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Date: 26-10-2023 Editorial – Warming ties

Tone – Rational, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10

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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Historically, stock markets have
Unparalleled Adj Unmatched Unprecedented,
yielded unparalleled returns.
Relating to The Government has ordered a
Thoughtful, Substantively
Substantive Adj something substantive investigation into the
Deliberative, Pensive (Adverb)
important or serious matter.
Shalini had a showdown with her boss Face-off,
Showdown Noun Confrontation
over a pay hike. Stand-off
Weaken, Paralyze,
Protracted strikes have debilitated Cripple, Undermine, Debilitating
Debilitate Verb Make weak
the industry. Impair, Hollow out, (Adj)
To maintain Evade, Dodge,
Keep away Phrasal Police warned bystanders to keep
distance from
from Verb away from the blazing building. Steer clear off
Date: 25-10-2023 Editorial – Crossing a Line
Tone – Criticizing, Concerned Difficulty level – 9.5/10

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Noun/ An approach for The PM’s outreach program remained
Out + reach Approach
Verb engagement largely successful.
Shamelessly She is in the habit of telling brazen Brazenness
Brazen Adj Insolent, Impudent
disgraceful lies. (Noun)
It is difficult to envisage the Envision, Imagine,
Envisage (Verb) Visualize, Picturize
consequences of another pandemic. Assume
Arbitrators must avoid being partisan
Partisan Adj Biased, One-sided in their reasoning, while reaching Prejudiced, Sectarian
Preach Verb Teach Preach what you practice. Instruct, Lecture
Date: 24-10-2023 Editorial – The Ascent Begins
Tone – Reporting, Optimistic Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Full of care and Divers made a painstaking search of Painstakingly
Painstaking Adj Punctilious,
effort the debris of the crashed aircraft. (Adverb)
Something on which Non-adjustable,
Non- Helmets are non-negotiable for
Adj no adjustment can Uncompromising,
negotiable riders.
be made Absolute
Casual and hasty, Cursory, Superficial
Careless people often work in Perfunctorily
Perfunctory Adj without attention to Ant: Comprehensive,
perfunctory manner. (Adverb)
details Exhaustive

Ascent To go up or get Ascend

Indian PM Narender Modi’s ascent to
Noun higher (Physically/ Rise, Climb
Ant: Descent power was rapid and unexpected. (Verb)
Date: 19-10-2023 Editorial – Sea service
Tone – Optimistic, Sanguine Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Most island nations survive on
Maritime Adj Relating to sea/navy Aquatic
maritime trade.
Seamy Children with rich parents rarely Seam
Adj Rough experience the seamy side of life in
Ant- Seamless unpleasant (Noun)
their childhood.
Relating to farming and Indian economy is primarily
Agrarian Adj Agricultural
land agrarian.
Inherent, Innate,
Integral Adj Inseparable Risk is integral in stock markets. Underlying,
1) To support or 1) The USA patronizes the United
promote something Nations. Patron,
1) Support,
2) To be a regular client 2) We patronize the nearby Kirana Patronage
Patronize Verb Sponsor
or customer Store for decades.
2) Condescend (Noun)
3) Treat someone in a 3) Feminists argue that men need
demeaning way to stop patronizing women.
Date: 18-10-2023 Editorial – Law and custom
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Finally, the SC has issued a verdict on Ruling, Decree,
Verdict Noun Judgment, Decision
the matter. Adjudication, Direction
Relating to a The girl refused to return to her
Marital Adj Nuptial, Conjugal
marriage marital home after the incident.
o Every Indian state is a constituent
o One of the parts of
part of the nation.
the whole Component, Constitute
Constituent Noun o His constituent voted him in
o A voter of a Ingredient, factor (Verb)
power for the fourth consecutive
Plain and gloomy, His actions were in stark contrast to Utter, bleak, Grim, Starkness
Stark Adj
Absolute his words. Dismal (Noun)
Crave + for,
- To desire strongly Long + for
Noun/ People who yearn for knowledge Yearning
Yearn - To wish badly for Hanker + after
Verb become good scientists. Lust + after (Noun)
Covet + no preposition
Date: 17-10-2023 Editorial – Delay as tactic
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

It’s a moot (arguable/ debatable)
Arguable, Unresolved,
Moot Adj Debatable question when will the pandemic be
Turning point,
A point from which a Russia-Ukraine war is a dangerous Breaking point,
Flashpoint Noun bigger dispute can flashpoint for a small-scale nuclear Boiling point,
emerge war.
Melting point
Reiterate, emphasize,
Ingeminate The prisoner ingeminated his Ingemination
Verb To repeat something echo, Harp on
In + geminate request for mercy before the judge. (Noun)
Discernible, Evident,
After an argument, the tensions in Palpability
Palpable Adj Noticeable, Apparent Perceptible,
the room were palpable. (Noun)
Worsen, Aggravate,
To make matters The medicine exacerbated her Exacerbation
Exacerbate Verb Deteriorate,
worse symptoms. (Noun)
Retrogress, Regress
Date: 16-10-2023 Editorial – Olympian heights
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Taciturn, Reserved,
Silent, Dis-inclined to The factory manager was a reticent Reticence
Reticent Adj Restrained,
talk lady who spoke very little. (Noun)
Ephemeral Lasting a very short Children, by nature, have short-lived Ephemera
Adj Intransient
(Nashwar) time, short-lived spells of anger and resentment. (Noun)
A state of extreme The World Cup win brought a tide of Ecstasy, Elation, Bliss, Euphoric
Euphoria Noun
joy (Parmanand) euphoria for the fans. Exultation, Rapture (Adj)
Palatable The idea of ‘working woman’ is still
Ant- Adj Pleasant, Suitable not palatable to many rural
Toothsome, Savoury
Unpalatable households.
Discouraging in
The cost of property in metro cities is Discouraging,
Prohibitive Adj nature because of
quite prohibitive. Prohibitory,
being excessive
Restrictive, Exorbitant
Date: 13-10-2023 Editorial – The Rise of Technology
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 8/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Ignite, kindle,
Phrasal Sometimes small incidents spark off Spark
Spark off Provoke, incite instigate, Stimulate,
Verb huge crises. (Noun)
o A perfect example o India is a paradigm of a stable
Prototype, Epitome,
of something democracy.
Paradigm Noun Paragon, Exemplar,
o System, o Education can change the social
Arrangement paradigm of any country.
The pandemic-induced lockdowns
Consequent, Ensue
Ensuing Adj Resulting, Resultant and the ensuing unemployment
Subsequent, Following (Verb)
have ruined the whole economy.
Something that Essential,
Indispensable + Computer is indispensable to Unavoidable,
Verb cannot be avoided/
to modern life.
dispensed with Cardinal
Something very Daunting, Intimidating,
strong and Three people lost their lives while Fearsome, Terrifying,
Formidable Adj impressive because it accomplishing the formidable task of
A tall task/order, (Noun)
is very difficult and scaling this mountain.
Omni-present, Ubiquitousness
Ubiquitous Adj Universal Plastic bags are ubiquitous.
Pervasive, Widespread
Date: 12-10-2023 Editorial – Spring Cleaning
Tone – Welcoming, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Ambiguity, Equivocal (Adj)
The world is anxious over the USA’s
Equivocality Noun Mixed indications Ambivalence, Equivocate
equivocality on the security of Taiwan.
Vagueness (Verb)
- To start something
The recent confrontation between China
Phrasal suddenly that cannot be
Set off and the US can set off a small scale war Trigger, Spark
Verb controlled later
between the two rivals.
- To offset, Counterbalance
Make up for,
Offset Verb Counterbalance Your virtues cannot offset your vices.
Compensate for
Launch, Kick in,
Phrasal Bring in, introduce, come The cold-war ushered in a new era of Ring in,
Usher in
Verb up with, take off nuclear weapons. commence,
Something taken as a A holistic approach to good health gives Comprehensive,
Holistic Adj
whole a lot emphasis on good diet and lifestyle. Entire
Date: 11-10-2023 Editorial – The Work Women Want
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 8.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Intelligent, His insightful ideas helped the company Insight
Insightful Adj Knowledgeable
Smart become a leader in the industry. (Noun)
To prove an
The lawyer’s robust arguments were hard to Rebuttal
Rebut Verb argument to Refute, Controvert
rebut. (Noun)
be false/invalid
Verb Lead to as a Without hard-work, talent fails to translate
Translate into Turn out to be
phrase result into success.
Of massive size
(usually used There is a yawning digital divide between the Gaping, Deep,
Yawning Adj Yawn (Verb)
for a ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ India. Vast, Broad
To get
Boil down to + Phrasal The whole Israel-Palestine issue boils down to To work out to be
concluded or
something verb ownership of Jerusalem. something
Date: 10-10-2023 Editorial – Original Sin
Tone – Criticizing, Concerned Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Pre +
Obsession + Her preoccupation with money irritates Keenness, Mania, Preoccupied
occupation + Noun
with everyone. Fixation (Adj)
Noun/ A radical overhaul of the tax system in India is Reconstruction,
Overhaul Restoration
Verb necessary. Renovation
Empirical studies have shown the effectiveness Observational, Empiricism
Empirical Adj of Ayurveda in treating several life-style Pragmatic, Pragmatism
diseases. Expedient (Noun)
The indiscriminate use of fertilizers can cause
Indiscriminate Adj Andhadhun Unsystematic,
long-term problems.
A meeting was called to iron out the Reconcile,
Phrasal Harmonize,
Iron out Resolve, Settle differences between the management and the
workers. Smooth over
Date: 09-10-2023 Editorial – NewsClick non-case
Tone – Criticizing, Concerned Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Inclination, Proclivity, Tend
Tendency Noun A natural habit He has a tendency to forget names.
Propensity (Verb)
The movie’s plot was an amalgam of three
Amalgam Noun Mixture Alloy, Compound
spy novels.
Covert The soldier was on a clandestine mission Clandestinely
Adj Secret, hidden Stealthy, Clandestine,
Ant: Overt at an overseas location. (Adverb)
Inimical Adj The new law is inimical to press freedom. Hostile, Antagonistic
A passage or way Terrorists use POK as a conduit for terror
Conduit Noun Pipeline, Canal
to do something activities.
Date: 06-10-2023 Editorial – Equality and Identity
Tone – Ethical, Righteous Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Emphasize, Stress,
The teacher underscored the need for Accentuate, Throw light
Underscore Verb Highlight
hard work. upon, Punctuate,
Bring to the fore
Communal issues are used by politicians
Elicit Verb Evoke, Draw out Arouse, Kindle
to elicit emotion response from voters.
To base one’s Your family and near ones are the only
Bank + on hopes on people you can bank on in the face of Rely on/upon
something adversity.
- Businessmen fund political parties to
Noun/ Advantage, gain political leverage. Leverage
Leverage Authority
Verb Influence - You need to leverage your expertise to (Verb)
get a good job in today’s market.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has
To include under Incorporate,
Subsume Verb subsumed the Value Added Tax (VAT) and
To take over Colligate
Excise duty.
Date: 05-10-2023 Editorial – Let there be Light
Tone – Optimistic, Scientific Difficulty level – 10/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Most Introverts behave in a peculiar way Peculiarity
Peculiar Adj Unusual and unique Distinctive
in social settings. (Noun)
Re-inforce To support and make Sexist jokes tend to reinforce gender Strengthen,
Re-enforce something stronger biases. Buttress, Fortify
The Indian economy has grown to become
Prepositio Due to, Owing to,
Thanks to Because of the third largest, thanks to the reforms of
nal Phrase As a result of
The new intern mooted a hitherto
Hitherto Adverb Until now, So far As yet
unthinkable solution to the problem.
Paraphrase Rephrase, Restate,
Noun/ To re-word Some writers paraphrase others’ works to
Ant: Verbatim Transcribe,
Verb something avoid plagiarism.
(Adverb) Disambiguate
Date: 03-10-2023 Editorial – Doubtful devotee and trusting bigot
Tone – Philosophical, Revealing Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Our world follows a simple dictum –
Formula, A rule of Axiom, Adage,
Dictum Noun what goes up, eventually comes
thumb Theorem, Rubric
LGBT community has faced society’s Discrimination, Bigot
Bigotry Noun Prejudice and injustice
bigotry in every part of the world. Dogmatism (Noun)
A short moral story
Parables form an integral part of the Fable, Allegory,
Parable Noun (often with animal
Vedic culture. Apologue
- To cut and examine a The company hired a team of
living body consultants to vivisect its operations Vivisection
Vivisect Verb Analysis, Diagnosis
- To examine something and find out the flaws that inhibit (Noun)
existing in present efficiency.
Vigilant, wary,
Little kids should be circumspect prudent, Circumspection
Circumspect Adj Careful or cautious
while dealing with strangers. meticulous, on (Noun)
Date: 02-10-2023 Editorial – Victory for the weak
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
o A perfect example o India is a paradigm of a stable Prototype,
of something democracy. Epitome, Paragon,
Paradigm Noun
o System, o Education can change the social Exemplar,
Arrangement paradigm of any country. Precedent
Jurisprudence A set of rules that The famous case of Shyara Bano has
Juris + Noun guide the judgment established jurisprudence for dealing Legal philosophy
prudence on a particular issue with the cases of ‘Triple Talaq’.
A passage or way to Terrorists use POK as a conduit for terror
Conduit Noun Pipeline, Canal
do something activities.
from punishment Criminals bribe the police to gain
Impunity Noun
even before impunity against the law.
committing a crime
Helpful/supportive in Bhagat Singh had an instrumental role in Conducive, Instrument
Instrumental Adj
fulfilling a purpose India’s freedom struggle. Assisting, Pivotal (Noun)
Date: 30-09-2023 Editorial – Drawing the line
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Spread, Dissemination of fake news is a Propagation, Disseminate
Dissemination Noun
Circulation punishable offense in India. Advertisement (Verb)
- Noun: Harsh
Denounce, Rebuke,
Verb/ criticism The minister has been subject to severe
Censure Condemn, Deplore,
Noun - Verb: Criticize censure since the scam came to light.
Ingeminate Reiterate,
To repeat The prisoner ingeminated his request Ingemination
Verb emphasize, echo,
In + geminate something for mercy before the judge. (Noun)
Harp on (negative)
There is a tenuous difference between Fragile, Slim,
Tenuous Adj Very thin, weak
a soldier and a terrorist. Delicate, Flimsy
There is always a chasm that separates
Chasm Noun Gap, Crack Divide, Fissure
one generation from the other.
Date: 29-09-2023 Editorial – Caring for the old
Tone – Analysing, Suggesting Difficulty level – 8.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

To reflect
Stock markets closely mirror the Echo, Mimic, Mirror
Mirror Verb something or
health of a country’s economy. Imitate (Noun)
Implication, Side-
Covid-19 lock downs have brought in
Bad effects, Fallout,
Repercussion Noun severe economic repercussions for Sri
consequence Ramification,
The poor and illiterate are prone to Susceptible, Proneness
Prone Adj Defenseless
being involved in crimes. Vulnerable (Noun)
Penury, Destitution,
Economic privation often pushes the Deprive
Deprivation Noun Privation, Poverty Hardship,
poor towards crime. (Verb)
Our cumbersome judicial system
Cumbersome Adj Clumsy, Awkward Butterfingers,
needs reform.
Date: 26-09-2023 Editorial – Keep Calm
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

A delay in providing wages to the Stimulant,
Catalyst Noun Motivator
workers acted as a catalyst to the strike. Impetus
A compensation Compensation,
Noun/ (Noun) Reparation,
The airline will have to recompense the
Recompense To give Restitution
Verb passengers for cancelling the flight.
To make amends (V)
Consisting of India is the land of myriad languages,
Myriad Adj Various
varieties cultures and ethnicities.
Serious dialogue/ A committee will start deliberations on
Deliberations Noun Consultation
conversations the issue of reservation from tomorrow.
To support, The lawyer presented a witness to Buttress, Bolster, Underpinning
Underpin Verb
Promote underpin his arguments. Shore up, (Adj)
Prop up, Buoy
Misleading, Disingenuous,
All claims of the company proved to be Speciousness
Specious Adj Unauthentic, Spurious, Dubious,
specious. (Noun)
False Suspicious
Date: 25-09-2023 Editorial – Practicing Exchanges
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Thousands gathered on the streets to
Solidarity Noun Unity show their solidarity with the campaign
for reforms.
Tyrannical regimes often turn vindictive Retaliatory, Vindictiveness
Vindictive Adj Revengeful
against dissident in their reins. Resentful, Spiteful, (Noun)
China’s stance on the LAC seems ill-
Unadvised, Unwise,
ill-advised Adj Foolish advised in the context of Asian
What is your stance on environmental
Stance Noun Position, Stand Posture
- Sharp Pricky, Spiky,
The jury is still out on the thorny issue of
Thorny Adj - Difficult,
the origin of global warming. Barbed
Date: Editorial – Keep Calm
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

A delay in providing wages to the Stimulant,
Catalyst Noun Motivator
workers acted as a catalyst to the strike. Impetus
A compensation Compensation,
Noun/ (Noun) Reparation,
The airline will have to recompense the
Recompense To give Restitution
Verb passengers for cancelling the flight.
To make amends (V)
Consisting of India is the land of myriad languages,
Myriad Adj Various
varieties cultures and ethnicities.
Serious dialogue/ A committee will start deliberations on
Deliberations Noun Consultation
conversations the issue of reservation from tomorrow.
To support, The lawyer presented a witness to Buttress, Bolster, Underpinning
Underpin Verb
Promote underpin his arguments. Shore up, (Adj)
Prop up, Buoy
Misleading, Disingenuous,
All claims of the company proved to be Speciousness
Specious Adj Unauthentic, Spurious, Dubious,
specious. (Noun)
False Suspicious
Date: 22-09-2023 Editorial – Silent killer
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 8.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Plain and gloomy, His actions were in stark contrast to his Utter, bleak, Starkness
Stark Adj
Absolute words. Grim, Dismal (Noun)
Wikileaks founder became a political target
Classified Adj Officially secret overnight after leaking several classified
files on US war excesses.
To put on weight, one should increase intake
Intake Noun Consumption Uptake
of food.
Ant: Novel, Adj The boredom is the trigger for adventure. Humdrum, Banal
Small in amount His meager wage is not enough to support Paltry, Scant,
Meagre Adj
or extent their five children. A mere
Date: 20-09-2023 Editorial – Serious Allegations
Tone – Concerned Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

- The new discovery may unravel the
- Solve, Become clear mystery surrounding blackholes. - Sort out, Unfold
Unravel Verb
- Come/Become undone - The economy is unravelling - Ruin, Sink
because of the ongoing recession.
Shalini had a showdown with her Face-off,
Showdown Noun Confrontation
boss over a pay hike. Stand-off
His work profile is laden with great Loaded down,
Laden Adj Filled with, Burdened
responsibility. Fraught with
Both the parties brushed aside/off
Brush aside Phrasal
Ignore, Disregard their differences and formed an Shrug off
Brush off Verb
The acrimony between the two Animosity,
Acrimony Noun Hatred families has kept them from talking Bitterness,
to each other for decades. Distaste,
To start something The recent confrontation between
Set off suddenly that cannot be China and the US can set off a small Trigger, Spark
controlled later scale war between the two rivals.
Date: 19-09-2023 Editorial – AI and Biomimicry
Tone – Scientific, Optimistic Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Bring in, Launch, Kick in,
Phrasal The cold-war ushered in a new era of
Usher in introduce, come Ring in commence,
Verb nuclear weapons.
up with, take off initiate
All corporate companies are jumping
Bandwagon Noun A popular trend on the bandwagon of organic food Vogue, Fashion
- Businessmen fund political parties
to gain political leverage.
Noun/ Advantage,
Leverage - You need to leverage your Authority Leverage (Verb)
Verb Influence
expertise to get a good job in today’s
Considerable, The effects of the lock-downs have Substantially
Substantial Adj Noticeable, Sizeable
Significant been substantial. (Adverb)
Some unsuspecting people fell prey
Prey Noun Victim, Target to the trap by sharing their account
details with scammers online.
Date: 18-09-2023 Editorial – Sanctions for change
Tone – Criticizing Difficulty level – 8.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

To challenge, Defiance
Defying the lockdowns, some people Flout, Scoff,
Defy Verb disregard an (Noun)
were roaming in the streets. Fly in the face of
order/authority Defiant (Doer)
Poland has opened its borders,
Suffering, Woe,
Plight Noun Difficult position taking note of the plight of Ukrainian
Predicament, Travails
Weaken, Paralyze,
Protracted strikes have debilitated Cripple, Undermine, Debilitating
Debilitate Verb Make weak
the industry. Impair, Hollow out, (Adj)
An embarrassing The three farm bills ended in a
Debacle, Blunder,
Fiasco Noun and destructive political fiasco for the NDA-led
Disaster, Setback
failure Government.
Equipment or Astronauts need to take special
Device, Mechanism,
Apparatus Noun instruments for a breathing apparatus with them into
purpose the space.
Our world needs to tap into solar and
Phrasal Tap or Faucet
Tap (into) To utilize nuclear energy to reduce carbon Exploit
Verb (Noun)
Date: 15-09-2023 Editorial – Underestimated Overconfidence (Times of India)
Tone – Scientific, Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Something very
strong and Daunting, Intimidating,
Three people lost their lives while Fearsome, Terrifying,
impressive Formidability
Formidable Adj accomplishing the formidable task of
because it is very A tall task/order, (Noun)
scaling this mountain.
difficult and Herculean
Larceny, Pilferage, Heist
Heist Noun An (armed) theft
Burglary, Robbery (Verb)
Spying, the act of Surveillance,
The Government is facing the
Espionage Noun watching over Snooping,
charges of wide-spread espionage.
someone Eavesdropping
Modesty, Meekness, Humble
Humility Noun Humbleness Humility is the beginning of wisdom.
Sincerity (Adj)
- With some1 Compete with
20 teams are vying for the
- for something Verb someone for Contest, Contend
prestigious World Cup title this year.
- To do sth.
Date: 14-09-2023 Editorial – Unified approach (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Concerned Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Anarchy, Mayhem,
After the Taliban took over Kabul, (Wreak) Havoc,
Disorder, Chaotic
Chaos Noun there was an atmosphere of chaos Turmoil, Upheaval,
Lawlessness (Adj)
on the streets. Uproar, Shambles,
Pandemonium, Muddle
India’s smaller cities are a reservoir Pool, Stockpile,
Reservoir Noun A large storage
of untapped talent and potential. Repository
Caused by Global warming is anthropogenic
Anthropogenic Adj Anthropogenetic
humans and is slowly killing our ecosystem.
A home on a The family lived on a homestead and Settlement,
Homestead Noun
farmhouse owned several nearby orchards. Habitation, Habitat
Mutually Strong relationships thrive on the
Symbiosis Noun beneficial symbiosis of love, respect and Mutualism
relationship communication between people.
Date: 12-09-2023 Editorial – Time to Decide (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Kangaroos are indigenous to Aboriginal, Denizen, Indigenousness
Indigenous Adj Local, Native
Australia. Habitant (Noun)
Gag, Suppress,
Silence (Gala ghotna, The new law enacted by the
Choke, Stifle,
Muzzle Verb awaj dabana), Government aims at muzzling the
Restrain, Box in,
Suffocate freedom of speech.
Technology can be hazardous if it is Risky, Dicey, Perilous,
Hazardous Adj Dangerous
used without restraint and care. Precarious
Palatable The idea of ‘working woman’ is still
Ant- Adj Pleasant, Suitable not palatable to many rural
Toothsome, Savoury
Unpalatable households.
1. Destructive floods - About a million people lost their
2. Sudden emergence homes in the deluge.
Deluge Noun Downpour
of something in huge - The TV channel received a deluge of
- Avalanche, Barrage
amount complaints about the programme.
Date: 11-09-2023 Editorial – Secure and Fair (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Pinnacle, Zenith,
Success is the culmination of years of Culminate
Culmination Noun Endgame, Finalization Consummation,
practice and hard work. (Verb)
Omni-present, Ubiquity
Ubiquitous Adj Universal Plastic bags are ubiquitous. Pervasive, Ubiquitousness
Widespread (Noun)
Several Afghan nationals were seen
To make a hurried but Scramble
Scramble Verb scrambling towards the airport to Rush, Make haste
clumsy move (Noun)
leave the country.
Indian IT companies have made a
Footprint Noun Impression Imprint, Mark
footprint in the global markets.
Pernicious, Like a
High-blood pressure is an insidious
Insidious Adj Sneakingly dangerous snake in the grass,
condition which has few symptoms.
Date: 08-09-2023 Editorial – Building Consensus (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
The Global GDP has been
Head + wind An unfavourable
Noun experiencing headwinds of the Challenge, Difficulty
Ant- Tailwind condition
pandemic and high inflation.
Worsen, Aggravate,
To make matters The medicine exacerbated her Exasperate, Deteriorate, Exacerbation
Exacerbate Verb
worse symptoms. Retrograde, Retrogress, (Noun)
There is a tenuous difference Fragile, Slim,
Tenuous Adj Very thin, weak
between a soldier and a terrorist. Delicate, Flimsy
Equal at societal People have long dreamt of an
Egalitarian Adj Equalitarian
level, Classless egalitarian society.
Full of courage, Valiance
Valiant Adj Every dog is valiant at his own door. Brave, Gallant
Valour (Noun)
Date: 07-09-2023 Editorial – Petulant Intimidation (The Hindu)
Tone – Criticizing, Condemning Difficulty level – 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Our cantankerous neighbours are
Easily irritated, Petulant, Grumpy,
Cantankerous Adj used to picking gratuitous fights with
Petulant Tetchy, Crotchety
Full of contention - Abortion is a highly contentious
- Controversial issue all over the world. Combative, Disputative,
Contentious Adj
- Inclined to - Salman Rushdie is an author known Belligerent
disagree/dispute for his contentious style of writing.
Detrimental + Harmful, Injurious + Excessive inflation is always Deleterious + to, Detriment
to to detrimental to the overall economy. Pernicious + to (Noun)
To appease or flatter
Phrasal Rohit always plays up to his parents Curry favour with
Play up to someone to gain
Verb when he wants money. someone
their favour
- To cause Germinate, Generate,
Phrasal Continuous wars brought about a
Bring about something to Produce, Engender,
Verb huge amount of destruction.
occur Beget, Spawn, Breed
Date: 05-09-2023 Editorial – Tiers Apart: One Election (The Hindu)
Tone – Analytical Difficulty level – 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
They tried to look at the problem from Perception, Mindset,
Perspective Noun Viewpoint
a different perspective. outlook, panorama
Unjustified or The theory was found to be untenable Untenability
Un-tenable Adj Indefensible, illogical
Unacceptable and rejected. (Noun)
Appear from
Phrasal Originate from Materialize from
The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Emanate from
Verb Emerge from negligence of China.
Crop up from
Arise from
The Government should hold a
A public/popular
Plebiscite Noun plebiscite for approval on the farm Referendum
- A special offer, Making easy money has always been Premise, Hypothesis,
Proposition Noun
theory or situation an attractive proposition. Proposal
Date: 04-09-2023 Editorial – Indian Diaspora (The Hindu)
Tone – Optimistic Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Offspring (Pl) or
We are dooming our progeny by
Progeny Noun descendants of a The young
ruining our environment.
The group of people Immigrants,
living abroad and Indian diaspora in Texas gathered on
Diaspora Noun Migrants, Emigrants,
having common the roads to welcome PM Modi.
(At/In the) - The leading units of Pioneer,
+ an army Google and Meta are in the vanguard Cutting-edge,
- An inspiring first of our technology front. Avant-grade,
example Forefront, Trailblazer
The actor will make his foray into Foray
Foray Noun Attempt Endeavor
politics in the upcoming elections. (Verb)
- The prospect of intelligent life on
- To arouse curiosity other planets has always intrigued - Fascinate, Enchant,
- To make a secret Titillate Intriguing
Intrigue Verb scientists.
plot against - Conspire, Collude, (Adj)
- The men accused of intriguing
someone Machinate
against the king were executed.
Date: 01-09-2023 Editorial – Neighbours and Rivals (The Hindu)
Tone – Apologetic Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
There is always a chasm that separates
Chasm Noun Gap, Crack Divide, Fissure
one generation from the other.
To adopt or accept The world needs to embrace solar
Embrace Verb Espouse
someone energy to fight climate change.
Flirting, Love affair, Bill Clinton was impeached for his Dally
Dalliance Noun Espousal
Brief connection dalliance with a White House intern. (Verb)
Agreeableness, Affability,
Amiability, Friendliness,
After an argument, the atmosphere of
Bonhomie Noun Khushmijaji Geniality, Amenity,
bonhomie was suddenly gone.
Jolliness, Jollity,
The Minister’s acquittal from the court
Travesty Noun Satirical comedy Mockery, Parody, Farce
was a complete travesty of justice.
Date: 29-08-2023 Editorial – Sexual Education (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Shocking, Amazing, Stagger
Extremely For the past 30 years, the Indian economy Astounding,
Staggering Adj surprising and has grown at a staggering pace of 7-10% Stunning, Mind-
impressive per annum. boggling, Mind- To walk with
Her job as a secretary encompasses a Encapsulate, Cover, (Adj)
Encompass Verb To include in scope
wide range of responsibilities. Include
Mitigate, Dilution
To make
The promoters of the company have Adulterate, (Noun)
Dilute Verb something less
diluted their shareholding in the business. Attenuate, Water
intensive Diluted (Adj)
Bhagat Singh had an instrumental role in Conducive, Instrument
Instrumental Adj in fulfilling a
India’s freedom struggle. Assisting, Pivotal (Noun)
Noun/ An essential or It is an imperative that the Government Necessity, Imperatively
Adj urgent duty should cut down its import budget. Obligation, Exigency (Adverb)
Something taken A holistic approach to good health gives a Comprehensive,
Holistic Adj
as a whole lot emphasis on good diet and lifestyle. Entire
Date: 28-08-2023 Editorial – Talking about Talking (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Relating to The Government has ordered a Thoughtful,
Substantive Adj something important substantive investigation into the Deliberative,
or serious matter. Pensive
Equal + Animus His sense of humour allowed him to face
Equanimity Noun Composure,
Balance of mind adversaries with equanimity.
Tranquility, Peace
Quicken, hasten, Expeditious
Expedite/ To speed up We need to produce more vaccines to Accelerate, (Adj)
expediate (efficiently) expediate vaccination against the virus. rush through Expeditiously
(Negative) (Adverb)
Apparent Man-made pollution is the ostensible Evident, Seeming, Ostensibly
Ostensible Adj
(Jag-jahir) reason behind global warming. Clear (Adverb)
- What actually transpired in Arushi case
- To occur or take is still a mystery. Happen, Come
Transpire Verb place
- It has transpired that the IMF has about, Unfold
To come to light
rejected financial assistance to Pakistan.
Date: 26-08-2023 Editorial – Concrete Alliance (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
The convict did not evince any remorse Express, Manifest,
Evince Verb Show, Demonstrate
for his crime. Indicate
Face and withstand Small businesses usually fail to weather Endure, Resist, Weather
Weather Verb
something bravely the effects of inflation and recession. Overcome, Survive (Noun)
Imprint, Authority, Clout
The companies used their clout to
Clout Noun Influence, Sway Power, Domination,
influence the policy. (Verb)
Something in a Coherence
The testimony given by the witnesses
Coherent Adj logical order that Consistent, Logical
was not coherent. (Noun)
makes sense
Covert The soldier was on a clandestine mission Stealthy, Clandestinely
Adj Secret, hidden
Ant: Overt at an overseas location. Clandestine, (Adverb)
Date: 25-08-2023 Editorial – Easing Credit Flow (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Children with rich parents rarely
Seamy Seam
Adj Rough experience the seamy side of life in Harsh, unpleasant
Ant- Seamless (Noun)
their childhood.
Annoying, Vexing,
Something that The plot of the movie was confusing Pestering,
Irksome Adj
causes irritation and irksome.
Discouraging in Usurious, Discouraging,
The cost of property in metro cities is
Prohibitive Adj nature because of Prohibitory, Restrictive,
quite prohibitive.
being excessive Exorbitant
Exact, Accurate The management has issued precise (Noun)
Precise Adj Unambiguous, Precisely
(Sateek) directions for the workers.
- Businessmen fund political parties to
Noun/ Advantage, gain political leverage. Leverage
Leverage Authority
Verb Influence - You need to leverage your expertise (Verb)
to get a good job in today’s market.
Date: 22-08-2023 Editorial – From GDP to JDP (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Elon Musk is often extolled as the Applaud/Laud,
Extol Verb Praise highly
inventor of 21st century. Glorify, Honour, Exalt
Bread and butter, Fishing is the primary sustenance of the Support, Subsistence, Sustain
Sustenance Noun
Livelihood people living near the sea-shores. occupation (Verb)
Worsen, Aggravate,
To make matters The medicine exacerbated her Exacerbation
Exacerbate Verb Deteriorate,
worse symptoms. (Noun)
Retrogress, Regress
Bhagat Singh had an instrumental role in Conducive, Assisting, Instrument
Instrumental Adj in fulfilling a
India’s freedom struggle. Pivotal (Noun)
Full of care and Divers made a painstaking search of the Meticulous, Painstakingly
Painstaking Adj
effort debris of the crashed aircraft. Punctilious (Adverb)
Her job as a secretary encompasses a Encapsulate, Cover, (Adj)
Encompass Verb To include in scope
wide range of responsibilities. Include
Date: 21-08-2023 Editorial – Urban Dilemma (Times of India)
Tone – Concerned, Criticising Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

