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Why do we need an excretory system?

● To remove excretory products which are toxic for the body.

● Metabolic reactions produce waste products. These metabolic waste products
can be harmful or toxic if they accumulate in the body. Excretory products are
produced by metabolic reactions (digestion, respiration, cell repair, cell
death, etc).

Which organs are involved in the excretory system?

● Lungs
○ Excrete CO2.
○ CO2 is produced by our organs when they are active. The circulatory
system will gather and deliver CO2 to be expelled by the lungs
● Skin
○ Excrete sweat.
○ Sweat contains water, salts (ions and minerals), and urea.
○ Helps to stabilize body temperature.
○ Then, will sweating help you lose fat? No, it doesn’t contain fat
● Liver
○ Excrete bile (empedu).
○ Bile contains water, salts (ions and minerals), fat, and pigments
(bilirubin and biliverdin).
○ Helps to throw out toxic components (from dead cells or additive
● Kidney
○ Excrete urine.
○ Urine contains water, urea, and salts (ions and minerals).
○ Helps to throw out toxic and excessive components carried by the
○ Structure

○ Urine Formation → Occurs in Nephron

1. Filtration
a. Blood from renal arteries is filtrated, resulting in primary
b. Primary urine still contains useful substances such as
glucose and amino acids.
c. If urine still contains blood, the problem is in the first step
2. Reabsorption
a. Useful substances from primary urine are being absorbed,
resulting in secondary urine.
b. If urine contains sugar but not diabetes, the problem is in
the second step.
3. Augmentation
a. Excess water and mineral salts are reabsorbed, resulting in

● Disorders in The Excretory System

○ Hyperhidrosis
■ Excessive sweating which is not caused by temperature or
■ Abnormal level of sweat on palms, underarms or soles.
■ Triggered by hormones, emotions, mental state, or can be a
sign of a more serious disease.
■ Solution → do activity like sports
○ Cirrhosis
■ Normal liver tissue is permanently replaced by scar tissue
■ Caused by hepatitis or excessive consumption of alcohol.
(livernya kecapean
■ Cannot be cured, except liver transplant
■ Late stages of cirrhosis result in jaundice. (kulit kuning)
○ Hepatitis
■ Inflammation of liver tissue.
■ Caused by hepatitis virus A, B, C, D, or E.
○ Diabetes
■ Kencing Manis
■ Melitus → insulin deficiency results in high glucose level in the
blood, thus in the urine.
● Type 1: autoimmune (early onset)
● Type 2: insulin resistance (occur later)
■ Insipidus → abnormally high volume of urine (up to 20 L),
extreme thirst. Caused by hormonal imbalance.
○ Hematuria
■ The presence of red blood cells in the urine.
■ Caused by infection, problems in glomerulus, or kidney stones.
○ Kidney Stone
■ Accumulation of excess minerals that forms tiny pebbles.
■ Can be prevented by drinking enough water

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