my brother's shoulder before moving back and looking at the

"Thanks for coming, all of you." Idunn smiled at me sweetly and came over to give me a hug as well, tear tracks still fresh
on her face. 'Where's Raina?' I mouthed at Anna, who was standing behind her mother and didn't seen unaffected by the
emotional reunion herself. The redhead nodded curtly however, and limped over to the door to check where the other girl

"Elsa." Ed put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me away from Idunn. "Things have changed around here. After what
happened with Sanders, things escalated. And de-escalated." He sighed. "A lot of stuff went down. It's hard to explain,
especially in a crowded room with reporters outside - so we need to get you home."

"Do you feel like that's the safest place for me right now?" I frowned worriedly.

Ed nodded. "Definitely." He smirked. "You should see your living room."

Mulan cleared her throat and raised her hands. "I want to stress the fact that your brother is the only one I invited. The rest
is Ed's doing."

Anna had safely collected Raina, who had been hiding behind a large potted plant in the arrival hall. She had been
mumbling about 'not signing up for this' when Anna dragged her along by her arm, taking her directly to the main
entrance of the airport.

Both Raina and Anna joined me in my car, driven to the airport by Mulan, and Merida squeezed herself in between the
younger girls on the backseat. Mulan had offered to drive back as well but I felt like I was losing my grip on the current
situation, and thus I had the need to have control over something – even if it was just a car.

I adjusted the seat a bit to my longer legs, careful not to push the chair back into Anna's shins. The girl didn't seem very
responsive, unlike the other redhead next to her. "So, ye saved these two knuckleheads by hittin' the dude with a fryin'
pan, that true?"

Raina turned her head sideways, not really able to move her upper body too much. I threw the three girls on the backseat
a glance in the rear-view mirror. Raina looked very uncomfortable, while Merida mostly looked slightly annoyed but Anna
seemed to… Is she asleep?

"Uhm yeah. I kind of panicked. It wasn't as cool as it sounds."

"Aye I'm sure it was mighty cool." Merida nodded thoughtfully. "Good thing ye were there too. We might be trained fer
fightin' people but when things get serious…"

"And the guy had a knife," Mulan interjected. She glanced at her student while I pulled the car out of the parking space
and into the long line of waiting cars. Looks like it might b e a while b efore we're getting home.

"Aye coach, the guy had a knife." Merida groaned when she noticed Mulan's face. "Oi, mum. S not like I attack men on the

"I wasn't saying that." Mulan turned back to face the front, following Ed's car with her eyes as he cut off another vehicle to
get right in front of us. Behind us another police car did the same. Ed had insisted I drive with an armed officer in the car,
but I had declined – I didn't want strange people around me right now. Especially with guns. It had taken several firm
sentences and me quite literally putting my foot down – after which he had relented.

"Ye had that look in yer eyes." Merida was oblivious to our surroundings as she snarled at her coach. I had to stop and
pull up constantly, and was already looking forward to leaving the crowded roads around the airport behind us.

"I'm just saying I have had enough experience picking Anna up from the police station, thanks."

Merida groaned loudly, letting her head fall back for a second. The bounce of red hair took away my view from the cars
behind me for a second. "Tha' was only the once! An' it were totally not me fault."

"You dislocated his jaw, Merida."

"Aye, and ye banned me from trainin' for a whole month." Merida huffed and crossed her arms, looking to her side –
probably looking for help from Anna. When Merida noticed the other redhead was fast asleep she just groaned
indignantly. "Anna basically 'as a frequent flyer pass with the boaby!"

I threw another glance at Raina, who looked slightly more pale than usual as she stared out the window, her hands
neatly on her knees. I grinned lightly as I signalled to the right, which caused Ed to immediately do the same – and the
cars to our right to honk indignantly. I sighed. This is going to b e a long ride.

Driving up to my own house turned out to be slightly more of an adventure than I had initially expected. It started three
streets away with Ed putting his arm out the window. It confused me, until I saw two men sitting to the left drinking coffee
on a bench – either with weapons tucked in their belt or extremely happy to see the lieutenant in the car in front of me. On
the corner of the next street was an unmarked car with again two men in civilian clothes sitting with cardboard coffee
cups in their hands. Starb ucks' stock just went up twenty points.

When I pulled up to my driveway and turned the car towards it, I was stopped by a female officer with her hand up. It had
started drizzling lightly and there were drops hanging off her cap. Her right hand was loosely placed on her holstered
weapon, but the innocent looking gesture made me a lot more nervous than I had expected. It's just a reflex, Elsa. They
don't mean anything b y it. Bad guys don't just show up to your house. My nostrils flared lightly as I brought the car to a halt
halfway past the curb. They wait until you're not expecting it. I nervously looked out of the window to my left, but there was
nothing there but a few droplets and empty streets. No wait, over there was another officer. With coffee.

Ed had parked behind me and came walking up to my window. He opened the door and I found myself recoiling slightly,
even though I knew it was Ed. A warm hand on my right shoulder made me glance at Mulan, the owner of said hand, as
she threw me a reassuring smile. "It's okay Elsa. Being a bit nervous is natural, but I promise you it's all well under

Ed waited until I was looking at him again before explaining. "If you wouldn't mind, we prefer you park on the roadside."

I frowned. "Why?"

Mulan squeezed my shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I'll park the car if you want, you and Anna can go inside and unpack.
I'm sure Sitron and Max will be glad to see you."

The prospect of seeing both my cats again swayed me into getting out of the car and heading up to the front door. It was
only a short walk but on my way over I noticed even more cops stationed in several places around the house. I knew it
was supposed to make me feel safer and more secure, but it mostly just felt like a small hole had opened in the bottom
of my stomach and it wasn't about to close itself back up.

Anna had woken up just before we pulled up to the house and was rather groggy. She had excused herself from any
intelligent conversation by saying 'the painkillers were too much fun to be serious' so I hobbled up to my house alone,
leaving the others to worry about the bags. It felt both awkward and liberating to actually leave something up to others.
Does Anna have a point ab out me b eing too controlling? Nah.

"Good afternoon Miss Shields, welcome home." I was surprised by the door opening in front of me, swinging inwards
while my hand had barely reached the handle. Several raindrops already clung to my eyelashes and I thought I could
hear the roar of thunder far away. I blinked at the female officer holding the door for me, a faint smile on her tanned face
and her hand on her back – far away from her weapon. I liked this one better than the one in the driveway; that much was
for sure. Maybe it was the lack of hat, this woman just had her black hair tied down in her neck.

"Shouldn't I be the one welcoming you into my home?" I muttered weakly, taken aback by the view I had of my own living
room. Or rather, what used to be my living room? The only thing that had stayed the same was the base furniture,
besides that the formerly cosy living room had turned into a military-style headquarters including something that looked
like a school board. The smell of wet soil outside was quickly exchanged for one of stale coffee and, for some reason,
something that reminded me of cat litter. And not the unused kind.

The dark-haired woman holding the door for me followed my gaze and let out a very short, uneasy laugh. "Yeah, I can
understand why it'd be a bit… surprising? We kind of turned the place upside down." I quickly counted the number of
stretchers in the room. There were seven people crashing in my living room? Well that's definitely a way to keep people
out. The smell alone would do it.

As if she was reading my mind, the officer – still holding the door for me – rubbed her neck awkwardly. "We cleaned this
morning, the guys aren't as careful about where they leave their empty coffee cups. Or underwear." She quickly looked at
me with wide eyes. "Not that there's underwear anywhere. That was a joke."