At the start of the second wave of the
A difficult situation pandemic, tha nation was in a
Dilemma Noun Quandary, Bind,
(Dharmsankat) dilemma over the necessity of lock-
Hobson's choice
Anarchy, Mayhem,
(Wreak) Havoc,
After the Taliban took over Kabul, there
Turmoil, Upheaval, Chaotic
Chaos Noun Disorder, Lawlessness was an atmosphere of chaos on the
Uproar, Shambles, (Adj)
They tried to look at the problem from
Perspective Noun Viewpoint Mindset, outlook,
a different perspective.
Several ambulances rushed towards
Frenetic Adj Wild and agitated Frantic, Frenzied
the accident spot at frenetic pace.
To make something The company has employed an
Phrasal Dress up, Tidy up,
Spruce up neat and well- advertising agency to spruce up its
Verb Titivate
groomed public image.
Date: 18-08-2023 Editorial – Noble Intentions (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Suggesting Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Dissemination of fake news is a Propagation, Disseminate
Dissemination Noun Spread, Circulation
punishable offense in India. Advertisement (Verb)

Phrasal To make someone Raju, our neighbour, roped in everyone Involve, Convince,
Rope in involve with
verb to help him move to his new house. trap
something (with force)
Maruti Suzuki manufactures cars to
Cater + to Verb Serve, Supply cater to the needs of middle and lower- Gratify, Pamper
middle class of India.
Inherent, Innate,
Integral Adj Inseparable Risk is integral in stock markets. Underlying,
Ratan Tata is known for his flair for
Flair Noun Natural talent or style Panache, Genius
business and clarity of vision.
Date: 17-08-2023 Editorial – Housing for all (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

The Centre and State governments
In tandem,
Co-ordinated and have started a concerted campaign Concertedness
Concerted Adj Synchronized,
preplanned to encourage people to get (Noun)
It is difficult to envisage the Envision, Imagine,
Envisage (Verb) Visualize, Picturize
consequences of another pandemic. Assume
Quicken, hasten, Expeditious
We need to produce more vaccines (Adj)
Expedite/ Accelerate,
Verb To speed up (efficiently) to expediate vaccination against the
expediate rush through Expeditiously
(Negative) (Adverb)
Phrasal To surrender something We had to fork out Rs. 500 in Shell out,
Fork out
Verb to someone penalties for not wearing a mask. Cough up
Law is never foolproof and is often Flaw-less, Infallible,
Foolproof Adj misused by some miscreants of our Unassailable,
society. Impeccable,
Date: 16-08-2023 Editorial – From the Ramparts (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
(1) Law is the bulwark of society.
Dependable support, Mainstay, Rampart,
(2) The France-made Rafale
Bulwark Noun Defensive boundary Parapet, Bedrock,
aircraft are our strongest bulwark
(Sahara) Linchpin, Fencing
against the enemy.
Insecure people tend to
Exaggerate Verb Overstate exaggerate their virtues and hide Embellish, Overestimate
their vices.
Something very strong Daunting, Intimidating,
Three people lost their lives while
and impressive because Fearsome, Terrifying, Formidability
Formidable Adj accomplishing the formidable task
it is very difficult and A tall task/order, (Noun)
of scaling this mountain.
fearsome Herculean
Anarchy, Mayhem, Havoc,
After the Taliban took over Kabul,
Turmoil, Upheaval, Chaotic
Chaos Noun Disorder, Lawlessness there was an atmosphere of chaos
Uproar, Shambles, (Adj)
on the streets.
Pandemonium, Muddle
To add or mix different Successful refrain from conflating Merge, Combine,
Conflate Verb
things professional and personal life. Fuse
Date: 15-08-2023 Editorial – Contentious Criteria (The Hindu)
Tone –Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
- The RBI’s primary mandate is to balance
-(Noun) Order, Command
Noun/ inflation and economic growth.
Mandate (Verb) To make
Verb - Our Constitution mandates that everyone is
something mandatory
equal in the eyes of the law.
Allocate or assign The Government has earmarked ₹520 crores Reserve,
Earmark Verb
something for a purpose for a possible third wave of the virus. appropriate
The island nation is going through extremely
Circumstance Noun Situation, Condition Context
dangerous circumstances.
The old man calmed a violent crowd with his Judiciousness, Prudent
Prudence Noun Wisdom, Carefulness
prudence. Discretion (Adj)
Photographs are a tool to capture the essence Crux, Gist,
Essence Noun (Saar)
of a situation. Nitty-gritty
Date: 14-08-2023 Editorial – Think, then Act (The Times of India)
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

The genesis of the COVID-19 outbreak
Genesis Noun Beginning was traced back to China, where the first Commencement
cases were identified.
Grapple with, Tackle,
Phrasal Deal with, Put up Contending with failure and turning it
Contend with Face, Wrestle with,
Verb with into success is the art of living.
Cope with
- The court has set aside the provision of
Set aside • Cancel, reservation for Marathas for State • Strike down, Quash,
Phrasal ignore Abrogate, Repeal,
Lay aside Government jobs.
Verb • Save for - All of us should set aside a portion of our
Put aside
future • Save
income for future.
Space is filled with unknown stars and
Uncharted Adj Unexplored Unmapped
uncharted galaxies.
Indian Judicial system has a huge backlog
Backlog Noun Pendency Accumulation, Stockpile
of cases to hear.
Date: 11-08-2023 Editorial – Superconducting Hype (The Hindu)
Tone – Scientific, Realistic Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Paradoxical, Satirical, Irony
The promoters of the company have (Noun)
Comical, Sardonic,
Ironic Adj Sarcastic made an ironic decision of the selling their
Anomalous, Ironically
Contradictory (Adverb)
Scammers nowadays are using
Sophisticated Refined, Advanced, Sophisticate
Adj sophisticated technology to cheat in their
Opp- Rustic Nuanced Doctored up (Verb)
Exact, Accurate The management has issued precise Precision
Precise Adj Unambiguous,
(Sateek) directions for the workers. (Noun)
Contaminate, Tainted
The capitalism is very often accused of (Adj)
Vitiate Verb Corrupt Pollute, Ruin,
vitiating the social fabric of a nation. Vitiation
Adulterate, Taint
Date: 10-08-2023 Editorial – That 70’s show (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Appear from
Phrasal Originate from Materialize from
The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Emanate from
Verb Emerge from negligence of China.
Crop up from
Arise from
Usain Bolt has set a gold standard for Mastery, Dexterity,
Prowess Noun Mastery
athletic prowess. Expertise
- The Government has deferred its plans
- Delay, Postpone to sell its stake in the Indian Railways.
Defer Verb Put off, Hold off
- Pay respect + to - Politicians should always defer to the
needs and aspirations of the electorate.
Quicken, hasten, Expeditious
Expedite/ To speed up We need to produce more vaccines to Accelerate, (Adj)
expediate (efficiently) expediate vaccination against the virus. rush through Expeditiously
(Negative) (Adverb)
(1) To remember (1) Some old people always hark back to
Hark back + Phrasal the past how things were 30 years ago. Remind, Recall,
to Verb (2) To cause to (2) This new style harks back to the Be reminiscent of
remember the past fashion of 60’s.
Predicting a bad A crash in crude oil prices is foreboding Ominous, Forebode
Ant: Adj
omen (अपशगुन) for the global economy. Portentous (Verb)
Date: 09-08-2023 Editorial – Falling short (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

The committee came up with another
Version, A repeated
Iteration Noun iteration of the rules that were
acceptable to all stakeholders.
Elbow room,
Extra cash flow in the business will
Leeway Noun Freedom, Scope Latitude, Margin,
provide leeway to our operations.
Disagreement, The divergence between the incomes
Deviation, Diverge
Divergence Noun Difference, of the rich and the poor seems to be
Dissimilarity, (Verb)
Discontent increasing.
Departure, Disparity
A meeting was called to iron out the Reconcile,
Phrasal Harmonize,
Iron out Resolve, Settle differences between the management
and the workers. Smooth over
Get rid of, Shed,
Phrasal To get rid of The killers tried to dispose of the body Eradicate, abolish
Dispose of something
Verb by throwing it in a river. Do away with,
To settle something
Dispense with
Date: 07-08-2023 Editorial – Rap on the knuckles (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

- Casual and
Rash drivers are careless of their own
unprovoked - Reckless, Wasteful
Wanton Adj safety and show wanton disregard for
- Casual in sexual - Promiscuous, Lustful
the safety of everyone else.
Lack of concern or Disinterest,
Indifference to your career can cost Nonchalance, Indifferent
Indifference Noun emotions for
you dearly. (Adj)
something Apathy, Callousness
A source of evil and Drunk drivers are menace to everyone Peril, Danger, Menacing
Menace Noun
danger on the road. Threat, Warning (Adj)
Marriage has been a sacrosanct Inviolable, Sacred,
Sacrosanct Adj Holy and pure
institution. Sanctified
Pleasant way of ‘Senior citizen’ is a euphemism for ‘old Genteelism,
Euphemism Noun
saying something person’. Circumlocution
Date: 04-08-2023 Editorial – Strike Three (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Concerned Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Appear from
Phrasal Originate from Materialize from
The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Emanate from
Verb Emerge from negligence of China.
Crop up from
Arise from
The battle has reached a crucial
Juncture Noun Turning point Crossroads
The act of deliberate
The police have formed a special task
destruction of Vandalize
Vandalism Noun force to deal with rising vandalism and Hooliganism
public/private (Verb)
arson in the city.
The world’s investigative agencies are
In tandem Adverb In close co-operation working in tandem to figure out the
In concert with
origin of the Covid-19 virus.
A group of similar
people (by age, The initial cohort of patients have Contingent,
Cohort Noun
profession or other safely recovered from the disease. Regiment, Delegation
Date: 02-08-2023 Editorial – Supreme Indictment (The Hindu)
Tone – Criticizing, Censuring Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Listless, lethargic,
Lacking spirit, half- Competitive Exams of India can’t be
Lackadaisical Adj Languid, laid-back,
hearted cracked with a lackadaisical approach.
Shamelessly Brazenness
Brazen Adj She is in the habit of telling brazen lies. Insolent, Impudent
disgraceful (Noun)
Some policemen connived with the
To get involved in a Connivance
Connive Verb prisoners and helped them escape the Conspire, Collude
secret plot (Noun)
The perpetrators of the crime were still Perpetrate
Perpetrator Noun A wrongdoer Culprit, Miscreant
at large. (Verb)
The boredom is the trigger for
Ant: Novel, Adj Boring, Monotonous Humdrum, Banal
Date: 01-08-2023 Editorial – Chip Tactics (The Hindu)
Tone – Optimistic, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Khule aam + The Government has faced blatant
Blatant Adj Cacophonous,
jor shor se criticism over the three farm bills.
Vehement, Fierce
- The new discovery may unravel the
- Solve, Become clear
mystery surrounding blackholes. - Sort out, Unfold
Unravel Verb - Come/Become
- The economy is unravelling because - Ruin, Sink
of the ongoing recession.
Receive (Verb)
Open and welcoming The team was not very receptive to the Amenable,
Receptive Adj Reception
to something new ideas of the management. Responsive
To motivate/push Increasing rate of crime against women
Goad, Nudge, Push,
Prod Verb someone to do has prodded the policymaker into
something making harsher laws.
Noun/ Knee-jerk responses are generally Impulsive, Sudden,
Knee-jerk A sudden reaction
Adj damaging in the long term. Spontaneous
Date: 28-07-2023 Editorial – India’s Roaring Twenties (The Hindu)
Tone – Optimistic (Sanguine) Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Bail is granted at the discretion of Discretionary
Discretion Noun Judgment (Manmarji) Wisdom, Prudence
the court. (Adj)
The GDP of the nation has been Blossom, Mushroom,
Burgeon Verb To grow and prosper burgeoning at a quick pace for last 2 Thrive, Flourish,
decades. Spring up
Imprint, Authority,
The companies used their clout to Clout
Clout Noun Influence, Sway Power, Domination,
influence the policy. (Verb)
Maruti Suzuki manufactures cars to
Cater + to Verb Serve, Supply cater to the needs of middle and Gratify, Pamper
lower-middle class of India.
Economic reforms of 1992 were
Not improving/ Dying, Perishing,
Moribund Adj necessary to revive a moribund
growing/changing Rotting, Stagnant
Date: 27-07-2023 Editorial – Resilient, but Just (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Concerned Difficulty level – 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Uni + lateral Relationships can never be One-sided,
Unilateral Adj
(Ek tarafa) unilateral. Lopsided
A structure with roof The whole political and social edifice
Edifice Noun Framework, Monument
and pillars of the nation is about to collapse.
Most people don’t have savings
Phrasal To survive through a enough to tide over a tough period Survive, Endure,
Tide over
verb difficult period of 2-3 months without their monthly Withstand
Small businesses usually fail to
Face and withstand Endure, Resist, Weather
Weather Verb weather the effects of inflation and
something bravely Overcome, Survive (Noun)

Reel from/ Phrasal To go through a Our economy is still reeling Falter, Stagger,
difficult time because
under Verb from/under the Covid-19 pandemic. Lurch, Flounder
of something
Rumours of the couple’s secret
Abound Verb To be in abundance Proliferate
marriage abound.
Date: 26-07-2023 Editorial – Welcome Development (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming, Concerned Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

- A very virulent form of the disease
o Extremely Pernicious, Malignant,
has appeared in Africa. Virulence
Virulent Adj poisonous Toxic, Hostile,
- China is a virulent critic of the (Noun)
o Very harsh Noxious, Venomous
American sanctions on Iran.
Trapped (Daldal me The world economy is mired in the Quagmire
Mired Adj Frozen, Entangled
fansa) Covid-19-induced recession. (Noun)
Covid-19 lock downs have brought in Implication, Side-
Repercussion Noun Bad consequence severe economic repercussions for effects, Fallout,
Sri Lanka. Ramification
People well versed in the String
Well versed Adj Well informed/read Theory expect to find the ‘God’ Scholarly
equation by the end of the decade.
We need to produce more vaccines Quicken, hasten,
Expedite/ To speed up (Adj)
Verb to expediate vaccination against the Accelerate,
expediate (efficiently) Expeditiously
virus. rush through (Negative)
Date: 25-07-2023 Editorial – Still Incomplete (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Phrasal Sometimes small incidents spark off Ignite, kindle, instigate, Spark
Spark off Provoke, incite
Verb huge crises. Stimulate, Catalyse (Noun)
Most island nations survive on
Maritime Adj Relating to sea/navy Aquatic
maritime trade.
Several glaring errors in your writing
Flagrant, Noticeable,
Glaring Adj Obvious, Apparent leave a bad impression on the
Conspicuous, Blatant
Discussion to solve a Parley
The USA and the Taliban are engaged Negotiation, Talks,
Parley Noun dispute or
into fruitless parleys. dialogue (Verb)
Despite differences, European
Amicable Adj Friendly and cordial countries have learned to coexist Congenial, Affable
Date: 24-07-2023 Editorial – Unfiltered truth (The Hindu)
Tone – Revealing, Sarcastic Difficulty level – 8.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Economic privation often pushes the Penury, Destitution, Deprive
Deprivation Noun Privation, Poverty
poor towards crime. Hardship, Neediness (Verb)
The new law has been accused of
Hyperexcited, Overzealous-
Overzealous Adj overzealous surveillance of the Fanatic
Hyperactive ness (Noun)
Talk that looks hi-fi but Despite the rhetoric about reforms, Magniloquence, Rhetorical
Rhetoric Noun
turns out empty little has changed so far. Balderdash, (Adj)
To make something
Phrasal The politician tried to play down his Belittle, Diminish, Make
Play down look less important,
Verb role in the scam. light of
Abhorrent, Disgusting,
Repugnant, Heinous,
Exceptionally bad and Child- rape is the most abominable Abominate
Abominable Adj Egregious, Gruesome,
distasteful crime. (Verb)
Macabre, Dreadful,
Date: 22-07-2023 Editorial – Clear-headed Approach (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

A civilized society should eschew Eschewal
Eschew Verb Stay away from, Avoid Shun, Shy away from
violence. (Noun)
Break out Phrasal Education has helped millions
Escape Flee, Leave
of Verb break out of poverty.
- Hammer out,
1) To make something successful
(1) New Delhi has forged alliances Thrash out,
by putting in efforts.
with all major western powers. Construct, Negotiate
2) To make an illegal copy of a Forgery
Forge Verb
document. (2) He was accused of forging the - Falsify, Fabricate, (Noun)
3) To shape a metal by heating property documents of his uncle. Tamper with,
and hammering. Manipulate
Genocide, Bloodbath,
Noun/ Civil wars often give birth to Massacre
Massacre Carnage, Bloodshed Pogrom, Ethnic
Verb massacres. (Verb)
Increasing rate of crime against
To motivate/push someone to women has prodded the Goad, Nudge, Push,
Prod Verb
do something policymaker into making harsher Elbow
Date: 20-07-2023 Editorial – The Missing Numbers (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Something in a Coherence
The testimony given by the witnesses
Coherent Adj logical order that Consistent, Logical
was not coherent. (Noun)
makes sense
Subtle difference A good teacher should know the Nuanced
Nuance Noun Subtlety, Refinement
(Bareeki) nuances of his subject. (Adj)
• Lead to, Imply Entailing
Financial frauds entail harsh
En + tail Verb • Necessitate, Result in, Implicate Entailed
punishment in Islamic regimes.
Warrant (Adj)
Something Protective,
Russia has threatened to launch a pre-
Pre-emptive Adj precautionary in
emptive nuclear strike on Ukraine. Deterrent
Government Mandarins have hinted at the
Mandarins Noun Bureaucrat
officials possibility of another Covid lockdown.
Date: 19-07-2023 Editorial – An anachronism (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Conservative customs are Anachronism
Anachronistic Adj chronologically Obsolete
anachronistic in a modern society. (Noun)
Insecure people tend to exaggerate Embellish, Exaggeration
Exaggerate Verb Overstate
their virtues and hide their vices. Overestimate (Noun)
Strong feeling of Much to his chagrin, he came last in Humiliating
Chagrin Noun Humiliation
embarrassment the race. (Adj)
Extremely heavy in The teacher gave an onerous
Burdensome, Onus
Onerous Adj burden, difficult to assignment to the students as
Arduous (Noun)
perform homework.
Shocking, Amazing, Stagger
For the past 30 years, the Indian Astounding,
Extremely surprising (Verb)
Staggering Adj economy has grown at a staggering Stunning, Mind-
and impressive To walk with
pace of 7-10% per annum. boggling, Mind-
Date: 18-07-2023 Editorial – Eye on Emirati Flows (The Hindu)
Tone – Analytical Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

People make the mistake of not
Phrasal To take something
Factor in factoring in the value of their time
Verb into consideration
while engaging in leisure activities.
- Introduction
- Drinks were overture to dinner. Prelude, Preface,
Overture Noun - A proposal/
- She rejected his friendly overtures. Precursor
Raising the interest rates is the only
An approach or
Avenue Noun avenue that the central banks are left Route, Boulevard
path to something
with to curb inflation.
Appear from
Materialize from
Phrasal Originate from The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Emanate from
Verb Emerge from negligence of China. Crop up from
Arise from
Rash drivers are often not cognizant
Conscious, Cognizance
Cognisant Adj Aware, Informed of the danger they cause to the lives
Knowing, Mindful (Noun)
of others.
Date: 17-07-2023 Editorial – Cities in a shambles (The Times of India)
Tone – Analytical Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Incongruous/ Out of place, A huge shopping mall in the middle of Unfitting, Inconsistent, Incongruence
Incongruent Incompatible a village looked incongruous. Misplaced (Noun)
Thanks to a robust financial
ecosystem, Indian economy managed Sturdy, Tough,
Robust Adj Strong
to withstand major economic Powerful, Well-built
recessions of the past.
Bread and butter, Fishing is the primary sustenance of Support, Subsistence, Sustain
Sustenance Noun
Livelihood the people living near the sea-shores. occupation (Verb)
The ability to Indian economy’s resilience helped us Resilient
Resilience Noun
bounce back cope with the recession of 2009. (Adj)
Anarchy, Mayhem,
Havoc, Turmoil,
After the Taliban took over Kabul,
Disorder, Upheaval, Uproar, Chaotic
Chaos Noun there was an atmosphere of chaos on
Lawlessness Shambles, (Adj)
the streets.
Date: 14-07-2023 Editorial – Unveiling the enigma (The Hindu)
Tone – Analytical, Philosophical Difficulty level – 100/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Equipment or Astronauts need to take special Device,
Apparatus Noun instruments for a breathing apparatus with them into Mechanism,
purpose the space. Paraphernalia
Photographs are a tool to capture the Crux, Gist,
Essence Noun (Saar)
essence of a situation. Nitty-gritty
Her dreams of being independent Manifestation
Become real Realize, Materialize, (Noun)
Manifest Verb manifested with her selection for the
(Avatar lena) Actualize
job. (Avataar)
Language and culture transcend
Transcend Verb To go beyond Surpass
India fought a long struggle to attain Deliverance, Emancipate
Emancipation Noun Freedom
emancipation. Liberation (Verb)
Date: 13-07-2023 Editorial – Undermining Autonomy (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned, Criticizing Difficulty level – 10/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

- Doctors have observed piecemeal
Adj/ - Partial and gradual improvement in the patient.
Adverb - Step-by-step - The reforms are being implemented
in a piecemeal fashion.
The act of looking back Retrospection is precursor to (Verb)
Retrospection Noun Hindsight, Review
at the past events hindsight. Retrospective
60 is the age of superannuation for
• Retirement
Superannuation Noun the employees of the Central
• Retirement fund
- The court has set aside the provision
Set aside of reservation for Marathas for State - Strike down, Quash,
Lay aside
Phrasal • Cancel, ignore Government jobs. Abrogate, Interdict
Verb • Save for future - All of us should set aside a portion of
Put aside - Save
our income for future.
Helpful/supportive in Bhagat Singh had an instrumental Conducive, Assisting, Instrument
Instrumental Adj
fulfilling a purpose role in India’s freedom struggle. Pivotal (Noun)
Date: 12-07-2023 Editorial – Green washing (The Hindu)
Tone – Analytical, Concerned Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Economic reforms of 1992 were
Not improving/ Dying, Perishing,
Moribund Adj necessary to revive a moribund
growing/changing Rotting, Stagnant
o Calculate and come
It is reckoned that India’s economy Reckoning (N)
Reckon Verb to an understanding Suppose, Estimate
will be the second largest by 2050. Calculation
Believe, Assume
A home on a The family lived on a homestead and Settlement,
Homestead Noun
farmhouse owned several nearby orchards. Habitation
Very strict or Army schools are known for their Stringent, Rigid, Rigour
Rigorous Adj
burdensome rigorous discipline. Harsh, Stern (Noun)
Small garden The family lived on a homestead and
Orchard Noun Plantation, Grove
(Bageecha) owned several nearby orchards.
Date: 11-07-2023 Editorial – Second moonshot (The Hindu)
Tone – Praising, Welcoming Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Developing nations strive to replicate Replica
Replicate Verb Copy, Duplicate Simulate, Repeat
the industrial boom of the West. (Noun)
Tactics, Manoeuvre The party was accused of several Plotting, Cabal,
Machination Noun
(Danv-pech) machinations to secure the elections. Conspiracy, Ploy
Pinnacle, Zenith,
Success is the culmination of years of Culminate
Culmination Noun Endgame, Finalization Consummation,
practice and hard work. (Verb)
Accomplishment, The Statue of Unity is a remarkable
Feat Noun Performance
Achievement feat of engineering.
Every writer’s writing provide a
A social setting or
Milieu Noun glimpse of his social and economic
Date: 10-07-2023 Editorial – An incomplete reform (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

The biggest constraint in expansion of
Constraint Noun A limitation a company’s business is lack of
The two leaders had a tryst on the
Tryst Noun A brief meeting Date, A Rendezvous
sidelines of the conference.
To go through a
Reel from/ Phrasal Our economy is still reeling Falter, Stagger,
difficult time because
under Verb from/under the Covid-19 pandemic. Lurch
of something
- To keep something o Winning the match buoyed the
team. Encourage, Support, Buoyant – Full
cheerful and lively of liveliness
Buoy Verb Boost, Bolster,
- To keep something The salty water buoyed her as she
Undergird, Underpin (Adj)
floating swam towards the sea-shore.
Quicken, hasten, Expeditious
We need to produce more vaccines Accelerate, (Adj)
Expedite/ To speed up
Verb to expediate vaccination against the
expediate (efficiently) rush through Expeditiously
(Negative) (Adverb)
Date: 07-07-2023 Editorial – Limits of expansion (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Reiterate, emphasize,
Ingeminate The prisoner ingeminated his request Ingemination
Verb To repeat something echo, Harp on
In + geminate for mercy before the judge. (Noun)
Nowadays, CCTV footage is
Something that cannot Undeniable,
Irrefutable Adj considered irrefutable evidence of
be refuted/denied Incontestable,
the crime.
Each country needs to introspect on
Intro + Spect Reflect on, Ponder, Introspection
Introspect Verb its actions before blaming others for
To look inside Self-examine (Noun)
the problem of climate change.
Developing nations strive to replicate Replica
Replicate Verb Copy, Duplicate Simulate, Repeat
the industrial boom of the West. (Noun)
Law is never foolproof and is often Flaw-less, Infallible,
Foolproof Adj misused by some miscreants of our Unassailable,
society. Impeccable,
Date: 06-07-2023 Editorial – Diminishing returns (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

The Indian PM is to launch an
ambitious $2 billion PLI scheme to Aspirational, Ambition
Ambitious Adj Aiming very high
give boost to small exporters of the Earnest (Noun)
An official report of G-7 communique focused on Russia’s Proclamation,
Communique Noun
joint statement aggression against Ukraine. Statement
1) To make something
successful by putting - Hammer out,
in efforts. (1) New Delhi has forged alliances Thrash out,
2) To make an illegal with all major western powers. Construct, Negotiate
Forge Verb copy of a document.
(2) He was accused of forging the - Falsify, Fabricate,
3) To shape a metal by Tamper with,
property documents of his uncle.
heating and Manipulate
The US waged a world-wide war
Fanaticism, Extreme Radicalism, Zealotry, Extremist
Extremism Noun against extremism after the 9/11
behaviour Jingoism (Noun)
Imprint, Authority,
The companies used their clout to Clout
Clout Noun Influence, Sway Power, Domination,
influence the policy. (Verb)
Date: 04-07-2023 Editorial – Clearing the water (The Hindu)
Tone – Commending, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Most of the water in oceans is not
Potable Adj Suitable for drinking Drinkable
- Service sector accounts for 55% of
Phrasal the Indian GDP.
Account for -To be responsible for
Verb - Every criminal has to account for
his/her crimes in the court of the law.
A period of time Under Trump’s tenure, the US started Tenured
Tenure Noun Reign, Stint
(karyakal) a cold-war with China. (Adj)
Emphasize, Stress,
The teacher underscored the need for Accentuate,
Underscore Verb Highlight Throw light upon,
hard work.
Bring to the fore

