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SNAPSHOTS (SUPPLE! ARY) CLASS XI (S.K.SINGH PGT ENGLISH) MOTHER'S DAY-05 BY: J.B. PRIESTLEY (1894-1984) ABOUT THE LESSON/THEM! IB. Priestley’s play “Mother's Day” describes the plight of a mother in her own family. A mother works from dawn till night to satisfy the needs of her husband and children. But sadly she gets no reward or praise for her labour. Nobody cares for her or asks about her. Her husband and children are most thoughtless and treat like a servant. They never realise that she, too, is a human being and needs rest. We work maximum five or six days per week and claim it as a right to have a day or two off. But do we allow the same right to our mother? Do we ever think of it? This is the message what this play is all about. MAIN CHARACTERS: © Mrs ANNIE PEARSON: (The Mother, She is a timid and weak woman. She is in her forties. She is pleasant but worried-looking house wife.) © Mrs FITZGERALD: (The Neighbour, She is older than Mrs Pearson. She is heavier and a stronger personality.) © Mr GEORGE PEARSON: (Mrs Annie Pearson’ s Husband) CYRIL: (Mrs Annie Pearson's Son) © DORIS: (Mrs Annie Pearson's Daughter) . MAIN POINTS OF THE LESSON: Mother's day is a humorous and satirical play it was written more than 70 years ago in 1950s 2. The play deals with some serious issues the most important of them is the status or position of mothers in the family. 3. There are two contrasting character in the play one Mrs Pearson and another Mrs Fitzgerald. 4. Mrs Pearson is gentle and timid while Mrs Fitzgerald is strong and dominating. Mrs Pearson in her forties. Mrs Fitzgerald is older, heavier than Mrs Pearson. 5. Mrs Pearson is very fond of her husband and children but they are thoughtless and selfish. The children take no notice of the mother. They treat her like a servant. 6. Mrs Fitzgerald knew all about the spoilt children of Mrs Pearson and her husband who made her work all the day like a servant. Mrs Fitzgerald told Mrs Pearson that she should be the mistress of her own house while she runs after them all the time and takes their orders as if she were their servant. In this way she is ruining herself and the family. Mrs Fitzgerald who is Mrs Pearson's neighbour knows some magic, She leamt this art from the East where her husband had served in the army. She offers to set the Pearson's family right 9. For this purpose Mrs Fitzgerald changes her personality with that of Mrs Pearson. 10. Now Mrs Pearson got the personality traits of Mrs Fitzgerald. She was transformed into a strong and dominating woman, a ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 11.Soon Mrs Pearson's daughter, Doris, comes home from work she feels shocked to see her mother smoking and playing cards, She asked her mother to iron her yellow silk and get her tea ready 12.Mrs Pearson (who has been transformed) snubbed and ignored her. The mother replies that she too has been working hard all day long, So Doris should help herself in doing those things. Doris surprises on her mother's reply. 13.Now Mrs Pearson's son Cyril comes in from work. He feels annoyed to find that his mother has not prepared tea for him. He asks his mother if his shirt has been mended. ‘Mrs Pearson shocked him by refusing to do anything for him 14.Mrs Pearson says that they all work for fixed hours in their offices. They have two days off in a week. She announces that she will also have off days in a week. Cyril wonders what has happened to his mother. 15.Doris and Cyril are shocked to see their mother is smoking and drinking. 16.In the meantime her husband George Pearson who spent most of his time at the club and spends little time with his wife, come in. He is surprised at her and annoyed to learn that there is no tea ready for him 17.Mrs Pearson taunted him that he is one of the standing jokes for club members. She ‘warns him that if he shouts at her she will slap his big fat silly face. 18.George is horrified seeing his wife so transformed, All the three can hardly believe the change they see in Mrs Pearson. They have never seen her in such a terrible form. Now none dares to oppose her in anyway, 19 Meanwhile Mrs Fitzgerald from next door knocks at the door and enquiries if everything is all right. The real Mrs Pearson couldn't bear the drama any more. She found her children and husband in a miserable condition now. 20.Mrs Pearson pressed Mrs Fitzgerald to change back personalities as they were before the change 21.The two ladies change back into their proper personalities. Mrs Fitzgerald warns Mrs Pearson not to go soft again or it would all be mere waste 22.Now Mrs Pearson's children (Doris & Cyril) and her husband (George) have changed a lot. They reconcile in the end and agree happily to do whatever Mrs Pearson wants them to do. 23.She declares that they are going to play a family game of rummy and children would prepare supper while she would talk with their father. 24.Now she has become the real mistress and boss of her family. 25.In this way the play ends with a social message (the message of equality) "equal work for men and women." © Copy Right Reserved SHAILENDRA KUMAR SINGH (PG ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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