It was probably the exhaustion and huge amount of impressions I had received in the past hour – whatever it was, I
started laughing. By the time Anna caught up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders, straightened me out and looked
me in the eye there were tears rolling down my face. "What the hell Munchy?"

"Look at the living room!" I gestured vaguely at the room now behind Anna. The redhead threw a glance over her
shoulder, more at the officer than the living room.

She turned back to me, an eyebrow slightly raised and speaking slowly like she was talking to a child. "Yes, they
changed it a bit. But that's okay."

"A bit? They changed it a bit?" Heaving laughs still coursed through my body, causing Anna to push against my
shoulders a bit to keep me upright. "Look at the street! I saw half a platoon on the way in here!" I threw my arm out behind
me, attempting to gesture at my car. "And I'm stopped by this woman with a gun, telling me I can't park my car in my own

Shit Elsa, relax. It's not Anna's fault. It's not anyone's fault. They're trying to protect you. My stomach churned slightly,
causing me to blow out my breath slowly.

Anna opened her mouth to speak, but I quickly raised my hands to silence her. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. "I'm
sorry. I'm tired." I awkwardly put my hands on Anna's, pressing them down on my own shoulders. "Let's just go inside
and unpack. Maybe have a nap."

"Sounds good." Anna took her hands from mine a bit abruptly, causing me to falter for half a second. Anna turned around
and went inside while the female officer shot me an inscrutable look. What're you looking at? I didn't say it out loud, but
apparently my thought showed on my face because the woman turned away her gaze.

"Do you need help with your bags or anything, ma'am?" She spoke to a point in front of my feet, squaring her shoulders a
bit. "Or are you good?"

"Thanks, I'm good." I attempted to fix the damage I apparently caused with a smile, but seeing how the woman refused to
look at me it didn't work very well. I just sighed and hobbled inside, the pain in my ankle growing with every step. Mayb e I
shouldn't have driven the whole way. Not only did you mess up your ankle, your people skills seem to have deteriorated
slightly as well. Twat.

Anna was already disappearing up the stairs with her duffel bag, abandoning me to a very futile attempt at hiding my
distress when I threw a look into the kitchen area. It's mostly trash, Elsa. You can throw that out. It'll b e fine. You'll b e fine.
I tried focusing on the sound of the rain on the windows. There wasn't much other noise, except for the footsteps and soft
murmur of voices in the living room and outside.

Behind me, Idunn entered the house before Raina and Merida, who were carrying the suitcases. "Where's Anna?" the
woman asked rather anxiously. I nodded at the stairs and Idunn immediately took off. I almost felt sorry for Anna, but that
feeling was quickly replaced by annoyance. Jesus, what's wrong with you Elsa? I sighed and leaned my back against the
wall separating the kitchen from the living room.

I covered my face with my hands when Merida walked up to me, shaking my head. It had the desired effect, because she
didn't talk to me. Raina however didn't take the hint to heart and she grabbed my wrists, slowly turning my hands away
from my face. I noticed Merida, Mulan and Ed had proceeded into the living room, but all three kept throwing me very
unsubtle glances whenever possible. I looked at Raina, not trying to hide the exhaustion and sadness that had settled
itself in my stomach. I really wished she'd let go of my hands.

Raina sighed and opened her mouth to say something, before closing it again. She looked at Merida, who had pulled
Raina's suitcase further into the room and had pushed it aside against the wall. I was flung into a new emotion, the one
they called guilt. "Gods Raina, I'm sorry. You must be even more uncomfortable, you've never even been here."

"No, don't worry about it." She shrugged lightly. "I mean yeah, you're right, I'm fucking uneasy and rethinking coming here
with every passing minute. But that makes sense. It's a part of it." She bit her lip and looked me in the eye. "But you being
uncomfortable is just a part of it too. I haven't known you for that long but I can imagine that coming home to your house
in such a state…" She carefully released my hands, seemingly making sure they wouldn't fly back to my face. I kept them
in front of my chest, the right one clutching the left.

"We can put you up in the study. I get it if you don't want to stay down here. The study is in between mine and Mulan's
room. It should be fine, I guess. We might need to get you a mattress. Do you think the stores are still open?"

Raina raised an eyebrow. "It's barely past eight AM, Elsa… but I'm good. Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out
with… Mulan she's called?" I nodded and she put her hands on her hips, visibly dismissing the subject. "Now as you
may recall, I have some experience with kitchens. And cleaning." She winked at me as she pushed her sleeves up to her
elbows. "It'll give me something to do. And I think it'll do you some good to have your kitchen back."

I didn't move from my forced posture, hands still clutched in front of me. "You don't have to. It's fine. I mean no it's not fine,
it's filthy, but it's fine enough, we can just order food."

Raina nudged me in the shoulder with a fist, pressing me slightly up against the wall. The feeling caused a wave of
anxiety to rush through my chest. Okay, that's new. I inhaled deeply and blew my breath out through my mouth. I'll b e fine.
I'll just go upstairs and help Anna unpack. I smiled at the woman in front of me, who was still eyeing me apprehensively
like I might crumble at any second. "Thanks, Raina. I'd really appreciate that."

"You get your butt upstairs, Anna is looking almost as tense as you." She smirked and opened her mouth to say more,
but then decided not to. I'm not sure whether I wanted to hear that comment anyway. I blinked. It's not like Raina to
swallow comments like that though. She must b e really uneasy.

Raina left me to my thoughts. I started walking over to Merida who was talking to Mulan, but I reconsidered and made a
quick detour past the female officer who had held the door for me. She had returned to the large improvised table they
had pushed up against the wall, a huge stack of paper spread out on top of it. Now that I got a closer look of the board I
saw it was a large glass panel with tons of pictures and pieces of paper stuck to it. I didn't pay any attention to it and I
shook my head, taking my gaze off of the board. No need to get worked up about understanding something like that right

"Hey, uhm… officer?"

The woman turned to me, pursing her lips together in an uncertain manner. She's so young, she's prob ab ly younger
than me. "I'm sorry about before. I'm just tired." I moved to pat her on the shoulder but let my hand fall back down when I
realised how condescending that might've looked. "Thanks for everything all of you are doing to protect me." The number
of coffee rings on the papers and the few inches of table that were still visible told me they had been spending quite
some time in this setup.

Ed leaned forward onto the table, his fists pressed onto some already badly creased papers. He was still wearing his
long coat, his signature brown lieutenant's outfit underneath. "Actually a lot of them are from vice, narcotics and SVU.
They want to catch Killigan just as bad as we do. And you're the only link we have at the moment." He rubbed his
stubbled jaw. "So it made sense to hang around here. I didn't object, seeing how it also means you have about a dozen
armed police officers hanging around your house at any given time."

I tried to wipe the exhaustion from my face. Behind me, Mulan and Merida apparently finished their conversation because
Merida started hauling my suitcase towards the stairs. I sighed but only smelled the distinct aroma of stale coffee and
food that should probably have been thrown out a while back. I grimaced.

"And yeah, sorry about the mess. I keep telling them they need to clean up after themselves, but…" Ed's hand moved
from his jaw to his eyes, rubbing them and pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. When he lowered his
hand he did so with a gesture towards the female officer in front of him. "This is Officer Price, by the way. She's not from
vice or anything, she's just here to be an extra set of eyes to keep you safe."

The woman seemed to have relaxed again as she extended her hand. I took it, smiling tiredly. "Elsa. But I guess you
already knew that."

"Amy Price. Just call me Amy. Or Price. Or officer." She stuck her thumbs in her belt and threw Ed a look. "Or 'hey'. Seems
to work well for Masters."

