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(!<:fte-listening/reading questions:
.~ '-- ..,,. \.



..-~~ •.1~ Are you careful about what you eat and drink?

., .i{, Have you ever been on a diet? Why?

\\9~' Can you cook? If
so, what kind of food can you make?
" ,,

e: TV dinners
~- ~.Dialogu
... ..;'i.'

.-.. ~-~eather: What are you_having for lunch to-

·t_~ay? .
·:.Bart: I don't have a clue yet, but I'm not
worried about it. I have a stack of TV din-
. J:t-ers in the freezer so it's just a matter of
l ·Epicking one out.
~Heather: TV dinn~rs? So, that' s what

.. you've been eating? TV dinners for lunch, Scan the QR CODE with your
1 TV dinners for dinner, maybe even TV din- cell phone camera to listen.
l •ii·ers fo~ breakfast? .
t Bart: No t for breakfast. I like cereal with milk
, remember? And that's pretty
l easy to prepare.
t lately and that you proba-
·Heather: Sure, I know you've been way too busy
of TV dinners? It seems
bly have no rime for cooking, but don 't you ~get sick
taste is always the same.
to me that no matter what TV dinner you pick the
You oughta be more careful about what you eat.
eating very healthy lately,
Bart: don 't worry aboutit. I've probably not bee n
once l'm don e with my
but it's just a phase. Everything will be different
that you've shed a few
Heather: I do hope sol I couldn't help but no~ce
you 're feeling ail right?
pounds since you moved in here alone. Are you sure
n, just to be on the safe
Maybe you should go for a medical checkup. I mea
Bart: There 's really no need for that. I feel great!

~-you an
ant me toi~
Heather: Ok, I'm not going to ins1st. Ll.sten, do you w
omelet? shopping?
Bart: Uh, an omelet? Didn't you say you had to go
Heather: I do, but I can :do that later. . the fridge.
Bart: Ok mom that'd be great, I have some eggs 10 a cheese omelet.
Heather: Yeah: I've. seen them, I could actually make you
How about that?
Bart: That's even better. Thanksl , . lse I was meaning
Heather: Goodl lt'll just be a minute. There s sometbing e
to ask you.
Bart: Sure mom, what is it?
Heather: don't you feel lonely living here ail by yourself? b sy doing
Bart: Not really. 1 1 1 I 'm always u how
I don't have time to fee one Y· can
something. Besicles that you and dad often corne by to say he11o, so
I possibly feel lonely?

TV dinners - True, False or I don.,.t know?

1. Bart plans to move back to bis parents' bouse once he finishes his
True _ False _ I don' t know _
2. Heather is a big fan of TV dinners.
True_ False _ I don't know
3. Bart's mother will make him a cheese omelet.
True_ False _ I don't know _ i
4. Bart hasn 't had a lot to do recently.
True _ False _ I don' t know _
5. Heather thinks Bart has lost weight since he 's been living alone.
True_ False _ I don't know _

TV dinners - Focus on Words & Expressions

Find words or expressions in the dialogue that mean the same as:

a. I have finished
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --
b. Tired of; fed up with._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c. Prepare food_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d. Lose weight_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e. Visitinfo rmally_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

.. : f. A:pile of things placed one on top of another

" g: Alone.
' ---------
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
h. Ought to; should._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
.i. J·have no idea._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
j:~A prepackaged meal bought frozen that just needs to be heated before
: _0eing eaten._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
· .Jf; Choosing one"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
· I. Be careful in order to avoid problems_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Fill in the blanks below with a word or expression highlighted in
·the dialogue:

\ 1.; "l'rn _ _ _ _ _ fastfood. Can we have a real meal for a change?",

• .: Fred told Annette.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ are practical since you just have to heat them.
. !
, 3. "I think Brian does look thinner. He' s definitely
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .", said Nick to his friends.
''Now that you have improved your cooking skills you can cook some
meals _ _ _ _ _ _ _.",Jane told Philip.
"Since we don' t really know how many people might show up I think we
should bake another cake just to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .", the hostess
• told Margaret.
-· ... . .
•D1scuss1on & Conversation 1
1. Do you have a favorite kind of food? What is it?
2. How often do you eat TV dinners? Do you like them?
3~ Do you eat a portion of vegetables and fruits every day? How healthy is
your diet?
4. Do you ever skip meals? Why?
5. Have you ever tried any "extreme diets"? If so, describe the experience.

