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Shambel Bekele

Text read, Merriam Webster Colleagues dictionary, Oxford Advance learner dictionary,
World book dictionary.
1. Fundamental: one of the minimum constituents without which a thing or a system would
not be what it is and the principal musical tone produced by vibration. (Merriam Webster
colleagues dictionary, 472)

2. Way: a method, style or manner of doing something. (Oxford Advance Learner dictionary,

3. Parent: one that begets or brings forth off spring AND a person who brings up and cares for
another and an animal or plant that is regarded in relation to its offspring b: the material or
source from which something is derived. (MWCD, 842)

4. Family: a group consisting of one or two parents and their children: the other members of
my family Almost every family in the country owns a television. (OALD, 530)

5. Contemporary: belonging to the snare time: We have no contemporary account of the

battle, a person who lives or lived at the same time as somebody else, especially somebody
who is about the same age. (MWCD,315)

6. responsibility: a duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something, so that you may be
blamed if something goes Wrong: to do something) a duty to help or take care of somebody
because of your job, position. (OALD, 1246)

7. Tensions: a situation in which people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards
each other, and. which may cause thorn to attack each other: There is mounting tension along
the border. (OALD, 1525)

8. challenge: invitation or a suggestion to somebody that they should enter a competition,

fight, etc. a statement or an action that shows that somebody refuses to accept somebody and
questions whether it is right, legal, etc. (OALD, 231)

9. Intrinsic: being or relating to a semiconductor in which the concentration of charge carriers

is characteristic of the material itself instead of the content of any impurities it contains.
(MWCD, 613)

10. Libido: emotional or psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive
biological urges and that is usual goal-directed. (MWCD,669)

11. Subconscious: existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness a motive
subconsciously. And also the mental activities just below the threshold of consciousness.
12. Dynamic: a relating to physical force or energy or relating to dynamics and a marked by
usual continuous and productive activity or change. (MWCD, 360)

13. Worldliness: worldly ideas, ways, or conduct. (World book D. 2408)

14. Overpermisiveness: a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior, not forbidding,
tending to permit. (World book D. 1553)

15. Overprotecting: excessive restriction of a child's behavior allegedly in the interest of his
health and welfare by an anxious. (W. Third N. I. Dictionary, 1609)

16. Audio-Video: having to do with or involving the transmission or reception of both sounds
and images. (World book dictionary, 133)

17. Twitter: to utter successive chirping noises, to talk in a chattering fashion and to tremble
with agitation. (MWCD, 1273)

18. violence: :exertion of physical force as to injure or abuse (as in effecting illegal entry into a
house, an instance of violent treatment or procedure, injury by or as if by distortion,
infringement, or profanation. (MWCD, 1315)

19. Lesbianism: female homosexuality. (MWCD, 665)

20. Homosexuality: the quality or state of being homosexual, erotic activity with another of the
same sex. (MWCD, 555)

21. Mentor: a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus or a
entrusted councilor or guide. (MWCD, 725)

22. Trauma: an injury (as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent (surgical and a
disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from ‘mental or emotional stress or physical
injury. (MWCD, 1252)

23. Palmistry: the art or practice of reading a person's character or future from the lines on the
palms. (MWCD, 835)

24. Addiction: the quality or state of being addicted and compulsive need for and use of a habit
forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-
defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal. (MWCD, 13)

25. Purpose: a something set up as an object or end to be attained and a subject under discussion
or an action in course of execution. (MWCD, 947)

26. Coherence: the quality or state of Cohering as a systematic or logical connection or

consistency, integration of diverse elements, relationships, or values. (MWCD, 223)
27. Indispensable: not subject to being set aside or neglected. (MWCD, 592)

28. Handing down: it is to pass along; the story was handed down from father to son and to
announce; a legal decision or opinion. (World book D, 960)

29. nurturing: a to train by or as if by instruction and to give moral training to DISCIPLINE,

(W. Third New International D. 1552)

30. Ultimat: most remote in space or time, last in a progression or series. And also the best or
most extreme of its kind, incapable of further analysis, division, or separation. (MWCD,

31. Internalize: to give a subjective character to incorporate (as values or patterns of culture)
within the self as conscious or subconscious guiding principles through learning or
socialization. (MWCD, 610)

32. Accountable: subject to giving an account, capable to being accounted. (MWCD, 8)

33. Holistic: relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the
analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts (medicine attempts to treat both the mind
and the body. (MWCD, 552)

34. Stewardship: the office, duties, and obligations of a steward and the conducting. Esp. the
careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. (MWCD, 1150)

35. Qualify: to reduce from a general to a particular restricted form modify and to characterize
by naming an attribute, to exhibit a required degree of ability in a preliminary contest.
(MWCD, 952)

36. Amalgamate: to unite in or as if in an amalgam. (MWCD, 35)

37. Competitive: a relating to, characterized by, or based on competition and depending for
effectiveness on the relative concentration of two or more substances. (MWCD, 234)

38. Technique: the manner in which technical details are treated or basic physical movements
are used; also ability to treat such details or use such movements. As a body of technical
methods (as in a craft or in scientific research) and a method of accomplishing a desired aim.
(MWCD, 1206)

39. Disciplining: the training effect of experience, misfortune, or other happenings and a trained
condition of order and obedience. (World book D. 597)

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