I raised one of my eyebrows slightly, the comment leaving my lips before I realised what I was about to say. "Amy Price,
not exactly a very Mexican sounding name." Immediately after the words had left my mouth I slapped a hand over it, my
eyes slightly wider than usual. "Oh god, that was so rude," I muttered through my fingers.

The woman's dark brown eyes remained friendly, however. "My mom's maiden name is Fuentes. She married a white
guy named Price. I was born, they gave me an English sounding name so I'd get a job more easily." She pulled a fake
annoyed face as she rubbed a thick lock of black hair between her fingers. "The hair is hell, though." Her eyes turned
tired again. "Just call me Amy. It's fine."

Ed seemingly decided there was no time for further introductions and he locked eyes with me. "I'm sorry to tell you this
so suddenly but… Things have exponentially sped up since the attempt on your life. Holter has disappeared." He studied
my face, seemingly trying to make sure I wouldn't faint on the spot. Amy had even shifted her weight onto her other leg,
bringing her close enough to me to catch me if anything happened. Okay I might not b e on my b est legs at the moment
b ut come on.

I frowned, clutching my hands in front of my chest again. "Holter disappeared? What do you mean?"

"He's gone, disparu, off the playing field, MIA, whatever you want to call it. As soon as we figured out who Daniel was,
Holter had already fled the scene. We have no idea where he is, he hasn't used his passport or credit card anywhere –
but that doesn't have to mean anything. He could be on the other side of the world right now. The resources Killigan
has…" Ed shook his head and looked back at all the papers spread out in front of him.

I carefully reached out and touched some of the papers with my fingers, my eyes speed-reading all the headlines and
words that jumped out to me. "So my company…"

"Jeanie has stepped up. She's working together with Henry, who is closely involved with me. Together they informed the
board." Wow, that's one hell of a promotion for an intern. Ed's eyes widened as if he remembered something, before
pulling a phone out of his pocket. "That's right, I promised Andrews I would ask you to call him as soon as you landed. I
understand if you don't want to, which is what I told him. But just in case, this phone is secure. If you give yours to Price
she'll make sure yours gets a once-over from our IT guys as well."

I was still trying to take in the previous bits of information so I didn't even register Ed sticking out the phone to me. When I
didn't take it he put it down on the table, but my eyes were locked on a piece of paper on the glass board. I moved around
the table, careful not to bump into Amy, and halted in front of the extensive list of names pinned up there. I very softly
touched it with my fingertips, causing it to flutter lightly as if a breeze had caught it. "These…" My stomach dropped and
my head spun lightly.

It was quiet for a second while I regarded the long list of names. It was Mulan who came up to me and put an arm
around my shoulder. I immediately pushed it off, the touch radiating negativity into my arm and chest. Great Elsa, keep
reacting that way, they'll totally think you're sane. Mulan was just about to speak and her voice faltered for a second, but
then she continued. "Yeah those are all the employees that have been linked to Killigan or Worth."

"I know many of these people. I worked with them." I brought the back of my hand to my mouth. "There must be over thirty
names on here."

"Thirty-six, actually." Mulan cracked her knuckles in a nervous manner, while I read every single name on the list to
myself. Thirty-six people, of which I recognised twenty-two names, of which I had personally worked with fifteen.

I suddenly felt what little food I had in my stomach push up against my throat. I gagged and ran towards the kitchen,
slamming my shin into one of the stretchers on my way there. Raina looked up when I stumbled headlong into the
kitchen, blindly grasping at the kitchen sink before puking over the dishes gathered there. Immediately the smell of well
overdue food filled my nose, causing me to retch a couple more times even when my stomach had completely emptied
itself already.

Raina didn't speak, instead she moved a few strands of hair back that had been hanging in front of my face. She turned
on the tap and quickly rinsed my former stomach content off of the dishes, getting rid of the strong smell. I was panting
heavily, a foul taste in my mouth that was only partly derived from vomiting. Well fuck. Now they definitely think you're
losing it.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mulan standing in the doorway, leaning one of her shoulders against the frame. Raina
shot her a look, one hand still on top of my head holding back my hair and the other one grabbing for a glass. I saw
Mulan raise her eyebrows and open her mouth indignantly, but thankfully she recognised I was definitely not in the mood
for people arguing around me right now and she left.

I tried to get my breathing back under control by inhaling deeply through my nose and blowing out through my mouth. It
helped, but I could feel my face was slick from sweat and my arms were trembling from holding me up from the kitchen
counter. My head was swimming and a sudden rush of increased dizziness caused me to take one of my hands off of
the counter and grasp at Raina's black shirt, looking for support. She put the glass down and quickly wrapped her arm
around my chest, helping me to sit down with my back against the kitchen counter. Fuck fuck fuck. Get it together.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and leaned my forehead on them. Raina nudged me against the shoulder with the
glass, now filled with water, and squatted down next to me. "How long have you been up?"

"Too long," I said weakly. That's right, you're just tired. You're not falling apart.

"Want me to get Anna?"

I shook my head. "Thanks, but that's okay." I took the glass from Raina and took a shaky sip, using the water to rinse my
mouth from the airplane food stuck to my tongue. Just b reathe. You're going to b e fine. I felt tears push against my eyes
but I forced them back down. I suddenly felt really sorry for myself, clenching my jaw and letting my head fall back. Will I,
though? What's the point? All these people worried for me. I was taken off guard by the feeling, so I didn't recognise it
was a burst of adrenaline bringing on the feeling of impending doom. Whether I die tomorrow or in thirty years, I'll die

Raina put her hand on my shin. "Hey, you okay?"

I sighed deeply. "No. Yes. Depends." A cynical smile crept onto my face. "Physically, I'm just tired. And my ankle really
hurts. But all of this…" I made a vague gesture, meaning the entire house. I locked eyes with Raina, who just looked at
me with a half-smile and a caring gleam to her eyes. "But again, it must be really weird for you too." I darted out my
tongue to wet my lips before taking another sip of water. I stared straight ahead at the window, several miniature rivers
running down the pane. Another rumble, this time closer. I also heard some shouting voices in the yard but they
sounded amused rather than alarmed. I closed my eyes and tried to block it out.

Raina moved from a squatting to a seated position. "Well yeah. It's really fucked up." I opened my eyes when she started
speaking again and looked at her. She shot me a smirk. "Don't think you're the only one around here who realises that.
Everyone knows this is really hard on you, I don't even know these people but I can see they're being so careful around
you it's like they're balancing eggs on your shoulders and any nudge might throw them off." The dark-haired woman
sighed. "And then there's that Asian woman, she's scary."

"She also has pretty good hearing," a voice sounded from the doorway. Raina had her back to it and she closed her eyes
for a moment before getting up and turning to face Mulan. I had already seen the other woman's face though, and I
wasn't worried.

"Mulan, is it?" Raina stepped forward, extending her hand. "I don't think I really introduced myself to you. I've heard
everything about you, of course."

"And you're Raina. Your accent gave you away." Mulan took the outstretched hand and I saw Raina flinch for a moment
before her own knuckles grew white as well.

The younger woman smirked. "I'm sure it wasn't just the accent."

Mulan laughed. "True, we also just spent quite a while in a car together."

Raina's mouth formed an 'o'. "Right. Yeah. That too." She looked at me, not exactly scared but definitely uncomfortable.
"I'm going to make you something to eat." I opened my mouth to object, but both she and Mulan raised their hands at the
exact same time. The two women looked at each other amusedly, after which Raina gestured at Mulan to continue, while
she set off on an expedition to discover my kitchen.