Food & Diet - Additional Vocabulary & Expressions

Put on weight: gain weight

''You'd better start watching what you eat. You 've been putting on weight in
the past few weeks.", Roger's wife told him.

food for a pe~od of cime
:as t/fa ste d/f ast ed: eat no food or very little
Catholics dunng Lent.
ome people fa st for religious reasons, like the

th t and who is ,
Picky eater.. someone who is very selective about what ey ea
that contains a small amount
often not willing to try new foods or any food ,,
~fa particular food that they don 't like.
m much more flexible now. '
I_ used to be a picky eater as a teenager, but I,
srud Ryan to a friend.
. al that usually includes
Wine and dine·• treat someone to an expens1ve me
fine wines
They also gave us the best room
~'Our hosts wined and dined us every night.
an told ber friends.
ln the bouse. We had a great cime really", Sus
Overweight: heavier than one should be
a diet as well. I 'm overweigh~
"I,m planning to start a workout pro gra ~ and
Marty told Josh.
and I wan t to shed a few pounds quickly.",

A hearty meal: a large and nourishing mea
redith told Nora.
"We ofte n have a hearty lunch on Sundays.", Me
sugary food like cakes, sweets,
Ha ve a swe et tooth: enjoy eating sweet or
s doughnuts, muffins, cakes anq,
"Ka te definitely bas a sweet tooth. She love ..
a friend.
any thin g tha t bas sugar in it.", said Brian to

with words or
Fill in the sentences or short dialogues below
lary & Expressions: ..
expressions presented in Additional Vocabu
_ _ _ _? Nancy: Uh~
1. Laura: don 't you think Richard is _ _ _
idea for him to start a diet<
yeah, be's rather paunchy. It might be a good
in it. He ' s such a
2. ''Jason wo n' t eat anything that has anions
__ __ __ __!", Helen told Beatrice.
ry morning. That's the
3. "I like to have a __ __ __ breakfast eve
main meal of the day for me.", Alexia told Dan
way home. Randy: Sure~
4. Bill: We need to pick up some groceries on the 1

__ _, remember?
let's also buy some candies. I __ __ __

"You must _ _ _ _ _ for a period of eight hours before the medical
exam.", the nurse told Mrs. Johnson.

Discussion & Conversation 2

What kind of food don't you like to eat?
Have you ever considered going vegetarian? Why/Why not?
Are you a picky eater? Do you know anyone who is a picky eater?
Have you ever had food poisoning? If so, what happened?
5. "Fast food, fast death." Do you agree with this statement? How often do
you eat fast food?

Choose the alternative that best explains the meaning of the

words in bold in the sentences below.

1. ''You will have to stay away from your beloved muffins for a while if you
want to shed a few pounds.", Martha told Gary.
a. gain weight
b. look slim
. c. lose weight
d. have a youthful figure
2. Overweight people are more prone to diabetes according to health ex-
;.: perts.
, ·-.. a. skinny
i~ . b. below a weight considered desirable
• c. slender
·:, d. above a weight considered desirable
3. ''We always have a hearty breakfast that includes bacon and eggs, pan-
cake, cereal, orange juice and coffee.", Celine told Stephanie.
a. a low-calorie meal
b. a large meal providing nourishment
c. a quick meal
d. snacks in between meals

k ,,
" .
· th past few wee s. '
4. My clotQes f~èl ·tight, I think I 've put on we1ght in e
Jake told Norman.
a. shrunk
b. become a picky eater
c. gained weight
d. worked up an appetite

S. The company I work for often wines and dines . • ost important
its m
clients.", said Barry to a friend.
a. their motto is "you are what you eat"
b. entertains them with great food and drink
c. treats them to low-fat food
d. provides them with sugar-free meals

Complete the sentences below with your own words.

1• I would rather eat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... than ............ •••·••••••••••••••••••••• •

2. . ................... ................... .............. if you stick to the recipe.
3. . ................ is one of the most popular dishes in ..... •••••••••••••••••••..
4. I avoid ................... ................... ............... in between meals.
5. I wish I could have ................... ................... .........for dessert.

Discussion & Conversation 3

1. How important is eating healthy in your opinion?

2. Are you allergie to any food? Is there any food that you avoid eating?~
Why? .
3. How often do you go to restaurants? Do you prefer home-c"'9oked meal
or restaurant-cooked meals?
4. Do you know anyone who follows a vegan diet? Have you ever though '
about going vegan yourself?
5. "Junk food should be avoided by ail means." Do you agree or disagre ,
with this statement? Why?


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