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Complete the following paragraphs with prepositions : in, on, at, by, across, while around, over,

to or from.
1. Belgium and Denmark are only an hour or so apart _by__ airplane, for example. Danes look a
lot like Belgians, and if you were dropped _on__ a street corner _in__ Copenhagen, you
wouldn’t find it all that different _from__ a street corner _in__ Brussels.

2. __in_ the mid-1990s, an experimental public school called the KIPP Academy opened _on__
the fourth floor of Lou Gehrig Junior High School __in_ New York City. Lou Gehrig is _in__
the seventh school district, otherwise known as the South Bronx, one of the poorest
neighborhoods in New York City. It is a squat, gray 1960s-era building _across__ the street from
a bleak-looking group of high-rises.

3. Now take a look _at__ the last column, which totals up all the summer gains _from__ first
grade _to__ fifth grade. The reading scores of the poor kids go up _by__ 0.26 points. When it
comes to reading skills, poor kids learn nothing when school is not _in__ session. The reading
scores of the rich kids, by contrast, go up _by__ a whopping 52.49 points. Virtually all of the
advantage that wealthy students have over poor students is the result of differences in the way
privileged kids learn _while__ they are not _in__ school.

4. What are we seeing here? One very real possibility is that these are the educational
consequences of the differences _in__ parenting styles that we talked about __in_ the Chris
Langan chapter. Think back to Alex Williams, the nine-year-old whom Annette Lareau studied.
His parents believe _in__ concerted cultivation. He gets taken _to__ museums and gets enrolled
_in__ special programs and goes _to__ summer camp, where he takes classes. When he’s bored
__at_ home, there are plenty of books to read, and his parents see it as their responsibility to keep
him actively engaged _in__ the world _around__ him. It’s hard to see how Alex would get better
__at_ reading and math _over__ the summer.

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