Mulan came over and offered me her hand. I took it, sighing, and allowed her to pull me to my feet. She didn't let go of my
hand and pulled me towards the living room, giving me just enough time to put the glass down on top of the counter. She
was being gentle, but firm, and I let myself be guided. I still had fear nestled cosily in my chest, but at least it wasn't
spreading to my limbs. A glance at the stretchers, the table full of documents and the trash scattered all over the living
room didn't exactly help though. I saw Amy and Ed look at me worriedly, halting the conversation they had been having
when I exited the kitchen.

I looked at the glass board and felt a pang of anxiety shoot through my chest when I saw Killigan's face pinned on it,
surrounded by several dozens of other pictures and pieces of paper. The coloured strings all came back to him. How did
I not see him b efore?

Mulan felt me flinch and she stopped, looking at me worriedly. She followed my gaze to the picture of Killigan that Amy
was currently trying to cover up quickly, but I raised my hand. "No Amy, don't." I felt my heart beat high up in my throat, but I
managed to straighten my back. The officer slowly lowered her hands again, throwing me worried glances.

At that moment the door opened rather abruptly, carrying with it the laughter of three male voices. My eyes shot to it just
as Jack came running through, looking over his shoulder. I didn't even have a second to register the football flying
towards my face, but Mulan caught it with one hand in a reflex, slowly lowering the leather ball to her side as Ed and Amy
half jogged towards Jack and the door. My brother was standing halfway in between me and the doorway, looking
extremely caught. "Sis, I'm sorry, I should've figured you'd be here."

Kristoff and Sven also came through the door. Together the three of them looked like they were on a budget football
team, their matching black outfits splattered with mud. "Jack, moron, why'd you open the door…" Kristoff's eyes found me
and his face became nervous too, an apologetic smile playing around his lips. "Oh sorry Elsie, we didn't mean to scare
you or anything. You ok?"

"Jesus fuck, will you all just knock it off?!" I brought my hands up, gesturing towards all the shocked faces in the room in
a frustrated manner. "I'm not made of paper, I won't rip when you point at me." Raina had also stuck her head outside the
kitchen but now retreated, the sound of pans sounding soon after.

Mulan put her hand on my arm and pushed it down to my side. "Elsa, calm down."

I clenched my jaw and rubbed my temple with my free hand. "Yes. I'm sorry." The flare of anger that had suddenly raged
through my body receded almost as swiftly as it came. I looked at the gathered people. "I just need some time to
process all of this, okay? I'm exhausted."

Ed opened his mouth but Mulan silenced him with a gesture. "I know Ed, you want to bring her up to speed as soon as
possible, but let her have a shower at least." Everyone in the room relaxed a bit again, seemingly slightly more
reassured that I wouldn't explode or crumble on the spot.

I sighed deeply. "Guys, just…" I looked at all of them. "I'm still me, okay? I'm not some victim that needs to be handled
with satin gloves." I weighed my next words. "If you guys keep treating me like I might fall apart at any second you're not
helping. You're just making me feel helpless and scared." I took the football from Mulan and looked at my brother. "But
yeah, no balls in the house."

I saw a glint in Jack's eyes. "Wow, this really is a lezzie love shack isn't it?" He deftly caught the ball which was swiftly
flying towards his face, before running back outside. His laughter remained audible even after Kristoff closed the door
behind them, throwing me a warm smile before he left.

"You're right Elsa, I apologise." Ed came over and made a move like he wanted to give me a hug, but he seemed to
reconsider at the last moment and just awkwardly patted me on the shoulder. "I have been treating you like you're ready
to fall apart at the seams."

I made eye contact with Amy as well, who smiled and nodded. Raina was still clanging around pans in the kitchen, and
Amy smirked. "I'll go tell her the danger has subsided and she can stop causing herself permanent ear damage with

Mulan tugged on my arm and I looked at her. She nodded towards the stairs. "I want to show you something," she said. I
raised my eyebrows but followed her up the stairs onto the landing. I glanced towards the end of the hallway, from where
I could hear Anna and Idunn's muffled voices. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but they were definitely having a
heated discussion. My stomach turned for a moment but Mulan just squeezed my hand, which she had firmly latched
herself onto when she heard the voices as well.

We turned and went into the woman's room. I knew what it looked like before of course, with a small white sink at the
back of the room next to the large windows – but I'd never been in here after Mulan moved in. I looked around and wanted
to take another step, but Mulan cleared her throat. "Could you take off your shoes please?"

I looked at my feet and saw I was standing on a small mat made of bamboo. "Ah yeah, of course." I took off my shoes
and put them outside the door, throwing Mulan a smile. "All good now?"

"Yes, thanks." She gestured at her bed, which was neatly made. "Have a seat, and give me a second." I carefully moved
over to the bed and gently sat down on the edge, not wanting to disturb the pristine covers.

The bed itself was pushed against the wall underneath the window, leaving just enough room between the foot of the
bed and the wall to reach the sink. I recognised the dark wooden wardrobe Mulan was rummaging through to my left as
one I had bought, knowing Mulan didn't own a lot of furniture. Above the headboard I saw a beautiful papyrus scroll with
Korean markings on it, hanging from three nails in the wall. Prob ab ly doesn't want it to fall down. Against the right wall
was a large wooden chest with a seemingly heavy lid and in the middle of the room was a low black table set on a small
white carpet. Otherwise the room was completely empty.

Mulan resurfaced from the wardrobe. It was clear to me she kept all of her stuff in the wardrobe and in the chest,
because the other surfaces (including the floor) were completely clutter-free and didn't seem to have a speck on them.
Perfect roommate.

The woman was carrying a small wooden chest with a few metal clasps and ornaments on it. It wasn't large, no longer
or wider than a loaf of bread – but Mulan carried it like it was extremely heavy and the most important thing in the world.
She carefully set it down on the low table and sat down next to it, her legs crossed. Her b lack clothes match the furniture
nicely, I noticed before quickly following her lead and sitting down on the floor as well, curious as to what was going to
happen next.

Mulan put her hands on her thighs, leaning down on them. She frowned for a moment, not taking her eyes off of the
chest in front of her. "I kind of want to ask you for a favour." I looked at the woman, trying to mimic her position. Being in
this room felt… strange, I didn't want to mess anything up.

"Sure, anything."

Mulan looked at me out of the corner of her eye. "Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to impose on your first day back. Like
you said, it's a lot to process." The woman frowned again, turning her gaze back to the chest in front of her. "I know you
said you wanted us to treat you normally, but even if there hadn't been anything going on this would be a big deal for me
to ask. And I want you to know that if you say no, that's perfectly fine. No problem whatsoever."

I was getting curious, and a tad nervous. I kept a neutral face and remained quiet, encouraging the woman to continue

Mulan moved around nervously a bit before decisively nodding to herself. "How do I say this? I'm not sure where to start."
Mulan looked at me, a little lost. I'd never seen her this way, she was usually so composed and strong. What has her
reduced to such an insecure state?

"I would like to honour my ancestors. Tonight is the date on which I and my family would perform the Jesa, a ceremony
that kind of functions as a memorial." Mulan sighed deeply as she carefully undid the clasps on the chest in front of her.
"This box holds all the things I still own from home." I felt like I was intruding in a very personal moment so I chose to
look at the door across from me instead of into the box.

Mulan put a shard of old-looking wood down on the table, reverent in the way she handled it. I looked at it and saw two
Korean looking characters, but the shard was clearly broken off from a larger piece of wood. "This is part of the Shinwi of
my family. It's the memorial tablet which symbolises the spiritual presence of my ancestors."

"What happened to the rest?" I carefully asked.

