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CHAIRMAN'S CORNER: Tips on applying for local employment

written by: Ms. Marti

1. Research local businesses and companies in your area to identify potential job opportunities.

2. Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job application, highlighting your skills and experiences
that are relevant to the specific position.

3. Network with local professionals and attend job fairs or networking events in your community to make
connections and learn about potential job openings.

4. Utilize online job boards and company websites to search for local job listings.

5. Consider reaching out to staffing agencies or employment services that specialize in placing candidates
in local positions.

6. Be prepared for in-person interviews by researching the company and practicing common interview

7. Follow up with the hiring manager after submitting your application to express your continued interest
in the position.

8. Consider joining local professional organizations or associations to expand your network and gain ac-
cess to job opportunities within your community.

9. Be open to temporary or part-time positions as a way to gain experience and connections in your local

10. Utilize social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, to connect with local professionals and showcase
your skills and experiences to potential employers.

How can I get hired easily?

1. Tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job you are applying for, highlighting your relevant
skills and experiences.

2. Network with people in your industry and ask for referrals or recommendations.

3. Prepare for interviews by researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and being
ready to discuss your qualifications and experiences.

4. Follow up with the hiring manager after submitting your application to express your continued interest
in the position.

5. Consider taking on temporary or contract work to gain experience and make connections in your de-
sired field.

6. Showcase your skills and abilities through a strong online presence, such as a professional LinkedIn
profile and portfolio.
7. Be open to feedback and continuously seek to improve yourself and your qualifications.

8. Be proactive in seeking out job opportunities and applying for positions that align with your skills and

How can you prevent being scammed when looking for a job?

To avoid a job scam, do the following:

Do an online search. Check if the recruiter, company, or job ad is legit.

Reject job offers that require no experience.
Never agree to a wire transfer of any sort.
Don't interact with potential employers who urge you to act fast.

How do you know if it's a job scam?

What to look for to determine if a job is a scam

The recruiter contacts you. ...

You receive a job offer right away. ...
The pay is extremely high. ...
The schedule seems too flexible. ...
Job requirements and description are vague. ...
The company requires payment from you. ...
The job promises that you'll get wealthy fast.

PATH TO POSITIVITY: Destination vs Journey - Embracing the Beauty of the In-Between

written by: Ms. Jen

In the vast tapestry of life, we often find ourselves fixated on reaching our desired destinations. We metic-
ulously plan every step, envisioning the euphoria that awaits us at the end of the road. However, in our re-
lentless pursuit of reaching the finish line, we often overlook the significance and splendor of the journey
itself. It is time to shift our focus from the destination and embrace the beauty of the in-between, for it is
within these moments that we truly discover ourselves.

The allure of a destination lies in its promise of fulfillment, accomplishment, and the satisfaction of a goal
achieved. We are conditioned to believe that the destination is the ultimate prize, the pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow. But what if we were to challenge this notion? What if we were to acknowledge that
the journey holds equal, if not greater, importance?

A journey is a transformative experience, a voyage of self-discovery that molds us into the individuals we
are destined to become. It is during this expedition that we encounter the unexpected, confront obstacles,
and learn to adapt. The journey teaches us resilience, patience, and the ability to appreciate the present
moment. It is a constant reminder that life is not solely defined by the end result, but by the process of
getting there.

Think of a journey as a symphony, with its crescendos and decrescendos, its harmonies and dissonances.
The destination may be the grand finale, but it is the journey that weaves the intricate melodies that make
our lives meaningful. It is the moments of uncertainty, the detours we take, and the people we meet along
the way that add depth to our existence. The journey is an opportunity for growth, a chance to explore un-
charted territories, both within ourselves and the world around us.

The destination, while undoubtedly gratifying, is often fleeting. It is the journey that endures, etching
memories into the very fabric of our being. It is the laughter shared with friends, the breathtaking land-
scapes witnessed, and the serendipitous encounters that paint the canvas of our lives. The destination may
be the destination, but it is the journey that shapes our character, our values, and our perspectives.

So, how do we learn to appreciate the journey rather than fixating on the destination? It begins with a
shift in mindset. We must embrace the uncertainty, relinquish control, and savor the moments of spon-
taneity that arise along the way. We must cultivate a sense of curiosity, allowing ourselves to be capti-
vated by the beauty of the present moment. It is in this state of mind that we can truly immerse ourselves
in the journey, embracing the lessons it has to offer.

In the grand tapestry of life, the destination is merely a thread, while the journey is the vibrant tapestry it-
self. Let us not be blinded by the allure of reaching our desired destinations, but instead, let us revel in the
beauty of the in-between. For it is within these moments that we find solace, growth, and the true essence
of our being. So, dear traveler, embrace the journey, for it is in this embrace that life's truest treasures are


written by: Ms. Alexa

*Question:* What should you do when someone calls pretending to be a police officer or lawyer, threat-
ening you with a warrant of arrest if you don't pay?

*Answer:* First and foremost, don't panic. It's common for individuals to receive calls from fake police
officers or lawyers trying to intimidate them into paying. Their goal is to instill fear and panic to coerce
you into making payments.

Secondly, as I mentioned in one of my TikTok videos about threatening letters from OLAs, a warrant of
arrest is a legal document that specifies the reasons for your arrest. Remember that a warrant of arrest
should be signed by a judge and only by a judge, not by just anyone. Before issuing a warrant of arrest,
the court goes through a process called preliminary investigation to determine if there is sufficient evi-
dence to believe that a crime has been committed. You would only receive this if you borrowed from an
OLA with direct deception and fraud to warrant criminal charges.