- At year ending, bank employees are Overwhelming

To submerge (Adj)
overwhelmed with work.
something in Meaning:
- The sudden rains overwhelmed
Over + (with water) the entire city. Excessive
Verb • Work - Loss of loved ones can overwhelm
whelm • In general
• Water (with emotions) anyone.
• Emotions • Water
- The team overwhelmed • Emotions
• Dominance (dominated) the opponents. • Work… etc.
Date: 03-07-2023 Editorial – Making disability count (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Nowadays, CCTV footage is
Something that cannot Undeniable,
Irrefutable Adj considered irrefutable evidence of
be refuted/denied Incontestable,
the crime.
The placement of unquestionable
blind faith in any political sect is Misleading, Erroneously
Erroneous Adj Wrong, Incorrect
inherently erroneous and gives rise to Fallacious, Inaccurate (Adverb)
Several glaring errors in your writing Flagrant, Noticeable,
Glaring Adj Obvious, Apparent
leave a bad impression on the readers. Conspicuous, Blatant
It is considered churlish to take
Churlish Adj Ill-natured, Rude pictures of strangers without their
explicit permission.
Minutia Sometimes we get stuck with minutia
Noun A minor detail Trivia
Pl- Minutiae and lose sight of the bigger picture.
Date: 30-06-2023 Editorial – Climate Army (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Financial frauds entail harsh Entailed
En + tail Verb Lead to, Imply Result in, Implicate
punishment in Islamic regimes.
The police were finally able to nab the Elude
Elusive Adj Difficult to catch Evasive, Slippery
elusive thieves. (Verb)
Powerful vested interests are
Vested Adj Hidden, veiled opposing the developmental projects Clothed, Ulterior
in this area.
Police should not use coercion, while
Coercion Compulsion, Coercive (Adj)
Noun Pressure, Force questioning people accused in civil
(davab) Intimidation, Duress Coerce (Verb)
Noun A cover/mask to hide The comedian concealed her sorrow Façade, Camouflage,
Fig leaf
Phrase something behind the fig leaf of a smiling face. Disguise
Date: 29-06-2023 Editorial – Friends and benefits (The Times of India)
Tone – Optimistic Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Photographs are a tool to capture the Crux, Gist,
Essence Noun (Saar)
essence of a situation. Nitty-gritty
- The new discovery may unravel the
- Solve, Become clear mystery surrounding blackholes. - Sort out, Unfold
Unravel Verb
- Become undone - The economy is unravelling because - Ruin, Sink
of the ongoing recession.
Con +
vergence Covid-19 vaccines are the result of
Agreement, Merging, Converge
Noun convergence of many streams of
Opp- Concurrence Confluence (Verb)
- Well- Something that cannot India’s economic rise seemed quite
Adj Unthinkable,
conceived be imagined inconceivable 20 years ago.
India’s status of world’s fastest
Testament Noun Evidence, Witness growing economy is a testament to its
rising demographic dividend.
Elbow room,
Extra cash flow in the business will
Leeway Noun Freedom, Scope Latitude, Margin,
provide leeway to our operations.
Date: 28-06-2023 Editorial – Spring Cleaning (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

To keep something She anchored her hope on her friends’ Anchor
Anchor Verb Stabilize
firm and fixed help. (Noun)
1) To make something
successful by putting - Hammer out,
in efforts. (1) New Delhi has forged alliances Thrash out,
2) To make an illegal with all major western powers. Construct, Negotiate
Forge Verb copy of a document.
(2) He was accused of forging the - Falsify, Fabricate,
3) To shape a metal by Tamper with,
property documents of his uncle.
heating and Manipulate
Several navy ships are trying to
Debris Noun Remains of something recover the debris of the crashed
Wreckage, Remnant
Protesters had not anticipated such a
Anticipate Verb Visualize in advance harsh response from the Predict, Forecast
Shalini had a showdown with her boss
Showdown Noun Confrontation Face-off, Stand-off
over a pay hike.
Date: 27-06-2023 Editorial – Rebellion in Russia (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Children, by nature, have short-
Short-lived Ephemeral,
Adj Lasting a very short time lived spells of anger and
(Nashwar) Intransient
Putin is facing a rebellion from his
Rebellion Noun A revolt Insurgency,
own private army.
Mutiny, Rebellion
Phrasal A retired judge will preside over the Oversee, Reign
Preside over Supervise
verb committee. over, Govern
Strong feeling of Much to his chagrin, he came last in Humiliating
Chagrin Noun Humiliation
embarrassment the race. (Adj)
Date: 26-06-2023 Editorial – Go for the money (The Times of India)
Tone – Suggesting, Optimistic Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

All software companies of 90’s tried to Emulation
Emulate Verb To mimic, try to match follow suit,
emulate Microsoft. (Noun)
Catch up with
(1) Hoarding and black marketing is a Endeavour,
Noun/ A risky attempt/ business, risky venture (Noun). investment,
Venture experiment,
Verb to take a chance (Verb) (2) A few fishermen ventured into the
stormy waters and lost their lives. adventure
The most pertinent concern for
Pertinent Adj Relevant Europe today is an energy crisis in
At the start of the second wave of the
A difficult situation pandemic, tha nation was in a
Dilemma Noun Quandary, Bind,
(Dharmsankat) dilemma over the necessity of lock-
Hobson's choice
Our world needs to tap into solar and
Phrasal Tap or Faucet
Tap into To utilize nuclear energy to reduce carbon Exploit
Verb (Noun)
The old man calmed a violent crowd Judiciousness, Prudent
Prudence Noun Wisdom, Carefulness
with his prudence. Discretion (Adj)
Date: 23-06-2023 Editorial – Spiralling violence (The Hindu)
Tone – Analytical, Criticizing Difficulty level – 10/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

(1) Some old people always hark back
(1) To remember the past
Hark back + Phrasal to how things were 30 years ago. Remind, Recall,
(2) To cause to remember
to Verb (2) This new style harks back to the Be reminiscent of
the past
fashion of 60’s.
Freedom/exemption from
Criminals bribe the police to gain
Impunity Noun punishment even before
impunity against the law.
committing a crime
The Government retaliated by (Noun)
To fight back, give a Strike back,
Retaliate Verb throwing the violent protestors into
counter reply Pushback Retaliatory
The GDP of the nation has been
Burgeon Verb To grow and prosper burgeoning at a quick pace for last 2 Thrive, Flourish,
Spring up
The pandemic has snowballed into an
Snowball Verb To get out of control Spiral
international disaster.
Date: 22-06-2023 Editorial – Hate and State (The Hindu)
Tone – Critical, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Worsen, Aggravate,
The medicine exacerbated her Exacerbation
Exacerbate Verb To make matters worse Deteriorate,
symptoms. (Noun)
Retrogress, Regress
Radioactive waste can cause
Adulteration, Contaminate
Contamination Noun Impurity contamination in the air and water
Pollution (Verb)
in its vicinity.
- Severe criticism - Censure
The growth of the company was - Restraint
Stricture Noun - A situation/rule that
hampered by financial strictures.
restricts your behaviour
1) To make something - Hammer out,
successful by putting in Thrash out,
(1) New Delhi has forged alliances
efforts. Construct,
with all major western powers.
2) To make an illegal Negotiate
Forge Verb
copy of a document. (2) He was accused of forging the
3) To shape a metal by - Falsify, Fabricate,
property documents of his uncle. Tamper with,
heating and
hammering. Manipulate
People with co-morbidities such as
Co-existence of two or
Co-morbidity Noun diabetes and blood pressure should
more diseases
get vaccinated first.
Date: 21-06-2023 Editorial – A Welcome Step (The Hindu)
Tone – Optimistic, Sanguine Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Shalini had a showdown with her boss
Showdown Noun Confrontation Face-off, Stand-off
over a pay hike.
Full of contention - Abortion is a highly contentious issue
- Controversial all over the world.
Contentious Adj Disputative,
- Inclined to - Salman Rushdie is an author known for
disagree/dispute his contentious style of writing.
The rancor between the two families has Animosity, Rancorous
Rancour Noun Hatred kept them from talking to each other for
Bitterness, Distaste, (Adj)
Raising the interest rates is the only
An approach or
Avenue Noun avenue that the central banks are left Route, Boulevard
path to something
with to curb inflation.
Talk that looks hi-fi Despite the rhetoric about reforms, little Magniloquence, Rhetorical
Rhetoric Noun
but turns out empty has changed so far. Balderdash, (Adj)
Date: 20-06-2023 Editorial – Safety first (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting, Concerned Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

o Every Indian state is a
o One of the parts
constituent part of the nation.
of the whole Component, Constitute
Constituent Noun o His constituent voted him in
o A voter of a Ingredient, factor (Verb)
power for the fourth
consecutive time
The perpetrators of the crime were Perpetrate
Perpetrator Noun A wrongdoer Culprit, Miscreant
still at large. (Verb)
A government
The RBI is the watchdog of liquidity Superintendent,
Watchdog Noun agency that
and inflation. Warden, Overseer,
regulates a task
Radioactive waste can cause
Adulteration, Contaminate
Contamination Noun Impurity contamination in the air and water
Pollution (Verb)
in its vicinity.
Date: 19-06-2023 Editorial – New Power Paradigms (Dawn Newspaper)
Tone – Analytical Difficulty level – 10/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

- A perfect example - India is a paradigm of a stable
Prototype, Epitome,
of something democracy.
Paradigm Noun Paragon, Exemplar,
System, - Education can change the social
Arrangement paradigm of any country.
Chinese foreign policy is entirely built on
Authority, Command, (leader)
Hegemony Noun Leadership the vision of establishing a global Hegemonic
Domination, Helm
The GDP of the nation has been Blossom, Mushroom,
To grow and Thrive, Flourish,
Burgeon Verb burgeoning at a quick pace for last 2
decades. Spring up
Something very Daunting, Intimidating,
strong and Three people lost their lives while Fearsome, Terrifying,
Formidable Adj impressive because accomplishing the formidable task of
A tall task/order, (Noun)
it is very difficult scaling this mountain.
and fearsome
Shamelessly Brazenness
Brazen Adj She is in the habit of telling brazen lies. Insolent, Impudent
disgraceful (Noun)
The accused killer remained steadfast in
Stubborn, loyal, Unyielding, Steadfastness
Steadfast Adj his belief that he had done the right
Firm Unflinching, staunch (Noun)
thing to kill a criminal.
Date: 16-06-2023 Editorial – Code Red (The Hindu)
Tone – Analytical, Concerned Difficulty level – 9.5/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

The people of the nation have shown Absolute, Unequivocal,
Categorical Adj Clear-cut their categorical support to the elected Unqualified,
Government. Unambiguous
Phrasal To cause something Continuous wars brought about a huge Generate, Produce,
Bring about
Verb to occur amount of destruction. Engender, Beget,
Spawn, Breed
The court found the accountant guilty,
inasmuch as he concealed the
Inasmuch as Phrase To the extent
wrongdoings of the company
Job security is the overarching concern Overall,
Overarching Adj Main, Dominant
of the majority of protestors. Overshadowing

Noun/ A prejudice that Prohibited,

Discussions about mental illnesses are
Taboo prohibits mention
Adj still a taboo in conservative societies. Forbidden
/use of something
Something that Global warming is doing irreversible Irreversibility
Irreversible Adj Indelible,
cannot be reversed damage to our environment. (Noun)
Date: 15-06-2023 Editorial – Base Boost (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Weaken, Paralyze,
Protracted strikes have debilitated the Cripple, Undermine, Debilitating
Debilitate Verb Make weak
industry. Impair, Hollow out, (Adj)
Make someone feel The fact that a majority of our educated
Discomfit, Disconcerting
Disconcert Verb - embarrassed young workforce is unemployable is
Discompose (Adj)
- upset somewhat disconcerting,
The debut movie of the actress
Propel Verb Push higher Drive, Accelerate
propelled her to overnight stardom.
Clamp down
Phrasal Control Tax authorities have started cracking Crackdown
Rein in, Curb,
Crack down Verb (Shikanja kasna) down on tax evaders. (Noun)
Control, Tame
Date: 14-06-2023 Editorial – Love all (The Hindu)
Tone – Applauding Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Manage, Evade,
Some High Net Worth (HNI) individuals
Bypass, Work Side-step, Circumvention
Circumvent Verb open their accounts in Switzerland and
around Circumnavigate, (Noun)
Panama to circumvent India’s tax laws.
Steer clear of
Accomplishment, The Statue of Unity is a remarkable feat
Feat Noun Performance
Achievement of engineering.
Augur, Bode, Bode,
Be a sign of ChatGPT heralds a new era of Artificial Predict, Presage,
Herald Verb
something to come Intelligence (AI). Foretell,
Noun/ - Win (Noun) Behind every triumph, there are lots of Triumphant
Triumph Conquest, Success
Verb - To win (Verb) failures and losses. (Doer Noun)
To give an inviting The glamorous life of Bollywood Entice, Call, Lure,
Beckon Verb
signal beckons many youngsters. Tempt, Attract
Date: 13-06-2023 Editorial – China’s Research Miracle (The Hindu)
Tone – Analytical, Applauding Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
- The leading units of an Pioneer,
(At/In the)
army Google and Meta are in the vanguard of Cutting-edge,
+ Noun
- An inspiring first our technology front. Avant-grade,
example Forefront
The Government has made a great stride Move, Measure,
Stride Noun Step
in its war against corruption. Footstep, Progress
To establish with
Solidify, Seal, Bind,
Cement Verb strength (as if with The incident cemented our friendship.
The divergence between the incomes of
Disagreement, Deviation, Diverge
Divergence Noun the rich and the poor seems to be
Difference, Discontent Dissimilarity, (Verb)
Departure, Disparity
The takeaway from the meeting is that
Fable/Parable (A
Takeaway Noun Take + away = Lesson we need to focus on innovative
story with a moral
Date: 12-06-2023 Editorial – Telltale signs (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned, Analytical Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
In a ludicrous move, some at-risk adults
Ridiculous, Absurd, Ludicrousness
Ludicrous Adj Silly, Foolish have refused to get vaccinated against
Preposterous, Wacky (Noun)
- The goods train derailed because of a
- To cause or get a train
damaged track. Derailment
De + rail Verb off the track Wreck, Deflect
- Drugs and alcohol have derailed the (Noun)
- To upset a process
lives of many celebrities.
The industry is suffering from a scarcity Deficit, Dearth, Scarce
Scarcity Noun Shortage
of skilled workers. Paucity, Insufficiency (Adj)
Turning point,
A point from which a Breaking point,
Russia-Ukraine war is a dangerous
Flashpoint Noun bigger dispute can Boiling point,
flashpoint for a small-scale nuclear war.
Melting point
The act of deliberate The police have formed a special task
Vandalism Noun destruction of force to deal with rising vandalism and Hooliganism
public/private property arson in the city.
The police have formed a special task
The act of setting fire to Torching, Incendiarism Arsonist
Arson Noun force to deal with rising vandalism and
property Firebombing (Doer Noun)
arson in the city.
Date: 10-06-2023 Editorial – Complicated Situation (The Hindu)
Tone – Critical, Concerned Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Wikileaks founder became a political
Classified Adj Officially secret target overnight after leaking several
classified files on US war excesses.
Historically, stock markets have yielded
Unparalleled Adj Unmatched Unprecedented,
unparalleled returns.
Spying, the act of
The Government is facing the charges of Surveillance,
Espionage Noun watching over
wide-spread espionage. Snooping, Eavesdropping
Tactics, Manoeuvre The party was accused of several Plotting, Cabal,
Machination Noun
(Danv-pech) machinations to secure the elections. Conspiracy, Ploy
Anarchy, Mayhem, Havoc,
After the Taliban took over Kabul, there
Disorder, Turmoil, Upheaval, Chaotic
Chaos Noun was an atmosphere of chaos on the
Lawlessness Uproar, Shambles, (Adj)
Pandemonium, Muddle
To cause someone The USA has been accused of toppling
Overthrow, Upend,
Topple Verb to tumble by several adversarial regimes in the Middle
pushing East.
Date: 09-06-2023 Editorial – The Power of True Journalism (Times Magazine)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Photographs are a tool to capture the Crux, Gist,
Essence Noun Saar
essence of a situation. Nitty-gritty
Language and culture transcend
Transcend Verb To go beyond Surpass
Financial frauds entail harsh punishment Result in, Entailed
En + tail Verb Lead to, Imply
in Islamic regimes. Implicate
Feed, Cherish,
Nurture (Palna Trade is a very useful tool to nourish the
Nourish Verb Cultivate,
posna) ties between two countries.
Encourage, Foster
Something that Essential,
Indispensable Computer is indispensable to modern Unavoidable,
Verb cannot be avoided/
+ to life.
dispensed with Cardinal
It is a common fallacy amongst middle
Fallacy Noun False belief class to believe that money doesn’t bring Misconception
Date: 08-06-2023 Editorial – Deadly Billboards (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned, Critical Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Paradoxical, Satirical, Irony
The promoters of the company have (Noun)
Comical, Sardonic,
Ironic Adj Sarcastic made an ironic decision of the selling
Anomalous, Ironically
their holdings.
Contradictory (Adverb)
The GDP of the nation has been Blossom, Mushroom,
Burgeon Verb To grow and prosper burgeoning at a quick pace for last 2 Thrive, Flourish,
decades. Spring up
IT industry in India offers very Productive, Fruitful, Lucrativeness
Lucrative Adj Profitable
lucrative jobs. Well-paid (Noun)
Very strict or Army schools are known for their Stringent, Rigid, Rigour
Rigorous Adj
burdensome rigorous discipline. Harsh, Stern (Noun)
Involved in an illegal Several officers were found to be Accessory, Accessary, Complicity
Complicit Adj
activity complicit in the cover-up. Accomplice (Noun)
India is poised to become the third Poise
Poised Adj Balanced Equilibrized
largest economy of the world. (Verb)
Date: 06-06-2023 Editorial – What is in the name? (Times of India)
Tone – Assertive and reflective Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Eccentric, Weird, Whims
The youth are fan of whimsical
Whimsical Adj Moody, Full of whims Arbitrary, Bizarre,
fashion nowadays. (Noun)
To provide (education,
The interns were imparted an
Impart Verb training, knowledge, Bestow
orientation training by the manager.
identity, confidence)
My foolish neighbour spent all her
Inheritance Noun Virasat Heritage
inheritance in a year.
Phrasal Universal vaccination is the key to Eradicate,
Weed out Eliminate, Wipe out
Verb weeding out the virus. Uproot
To show firm India needs to double down on its
Double Phrasal
commitment to your economic plans to harness its
down + on verb
stand/belief democratic dividend.
Date: 05-06-2023 Editorial – Good and Bad AI (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Tasteless Hackneyed, Cliché, Banal, Insipidity
The audience were disappointed with
Insipid Adj (Feeka), Trite, Bland, Vapid,
the insipid performance of the team. (Noun)
Uninteresting Stereotypical
Mimic, Ape, Imitation
Imitate Verb Copy, duplicate Parrots can imitate human speech.
Simulate (Noun)
Control and
exploit the Nations need to harness nuclear power
Harness Verb Use, Utilize, Wield
power of to become energy sufficient.
People tend to embellish their success Adorn, Grace,
Embellish Verb Decorate stories to impress others with their Beautify, Ornament,
achievements. Aggrandize
To express
The report enumerates the incidents of
Enumerate Verb child deaths that were caused by Count, Itemize
clearly in
substandard medicines.
Date: 02-06-2023 Editorial – Wresting for justice (The Hindu)
Tone – Criticizing Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Chinese foreign policy is entirely built Authority,
Hegemony Noun Leadership on the vision of establishing a global Command, Hegemonic
hegemony. Domination, Helm
The perpetrators of the crime were still
Perpetrator Noun A wrongdoer Culprit, Miscreant Perpetrate (Verb)
at large.
- Noun: Harsh
criticism Denounce,
Verb/ The minister has been subject to severe
Censure Rebuke, Condemn,
Noun - Verb: Criticize censure since the scam came to light.
Deplore, Decry
Noun/ A radical overhaul of the tax system in Reconstruction,
Overhaul Restoration
Verb India is necessary. Renovation
The Tata Group has had
Probity Noun Integrity unquestionable probity in every aspect
of their business.
Date: 01-06-2023 Editorial – Erroneous mindset (The Times of India)
Tone – Critical, Suggesting Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Phrasal The skyscrapers of the city can’t paper
Paper over Hide, Cover up Mask
verb over the slums nearby.
The placement of unquestionable blind Misleading,
Wrong, Erroneously
Erroneous Adj faith in any political sect is inherently Fallacious,
Incorrect (Adverb)
erroneous and gives rise to fascism. Inaccurate
Deficit, Dearth,
The industry is suffering from a scarcity Scarce
Scarcity Noun Shortage Paucity,
of skilled workers. (Adj)
Standard The job was very good on many
Parameter Noun Metric, Yardstick,
(Kasauti) parameters.
(Age jakar ke) Peace and harmony in a society, in turn,
In turn Adverb Successively,
Subsequently leads to a prosperous state.
Date: 31-05-2023 Editorial – Universal Cover (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Critical Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Hard work is the cornerstone
Cornerstone Noun Foundation Mainstay,
of success.
It is difficult to envisage the
Envision, Imagine,
Envisage (Verb) Visualize, Picturize consequences of another
Quicken, hasten,
We need to produce more Expeditious (Adj)
Expedite/ To speed up Accelerate,
Verb vaccines to expediate Expeditiously
expediate (efficiently) rush through
vaccination against the virus. (Adverb)
Raju, our neighbour, roped in
Phrasal To make someone Involve, Convince,
Rope in involve with everyone to help him move
verb trap
something (with force) to his new house.
Unjustified or The theory was found to be Untenability
Un-tenable Adj Indefensible, illogical
Unacceptable untenable and rejected. (Noun)
Economic reforms of 1992
Not improving/ Dying, Perishing,
Moribund Adj were necessary to revive a
growing/changing Rotting, Stagnant
moribund economy.
Date: 30-05-2023 Editorial – Symbols and substance (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Critical Difficulty level – 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Beautiful or sharp in These shoes are more aesthetic than Attractive, Aesthetics
Aesthetic Adj
looks comfortable. beautiful (Noun)
To challenge, Defiance
Defying the lockdowns, some people Flout, Scoff,
Defy Verb disregard an (Noun)
were roaming in the streets. Fly in the face of
order/authority Defiant (Doer)
The pursuit of happiness ends with Quest, Pursue
Pursuit Noun Chase, Desire, Hunt
the death. Aspiration (Verb)
- A new political dispensation has
- System, Regime been set up in Sri Lanka. Regime,
Dispensation Noun - Exemption,
- The students got a dispensation Administration
from exams due to the pandemic.
India is the land of myriad languages,
Myriad Adj Consisting of varieties Various
cultures and ethnicities.
To give someone a
En + The new legislation will enfranchise Empower, Enfranchisement
Verb right/freedom
Franchise millions of migrants. Emancipate (Noun)
(especially of voting)
Date: 29-05-2023 Editorial – Alarming Turn (The Hindu)
Tone – Worried, Concerned Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
The Centre and State governments
In tandem,
Co-ordinated and have started a concerted campaign Concertedness
Concerted Adj Synchronized,
preplanned to encourage people to get (Noun)
A large uncontrollable
Many people died in a multi-story Hellfire, Inferno,
Conflagration Noun fire or fire-like
building conflagration in Surat. Wildfire
The perpetrators of the crime were Perpetrate
Perpetrator Noun A wrongdoer Culprit, Miscreant
still at large. (Verb)
The pandemic has snowballed into
Snowball Verb To get out of control Spiral
an international disaster.
Women need to break their sexist
Discriminatory on the
Sexist Adj image and venture into higher Chauvinist, Jingoist
basis of gender
education and entrepreneurship.
Lack of concern or Disinterest,
Indifference to your career can cost Nonchalance, Indifferent
Indifference Noun emotions for
you dearly. (Adj)
something Apathy, Callousness
Date: 27-05-2023 Editorial – Batteries and Beyond (The Times of India)
Tone – Apologetic Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Of great importance, Federer and Nadal are two of the Prominent, Notable,
Marquee Adj
significance marquee names in men’s tennis. High profile
A nimble action by the police proved Nimbleness
Nimble Adj Quick Agile, Swift, Lively
critical in nabbing the killers. (Noun)
Phrasal Sometimes small incidents spark off Ignite, kindle, instigate, Spark
Spark off Provoke, incite
Verb huge crises. Stimulate, Catalyse (Noun)
Imitate Verb Copy, duplicate Parrots can imitate human speech. Mimic, Ape, Simulate
Phrasal Increased exports can rev up the Expedite, Quicken,
Rev up Speed up, Accelerate
Verb economic growth. Hasten, Fasten up
Date: 26-05-2023 Editorial – Lost opportunities (The Hindu)
Tone – Apologetic Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Khap Panchayats used to ostracize Exile, Banish,
To cut someone off Ostracism
Ostracize Verb the families of the couples getting Ex-communicate,
the society/group (Noun)
into inter-caste relationships. boycott
The rancor between the two families Animosity, Rancorous
Rancour Noun Hatred has kept them from talking to each
Bitterness, Distaste, (Adj)
other for decades.
Paradoxical, Satirical, Irony
The promoters of the compnany (Noun)
Comical, Sardonic,
Ironic Adj Sarcastic have made an ironic decision of the
Anomalous, Ironically
selling their holdings.
Contradictory (Adverb)
Considerable, The effects of the lock-downs have Substantially
Substantial Adj Noticeable, Sizeable
Significant been substantial. (Adverb)
A structure with roof The whole political and social edifice
Edifice Noun Framework, Monument
and pillars of the nation is about to collapse.
A committee will start deliberations
Serious dialogue/
Deliberations Noun on the issue of reservation from Consultation
Date: 25-05-2023 Editorial – Unnecessary Brinkmanship (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
- Businessmen fund political parties to
Noun/ Advantage, gain political leverage. Leverage
Leverage Authority
Verb Influence - You need to leverage your expertise to (Verb)
get a good job in today’s market.
Appear from
Materialize from
Phrasal Originate from The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Emanate from
Verb Emerge from negligence of China. Crop up from
Arise from
1) To make something
successful by putting - Hammer out,
in efforts. (1) New Delhi has forged alliances with all Thrash out,
2) To make an illegal major western powers. Construct, Negotiate
Forge Verb copy of a document.
(2) He was accused of forging the - Falsify, Fabricate,
3) To shape a metal by Tamper with,
property documents of his uncle.
heating and Manipulate
Something difficult to Africa and Asia still suffer from intractable Unmanageable,
Intractable Noun
handle manage poverty. Uncontrollable
This latest tax increase may push many
Precipice Noun Verge, Cliff small companies over the financial Cusp, Brink
Date: 23-05-2023 Editorial – Slow withdrawal (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Detrimental + Excessive inflation is always detrimental Deleterious + to, Detriment
Adj Harmful, Injurious + to
to to the overall economy. Pernicious + to (Noun)
Apparent Man-made pollution is the ostensible Evident, Seeming, Ostensibly
Ostensible Adj
(Jag-jahir) reason behind global warming. Clear (Adverb)
Quicken, hasten, Expeditious
Expedite/ To speed up We need to produce more vaccines to Accelerate, (Adj)
expediate (efficiently) expediate vaccination against the virus. rush through Expeditiously
(Negative) (Adverb)
Rule out, Forbid, Preclusion
Preclude Verb Pre + exclude Any diet plan should preclude fast food.
Elide, Obviate (Noun)
The Government’s reversal on the
Turnaround, Volte- Reverse
Reversal Noun A U-turn promise of agricultural subsidies angered
face, Backpedaling, (Verb)
Date: 22-05-2023 Editorial – Prescription Problems (The Hindu)
Tone – Satirical, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Something difficult to Abstruse, Hi-fi,
The idea that humans evolved from apes
Esoteric Adj understand because of Rocket science,
is still esoteric to most illiterate people.
its complexity Enigmatic
Mahatma Gandhi was known for brevity Crispness,
Brevity Noun Shortness, Briefness Brief (Adj)
in his speeches. Conciseness
Most individuals find research papers that Nomenclature,
A special system of
Terminology Noun utilize scientific terminology and jargon to Special language,
words to naming
be challenging to understand. Jargon
Appear from
Materialize from
Phrasal Originate from The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Emanate from
Verb Emerge from negligence of China. Crop up from
Arise from
Not capable of being Doctors are notorious for their illegible Unintelligible,
Illegible Noun
read or understood handwriting on prescription slips. Indecipherable
Something very strong
Three people lost their lives while Intimidating,
and impressive Formidability
Formidable Adj accomplishing the formidable task of Fearsome, Terrifying,
because it is very (Noun)
scaling this mountain. A tall task/order,
difficult and fearsome
Date: 20-05-2023 Editorial – Among the elite (The Hindu)
Tone – Optimistic, Analysing Difficulty level – 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
1) With Russia's Ukraine invasion, a
world war seems all the more certain.
All the more Adverb Even more Much
2) Her attire made her personality all
the more attractive.
- The leading units of Pioneer,
(At the)
an army Google and Meta are in the vanguard Cutting-edge,
+ Noun
- An inspiring first of our technology front. Avant-grade,
example Forefront
A official report of G-7 communique focused on Russia’s Proclamation,
Communique Noun
joint statement aggression against Ukraine. Statement
1. Development This past decade saw a massive 1. Generation Proliferate
Proliferation Noun
2. Growth, increase proliferation of online services. 2. Expansion (Verb)
Law is never foolproof and is often Flaw-less, Infallible,
Foolproof Adj misused by some miscreants of our Unassailable,
society. Impeccable,
Date: 19-05-2023 Editorial – Palliative Care (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming, Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
- India is a paradigm of a stable
- A perfect example democracy. Prototype, Epitome,
Paradigm Noun of something Paragon, Exemplar,
Education can change the social
System, Arrangement Precedent
paradigm of any country.
Extremely heavy in The teacher gave an onerous
Burdensome, Onus
Onerous Adj burden, difficult to assignment to the students as
Arduous (Noun)
perform homework.
Sanatarium A place for the The actor spent his final years in a
Noun Palliative care
Sanitarium terminally ill sanatarium before his death.
- The shepherd used to traverse the
entire jungle to feed his cattle.
To cover an area or
Traverse Verb - The British rule over India Pass over, Span
time period
subcontinent traversed over two
- To think (Brood) - Stop dwelling and take action.
Dwell Verb - To originate/live in - Discrimination against women Populate, Inhabit
an area dwells in the mindset our parents.
Date: 18-05-2023 Editorial – Predictable Counter (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned Difficulty level – 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Each country needs to introspect on
Intro + Spect Reflect on, Ponder, Introspection
Introspect Verb its actions before blaming others for
To look inside Self-examine (Noun)
the problem of climate change.
- Extremely hot The comedian was famous for
Scorching Adj Searing (Past
- Extremely critical scorching satire in his jokes.
According to the Russian Government, Unverified,
Without any
Unfounded Adj all accusations on its military are Unsubstantiated,
foundation, baseless
unfounded. Unjustified, False
To turn one’s back on The Government is criticized for
Repudiate Verb something, Refuse to repudiating its responsibility of Disown, Abandon
acknowledge generating employment for the youth.
To repair or fix Laws on dowry and domestic violence
Amend, Rectify, (Noun)
Remediate Verb something that has remediate the harmful practices and Mediate
Redress, Restore
gone wrong abuses faced by married women.
Date: 17-05-2023 Editorial – Bench the Words (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
-Beyond explanation
For some inexplicable reason, China is Inexplainable,
Inexplicable Adj -Beyond
still under lockdowns. Incomprehensible
Mahatma Gandhi was known for Crispness, Brief
Brevity Noun Shortness, Briefness
brevity in his speeches. Conciseness (Adj)
- Their only resort (Noun) was to
Noun/ register a complaint with the police.
Resort Sahara (chara) Recourse
Verb - They eventually resorted (Verb) to
filing a complaint with the police,
Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein
were two the most renown and Community,
Fraternity Noun Brotherhood
respected scientists in the modern Union
scientific fraternity.
Date: 16-05-2023 Editorial – Safety, in the line of duty (The Hindu)
Tone –Welcoming Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

