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Need to, needs to, don’t need to, doesn’t need to

1. She ___ eat all her vegetables. It is important.

2. We ___ worry about the weather. It will be fine.

3. He ___ study on Sundays.

4. They ___ bring snacks to the party. They have a lot.

5. You ___ wait for the bus here.

6. The cat ___ be let outside.

7. Jane ___ finish her homework now.

8. You ___ clean your room today.

9. They ___ buy new toys; they have enough.

10. He ___ wear a tie to school.

11. She ___ share her toys if she doesn’t want to.

12. We ___ lock the door at night.

13. You ___ feed the fish every day.

14. They ___ watch TV before bed. It is not a good habit.

15. He ___ do the dishes tonight.

16. You ___ finish all the milk; leave some for breakfast.

17. The dog ___ sleep in your bed.

18. She ___ do the laundry today. So everything will be clean.

19. We ___ take out the trash now.

20. They ___ finish all the food on their plates.

21. He ___ clean the car every week or it will be dirty.

22. You ___ study for hours; just review your notes.

23. She ___ go to bed late tonight. Tomorrow she will have class.

24. They ___ water the plants every day.

25. We ___ turn off the lights when we leave.

26. He ___ bring his lunch to work. The company has prepared everything.

27. You ___ walk the dog in the rain.

28. The baby ___ sleep through the night or the baby will be restless.
29. She ___ finish reading the book by Friday. It is not really urgent.

30. They ___ take a break if they’re tired.

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