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Answer- 1

A Brief History of HTML

1993 - Present

The first version of HTML was written by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993. Since then, there have been
many different versions of HTML. The most widely used version throughout the 2000's was
HTML 4.01, which became an official standard in December 1999.

Another version, XHTML, was a rewrite of HTML as an XML language. XML is a standard
markup language that is used to create other markup languages. Hundreds of XML languages
are in use today, including GML (Geography Markup Language), MathML, MusicML, and RSS
(Really Simple Syndication). Since each of these languages was written in a common language
(XML), their content can easily be shared across applications. This makes XML potentially very
powerful, and it's no surprise that the W3C would create an XML version of HTML (again, called
XHTML). XHTML became an official standard in 2000, and was updated in 2002. XHTML is very
similar to HTML, but has stricter rules. Strict rules are necessary for all XML languages,
because without it, interoperability between applications would be impossible. You'll learn more
about the differences between HTML and XHTML in Unit 2.

Most pages on the Web today were built using either HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0. However, in
recent years, the W3C (in collaboration with another organization, the WHATWG), has been
working on a brand new version of HTML, HTML5. Currently (2011), HTML5 is still a draft
specification, and is not yet an official standard. However, it is already widely supported by
browsers and other web-enabled devices, and is the way of the future. Therefore, HTML5 is the
primary language taught in this course.

Answer -2
Features of HTML:
1- It is easy to learn and easy to use.
2- It is platform-independent.
3- Images, videos, and audio can be added to a web page.
4- Hypertext can be added to text.
5- It is a markup language.

Answer - 3
1. HTML 1.0
The basic version of HTML has support for basic elements like text controls and images. This
was the very basic version of HTML with less support for a wide range of HTML elements. It
does not have rich features like styling and other things that were related to how content will be
rendered in a browser.

2. HTML 2
HTML version 2.0 was developed in 1995 with basic intention of improving HTML version 1.0
Now a standard got started to develop so as to maintain common rules and regulations across
different browsers. HTML 2.0 has improved a lot in terms of the markup tags. In HTML 2.0
version concept of form came into force. Forms were developed, but still, they had basic tags
like text boxes, buttons, etc.

3. HTML 3.2
It was developed in 1997. After HTML 2.0 was developed, the next version of HTML was 3.2
With version 3.2 of HTML, HTML tags were further improved. It is worth noting that because of
W3C standard maintenance, the newer version of HTML was 3.2 instead of 3.

4. HTML 4.01
It was developed in 1999. It extended the support of cascading styling sheets. In version 3.2,
CSS were embedded in HTML page itself. Therefore, if the website has various web pages to
apply to the style of each page, we must place CSS on each web page. Hence there was a
repetition of the same block of CSS.

5. HTML5
This is the latest version of HTML. For a developer, it could be used in 2014. It came up with
lots of HTML tags support. HTML5 provided support for new form elements like input element s
of different types; geolocations support tags, etc.
Let us look at a few of the tags which were added to HTML5

6. W3C HTML Validator

An HTML validator is a web-based tool that is used to maintain or check whether a piece of
HTML tag or HTML is valid. An HTML validator follows the standard of W3C to validate an
HTML page. It follows the W3C standard.

Answer- 4- creating an HTML web page

1. Open Start> Programs> Accessories> Notepad
2. Write the following code into Notepad :
3. Save the file in your computer with the extension .htm.
4. Open the saved document to get the desired result.

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