The merger will bring in financial Long life, Durability,
Longevity Noun Long + living + ability
longevity for both the companies. Endurance
Many clairvoyant nations are ramping Visionary,
Adj/ up their health infrastructure before Provident, Clairvoyance
Clairvoyant Far-sighted
Noun the onset of further waves of the Sagacious, (Noun)
pandemic. Judicious, Prudent
Phrasal To put an end to Three fire-brigades were called in to Defeat, Crush, Kill,
Snuff out
Verb something snuff out the deadly fire. Stamp out
Drunk, Under the The supervisor was found in
Inebriated Adj influence of a inebriated state and was suspended Intoxicated
substance by the management.
The professor was trying to drive
Drive home a To emphasize or make
Idiom home the idea behind the theory of
point something understand
Date: 15-05-2023 Editorial – Masked Reality (The Times of India)
Tone –Analytical Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Wane, Die down,
To decrease in The actor’s popularity started to Peter out, Taper off,
Subside Verb
intensity subside after his arrest.
To prevent something Ward off, Keep at
someone at Phrase Exercise can help you keep fat at bay.
from coming closer arm’s length
Spying, the act of Surveillance,
The Government is facing the charges
Espionage Noun watching over Snooping,
of wide-spread espionage.
someone Eavesdropping
A lower score will not suffice in
Suffice Verb To become sufficient Serve, Fulfill
cracking the cutoff of your exam.
To motivate/push Increasing rate of crime against
Prod Verb someone to do women has prodded the policymaker Nudge, Push, Elbow
something into making harsher laws.
Date: 13-05-2023 Editorial – Redefining family (The Times of India)
Tone – Suggesting, Analytical Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

The island nation is going through
Circumstance Noun Situation, Condition Context
extremely dangerous circumstances.
Soldiers are bound by solemn oath of Solemnization
Solemn Adj Serious and sincere Earnest, Sober
protecting their motherland. (Noun)
Inherent, Innate,
Integral Adj Inseparable Risk is integral in stock markets. Underlying,
The biggest constraint in expansion of
Constraint Noun A limitation a company’s business is lack of Restriction
My foolish neighbour spent all her
Inheritance Noun Virasat Heritage
inheritance in a year.
Date: 12-05-2023 Editorial – Descent into chaos (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Anarchy, Mayhem,
After the Taliban took over Kabul, there Havoc, Turmoil,
Chaos Noun Disorder, Lawlessness was an atmosphere of chaos on the Upheaval, Uproar,
streets. Shambles,
Pandemonium, Muddle
Poland has opened its borders, taking Suffering, Woe,
Plight Noun Difficult position
note of the plight of Ukrainian refugees. Predicament, Travails
Verb/ The economy finally caved-in to the Give in, Yield,
Cave-in Surrender
Noun prolonged recession. Give up, Give out
- What actually transpired in Arushi case
- To occur or take place is still a mystery. Happen, Come about,
Transpire Verb
To come to light - It has transpired that the IMF has Unfold
rejected financial assistance to Pakistan.
- She felt that someone was dogging her.
1) To annoy or bother - The allegations of right-wing Hound, Trouble, Plague,
Dog Verb
2) Follow closely nationalism have been dogging the Stalk, Pursue
A government agency The RBI is the watchdog of liquidity and Superintendent,
Watchdog Noun
that regulates a task inflation. Warden, Overseer,
Date: 10-05-2023 Editorial – Green Crosshairs (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Concerned Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Success is the culmination of years Pinnacle, Zenith, Culminate
Culmination Noun Endgame, Finalization
of practice and hard work. Consummation, Climax (Verb)
The alacrity of the policemen saved
Quickness, Promptness,
Alacrity Noun Swiftness (furti) the PM from an assassination
Alertness, Nimbleness
The UPA Government mooted
To discuss or think (thought carefully) the idea of a Deliberate, Weigh,
Moot verb
carefully GST system and the NDA Consider
implemented it.
Financial frauds entail harsh Entailed
En + tail Verb Lead to, Imply Result in, Implicate
punishment in Islamic regimes.
Covid-19 lock downs have brought
Implication, Side-effects,
Repercussion Noun Bad consequence in severe economic repercussions
Fallout, Ramification
for Sri Lanka.
Date: 09-05-2023 Editorial – Quality Crisis (The Times of India)
Tone – Concerned, Suggesting Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Inherent, Innate,
Integral Adj Inseparable Risk is integral in stock markets. Underlying,
It is an imperative that the
Noun/ An essential or urgent Necessity, Imperatively
Imperative Government should cut down its
Adj duty Obligation, Exigency (Adverb)
import budget.
The RBI lacks a robust framework System, Model,
Framework Noun Structure (Dhancha)
to check consumer inflation. Paradigm, Foundation
Something on which Non-adjustable,
Non- Helmets are non-negotiable for
Adj no adjustment can be Uncompromising,
negotiable riders.
made Absolute
Under the new arrangement, a
performance evaluation will be
Evaluation Noun Assessment carried out for all government Appraisal
employees every year during their
Date: 08-05-2023 Editorial – More than a Story (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Inconceivable Unimaginable,
- Well- Something that cannot India’s economic rise seemed quite Unthinkable,
conceived be imagined inconceivable 20 years ago.
- ill-conceived
Insecure people tend to exaggerate Exaggeration
Exaggerate Verb Overstate Embellish, Overestimate
their virtues and hide their vices. (Noun)
Russia’s narrative to justify its
A story about an attack on Ukraine has been that the
Narrative Noun event, occurrence or presence of NATO on its borders Story, Tale, Saga
idea was an attack on Russia’s
The soldier was on a clandestine Surreptitious, Clandestinely
Clandestine Adj Secret, hidden
mission at an overseas location. Stealthy, Covert, Ulterior (Adverb)
Behove/ It behooves a student to attain
Verb Suit, be appropriate Beseem, Befit
Behoove perseverance in his/her studies.
Date: 05-05-2023 Editorial – Strategic Timeout (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Revealing Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Noun/ Civil wars often give birth to Genocide, Bloodbath, Massacre
Massacre Carnage, Bloodshed
Verb massacres. Pogrom, Ethnic cleansing (Verb)
A leader stands up and fights on At the behest
On behalf of Phrase Kisi ki taraf se
behalf of the people that he leads. (command/order) of
- The incumbent CM had to resign.
- In power/position
- It is incumbent on/upon the
Incumbent Adj - Necessary duty
judiciary to deliver justice to the
(Incumbent + on)
Law making powers on police and Purview, Orbit,
Ambit Noun Domain, Scope agriculture fall under the ambit of Jurisdiction, Remit,
the States of India. Sphere, Realm
- Abortion is a highly contentious
Full of contention
issue all over the world.
- Controversial Combative, Disputative,
Contentious Adj - Salman Rushdie is an author
- Inclined to Belligerent
known for his contentious style of
The party was accused of several
Tactics, Manoeuvre Plotting, Cabal,
Machination Noun machinations to secure the
(Danv-pech) Conspiracy, Ploy
Date: 04-05-2023 Editorial – Cut the Clatter (The Times of India)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Very strict or Army schools are known for their Stringent, Rigid, Rigour
Rigorous Adj
burdensome rigorous discipline. Harsh, Stern (Noun)
The Clamour for the minister’s
Commotion, Clamour
Clamour Noun Loud cry resignation is getting louder after
Ruckus (Verb)
the scam.
Depression is often accompanied Insomniac
Insomnia Noun Sleeplessness
by insomnia. (Adj)
Annoying, Vexing,
Something that causes The plot of the movie was confusing Pestering,
Irksome Adj
irritation and irksome.
To fill something into The victory instilled a new
Instill Verb Inculcate, Infuse, Ingrain
someone confidence in the team.
Date: 03-May-2023 Editorial – Ponzi Schemes (The Times of India)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Clamp down
Phrasal Control Tax authorities have started cracking Crackdown
Crack down Rein in, Curb,
Verb (Shikanja kasna) down on tax evaders. (Noun)
The PM issued a statement to salvage Redeem, To pick up the Salvation
Salvage Verb Save, Rescue
the reputation of the scandal-hit party. pieces (Noun)
Fraudster, Dupe, Deceive, To
Network marketing schemes are often Swindler
To scam or fraud Take someone for a ride
Swindle Verb designed to swindle innocent people in (Doer
with someone (idiom), To lead someone
the name of investment. Noun)
to the garden path (idiom)
Gullible, Childlike,
It would be naïve to believe that wealth
Unsophisticated, Naivety
Naïve Adj Innocent, Ignorant does not make any difference to your life
Ingenuous, Babe in the (Noun)
1. Development This past decade saw a massive 1. Generation Proliferate
Proliferation Noun
2. Growth, increase proliferation of online services. 2. Expansion (Verb)
A source of evil and Drunk drivers are menace to everyone Peril, Danger, Menacing
Menace Noun
danger on the road. Threat, Warning (Adj)
To bring something
A good novelist can conjure up a world
Phrasal into existence out
Conjure up of imagination only with a short Evoke, Summon
Verb of nothing (like by
Date: 02-May-2023 Editorial – Buying Time (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing, Alleging Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms Other forms

Noun/ Civil wars often give birth to Massacre
Massacre Carnage, Bloodshed Bloodbath, Pogrom,
Verb massacres. (Verb)
Ethnic cleansing
To challenge, disregard Defying the lockdowns, some people Flout, Scoff,
Defy Verb (Noun)
an order/authority were roaming in the streets. Fly in the face of
Defiant (Doer)
- The goods train derailed because of
- To cause or get a train
a damaged track. Derailment
De + rail Verb off the track Wreck, Deflect
- Drugs and alcohol have derailed the (Noun)
- To upset a process
lives of many celebrities.
Misleading, All claims of the company proved to be Speciousness
Specious Adj Spurious, Dubious,
Unauthentic, False specious. (Noun)
Some High Net Worth (HNI)
Manage, Evade,
individuals open their accounts in Circumvention
Circumvent Verb Bypass, Work around Side-step,
Switzerland and Panama to (Noun)
circumvent India’s tax laws.
Disregard, To turn a
No democratic state can condone the Condonation
Condone Verb Ignore an evil blind eye to
use of violence. (Noun)
Date: 01-May-2023 Editorial – Desperate for Justice (The Hindu)
Tone – Concerned, Apologetic Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Economic recessions often bring an air
Ghor nirasha Discouragement, Despondent
Despondency Noun of gloom and despondency for the
Hopelessness Despair, Pessimism, (Adj)
workforce of a nation.
The companies used their clout to Clout
Clout Noun Influence, Sway Authority, Power
influence the policy. (Verb)
- Extremely hot The comedian was famous for
Scorching Adj Searing (Past
- Extremely critical scorching satire in his jokes.
Indirect (malicious) Media blamed the Government for Insinuate
Insinuation Noun Innuendo
reference or allegation the tragedy by insinuation. (Verb)
(1) To remember the (1) Some old people always hark back
Phrasal past to how things were 30 years ago. Remind, Recall, Be
Hark back
Verb (2) To cause to (2) This new style harks back to the reminiscent of
remember the past fashion of 60’s.
Date: 29-Apr-2023 Editorial – Information Bottleneck (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Misleading, All claims of the company proved to be Disingenuous, Speciousness
Specious Adj
Unauthentic, False specious. Spurious, Dubious (Noun)
Thanks to a robust financial
ecosystem, Indian economy managed Sturdy, Tough,
Robust Adj Strong
to withstand major economic Powerful, Well-built
recessions of the past.
Feed, Cherish,
Trade is a very useful tool to nourish
Nourish Verb Nurture (Palna posna) Cultivate,
the ties between two countries.
Encourage, Foster
In a myopic move, the Government Near-sighted, Myopia
Myopic Adj Short- sighted
again increased the tax on fuel. Short-sighted (Noun)
It is an imperative that the
Noun/ An essential or urgent Necessity, Imperatively
Imperative Government should cut down its
Adj duty Obligation, Exigency (Adverb)
import budget.
Date: 28-Apr-2023 Editorial – Mindless violence (The Hindu)
Tone – Apologetic, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
A remote and under- The second wave of covid penetrated Far-flung areas,
Hinterland Noun developed area, even the rural hinterlands of the Wilderness,
Countryside country. back-woods
Her diligence has earned her a solid Industriousness, Diligent
Diligence Noun Consistent hard-work
career. Perseverance (Adj)
To make someone your Disagreements can alienate teenagers Estrange, Disaffect Alienation
Alienate Verb
opponent from their families. Ant: Espouse (Noun)
Resentful, Spiteful, Retribution
Retributive Adj Revengeful Tigers are retributive by nature.
vindictive (Noun)
Russia has so far remained
A strong defensive base, Citadel, Fortress,
Stronghold Noun unsuccessful in seizing control of the
Area of dominance Bastion
strongholds of the Ukrainian army.
Something in a logical The testimony given by the witnesses Coherence
Coherent Adj Consistent, Logical
order that makes sense was not coherent. (Noun)
The minister’s statements invited a
Volley, Barrage,
Salvo Noun An all-out attack salvo of questions from the journalists
Fusillade, Crossfire
Date: 27-Apr-2023 Editorial – Promising Bill (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
The GDP of the nation has been Blossom, Mushroom,
Burgeon Verb To grow and prosper burgeoning at a quick pace for last 2 Thrive, Flourish,
decades. Spring up
Fledgling Young and
Ant- The pandemic has shut down most
Adj In nascent state inexperienced,
fledgling businesses.
full-fledged Incipient
It is difficult to envisage the Envision, Imagine,
Envisage (Verb) Visualize, Picturize
consequences of another pandemic. Assume
A collection of- The entire corpus of your savings
Corpus Noun - Writings should be invested in inflation-beating Kitty, Compilation
Invested capital instruments.
Omen, Prophesy,
These sales figures are a good augury Herald, Foretell, Augur
Augury Noun Prediction
for another profitable year. Prognosis, (Verb)
- The leading units of an Pioneer,
(At the) army Cutting-edge,
Google and Meta are in the vanguard
+ Noun Avant-grade,
- An inspiring first of our technology front.
example Forefront
Information about The news of the war bore bad tidings News,
Tidings Noun
recent events for the economy. Developments
Date: 26-Apr-2023 Editorial – The Right to Litigate (The Hindu)
Tone – Criticizing, Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
With Russia-Ukraine war, the
Prospect Possibility, Prospective
Noun Likelihood prospect of a severe recession
(Sambhavana) Outlook (Adj)
becomes real.
In a ludicrous move, some at-risk Ridiculous, Absurd,
Ludicrous Adj Silly, Foolish adults have refused to get Preposterous,
vaccinated against Covid-19. Wacky
The lax security on the airport can Laxness or
Lax Adj Loose or lenient Negligent, Careless
lead to the terrorist attacks. Laxity (Noun)
Weaken, Paralyze,
Protracted strikes have debilitated Debilitating
Debilitate Verb Make weak Cripple, Undermine,
the industry. (Adj)
Impair, Hollow out
Predicting a bad omen A crash in crude oil prices is Ominous, Forebode
Ant: Adj
(अपशगुन) foreboding for the global economy. Portentous (Verb)
Photographs are a tool to capture Crux, Gist,
Essence Noun (Saar)
the essence of a situation. Nitty-gritty
Date: 25-Apr-2023 Editorial – Batting for borrowers (The Hindu)
Tone – Welcoming Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Shot in the arm,
A cut in fuel prices may give fillip to
Fillip Noun Encouragement, Boost Succour, Respite, -
the consumers facing high inflation.
Consolation, Cold
Ingeminate The prisoner ingeminated his Ingemination
Verb To repeat something emphasize, echo,
In + geminate request for mercy before the judge. (Noun)
Harp on (negative)
Feed, Cherish,
Trade is a very useful tool to nourish
Nourish Verb Nurture (Palna posna) Cultivate,
the ties between two countries.
Encourage, Foster
The new intern mooted a hitherto
Hitherto Adverb Until now, So far unthinkable solution to the As yet
The professor brooked no
Put up with something Tolerate, Bear,
Brook Verb interruption in the class from
unpleasant Endure
Date: 24-Apr-2023 Editorial – Defamation perils (The Hindu)
Tone – Legal Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Excessive inflation is always
Deleterious, Detriment
Detrimental + to Adj Harmful, Injurious + to detrimental to the overall
Pernicious + to (Noun)
Global warming is doing
Something that cannot Irrevocable, Irreversibility
Irreversible Adj irreversible damage to our
be reversed Indelible (Noun)
- India is a paradigm of a stable
- A perfect example of Prototype, Epitome,
Paradigm Noun something Paragon, Exemplar,
Education can change the social
System, Arrangement Precedent
paradigm of any country.
In a ludicrous move, some at-risk Ridiculous, Absurd,
Ludicrous Adj Silly, Foolish adults have refused to get Preposterous,
vaccinated against Covid-19. Wacky
Something that cannot India’s economic rise seemed quite
Inconceivable Adj Unthinkable,
be imagined inconceivable 20 years ago.
Date: 22-Apr-2023 Editorial – Tweak the Tech (The Times of India)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 8.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Something very strong Intimidating,
Three people lost their lives while
and impressive because Fearsome, Formidability
Formidable Adj accomplishing the formidable task
it is very difficult and Terrifying, A tall (Noun)
of scaling this mountain.
fearsome task/order,
The war may impoverish half the Impoverished
Impoverish Verb To make/become poor Ruin, Bankrupt
population of the country. (Adj)
To give the reason for
something Rising inflation in food products can
Attribute Verb be attributed to bad monsoon and Ascribe
→ Attribute + someone
crop failure.
+ to something
The Government needs to tweak
Adjust/change in a Tweak
Tweak Verb the welfare schemes to make them Alter, Modify
minor way (Noun)
more accessible to the poor.
Shalini had to forgo an opportunity
Forgo Verb To let something go to move to the USA in order to take Give up, Relinquish
care of her young kids.
Date: 20-Apr-2023 Editorial – The Caste Imperative (The Hindu)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
It is an imperative that the
Noun/ An essential or urgent Necessity, Imperatively
Imperative Government should cut down its
Adj duty Obligation, Exigency (Adverb)
import budget.
Appear from
Materialize from
Phrasal Originate from The pandemic has stemmed from
Stem from Emanate from
Verb Emerge from the negligence of China. Crop up from
Arise from
The most pertinent concern for
Pertinent Adj Relevant Europe today is an energy crisis in
Tantamount + Army regimes are tantamount to
Adj Equivalent Equal, Amount
to + N/Adj dictatorships.
Smooth and refined but The management’s solution to the
Facile Adj lacking depth problem was facile and Eloquent, Slick
(Sahaj aur saral) unpragmatic.
Date: 19-Apr-2023 Editorial – Tragic Unpreparedness (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Several Afghan nationals were seen
To make a hurried but Scramble
Scramble Verb scrambling towards the airport to Rush, Make haste
clumsy move (Noun)
leave the country.
The police were finally able to nab Elude
Elusive Adj Difficult to catch Evasive, Slippery
the elusive thieves. (Verb)
People with co-morbidities such as
Co-existence of two or
Co-morbidity Noun diabetes and blood pressure should
more diseases
get vaccinated first.
If Russia uses nuclear weapons over Inevitable,
Ineluctable Adj Unavoidable Ukraine, a nuclear war will be Ineludible,
ineluctable. Inescapable
India should upgrade its health
Beginning of something Beginning,
Onset Noun infrastructure before the onset of
unpleasant Onslaught, Assualt
another infectious pandemic.
Date: 18-Apr-2023 Editorial – Promoting Impunity (The Hindu)
Tone – Suggesting Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
from punishment even Criminals bribe the police to gain
Impunity Noun
before committing a impunity against the law.
Noun/ Civil wars often give birth to Massacre
Massacre Carnage, Bloodshed Bloodbath, Pogrom,
Verb massacres. (Verb)
Ethnic cleansing
- India is a paradigm of a stable
- A perfect example of Prototype, Epitome,
Paradigm Noun something Paragon, Exemplar,
Education can change the social
System, Arrangement Precedent
paradigm of any country.
Helpful/supportive in Bhagat Singh had an instrumental Conducive, Instrument
Instrumental Adj
fulfilling a purpose role in India’s freedom struggle. Assisting, Pivotal (Noun)
A legal tussle has been going on Skirmish, Tug-of-
Tussle Noun Fight, Encounter between Ratan Tata and Cyrus war, scuffle,
Mistry. Wrangling
The indiscriminate use of fertilizers
Indiscriminate Adj Andhadhun Unsystematic,
can cause long-term problems.
Date: 17-Apr-2023 Editorial – Chatbot Gaffes (The Hindu Opinion Page)
Tone – Analysing Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
The famous actor came in for
A socially awkward
Faux Pas Noun intense embarrassment after his Gaffe, Slip up
faux pas remarks
Scammers nowadays are using
Sophisticated Advanced, Sophisticate
Adj Refined, Nuanced sophisticated technology to cheat
Opp- Rustic Doctored up (Verb)
in their examinations.
Women need to break their sexist
Discriminatory on the
Sexist Adj image and venture into higher Chauvinist
basis of gender
education and entrepreneurship.
She is in the habit of telling brazen Brazenness
Brazen Adj Shamelessly disgraceful Insolent, Impudent
lies. (Noun)
Khule aam + The Government has faced blatant
Blatant Adj Cacophonous,
jor shor se criticism over the three farm bills. Vociferous,
Vehement, Fierce
Fledgling Young and
Ant- The pandemic has shut down most
Adj In nascent state inexperienced,
fledgling businesses.
full-fledged Incipient
Date: 15-Apr-2023 Editorial – Rising from the ashes (The Economist)
Tone – Praising Difficulty level – 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Verb/ The share market rebounded two Rebound
Rebound Jump back, Revive Bounce back, Revive
Noun weeks after the crash. (Noun)
The Indian PM is to launch an
ambitious $2 billion PLI scheme to Aspirational, Ambition
Ambitious Adj Aiming very high
give boost to small exporters of the Earnest (Noun)
Small businesses usually fail to
Face and withstand Endure, Resist,
Weather Verb weather the effects of inflation and
something bravely Overcome, Survive
The hegemony of the US is at its Rock-bottom, floor
The lowest point of
Nadir Noun nadir today since the end of the Ant – Pinnacle,
Cold War. Zenith
- Ground A majority of European nations
Footing Noun
- Status have strong financial footing.
Date: 13-Apr-2023 Editorial – Reciprocate wisely (The Speaking Tree)
Tone – Philosophical Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Many clairvoyant nations are
Adj/ ramping up their health Clairvoyance
Clairvoyant Far-sighted Provident,
Noun infrastructure before the onset of (Noun)
Sagacious, Judicious
further waves of the pandemic.
The minister’s statements invited a
Volley, Barrage,
Salvo Noun An all-out attack salvo of questions from the
journalists present.
Western societies are the
Perfect example of a
Quintessential Adj quintessential settings of liberty
and freedom.
Humility is the beginning of Modesty, Humble
Humility Noun Humbleness
wisdom. Meekness, Sincerity (Adj)
The ability to bounce Indian economy’s resilience helped Resilient
Resilience Noun
back us cope with the recession of 2009. (Adj)
People help one another in the
To act or give something Reciprocation
Reciprocate Verb hope that it will be reciprocated
in return (Noun)
when they need it themselves.
Date: 12-Apr-2023 Editorial – Safeguards and procedures (The Hindu)
Tone – Legal Difficulty level – 9.5/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
China is in the habit of entrapping
Unfettered Adj Unrestricted small nations in its debt trap to gain Free, Liberal
unfettered access to their ports.
Bail is granted at the discretion of Discretionary
Discretion Noun Judgment Wisdom, Prudence
the court. (Adj)
Children need wholesome
Healthful, Decent, Salubrious, Wholesome-
Wholesome Adj environment to grow physically and
Appropriate Salutary ness (Noun)
A person who makes or The police have arrested a gang of
Bootlegger Noun Moonshiner
sells illegal liquor bootleggers from the highway.
Doctors are notorious for their
Not capable of being Unintelligible,
Illegible Noun illegible handwriting on
read or understood Indecipherable
prescription slips.
Date: 11-Apr-2023 Editorial – Right lessons (The Hindu)
Tone – Educational/Social Difficulty level - 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
A general character or Temper, Mood, Tone,
The tenor of the meeting was Gist, Intent,
Tenor Noun meaning of something
(mijaj) Disposition
They tried to look at the problem
Perspective Noun Viewpoint Mindset, outlook,
from a different perspective.
Despite the rhetoric about reforms, Prevailing
Prevail Verb Dominate, Rule Persist, Triumph
poverty and corruption prevail. (Adj)
Eccentric, Weird,
The youth are fan of whimsical Whims
Whimsical Adj Moody, Full of whims Arbitrary, Bizarre,
fashion nowadays. (Noun)
The soldier was on a clandestine Clandestinely
Clandestine Adj Secret, hidden Stealthy, Covert,
mission at an overseas location. (Adverb)
Equal + Animus His sense of humour allowed him to
Equanimity Noun Composure,
Balance of mind face adversaries with equanimity.
Tranquility, Peace
Pedagogy should be recognized as
The profession of Coaching,
Pedagogy Noun an important profession in
teaching Tutoring
developing countries like India.
Date: 08-Apr-2023 Editorial – Science for all (The Hindu)
Tone – Scientific/Social Difficulty level - 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Fishing is the primary sustenance of Support,
Bread and butter, Sustain
Sustenance Noun the people living near the sea- Subsistence,
Livelihood (Verb)
shores. occupation
(1) We need to reckon with all
To consider/ take into possible hurdles.
Reckon with account something Take into account
Verb (2) She is a tough opponent to be
reckoned with.
Scammers nowadays are using
Sophisticated Advanced, Sophisticate
Adj Refined, Nuanced sophisticated technology to cheat
Opp- Rustic Doctored up (Verb)
in their examinations.
Covid-19 lock downs have brought Implication, Side-
Repercussion Noun o Bad consequence in severe economic repercussions effects, Fallout,
for Sri Lanka. Ramification
To establish with
The incident cemented our
Cement Verb strength (as if with Seal, Bind, Fasten
Date: 07-Apr-2023 Editorial – Open Justice (The Hindu)
Tone – Social/Legal Difficulty level - 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Eccentric, Weird,
The youth are fan of whimsical fashion Whims
Whimsical Adj Moody, Full of whims Arbitrary, Bizarre,
nowadays. (Noun)
It is a moot (arguable/ debatable) Arguable,
Moot Adj Debatable question when will the pandemic be Unresolved,
over. Unsettled
The UPA Government mooted (thought
To discuss or think Deliberate, Weigh,
Moot verb carefully) the idea of a GST system and
carefully Consider
the NDA implemented it.
Photographs are a tool to capture the Crux, Gist,
Essence Noun o (Saar)
essence of a situation. Nitty-gritty
Something that is Palpable, Evident,
The GST has brought no discernible Discern
Discernible Adj noticed/understood Perceptible,
benefits to the Government’s revenue. (Verb)
clearly Tangible
Most individuals find research papers
A special system of Nomenclature,
Terminology Noun that utilize scientific terminology and
words to naming Language, Jargon
jargon to be challenging to understand.
Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
- Their only resort (Noun) was to register
Noun/ a complaint with the police.
Resort Sahara (chara) Recourse
Verb - They eventually resorted (Verb) to filing
a complaint with the police,
Date: 06-Apr-2023 Editorial – The Growth Math (The Hindu)
Tone – Economic Difficulty level - 9/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Prognosis/ The long-term prognosis/ Estimation, Prognosticate
Prognosticat Noun Pre + diagnosis prognostication for the economy Projection, Presage
ion is rather disappointing. Prediction, Presage (Verb)
Indian economy’s resilience
The ability to bounce Resilient
Resilience Noun helped us cope with the recession
back (Adj)
of 2009.
Verb/ The share market rebounded two Bounce back, Rebound
Rebound Jump back, Revive
Noun weeks after the crash. Revive (Noun)
o Calculate and come It is reckoned that India’s
Suppose, Reckoning (N)
Reckon Verb to an understanding economy will be the second
Estimate Calculation
o Believe, Assume largest by 2050.
Fledgling Young and
Ant- The pandemic has shut down most
Adj In nascent state inexperienced,
fledgling businesses.
full-fledged Incipient
Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
The salesman articulated/spelled Enunciate, Eloquent, Articulately,
Verb/ To state express/
Articulate out the features of the new car to Spell-out Enunciatively
Adj something clearly
the prospective buyers. Ant: Inarticulate (Adverb)
Date: 04-Apr-2023 Editorial – Lives at stake (The Hindu)
Tone – Social Difficulty level - 10/10
Link to the lecture:

