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し け ん

Full name :
Course : Basic Japanese
Date :
Time : 45 Minutes
Tutor : Aryo Wijoyo Sekti

Part I
Fill the blank box with correct hiragana.

1. Write down letters of A, I, U, E, and O in hiragana below!

2. Write down letters of KA, KI, KU, KE, and KO in hiragana below!

3. Write down letters of SA, SI, SU, SE, and SO in hiragana below!

4. Write down letters of TA, CHI, TSU, TE, and TO in hiragana below!

5. Write down letters of NA, NI, NU, NE, and NO in hiragana below!

6. Write down letters of HA, HI, FU, HE, and HO in hiragana below!
7. Write down letters of MA, MI, MU, ME, and MO in hiragana below!

8. Write down letters of YA, YU, and YO in hiragana below!

9. Write down letters of RA, RI, RU, RE, and RO in hiragana below!

10. Write down letters of WA, WO, and N in hiragana below!

11. Write down letters of GA, GI, GU, GE, and GO in hiragana below!

12. Write down letters of ZA, JI, ZU, ZE, and ZO in hiragana below!

13. Write down letters of DA, JI, DZU, DE, and DO in hiragana below!

14. Write down letters of BA, BI, BU, BE, and BO in hiragana below!
15. Write down letters of BA, BI, BU, BE, and BO in hiragana below!

16. Write down letters of PA, PI, PU, PE, and PO in hiragana below!

17. Write down letters of KYA, KYU, and KYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

18. Write down letters of GYA, GYU, and GYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

19. Write down letters of SHA, SHU, and SHO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

20. Write down letters of JYA, JYU, and JYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

21. Write down letters of CHA, CHU, and CHO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

22. Write down letters of NYA, NYU, and NYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!
23. Write down letters of HYA, HYU, and HYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

24. Write down letters of BYA, BYU, and BYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

25. Write down letters of PYA, PYU, and PYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

26. Write down letters of MYA, MYU, and MYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!

27. Write down letters of RYA, RYU, and RYO by combining with や、ゆ、and よ in hiragana below!
Part II
Let’s transform these words into hiragana letters
1. Ichi =
2. Ni =
3. San =
4. Shi/yon =
5. Go =
6. Roku =
7. Shichi/nana =
8. Hachi =
9. Kyuu =
10. Juu =
11. Toukyo =
12. Roppongi =
13. Kabukichou =
14. Migi =
15. Hidari =
16. Hokkaido =
17. Aomori =
18. Fukushima =
19. Okinawa =
20. Tottori =
Part III
Let’s transform these words into Romaji letters
1. かんたん =
2. むずかしい =
3. やすい =
4. たかい =
5. せまい =
6. ひろい =
7. えんぴつ =
8. けしごむ =
9. かばん =
10. かみ =
11. うで =
12. あし =
13. あじのもと =
14. まさこ =
15. おいしい =
16. しょうり =
17. ごうかく =
18. おまえら =
19. できる =
20. おめでとう =

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