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Cyber Security Attacks in

Cloud Computing
3.1 Cloud Computing

The Cloud refers to a model for delivering computer services over the internet. Simply put, it
involves using the web to provide on-demand access to computer resources such as servers,
storage, software, and other services.

Cloud services are characterized by their flexibility, scalability, and rental-based model. Instead
of relying on local computer infrastructure, massive and distributed data centers are used to
provide these services. Computer resources are provided on-demand, allowing users to expand or
reduce resource usage based on their actual needs.

Figure (3.1) Cloud Computing Services

3.2 Types of cloud:

There are several main types of cloud computing.

1. Public Cloud:
o Resources and services are provided over the internet by a third-party cloud
service provider and are available for use by the general public.
2. Private Cloud:
o Resources are used exclusively by a single organization. The infrastructure may
be on-premises or provided by a third-party, but it is dedicated to the organization
and not shared with others.

3. Hybrid Cloud:
o Combines public and private cloud resources, allowing data and applications to be
shared between them. It provides greater flexibility and more deployment options.
4. Multi-Cloud:
o Involves using services from multiple cloud providers. Organizations might use
different cloud providers for different purposes to avoid vendor lock-in or to
leverage specific features of each provider.

These service and deployment models can be combined to create various cloud computing
strategies based on the specific needs and requirements of businesses or individuals.

Figure (3.2) Types of Cloud

3.3 Cloud Computing Model :

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The basic resources such as virtual servers, virtual storage,
and virtual networks are provided. Users have control over managing and configuring these
resources, as well as running their own software and applications.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): A development and deployment environment for applications is

provided, including languages, tools, frameworks, and other services. Users can develop and
deploy their own applications without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS): Ready-to-use applications are provided over the internet. These
applications are accessed through a web browser and are updated and maintained by the
service provider. Examples include Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications
and Human Resource Management (HRM) systems.

4. Function as a Service (FaaS): also known as Serverless Computing, enables developers
to execute individual functions or pieces of code in response to events without
managing the underlying infrastructure. Examples include AWS Lambda and Azure

Figure (3.3) Cloud Computing Model

3.4 The Cloud offers several advantages, including:

1. Flexibility: Users can increase or decrease resources on-demand, allowing for adaptation to
workload changes and business needs.

2. Cost Savings: Usage fees are based on actual demand, reducing infrastructure and
maintenance costs.

3. Ubiquitous Access: Cloud services can be accessed from anywhere and at any time over the
internet, enabling remote work and real-time collaboration.

4. Security: Cloud data centers provide advanced security measures such as encryption, identity
verification, and regular backups, protecting data and applications from loss or breaches.

5. Availability and Scalability: Cloud services are highly available, with resources distributed
across multiple data centers. Resources can be quickly scaled up or down to meet increasing

3.4 cyber security:

Cybersecurity is a set of measures and practices taken to protect computer systems, networks, software,
and data from cyber threats. The goal of cybersecurity is to provide protection for digital information,
ensuring its confidentiality and integrity, while also guaranteeing the availability of digital services
without disruption. The scope of cybersecurity encompasses a wide range of challenges and threats,
including malicious software attacks, cyber attacks, breaches, and other harmful activities.

Key concepts of cyber security include:

1. Confidentiality: Protecting information from unauthorized access, ensuring that information is

accessed only by authorized individuals.

2. Integrity: Maintaining the accuracy and completeness of information, limiting unauthorized

manipulation or alteration.

3. Availability: Ensuring the availability of services and information when needed, preventing attacks that
threaten to disable services or restrict access.

4. Authentication: Verifying the identity of users and systems, ensuring that access to information and
services is granted to those with proper credentials.

5. Secure Storage: Ensuring that information is securely stored and encrypted to prevent unauthorized

6. Security Awareness: Promoting awareness of cyber security issues among users to reduce the risks of
social engineering attacks and improve security behavior.

Achieving cyber security requires continuous effort to keep up with new technologies and evolving cyber
threats. It involves adopting a comprehensive set of policies and technologies to enhance the protection of
systems and digital information.

3.6 Cybersecurity Domains:

Cybersecurity encompasses various domains and practices, including:

1. Network Security:
Securing computer networks from unauthorized access, intrusions, and malicious activities.
Implementing measures such as Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and Virtual
Private Networks (VPNs) to protect network infrastructure and data transmission.

2. Application Security:
Focusing on securing software and applications from vulnerabilities and security exploits.
Emphasizing secure coding practices, regular security assessments, and implementing measures
like input validation, access controls, and encryption to prevent attacks such as Cross-Site
Scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.

3. Data Security:
Protecting sensitive and confidential data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration.
Utilizing encryption, access controls Data Loss Prevention (DLP) mechanisms, and data backup
and recovery strategies.

4. Endpoint Security:
Securing end-user devices such as laptops, mobile devices, and desktop computers.
Implementing measures like antivirus software, host-based firewalls, and Endpoint Detection
and Response (EDR) systems to protect against malware, phishing attacks, and unauthorized

5. Cloud Security:
Addressing security challenges associated with cloud computing environments.
Securing cloud-based infrastructure, applications, and data, and implementing robust access
controls, encryption, and monitoring. It also involves dealing with shared responsibility models
and ensuring compliance with relevant security standards and regulations.

6. Incident Response:
Referring to the process of handling and responding to security incidents and breaches.
Involves developing incident response plans, conducting investigations, containing and
eradicating threats, and restoring systems and services to normalcy.

7. Awareness and Security Training:
Aimed at educating individuals within organizations about best practices in cybersecurity, risks,
and threats.
Includes training employees on recognizing phishing attempts, the importance of strong
passwords, and secure technology usage.

3.6 Cyber security applications in cloud computing:

Cyber security applications in cloud computing are crucial for ensuring the safety and security of data and
services hosted in the cloud environment. Here are some common cybersecurity applications in cloud

1. Access Security: Techniques such as Identity and Access Management (IAM) are used to control
granting permissions and access to different users in the cloud-computing environment.
Permissions are defined based on user roles and the need for resource access.

2. Encryption: Encryption techniques are used to protect data during transmission and storage in
cloud computing. Data is encrypted using strong encryption algorithms to prevent unauthorized
access to the data.

3. Threat Detection and Prevention: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools, Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDS), and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) are used to detect and respond
to unwanted activities in the cloud computing environment.

4. Patch Management: Patch management involves regularly updating software and systems to
address known security vulnerabilities. These processes are implemented continuously to ensure
that the system operates at the highest level of security.

5. Security Monitoring and Log Analysis: Log management systems and log analysis are used to
monitor and analyze system and network activities in cloud computing. This helps in detecting
any unauthorized or unusual activities and taking appropriate measures to mitigate them.

6. Penetration Testing: Penetration testing is used to assess the strength and resilience of cloud
computing systems by simulating attack scenarios to test vulnerabilities and identify potential
security flaws.

7. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
techniques are used to detect unusual patterns and identify new threats more quickly and
effectively in the cloud-computing environment.

These are just some of the cyber security applications in cloud computing, and there are many more
technologies and tools available to achieve security in this domain. Implementing multi-layered security
strategies is essential to ensure the protection of systems and data in the cloud computing environment."


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