Word POS Meaning Sentence Synonyms
Something that causes
Covid-19 has proved to be a health Curse, Bane, Terror, Scourge
Scourge Noun death or misery
scourge. Affliction, Plague (Verb)
Venal bureaucrats are the arch- Venality
Venal Adj Corruptible Dishonest, Bribable
enemy of the nation. (Noun)
Acuity, Acumen,
India needs leaders of proven Perspicacious
Perspicacity Noun Wisdom Judgment,
perspicacity. (Adj)
Shrewdness, Insight
Shamelessly She is in the habit of telling brazen Brazenness
Brazen Adj Insolent, Impudent
disgraceful lies. (Noun)
Disregard, To turn a
No democratic state can condone Condonation
Condone Verb Ignore an evil blind eye to
the use of violence. (Noun)
The company fired its dawdling
To delay or waste time Dither, Laze, Linger,
Dawdle Verb employees after giving them
in taking action To drag one’s feet,
several warnings.
Practice of cultivating Husbandry is the primary
Noun land and raising livelihood for people living in harsh
animals simultaneously climates.
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Easily irritated The professor became petulant and left Tetchy,
Petulant Adj
(Khijha hua) the lecture. Moody
(1) The PM spent the whole election
(1) To gather support/
campaign canvassing for support. (1) Solicit
Canvass Verb votes
(2) The documents relating to the fraud (2) Scrutinize, Probe
(2) Analyze deeply
are being canvassed by the CBI.
Aggravate, Rub
Ruffle Idiom Her statements have ruffled feathers in
To cause annoyance someone the wrong
feathers (Verb) the political arena of the country.
Noun/ revealing (Adj) Revealing, Divulging,
Tell-tale Nervousness is a tell-tale sign of a liar.
Adj A gossiper, Betraying, Giveaway
whistleblower (N)
Freedom and the battles against slavery Authoritarianism,
Totalitarianism Noun Tanashahi and totalitarianism dominate the 20th Despotism,
century. Absolutism
(1) She complained of rigidity in her
Inflexibility, neck. Rigid
Rigidity Noun Bullheadedness,
Stubbornness (2) Rigidity of one’s routine may cause a (Adj)
feeling of boredom.
To take away
Strip someone Verb The court impeached the President and Divest of,
medal/honor as
of something Phrase stripped him of his powers and title. Rob of
Noun/ Advocate for An organization representing MSMEs is Buttonhole
Verb something lobbying for tax relief for the sector. Push for
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(1) The thief dashed to the highway.
1. Run quickly (2) People caught the thief and dashed 1. Race
Dash Verb 2. Break into pieces his head against the wall. 2. Crack, Shatter
3. Hit into something (3) All our hopes were dashed when we 3. Hit, Smash
couldn’t find a bed for our uncle.
1. A race (1) He won the 100-meter dash.
1. Race
2. A small quantity of (2) I added a dash of sugar in my black
Dash Noun/ Adj 2. Fraction, Smidgen,
something coffee.
3. Style, Elegance (3) She married a dashing young man.
The presentation was boring and full of Extra, Repetitious, Redundancy
Redundant Adj Needless, Useless
redundant details. Surplus (Noun)
The army claims the rebels are on the
On the ropes Phrase In a state of collapse Enervated, run-down
Ordinary, Most of the famous Indian scientists had
Middling, Mediocrity
Mediocre (Adj) Unremarkable, Run-of- their education from mediocre
Unexceptional (Noun)
the-mill Government schools.
Pluto (God of wealth)
The plutocrat had amassed his wealth Plutocracy
Plutocrat Noun + crat (administrator)
from the business of illegal mining. (Noun)
A wealthy politician
1. The accident led to his demise.
1. Death
Demise Noun 2. These losses led to the demise of their Death
2. Failure, Collapse
To formally resign from
The man abdicated his family Abandon, Renounce, Abdication
Abdicate Verb a position of power or
responsibilities and became a hermit. Relinquish (Noun)
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Larceny Noun Issuing a bad check is a form of larceny. Plundering, stealing
The right to life and privacy gives us the
To give form/shape to Design, Carve, Erect, Fashion
Fashion Verb right to fashion our lives in the way we
something Manufacture (Noun)
find suitable.
(1) Fashion changes very frequently.
1. Latest style (2) The question paper was prepared in
Fashion Noun Manner, way, Style
2. Attitude or manner such a fashion that none could score
more than 70% marks.
A risky situation that
Indian diaspora in South Africa is in a
Tinder-box Noun can turn into a violent
tinderbox situation.
one at any moment
1) The welfare of citizens should
override all other objectives in the
1. Dominate, To be the
policies of a State. Overriding
Override Verb most important Supersede
2) The latest ruling of the SC overrides (Adj)
2. Cancel, Annul
the rulings passed by the Delhi HC in the
In the policies of a State, all other
Subservient Adj Inferior, Secondary objectives should be subservient to the Submissive
cause of welfare of citizens.
To deliberately- (1) The protestors tried to sabotage Vandalize, Hamper,
Noun/ 1. Destroy property electricity supply. Obstruct, To put
Verb 2. Hinder someone’s (2) Her colleagues are trying to sabotage spoke in someone’s
work/ plans her plans. wheel
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Something that causes
India’s population has been increasing Alarm
Alarming Adj apprehension or fear, Alerting, horrifying
at an alarming rate. (Noun)
The minister was avaricious for power Avarice
Avaricious Adj Greedy Rapacious
and money. (Noun)
Moral sense that The shopkeeper had no scruples about
Conscience, Principle, Scrupulous
Scruple Noun restrains you from selling defected products even to his
Ethics, Morals (Adj)
doing bad deeds regular customers.
To undergo a drastic The flooding river morphed into a giant Change, alter,
Morph Verb
change in form sea and engulfed the city. transform
Her plan to visit Europe during the Audacity
Audacious Adj Bold, Risky Intrepid, Foolhardy
pandemic was audacious. (Noun)
1. Import of goods/
Noun/ Climate change and global warming are Important
Import services Essentiality
Verb matters of great import. (Adj)
2. Importance
You shouldn’t deride the failures of a Derision
Deride Verb Make fun of, insult Mock, ridicule
hard-working person. (Noun)
He was in deep affliction after the loss Afflict
Affliction Noun Suffering, Pain Scourge
of his mother. (Verb)
Dominate, The terrible news eclipsed our Outperform, Eclipse
Eclipse Verb
Overshadow happiness. Outshine (Noun)
A group of A contingent of media channels was
Contingent Noun Sect, Mission
representatives attacked by the Taliban yesterday.
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Dependent upon, Dependent on
Contingent on Adj phrase Our success is contingent on your help.
Determined by Hinged on
Her father won’t countenance her Approve, Support, Countenance
Countenance Verb Give consent to
marrying a foreigner. Advocate (Noun)
The writer was ebullient over a good Exuberant, High- Ebullience
Ebullient Adj Very excited, Enthused
reception of the novel. spirited, Effervescent (Noun)
Showing lack of Fatuous, Mindless, Vacuum
Vacuous Adj The movie had a vacuous story.
intelligence Blank, Empty (Noun)
To frame and Some laws can’t be enacted without the Decree, Sanction, Enactment
Enact Verb
implement a law accent of the President of India. Approve, Implement (Noun)
- The book has come in for a lot of
Phrasal To be entitled to/ criticism for its hateful content. Achieve, Get,
Come in for
Verb deserving of something - She will come in for a huge property Acquire, Bear brunt
after the death of her parents.
To give a depiction/ A businessman’s bank statements (Adj)
Illustrate Verb Elucidate
example of something illustrate his success. Illustratively
The quality of being Her assertiveness has helped her Determination, Assertive
Assertiveness Noun
assertive/determined progress in her career. Willpower, Firmness (Adj)
The economy is plunging into a severe Nose-dive, Decrease, Plunge
Plunge Verb To drop sharply
recession. Tumble, Fall (Noun)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Great players see opportunity in every
Mettle Noun Courage Heart, Nerve, Daring
challenge and prove their mettle.
o To find something
Most people are hard put to understand
Be hard put Adj Phrase difficult Hard-pressed
the theory of relativity.
o To be under pressure
The Government is seized of the
To keep something in Keep under
Be seized of Adj phrase situation at the LAC and more troops
notice, consideration consideration
have been deployed.
1. A huge snow-slide
1. Many tourists are trapped in an
2. A sudden
avalanche. Avalanche
Avalanche Noun appearance of Land-slip, Snowslide
2. We received an avalanche of inquiries (Verb)
something large in
for our new course.
Famous wrestler Dara Singh earned
Moniker Noun Nickname Byname
himself the moniker “Rustam-e-Hind”.
The governments of India and the UAE
Extremely difficult, have set a herculean goal of bringing
Herculean Adj Formidable
strong and powerful their bilateral trade to $100m in 6
The whole session remained
To trade/ To make pointed unproductive with the ruling and Squabble,
make barbs comments opposition parties trading barbs with Recriminate
each other.
- To have within - The book contains 10 chapters. - Comprise, Consist Content
Contain Verb
- To limit something - Police are trying to contain the riots. - Control, Arrest (Noun)
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1) Most religions posit the existence of
god and devil.
Verb/ Assume Postulate, Suppose,
Posit 2) Many scientists have posited the lab
Noun Present Assume, Put forward
leak theory of Covid-19 virus from a
Wuhan lab.
Markets took a downturn following the
Down + turn Noun Worsening Fall
news of “Omicron” breakout in SA.
The car of the drunk driver was Impoundment
Impound Verb Seize, Confine Imprison, Incarcerate
impounded by the traffic police. (Noun)
The new law on data privacy might run
Run afoul of To disregard or Defy, Fly in the
Verb afoul of the right to privacy enshrined in
something contradict something face of
the Constitution.
Phrasal Start spontaneously (a - Violence broke out after the elections.
Break out Erupt, Set in
Verb negative phenomenon) - Winters have set in early this year.
To crack any competitive exam,
Concrete Adj Solid students need a concrete preparation Real, Specific
Facing the third Covid-19 wave, the
To have a task To have a difficult task
Idiom Government has its task cut out in
cut out at hand
managing the pandemic.
Deprive To prevent someone
Verb Poverty deprives many children of even
someone of from having something Bereave of
Phrase the basic education.
something important
The workers' main grouse is that they
Grouse Noun/ Verb Complaint, to complain Grievance
are not paid on time.
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Phrasal - The hotel bill amounted to $100.
Amount to To be equal to Equate to
Verb - Her remarks amount to an accusation.
Phrasal The new taxation will bear upon the Bearing
Bear upon To make an impact Impact, affect
Verb industry in a negative way. (Noun)
- The reforms are being implemented at
- Slow, Frozen
a glacial pace. - Extremely cold
Glacial Adj - Lacking warmth/
- Inside the party, the atmosphere was - Unfriendly, hostile
- There is a subtle difference between Artful, Clever,
- Indirect, Clever Subtlety
Subtle Adj bravery and folly. Sophisticated,
- Delicate, light (Noun)
- Subtle evening wind is very soothing. Refined
Noun The salesman used his craft and guile to Proficiency, Trickery,
Craft and guile Art and cleverness
Phrase close every deal. Expertise
A period of break, She took a 15-day hiatus from work and
Hiatus Noun Pause, Interruption
Interval went on a holiday in the Maldives.
Phrasal Upgrade or intensify (1) Increased FDI can ratchet up our
Ratchet up Scale up, Upgrade
Verb an activity GDP.
Most voters think that the result of the Predestined, Certain,
Foregone Adj Predetermined
elections was a foregone conclusion. Inevitable
(1) Most people act out of expediency,
Suitability, Expedient (Adj)
instead of their principles.
Expediency Noun Convenience, Usefulness, fitness Expedite
(2) International relations are on
practicability (Verb)
economic expediency.
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A group of people of The consortium of banks has requested
Consortium Syndicate, Pool,
Noun companies dedicated the Government to intervene in cases of
Consortia Cohort
to specific purpose(s) high NPAs.
Afghanistan is politically rudderless Directionless,
Rudderless Adj Unguided
since its takeover by the Taliban. Desultory, Aimless
Forbearance in the face of adversity is a Tolerance, Self- Forbear
Forbearance Noun Patience
leadership trait. restraint (Verb)
Ordinary, People go on holidays to get away from Dull and straight,
Prosaic Adj
Unimaginative their prosaic lives. Commonplace
To place two things
I always juxtapose my past and present
Juxtapose Verb side by side for
to see my progress.
(1) The company was accused of
1. To cheat overreaching its customers by selling
Over-reach 2. To fail because of second-hand products. Outwit, outsmart
targeting high (2) By making unwise investments, I
have overreached myself financially.
A cloaked meeting of top bureaucrats
Cloaked Adj Hidden Latent, Secret, Veiled
was called by the PM.
No one in the staff was able to tolerate Mannerism, Trait,
Idiosyncrasy Noun Special characteristic
the idiosyncrasy of the rude boss. Peculiarity
The merger of HDFC Limited and HDFC
Windfall Noun Sudden fortune Bank has brought a windfall for the Bonanza, Jackpot
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Premised The system of democracy is premised
Adj Based on
on/upon on the idea of social equality.
The RBI needs to provide a financial
Crank up Jump-start stimulus package to crank up the Kick-start
recovery after Covid-19.
Rejig Noun Re-arrangement The PM has announced a cabinet rejig.
- Her behaviour manifests her
- To give a proof psychological disorders.
Manifest Verb Demonstrate
- To reveal - Her psychological disorders manifest
themselves in her rude behaviour.
To make a meaningful
Phrasal Each member weighed in with his/her
Weigh in contribution in an Contribute
Verb opinion.
activity or discussion
1. Something is weighing on/down her
Weigh Phrasal 1. Cause anxiety mind.
on/down Verb 2. Cause burden 2. Inflation is weighing on/down the
The Government failed to explain the
Rationale Noun Logic Justification Rational (Adj)
rationale behind high fuel prices.
Noun/ Someone who lags Traditional motor car companies are Lag
Laggard Trailer
Adj behind laggards in the electric vehicle space. (Verb)
Discussions on the LAC have not made Advancement,
Head + way Noun Progress
any headway so far. Development
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Central Banks all over the world are
Phrasal To get ready for
Brace for bracing for the impact of the Russia- Get ready for
Verb something unpleasant
Ukraine conflict.
Experience, Go Selected candidates will undergo a
Undergo Verb
through physical examination before joining.
Final performance of a The series will be MS Dhoni’s swansong
Swansong Noun Farewell
professional as the Captain of the ODI-team.
Doctors strained every sinew to save the
Sinew Noun Muscle
life of the kid.
Noun/ She felt a tremor of fear upon hearing
Tremor Shaking or earthquake Shudder, Shiver
Verb the gunshot.
Voyager-2 spacecraft is on a space
Odyssey Noun An eventful journey Epic
odyssey beyond our solar system.
After recovering from the illness, he Frailty
Frail Adj Weak Feeble, Delicate
looked frail. (Noun)
Suspension, a With another loss, their dream of
abeyance Noun Discontinuation
temporary pause winning the trophy is in abeyance now.
The Junta needs to cede power to avert Concede, Give up,
Cede Verb To give or surrender
a civil war in the country. Relinquish
Desultory, Irregular,
Sporadic Adj Infrequent Her attendance at school was sporadic.
Draw down Phrasal To decrease the Both the parties engaged into parleys to
De-escalate, abate
Tamp down Verb intensity of something tamp down the tensed situation.
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Separatists in the valley have targeted
Dastardly Adj Highly cowardly Despicable
non-kashmiris in dastardly attacks.
I became embroiled in an argument Entangled,
Embroiled Adj Deeply involved
with a taxi driver. participating
The period between There was a state of chaos during the
Interregnum Noun
two governments interregnum in the USA.
The sales team of the company has been
A person who takes Whip boy,
Scapegoat Noun made a scapegoat for the losses caused
the blames of others Punching bag
by the lockdowns.
The war was marked by a lengthy spell
Blood-shed Noun Massacre, Slaughter Carnage, Gore
of bloodshed.
The sound of the gunshot unnerved the
Un-nerve Verb Disturb or intimidate Enervate, Shake Unnerved
Intense hatred for Antisemitism in Europe fuelled the
Antisemitism Noun
Jews World War II.
The Government’s forthright refusal to
Candid, Blunt, Forthrightness
Forthright Adj Frank and honest roll back the law made the protestors
Direct (Noun)
All ticket-buyers stand to win a car in
Stand to do To be eligible to do the lottery.
Phrase Get to
something something Nobody stands to gain anything in this
November is the penultimate month of
Pen + ultimate Adj Second last
the year.
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She had a windfall of $1 million after the Bonanza, Godsend,
Windfall Noun Sudden good fortune
death of her uncle. Pennies from heaven
Several pitfalls are associated with
Imperil, Hazard,
Pit + fall Noun Danger cryptocurrencies for unexperienced
Drawback, Risk
- To be unable to walk
- She was staggered at the sight of the
properly, very - Bewildered,
Adj/ dog.
Staggered surprised confounded
Verb - The coach staggered the players in the
- To arrange something - Arrange
in a systematic order
Emergency was imposed in the State by
Fiat Noun Command Order, Decree
the Governor’s fiat.
Pristine Adj Old, natural and pure The Maldives is full of pristine beaches.
(1) Massive unemployment is the fallout
Noun (Un- Blowback,
Bad consequences, of the pandemic.
Fallout countable)/ Side-effects,
breach in relations (2) The US and China fell out in a tussle
Verb ramifications
over tariffs.
Inclement Our trip had to be postponed due to
Adj Cruel, Merciless Bitter
(90%) inclement weather.
The blood had left an indelible mark on Unforgettable, Lasting, Indelibility
Indelible Adj Irremovable
her shirt. Enduring (Noun)
In orthodox societies, unmarried
Aberration Noun Exception Abnormality,
women are seen as aberration.
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I have seen this film umpteen number of
Umpteen Adj Countless Innumerable
One should strive for excellence, not Seek, Chase, Desire,
Phrasal To attempt to
Strive for perfection as we don’t live in a perfect Hunt, Pursue,
verb do/achieve something
world either. Attempt
(1) The team lost because of the
abysmal performance of the batsmen.
1. Very poor/ bad (2) Her arguments are full of abysmal 1. Awful
Abysmal Adj 2. limitless (negatively) stupidity. 2. Boundless Abyss (Noun)
3. bottomless (3) Scientists discovered a new species 3. Unfathomable
of fish in the abysmal depths of the
Atlantic Ocean.
With high unemployment and inflation, Inactivity, Deadlock,
Stagnation Noun Motionlessness
stagnation has set in the economy. Impasse
The meeting between the world leaders
Touch upon To discuss lightly touched upon the issue of global Speak of
The journalist was put behind the bars
Innocuous Adj Harmless for his silly and innocuous remarks Innocent, Innoxious
against the government.
(1) Most rap songs are full of gratuitous
- Needless vulgarity. Uncalled for, Excessive, Gratuitously
Gratuitous Adj
- Free (2) We have some gratuitous tickets for Unwarranted (Adverb)
the upcoming match.
The movie lacks any semblance of Appearance,
Semblance Noun Resemblance
reality. Similarity
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Phrasal To ignore something in The documentary had glossed over
Gloss over Overlook, Disregard
verb a hurry several important details.
Formally take a The minister was made to recant her
Recant Verb Retract, Withdraw
statement back remarks on the tribal population.
Wise societies never perpetuate their Preserve, Uphold Perpetuity
Perpetuate Verb To continue, carry on
divisions of the past. (Noun)
The company had to suffer a Significant
Far-reaching, Consequence
Consequential Adj consequential loss of revenue because Ant: In-consequential,
meaningful (Noun)
of rising competition. Beside the point
Adj Something of the past Let bygones be bygones. Departed
(beeta jua)
A feeling of extreme I was in awe of the natural beauty of the Awe
Awe Noun
surprise or admiration hill station. (Verb)
An attack on Taiwan will invariably push
Invariably Adverb Without variation Surely, certainly
Asia to a destructive war.
The most dependable Windows computers have been
Workhorse Noun
machine/resource workhorse of the IT sector for decades.
The idea of population control is still not Grip, Strength,
Traction Noun Support
gaining traction in the rural India. Approval
Start a The couple is planning to embark on a Enter, Begin, Venture,
Embark Verb
journey/initiative six-month world tour. Commence
The company is trying hard to burnish its
Burnish Verb Shine, Polish Brighten
socially responsible image.
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Sombre/ Lacking colour, Full of Sad, Gloomy, Somberness
Adj The girl had a sombre face.
Somber disappointment Melancholic (Noun)
(1) Vanity is the quicksand of the
Hubris, High-
Vanity Noun Pride, Arrogance
(2) Her vanity kept her from getting our
handedness, Vain (Adj)
(1) No one can get by without oxygen.
Phrasal Cope with, subsist,
Get by Survive, Manage (2) It is hard to get by on a small income
Verb get along, live on
in metro cities.
The Prime Minister’s credibility has Credibleness, Credible
Credibility Noun Trustworthiness
suffered in his handling of the crisis. Believability (Adj)
The Opposition had a full arsenal of
Armory, Weaponry
Arsenal Noun arguments to prove the inefficiency of Storage, Cache
the Government’s welfare programs.
(1) The volcano has been dormant for
Dormant Adj Inactive, Sleeping (2) All of us have dormant talents that Latent, hidden,
need someone’s encouragement to be
Something temporary The refugees have been living in Provisional,
Makeshift Adj
in nature (Jugad) makeshift tents for a year. Make-do, expedient
Firm believer (Andh The votaries of radicalism are the ugliest Zealot, Enthusiast,
Votary Noun
bhakt) curse to the mankind. Aficionado
The prisoner compounded his problems
Compound Verb Intensify Heighten, Deepen
by arguing with the judge.
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Accident, Misfortune,
Several workers lost their vision in the
Mishap Noun Mis + happening Disaster, Calamity,
gas-leak mishap last week.
- Adj: Mixed The movie “Matrix” is a composite of
Composite Adj/Noun Complicated
- Noun: Mixture reality and fiction.
Stopping the spread of the virus was of
Primary, Preeminent,
Paramount Adj Extremely important paramount importance for the
governments around the world.
Concur Science and religion do not concur on Concurrence
Verb To agree Concord
Con + occur the existence of God. (Noun)
The sofa was eaten by termites and
Termite Noun Insects (deemak) Vermin (Plural)
needed renovation.
An interesting personal She presented several anecdotes of her
Anecdote Noun Recital Anecdotal (Adj)
story experiences during her foreign trips.
The minister gave a spontaneous
Spontaneous Adj Without planning Extempore,
speech, addressing the guests.
Dampen A humiliatinag loss in the finals has
Verb Discourage Dismay, Humble
Damp squib? dampened the morale of the team.
The Russia-Ukraine war alludes to a Insinuate +
Allude + to Verb Refer + to, hint + at Allusion (Noun)
larger global military conflict. no preposition
The prisoner shows no remorse for his Penance,
Remorse Noun Guilt, Regret
crimes. Repentance
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The movie did well on the box office
Sarcastic, Highly
Trenchant Adj Pointed and biting despite trenchant criticism over its
critical, Acerbic
storyline and excess vulgarity.
Undefeatable, Economic recessions have the power to
Invincible Adj Indomitable,
Unbeatable bring down even invincible companies.
Adverb/ Deviating from the Smartphone addiction has led majority
Astray Deviated
Adj right path of youngsters astray.
Leaders are those who have sanguine
Upbeat, Spirited,
Sanguine Adj Confidently optimistic views of the situation in the face of
Despite ample evidence against him, the Abundant,
Ample Adj Plentiful accused denied having murdered the Copious, Sizeable,
victim. Plethoric, Affluent
Noun/ Bureaucrats should be punished for Demeaning,
Pejorative Abuses
Adj using pejoratives with the public. Disparaging
Ingress We use glass doors in air-conditioned
(Trans+ Noun A forceful entry rooms to stop the ingress of outside
Aggression) heat.
By complaining against her boss, she is
Tread Verb Make a step treading dangerous ground in her
Our healthcare workers showed
Courage, Strength, Valor, Tenacity,
Fortitude Noun remarkable fortitude during the
Bravery Gallantry
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The fair was full of temptations for little Allurement, Entice
Enticement Noun Attraction
kids. Temptation (Verb)
Virtue Character, Advantage,
Noun Good things Virtue is beyond price.
Ant: Vice Merit
• \Heckle
The reporters heckled the minister over
• Haggle – To Verb Bully, Badger Taunt, Dog, Hound
his alleged involvement in the scandal.
Locals have complained of seeing a Ghost, Spirit, Creep,
Shor machane wala
Poltergeist Noun poltergeist in the streets during night Spook, Phantom,
time. Djinn, Apparition
Scrolling through shorts/reels is sheer
Sheer Adj Pure Absolute, Complete
wastage of precious time for most of us.
Einstein gave a seminal view on the laws Semen
Seminal Adj Original Fundamental, Novel
of gravity. (Noun)
It is not easy to hoodwink a smart Trick, Bamboozle,
Hoodwink Verb To deceive
lawyer. Shortchange
Revolutionary, Fanatic, Radical
Radical Adj Something extreme Radial ideologies invent autocrats.
Hardliner (Noun)

For want of Phrase Because of not having The car was useless for want of diesel. Devoid of

