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A witch is a person who practices witchcraft or magic. They are a helper, a healer
and a teacher. They are open to the world of the supernatural and spiritual. And they
are definitely in love with and connected to the realm of nature. Witches tend to be
strong supporters of environmental protection, equal rights, global peace and
religious freedom, and sometimes magic is used toward such goals.

A Witch works magic within a definite code of ethics. A Witch acknowledges and
often uses the male-female polarity in their rites and takes total responsibility for their
actions, themselves and their future.

Witches are aware of the world around them. They are in touch with the seasons,
with the plants and with the animals of their environment. They see signs and
messages in the animals that cross our path and they use the herbs, flowers, stones
and crystals about us to draw energy from and create talismans, herbs and potions
for healing, divination and more! They work in harmony with all of the elements;
Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit.

A Witch is also aware of the many layers of ‘reality’. They know that there is more
than just the physical plane, and we often contact and work with those of the unseen
worlds, such as Elementals, Spirit Guides, Deity, Ascended Masters and Angels.
They often use such methods as meditation and divination to help us access these
beings, seeking healing and guidance both for others and in their own lives.

Traditionally, the word “witch” was used as an accusation. Witches were accused of
bewitching people, or casting spells to control them.

There are many different types of witches in the world today, and as many people as

For most witches, witchcraft is regarded as a skill and not always a religion,
which means that anyone with a spiritual background can use witchcraft.

Different Types of Witches

1.Traditional Witch

The traditional witch is a type of witch with a foundation in witchcraft & ancient
crafts before the birth of witchcraft. They practiced using historical
(traditional) methods and often studied their ancestors or other folklore related
to witchcraft.
Traditional witches want to respect “old” craftsmanship and often focus on local
history and spirit, i.e. where they are or where they come from.
These witches attach great importance to ancient history and customs, but today
modern traditional witches are practicing.

Often, they use historical methods-the the witchcraft and beliefs they used existed
earlier than the Wicca era.

They may get a lot of information about mantras, mantras, amulets, and herbal
brews dating back hundreds of years.

You will find that those who practice traditional witchcraft or folk magic usually have
a good understanding of the spirit of the land and place in their area, and the
customs and folklore knowledge of the area.

2. Gardnerian Witch

Gardnerian Witch is a custom of Wicca, which began in the 1950s because

Gerald Gardner (often considered “the father of Wicca”) spread around the

Those engaged in Gardner Wicca’s cultivation have a close connection with nature,
challenge social norms, and many rituals are the basis of their cultivation.
To become a Gardner witch, you must be activated, and members cannot activate

As the witch grows and learns more about opponent craftsmanship, there is also a
very structured system that can evolve as the witch progresses.

In traditional witchcraft (one of many forms of modern witchcraft), Gardnerian

practitioners can trace their lineage to an unbroken line.

Although not all types of witches are Wiccans, both forms of English witchcraft are a
vow tradition, which means that those who are instilled in witchcraft must keep their
knowledge secret.

3. Alexandrian Witch
Alexandrian Wicca (Alexandrian Wicca) was founded by Alex (Alex) and
Maxine Sanders (Maxine Sanders) in the 1960s, is a British derivative of Wicca
and witchcraft.

The Alexandrian witch has many similarities with her sister Gardnerian witch but also
draws on elements of ceremonial magic and Qabalah. Alexandrian witch is more
“eclectic” than Gardnerian witch and has less structure.

They follow the belief “If it is feasible, please use it”. These types of witches must still
be trained to practice.
As the witch advances in practice, he can achieve a certain level and level of
progress. Their cove meets during the new moon, full moon, and Sabbath festival.

4. Correllian Witch

The Correllian-Nativist tradition, or Correllian Witch, was founded by Caroline

High Correll at the end of the 20th century. She claims to be from a hereditary
witch and is a psychotherapist and herbalist.

Influenced by her presumed lineage and Aladdin witchcraft, she served as the head
of the church until she died in the 1940s.

It was not until the 1990s that Correllian Wicca was recognized as Witch, but more
as eclecticism and universalism. Correllian Wicca is one of the most extensive
practices still in existence today.

5. Sea Witch

Witches on the sea have a close relationship with water and the ocean and often use
this element in practice.

Ocean magicians will often use sand, shells, driftwood, or other elements from this

The witch at sea feels connected to water and ancient folk customs involving siren
and so on.
6. Kitchen Witch

Also known sometimes as a hearth witch or a home witch, kitchen witches create
most of their magic in the home or the kitchen.

They are very home-based, often incredibly nurturing, and love to make their home a
truly special and sacred space. Kitchen witches love to cook and brew and use
herbs, sometimes gathered from their garden.

Kitchen witches may have stoves or countertop altars, pots and jars may contain
fresh herbs, and magical practices have been added to recipes and cooking.

When you spend time cooking from scratch, this helps make it a sacred move, and
your family will appreciate the work and energy you share with them.