Mulan's face turned grim for a moment. "My parents were… very traditional. I was to join the army, which I did, and after
serving for several years I was to return home and marry this guy. He's the son of a friend of my father. A day before I was
to leave for the camps to serve out my enlistment, I got into a fight with my father." She licked her lips, the memory clearly
painful to her. "He picked up the Shinwi, saying I was dishonouring my ancestors by refusing to marry the man they had
arranged for me. The argument got so heated the tablet fell to the ground and this piece broke off. I managed to pocket it
before leaving. My family was of course heartbroken, but more for the Shinwi than for me."

"I'm sorry," I said softly, the rain sounding rather loud on the windows in the otherwise almost thick silence that fell. I
considered asking her about her father, and especially that last comment – surely they would have grieved more over the
loss of their daughter than the ceremonial piece of wood? You don't understand the b ackstory, Elsa. Don't pry, not right
now. "I'm… honoured you decided to tell me all this."

Mulan smiled sincerely at me. "And I'm honoured you listened. Not many people know of this." She picked up the shard
and ran her fingertips over it. "I know of a Korean restaurant in town that can accommodate Jesa. Everyone was planning
on going out to dinner together anyway, to celebrate you and Anna coming home safely… and to give Raina a good
welcome to Arendelle."

"Of course. I can't say I've ever been to a Korean restaurant before either, so it's a nice opportunity to try several new
things on an evening." I smiled warmly at the woman, my heart fluttering slightly at the trust the woman was placing in

We both looked up when we heard a door slam. It was followed by footsteps passing Mulan's door and descending the
stairs. I didn't recognise them as Anna's, so it was most likely Idunn. Anna didn't follow her. When I looked back to Mulan
she once again had her hand in the chest. When she took it out there was a leather cord sticking out of her fist and when
she opened it there was a pendant resting on her palm. It was about the size of a small pebble, vaguely triangular in
shape. It was held in place by fine gold lines running over it, like the root of a plant. The yellowish tint of the gold clashed
beautifully with the red of the stone.

"It's beautiful, Mulan."

"It belonged to my great grandmother. It's supposed to protect the wearer and make them invisible to evil spirits and all
that." She looked slightly embarrassed when she smiled. "Not that there's an evil spirit after you." When she looked at
me the smile had turned soft. "I'd like you to wear it."

I held up my hands in front of my chest. "Oh no Mulan, I couldn't. I can't. It's yours, it's a family thing, I couldn't possibly…"

"It's lacquered with ottchil, it's what gives it the beautiful colour." Mulan simply talked through my objections, causing me
to purse my mouth shut. Mulan cupped the gift in both her hands, offering it to me. "In my culture, living in the same
house means a strong bond. I haven't had that with anyone in a long time." The woman shrugged. "It's not a gift,
consider it a loan."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I extended my hand to take the necklace. However at the last moment I remembered
something I had learned during our foreign affairs classes in law school. It had been more about Japanese culture than
Korean, and I knew the two were distinctly different – but it couldn't hurt to show some respect about something like this.
So I gently took the necklace with both of my hands, nodding my head in thanks. Mulan looked a bit surprised, but
delighted. "I didn't know you knew Korean courtesy," she said.

"A little bit," I admitted. "Not a lot. And I think some of it is outdated. For example, apparently I'm not supposed to offer a
handshake to a Korean woman but a man is fine? Also I'm not allowed to laugh in the presence of men or something?"

"You'd get along well with my father," Mulan jested. "But yes, all of those are true in a manner." She looked on as I
carefully slid the necklace over my neck, tightening it in my neck so I wouldn't lose it. I definitely don't want to lose this.
Mulan glanced at the door. "I think you should go and see Anna now. I will make arrangements for this evening, if that's
alright with you." She got up with me and bowed, but then laughed at herself. "Look at me, bowing. All this talk about

"No no, that's alright. Uhm…" I awkwardly copied Mulan's movement, bowing at her. I noticed the bow was different from
the martial arts one, where you brought your hands out to the side as you leaned forward – now you kind of folded your
hands in front of you.

"Thank you, Mulan. Really." I embraced the woman tightly, and felt the woman's strong arms press into my lower back as
well. "How many courtesy rules are we breaking with this hug?"

"About five."

"Oh, if that's all."

"Okay, let me recap again." I was standing in front of the glass board, one hand stroking my chin while the other one was
in a fist on my hip. I had taken a shower and was now wearing one of my favourite casual-chique dresses, a dark green
one that hung off of my shoulders on simple straps. The soft material hung down rather loosely, kept together around my
waist by a dark leather belt.

Anna sighed wearily, but otherwise didn't object against yet another recap. The girl was sitting at the table behind me
clad in my light blue suit, Ed and Amy on either side of her. Both of the police officers were clutching steaming mugs of
coffee, but Anna had three empty cans of Red Bull standing in front of her. She was in the business of draining a fourth
one, Raina shooting her alarmed looks every now and then from the side. The young woman had changed into a black
pantsuit for the occasion, also mine. The jacket revealed a large part of her upper chest, which is why I rarely wore it.

The young woman wasn't participating in the discussion, but I was glad she was at least listening in. She might as well
know about all that was going on, and maybe a fresh pair of eyes could see what we couldn't.

The living room smelled a lot more appealing now that Raina had decided to take over housekeeping. When I had gone
over to Anna earlier that day, only to find the girl asleep in my bed, I had joined her and we had both gotten a few hours of
very restful sleep. We were woken up by Raina, who had finished her cleaning sweep of the house and came to tell us
Ed wanted to fill me in before we would all go out to dinner together. She also told me the amazing omelette she had
made for me had fallen prey to Kristoff a few hours earlier and that if I wanted a sandwich I'd better get my ass
downstairs right now.

After Raina's cleaning sweep the house felt a lot emptier, and I did not mind one bit. All the stretchers were neatly
pushed to one side of the room, some of them underneath the staircase. The couch where Jack had seemingly been
sleeping on had been cleaned as well, and Raina had apparently used a delicious smelling pine-scented cleaner on all
the surfaces that weren't covered with important documents. I didn't even know I owned pine-scented cleaner.

"Yes, recap." Ed downed the last mouthful of his coffee and Raina moved over, a questioning look in her eyes. Ed's face
was pleading and adoring as he looked at the dark-haired girl. "Oh yes please Raina that would be great." We all looked
up when the room was suddenly illuminated, swiftly followed by a loud roll of thunder.

"All this caffeine, the lot of you won't be getting any sleep for another forty-eight hours, you know that right?" Raina jested,
shaking her head as she moved to the kitchen to make another mug of coffee.

"Recap." I glared at the now three people in the living room, wanting to get this over with before the others returned from
the store. I pushed some of my loose hanging hair behind my ear before tapping my index finger onto the picture of
Killigan, making sure everyone was with me again. "So you are certain that Killigan and McDougall are the same

"Yes, all the signs point that way. I'm about ninety percent sure, which means it's pretty much set in stone. So even
though we don't have any definite proof of it, I'm willing and going to assume that the properties Mr. McDougall owns
could all be part of Killigan's criminal empire. Thing."

Raina returned with the coffee and set it down in front of Ed. "Sounds like someone needs his coffee." She then moved
back to her spot against the wall, arms crossed in front of her chest.

I ignored the banter. "One of McDougall's properties is a large warehouse in the harbour that is used by several
companies to store goods for import and export, but despite being raided three times by Customs officers there was
nothing illegal to be found there."

"I'm sure there is something going on there, it's the perfect cover for smuggling – but yes, technically they didn't find

"Basically all of the people on here, on this entire board - they have no warrants out on them and can't be arrested even if
you wanted to?"

