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autistic kid playing

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Autistic children, like typically-developing

children, learn and have fun via play.
However, they may play di!erently, such
as being more inclined to line up things,
play alone, repeat actions over and over
and engage in activities that have no
apparent meaning or goal. 23 may 2023 › post

Types of Play for Children with ASD -

Healis Autism Centre
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How does a child with autism play?

Can a normal child play with autistic child?

Do autistic kids play with other?

Do autistic kids play with toys normally?


Verywell Health › a...

The Reasons Autistic Children Play

12 oct 2023 — Summary. Autistic
children play differently than those who
aren't autistic. They often like to repeat
actions over and over and line up objects.

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Play and autistic children

24 oct 2023 — To help your autistic child
with this type of play, you can encourage
your child to explore objects around them
as part of everyday activities.

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