The mother coaxed her little daughter Entice + into

Coax + into Verb Persuade to
into taking her medicine. Cajole + into/to
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Impulsive decisions can make you Impulse
Impulsive Adj Unplanned off-hand, Sudden,
regret later. (Noun)
off the cuff
Adamant, Unyielding,
Uncompromising Everyone requested him to change his Stubbornly
Stubborn Adj intransigent,
and rigid mind, but he remained stubborn. (Adverb)
Obstinate, Steadfast
Tortuous Adj Complicated, Tricky Life is a hard and tortuous journey. Complex, Twisted,
The old woman had a chaste affection Chastity
Chaste Adj Simple and pure Virtuous
for kids. (Noun)
-(Verb) to add detail to
MK Gandhi has elaborated his life - (Verb) Interpret,
- Verb experiences in his elaborate Elucidate, expand on Elaboration
Elaborate - (Adj) Something very
- Adj autobiography called “My Experiments - (Adj) Intricate, (Noun)
complex and detailed
with Truth.” detailed
in nature
Enshroud/ His background is enshrouded/ Shroud
Verb Cover, Hide Conceal
shroud shrouded in mystery. (Noun)
Nice words for “Senior citizen” is a euphemism for an
Euphemism Noun Genteelism
something blunt ‘old person’.
To indulge excessively Binging on your favourite food Splurge + on Binge – party
Binge + on Verb
into something frequently can make you fat. Gorge + on (Noun)
Years of pent-up emotions came out as Constrained,
Pent-up Adj Suppressed
she cried. Restricted
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The recent elections have ended in Disgrace, Ignominious
Ignominy Noun Dishonour, Shame
ignominy for the ruling party. Opprobrium (Adj)
To hinder/ prevent a The law enforcement agencies foiled an Thwart, Nip in the bud,
Foil Verb
plan, desire or attempt attack on the President. Scupper
Persistent, Endless,
lasting, Sustained,
The sage was in an eternal/ protracted Chronic, Perpetual,
Protracted Adj Long drawn out
quest for truth and Nirvana. Perennial, Abiding,
Prolonged, eternal,
Durable, Enduring
Quality of having a kind Good leaders accept criticism with Generosity, Magnanimous
Magnanimity Noun
heart magnanimity. Benevolence (Adj)
Dress down, Rebuke,
- To warn The doctor admonished the patient for Admonition
Admonish Noun Reprimand, Come
- To scold being careless with his health. (Noun)
down on/upon
A hint or suggestion Nuclear drills by Russia are a gesture of Indication, Curtsy,
Gesture Noun
(Physically or verbally) continuation of its war with Ukraine. Gesticulation
A person who lives
The famous businessman gave away his Hermitage
Hermit Noun away from society in Recluse, Ascetic
social life and turned a hermit. (Noun)
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Someone who is Rejecting all major political ideologies,
Noun/ Bohemian, Rebel, Non-
Maverick independent in his people this time have chosen a
Adj conformist
behaviour/thoughts maverick political alliance.
1. To meet someone
(1) Shalini came across an old
Phrasal photograph of herself in the cupboard. Stumble upon,
Come across 2. To be understood or
Verb (2) He comes across as a humble person Encounter
received in a particular
during his public appearances.
The New York police have launched a
To sell or promote Sell, Pitch, Promote, Peddler
Peddle Verb crackdown on South American migrants
something immoral Push, Monger (Doer noun)
involved in peddling drugs.
Bull markets are ‘Eden of wealth’ for Heaven,
Eden Noun Paradise
retail investors. Utopia (Ant-Dystopia)
Covid-19 has caused the world economy
Get worse, go back to Deteriorate, Retrogression
Retrogress Verb to retrogress to where it was a decade
bad behaviour Retrograde, Regress (Noun)
Her career is in limbo for want of a good
Limbo Noun A state of uncertainty Oblivion, Abeyance
- She came second in the race.
Adj/ - Next to first (Adj)
Second - The bill was seconded by the
Verb - Support, Approve (V)
Recessions can put thousands of jobs in Jeopardize
Jeopardy Noun Risk, Danger Peril
jeopardy. (Verb)
Most people spend their time on
Infructuous Adj Unproductive fructuous activities such as scrolling Unfruitful
social media platforms.
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(1) India is believed to be an emergent
Emerge (V)
1) Appearing global force. Appearing,
Emergent Adj Emergency (N)
2) Urgent (2) The patient needed an emergent Emerging
Emergence (N)
surgery procedure.
(1) The government has placed an
Complete, Direct (Adj) outright ban on the export of vaccines. Unconditional,
Outright Adj/ Adverb Completely, Directly, (2) I asked him about the incident Down-right,
immediately (Adverb) outright. Absolute
(3) We bought the car outright.
The news of her failure made her deeply Annoyed, Bothered, Perturb
Perturbed Adj Disturb, Make Angry
perturbed. Restless (Verb)
Photoshop can make your pictures look
Sur + real Noun Dream-like, Amazing Virtual, Incredible
-1) Begin a journey/ (1) The climbers will set out to scale Mt.
Phrasal task with a goal Everest next week. Begin, Commence,
Set out
Verb -2) To present ideas (2) The college set out a schedule of Declare
facts in formally classes on the notice-board.
1. A warning or special
The man sold cheap second-hand Forewarning,
Caveat Noun condition
products with a caveat of no warranty. Provision, Caution
2. A restriction
A good night’s sleep will replenish your Refresh, Restock, Top- Replenishme
Replenish Verb Refill or restore
energy levels. up nt (Noun)
Bellicose, Hostile,
A belligerent crowd of thousands Belligerence
Belligerent Adj Highly aggressive Antagonistic, Violent,
stopped several trains in agitation. (Noun)
India needs leaders of proven Acumen, Judgment, Perspicacious
Perspicacity Noun Wisdom
perspicacity. Shrewdness, Insight (Adj)
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We are very busy, so much so that we To such a great
So much so Phrase (Itna jyda ki)
can't manage to take a holiday this year. extent that
Out of control A group of runaway bulls ruined the
Runaway Adj Fugitive
Run + away crops in the area.
Persistence in one’s Persevere
Perseverance Noun Perseverance is the key to success. Diligence, Tenacity
efforts (Verb)
- My American friends have a strong
Penchant Noun - A strong liking Fondness, Knack
penchant for Indian food.
Paytm IPO crashed on the day of listing
Phrasal Deliver on,
Live up to Fulfill, honour and failed to live up to the expectations
Verb Make good on
of the investors.
Deviating from what is
She gets perverse satisfaction from Abnormal, Pervert
Perverse Adj normal or immoral,
embarrassing others. Depraved, Wicked (Noun)
Self-satisfaction, Lack Complacency is the arch-enemy of Complacent
Complacency Noun Smugness
of urgency progress. (Adj)
9/11 will remain carved out on the
Etch Verb Tarashna Carve out, Engrave
collective conscious of Americans.
Form, Shape Dr. Ambedkar laid out the contours of
Contour Noun Silhouette
(Roop Rekha) the Indian Constitution.
Something large in Doctors demanded an enormous sum of Enormity
Enormous Adj Enormous, Gigantic,
volume/quantity money for the operation. (Noun)
Colossal, Gargantuan
She has fought an uphill battle to Arduous, Strenuous,
Uphill Adj Up + hill = Very difficult
achieve this success. Formidable
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After a crash in crypto markets, retail
Parhej karna, Door investors have started to desist from Abstain + from
Desist + from Verb
rehna making any further investments in Refrain + from
To prove something His bruises lend credence to his Confirm, Justify,
Lend credence Verb phrase
correct/ true statement that he has been beaten. Substantiate
Phrasal The court order has meted out justice to Dish out, deal out,
Mete out justice/verdict/
Verb the victims. Dispense
The manager treated his employees like Tyrant, Autocrat,
Despot Noun Dictator
a despot. Authoritarian
Provenance of the digit zero is
Provenance Noun Origin, Source Birth-place, Inception
considered India.
To make ready for India and China have mobilized millions Deploy, Activate,
Mobilize Verb
action of troops along the LAC. Assemble
The riots were orchestrated by the
Orchestrate Verb Set up, Organize Mastermind, Manage Band
We have decided to take a jaunt to Excursion,
Jaunt Noun A journey for pleasure
nearby mountains this weekend. Expedition
On the Our world is on the brink of an On the verge of
Phrase Kagar par
brink of irreversible climate change. On the cusp of
Consumption of sweets can exacerbate Worsen, Aggravate, Exacerbation
Exacerbate Verb Make things worse
your diabetes. Exasperate (Noun)
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Comparable in size, Her salary is not commensurate with Proportionate, ability
Commensurate Adj
degree or extent her work responsibilities. Commensurable Proportionality
The evidence may not suffice to prove Sufficient
Suffice Verb To be sufficient Satisfy, Serve, Answer
his innocence. (Adj)
Elixir, Cure-all
Education is panacea to most social
Panacea Noun A cure to all diseases Nostrum (Fake
A cowardly attack was made on the
Entourage Noun The group of followers Procession, Retinue
minister and his entourage.
- The GST has brought no tangible
- Something noticeable
benefits to the Government’s revenue. Real, Palpable,
Tangible Adj - Something which can
- The company has tangible assets of Evident
be touched
worth $100 billion.
The diversity of plants Coastal areas are always famous tourist
Biodiversity Noun and animals in a attraction due to their unique Flora and fauna
specific habitat biodiversity.
- Everywhere - There was an environment of joy
- All the way through throughout the nation after the team’s All around,
Throughout Adverb
(During the whole World Cup win. Across, During
period) - I had to travel throughout the night.
A simulated Sometimes opportunities come in the
Guise Noun Disguise, Pretense
appearance guise of challenges.
Something that causes Political parties thrive on divisive vote Alienating, Divide
Divisive Adj
division bank politics. Discordant (Verb)
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(1) A miser would not spend money
even when it is expedient to spend. Expediently
Expedient Adj Practical, Suitable Pragmatic
(2) The company is trying to apply its (Adverb)
latest invention in an expedient way.
Enviable Adj Desirable Maria is a woman of enviable beauty. Worthy, Excellent
To willfully fail to fulfill After the victory, the party reneged on Default on,
Renege + on Verb
a promise its promise of decreasing tax on fuel. Back out on
A wise foe is way better than a foolish Adversary,
Foe Noun Enemy
friend. Opponent
Edge, Advantage,
Due to its preponderance of military
Superiority in number, Supremacy,
Preponderance Noun equipment, Russia has dominated
weight or influence Superiority,
Ukraine in the war.
- Mukti, Moksh
Covid-19 pandemic proved to be Deliverance, Salvage
Salvation Noun - Rescue from a
salvation for many pharma companies. Redemption (Verb)
difficult situation
Anyone can pass this exam by dint of Through the agency
By dint of Phrase By means of, through
hard-work. of, By virtue of
To free/rescue
The boy extricated the bird from the Liberate, Disentangle, Extrication
Extricate Verb someone from a
netting Unshackle, Emancipate (Noun)
Hesitant or allergic to Most unsuccessful people are averse to Loath, Unwilling, Aversion
Averse Adj
something change. reluctant, Disinclined (Noun)
Verb/ To flow from top to The benefits of most social welfare
Trickle Down Ooze
Adj bottom schemes fail to trickle down to the poor.
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To take something in-
o The sand absorbed all the water. Assimilate, Consume,
o Literally Absorption
Absorb Verb o A good student aims to absorb Suck in, Sponge up,
o Metaphorically (Noun)
everything he/she reads. Imbibe
The young population of a nation is
Dividend Noun Gain, Advantage Profit, Incentive
considered its demographic dividend.
Occurring without any A fortuitous outcome of any pandemic
Fortuitous Adj Accidental,
cause is increased unemployment.
Humanitarian aid by the locals has
Succour Noun A small relief Consolation,
provided succour to the war-refugees.
Cold- comfort
- A disaster or The Government surveyors conduct
Visitation Noun catastrophe house-to-house visitation to prepare Tribulation
- An official visit Census database.
- Fall victim to People succumb to the temptation of
Succumb Verb Give in
- Yield, Surrender city life and leave their villages.
A sudden violent
A Cholera outbreak has occurred in the Break out
Outbreak Noun beginning of Eruption
city (Phrasal verb)
Prognosticate, Augur,
Be a sign of something, Increased sales portend growth for the
Portend Verb Foretell, Presage,
Forecast, Predict company
Rural hinterlands are still insulated from Insulant
Insulate Verb Separate Isolate
the effects of urbanization. (Adj)
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Even after 13 rounds of discussions, no
Agreement b/w all (Noun)
Consensus Noun consensus could be reached b/w India Unanimity
stake-holders Consensual
and China on the border issue.
A journey to a religious Most Muslims try to make a pilgrimage Pilgrim
Pilgrimage Noun
location to Mecca at least once in their life. (Doer)
- Even as a child, he was a genius.
Conjunctio At the same time + on
Even as - The party failed to form a government Just as
n/ Adverb the other hand
even as it had popular support.
Thanks to the vaccines, we were able to
Thanks to Preposition Because of In account of
defeat the pandemic.
Reprimand, Admonish,
Come down Phrasal To criticize or punish The teacher came down (heavily) on
Scold, Reproach,
(heavily) on verb someone her for talking in class.
Good companies have healthy work-
Ethos Noun Culture, Ethics Ideology
ethos and employee-friendly policies.
The Government imposed an embargo
Embargo Noun A ban order Ban, Restriction
on export of vaccines.
Make persistent A student should persevere with his/her Perseverance
Persevere Verb Keep on/at, Endure
research studies. (Noun)
Adverbial It is all but impossible to read the writing
All but Almost, Nearly Approximately
phrase of some doctors.
The PM’s comments provoked a Tirade, Diatribe, Fulminate
Fulmination Noun Sharp verbal attack
fulmination from the media and people. Outburst (Verb)
Way out, Lapse,
- An escape route Rich people often get away with their
Loopholes Noun Lacuna, Shortcoming,
- A deficiency crimes, using loopholes in the law.
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Stephen Hawking was known for
Dissemination Noun Spreading, Distribution dissemination of scientific ideas to Broadcast, Airing
general public.
The report absolving the Government of
Hogwash Noun Absurdity, Foolish talk Ridiculousness,
all accusations was termed hogwash.
Expose myths or false The internet is full of anti-vaccination Unearth, Uncover,
Debunk Verb
claims myths which need to be debunked. Reveal
The client was in need of granular advice Granule
Granular Adj Highly detailed Nuanced
and consultation. (Noun)
Always reflect on your actions at the
Phrasal To rethink/reconsider Review, Re-examine,
Reflect on end of the day to become a better
Verb something Revaluate
Something plain and The interior of the room was elegant Austerity
Austere Adj Ascetic, Abstainer
devoid of luxuries and austere. (Noun)
- Advantage, Worth
Noun/ - A healthy lifestyle has several merits. - Noun: Virtue
Merit (Noun)
Verb - The soldier’s bravery merited a prize. - Verb: Require
- Require (Verb)
A minor thing coming Accompanying,
The management was focusing on small
Incidental Adj as consequence of a Resultant,
issues incidental to the main problem.
major event Consequent
A handful of people are being made
In the name of Phrase Ke naam par
richer in the name of progress.
Paytm has been facing a backlash from Blowback, Backfire,
Backlash Noun Adverse reaction its shareholders over its increasing Repercussion,
losses. Ramification
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Steadfast, Headstrong,
Some obstinate people are still avoiding Obstinacy
Obstinate Adj Stubborn, Adamant Intransigent,
their Covid-19 vaccination. (Noun)
Phrasal To study or read The judge pored over the evidence Concentrate + on,
Pore over
verb something attentively presented by the lawyer. Peruse, Examine
Address, Lecture (often Teachers usually harangue their
Harangue Verb
forcefully) students about good behaviour.
An unpleasant feeling
After moving to the US, most Indians Yearning, Nostalgic
Nostalgia Noun of being away from
feel nostalgia for their motherland. Longing (Adj)
For most young men and women, clubs
Convivial Adj Cheerfully social Jovial
are a place for convivial conversations.
Hindenburg Research has levelled
A large business several allegation of corporate
Conglomerate Noun Group, Empire
organization mismanagement against Adani
Quibble, Squabble,
The election will end months of political Bicker
Bickering Noun Nok-jhonk Altercation,
bickering. (Verb)
Wrangle, Row
To follow an aimless After the tragedy, her personal life Meandering
Meander Verb Roam, Drift
and curved path started to meander. (Adj)
Policymakers need to enact strict
Phrasal Decrease the intensity De-intensify,
Dial down legislation to dial down violence in the
verb of something De-escalate
Infiltrate or invade and Casteism continues to permeate the
Permeate Verb Penetrate, Diffuse
spread through Indian society.
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1. Destructive floods - About a million people lost their homes
2. Sudden emergence in the deluge.
Deluge Noun Downpour
of something in huge - The TV channel received a deluge of
- Avalanche, Barrage
amount complaints about the programme.
The governments around the world are
Phrasal Level up, scale up,
Ramp up To upgrade spending billions to ramp up their health
Verb Step up
- Hard monotonous
Noun/ For some people education is a tool of Grind on
Grind routine schedule Chore, Drudgery
Verb self-empowerment, for others a grind. (Phrasal verb)
Phrasal The companies are hard put to stave off Fend off, Ward off,
Stave off To avoid
Verb bankruptcy during the slowdown. repel
Kick the bucket,
Perish Verb Die, pass away 30 civilians perished in the landslides.
To be pushing up the
To make something
The minister tried to downplay his Play down, Make
Downplay Verb look less serious than it
alleged role in the scandal. light of something
actual is
Full of intense
Some ardent fans from both the teams Ardency
Ardent Adj emotions for Fervent, Passionate
got involved in a fight after the match. (Noun)
Questioning something People with inquisitive nature make Inquisitiveness
Inquisitive Adj Curious, wondering
out of interest great scientists. (Noun)
The rich man lived in a modest house
Modest Adj Polite and humble Unboastful
and cooked his meals himself.
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Some people verily believe that the
Verily Adverb Actually, In fact Really, Actually
pandemic was a global conspiracy.
- The magician’s tricks blew us away.
Blow - Surprise heavily - The visiting team blew the host away
someone - Beat completely in a tournament.
away - Discard, Push away - The explosion blew everything away in
its path.
Working-from-office will be voluntary in Voluntarily
Voluntary Adj Non-compulsory Willful, Intentional
the organizations of near future. (Adverb)
Compliance + Observance of a Compliance with the law is expected of Adherence + to Comply
with rule/protocol all citizens in a state. Abidance + by (Verb)
Adani Group needs to figure out a way
Phrasal To solve, decode a
Figure out to get itself out of Hindenburg Interpret, Unriddle
Verb problem
The President comes of an ancient tribal
Lineage Noun Root, origin Ancestry
Of late, Bollywood movies have been
Not very intense,
Lukewarm Adj able to witness lukewarm response Tepid, Half-hearted
from the audience.
The new law may circumscribe the Circumscriptio
Circumscribe Verb Confine, Limit Enclose
freedom of speech for media. n (Noun)
The little girl took an ice-cream in lieu of
In lieu of Preposition In place of
a plastic doll.
Noun/ An inference from Police surmised that their domestic help Speculation,
Verb incomplete evidence had stolen the money. Conjecture, Gamble
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The life story of Elon Musk is akin to a
Akin + to Adj Similar + to Like, Related to
real life sci-fi movie.
A payment of money
India has seen a substantial rise in Remit
Remittance Noun from one person to
foreign remittances in recent years. (Verb)
Massive heart attacks are the usual
Instantaneous Adj cause of most instantaneous natural Prompt, Swift
In an instant
Relent + less 1. The rebels surrendered before a Unrelenting
1. Cruel or someone relentless army. Unyielding Relentless +
Relentless Adj
refusing to give up 2. Relentless traffic noise affects my Inexorable, ness (Noun)
2. Never ceasing work. Implacable, Dogged
He offered us a help with a bona fide
Bona fide Adj Genuine, Original Authentic
Government carries out a police
Evidence of someone’s
Bona fides Noun verification to check bona fides of all Authenticity
genuine intentions
selected candidates.
Entrenched, Inherent,
Our fundamental rights and duties are Enshrine
Enshrined Adj Andar Basa hua Embedded, Deep
enshrined in our constitution. (Verb)
seated/rooted, Innate
- Locals were trying to put out the fire in
- Blow out, Do away
Put out Phrasal - To extinguish a fire the forest.
with, Annihilate
Stamp out verb - To publish something - The UN President has put out a request
- Disclose, Express
for ceasefire in the war.
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Mollify, Salve, Balm,
To alleviate rising unemployment, the
- To pacify, bring small Ameliorate, Allay, Alleviation
Alleviate Verb Government has launched a skill
relief Mitigate, (Noun)
enhancement program.
- Diffident,
- Lacking confidence The man on the other side of the phone Timidity
Timid Adj Pusillanimous
- Fearful, Cowardly had a timid voice. (Noun)
- Frightened, Scared
Back-to-back, She was absent for 10 consecutive days Consecutively
Consecutive Adj Sequential
successive from the class and was suspended. (Adverb)
- The company betrayed not only its
- Cheat clients but also its employees by not
Short-change Verb - Reveal something paying their salaries. Short-change
unintentionally - Her smile on my loss betrayed her true
- Your actions have made our contract
Adj- Empty, Sth.
Adj/ void. - Null & void
Void without legal approval
Noun - The party needs a new leader to fill in - Emptiness
Noun - Vacuum
the leadership void.
The film portrays MK Gandhi as a divine Portrayal
Portray Verb Describe, Characterize Showcase, illustrate
soul. (Noun)
- To be under the The new interns in the company are
Subject + to Adj
influence of something subject to a 2-week training.
- To make someone The new interns in the company were
Subject + to Verb
experience something subjected to a 2-week training.
- A port or refuge (N) (1) Panama is a harbour of tax evaders. Haven, Refuge,
Harbour - To conceal something (2) She has been harbouring ill-will for Asylum,
(article/ feeling) (V) her best friend after the incident. Conceal, cherish
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The latest bail-out package will cost the
Exchequer Noun Government Treasury Coffers
exchequer ₹ 50,000 crore.
Salient Noticeable and The book presents salient facts of the Noticeable, Salience
(Positive) important India’s freedom struggle. Conspicuous, (Noun)
Blatant (Negative)
Quicksilver, Erratic,
Fashion designing is a mercurial (Noun)
Mercurial Adj Changeable Fickle, Unpredictable,
business. Vagary
Capricious, Vagarious
The pandemic has laid bare the poor
Phrasal Unveil,
Lay bare Expose, Reveal state of health infrastructure of many
Verb Bring to light
Democracy is the other name of the Tenet, Dogma,
Doctrine Noun Principle, Belief
doctrine of social equality. Precept, Edict, Maxim
Adverbial Unemployment is by no means limited Hardly, Scarcely,
By no means Not at all
phrase to uneducated job-seekers. Barely
Arushi murder case is still a conundrum Enigma, Mystery,
Conundrum Noun A puzzle
for the intelligence agencies. Riddle, Paradox
Deterrent, Stumbling Encumber
Restriction, Corruption is a major encumbrance in block, Hindrance, (Verb)
Encumbrance Noun
Hurdle the growth story of India. Obstruction, Obstacle, Encumbered
Handicap, Roadblock (Adj)
1. Leave a bad effect Impact, encroach,
Impinge on/ Phrasal The new law may impinge upon the
2. Trespass, advance Violate, Breach
upon Verb freedom of press.
beyond normal limits Trample upon
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Asian Female population is still fighting
Stigma Noun A symbol of disgrace the stigma around girls pursuing higher Stain, Mark
education and running businesses.
Uncertain but possible, The project overshot its budget because Unforeseen,
Contingent Adj
Secondary of contingent expenditures. Incidental
In- Nothing in this world is insurmountable
Adj Difficult to accomplish Impossible
surmountable if you possess the desire and dedication.
A sacred religious Birth and marriage are two important Homam (Fire
Sacrament Noun
ritual sacraments in majority of religions. ritual/Havan)
Insulate, Detach,
Capitalism has isolated the poor from Sequester, Segregate
Isolate Verb Separate Aloof
the society. (break something
into groups)
The proximate cause of the death of
Proximate Adj Nearby, Close Immediate
Cyrus Mistry was a head injury.
Deadlock, Gridlock India and China are trying to break the Standstill, Standoff,
Stalemate Noun
(Gatirodh) stalemate on the border issue. Impasse, Logjam
Indian economy is on an upward
Trajectory Noun Path, Graph Course, flight
trajectory since the LPG.
Fill with joy and high The team’s world cup win exhilarated Excite, Thrill, Uplift, Exhilarated
Exhilarate Verb
spirits the fans. Invigorate (Adj)
India has a surfeit of cheap labour and Abundance, Plethora,
Surfeit Noun Excess
dearth of skilled workers and jobs. Copiousness, Slew
Promoter, Defender,
Revolutions are waged by proponents Propound
Proponent Noun Supporter Advocate
of change and transformation. (Verb)
Ant: Opponent
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To fight with the malaise of corruption,
A disease or
Malaise Noun the Lokpal bill has been passed by the Ailment, Unease
Indian Parliament
Uncontrollable, The allegations of rampant corruption Unchecked, Excessive, Rampantly
Rampant Adj
Unrestrained made the minister resign. Unbridled (Adverb)
Support, Confirm, The witness gave no evidence to Corroborate, (Adj)
Substantiate Verb
Prove substantiate his story. Bear out Substantiation
+ Think or consider We need to ponder (over) all of our
Verb Ruminate, Mull
Over deeply available alternatives.
Over (Optional)
The world is still divided over eventual Concluding, ultimate, Eventuality
Eventual Adj Final
outcome of global warming. inevitable, Decisive (Noun)
1. Reasonable and (1) The police could find no plausible
convincing explanation for the murder. Probable, Tenable, Plausibility
Plausible Adj
2. A person good at (2) He is so plausible that fooling Logical, Rational (Noun)
lying and cheating someone is a piece of cake for him.
Full of dangers,
The world is in a precarious state amid Perilous, Fraught, Precarity
Precarious Adj difficulties and
ever mutating variants of the virus. Shaky, Unstable (Noun)
Increase, Rise, Surge,
Soar Soaring oil prices have posed a Soar
Verb To rise sharply Shoot-up, Quicken,
Ant: Plunge challenge before the Central Banks. (Noun)
Accelerate, Jump
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Unsettling Without experiencing discomfiture in Discomposure, Discomfit
Discomfiture Noun
embarrassment life, one can never taste success. Disconcertment (Verb)
Even after Government’s bail out
Go through a critical
Turn the package, Air India failed to turn the Overcome, Rebound,
Idiom point and make
corner corner and was eventually sold to the Bound back
Milepost, Watershed,
Adj/ Something unique and The SC has issued a landmark verdict on
Landmark Turning point,
Noun historical the matter.
Inflection point
The communiqué by the G-20 members
An official
communiqué Noun focused only on Russia’s aggression Joint statement
against Ukraine.
With the rise of private sector, the
To become less and Dwindling
Dwindle Verb charm of Government jobs has started Taper off
less gradually (Adj)
to dwindle.
After the incident, there was a tectonic Radical, Fundamental,
Tectonic Adj Extreme in nature
shift in her attitude. Dramatic
An anarchist is a person who sees peace
A person who tries to
Anarchist Noun and fulfilment in the state of absolute Nihilist, Rebel
induce lawlessness
Baffle, Confound,
To confuse someone Technology is developing at a Bewildering
Bewilder Verb Perplex, Puzzle,
with complexity bewildering pace. (Adj)
- In power/position - The incumbent CM had to resign.
Incumbent Adj - Necessary duty - It is incumbent on/upon the judiciary
(Incumbent + on) to deliver justice to the innocents.
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Catastrophe, Calamitous
The Government has created a special Cataclysm, Disastrous
Calamity Noun Disaster
fund to deal with natural calamities. Devastation, Catastrophic
Tragedy (Adj)
Looming, Forthcoming,
Impending Approaching, Near and The leaders of the two countries held Impend
Adj Imminent,
(Negative) certain parleys to avert an impending war. (Verb)
In the offing
The CEO of Adani Group gave his
Exposition Noun Explained + position detailed exposition on the allegation of
Explication, Account
fraud by Hindenburg Research.
Something that causes
Covid-19 has proved to be a health Curse, Bane, Terror, Scourge
Scourge Noun death or misery
scourge. Affliction, Plague (Verb)
Venal bureaucrats are the arch-enemy Venality
Venal Adj Corruptible Dishonest, Bribable
of the nation. (Noun)
Acuity, Acumen,
India needs leaders of proven Perspicacious
Perspicacity Noun Wisdom Judgment,
perspicacity. (Adj)
Shrewdness, Insight
Practice of cultivating
(Animal) Husbandry is the primary livelihood for
Noun land and raising
Husbandry people living in harsh climates.
animals simultaneously
The long-term prognosis/ Prognosticate
Prognosis/ Estimation, Projection,
Noun Pre + diagnosis prognostication for the economy is Presage
Prognostication Prediction, Presage
rather disappointing. (Verb)
The salesman articulated/spelled out Enunciate, Eloquent, Articulately,
Verb/ To state express/
Articulate the features of the new car to the Spell-out Enunciatively
Adj something clearly
prospective buyers. Ant: Inarticulate (Adverb)
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Something that is
The GST has brought no discernible Palpable, Evident, Discern
Discernible Adj noticed/understood
benefits to the Government’s revenue. Perceptible, Tangible (Verb)
(1) We need to reckon with all possible
To consider/ take into
Phrasal hurdles.
Reckon with account something Take into account
Verb (2) She is a tough opponent to be
reckoned with.
A general character or Temper, Mood, Tone,
Tenor Noun meaning of something The tenor of the meeting was positive. Gist, Intent,
(mijaj) Disposition
Despite the rhetoric about reforms, Prevailing
Prevail Verb Dominate, Rule Persist, Triumph
poverty and corruption prevail. (Adj)
Pedagogy should be recognized as an
The profession of Coaching,
Pedagogy Noun important profession in developing
teaching Tutoring
countries like India.
China is in the habit of entrapping small
Unfettered Adj Unrestricted nations in its debt trap to gain Free, Liberal
unfettered access to their ports.
Healthful, Decent, Children need wholesome environment Salubrious, Wholesome-
Wholesome Adj
Appropriate to grow physically and mentally. Salutary ness (Noun)
A person who makes The police have arrested a gang of
Bootlegger Noun Moonshiner
or sells illegal liquor bootleggers from the highway.
Perfect example of a Western societies are the quintessential
Quintessential Adj
class settings of liberty and freedom.
People help one another in the hope
To act or give Reciprocation
Reciprocate Verb that it will be reciprocated when they
something in return (Noun)
need it themselves.
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Verb/ The share market rebounded two weeks Rebound
Rebound Jump back, Revive Bounce back, Revive
Noun after the crash. (Noun)
The lowest point of The hegemony of the US is at its nadir Rock-bottom, floor
Nadir Noun
something today since the end of the Cold War. Ant – Pinnacle, Zenith
- Ground A majority of European nations have
Footing Noun
- Status strong financial footing.
The famous actor came in for intense
A socially awkward
Faux Pas Noun embarrassment after his faux pas Gaffe, Slip up
A legal tussle has been going on Skirmish, Tug-of-war,
Tussle Noun Fight, Encounter
between Ratan Tata and Cyrus Mistry. scuffle, Wrangling
If Russia uses nuclear weapons over
Inevitable, Ineludible,
Ineluctable Adj Unavoidable Ukraine, a nuclear war will be
India should upgrade its health
Beginning of Beginning, Onslaught,
Onset Noun infrastructure before the onset of
something unpleasant Assault
another infectious pandemic.
Tantamount + Army regimes are tantamount to
Adj Equivalent Equal, Amount
to + N/Adj dictatorships.
Smooth and refined
The management’s solution to the
Facile Adj but lacking depth Eloquent, Slick
problem was facile and unpragmatic.
(Sahaj aur saral)
The war may impoverish half the Impoverished
Impoverish Verb To make/become poor Ruin, Bankrupt
population of the country. (Adj)
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To give the reason for
something Rising inflation in food products can be
Attribute Verb → Attribute + attributed to bad monsoon and crop Ascribe