"Except for Richard Worth, but besides him, I'm afraid so." Ed gritted his teeth and balled his hands into fists. "It's why
we've never been able to catch the bastard, every time someone in his organisation can be tied to something illegal they
tend to disappear." He lifted up some papers. "I'm sure I have those reports on the disappearances here somewhere."

"Don't mind them now, please. Let's keep going." My finger moved downwards past a red string, to the next picture. It was
a blond man with an impressive beard and piercing green eyes. "This is Richard Worth." My finger moved a little lower.
"And his son, Hans." There were a few more circles with question marks in them, indicating there were bound to be
more people involved. The only other names that were filled in were those of Daniel Sanders, who had tried to kill me in
Norway, and Holter. There was also the list of the thirty-six employees, but those we thought not to be that heavily
involved in the planning of the operation.

From Killigan's portrait a blue line moved over to a list of all the board members. I glanced over it again, like I had done a
dozen times before already. "Mind to voice your thoughts, Elsa? It's not much of a recap if you do it all in your head."

"Yeah, sorry. I was looking at the board members again. Out of all eleven of them, I can't say I really trust or distrust any of
them." I tapped my finger to the list. "Adam Greystone was a good friend of my father though." I sighed and shrugged.
"Then again, that's what I thought of Holter too."

Next to the list of board members was a list of all kinds of other people I had been in contact with over the past months,
ever since that first threat against me. It included a lot of people who we were practically sure had nothing to do with
anything, but we couldn't just rule anyone out. The list contained a couple dozen names. There was my old doorman at
my old building, the bartender from the pub and even Olaf the snowman. Technically he had been there when Hans was
at the park too.

The start of a headache pressed against my skull and I rubbed my temples for a moment. Raina immediately made
herself scarce. Well she's keeping b usy, that's good. I returned my attention to the intricate web of paper and strings in
front of me. There were some more names, people from Norway and others that may or may not be involved – but Ed
was right, we needed to fill in those question marks first. Who else was part of the inner circle of Killigan's operation
against me?

"Elsa, you're doing it again."

"Right. Uhm yeah, I was just trying to see if any of the other names fit one of the question marks. But I guess they don't." I
arched an eyebrow. "Well like you said, there's most likely someone from the board in on it." I slowly reached over to tap
on the list of board members again, but then something occurred to me. "Hey Ed, there are no police officers on here."

"Hm? Why do you say that?" He got up and stood beside me, also taking in the board.
"Well isn't it very naïve to suspect so many people of Holter & Shields to be involved, but expect that every single cop of
the Arendelle Police Department has their hands clean? If Killigan is as dirty as he is…"

Ed opened and closed his mouth a few times, looking for words. Then he sighed while he looked back at Amy, who just
stared into her mug. Raina returned with a bottle of water for me and I gladly took it from her, immediately taking a swig.

"Well I guess I can tell you, and I really trust Amy a hundred percent – but yes, I do think there might be someone from the
department involved in all this. Or several someones. But I'm not going to put that on the board here, where every uniform
that spends the night here can see it."

Suddenly Anna's phone buzzed on the table and the redhead immediately grabbed it, probably as alarmed by the loud
noise as the rest of us. The rain was still trickling softly down the windows but otherwise the house was quiet, save the
thunder that made the foundations shake every now and then. Even the cats were calmly asleep on the sofa, seemingly
happy with the new found tranquillity of the living room.

"Sorry," the redhead mumbled as she quickly checked who had texted her. She laughed a moment after, and showed us
her phone. "It's Kristoff. Looks like they're having fun over there." The picture showed a selfie Kristoff had taken with
Merida standing on his shoulders to grab a bottle of juice from the topmost shelf. "If Merida had been wearing a skirt that
would have been a very revealing picture," Anna giggled.

I sighed and moved over to step behind Anna, running my hands through the loose red locks. The stone on the necklace
Mulan had offered me softly tapped against the back of Anna's head, and I was again grateful that the girl hadn't asked
about it when she had seen it. I didn't mind talking about it, but I was feeling tired and my headache was increasing. We
had gone over everything several times, but even though I had expected myself to get anxious when working on it, it had
actually had the opposite effect. Doing this, reading about it, making sense of it all… it made me feel like I was finally
getting some control back.

Anna's phone buzzed again and she clasped a hand over her mouth just as I put my chin down on her head. "Holy shit
Sven, not cool," she said as she tilted the phone up so I could see. Kristoff had taken a picture of Sven dangling two
bags of what looked like oregano and dried mushrooms in front of Jack's face. He had even captioned it. 'Day twenty-two,
subject seems to grow more and more accustomed to drug-related mockery.'

Idunn's name appeared at the top of Anna's screen and I looked away so the redhead could check the message. Anna
noticed and she moved her hand up to grab my arm, pulling me back down. "I think you might want to know this too," she
mumbled softly. The others took the hint and moved over to the fireplace, Ed complaining loudly about his sore lower

My eyes flashed over the screen. "I didn't know your mother was considering divorcing Agdar," I said quietly.

Anna paused when the thunder rumbled loudly once more. "She wasn't, not really. I mean the possibility came up, but I
told her it would've been a bad idea. I think she was mostly arguing with me just so she could be extra sure it's really
what she wanted, to stay with him." Anna rubbed her face, looking very tired once more despite all the energy drinks. "My
dad isn't an evil man, he's just… a bit of a broken record at the moment. And he can only play one song. But yeah if my
mom leaves him, he'll most likely fall apart completely."

I pressed a soft kiss to Anna's hair. "I'm glad you're again able to talk to your mom about things like this, Anna. I'm really
glad you two have gotten closer."

Anna tilted her head back and pressed her lips softly against mine, her hair tickling the slight cleavage the dress left me.
"Yep, and now it's your turn. I meant what I said in Norway, we'll be visiting your mom soon. One way or the other." The
redhead looked away when her phone again buzzed. The first thing I saw of the picture Kristoff had sent was the caption.
'Scrap that, abort, abort, subject extremely violent!' when the picture loaded it showed Sven grumpily trying to get the
oregano out of his hair and clothes, Merida standing to the side laughing and Jack sitting equally grumpy on the floor
with dried mushrooms scattered all around him.

Mulan had meticulously placed all the bowls of food in a certain manner. She explained it to me as she did so, seeing
how she had appointed me as her assistant. Anna had been a little bit indignant about that, until Mulan had explained
that I was the person she lived with and that made me the person she should do the ceremony with. But, as Mulan had
also said, this was a ceremony usually performed in a familial setting, so the fact that she, Merida and Henry were
invited showed how much she cared for us. Our other friends were also invited and would help with eating the food

The restaurant was indeed very accommodating for the ceremony, as there was a special separate room set up for it. It
was sober and not very large, but it was all that was needed. Mulan mentioned the ceremony is usually held at home, but
this was a pretty OK substitute. When Merida and Henry had expressed their worry over their attire, Mulan had smiled.
"Sure, back home we wouldn't have accepted a tux or…" She had eyed Merida tentatively.

"It's a Scottish pattern, okay? It belonged to me mum." Merida wore a white dress shirt over the plaid skirt, which fell
almost to the floor. "I wore a bloody skirt for ye, I haven't worn one in over three years." She had gestured at Mulan. "We
can't all own a fancy getup like ye have there."

I agreed Mulan looked impeccable. It wasn't like I had expected, but according to Mulan she wasn't wearing anything very
traditional – and it was meant for a man, not a woman. The black silk tunic was lovely though, and even though the
shape of the white pants kind of reminded me of Anna's martial arts gear, the silk and impeccable brightness of it quickly
made sure there was no mistake to be made.