Thirdly, if you receive such a call, do not entertain it because real police officers and lawyers do not call
to inform you that you have a case and will be arrested. Do not succumb to the threats of these agents;
you need to always have presence of mind and know the right actions to take in such situations.

I hope I have shared some new knowledge that you can use in dealing with your OLA problems. Make it
a habit to revisit my other TikTok videos and, of course, share them with everyone to help as many peo-
ple as possible.

Stop Online Lender Sharks: Shielding Customers Against Predatory Lending

written by: Ms. Aileen

The lending sector has seen significant transformation as a result of the expansion of the internet and digi-
tal platforms. Online loans have certainly made things more convenient and accessible, but they have also
unintentionally led to the emergence of a new class of predatory lenders known as "online loan sharks."
These dishonest organizations prey on helpless people in dire need of immediate cash by luring them in
with outrageous interest rates, unstated costs, and forceful debt collection tactics. It is critical to increase
awareness, enact stronger laws, and support financial education in order to shield consumers from becom-
ing victims of these internet loan sharks.

Fighting internet loan sharks requires a complicated strategy in order to be effective.

1. Raising consciousness: Educating the public about the risks posed by online loan sharks and the warn-
ing indicators to watch out for is the first step. Lending sites with unclear terms and conditions, fast ap-
proval processes, and quick cash availability are to be avoided by consumers. People should also be
aware of their rights and where to get assistance if they become victims of predatory loan activities.

2. Firmer regulations: To hold loan sharks accountable for their illegal actions, governments and regula-
tory agencies should strengthen current laws or enact new ones that particularly address online lending.
Lender capital requirements should be increased, interest rate and charge disclosures should be made
mandatory, and non-compliance should result in harsh penalties.

3. Concerted efforts: To find and close down these dishonest lenders, cooperation between financial insti-
tutions, governments, consumer protection organizations, and internet businesses is essential. By pooling
resources and information, it will be possible to quickly identify and expose dishonest internet lenders,
shielding customers from irreparable financial loss.

4. Financial education: Encouraging financial literacy and equipping people with information about pru-
dent borrowing and managing personal finances is crucial. This means imparting knowledge on how to
assess loan offers critically, comprehend interest rates and payback arrangements, and steer clear of inter-
net scammers.

Online loan sharks are a serious threat to those who are already at risk as well as to society's general fi-
nancial stability. A comprehensive strategy involving greater awareness, more stringent laws, teamwork,
and financial education is needed to effectively tackle this issue. By doing this, we can contribute to the
eradication of the evil known as predatory internet lending, consumer protection, and an equitable and
open lending environment.

FILFLAG Opens Applications for On-the-Job Training Program

written by: Ms. Nyl

Filipino Fair Loans Advocacy Group (FILFLAG) is excited to announce the launch of our On-the-Job
Training (OJT) program! This presents a wonderful opportunity for students and young professionals to
gain practical experience in advocacy work and contribute to our mission of advocating for fair lending
practices in the Philippines.

As an OJT with FILFLAG, you will have the opportunity to work closely with our dedicated team, partic-
ipate in meaningful projects, and make a tangible impact on the lives of borrowers affected by online
lending apps.

We are now accepting applications for On-the-Job Trainees (OJTs)!

If you are eager to acquire valuable experience and enhance your skills in a dynamic environment, this is
your chance. Join us at FILFLAG and become part of a team committed to creating a positive change.
To apply, please send your resume and a brief cover letter to

We look forward to welcoming you to the FILFLAG family!

Senate Hearings Addressing Unauthorized Online Lending and Consumer Protection

written by: Ms. Aljo

Last January 16, 2024, the committee on banks, financial institutions and currencies conducted a public
hearing at Sen. Recto Room, of the Senate of the Philippines. One of the resolutions is the proliferation of
unauthorized online lending applications and abusive lending corporations with the end in view of
strengthening measures that protect the consumers' right to privacy, security and property by Sen.Win
Gatchalian. And by Sen.Joel Villanueva, a resolution directing the appropriate senate committee to con-
duct an inquiry, in aid of legislation, on the rise of unregistered and unauthorized online lending platforms
and abusive collection and debt recovery practices of online lending companies.

Source: Senate of the Philippines

Empowering Stories of Resilience and Advocacy in Dear Ms. Ava Episode 12

written by: Sir Bugoy

In the 12th episode of *Dear Ms. Ava*, we are once again captivated by the inspiring voice of Ms. Ava as
she shares the story of Ms. Rosie, a committee head in FILFLAG.

Despite facing challenges in her married life, Ms. Rosie has been blessed with two wonderful children.
Despite the difficulties, she has managed to single-handedly provide for her family's needs.

Ms. Rosie fell victim to deceptive advertisements by OLAs, leading her to borrow from ten OLAs. She
also endured threats and harassment from OLA agents. However, she found support and became a mem-
ber of an organization, alongside her idol Ms. A, and now with FILFLAG.

Currently, Ms. Rosie continues to help the OLA community while pursuing her profession in one of the
branches of the government. She stands as an example and proof that OLAs will not bring us down.

Ms. Rosie's story is a testament to resilience and the impact of community support. It serves as a reminder
that despite facing challenges, there is always hope and the opportunity to create positive change.

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