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Summary of "Coromondel Fishers"

Literary Devices:

1. The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like a child that has cried all night.
This is a simile. Here, the wind is being compared to a child asleep in the arms of its mother (the
dawn) after crying all night.
2. Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to the morning light,
This is an example of personification. Here the sky is said to be wakening as if it has been
sleeping the entire night like a living being.

Literary term:

The spray and the dance of the wild foam's glee;

Here, the waves are being imagined as dancers dancing with unrestrained joy.
The sea is our mother, the cloud is our brother, the waves are our comrades all.
This is a metaphor. Here, the sea, the cloud and waves are compared to the mother, brother and


The poem consists of three stanzas having four lines each. The rhyme scheme of the
poem is AABB.

Coromandel fishers refer to the fishermen on the Coromandel Coast of South India.The poem
Coromandel Fishers, appears to be describing the fishermen and their daily routine; but it is
actually a call to awaken the people of India to come, fight for the freedom of their nation from
the Britishers.
Sarojini Naidu in the poem. The Coromandel Fishers has described the beauty of nature and the
folk culture of the Coromandel Coast of India. It depicts the relationship of fishermen with
nature. Nature stands as a symbol of beauty that expresses the optimistic view of life.

In stanza 1, the poet asks the fishermen to "Rise" as the day is about to appear. She says that the
sky which was sleeping in the night has woken up and is welcoming the light. Here the poet uses
personification by using wakening (a human activity) for the sky (a non-living thing).Next, she
says that the sea-wind that leads to the storm is now calm because of the morning which is
about to come.Thus the wind is just like the child which kept crying throughout the night and now
he is quiet. Here the poet uses Simile to compare now calm wind with a child.In the 3rd line, the
poet asks the fishermen to collect their nets from the sea-shores and take their boats because
the tide is full of wealth (fishes, sea-gulls etc) and they are the kings. They just need to go to the
sea to capture the wealth that is theirs. Hence they should hurry.

In stanza 2, the poet asks the fishermen to do everything fast. The gull's call is a symbol used to
depict that morning is near. The poet calls sea as their mother, cloud as brother and sea waves as
their comrades i.e. companions. Here again, the poet uses personification. Sea is considered the
mother because it feeds them and helps them to sustain their life.Similarly, clouds are their
brothers because they guide the fishermen while the waves are companions because they keep
moving with them. The poet thus wants to say that they all are family and help each other.She
urges other not fear because even if they could not return back by the sunset, the sea-god which
according to her, holds the sea-storm by the hair will save them.

In the final stanza, the poet says that the shade of the coconut glade, the scent of mango groove
and the sands at the O' the moon with the sound of the voices they love are sweet and enjoyable
but these joys are temporary. Rather they should go for the kiss of the spray ie, the water drops
falling on the face while in the sea and the dance of the foam's glee, the foam which forms by the
up-down movement of the tides which according to the poet are sweeter and work-struggling.
In the last line, she asks the fishermen to depart for the point in the sea where the sun meets the
sky i.e. horizon. Symbolically it refers to infinity or a place without end. In this perspective, she
asks the fishermen to dive into the infinite sea.

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