We placed the shard of the Shinwi at the centre of the table against the wall. It seemed to look out over all the food we
had placed in front of it. There were five rows of bowls, each holding a different dish. Mulan mumbled everything to
herself once more as she let her eyes glide over the table in front of her. "Soup, beef, fish, three different coloured
vegetables, fruits, rice cake, snacks… yes, it seems to be in order." She looked at the waitress standing at the door. The
woman was wearing a Hanbok, a traditional Korean dress. When Mulan mentioned that everything was in order, the
woman bowed and left.

Merida and Henry had agreed to do the ceremony together, pretending to be a couple. The four of us were standing
behind Mulan as she lit the candles on either side of the table, carefully making sure she didn't disturb anything on it.
She looked at us. "Are you guys ready?" she asked nervously. We all smiled and nodded, having felt we prepared as well
as we could in the short timespan we'd had.

Mulan moved over to a small door that led directly outside. She opened it, letting in a slight breeze as the room was filled
with the sound of rain. The thunder had receded while we were on our way to the restaurant, thankfully. "I'm now inviting
the spirits inside," she said softly as she moved back to the table. We had agreed she would talk us through some of the
things she was doing, but we were all pretty much fine with just letting her do her thing and making sure we wouldn't
mess up ours.

Mulan knelt down in front of the shrine and lit a stick of incense. She placed it in an incense holder which was packed
with sand. "The sand represents the earth, the incense represents heaven." Mulan's voice was soft and calm and I
listened intently, the rain softly rapping against the windows and the ground outside still. I was slightly in awe of the
whole ceremony, I thought it was positively beautiful. I squeezed Anna's hand, and she squeezed mine back. Mulan
continued. "It means that the spirits of my ancestors float in heaven while their bodies are buried on earth."

Mulan took up a stone cup in both of her hands and I stepped forward to pour her some of the rice wine. She moved the
cup three times over the incense in a circle, before I took it from her and carefully placed it on the table. We stood next to
each other and bowed twice.

Next up Anna took my place and I took Mulan's, repeating the same ritual, just like Henry and Merida did after us. When
we had all offered Mulan's ancestors the drinks, Mulan took several spoons and stuck one into each bowl of rice, making
sure the concave side of the spoon faced east. After also placing chopsticks down on the meat, we all quietly left the
room. Outside, the rest of our friends were waiting. As soon as the door had opened I had heard the distinct clanging of
cutlery and dishes and the tell-tale sound of intoxicated laughter.

The restaurant itself was beautiful. Unlike some Asian restaurants it wasn't extravagant in its setup and consisted of
several large rooms with low tables, no seats. The colour scheme was black and white and the only ornaments were
large scrolls, carvings in the bars and walls and very beautiful lamp shades. We had told the others they were welcome
to go ahead and get to our table without us, but they had all declined. I could see Mulan was touched by all of this and I
appreciated the gesture. Knowing that it was a big night for most people involved, the men had all worn at least a dress
shirt and dark jeans, Kristoff even adding a dark blue blazer. Henry trumped them all in his tux though, up to the
impeccable red bowtie. S kind of like him to want to show off, I thought affectionately. Even Jack didn't seem to be the odd
one out, having borrowed a dress shirt from Sven.

Idunn was standing slightly to the side, still in the same black dress she had been wearing earlier in the day. Anna had
told her she didn't have to come along if she didn't want to, but the woman had said something about wanting to be
involved in her daughter's life, which included meeting her friends. Raina and Kristoff seemed to be having a rather
heated discussion about workout schedules, and Ed was animatedly talking to the woman clad in a fiery red cocktail
dress latched onto his arm. I hadn't seen her come in, so I eyed her for a moment. So this is the person that I was
pretending to b e for a couple of weeks. The woman didn't exactly have a friendly face but I saw the smiles she sent to Ed
were genuine. Her long brown hair fell loosely around her shoulders and she was wearing a silky-looking red shirt with
gold embroidery for the occasion. I had asked Mulan whether it was actually Korean and the woman had laughed, saying
it was more a Chinese thing than a Korean – but that she appreciated the effort anyway.

Mulan cleared her throat and knocked on the door several times. The five of us went back inside. "The ancestors have
had their meal, now it is time for roasted rice tea." She moved to a small table to her right and we placed the same
number of cups of tea as there were bowls of rice on the table, leaving a spoon in each of them. We all bowed again
twice and when we straightened our backs I could see some tears in Mulan's eyes. I decided to give the woman her
moment and offered to get the waitress, so they could move the food to the table we had reserved.

Anna of course wanted to come with me, so after we had told the others to go to our table we moved to the front of the
restaurant. Anna seemed very happy, but she didn't do her trademark skip as we walked to the front. I looked at her,
carefully dodging a large potted plant which was sticking into the hallway just a little too low for me to walk underneath.
"You seem… serene," I told the redhead.

"Of course I do, Munchy! Did you see that? I mean of course you did, you were there. I just never knew. I mean sure, I
knew, but I just knew she sometimes did these small ceremonies for her ancestors on her own and they mostly
consisted of lighting a stick of incense for them."

"She told me that even though it was important to her, it always felt a bit off doing it by herself. But now that she feels like
she actually has a home again, she wanted to do the ceremony as it's supposed to be done." We came up to the
reception desk. The waitress saw us coming.

"Is your Jesa finished?" I smiled and nodded. "Very well, Miss Shang." The woman moved behind the desk and looked at
us. "It says here you have placed nine bowls of rice, correct?" I nodded once more, Anna straining to twist her neck to
watch the large aquarium built into the wall.

"If you want you can go over and look, Anna."

"That's okay, I'd rather stick with you if it's all the same." I noticed her glance at the exit and hallways leading off into the
restaurant. Keeping an eye out for evil men in kilts, are we?

"Your party is thirteen large, correct?" The waitress looked at us with a warm smile, confirming the reservation. "Very well,
we will make sure the food is brought to your table. We will add some extra to make sure there is enough for everyone."

"Want to look at the aquarium now?" I asked, intending it as a joke, but the redhead immediately squealed and pulled us
over to the large tank. I had to admit it was rather beautiful. I saw a few miniature Asian style houses and buildings
scattered around along the floor of the tank, with beautiful tropical fish swimming through the windows and doorways.

Anna leaned into me, pressing her head against my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and gently squeezed her
upper arm, pressing a kiss to her head. The redhead sighed. "I really, really loved Norway."

I chuckled softly. "Well I'm glad."

Anna moved back to look at me. "No I mean it. I don't want our time in Norway to be defined by some asshole coming at
you with a knife." She hugged me, her arms tightly wrapped around my lower back and her face pressing hard into my
shoulder. "I just really want to remember the road trip, all the beautiful things we saw. The fun we had."

I returned the hug, squeezing the girl tightly against me for a moment. Kristoff appeared at the end of the hallway then,
his eyes searching for me. He smiled awkwardly and left again. I sighed and pressed another kiss onto Anna's head.
"Let's get back to the others before they send out a full search party."

"Okay so there's Munchy sitting next to me, right?" Anna was having trouble talking through her heaves of laughter, her
eyes swimming with tears. We were honouring Mulan's ancestors, mine and Anna's safe return and Raina's arrival –
which was a good enough reason to have the rice wine flowing rather freely. Henry's bowtie had gone MIA, as had
Kristoff's blazer at some point.

"So there's this big ass landslide." Anna emphasised her story with her arms, almost hitting me and Amy in the face. All
thirteen of us were seated in a private room on the floor around the low table, which was cluttered with a multitude of
empty bowls, spilled rice and enough other scraps to create a whole new dish. Everyone around the table was focused
on Anna's story. It wasn't the first one she had told, the both of us had been telling stories all night long. Kristoff had also
given a very entertaining rendition of how he had saved a kid on the paediatrics floor a few days back, noticing the kid
stuffing a piece of Lego in his mouth and running over just in time to slap him on the back.
"Language," Idunn told her daughter sternly.

