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Initial Problems Faced After The Creation Of

• The attainment of independence brought an end to one phase of the struggle and
marked the beginning of a new one for setting up and running a viable, stable and
prosperous state. Pakistan began its independent life under very difficult and unfavorable
circumstances. Pakistan faced serious problems in the initial stages.

• New Administration
• Division of Assets
• Integration of Princely States
• Communal Riots and Arrival of Refugees
• Canal water and trade issues

• Radcliff award had divided the areas of Punjab and Bengal between India and Pakistan.
This award was biased, partial and unjust with Pakistan .Radcliff awarded many muslim
majority areas of Punjab to India .Especially,the areas of Ferozpur and Gurdaspur.The
award of Gurdaspur created the problem of Kashmir dispute and Ferozpur created
water dispute.Because all the rivers flowing through Pakistan had headworks in
• Moreover this award was delayed. when at the 11 th hour Muslim majority areas were
given to india, Muslims fled from there thus created the problem of Refugees for Pakistan.

• The Communal riots occurred earlier in August 1946. The killing of Muslims in Indian
areas forced them to leave India. The Sikhs and Hindus attacked the refugee caravans and
trains. There were organized gangs to kill the Muslims. The refugee problem created
critical condition in the border areas. The massive migration proved serious economic
and humanitarian problems for the new state. The military was asked to help cope with
the refugee problem.
• According to an estimate, partition left on the doorstep of Pakistan almost 7 million of
refugees,.It was the largest human dislocation after 2nd world war .They were in a
very pitiable conditions.

• The new govt of Pakistan was really shocked with large number of Refugees. But arrangemnets were
made to accommodate and rehabilitate the refugees.
• Refugee camps were established at border areas.
• Quid – Azam Relief Fund was established to raise fund for refugees.
• State of emergency was declared in Pakistan.`
• A separate ministry, named as Ministry of Rehablitation for Refugees was formed.Mian Iftakhaar ud Deen
was minister of this ministry.
• Women of Pakistan under the leadership of MS Fatima Jinnah, collected funds ,food ,clothes and other
household articles for refugee camps.
• Foreign aid by Iran,Turkey and Saudi Arabia was given to settle refugees crisis.

• On independence, Pakistan was without any infrastructure to set up a new state. It had neither of the two capital
cities, Calcutta or New Delhi, developed by the British in India. It established its capital at Karachi, which had
become a provincial capital only ten years previously. It has no office buildings, furniture or stationary whereby the
administrative machinery for the seat of a government could be setup. People sat under trees, bringing furniture
from where they resided, and government started functioning. Even Lord Mountbatten, then the governor general
of India, described Karachi as as a “tent” compared to the splendor of New Delhi.

• Out of total civil servants 1157 in India ,Pakistan could get only 157.Only 98 were Muslims. They were
less in number and less experienced too .only 20% had had an experience of more than 20 years. They had to
serve both in East and West Pakistan. They had laid down the foundation of bureaucratic, judicial and diplomatic
services in Pakistan.The same situation in army .Highest rank of a Muslim was that of a colnel.

• Nehru had made a public reversal of the principle of Partition by occupying first
Junagadh and then Kashmir. This diplomatic gamble could have only been taken
on the expectation that Pakistan would not survive the blow. Pakistan had been
denied its share of military and financial assets. Then reorganization of the
Pakistan Army was still underway then the Kashmir War was thrust on it. Within
Kashmir, the state forces had started a massacare of Muslim in Poonch. These
Muslims had relatives in the tribal areas of Pakistan who invaded Kashmir hoping
to rescue their relatives. The Pakistan Army did not have the resources to halt
their advance.
• The Government
. of India made the plea that it entered Kashmir because the Maharaja
had signed an Instrument of Accession to India. The Instrument of Accession has never
surfaced and Alastair Lamb has proved that it was never signed. Nehru promised the
people of Kashmir and the whole world that the fate of Kashmir would not be decided
by the accession, but by a free and impartial plebiscite of the people of Jammu and
Kashmir.4 India has since reneged on this promise and this is one of issues which still
beset Pakistan-India relations

• The Indus Waters dispute, like the Kashmir war, had its origin in the Radcliffe Awards. Just
as the award of Gurdaspur to India was responsible for giving India access to Kashmir, the
award of Ferozpur and Zira to India resulted in the Canal Waters dispute. All three were
Muslim majority districts, and were given to India for a purpose.
• The Radcliffe Award gave India the Ferozpur Headworks that controlled the Sutlej River as well as the
Madopur Headworks controlling the River Ravi. An Arbitral Tribunal was set up under Sir Patrick Spens,
which recommended that the flow of water to Pakistan should not be stopped. Immediately after the
Tribunal was wound up in April 1948, the Indian Government actually cut off the flow of water to
Pakistan. Since this was in breach of international law which holds that an upper riparian country cannot
interfere with the existing irrigation of the lower riparian country, the supply was partially restored. This
long standing dispute was apparently resolved in 1960 when Nehru came to Karachi to sign an
agreement with President Ayub and Eugene Black,Vice-President of the World Bank. India is continuing
with its Baglihar project despite Pakistan's protests and this threatens to upset the Indus Basin Treaty of

• In order to embarrass Pakistan financially, India held against its promise and instead of
providing Pakistan with Rs.750 million,out of total 4billion Rs in a treacherous act again,
only gave Rs.200 million. Also, the division of military assets was unfair with Pakistan..’

• After Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah passed away due to his deteriorating health –
all the burdens of the country fell on the shoulders of Liaquat Ali Khan – who gave us the
Objective Resolution. The Anti-State Actors could not see Pakistan prospering and Khan
was shot dead 1951. This created a vast leadership vacuum in Pakistan – nobody seemed
good enough to step in either one’s shoes.

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