When practicing they combine their own personal and individual magical energy with
essential oils, herbs, food, and everyday objects to create their spells, rituals, and

7. Hedge Witch

Hedge witches practice what is known as “hedge jump”. This adventure is

fleeing this world and entering a different world. The safe-haven witch can
communicate with the spiritual world and can pass information between the
two worlds.

These types of witches practice astral projection and work with herbs and earth-
based magic.

But what makes them special hedge witches is their ability to cross “hedges” (also
called “hedges”): the boundary between the world and the spiritual world.

Hedge witches usually spend time doing herbal magic work and may develop
relevant skills, such as herbal knowledge or aromatherapy.

Some people think that the legend of “flying on a broom” is a misunderstanding,

based on the “flying” of the hedge witch into the holy land.

A hedge witch not only owns a pot of plants-she may have planted or collected them
herself, harvested them, and then hung them to dry.

She may have experimented with them to understand their usefulness and track the
results for future reference.
8. Dianic Witch

These types of witches are the most feminist in all witchcraft. The followers
that Diana worships are all women, so men are not allowed. The witch
worships the goddess through her three aspects (maid, mother, and kronor).

Ceremony and worship can be different, but they all have feminist aspects and from
the perspective of feminism.

9. Elemental Witch

The basic witch learns and exercises based on four elements: earth, air, wind, and
fire. Element Magic is based on and respects the work of each element.

An elemental witch may have an altar for each specific element.

Elemental witches call elements when casting spells and performing rituals, and may
even have elements they identify with and strive to find.

10. Ceremonial Witch

Ceremonial witches have many customs, but etiquette and ritual are the
customs they pay special attention to. Etiquette magic has been incorporated
into most elements of its practice.

Ceremonial witchcraft is based on older mystical theories such as Thelema,

Enochian Magic, and Kabbalah.

They may perform rituals or ceremonies for things that they have forged or tried to

Ceremonial witches often call on specific creatures and spiritual entities to assist
them in performing everything.

Although information about ceremonial magic often seems to be limited, this is partly
due to the need for confidentiality within the community.

Many people engaged in ceremonial witchcraft simply do not agree with the word

11. Hereditary Witch

Hereditary witches are witches born in witchcraft. It is part of their family and /
or lineage. Their magic and practice have been handed down from previous
generations, although they may also work with their practice or instead of

It is difficult to guess how many hereditary witches because this information is

usually kept within the family rather than shared with the public.

These are usually small family traditions in which beliefs, ceremonies, and other
knowledge are passed on from generation to generation.

Sometimes from mother to daughter, or from father to son, and rarely include
outsiders, even those who marry. The same is true of family members. However,
there are still options.

The hereditary witch must be born in witchcraft, but if you do not choose to practice
witchcraft, you will not become a hereditary witch.

12. Eclectic Witch

The eclectic witch does not have a fixed religion, customs, traditions, or culture.
There are many sources of their customs, and eventually, they become the witch’s

They may worship higher beings, or their actions may be mostly secular, or they may
be a spirit of their own.

Eclectic witches will eventually develop their own “rules” through practice-based on
individual witches, this is unique.

Eclectic witches may combine historical materials, information read online,

some of the knowledge they have learned from a class, and their personal
experience, all of which are combined to form a practical method of
performing rituals and spells.
In some cases, the term compromise is used to distinguish the modified magical
tradition from its original form, or to distinguish between non-active people who are
practicing their use of other forms of oath materials.

Although some eclectic witches have designated them as the new Wiccans, there
are still a large number of non-eclectic witches who use different magical traditions
that most resonate with them.

13. Solitary Witch

The solitary witch can be any type of witch, but they choose to practice alone
rather than practice. This may be due to choice, or because they have not yet
found a group to work with.

There are also legends that the lonely witch is the reincarnation of the witch passed
on from generation to generation, and their knowledge was awakened during

Because they have already remembered and understood the handicrafts, they need
far fewer covenants than the needs of the new witch.

14. Cosmic Witch

Cosmic witches are contemporary witches who pursue the universe,

astrology, and astronomy and apply these elements and celestial energies to
their practice.

These type of witches are also known as “interstellar witches” and usually follow the
arrangement of planets and stars, and place their spells and rituals according to
different positions.

15. Secular Witch

The secular witches still cast spells, using crystals, herbs, oils, and candles, but they
did not incorporate spirituality into their practice.

Secular witches do not worship gods or higher creatures, and their practices are
completely non-religious.
They do not believe in the power behind energy, nor do they believe in energy in
their work.

This is not to say that secular witches cannot be spiritual, only which their work is
not. The two are completely separate.

The word ‘Witch’ has attracted an awful lot of bad press – conjuring up images of
stinking, bubbling cauldrons, demons and voodoo dolls. There is so much negativity
linked with the word ‘Witch’ that even many of the Witches out there now like to refer
to themselves as ‘Wiccan’ instead!. The world of Paganism, Neopaganism, Wicca,
and more is large and vast and the types of witches in each of them are all different
and unique. The path of a Witch is a never ending journey of learning, healing and
discovery! A witch is simply someone who is aware of their power and puts that
power into action.

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