someone + to failure.
The Government needs to tweak the
Adjust/change in a Tweak
Tweak Verb welfare schemes to make them more Alter, Modify
minor way (Noun)
accessible to the poor.
Shalini had to forgo an opportunity to
Forgo Verb To let something go move to the USA in order to take care of Give up, Relinquish
her young kids.
Shot in the arm,
A cut in fuel prices may give fillip to the Stimulation, Succour,
Fillip Noun Encouragement, Boost -
consumers facing high inflation. Respite, Consolation,
Cold comfort
Put up with something The professor brooked no interruption Tolerate, Bear,
Brook Verb
unpleasant in the class from students. Endure
Prospect With Russia-Ukraine war, the prospect Possibility, Prospective
Noun Likelihood
(Sambhavana) of a severe recession becomes real. Outlook (Adj)
The lax security on the airport can lead Laxness or
Lax Adj Loose or lenient Negligent, Careless
to the terrorist attacks. Laxity (Noun)
Fledgling Young and
The pandemic has shut down most
Ant- Adj In nascent state inexperienced,
fledgling businesses.
full-fledged Incipient
A collection of- The entire corpus of your savings
Corpus Noun - Writings should be invested in inflation-beating Kitty, Compilation
- Invested capital instruments.
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Omen, Prophesy,
These sales figures are a good augury Augur
Augury Noun Prediction Herald, Foretell,
for another profitable year. (Verb)
Prognosis, Harbinger
Information about The news of the war bore bad tidings News,
Tidings Noun
recent events for the economy. Developments
A remote and under- The second wave of covid penetrated Far-flung areas,
Hinterland Noun developed area, even the rural hinterlands of the Wilderness,
Countryside country. back-woods
Her diligence has earned her a solid Industriousness, Diligent
Diligence Noun Consistent hard-work
career. Perseverance (Adj)
To make someone Disagreements can alienate teenagers Estrange, Disaffect Alienation
Alienate Verb
your opponent from their families. Ant: Espouse (Noun)
A strong defensive Russia has so far remained unsuccessful
Citadel, Fortress,
Stronghold Noun base, Area of in seizing control of the strongholds of
dominance the Ukrainian army.
The minister’s statements invited a
Volley, Barrage,
Salvo Noun An all-out attack salvo of questions from the journalists
Fusillade, Crossfire
In a myopic move, the Government Near-sighted,
Myopic Adj Short- sighted Myopia (Noun)
again increased the tax on fuel. Short-sighted
The PM issued a statement to salvage Redeem, To pick up Salvation
Salvage Verb Save, Rescue
the reputation of the scandal-hit party. the pieces (Noun)
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Fraudster, Dupe,
Deceive, To
Network marketing schemes are often
To scam or fraud with Take someone for a Swindler
Swindle Verb designed to swindle innocent people in
someone ride (idiom), To lead (Doer Noun)
the name of investment.
someone to the
garden path (idiom)
Gullible, Childlike,
It would be naïve to believe that wealth
Unsophisticated, Naivety
Naïve Adj Innocent, Ignorant does not make any difference to your
Ingenuous, Babe in the (Noun)
life quality.
To bring something A good novelist can conjure up a world
Conjure up into existence out of of imagination only with a short Evoke, Summon
nothing (like by magic) paragraph.
The Clamour for the minister’s
Clamour Noun Loud cry resignation is getting louder after the Commotion, Ruckus
Depression is often accompanied by Insomniac
Insomnia Noun Sleeplessness
insomnia. (Adj)
To fill something into The victory instilled a new confidence in Inculcate, Infuse,
Instill Verb
someone the team. Ingrain
Economic recessions often bring an air
Ghor nirasha Discouragement, Despondent
Despondency Noun of gloom and despondency for the
Hopelessness Despair, Pessimism, (Adj)
workforce of a nation.
Indirect (malicious) Media blamed the Government for the Insinuate
Insinuation Noun Innuendo
reference or allegation tragedy by insinuation. (Verb)
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The company fired its dawdling Procrastinate, Dither,
To delay or waste time
Dawdle Verb employees after giving them several Laze, Linger, To drag
in taking action
warnings. one’s feet, Dilly-dally
No democratic state can condone the Disregard, To turn a Condonation
Condone Verb Ignore an evil
use of violence. blind eye to something (Noun)
A leader stands up and fights on behalf At the behest
On behalf of Phrase Kisi ki taraf se
of the people that he leads. (command/order) of
- In power/position - The incumbent CM had to resign.
Incumbent Adj - Necessary duty - It is incumbent on/upon the judiciary
(Incumbent + on) to deliver justice to the innocents.
Law making powers on police and Purview, Orbit,
Ambit Noun Domain, Scope agriculture fall under the ambit of the Jurisdiction, Remit,
States of India. Sphere, Realm
Russia’s narrative to justify its attack on
A story about an event, Ukraine has been that the presence of
Narrative Noun Story, Tale, Saga
occurrence or idea NATO on its borders was an attack on
Russia’s sovereignty.
Behove/ It behooves a student to attain
Verb Suit, be appropriate Beseem, Befit
Behoove perseverance in his/her studies.
The RBI lacks a robust framework to System, Model,
Framework Noun Structure (Dhancha)
check consumer inflation. Paradigm, Foundation
Under the new arrangement, a
performance evaluation will be carried Evaluate
\Evaluation Noun Assessment Appraisal
out for all government employees every (Verb)
year during their service.
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The alacrity of the policemen saved the
Alacrity Noun Swiftness (furti) Promptness,
PM from an assassination attack.
Alertness, Nimbleness
Soldiers are bound by solemn oath of Solemnization
Solemn Adj Serious and sincere Earnest, Sober
protecting their motherland. (Noun)
Verb/ The economy finally caved-in to the Give in, Yield,
Cave-in Surrender
Noun prolonged recession. Give up, Give out
- She felt that someone was dogging
1) To annoy or bother Hound, Trouble,
Dog Verb - The allegations of right-wing
- 2) Follow closely Plague, Stalk, Pursue
nationalism have been dogging the
Wane, Die down,
To decrease in The actor’s popularity started to subside
Subside Verb Peter out, Taper off,
intensity after his arrest.
Keep/Hold To prevent something Ward off, Keep at
Phrase Exercise can help you keep fat at bay.
someone at bay from coming closer arm’s length
A lower score will not suffice in cracking
Suffice Verb To become sufficient Serve, Fulfill
the cutoff of your exam.
The merger will bring in financial Long life, Durability,
Longevity Noun Long + living + ability
longevity for both the companies. Endurance
Many clairvoyant nations are ramping Visionary, Provident,
Adj/ Clairvoyance
Clairvoyant Far-sighted up their health infrastructure before the Sagacious, Judicious,
Noun (Noun)
onset of further waves of the pandemic. Prudent
Phrasal To put an end to Three fire-brigades were called in to Defeat, Crush, Kill,
Snuff out
Verb something snuff out the deadly fire. Stamp out
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Drunk, Under the The supervisor was found in inebriated
Inebriated Adj influence of a state and was suspended by the Intoxicated
substance management.
Drive home a To emphasize or make The professor was trying to drive home
point something understand the idea behind the theory of relativity.
Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein
were two the most renown and
Fraternity Noun Brotherhood Community, Union
respected scientists in the modern
scientific fraternity.
- Extremely hot The comedian was famous for scorching
Scorching Adj Searing (Past
- Extremely critical satire in his jokes.
According to the Russian Government, Unverified,
Without any
Unfounded Adj all accusations on its military are Unsubstantiated,
foundation, baseless
unfounded. Unjustified, False
To turn one’s back on The Government is criticized for
Repudiate Verb something, Refuse to repudiating its responsibility of Disown, Abandon
acknowledge generating employment for the youth.
To repair or fix Laws on dowry and domestic violence
Amend, Rectify, (Noun)
Remediate Verb something that has remediate the harmful practices and
Redress, Restore Mediate
gone wrong abuses faced by married women.
Sanatarium A place for the The actor spent his final years in a
Noun Palliative care
Sanitarium terminally ill sanatarium before his death.
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- The shepherd used to traverse the
entire jungle to feed his cattle.
To cover an area or
Traverse Verb - The British rule over Indian Pass over, Span
time period
subcontinent traversed over two
- To think (Brood) - Stop dwelling and take action.
Dwell Verb - To originate/live in an - Discrimination against women dwells Populate, Inhabit
area in the mindset our parents.
1) With Russia's Ukraine invasion, a
world war seems all the more certain.
All the more Adverb Even more Much
2) Her attire made her personality all
the more attractive.
1. Development This past decade saw a massive 1. Generation Proliferate
Proliferation Noun
2. Growth, increase proliferation of online services. 2. Expansion (Verb)
Something difficult to Abstruse, Hi-fi,
The idea that humans evolved from apes
Esoteric Adj understand because of Rocket science,
is still esoteric to most illiterate people.
its complexity Enigmatic
Mahatma Gandhi was known for brevity Crispness,
Brevity Noun Shortness, Briefness Brief (Adj)
in his speeches. Conciseness
Most individuals find research papers
A special system of Nomenclature, Special
Terminology Noun that utilize scientific terminology and
words to naming language, Jargon
jargon to be challenging to understand.
-Beyond explanation For some inexplicable reason, China is Inexplainable,
Inexplicable Adj
-Beyond understanding still under lockdowns. Incomprehensible
Not capable of being Doctors are notorious for their illegible Unintelligible,
Illegible Noun
read or understood handwriting on prescription slips. Indecipherable
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Rule out, Forbid, Preclusion
Preclude Verb Pre + exclude Any diet plan should preclude fast food.
Elide, Obviate (Noun)
Flip-flop, Turnaround,
The Government’s reversal on the
Volte-face, Reverse
Reversal Noun A U-turn promise of agricultural subsidies
Backpedaling, (Verb)
angered farmers.
Something difficult to Africa and Asia still suffer from Unmanageable,
Intractable Noun
handle manage intractable poverty. Uncontrollable
This latest tax increase may push many
Precipice Noun Verge, Cliff small companies over the financial Cusp, Brink
Khap Panchayats used to ostracize the Exile, Banish,
To cut someone off the Ostracism
Ostracize Verb families of the couples getting into inter- Ex-communicate,
society/group (Noun)
caste relationships. boycott
Of great importance, Federer and Nadal are two of the Prominent, Notable,
Marquee Adj
significance marquee names in men’s tennis. High profile
A nimble action by the police proved Nimbleness
Nimble Adj Quick Agile, Swift, Lively
critical in nabbing the killers. (Noun)
Phrasal Increased exports can rev up the Expedite, Quicken,
Rev up Speed up, Accelerate
Verb economic growth. Hasten, Fasten up
A large uncontrollable
Many people died in a multi-story Hellfire, Inferno,
Conflagration Noun fire or fire-like
building conflagration in Surat. Wildfire
Women need to break their sexist image
Discriminatory on the
Sexist Adj and venture into higher education and Chauvinist, Jingoist
basis of gender
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Beautiful or sharp in These shoes are more aesthetic than Aesthetics
Aesthetic Adj Attractive, beautiful
looks comfortable. (Noun)
The pursuit of happiness ends with the Pursue
Pursuit Noun Chase, Desire, Hunt Quest, Aspiration
death. (Verb)
- A new political dispensation has been
- System, Regime
set up in Sri Lanka. Regime,
Dispensation Noun - Exemption,
- The students got a dispensation from Administration
exams due to the pandemic.
To give someone a
The new legislation will enfranchise Empower, Enfranchisem
En + Franchise Verb right/freedom
millions of migrants. Emancipate ent (Noun)
(especially of voting)
Cornerstone Noun Foundation Hard work is the cornerstone of success. Mainstay,
Phrasal The skyscrapers of the city can’t paper
Paper over Hide, Cover up Mask
verb over the slums nearby.
(Age jakar ke) Peace and harmony in a society, in turn,
In turn Adverb Successively,
Subsequently leads to a prosperous state.
The Tata Group has had unquestionable
Probity Noun Integrity Morality, Rectitude
probity in every aspect of their business.
Hackneyed, Cliché,
Tasteless (Feeka), The audience were disappointed with Banal, Trite, Insipidity
Insipid Adj
Uninteresting the insipid performance of the team. Bland, Vapid, (Noun)
Mimic, Ape, Imitation
Imitate Verb Copy, duplicate Parrots can imitate human speech.
Simulate (Noun)
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Control and exploit the Nations need to harness nuclear power
Harness Verb Use, Utilize, Wield
power of something to become energy sufficient.
People tend to embellish their success Adorn, Grace,
Embellish Verb Decorate stories to impress others with their Beautify, Ornament,
achievements. Aggrandize
The report enumerates the incidents of
To express something
Enumerate Verb child deaths that were caused by Count, Itemize
clearly in numbers
substandard medicines.
Eccentric, Weird,
The youth are fan of whimsical fashion Whims
Whimsical Adj Moody, Full of whims Arbitrary, Bizarre,
nowadays. (Noun)
To provide (education,
The interns were imparted an
Impart Verb training, knowledge, Bestow
orientation training by the manager.
identity, confidence)
My foolish neighbour spent all her
Inheritance Noun Virasat Heritage
inheritance in a year.
Phrasal Universal vaccination is the key to Eradicate,
Weed out Eliminate, Wipe out
Verb weeding out the virus. Uproot
To show firm India needs to double down on its
Double down + Phrasal
commitment to your economic plans to harness its
on verb
stand/belief democratic dividend.
IT industry in India offers very lucrative Productive, Fruitful, Lucrativeness
Lucrative Adj Profitable
jobs. Well-paid (Noun)
Involved in an illegal Several officers were found to be Accessory, Accessary, Complicity
Complicit Adj
activity complicit in the cover-up. Accomplice (Noun)
India is poised to become the third Poise
Poised Adj Balanced Equilibrized
largest economy of the world. (Verb)
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Feed, Cherish,
Trade is a very useful tool to nourish the
Nourish Verb Nurture (Palna posna) Cultivate, Encourage,
ties between two countries.
It is a common fallacy amongst middle
Fallacy Noun False belief class to believe that money doesn’t Misconception
bring happiness.
The USA has been accused of toppling
To cause someone to Overthrow, Upend,
Topple Verb several adversarial regimes in the
tumble by pushing Capsize
Middle East.
In a ludicrous move, some at-risk adults
Ridiculous, Absurd, Ludicrousness
Ludicrous Adj Silly, Foolish have refused to get vaccinated against
Preposterous, Wacky (Noun)
- The goods train derailed because of a
- To cause or get a
damaged track. Derailment
De + rail Verb train off the track Wreck, Deflect
- Drugs and alcohol have derailed the (Noun)
- To upset a process
lives of many celebrities.
The industry is suffering from a scarcity Deficit, Dearth, Scarce
Scarcity Noun Shortage
of skilled workers. Paucity, Insufficiency (Adj)
The government must take a decisive Fateful, Momentous, Decisiveness
Decisive Adj Conclusive, Critical
action on population control. Epochal (Noun)
The police have formed a special task
The act of setting fire Torching, Incendiarism Arsonist
Arson Noun force to deal with rising vandalism and
to property Firebombing (Doer Noun)
arson in the city.
The Government has made a great Move, Measure,
Stride Noun Step
stride in its war against corruption. Footstep, Progress
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To establish with
Solidify, Seal, Bind,
Cement Verb strength (as if with The incident cemented our friendship.
The takeaway from the meeting is that Learning,
Takeaway Noun Take + away = Lesson we need to focus on innovative Fable/Parable (A story
products. with a moral lesson)
The job was very good on many Benchmark, Metric,
Parameter Noun Standard (Kasauti)
parameters. Yardstick, Criterion
Manage, Evade,
Some High Net Worth (HNI) individuals
Side-step, Circumvention
Circumvent Verb Bypass, Work around open their accounts in Switzerland and
Circumnavigate, (Noun)
Panama to circumvent India’s tax laws.
Steer clear of
Noun/ - Win (Noun) Behind every triumph, there are lots of Triumphant
Triumph Conquest, Success
Verb - To win (Verb) failures and losses. (Doer Noun)
To give an inviting The glamorous life of Bollywood Entice, Call, Lure,
Beckon Verb
signal beckons many youngsters. Tempt, Attract
Make someone feel The fact that a majority of our educated
Discomfit, Disconcerting
Disconcert Verb - embarrassed young workforce is unemployable is
Discompose (Adj)
- upset somewhat disconcerting.
The debut movie of the actress
Propel Verb Push higher Drive, Accelerate
propelled her to overnight stardom.
Clamp down
Phrasal Control Tax authorities have started cracking Crackdown
Rein in, Curb,
Crack down Verb (Shikanja kasna) down on tax evaders. (Noun)
Control, Tame
The people of the nation have shown Absolute, Unequivocal,
Categorical Adj Clear-cut their categorical support to the elected Unqualified,
Government. Unambiguous
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The court found the accountant guilty,
inasmuch as he concealed the
Inasmuch as Phrase To the extent
wrongdoings of the company
Job security is the overarching concern Overall,
Overarching Adj Main, Dominant
of the majority of protestors. Overshadowing
A prejudice that
Noun/ Discussions about mental illnesses are Prohibited,
Taboo prohibits mention /use
Adj still a taboo in conservative societies. Forbidden
of something
Something that cannot Global warming is doing irreversible Irrevocable, Irreversibility
Irreversible Adj
be reversed damage to our environment. Indelible, Irretrievable (Noun)
Chinese foreign policy is entirely built on Authority,
Hegemony Noun Leadership the vision of establishing a global Command,
hegemony. Domination, Helm
The accused killer remained steadfast in
Unyielding, Steadfastness
Steadfast Adj Stubborn, loyal, Firm his belief that he had done the right
Unflinching, staunch (Noun)
thing to kill a criminal.
A government agency The RBI is the watchdog of liquidity and Superintendent,
Watchdog Noun
that regulates a task inflation. Warden, Overseer,
Radioactive waste can cause
Adulteration, Contaminate
Contamination Noun Impurity contamination in the air and water in its
Pollution (Verb)
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- Severe criticism
- Censure
- A situation/rule that The growth of the company was
Stricture Noun - Restraint
restricts your hampered by financial strictures.
People with co-morbidities such as
Co-existence of two or
Co-morbidity Noun diabetes and blood pressure should get
more diseases
vaccinated first.
The virus remains dormant until it finds Inoperative, Dormancy
Dormant Adj Asleep, Inactive
a new host. Sluggish (Noun)
To fight back, give a The Government retaliated by throwing Strike back, (Noun)
Retaliate Verb
counter reply the violent protestors into prison. Pushback Retaliatory
The pandemic has snowballed into an
Snowball Verb To get out of control Spiral
international disaster.
All software companies of 90’s tried to Emulation
Emulate Verb To mimic, try to match follow suit,
emulate Microsoft. (Noun)
Catch up with
(1) Hoarding and black marketing is a Endeavour,
A risky attempt/
Noun/ risky venture (Noun). investment,
Venture business, to take a
Verb (2) A few fishermen ventured into the experiment,
chance (Verb)
stormy waters and lost their lives. adventure
The most pertinent concern for Europe Related,
Pertinent Adj Relevant
today is an energy crisis in winters. Appropriate
Putin is facing a rebellion from his own
Rebellion Noun A revolt Insurgency, Mutiny,
private army.
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Phrasal A retired judge will preside over the Oversee, Reign over,
Preside over Supervise
verb committee. Govern
To keep something She anchored her hope on her friends’ Anchor
Anchor Verb Stabilize
firm and fixed help. (Noun)
Several navy ships are trying to recover Rubble,
Debris Noun Remains of something
the debris of the crashed plane. Wreckage, Remnant
Protesters had not anticipated such a Anticipation
Anticipate Verb Visualize in advance Predict, Forecast
harsh response from the administration. (Noun)
Covid-19 vaccines are the result of
Con + vergence Agreement, Merging, Converge
Noun convergence of many streams of
Opp-Divergence Concurrence Confluence (Verb)
- Well- Something that cannot India’s economic rise seemed quite
Adj Unthinkable,
conceived be imagined inconceivable 20 years ago.
- ill-conceived
India’s status of world’s fastest growing
Testament Noun Evidence, Witness economy is a testament to its rising
demographic dividend.
The police were finally able to nab the Elude
Elusive Adj Difficult to catch Evasive, Slippery
elusive thieves. (Verb)
Powerful vested interests are opposing Vest
Vested Adj Hidden, veiled Clothed, Ulterior
the developmental projects in this area. (Adj)
Police should not use coercion, while Coercive
Coercion Compulsion,
Noun Pressure, Force questioning people accused in civil (Adj)
(davab) Intimidation, Duress
crimes. Coerce (Verb)
Noun A cover/mask to hide The comedian concealed her sorrow Façade, Camouflage,
Fig leaf
Phrase something behind the fig leaf of a smiling face. Disguise
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Something that cannot Nowadays, CCTV footage is considered Undeniable,
Irrefutable Adj
be refuted/denied irrefutable evidence of the crime. Incontestable,
The placement of unquestionable blind
Misleading, Fallacious, Erroneously
Erroneous Adj Wrong, Incorrect faith in any political sect is inherently
Inaccurate (Adverb)
erroneous and gives rise to fascism.
It is considered churlish to take pictures
Churlish Adj Ill-natured, Rude of strangers without their explicit
Minutia Sometimes we get stuck with minutia
Noun A minor detail Trivia
Pl- Minutiae and lose sight of the bigger picture.
Most of the water in oceans is not
Potable Adj Suitable for drinking Drinkable
- Service sector accounts for 55% of the
Phrasal Indian GDP.
Account for -To be responsible for
Verb - Every criminal has to account for
his/her crimes in the court of the law.
A period of time Under Trump’s tenure, the US started a Tenured
Tenure Noun Reign, Stint
(karyakal) cold-war with China. (Adj)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
- At year ending, bank employees are Overwhelming
To submerge overwhelmed with work. (Adj)
something in excessive - The sudden downpour overwhelmed Meaning:
• Work (with water) the entire city. Excessive
Over + whelm Verb
• Water - Loss of loved ones can overwhelm • In general
• Emotions (with emotions) anyone. • Water
• Dominance - The team overwhelmed (dominated) • Emotions
the opponent in the finals.
Work… etc.
The Indian PM is to launch an ambitious
Aspirational, Ambition
Ambitious Adj Aiming very high $2 billion PLI scheme to give boost to
Earnest (Noun)
small exporters of the nation.
An official report of G-7 communique focused on Russia’s Proclamation,
Communique Noun
joint statement aggression against Ukraine. Statement
Fanaticism, Extreme The US waged a world-wide war against Radicalism, Zealotry, Extremist
Extremism Noun
behaviour extremism after the 9/11 event. Jingoism (Noun)
Afghanistan and Ukraine fiascos are
Indisputable, Indubitably
Indubitable Adj Without doubt indubitable failures of Joe Biden’s
Certain (Adverb)
foreign policy.
Each country needs to introspect on its
Intro + Spect Reflect on, Ponder, Introspection
Introspect Verb actions before blaming others for the
To look inside Self-examine (Noun)
problem of climate change.
The biggest constraint in expansion of a Restriction,
Constraint Noun A limitation
company’s business is lack of finances. Bottleneck
The two leaders had a tryst on the
Tryst Noun A brief meeting Date, A Rendezvous
sidelines of the conference.
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
- To keep something
o Winning the match buoyed the team. Encourage, Support, Buoyant – Full
cheerful and lively
Buoy Verb The salty water buoyed her as she swam Boost, Bolster, of liveliness
- To keep something
towards the sea-shore. Undergird, Underpin (Adj)
Developing nations strive to replicate Replica
Replicate Verb Copy, Duplicate Simulate, Repeat
the industrial boom of the West. (Noun)
Tactics, Manoeuvre The party was accused of several Plotting, Cabal,
Machination Noun
(Danv-pech) machinations to secure the elections. Conspiracy, Ploy
Accomplishment, The Statue of Unity is a remarkable feat
Feat Noun Performance
Achievement of engineering.
A social setting or Every writer’s writing provide a glimpse
Milieu Noun
environment of his social and economic milieu.
o Calculate and come
It is reckoned that India’s economy will Reckoning (N)
Reckon Verb to an understanding Suppose, Estimate
be the second largest by 2050. Calculation
o Believe, Assume
Very strict or Army schools are known for their Stringent, Rigid, Rigour
Rigorous Adj
burdensome rigorous discipline. Harsh, Stern (Noun)
Small garden The family lived on a homestead and
Orchard Noun Plantation, Grove
(Bageecha) owned several nearby orchards.
- Doctors have observed piecemeal
Adj/ - Partial and gradual improvement in the patient.
Adverb - Step-by-step - The reforms are being implemented in
a piecemeal fashion.
The act of looking back (Verb)
Retrospection Noun Retrospection is precursor to hindsight. Hindsight, Review
at the past events Retrospective
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• Retirement 60 is the age of superannuation for the
Superannuation Noun
• Retirement fund employees of the Central Government.
Her dreams of being independent Manifestation
Become real Realize, Materialize,
Manifest Verb manifested with her selection for the (Noun)
(Avatar lena) Actualize
job. (Avataar)
Language and culture transcend
Transcend Verb To go beyond Surpass
India fought a long struggle to attain Deliverance, Emancipate
Emancipation Noun Freedom
emancipation. Liberation (Verb)
Incongruous/ Out of place, A huge shopping mall in the middle of a Incongruence
Adj Inconsistent,
Incongruent Incompatible village looked incongruous. (Noun)
Thanks to a robust financial ecosystem,
Sturdy, Tough,
Robust Adj Strong Indian economy managed to withstand
Powerful, Well-built
major economic recessions of the past.
The ability to bounce Indian economy’s resilience helped us Resilient
Resilience Noun
back cope with the recession of 2009. (Adj)
People make the mistake of not
Phrasal To take something into
Factor in factoring in the value of their time while
Verb consideration
engaging in leisure activities.
Raising the interest rates is the only
An approach or path to
Avenue Noun avenue that the central banks are left Route, Boulevard
with to curb inflation.
Rash drivers are often not cognizant of
Conscious, Cognizance
Cognisant Adj Aware, Informed the danger they cause to the lives of
Knowing, Mindful (Noun)
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Conservative customs are anachronistic Anachronism
Anachronistic Adj chronologically Obsolete
in a modern society. (Noun)
Strong feeling of Much to his chagrin, he came last in the Humiliating
Chagrin Noun Humiliation
embarrassment race. (Adj)
Extremely heavy in The teacher gave an onerous
Burdensome, Onus
Onerous Adj burden, difficult to assignment to the students as
Arduous (Noun)
perform homework.
Subtle difference A good teacher should know the Nuanced
Nuance Noun Subtlety, Refinement
(Bareeki) nuances of his subject. (Adj)
• Lead to, Imply Entailing
Financial frauds entail harsh
En + tail Verb • Necessitate, Result in, Implicate Entailed
punishment in Islamic regimes.
Warrant (Adj)
Russia has threatened to launch a pre- Protective,
Pre-emptive Adj precautionary in
emptive nuclear strike on Ukraine. Deterrent
Mandarins have hinted at the possibility
Mandarins Noun Government officials Bureaucrat
of another Covid lockdown.
A civilized society should eschew Eschewal
Eschew Verb Stay away from, Avoid Shun, Shy away from
violence. (Noun)
Phrasal Education has helped millions break out
Break out of Escape Flee, Leave
Verb of poverty.
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1) To make something
successful by putting - Hammer out,
in efforts. (1) New Delhi has forged alliances with Thrash out,
2) To make an illegal all major western powers. Construct, Negotiate Forgery
Forge Verb
copy of a document. (2) He was accused of forging the - Falsify, Fabricate, (Noun)
3) To shape a metal by property documents of his uncle. Tamper with,
heating and Manipulate
Noun/ Massacre
Massacre Carnage, Bloodshed Civil wars often give birth to massacres. Bloodbath, Pogrom,
Verb (Verb)
Ethnic cleansing
Hyperexcited, The new law has been accused of Overzealous-
Overzealous Adj Fanatic
Hyperactive overzealous surveillance of the citizens. ness (Noun)
Talk that looks hi-fi but Despite the rhetoric about reforms, Magniloquence, Rhetorical
Rhetoric Noun
turns out empty little has changed so far. Balderdash, (Adj)
To make something
Phrasal The politician tried to play down his role Belittle, Diminish,
Play down look less important,
Verb in the scam. Make light of
Several glaring errors in your writing Flagrant, Noticeable,
Glaring Adj Obvious, Apparent
leave a bad impression on the readers. Conspicuous, Blatant
Discussion to solve a
The USA and the Taliban are engaged Negotiation, Talks, Parley
Parley Noun dispute or
into fruitless parleys. dialogue (Verb)
Despite differences, European countries Amicably
Amicable Adj Friendly and cordial Congenial, Affable
have learned to coexist amicably. (Adverb)
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- A very virulent form of the disease has
o Extremely Pernicious, Malignant,
appeared in Africa. Virulence
Virulent Adj poisonous Toxic, Hostile,
- China is a virulent critic of the (Noun)
o Very harsh Noxious, Venomous
American sanctions on Iran.
Trapped (Daldal me The world economy is mired in the Quagmire
Mired Adj Frozen, Entangled
fansa) Covid-19-induced recession. (Noun)
People well versed in the String Theory
Well versed Adj Well informed/read expect to find the ‘God’ equation by the Scholarly
end of the decade.
Uni + lateral One-sided,
Unilateral Adj Relationships can never be unilateral.
(Ek tarafa) Lopsided
A structure with roof The whole political and social edifice of Framework,
Edifice Noun
and pillars the nation is about to collapse. Monument
Most people don’t have savings enough
Phrasal To survive through a Survive, Endure,
Tide over to tide over a tough period of 2-3
verb difficult period Withstand
months without their monthly salary.
To go through a
Reel from/ Phrasal Our economy is still reeling from/under Falter, Stagger,
difficult time because
under Verb the Covid-19 pandemic. Lurch, Flounder
of something
Rumours of the couple’s secret marriage
Abound Verb To be in abundance Proliferate
Bail is granted at the discretion of the Discretionary
Discretion Noun Judgment (Manmarji) Wisdom, Prudence
court. (Adj)
The GDP of the nation has been Blossom, Mushroom,
Burgeon Verb To grow and prosper burgeoning at a quick pace for last 2 Thrive, Flourish,
decades. Spring up
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Economic reforms of 1992 were
Not improving/ Dying, Perishing,
Moribund Adj necessary to revive a moribund
growing/changing Rotting, Stagnant
Khule aam + The Government has faced blatant
Blatant Adj Cacophonous,
jor shor se criticism over the three farm bills.
Vehement, Fierce
Receive (Verb)
Open and welcoming The team was not very receptive to the Amenable,
Receptive Adj Reception
to something new ideas of the management. Responsive
To motivate/push Increasing rate of crime against women
Goad, Nudge, Push,
Prod Verb someone to do has prodded the policymaker into
something making harsher laws.
Noun/ Knee-jerk responses are generally Impulsive, Sudden,
Knee-jerk A sudden reaction
Adj damaging in the long term. Spontaneous
Listless, lethargic,
Lacking spirit, half- Competitive Exams of India can’t be
Lackadaisical Adj Languid, laid-back,
hearted cracked with a lackadaisical approach.
Some policemen connived with the
To get involved in a Connivance
Connive Verb prisoners and helped them escape the Conspire, Collude
secret plot (Noun)
The perpetrators of the crime were still Perpetrate
Perpetrator Noun A wrongdoer Culprit, Miscreant
at large. (Verb)
The battle has reached a crucial
Juncture Noun Turning point Crossroads
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The act of deliberate The police have formed a special task
Vandalism Noun destruction of force to deal with rising vandalism and Hooliganism
public/private property arson in the city.
The world’s investigative agencies are
In tandem Adverb In close co-operation working in tandem to figure out the
In concert with
origin of the Covid-19 virus.
A group of similar
people (by age, The initial cohort of patients have safely
Cohort Noun Regiment,
profession or other recovered from the disease.
- Casual and
Rash drivers are careless of their own - Reckless, Wasteful
Wanton Adj safety and show wanton disregard for - Promiscuous,
