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Prince John Erick Banaag BIT 2-T FSM-B

1.) A man’s wife was extremely ill and in danger of dying. A certain drug might save her life, but
the man could not afford it because the druggist had set an unreasonably high price for it.
a.) Should the man steal the drug?

The question of whether the man should steal the drug is a complex ethical dilemma that
depends on one's ethical framework. From a utilitarian perspective, which focuses on
maximizing overall happiness or minimizing suffering, stealing the drug to save his wife's life
might be justified, as it prioritizes the well-being of an individual over property rights. However,
other ethical perspectives, such as deontology, which emphasizes adherence to moral principles
and rules, may argue against stealing, even for a noble cause, as it violates the principle of not
taking what does not belong to you.

b.) Why?

It is usually necessary to consider a variety of values and principles while engaging in

ethical thought. In this instance, proponents of stealing may argue that the druggist's exorbitant
pricing is immoral in and of themselves, or that safeguarding human life is more essential than
defending property rights. Critics may emphasize the need of respecting other people's property
rights and argue for alternatives including settling conflicts with drug traffickers, contacting
charitable organizations, or enlisting the assistance of the community at large. The individual's
moral views and the ethical framework they select ultimately dictate the moral decision.

2.) Describe yourself using the following pairs of words

a.) Personal or impersonal- Personal

b.) Partial or impartial- Impartial
c.) Private or public- Private
d.) Natural or contractual- Neutral
e.) Feeling or reason- Reason
f.) Compassionate or fair- Fair
g.) Concrete or universal- Concrete
h.) Responsibility or rights- Responsibility
i.) Relationship or individual- Individual
j.) Solidarity or autonomy- Autonomy

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