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College Admission Form

This web application is used for admission into various Engineering College in the city. There
are many Engineering colleges with different types of branches and Admission fees. Our
application provides the registration form and View tab displays registration details in a
tabular manner with action. See E-R diagram for detail DB design and insert few records into
master tables from database side.
First Section provides registration form as shown in image below, while form loading college
name drop down list will be populated. Upon selection of any college name, branches
offered by that college will be populated in branch name drop down list.
Then fill-up applicant details and store it in database with following constraints

 Applicant name must be more than 3 character long and contains only alphabets.
 Use basic email and mobile number validation.
 Date must be in [dd/mm/yy].
 While uploading the image, path will be stored in database and save image in file
Data table must contain all the attributes as show in image, where

 Action column contains a Del button against each record. Upon clicking it, first
accept confirmation from the user then respective record will be removed from data
table of view tab but not from database table. So implement soft delete by using
is_deleted attribute in database table.

 Use of BootStrap is mandatory.

 Use BootStrap Date Picker for date fields
 Use ajax where applicable.
 Use DataTable with UI pagination.

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