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In this world, there’s a huge tower.

It is said to have been created by God in ancient times but has been
forgotten by people.Human established their society a long time ago,but their destructive tendencies
persist. A great flood fell upon humanity as a god punishment to humans. The last survivors discovered
a giant ancient tower,settling down around it by constructing houses attached to its side. It was a small
community, but they were grateful. Noticing a stairway leading to an entrance on the tower’s side,a few
curious villagers ventured up. Upon entering,they faced a curse. Those who retired from the entrance
spoke of unknown things,becoming monstrous in the eyes of villagers. Shaman claims that it must be an
infectious disease(curse).They killed those infected people. Village head sealed the stairs and forbade
anyone from going near it.

Grandma tells this tower story as a bedtime tale for Lily. After finishing the story, Grandma observes Lily
already asleep and gradually fades away. The scene shifts to a living room, where Grandma, seemingly
asleep, has passed away. It implies that Grandma's spirit communicates with Lily. After Grandma's death,
no one raised Lily, and she grew up as an orphan during her childhood.

Standing at the pier, Lily is surrounded by a faintly glowing puffball. After a person dies, a puffball
(soul/spirit) forms from their body and floats in the air. Lily, a blind girl, cannot see them but can hear
their voices. However, she cannot hear her grandma's voice. While wandering near the tower, Lily hears
her grandma's voice emanating from it, leading her to a side entrance. The wall suddenly transforms,
becoming an entrance. Lily follows the sound into the tower, ignoring the warnings, driven by her
grandma's spirit.

Upon stepping onto a narrow bridge,grandma's voice disappeared.The narrow bridge with hanging cages
on both sides, filled with puffballs emitting different red and blue lights. Her grandma’s voice echoed
again, guiding her to walk on this narrow bridge. When she stepped on the bridge, both puffballs acted
excited and shook the cages. Red and blue puffballs seemed to represent different types of souls in
society. Gentle sound of blue puffballs responded to Lily’s emotions. Through a spiritual connection, she
could understand their wishes and pains. On the other side, red puffballs emitted mournful sounds,
these were souls trapped in sins.Lily chose to help only the blue ones that were willing to reflect and
seek redemption. There were ropes on both ends of the bridge, by pulling one, she could release a
puffball. Guided by grandma’s voice,approaching the blue rope, the narrow and steep bridge challenged
her. Wind caused the bridge to sway, the abyss below seemed like a dark mouth. Creaking of wooden
planks mocked her courage. Lily's body swayed with the bridge’s movements, testing her balance with
every step. Lily pulls the blue rope to release the blue puffballs. Lily smiles as they soar out, emitting soft
and joyful sounds. However, her foot landed on a loose wooden plank.

Plank cracked, lily’s body tilted suddenly, losing balance and falling into the abyss. In her moment of
despair, blue puffballs gather and create a force that supports her, carrying Lily to the other end of the
bridge. Puffballs silently disappear, leaving Lily standing alone. Continuing her journey, she relies on
touch since she cannot see. Suddenly, a hand holds hers, and she sees everything in her mind. It greets
her as the tower spirit.

He explained people have already experienced a punishment twenty years ago, marked by a devastating
flood that claimed numerous lives. The puffballs are the spirits of these dead people, and they each
represent some people reflecting on their previous actions and others believing that they should be so
realistically selfish as to be destroyed. The saved puffballs will fly up into the sky for reincarnated,
starting anew in this emerging society. After the story finished, Lily wiped her eye.She can see now,
including the spirit standing in front of her,lightly glowing.Lily heard a familiar voice from her back. It's
her grandmother's puffball. The puffball then formed into a grandma humanoid. They embraced each
other, tears of joy streaming down their faces. After Lily bid a heartfelt farewell to her grandma, her
grandma slowly faded away.

The spirit keeps explaining,he felt that his mission was over and it was time for a new guardian to
manage and filter the new life that was to be born. Lily was chosen and passed the challenge. (Lily's
previous choice proves her ability to judge between bad and good, qualifying her as a suitable guardian)
“Becoming a Guardian meant she will be giving up her human form and get trapped in the tower forever.”
Lily concerned, despite thanking the Tower guardian for giving her sight, remains apprehensive of what
the spirit guardian is telling her. She has to think about it.The guardian agrees but also decides to warn
her letting her know that the tower is indeed cursed, and the villagers might not act how Lily would

As Lily got back into the village. She was excited to see what kind of environment she grew up in. As she
is running around. The villagers started noticing her.Villagers are afraid of her, but she doesn’t know why.
She approaches one of the villagers. The villagers scream, point and yell at her with a language that she
doesn't understand. As a crowd formed around lily.She felt the animosity and the pressure.The shaman
arrived spouting chants and hexes.Lily runs and hides inside the village but is chased by the villagers,
resulting in her falling and getting injured. An arrow is shot at her.

She supported her injured arm and returned to the tower.Tower Guardian extends his hand,healing her
injuries. Holding her hand,a long staircase appears. As she goes up, she can see beautiful scenery of the
world, surrounded by many people (Angels) .The scene cuts to villagers standing around Lily as she lies
in blood.

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