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Name: Tushar Lal

SAP ID: 500120000

Course: MBA Business Analytics in collaboration with KPMG
Faculty: Pranav Dar
Assignment No: 1

1.) Identify one use case of the four types of analytics from any
industry. Understand how that industry/function/role is using that
type: Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive and Prescriptive.

There are four types of analytics descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and

prescriptive so, here I am taking a cruise company to understand how
this analysis help the company in their business.
Descriptive Analytics: Descriptive analytics focuses on summarizing
historical data to provide insights into what has happened.
How a cruise company might use it: Analysing past cruise performance,
customer demographics, and booking patterns to understand trends,
popular destinations, and customer preferences.
Diagnostic Analytics: Diagnostic analytics involves examining data to
understand why certain events occurred.
How a cruise company might use it: Investigating the reasons behind
fluctuations in customer satisfaction, identifying issues with specific
routes or services, and taking corrective actions to improve overall
cruise experiences.
Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics uses data and statistical
algorithms to forecast future trends or outcomes.
How a cruise company might use it: Predicting future demand for
specific cruise destinations, optimizing pricing strategies based on
market trends, and forecasting potential maintenance issues to prevent
Prescriptive analytics: Prescriptive analytics suggests actions to optimize
outcomes based on historical data and predictive analytics.
How a cruise company might use it: Recommending personalized travel
packages or marketing strategies based on the analysis of past
customer behaviours, helping to enhance customer experience and
increase bookings.

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