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In Winter's quiet, solemn grasp, where frost etches glass and cold winds rasp,

Under skies of pearl and slate, a world reborn in a frozen state.

The sun, a distant, pale fire, offers light, but scant desire,
Casting short-lived shadows, thin, on landscapes hushed, and tucked within.

The air, sharp with icy bite, turns breath to mist in the fading light,
As snowflakes dance in a silent waltz, each crystal a universe, without faults.
Trees stand bare, in stoic grace, their branches etched like lace in space,
While the earth sleeps beneath a blanket white, dreaming of warmth, in the long

Children's laughter rings, clear and bright, as they play in snow from morning till
Building forts and snowmen tall, in winter's grip, they heed the call.
The world seems paused, in peace, in rest, as if it’s holding its breath at behest,
A moment of reflection, of quietude, a season's solemn interlude.

Nights grow long, and stars blaze cold, telling tales ancient and bold,
While the moon casts its silvery sheen, over a world serene, unseen.
Fires crackle in hearths so wide, offering warmth, a place to confide,
And in this season of stark contrast, we find a time for bonds that last.

Winter, in its purest form, challenges the norm, transforms,

A reminder of resilience, of strength, of the enduring dance of existence.
It whispers of patience, of waiting’s worth, of the silent, potent power of earth,
To renew, to begin again, in the cycle of seasons, rain to glen.

So let us embrace the cold, the dark, find light in the spark,
Of stars, of snow, of moonlight’s glow, in Winter's majesty, its show.
And carry within our hearts the quiet, the calm, the restart,
The beauty of this frozen art, and the warmth of human hearts.

Let Winter be a time of introspection, of connection, of direction,

To look within and see what's true, in the chill, find warmth anew.
For in its embrace, we are reminded, of the cycle of life, unblinded,
A season of rest, of dreams whispered soft, of the stars aloft,
And in its cold, a promise deep, that life stirs, even in sleep.

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