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Why is LopesWrite a valuable tool for students?

The DQ response must be 150-200 words and have at least one citation and one reference in APA

LopesWrite is a web-based instrument that evaluates what you submit for any writing mistakes,
as well as running a similarity report. When you submit a document with LopesWrite, you'll get
a report including a similarity score (Grand Canyon University, 2021). College students may use
this guide as an extra resource to help them avoid any plagiarism. The student's ability to
compose a well-structured research report will improve as a result of using this. One benefit is
that grammar, spelling, and even some citation mistakes can be fixed automatically. If you are
concerned about plagiarizing your work, one of Grand Canyon University's policy violations, the
lope-writing tool can give you a percentage of similarity that you should stay under (Grand
Canyon University, 2021). If you use LopesWrite often and submit all of your assignments
through it, it may be able to improve your academic performance. With LopeWrite's you are able
to revise your work and then submit to your instructor for grading (Grand Canyon University,

Grand Canyon University. (2021). LopesWrite.

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