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Mission Jehoshaphat

 His System of Public Instruction

 His Religious Reforms

2 Chro. 15:3,5-7; 17:4, 6-9; Ecclesiastics 12:11, Malachi 2:5-7

'The words of the wise are like goads; and like nails well fastened are words from the masters of
assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.'

 Without the true God

 Without a teaching priest.
 Without the Law

 But Jehoshaphat determined to seek the Lord with all his heart, he lifted up his heart to seek the
Lord and sent 16 goaders: his influential delegation to be itinerant in the whole kingdom, the
cities and villages of Judah teaching the peoples the way of the Lord, and out of the Law or the
then Bible. He evidently felt that a nation's character is determined by its religion.
 He appointed a commission, composed of princes, Levites and priests, to go from city to city to
instruct the people. Their instruction was to be based on the one true foundation of sound
morals and healthy religious life, "the book of the law of Yahweh"
 We see in chapter 17 the importance of the teaching priest because in his absence or silence,
the church will not value scripture, and will never fear and worship in truth and spirit the true
 The goaders/priestly teachers will serve as goaders to prick the church to keep on track and
moving forward.
 No one can underestimate the need of a teaching elder in our today's society and church. Elders
who commit to align or order their lives according to the precept, there by teach by their
example and also commit themeselves to the scripture as a source of doctrine and practice.
Bible religion and basic statutes are ignored and totally forgotten and as such there is a rising
need of these religious teachers.
 With the Bible and the priest/levite/religious teacher in their rightful places, we will see God
enthroned in His rightful place as a result. No Bible, no teacher/elder; it will mean no true God in
the lives of the worshippers and the community at latge.

Dangers of the neglect...

 Chapter 15 verses 5-7 shows clearly the down side of a non teaching elder/clergy and a Bible-
less church or community.
 In those times there will be no peace to him that goes out, nor to him that comes in, but great
vexations will be upon all the inhabitants of the countries.
 And a nation will be destroyed of nation, and city of city, a neighbor of neighbor, a brother of a
brother: for God will vex them with all adversity.
 The Lord is with us as we are with Him. He walks contrary to us as we walk contrary to Him.

How will the elders do it today?

1. Systematic home visitations - read and declare the Bible truths to the families and in their
homes, for peace is needed there also. From the smallest unity to the whole church. Selecting a
theme or topic to be followed.
2. Public proclamation - for the Bible is what the nation, communities and villages need for peace
and progress. Selecting a theme or topic to be followed.
3. Seminars in every congregation
4. Promoting the purchase of Bibles and following the reading calendar.
5. Mid week meetings with action units.
6. Weekend camps with congregants when an itinerant teacher/elder visits.

Areas of Concern...

a. Daniel and Revelation prophecies(understanding the times and that we are a prophetic
b. The Decalogue as a whole.
c. The Christian standards (of dress, of life, health reform, recreation, morality and ethics).

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