"Oh psh, mother." Anna wafted her hand at her and I was very aware of how close the sleeve of my jacket passed the
food bowls on the table. "I'm telling a story. So yeah, there's this fucking huge landslide, and Munchy is all like 'careful
Anna, we'll crash, maybe the road isn't safe.'" She mockingly made my voice sound very high pitched, shooting me a
quick wink.

I crossed my arms. "I definitely do NOT sound that way, Miss Almstedt."

"Have you heard yourself screaming at night? Jesus. Anyway…" Kristoff spit out his drink, accidentally spraying Raina
with rice wine. The girl shot up, hitting her knee on the table.

"OW! Fuck, Kristoff!" The blond flushed and raised his hands apologetically, while Sven grabbed a napkin and started
dapping at Raina's chest. The girl immediately grabbed the boy's ear and twisted it, causing him to yelp in pain. "No
touchy." Meanwhile the serene tones of singing bowls kept coming over the speakers, a stark contrast with the chaos
inside the small room.

Everyone was rather taken in by the spectacle, but Mulan just looked at me and winked. "I like her," she mouthed at me. I
was still flushed from my neck to my crown by Anna's comment, and I knew her mother sitting a few seats to my left had
heard as well - judging by the way she was burying her face in the kimchi bowl, that was.

The comment Anna had made seemed to have caught up with the redhead as well. "Sorry, mom," she mumbled whilst
not taking her eyes off of Raina, who was busy taking a chortling Sven into a headlock.

Idunn pulled a face after taking a large mouthful in one bite. I found I didn't like the traditional dish that much, but Mulan
was enjoying it immensely. By the looks of it, Idunn was more on my side of the scales than Mulan's.

Struggling to swallow, Idunn got even more flushed than she already was. I eyed the woman, her elegant black dress
bunched awkwardly around her calves as she sat on the floor. Her hair was meticulously done, but Merida had gotten
her own hair tangled in the large clasp holding the older woman's hair together earlier, and it had to be taken out. She
had tried to re-do her hair, kindly declining anyone's help. All in all, Idunn seemed to be trying her best, but seemed
somewhat lost in her environment.

When the large gulp of food finally made its way down to Idunn's stomach, the woman cleared her throat and looked at
her daughter. Anna had been eyeing her, possibly making sure she wouldn't have to perform a Heimlich on her mother.
When the woman caught her daughter's eyes, the redhead smiled warmly at her. It made my heart swell as much as
Idunn's probably did.

"That's all right, honey. It only makes sense if you…" she let her eyes shoot between me and Anna, and I felt blood rush
up to my head. Okay, trying a little b it too much there, Idunn. "…you know. Are committed to that part of a healthy
relationship as well."

I glanced at Anna, who seemed to be trying to disappear into the floor as she slid down. The movement caused her to
kick Sven on his leg under the table and the boy apparently thought it had been Raina, because he renewed his efforts in
trying to get the upper hand on the girl.

"Mom, I said I'm sorry, can we drop the subject?"

"Anna you're old enough to have sex, I know that." To my left, in between me and Idunn, Ed and Valerie seemed to be
heavily interested in the wallpaper, leaning back almost so far they had their backs flat on the ground.

Anna squashed her own head in between her fists, causing her mouth to look more like a fish's than her own. "Fine,
thanks, Elsa and I appreciate your blessing. Now can we please drop…"

"Are you being… safe, at least?'

A guffaw from my right resounded through the room and I closed my eyes, embarrassment slowly filling my limbs with
lead. Kristoff explained his outburst. "Unlike what the reporters think, Elsa can't exactly get pregnant from bonking Anna."

A sudden yelp made my eyes shoot open and I was just in time to see Anna land on top of Kristoff, driving her knees into
his stomach and forcing him onto his back. I glanced at Mulan but the woman just shrugged whilst Merida started
cheering Anna on. Henry had gotten up but seemed unsure what to do, where Ed and Amy were regarding the scene
with professional boredom. Amy had remained sober because she was on duty, not even changing out of her uniform.
Ed had shared a couple of drinks with Valerie but was going home to his daughters later and didn't want to be drunk off
his ass when he got there.
"Say you're sorry!"

"Bwevel!" I wondered why Kristoff's voice sounded so muffled, but then I noticed Anna was stuffing something in his face.
To my right Raina and Sven had halted their own struggle to look on, their limbs still rather tangled and Sven's head still
caught underneath Raina's arm. Meanwhile Jack had completely retreated to a corner of the room, throwing glances at
Amy, like he wanted to say 'see, it's not me this time.'

Kristoff managed to get a hold of Anna's shoulders and he turned them around, crashing them into Mulan. The woman
rolled over the floor, yelling something in Korean. Anna reluctantly halted her struggle and Kristoff looked surprised for a
moment, not letting go of the solid hold he had on the redhead's shoulders. Mulan in turn walked up to him and took his
trapezius in between her fingers, causing the boy to screech and get up. "That's enough booze for the two of you ladies."

"I'm not a –" Kristoff's reply was cut off by Mulan exerting a little extra pressure on his shoulder. "Okay okay I'm sorry I'm
sorry I'm the prettiest lady in the room now let go please…" Mulan let go of Kristoff and the bickering pair of friends sat
down at their original seats again, scowling at each other.

It was silent for a moment, with everyone returning to their food. We had finished all of the ceremonial food, leaving the
extra's the staff had brought for last. There were some dumplings too, and even though I wasn't sure whether it was a
Korean dish or not, they were certainly tasty. The music was finally able to be fully heard again now that the bickering had
died down and I enjoyed the tones.

I grabbed a dumpling with my chopsticks and moved to dip it in soy sauce, accidentally clashing with Valerie who had
the same idea. I nodded at the small bowl. "Please, after you Miss Summers."

The woman laughed a rich laugh. "Why thank you, Miss Summers."

"Only in Norway," I smiled at her. "I must say it was fun impersonating you, your name and reputation elicited some
impressive reactions." The women laughed again before nodding sweetly at me and turning back to Ed. I was still
having trouble gauging the woman, but she seemed nice enough. I should get to know her b etter. I raised an eyebrow.
Mayb e after this is all over.

"I just want to make sure you two are being safe, Anna." Several people around the table released a weary sigh at once
and Anna dropped her freshly picked up spoon into her bowl, clanging against it.

"Jesus, mother!"

"Well excuse me for being worried about my daughter!"

Anna buried her face in her hands and mumbled something underneath her breath.

Idunn fidgeted with her chopsticks, clumsily attempting to grab some rice. "What was that dear?"

Anna groaned. "I got tested, okay?! As soon as I thought Elsa and I could be going in that direction. I got tested. And I'm
clean. And if I hadn't been tested, we'd have used oral dams." She sat back and crossed her arms, doing her utter best
not to make eye contact with anyone in the room. "I've been studying to become a doctor for five years now, don't you think
I know how STI's work?"

It was quiet once more, this time with Sven and Kristoff visibly trying to choke back their laughter and Merida not being
much better off. Mulan seemed annoyed with the youth's reaction but kept her eyes on the table. Ed and Valerie
appeared to be comparing food, even though both of their bowls contained not much more than a few grains of rice.

A waitress came into the room, smiling gently. "Would you like another serving of rice wine?"

I wasn't sure whose voices made the waitress flinch more, the adults yelling 'no!" or the youth yelling 'yes!'

/Stay cool, people.

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