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Minor Key Signature Assignment

(You may use a piece of scratch staff paper)

Correctly Write Out the Order of Sharps Found in a Key Signature

1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____

Correctly Write Out the Order of Flats Found in a Key Signature

1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____

Name the Minor Keys with the following Make-up of Accidentals

1. 2 sharps: (b) 6. 3 sharps:_____

2. 4 flats:_____ 7. 7 flats:_____
3. 2 flats:_____ 8. 6 sharps:_____
4. 1 sharp:_____ 9. 1 flat:_____
5. 3 flats:_____ 10. 4 sharps:_____

Identify How Many Sharps/Flats are Required to Produce the Following Minor Keys

1. a: (0 sharps/flats) 6. d: _____
2. e♭:_____ 7. b: _____
3. g: _____ 8. f: _____
4. b♭:_____ 9. a♭:_____
5. c: _____ 10. e:_____

For the Following Minor Keys, Identify its relative Major Key

1. a = (C) 6. e♭ =_____
2. g =_____ 7. d =_____
3. f =_____ 8. e =_____
4. g# =_____ 9. c =_____
5. f# =_____ 10. b =_____


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