- Casual in sexual
the safety of everyone else. Lustful
Lack of concern or Disinterest,
Indifference to your career can cost you Indifferent
Indifference Noun emotions for Nonchalance,
dearly. (Adj)
something Apathy, Callousness
A source of evil and Drunk drivers are menace to everyone Peril, Danger, Menacing
Menace Noun
danger on the road. Threat, Warning (Adj)
Marriage has been a sacrosanct Inviolable, Sacred,
Sacrosanct Adj Holy and pure
institution. Sanctified
Pleasant way of saying ‘Senior citizen’ is a euphemism for ‘old Genteelism,
Euphemism Noun
something person’. Circumlocution
Paradoxical, Satirical, Irony
The promoters of the company have
Comical, Sardonic, (Noun)
Ironic Adj Sarcastic made an ironic decision of the selling
Anomalous, Ironically
their holdings.
Contradictory (Adverb)
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Scammers nowadays are using
Sophisticated Advanced, Sophisticate
Adj Refined, Nuanced sophisticated technology to cheat in
Opp- Rustic Doctored up (Verb)
their examinations.
Contaminate, Tainted
The capitalism is very often accused of
Vitiate Verb Corrupt Pollute, Ruin, (Adj)
vitiating the social fabric of a nation.
Adulterate, Taint Vitiation
The committee came up with another
Version, A repeated
Iteration Noun iteration of the rules that were
acceptable to all stakeholders.
Extra cash flow in the business will Elbow room, Latitude,
Leeway Noun Freedom, Scope
provide leeway to our operations. Margin, Headroom
The divergence between the incomes of
Disagreement, Deviation, Diverge
Divergence Noun the rich and the poor seems to be
Difference, Discontent Dissimilarity, (Verb)
Departure, Disparity
Get rid of, Shed,
Phrasal To get rid of something The killers tried to dispose of the body Eradicate, abolish
Dispose of
Verb To settle something by throwing it in a river. Do away with,
Dispense with
Usain Bolt has set a gold standard for Mastery, Dexterity,
Prowess Noun Mastery
athletic prowess. Expertise
- The Government has deferred its plans
- Delay, Postpone to sell its stake in the Indian Railways.
Defer Verb Put off, Hold off
- Pay respect + to - Politicians should always defer to the
needs and aspirations of the electorate.
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(1) To remember the (1) Some old people always hark back to
Hark back + Phrasal past how things were 30 years ago. Remind, Recall,
to Verb (2) To cause to (2) This new style harks back to the Be reminiscent of
remember the past fashion of 60’s.
Foreboding Predicting a bad omen A crash in crude oil prices is foreboding Ominous, Forebode
Ant: Auspicious (अपशगुन) for the global economy. Portentous (Verb)
- The court has set aside the provision of
• Strike down,
Set aside reservation for Marathas for State
Phrasal • Cancel, ignore Quash, Abrogate,
Lay aside Government jobs.
Verb • Save for future Repeal, Interdict
Put aside - All of us should set aside a portion of
• Save
our income for future.
The genesis of the COVID-19 outbreak
Genesis Noun Beginning was traced back to China, where the first Commencement
cases were identified.
Grapple with, Tackle,
Phrasal Contending with failure and turning it
Contend with Deal with, Put up with Face, Wrestle with,
Verb into success is the art of living.
Cope with
Space is filled with unknown stars and
Uncharted Adj Unexplored Unmapped
uncharted galaxies.
Indian Judicial system has a huge Accumulation,
Backlog Noun Pendency
backlog of cases to hear. Stockpile
-(Noun) Order, - The RBI’s primary mandate is to
Noun/ Command balance inflation and economic growth.
Verb -(Verb) To make - Our Constitution mandates that
something mandatory everyone is equal in the eyes of the law.
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Allocate or assign The Government has earmarked ₹520
Earmark Verb something for a crores for a possible third wave of the
purpose virus.
The island nation is going through
Circumstance Noun Situation, Condition Context
extremely dangerous circumstances.
The old man calmed a violent crowd Judiciousness, Prudent
Prudence Noun Wisdom, Carefulness
with his prudence. Discretion (Adj)
Photographs are a tool to capture the Crux, Gist,
Essence Noun (Saar)
essence of a situation. Nitty-gritty
(1) Law is the bulwark of society.
Dependable support, Mainstay, Rampart,
(2) The France-made Rafale aircraft are
Bulwark Noun Defensive boundary Parapet, Bedrock,
our strongest bulwark against the
(Sahara) Linchpin, Fencing
Insecure people tend to exaggerate Embellish, Exaggeration
Exaggerate Verb Overstate
their virtues and hide their vices. Overestimate (Noun)
To add or mix different Successful refrain from conflating Merge, Combine,
Conflate Verb
things professional and personal life. Fuse
The Centre and State governments have In tandem,
Co-ordinated and Concertedness
Concerted Adj started a concerted campaign to Synchronized,
preplanned (Noun)
encourage people to get vaccinated. Collaborated
Phrasal To surrender We had to fork out Rs. 500 in penalties Shell out,
Fork out
Verb something to someone for not wearing a mask. Cough up
Law is never foolproof and is often Flaw-less, Infallible,
Foolproof Adj misused by some miscreants of our Unassailable,
society. Impeccable,
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To make someone
Phrasal Raju, our neighbour, roped in everyone Involve, Convince,
Rope in involve with something
verb to help him move to his new house. trap
(with force)
Maruti Suzuki manufactures cars to
Cater + to Verb Serve, Supply cater to the needs of middle and lower- Gratify, Pamper
middle class of India.
Ratan Tata is known for his flair for
Flair Noun Natural talent or style Panache, Genius
business and clarity of vision.
At the start of the second wave of the Predicament,
A difficult situation
Dilemma Noun pandemic, tha nation was in a dilemma Quandary, Bind,
over the necessity of lock-downs. Hobson's choice
Several ambulances rushed towards the
Frenetic Adj Wild and agitated Frantic, Frenzied
accident spot at frenetic pace.
The company has employed an
Phrasal To make something Dress up, Tidy up,
Spruce up advertising agency to spruce up its
Verb neat and well-groomed Titivate
public image.
Elon Musk is often extolled as the Applaud/Laud, Glorify,
Extol Verb Praise highly
inventor of 21st century. Honour, Exalt
Bread and butter, Fishing is the primary sustenance of the Support, Subsistence, Sustain
Sustenance Noun
Livelihood people living near the sea-shores. occupation (Verb)
Annoying, Vexing,
Something that causes The plot of the movie was confusing and
Irksome Adj Pestering,
irritation irksome.
Exact, Accurate The management has issued precise (Noun)
Precise Adj Unambiguous,
(Sateek) directions for the workers. Precisely
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Hesitation, Reluctance,
Diffidence in taking the required action
Diffidence Noun Lack of self-confidence Unwillingness,
can spoil your life.
The convict did not evince any remorse Express, Manifest,
Evince Verb Show, Demonstrate
for his crime. Indicate
Face and withstand Small businesses usually fail to weather Endure, Resist, Weather
Weather Verb
something bravely the effects of inflation and recession. Overcome, Survive (Noun)
Imprint, Authority,
The companies used their clout to Clout
Clout Noun Influence, Sway Power, Domination,
influence the policy. (Verb)
Something in a logical
The testimony given by the witnesses Coherence
Coherent Adj order that makes Consistent, Logical
was not coherent. (Noun)
Equal + Animus His sense of humour allowed him to face
Equanimity Noun Composure,
Balance of mind adversaries with equanimity.
Tranquility, Peace
Quicken, hasten, Expeditious
Expedite/ To speed up We need to produce more vaccines to Accelerate, (Adj)
expediate (efficiently) expediate vaccination against the virus. rush through Expeditiously
(Negative) (Adverb)
Apparent Man-made pollution is the ostensible Evident, Seeming, Ostensibly
Ostensible Adj
(Jag-jahir) reason behind global warming. Clear (Adverb)
- What actually transpired in Arushi case
- To occur or take place is still a mystery. Happen, Come about,
Transpire Verb
To come to light - It has transpired that the IMF has Unfold
rejected financial assistance to Pakistan.
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Shocking, Amazing, Stagger
For the past 30 years, the Indian
- Extremely surprising Astounding, Stunning, (Verb)
Staggering Adj economy has grown at a staggering
and impressive Mind-boggling, Mind- To walk with
pace of 7-10% per annum.
blowing difficulty
Her job as a secretary encompasses a Encapsulate, Cover, (Adj)
Encompass Verb - To include in scope
wide range of responsibilities. Include
The promoters of the company have Mitigate, Adulterate, Dilution
To make something
Dilute Verb diluted their shareholding in the Attenuate, Water (Noun)
less intensive
business. down Diluted (Adj)
Noun/ - An essential or urgent It is an imperative that the Government Necessity, Imperatively
Adj duty should cut down its import budget. Obligation, Exigency (Adverb)
To adopt or accept The world needs to embrace solar
Embrace Verb Espouse
someone energy to fight climate change.
Flirting, Love affair, Bill Clinton was impeached for his Dally
Dalliance Noun Espousal
Brief connection dalliance with a White House intern. (Verb)
Affability, Amiability,
After an argument, the atmosphere of Friendliness,
Bonhomie Noun Khushmijaji
bonhomie was suddenly gone. Geniality, Amenity,
Jolliness, Jollity,
The Minister’s acquittal from the court Mockery, Parody,
Travesty Noun Satirical comedy
was a complete travesty of justice. Farce
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Offspring (Pl) or
We are dooming our progeny by ruining
Progeny Noun descendants of a The young
our environment.
The group of people
living abroad and Indian diaspora in Texas gathered on
Diaspora Noun Migrants, Emigrants,
having common the roads to welcome PM Modi.
- The leading units of Pioneer,
(At/In the)
an army Google and Meta are in the vanguard of Cutting-edge,
+ Noun
- An inspiring first our technology front. Avant-grade,
example Forefront, Trailblazer
The actor will make his foray into Foray
Foray Noun Attempt Endeavor
politics in the upcoming elections. (Verb)
- To arouse curiosity - The prospect of intelligent life on other - Fascinate, Enchant,
- To make a secret planets has always intrigued scientists. Titillate Intriguing
Intrigue Verb
plot against - The men accused of intriguing against - Conspire, Collude, (Adj)
someone the king were executed. Machinate
They tried to look at the problem from a Perception, Mindset,
Perspective Noun - Viewpoint
different perspective. outlook, panorama
- Unjustified or The theory was found to be untenable Untenability
Un-tenable Adj Indefensible, illogical
Unacceptable and rejected. (Noun)
Appear from
Materialize from
Phrasal Originate from The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Emanate from
Verb - Emerge from negligence of China.
Crop up from
Arise from
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The Government should hold a
Plebiscite Noun A public/popular vote Referendum
plebiscite for approval on the farm bills.
A special offer, theory Making easy money has always been an Premise, Hypothesis,
Proposition Noun
or situation attractive proposition. Proposal
Aboriginal, Denizen, Indigenousne
Indigenous Adj Local, Native Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.
Habitant ss (Noun)
Gag, Suppress,
Silence (Gala ghotna, The new law enacted by the
Choke, Stifle,
Muzzle Verb awaj dabana), Government aims at muzzling the
Restrain, Box in,
Suffocate freedom of speech.
Technology can be hazardous if it is used Risky, Dicey,
Hazardous Adj Dangerous
without restraint and care. Perilous, Precarious
Our cantankerous neighbours are used
Easily irritated, Petulant, Grumpy,
Cantankerous Adj to picking gratuitous fights with
Petulant Tetchy, Crotchety
Full of contention - Abortion is a highly contentious issue
- Controversial all over the world.
Contentious Adj Disputative,
- Inclined to - Salman Rushdie is an author known for
disagree/dispute his contentious style of writing.
Detrimental + Excessive inflation is always detrimental Deleterious + to, Detriment
Adj Harmful, Injurious + to
to to the overall economy. Pernicious + to (Noun)
To appease or flatter
Phrasal Rohit always plays up to his parents Curry favour with
Play up to someone to gain their
Verb when he wants money. someone
Germinate, Generate,
Phrasal To cause something to Continuous wars brought about a huge
Bring about Produce, Engender,
Verb occur amount of destruction.
Beget, Spawn, Breed
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The Global GDP has been experiencing
Head + wind An unfavourable
Noun headwinds of the pandemic and high Challenge, Difficulty
Ant- Tailwind condition
Equal at societal level,
Egalitarian Adj Equalitarian
Valiant Adj Full of courage, Valour Every dog is valiant at his own door. Brave, Gallant
Success is the culmination of years of Pinnacle, Zenith, Culminate
Culmination Noun Endgame, Finalization
practice and hard work. Consummation, Climax (Verb)
Several Afghan nationals were seen
To make a hurried but Scramble
Scramble Verb scrambling towards the airport to leave Rush, Make haste
clumsy move (Noun)
the country.
Indian IT companies have made a
Footprint Noun Impression Imprint, Mark
footprint in the global markets.
Pernicious, Like a
High-blood pressure is an insidious
Insidious Adj Sneakingly dangerous snake in the grass,
condition which has few symptoms.
Anarchy, Mayhem,
(Wreak) Havoc,
After the Taliban took over Kabul, there
Turmoil, Upheaval, Chaotic
Chaos Noun Disorder, Lawlessness was an atmosphere of chaos on the
Uproar, Shambles, (Adj)
India’s smaller cities are a reservoir of Pool, Stockpile,
Reservoir Noun A large storage
untapped talent and potential. Repository
Global warming is anthropogenic and is
Anthropogenic Adj Caused by humans Anthropogenetic
slowly killing our ecosystem.
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A home on a The family lived on a homestead and Settlement,
Homestead Noun
farmhouse owned several nearby orchards. Habitation, Habitat
Strong relationships thrive on the
Mutually beneficial
Symbiosis Noun symbiosis of love, respect and Mutualism
communication between people.
The armed robbers stole over $500m in Larceny, Pilferage, Heist
Heist Noun An (armed) theft
the biggest bank heist in history. Burglary, Robbery (Verb)
Spying, the act of Surveillance,
The Government is facing the charges of
Espionage Noun watching over Snooping,
wide-spread espionage.
someone Eavesdropping
Modesty, Meekness, Humble
Humility Noun Humbleness Humility is the beginning of wisdom.
Sincerity (Adj)
Compete with
- With some1 20 teams are vying for the prestigious
Verb someone for Contest, Contend
- for something World Cup title this year.
- To do sth.
To challenge, disregard Defying the lockdowns, some people Flout, Scoff,
Defy Verb (Noun)
an order/authority were roaming in the streets. Fly in the face of
Defiant (Doer)
Suffering, Woe,
Poland has opened its borders, taking
Plight Noun Difficult position Predicament,
note of the plight of Ukrainian refugees.
An embarrassing and The three farm bills ended in a political Debacle, Blunder,
Fiasco Noun
destructive failure fiasco for the NDA-led Government. Disaster, Setback
Equipment or Astronauts need to take special
Device, Mechanism,
Apparatus Noun instruments for a breathing apparatus with them into the
purpose space.
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Our world needs to tap into solar and
Phrasal Tap or Faucet
Tap (into) To utilize nuclear energy to reduce carbon Exploit
Verb (Noun)
All corporate companies are jumping on
Bandwagon Noun A popular trend the bandwagon of organic food Vogue, Fashion
Considerable, The effects of the lock-downs have been Substantially
Substantial Adj Noticeable, Sizeable
Significant substantial. (Adverb)
Some unsuspecting people fell prey to
Prey Noun Victim, Target the trap by sharing their account details
with scammers online.
- The new discovery may unravel the
- Solve, Become clear
mystery surrounding blackholes. - Sort out, Unfold
Unravel Verb - Come/Become
- The economy is unravelling because of - Ruin, Sink
the ongoing recession.
His work profile is laden with great Loaded down,
Laden Adj Filled with, Burdened
responsibility. Fraught with
Brush aside Phrasal Both the parties brushed aside/off their
Ignore, Disregard Shrug off
Brush off Verb differences and formed an alliance.
The acrimony between the two families
Animosity, Acrimonious
Acrimony Noun Hatred has kept them from talking to each
Bitterness, Distaste, (Adj)
other for decades.
To put on weight, one should increase
Intake Noun Consumption Uptake
intake of food.
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Boring, The boredom is the trigger for
Ant: Novel, Adj Humdrum, Banal
Monotonous adventure.
Small in amount or His meager wage is not enough to Paltry, Scant,
Meagre Adj
extent support their five children. A mere
A delay in providing wages to the Stimulant,
Catalyst Noun Motivator
workers acted as a catalyst to the strike. Impetus
A compensation Compensation,
Noun/ (Noun) The airline will have to recompense the Reparation,
Verb To give compensation passengers for cancelling the flight. Restitution
(Verb) To make amends (V)
India is the land of myriad languages,
Myriad Adj Consisting of varieties Various
cultures and ethnicities.
Serious dialogue/ A committee will start deliberations on
Deliberations Noun Consultation
conversations the issue of reservation from tomorrow.
The lawyer presented a witness to Corroborate, Buttress, Underpinning
Underpin Verb To support, Promote
underpin his arguments. Bolster, Shore up, (Adj)
Prop up, Buoy
Misleading, All claims of the company proved to be Speciousness
Specious Adj Spurious, Dubious,
Unauthentic, False specious. (Noun)
Thousands gathered on the streets to
Solidarity Noun Unity show their solidarity with the campaign
for reforms.
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Avenging, Retaliatory,
Tyrannical regimes often turn vindictive Vindictiveness
Vindictive Adj Revengeful Resentful, Spiteful,
against dissident in their reins. (Noun)
China’s stance on the LAC seems ill-
Unadvised, Unwise,
ill-advised Adj Foolish advised in the context of Asian
What is your stance on environmental
Stance Noun Position, Stand Posture
- Sharp The jury is still out on the thorny issue Pricky, Spiky,
Thorny Adj
- Difficult, Problematic of the origin of global warming. Barbed
To reflect something Stock markets closely mirror the health Mirror
Mirror Verb Echo, Mimic, Imitate
or imitate of a country’s economy. (Noun)
Covid-19 lock downs have brought in Implication, Side-
Repercussion Noun - Bad consequence severe economic repercussions for Sri effects, Fallout,
Lanka. Ramification, Spillover
The poor and illiterate are prone to Susceptible, Proneness
Prone Adj Defenseless
being involved in crimes. Vulnerable (Noun)
Economic privation often pushes the Penury, Destitution, Deprive
Deprivation Noun Privation, Poverty
poor towards crime. Hardship, Neediness (Verb)
Our cumbersome judicial system needs
Cumbersome Adj Clumsy, Awkward Butterfingers,
Dissemination of fake news is a Propagation, Disseminate
Dissemination Noun Spread, Circulation
punishable offense in India. Advertisement (Verb)
Denounce, Rebuke,
Verb/ - Noun: Harsh criticism The minister has been subject to severe
Censure Condemn, Deplore,
Noun - Verb: Criticize badly censure since the scam came to light.
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There is a tenuous difference between a Fragile, Slim,
Tenuous Adj Very thin, weak
soldier and a terrorist. Delicate, Flimsy
There is always a chasm that separates
Chasm Noun Gap, Crack Divide, Fissure
one generation from the other.
Jurisprudence A set of rules that The famous case of Shyara Bano has
Juris + Noun guide the judgment on established jurisprudence for dealing Legal philosophy
prudence a particular issue with the cases of ‘Triple Talaq’.
from punishment even Criminals bribe the police to gain
Impunity Noun
before committing a impunity against the law.
Formula, A rule of Our world follows a simple dictum – Axiom, Adage,
Dictum Noun
thumb what goes up, eventually comes down. Theorem, Rubric
LGBT community has faced society’s Discrimination, Bigot
Bigotry Noun Prejudice and injustice
bigotry in every part of the world. Dogmatism (Noun)
A short moral story
Parables form an integral part of the Fable, Allegory,
Parable Noun (often with animal
Vedic culture. Apologue
- To cut and examine a
The company hired a team of
living body
consultants to vivisect its operations Vivisection
Vivisect Verb - To examine Analysis, Diagnosis
and find out the flaws that inhibit (Noun)
something existing in
Vigilant, wary,
Little kids should be circumspect while Circumspection
Circumspect Adj - Careful or cautious prudent, meticulous,
dealing with strangers. (Noun)
on guard
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Most Introverts behave in a peculiar Peculiarity
Peculiar Adj Unusual and unique Distinctive
way in social settings. (Noun)
Re-inforce To support and make Sexist jokes tend to reinforce gender Strengthen, Buttress,
Re-enforce something stronger biases. Fortify
The Indian economy has grown to
Preposition Due to, Owing to, As a
Thanks to Because of become the third largest, thanks to the
al Phrase result of
reforms of 1990s.
The new intern mooted a hitherto
Hitherto Adverb Until now, So far As yet
unthinkable solution to the problem.
Paraphrase Rephrase, Restate,
Noun/ Some writers paraphrase others’ works
Ant: Verbatim To re-word something Transcribe,
Verb to avoid plagiarism.
(Adverb) Disambiguate
Emphasize, Stress,
The teacher underscored the need for Accentuate,
Underscore Verb Highlight
hard work. Throw light upon,
Bring to the fore
Communal issues are used by politicians
Elicit Verb Evoke, Draw out Arouse, Kindle
to elicit emotion response from voters.
(1) The noise of the traffic made it
difficult for me to concentrate. Consolidate,
1. Focus Concentrate
Concentrate Verb (2) The company is planning to Combine, Accumulate,
2. Gather, Unite (Noun)
concentrate its several branches into Centralize, Amass
one subsidiary office.
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Your family and near ones are the only
Phrasal To base one’s hopes
Bank + on people you can bank on in the face of Rely on/upon
verb on something
- Businessmen fund political parties to
Noun/ Advantage, gain political leverage. Leverage
Leverage Authority
Verb Influence - You need to leverage your expertise to (Verb)
get a good job in today’s market.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has
To include under Incorporate,
Subsume Verb subsumed the Value Added Tax (VAT)
To take over Colligate
and Excise duty.
Inclination, Proclivity, Tend
Tendency Noun A natural habit He has a tendency to forget names.
Propensity (Verb)
The movie’s plot was an amalgam of
Amalgam Noun Mixture Alloy, Compound
three spy novels.
Covert The soldier was on a clandestine mission Clandestinely
Adj Secret, hidden Stealthy, Clandestine,
Ant: Overt at an overseas location. (Adverb)
Unfriendly, The new law is inimical to press
Inimical Adj Hostile, Antagonistic
Unfavourable freedom.
The USA is often accused of stoking wars
Stir up, Fan, Kindle,
Stoke Verb Incite or instigate in order to boost its thriving weapon
Whip up, Foment
- Their only resort (Noun) was to register
Noun/ a complaint with the police.
Resort Sahara (chara) Recourse
Verb - They eventually resorted (Verb) to
filing a complaint with the police,
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The city witnessed an irrational link
The state of being
Incarceration Noun between decreasing rates of Detainment, Jailing
incarceration and falling crime.
A passage or way to do Terrorists use POK as a conduit for
Conduit Noun Pipeline, Canal
something terror activities.
Pre +
Her preoccupation with money irritates Keenness, Mania, Preoccupied
occupation + Noun Obsession + with
everyone. Fixation (Adj)
Noun/ A radical overhaul of the tax system in Reconstruction,
Overhaul Restoration
Verb India is necessary. Renovation
Empirical studies have shown the Empiricism
Empirical Adj Practical, Experimental effectiveness of Ayurveda in treating Pragmatism
Pragmatic, Expedient
several life-style diseases. (Noun)
The indiscriminate use of fertilizers can Purposeless,
Indiscriminate Adj Andhadhun
cause long-term problems. Unsystematic, Chaotic
Abhorrent, Disgusting,
Repugnant, Heinous,
Exceptionally bad and Child- rape is the most abominable Abominate
Abominable Adj Egregious, Gruesome,
distasteful crime. (Verb)
Macabre, Dreadful,
A meeting was called to iron out the Reconcile,
Iron out Resolve, Settle differences between the management Harmonize,
and the workers. Smooth over
Helpful/supportive in Bhagat Singh had an instrumental role Conducive, Instrument
Instrumental Adj
fulfilling a purpose in India’s freedom struggle. Assisting, Pivotal (Noun)
His insightful ideas helped the company Insight
Insightful Adj Intelligent, Smart Knowledgeable
become a leader in the industry. (Noun)
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To prove an argument The lawyer’s robust arguments were Rebuttal
Rebut Verb Refute, Controvert
to be false/invalid hard to rebut. (Noun)
Verb Without hard-work, talent fails to
Translate into Lead to as a result Turn out to be
phrase translate into success.
Of massive size
There is a yawning digital divide Gaping, Deep, Vast,
Yawning Adj (usually used for a Yawn (Verb)
between the ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ India. Broad
Boil down to Phrasal To get concluded or The whole Israel-Palestine issue boils To work out to be
+ something verb determined down to ownership of Jerusalem. something
Ambiguity, Equivocal (Adj)
The world is anxious over the USA’s
Equivocality Noun Mixed indications Ambivalence, Equivocate
equivocality on the security of Taiwan.
Vagueness (Verb)
- To start something
suddenly that cannot The recent confrontation between
Set off be controlled later China and the US can set off a small Trigger, Spark
- To offset, scale war between the two rivals.
Make up for,
Offset Verb Counterbalance Your virtues cannot offset your vices.
Compensate for
Launch, Kick in,
Phrasal Bring in, introduce, The cold-war ushered in a new era of
Usher in Ring in, commence,
Verb come up with, take off nuclear weapons.
Something taken as a A holistic approach to good health gives Comprehensive,
Holistic Adj
whole a lot emphasis on good diet and lifestyle. Entire
Ignite, kindle,
Phrasal Sometimes small incidents spark off Spark
Spark off Provoke, incite instigate, Stimulate,
Verb huge crises. (Noun)
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o A perfect example o India is a paradigm of a stable
Prototype, Epitome,
of something democracy.
Paradigm Noun Paragon, Exemplar,
o System, Education can change the social
Arrangement paradigm of any country.
The pandemic-induced lockdowns and
Consequent, Ensue
Ensuing Adj Resulting, Resultant the ensuing unemployment have ruined
Subsequent, Following (Verb)
the whole economy.
Something that cannot Essential,
Indispensable Computer is indispensable to modern
Verb be avoided/ dispensed Unavoidable,
+ to life.
with Cardinal
Something very strong Daunting, Intimidating,
Three people lost their lives while
and impressive Fearsome, Terrifying, Formidability
Formidable Adj accomplishing the formidable task of
because it is very A tall task/order, (Noun)
scaling this mountain.
difficult and fearsome Herculean
Ubiquitous Adj Universal Plastic bags are ubiquitous. Ubiquitousness
Pervasive, Widespread
- Introduction
- Drinks were overture to dinner. Prelude, Preface,
Overture Noun - A proposal/
- She rejected his friendly overtures. Precursor
Taciturn, Reserved,
Silent, Dis-inclined to The factory manager was a reticent lady Reticence
Reticent Adj Restrained,
talk who spoke very little. (Noun)
The idea of ‘working woman’ is still not Agreeable,
Ant- Adj Pleasant, Suitable
palatable to many rural households. Toothsome, Savoury
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Even after enactment, the new law is yet
Ratify Verb Approve, Accept to be ratified by both the house of Certify, Endorse
A state of extreme joy The World Cup win brought a tide of Ecstasy, Elation, Bliss, Euphoric
Euphoria Noun
(Parmanand) euphoria for the fans. Exultation, Rapture (Adj)
Discouraging in nature
The cost of property in metro cities is Discouraging,
Prohibitive Adj because of being
quite prohibitive. Prohibitory,
Restrictive, Exorbitant
Ephemeral Lasting a very short Children, by nature, have short-lived Ephemera
Adj Intransient
(Nashwar) time, short-lived spells of anger and resentment. (Noun)
The UPA Government mooted (thought
To discuss or think Deliberate, Weigh,
Moot Verb carefully) the idea of a GST system and
carefully Consider
the NDA implemented it.
It’s a moot (arguable/ debatable)
Arguable, Unresolved,
Moot Adj Debatable question when will the pandemic be
Reiterate, emphasize,
Ingeminate The prisoner ingeminated his request Ingemination
Verb To repeat something echo, Harp on
In + geminate for mercy before the judge. (Noun)
Turning point,
A point from which a
Russia-Ukraine war is a dangerous Breaking point,
Flashpoint Noun bigger dispute can
flashpoint for a small-scale nuclear war. Boiling point,
Melting point
Augur, Bode, Bode,
Be a sign of something ChatGPT heralds a new era of Artificial
Herald Verb Predict, Presage,
to come Intelligence (AI).
Foretell, Prognosticate
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Discernible, Evident,
After an argument, the tensions in the Palpability
Palpable Adj Noticeable, Apparent Perceptible,
room were palpable. (Noun)
Worsen, Aggravate,
The medicine exacerbated her Exacerbation
Exacerbate Verb To make matters worse Deteriorate,
symptoms. (Noun)
Retrogress, Regress
Finally, the SC has issued a verdict on Ruling, Decree,
Verdict Noun Judgment, Decision
the matter. Adjudication, Direction
The girl refused to return to her marital
Marital Adj Relating to a marriage Nuptial, Conjugal
home after the incident.
o One of the parts of o Every Indian state is a constituent
the whole part of the nation. Component, Constitute
Constituent Noun
o A voter of a o His constituent voted him in power Ingredient, factor (Verb)
constituency for the fourth consecutive time
Plain and gloomy, His actions were in stark contrast to his Utter, bleak, Grim, Starkness
Stark Adj
Absolute words. Dismal (Noun)
Crave + for,
- To desire strongly Long + for
Noun/ People who yearn for knowledge Yearning
Yearn - To wish badly for Hanker + after
Verb become good scientists. (Noun)
something Lust + after
Covet + no preposition
Most island nations survive on maritime
Maritime Adj Relating to sea/navy Aquatic
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Children with rich parents rarely
Seamy Seam
Adj Rough experience the seamy side of life in their Harsh, unpleasant
Ant- Seamless (Noun)
Relating to farming
Agrarian Adj Indian economy is primarily agrarian. Agricultural
and land
Inherent, Innate,
Integral Adj Inseparable Risk is integral in stock markets. Underlying,
1. To support or (1) The USA patronizes the United
promote something Nations.
2. To be a regular (2) We patronize the nearby Kirana 1. Support, Sponsor
Patronize Verb Patronage
client or customer Store for decades. 2. Condescend
3. Treat someone in a (3) Feminists argue that men need to
demeaning way stop patronizing women.
Divers made a painstaking search of the Painstakingly
Painstaking Adj Full of care and effort Punctilious,
debris of the crashed aircraft. (Adverb)
Something on which Non-adjustable,
Adj no adjustment can be Helmets are non-negotiable for riders. Uncompromising,
made Absolute
Casual and hasty, Cursory, Superficial
Careless people often work in Perfunctorily
Perfunctory Adj without attention to Ant- Comprehensive,
perfunctory manner. (Adverb)
details Exhaustive
Ascent To go up or get higher Indian PM Narender Modi’s ascent to Ascend
Noun Rise, Climb
Ant: Descent (Physically/figuratively) power was rapid and unexpected. (Verb)
Noun/ An approach for The PM’s outreach program remained
Out + reach Approach
Verb engagement largely successful.
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Shamelessly Brazenness
Brazen Adj She is in the habit of telling brazen lies. Insolent, Impudent
disgraceful (Noun)
It is difficult to envisage the Envision, Imagine,
Envisage (Verb) Visualize, Picturize
consequences of another pandemic. Assume
Arbitrators must avoid being partisan in
Partisan Adj Biased, One-sided their reasoning, while reaching Prejudiced, Sectarian
Preach Verb Teach Preach what you practice. Instruct, Lecture
Historically, stock markets have yielded
Unparalleled Adj Unmatched Unprecedented,
unparalleled returns.
The Government has ordered a
Relating to something Thoughtful, Substantively
Substantive Adj substantive investigation into the
important or serious Deliberative, Pensive (Adverb)
Shalini had a showdown with her boss Face-off,
Showdown Noun Confrontation
over a pay hike. Stand-off
Weaken, Paralyze,
Protracted strikes have debilitated the Cripple, Undermine, Debilitating
Debilitate Verb Make weak
industry. Impair, Hollow out, (Adj)
Keep away Phrasal To maintain distance Police warned bystanders to keep away Evade, Dodge,
from Verb from something from the blazing building. Steer clear off

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