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1.TOPIC: The Impact of emerging technology on managerial accounting


TITLE: Examining the Influence of Emerging Technologies on Managerial

Accounting Practices: A Contemporary Management Accounting

2.TOPIC: Management Accounting Perspectives on the Crucial Role of
Budgeting and Forecasting in Performance Management

TITLE: “The Planning Role of Budgeting and Forecasting in Performance

Management: A Management Accounting Perspective”

This study aims to address this gap by investigating the intricate relationship
between budgeting, forecasting, and performance management, focusing on the role
they play in facilitating strategic planning, resource allocation, and decision-making
processes. By exploring this dynamic through the lens of management accounting, the
research seeks to identify best practices, challenges, and opportunities for enhancing
the effectiveness of budgeting and forecasting in driving organizational
performance.Specifically,this seeked to answer the following research questions.

1. How do budgeting and forecasting contribute to the planning process within

organizations from a management accounting perspective?
2. How do budgeting and forecasting practices vary across different industries and
organizational contexts?
3. What role do budgeting and forecasting play in monitoring and evaluating
performance against organizational goals and objectives?
4. What specific management accounting techniques are commonly employed in
the budgeting and forecasting processes to enhance performance management?
5. What challenges do organizations face in effectively integrating budgeting and
forecasting into their performance management frameworks?

When it comes to managing finances, there are several important tools and
techniques that can help individuals and businesses make informed decisions. Two
crucial techniques in the realm of finance are budgeting and forecasting. These
processes provide a roadmap to effectively allocate resources, plan for the future, and
achieve financial goals. Budgeting involves creating a detailed plan for how money will
be spent and saved over a specific period of time. It serves as a financial blueprint that
helps individuals and businesses track income, control expenses, and allocate
resources efficiently. On the other hand, forecasting is the process of predicting future
financial outcomes based on historical data and market trends (2019 Livewell).

Both budgeting and forecasting play a vital role in financial planning and decision-
making by providing insights into cash flow, identifying potential risks and opportunities,
and facilitating effective resource allocation. This article will delve into the intricacies of
budgeting and forecasting, exploring their definitions, purposes, benefits, key
components, methods, process steps, challenges, and best practices.Whether you are
an individual striving to manage your personal finances or a business owner looking to
optimize your company’s financial performance, understanding the concepts of
budgeting and forecasting is essential. By honing your skills in these areas, you can
gain greater control over your financial situation, make informed decisions, and
ultimately achieve your financial objectives.

Alexandra and Edheku (2020) stated that an efficient budget plan and forecasting
can solve the problem with regard to the framing of a plan which will be required to
mitigate the potential risk that may occur in the future and grabbing the opportunities
that the organization can get, by creating an effective system of control, and by
identifying the differences between the aim of the organization and its actual
performance. Budgeting and forecasting are regarded as the core element that is
essential to implement a control process and also considered as the major decision-
making tool for the management.
The future financial performance can be predicted by the budget which will help to
assess the financial viability of any decision taken by the management. In general, it
has been observed that in most of the companies the process of budget is made on the
basis of preparing a formal annual; budget and the management used to monitor the
performance of the organization based on that annual budget. In other words, it can be
said that budgets are merely a process of gathering plans and forecasts.

Figure 1
Forecasting Future
Costs and Budgeting Scenarios - Maintaining Budget Discipline with a Cost Simulation Model of
FasterCapital (2015)

Forecasting future costs is a critical aspect of maintaining budget discipline. By

accurately predicting future expenses, businesses can make informed decisions about
resource allocation, identify potential budget shortfalls, and plan for contingencies.Here
are some steps to effectively forecast future costs and create budgeting scenarios
(Figure1). First,reviewing historical data starts by reviewing historical financial data to
understand past trends, patterns, and relationships between cost drivers and budget
outcomes. This analysis will provide the foundation for your future cost
projections.Second,consider industry trends analyze industry trends and market
dynamics that can impact your future costs. Consider factors such as inflation rates,
currency fluctuations, labor market conditions, and regulatory changes. Incorporate
these factors into your cost simulation model to create more accurate forecasts.Next is
identify internal factors that can impact your future costs. These could include changes
in your business strategy, product mix, production volumes, or expansion plans.
Anticipating these factors and their potential impact on your budget will help you create
more accurate forecasts.After identifying the internal factors, use your cost simulation
model to create different budgeting scenarios based on various assumptions and
variables. Create best-case, worst-case, and most likely scenarios to understand the
range of potential outcomes. This will help you identify potential risks, plan for
contingencies, and make informed decisions about resource allocation.Next is
Incorporate feedback from stakeholders,involve key stakeholders in the budgeting
process and seek their input on cost projections and scenarios. This will help ensure
that the forecasts are realistic, aligned with business objectives, and supported by the
relevant stakeholders. And last monitor and update, Monitor your actual financial
performance against the projected budget on an ongoing basis. Update your cost
simulation model regularly to reflect any changes in your business environment or
assumptions. This will help you maintain budget discipline and make timely adjustments
when necessary.

