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CHAPTER-7 EVOLUTION 1, Name any two vertebrate body parts that are homologous to human fore-limbs (CBSE. 2008) 2. Mention the key concepts about mechanisms of biological evolution / speciation according to (i) De Vriesand (i) Darwin (CB.S.E. 2008 Compt.) 3. Mention the type of evolution that has brought the similarity as seen in Potato tuber and Sweet Potato. (CBSEI 4. Why are the wings of a butterfly and of a bat called analogous. (CBSE. 2011) 5. Are the thom of Bougainvillea and tendril of Cucurbita homologous or analogous? ‘What type of evolution has brought such a similarity in them? 6. According to Hardy-Weinberg principle the allele frequency of a population remains constant (p? + 2pq +q? = 1). How do you interpret the change of frequency of alleles in a population? (C.B.S.E. 2009) 7. Are the wings of a bird and the fore-limb of a horse homologous or analogous or analogous? Name the type of evolution and explain the development of such structures. (C.B.S.E. 2009, 2011) 8. Are flippers of penguin and dolphin homologous or analogous? What type of evolution has brought such a similarity in them? (C.B.S.E. 2009) 9, Where did Homo sapiens arise initially? (CBS.E. 2009 Comptt.) 10. Name the scientist who disproved spontaneous generation theory. (CBS. 2010) 110. When does a species becomes founders to cause founder effect? (CBS.E. 2010) 12, Name the common ancestor of great apes and man, (CBSE. 2010) 13, Mention how is mutation theory of Hugo de Vries different from Darwin’s theory of natural selection. (CBSE. 2011) 14, Write the similarity between the wing of a butterfly/cockroach and the wing of a bat ‘What do you infer from the above with reference to evolution. (CBSE. 2012) 15. State the significance of the study of fossils in evolution. (C.BS.E. 2012) 16. State the significance of biochemical similarities amongst diverse organisms in evolution, (C.BS.E.2012) 17. State the significance of coelacanth in evalution, (CBS.E. 2012) 18. Comment on the similwity between the flippers of dolphins and penguins with reference to evlution. (CBSE, 2012) 19. Write two examples of developmental evidence for evolution from plant kingdom. (CBSE. 2007) 20. What is chemosynthesis? Name a chemosynthetic organism. (CBS.E, 2007) 21. How isa sickle cell cartier at an advantage over the rest of human population in a malaria ridden area? (CBS.E. 2007) 22. What is allopolyploidy? Name an allopolyploid that has succeeded as a crop. How does colchicine induce polyploidy? (CBS. 2007) 23. What is divergent evolution? Explain taking an example of plans. (C.B.S.E. 2008) 24. How does Darwin’s finches illustrate adaptive radiation? (CBSE. 2008) 25. How does Darwin’s theory of natural selection explain the appearance of new forms of life on earth? (C.B.S.E. 2008) 26. How is Danwin’s concept of evolution different from that of de Vries’ (C.B.S.E. 2008 Comptt.) 21 27. What is selection? How Antifcial selection i different from natural selection? (PSEB. 2008) 28 Darwin observed a variety of beaks in small black birds inhabiting Galapogos islands Explain what conclusions did he draw and how? (CBSE. 2009 Compt.) 29, How is mutation explained by Hugo de Vries as different from Darwinian variations? (CBS. 2009 Compt.) 30. Discovery of lobed fins is considered very significant by evolutionary biologists Byphin (CBSE.2009 Compt.) 31.) What is adaptive radiation? () Explain with the help of suitable example where adaptive radiation has occurred to represent convergent evolution. (CBSE 2008) 32, Explain convergent and divergent evolution with the help of example ofeach. (CBSE 2010) 33. (@) How does Hardy Weinberg expression (P+ 2pq + g? =!) explain that penetic equilibrium maintained i a population? (©) Listany two factors that can disturb the genetic equilibrium. (CBSE2010) 34. Why are the wings of butterfly and bind said to be aalogous organs? Name the ype of evolution analogous ongains area result of (CBSE. 2010) 35. Antropogenic aetion can hasten the evolution, Explain with the help of « suitable example (CBSE 2010) 36. Explain adaptive ratitions and convergent evolution by taking example of some of Austalian marsup and placental mammals (CBSE. 2010) 37. In England during te post industrialised period, the count of melanie moths increased fn urban area but remained low in rural areas. Explain, (CBSE.2010) 38. State the theory of biogenesis. How does Miller's experiment support this theory? (CBSE. 2010) 39. How does industial melanism support Darwin's theory of Natural Selection? Explain (CBSE 2012) ‘LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION: 1. (a) Anthropogenic actions have caused evolution of species. Explain with the Jel of wo examples (©) Differentiate between divergent and convergent evolution. (CBSE. 2008 Compt.) 2. Explain Oparin and Haldane theory of origin of i. CUSED. 2009) 3. What isconvergent and divergent evolution? Explain with the help of example. ( HSB. 2009) 4. G@)__ Explain aking one example of vetebrate anatomy that evolution of life forms has occurred on earth (6) "Nature selects for fitness” Explain with suitable example. (CBSE. 2009 Compt.) 5. Fitness is the end result of the ability to adapt and get selected by nature. Explain with suitable example. (CBSE. 2010) 6. €@)__ Natural Selection operates when nature selects for finess. Explain (©) The rte of appearance of new forms is linked to the life span ofan organism, Explain with the help of a suitable example (CBSE 2010) 7. Explain the salient features of Hugo de Vriessheory of mutation, How is Darwins theory of natural selection diferent fom i? Explain (CBSE 2011) 8 G@ Name the primates that lived about 15 million years ago. List dhe characteristic features, (©) Where was the first man-like animal found. 2 (ii) Write the onder in which Neanderthals. Homo habilas and Homo erectus appeared on earth. State the brain capacity of each one of them, Gi) When did modem Homo Sapiens appear on this planer? (CBSE 21) 49:(a) Explain Darwinian theory of evolution with the help of one suitable example, State the two key concept ofthe theory. (b) Mention any three characteristics of Neanderthal man that lived in near east and central Asia. 2014) 10(a) Explain Darwinian theory of evolution withthe help of one suitable example, State the two key concept ofthe theory. (b) Mention any three characteristics of Neanderthal man that ved in near east and central Asia. 2014

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