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PYTHON with Machine Learning

Machine Learning
 Introduction to Machine Learning
 Understanding the relationship with Artificial Intelligence
 Understanding Machine Learning Approach and its relationship with Data Science and Data
 Applications of Machine Learning
 Basics of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
 Reinforcement learning
 Models and Techniques in Machine Learning

Data Pre-processing
 Importance of Data Preparation in Machine Learning
 Data Selection, Data Pre-processing and Data Transformation
 Different types of data
 Feature Engineering and Scaling
 Introduction to Datasets
 Sample Datasets
 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

 Introduction to Regression
 Linear Regression
 Multiple Linear Regression
 Polynomial Regression
 Decision Tree Regression
 Random Forest Regression

 Classification and its algorithms
 Classification – Use Cases
 Linear Models
 Non – Linear Models
 Logistic Regression
 K-Nearest Neighbours and KNN Classification
 Naïve Bayes classifier
 Decision Tree Classifier
 Random Forest Classifier
Unsupervised Learning with Clustering
 Unsupervised Learning
 Clustering and its Algorithms
 K-Means clustering
 Examples of K-Means Clustering

Tunning Alogorithm Hyperparameter using Grid search

Training and eavalutatinf training model

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