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You know, there are days I wonder "Why am I alive?

" On these days I try to compr ehend such a vast unanswerable subject. One I would think that had such a substa ntial answer, yet there was an illusion to achieving the answer yourself. Your m ind would gather such a great thesis, one that you yourself would think amazing and your hand would raise to no one in particular as the lightbulb went off in y our own head, then as suddenly as that answer came it would dull into nothing bu t a forgotten metaphor of something that never existed in the first place. Ah, t he loveliness of life itself, complicated yet in it's own way awarding. As I tho ught of such things I realized then that I was possibly the smartest man in this planet as my thoughts were always racing around such complicated wonderings. Ye t even with such a complicated and obviously if I may say so myself, educated mi nd, I found myself as poor as the mouse who crawled along my floors searching fo r crumbs. I could not hold myself at a position higher than such a creature as i n America, I was no more than a mouse. As were many people today with the failin g of the economy. Yet somehow, the mouse survived and I began to ponder on it, t rying to figure how such a small meaningless, yet cute; creature could survives such harsh environments. It is in this amazing, yet possibly confusing train of thought that I came upon something. A way to solve the problems of our world today, or at least my proble m. Yes it was staggering, how a person of such thought, yet such little distinct ion in this world; could come up with such an extraordinary yet simple solution. The banks were keeping all the money that should belong to the people, why was this? It was cause of their insatiable need to be in control. They were as hawks were to the mice only they did not hunt the mice for food. Oh no, we as mice we re there to feed them without dying, we brought in what meager morsels we could, tossing it to them praying that it was enough. If not we lost homes, cars, our families were tossed out and more than likely left us, the men who worked so har d to bring them a life. It was then they swooped in to see us dead, but we were not so easily made obsolete. We fight till the last moment, till our breath esca pes us and in death we become as all, inanimate. Yes, this was the reason for the deed I did. You can look upon it as a fools que st, see it as simple ignorance. But I, I thought it was the most absurdly non-fa ulty plan that anyone of this time or another could have accomplished. And it wa s! It took the police this long, three months after I had completed such a plan, to find me. And only because I had finally turned myself in. Why would I bother , after stealing millions of dollars from a bank, to turn myself in instead of l iving the life of a rich man? Because, I was no rich man, I was a mouse. But I w as not just any mouse, I was the one who braved the talons of the hawk, who skir ted around the cat and just barely kept from the jaws of the trap to gather my f amily, my large network of brethren and sisters; food, shelter and above all sec urity. I did not keep any for myself as you can see from my rags. No what would a man of my mind, my prowess do with such vast money? Nothing! I had the ability to do it again without getting caught and keep it for myself but I need not. Th e money spread out to charities, to random people who were struggling to make du e. I was a Hero and this force, not mice, but close enough as you, you my friend in blue, are a rat. Why a rat? Because you protect the mice, but also help the hawks. But you yourself, if you could further save the mice, further make their lives better without the penalty of death from the hawks, would you not? I know where my life leads, it leads to years in a cell, to me that is not so bad as th e solitude only gives my mind room to ponder. And it will placate the happiness that I feel. As my work had been done and you can drag me off, or feed me to the hawks.

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