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Dear All my friends,

Now we are middle of the crisis, and no one can escape. You cannot turn back and must proceed ahead
till you pass this survival journey. Be united and wise. Do not criticize the systems no point. You and I
cannot do much in the near future. Hunger and depression will upset all minds and society will resort to
crazy things without even thinking….

The next few months will be most turbulent job market Sri Lanka will see for quite some time. Some
have the luxury to weather the storm through stored wealth, assets and the ability to fly out. This thread
is for the rest. We're sandwiched between a fuel & energy crisis, food shortage, failing government
baked in with a global recession. As we move towards austerity measures, liquidity will become scarce.
It's important to put your oxygen mask on first. Your income, expenses and investments will help you
navigate this storm. Though it's not a silver bullet, the mental clarity it provides is more than money can
buy. If you have a good job, protect it. You're already ahead of the curve. Companies that have higher
net margins have the lowest layoffs. If you do not play a critical role, don't contribute to revenue you are
at risk. Agriculture, Exporters and Healthcare workers will likely be an exception.

Cash is king, your creditors will default/delay, do not expect your suppliers to be lenient with credit.
Whether you're a business or a freelancer, the rules are the same. If your business trades within Sri
Lanka, look for work in the above sectors while you have time. As the market re-allocates its resources
to fit the current context a lot of businesses will be wiped out. Do not be left holding the bag.

Do not seek general skills. Degrees in marketing, business and the arts are liabilities not assets. Pick up
technical skills in roles with global demand, you can do this online, for free if you put in the effort.
Business that embraces technology, will have a higher chance of success, encourage your employers to
adopt. Rethink strategy, streamline your operations and make more use of less. Control your expenses,
curb your lifestyle. You will pay a premium for substandard luxuries. In the current crisis the customer is
not always right, the producer is. Find the right ones near you, foster those relationships.

Despite depreciating against the dollar, currency is still a valuable asset. Be aweary of converting to gold,
the gain is usually made by the other party, not you. Panic creates chaos and opportunity make sure you
do not lose focus. Save cash for the food, shelter and basic requirements for months to come before
thinking about hedging. Interest rates are up, markets are down, fixed income instruments are your
friend. If you must hedge, focus on your computer, solar, bicycle or your garden. Your risks are energy,
fuel, and food. Prioritize your capital expenditures accordingly. They will generate better returns than
most asset classes.

Don't dwell on the market, maximizing gains or missed opportunity, the goal is to survive. Coming out of
this crisis isn't easy and will leave scars on all of us, those that are better prepared will ride it out easier.
There is opportunity on the other side, once you solve for the basics, the rest will start becoming clear.
Once you've helped yourself, help the person next to you.

Look after your elders and infants both immaterial of the relationships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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