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How to Get the End Points:

1. Go to Git hub application.

2. Scroll down to the footer and look for Docs link.
3. Right click on Docs link & open it in new tab.
4. Once you open the document search for Rest API.
5. Go to Overview Hamburger & Search for Repositories & click on
6. In the dropdown again search for Repositories & click on it.

Request Descriptions:
 Go to Overview Hamburger and search for Create a repository
for the authenticated user and click on it.
Here you will get End points & method name.
 Go to Overview Hamburger and search for Get a repository
 Go to Overview Hamburger and search for Update a repository
 Go to Overview Hamburger and search for Delete a repository

Base URL: GitHub Application

Don’t give space between Repository Name at the time of Creation.
Avoid giving unnecessary space.
Steps to Generate Token:

 Go to
 Click on Profile icon & click on Settings.
 Click on Developer Settings.
 Click on Personal Access Token & Select Token (Classic).
 Click on Generate New Token & Select Generate New
Token (Classic).
 Click on Generate New Token & Select Generate New
Token (Classic).
 Fill the required details.
 Copy the Token ID & Paste it in Notepad.
 Go to Postman. ( )
 Create Workspace.
 Create new Collection under Workspace.
 Add Request in collection & Edit method name.
 Select Method & Enter Base URL along with end points.
 Click on Body & Select Raw & JSON.
 Add Body.
 Go to Authorization.
 Select Bearer Token from dropdown.
 Give the Token ID.
 Save the request & Click on Send Button.
Steps to Create Environment:
1. Click on Environment.
2. Click on Create New Environment.
3. Edit Environment Name.
4. Add Variables under environment.
5. Give Variable Name & Initial Value.
Create variable for BaseURL, Token, OwnerName

Steps to Add Snippets:

1. Click on Tests.
2. Add Snippets.
3. To validate Status code- Status code: Code is 200
4. To validate Status string- Status code: Code name has string
5. To validate Response time- Response time is less than 200ms
6. To validate JSON Value- Response body: JSON value check
JSON Value Check for Repo Name
JSON Value Check for Repo Description
JSON Value Check for Repo Description
JSON Value Check for OwnerName

Steps to Run Collection:

1. Go to particular Collection.
2. Click on View More Actions.
3. Click on Run Collection.
4. Give the necessary inputs.
Iteration Count & Delay
5. Click on Run.
Steps to Run Collection Using Newman Command
1. Download & Install NodeJS
2. Open Command Prompt
3. node -v --> Version of Node
4. npm -v --> Version of npm
5. npm install -g newman --> install Newman
6. npm install -g newman-reporter-html --> install report
7. Go to postman and Export the collection & environment.
8. newman run **give collection path** -e **environment path**
--> To run (Drag and drop the path)
9. newman run **give collection path** -e **environment path**
-r html --> To generate the report

Node JS:
 It is a platform build on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily
 Fast & Scalable network Application.

 Node Package Manager is a library and registry for JavaScript
Software Package.

 It is a command li ne Runner for Postman.

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