By effectively forecasting future costs and creating budgeting scenarios, businesses

can make informed decisions about resource allocation, identify potential risks, and
maintain budget discipline effectively. At the time of preparation of the budget, it is
essential to consider an alternative course of action which will be the integral part of the
budget and that will lead to increase the rationality of the budget. A budget helps to set
a goal, a benchmark of the standard of performance that is to be developed by
comparing the actual results with the predicted standard. The budget is forward looking
approach by which the management wants to predict the future and take actions
accordingly. Budget thus plays a vital role in making goals explicit, facilitates control and
making links with the external stakeholders of the organization.

Budgetary control model In reference to Mohamed Kerosi and Tirimba (2020) the
tools that are used by the organizations as a framework for allocating their expenses
and revenues. to make sure that the resources of the organization are not wasted, the
organization should be able to prepare an effective budgeting system. This is essential
as it makes sure that the number of units produced by the organization is effective to
meet the desired objective of the company. As per this theory an efficient budgeting
system should have the elements to identify the areas in which a major portion of the
budgeted amount is allocated and how effectively such funds are utilized by expanding
in such resources. The efficiency of the budget can be determined by assessing the
level of income earned by the organization.

Researchers used this framework because it shows the variables in the budgeting
and forecasting practices.The framework presents theories that could help the study.
Also,it contains the components of budgeting and forecasting practices that influence
the performance management.
1.TOPIC: “Student Views on Management Accounting
and Academic Incentives at BSU Lipa
TITLE: "Student Perspectives on the Influence and Effects
of Management Accounting Techniques on Performance
Evaluation and Incentive Recognition at BSU Lipa"
The study aims to address the following key issues concerning student views on the influence and effects
of management accounting techniques on performance evaluation and incentive recognition at BSU Lipa.

1. To what extent do students at BSU Lipa vary in their perceptions of the relevance and impact of
management accounting techniques in evaluating academic performance and recognizing
2. How do students perceive the effectiveness of current management accounting techniques
employed in the assessment of academic performance, and do these perceptions sign with the
intended outcomes of the techniques?
3. What is the perceived effectiveness of incentive recognition tied to management accounting
techniques on student’s motivation, engagement, and overall academic performance?
4. What specific aspects of management accounting techniques, according to student views, require
refinement or enhancement to better align with the educational objectives and expectations at
BSU Lipa?
5. To what extent do students feel that the current implementation of management accounting
techniques and incentive recognition aligns with their expectations for a fair and motivating
academic environment at BSU Lipa?

Addressing these problems will contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamic between
student perspectives, management accounting techniques, and incentive recognition, ultimately
facilitating informed improvements in the academic assessment and recognition systems at BSU


2.TOPIC: Ethical Considerations in Managerial

Accounting Practices

TITLE:Exploring the Influence of Incentive

Systems on Ethical Decision-Making in
Managerial Accounting Practices

The use of incentive systems in managerial accounting practices has become increasingly prevalent in
organizations. However, there is a growing concern about the potential impact of these incentive systems
on ethical decision-making by managers. While incentives are intended to motivate performance and
achieve organizational goals, they may inadvertently create conflicts of interest and encourage unethical
behavior in the pursuit of personal gain.
This research aims to investigate the influence of incentive systems on ethical decision-making in
managerial accounting practices. Specifically, it seeks to address the following questions:

1. How do incentive systems in managerial accounting practices affect the ethical decision-making
process of managers?
2. What are the potential ethical dilemmas and conflicts of interest that arise from the use of
incentive systems in managerial accounting?
3. How do individual factors, such as personal values and moral reasoning, interact with incentive
systems to shape ethical decision-making?
4. What are the implications of unethical behavior driven by incentive systems for organizational
performance and stakeholder trust?
5. What strategies can be employed to mitigate the potential negative effects of incentive systems on
ethical decision-making in managerial accounting practices?

By exploring the influence of incentive systems on ethical decision-making in managerial accounting,

this research aims to contribute to a better understanding of the ethical challenges faced by managers and
provide insights into potential solutions to promote ethical behavior in organizations.


1.TOPIC:effect of financial strategies to financial decisions of market
stallholders in public market of padre garcia

TITLE: The Impact of Financial strategies on the Financial decision of

market stallholders in Public Market of Padre Garcia


2.TOPIC: The impact of Strategic management on student readiness for

professional practice

TITLE: Preparing Future Accountants: Assessing the Influence of

Strategic Management Education on Students’ Professional Readiness


- Assessing the effectiveness of factors influencing student’s decision to
pursue accounting-related programs

Title: Exploring the Effectiveness of Influential Factors on Student’s Decision to

Pursue Accounting-Related Programs



1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 course

1.4 year level

1.5 average family monthly income

2. How may the ff. Factors influence the students in choosing accounting
related programs be assessed in terms of:

2.1 Reputation of the university or college

2.2 Personal Interest

2.3 Job Prospect

2.4 Family Members/ Peers

2.5 Media

3. Is there a specific difference based on the demographic factors in how

family, peers, media, and personal interest influence students’ decisions to
pursue accounting-related programs.
4. Based on the results, what targeted actions can be taken to address
concerns related to the reputation, personal interest, job prospects, family
influence, or media impact?

- Navigating the Ethical Landscape: Exploring Ethical Considerations in
Managerial Accounting Practices

- The Ethical Compass in Managerial Accounting: Exploring the Influence of
Ethical Considerations on Decision-Making and Organizational



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