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Lesson Quiz 6-2

DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers
the question.

1. Where is much of South Asia’s most fertile land located?

A. in the Himalaya and Hindu Kush mountains
B. along the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra Rivers
C. in the Deccan Plateau in central South Asia
D. in the hills of the Eastern and Western Ghats

2. Why did the first people settle in the Indus River valley?
A. plentiful supplies of iron
B. forests that supplied wood for building homes
C. its rich soil for farming
D. rich supplies of gold and silver

3. Which of the following best describes Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa?

A. warring city-states
B. Aryan centers of worship
C. small and overcrowded cities
D. well-planned cities built of mud-brick

4. Which of these events took place during the Vedic period?

A. Aryan troops invaded South Asia and destroyed Indus Valley civilizations.
B. Indus Valley cities were destroyed by earthquakes and floods.
C. The Dravidians settled the Indus River valleys and drove out the Aryans.
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D. Aryans moved into South Asia and mixed with Indus River valley peoples.

5. What language did Indo-Europeans use to record the Vedas?

A. Harappan C. Dravidian
B. Sanskrit D. Aryan

6. What was the key factor in determining a person’s social class in ancient Indus Valley society?
A. which varna they were born into
B. how they behaved their lives
C. how much money or property they had
D. whether they could read

DIRECTIONS: Short Answer Answer the following questions in 1–2 paragraphs.

7. What are four facts that archaeologists have learned about what life was like in the ancient cities of
Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa?

8. How did a person’s jati affect their daily lives in early South Asian societies?

Ancient South Asia 105

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